2009_pamphlet (3)
2009_pamphlet (3)
Registration Form Nursing With Power and Passion Conference Name ____________________________________________________________________________________ Address __________________________________________________________________________________ Phone Home ___________ Work ____________Fax _____________ E-mail address ____________________ Please check off your professional title: PhD __ LPN ___ NP ___ RN ___ MN ____ Retired __ Student ___ Please fax your registration form to 902-667-4176 or Mail to: East Coast Holistic Health Ltd. 158 Robert Angus Drive May 7th, 8th & 9th, 2009 Wandlyn Inn - Amherst, Nova Scotia, Canada Amherst, NS B4H 4R7 Please make payments by cheque, Mastercard or Visa Cheques may be made payable to East Coast Holistic Health Ltd. Amount $ ________ Visa ___ M/C ___ Cheque enclosed ____ Credit card ____________________________________________ Expiry Date _____________________ Name on card __________________________________________ Signature ______________________________________________ Fees for Nursing with Power & Passion Conference: The Conference fee includes registration, meals and all presentations. You can choose a registration fee that includes a 30 minute massage, manicure or skin care products that have a retail value of $50.00. With Spa Treatment: On or before December 15, 2008: On or After December 16, 2008: Retired Nurse or Student Nurse Fee: $329.00 + hst = $371.77 $349.00 + hst = $394.37 $299.00 + hst = $337.87 Without Spa Treatment: On or before December 15, 2008: On or After December 16, 2008: Retired Nurse or Student Nurse Fee: $299.00 + hst = $337.87 $319.00 + hst = $360.47 $279.00 + hst = $315.27 If you have included a spa Treatment or product in your registration fee, please indicate which one of the three you would prefer: 30 minute massage ____ 30 minute manicure ____ Skin care products Value ($50.00) ____ A $25.00 procession fee will charged for cancellations. Personal Wellness Evidence Based Practice To Motivate and Educate Nurses Cancellation deadline is April 17, 2009. No refunds will be issued after April 17, 2009. Please indicate below which Breakout Session s you would like to attend (see___) Friday, May 8, 2009 Wellness Breakout Session A Clinical Breakout Session A Spirituality ____ Assessment Tools in Geriatrics ____ 1415h Wellness Breakout Session B Clinical Breakout Session B Lifestyle & Balance ____ Head to Toe Infant Assessment ____ Saturday May 9, 2009 1000h Wellness Breakout Session C Clinical Breakout Session C Finding Passion & Fulfillment ____ Immunization Update ____ Friday May 8, 2009 1000h This conference is designed to re-ignite the Passion inside of you for the nursing profession. At the end of the conference you will be empowered by increasing your clinical knowledge and re-discover the importance of strengthening your own spirit. This conference is developed and organized by nurses and every presenter is a nurse. Some comments from nurses that attended the Nursing with Power & Passion Conference last year were: • “Excellent conference ….. Re-enforced why I wanted to be and still am a nurse!” • “Please do this again next year!” • “I feel enriched and blessed to have been a part of it.” • “Thank you for the positive reinforcement of the importance of what we do.” THURSDAY MAY 7, 2009 Registration and Social Time Dinner Knowing Me; Knowing You The Nurse in You: Inspirational Stories Open Mike and Karokee FRIDAY MAY 8, 2009 Yoga Registration and Breakfast Buffet Opening Session Primaary Health Care Wellness Breakout Session A Spirituality Clinical Breakout Session A Assessment Tools in Geriatrics Nutrition Break PMS, Pre-Menopause & Menopause Lunch Break Optimal management of Chronic Diseases Wellness Breakout Session B Lifestyle & Balance Clinical Breakout Session B Head to Toe Infant Assessment Nutrition Break Tour Downtown Amherst Light Dinner Buffet PRESENTERS TIME 1700h 1800h 1900h LOCATION Cumberland Room Cumberland Room Cumberland Room 1930h Cumberland Room All welcome to participate 2030h Cumberland Room PRESENTERS All welcome to participate Lindsay Moore TIME 0700h - 0800h 0800h 0900h - 1000h LOCATION Salon A Cumberland Room Cumberland Room Bertha Brennan 1000h -1100h Salon A Cheryl Smith 1100h 1115h - 1215h 1215h - 1315h 1315h - 1415h Cumberland Room Cumberland Room Cumberland Room Speaker TBA 1415h - 1515h Salon A Martha Nutbrown 1415h - 1515h Salon C 1515h 1600h - 1700h 1700h - 1800h Cumberland Room Elizabeth Smith-McCrossin & Shirley Mack Selected Nurses Nursing With Power and Passion Conference Let’s bring passion back to nursing!!! This conference is designed to provide Nurses with an outstanding opportunity to combine a stimulating conference with a study of wellness. This conference has been organized by nurses, will be presented by nurses, for nurses! What will I gain from this conference? You’ll leave this conference with a renewed sense of enthusiam and confidence. You can be assured that you’ll walk away from The Nursing with Power and Passion conference with new knowledge and valuable skills you will be able to put to use immediately. We are confident this conference will re-ignite the passion for nursing in all of us! Nancy Kelly-O’Sullivan Speaker TBA What areas will be covered at the conference? The conference has breakout sessions that cover three ares of focus: 1. Assessments 2. Evidence-based Practice 3. Personal Wellness There are 18 breakout sessions and you have the opportunity to choose which 6 sessions you would like to attend. Attend the sessions that will meet your needs. It is a smorgasbord of opportunities to improve your performance. Included in the registration fee is either a 30 minute massage, manicure or skin care products with a value of $30.00. There will also be yoga classes early Friday and Saturday mornings. The Nursing with Power and Passion Conference is designed for busy people like you ~ busy professionals who recognize the value of education within nursing. We all want to learn, and this is an amazing opportunity for all nurses! Attend the conference and hear our exeptional speakers!! Entertainment “Nurses Idol” Post-Idol Party SATURDAY MAY 9, 2009 Yoga Breakfast Naturopathic Nutrition Wellness Breakout Session C Finding Passion and Fulfilment Clinical Breakout Session C Immunization Update Coffee & Tea Break Mindfulness in Nursing Lunch to be held in conjuction with Power and Passion in Nursing - Panel/group Discussion Amherst Regional High School Wandlyn Inn PRESENTERS 1930h - 2200h 2200h - Midnight Lisa McNiven Dawn Burke TIME 0700h - 0800h 0800h 0900h - 1000h 1000h -1045h LOCATION Salon A Cumberland Room Cumberland Room Salon A Martha Nutbrown 1000h -1045h Salon C 1100h - 1200h 1200h - 1315h The conference is being held at the Wandlyn Inn in Amherst. If you need hotel accommodations, please make your own arrangements. Please indicate you are attending the Nursing with Power and Passion Conference. 1045h - 1100h Mary Campbell Panel Speakers & All Participants For additional information, please visit www.echh.ca call 1 -902-669-0299, or email at [email protected] Cumberland Room Cumberland Room Wandlyn Inn Phone: 1-902-667-3331 Fax: 1-902-667-0475 Toll Free Reservations: 1-800-561-0000 Website: www.wandlyninns.com Other accommodations: Super 8 Motel: 1-800-800-8000 Comfort Inn: 1-800-228-5150 Regent Bed and Breakfast 1-902-667-7676