Artromick - Guide Technologies
Artromick - Guide Technologies
ABOUT GUIDE TECHNOLOGIES Guide Technologies is a leading full service provider of Infor manufacturing and distribution solutions. KEY GUIDE STATS We have global implementation expertise and have helped more than 300 discrete manufacturing and distribution companies become more profitable. Guide works with manufacturers and distributors to provide solutions that help them be top performers in their industry. These solutions enable companies to gain market share, operate at peak efficiency, and exceed their customer expectations. In Business Over 10 Years “ Without Infor’s Extended System in place, we would not have been able to support its sales or production using the old system Experienced Team Average Over 20 Years Experience - David Ryan, vice president of information services Infor Partner of the Year Consistent Customer Satisfaction The strength of Guide Technologies is our experienced people and the skill that they bring to our clients. Our goal is to meet or exceed the expectations for each and every customer. To that end, we have had four clients recognized as world class in their respective industries. Cincinnati Artromick Keeps Competition on the Run with Infor’s Extended System Corporate Office 3805 Edwards Road, STE 610 Cincinnati, Ohio 45209 Toll Free: 888-419-1939 Phone: 513-631-8800 Fax: 513-631-5242 Indianapolis Administrative Office 250 East 96th Street, STE 525 Indianapolis, Indiana 46240 Toll Free: 888-308-6940 Phone: 317-844-3162 Fax: 317-844-6684 [email protected] THE COMPANY Artromick International, Inc. is the leading manufacturer and marketer of medical carts and medication handling systems to the long-term care, hospital, government and assisted living market sectors. Artromick’s significant customer base includes the largest institutional pharmacies, hospitals, government medical centers and nursing care residences throughout the United States and world. The manufacturer offers a complete line of standard and customizable cart lines that permit the customer to select from an assortment of product features, configuration options and convenience accessories. Customer Profile Artromick Ohio, USA Medical, Make-To-Order Medication distribution carts, replacement parts and accessories ” “ There were SIGNIFICANT costs associated with [an] incomplete ERP system. ” - Jeff Payne, chief information officer of GDX THE CHALLENGE THE REAL RESULTS Artromick will definitely be able to Prior to implementing Infor’s Extended The company began looking at approxi- had plans to launch a new cart line at that System, Artromick ran its manufacturing mately 50 solutions and narrowed down the time. “Without Infor’s Extended System in processes on a FoxPro system utilizing search to 12 providers. The decision- place, we would not have been able to custom code. However, some activities, making team, composed of VPs, managers support its sales or production using the old such as creating customer quotes, were still and an in-house selection consultant, system,” according to David Ryan, vice being performed manually. For eight years, narrowed the list of providers down to three, president of information services. After Artromick had been trying to automate and eventually decided that Infor’s Extended several months of hard work on the part of processes using the custom-built system System was the best fit for its needs. Guide both Artromick and Guide Technologies, the but had yet to fully complete the project. Technologies, a member of the Infor’s company went live on the Infor’s Extended The company considered upgrading the Channel Partners global network that is System solution in less than nine months, Although Artromick’s new cart line has a lower price point than its other products, it is able to system to finally automate its operations as comprised of independent companies within budget and just in time for its new gain increased margins due to the company’s ability to get the carts to market faster, with less necessary, but it became clear that even licensed to sell, implement and support product launch. this would not meet its need for a fully Infor’s Extended System solutions, was on integrated solution. Artromick needed a hand to assist in the implementation. pay for the Infor’s Extended System solution in less than two years. incurred costs. This is due in part to the Infor’s Extended System solution reducing the need for costly manual involvement in the production and quoting processes. system that could manage its entire sales process—from providing initial quotes to It was of significant importance for recording the final sale amount in the Artromick to go live on the Infor’s Extended general ledger. System solution by Labor Day, because it Artromick has also seen dramatic improvement in its return response time. With Infor’s Extended System, Artromick is able to complete a Return Materials Authorization in three days, instead of the three weeks or even three months it took before, which allows the company to provide its customers with better service. With all the improvements Artromick has made in its processes, the company achieved budget objectives and anticipates recovering its invest- THE SOLUTION With Infor’s Extended System, Artromick For example, the company now has usage was able to completely eliminate its old and inventory-turn knowledge at the system and increase production without specific product level. This provides a adding headcount. The company has also better understanding of which components significantly reduced the number of steps are being used, as well as when and where, from the 30 it took to move an order so Artromick can make the adjustments through production and ready it for delivery necessary to keep up with demand. ment in the Infor’s Extended System solution within 18 months of introducing the product. According to Ryan, “Artromick will definitely be able to pay for the Infor’s Extended System solution in less than two years.” down to less than 10. For a small manufacturer like Artromick, lead time and planning is critical to delivering quality products on time. With Infor’s Extended System, Artromick has fast access to more in-depth data and, as a result, can make more informed planning and ordering decisions. 2 Guide Technologies is a global implementation and premier Partner of Infor. We support Infor XA and SyteLine installations globally. Guide consultants combine their knowledge with a set of tools and templates that leverage our experience to help you complete your project more quickly, but still provide the flexibility to address your specific requirements. 3