MeMbership - Barrow Hill Roundhouse
MeMbership - Barrow Hill Roundhouse
✂ Registered Charity No. 1065632 you give, either as a donation or as part of your membership subscription, we can claim the equivalent of 25 pence back in tax from HMRC. MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION FORM What is it worth to us? A donation of £10 can be turned into £12.50 with Gift Aid. An annual membership subscription of £20 can be turned into £25. If everyone makes a declaration this can make an enormous difference to our funds. Name.................................................................................. Address............................................................................... ........................................................................................... ........................................... Postcode.................................. Tel....................................................................................... Type of Membership * Gains Tax to cover the amount that all charities you donate to will reclaim in each tax year. Council Tax and VAT do not count. Is it simple? Yes, all you have to do is complete the declaration below. Gift Aid Declaration - for past, present & future donations If junior member, please state date of birth. . ..................... Life £240 Am I eligible? To be eligible you must pay enough Income and/or Capital What if I still have questions? Either contact our Treasurer, Nigel Atkinson at the Roundhouse or for further details please visit the HMRC website: (Please tick) Adult £20 OAP/Unemployed £15 Junior £8 Family £30 How much does it cost? It doesn’t cost a thing! Life Over 65 £150 * *Please note life membership may be spread over 10 equal monthly instalments Optional Donation £.. ......................................................... Please treat as Gift Aid donations all qualifying gifts of money made today in the past 4 years in the future Please tick all boxes you wish to apply I am a UK tax payer and would confirm I have paid or will pay an amount of Income Tax and/or capital gains tax for each tax year (6 April to 5 April) that is at least equal to the amount of tax that all the charities or Community Amateur Sports Clubs (CASCs) that I will donate to will reclaim on my gifts for that tax year. I understand that taxes such as VAT and Council Tax do not qualify. I understand the charity will reclaim 25p of tax on every £1 that I give. Occupation......................................................................... (Please delete the above paragraph if you are not a UK tax payer or do not wish your donations to be made under the provisions of “Gift Aid”.) ........................................................................................... Donor’s details: Email Address..................................................................... Title............. Forename(s)....................... . Surname................................... Signature............................................................................ Address......................................................................................................... Your details will be held on a database and will only be used by Barrow Hill Engine Shed Society to send you information about Barrow Hill Roundhouse. The data will not be shared with third parties. Please tick the box if you do not wish to receive information from us. Photo: Alexa Stott What does Gift Aid mean? Using Gift Aid means that for every pound Membership WHY NOT JOIN US? See inside memb for ers detail hip s ...................................................................................................................... ................................................. Postcode...................................................... Membership Number (if applicable)........................................................... If you have any questions please email [email protected] Please return the completed form to: Martyn Brailsford, Barrow Hill Roundhouse Railway Centre, Campbell Drive, Barrow Hill, Chesterfield, Derbyshire S43 2PR Cheques should be made payable to BARROW HILL ENGINE SHED SOCIETY For office use only Date …......../…........./…....... Signature..................................................... Please notify us if you: • want to cancel this declaration • change your name or address • no longer pay sufficient tax on your income and/or capital gains. If you pay Income Tax at the higher or additional rate and want to receive tax relief due to you, you must include all your Gift Aid donations on your Self Assessment tax return or ask HM Revenue and Customs to adjust your tax code. Please return the completed declaration to: Martyn Brailsford, Barrow Hill Roundhouse Railway Centre, Campbell Drive, Barrow Hill, Chesterfield, Derbyshire S43 2PR Registered in England No. 3374025. V.A.T. Registration No, 808 7795 79 Designed and printed by Burgess Design & Print. T: 01777 860579 HOME OF THE DELTIC PRESERVATION SOCIETY DEPOT and museum Join us and become a volunteer LEFT TO RIGHT: Volunteer Ian Valentine, on duty, photo by Nigel Atkinson; Elaine Dicker preparing for Santa Trains, photo by Ken Horan; L-R: Mike Sedgley, Mike Hawley, Martyn Brailsford, Bernie Lovelock stop for a fish & chip break, whilst recovering signalling materials for movement to the Roundhouse. photo by Don Cambridge; Volunteer driver Dave Darwin, doing a spot of shunting, photo by Dave Dudley Become a member and help recreate railway history... The Roundhouse building is a unique example of 19th century railway architecture. Built to house the freight locomotives which served the Staveley Coal and Iron Works, it is the last surviving operational Roundhouse engine shed in Great Britain. In its heyday over 200 enginemen would sign-on for duty each day to take coal to the industrial centres of Derbyshire and beyond. The Roundhouse site is now firmly established as one of the UK’s premier railway centres and is home to one of the UK’s largest collections of steam, diesel and electric locomotives. Plans for the future include the return to working order of our signal box and the reconstruction of the coaling stage. The Society is very grateful for the support of its members who have given many thousands of hours of their time free of charge. Without this valued volunteer support this exciting project wouldn’t be where it is today. there is still A LOT TO BE DONE In 1989 Barrow Hill Engine Shed Society was formed with the intention of saving the Roundhouse. We Need your Help! Having prevented its demolition in 1991, the dedicated group of preservationists finally acquired the redundant buildings and railway yards from British Rail in 1996. Would you like to be a volunteer? We are always on the look out for people to help - if you are interested contact us now. With major support from Chesterfield Borough Council, the group has restored the Grade II listed building to its former glory. Photo: Chris Milner To become a volunteer fill in the form... To be a volunteer you need to join the Society so please fill in the form provided overleaf. Please contact the Roundhouse office for details about working groups and future projects. Telephone: 01246 472450 or email: [email protected] Photo: The late Peter Crawley