A Look Inside
A Look Inside
S U M M E R 2 0 1 6 4 A Look Inside... 4 4 Kimochi San Mateo The Tomoye & Henri Takahashi Center Open House 8 Kimochi Events Consul General of Japan reception & 49th Annual Cherry Blossom Festival 9 2016 Spirit Awards Honoring those that continue to give back 10 Volunteer Spotlight The Dynamic Duo 9 8 8 10 8 9 Stay connected with Kimochi, Inc. 9 @kimochikai, #kimochikai 1 A Message from the Executive Director 事務局長からのメセージ 今年、気持会は創立45周年、大いなる節目を迎えま This year we celebrate Kimochi’s 45th anniversary, a tremendous milestone for our organization. We have come a long way since opening Kimochi’s first site in the Japan Center, West Mall. And it is with great pride that we mark our 45th year with the completion of construction at Kimochi San Mateo, The Tomoye and Henri Takahashi Center. す。思えば、ジャパンセンター、ウエストモールに最初 の気持会施設をオープンして以来、長い道のりを歩い て来ました。気持会サンマテオ、 トモエ/ヘンリー・タ カハシセンター の建設工事完了で気持会45周年を 迎えられるのは誇らしい限りです。 ここまで気持会の活動を指揮することができました Through it all, it has been my honor to lead Kimochi. のを光栄に思います。2016年10月31日をもちまし Steve Nakajo MSW, On October 31st, I will retire as Executive Director. Executive Director て、私は事務局長職より退くことに致しました。アクテ This is a difficult thing to do – how do you retire as ィビストとして、引退を決断するのは並大抵のことで an activist? But it is time to turn the reins over to a new generation はありませんでした。しかし、 この手綱を次世代のリーダーシップに of leadership. 引き渡す時が来ました。 A very important part of our succession plan names Steve Ishii, Kimochi Associate Director, as the new Executive Director effective November 1, 2016. Ishii has been my invaluable right hand, steering day-to-day operations and has been instrumental in spearheading Kimochi San Mateo. He has been with the organization for 40 years and knows the company inside and out. The Board of Directors and I have every faith in his leadership. 次世代のリーダーとして、気持会現副事務局長スティーブ・イシイ 氏を、今年11月1日付で気持会新事務局長に任命 することに決定 しました。イシイ氏は、日常業務をこなす上で、また気持会サンマテ オの指揮をとる中、私の欠くことのできない大切な右腕でした。同氏 の気持会における勤務年数は40年以上にも及び、組織を熟知して います。取締役会と私は彼のリーダーシップに全幅の信頼を置いて おります。 These last several months, as we have been involved in succession planning, many memories have flooded back to me…of the incredible staff, the volunteers, friends and families in our community, our corporate supporters – and our seniors. I have been overwhelmed by your kindness and generosity. ここ数ヶ月、業務引き継ぎのプランを練っていると、たくさんの記憶 が巡り蘇ります。コミュニティーの素晴らしいスタッフ、ボランティ ア、友人、ファミリー、そして賛同企業の各社。皆さんの優しさと、寛 大さに思いを馳せ、感無量です。 As I move on to other new ventures in my life, you will always be close to my heart. October is still a few months away, so I hope you will come by Kimochi and visit with me. I will continue to hold the organization dear to me and look forward to staying in touch. 私は自分自身の人生の新しい章を始めますが、私の心はいつでも 気持会コミュニティーの皆様が占めています。10月の引退までまだ 時間はありますが、皆様どうぞお気軽に気持会の私のオフィスまで お寄り下さい。私にとって気持会は永遠にかけがえのない大切なも の、 これからも何らかの形で関わっていく次第です。 スティーブ・ナカジョウ 事務局長 Steve Nakajo Executive Director Kimochi, Inc. 2016 Board of Directors Paul Chin, Chairperson Hiroshi Shimizu, Vice Chairperson Mary Ishisaki, Secretary Mark Moriguchi Treasurer Rod Henmi Mari Kawaguchi Ellen Kiyomizu Eric Kobuchi 2 Benh Nakajo Peter Namkung John Noguchi Kyle Oura Dennis Sato Michi Yukawa Jane Yura Our Deepest Gratitude and Thanks to Steve Nakajo A Message from Kimochi Board of Directors 気持会取締役会より:スティーブ・ナカジョウ氏に深い感謝の意を表します。 過去数ヶ月、取締役会とスティーブ・ナカジョウ氏は、今年10月末をも Over the last several months, the Board of Directors and Steve Nakajo have been working through a succession plan that prepares for Steve’s retirement at the end of October 2016. He has served almost continuously for 45 years, first as co-founder of Kimochi, with Sandy Mori, in 1971, to serving as our long-time Executive Director and Kimochi ambassador to our communities. We cannot thank Steve enough for his leadership. って退職するナカジョウ氏の業務引き継ぎ構想案を練ってきました。同 氏は1971年にサンディー・モリ氏と気持会を発足し、45年の間、事務 局長として務め上げ、気持会のコミュニティーへの窓口役に尽力されま した。 ナカジョウ氏のリーダーシップには感謝に堪えません。 45年間の功績を数えると枚挙に暇がありません。全国的に気持会が 認知されたこと、私共の目的とケアへの考え方を貫くこと、文化に対応 With those 45 years came great accomplishments: national recognition of Kimochi, protection of our mission and philosophy of care, a network of culturally-sensitive programs and services, establishment of Kimochi Home in 1983, and most recently the completion of Kimochi San Mateo. All in all, it is a 45-year career of great substance with advocacy at its core for one of our most valuable populations. したプログラムやサービス・ネットワークを築いたこと、1983年に気持 会ホームを設立したこと、 そしてごく最近のことになりますが、気持会サ ンマテオが完成したことが挙げられます。やはり、45年間の実りあるキ ャリアの根底は、最も大切な年齢層に応じたサービスであると言えまし ょう。 5月14日に行われた気持会スピリット授賞式で、ナカジョウ氏は心の At the May 14th Kimochi Spirit Awards, Nakajo made his heartfelt public announcement and thanked the many friends, colleagues and supporters who have been with him on this journey. He also announced that Steve Ishii, Kimochi Associate Director, will assume leadership as the new Executive Director effective November 1, 2016. Ishii has been with the organization for 40 years managing day-to-day operations, human resources, with oversight of financials. On top of these responsibilities, he has led the Kimochi San Mateo project from start to completion. こもったスピーチをし、多くの友人たち、同僚、支持者各位に感謝の意 を述べました。 また、気持会現副事務局長であるスティーブ・イシイ氏 が今年11月1日から新事務局長に就任することが発表されました。イ シイ氏の気持会における勤続年数は40年以上にも及び、 ナカジョウ氏 の右腕として日常業務、人事や会計監督をこなしてきました。上記の職 務の他、同氏は気持会サンマテオ・プロジェクトを当初から最後まで指 揮、活躍してこられました。 プログラムディレクターのアナ・サワムラ・ヒガキ氏と経理担当管理者 Ishii will continue to have the support of Anna Sawamura Higaki, Director of Programs, and Rod Valdepenas, Controller, as key partners. The Board has been in preparations with Ishii for his new role. We congratulate him on this new challenge -- we have great confidence in his leadership abilities and will have his back. のロッド・ヴァルデペナス氏が、 引き続きイシイ氏の大切なパートナーと してサポートします。取締役会はイシイ氏の引継ぎ計画を進める中、同 氏の事務局長就任を歓迎すると共に、同氏のリーダーシップ能力を確 信し支持致します。 来る10月15日(土)、気持会はカブキホテルにてスティーブ・ナカジョ On Saturday, October 15th, Kimochi will be holding a celebratory night for Steve Nakajo at the Kabuki Hotel to honor him for his leadership and celebrate his service. Mark the date on your calendars! More news will be forthcoming on this event. ウ氏を祝福する夕べを開催し、同氏のリーダーシップを称え、功績を祝 います。是非、 ご参加下さい。 このイベントに関する情報は後日送付さ れます。 The wonderful thing is we will not lose him. “I have lived my life with Kimochi, and it will always be in my heart,” says Nakajo. “The seniors will never be far from my thoughts and I will volunteer as needed in the true Kimochi Spirit.” Thank you very much, Steve, you have our heartfelt respect and appreciation. 気持会はナカジョウ氏を失うことはありません。 「 私は自分の人生を気 持会と共に生きてきました。だから気持会はいつも私の心の中にあり ます。 シニアの方々はいつも私の頭の片隅にいますし、必要に応じて気 持会の精神でボランティアして行きます」 と同氏は語ります。 ナカジョウ 氏、 どうもありがとうございました。私共から敬意と感謝の意を申し上 げます。 3 Kimochi San Mateo The Tomoye and Henri Takahashi Center Open House 気持会サンマテオトモエ/ヘンリー・タカハシセンターオープンハウス 去る二月二十二日、大いに期待されるなか、気持会の新サンマテオ After much anticipation, Kimochi held a ribbon cutting ceremony on February 22nd in celebration of the opening of the agency’s new San Mateo senior care facility. Along with Kimochi’s numerous supporters, staff and board members, San Mateo City Councilman Rick Bonilla, Senator Jerry Hill, Japan Consul General Jun Yamada and Congresswoman Jackie Speier were in attendance. Each official gave congratulatory and heartfelt remarks to commemorate Kimochi’s new beginning in the Peninsula. Bay Area broadcast journalist, Jan Yanehiro, hosted the event, introducing several key players whose collective efforts were instrumental in the funding and construction of the facility. シニアケア施設のオープニングを祝うリボンカット•セレモニーが開 催されました。それぞれ、ペニンシュラ地区における気持会の新しい 門出への心からの祝辞を述べて下さいました。気持会の多くの気持 会賛同者、スタッフ、委員たちの他に、サンマテオ市会議員リック•ボ ニヤ氏、在サンフランシスコ日本国総領事山田淳様、下院議員ジャ ッキー•スピア氏が参加して下さいました。米エリアの放送ジャーナ リスト、ジャン•ヤネヒロ氏がこのイベントのホストを務め、当施設の 資金と建設に重要な役目を果たした立役者数名を紹介しました。 気持会理事長ポール•チン氏、ペニンシュラ•ヘルスケア地区委員長 ローレンス•カッペル氏は気持会にリボンカットする名誉を与え、公 Kimochi Board Chairman, Paul Chin, and Peninsula Health Care District (PHCD) Board Chairman, Lawrence Cappel, gave Kimochi the honor of cutting the ribbon, officially opening the doors of Kimochi San Mateo (KSM) to the public. Attendees took guided and self-guided tours through the facility and enjoyed light refreshments in the activity/dining area. Kimochi also held open houses on March 1st and 12th. 式に気持会サンマテオを一般公開しました。参加者たちは施設のガ イド付きツアーとガイド無しツアーに参加し、 アクティビティー/食堂エリアで軽食を楽しみました。気持会サンマ テオは三月一日、二日にもオープンハウスを開催しました。 大オープンは453ノースサンマテオドライブにある施設を購入した 4年後に達成できました。気持会サンマテオ名誉理事長のスティー The grand opening comes four years after the purchase of the facility at 453 North San Mateo Drive. KSM Capital Campaign Honorary Chair, Steve Okamoto, and KSM Co-Chairs, Sandy Mori and John Noguchi, spearheaded the capital campaign to raise the $2.5 million to open Kimochi’s newest site. ブ•ナカジョウ氏、気持会サンマテオ共同委員長サンディ•モリ氏、ジ ョン•ノグチ氏は資金調達キャンペーンの先頭に立ち、気持会会の 新施設オープンに向け2億5千ドルを集めて下さいました。 If you would like more information about Kimochi San Mateo or to support our KSM Capital Campaign, please contact Steve Ishii at [email protected] or Anna Sawamura Higaki at [email protected] or visit us online at www.kimochi-inc.org 4 Kimochi San Mateo Capital Campaign Kimochi, Inc. thanks the following donors (monetary and in-kind) for their generous contributions between October 1, 2015 - April 30, 2016. Names in bold identify those who have been honored in memory of or in honor of with a donation gift to Kimochi, Inc. Donations in Memory Of Ralph Aoki Rod Aoki Ben Ishisaki Thomas T. & Susan Ogawa George Morimoto Frank Eiichi Morimoto Marshall Sumida Julie Sumida June Eijima Thomas T. & Susan Ogawa Hana Abe Kawakami Tom Kawakami Sue Nakahara Sakaye Higashi Richard Takashima David Takashima Saibo Fujii Sharon M. Fujii Hisako Kudaoka Konno Thomas & June Konno Tyler Yamagishi Steve & Etsie Nakajo Edward H. Furukawa Bruce Furukawa Yoko Maemura Diane Nishioka David & Nadine Suyehiro Kazuo Ohsawa Steven Karl Stocker & Hitomi Ann Ohsawa Minoru Ikeda Willi & Minako Beusch Jennifer Ikeda Melinda Ikeda Roy H. & Joanne Ikeda Donations in Honor Of Fumiko Didomizio Hideko Rhoneelli Sango Harumi David & Fumiko DiDomizio Steve Ishii Steven N. & Lisa Tsuruoka Sandy Mori Harvey & Gay Kaplan Daphne Kwok Kimberly Oka Steve Nakajo Daphne Kwok Harry Nakamura Sharen Langewisch Hideko Takeshita Diane Takeshita Grant T. Tomioka David & Fumiko DiDomizio Kenneth Kitagawa & Katherine Mah T. Okamoto & Co. Takeo Okamoto Barbara C. Marumoto Sumi & Henry Yokoyama Ken & Nancy Yokoyama Woo Frank & Jane Sakai Robert L. Sakai Albert Mizuhara Chiyeko Tsuchitani Phyllis Scott Eric R. & Liane Scott Donations Mark Kento Abey & Jeanne Elaine Hong Anonymous Mitzi Brain Edwin & Irene Camerino Sherman & Dori Chan David & Fumiko DiDomizio Edson Fong & Pauline Ishisaki Kristine Hachiya Tanako Hagiwara May Hamamoto Tim Hamano John & Geraldine Handa Rod Henmi & Lisa Findley Harry & Sachiko Higaki Elaine Hori Hill Carle Hirahara Dina Hirahara Honda Rhonda Hirata Gary & Kathleen Hiroshima Tom Hoshiyama Satoru & Carolyn Hosoda Craig Ichiuji Ida’s Rest Home Ken & Karen Imatani Edward H. & Patricia Key Inoue David Ishida Mary Ishisaki Ann Yasuko Ito Japanese American Religious Federation K/T Foundation Kenneth & Adele Kaneda Akie Karahashi Ken & Guadalupe Kashiwahara Lewis S. Kawahara Masao & Masako Kawase Karen Kimura Kozo & Kathleen Kimura Ellen Kiyomizu Stella Kiyota Earl Kobayashi Edward Kobayashi Bryan Kodama Grace Kozen Yukiko Kuno Nana Kurosawa John Kwock Susan & John Kwock Donald & Pauline S. Lee Donna Lee Emory Lee & Ayleen Ito Lee Randall J. Lee & Ann Azama Market Garage, Inc. Isao S. Matsuura Mary Anne McGuire-Hickey Sachiko Mizuhara Chris & Cynthia Mochizuki Frank & June Morimoto Kazuomi & Setsuko Morimoto Stephen & Akio Morimoto 5 Saburo & Masako Nagumo Jane Naito June-Ko Nakagawa Benh Nakajo Scott & Sandy Nakamura Henry Nakata, Jr. Penny Nakatsu Nora Ng Clara M. Nishimoto John & Diane Noguchi Thomas T. & Susan Ogawa Bradley Okamoto Sasayo Okazaki Okino Trust Karen Ono & Greg Yee Edward K. & Yuko M. Onuma Doug & Gladys Ota Pacific Gas and Electric Company-San Francisco Helen Ripple Gene & Brenda Roh Nancy H. Rubin Masaru & Kinuye Sagara The San Francisco Japantown Foundation San Mateo Buddhist Temple San Mateo Buddhist Temple Buddhist Women’s Association LaVerne & Helen Sasaki Kyoko Sasano Dalma Sato Donations continued Dennis & Susie Sato Noriko Sato Kenneth & Helen Sato Beau Simon Sturge Presbyterian Church Miyako Sueyoshi Roy Sutow Seiji & Nancy Suzuki Jerrold Haruo Takahashi & Terri Ann Kim Ricky & Candace Takahashi Takahashi Market Kenta & Naoko Takamori Rodney M. Takemoto Hitoshi & Mariko Takeshita Dean & Gail Tanaka Simon S. & Theo D. Teng Dani Tsuda Tule Lake Committee Minoru & Toyoko Ueda Andrew Urushima L. Wakida Kenneth Wu & Amy Takemoto Dick & Jan Yamagami Paul Yamagishi Karen Yamamoto Keith & Pat Yanagi Marcella Yano Jason Yasumoto Bradley Yee & Joyce Ashiwa-Yee Tobias & Tomoko Yeh Glen & Joy Yokoyama Craig & Pamela Yonemura Todd Yonemura Akemi Yoshimoto Robert & Susan Yoshioka Doreen Yui Vickie E. Yumoto Ways of Giving to Kimochi San Mateo There are many ways that you can support Kimochi San Mateo. Here are some of the current giving options: 気持会サンマテオへのサポート方法は沢山あります。 ごく最近の寄付の選択方法は以下のとおりです。 Founders Wall of Appreciation 創立者の壁 Naming Opportunities 名称権利 BAMBOO WOOD (laser engraved with donor name) Equipment Donations 設備用品等への寄贈 Kimochi San Mateo Capital Campaign Committee Steve Okamoto, Honorary Chair David Ishida June-ko Nakagawa Diana Okamoto Sandy Mori, Co-chair Ellen Kiyomizu Peter Namkung Dennis Sato John Noguchi, Co-chair Eiichi Morimoto Ann Ohsawa Ted Yamagishi 6 Kimochi Volunteer Program ボランティア・プログラム 気持会では、いろいろなプログラムやサービス、資金調達などの活 Volunteers are a much needed and relied upon resource within Kimochi’s Programs & Services and Fundraisers. It is with the assistance of volunteers that Kimochi is successful in providing a continuum of care for seniors. From as little as one hour to a few hours a day, your volunteer support makes a huge difference. There are many areas in which you can volunteer: 動に協力いただくボランティアを求めています。そのサポートがあっ てこそ気持会の活動が続けられ、シニアの皆さんのお世話ができま す。たとえ一日に1時間から数時間でもかまいません、皆さんのサポ ートが必要です。 食事のお世話 月曜日から金曜日、その必要に応じて活動の時間帯は変わります。 Nutrition Program Times vary depending on need, Monday through Friday. 食事の用意:キッチンスタッフのアシスタントとして、ホームで提供 する食事と、宅配用の食事の準備をしていただきます。 Food Preparation: Assist kitchen staff in the food preparation of meals including both congregate and home-delivered meals 配膳:毎日400人前後のシニアへの配膳、食器の片付け、またダイ ニングルームのセッティングなどがあります。 Congregate Meals: On-site assistance in serving meals, bussing and re-setting of dining room for as many as 400 seniors daily 宅配:毎日平均して120人分の食事を在宅のシニアに届けます。配 達には徒歩や運転など、さまざまな方法があります。ボランティアの Home Delivered Meals: We deliver an average of 120 meals daily to home-bound seniors and we have many delivery routes that involve walking or driving. Volunteers can walk and deliver, or accompany and assist the Home Delivered Meal Driver in providing much needed meals 5 days a week 皆さんには、徒歩やあるいはドライバーのアシスタントとして配達の サポートをしていただきます。 気持ちホーム 年間を通して活動してくださる方を求めています。時間帯は月曜か ら金曜日の午前9時から午後5時です。 Kimochi Home Volunteers are needed Monday-Friday year round, between the hours of 9:00 am to 5:00 pm エスコート:毎日の散歩や外出のお供をしていただきます。 受付:電話の応対や、シニアや来客への対応。 プログラム:ビンゴや、さまざまなゲーム、アート&クラフト、書道な Escorts: Escort our seniors on daily walks or on an outing ど、シニアがグループで活動する際のアシスタントをしていただきま Receptionists: Answer phones and greet our seniors and guests す。 Activities: Assist seniors in group activities from Bingo, Games, Arts & Crafts, and Calligraphy to name a few. ソーシャルサービスボランティア Social Services Volunteers are needed Monday-Friday year round, between the hours of 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. 4 hours minimum per week. 6 months minimum commitment. ティアが必要です。最低週4時間のボランティアを少なくとも半年は 年間を通して月曜日から金曜日の午前9時から午後3時までボラン お願いしております。 エスコート: 様々なアポイントメントにシニアをエスコート。 フレンドリービジター: 自宅や老人ホームで孤立してしまうシニア を定期的に訪ねて、お話相手になります。 Escorts: Escort seniors to their appointments. 資金集め Friendly Visitors: Visit and provide companionship to seniors who are isolated at home or at nursing home on a regular basis. 年間を通して、資金集めのためのイベントを行っています。 Fundraisers Schedule based on date of event, year round opportunities 資金の調達は、気持会ならではのさまざまなプログラムやサービス を維持するのに欠かせません。人気がある「テリバーガー」の販売、 Fundraisers are an integral piece of our Programs and Services. 「三世ライブ!」など数々のイベントでは、実行委員会のメンバーと Without them, we could not provide the level of programs and して皆さんが参加してくださることで資金調達が可能となります。何 よりもボランティア同士が出会い、協力し、 ともに活動できるのが大 services that we are known for. Whether selling our famous Teriきな魅力です。ぜひご参加ください。 burgers or being part of a committee like Sansei Live!, your services are key to a successful fundraiser. Plus, it is a great way to meet other volunteers and work together! 7 Kimochi Event Happenings 気持ち会のイベントそれぞれ Japan Consul General Reception In honor of Kimochi’s 45th anniversary, the Consul General of Japan hosted a reception on March 16th to celebrate the agency’s commitment to seniors of the Japanese American community. It was held at the Consul General’s residence overlooking the Bay and Golden Gate Bridge. Advisor for Community Affairs Yoshiro Tasaka helped host the event, and Deputy Consul General Nobuhiro Watanabe gave a moving speech commemorating the agency’s milestone. Kimochi Board Chairman Paul Chin toasted to a new beginning for the agency and recent opening of Kimochi San Mateo. 日本総領事館レセプション 気持会45周年を讃えて、在サンフランシスコ日本国総領事山田淳様 がさる三月一六日、気持会の日系コミュニティー高齢者へのコミット メントを祝うレセプションを開催して下さいました。 レセプションはサ ンフランシスコ湾とゴールデンゲートブリッジを見下ろす総領事館 邸宅にて開催されました。政務班担当のヨシヒロ•タサカ様がイベン ト開催に協力して下さいました。 そして、首席領事の永吉昭一様は気 持会の節目を祝う感動的な式辞を述べて下さいました。気持会理事 長ポール•チン氏は気持会の新たな出発と気持会サンマテオのオー プニングに祝杯を挙げました。 2016 Cherry Blossom Festival Kimochi fired up the grill for the 49th Annual Cherry Blossom Festival, selling our famous Teriburgers. With the help of many dedicated volunteers, we churned out thousands of burgers to festival goers and community organizations. 2016年桜祭り 第49回桜祭りにて、例年通り、皆様が 楽しみにされている気持会のテリバー ガースタンドが出店されました。多くの 献身的なボランティアのおかげで、 お祭 りの参加者やコミュニティー組織のた めに、沢山のテリバーガーを生産・販売 することができました。 8 気持会スピリット賞授賞式がさる五月十四日 (土曜日) The Kimochi Spirit Awards was held on Saturday, May 14 at Sundance Kabuki Cinemas. Aaron Nakahara, Jeffrey Mori, Japan Airlines and Kinokuniya Bookstores were honored for their extraordinary service to the agency and community. Entertainment included George Yamasaki on the piano, Kimochi Odori Class and Kimochi Singing Class. Brenda Wong Aoki & Mark Izu closed out the program with a vignette from their show “Uncle Gunjiro’s Girlfriend.” The event also commemorated Kimochi’s 45th anniversary. Senator Mark Leno, Assemblymember Phil Ting, Assessor-Recorder Carmen Chu, Supervisor Jane Kim, Supervisor Aaron Peskin and Japan Consul General Jun Yamada were in attendance, each giving congratulatory remarks on the agency’s milestone. にサンダンス•カブキ•シネマで開催されました。 アーロ ン•ナカハラ氏、 ジェフリー•モリ氏、 日本航空、紀伊國 屋書店の気持会とコミュニティーへの秀でた功績に対 し名誉が授与されました。授賞式のエンターテイメント は、 ジョージ•ヤマサキ氏によるピアノ演奏、気持会踊り クラス、気持会歌唱クラスによるパフォーマンスでした。 ブレンダ• オング•アオキとマーク•イズが、来るショー「 グンジロウおじさんのガールフレンド」 からの一場面を演じて授賞式を締 めくくりました。 このイベントはまた、気持会の四十五周年を祝うもので もありました。 カリフォルニア州上院議員マーク•レノ氏、下院議委員フィ ル•ティング氏、 サンフランシスコ郡税査定官カルメ•ンチュー氏、 サンフ ランシスコ監督委員であるジェーン•キム氏とアロン•ペスキン氏、在サン フランシスコ日本国総領事山田淳様が参加し、各人が気持会の新しい節 目に対し、心からの祝辞を述べて下さいました。 Photos from top left clockwise: NBC Bay Area News Robert Handa & Steve Nakajo; 2016 Cherry Blossom Queen and Court with Kimochi Board member Dennis Sato, Kinokuniya Bookstores representative, Mr. Takeyoshi Sakai; Dave Mineta, Kimochi Spirit Award recipients - Japan Airlines representative, Mr. Makoto Maezawa, Aaron Nakahara, Jeff Mori with Steve Nakajo and Steve Ishii; Kimochi Singers; Kimochi Dancers; Brenda Wong Aoki, Mark Izu and Shoko Hikage. From the Kimochi Board, Staff & Volunteers Happy 112th Birthday Tameko Shijo タメコ シジョウさん百十二歳お誕生日おめでとう! 9 Kimochi Volunteer Spotlight 持会ボランティアスポットライト Shizue Mortensen and Shizuko Ikeda were both born in Japan シズエ・モーテンセンさんとシズコ・イケダさんは共に日本で生まれ、戦 and came to the United States with their husbands after the war. 後夫と渡米しました。 シズエさんのご主人は、万一自分に何かあったらい Shizue was encouraged by her husband to find けないと、 シズエさんも自分の仕事を見つけるよう奨めました。 シズエさ work just in case something happened んは手に職をつけるべく、電話帳で調べ、 カリフォルニア・ビューティー・ to him. She took the initiative to スクールを見つけました。彼女はここに進学し、 その後間もなくシズ check the yellow pages for places コ・イケダさんと出会います。 その時、 お二人はこの仕事上の関係、 she could learn a trade and found 友情関係が後の気持ホームにおける 「ダイナミック・ボランティア・ the California Beauty School. She デュオ」 に進化するとは知るすべもありませんでした。 enrolled in the program and soon met Shizuko Ikeda. Little did they Shizue Mortensen シズコさんはシズエさんにサンフランシスコの know that a working relationship and ご自分の美容室で一緒に働くよう勧め、 シ friendship would develop eventually leading them to become the “Dynamic ズエさんはそれに応じました。お二人は Shizuko Ikeda 2004年に美容室を売却し、退職される Volunteer Duo” at Kimochi Home. まで23年間一緒に働きました。 Shizuko encouraged Shizue to come work with her at シズエさんとシズコさんは当初、 シズエさん her beauty shop in San Francisco and she accepted. They worked together from 1981 until 2004 when Shizuko sold her のお客様の介護者から気持会について知りま business and the two retired together. した。 シズエさんは2005年1月2日に初めて気持ホ Shizue and Shizuko first heard about Kimochi from one of ームでボランティアをした日のことを覚えています。 お二人とも新年をポ Shizue’s customer’s caregivers. She remembers her first day as ジティブに始めたかったのでした。 シズエさんは週2回、 シズコさんは週3 a Kimochi Home volunteer was January 2, 2005. Both wanted 回ボランティアに来ることを決め、必要なことは何でもしますと申し出ま to start the new year off on a positive note. Shizue committed した。 そのうち二人とも電話応対、送り迎え、 おやつタイムのお茶やお菓 to coming in two days a week and Shizuko three, offering to do 子の提供、昼食を出すこと、 シニアをお医者様や美容室にお連れするこ anything that was needed. Both soon began answering phones, escorting clients to activities, serving tea and snacks at “oyatsu” と、 と何でもできるようになりました。 シズエさんとシズコさんは何でも引 time, serving lunch, helping seniors go to doctor and hair き受ける心意気でした。 appointments…you name it, Shizue and Shizuko were willing to シズエさんとシズコさんは思いやりがあり、心の優しい方たちで、 その素 do it. 晴らしい明るい雰囲気をボランティア活動する場に持ち込んでください Shizue and Shizuko are caring, compassionate, and bring a ます。 お二人にとって、 ボランティア活動で一番やりがいのあること、 それ wonderful upbeat attitude each day they help at program. Their は他の方たちの手助けをすることで温かい気持ちを頂くことだそうです。 most rewarding part of volunteering is the warm feeling they だからこそ、 お二人が気持ホームの 「ダイナミック・ボランティア・デュオ」 get from helping others. That is the reason they are our “Dynamic Volunteer Duo.” We are extremely fortunate to have both Shizue なのです。 シズエさんとシズコさんのような方々が気持会でボランティア and Shizuko with us! してくださるとは何と幸運なことでしょうか。 To inquire about volunteer opportunities, please call us at (415) 931-2294 or email us at [email protected] and we will be happy to assist in working out a schedule with you. 詳しくお知りになりたい方は、電話でもメイルでもご連絡ください。電話:(415) 931-2294 メイル:[email protected] 10 Kimochi Loves Our Volunteers! The continuing support of our program volunteers is vital to Kimochi’s efforts to provide care for our seniors. We are grateful for their dedication. Listed are Kimochi program volunteers from October 1, 2015 – April 31, 2016. Serena Algou Jean Fukunaga Wilson Lam Nora Ng David Tsai Lae America Kiki Goforth Bascia Lassus Henry Nguy Betty Tsugawa Bryn Anderson Amy Hanamoto Alfred Lee Phillip Nguyen John Tsukamoto Genevieve Anderson Margaret Harada Mabel LeeVilla Joy Oganeku Mitsuko Umemoto Akiko Arikawa Pat Hattori Yvonne Leong June Ohara Diana Victi Kiel Atkinson Tamari Hedani Christian Lew George Ohwa Jonathan Wan Vidya Balakrishma Masa Hirayama Jian Ting Li Yoko Okamoto Nicholas Wang Haruyo Balistreri Teresa Ho Kingston Li Mitsuko Omachi Miles Watkins Anita Beckley Hanako Honda Jhin Lim Ryo Ono Kent Winkler James Broadus Seok Young Hong Tomoko Lipp Yuni Park Brandon Wong Colin Carr Ken Hosoda Andrew Liu Minako Perkins Mary Wong Jan Cash Wei-Lun Hsu Yoshiko Lohuis Minako Phyper Ryan Wong Angie Chan Noah Hunt Drake Lowe Kenneth Roberts Leslie Woosley Brian Chang Shigeko Ichikawa Nathaniel Lowe Vincent San Deigo Caim Wu Fen-Fen Chen Kay Ihara Sadie Lum Rochelle Santiago Judi Yabumoto Jeanie Chiu Alice Iiyama Rona Macias Brandon Selten Suzanne Yamada Lana Choy Shizuko Ikeda Noah Maclean Gloria Shaffer Hisako Yamaguchi Chun Po Chu Art Ikuma Geoff Marshall Teruko Shimogaito Peter Yamamoto Helen Chun Kay Ikuma Hideji Matsumoto Eiko Shintake Pat Yamamura Natalie Chun Airi Inoue Sachiko Matsumoto Eddie Siy Ron Yamato Kristy Corbt Mary Ishisaki David Melton Duncan Small Chrisropher Yang Moto Daijo Jeff Iwasaki Christopher Mishima John Smith Jasmin Yang Jack Dairiki Mao Izumi Janice Mitsuda Kohki Soejima Brandon Yee Aiko de Souza Armeka Jackson Jr. Glenn Miyamoto Poh Ping Soh Connor Yee Genevieve Deravamon Diana Jang Nobuko Miyazawa Yoko Sugawara Merlynn Yee Tinsae Dilnesaw Angeline Junaedy Andrew Moriguchi Eri Sugiyama Tyler Yee Michelle Do Akie Karahashi Gail & Pierre Morin Toshiko Takahashi Gail Yip Michael Doi Teruko Kauhi Saki Moriyama Mitsuko Takazawa Joy Yokoyama Matthew Driskil Blair Kerr Shizue Mortensen Taeko Tamura Jim Yonashiro Josh Edelman Hikaru Keshi Mizuki Nagae Cherry Tan Mitzi Yorichi Hiromi Ejima Allicia Khuu Yasuko Naiki Shigeko Tanaka Shari Yoshida Masayuki Endo Momoko Kinouchi Miki Naito Michi Tashiro Alexander Zach Bryan Erickson Akiyo Kinst-Hori Leona Nakagawa Tamami Terada Ben Zintas Norma Esherick Mitsuko Knight Mika Nakagawa Nicholas Thurston Tom Flippin Kenny Kong May Nakao Ryu Toriyabe Chiu-San Fok Akio Kudo Yaeko Naritomi Monica Truong Yoshiko Fujimoto Sumiko Kusumoto Brenda Ng Carrie Tsai 11 Ways of Giving to Kimochi, Inc. Help ensure Kimochi’s ability to sustain the Japanese tradition of care and support for seniors will be available for future generations. Your support will help to make sure Kimochi’s programs and services will be available and accessible to all seniors. Kimochi, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit tax-exempt organization. Contributions to Kimochi, Inc. are tax deductible (Tax I.D. # 23-7117402). There are many ways you can give to Kimochi, Inc. PLANNED GIVING CORPORATE OPPORTUNITIES (Endowments, Wills, Trusts, Stocks, Property) We offer businesses tremendous public relations opportunities and high visibility at our special events. Through the Planned Giving program, you may be able to increase income, reduce taxes including estate taxes, and provide for the future of your heirs. • Become our corporate partner through financial support of a fundraising event VEHICLE • Underwrite one of our many special events (accepting operational and non-operational vehicles) • Support employee gifts with matching corporate contributions Donate your used car, truck, recreational vehicle, boat, jet ski or motorcycle. Kimochi will assist in all transaction paperwork (nonliability and title) and will make arrangements to pick-up your vehicle at your convenience. • Contribute in-kind gifts • Provide speaking opportunities at company meetings E-WASTE RECYCLING IN-KIND Get rid of your old electronic waste (TVs, computers, appliances, fax machines, and more) and support Kimochi at the same time! eWaste4good offers free pickup of your working and non-working electronic items. This is an environmentally safe, easy and convenient way to recycle old electronics. Visit www. eWaste4good.com to see a list of acceptable items and to schedule a pickup. Make sure you designate Kimochi, Inc. as your organization of choice to receive funds. Donate fresh fruits and vegetables, flowers, paper products, gift items, and healthcare equipment and supplies to one or more of Kimochi’s programs. Need for items vary, so please inquire. EMPLOYER GIFT PROGRAMS Designate your annual workplace campaign gift to Kimochi, Inc. or participate in your workplace’s gift match program. UNITED WAY OF THE BAY AREA United Way’s Donor Choice Program earmarks your United Way gift to an agency of your choice. Designate your gift to Kimochi, Inc. on the United Way Campaign donation form. For additional information about giving to Kimochi, please contact Executive Director Steve Nakajo at (415) 931-2294 or [email protected] or Associate Director Steve Ishii at (415) 931-2294 or [email protected]. 12 寄付の仕方いろいろ 気持会が日本の伝統的なシニアケアを継続できるように、そして次世代にも継承できるよう、皆様のご支援をお願いしています。全てのシ ニアが気持ホームの各種プログラムとサービスを利用できるよう皆様のご協力が必要です。気持会は501(C)( 3)の非課税を受けられる 非営利団体です。気持会への寄付は免税となります。 ( Tax ID# 23-7117402)様々な方法で気持会に寄付することが可能です。 遺産の計画寄付 企業での寄付機会 (寄贈、遺言、信託、株式、不動産) 大変貴重なPRのチャンスになります。気持会のイベントで企業アピ 計画寄付プログラムによって、ご自身の収入増加、不動産税を含む ールができます。 税金額の減少、相続人の安定した将来を可能にします。 •気持会の企業パートナーとして、ファンドレイジングイベントを金 乗用車 銭的に支援する。 (運転可能かどうか問わず) 中古 車 、トラック、トレーラー 、ボート、ジェットスキーやバイクを •職員の寄付活動をサポートし、集まった金額と同額を企業も寄付 する。 寄 付してください。気 持 会が 必 要な書 類 手 続きを代 行し、ご都 合 •現物での寄付 の良い時に乗 用 車を取りに伺います。 •企業ミーティングで講演会を提供 現物寄付 電化製品廃棄物リサイクル 新鮮な果物、野菜、花、紙製品、贈答品、ヘルスケア機器と消耗品を 気持プログラムに寄付できます。必要な物かどうかお問い合わせく 不要になった電化製品廃棄物(TV,PC ,ファックス機など)を処 ださい。 分、同時に気持会をサポートできます。eWaste4goodは、要らな 職場でのギフトブログラム くなった電化製品(使用可能、不可能を問わず)を無料でピックア ップしてくれます。これは不要になった電化製品をリサイクルする 職場で年間キャンペーンギフトとして気持会のために寄付を集め 環境にやさしくて便利な方法です。www.e W ast e4 good .com る、あるいは会社のギフトマッチプログラムに参加して寄付できま のホームページでは受け付けている電化製品を一覧でき、ピック す。 アップ予約ができます。基金受付のグループに気 持会を指定して UNITED WAY OF THE BAY AREA ください。 United Wayのドナーチョイスプログラムでは、United Wayへ の寄付を指定したグループに割り当てることができます。United Wayのキャンペーン寄付申込書で気持会をご指定ください。 気持会への寄付に関するお問い合わせは、事務局長スティーブ・ナカジョウまで(415)931-2294、[email protected] あるいは、副事務局長スティーブ・イシイ(415)931-2294、[email protected]までご連絡ください。 13 Donations in Memory Of Kimochi, Inc. thanks the following donors (monetary and in-kind) for their generous contributions between October 1, 2015 – April 31, 2016. Names in bold identify those who have been honored in memory of and in honor of with a donation gift to Kimochi, Inc. Roy Abbey Kazuo Abey Creative Accents Peter & Ayako Yee Katsuye Awamura Masahiko & Kazuye Ikuma Sumiko Azama Jeffrey Jang Marion Bernardo David Bernardo Lorraine Suzuki Mitzi Brain Eng Ng Dougan Chan Natalie Fuchs Donald C. Jew Joan Kubota Frank Mah & Jeannie Young Colleen Soracco Elaine & Steve Tong Hoover Chin Sperry Van Ness Real Estate June Eijima Rachael Yamashiro Chieko Evans Arman Safa Naomi Itsuye Garcia Carmen B. Mendieta Patricia Garibaldi Toshio & Norma Ono Mutsumi Hada Keiko Akashi Roberta Berteau Michael Egusa Kyle & Emily Hsieh Kuniyoshi Stephanie Low Barbara Mendes Carmen B. Mendieta Nancy K. Nakai Ben & Michiko Nobuhiro Sumako Helen Takeshita Richard Tokeshi Minoru & Suzanne Yamada Kiyoko Yamasaki Russell Hamada Jane Hamada & Rev. Jay Shinseki Taiko Hashimoto Patricia DaSilva-Fong Grace Horikiri Nobuko Kumai William & Louise Nakamura Hanayo Kunisawa Riyo Kunisawa Masayuki Hattori Yukiko Hattori Masayuki Hattori Mitsuko Toyama Bill Kyono Brian Kyono and Family Kayo Hideshima Annie Hsu Chiu Chu Liu Ying Wei Su Daniel Badillo Tellez Yoko Maemura Barbara Kitagawa Mary Kyono Brian Kyono and Family Anthony Matsuda Gary Nomura Nancy Hoo Carmen B. Mendieta Fred Y. Matsumoto Donald & Kay Ito Yutaka & Yoshiko Matsumoto Shoji Horikoshi Carl & Barbara Horikoshi Kelvin & Margaret Mitani Russell & Linda Takei Michiko Horio Janet Ninomiya Suzuko Morimoto Ryan A. & Margaret Y. Harada Eveyree Sharon Kain John Lin Frank Ikenaga Henry & Anna Wong Ryan & Aileen Yokoyama Annette Young Tomoe Ino Randy Calish Barney & Joyce Hata Robert Spencer David Tuttle Patricia Kay Wada Ken Morino Barbara Morino Mary M. Morino Sharon Fong Tosh Mitsuda Wes & Lynn Nihei Keiji Kanegawa Kazue Kanegawa Hedy Matsuno Kimberly Oka Jimmy Kawanishi Kazuko Kawanishi Kikuy Kayano Nobusuke & Fumi Fukuda Hisako Kimura Keija Kimura Bessie Wong Kodis Tyler & Thalia Chan Raymond Konagai June Ikeda Frank Morino Barbara Morino Robert Nakano Harry T. & Anna Nomura Takara & Kaoru Noda Tom & Marilyn Swartz Kei Noguchi Nellie Noguchi Ann Okamura Patricia K. Jeong Wayne Osaki Brian Kyono and Family Hideaki Sakakura Emyko Sakakura Marshall Sumida Stan Kadani Harry Suzuki Lorraine Suzuki Nobukazu Takahashi Julie Takahashi Laura Takeuchi Stephen Higashi Kiku & Ryuji Tsuchitani Chiyeko Tsuchitani Ryuji & Kiku Tsuchitani Chiyeko Tsuchitani George Wong George Wong Steve & Etsie Nakajo Tyler Yamagishi Edward Nishimoto Chiyoko Nagase Gene T. Nagase Mitsu Yamashita Stanley Furuta John Fujimoto & Kristi Omoto William & Louise Osada Mits Naito Nanami Naito Kish Yamate Harry T. & Anna Nomura Sue Nakahara Kaye Higashi Glory Yoshizaki Bill & Rose Fukumitsu Lawrence Nakamura Elsie Nakamura Donations in Honor Of Eva Chang Samuel Chang Dick Hirayama Harry T. & Anna Nomura Weylin & Rose Eng East Bay Community Foundation Shizuko Ikeda Glenn Miyamoto Helen Ferrogerio Judi Sui & Bruce Bernhard Linda Ishii Toshio Mitsuda Diana Jang Paul Larson Sandy Mori Margine Sako Jay & Diane Stewart Chiyo Wada Neal Noguchi Robert Noguchi Tomomi Tsuchitani Chiyeko Tsuchitani Shizue Mortensen Glenn Miyamoto Hiroko Ono Pat Orr Grant T. Tomioka Sakae Horita Lincoln Mah Hideko Rhoneelli Gail Yip Elaine Yip Patricia Yip Tony Naganuma Grace Horikiri 14 Donations Kimochi, Inc. thanks the following donors (monetary and in-kind) for their generous contributions between October 1, 2015 – April 31, 2016, to Kimochi, Inc. Hisashi Abe Bruce & Takako Adamson Agilent Technologies Keiko Akashi Yoshihiro Aoyama Masao Ashizawa Asian Pacific Fund AT&T Employee Giving Haruyo Balistreri Gordon Banchor Bank of America The Benevity Benkyodo Co. Mariko Blackburn Mark Brandenburg Y. Mitani Butler Jung Cha Christina Chan Suzie Chang Lillian Cheung Christ Episcopal Church Kay Chong Catherine Chu Sonia & Anne Contreras Kiyoko Cuddy Michael Day Edmund G. & Jane Q. Dea Educational Planning, Inc. Hiromi Ejima Barbara Engmann First Clearing, LLC John Fong, D.D.S. George and Linda Fujimoto Nobu Fukuda Bill & Rose Fukumitsu Chiyoko Fukumoto Lucky Fung Stanley Furuta Emiko Furuya GE United Way Campaign Sunyi Gedrocz Kiki Goforth Crystal Hishida Graff Portland Grant Mark & Gordy Gyotoku Su Ha Tak Hamai Hamano and Associates Pat Hattori Shigeo & Sumie Hayashi Suzie Heil Marc Higa Ann Y. Higaki Lane Hirabayashi Kazuo Hirai Bruce & Valerie Hironaka Don & Christina Hirose Kiyo Hirose Stephen & Sandra Hu Setsuko Huoh Michael Ikeda Frank Ikenaga Shino Imao John Ino Yukiji Ino Ryu Inoue Gary Inouye Invision Optometry Mary Ishisaki Richard Ishisaki Takako Ishizaki Celia Y. Iwama Lawrence Joe JTB Cultural Exchange Corp. Sharon & Michael Jong Ron & Mimi Kagehiro Karen Kai Toshiko Kamishita Fusako Kamita Chieko Kaneki Jung Won Kang Young Un Kang Christina Kangbjorman Hiroshi & Sadako Kashiwagi Jody L. Kato Thomas T. Kawakami Yukiko Kawana George Kawase Yoko M. Kawata Koichi Kay and Yayoe Matsuura Kyoko Keenon Marshall J. Kido Sylvia Kihara Hae Ja Kim Hae Won Kim Hyung Kim Jang Hi Kim Soon Kim Kristine Kimura Kindred Golden Gate Kenneth Kitagawa & Katherine Mah Aiko Kitano Kikue Kiyasu Yvonne Ko Kay Koba Keith & Priscilla Kojimoto Mariko Kometani Toru Konishi Richard Kono Yukiko Kuno Ford H. Kuramoto Kayo Kurata Atsushi Kurotori Kathryn Kurotori Sachiko Kusano Hilda Lai Shu-Chen Lan Yasuko Landa Mary Law Chil Hee Lee Donna Lee Fred Lee Hisako S. Lee Shirley Lee Um Jun Lee Young Hee Lee Levi Strauss Foundation Mengchien Lin Local Independent Charities of America Yoshiko Lohuis Rick W. Louie Sachi Lubushkin Yoko Lum Aiko Martin Tiffany Martin Gary & Irene Masada Miyuki Masada Hiroshi & Eiko Masai Frank & Ginger Masuoka Susan Matsuda Daphne Matsumoto Kiyoe Matsumoto Masashi Matsumoto Robert Matsumura May Matsunaga Terry Matsunaga MIF Insurance Company Yoriko Misaki Janice Mitsuda Kazuko & Masami Miyamoto Kazuyei Miyoshi Gary & Lisa Mizono Pat Mizuhara Grace Mizutani Mi Ja Mok Morgan Stanley Smith Barney Global Impact Funding Trust, Inc. Hiroshi Morimoto Steve Morino Thomas & Karen Morioka Yayeko Muramaki Mutsu & Aki Murashige Teru Murata Emiko Naito Toshiko Nakabe 15 Earl & Cynthia Nakahara Nancy K. Nakai Steve & Etsie Nakajo Kaz Nakamoto Eiko Nakamura Marcia Nakamura Sandra Nakamura Mariko Nakanishi Curtis Nakano Diane Nakano Henry S. Nakao Bobby Nakata Lynne Nakata Penny Nakatsu Tokie Nerio Kin Cheong Ng Rose Nieda Judith Nihei Norma Esherick Nishida Sally Nishida Clara M. Nishimoto David Tetsuo Nishimoto Setsuko Noda Yaeko Noda Gary Nomura Kay Nomura Kyoko Nonaka Edward T. Ochi Somao Ochi Edward & Lois Oda Harusue Ogawa Janice Ogi J. June Ohara Kazumatsu Ohno Thomas H. Okamoto Setsuko Okazaki Gloria OLeary Harold Omatsu Kiyoko Omi Linda Omori Daniel. W. & Diane M. OmoriHom Thelma Ong Jo-Ann Ono-Wong Yoko Ono Lennon William & Louise Osada Yuko Osaka Marilyn Oshiro Aiko Oshita Chieko Ostigaard S. John Ota Morton Otani Otoshi Plumbing Duke Otoshi Kenneth K. Oyama Roji Oyama Kimochi From the Heart I have been volunteering at Kimochi for 6 years. A former Kimochi social worker helped my husband a lot, so I was so appreciative for what Kimochi has done for my husband that I started volunteering here. I enjoy it very much - it is like exercise for me. As a senior, I am proud to volunteer here. I feel it is the highest position. 私は気 持 会でボランティアを6年間続けています。以前気持におられたソーシャ ルワーカーが夫のことで本当に良く助けて下さり、気持会に非常に感謝している ことから、ボランティアをする事にしました。運動をする感覚でボランティア活動 Shigeko Ichikawa シゲコ・イチカワ を楽しんでいます。シニアとして、ここでボランティアできていることを誇りに思い ます。ボランティアは最 高の職 業です。 Donations continued Nancy Ozaki J.S. Park People Making A Difference Campaign Pota Perimenis PG&E Corporation Foundation Adrienne Pon John & Keiko Quan Hideko Rhoneelli Mieko Saito Warren Saito Kiyoshi Sakakura Hiroshi V. Sakamoto Randall Sakamoto The San Francisco Japantown Foundation San Francisco Nisei Fishing Club Chisato Sasaki Dalma Sato Noriko Sato Sam & Jean Sato Tom & Kayoko Sato Yone & Daisy Satoda Joyce A. Satow Brian & Judy Schindler Joung Soon Sea Donald & Marian Seiki Sam & Yuki Seiki Walter & Harumi Serata Shah Kawasaki Architects Fumio Shibata Nancy Shibata Randy & Linda Shigio Dale Shimasaki Yone Shintaku Eddie & Margie Shiozaki Sharon So Squeez Squad Shiro & Annie Suenaga Karlyn Sugai Larry Sugimoto Hajime Sujishi Ted Sujishi Han In Suk Misako Sumida Sunrise Senior Living Akiko Sutton Robert Suyeda Marumi Suyeyasu Richard & Tally Sue Szeto Takashi & Fumiko Tagawa Aileen Taguchi Norman & Merline Taira Asaye Ashizawa Takagi Irene Takasuka Julie Takata Rodney M. Takemoto Atsuko D. Takeshita Sumako Helen Takeshita Jack & Sumi Tanabe Betty M. Tanaka Isago Tanaka Setsuko Tanaka Shigeko S. Tanaka Nancy Tani Hiroyuki Taniguchi Lisa Tanihana Taru Mikoshi Group Michiko Tashiro Scott Terada Steven & Kathy Terusaki Tae Teruya Tides Foundation Toshio Togoshi Arlan Tokugawa Yoshimi Tokugawa Clayton Tominaga Kirk & Lyn Tomioka Scott B. Tomioka Betty Tong Mitsuko Toyama Adam Tracey Travelers Alex Trichak Reiko True Truist Hideko Tsuchiya Kazuko Tsuchiya John & Marjorie Tsukamoto Keiko Tsukano Himeo Tsumori Mitsuo Tsumori Yukie Uchiyama Minoru & Toyoko Ueda Tad & Mitsuko Umemoto Union Bank United Airlines United Way California Capital Region United Way, Inc. Tokiko Ushijima Takeo Utsumi Keith & Pam Uyeda Sachiye Uyemoto Eugene Van Dyk Verizon Communications Chiyo Wada Rick & Janet Wada Walmart Jane Watanabe Wells Fargo Community Support Campaign Martin M. T. & Julia Wong 16 Mary A. Wong Ron Wong Irene Wu Ron Yamada Takazo Yamada Akiko Yamagishi Paul Yamagishi Raymond Yamagishi Betty Jo & Douglas Yamamoto Karen Yamamoto Kristen Yamamoto Tsuyoshi & Joyce M. Yamamoto Pat Yamamura Joyce Yamasaki Ronald Yamato Richard Yamauchi Tomiko Yamauchi Michie Yamazaki Tomoko Yamazaki Mary Yanagi Moses & Hatsy Yasukochi Jason Yasumoto Gail Yip Kwi Joh Yoon Christopher & Theresa Young Yourcause Kazuko Yuge Stacey I. & Jane S. Zones Kimochi, Inc. Staff Directory KIMOCHI ADMINISTRATION 1715 Buchanan Street, San Francisco, CA 94115 tel (415) 931-2294 fax (415) 931-2299 KIMOCHI SENIOR CENTER 1840 Sutter Street # 101, San Francisco, CA 94115 tel (415) 931-2287 fax (415) 931-2299 Steve Nakajo, Executive Director Steve Ishii, Associate Director Anna Sawamura Higaki, Director of Programs YoonSun Choi, Assistant to Director of Programs Rod Valdepenas, Controller Dorothy Gin, Payroll Manager Sakura Suzuki, Administrative Manager Jessica Tran, Administrative Assistant Debbie Yee, Administrative Assistant Aki Akiyama, Receptionist Riyo Kunisawa, Receptionist Maya Futamura, Senior Center Coordinator Sherry Truong, Senior Center Assistant Coordinator Natalia Covacha, Nutritionist Kazumi Sumi, Head Cook Grace Yip, Assistant Cook William Chu, Assistant Cook Dave Sugaya, Home Delivery Driver Gustavo Cardoza, Dishwasher Arturo Diaz, Dishwasher Ryan Kobayashi, Transportation Coordinator Carlos Osorio, Paratransit Driver Craig Ikuma, Paratransit Driver KIMOCHI SAN MATEO 453 N. San Mateo Drive, San Mateo, CA 94401 Anna SawamuraHigaki, Director of Programs Linda Ishii, Administrator Shizu Kawai, Care Manager Greg Hamaguchi, Head Cook KIMOCHI HOME 1531 Sutter Street, San Francisco, CA 94109 tel (415) 922-9972 fax (415) 922-6821 Linda Ishii, Administrator Debbie Hsieh, Adult Social Day Care Coordinator Sandy Ishii, Kimochi Home Receptionist Dorcas Hautea, Care Manager Tsoodol Altantuya, Program Assistant Bolormaa Bayarmagnai, Program Assistant Hiromi Cardoza, Program Assistant Kayo Hasekura, Program Assistant Mercedes Hernandez, Program Assistant Yoshimi Higuchi, Program Assistant Zebib Tekelgiorgis, Program Assistant Michiko Turks, Program Assistant Guadalupe Gutierrez, Janitor CLUB NIKKEI 1715 Buchanan Street, San Francisco, CA 94115 tel (415) 931-2294 fax (415) 931-2299 Grace Hulleza, Club Nikkei Coordinator Rich Tokeshi, Club Nikkei Driver SOCIAL SERVICES 1715 Buchanan Street, San Francisco, CA 94115 tel (415) 931-2275 fax (415) 931-2299 Fumiko DiDomizio, Senior Case Manager Yumi Berman, Case Manager Hyunhee Lee, Social Worker Hiromi Ejima, Nihonmachi Terrace Social Worker Yoshimi Higuchi, Nihonmachi Terrace Social Worker KIMOCHI LOUNGE 1581 Webster Street # 202, San Francisco, CA 94115 tel (415) 563-5626 fax (415) 931-2299 Basil Lee, Information and Referral Worker Please visit our website at www.kimochi-inc.org for more information about our various programs, services and upcoming events! 17 Kimochi, Inc. Service Directory Continuing Generations of Caring Since 1971, Kimochi, Inc. has developed and promoted an intergenerational philosophy of care for seniors and families from San Francisco’s Japantown. Our current continuum of care includes the following programs and services: Kimochi, Inc. 1715 Buchanan, San Francisco, CA 94115 • Administration: (415) 931-2294 • Social Services: (415) 931-2275 • Fax: (415) 931-2299 Administration The Administrative building is owned and operated by the agency and houses the administrative staff. We have approximately 200 volunteers assisting us each year in our programs. Social Services Program Our staff is bilingual in English, Japanese, and Korean and provides language translation, information and referral, counseling, family caregiver support, case management and homecare registry assistance. The program annually assists 600 seniors and families providing 5,000 hours of services. Club Nikkei This membership based program is designed to outreach and provide healthy, independent seniors with a range of social activities and excursions to enjoy. Staff provides members with an activity calendar and transportation is included. Home Safety Service Staff schedules and conducts home safety assessments for San Francisco homeowners to help them identify potential and existing safety issues that could compromise their ability to live safely and comfortably at home. Kimochi Lounge 1581 Webster Street #202, San Francisco, CA 94115 • Tel: (415) 563-5626 • Fax: (415) 931-2299 The Kimochi Lounge, located within Japan Center, is the agency’s original site. Seniors come to “the lounge” to catch up on community news and socialize. The site also houses a book and video library where seniors can check out materials for free. There is also a senior information and resource section with health, safety, nutrition, and caregiving materials for seniors and families. This site is annually visited by 5,000 seniors, families, and visitors from throughout California and other countries. Please visit our website at www.kimochi-inc.org for more information about our various programs and services. If you would like to be on our mailing list, please contact Kimochi at (415) 931-2294 or [email protected]. 18 Kimochi Senior Center 1840 Sutter Street, #101, San Francisco, CA 94115 • Tel: (415) 931-2287 • Fax: (415) 931-2299 (Japanese Cultural and Community Center of Northern California – JCCCNC) Nutrition A nutritious well-balanced Japanese style hot lunch is provided 5 days a week. Any senior 60 years of age or older is welcome. A five week menu is produced by staff, and our nutritionist ensures each meal is healthy, nutritionally well-balanced and adequately proportioned for seniors. An average of 300 meals is served daily. The program annually serves 1,200 seniors 75,000 lunches. Home Delivery Program Seniors who are physically unable to travel to the senior center due to a disability or illness, can receive our Japanese style hot lunches at home. Each recipient is required to complete an eligibility assessment on a quarterly basis. The program annually serves 130 homebound and frail seniors 29,000 lunches. Senior Center In addition to enjoying lunch at the nutrition program, seniors are encouraged to participate in activities at the center. Staff and volunteers plan and offer a variety of activities on a monthly basis. We have morning exercise classes, a ceramics class, group singing classes, odori, bingo, arts and crafts, day trips, and overnight trips. The program annually serves 300 seniors and offers 700 hours of exciting activities. Transportation Safe and reliable door-to-door transportation services are provided to help seniors maintain a connection with their community and friends. Transportation can also be requested for medical trips and grocery shopping. The program annually assists 150 seniors receive 10,000 rides. Kimochi Home - Home of Healthy Attitudes 1531 Sutter Street, San Francisco, CA 94109 • Tel: (415) 922-9972 • Fax: (415) 922-6821 Adult Social Day Care Program (License # 380504138) This program is licensed by the State of California to provide seniors in need of supervision and support with a schedule of social and recreational activities in a safe and secure setting. The program annually assists 40 seniors receive 21,000 hours of services and activities. Residential/Respite Care (License # 380504099) This program is licensed by the State of California to provide 24 hour non-medical care to ambulatory seniors. We have the capacity to house 20 seniors in either single or shared rooms. 19 NONPROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PA I D SAN FRANCISCO, CA PERMIT NO. 2764 1715 Buchanan Street • San Francisco, CA 94115 2016 Kimochi Events - Save the Dates! ! ate the D SaveDMISSION! E FRE OLD TIMERS’ FUN BASKETBALL TOURNAMENT Saturday, July 9 & Sunday, July 10, 2016 • JCCCNC Gym 1840 Sutter Street, San Francisco, CA 94115 A 43RD ANNUAL NIHONMACHI STREET FAIR Kimochi Teriburger Booth • Kimochi Arts & Crafts and Ceramics Booths Saturday, August 6 & Sunday, August 7, 2016 • 11:00AM-6:00PM Japantown, San Francisco Arts & Crafts and Food Faire Saturday, December 17, 2016 • 10am - 4pm Sweet Milalani TLC Quilting Creative Accents Donna Tojo Kayoko Designs Mariko III Classic Hawaiian Designs KIMOCHI SAN MATEO BENEFIT DINNER Saturday, August 27, 2016 • 5:00-9:00PM College of San Mateo, Bayview Dining Room 1700 W. Hillsdale Boulevard, San Mateo, CA 6th ANNUAL KIMOCHI SHOW ‘n SHINE CAR SHOW Saturday, September 10, 2016 • 10:00AM-2:00PM College of San Mateo – Main Parking Lot 1700 W. Hillsdale Boulevard, San Mateo, CA 94402 KIMOCHI GOLF TOURNAMENT Friday, September 16, 2016 Richmond County Club, 1 Markovich Lane, Richmond, CA 94806 TRIBUTE TO STEVE NAKAJO Saturday, October 15, 2016 (details to come) Featuring Asian and Pacific Islander themed arts & crafts and foods from over 90 vendors! FREE Kimochi Shuttle Service to/from Japantown (pick up/drop off at Peace Plaza, Post/Buchanan Sts.). For more info call 415-931-2294, email us at [email protected] or visit us online at www.kimochi-inc.org Don’t forget to stay connected with Kimochi, Inc. @kimochikai, #kimochikai ©2016 Kimochi, Inc. All rights reserved. • Designed by NDD Creative
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