Moving Mountains


Moving Mountains
I am requesting vegetarian meals.
Caldwell, NJ
Permit No. 1363
Please check any of the following that apply:
U.S. Postage
Registration Form (continued)
I am requesting vegan meals.
Have questions? Call 908-273-1100, Ext.20, or email us at [email protected]
I am interested in attending the following workshops:
Special Event Fundraising in Today’s
Economic Climate
Family Mentoring—a Friend, an Advocate,
a Bridge to the Community
Transforming Your Board Members into
Fundraising Dynamos
Tapping into Strengths: The Family Promise
Fundraising Plan
Mental Health: Addressing the Issue
The HEARTH Act and You
Trauma-Informed Services
Family Promise = Housing First
Building a Successful Board-Director Relationship
Compass Points—Understanding Teamwork
News at 11
Affiliate Housing Programs: Many Models,
One Goal
Graduating Success: Housing Retention
Introduce, Cultivate, Ask
Teenagers—A Time of Transition
Funding Strategies for Religious Sources
I hope you will join me in Salt Lake City from September 23-25 for our 11th
National Conference. The theme of this year’s conference, Moving Mountains, truly
embodies the spirit of what happens every day in every one of our Affiliates
throughout the nation. You are all “moving mountains” to ensure that our guest
families have a brighter future.
The conference will feature two phenomenal guest speakers whose backgrounds
include examining the connection between faith and culture. Diana Butler Bass is
a best-selling author, acclaimed speaker and independent scholar specializing in
American religion and culture. She has written seven books, including A People’s
History of Christianity: The Other Side of the Story, which defines compassion,
hospitality and social justice as the primary functions of the church. Rabbi Michael
Lerner, from the Bay Area congregation Beyt Tikkun, is editor of Tikkun magazine, a
bimonthly Jewish and interfaith critique of politics, culture and society. He is also
the author and editor of more than a dozen books on faith, reconciliation and
As always, we are offering a wide range of workshops that address the needs of
Family Promise staff, board members and volunteers. Back by popular demand, we
will be presenting workshops on such universal topics as strategic board
development, special event fundraising and housing retention services. Managing
difficult volunteers, addressing mental health issues and positioning yourself as a
Housing First Agency are also on the conference schedule. Come learn more about
how to develop a fundraising plan to strengthen your Affiliate, how the HEARTH
Act will impact your work, and how to avoid problems that can make your Affiliate
front-page news. I promise you will discover new ideas and approaches that will
benefit your work with homeless families.
How Not to Make the Front Page
Recharge!—Avoiding Burnout
“The Homeless Didn’t Like My Casserole”
Cancellation Policy
11 National
September 23-25, 2011
Salt Lake City, Utah
August 22!
Don’t Miss the Early Registration Deadline:
An interfaith worship service
featuring the Family Promise
Conference Choir!
An opportunity to enjoy an
evening in Park City
Home of the Sundance Film
Powerful workshops
offering strategies and best
practices from experts and
Affiliate leaders
Conference Highlights
We thank our generous sponsors, who have helped make this conference possible:
keynote speakers
and seasoned workshop leaders
Thanks to Our Conference Sponsors
Exciting, motivational
71 Summit Avenue
Summit, NJ 07901
All cancellations must be received in writing. A full refund of the conference fee will be made for cancellations
postmarked on or before August 26, 2011. An amount of $75 will be deducted for cancellations postmarked
August 27 through September 9, 2011. No portion of the registration fee is refundable for cancellations
postmarked on or after September 10, 2011. Hotel rooms should be cancelled by calling the hotel directly.
But much of the real benefit of attending a Family Promise conference happens
more by chance, in the connections that are made during breaks or meals or after
a workshop ends. When one Affiliate Director turns to another and says,“We had a
similar situation.This is how we handled it. Do you want to talk more?” Our
conferences provide you with an opportunity to connect with others who are
“moving mountains” to end family homelessness in America. I’m sure the
experience will leave you recharged and refreshed, able to better serve the
families that depend upon you.
So come to Salt Lake City, ringed by the majestic Wasatch Range, and celebrate our
successes! See you in September.
Karen Olson
Friday, September 23, 2011
Sessions for staff and board members begin early Friday morning,
so plan to arrive on Thursday.
For Network Directors and Case Management Staff
Staff-only sessions are tailored to help staff adopt key strategies and best practices that
will deepen and strengthen services for families.
7:00 a.m.
8:30 a.m.
10:15 a.m.
12:00 p.m.
1:30 p.m.
– 8:15 a.m.
– 10:00 a.m.
– 11:45 a.m.
– 1:15 p.m.
– 3:00 p.m.
Breakfast and Registration
Session I
Session II
Session III
For Board Members and Developing Network Representatives
From governance to communications, board leaders will acquire skills and
knowledge to maximize resources that will help families thrive. Cultivating funding,
building leadership and recruiting congregations will be among the topics covered
in the sessions.
8:00 a.m.
9:30 a.m.
12:00 p.m.
1:30 p.m.
3:00 p.m.
– 9:15 a.m.
– 11:30 a.m.
– 1:15 p.m.
- 2:45 p.m.
– 4:15 p.m.
Breakfast and Registration
Roundtable Discussion
Working Sessions
Working Sessions
For Coordinators
Host week is intense but brings immeasurable gifts to the congregation. Share with
and learn from your peers the strategies that make for a successful and fulfilling
host week.
1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.
2:15 p.m. – 3:45 p.m.
Working Session
4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
Registration, if not previously registered
Opening Dinner & Conference Kick-off
Moving Mountains: Former Guests Speak
8:00 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.
Family Promise Karaoke Event
For All
(continues on back)
(These help us determine schedule and frequency; additional workshops will be offered as well.
Workshop registration will take place at the conference.)
Dear Friends,
Conference at a Glance
I am requesting vegetarian meals.
Caldwell, NJ
Permit No. 1363
Please check any of the following that apply:
U.S. Postage
Registration Form (continued)
I am requesting vegan meals.
Have questions? Call 908-273-1100, Ext.20, or email us at [email protected]
I am interested in attending the following workshops:
Special Event Fundraising in Today’s
Economic Climate
Family Mentoring—a Friend, an Advocate,
a Bridge to the Community
Transforming Your Board Members into
Fundraising Dynamos
Tapping into Strengths: The Family Promise
Fundraising Plan
Mental Health: Addressing the Issue
The HEARTH Act and You
Trauma-Informed Services
Family Promise = Housing First
Building a Successful Board-Director Relationship
Compass Points—Understanding Teamwork
News at 11
Affiliate Housing Programs: Many Models,
One Goal
Graduating Success: Housing Retention
Introduce, Cultivate, Ask
Teenagers—A Time of Transition
Funding Strategies for Religious Sources
I hope you will join me in Salt Lake City from September 23-25 for our 11th
National Conference. The theme of this year’s conference, Moving Mountains, truly
embodies the spirit of what happens every day in every one of our Affiliates
throughout the nation. You are all “moving mountains” to ensure that our guest
families have a brighter future.
The conference will feature two phenomenal guest speakers whose backgrounds
include examining the connection between faith and culture. Diana Butler Bass is
a best-selling author, acclaimed speaker and independent scholar specializing in
American religion and culture. She has written seven books, including A People’s
History of Christianity: The Other Side of the Story, which defines compassion,
hospitality and social justice as the primary functions of the church. Rabbi Michael
Lerner, from the Bay Area congregation Beyt Tikkun, is editor of Tikkun magazine, a
bimonthly Jewish and interfaith critique of politics, culture and society. He is also
the author and editor of more than a dozen books on faith, reconciliation and
As always, we are offering a wide range of workshops that address the needs of
Family Promise staff, board members and volunteers. Back by popular demand, we
will be presenting workshops on such universal topics as strategic board
development, special event fundraising and housing retention services. Managing
difficult volunteers, addressing mental health issues and positioning yourself as a
Housing First Agency are also on the conference schedule. Come learn more about
how to develop a fundraising plan to strengthen your Affiliate, how the HEARTH
Act will impact your work, and how to avoid problems that can make your Affiliate
front-page news. I promise you will discover new ideas and approaches that will
benefit your work with homeless families.
How Not to Make the Front Page
Recharge!—Avoiding Burnout
“The Homeless Didn’t Like My Casserole”
Cancellation Policy
11 National
September 23-25, 2011
Salt Lake City, Utah
August 22!
Don’t Miss the Early Registration Deadline:
An interfaith worship service
featuring the Family Promise
Conference Choir!
An opportunity to enjoy an
evening in Park City
Home of the Sundance Film
Powerful workshops
offering strategies and best
practices from experts and
Affiliate leaders
Conference Highlights
We thank our generous sponsors, who have helped make this conference possible:
keynote speakers
and seasoned workshop leaders
Thanks to Our Conference Sponsors
Exciting, motivational
71 Summit Avenue
Summit, NJ 07901
All cancellations must be received in writing. A full refund of the conference fee will be made for cancellations
postmarked on or before August 26, 2011. An amount of $75 will be deducted for cancellations postmarked
August 27 through September 9, 2011. No portion of the registration fee is refundable for cancellations
postmarked on or after September 10, 2011. Hotel rooms should be cancelled by calling the hotel directly.
But much of the real benefit of attending a Family Promise conference happens
more by chance, in the connections that are made during breaks or meals or after
a workshop ends. When one Affiliate Director turns to another and says,“We had a
similar situation.This is how we handled it. Do you want to talk more?” Our
conferences provide you with an opportunity to connect with others who are
“moving mountains” to end family homelessness in America. I’m sure the
experience will leave you recharged and refreshed, able to better serve the
families that depend upon you.
So come to Salt Lake City, ringed by the majestic Wasatch Range, and celebrate our
successes! See you in September.
Karen Olson
Friday, September 23, 2011
Sessions for staff and board members begin early Friday morning,
so plan to arrive on Thursday.
For Network Directors and Case Management Staff
Staff-only sessions are tailored to help staff adopt key strategies and best practices that
will deepen and strengthen services for families.
7:00 a.m.
8:30 a.m.
10:15 a.m.
12:00 p.m.
1:30 p.m.
– 8:15 a.m.
– 10:00 a.m.
– 11:45 a.m.
– 1:15 p.m.
– 3:00 p.m.
Breakfast and Registration
Session I
Session II
Session III
For Board Members and Developing Network Representatives
From governance to communications, board leaders will acquire skills and
knowledge to maximize resources that will help families thrive. Cultivating funding,
building leadership and recruiting congregations will be among the topics covered
in the sessions.
8:00 a.m.
9:30 a.m.
12:00 p.m.
1:30 p.m.
3:00 p.m.
– 9:15 a.m.
– 11:30 a.m.
– 1:15 p.m.
- 2:45 p.m.
– 4:15 p.m.
Breakfast and Registration
Roundtable Discussion
Working Sessions
Working Sessions
For Coordinators
Host week is intense but brings immeasurable gifts to the congregation. Share with
and learn from your peers the strategies that make for a successful and fulfilling
host week.
1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.
2:15 p.m. – 3:45 p.m.
Working Session
4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
Registration, if not previously registered
Opening Dinner & Conference Kick-off
Moving Mountains: Former Guests Speak
8:00 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.
Family Promise Karaoke Event
For All
(continues on back)
(These help us determine schedule and frequency; additional workshops will be offered as well.
Workshop registration will take place at the conference.)
Dear Friends,
Conference at a Glance
I am requesting vegetarian meals.
Caldwell, NJ
Permit No. 1363
Please check any of the following that apply:
U.S. Postage
Registration Form (continued)
I am requesting vegan meals.
Have questions? Call 908-273-1100, Ext.20, or email us at [email protected]
I am interested in attending the following workshops:
Special Event Fundraising in Today’s
Economic Climate
Family Mentoring—a Friend, an Advocate,
a Bridge to the Community
Transforming Your Board Members into
Fundraising Dynamos
Tapping into Strengths: The Family Promise
Fundraising Plan
Mental Health: Addressing the Issue
The HEARTH Act and You
Trauma-Informed Services
Family Promise = Housing First
Building a Successful Board-Director Relationship
Compass Points—Understanding Teamwork
News at 11
Affiliate Housing Programs: Many Models,
One Goal
Graduating Success: Housing Retention
Introduce, Cultivate, Ask
Teenagers—A Time of Transition
Funding Strategies for Religious Sources
I hope you will join me in Salt Lake City from September 23-25 for our 11th
National Conference. The theme of this year’s conference, Moving Mountains, truly
embodies the spirit of what happens every day in every one of our Affiliates
throughout the nation. You are all “moving mountains” to ensure that our guest
families have a brighter future.
The conference will feature two phenomenal guest speakers whose backgrounds
include examining the connection between faith and culture. Diana Butler Bass is
a best-selling author, acclaimed speaker and independent scholar specializing in
American religion and culture. She has written seven books, including A People’s
History of Christianity: The Other Side of the Story, which defines compassion,
hospitality and social justice as the primary functions of the church. Rabbi Michael
Lerner, from the Bay Area congregation Beyt Tikkun, is editor of Tikkun magazine, a
bimonthly Jewish and interfaith critique of politics, culture and society. He is also
the author and editor of more than a dozen books on faith, reconciliation and
As always, we are offering a wide range of workshops that address the needs of
Family Promise staff, board members and volunteers. Back by popular demand, we
will be presenting workshops on such universal topics as strategic board
development, special event fundraising and housing retention services. Managing
difficult volunteers, addressing mental health issues and positioning yourself as a
Housing First Agency are also on the conference schedule. Come learn more about
how to develop a fundraising plan to strengthen your Affiliate, how the HEARTH
Act will impact your work, and how to avoid problems that can make your Affiliate
front-page news. I promise you will discover new ideas and approaches that will
benefit your work with homeless families.
How Not to Make the Front Page
Recharge!—Avoiding Burnout
“The Homeless Didn’t Like My Casserole”
Cancellation Policy
11 National
September 23-25, 2011
Salt Lake City, Utah
August 22!
Don’t Miss the Early Registration Deadline:
An interfaith worship service
featuring the Family Promise
Conference Choir!
An opportunity to enjoy an
evening in Park City
Home of the Sundance Film
Powerful workshops
offering strategies and best
practices from experts and
Affiliate leaders
Conference Highlights
We thank our generous sponsors, who have helped make this conference possible:
keynote speakers
and seasoned workshop leaders
Thanks to Our Conference Sponsors
Exciting, motivational
71 Summit Avenue
Summit, NJ 07901
All cancellations must be received in writing. A full refund of the conference fee will be made for cancellations
postmarked on or before August 26, 2011. An amount of $75 will be deducted for cancellations postmarked
August 27 through September 9, 2011. No portion of the registration fee is refundable for cancellations
postmarked on or after September 10, 2011. Hotel rooms should be cancelled by calling the hotel directly.
But much of the real benefit of attending a Family Promise conference happens
more by chance, in the connections that are made during breaks or meals or after
a workshop ends. When one Affiliate Director turns to another and says,“We had a
similar situation.This is how we handled it. Do you want to talk more?” Our
conferences provide you with an opportunity to connect with others who are
“moving mountains” to end family homelessness in America. I’m sure the
experience will leave you recharged and refreshed, able to better serve the
families that depend upon you.
So come to Salt Lake City, ringed by the majestic Wasatch Range, and celebrate our
successes! See you in September.
Karen Olson
Friday, September 23, 2011
Sessions for staff and board members begin early Friday morning,
so plan to arrive on Thursday.
For Network Directors and Case Management Staff
Staff-only sessions are tailored to help staff adopt key strategies and best practices that
will deepen and strengthen services for families.
7:00 a.m.
8:30 a.m.
10:15 a.m.
12:00 p.m.
1:30 p.m.
– 8:15 a.m.
– 10:00 a.m.
– 11:45 a.m.
– 1:15 p.m.
– 3:00 p.m.
Breakfast and Registration
Session I
Session II
Session III
For Board Members and Developing Network Representatives
From governance to communications, board leaders will acquire skills and
knowledge to maximize resources that will help families thrive. Cultivating funding,
building leadership and recruiting congregations will be among the topics covered
in the sessions.
8:00 a.m.
9:30 a.m.
12:00 p.m.
1:30 p.m.
3:00 p.m.
– 9:15 a.m.
– 11:30 a.m.
– 1:15 p.m.
- 2:45 p.m.
– 4:15 p.m.
Breakfast and Registration
Roundtable Discussion
Working Sessions
Working Sessions
For Coordinators
Host week is intense but brings immeasurable gifts to the congregation. Share with
and learn from your peers the strategies that make for a successful and fulfilling
host week.
1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.
2:15 p.m. – 3:45 p.m.
Working Session
4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
Registration, if not previously registered
Opening Dinner & Conference Kick-off
Moving Mountains: Former Guests Speak
8:00 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.
Family Promise Karaoke Event
For All
(continues on back)
(These help us determine schedule and frequency; additional workshops will be offered as well.
Workshop registration will take place at the conference.)
Dear Friends,
Conference at a Glance
Saturday, September 24, 2011
7:00 a.m. –
8:30 a.m.
Breakfast and Continuing Registration
8:45 a.m. –
9:45 a.m.
Keynote Address: Diana Butler Bass
Best-selling author
Independent scholar
10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
11:45 a.m. – 1:15 p.m.
Session I (Concurrent Workshops)
President’s Address: Karen Olson
1:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Session II (Concurrent Workshops)
3:15 p.m. – 4:45 p.m.
Session III (Concurrent Workshops)
6:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.
Saturday Evening Outing (optional)
Park City, Utah
Main Street and Swaner EcoCenter
Sunday, September 25, 2011
7:00 a.m. –
8:15 a.m.
Workshops Here are descriptions of some of the workshops that will be offered: Featured Speakers
Special Event Fundraising in Today’s
Economic Climate
Here's a chance to learn what works and what
doesn't from Brian Jaffe, a consultant who has
organized and conducted more than 10,000
special events, and Affiliate leaders with a
track record of successful and proven
fundraisers. Discover how to maximize your
profit, control your costs, and still present a
highly entertaining and memorable event.
Transforming Your Board Members into
Fundraising Dynamos
Geared for both board and staff, this session
asks: How can boards become more effective
fundraisers? Participants will learn what the
realistic expectations are for board fundraising
participation and how to get board members
to take ownership of the Affiliate’s fund
Mental Health: Addressing the Issue
Virtually every family in the U.S. faces mental
health issues; this is no different for our guests.
Working with experts in the field and
experienced directors, this highly interactive
session will explore the best practices around
identifying and addressing mental health
issues in the best interests of the individual
and their family.
Trauma-Informed Services
8:30 a.m. – 10:15 a.m.
Session IV (Concurrent Workshops)
10:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Interfaith Worship Service and Celebration
12:15 p.m. – 2:15 p.m.
Lunch and Keynote Address:
Rabbi Michael Lerner
Editor of Tikkun magazine
Author and editor of more than a
dozen books
Recognizing the role of trauma in the lives of
many homeless families can be a key to more
successful case management and network
operations. Learn more about this innovative
approach to social work from directors
utilizing its key principles.
Building a Successful Board-Director
Among the board’s responsibilities is the
proper care and handling of the director! This
workshop explores the best practices in
ensuring staff remain happy, focused and
productive.This workshop is a must for
keeping a happy and healthy board to
director relationship.
News at 11
Learn from professionals in the news media
and savvy directors the ins and outs of getting
media coverage for your Affiliate. Experienced
reporters will share with you tips on how to
promote your network, dos and don’ts, and
strategies to maintain good relationships with
your local news outlets.
Graduating Success: Housing Retention
A look at successful housing retention
programs as part of a comprehensive postgraduation plan. Hear from directors and
former guests about the successes and
challenges in maintaining housing after
leaving the program.
Introduce, Cultivate, Ask
Hear from Affiliates around the country
employing point-of-entry and breakfast
events to build a base of motivated individual
donors.You will learn a step-by-step analysis
of how to create your own pool of major
givers and reap the rewards of a steady stream
of sustaining and unrestricted funding.
Teenagers—A Time of Transition
Teens in families are said to be the most
invisible population among all people who are
homeless. Considering the extent of
challenges facing all teens, it is critical for
Affiliates to determine the best ways to help
adolescents deal with the emotional and
practical aspects of homelessness. Learn
about ways to address this vulnerable
Funding Strategies for Religious Sources
Special collections, judicatories, youth
programs, affinity groups—there is more to
congregational funding than a line on the
outreach budget. A detailed session exploring
a myriad of approaches to increasing giving
from faith communities in your network.
Family Mentoring—a Friend, an Advocate,
a Bridge to the Community
The Family Mentoring Program enables
networks to provide sustained support for
guest families after they leave the program.
Hear from representatives about the
successes, opportunities and best practices in
running this program.
Tapping into Strengths: The Family Promise
Fundraising Plan
A fundraising plan is always important—but
one tailored to the specific possibilities and
proven successes of Affiliates is crucial.
Working with the unique nature of Family
Promise, how do you formulate a
comprehensive strategy for long-term viability
tapping into the strengths of the program?
It can—and should—be done!
Diana Butler Bass is an
author, speaker and
independent scholar
specializing in American
religion and culture. She
holds a Ph.D. in religious
studies from Duke
University and is the
author of seven books, including A
People's History of Christianity: the Other
Side of the Story. Her best-selling
Christianity for the Rest of Us was named
as one of the best religion books of the
year by Publishers Weekly and Christian
Century, won the Book of the Year Award
from the Academy of Parish Clergy, and
was featured in a cover story in USA
TODAY. Diana regularly consults with
religious organizations, leads conferences
for religious leaders and teaches and
preaches in a variety of venues. She blogs
at The Huffington Post and Beliefnet and
regularly comments on religion, politics
and culture in the media.
The HEARTH Act and You
Rabbi Michael Lerner is the rabbi of the
Bay Area congregation Beyt Tikkun and is
editor of Tikkun magazine, which is a
bimonthly Jewish critique of politics,
culture and society. In 2007 Tikkun
received the Independent Press Award
for the best spiritual magazine in the U.S.
Rabbi Lerner is the national chair of the
Network of Spiritual Progressives and
author and editor of more than a dozen
books on faith, reconciliation and
outreach. He lectures
around the United
States and has appeared
regularly on national
television programs,
including Larry King
Live and Meet the Press.
Affiliate Housing Programs:
Many Models, One Goal
There are two aspects to this workshop: what
do funding options (ESG, CDBG, etc.) look like
now, and what does the future hold? Experts
from our Government Relations Committee
will provide an interactive discussion of the
latest news from Washington—and how it
affects your budget.
Affiliate approaches to creating housing
programs vary as much as Affiliates
themselves. Explore several different models
and learn not only the best practices, but
what your network needs to do to be ready to
launch a housing program.
Family Promise = Housing First
How Not to Make the Front Page
The core principles of Housing First are: focus
on housing, short time in shelter,
collaboration with existing organizations and
emphasis on the client’s strengths.The core
principles for Family Promise are the same.
This workshop looks at how you can position
yourself as a Housing First agency to funders,
CoCs and others in your community.
This workshop focuses on best practices to
make sure your Affiliate avoids the problems
that can beset a small nonprofit. Come for a
discussion of how to stay in compliance with
legal and ethical standards when it comes to
filings, fundraising, board structure and
Compass Points—Understanding Teamwork
Crucial for both staff and boards, the session
grapples with the dynamics of balancing
one’s life amid the constant challenges within
our Affiliates. Learn how to identify the
warning signs and douse the flames before
it is too late.
Call them committees, boards, task forces,
congregations—they are all teams. This
workshop helps leaders understand how
people approach problem solving and how
their individual personality traits affect group
dynamics. Use this information to maximize
your teams’ effectiveness.
Registration Form
Workshop Leaders
Recharge!—Avoiding Burnout
“The Homeless Didn’t Like My Casserole”
Volunteers are the heart of the program.
That does not mean you don’t have the
occasional clogged artery, bout of
hypertension or all-out infarction. Learn
how to deal with difficult volunteers and
turn challenges into opportunities.
Brian Jaffe is Senior Partner of Brian Jaffe
Associates, a consulting firm that helps
nonprofit organizations maximize their special
event fundraising success. He is a graduate of
New York University and a licensed auctioneer
with more than 30 years experience advising
and conducting fundraising special events
and auctions. Jaffe has conducted seminars
throughout the United States and helped
nonprofits and others earn millions of dollars
through successful fundraising special events.
Dr. Kelly Lundberg, one of Utah’s leading
experts in addictions, is a licensed
psychologist and Associate Professor of
Psychiatry at the University of Utah. Dr.
Lundberg also works as a consultant with the
Utah Addiction Center, the Salt Lake City
Police Department, Lawyers Helping Lawyers
and the Utah State Bar Character and Fitness
Committee and directs Assessment and
Referral Services for the Salt Lake County
substance abuse treatment system. She
received the Governor’s Award for
Contributions to Substance Abuse Treatment
and Anti-Violence in 1997 and the Treatment
Award from the State Division of Substance
Abuse and Mental Health in 2006.
Fraser Nelson has held positions of
leadership in nonprofit organizations large
and small for more than 25 years in places as
diverse as Appalachia and New York City and
One person per registration form— please copy for additional registrants
has a deep understanding of the role they
play in improving civic welfare. Nelson led
Utah’s Disability Law Center for 10 years,
where she established the agency’s strong
presence in the state legislature. In 2008 she
and venture capitalist Greg Warnock founded
the Community Foundation of Utah, which
helps people gather assets and ideas to serve
Utah. Nelson is the immediate past president
of the Utah Nonprofits Association, consults
with nonprofit organizations in Utah and
across the nation and is an adjunct faculty
member of the University of Utah David
Eccles School of Business and is the first
Professional in Residence at the University’s
Center for Public Policy and Administration.
Carole Mikita is a senior reporter with the
Salt Lake City NBC affiliate KSL 5, and currently
co-anchors “Eyewitness News at 6:30.” In
addition to writing and producing numerous
documentaries, she won an Emmy for her
1998 feature “Gideon’s Story” and awards from
the Society for Professional Journalists and
the Utah Broadcasters Association. Mikita
also produces and hosts a weekly radio
program, "People of Faith" for KSL Radio.
Because of her advocacy on disability issues,
Mikita has been honored by the Utah State
Office of Rehabilitation and has earned
recognition as a “Woman of Distinction” by
the Assistance League of Utah.
(as you wish it to appear on your badge)
Local Affiliate __________________________________________________________________
Home Address _________________________________________________________________
City, State, ZIP __________________________________________________________________
Daytime Telephone_____________________________ Fax _____________________________
Email Address __________________________________________________________________
Registration and Fees
Your registration includes the full conference schedule and meals except the Saturday
Evening Outing, which is an additional $62. Hotel and transportation costs are not included in
the registration fee.
Registration and payment postmarked by 8/22/11:
Second Attendee from the same Affiliate –
Early Bird Registration postmarked by 8/22/11:
$245 ________________________
$225 ________________________
Registration and payment postmarked after 8/22/11: $295 ________________________
Saturday Evening Outing (optional):
$ 62 ________________________
Total Amount Enclosed: _________________________
Please make your check payable to Family Promise and send with completed registration form to:
Family Promise Conference • 71 Summit Avenue, Summit, New Jersey 07901
(form continues on back)
Park City, Utah
Saturday evening, 6 p.m. to 10 p.m.
Hotel Information
COST: $62/person
Hilton Salt Lake City Center
(not included in registration fee)
255 South West Temple
Salt Lake City, UT
801-328-2000 •
RSVP: Please check box in attached registration form.
Please call the hotel directly to make your room reservation.
Identify yourself as a member of the Family Promise conference.
Room rates are $107 per night for single to quad, excluding state
and local taxes.
In the heart of downtown, the Hilton Salt Lake City Center is in the
entertainment and business district, surrounded by more than 60
restaurants, bars and nightclubs, and steps away from the
EnergySolutions Arena (home of the Utah Jazz), Capital Theatre
and TRAX Light Rail Station.The hotel has 499 beautifully
decorated guestrooms, all featuring the Hilton Serenity Bed
Collection: overfilled down comforters,“Touch of Down” pillows
and custom decorative bed throws.
Transportation to and from the airport is provided by
Valley Shuttle for $8 per person, one-way. Call 866-550-7433 or
visit for more information. Private car rental is also available for approximately
$40 per day.
Attendees arriving by car may self-park at the hotel for $13 per night or valet park for $16 per night.
Please join us for a wonderful evening in Park City, Utah, the home of the Sundance Film Festival,
nestled in the mountains about 35 minutes east of Salt Lake City. We’ll get a taste of the true West
as we explore Main Street, with its countless Western-inspired stores and art galleries. We will
then have dinner, followed by music and dancing, at the Swaner Eco-Center, where two-story
walls of glass overlook an expansive meadow, creating a seamless and elegant sense of place.
Tasteful exhibits depicting nature’s beauty create the perfect backdrop for a truly unique setting.
Food and transportation are included in the event fee. (Please note, maximum occupancy at the
facility is 150 so we will need to cap attendance!)
Saturday, September 24, 2011
7:00 a.m. –
8:30 a.m.
Breakfast and Continuing Registration
8:45 a.m. –
9:45 a.m.
Keynote Address: Diana Butler Bass
Best-selling author
Independent scholar
10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
11:45 a.m. – 1:15 p.m.
Session I (Concurrent Workshops)
President’s Address: Karen Olson
1:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Session II (Concurrent Workshops)
3:15 p.m. – 4:45 p.m.
Session III (Concurrent Workshops)
6:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.
Saturday Evening Outing (optional)
Park City, Utah
Main Street and Swaner EcoCenter
Sunday, September 25, 2011
7:00 a.m. –
8:15 a.m.
Workshops Here are descriptions of some of the workshops that will be offered: Featured Speakers
Special Event Fundraising in Today’s
Economic Climate
Here's a chance to learn what works and what
doesn't from Brian Jaffe, a consultant who has
organized and conducted more than 10,000
special events, and Affiliate leaders with a
track record of successful and proven
fundraisers. Discover how to maximize your
profit, control your costs, and still present a
highly entertaining and memorable event.
Transforming Your Board Members into
Fundraising Dynamos
Geared for both board and staff, this session
asks: How can boards become more effective
fundraisers? Participants will learn what the
realistic expectations are for board fundraising
participation and how to get board members
to take ownership of the Affiliate’s fund
Mental Health: Addressing the Issue
Virtually every family in the U.S. faces mental
health issues; this is no different for our guests.
Working with experts in the field and
experienced directors, this highly interactive
session will explore the best practices around
identifying and addressing mental health
issues in the best interests of the individual
and their family.
Trauma-Informed Services
8:30 a.m. – 10:15 a.m.
Session IV (Concurrent Workshops)
10:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Interfaith Worship Service and Celebration
12:15 p.m. – 2:15 p.m.
Lunch and Keynote Address:
Rabbi Michael Lerner
Editor of Tikkun magazine
Author and editor of more than a
dozen books
Recognizing the role of trauma in the lives of
many homeless families can be a key to more
successful case management and network
operations. Learn more about this innovative
approach to social work from directors
utilizing its key principles.
Building a Successful Board-Director
Among the board’s responsibilities is the
proper care and handling of the director! This
workshop explores the best practices in
ensuring staff remain happy, focused and
productive.This workshop is a must for
keeping a happy and healthy board to
director relationship.
News at 11
Learn from professionals in the news media
and savvy directors the ins and outs of getting
media coverage for your Affiliate. Experienced
reporters will share with you tips on how to
promote your network, dos and don’ts, and
strategies to maintain good relationships with
your local news outlets.
Graduating Success: Housing Retention
A look at successful housing retention
programs as part of a comprehensive postgraduation plan. Hear from directors and
former guests about the successes and
challenges in maintaining housing after
leaving the program.
Introduce, Cultivate, Ask
Hear from Affiliates around the country
employing point-of-entry and breakfast
events to build a base of motivated individual
donors.You will learn a step-by-step analysis
of how to create your own pool of major
givers and reap the rewards of a steady stream
of sustaining and unrestricted funding.
Teenagers—A Time of Transition
Teens in families are said to be the most
invisible population among all people who are
homeless. Considering the extent of
challenges facing all teens, it is critical for
Affiliates to determine the best ways to help
adolescents deal with the emotional and
practical aspects of homelessness. Learn
about ways to address this vulnerable
Funding Strategies for Religious Sources
Special collections, judicatories, youth
programs, affinity groups—there is more to
congregational funding than a line on the
outreach budget. A detailed session exploring
a myriad of approaches to increasing giving
from faith communities in your network.
Family Mentoring—a Friend, an Advocate,
a Bridge to the Community
The Family Mentoring Program enables
networks to provide sustained support for
guest families after they leave the program.
Hear from representatives about the
successes, opportunities and best practices in
running this program.
Tapping into Strengths: The Family Promise
Fundraising Plan
A fundraising plan is always important—but
one tailored to the specific possibilities and
proven successes of Affiliates is crucial.
Working with the unique nature of Family
Promise, how do you formulate a
comprehensive strategy for long-term viability
tapping into the strengths of the program?
It can—and should—be done!
Diana Butler Bass is an
author, speaker and
independent scholar
specializing in American
religion and culture. She
holds a Ph.D. in religious
studies from Duke
University and is the
author of seven books, including A
People's History of Christianity: the Other
Side of the Story. Her best-selling
Christianity for the Rest of Us was named
as one of the best religion books of the
year by Publishers Weekly and Christian
Century, won the Book of the Year Award
from the Academy of Parish Clergy, and
was featured in a cover story in USA
TODAY. Diana regularly consults with
religious organizations, leads conferences
for religious leaders and teaches and
preaches in a variety of venues. She blogs
at The Huffington Post and Beliefnet and
regularly comments on religion, politics
and culture in the media.
The HEARTH Act and You
Rabbi Michael Lerner is the rabbi of the
Bay Area congregation Beyt Tikkun and is
editor of Tikkun magazine, which is a
bimonthly Jewish critique of politics,
culture and society. In 2007 Tikkun
received the Independent Press Award
for the best spiritual magazine in the U.S.
Rabbi Lerner is the national chair of the
Network of Spiritual Progressives and
author and editor of more than a dozen
books on faith, reconciliation and
outreach. He lectures
around the United
States and has appeared
regularly on national
television programs,
including Larry King
Live and Meet the Press.
Affiliate Housing Programs:
Many Models, One Goal
There are two aspects to this workshop: what
do funding options (ESG, CDBG, etc.) look like
now, and what does the future hold? Experts
from our Government Relations Committee
will provide an interactive discussion of the
latest news from Washington—and how it
affects your budget.
Affiliate approaches to creating housing
programs vary as much as Affiliates
themselves. Explore several different models
and learn not only the best practices, but
what your network needs to do to be ready to
launch a housing program.
Family Promise = Housing First
How Not to Make the Front Page
The core principles of Housing First are: focus
on housing, short time in shelter,
collaboration with existing organizations and
emphasis on the client’s strengths.The core
principles for Family Promise are the same.
This workshop looks at how you can position
yourself as a Housing First agency to funders,
CoCs and others in your community.
This workshop focuses on best practices to
make sure your Affiliate avoids the problems
that can beset a small nonprofit. Come for a
discussion of how to stay in compliance with
legal and ethical standards when it comes to
filings, fundraising, board structure and
Compass Points—Understanding Teamwork
Crucial for both staff and boards, the session
grapples with the dynamics of balancing
one’s life amid the constant challenges within
our Affiliates. Learn how to identify the
warning signs and douse the flames before
it is too late.
Call them committees, boards, task forces,
congregations—they are all teams. This
workshop helps leaders understand how
people approach problem solving and how
their individual personality traits affect group
dynamics. Use this information to maximize
your teams’ effectiveness.
Registration Form
Workshop Leaders
Recharge!—Avoiding Burnout
“The Homeless Didn’t Like My Casserole”
Volunteers are the heart of the program.
That does not mean you don’t have the
occasional clogged artery, bout of
hypertension or all-out infarction. Learn
how to deal with difficult volunteers and
turn challenges into opportunities.
Brian Jaffe is Senior Partner of Brian Jaffe
Associates, a consulting firm that helps
nonprofit organizations maximize their special
event fundraising success. He is a graduate of
New York University and a licensed auctioneer
with more than 30 years experience advising
and conducting fundraising special events
and auctions. Jaffe has conducted seminars
throughout the United States and helped
nonprofits and others earn millions of dollars
through successful fundraising special events.
Dr. Kelly Lundberg, one of Utah’s leading
experts in addictions, is a licensed
psychologist and Associate Professor of
Psychiatry at the University of Utah. Dr.
Lundberg also works as a consultant with the
Utah Addiction Center, the Salt Lake City
Police Department, Lawyers Helping Lawyers
and the Utah State Bar Character and Fitness
Committee and directs Assessment and
Referral Services for the Salt Lake County
substance abuse treatment system. She
received the Governor’s Award for
Contributions to Substance Abuse Treatment
and Anti-Violence in 1997 and the Treatment
Award from the State Division of Substance
Abuse and Mental Health in 2006.
Fraser Nelson has held positions of
leadership in nonprofit organizations large
and small for more than 25 years in places as
diverse as Appalachia and New York City and
One person per registration form— please copy for additional registrants
has a deep understanding of the role they
play in improving civic welfare. Nelson led
Utah’s Disability Law Center for 10 years,
where she established the agency’s strong
presence in the state legislature. In 2008 she
and venture capitalist Greg Warnock founded
the Community Foundation of Utah, which
helps people gather assets and ideas to serve
Utah. Nelson is the immediate past president
of the Utah Nonprofits Association, consults
with nonprofit organizations in Utah and
across the nation and is an adjunct faculty
member of the University of Utah David
Eccles School of Business and is the first
Professional in Residence at the University’s
Center for Public Policy and Administration.
Carole Mikita is a senior reporter with the
Salt Lake City NBC affiliate KSL 5, and currently
co-anchors “Eyewitness News at 6:30.” In
addition to writing and producing numerous
documentaries, she won an Emmy for her
1998 feature “Gideon’s Story” and awards from
the Society for Professional Journalists and
the Utah Broadcasters Association. Mikita
also produces and hosts a weekly radio
program, "People of Faith" for KSL Radio.
Because of her advocacy on disability issues,
Mikita has been honored by the Utah State
Office of Rehabilitation and has earned
recognition as a “Woman of Distinction” by
the Assistance League of Utah.
(as you wish it to appear on your badge)
Local Affiliate __________________________________________________________________
Home Address _________________________________________________________________
City, State, ZIP __________________________________________________________________
Daytime Telephone_____________________________ Fax _____________________________
Email Address __________________________________________________________________
Registration and Fees
Your registration includes the full conference schedule and meals except the Saturday
Evening Outing, which is an additional $62. Hotel and transportation costs are not included in
the registration fee.
Registration and payment postmarked by 8/22/11:
Second Attendee from the same Affiliate –
Early Bird Registration postmarked by 8/22/11:
$245 ________________________
$225 ________________________
Registration and payment postmarked after 8/22/11: $295 ________________________
Saturday Evening Outing (optional):
$ 62 ________________________
Total Amount Enclosed: _________________________
Please make your check payable to Family Promise and send with completed registration form to:
Family Promise Conference • 71 Summit Avenue, Summit, New Jersey 07901
(form continues on back)
Park City, Utah
Saturday evening, 6 p.m. to 10 p.m.
Hotel Information
COST: $62/person
Hilton Salt Lake City Center
(not included in registration fee)
255 South West Temple
Salt Lake City, UT
801-328-2000 •
RSVP: Please check box in attached registration form.
Please call the hotel directly to make your room reservation.
Identify yourself as a member of the Family Promise conference.
Room rates are $107 per night for single to quad, excluding state
and local taxes.
In the heart of downtown, the Hilton Salt Lake City Center is in the
entertainment and business district, surrounded by more than 60
restaurants, bars and nightclubs, and steps away from the
EnergySolutions Arena (home of the Utah Jazz), Capital Theatre
and TRAX Light Rail Station.The hotel has 499 beautifully
decorated guestrooms, all featuring the Hilton Serenity Bed
Collection: overfilled down comforters,“Touch of Down” pillows
and custom decorative bed throws.
Transportation to and from the airport is provided by
Valley Shuttle for $8 per person, one-way. Call 866-550-7433 or
visit for more information. Private car rental is also available for approximately
$40 per day.
Attendees arriving by car may self-park at the hotel for $13 per night or valet park for $16 per night.
Please join us for a wonderful evening in Park City, Utah, the home of the Sundance Film Festival,
nestled in the mountains about 35 minutes east of Salt Lake City. We’ll get a taste of the true West
as we explore Main Street, with its countless Western-inspired stores and art galleries. We will
then have dinner, followed by music and dancing, at the Swaner Eco-Center, where two-story
walls of glass overlook an expansive meadow, creating a seamless and elegant sense of place.
Tasteful exhibits depicting nature’s beauty create the perfect backdrop for a truly unique setting.
Food and transportation are included in the event fee. (Please note, maximum occupancy at the
facility is 150 so we will need to cap attendance!)
Saturday, September 24, 2011
7:00 a.m. –
8:30 a.m.
Breakfast and Continuing Registration
8:45 a.m. –
9:45 a.m.
Keynote Address: Diana Butler Bass
Best-selling author
Independent scholar
10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
11:45 a.m. – 1:15 p.m.
Session I (Concurrent Workshops)
President’s Address: Karen Olson
1:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Session II (Concurrent Workshops)
3:15 p.m. – 4:45 p.m.
Session III (Concurrent Workshops)
6:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.
Saturday Evening Outing (optional)
Park City, Utah
Main Street and Swaner EcoCenter
Sunday, September 25, 2011
7:00 a.m. –
8:15 a.m.
Workshops Here are descriptions of some of the workshops that will be offered: Featured Speakers
Special Event Fundraising in Today’s
Economic Climate
Here's a chance to learn what works and what
doesn't from Brian Jaffe, a consultant who has
organized and conducted more than 10,000
special events, and Affiliate leaders with a
track record of successful and proven
fundraisers. Discover how to maximize your
profit, control your costs, and still present a
highly entertaining and memorable event.
Transforming Your Board Members into
Fundraising Dynamos
Geared for both board and staff, this session
asks: How can boards become more effective
fundraisers? Participants will learn what the
realistic expectations are for board fundraising
participation and how to get board members
to take ownership of the Affiliate’s fund
Mental Health: Addressing the Issue
Virtually every family in the U.S. faces mental
health issues; this is no different for our guests.
Working with experts in the field and
experienced directors, this highly interactive
session will explore the best practices around
identifying and addressing mental health
issues in the best interests of the individual
and their family.
Trauma-Informed Services
8:30 a.m. – 10:15 a.m.
Session IV (Concurrent Workshops)
10:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Interfaith Worship Service and Celebration
12:15 p.m. – 2:15 p.m.
Lunch and Keynote Address:
Rabbi Michael Lerner
Editor of Tikkun magazine
Author and editor of more than a
dozen books
Recognizing the role of trauma in the lives of
many homeless families can be a key to more
successful case management and network
operations. Learn more about this innovative
approach to social work from directors
utilizing its key principles.
Building a Successful Board-Director
Among the board’s responsibilities is the
proper care and handling of the director! This
workshop explores the best practices in
ensuring staff remain happy, focused and
productive.This workshop is a must for
keeping a happy and healthy board to
director relationship.
News at 11
Learn from professionals in the news media
and savvy directors the ins and outs of getting
media coverage for your Affiliate. Experienced
reporters will share with you tips on how to
promote your network, dos and don’ts, and
strategies to maintain good relationships with
your local news outlets.
Graduating Success: Housing Retention
A look at successful housing retention
programs as part of a comprehensive postgraduation plan. Hear from directors and
former guests about the successes and
challenges in maintaining housing after
leaving the program.
Introduce, Cultivate, Ask
Hear from Affiliates around the country
employing point-of-entry and breakfast
events to build a base of motivated individual
donors.You will learn a step-by-step analysis
of how to create your own pool of major
givers and reap the rewards of a steady stream
of sustaining and unrestricted funding.
Teenagers—A Time of Transition
Teens in families are said to be the most
invisible population among all people who are
homeless. Considering the extent of
challenges facing all teens, it is critical for
Affiliates to determine the best ways to help
adolescents deal with the emotional and
practical aspects of homelessness. Learn
about ways to address this vulnerable
Funding Strategies for Religious Sources
Special collections, judicatories, youth
programs, affinity groups—there is more to
congregational funding than a line on the
outreach budget. A detailed session exploring
a myriad of approaches to increasing giving
from faith communities in your network.
Family Mentoring—a Friend, an Advocate,
a Bridge to the Community
The Family Mentoring Program enables
networks to provide sustained support for
guest families after they leave the program.
Hear from representatives about the
successes, opportunities and best practices in
running this program.
Tapping into Strengths: The Family Promise
Fundraising Plan
A fundraising plan is always important—but
one tailored to the specific possibilities and
proven successes of Affiliates is crucial.
Working with the unique nature of Family
Promise, how do you formulate a
comprehensive strategy for long-term viability
tapping into the strengths of the program?
It can—and should—be done!
Diana Butler Bass is an
author, speaker and
independent scholar
specializing in American
religion and culture. She
holds a Ph.D. in religious
studies from Duke
University and is the
author of seven books, including A
People's History of Christianity: the Other
Side of the Story. Her best-selling
Christianity for the Rest of Us was named
as one of the best religion books of the
year by Publishers Weekly and Christian
Century, won the Book of the Year Award
from the Academy of Parish Clergy, and
was featured in a cover story in USA
TODAY. Diana regularly consults with
religious organizations, leads conferences
for religious leaders and teaches and
preaches in a variety of venues. She blogs
at The Huffington Post and Beliefnet and
regularly comments on religion, politics
and culture in the media.
The HEARTH Act and You
Rabbi Michael Lerner is the rabbi of the
Bay Area congregation Beyt Tikkun and is
editor of Tikkun magazine, which is a
bimonthly Jewish critique of politics,
culture and society. In 2007 Tikkun
received the Independent Press Award
for the best spiritual magazine in the U.S.
Rabbi Lerner is the national chair of the
Network of Spiritual Progressives and
author and editor of more than a dozen
books on faith, reconciliation and
outreach. He lectures
around the United
States and has appeared
regularly on national
television programs,
including Larry King
Live and Meet the Press.
Affiliate Housing Programs:
Many Models, One Goal
There are two aspects to this workshop: what
do funding options (ESG, CDBG, etc.) look like
now, and what does the future hold? Experts
from our Government Relations Committee
will provide an interactive discussion of the
latest news from Washington—and how it
affects your budget.
Affiliate approaches to creating housing
programs vary as much as Affiliates
themselves. Explore several different models
and learn not only the best practices, but
what your network needs to do to be ready to
launch a housing program.
Family Promise = Housing First
How Not to Make the Front Page
The core principles of Housing First are: focus
on housing, short time in shelter,
collaboration with existing organizations and
emphasis on the client’s strengths.The core
principles for Family Promise are the same.
This workshop looks at how you can position
yourself as a Housing First agency to funders,
CoCs and others in your community.
This workshop focuses on best practices to
make sure your Affiliate avoids the problems
that can beset a small nonprofit. Come for a
discussion of how to stay in compliance with
legal and ethical standards when it comes to
filings, fundraising, board structure and
Compass Points—Understanding Teamwork
Crucial for both staff and boards, the session
grapples with the dynamics of balancing
one’s life amid the constant challenges within
our Affiliates. Learn how to identify the
warning signs and douse the flames before
it is too late.
Call them committees, boards, task forces,
congregations—they are all teams. This
workshop helps leaders understand how
people approach problem solving and how
their individual personality traits affect group
dynamics. Use this information to maximize
your teams’ effectiveness.
Registration Form
Workshop Leaders
Recharge!—Avoiding Burnout
“The Homeless Didn’t Like My Casserole”
Volunteers are the heart of the program.
That does not mean you don’t have the
occasional clogged artery, bout of
hypertension or all-out infarction. Learn
how to deal with difficult volunteers and
turn challenges into opportunities.
Brian Jaffe is Senior Partner of Brian Jaffe
Associates, a consulting firm that helps
nonprofit organizations maximize their special
event fundraising success. He is a graduate of
New York University and a licensed auctioneer
with more than 30 years experience advising
and conducting fundraising special events
and auctions. Jaffe has conducted seminars
throughout the United States and helped
nonprofits and others earn millions of dollars
through successful fundraising special events.
Dr. Kelly Lundberg, one of Utah’s leading
experts in addictions, is a licensed
psychologist and Associate Professor of
Psychiatry at the University of Utah. Dr.
Lundberg also works as a consultant with the
Utah Addiction Center, the Salt Lake City
Police Department, Lawyers Helping Lawyers
and the Utah State Bar Character and Fitness
Committee and directs Assessment and
Referral Services for the Salt Lake County
substance abuse treatment system. She
received the Governor’s Award for
Contributions to Substance Abuse Treatment
and Anti-Violence in 1997 and the Treatment
Award from the State Division of Substance
Abuse and Mental Health in 2006.
Fraser Nelson has held positions of
leadership in nonprofit organizations large
and small for more than 25 years in places as
diverse as Appalachia and New York City and
One person per registration form— please copy for additional registrants
has a deep understanding of the role they
play in improving civic welfare. Nelson led
Utah’s Disability Law Center for 10 years,
where she established the agency’s strong
presence in the state legislature. In 2008 she
and venture capitalist Greg Warnock founded
the Community Foundation of Utah, which
helps people gather assets and ideas to serve
Utah. Nelson is the immediate past president
of the Utah Nonprofits Association, consults
with nonprofit organizations in Utah and
across the nation and is an adjunct faculty
member of the University of Utah David
Eccles School of Business and is the first
Professional in Residence at the University’s
Center for Public Policy and Administration.
Carole Mikita is a senior reporter with the
Salt Lake City NBC affiliate KSL 5, and currently
co-anchors “Eyewitness News at 6:30.” In
addition to writing and producing numerous
documentaries, she won an Emmy for her
1998 feature “Gideon’s Story” and awards from
the Society for Professional Journalists and
the Utah Broadcasters Association. Mikita
also produces and hosts a weekly radio
program, "People of Faith" for KSL Radio.
Because of her advocacy on disability issues,
Mikita has been honored by the Utah State
Office of Rehabilitation and has earned
recognition as a “Woman of Distinction” by
the Assistance League of Utah.
(as you wish it to appear on your badge)
Local Affiliate __________________________________________________________________
Home Address _________________________________________________________________
City, State, ZIP __________________________________________________________________
Daytime Telephone_____________________________ Fax _____________________________
Email Address __________________________________________________________________
Registration and Fees
Your registration includes the full conference schedule and meals except the Saturday
Evening Outing, which is an additional $62. Hotel and transportation costs are not included in
the registration fee.
Registration and payment postmarked by 8/22/11:
Second Attendee from the same Affiliate –
Early Bird Registration postmarked by 8/22/11:
$245 ________________________
$225 ________________________
Registration and payment postmarked after 8/22/11: $295 ________________________
Saturday Evening Outing (optional):
$ 62 ________________________
Total Amount Enclosed: _________________________
Please make your check payable to Family Promise and send with completed registration form to:
Family Promise Conference • 71 Summit Avenue, Summit, New Jersey 07901
(form continues on back)
Park City, Utah
Saturday evening, 6 p.m. to 10 p.m.
Hotel Information
COST: $62/person
Hilton Salt Lake City Center
(not included in registration fee)
255 South West Temple
Salt Lake City, UT
801-328-2000 •
RSVP: Please check box in attached registration form.
Please call the hotel directly to make your room reservation.
Identify yourself as a member of the Family Promise conference.
Room rates are $107 per night for single to quad, excluding state
and local taxes.
In the heart of downtown, the Hilton Salt Lake City Center is in the
entertainment and business district, surrounded by more than 60
restaurants, bars and nightclubs, and steps away from the
EnergySolutions Arena (home of the Utah Jazz), Capital Theatre
and TRAX Light Rail Station.The hotel has 499 beautifully
decorated guestrooms, all featuring the Hilton Serenity Bed
Collection: overfilled down comforters,“Touch of Down” pillows
and custom decorative bed throws.
Transportation to and from the airport is provided by
Valley Shuttle for $8 per person, one-way. Call 866-550-7433 or
visit for more information. Private car rental is also available for approximately
$40 per day.
Attendees arriving by car may self-park at the hotel for $13 per night or valet park for $16 per night.
Please join us for a wonderful evening in Park City, Utah, the home of the Sundance Film Festival,
nestled in the mountains about 35 minutes east of Salt Lake City. We’ll get a taste of the true West
as we explore Main Street, with its countless Western-inspired stores and art galleries. We will
then have dinner, followed by music and dancing, at the Swaner Eco-Center, where two-story
walls of glass overlook an expansive meadow, creating a seamless and elegant sense of place.
Tasteful exhibits depicting nature’s beauty create the perfect backdrop for a truly unique setting.
Food and transportation are included in the event fee. (Please note, maximum occupancy at the
facility is 150 so we will need to cap attendance!)
Saturday, September 24, 2011
7:00 a.m. –
8:30 a.m.
Breakfast and Continuing Registration
8:45 a.m. –
9:45 a.m.
Keynote Address: Diana Butler Bass
Best-selling author
Independent scholar
10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
11:45 a.m. – 1:15 p.m.
Session I (Concurrent Workshops)
President’s Address: Karen Olson
1:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Session II (Concurrent Workshops)
3:15 p.m. – 4:45 p.m.
Session III (Concurrent Workshops)
6:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.
Saturday Evening Outing (optional)
Park City, Utah
Main Street and Swaner EcoCenter
Sunday, September 25, 2011
7:00 a.m. –
8:15 a.m.
Workshops Here are descriptions of some of the workshops that will be offered: Featured Speakers
Special Event Fundraising in Today’s
Economic Climate
Here's a chance to learn what works and what
doesn't from Brian Jaffe, a consultant who has
organized and conducted more than 10,000
special events, and Affiliate leaders with a
track record of successful and proven
fundraisers. Discover how to maximize your
profit, control your costs, and still present a
highly entertaining and memorable event.
Transforming Your Board Members into
Fundraising Dynamos
Geared for both board and staff, this session
asks: How can boards become more effective
fundraisers? Participants will learn what the
realistic expectations are for board fundraising
participation and how to get board members
to take ownership of the Affiliate’s fund
Mental Health: Addressing the Issue
Virtually every family in the U.S. faces mental
health issues; this is no different for our guests.
Working with experts in the field and
experienced directors, this highly interactive
session will explore the best practices around
identifying and addressing mental health
issues in the best interests of the individual
and their family.
Trauma-Informed Services
8:30 a.m. – 10:15 a.m.
Session IV (Concurrent Workshops)
10:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Interfaith Worship Service and Celebration
12:15 p.m. – 2:15 p.m.
Lunch and Keynote Address:
Rabbi Michael Lerner
Editor of Tikkun magazine
Author and editor of more than a
dozen books
Recognizing the role of trauma in the lives of
many homeless families can be a key to more
successful case management and network
operations. Learn more about this innovative
approach to social work from directors
utilizing its key principles.
Building a Successful Board-Director
Among the board’s responsibilities is the
proper care and handling of the director! This
workshop explores the best practices in
ensuring staff remain happy, focused and
productive.This workshop is a must for
keeping a happy and healthy board to
director relationship.
News at 11
Learn from professionals in the news media
and savvy directors the ins and outs of getting
media coverage for your Affiliate. Experienced
reporters will share with you tips on how to
promote your network, dos and don’ts, and
strategies to maintain good relationships with
your local news outlets.
Graduating Success: Housing Retention
A look at successful housing retention
programs as part of a comprehensive postgraduation plan. Hear from directors and
former guests about the successes and
challenges in maintaining housing after
leaving the program.
Introduce, Cultivate, Ask
Hear from Affiliates around the country
employing point-of-entry and breakfast
events to build a base of motivated individual
donors.You will learn a step-by-step analysis
of how to create your own pool of major
givers and reap the rewards of a steady stream
of sustaining and unrestricted funding.
Teenagers—A Time of Transition
Teens in families are said to be the most
invisible population among all people who are
homeless. Considering the extent of
challenges facing all teens, it is critical for
Affiliates to determine the best ways to help
adolescents deal with the emotional and
practical aspects of homelessness. Learn
about ways to address this vulnerable
Funding Strategies for Religious Sources
Special collections, judicatories, youth
programs, affinity groups—there is more to
congregational funding than a line on the
outreach budget. A detailed session exploring
a myriad of approaches to increasing giving
from faith communities in your network.
Family Mentoring—a Friend, an Advocate,
a Bridge to the Community
The Family Mentoring Program enables
networks to provide sustained support for
guest families after they leave the program.
Hear from representatives about the
successes, opportunities and best practices in
running this program.
Tapping into Strengths: The Family Promise
Fundraising Plan
A fundraising plan is always important—but
one tailored to the specific possibilities and
proven successes of Affiliates is crucial.
Working with the unique nature of Family
Promise, how do you formulate a
comprehensive strategy for long-term viability
tapping into the strengths of the program?
It can—and should—be done!
Diana Butler Bass is an
author, speaker and
independent scholar
specializing in American
religion and culture. She
holds a Ph.D. in religious
studies from Duke
University and is the
author of seven books, including A
People's History of Christianity: the Other
Side of the Story. Her best-selling
Christianity for the Rest of Us was named
as one of the best religion books of the
year by Publishers Weekly and Christian
Century, won the Book of the Year Award
from the Academy of Parish Clergy, and
was featured in a cover story in USA
TODAY. Diana regularly consults with
religious organizations, leads conferences
for religious leaders and teaches and
preaches in a variety of venues. She blogs
at The Huffington Post and Beliefnet and
regularly comments on religion, politics
and culture in the media.
The HEARTH Act and You
Rabbi Michael Lerner is the rabbi of the
Bay Area congregation Beyt Tikkun and is
editor of Tikkun magazine, which is a
bimonthly Jewish critique of politics,
culture and society. In 2007 Tikkun
received the Independent Press Award
for the best spiritual magazine in the U.S.
Rabbi Lerner is the national chair of the
Network of Spiritual Progressives and
author and editor of more than a dozen
books on faith, reconciliation and
outreach. He lectures
around the United
States and has appeared
regularly on national
television programs,
including Larry King
Live and Meet the Press.
Affiliate Housing Programs:
Many Models, One Goal
There are two aspects to this workshop: what
do funding options (ESG, CDBG, etc.) look like
now, and what does the future hold? Experts
from our Government Relations Committee
will provide an interactive discussion of the
latest news from Washington—and how it
affects your budget.
Affiliate approaches to creating housing
programs vary as much as Affiliates
themselves. Explore several different models
and learn not only the best practices, but
what your network needs to do to be ready to
launch a housing program.
Family Promise = Housing First
How Not to Make the Front Page
The core principles of Housing First are: focus
on housing, short time in shelter,
collaboration with existing organizations and
emphasis on the client’s strengths.The core
principles for Family Promise are the same.
This workshop looks at how you can position
yourself as a Housing First agency to funders,
CoCs and others in your community.
This workshop focuses on best practices to
make sure your Affiliate avoids the problems
that can beset a small nonprofit. Come for a
discussion of how to stay in compliance with
legal and ethical standards when it comes to
filings, fundraising, board structure and
Compass Points—Understanding Teamwork
Crucial for both staff and boards, the session
grapples with the dynamics of balancing
one’s life amid the constant challenges within
our Affiliates. Learn how to identify the
warning signs and douse the flames before
it is too late.
Call them committees, boards, task forces,
congregations—they are all teams. This
workshop helps leaders understand how
people approach problem solving and how
their individual personality traits affect group
dynamics. Use this information to maximize
your teams’ effectiveness.
Registration Form
Workshop Leaders
Recharge!—Avoiding Burnout
“The Homeless Didn’t Like My Casserole”
Volunteers are the heart of the program.
That does not mean you don’t have the
occasional clogged artery, bout of
hypertension or all-out infarction. Learn
how to deal with difficult volunteers and
turn challenges into opportunities.
Brian Jaffe is Senior Partner of Brian Jaffe
Associates, a consulting firm that helps
nonprofit organizations maximize their special
event fundraising success. He is a graduate of
New York University and a licensed auctioneer
with more than 30 years experience advising
and conducting fundraising special events
and auctions. Jaffe has conducted seminars
throughout the United States and helped
nonprofits and others earn millions of dollars
through successful fundraising special events.
Dr. Kelly Lundberg, one of Utah’s leading
experts in addictions, is a licensed
psychologist and Associate Professor of
Psychiatry at the University of Utah. Dr.
Lundberg also works as a consultant with the
Utah Addiction Center, the Salt Lake City
Police Department, Lawyers Helping Lawyers
and the Utah State Bar Character and Fitness
Committee and directs Assessment and
Referral Services for the Salt Lake County
substance abuse treatment system. She
received the Governor’s Award for
Contributions to Substance Abuse Treatment
and Anti-Violence in 1997 and the Treatment
Award from the State Division of Substance
Abuse and Mental Health in 2006.
Fraser Nelson has held positions of
leadership in nonprofit organizations large
and small for more than 25 years in places as
diverse as Appalachia and New York City and
One person per registration form— please copy for additional registrants
has a deep understanding of the role they
play in improving civic welfare. Nelson led
Utah’s Disability Law Center for 10 years,
where she established the agency’s strong
presence in the state legislature. In 2008 she
and venture capitalist Greg Warnock founded
the Community Foundation of Utah, which
helps people gather assets and ideas to serve
Utah. Nelson is the immediate past president
of the Utah Nonprofits Association, consults
with nonprofit organizations in Utah and
across the nation and is an adjunct faculty
member of the University of Utah David
Eccles School of Business and is the first
Professional in Residence at the University’s
Center for Public Policy and Administration.
Carole Mikita is a senior reporter with the
Salt Lake City NBC affiliate KSL 5, and currently
co-anchors “Eyewitness News at 6:30.” In
addition to writing and producing numerous
documentaries, she won an Emmy for her
1998 feature “Gideon’s Story” and awards from
the Society for Professional Journalists and
the Utah Broadcasters Association. Mikita
also produces and hosts a weekly radio
program, "People of Faith" for KSL Radio.
Because of her advocacy on disability issues,
Mikita has been honored by the Utah State
Office of Rehabilitation and has earned
recognition as a “Woman of Distinction” by
the Assistance League of Utah.
(as you wish it to appear on your badge)
Local Affiliate __________________________________________________________________
Home Address _________________________________________________________________
City, State, ZIP __________________________________________________________________
Daytime Telephone_____________________________ Fax _____________________________
Email Address __________________________________________________________________
Registration and Fees
Your registration includes the full conference schedule and meals except the Saturday
Evening Outing, which is an additional $62. Hotel and transportation costs are not included in
the registration fee.
Registration and payment postmarked by 8/22/11:
Second Attendee from the same Affiliate –
Early Bird Registration postmarked by 8/22/11:
$245 ________________________
$225 ________________________
Registration and payment postmarked after 8/22/11: $295 ________________________
Saturday Evening Outing (optional):
$ 62 ________________________
Total Amount Enclosed: _________________________
Please make your check payable to Family Promise and send with completed registration form to:
Family Promise Conference • 71 Summit Avenue, Summit, New Jersey 07901
(form continues on back)
Park City, Utah
Saturday evening, 6 p.m. to 10 p.m.
Hotel Information
COST: $62/person
Hilton Salt Lake City Center
(not included in registration fee)
255 South West Temple
Salt Lake City, UT
801-328-2000 •
RSVP: Please check box in attached registration form.
Please call the hotel directly to make your room reservation.
Identify yourself as a member of the Family Promise conference.
Room rates are $107 per night for single to quad, excluding state
and local taxes.
In the heart of downtown, the Hilton Salt Lake City Center is in the
entertainment and business district, surrounded by more than 60
restaurants, bars and nightclubs, and steps away from the
EnergySolutions Arena (home of the Utah Jazz), Capital Theatre
and TRAX Light Rail Station.The hotel has 499 beautifully
decorated guestrooms, all featuring the Hilton Serenity Bed
Collection: overfilled down comforters,“Touch of Down” pillows
and custom decorative bed throws.
Transportation to and from the airport is provided by
Valley Shuttle for $8 per person, one-way. Call 866-550-7433 or
visit for more information. Private car rental is also available for approximately
$40 per day.
Attendees arriving by car may self-park at the hotel for $13 per night or valet park for $16 per night.
Please join us for a wonderful evening in Park City, Utah, the home of the Sundance Film Festival,
nestled in the mountains about 35 minutes east of Salt Lake City. We’ll get a taste of the true West
as we explore Main Street, with its countless Western-inspired stores and art galleries. We will
then have dinner, followed by music and dancing, at the Swaner Eco-Center, where two-story
walls of glass overlook an expansive meadow, creating a seamless and elegant sense of place.
Tasteful exhibits depicting nature’s beauty create the perfect backdrop for a truly unique setting.
Food and transportation are included in the event fee. (Please note, maximum occupancy at the
facility is 150 so we will need to cap attendance!)
Saturday, September 24, 2011
7:00 a.m. –
8:30 a.m.
Breakfast and Continuing Registration
8:45 a.m. –
9:45 a.m.
Keynote Address: Diana Butler Bass
Best-selling author
Independent scholar
10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
11:45 a.m. – 1:15 p.m.
Session I (Concurrent Workshops)
President’s Address: Karen Olson
1:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Session II (Concurrent Workshops)
3:15 p.m. – 4:45 p.m.
Session III (Concurrent Workshops)
6:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.
Saturday Evening Outing (optional)
Park City, Utah
Main Street and Swaner EcoCenter
Sunday, September 25, 2011
7:00 a.m. –
8:15 a.m.
Workshops Here are descriptions of some of the workshops that will be offered: Featured Speakers
Special Event Fundraising in Today’s
Economic Climate
Here's a chance to learn what works and what
doesn't from Brian Jaffe, a consultant who has
organized and conducted more than 10,000
special events, and Affiliate leaders with a
track record of successful and proven
fundraisers. Discover how to maximize your
profit, control your costs, and still present a
highly entertaining and memorable event.
Transforming Your Board Members into
Fundraising Dynamos
Geared for both board and staff, this session
asks: How can boards become more effective
fundraisers? Participants will learn what the
realistic expectations are for board fundraising
participation and how to get board members
to take ownership of the Affiliate’s fund
Mental Health: Addressing the Issue
Virtually every family in the U.S. faces mental
health issues; this is no different for our guests.
Working with experts in the field and
experienced directors, this highly interactive
session will explore the best practices around
identifying and addressing mental health
issues in the best interests of the individual
and their family.
Trauma-Informed Services
8:30 a.m. – 10:15 a.m.
Session IV (Concurrent Workshops)
10:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Interfaith Worship Service and Celebration
12:15 p.m. – 2:15 p.m.
Lunch and Keynote Address:
Rabbi Michael Lerner
Editor of Tikkun magazine
Author and editor of more than a
dozen books
Recognizing the role of trauma in the lives of
many homeless families can be a key to more
successful case management and network
operations. Learn more about this innovative
approach to social work from directors
utilizing its key principles.
Building a Successful Board-Director
Among the board’s responsibilities is the
proper care and handling of the director! This
workshop explores the best practices in
ensuring staff remain happy, focused and
productive.This workshop is a must for
keeping a happy and healthy board to
director relationship.
News at 11
Learn from professionals in the news media
and savvy directors the ins and outs of getting
media coverage for your Affiliate. Experienced
reporters will share with you tips on how to
promote your network, dos and don’ts, and
strategies to maintain good relationships with
your local news outlets.
Graduating Success: Housing Retention
A look at successful housing retention
programs as part of a comprehensive postgraduation plan. Hear from directors and
former guests about the successes and
challenges in maintaining housing after
leaving the program.
Introduce, Cultivate, Ask
Hear from Affiliates around the country
employing point-of-entry and breakfast
events to build a base of motivated individual
donors.You will learn a step-by-step analysis
of how to create your own pool of major
givers and reap the rewards of a steady stream
of sustaining and unrestricted funding.
Teenagers—A Time of Transition
Teens in families are said to be the most
invisible population among all people who are
homeless. Considering the extent of
challenges facing all teens, it is critical for
Affiliates to determine the best ways to help
adolescents deal with the emotional and
practical aspects of homelessness. Learn
about ways to address this vulnerable
Funding Strategies for Religious Sources
Special collections, judicatories, youth
programs, affinity groups—there is more to
congregational funding than a line on the
outreach budget. A detailed session exploring
a myriad of approaches to increasing giving
from faith communities in your network.
Family Mentoring—a Friend, an Advocate,
a Bridge to the Community
The Family Mentoring Program enables
networks to provide sustained support for
guest families after they leave the program.
Hear from representatives about the
successes, opportunities and best practices in
running this program.
Tapping into Strengths: The Family Promise
Fundraising Plan
A fundraising plan is always important—but
one tailored to the specific possibilities and
proven successes of Affiliates is crucial.
Working with the unique nature of Family
Promise, how do you formulate a
comprehensive strategy for long-term viability
tapping into the strengths of the program?
It can—and should—be done!
Diana Butler Bass is an
author, speaker and
independent scholar
specializing in American
religion and culture. She
holds a Ph.D. in religious
studies from Duke
University and is the
author of seven books, including A
People's History of Christianity: the Other
Side of the Story. Her best-selling
Christianity for the Rest of Us was named
as one of the best religion books of the
year by Publishers Weekly and Christian
Century, won the Book of the Year Award
from the Academy of Parish Clergy, and
was featured in a cover story in USA
TODAY. Diana regularly consults with
religious organizations, leads conferences
for religious leaders and teaches and
preaches in a variety of venues. She blogs
at The Huffington Post and Beliefnet and
regularly comments on religion, politics
and culture in the media.
The HEARTH Act and You
Rabbi Michael Lerner is the rabbi of the
Bay Area congregation Beyt Tikkun and is
editor of Tikkun magazine, which is a
bimonthly Jewish critique of politics,
culture and society. In 2007 Tikkun
received the Independent Press Award
for the best spiritual magazine in the U.S.
Rabbi Lerner is the national chair of the
Network of Spiritual Progressives and
author and editor of more than a dozen
books on faith, reconciliation and
outreach. He lectures
around the United
States and has appeared
regularly on national
television programs,
including Larry King
Live and Meet the Press.
Affiliate Housing Programs:
Many Models, One Goal
There are two aspects to this workshop: what
do funding options (ESG, CDBG, etc.) look like
now, and what does the future hold? Experts
from our Government Relations Committee
will provide an interactive discussion of the
latest news from Washington—and how it
affects your budget.
Affiliate approaches to creating housing
programs vary as much as Affiliates
themselves. Explore several different models
and learn not only the best practices, but
what your network needs to do to be ready to
launch a housing program.
Family Promise = Housing First
How Not to Make the Front Page
The core principles of Housing First are: focus
on housing, short time in shelter,
collaboration with existing organizations and
emphasis on the client’s strengths.The core
principles for Family Promise are the same.
This workshop looks at how you can position
yourself as a Housing First agency to funders,
CoCs and others in your community.
This workshop focuses on best practices to
make sure your Affiliate avoids the problems
that can beset a small nonprofit. Come for a
discussion of how to stay in compliance with
legal and ethical standards when it comes to
filings, fundraising, board structure and
Compass Points—Understanding Teamwork
Crucial for both staff and boards, the session
grapples with the dynamics of balancing
one’s life amid the constant challenges within
our Affiliates. Learn how to identify the
warning signs and douse the flames before
it is too late.
Call them committees, boards, task forces,
congregations—they are all teams. This
workshop helps leaders understand how
people approach problem solving and how
their individual personality traits affect group
dynamics. Use this information to maximize
your teams’ effectiveness.
Registration Form
Workshop Leaders
Recharge!—Avoiding Burnout
“The Homeless Didn’t Like My Casserole”
Volunteers are the heart of the program.
That does not mean you don’t have the
occasional clogged artery, bout of
hypertension or all-out infarction. Learn
how to deal with difficult volunteers and
turn challenges into opportunities.
Brian Jaffe is Senior Partner of Brian Jaffe
Associates, a consulting firm that helps
nonprofit organizations maximize their special
event fundraising success. He is a graduate of
New York University and a licensed auctioneer
with more than 30 years experience advising
and conducting fundraising special events
and auctions. Jaffe has conducted seminars
throughout the United States and helped
nonprofits and others earn millions of dollars
through successful fundraising special events.
Dr. Kelly Lundberg, one of Utah’s leading
experts in addictions, is a licensed
psychologist and Associate Professor of
Psychiatry at the University of Utah. Dr.
Lundberg also works as a consultant with the
Utah Addiction Center, the Salt Lake City
Police Department, Lawyers Helping Lawyers
and the Utah State Bar Character and Fitness
Committee and directs Assessment and
Referral Services for the Salt Lake County
substance abuse treatment system. She
received the Governor’s Award for
Contributions to Substance Abuse Treatment
and Anti-Violence in 1997 and the Treatment
Award from the State Division of Substance
Abuse and Mental Health in 2006.
Fraser Nelson has held positions of
leadership in nonprofit organizations large
and small for more than 25 years in places as
diverse as Appalachia and New York City and
One person per registration form— please copy for additional registrants
has a deep understanding of the role they
play in improving civic welfare. Nelson led
Utah’s Disability Law Center for 10 years,
where she established the agency’s strong
presence in the state legislature. In 2008 she
and venture capitalist Greg Warnock founded
the Community Foundation of Utah, which
helps people gather assets and ideas to serve
Utah. Nelson is the immediate past president
of the Utah Nonprofits Association, consults
with nonprofit organizations in Utah and
across the nation and is an adjunct faculty
member of the University of Utah David
Eccles School of Business and is the first
Professional in Residence at the University’s
Center for Public Policy and Administration.
Carole Mikita is a senior reporter with the
Salt Lake City NBC affiliate KSL 5, and currently
co-anchors “Eyewitness News at 6:30.” In
addition to writing and producing numerous
documentaries, she won an Emmy for her
1998 feature “Gideon’s Story” and awards from
the Society for Professional Journalists and
the Utah Broadcasters Association. Mikita
also produces and hosts a weekly radio
program, "People of Faith" for KSL Radio.
Because of her advocacy on disability issues,
Mikita has been honored by the Utah State
Office of Rehabilitation and has earned
recognition as a “Woman of Distinction” by
the Assistance League of Utah.
(as you wish it to appear on your badge)
Local Affiliate __________________________________________________________________
Home Address _________________________________________________________________
City, State, ZIP __________________________________________________________________
Daytime Telephone_____________________________ Fax _____________________________
Email Address __________________________________________________________________
Registration and Fees
Your registration includes the full conference schedule and meals except the Saturday
Evening Outing, which is an additional $62. Hotel and transportation costs are not included in
the registration fee.
Registration and payment postmarked by 8/22/11:
Second Attendee from the same Affiliate –
Early Bird Registration postmarked by 8/22/11:
$245 ________________________
$225 ________________________
Registration and payment postmarked after 8/22/11: $295 ________________________
Saturday Evening Outing (optional):
$ 62 ________________________
Total Amount Enclosed: _________________________
Please make your check payable to Family Promise and send with completed registration form to:
Family Promise Conference • 71 Summit Avenue, Summit, New Jersey 07901
(form continues on back)
Park City, Utah
Saturday evening, 6 p.m. to 10 p.m.
Hotel Information
COST: $62/person
Hilton Salt Lake City Center
(not included in registration fee)
255 South West Temple
Salt Lake City, UT
801-328-2000 •
RSVP: Please check box in attached registration form.
Please call the hotel directly to make your room reservation.
Identify yourself as a member of the Family Promise conference.
Room rates are $107 per night for single to quad, excluding state
and local taxes.
In the heart of downtown, the Hilton Salt Lake City Center is in the
entertainment and business district, surrounded by more than 60
restaurants, bars and nightclubs, and steps away from the
EnergySolutions Arena (home of the Utah Jazz), Capital Theatre
and TRAX Light Rail Station.The hotel has 499 beautifully
decorated guestrooms, all featuring the Hilton Serenity Bed
Collection: overfilled down comforters,“Touch of Down” pillows
and custom decorative bed throws.
Transportation to and from the airport is provided by
Valley Shuttle for $8 per person, one-way. Call 866-550-7433 or
visit for more information. Private car rental is also available for approximately
$40 per day.
Attendees arriving by car may self-park at the hotel for $13 per night or valet park for $16 per night.
Please join us for a wonderful evening in Park City, Utah, the home of the Sundance Film Festival,
nestled in the mountains about 35 minutes east of Salt Lake City. We’ll get a taste of the true West
as we explore Main Street, with its countless Western-inspired stores and art galleries. We will
then have dinner, followed by music and dancing, at the Swaner Eco-Center, where two-story
walls of glass overlook an expansive meadow, creating a seamless and elegant sense of place.
Tasteful exhibits depicting nature’s beauty create the perfect backdrop for a truly unique setting.
Food and transportation are included in the event fee. (Please note, maximum occupancy at the
facility is 150 so we will need to cap attendance!)
I am requesting vegetarian meals.
Caldwell, NJ
Permit No. 1363
Please check any of the following that apply:
U.S. Postage
Registration Form (continued)
I am requesting vegan meals.
Have questions? Call 908-273-1100, Ext.20, or email us at [email protected]
I am interested in attending the following workshops:
Special Event Fundraising in Today’s
Economic Climate
Family Mentoring—a Friend, an Advocate,
a Bridge to the Community
Transforming Your Board Members into
Fundraising Dynamos
Tapping into Strengths: The Family Promise
Fundraising Plan
Mental Health: Addressing the Issue
The HEARTH Act and You
Trauma-Informed Services
Family Promise = Housing First
Building a Successful Board-Director Relationship
Compass Points—Understanding Teamwork
News at 11
Affiliate Housing Programs: Many Models,
One Goal
Graduating Success: Housing Retention
Introduce, Cultivate, Ask
Teenagers—A Time of Transition
Funding Strategies for Religious Sources
I hope you will join me in Salt Lake City from September 23-25 for our 11th
National Conference. The theme of this year’s conference, Moving Mountains, truly
embodies the spirit of what happens every day in every one of our Affiliates
throughout the nation. You are all “moving mountains” to ensure that our guest
families have a brighter future.
The conference will feature two phenomenal guest speakers whose backgrounds
include examining the connection between faith and culture. Diana Butler Bass is
a best-selling author, acclaimed speaker and independent scholar specializing in
American religion and culture. She has written seven books, including A People’s
History of Christianity: The Other Side of the Story, which defines compassion,
hospitality and social justice as the primary functions of the church. Rabbi Michael
Lerner, from the Bay Area congregation Beyt Tikkun, is editor of Tikkun magazine, a
bimonthly Jewish and interfaith critique of politics, culture and society. He is also
the author and editor of more than a dozen books on faith, reconciliation and
As always, we are offering a wide range of workshops that address the needs of
Family Promise staff, board members and volunteers. Back by popular demand, we
will be presenting workshops on such universal topics as strategic board
development, special event fundraising and housing retention services. Managing
difficult volunteers, addressing mental health issues and positioning yourself as a
Housing First Agency are also on the conference schedule. Come learn more about
how to develop a fundraising plan to strengthen your Affiliate, how the HEARTH
Act will impact your work, and how to avoid problems that can make your Affiliate
front-page news. I promise you will discover new ideas and approaches that will
benefit your work with homeless families.
How Not to Make the Front Page
Recharge!—Avoiding Burnout
“The Homeless Didn’t Like My Casserole”
Cancellation Policy
11 National
September 23-25, 2011
Salt Lake City, Utah
August 22!
Don’t Miss the Early Registration Deadline:
An interfaith worship service
featuring the Family Promise
Conference Choir!
An opportunity to enjoy an
evening in Park City
Home of the Sundance Film
Powerful workshops
offering strategies and best
practices from experts and
Affiliate leaders
Conference Highlights
We thank our generous sponsors, who have helped make this conference possible:
keynote speakers
and seasoned workshop leaders
Thanks to Our Conference Sponsors
Exciting, motivational
71 Summit Avenue
Summit, NJ 07901
All cancellations must be received in writing. A full refund of the conference fee will be made for cancellations
postmarked on or before August 26, 2011. An amount of $75 will be deducted for cancellations postmarked
August 27 through September 9, 2011. No portion of the registration fee is refundable for cancellations
postmarked on or after September 10, 2011. Hotel rooms should be cancelled by calling the hotel directly.
But much of the real benefit of attending a Family Promise conference happens
more by chance, in the connections that are made during breaks or meals or after
a workshop ends. When one Affiliate Director turns to another and says,“We had a
similar situation.This is how we handled it. Do you want to talk more?” Our
conferences provide you with an opportunity to connect with others who are
“moving mountains” to end family homelessness in America. I’m sure the
experience will leave you recharged and refreshed, able to better serve the
families that depend upon you.
So come to Salt Lake City, ringed by the majestic Wasatch Range, and celebrate our
successes! See you in September.
Karen Olson
Friday, September 23, 2011
Sessions for staff and board members begin early Friday morning,
so plan to arrive on Thursday.
For Network Directors and Case Management Staff
Staff-only sessions are tailored to help staff adopt key strategies and best practices that
will deepen and strengthen services for families.
7:00 a.m.
8:30 a.m.
10:15 a.m.
12:00 p.m.
1:30 p.m.
– 8:15 a.m.
– 10:00 a.m.
– 11:45 a.m.
– 1:15 p.m.
– 3:00 p.m.
Breakfast and Registration
Session I
Session II
Session III
For Board Members and Developing Network Representatives
From governance to communications, board leaders will acquire skills and
knowledge to maximize resources that will help families thrive. Cultivating funding,
building leadership and recruiting congregations will be among the topics covered
in the sessions.
8:00 a.m.
9:30 a.m.
12:00 p.m.
1:30 p.m.
3:00 p.m.
– 9:15 a.m.
– 11:30 a.m.
– 1:15 p.m.
- 2:45 p.m.
– 4:15 p.m.
Breakfast and Registration
Roundtable Discussion
Working Sessions
Working Sessions
For Coordinators
Host week is intense but brings immeasurable gifts to the congregation. Share with
and learn from your peers the strategies that make for a successful and fulfilling
host week.
1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.
2:15 p.m. – 3:45 p.m.
Working Session
4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
Registration, if not previously registered
Opening Dinner & Conference Kick-off
Moving Mountains: Former Guests Speak
8:00 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.
Family Promise Karaoke Event
For All
(continues on back)
(These help us determine schedule and frequency; additional workshops will be offered as well.
Workshop registration will take place at the conference.)
Dear Friends,
Conference at a Glance
I am requesting vegetarian meals.
Caldwell, NJ
Permit No. 1363
Please check any of the following that apply:
U.S. Postage
Registration Form (continued)
I am requesting vegan meals.
Have questions? Call 908-273-1100, Ext.20, or email us at [email protected]
I am interested in attending the following workshops:
Special Event Fundraising in Today’s
Economic Climate
Family Mentoring—a Friend, an Advocate,
a Bridge to the Community
Transforming Your Board Members into
Fundraising Dynamos
Tapping into Strengths: The Family Promise
Fundraising Plan
Mental Health: Addressing the Issue
The HEARTH Act and You
Trauma-Informed Services
Family Promise = Housing First
Building a Successful Board-Director Relationship
Compass Points—Understanding Teamwork
News at 11
Affiliate Housing Programs: Many Models,
One Goal
Graduating Success: Housing Retention
Introduce, Cultivate, Ask
Teenagers—A Time of Transition
Funding Strategies for Religious Sources
I hope you will join me in Salt Lake City from September 23-25 for our 11th
National Conference. The theme of this year’s conference, Moving Mountains, truly
embodies the spirit of what happens every day in every one of our Affiliates
throughout the nation. You are all “moving mountains” to ensure that our guest
families have a brighter future.
The conference will feature two phenomenal guest speakers whose backgrounds
include examining the connection between faith and culture. Diana Butler Bass is
a best-selling author, acclaimed speaker and independent scholar specializing in
American religion and culture. She has written seven books, including A People’s
History of Christianity: The Other Side of the Story, which defines compassion,
hospitality and social justice as the primary functions of the church. Rabbi Michael
Lerner, from the Bay Area congregation Beyt Tikkun, is editor of Tikkun magazine, a
bimonthly Jewish and interfaith critique of politics, culture and society. He is also
the author and editor of more than a dozen books on faith, reconciliation and
As always, we are offering a wide range of workshops that address the needs of
Family Promise staff, board members and volunteers. Back by popular demand, we
will be presenting workshops on such universal topics as strategic board
development, special event fundraising and housing retention services. Managing
difficult volunteers, addressing mental health issues and positioning yourself as a
Housing First Agency are also on the conference schedule. Come learn more about
how to develop a fundraising plan to strengthen your Affiliate, how the HEARTH
Act will impact your work, and how to avoid problems that can make your Affiliate
front-page news. I promise you will discover new ideas and approaches that will
benefit your work with homeless families.
How Not to Make the Front Page
Recharge!—Avoiding Burnout
“The Homeless Didn’t Like My Casserole”
Cancellation Policy
11 National
September 23-25, 2011
Salt Lake City, Utah
August 22!
Don’t Miss the Early Registration Deadline:
An interfaith worship service
featuring the Family Promise
Conference Choir!
An opportunity to enjoy an
evening in Park City
Home of the Sundance Film
Powerful workshops
offering strategies and best
practices from experts and
Affiliate leaders
Conference Highlights
We thank our generous sponsors, who have helped make this conference possible:
keynote speakers
and seasoned workshop leaders
Thanks to Our Conference Sponsors
Exciting, motivational
71 Summit Avenue
Summit, NJ 07901
All cancellations must be received in writing. A full refund of the conference fee will be made for cancellations
postmarked on or before August 26, 2011. An amount of $75 will be deducted for cancellations postmarked
August 27 through September 9, 2011. No portion of the registration fee is refundable for cancellations
postmarked on or after September 10, 2011. Hotel rooms should be cancelled by calling the hotel directly.
But much of the real benefit of attending a Family Promise conference happens
more by chance, in the connections that are made during breaks or meals or after
a workshop ends. When one Affiliate Director turns to another and says,“We had a
similar situation.This is how we handled it. Do you want to talk more?” Our
conferences provide you with an opportunity to connect with others who are
“moving mountains” to end family homelessness in America. I’m sure the
experience will leave you recharged and refreshed, able to better serve the
families that depend upon you.
So come to Salt Lake City, ringed by the majestic Wasatch Range, and celebrate our
successes! See you in September.
Karen Olson
Friday, September 23, 2011
Sessions for staff and board members begin early Friday morning,
so plan to arrive on Thursday.
For Network Directors and Case Management Staff
Staff-only sessions are tailored to help staff adopt key strategies and best practices that
will deepen and strengthen services for families.
7:00 a.m.
8:30 a.m.
10:15 a.m.
12:00 p.m.
1:30 p.m.
– 8:15 a.m.
– 10:00 a.m.
– 11:45 a.m.
– 1:15 p.m.
– 3:00 p.m.
Breakfast and Registration
Session I
Session II
Session III
For Board Members and Developing Network Representatives
From governance to communications, board leaders will acquire skills and
knowledge to maximize resources that will help families thrive. Cultivating funding,
building leadership and recruiting congregations will be among the topics covered
in the sessions.
8:00 a.m.
9:30 a.m.
12:00 p.m.
1:30 p.m.
3:00 p.m.
– 9:15 a.m.
– 11:30 a.m.
– 1:15 p.m.
- 2:45 p.m.
– 4:15 p.m.
Breakfast and Registration
Roundtable Discussion
Working Sessions
Working Sessions
For Coordinators
Host week is intense but brings immeasurable gifts to the congregation. Share with
and learn from your peers the strategies that make for a successful and fulfilling
host week.
1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.
2:15 p.m. – 3:45 p.m.
Working Session
4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
Registration, if not previously registered
Opening Dinner & Conference Kick-off
Moving Mountains: Former Guests Speak
8:00 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.
Family Promise Karaoke Event
For All
(continues on back)
(These help us determine schedule and frequency; additional workshops will be offered as well.
Workshop registration will take place at the conference.)
Dear Friends,
Conference at a Glance