Effects of PGX, a novel functional fibre, on acute and delayed
Effects of PGX, a novel functional fibre, on acute and delayed
British Journal of Nutrition, page 1 of 4 q The Authors 2011 doi:10.1017/S0007114511005447 Effects of added PGXw, a novel functional fibre, on the glycaemic index of starchy foods Jennie C. Brand-Miller1*, Fiona S. Atkinson1, Roland J. Gahler2, Veronica Kacinik3, Michael R. Lyon3,4 and Simon Wood3,5 1 Boden Institute of Obesity, Nutrition and Exercise, School of Molecular Bioscience, University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia 2 Factors Group R&D, Calgary, AB, Canada 3 University of British Columbia, Food, Nutrition and Health Program, Vancouver, BC, Canada 4 Canadian Centre for Functional Medicine, Coquitlam, BC, Canada 5 InovoBiologic, Inc., Calgary, AB, Canada British Journal of Nutrition (Received 18 July 2011 – Revised 5 September 2011 – Accepted 6 September 2011) Abstract The development of lower-glycaemic index (GI) foods requires simple, palatable and healthy strategies. The objective of the present study was to determine the most effective dose of a novel viscous fibre supplement (PGXw) to be added to starchy foods to reduce their GI. Healthy subjects (n 10) consumed glucose sugar (50 g in water £ 3) and six starchy foods with a range of GI values (52 –72) along with 0 (inert fibre), 2·5 or 5 g granular PGXw dissolved in 250 ml water. GI testing according to ISO Standard 26 642-2010 was used to determine the reduction in GI. PGXw significantly reduced the GI of all six foods (P, 0·001), with an average reduction of 19 % for the 2·5 g dose and 30 % for the 5 g dose, equivalent to a reducing the GI by 7 and 15 units, respectively. Consuming small quantities of the novel functional fibre PGXw, mixed with water at the start of a meal, is an effective strategy to reduce the GI of common foods. Key words: Viscous polysaccharides: Dietary fibre: Glycaemic index: PGXw: PolyGlycopleXw Postprandial hyperglycaemia and compensatory hyperinsulinaemia are factors linked to the development of lifestyle-related chronic diseases, including obesity(1), type 2 diabetes(2) and CHD(3). Carbohydrates are the only food constituents that directly increase blood glucose concentration, yet the proportion of dietary energy consumed as carbohydrate is not linked either positively or negatively to disease risk(4 – 6). In contrast, a large body of evidence suggests that dietary fibre and glycaemic index (GI)/glycaemic load (a measure of the glycaemic effect of the diet) have independent effects on the risk of chronic disease(7 – 11). Developing palatable, high-fibre, low-GI foods is therefore a new challenge for the food industry. Quality rather than quantity of fibre is a more important influence on postprandial glycaemia and the GI of foods. Indeed, among 121 foods of varying composition but equivalent energy content, increasing amounts of fibre predicted a marginally positive, rather than inverse, relationship to acute glycaemia and insulinaemia(12). Soluble fibres that develop viscosity in solution are more likely to be associated with reduced glycaemia. Indeed, the higher the viscosity, the greater the improvement in glucose and lipid metabolism(13). Unfortunately, in practice, both palatability and acceptability of functional fibres decline with increasing viscosity(14). In this context, PGXw, a highly viscous polysaccharide complex, has been developed that demonstrates a delayed onset of peak viscosity, allowing for a more acceptable and easy-touse functional fibre(15). Jenkins et al.(16,17) have demonstrated that PGXw reduces glycaemia in a dose-dependent manner when added to a glucose drink and carbohydrate-containing foods. Since the effect of viscous fibre may vary according to the conditions in the lumen of the gastrointestinal tract, we undertook a series of studies to investigate the effectiveness of two doses of PGXw dissolved in water on lowering the GI of a range of common starchy foods. Materials and methods The viscous polysaccharide used in the present study is sold as PolyGlycopleXw or PGXw (a-D -glucurono-a-D -manno-b-D manno-b-D-gluco, a-L -gulurono-b-D -mannurono, b-D -glucob-D -mannan; PGXw; InovoBiologic, Inc., Calgary, AB, Canada). It is manufactured from highly purified polysaccharides derived from konjac, sodium alginate and xanthan gum by a proprietary process (EnviroSimplexw), forming a complex Abbreviation: GI, glycaemic index. * Corresponding author: Professor J. C. Brand-Miller, email [email protected] 2 J. C. Brand-Miller et al. McCains), cornflakes (Kellogg’s, Melbourne, VIC, Australia) and oat porridge (Quaker Quick Oats; Peterborough, Ontario, Canada). For the control meal (0 dose PGXw), 5 g of a nonviscous dietary fibre (inulin, Oraftiw; Beneo, Tienen, Belgium) were used in place of PGXw. Subjects consumed the meals with a washout period of at least 2 d between the tests. On arrival at the metabolic kitchen, subjects were weighed and two fasting blood samples were taken. The test meal and water containing PGXw were consumed simultaneously at an even pace within 10 – 12 min. Because PGXw develops viscosity slowly, the solutions were only slightly viscous by 10 – 12 min (,1000 cps; S Wood, unpublished results). Further blood samples were taken at 15, 30, 45, 60, 90 and 120 min. with a viscosity higher than any currently known individual polysaccharide. Although PGXw complex formation takes place at secondary and tertiary levels, the primary structures of the natural polysaccharides remain unchanged(15). The final product is 87 % dietary fibre, of which 82 % is soluble. Previous studies have indicated that PGXw is well tolerated in human subjects(18), has a no observed adverse effect level of 50 000 parts per million(19) and has no mutagenic or genotoxic effects(20). A pool of twelve healthy subjects (seven females), with a mean age of 26·1 (SD 5·2) years and a BMI of 22·4 (SD 2·0) kg/m2, was recruited through the Sydney University Glycemic Index Research Service volunteer roster. Entry criteria included BMI , 25 kg/m2, fasting blood glucose ,5·5 mmol/l and no medication or supplements known to alter carbohydrate metabolism. The study was conducted according to the guidelines laid down in the Declaration of Helsinki, and all procedures involving human subjects/patients were approved by the University of Sydney Human Ethics Committee (protocol no. 12 029). Written informed consent was obtained from all subjects. Blood glucose analysis Fingerprick blood samples (0·8 ml) from warmed hands were collected into Eppendorf tubes containing 10 U heparin, centrifuged and the plasma stored on ice until same-day analysis in duplicate using a glucose hexokinase assay (Roche Diagnostic Systems, Sydney, NSW, Australia) for an automatic centrifugal spectrophotometric analyser (Roche/Hitachi 912w; Boehringer Mannheim Gmbh, Mannheim, Germany) with internal controls. Study design Statistical analysis The study was undertaken according to the ISO Standard for GI testing(21). After a 10 – 12 h fast, ten subjects (from the pool of twelve) consumed in random order eighteen test meals (six different foods with three doses of PGXw) and three reference meals (50 g glucose in 250 ml water given on three separate occasions). Of the twelve subjects, six consumed all six food sets, four subjects consumed five sets and two consumed only three sets. Each dose of PGXw was dissolved in 2 £ 250 ml water (0, 2·5 or 5 g) and consumed simultaneously with a 50 g carbohydrate portion of the following six starchy foods: white bread (Tip Top Wonderwhite; Goodman Fielder, Ryde, NSW, Australia), white rice (Uncle Ben’s Jasmine Rice; Mars Canada, Bolton, Ontario, Canada), boiled potato (McCain Purely Potato Cubes; McCains, Wendouree, VIC, Australia), French fries (McCain Superfries; GI British Journal of Nutrition Subjects 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 For each test, the incremental area under the curve was calculated according to the trapezoidal method. Any area under the baseline (fasting value) was ignored. In each study, the results were analysed using a general linear model (ANOVA) for the incremental area under the curve, with treatment or food and time as fixed factors and subject as a random factor. PASW Statistics 18 (SPSS, Inc., Chicago, IL, USA) was used for all statistical analyses. Results are expressed as means with their standard errors. Results All test meals were palatable and well tolerated, and no adverse events were reported. The effect of PGXw at 0, 2·5 and 5 g doses on the GI of the six foods is illustrated in * * *† * *† *† Bread *† * Rice Potato boiled * *† * *† French fries Cornflakes Instant oats Fig. 1. Glycaemic index (GI) of starchy foods with 0 ( ), 2·5 ( ) and 5 g ( ) of PGXw fibre. Values are means (n 10), with standard errors represented by vertical bars (n 10). All dose levels were significantly different from each other, irrespective of food type (P, 0·001; ANOVA). * Mean value was significantly different from that of the no dose condition (P, 0·001). † Mean value was significantly different from that of the 2·5 g dose condition (P, 0·001). Without PGXw, the mean GI values were as follows: bread 70 (SEM 3); rice 84 (SEM 4); potatoes (boiled) 70 (SEM 4); French fries 65 (SEM 4); cornflakes 82 (SEM 4); instant oats 76 (SEM 4). Effects of PGXw on glycaemic index Fig. 1. There were significant differences among the doses (P,0·001), and each dose was significantly different from every other dose (P,0·001). There was no significant food £ dose interaction, indicating that each dose affected each food in the same way. On average, a dose of 2·5 g reduced the GI by 14 units (i.e. by 16 –22 % depending on the food) and a dose of 5 g reduced the GI by 24 units (28– 35 % depending on the food). Using the logarithm of the GI, each dose of PGXw had a similar percentage reduction (21 % for the 2·5 g dose and 33 % for the 5 g dose), irrespective of the food (i.e. the food £ dose interaction was again not significant). This model was as good as the previous model using the GI alone and the percentage reduction. British Journal of Nutrition Discussion The present study shows that small quantities of PGXw dissolved in water and consumed with common starchy foods have clinically important dose-related effects on postprandial glycaemia. The smaller dose (2·5 g) reduced the blood glucose response to starchy foods by 21 % and the higher dose (5 g) by 33 %. PGXw reduced the GI of the foods by between 14 and 24 units (depending on the dose), irrespective of the food type. Notably, high-GI foods such as rice (GI ¼ 84 in the present study) and intermediate-GI, higher-fat foods such as French fries (GI ¼ 65 in the present study) were associated with a similar reduction in GI. All meals were well tolerated, with no reported gastrointestinal discomfort. Alternative methods of incorporating PGXw are also effective in the context of single foods and mixed meals. Jenkins et al.(16) demonstrated that sprinkling the product on the food just before consumption or direct inclusion during manufacture was successful in reducing glycaemia. They calculated that each gram of PGXw had the ability to reduce the GI by approximately 7 units. The term ‘glycaemic reduction index potential’ was used to describe this ability and allow comparisons among studies and different fibre preparations. In the present study, PGXw had a glycaemic reduction index potential value of 5 – 6 units, perhaps because PGXw was consumed in water with the meal rather than directly incorporated into the food. The magnitude of the reduction in glycaemia achieved with PGXw is superior to many other commercially available functional fibre preparations(13). Inulin, for example, is commonly added to commercial foods as a prebiotic fibre(22) but the 5 g dose used as the control (0 g PGXw) in the present study had no apparent effect on lowering GI. Cornflakes, for example, with 5 g inulin (0 dose of PGXw) generated a GI of 82, a value very close to the average of 81 in the published literature(23). Psyllium fibre can be consumed in solution or incorporated into foods such as breakfast cereal to reduce cholesterol absorption, but a 5 g dose produces only a modest 14 % reduction in postprandial glycaemia(24). In contrast, 5 g PGXw produced a 33 % reduction in the present study. b-Glucans (5 g) derived from oats consumed as a beverage reduced glycaemia by , 20 % when consumed with a bread meal(25). High-viscosity guar gum (approximately 5 g) can achieve a very high 50 % reduction when intimately mixed with a meal but it is not effective when viscosity is low(26). 3 The effectiveness of various fibre preparations has been directly related to their ability to create viscosity(13). Nonetheless, guar gum is so highly viscous in solution that its applications are limited due to stickiness and difficulties in incorporating the product into normal food processing operations. In contrast, the present study shows that PGXw reduces glycaemia very effectively when consumed in water before significant gelling has taken place. Guar is also notable for its capacity to produce excessive gastrointestinal discomfort(14). In a double-blind, randomised controlled trial (n 54), gastrointestinal symptoms after PGXw supplementation were rated as mild to moderate and generally well tolerated(18). In previous trials, we have demonstrated that the effectiveness of PGXw is dependent on dose, timing of consumption and physical form. Consumption within 15 min of the start of the meal, but not at 45 or 60 min, reduced glycaemia just as effectively as when taken with the meal. In contrast, PGXw consumed as capsules did not produce acute lowering of glycaemia, but had important ‘second meal’ effects, improving glucose tolerance at breakfast time when consumed with the previous evening meal. Reducing postprandial glycaemia and dietary glycaemic load is a recent target in the management and prevention of obesity and type 2 diabetes(27,28). A reduction in dietary GI and glycaemic load led to greater weight loss over 12 weeks(29) and improved maintenance of weight loss in a large European study(30). High-GI meals and diets are of greater concern in insulin-resistant individuals who must increase insulin secretion in order to re-establish glucose homeostasis, increasing the burden on the b-cell and therefore the risk of type 2 diabetes. In healthy adults, daily consumption of 5 g PGXw for 3 weeks was associated with improved insulin sensitivity and higher levels of peptide YY, a hormone that reduces hunger(31). In adolescents, PGXw in solution (5 g) was shown to reduce energy intake from a pizza meal given 90 min later(32). In diabetic rats, PGXw was found to improve glycaemic control and protein glycation, most probably due to the insulin secretagogue effects of increased glucagon-like peptide 1(33). The ability of PGXw to reduce the glycaemic response may be a simple, effective ingredient in the designing of lower-GI diets. In conclusion, granular PGXw consumed in water with common starchy foods such as potatoes, bread and rice has biologically important dose-related effects on acute postprandial glycaemia. As little as 5 g reduced blood glucose responses over 120 min by 33 % and reduced the GI of foods by 24 units. Acknowledgements Financial support of the study and supply of PGXw were provided by InovoBiologic, Inc. PGXw, PolyGlycopleXw and ENVIROSIMPLEXw are trademarks of InovoBiologic, Inc. All other marks are the property of their respective owners. The authors’ contributions were as follows: J. C. B.-M., S. W. and F. S. A. were responsible for the design of the study, collection and analysis of the data and writing of the manuscript; R. J. G., M. R. L. and V. K. contributed to the design of the study and 4 J. C. Brand-Miller et al. writing of the manuscript. Conflict of interest: J. C. B.-M. received financial remuneration for the preparation of the manuscript; F. S. A. was employed by the University of Sydney to undertake the studies; R. J. G. owns the Factors Group of Companies, which retains an interest in PGXw; V. K. is an employee of the Canadian Centre for Functional Medicine; M. R. L. receives consulting fees from the Factors Group of Companies; S. W. receives consulting fees from InovoBiologic, Inc. 18. References 19. 1. 2. British Journal of Nutrition 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Metzger BE, Lowe LP, Dyer AR, et al. (2008) Hyperglycemia and adverse pregnancy outcomes. N Engl J Med 358, 1991– 2002. 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European Journal of Clinical Nutrition (2010), 1–6 & 2010 Macmillan Publishers Limited All rights reserved 0954-3007/10 www.nature.com/ejcn ORIGINAL ARTICLE Effects of PGX, a novel functional fibre, on acute and delayed postprandial glycaemia JC Brand-Miller1, FS Atkinson1, RJ Gahler2, V Kacinik3, MR Lyon3,4 and S Wood5 1 Boden Institute of Obesity, Nutrition and Exercise and the School of Molecular Bioscience, University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW, Australia; Factors Group R & D, Burnaby, BC, Canada; 3University of British Columbia, Food, Nutrition and Health Program, Vancouver, BC, Canada; 4Canadian Centre for Functional Medicine, Coquitlam, BC, Canada and 5InovoBiologic Inc., Calgary, AB, Canada 2 Background: Viscous fibre in food has established health benefits, but few functional fibre preparations are both effective and palatable. Our objective was to determine the most effective dose, formulation and timing of consumption of a novel fibre supplement (PolyGlycopleX (PGX)) in reducing postprandial glycaemia. Subjects/methods: Three trials were undertaken, each with 10 subjects (8M and 8F; age 24.4±2.6 years). Granular supplement was tested at four doses (0, 2.5, 5.0 and 7.5 g) with breakfast (study 1). Granular and capsule forms of the supplement were given in a single dose (5 g for granules and 4.5 g in capsules) at 60, 45, 30, 15 and 0 before, and þ 15 min after a bread meal (study 2). Capsules at increasing doses (1.5, 3, 4.5 and 6 g) were consumed with the evening meal to determine effects on glucose tolerance at breakfast (study 3). Incremental area under the blood glucose curve was determined. Results: Granular PGX at breakfast time at doses of 2.5, 5 and 7.5 g reduced the incremental area under the curve by up to 50% in a linear dose–response fashion (Po0.001). The granular form of PGX (5 g), but not the capsules, reduced glycaemia by up to 28% when consumed from 45 to þ 15 min (Po0.001). Capsules containing 3, 4.5 and 6 g PGX consumed with the evening meal reduced glycaemia at breakfast by up to 28% (Po0.001). Conclusions: PGX has biologically important, dose-related effects on acute and delayed (second meal) postprandial glycaemia. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition advance online publication, 6 October 2010; doi:10.1038/ejcn.2010.199 Keywords: Viscous polysaccharide, dietary fibre, postprandial glycaemia, PGX Introduction Increasing evidence from long term, prospective observational studies suggests that diets containing larger quantities of whole grains and dietary fibre are associated with reduced risk of type 2 diabetes (Schulze et al., 2004, 2005). In controlled trials, higher intake of cereal fibre produces improvements in insulin sensitivity (Pereira et al., 2002), whereas soluble fibre reduces postprandial glycaemia (Jenkins et al., 1978), as well as serum lipids (Jenkins et al., 1993; Vuksan et al., 1999). Most health authorities and diabetes associations now advise an increase in dietary fibre intake to at least 14 g per 1000 kcal (Canadian Diabetes Association 2000; American Diabetes Association 2008). Correspondence: Professor JC Brand-Miller, Boden Institute of Obesity, Nutrition and Exercise and the School of Molecular Bioscience, University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia. E-mail: [email protected] Contributors: JCBM, SW and FSA were responsible for design of the study, collection and analysis of the data and writing of the paper. RJG, MRL and VK contributed to the design of the study and writing of the paper. Received 19 April 2010; revised 7 June 2010; accepted 6 August 2010 Despite community awareness of the health benefits of dietary fibre, intakes have remained at about half the recommended level over the last decade (Casagrande et al., 2007). Thus, supplementation of the diet with purified dietary fibres that are active in vivo (that is, ‘functional’ fibre preparations) may be an option to increase fibre intake. Although both insoluble and soluble fibres can be used this way, soluble fibres that develop viscosity in solution appear to provide greater benefits for metabolism. Indeed, the higher the viscosity, the greater the improvement in glucose and lipid metabolism (Jenkins et al., 1978). Unfortunately, in practice both palatability and acceptability of functional fibres decline with increasing viscosity (Ellis et al., 1981). Recent advances in food science suggest that optimal viscosity can be reached by using a combination of different viscous fibres resulting in an induced viscosity that is greater than the viscosity of the individual components (Wood et al., 1994). This may allow smaller doses to be used that may increase acceptability while maintaining efficacy (Vuksan et al., 2000). Recently, PolyGlycopleX (PGX), a highly viscous polysaccharide complex has been developed that demonstrates a Effects of PGX on postprandial glycaemia JC Brand-Miller et al 2 delayed onset of peak viscosity, allowing for a more palatable and easy-to-use functional fibre. As the effect of viscous fibre may vary according to the conditions in the lumen of the gastrointestinal tract, we undertook a series of studies to investigate the effectiveness of two alternate forms of the product (granules or capsules), the timing of the dose with respect to that of a carbohydrate-containing meal, and the presence or absence of a ‘second meal’ effect (that is, the ability to reduce postprandial glycaemia the following morning after an evening dose of the supplement). Materials and methods Fibre supplement PGX (a-D-glucurono-a–manno-b-D-manno-b-D-gluco), (a-Lgulurono-b-D mannurono), b-D-gluco-b-D-mannan; (PGX); Inovobiologic Inc., Calgary, Canada) is a novel functional fibre complex manufactured by a proprietary process (EnviroSimplex) from three dietary fibres to form a highly viscous polysaccharide with high water holding and gelforming properties. A proprietary process causes strong interactions to be formed between these to produce a resultant polysaccharide complex (Abdelhameed et al., 2010), with a level of viscosity that is higher than any currently known individual polysaccharide. The final product is a novel soluble, highly viscous polysaccharide (functional fibre) that has been shown to be well tolerated by rodents (Matulka et al., 2009) and humans (Carabin et al., 2009). A case study in relating pre-clinical, clinical and postmarketing surveillance data reviewed over 54 million serving of PGX over a 4-year period and found PGX to be well tolerated when used to supplement the diet (unpublished findings). Genotoxicity studies of PGX have shown no mutagenic effects using bacterial reverse mutation and mouse micronucleus assays (Marone et al., 2009). PGX is 87.4% dietary fibre, of which 81.8% is soluble. It is available in two physical forms: a granular product that is dissolved in water or sprinkled on food before consumption, and as a soft-gelatin capsule that is swallowed whole. Study design Three single-blind, randomized controlled trials were undertaken in three groups of 10 healthy subjects selected from a pool of 16 (8M and 8F; age 24.4±2.6 years (range: 20.3–29.2 years); body mass index 21.7±2.3 kg/m2 (range: 18.2–24.8 kg/m2)). Subjects were recruited through the Sydney University Glycemic Index Research Service volunteer roster. Entry criteria included body mass index o 25 kg/m2 and fasting blood glucose o5.5 mmol/l. Subjects taking medications or dietary supplements were excluded. The study was conducted at the University of Sydney and was approved by the Human Research Ethics Committee of the University of Sydney. Informed written consent was obtained from all subjects before the start of the study. Subjects received a small financial reward for their participation. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition Treatments were randomized within each series with 6, 7 and 16 treatments in study 1, 2 and 3, respectively. Each subject undertook up to two tests per week with at least 2 days between tests. On each test day, subjects arrived at the metabolic kitchen in the morning after a 10–12 h overnight fast. After being weighed and having two fasting blood samples obtained by finger-prick, the subject consumed the test meal within 10 min, and further blood samples were obtained at 15, 30, 45, 60, 90 and 120 min after the start of eating. Study 1. The aim was to investigate the dose–response relationship using four doses of PGX granules taken with a white bread meal (Tip Top, George Weston Foods, Sydney, NSW, Australia) containing 50 g available carbohydrate (defined as total carbohydrate minus dietary fibre). There were six treatments consisting of three placebo tests (0 g) and one each with 2.5, 5 and 7.5 g supplement. The active granules were dissolved in 2 250 ml glasses of water. Study 2. The aim was to determine whether the timing of a single dose of PGX (5 g) was critical, and whether the ability to lower postprandial glycaemia (effectiveness) varied with the form of the supplement (capsules or granules). Of the 16 treatments, four were placebo, six were capsules and six were granules, given at times 60, 45, 30, 15, 0 and þ 15 min relative to the start of eating. The meal consisted of a 50 g available carbohydrate portion of white bread. The granular supplement was dissolved in 2 250 ml water and consumed within 5 min, whereas capsules were consumed with the same volume of water (0 time). Study 3. The aim was to investigate whether increasing amounts of the capsule form of PGX had a ‘second meal’ effect, that is, a beneficial effect on glucose tolerance at breakfast following supplementation at the previous evening meal. Subjects underwent a total of seven sessions in which the same meal (teriyaki chicken stir-fry with vegetables and Jasmine rice, with a cereal snack bar for dessert) containing 120 g available carbohydrate and 3000 kJ (approximately 717 Cal) (female meal) and 3300 kJ (approximately 789 Cal) (male meal) was consumed in the evening together with 1.5, 3, 4.5 or 6 g of PGX (2, 4, 6 and 8 capsules, respectively, given in random order) or 4, 6 or 8 placebo capsules (that is, a total of three placebo tests) and 2 250 ml water. The evening meal was consumed within 20 min and the capsules were taken at the start of the meal. On the following morning after a 12-h fast, subjects consumed a standard breakfast of white bread containing 50 g available carbohydrate. Blood glucose analysis Finger-prick blood samples (0.8 ml) from warmed hands were collected into Eppendorf tubes containing 10 U heparin, centrifuged and the plasma stored on ice until same-day analysis in duplicate using a glucose hexokinase assay (Roche Effects of PGX on postprandial glycaemia JC Brand-Miller et al 3 Diagnostic Systems, Sydney, NSW, Australia) and an automatic centrifugal spectrophotometric analyser (Roche/ Hitachi 912, Boehringer Mannheim Gmbh, Germany) with internal controls. Statistical analysis For each test, the incremental area under the curve (iAUC) was calculated according to the trapezoidal method. Any area under the baseline (fasting value) was ignored. In each study, the results were analyzed using a general linear model (analysis of variance) for iAUC with treatment or food and time as fixed factors and subject as a random factor. PASW Statistics 18 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA) was used for all statistical analyses. Results are expressed as means±s.e.m. consumed at the start of the meal (0 time, 28% reduction, 145±5 vs 103±11 mM/120 min, Po0.001), followed by 30 and 15 min. There was no significant effect of capsules, irrespective of timing (Figure 2b). Study 3 determined whether there was a ‘second meal’ effect at breakfast following supplementation with capsule form in the previous evening meal. Doses of 3, 4.5 and 6 g (but not 1.5 g) reduced blood glucose iAUC relative to placebo (171±4 (0 g), 150±8 (3 g), 130±8 (4.5 g) and 123±8 (6 g) mM/120 min, respectively), with the greatest reduction seen with the largest number of capsules (Figure 3). There was a significant dose–response effect at the second meal, indicating that each extra active capsule reduced the incremental AUC by B6 units or B3–4%. Adverse events Although no formal assessment was made, all test meals were well tolerated and no adverse events were reported. Study 1 investigated the dose–response effect of 0, 2. 5, 5 and 7.5 g of the granular form of PGX dissolved in water and taken with the meal. The highest dose reduced the iAUC by 50% from 151±5 to 76±9 mM/120 min (Po0.005). Treating dose as a continuous variable with values 0, 1, 2 and 3, there was a significant linear reduction of postprandial glycaemia (iAUC 151±5, 113±9, 88±9 and 76±9 mM/120 min, Po0.001, Figure 1) with each additional gram of supplement reducing iAUC by B11 units or 7%. In pairwise comparisons, adjacent doses were not significantly different, but all other comparisons were significant at P ¼ 0.005. Study 2 determined whether the timing of a single dose (5 g) relative to the meal influenced postprandial glycaemia, and whether the physical form of the supplement (capsules or granules) was important. The granular form, but not the capsules, significantly reduced glycaemia relative to placebo (Po0.001) when consumed at 45, 30, 15, 0 or þ 15 min, but not –60 min, relative to the meal (Figure 2a). The most effective reduction in iAUC occurred when the granules were [Plasma Glucose] (mmol/L) 8.0 Discussion This series of studies shows that PGX has clinically important, dose-related effects on acute and delayed postprandial glycaemia. The highest dose of the granular form (7.5 g) dissolved in water and consumed with a carbohydrate meal at breakfast time, reduced the blood glucose response in healthy individuals by 50%. Effectiveness of PGX granules was also related to timing: consumption within 15 min of the start of the meal, but not 45 or 60 min, reduced glycaemia just as effectively as when taken with the meal (0 time). In contrast, PGX (4.5 g) consumed as capsules did not produce acute lowering of glycaemia, yet had important ‘second meal’ effects, improving glucose tolerance at breakfast time when consumed with the previous evening meal. These findings indicate that the effectiveness of PGX is dependent on dose, timing of consumption and physical form. 0.0 g granules 2.5 g granules 5.0 g granules 7.5 g granules 7.5 7.0 6.5 6.0 5.5 180 iAUC Glucose (mmol/L.min) Results a 160 140 b 120 100 b,c c 80 60 40 20 0 5.0 0 15 30 45 60 75 Time (min) 90 105 120 0.0 2.5 5.0 7.5 Granules Dosage (g) Figure 1 Acute dose–response effects. Incremental postprandial blood glucose responses and corresponding incremental area under the curve (iAUC) of 10 healthy subjects after four meals containing 50 g available carbohydrate as white bread supplemented with 0, 2.5, 5 or 7.5 g of PGX granules dissolved in 500 ml of water. Columns with different letters are significantly different (Po0.01). P-values are for analysis of variance with pairwise comparisons. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition Effects of PGX on postprandial glycaemia JC Brand-Miller et al 4 a Granules Placebo (Av) -60 min -45 min -30 min -15 min 0 min +15 min 7.5 7.0 6.5 iAUC Glucose (mmol/L.min) [Plasma Glucose] (mmol/L) 8.0 6.0 5.5 5.0 0 30 45 60 75 Time (min) 90 105 a a,b Placebo -60 (Av) 120 b b -45 -30 b -15 b b 0 +15 Time of granules consumption (min) Capsules 8.0 Placebo (Av) -60 min -45 min -30 min -15 min 0 min +15 min 7.5 7.0 6.5 6.0 5.5 5.0 0 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 iAUC Glucose (mmol/L.min) [Plasma Glucose] (mmol/L) b 15 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 120 Placebo -60 (Av) Time (min) -45 -30 -15 0 +15 Time of capsules consumption (min) Figure 2 Timing of consumption. Incremental postprandial blood glucose responses and corresponding incremental area under the curve (iAUC) of 10 healthy subjects after a meal containing 50 g available carbohydrate as white bread supplemented at 60, 45, 30, 15, 0 and þ 15 min with PGX granules (5 g) dissolved in 500 ml of water (a) and as PGX capsules consumed with 500 ml water (b). Bars with different letters are significantly different (Po0.001). P-values are for analysis of variance with pairwise comparisons. 0 capsules 2 capsules 4 capsules 6 capsules 8 capsules 7.5 7.0 6.5 6.0 5.5 200 iAUC Glucose (m mol/L.min) [Plasma Glucose] (m mol/L) 8.0 180 160 140 a a,b b b b 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 5.0 0 15 30 45 60 75 Time (min) 90 105 120 0 2 4 6 8 Dosage (g) as capsules Figure 3 Delayed ‘second meal’ effects. Incremental postprandial blood glucose responses and corresponding incremental area under the curve (iAUC) of 10 healthy subjects after a standard breakfast containing 50 g available carbohydrate as white bread. On the evening before the breakfast, 0, 1.5, 3, 4.5 and 6 g PGX in the form of capsules were consumed with the evening meal. Bars with different letters are significantly different (Po0.01). P-values are for analysis of variance with pairwise comparisons. The magnitude of the reduction in glycaemia achieved with PGX appears to be comparable with or superior to other commercially available functional fibre preparations European Journal of Clinical Nutrition (Jenkins et al., 1978). High viscosity guar gum (B5 g) also reduces glycaemia by up to 50% when intimately mixed with a meal, but it is not effective when viscosity is low (Leclere Effects of PGX on postprandial glycaemia JC Brand-Miller et al 5 et al., 1994). In contrast, pysllium fibre (5 g) produced only a 14% reduction in postprandial glycaemia when consumed with a breakfast meal (Pastors et al., 1991). b-glucans (5 g) derived from oats, but not barley, reduced glycaemia by o20% when consumed with a bread meal (Biorklund et al., 2005). The beneficial effects of functional fibre preparations are highly dependent on the food matrix. PGX has also been found to be just as effective when sprinkled on food as dissolved in water (unpublished data). This ability provides a significant advantage in terms of palatability because it delays the onset of viscosity. Nonetheless, PGX was not effective when consumed encased in gelatin capsules, even when a 15, 30, 45 or 60-min time gap was permitted between consumption of the capsules and the start of the meal to allow development of viscosity in vivo. The effectiveness of various fibre preparations has been directly related to their ability to create viscosity (Jenkins et al., 1978). Nonetheless, extreme viscosity is not desirable. Guar gum is so highly viscous that its applications are limited because of the difficulties in incorporating the product into normal food processing operations. To be effective, guar gum must be mixed with a blender to prevent clumps, and allowed to reach its full viscosity before incorporation, often resulting in an undesirable food texture or mouth-feel. In contrast, the present studies show that PGX reduces glycaemia very effectively when consumed in water before significant gelling has taken place. Guar is also noted for its capacity to produce excessive gastrointestinal discomfort (Ellis et al., 1981). In a double blind, randomized controlled trial (n ¼ 54), gastrointestinal symptoms after PGX supplementation were rated as mild to moderate, and generally well tolerated (Carabin et al., 2009). In the third study in this series, we showed that PGX in capsule form had dose-related ‘second meal’ effects. This phenomenon describes the ability of a food or supplement to improve glucose tolerance at the following meal, for example, from dinner in the evening to breakfast the next day or from breakfast to lunch or lunch to dinner on the same day. In the case of PGX, 6 g consumed as capsules in the evening reduced glycaemia at breakfast by almost 30%. This is a useful attribute because it implies that not all meals must be consumed with the supplement in order to see benefits on postprandial glycaemia. Many fibres, both soluble and insoluble, as well as low glycaemic index foods, have been shown to produce second meal effects (Brighenti et al., 2006). The effect of wheat fibre is thought to be directly related to an acute improvement (within 24 h) in wholebody insulin sensitivity caused by the absorption of the products of fermentation of the fibre in the large bowel into the portal bloodstream (Weickert et al., 2005). In the case of low glycaemic index foods, the mechanism may be related to prolonged carbohydrate absorption and suppression of free fatty acid release (Jenkins et al., 1990). It is, therefore, possible that the second meal effects of PGX could be even greater in the granular form. In the past, the ability of fibre preparations to improve lipid metabolism was the focus of most research (Brown et al., 1999). But increasingly, reductions in postprandial glycaemia (glycemic ‘spikes’) have been encouraged as part of the management and prevention of impaired glucose tolerance (pre-diabetes) and type 2 diabetes (Ceriello, 2004; Dickinson and Brand-Miller, 2005). In the STOP-NIDDM trial, treatment with the a-glucosidase inhibitor, acarbose, a compound that specifically reduces postprandial hyperglycaemia, reduced the risk of type 2 diabetes (Chiasson et al., 2002), weight gain over time (Chiasson et al., 2002, 2003), and cardiovascular disease (Chiasson et al., 2003). The repeated challenge to b-cell function induced by low-fibre, high-carbohydrate meals is of concern in insulin-resistant individuals who must increase insulin secretion to re-establish glucose homeostasis. In this phenotype, adherence to a conventional low fat diet produces both higher postprandial glycaemic and insulinaemic excursions and greater demands on b-cell function, which could eventually promote b-cell dysfunction and type 2 diabetes. PGX’s ability to reduce postprandial glycaemia also suggests a potential role in the treatment and prevention of obesity. Low glycaemic index carbohydrates have been associated with lower fat mass accretion in animal models (Pawlak et al., 2004; Isken et al., 2009) and greater fat loss in some weight loss trials (McMillan-Price et al., 2006; Ebbeling et al., 2007). In adolescents, PGX in solution (5 g) was shown to reduce energy intake from a pizza meal given 90 minutes later more effectively than less viscous fibres, such as glucomannan and cellulose (Vuksan et al., 2009). In conclusion, PGX in granular form has biologically important, dose-related effects on acute postprandial glycaemia. As little as 7.5 g of the granules reduces blood glucose responses over 120 min by 50%. Precise timing was not critical and consumption within 15 min either side of the start of the meal was effective. PGX in capsule form did not reduce acute glycaemia with the meal it was taken with but had a biologically important effect when consumed with the evening meal whereby it improved glucose tolerance at breakfast (that is, a ‘second meal effect’). Further research is needed to evaluate the long-term health benefits of this promising viscous polysaccharide. Conflict of interest JCBM received financial remuneration for the preparation of the paper. FSA was employed by the University of Sydney to undertake the studies. RJG owns the Factors Group of Companies, which retains an interest in PGX. VK is an employee of the Canadian Centre for Functional Medicine. MRL receives consulting fees from the Factors Group of Companies. SW receives consulting fees from InovoBiologic Inc. PGX and Envirosimplex are trademarks of InovoBiologic Inc. All other marks are the property of their respective owners. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition Effects of PGX on postprandial glycaemia JC Brand-Miller et al 6 Acknowledgements InovoBiologic Inc., Calgary, AB, Canada supported the study and supplied PGX. References Abdelhameed AS, Ang S, Morris GA, Smith I, Lawson C, Gahler R et al. (2010). An analytical ultracentrifuge study on ternary mixtures of konjac Glucomannan supplemented with sodium alginate and xanthan gum. Carbohydr Polym 81, 145–148. American Diabetes Association (2008). Nutrition recommendations and interventions for diabetes. 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Epidemiological and experimental evidence point to a significant association between a lack of fiber intake and ischemic heart disease, stroke atherosclerosis, type 2 diabetes, overweight and obesity, insulin resistance, hypertension, dyslipidemia, as well as gastrointestinal disorders such as diverticulosis, irritable bowel disease, colon cancer, and cholelithiasis. The physiological effects of fiber relate to the physical properties of volume, viscosity, and water-holding capacity that the fiber imparts to food leading to important influences over the energy density of food. Beyond these physical properties, fiber directly impacts a complex array of microbiological, biochemical, and neurohormonal effects directly through modification of the kinetics of digestion and through its metabolism into constituents such as short chain fatty acids, which are both energy substrates and important enteroendocrine ligands. Of particular interest to clinicians is the important role dietary fiber plays in glucoregulation, appetite, and satiety. Supplementation of the diet with highly functional fibers may prove to play an important role in long-term obesity management. Introduction The “eat less and exercise more” paradigm has proven to be of little value in the clinical management of the obese patient. Likewise, treatments that rely upon complex or rigorous dietary plans tend to result in poor long-term benefits with patients typically drifting back to their old habits once the novelty of the diet has worn off. Clinicians are increasingly assisting obese patients in the establishment of more achievable long goals, including the avoidance of further weight gain as a realistic end point in some patients. Rather than complex dietary regimens, most patients respond more favorably to incorporating eating strategies that help them achieve and maintain a sense of satiety while reducing their caloric intake. Significantly increasing the consumption of dietary fiber to reduce the caloric density of food and reduce the glycemic impact of the food is generally considered to play an important, if not essential, part of long-term weight management [1]. What Is Dietary Fiber? Keywords Dietary fiber . Obesity . Appetite regulation . Glycemic index . GLP-1 . PYY . CCK . Oxyntomodulin . L-cells . Free fatty acid receptors . Bile acid receptors M. R. Lyon : V. Kacinik Canadian Center for Functional Medicine, 1550 United Boulevard, Coquitlam, BC, Canada V3K 6Y2 M. R. Lyon (*) Food, Nutrition and Health Program, University of British Columbia, 1550 United Boulevard, Coquitlam, BC, Canada V3K 6Y2 e-mail: [email protected] Dietary fiber is a non-starch polysaccharide in (mostly) plant food that is poorly digested by humans. Based on a recent US government consensus report, fiber can exist as dietary fiber (naturally occurring in food), or functional fiber (added during the processing or preparation of food or consumed separately as a supplement) [2]. Fiber can be insoluble or soluble in water. Insoluble fibers include cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignins, whereas soluble fibers include various gums, pectins, β-glucans, oligosaccharides, resistant dextrans, and resistant starches. Chitin and chitosan are indigestible aminopolysaccharides that are found in or are derived from the exoskeletons of arthropods such as crabs and lobster, as well Curr Obes Rep as the cell walls of most fungi, and could functionally be regarded as fiber, although they are not recognized as fiber by most regulatory authorities. The distinction between soluble and insoluble fibers is due to the chemical properties of the fiber, resulting in its tendency to absorb water. Various physicochemical properties of fiber (viscosity, water-holding capacity, cation exchange capacity, adsorption of organic materials, and fermentability) are now thought to be fundamental to its beneficial physiologic effects. The Institute of Medicine has proposed a new definition of dietary fiber that encompasses both its physical characteristics and its physiologic effects in humans [3]. A fiber’s viscosity, its waterholding capacity, and its fermentability are the chief determinates of fiber’s physiologic effects. The regulatory classification of fiber varies considerably in different countries. The Codex Alimentarius Commission of the World Health Organization has defined dietary fiber upon analytic methods rather than its physical or physiologic characteristics [4]. Sources The typical Western diet is generally lacking in sufficient dietary fiber, being composed principally of refined grains and other highly digestible sources of starch, sugar, various fats, and animal products. Children in particular are commonly fiber deficient, with daily intakes often under 5 g and with little soluble fiber. Likewise, many adults in Western society consume 5 to 10 g of fiber daily, as opposed to the 35 to 50 g that is considered desirable for optimal health [5]. Moreover, because most fiber in the Western diet is derived from cereal grains, the intake of viscous soluble fiber is typically inadequate. A diet focusing on a large intake of vegetables and fruits as well as unrefined whole grains and legumes should be the foundation of a healthy lifestyle. With this “whole-foods” based diet, it is certain that dietary fiber intake will substantially increase [6]. Unfortunately, only a minority of the population, particularly children, are likely to adopt a largely whole-foods diet anytime in the near future. Because of this, efforts are underway to establish effective means to fortify the Western diet with dietary fiber through the use of functional fibers (various fibers as food additives or ingredients as well as the use of readily accepted fiber supplements). Health Effects There is compelling epidemiologic and experimental data associating numerous disorders, at least in part, to a lack of dietary fiber. Ischemic heart disease, stroke atherosclerosis, type 2 diabetes, overweight and obesity, insulin resistance, hypertension, dyslipidemia, as well as gastrointestinal disorders such as diverticulosis, irritable bowel disease, colon cancer, and cholelithiasis are just a few of the many conditions that seem to be influenced by the adequacy of dietary fiber intake [7, 8]. Numerous studies have demonstrated that certain fibers decrease the glycemic response to food, promote satiety, lower serum cholesterol, promote bowel regularity, positively influence colonic microflora, provide nutritional substrates for colonic mucosal cells, improve mucosal barrier function, as well as aid in the sequestration and elimination of toxic and carcinogenic dietary and environmental compounds. These and other effects constantly interplay to increase or decrease the development of a wide range of health conditions. Viscous dietary fibers have been correlated with moderation in blood glucose and cholesterol concentrations, prolonged gastric emptying, and slower transit time through the small intestine [9]. Among viscous fibers, fermentability is mostly associated with large bowel function. Rapidly fermented fiber sources provide substrates for short-chain fatty acid (SCFA) production by microflora in the large bowel, whereas slowly or incompletely fermented fiber sources improve bowel health by promoting laxation, reducing colonic transit time, and increasing stool weight [10]. Mechanisms of Action of Dietary Fiber Dietary fiber exerts its effects through an interaction between the physical properties it imparts to foods accompanied by a complex array of microbiological, biochemical, and neurohormonal influences. Dietary fiber can have a strong influence on the palatability of food, and may require longer periods of mastication before swallowing, thus influencing ingestive behavior. In the stomach, fiber affects the volume and viscosity of food, which has a highly significant effect on satiety [11]. This “volumetric” effect on food promotes a sense of fullness and a delay in gastric emptying, which tends to naturally result in a decrease in caloric intake. Various fibers differ dramatically in their ability to impart volume and viscosity to foods, and it has been shown that simple distention of the gastric antrum by soluble, viscous fibers leads to a sensation of satiety that tends to promote cessation of eating during meal time [12]. Viscous fiber has also been shown to slow gastric emptying, thus resulting in a prolongation of the mechanical distention of the stomach [13]. As well, viscous fiber consumption results in a delayed postprandial rise of ghrelin, the principle peripheral orexigen that promotes meal initiation. This delay in the pre-meal elevation of ghrelin is thought to result from slowed absorption of glucose and amino acids and a resultant increase in the delivery of these nutrients to the jejunum and ileum [14]. Curr Obes Rep Viscosity of Fiber Water-Holding Capacity and Energy Density Viscosity as related to dietary fiber refers to the ability of some polysaccharides to thicken or form gels when mixed with fluids resulting from physical entanglements and hydrophilic interactions among the polysaccharide constituents within the fluid or solution [15]. Gums, pectins, and β-glucans make up the majority of viscous dietary fibers. Apples, legumes, and oats are common dietary sources of viscous fibers. The viscosity that a fiber imparts to the gastric and small intestinal contents is directly correlated with the ability of the fiber to reduce postprandial glycemic response, promote satiety, decrease serum cholesterol, and decrease serum uric acid [16, 17••]. The viscosity of fiber is also thought to play an important role in the augmentation of gut mucosal protection through the stimulation of enteral mucus production and goblet cell hypertrophy and replication [18]. Additionally, those viscous fibers that are largely fermented by colonic microflora exert a wide array of physiologic effects through the production of SCFAs (the principle energy substrates of colonocytes), the promotion of beneficial colonic microbial populations, and the augmentation of important gut-derived peptide hormones. The viscosity of fiber is best measured by methods that quantify a hydrated fiber’s internal friction and its ability to resist flow. Viscosity is usually expressed in units of millipascal seconds or centipoise [19]. Other factors, such as shear stress (e.g., mastication, peristalsis), acid pH, dilution, and chemical components of food determine the real viscosity that a fiber will impart to food rather than just its in vitro viscosity. The concept of the glycemic index (GI) came about through the work of Jenkins et al. [20] as they examined the impact of viscous fiber ingestion on glucose tolerance. It is now generally accepted that the GI of a carbohydrate-containing food is directly correlated to the viscosity of that food after ingestion. Viscous fibers increase small intestinal transit time, thus decreasing the speed of macronutrient digestion and absorption [14]. Along with changes in absorptive rate, prolonging the exposure of the enteral mucosa to macronutrients augments the liberation of anorexigenic peptides. Fat and protein in the proximal small bowel stimulate the release of cholecystokinin (CCK), which promotes acute postprandial satiety. As well, the elevated delivery of carbohydrates to the distal small intestine, stimulate the release of the anorexigenic peptides glucagonlike peptide 1 (GLP-1) and peptide YY (PYY) in a manner perhaps akin to that which occurs (on a greater scale) from the malabsorption accompanying gastric bypass surgery [21, 22•]. These mechanisms tend to promote satiety between meals and result in a delay in the onset of hunger. The ability of a fiber to absorb and hold on to water as it transits the gut is key factor that contributes to its functional effects. Soluble fibers have the capacity to create a stable gel that results in stomach volume being occupied and a sense of satiety created without the addition of significant calories. This concept has been referred to as “caloric displacement,” meaning that the consumption of low-calorie-density food or supplemental fiber can result in the achievement of satiety with a caloric intake that is less than if the food consumed was higher in caloric or energy density. A food’s energy density consists of the net quantity of calories in a particular weight of food (usually expressed as kcal/g). Several strategies have been employed involving the addition of substantial amounts of low-energydensity foods to a meal plan. For instance, consuming a high-fiber, low-energy-density soup as a “preload” before the rest of a meal significantly reduces the ad libitum food intake for that meal while increasing feelings of satiety [23]. Similarly, consuming a large, low-energydensity salad at the onset or during a meal reduces the total ad libitum consumption of food for that meal [24••]. Recently, it has been demonstrated that a variety of highfiber vegetables can be added to acceptable foods resulting in a significant decrease in the calorie density of the food without a negative impact upon the palatability of the food, even with children [25••]. Consuming functional fiber supplements prior to or with meals can also reduce the caloric density of meals and promote satiety. As an example, our research group recently studied the effect of adding a highly viscous functional fiber supplement (PGX®) to each meal with food, or in liquid meal replacements in women on a low-calorie diet. In this double-blind placebo-controlled trial, each 5-g dose of the highly viscous fiber was estimated to hold approximately 1 L of water in its passage through the stomach and small intestine, essentially adding 3 L or over 6 lb of non-caloric food mass to the daily food intake. In this study we were able to show that the viscous fiber supplement significantly reduced hunger feelings and promoted satiety during a period of significant caloric reduction (Fig. 1) [26••]. Those who work in the field of obesity management generally accept the necessity of teaching patients practical strategies that promote the consumption of lowcalorie-density, highly volumetric foods in the dietary management of overweight and obesity [27••, 28, 29]. Functional fiber supplements may play a significant role in assisting patients in the achievement of consistent reductions in the energy density of their diets, especially during periods of significant caloric reduction. Curr Obes Rep Fig. 1 Comparison of pre-dinner mean hunger and prospective consumption scores of day 3 of the 1000-calorie diet supplement with 5 g of PGX or placebo at each meal. Values are mean±SE (n035). Asterisk (*) indicates significantly lower scores with PGX than the placebo supplement (P<0.05). VAS—visual analogue scale Prebiotic Effects of Fiber It is increasingly recognized that certain forms of fiber are fermentable, providing important metabolic substrates in the metabolism of gut flora. By definition, humans lack the enzymes specific to digest fiber. In the case of insoluble fiber, most gut microbes cannot utilize this as an energy source, and so it is typically excreted without any molecular alteration other than by forming a surface for the adsorption of water, organic matter, and cations. Soluble fibers vary in their fermentability and in the specific microbes that can utilize them as substrates. The term “prebiotic” was coined by Gibson and Roberfroid [30, 31] in 1995, and was defined as an indigestible carbohydrate that is fermentable in the lower gastrointestinal tract that selectively promotes the growth of desirable (prebiotic) microflora and is associated with a positive health outcome. Although there may be exceptions, prebiotics tend to reduce populations of potentially pathogenic flora while promoting desirable commensals such as Bifidobacteria. Recent evidence suggested that this effect might play an important role in both the reduction in adiposity as well as a decline in the contribution of adipocytes to inflammation. It has been demonstrated in animal models that prebiotic supplementation might reduce the development of large adipocytes (those that predominate in the visceral compartment), which are highly involved in the overactivation of a wide variety of inflammatory processes associated with overeating, obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and pain [32, 33]. Pathways of inflammation associated with atopic disease may also be intimately associated with gut flora. Both probiotics and prebiotics are believed to hold significant promise in the prevention and treatment of allergies and atopic disorders, such as eczema [34–37], and they may have the potential to play a significant role in the management of inflammation as it relates to metabolic syndrome and other obesity-related comorbidities such as nonalcoholic steatohepatosis [38, 39]. Lack of sufficient intake of prebiotics early in life may have lasting ill effects on glucoregulation, which may result in a substantial predilection toward obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease later in life [40]. Unfortunately, there is little effort being made to increase fermentable soluble fiber intake in infants and children. This may have serious consequences and may be one of the many reasons for the current obesity epidemic. The food industry has just begun to respond to this with the introduction of prebiotic-fortified infant formulas. Because breast milk contains significant quantities of prebiotic oligosaccharides, adding analogous agents to infant formulas would help these formulas to more closely mimic breast milk. This strategy results in a gut flora predominated by Bifidobacteria, rather than potential pathogens such as Clostridia and Enterobacter that tend to predominate in formula-fed infants [41]. There is now a growing body of evidence that alterations in gut flora (eg, a relative absence of Bifidobacteria) are significantly associated with obesity [42]. In this regard, prebiotic fiber supplementation may play a clinically important role in the promotion of a more desirable gut microbiological milieu. Neuroendocrine Effects of Fiber One of the most intriguing and rapidly unfolding discoveries is related to the role played by dietary fiber in the modulation of important neuroendocrine physiology, which may be related fundamentally to the etiology of obesity and related conditions. Of particular interest is the impact of fiber on the density and activity of a specialized enteroendocrine cell known as the L cell [43]. The L cell is located throughout the terminal ileum and colon, and it is responsible for the secretion of the peptide hormones GLP-1, PYY, and oxyntomodulin [44]. After a meal, oxyntomodulin and PYY are released synchronously and they both act as potent anorexigens. The rapid rise of these peptides signals a change in energy status to the brain and it also acts locally to enhance digestive and metabolic processes. GLP-1 is an incretin hormone that also plays a pivotal role in glucoregulation through the stimulation of accurately timed insulin secretion and suppression of inappropriate glucagon secretion from the pancreas. It has been established that diminished GLP-1 production plays a central role in the etiology of diabetes, a discovery that has led to the development of an important class of diabetes drugs, the incretin analogues. Augmentation of PYY and GLP-1 are thought to play a central role in the regulation of the “ileal brake.” The ileal brake is a Curr Obes Rep feedback mechanism that results in inhibition of proximal gastrointestinal motility and secretion when nutrients and nutrient metabolites arrive in sufficient quantities to the luminal surface of the ileum. Animal and human studies show that activation of the ileal brake by local perfusion of the ileum with nutrients increases feelings of satiety and reduces ad libitum food intake while slowing gastric and proximal intestinal transit [45]. It has been recently shown that (bariatric) gastric bypass surgery frequently results in rapid amelioration of diabetes that often precedes significant weight loss [46]. Current evidence points to a rapid and sustained increase in circulating GLP-1 and PYY after this procedure that has profound effects on appetite and glucoregulation. It is now thought that the malabsorption of macronutrients and rapid gastrointestinal transit after gastric bypass results in an increased delivery of carbohydrates and their fermentation products (SCFAs) as well as bile acids, both of which activate L cells via free fatty acid (FFA) receptors and bile acid receptors [47–51]. It is most interesting that fermentable soluble fiber has the potential to generate a significant supply of SCFAs that might mimic, on a lesser scale, the mechanism of gastric bypass surgery through stimulation of FFA receptors with a resultant increase in GLP-1 and PYY and augmenting the ileal brake [52–54]. Viscous soluble fiber also effectively sequesters bile acids, reducing their usual absorption through the jejunum and delivering them to the same L cells where they stimulate bile acid receptors. Thus, viscous soluble fiber that is also fermentable may exert an appetite-reducing and glucoregulating effect through L-cell activation via both FFA receptors and bile acid receptors as well as by suppression of the orexigenic (appetite-stimulating) hormone ghrelin and augmentation of CCK secretion [55–57]. Sequestration of bile acids by viscous soluble fiber is also known to be a principle mechanism by which viscous fiber lowers serum cholesterol, because sequestration of bile acids decreases the enterohepatic recycling of bile acids, a major cholesterol reservoir for the human [58]. Effect of Fiber on Postprandial Glycemia Dietary recommendations for weight management usually include advice regarding the quantity of carbohydrates or the percentage of daily calories from carbohydrate-containing foods. A more meaningful recommendation might be based upon the GI (the quantitative effect of a food on postprandial glycemia) and the glycemic load (GL; the mathematical product of the GI and carbohydrate content). The GI of carbohydratecontaining foods has long been known to be directly related to the quantity and form of dietary fiber in the food [59]. Recently, it has been verified that the GI and GL are more important determinants of glycemic and insulinemic response than that of carbohydrate intake alone [60, 61]. This may have profound implications in the management of obesity and related conditions. In diabetes, continuous glucose monitoring has confirmed that GI and GL predict glycemic variability independent from total carbohydrate intake [62]. Low GI-based diets have been shown to promote satiety and reduce postprandial insulinemia [63]. However, the evidence in favor of low GI/GL is inconsistent with many weight loss studies showing only a trend in favor of this approach [64]. Long-term adherence to a low GI diet may be part of the problem in some studies. Regular use of viscous fiber supplements may help obese subjects to consistently achieve a lower GL while eating a diet that they can reasonably maintain. Maintenance of weight after weight loss interventions is an elusive goal that has recently become the focus of several important studies. The Diogenes (Diet, Obesity, and Genes) study was designed to assess the efficacy of moderated fat diets that vary in protein content and GI in the prevention of weight regain and obesity-related risk factors after weight loss [65••]. In this trial, the group maintained on the low GI diet with moderately higher protein (25% of calories from protein) had the highest compliance, the lowest dropout rate, and was the only group that did not regain weight by the end of the 26-week weight maintenance intervention period. Data from the same study concluded that the low GI diets also had a more substantial effect on the reduction of inflammation (as evidenced by C-reactive protein) than the other diet interventions [66]. This finding is in keeping with other studies pointing to a substantial benefit of dietary fiber in the reduction of CRP, oxidative stress, and proinflammatory cytokines [67–69]. The consistent addition of functional fiber supplements to the diet may present a practical means to achieve meaningful reductions in the GI/GL. Recently, our research group was involved in several studies looking at the effects of adding a novel, highly viscous functional fiber supplement (PGX®) to various foods on GI, serum cholesterol [71], hunger, and satiety in healthy humans [26••, 71••, 72, 73••, 74, 75]. The novelty of this fiber relates to its viscosity, which is higher than other fibers thus studied and the fact that its viscosity slowly evolves once hydrated. This allows consumption before palatability is significantly affected. This viscous fiber is fermentable and prebiotic [76] and it is tasteless, and disperses readily when added to food or mixed with beverages. Its viscosity develops several minutes after initial hydration, making it easy to consume the small amounts needed to create a highly viscous and volumetric gastric milieu, leading to its resultant physiologic effects. In several studies, we have shown that the GI of food can be substantially reduced with a small preload or Curr Obes Rep intra-meal load of this highly viscous fiber [71••, 72, 73••, 75]. It has also been shown to promote satiety and reduce subsequent food consumption [25••]. In a human clinical trial, this novel viscous fiber has been associated with an increase in the appetite-reducing hormone PYY [77]. In studies of Zucker diabetic fatty rats, the effects of diets supplemented with this highly viscous fiber were compared with other dietary fibers. Only the diet supplemented with the highly viscous fiber substantially decreased postprandial blood glucose and insulin secretion, decreased hepatic fatty infiltration, and preserved pancreatic β-cell mass [78]. These effects were accompanied by an increase in the production of the glucoregulatory incretin hormone GLP-1 [79]. Recommended Intake of Fiber for Weight Management The dietary fiber intake for typical Americans is usually less than desirable, with typical intakes averaging only 14 to 15 g/day and children consuming less than 5 g/day [4]. The American Dietetic Association currently recommends that healthy adults should consume 20 to 35 g of fiber per day and children should consume at least 5 g/day plus 1 g for every year of their age [80]. They point out that insoluble, nonfermentable, and low-viscosity fiber is principally consumed to promote laxation and other aspects of colon health, whereas viscous soluble fibers are necessary to reduce serum cholesterol, blunt postprandial glycemic response, and promote satiety. A fiber-rich meal, particularly a meal high in viscous, soluble fiber, is processed more slowly, promoting earlier satiety, and is frequently less calorically dense and lower in fat and added sugars. All of these characteristics are typical of a dietary profile optimized to treat and prevent obesity. In one study, consisting of 252 middle-aged women it was observed that over a 20-month period participants lost an average of 4.4 lb in association with an 8-g increase in dietary fiber per 1000 kcal [81]. Likewise, in a prospective cohort study of nearly 30,000 men, a dose–response relationship was found between fiber intake and weight gain over a period of 8 years. They reported that for every 40-g/d increase in whole-grain intake, weight gain decreased by 1.1 lb. Moreover, the addition of supplemental bran seemed to play an important role in the reduction of weight gain by 0.8 lb per 20 g/d intake [82]. Pal et al. [83••] at Curtin University in Australia demonstrated the utility of high-dose psyllium given as a premeal supplement (12 g before each of 3 meals) as an adjunct to a short-term, calorie-reduced weight loss program. Other studies have demonstrated conflicting results from supplemental fiber in short-term weight management [71, 85]. Conclusions Most clinicians in the field of obesity medicine agree that dietary intervention for long-term weight management should include practical eating strategies that promote and maintain satiety to improve compliance and to minimize discomfort in patients working to reduce energy intake. In this regard, many clinicians now recommend volumetric, low-calorie-density, low GL diets supplemented with moderate amounts of protein. Increasing the intake of fiber by consuming more high-fiber foods should play a central role in this regard. These changes alone may not be sufficient to bring about long-term weight reduction [85]. Supplementation of the diet with functional fiber supplements may significantly augment high-fiber eating strategies by further promoting satiety and reducing cardiometabolic risk factors. Long-term clinical trials looking at the optimal form, quantity, and frequency of dietary fiber supplements are greatly needed to clarify their potential in the long-term management of obesity. Disclosure Conflicts of interest: M.R. Lyon: has been a consultant for Factors Group Inc.; V. Kacinik: is employed by the Canadian Center for Functional Medicine; and has received grant support, honoraria, and travel/accommodations expenses covered or reimbursed from Factors Group Inc. Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License which permits any use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author(s) and the source are credited. 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Citation: Nutrition and Diabetes (2011) 1, e22; doi:10.1038/nutd.2011.18 & 2011 Macmillan Publishers Limited All rights reserved 2044-4052/11 www.nature.com/nutd ORIGINAL ARTICLE Effect of PGX, a novel functional fibre supplement, on subjective ratings of appetite in overweight and obese women consuming a 3-day structured, low-calorie diet V Kacinik1, M Lyon1,2, M Purnama1, RA Reimer3, R Gahler4, TJ Green2 and S Wood2,5 1 Canadian Centre for Functional Medicine, Coquitlam, British Columbia, Canada; 2Faculty of Land and Food Systems and Food, Nutrition and Health Program, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada; 3Faculty of Kinesiology and Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada; 4 Factors Group Research & Development, Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada and 5InovoBiologic, Calgary, Alberta, Canada Introduction: Dietary factors that help control perceived hunger might improve adherence to calorie-reduced diets. Objectives: The objective of the study was to investigate the effect of supplementing a three-day, low-calorie diet with PolyGlycopleX (PGX), a highly viscous fibre, on subjective ratings of appetite compared with a placebo. Methods: In a double-blind crossover design with a 3-week washout, 45 women (aged 38±9 years, body mass index 29.9±2.8 kg m2) were randomised to consume a 1000-kcal per day diet for 3 days, supplemented with 5 g of PGX or placebo at each of breakfast, lunch and dinner. Subjective appetite was assessed using 100 mm visual analogue scales that were completed daily before, between and after consumption of meals. Results: Thirty-five women completed the study. Consumption of PGX compared with placebo led to significantly lower mean area under the curve for hunger on day 3 (440.4 versus 375.4; P ¼ 0.048), prospective consumption on day 3 (471.0 versus 401.8; P ¼ 0.017) and the overall 3-day average (468.6 versus 420.2; P ¼ 0.026). More specifically, on day 3 PGX significantly reduced total appetite, hunger, desire to eat and prospective consumption for 2.5 and 4.5 h after lunch and before dinner times, with hunger also being reduced 2.5 h after dinner (Po0.05). Conclusion: The results show that adding 5 g of PGX to meals during consumption of a low-calorie diet reduces subjective ratings of prospective consumption and increases the feelings of satiety, especially during afternoon and evening. This highly viscous polysaccharide may be a useful adjunct to weight-loss interventions involving significant caloric reductions. Nutrition and Diabetes (2011) 1, e22; doi:10.1038/nutd.2011.18; published online 12 December 2011 Keywords: viscous; soluble; fibre; appetite; PGX; PolyGlycopleX Introduction Obesity increases the risk of type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and other chronic diseases.1,2 Weight reduction is associated with significant improvements in blood pressure, serum cholesterol levels and glycaemic control.3 Achieving negative energy balance is an important factor in determining the magnitude and rate of weight loss.4 Calorie-restricted diets, ideally combined with exercise and behaviour modification, are considered to be the initial treatment strategy for overweight and obese individuals. Low-calorie diets at a level of 1000–1200 kcal per day for most overweight women and 1200–1600 kcal per day for most overweight men are Correspondence: V Kacinik, Canadian Centre for Functional Medicine, 1550 United Boulevard, Coquitlam, British Columbia, Canada V3K6Y2. E-mail: [email protected] Received 6 October 2011; accepted 24 October 2011 often recommended for weight loss.5 With low-calorie diets, maintaining satiety is critical, as perceived hunger has been shown to be a significant predictor of failure to lose weight.6 After weight loss is achieved, appetite often increases leading to refractory weight gain.7 Identifying factors that suppress appetite is important for successful weight loss and maintenance. Increased fibre intake has been associated with reduced energy intake and increased satiety, and may be an important factor in obesity management.8 A meta-analysis of 22 studies concluded that consumption of 14 g of fibre per day resulted in a 10% decrease in energy intake and a 1.9-kg weight loss over 3.8 months.9 Viscous soluble fibres, in particular, appear to increase satiety10–14 and promote adherence to calorie-reduced diets.15,16 Accordingly, consuming substantial quantities of viscous dietary fibre may provide significant therapeutic benefits under conditions of reduced energy intake. However, as the benefit of these fibres Novel fibre PGX increases satiety V Kacinik et al 2 is related to viscosity,17 their acceptance is often hampered by issues of palatability.18 Recently, PolyGlycopleX (PGX), a novel, highly viscous non-starch polysaccharide complex has been developed for human consumption. This soluble dietary fibre displays delayed viscosity for 15–30 min after ingestion, thus, allowing for a more palatable and easy-to-use functional fibre. In a recent randomised, placebo-controlled trial, PGX was shown to diminish hunger and reduce ad libitum food consumption compared with less viscous fibres (cellulose and glucomannan) given in meal-replacement drinks.19 The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of supplementing a three-day low-calorie diet with PGX on subjective ratings of appetite compared with a placebo in overweight and obese women. Materials and methods Subjects Subjects were recruited through local newspaper advertisements. Women with a body mass index between 25 and 34.9 kg m2 and between 20 and 50 years of age were eligible to participate. Exclusion criteria included: pregnancy or lactation, smoking, consumption of more than two alcoholic drinks daily or nine alcoholic drinks weekly, recent participation in a calorie-reduced diet, the presence of chronic diseases, past history of gastrointestinal surgery, a change in body weight of more than 3 kg during the last 3 months, hypersensitivity to the study foods, taking medication or natural health products, which may affect gastrointestinal motility hunger or appetite. Furthermore excluded were those who scored 9 or more on the restraint scale; 27 or above for uncontrolled eating, or 18 or greater for emotional eating on the Three-Factor Eating Questionnaire-R18V2, validated for Canadian and US obese and non-obese individuals.20 As lower palatability of foods may diminish the sensation of hunger and desire to eat,21 a Food Preference Questionnaire was used to ensure that all the participants expressed acceptance of the foods included in the study. Those scoring less than 3 for more than 50% of the food items were excluded from the study. The University of British Columbia Research Ethics Committee approved the study and all subjects gave informed consent to participate. Study supplements PGX (a-D-glucurono-a-D-manno-b-D-manno-b-D-gluco), (a-Lgulurono-b-D mannurono), b-D-gluco-b-D-mannan (Inovobiologic, Calgary, Alberta, Canada) is a novel functional fibre complex22,23 manufactured by a proprietary process from three fibres (konjac (glucomannan), sodium alginate and xanthan gum) to form a highly viscous polysaccharide (higher viscosity than any currently known individual polysaccharide or fibre blend) with high water-holding and gel-forming properties. PGX has been shown to be safe and Nutrition and Diabetes well tolerated in rodents24 and in humans.25 Genotoxicity studies of PGX have shown no mutagenic effects using bacterial reverse mutation and mouse micronucleus assays.26 PGX is 87.4% dietary fibre, of which 81.8% is soluble. It can be sprinkled on food before consumption or taken with soup or beverage before meals. Rice flour was used as a placebo and has been used in other clinical trials for its white colour, neutral taste and hypoallergenicity.27,28 PGX and rice flour both consist of approximately similar carbohydrate content with carbohydrate in PGX being dietary fibre and in rice flour being starch. Boiling or other forms of moist heat processing is required for rice flour to be effectively digested. Without cooking, only about 1% of the starch in raw rice flour is digested.29 Therefore, the carbohydrate in uncooked rice flour is essentially dietary fibre resulting in rice flour’s caloric value that closely approximates PGX. Both study supplements were packaged with clear plastic scoops in white plastic containers containing 100 g and were indistinguishable from each other. Study design/protocol The study was a prospective, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled crossover trial. The study had two experimental phases with a 3-week washout. Test periods were on the same days of the week (Tuesday–Thursday) and were conducted during the follicular phase (days 4–10) of the women’s menstrual cycle to minimise hormonal influences on eating/feeding behaviour and appetite.30 On Monday of the test week, subjects attended the clinic where their bodyweight was measured, study food was provided and they were randomised to either the test or placebo supplement. During the test period, subjects consumed the breakfasts, lunches and dinners provided immediately after the food was sprinkled with 5 g of supplement or placebo. Participants completed visual analogue scales (VAS) questionnaires at specified times (see below). To avoid a second meal effect and to minimise differences in glycogen stores, the night before consumption of the 3-day low-calorie diet, all subjects consumed the same evening meal. In addition, participants were instructed not to consume alcohol or engage in vigorous physical activity 48 h before consuming the low-calorie diet. On Friday, subjects returned to the clinic to have their compliance assessed, documents reviewed and to have any adverse effects recorded. To assess compliance, subjects kept a log of daily food and study product consumed and returned the product containers for weighing. Low-calorie diet A three-day structured low-calorie diet of 1000 kcal per day was provided with the intention that caloric restriction would accentuate feelings of hunger. The low-calorie diet was designed to provide participants with 65% of energy as carbohydrate, 10% protein, and 15% fat (Appendix 1). Commercially available frozen dinner entrees (President’s Novel fibre PGX increases satiety V Kacinik et al 3 Choice Blue Menu, Loblaw, Ontario, Canada) were provided to participants to standardise caloric intake and macronutrient composition. Subjective appetite measures Rating subjective appetite using VAS is a valid and reliable measure of appetite under both experimental and free-living conditions, especially when using a within-subject design, as used in the current study.31,32 VAS ratings were made on a 100-mm scale with words anchored at either end in the following order: first, ‘How strong is your desire to eat?’ (Very strongFVery weak); second, ‘How hungry do you feel?’ (Not hungry at allFVery hungry); third, ‘How full do you feel?’ (Very fullFNot at all full); and fourth, ‘How much food do you think you could eat?’ (A large amount–Nothing at all), which assesses prospective consumption. The palatability of the meals was also evaluated after meals by a fifth question asking ‘How would you rate the overall palatability of the food? (UnpalatableFVery palatable). The times of rating were the same every day for both phases; however, to work with participants at various schedules, different start times in the morning were available. VAS were completed before (e.g., 0755 h) and after breakfast (e.g., 0830 h), in between the morning meals (e.g., 1030 h), before (e.g., 1225 h) and after (e.g.,1300 h) lunch, in between meals in the afternoon (e.g., 1500 h, 1700 h), before (e.g., 1725 h) and after (e.g., 1800 h) dinner and in the evening (e.g., 2000 h). Participants were provided with programmable alert wrist watches (CADEX Medication reminder watch, e-pill, LLC., Wellesley, MA, USA) to remind them when to eat and when to complete the questionnaires. Participants were allowed 20 min to consume the food, supplement and 500 ml of water, and were allowed to consume an additional 500 ml of water between meals. Participants were instructed not to consume water 30 min before completing premeal VAS. All food and water consumed during Phase 1 was recorded and the same amount was provided for Phase 2. Statistical analyses Changes in weight over each test period were tested for differences between treatment groups using the Wilcoxon rank sum test. For compliance, the P-values of differences between the two treatment groups within a single period were calculated from two-sample t-tests; the statistical test for the summary across both periods of data used a linear mixed model approach, which took into consideration that the same participants appeared once on each of the two treatments (due to the crossover design). For VAS score analyses, the area under the curve was analysed on the log scale to meet the distributional assumptions required for the statistical methods. The treatment effect was estimated from a linear mixed-effects model to take into consideration the crossover design of the study; the model was adjusted for phase, treatment, randomised sequence and a within-patient comparison was made to assess the treatment effect. With the different study days expected to give differences in results, the analysis was carried out by days 1, 2, 3 and on the mean of days 1–3. To analyse VAS scores by time point, a similar linear mixed model was used incorporating terms in the model for treatment, phase, randomised group and time point, and then contrasts used to compare the treatment groups at the different time points. Statistical testing of the adverse event rates by treatment (either overall rates, treatment-related rates or rates for specific types of adverse events) was performed using generalised estimating equations logistic regression models. To evaluate whether there was a carryover effect in the second period by the randomised sequences, a standard statistical approach by Jones et al.33 was used to assess. For all statistical tests, the significance level was set at 0.05. All analyses were performed using SAS (Version 9.1.3, SAS Institute, Cary, NC, USA). Results In total, 51 individuals were recruited for the study of which 45 were randomised (Table 1). After Phase 1, five discontinued from the study. The reasons for withdrawal were adverse events (n ¼ 2), dislike of the frozen meals offered (n ¼ 1) and personal reasons unrelated to the study (n ¼ 2). Overall, 40 participants completed the entire study; however, only 35 participants were included in the per-protocol analyses as 2 participants deviated from the protocol and 3 reported feeling sick, which might affect subjective appetite ratings. Compliance was high for both groups, with 107% and 97% for the rice flour and PGX groups, respectively. There was no carryover effect in the second period by the randomised sequences. Weight loss was similar between groups over the two phases (PGX 1.3 kg versus placebo 1.4 kg; P ¼ 0.376). From the intent-to-treat analysis (n ¼ 40), the PGX treatment resulted in a significantly lower mean area under the curve Table 1 Subject characteristics Value (range) Age (years) Weight (kg) Body mass index (kg m2) Waist circumference (cm) 38.6±9.1 79.8±9.3 29.9±2.8 87.0±7.4 Three-factor eating questionnairea Cognitive Uncontrolled eating Emotional eating 7.3±3.1 (4.0–25.0) 21.2±4.6 (5.0–27.0) 14.3±3.8 (7.0–24.0) (20–50) (59.4–107.8) (25.0–34.8) (73.3–106.0) Values are mean±s.d.; n ¼ 45. aThe Three-Factor Eating Questionnaire evaluates some aspects of eating behaviours such as cognitive restraint (i.e., the voluntary control of eating), the tendency to lose control of food intake when faced with external cues, mood changes or disruptive events (i.e., disinhibition) and susceptibility to feelings of hunger. In this study, the Three-Factor Eating-R18V2 questionnaire was used as a means to exclude those who have potentially disordered eating motivation and to assess motivation of the participants eligible for the study.20 Nutrition and Diabetes Novel fibre PGX increases satiety V Kacinik et al 4 Discussion This study demonstrates that adding 5 g of PGX to meals at the start of a low-calorie diet helps manage appetite by increasing satiety and decreasing prospective consumption (the amount one thinks one could eat). This effect was not statistically significant until day 3; however it resulted in reductions above 10% compared with the control, a 50 Placebo PGX 45 Mean VAS score (mm) on day 3 for prospective consumption (P ¼ 0.018) and a trend towards significance for hunger (P ¼ 0.059). After elimination of the protocol deviators (n ¼ 35), a similar pattern was seen with the differences between groups stronger with a mean percent change of prospective consumption at 14.7 (P ¼ 0.017) and hunger at 14.8 on day 3 (P ¼ 0.048, Table 2). There were no statistical differences in mean area under the curve for any of the scores for day 1 or 2, or the mean days 1–3, except for prospective consumption (P ¼ 0.026). The majority of differences in subjective ratings between the placebo and PGX groups at various time points were detected on day 3. PGX supplementation significantly reduced total appetite, desire to eat, hunger, prospective consumption, and it was associated with increased fullness at 2.5 h after lunch (Figure 1); reduced total appetite, desire to eat, hunger and prospective consumption at 4.5 h after lunch (Figure 2) and reduced total appetite, hunger and prospective consumption before dinner (Figure 3). Hunger was also reduced at 2.5 h after dinner (Po0.05). For palatability, there was a statistically significant difference in mean palatability VAS scores by treatment for each day (Po0.05), with PGX-supplemented meals scoring above 50 mm, but 5–10 mm below mean rice flour scores (data not shown). Adverse events reported by both treatment groups are summarised in Table 3. There was no statistical difference between the two treatment groups in terms of the adverse events experience of the participants. Furthermore, the overall or treatment-related adverse events were similar for the two treatments. 40 * 35 * 30 * 25 20 2.5 hrs post breakfast 2.5 hrs post lunch Hunger 2.5 hrs post dinner 2.5 hrs post breakfast 2.5 hrs post lunch 2.5 hrs post dinner Prospective Consumption Figure 1 Comparison of 2.5 h post breakfast, lunch and dinner mean hunger and prospective consumption scores of day 3 of the 1000-kcal calorie diet supplement with either 5 g of PGX or placebo at each meal. Values shown are mean±s.e. (n ¼ 35). *Significantly lower scores with PGX than with the placebo supplement (Po0.05). Table 2 Daily and 3-day average comparison of subjective appetite measurements calculated as mean area under the curve in response to placebo or PGX for the per-protocol subject group Score Day Placebo PGX % Change P-value Prospective consumption 1 2 3 Average days 1–3 457.2±29.4 477.9±33.1 471±32.5 468.6±28.9 432.5±27.8 427.1±29.6 401.8±27.7 420.2±25.9 5.4 10.6 14.7 10.3 0.358 0.079 0.017 0.026 Desire 1 2 3 Average days 1–3 432.5±29.4 456.3 ±34.2 427.7±35 438.6±29.7 428.8±29.1 416.9±31.3 387.9±31.7 410.8±27.8 0.9 8.6 9.3 6.3 0.894 0.273 0.280 0.303 Fullness 1 2 3 Average days 1–3 598.3±40.3 584.5±50.7 614.1±47.2 598.8±43.8 591.6±39.9 574.5±49.8 632.3±48.6 599±43.9 1.1 1.7 3 0 0.832 0.785 0.592 0.996 Hunger 1 2 3 Average days 1–3 431.5±28.6 434.9±33.6 440.4±32.9 435.6±28.4 418.3±27.7 407.6±31.5 375.4±28 400±26.1 3.1 6.3 14.8 8.2 0.651 0.429 0.048 0.162 Total appetite 1 2 3 Average days 1–3 469.8±27.3 475.9±31.8 464.5±31.9 470±27.9 458.7±26.7 449.4±30.0 414.3±28.4 440.4±26.2 2.4 5.6 10.8 6.3 0.675 0.390 0.106 0.215 Abbreviation: PGX, PolyGlycopleX. Note: P-value is from a linear mixed-model fit on log scale of area under curve and adjusting for potential sequence and period effects in addition to treatment (significance level Po0.05). Values shown are mean±s.e.; n ¼ 35. Nutrition and Diabetes Novel fibre PGX increases satiety V Kacinik et al 5 80 Placebo PGX Mean VAS score (mm) 75 70 * * 65 60 55 50 4.5 hrs post lunch Hunger 4.5 hrs post lunch Prospective Consumption Figure 2 Comparison of the 4.5 h post lunch mean hunger and prospective consumption scores of day 3 of the 1000-kcal calorie diet supplement with either 5 g of PGX or placebo at each meal. Values shown are mean±s.e. (n ¼ 35). *Significantly lower scores with PGX than with the placebo supplement (Po0.05). 90 Placebo PGX Mean VAS scores (mm) 85 80 * 75 * 70 65 60 55 Pre Dinner Hunger Pre Dinner Prospective Consumption Figure 3 Comparison of predinner mean hunger and prospective consumption scores of day 3 of the 1000-kcal calorie diet supplement with either 5 g of PGX or placebo at each meal. Values shown are mean±s.e. (n ¼ 35). *Significantly lower scores with PGX than with the placebo supplement (Po0.05). magnitude which is considered to be of practical relevance.32 With respect to time of day, PGX was found to exert its strongest effects in the afternoon and in the evening, reducing total appetite, hunger, desire to eat and prospective consumption. These results might be particularly helpful in managing obesity, given reports that food intake tends to be less in the morning and greater in the afternoon and highly evening in obese versus normal weight individuals.34 One explanation for the effect seen with PGX on day 3 could be the increased fibre load. This particular test day had 7 g more dietary fibre and 9– 10 g less protein than on day 1 or 2, resulting in a possible synergistic effect and interaction between the PGX and the dietary fibre content of the meals. Another possibility may be the cumulative effects of PGX over time with the potential for upregulation of gut-satiety hormone gene expression (such as proglucagon) via fermentation and production of short-chain fatty acids in the large bowel.35 Soluble fibres that are fermentable by gut microbiota and produce significant quantities of short-chain fatty acids may contribute to appetite regulation by stimulating the release of gut-satiety hormones such as peptide YY (PYY) and glucagon like peptide-1.36 In a study using Zucker diabetic rats, PGX consumption was associated with a significant increase in glucagon like peptide-1 levels.37 In a 3-week human tolerance trial, supplementation of regular diets with 10 g of PGX per day was associated with higher fasting PYY levels than placebo control.38 It has been reported that obese individuals have lower fasting and postprandial circulating PYY levels than lean individuals,39,40 which may result in impaired satiety and may contribute to the development of obesity and may hinder weight loss efforts. To produce an equivalent stimulation of PYY sufficient to promote satiety, obese individuals need to consume a much greater caloric load than their lean counterparts.39 An alternative to a greater caloric load could be a volumetric, lower energy dense load from supplementing a meal with PGX to augment PYY levels and stimulate satiety. Further investigation of a low-calorie diet supplemented with PGX on gut-satiety hormones is thus warranted. Under conditions of fixed energy intake, such as a lowcalorie diet, viscous soluble fibres may also alter the viscosity of gastrointestinal content resulting in multiple effects on satiety. A magnetic resonance imaging study by Marciani et al.41 showed that a high-viscosity nutrient meal had the strongest additive effect in gastric distension and delayed gastric emptying compared with low-viscosity non-nutrient, low-viscosity nutrient and high-viscosity non-nutrient meals. Viscous soluble fibres also delay the absorption of nutrients by thickening the unstirred layer at the gut mucosal surface. This results in the transport of larger amounts of nutrients to the ileum and/or distributes nutrient absorption over a larger intestinal luminal surface area, leading to a more pronounced inhibitory feedback from the distal gut and activation of the ileal brake.42 Other mediators of the ileal brake include the gut-satiety hormones PYY and glucagon like peptide-1 and vagal nerve stimulation.43 The ileal brake is a distal to proximal negative feedback mechanism that inhibits gastric emptying, proximal gastrointestinal motility and secretion to control the transit of a meal through the gastrointestinal tract, which consequently optimises nutrient digestion and absorption.44 As a highly viscous soluble fibre, PGX may cause a delay in gastric emptying and/or prolong the transport of nutrients down the gastrointestinal tract as demonstrated by previous research on its effects on the glycaemic index (GI). The GI is a property of carbohydrate-containing food that describes the rise of blood glucose occurring after a meal. High GI Nutrition and Diabetes Novel fibre PGX increases satiety V Kacinik et al 6 Table 3 Summary of the adverse events (AEs) by treatment allocation Variable Number of participants Participants reporting adverse events Total adverse events Participants reporting treatment-related events Total treatment-related Events Placebo PGX 38 13 (34.2%) 25 8 (21.1%) 19 42 12 (28.6%) 28 11 (26.2%) 24 Total adverse events (by severity) Unknown severity Mild Moderate Severe 0 5 13 7 0 2 21 5 Total treatment-related events (by severity) Unknown Severity Mild Moderate Severe 0 4 9 6 0 2 18 4 Participants reporting AEs by type of AE Constipation Diarrhea Bloating Flatulence Headache Cramping Sick/unwell Other 3 0 4 0 4 3 4 3 (7.9%) (0.0%) (10.5%) (0.0%) (10.5%) (7.9%) (10.5%) (7.9%) 1 3 8 2 1 3 1 7 (2.4%) (7.1%) (19%) (4.8%) (2.4%) (7.1%) (2.4%) (16.7%) P-value 0.7 0.34 0.15 NA 0.07 NA 0.17 0.59 0.08 0.06 Abbreviation: PGX, PolyGlycopleX. Parentheses denote the percentage from the total number of participants. Some P-values were not possible to compute due to no events being reported under one of the treatment groups. These are noted as ‘NA’ in the table. foods are classified as being rapidly digested and absorbed into the bloodstream, resulting in a sharp rise and in a steep decline of blood glucose after consumption, whereas low GI foods are broken down more slowly by a slower rate of digestion and absorption and releasing glucose more gradually into the bloodstream.45 When 2.5–5 g of PGX was sprinkled on high and moderate GI foods, it was consistently shown to be highly effective in significantly reducing their glycaemic index.45,46 Influencing the digestive rate of foods and their blood glucose response may have an important effect on the perception of satiety. Arumugam et al.47 examined the effects of high-GI versus low-GI meals on subjective satiety in overweight and obese women. They found that the appetite score was 35% higher at 4 h after the high-glycaemic versus low glycaemic breakfast, and that at 3, 4 and 5 h after lunch, the appetite score was 30–44% higher in the high glycaemic condition.47 Many other short-term studies (o1 day) have also reported a significant relationship between the glycaemic response and satiety using foods with varying glycaemic indices.48–51 In the present study, the frozen meals were chosen to represent the average Western diet with convenient, processed higher GI foods and as such the effect of PGX supplementation on the study foods’ glycaemic indices might be related to the 28%, 14%, 12% reduction of total appetite score at 2.5, 4.5, 5 h, respectively, after consuming the lunch on day 3. If however the study foods had a low GI, PGX may not have exerted as significant an effect on satiety. This study was designed to alleviate some potentially confounding variables in appetite research. The timing of the test phases was scheduled according to participants’ menstrual Nutrition and Diabetes cycle, given that previous research has linked changes in gastrointestinal function, appetite and energy intake to the follicular and luteal phases of menstruation.30 The energy intake, macronutrient composition, water consumption and eating schedule for all the meals over the three-diet days were controlled, demonstrating the effect of PGX on homeostatic hunger (physiological). Although the effect of PGX on ad libitum food intake cannot be concluded, prior research has shown that subjective ratings of appetite appear to be good indicators of motivation to eat and are predictors of actual food intake.31,52,53 However, it should also be mentioned that appetite ratings have not always been found to correlate with ad libitum food intake,10 as many factors influence food intake, including sensory hedonics, external factors, cognitive issues, body weight, genes and so on.54–56 To minimise the effect of palatability on appetite ratings, women who rated the palatability of the meals low were excluded. However, a significant difference in palatability between meals supplemented with PGX and rice flour was observed on all of the three-diet days. Previous research with PGX has not found any significant differences in palatability scores in comparisons with controls.19,45 Study participants were advised to sprinkle PGX granules as they ate; however, the hot microwaved meals for lunch and dinner more than likely accelerated viscosity development, thereby affecting texture and palatability. This difference may be related more to texture than to any gastrointestinal discomforts experienced with PGX, as there was no statistical difference in adverse events reported between PGX and rice flour. Although palatability affects appetite,57,58 this did not translate into significant differences in subjective appetite Novel fibre PGX increases satiety V Kacinik et al 7 scores for days 1 and 2, suggesting that the difference observed on day 3 may have not been due to the palatability of the PGX-supplemented meal. When designing placebocontrolled trials with PGX, it is difficult to find a comparable inert substance and completely avoid any potentially confounding effect. Uncooked rice flour was found to closely approximate PGX in terms of flavour and texture, and it was thus judged to be a suitable placebo. However, the presence of resistant starches may have produced an increase in fermentation in the control group and dampened the difference in results between the two interventions. As an initial investigation, this study was performed over 3 days because of the number of VAS questionnaires dispensed and strict adherence required for the food and meal schedule. It was conducted under free-living conditions so as to mimic people following a structured low-calorie diet in their regular lives. However, this inherently introduced some variability in the participants’ environment, occupational and non-occupational activities, which could have resulted in diurnal variations in appetite.59 Furthermore, the diet during the two test phases was self-administered and even though compliance of the study supplements was high, the possibility of noncompliance with the prescribed diets could not be completely avoided. In summary, this study indicates that the supplementation of highly viscous PGX to meals could be a useful weight management aid during a low-calorie diet to help lessen feelings of hunger and to moderate food portions. Weight relapse after consuming a low-calorie diet is a common outcome of obesity interventions. Therefore, long-term studies investigating the effects of PGX on subjective appetite and the maintenance of reduced body weight would be warranted. In addition, it would be useful to examine the effects of PGX on biomarkers such as glucagon like peptide-1, PYY and ghrelin to better understand some of the physiological influences of PGX on satiety. By virtue of its multiple physiological effects on the mechanisms of satiety, PGX may be an effective weightmanagement aid for low-calorie diets. Conflict of interest VK and MP are employees of the Canadian Centre for Functional Medicine where the study took place. ML is a consultant to the parent company of the sponsor. TG, RAR and SW receive consulting fees from InovoBiologic. RG is the owner of the Factors Group of Nutritional Companies and retains an interest in PGX. PGX, PolyGlycopleX are trademarks of InovoBiologic. All other marks are the property of their respective owners. Acknowledgements We wish to thank the efforts of Ms Tracey Wood and Ms Suzana Damjanovic, whose support and organisational expertise were invaluable during the completion of this study, and Dr Natalie Kacinik for editorial assistance in the completion of this manuscript. We would also like to acknowledge support of the study and supply of PGX by InovoBiologic. References 1 Flegal KM, Graubard BI, Williamson DF, Gail MH. Excess deaths associated with underweight, overweight, and obesity. JAMA 2005; 293: 1861–1867. 2 Gregg EW, Cheng YJ, Cadwell BL, Imperatore G, Williams DE, Flegal KM et al. Secular trends in cardiovascular disease risk factors according to body mass index in US adults. JAMA 2005; 293: 1868–1874. 3 Blackburn GL. Effect of degree of weight loss on health benefits. Obes Res 1995; 3: 211S–216S. 4 Hill JO. Understanding and addressing the epidemic of obesity: an energy balance perspective. 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To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/ licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ Novel fibre PGX increases satiety V Kacinik et al 9 Appendix 1 The nutritional composition of the three-day low calorie diet Quantity Day 1 Breakfast Blue Menu granola cereal Milk 2% Tea or Coffee brewed Lunch Blue Menu Chicken Bangkok Juice, Orange Dinner Blue Menu Chinese Sweet & Sour Chicken Marble cheese stick Day 2 Breakfast Maple Brown Sugar Oatmeal Milk 2% Tea or Coffee brewed Lunch Blue Menu Ginger Glazed Chicken Blue Menu Multigrain Pretzels Dinner Blue Menu Thai Sweet Chili Lemon Grass Chicken Marble cheese stick Day 3 Breakfast Blue Menu Oatmeal Bagel Blue Menu Old-Fashioned Peanut Butter Tea or Coffee brewed Banana, fresh, medium Lunch Blue Menu Roasted Vegetable Lasagna Banana, fresh, medium Carrots, baby, fresh Dinner Blue Menu Indian Butter Chicken Orange, medium Calories Carbohydrate (g) Fibre (g) Protein (g) Fat(g) 1004 244 165 77 2 340 230 110 420 350 70 156 38 30 7 0.7 58 32 26 60 60 0 7 55 8 3 5 0 20 19 2 27 22 5 16 5 2 3 0 3 3 0 8 2 6 157 41 33 7 0.7 57 32 25 59 59 7 1 pkg 1002 249 170 77 2 333 220 113 420 350 54 9 4 5 0 22 19 3 23 18 15 2 2 0 0 2 2 0.3 11 5 1 piece 70 0 5 6 1005 246 160 33 2 53 346 240 53 53 413 370 43 166 45 30 1 0.7 13 58 33 13 12 63 52 11 45 9 7 1 0 1 14 12 1 1 22 21 1 20 5 2 3 0 0.2 6 6 0.2 0 9 9 0 0.5 cup 150 ml 1 cup 1 pkg 1 cup 1 pkg 1 1 pkg 150 ml 1 cup 1 pkg 30 g 1 1 tsp 1 cup 1/2 1 pkg 1/2 1 cup 1 pkg 0.5 3 2 2 3 2 1 1 14 5 0.3 1.5 3 1.5 2.5 2 2 Abbreviations: pkg, package; tsp, teaspoon. Nutrition and Diabetes The Journal of Nutrition. First published ahead of print August 22, 2012 as doi: 10.3945/jn.112.163204. The Journal of Nutrition Nutrient Physiology, Metabolism, and Nutrient-Nutrient Interactions Sitagliptin Reduces Hyperglycemia and Increases Satiety Hormone Secretion More Effectively When Used with a Novel Polysaccharide in Obese Zucker Rats1–3 Raylene A. Reimer,4,5* Gary J. Grover,6,7 Lee Koetzner,6 Roland J. Gahler,8 Prateek Juneja,9,10 Michael R. Lyon,9,10 and Simon Wood8,10 Abstract The novel polysaccharide (NPS) PolyGlycopleX (PGX) has been shown to reduce glycemia. Pharmacological treatment with sitagliptin, a dipeptidyl peptidase 4 (DPP4) inhibitor, also reduces glycemia by increasing glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1). Our objective was to determine if using NPS in combination with sitagliptin reduces hyperglycemia in Zucker diabetic fatty (ZDF) rats more so than either treatment alone. Male ZDF rats were randomized to: 1) cellulose/vehicle [control (C)]; 2) NPS (5% wt:wt)/vehicle (NPS); 3) cellulose/sitagliptin [10 mg/(kg d) (S)]; or 4) NPS (5%) + S [10 mg/(kg d) (NPS+S)]. Glucose tolerance, adiposity, satiety hormones, and mechanisms related to DPP4 activity and hepatic and pancreatic histology were examined. A clinically relevant reduction in hyperglycemia occurred in the rats treated with NPS+S (P = 0.001) compared with NPS and S alone. Blood glucose, measured weekly in fed and feed-deprived rats and during an oral glucose tolerance test, was lower in the NPS+S group compared with all other groups (all P = 0.001). At wk 6, glycated hemoglobin was lower in the NPS+S group than in the C and S (P = 0.001) and NPS (P = 0.06) groups. PGX (P = 0.001) and S (P = 0.014) contributed to increased lean mass. Active GLP-1 was increased by S (P = 0.001) and GIP was increased by NPS (P = 0.001). Plasma DPP4 activity was lower in the NPS+S and S groups than in the NPS and C groups (P = 0.007). Insulin secretion and b-cell mass was increased with NPS (P < 0.05). NPS alone reduced LDL cholesterol and hepatic steatosis (P < 0.01). Independently, NPS and S improve several metabolic outcomes in ZDF rats, but combined, their ability to markedly reduce glycemia suggests they may be a promising dietary/pharmacological co-therapy for type 2 diabetes management. J. Nutr. doi: 10.3945/jn.112.163204. Introduction The health and economic toll of obesity continues to rise, seemingly unabated, worldwide (1). There are currently an estimated 1.5 billion overweight and obese individuals globally (2). The NIH has recommended that combined lifestyle and 1 Supported by InovoBiologic Inc., Calgary, Canada. Author disclosures: R. A. Reimer receives consulting fees from InovoBiologic Inc. and received financial support for the preparation of this manuscript. G. J. Grover and L. Koetzner received funding from InovoBiologic Inc to perform this study and have no financial interest in PGX. R. J. Gahler is the owner of the Factors Group of Nutritional Companies, which retains an interest in PGX. M. R. Lyon receives consulting fees from the Factors Group of Companies and has no financial interest in PGX. P. Juneja was an employee of Canadian Centre of Functional Medicine. S. Wood receives consulting fees from InovoBiologic Inc and has no financial interest in PGX. 3 Supplemental Table 1 and Figure 1 are available from the ‘‘Online Supporting Material’’ link in the online posting of the article and from the same link in the online table of contents at http://jn.nutrition.org. * To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: [email protected]. 2 pharmacological therapy be used for all obese individuals or overweight individuals with at least one co-morbidity (3). There are currently a limited number of dietary and pharmacological co-therapies that have been sufficiently evaluated to move this recommendation forward. Sitagliptin (S)10 is an oral antidiabetic medication that blocks dipeptidyl peptidase 4 (DPP4), the enzyme responsible for the rapid degradation of active glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) (4). 10 Abbreviations used: AST, alanine aminotransferase; C, control; DPP4, dipeptidyl peptidase 4; GIP, glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide; GIPr, glucosedependent insulinotropic polypeptide receptor; GLP-1, glucagon-like peptide 1; HbA1c, glycated hemoglobin; InsAUC15:GluAUC20, ratio of insulin AUC:glucose AUC from 0 to 15 min of the oral glucose tolerance test; InsAUC30:GluAUC30, ratio of insulin AUC:glucose AUC from 0 to 30 min of the oral glucose tolerance test; InsAUC120:GluAUC120, ratio of insulin AUC:glucose AUC from 0 to 120 min of the oral glucose tolerance test; NPS, novel polysaccharide; OGTT, oral glucose tolerance test; PGX, PolyGlycopleX; PYY, peptide tyrosine tyrosine; S, sitagliptin; WAT, white adipose tissue; ZDF, Zucker diabetic fatty. ã 2012 American Society for Nutrition. Manuscript received April 17, 2012. Initial review completed June 3, 2012. Revision accepted July 19, 2012. doi: 10.3945/jn.112.163204. Copyright (C) 2012 by the American Society for Nutrition 1 of 9 Downloaded from jn.nutrition.org at UNIVERSITY OF CALGARY on August 22, 2012 4 Faculty of Kinesiology, and 5Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada; 6Department of Pharmacology, Product Safety Labs, Dayton, NJ; 7Department of Physiology and Biophysics, Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, Piscataway, NJ; 8Factors Group of Nutritional Companies Inc. R and D, Burnaby, BC, Canada; 9Canadian Centre for Functional Medicine, Coquitlam, BC, Canada; and 10University of British Columbia, Food, Nutrition and Health Program, Vancouver, BC, Canada collected. S was administered prior to the baseline blood draw. A 1-g/kg dose of glucose was given via oral gavage and subsequent blood samples collected via tail nick at 10, 20, 30, 60, and 120 min. Blood glucose concentrations were immediately determined with a glucometer. A second and separate oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) was performed for satiety hormone analysis on the final day of the study. Following overnight feed deprivation and morning S administration, a baseline blood sample was collected. Glucose (2 g/kg) was given via gavage and subsequent blood samples taken at 15, 30, 60, and 90 min via tail nick. Blood was collected with the addition of diprotinin-A (0.034 g/L blood; MP Biomedicals), Sigma protease inhibitor (1 g/L blood; Sigma Aldrich), and Roche Pefabloc (1 g/L of blood; Roche). Plasma was stored at –80°C until later analysis. To assess the increment in insulin secretion triggered by an increment in plasma glucose (termed the insulinogenic index), we calculated insulin response for the early and total secretory phases as follows: the ratio of insulin AUC:glucose AUC from 0 to 15 min of the OGTT (InsAUC15 : GluAUC20) (correlates with early-phase insulin release during the OGTT) and the ratio of insulin AUC : glucose AUC from 0 to 120 min of the OGTT (InsAUC120 : GluAUC120) (correlates with second-phase and total insulin release during the OGTT). In a human validation study (23), InsAUC30 : GluAUC30 was highly correlated with first-phase insulin secretion. In rodents, however, peak insulin secretion occurs between 10 and 20 min (24) and insulin secretion at 15 min was therefore used for calculations. The composite insulin sensitivity index (CISI), which takes into account glucose excursion and AUC, was also calculated as previously described (17). Higher scores represent improved insulin sensitivity. Methods Tissue collection and necropsy. At the termination of the study, following overnight feed deprivation and regular S treatment in the morning, rats were overanesthetized with isoflurane and a blood sample was collected via cardiac puncture. A section of the distal ileum, one kidney, and one liver lobe were snap-frozen for later DPP4 mRNA analysis. The pancreas and one liver lobe were fixed in 10% neutral buffered formalin for later processing. One liver lobe was snap-frozen for determination of lipid content with Sudan Black staining. The pancreas was transferred to 70% ethanol after 24 h. Tissues were processed and embedded in paraffin. The liver was sectioned (5 mm) and stained with hematoxylin and eosin or immunohistochemically stained with a mouse antibody against rat insulin (1:300, Cell Signaling Technology) according to previous work (26). The histopathology scoring was: 0, within normal limits; 1, minimal; 2, mild; 3, moderate; 4, marked; and 5, severe. Rats and treatments. Ethical approval for the experimental protocol was granted by the Eurofins Institutional Animal Use and Care Committee and all procedures conformed to the Guide for Care and Use of Laboratory Animals. Forty-four male ZDF/Crl-Leprfa/fa rats (ZDF) were obtained from Charles River at 9 wk of age and individually housed in a temperature- (18–22°C) and humidity-controlled (44–68%) room with a 12-h-light/-dark cycle. Water and feed were provided ad libitum. Male ZDF rats were selected as representing a good model of obesity with comorbid type 2 diabetes and reduced insulin sensitivity (20,21). Following 4 d of acclimation, rats were randomly assigned to 1 of 4 groups: 1) control [cellulose fiber/vehicle (C)]; 2) NPS [5% wt : wt/vehicle (NPS)]; 3) cellulose/S [10 mg/(kg d) via oral gavage (S)]; or 4) NPS (5%) + S [10 mg/(kg d) (NPS+S)]. There were n = 11 rats/ group. The NPS was PGX (InovoBiologic). NPS was shipped to Research Diets for incorporation into a high-fat rodent diet (D12451) at 5% wt : wt (Supplemental Table 1). Cellulose was selected as the insoluble reference fiber that is considered to be inert (22). S phosphate monohydrate (JANUVIA, Merck and Co) was obtained by prescription at a pharmacy in Dayton, NJ and prepared in water and given daily by gavage (10 mg/kg) in the morning. Continuous study measures. Body weight was measured once each week. Food intake, accounting for spillage, was measured 3 times/wk. Blood glucose was measured weekly using a Bayer Ascensia Elite Glucometer (Bayer Health Care). The blood was collected via tail nick following S administration: one sample when food was present for the previous 24 h and one sample was collected on another day when food was not available overnight (16 h feed deprived). Oral glucose tolerance tests. Three days before the end of the study and following 16 h of feed deprivation, a baseline blood sample was 2 of 9 Reimer et al. Lipid determination, plasma DPP4 activity, and clinical chemistry. At the termination of the study, a blood sample was collected via retroorbital bleed under isoflurane anesthesia. Serum was analyzed for lipid concentrations (total, LDL, HDL cholesterol, and TG) using an analyzer (Polymer Technology Systems CardioChek). DPP4 activity in plasma was measured according to Kirino et al. (25). A clinical chemistry panel was analyzed in plasma, including blood urea nitrogen, glucose, electrolytes, creatinine, alkaline phosphatase, aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase (AST), and bilirubin (direct + indirect). Biochemical analysis. A Rat Gut Hormone Multiplex kit (Millipore) was used to measure insulin, active GLP-1, active amylin, active ghrelin, leptin, total PYY, and total GIP according to our previous work (27,28). Glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) was measured in blood using a clinical analyzer (Bayer DCA 2000). Statistical analysis. All data are presented as mean 6 SEM. A 2-way ANOVA was used to determine the main effects of diet (NPS vs. cellulose) and drug (S vs. vehicle) and their interaction. When a significant interaction effect was identified, a 1-way ANOVA with TukeyÕs multiple comparison post hoc test was used to identify differences between groups. For parameters where repeated measurements were taken over time (i.e., body weight, glucose, HbA1c, and satiety hormones), a 2-way repeated-measure ANOVA was performed with between-subject factor (treatment of 4 levels) and within-subject factor (time). Noninterval data (e.g., histology scores) were analyzed by Downloaded from jn.nutrition.org at UNIVERSITY OF CALGARY on August 22, 2012 In addition to exerting potent insulinotropic activity, GLP-1 also reduces food intake, suppresses glucagon secretion, slows gastric emptying, and stimulates b-cell regeneration (5). DPP4 inhibitors are orally active and can inhibit >90% of plasma DPP4 activity over a 24-h period (6). Inhibition of DPP4 improves insulin sensitivity and results in reduced blood glucose concentrations (7,8). S specifically has been approved by the FDA, Health Canada, and the European Commission as a single therapy for the treatment of diabetes and it can be effectively combined with metformin or glitazone (9,10). Dietary fibers have numerous health benefits, including lowering plasma cholesterol levels, reducing hyperglycemia, enhancing the secretion of satiety hormones, and improving bowel function (11). Some dietary fibers enhance the secretion of GLP-1 and another anorexigenic gut hormone, peptide YY (PYY) (12–16). We have previously shown that the highly viscous functional fiber, PolyGlycopleX (PGX) (a-D-glucuronoa-D-manno-b-D-manno-b-D-gluco a-L-gulurono-b-D mannurono, b-D-gluco-b-D-mannan; InovoBiologic) novel polysaccharide (NPS) reduces hyperglycemia and increases GLP-1 secretion in obese Zucker diabetic fatty (ZDF) rats (17). We have also demonstrated that NPS increases the anorexigenic hormone PYY in healthy humans (18) and it decreases hunger and promotes satiety in obese humans undergoing a low-energy diet regime (19). Whether or not combining the glycemia-lowering actions of NPS with the known GLP-1–protective and hypoglycemic actions of sitagliptin improves glucose tolerance in rats is not known. Our objective was to determine the effects of the combined treatment of NPS with S on glucose tolerance in obese ZDF rats. Secondary outcomes were measured to gain insight into the mechanisms of NPS and S actions and included body composition, satiety hormone secretion, pancreatic islet and liver histology, and DPP4 activity. Kruskal Wallis test and DunnÕs multiple comparison test. Significance was set at P < 0.05. Results Glycemic response. Both time (P = 0.001) and treatment (P = 0.001) and their interaction (P = 0.001) affected blood glucose concentrations measured weekly in feed-deprived rats (Fig. 1A). Rats treated with NPS+S had lower blood glucose than all other groups at 6 wk (P < 0.01) [lower than C and S at 3, 4, and 5 wk (P < 0.02) and lower than C at every week after baseline (P < 0.003)]. Given that NPS is highly viscous and affects intestinal glucose absorption when present in the lumen, we also measured blood glucose concentrations in fed rats once each week. Both time (P = 0.001) and treatment (P = 0.001) and their interaction (P = 0.001) affected blood glucose concentrations in the fed state (Fig. 1B). At 4, 5, and 6 wk, the NPS+S rats had lower blood glucose than all other groups (P < 0.002). From 2 wk onwards, rats treated with NPS+S had lower blood glucose than the C and S rats (P = 0.01). Similarly, there was an effect of time (P = 0.001) and treatment (P = 0.001) and their interaction (P = 0.001) for repeated HbA1c measurements (Fig. 1C). At 3 wk, the NPS+S rats had lower HbA1c than C rats (P = 0.01) and at 6 wk, the NPS+S group was lower than C and S groups (P = 0.001) and showed a trend to be lower than the NPS group (P = 0.06). Interactive effects on glucose and satiety hormones during OGTT. There was an effect of time (P < 0.01) for all satiety hormones at the final OGTT except ghrelin (Fig. 2). Treatment influenced insulin secretion (P = 0.038) such that the NPS group was higher than the C group (P = 0.049) (Fig. 2A). Treatment (P = 0.001) and its interaction with time (P = 0.001) Surrogate indexes of first-phase and total insulin secretion and insulin sensitivity. Given that the b-cell responds to increments in plasma glucose concentration with an increment in plasma insulin secretion (29), we calculated the insulin response for both the early (0–15 min) and total secretory phases (0–120 min). Both the InsAUC15 : GluAUC20 and InsAUC120 : GluAUC120 ratios were increased by NPS (P = 0.001) but not S (P = 0.3) or their interaction (P = 0.9) (Table 2). The CISI scores did not significantly differ among the groups (Table 2). Changes in DPP4 activity. DPP4 activity in the plasma was affected by NPS (P = 0.001), S (P = 0.001), and their interaction (P = 0.007) (Fig. 3). C had higher plasma DPP4 activity than all other groups (P = 0.001). In the liver, DPP4 activity was reduced TABLE 1 Energy intake and body composition of obese ZDF rats treated with NPS, S, both, or neither for 6 wk1 Two-way ANOVA P values Treatment Food intake, g/d Final body weight, g Total weight change, g Fat mass, g Lean mass, g Percent fat, % Bone mineral density, g/cm3 C NPS S NPS+S Diet Drug Diet 3 drug 26 6 0.5 405 6 17.4 106 6 13.8 218 6 13.3 113 6 3.5 53.5 6 1.14 0.167 6 0.001 20 6 0.6 431 6 9.60 128 6 7.10 228 6 9.1 130 6 3.84 52.7 6 1.28 0.168 6 0.002 23 6 0.7 411 6 16.1 111 6 12.5 213 6 9.81 123 6 5.40 51.8 6 0.92 0.169 6 0.003 18 6 0.5 441 6 5.32 139 6 4.21 224 6 7.83 142 6 4.02 50.8 6 1.39 0.169 6 0.003 0.001 0.027 0.011 0.29 0.001 0.48 0.83 0.001 0.52 0.36 0.67 0.014 0.15 0.54 0.23 0.88 0.78 0.97 0.92 0.94 0.70 1 Values are means 6 SEM, n = 8–11. C, control; NPS, novel polysaccharide; NPS+S; novel polysaccharide and sitagliptin; S, sitagliptin; ZDF, Zucker diabetic fatty. Novel polysaccharide and sitagliptin co-therapy 3 of 9 Downloaded from jn.nutrition.org at UNIVERSITY OF CALGARY on August 22, 2012 NPS and S effects on food intake and body weight. Both NPS (P = 0.001) and S (P = 0.001) contributed to changes in food intake (Table 1). Rats fed NPS had 20% lower food intake than those fed cellulose and rats given S had 11% lower food intake than vehicle. Body weight increased with time (P = 0.001) (Supplemental Fig. 1). Diet affected final body weight (P = 0.027) and weight gain (P = 0.011), with rats fed NPS having greater overall weight gain and higher final body weight (Table 1). Lean mass was influenced by NPS (P = 0.001) and S (P = 0.014), with greater lean mass in rats treated with NPS compared with those treated with cellulose and in rats treated with S compared with vehicle. Fat mass (expressed as grams or percentage of body fat) and bone mineral density did not significantly differ between groups. affected GIP during the OGTT (Fig. 2B). At 15, 30, and 60 min, the NPS group had higher GIP than all other groups (P < 0.04). At 15 min, the S (P = 0.046) and NPS+S (P = 0.04) rats had higher active GLP-1 compared with C rats (Fig. 2C). At 30 min, the S group had higher GLP-1 than the C (P = 0.003) and NPS (P = 0.04) groups. Leptin was affected by time (P = 0.01) but not the treatments (P = 0.14) (Fig. 2D). NPS increased 0, 15, and 30 min amylin concentrations during the OGTT compared with C (P < 0.038) (Fig. 2E). The NPS+S rats also had higher amylin at 15, 30, and 60 min compared with the C and S groups (P < 0.05). Blood glucose was also measured following an oral glucose load 3 d before the end of the study (Fig. 2F). Time (P = 0.001), treatment (P = 0.001), and their interaction (P = 0.001) affected glucose, with a marked reduction occurring in the NPS+S group compared with all other groups throughout the 120-min OGTT. There was an effect of time (P = 0.001) for PYY and no significant differences in ghrelin (data not shown). The AUC during the OGTT was calculated for all satiety hormones and glucose. The AUC for insulin increased with NPS compared with cellulose (P = 0.009) (Table 2). Both diet (P = 0.003) and drug (P = 0.001) and their interaction affected the GIP AUC, with the NPS group having higher AUC than all other groups (P < 0.002). Active GLP-1 increased with S compared with vehicle (P = 0.001). Amylin, co-secreted with insulin, was affected by NPS (P = 0.001) and S (P = 0.039) such that NPS and S independently increased the AUC. The glucose AUC was reduced with NPS (P = 0.009) and S (P = 0.003). Despite a 50% reduction in glucose AUC in NPS+S compared with C and an ;32% reduction in AUC compared with NPS and S alone, the interaction between NPS and S was not significant (P = 0.7), although probably physiologically relevant. Discussion FIGURE 1 HbA1c (C) and blood glucose concentrations in feeddeprived (A) and fed (B) obese ZDF rats treated with NPS, S, both, or neither for 6 wk. Values are mean 6 SEM, n = 8–11. Labeled means at a time without a common letter differ, P , 0.05. C, control; HbA1c, glycated hemoglobin; NPS, novel polysaccharide; NPS+S; novel polysaccharide and sitagliptin; S, sitagliptin; ZDF, Zucker diabetic fatty. by S compared with vehicle (P = 0.001) and there was no further decrease in combination with NPS. Pancreatic immunohistochemistry. Pancreatic b-cell mass (Fig. 4) was altered by diet (P = 0.001). The insulinimmunoreactive area was greater with NPS (50 6 1.9%) compared with cellulose (39 6 2.1%). Pancreatic islet fibrosis, scored on a scale of 0 (pathology absent) to 5 (severe pathology), was reduced (P = 0.001) with NPS (1.4 6 0.1) compared with cellulose (2.1 6 0.1). The interaction between NPS and S was significant for islet hypertrophy (P = 0.003), wherein NPS alone had greater islet hypertrophy (3.9 6 0.2 score) compared with NPS+S (3.1 6 0.3 score) (P = 0.055). Islet degeneration was lower (P = 0.001) with NPS (0.96 6 0.09 score) compared with cellulose (1.54 6 0.11 score). Deposits of hemosiderin or mononuclear cell infiltrate did not differ between groups. 4 of 9 Reimer et al. As the rates of obesity and type 2 diabetes continue to rise worldwide, there is growing pressure to identify effective treatments to manage these diseases (30). For a number of decades, increased intake of viscous dietary fiber has been recommended for the management of type 2 diabetes due to its ability to slow glucose absorption from the small intestine (31,32). More recently, the pharmacological agent S, which prevents the degradation of GLP-1 by inhibiting DPP4, has been shown to reduce peak glucose concentrations during an OGTT and lower HbA1c (33). Our objective was to determine if combining a dietary treatment with effective glucose-lowering action with a pharmacological agent, S, would further improve glucose control over either treatment alone. Although we confirm that independent administration of NPS or S is effective at lowering food intake (both), increasing lean mass (both), reducing LDL cholesterol and hepatic steatosis (NPS), and increasing active GLP-1 (S), the combined actions of NPS and S on reducing glycemia more so than either treatment alone are significant and clinically relevant. The chief finding of this study is the marked and significant reduction in blood glucose in ZDF rats with the combined treatment of NPS+S. We measured glucose control in 4 distinct ways, including weekly measures of blood glucose in the fed and fasted states, HbA1c, and an OGTT. All measures of glucose response showed the combined therapy to be highly effective in reducing glycemia. The interaction between NPS and S during weekly blood glucose measurements showed the combined therapy to be more effective than either treatment alone at reducing glucose, particularly fed blood glucose concentrations in the final 3 wk of the study and during an acute OGTT. The therapeutic potential of these findings is highlighted in work showing that the degree of hyperglycemia is directly associated with the incidence of microvascular and macrovascular complications (34). Reductions in fed blood glucose concentrations may be particularly relevant given the recent demonstration by Cavalot et al. (35) that cardiovascular events and all-cause mortality are predicted by postprandial blood glucose. The physical properties of NPS may make it especially effective at lowering postprandial glucose concentrations. In ZDF rats, glucose intolerance usually develops by the age of 8 wk, followed by overt hyperglycemia by age 10–12 wk (36). Downloaded from jn.nutrition.org at UNIVERSITY OF CALGARY on August 22, 2012 Changes in serum lipids and hepatic biomarkers. Total cholesterol was affected by diet (P = 0.001) such that rats consuming NPS had lower cholesterol than those consuming cellulose (Table 3). LDL concentrations were influenced by NPS (P = 0.001) and S (P = 0.01), wherein both NPS and S independently reduced LDL cholesterol. Concentrations of serum TG were above the detection limit of the assay for all groups except NPS+S, even following dilution, and are therefore not reliable. In the liver, hepatic steatosis was evaluated with Sudan Black staining (Table 3). There was an effect of diet for steatosis (P = 0.013), wherein rats fed NPS had lower scores than those fed cellulose. Microvesicular vacuolation scores were influenced by NPS (P = 0.033) and S (P = 0.036), with lower pathology scores independently seen for NPS and S. Serum aspartate aminotransferase concentrations were lower with NPS compared with cellulose (P = 0.001). The interaction between NPS and S (P = 0.048) affected serum AST concentrations, with C rats having higher AST than NPS (P = 0.017) but not S or NPS+S. If human criteria for postprandial hyperglycemia are used (>11.1 mmol/L), all of our rats would be considered diabetic at baseline (0 wk in Fig. 1B). Rats in the C and S groups remained diabetic throughout the study. The NPS rats had lower postprandial glycemia after 1 and 2 wk of treatment but remained diabetic from 3 to 6 wk inclusive. Rats in the NPS+S group, however, had normoglycemia for all intervention weeks except for the very last week. This may reflect diminished treatment effectiveness at this late time point or possibly a greater stress response to the increased number of tests performed in the final week. If we consider the human diabetes criteria for fasting hyperglycemia (>7.1 mmol/L), all of the rats were normoglycemic at baseline. All groups would be classified as diabetic thereafter except for the NPS+S group that had fasting glucose levels <7.1 mmol/L. These results suggest that NPS+S was able to attenuate diabetes in the ZDF rat. NPS is a novel functional fiber that is highly viscous and has high water-holding and gel-forming properties (37). Other viscous soluble fibers have been shown to improve postprandial glycemia and insulin response via a slowing of gastric emptying TABLE 2 Plasma AUC for glucose and satiety hormones of obese ZDF rats treated with NPS, S, both, or neither for 6 wk1 Two-way ANOVA P values Insulin, pmol/L 3 90 min GIP, pmol/L 3 90 min GLP-1, pmol/L 3 90 min PYY, pmol/L 3 90 min Ghrelin, pmol/L 3 90 min Leptin, pmol/L 3 90 min Amylin, pmol/L 3 90 min Glucose, mmol/L 390 min InsAUC15:GluAUC20, pmol/mmol InsAUC120:GluAUC120, pmol/mmol CISI, score C NPS S NPS+S Diet Drug Diet 3 drug 66.5 6 12.7 2.9 6 0.4a 3.0 6 0.2 2.2 6 0.2 1.8 6 0.7 158 6 13.9 2.9 6 0.4 723 6 81.6 154 6 28.4 127 6 24.8 0.64 6 0.13 184 6 26.5 4.6 6 0.1b 3.6 6 0.3 1.9 6 0.2 2.3 6 0.5 142 6 13.3 6.5 6 0.7 525 6 57.2 675 6 123 652 6 129 0.43 6 0.06 136 6 34.3 2.5 6 0.2a 5.1 6 0.6 2.3 6 0.3 1.7 6 0.3 149 6 9.53 4.9 6 0.6 500 6 59.2 330 6 109 294 6 99.9 0.55 6 0.15 178 6 31.4 2.7 6 0.2a 4.6 6 0.5 2.2 6 0.2 2.2 6 0.4 123 6 8.12 8.0 6 1.0 345 6 59.1 782 6 180 875 6 175 0.79 6 0.13 0.009 0.003 0.92 0.29 0.28 0.07 0.001 0.009 0.001 0.001 0.95 0.28 0.001 0.001 0.300 0.80 0.23 0.039 0.003 0.30 0.15 0.28 0.20 0.012 0.20 0.64 0.96 0.63 0.71 0.73 0.80 0.84 0.07 Values are means 6 SEM, n = 9–10. Labeled means without a common letter differ, P , 0.05. C, control; CISI, composite insulin sensitivity index; GIP, glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide; GLP-1, glucagon-like peptide 1; InsAUC15:GluAUC20, ratio of insulin AUC:glucose AUC from 0 to 15 min of the oral glucose tolerance test; InsAUC120:GluAUC120, ratio of insulin AUC:glucose AUC from 0 to 120 min of the oral glucose tolerance test; NPS, novel polysaccharide; NPS+S; novel polysaccharide and sitagliptin; PYY, peptide tyrosine tyrosine; S, sitagliptin; ZDF, Zucker diabetic fatty. 1 Novel polysaccharide and sitagliptin co-therapy 5 of 9 Downloaded from jn.nutrition.org at UNIVERSITY OF CALGARY on August 22, 2012 FIGURE 2 Plasma insulin (A), GIP (B), GLP-1 (C), leptin (D), amylin (E), and blood glucose (F) of obese ZDF rats during an OGTT. Values are mean 6 SEM, n = 8–11. Labeled means at a time without a common letter differ, P , 0.05. C, control; GIP, glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide; GLP-1, glucagon-like peptide 1; NPS, novel polysaccharide; NPS+S; novel polysaccharide and sitagliptin; OGTT, oral glucose tolerance test; S, sitagliptin; ZDF, Zucker diabetic fatty. and macronutrient absorption (32). It is likely, however, that other actions of NPS alone and in combination with S contributed to the improved glucose control in this study. Both NPS and S contributed to increased lean mass. Skeletal muscle is a major site for glucose disposal in the body (38). The reasons for the increase in lean mass with both NPS and S are likely distinct. The increase in lean mass with NPS or S was achieved in the context of reduced food intake and without significant changes to fat mass. Although we are not aware of any studies that lend insight into the effects of S on lean mass, the increase in overall body weight and lean mass in NPS-treated rats could be related to the increased GIP in these rats. Several lines of evidence suggest that GIP is a key link between overnutrition and obesity, including the finding that dietary fat stimulates GIP secretion and elevated GIP is observed in obesity (5). The recent work by Ugleholdt et al. (39) using GIP receptor (GIPr) expression targeted to white adipose tissue (WAT) or pancreatic b-cells is interesting in this regard. Mice with WAT-targeted GIPr expression had significantly greater weight gain in response to a high-fat diet, which was due to an increase in lean mass rather than fat mass (39). Whether or not the elevated circulating GIP levels observed in our NPS-treated rats are linked to increased lean mass via the GIPr in WAT is not known. There are several other possible explanations for the seemingly disparate relationship between food intake and body weight gain. It is also possible that alterations in energy expenditure and/or physical activity related to NPS consumption FIGURE 4 Photomicrographs of pancreas of obese ZDF rats treated with NPS, S, both, or neither for 6 wk. The bars are 200 mm. The brownstained tissue is positive for insulin-containing cells within the pancreas. Photographs were selected as representative of the respective treatments. C, control; NPS, novel polysaccharide; NPS+S; novel polysaccharide and sitagliptin; S, sitagliptin; ZDF, Zucker diabetic fatty. 6 of 9 Reimer et al. Downloaded from jn.nutrition.org at UNIVERSITY OF CALGARY on August 22, 2012 FIGURE 3 Plasma and liver DPP4 activity in obese ZDF rats treated with NPS, S, both, or neither for 6 wk. Values are mean 6 SEM, n = 8–11. Labeled means without a common letter differ, P , 0.05. C, control; DPP4, dipeptidyl peptidase 4; NPS, novel polysaccharide; NPS+S; novel polysaccharide and sitagliptin; S, sitagliptin; ZDF, Zucker diabetic fatty. could explain the increase in body weight, but this remains to be measured. Perhaps more likely is that by improving the diabetic state of the rats treated with NPS+S, there was reduced energy loss via the urine due to glucosuria. This is suggested by Sturis et al. (40), who also showed reduced food intake but increased body weight in ZDF rats after 42 d of treatment with the GLP-1 analogue, liraglutide. Similar to our NPS+S-treated rats, the liraglutide-treated rats had lower body weight during the first 10 d of treatment, but with increasing duration, body weight increased despite reduced food intake. Untreated control rats would lose energy via the urine, whereas treatment with liraglutide or NPS+S could potentially reduce this loss. As expected, active GLP-1 was increased by S (41). This increase in active GLP-1 is the result of the DPP4 inhibitory actions of the drug (42). DPP4 is expressed on the surface of various types of cells, including the kidney, liver, small intestine, and in a soluble form in plasma (25). Whether or not DPP4 activity is correlated with the severity of diabetes is controversial, but Kirino et al. (25) showed that rats fed a high-fat or a high-sucrose diet had higher DPP4 activity in plasma compared with rats fed a control diet. In our study, both NPS and S reduced plasma DPP4 activity, although the effect of S was greater in magnitude than that of NPS. The 38% reduction in plasma DPP4 activity with NPS is nearly identical to the 37% decrease in DPP4 activity observed with the soluble, but low-viscosity fiber oligofructose (27), which leads us to speculate that fermentation end-products of dietary fibers, SCFA, may contribute to the inhibitory effects of soluble fibers to DPP4 activity. While the major action of S is known to be the inhibition of DPP4 activity, recent work by Sangle et al. (43) suggests that S may also exert direct effects on intestinal L cells and act as a GLP-1 secretagogue. In a previous study, we showed that NPS treatment also acted as a GLP-1 secretagogue in the absence of increased GLP-1–immunoreactive L-cell density (17). Insulin secretion was increased with NPS but not S, a finding reflected in the increased b-cell mass seen with NPS but not S. The long-term presence of type 2 diabetes is characterized by a 40–60% reduction in b-cell mass (44). Early in the development of insulin resistance, b-cell compensation, involving the expansion of b-cell mass and insulin biosynthesis, allows blood glucose levels to remain in the normal range (45). In type 2 diabetes, the classical characteristic of hyperglycemia likely reflects an impaired ability for b-cell compensation (45). In our study, NPS was associated with increased b-cell mass, which may explain in part the improved glucose tolerance in these rats. Indeed, the surrogate indexes of first-phase and total insulin secretion (InsAUC:GluAUC at 0–15 and 0–120 min) were significantly higher with NPS, implicating an improved b-cell function and insulin secretion. Bi et al. (29) showed that InsAUC30:GluAUC30 and InsUC120:GluAUC120 were both re- TABLE 3 Serum lipid concentrations and hepatic histology in obese ZDF rats treated with NPS, S, both, or neither for 6 wk1 Two-way ANOVA P values C Total cholesterol, mmol/L LDL cholesterol, mmol/L HDL cholesterol, mmol/L Sudan Black staining score Macrovesicular vacuolation score Microvesicular vacuolation score Aspartate aminotransferase, IU/L AST, IU/L 5.8 6 0.4 4.5 6 0.3 2.0 6 0.1 3.1 6 0.3 0.88 6 0.13 3.1 6 0.3 102 6 16.2 83.8 6 4.1a NPS 4.3 6 2.9 6 2.5 6 2.5 6 0.82 6 2.5 6 60.3 6 52.4 6 0.2 0.3 0.1 0.2 0.12 0.2 4.92 2.33b S 5.8 3.3 2.0 2.8 0.89 2.6 79.4 60.4 6 0.4 6 0.3 6 0.1 6 0.4 6 0.20 6 0.4 6 5.09 6 5.81ab NPS+S Diet Drug Diet 3 drug 3.8 6 0.2 2.1 6 0.1 2.2 6 0.1 1.8 6 0.2 0.91 6 0.09 1.8 6 0.2 53.4 6 2.08 57.1 6 3.64ab 0.001 0.001 0.18 0.013 0.90 0.033 0.001 0.016 0.37 0.010 0.54 0.08 0.71 0.036 0.06 0.18 0.39 0.52 0.51 0.52 0.78 0.79 0.31 0.048 Values are means 6 SEM, n = 8–11. Labeled means without a common letter differ, P , 0.05. AST, alanine aminotransferase; C, control; NPS, novel polysaccharide; NPS+S; novel polysaccharide and sitagliptin; S, sitagliptin; ZDF, Zucker diabetic fatty. 1 Administered separately, dietary interventions and pharmacological treatments can improve metabolic disease and reduce associated health risks. However, as the rates of obesity and type 2 diabetes rise worldwide, there is a growing need to identify effective therapies that maximize the potential benefits, which could be achieved if significant interaction effects occur between the dietary and pharmacological treatment. Our findings suggest that the combined actions of NPS and S markedly reduce glycemia consistently across both acute and long-term measures of glucose response. This novel treatment may be a promising dietary/ pharmacological co-therapy for type 2 diabetes management. Acknowledgments The authors thank Kristine Lee (University of Calgary), Joan Wicks (Alizee), and Jamie Boulet, Leia Rispoli, Harry Maselli, and Jessica Beyenhof (Product Safety Labs) for their technical assistance with this work. PGX and PolyGlycopleX are registered trademarks of InovoBiologic Inc, Canada. All other trademarks belong to their respective owners. All authors designed research; G.J.G., L.K., R.A.R., and P.J. conducted research; R.A.R., G.J.G., and L.K. analyzed data; R.A.R. wrote the paper; and R.A.R. and S.W. had primary responsibility for final content. All authors read and approved the final manuscript. Literature Cited 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Fincham JE. The expanding public health threat of obesity and overweight. Int J Pharm Pract. 2011;19:214–6. WHO. Obesity and overweight. Fact sheet no. 311. WHO Media Centre; 2011 [cited 2011 Nov]. Available from: www.who.int/ mediacentre/factsheets/fs311/en/index.html. NIH. 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Best Pract Res Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2009;23:487–98. Novel polysaccharide and sitagliptin co-therapy 7 of 9 Downloaded from jn.nutrition.org at UNIVERSITY OF CALGARY on August 22, 2012 duced in participants with impaired fasting glucose and type 2 diabetes compared with participants with normal glucose tolerance. Given that insulin has been shown to act directly on b-cells in vitro in an autocrine fashion to promote b-cell growth (46), it is plausible that the increased insulin secretion observed in our NPS-treated rats exerted such an effect in vivo. b-Cell expansion is also promoted by GIP (45) and may therefore indicate a role for NPS-induced GIP secretion on increasing b-cell mass in our rats. The reason that S did not produce the same magnitude of insulin response as NPS may be due to the dosage used. We selected a dose of S that is on the low end of the range used in the literature (47–50) but still inhibited ;90% of plasma DDP4 activity 24 h after a single dose (51) in order that we might determine additive effects with NPS, which were identified in other parameters such as blood glucose. Recently, doses of S as high as 300 mg/kg have been examined in ZDF rats (52), which suggests that higher doses of S could be tested in combination with NPS. Ideally, an insulin tolerance test would also have been performed in our rats to assess insulin sensitivity. We were, however, able to determine the CISI score from the OGTT data. We did not observe any difference in the CISI score among treatments, which is in agreement with our previous work in ZDF rats treated with NPS, inulin, or control for 12 wk (17) but contrasts to the higher CISI score seen in young ZDF rats treated for just 8 wk with the NPS compared with inulin and control (26). It is possible that NPS increased insulin sensitivity early on in the course of treatment and then dissipated, but this remains to be confirmed. Similar to previous studies, NPS alone reduced total and LDL cholesterol (17,26). S was also associated with a significant reduction in LDL cholesterol. Several mechanisms have been proposed for the influence of soluble fiber on lipid profile, including interruption of enterohepatic bile acid circulation; alterations in volume, bulk, and viscosity of luminal contents; increases in cholesterol-7-a-hydroxylase; and production of SCFA from fermentation (32). Unfortunately, we could not obtain reliable data on serum TG, but it is interesting to note that only the samples from rats treated with NPS+S were low enough following dilution to not exceed the upper limit of the assay. 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