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Elective Course in Oncology for Medical Students Pancreatic Cancer Case Presentation & Review in Poznan Beate Rau Ductale Pancreatic Carcinoma Incidence (per year) Age Size Resectability 10 / 100 000 50 - 60 years 2 - 5 cm 5 - 22 % operable Early lymphatic dissimination 50% of all T1 Pancreatic Cancer Ductal Cystadeno carcinoma ductal adeno carcinoma Endocrin endocrine tumors (Insulinoma, Gastrinoma, VIPom..) Papilla vateri adeno carcinoma 3% 92 % 2% Pancreatic Cancer Cumulative Survival (%) 100 80 Endocrine Tumors (n=212) Intraductal carcinoma (n=147) 60 Cystadeno carcinoma (n=327) 40 20 Ductale carcinoma (n=7607) 0 0 20 40 60 Monate 80 100 120 140 Matsuno S, Int JCO, 2000 Prognoses Stage UICC 2002 I II III IVA IVB pT1-2 pT3 pT1-3 pT4 alle pT N= 4008 patients N0 N0 N1 Nx Nx M0 M0 M0 M0 M1 Diagnosed 5 Yr SR 4% 8% 15 % 24 % 50 % 20 - 40% 10 - 25% 10 - 15% 0-? 0 Matsuno S, Int JCO, 2000 Current standards in colorectal surgery • Staging • Surgery • Multimodal Treatment Symptoms Icterus Abdominal pain Loss of weight Acholic faeces Back pain Pressure pain Diabetes mellitus Head Corpus 65 % 55 % 45 % 40 % 30 % 30 % 5% selten 80 % 60 % selten 55 % 20 % 38 % Localisation head 60 % corpus 15 % tail diffuse 5% 20 % 5% 15% 60% Endoscopic retrograde Cholangiopancreaticography (ERCP) Double duct sign EUS Head Corpus < 2 cm > 2 cm S3-Guidelines Pancreatic Cancer 2007 Staging in pancreatic Cancer (Level B) • TN-Category: - Sonography endosonography multisclice CT MRI combined with MRCP Response RECIST criteria Staging Accuracy Tool Accuracy Vascular Infiltr. EUS CT MRI 76% 83% 74% M1 EUS CT MRI 85% 88% 83% Soriano-A, Am J Gastroenterol 2004 Dissiminated Disease • • • • • Pleura Lung Liver Local Peritoneum 8% 8% 49 % 26 % 30 % Hoffman J, JCO 16:317 (1998) Current standards in pancreatic surgery • Staging • Surgery • Multimodal Treatment Surgery Prognoses Quality of Life Morbidity Mortality Not Resectable • Infiltration of coeliac trunc • Superior mesenteric artery • Infiltration of the mesenteric route • Distant metastases Surgery Kausch-Whipple OP First time in 1909 Walter Kausch in Berlin Surgery Pylorus-preserving Pancreaticoduodenectomy (PPPD) Traverso-LW, Surg Gynecol Obstet 1978 Pancreatic resection including vessels • N=623 patients • Portal vein 64 (10 %) • Mesenteric artery 18 ( 3 %) Settmacher-U, Chirurg, 2004 Prognoses 100 Survivalrate [%] R0-Resection (n=100) 80 R1 + R2-Resection (n=62) 60 Bypass (n=139) 40 20 0 10 20 30 40 months 50 60 Trede et al. Ann. Surg. (1992) Prognoses Exocrine PC Kurative : Palliative : Neuroendorcine PC Median survival 5 Yr SR 18 months 6 months 10 - 25 % 0% 40 - 60 % Palliative treatment • Icterus - Stent, PTCD • Gastric outlet obstruction - GEA, Jejunal sonde • Pain - Obliteration of solaris plexus Endoscopic Stenting vs. surgical Bypass Survivalrate [%] 100 80 Stent 60 40 20 Surgery 0 0 10 Months 20 Coeliacus Plexus Obliteration • Intraoperativ or percutan • 30-40 ml Phenol or Ethanol • success rate 50% for 4 months Current standards in colorectal surgery • Staging • Surgery • Multimodal Treatment Adjuvant treatment with Gemcitabin R0-resection R1-resection Oettle H, JAMA297:267-277 (2007) Adjuvant Chemradiotherapy Neoptolemos J, NEJM 350:1200 (2004) Neoadjuvant Chemoradiotherapy neoadjuvant RCT (5-Fu/Cp/Sz, 54Gy) RCT+ Res n=20 RCT n=68 Surgery n=91 p < 0.006 RCT n=48 Snady, Cancer 89: 314 (2000) Algorhytm Preoperative Staging T1, T2, M0 T3,M0 Resection and adj CT Neoadj. RCT M1 Palliative CT • Erythema necrolyticum • glucagonom Staging US EUS Staging Accuracy Tool Accuracy Locoregional EUS CT MRI 62% 74% 68% LN-positive EUS CT MRI 65% 62% 61% Soriano-A, Am J Gastroenterol 2004 Vascular infiltration Surgery OP-Situs after resection Pancreatic tail resection Ductale pancreatic cancer Vessel reconstruction
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