G0rn0r - LocalSearch
G0rn0r - LocalSearch
'G0rn0r SPIDTN GIIIRT '.-w K "x CONTRO PEST AtLSTAR PH 1300656 08S 5. GardenOrb 1. SydneyBrown 2. EasternMouse 3. SydneyFunnel 4. Brown Badge Huntsman Spider (Atrax weaver (Eriophon TrapdoorSpider Spider (Mlssulera web Spider {Neosparassus spp) 30mmbody (Misgolasrupax)25 - bradleyi)20 - 30mm robustus)25 - 30mm punctatus) 30- 40mm (female) 15 - 20mm (female) (lemale) (female) 15 body 12mm body 35mmbody 20body(Jemale) (male) (male) Very body 20mmbody(male) body(male)Dark 20mmbody 30mmbody(male) hairy. Buildsperfect in colour. Blackto verydark Brownandyellow Darkbrown, blue-black appearance. wheelweb. Masier yellowishhairs. lvlaleSometimesforward brown,veryshiny mottled which weaversprder. has2 smallspurson sectroncan be red or back. Maleshavea Verylong1e9s 40 to extend 50mm spuron 2nd pairof thesidesnotforeand 1slpairof legs. black.Ancient ground glove"palps. specres, legs. Ancient "Boxing aftforlhelrontand ground hunters. species, Ancientspecies, rearPars. I\,4odern hunters.DEATH groundhunters. openrangehunter Thisspecies and TO ATTRIBUTED ate the lN.caligastel THISSPIDER. spiders onlyHuntsmen to causenconvenrence to humans. DANGEROUS DANGEROUS Not consideredto Not consideredto Not consideledto be life threateninq Likelvto causeiniurv Life threateninq be life threateninq -be life th€ateninq '10.Red Back 9. SmallBlack 8. St, Andrew's 7, Nephilaor 6. GardenWoll Spider \Latrcdectus HouseSpider Spider(Lycosa GoldenOrb Weaver Cross Spider (NephilamaculataJ (Argiopekeyse ingl (Badumna longinqua)hasse/t,1ommbody godetfrcyi) 25 15mmbody(female)(female)(malevery 30mmbody(female)45mmbody(female)12- 15mmbody 5 mm body 12mmbody(male) small)Darkbrownto 20mmbody(male) 6mmbody(male) (female) has Brownto black. black.Usually white Goldenweb. Gold (male)Buildsa Brown,yellow, with red/orange stripeon Feltedwebbing in legs. distinctive crossin andhighlypattered segments typehole back(notalways) (UnionJackon back) Largeelongated web. Femalebody smallfunnel weaver l\.4odern spider,fast abdomen.Master skipedwithyellow. on buidings.Square Apprentice red,whiteandblack shapedcheiicerae. spider.DEADLY movingopenrange. Weaverspider. OF hairs. Carapacehas CANCAUSEHEAD- NO RECORD INFLICT PAIN CAN grey VOMITING, DEATHS SINCE hairs. Master ACHES, AND CAUSE OF NAUSEA, DIARRHOEA, INTRODUCTION Weaverspider. AND INFECTION MUSCULAR PAINS ANTIVENENE. SKINLESIONS. ANDCHILLS. Not consideredto Not considered to Not consideredto Not consider€dto be life threateninq be lile threateninq be life threateninq be life thrcatEning 11.White-tailed 12. DysderidSpider '13.Fiddle-back Spider (Loxosceles Spidet (Lampona \Dysdera crocota) (female) lulescens) 10mmbody cylindrata) 17mm 12mm Brightorange- red INTRODUCED body(female) B - 10m m body(male)Dark spider.Introduced SPIDER (female) Dark body reddish brownto spider.CAN CAUSE blackwithwhte SEVEREPAINAND yellowbrownhead, dorsatip. Whiie SWELLINGAT BITE bodyandlegshoney patcheson abdomen SITE. NECROIIC coloured. Darkhead juveniles. looks likean of ModernACTIONPOSSIBLE.section inverted violin. openrangesprder. HIGHLY VENOMOUS. PAINFUL BITE.SOME CANINFLICTPAIN. CASESOFSEVERE WOUNDSMAY POSSIBLE ILLNESS. BECOME NECROTIC AFFECT NECROTIC. TOWOUND, bancenous - Not consideredto Not conaidercd to Likelyto causoiniury be life thr€atening be life thr€atening DANGEROUS Lile th€ateninq x @ x .X ..,.Pf, ;:::;;:'i:i.;:.;::":;; OPCT NIEFNAT ONAL PTY LID _e GilINI SPIIITR TilTNGilGY SydneyFunnelWebSpiderlmale] SydneyFunnelWebSpiderlfemale] Shinyback,dark blackto brown.Shortpalps.Notea prominent spuron eachot the secondwalkinglegs. Six timesmorevenomous thanfemale. Wanders. Has caused fatalities DANGEROUS. Lile threatening S h i n yb a ck,b l ack/br own. Splnneretsegmentsget Doesnol longer andlhinner. roamas muchas themale. Lesstoxicthenthemale. Could causefatalities DANGEROUS Life threatening SydneyTrapdoorSpider[female] Brownand hairierthanthe lunnel web spider. Long palps.Usuallythere is a highly visible light band across the cephalothorax [head]locatedbehindthe chelicerae fianghousing]. Often conlused with lunnel web spiders Not considered to be life threatening MouseSpiderlfemale] Black/brownwlth some yellow colour. Head is much broaderthan lunnel webspider.Fromsideview uP appearslikea hunched mousein profile. Often confused with funnel web spiders DANGEBOUSLikely to cause injury RedbackSpider[female] Blackish dark bulbous abdomenwitha red mark whichsometimesmaynot be obvious/present. Has caused tatalities D AN GER O U S . Life threatening SydneyTrapdoorSpider lmale] Prominent"boxingglove" palps.lf you look closely iherearelwosmallspurson each of the firsl pair of walkinglegs. Often confused with lunnel web spiders Not considered to be life threatening MouseSpider[male] Blacldblue in colour.Long thin palps. One species hasa red headseclion. Otten confused with funnel web spiders . DANGEROUS Likelyto causeinjury white-tailedSpiderltemale] Cigarshapedbody.White tip on end of abdomen. Whitespotson abdomen fade as spider matures. No recordedfatalitiespossiblenecrotic reaction DANGEROUS Likelyto causeiniury rr ft'r $TAR PF"9T COilTNOL PH 1300 656 0E3 rLl ]IR S T AI I I Binddirectlyoverthe bite Takethe patientto the hospitalas soonas possible. Keepthe patientcalm and still takingthe transportto the patientnot the patientto the transport. Try to capturethe spiderfor identification. All spiderbitesshouldbe treatedseriously and receivepromptmedicalattention. lf the bite is thoughtto be causedby a Red applyan BackSpider(oranyotherspiderexceptforfunnelwebspiders) icepackto theaffectedareaandtakethe patientto the nearesthospital. the pain. Do notbandagelightlyas thisincreases lf the biteis thought to be caused by a Funnel Web, the attentionrequiredis dit f e r e n t Id o n ot applyicel. Bandagetowards the endof the limb as far as possible and then returnup towardsthe centre of the body as lar as possible Where a broad elasticisedbandage binding. is availableapply the bandagein a firm but not constrictive bandageis not Wherean elasticised willsuffice. stripsof clothing available lmmobilisethe limb with a splint where possibleand do not elevatethe bittenarea STAR PEST COilTROt PH 1300668 083 POISONSINFORMATION 13 11 26 N| r T rL I P'Y LTD O PCT INTERNATIONAL