Lambo Kit Car


Lambo Kit Car
Inmate Edition
A Washington State Non-profit orginization
Issue # 7
Sept/Oct 2007
$4.95 U.S.
of Success,
Lambo Kit Car
Plus Jokes, Puzzles, Letters,
Advice, and more!
Visit us online at
Biker’s Paradise
Custom bikes from the collection of Eddie A. Frias
Futuristic Trike
Check out THIS Engine!
LOW Rider
From choppers to customs,
Eddie Frias has them all.
Check out these custom
bikes from his collection.
Many thanks to Eddie A. Frias for
allowing us to show off his bikes.
Issue 7, Sept/Oct 2007
Letters to the editor
Miss Know-It-All (Advice)
Still More Humor
What’s Your Beef?
Lambo Kit Car (Cover)
Featured Vendors
Crossword Puzzle
Hopes & Dreams
Insider University
Artist Loft
Poet’s Corner
page 4
page 5
page 6
page 8
page 9
page 10
page 12
page 14
page 15
page 16
page 17
page 18
page 19
page 20
page 21
Published 6 times a year
Subscriptions for outsiders:
$18.00 annually.
Subscriptions for inmates:
$12.00 annually.
The Insider Magazine
PO Box 829
Hillsboro, Oregon 97123
[email protected]
Ronald C. Fryer, Publisher
R. Christian, Editor in Chief
Wai Shubert, Graphics Editor
Chris Fryer, Text Editor
Shirley Shubert, Distribution
Rosemary Fryer, Proofreader
Submissions: All submissions are regarded
as released in full to The Insider Magazine
regardless of whether or not a signed release
accompanied the submission. No submission
will be returned unless accompanied by a selfaddressed stamped envelope with the proper
postage affixed.
Inquiries: All inquiries must be accompanied
by a self-addressed stamped envelope, or we
cannot respond.
© 2007
Subscribe now!
Don’t miss a single issue!
rates are only
$12.00 for inmates.
(We will also accept 40
new 41¢ stamps for a 1 year
Single issues are available by sending a 9” X
12” self addressed envelope with four new 41¢
stamps attached, or by sending five new 41¢
stamps, or a $2.00 institutional check or M/O
The Insider Magazine
PO Box 829
Hillsboro, OR 97123
Prison Art
Short Stories
Math Puzzles
Word Puzzles
Lambo Kit Car
Miss Know-it-All
The Insider Magazine Sept/Oct 2007
Letters to Editor
Dear Culture Department,
Hello, how are you? I hope this letter finds
you in robust health and happy spirits.
I was extremely disturbed by your ad requesting Heritage and Culture articles for
all non-white races. You contribute to the
genocide of the White Race by refusing to
acknowledge that white people have any
heritage or culture worth preserving.
A hundred years ago one out of three people
on this planet were white; today less than
one out of twelve are white, and that number slides further down into oblivion every
day. Only 1 ½ % of the world’s population
are white women of child bearing age (the
only ones capable of giving birth to white
children), and our race is dying.
So your refusal to acknowledge that white
people exist, or that they have anything to
offer the world, is offensive and contributes
to the genocide of my race. Please rethink
your anti-white policies or I will call for a
boycott by all white prisoners of your magazine. I am a Centurion of the Creativity
Prison Ministries and an ordained minister
of the Church of the Creator. I am not without influence. So please reconsider your
anti-white stance and henceforth include
the white race whenever you are discussing
heritage and culture.
The White Race is Nature’s Finest, and
we’ve contributed more inventions, philosophies and culture than all the other races
put together. Acknowledging that basic fact
is perfectly acceptable and shows an admirable willingness not to conform with the
politically correct White bashers who rule
intelligentsia these days.
I look forward to seeing your inclusion of
my race in the future. Just because we are
white doesn’t mean we deserve to be marginalized and genocided.
Sincerely Yours,
Rev. Jason A. Wilcox (CA)
Dear Reverend Wilcox,
Thank you for your concern. I can appreciate your point of view, however, I do not
consider “white” to be a race all by itself.
There are many races that can be considered white, such as British, Irish, Russian,
Polish, French, German, Italian, Spanish,
Mexican, and the list goes on and on. As
the world grows smaller and races intermarry, all races mix and blend. I can forsee
The Insider Magazine Sept/Oct 2007
a single blended race in the future if this
practice continues. If anything, this may
be your concern; that all races will blend
into one.
I have always recognized that some people
are white; I myself am white.
To say that I have contributed to any kind of genocide is
ludicrous, as is your insinuation that I am a white basher.
Maybe that attitude is why
you believe that your “white
race” has contributed to the world more
than all other races combined. That is another ludicrous assumption. How could
you possibly know who contributed to every invention in the world? Next you will
claim that whites invented fire!
It’s difficult for me to believe that you are a
man of God when you make false accusations against people you have never met
and know little about. I have never ignored
any group because of their race. I have,
however, ignored groups because of their
hatred of others. If you did half as much
investigating into prison populations as
you did researching white supremacy, you
would find that the majority of inmates are
black, with a large Hispanic population as
well. Next comes the Asians then Native
Americans. Whites comprise less than 2%.
Our ad for culture targeted the majority
of the prison population. We certainly did
not exclude any race or culture, and welcome any article or information that could
be used in an article that would be interesting to others. Our goals are to promote
literacy through reading and art appreciation by encouraging artists to submit their
work. Most of the prison population is
in need of improving their reading skills.
This can be useful on the outside. If we
provide interesting things to read, inmates
will want to read more, thereby improving
their reading skills through practice.
The reason for the culture and heritage
articles is to promote understanding between different peoples. If there is a better understanding of others’ background,
history, and customs, there will be better
acceptance of those things that some people don’t understand. Our hope is to help
inmates get along better and start discussions about their customs and beliefs. This
is the reason I actually printed your incit-
ing letter. I know it is designed to create
controversy, and reason says I shouldn’t
print it at all; but while I don’t agree with
your philosophy, I do support your right to
state your beliefs.
I hope you are able to get closer
to your God and He helps you get
over the anger and hatred you so
obviously have for others that are
different from you. Maybe that’s
why you’re in jail. Good luck with
your boycott. Ed.
Dear Editor,
I am a new reader to your magazine #4
and it was awesome and it’s a good read.
I am hooked and I am enclosing stamps to
receive issue 3 and 2. I am submitting a
poem call “Black Culture” for your heritage and culture column that coming up
soon. I am also sending a couple of poems
to be posted in the next “Poet Corner” of
your next magazine. I love to write poetry
and my dream is one day to write a poetry
book of urban poetry. I pray and hope you
like my work and look forward to hearing
from you soon. God Bless.
Thomas Anderson
Dear Thomas.
Thanks for your praise. I’m delighted
that you enjoy our little magazine. Please
share it with others. I really like your poem
“Black Culture” and I am saving it for a
future issue that will feature black poetry.
Check out this months’ Poet’s Corner for
some of your other poems. You are quite
talented, and I would encourage you to
continue writing. Maybe you can publish
a book of your poetry in the future. Keep
up the good work.
Editor’s Note: Due to lack of response to
our Culture and Heritage announcements,
we are not doing the articles. If you feel that
you want to read about this subject, please
drop us a note and let us know. We want
to print those things that are of interest to
you, so if you have an idea, please let us
know what it is and we will see what we
can do to accomidate your interests. We
also welcome articles of interest and will
gice you credit for the article.
Puzzle answers on page 19
SUDOKU: Fill in the boxes so that each of the nine rows, each
of the nine columns, and each of the nine 3 X 3 sections contain all
the numbers from 1 to 9. No number may be used twice in any row,
column, or section.
Pen Pals
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PO Box 742052
San Diego, CA 92174
Any Book, Any Magazine, Any Title
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•Actors Robert Redford, Steve McQueen,
and Paul Newman all turned down a
contract offer of $ 4 million for the starring
role in Superman. Christopher Reeve was
paid $250,000 for the part.
• The bark of the redwood tree is fireproof.
Fires in redwood forests take place inside
the trees.
• More people are killed by donkeys
annually than are killed in plane crashes.
• Chocolate contains the same chemical,
phenylethylamine, that your brain produces
when you fall in love. But don’t have too
much — an excess of phenylethylamine
makes people very nervous.
• The Barbie doll got her first car in
1962. It was a coral colored Austin Healy
manufactured by the Irwin Corporation for
• John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, the
second and third presidents of the U.S. both
died within hours of each other on July 4,
1826. It was the 50th anniversary of the
nation’s independence.
• At the age of 8, Caryn Johnson, later to
call herself Whoopi Goldberg, made her
first onstage appearance at the Helena
Rubinstein Children’s Theatre in New York
The Insider Magazine Sept/Oct 2007
Two women met for the first time since
graduating from high school. One
asked the other, “You were always so
organized in school. Did you manage to
live a well-planned life? “
“Yes,” said her friend. “My first marriage
was to a millionaire; my second
marriage was to an actor; my third marriage
was to a preacher; and now I’m
married to an undertaker.”
Her friend asked, “What do those marriages
have to do with a well-planned
“One for the money, two for the show, three
to get ready, and four to go.”
Many of you will recall that on July 8,
1947, witnesses claim that an Unidentified
flying object with five aliens aboard
crashed onto a sheep and cattle ranch just
outside Roswell, New Mexico.
This is a Well-known incident that many
say has long been reportedly covered up
the U.S. Air Force and the federal
However, what you may NOT know is
that in the month of March 1948, exactly
nine months after that historic day, the
following people were born:
Albert Arnold Gore, Jr.
Hillary Rodham
John F. Kerry
William Jefferson Clinton
Howard Dean
Nancy Pelosi
Dianne Feinstein
Charles E. Schumer
Barbara Boxer
See what happens when aliens breed
with sheep? Certainly hope this piece of
information clears up a lot of things for
you. It did for me
They Walk Among Us!
Some guy bought a new fridge for his
house. To get rid of his old
fridge, he put it in his front yard and hung
a sign on it saying: “Free to good home.
You want it, you take it.” For three days
the fridge sat there without even one
person looking twice at it. He eventually
The Insider Magazine Sept/Oct 2007
decided that people were too un-trusting
of this deal. It looked too good to be true,
so he changed the sign to read: “Fridge
for sale $50.” The next day someone stole
Caution... They Walk Among Us!
One day I was walking down the beach
with some friends when someone
shouted....”Look at that dead bird!”
Someone looked up at the sky and
They Walk among us!!
While looking at a house,
my brother asked the real
estate agent which
direction was north
because, he explained,
he didn’t want the sun
him up every morning.
She asked, “Does the sun
rise in the north?” When
brother explained that the sun rises in the
east, and has for sometime,
she shook her head and said, “Oh, I don’t
keep up with that stuff.”
They Walk Among Us!!
I used to work in technical support for a
24/7 call center. One day I got a call from
an individual who asked what hours the
call center was open. I told him, “The
number you dialed is open 24 hours a day,
7 days a week.”
He responded, “Is that Eastern or Pacific
time?” Wanting to end the call quickly, I
said, “Uh, Pacific” .
They Walk Among Us!!!
My colleague and I were eating our lunch
in our cafeteria, when we overheard
one of the administrative assistants
talking about the sunburn she got on her
weekend drive to the shore. She drove
down in a convertible, but “didn’t think
she’d get sunburned because the car was
They Walk Among Us!!!!
My sister has a lifesaving tool in her car
it’s designed to cut through
a seat belt if she gets trapped. She keeps it
in the trunk...
They Walk Among Us!!!!!
My friends and I were on a beer run and
noticed that the cases were
discounted 10%. Since it was a big party,
we bought 2 cases. The cashier
multiplied 2 times 10% and gave us a
20% discount....
They Walk Among Us!!!!!!
I was hanging out with a friend when
we saw a woman with a nose ring
attached to an earring by a chain. My
friend said, “Wouldn’t the chain rip
out every time she turned her head?”
I explained that a person’s nose and
ear remain the same distance apart no
matter which way the head is
They Walk Among Us!!!!!!!
I couldn’t find my luggage at the airport
baggage area. So I went to the lost
luggage office and told the woman there
that my bags never showed up. She
smiled and told me not to worry because
she was a trained professional and I was
in good hands. “Now,” she asked me, “has
your plane arrived yet?”...
They Walk Among Us!!!!!!!!
While working at a pizza parlor I
observed a man ordering a small pizza
to go. He appeared to be alone and the
cook asked him if he would like it cut into
4 pieces or 6. He thought about it for some
time before responding.
! “Just cut it into 4 pieces; I don’t think
I’m hungry enough to eat 6 pieces.
Yep, They Walk Among Us, too.!!!!!!!!
They walk among us, AND reproduce!
More Humor
A pretty lonely guy decided life would be
more fun if he had a pet. So he went to the
pet store and told the owner that he wanted
to buy an unusual pet.
After some discussion, he decided on a
centipede, which came in a little white box
to use for its house. He took the centipede
home, found a good location for the box
home, and then decided he would start off
by taking his new pet to a restaurant to
have dinner.
So he asked the centipede in the box,
“Would you like to go to McDonald’s
with me to have dinner?” But there was
no answer from his new pet. This bothered
him a bit, but he waited a few minutes and
then asked him again, “How about going
to McDonald’s with me?” But again, there
was no answer from his new friend and
So he waited a few minutes more, thinking
about the situation. He decided to ask
him one more time; this time putting his
face up against the centipede’s house and
shouting, “Hey, in there! Would you like
to go to McDonald’s with me to have
A little voice came out of the box: “I heard
you the first time! I’m putting on my
A guy walks into a bar and sees a dog
playing poker. The guy is amazed that the
dog is playing poker.
“Bartender, is that a real dog playing
poker?” the guy asks.
“Yep, real as can be.” the bartender
“Well is he any good?” the guy asks.
“Na, every time he has a good hand he
wags his tail.”
Irony at the Pearly Gates...
Two men waiting at the Pearly Gates strike
up a conversation. “How’d you die?” the
first man asks the second.
“I froze to death,” says the second.
“That’s awful,” says the first man. “How
does it feel to freeze to death?”
“It’s very uncomfortable at first”, says the
second man. “You get the shakes, and you
get pains in all your fingers and toes. But
eventually, it’s a very calm way to go. You
get numb and you kind of drift off, as if
you’re sleeping. How about you, how did
you die?”
“I had a heart attack,” says the first man.
“You see, I knew my wife was cheating
on me, so one day I showed up at home
unexpectedly. I ran up to the bedroom, and
found her alone, knitting. I ran down to
the basement, but no one was hiding there,
either. I ran up to the second floor, but no
one was hiding there either. I ran as fast as
I could to the attic, and just as I got there, I
had a massive heart attack and died.”
The second man shakes his head. “That’s
so ironic,” he says.
“What do you mean?” asks the first man.
“If you had only stopped to look in the
freezer, we’d both still be alive.”
George was going up to bed when his wife
told him that he’d left the light on in the
garden shed, which she could see from the
bedroom window.
George opened the back door to go turn
off the light but saw that there were people
in the shed stealing things.
He phoned the police, who asked “Is
someone in your house?” and he said
no. Then they said that all patrols were
busy, and that he should simply lock his
door and an officer would be along when
George said, “Okay,” hung up, counted to
30, and phoned the police again.
“Hello, I just called you a few seconds
ago because there were people in my shed.
Well, you don’t have to worry about them
now cause I’ve just shot them all.” Then
he hung up.
Within five minutes three police cars, an
Armed Response unit, and an ambulance
showed up at George’s residence.
Of course, the police caught the burglars
One of the policemen said to George: “I
thought you said that you’d shot them!”
George said, “I thought you said there was
nobody available!”
Maybe it’s true that life begins at fifty, but
everything else starts to wear out, fall out,
or spread out.
An elderly couple were celebrating their
sixtieth anniversary. The couple had
married as childhood sweethearts and had
moved back to their old neighborhood
after they retired.
Holding hands they walked back to their
old school. It was not locked, so they
entered, and found the old desk they’d
shared, where Andy had carved “I love
you, Sally.”
On their way back home, a bag of money
fell out of an armored car, practically
landing at their feet. Sally quickly picked
it up, but not sure what to do with it, they
took it home. There, she counted the
money - fifty-thousand dollars!
Andy said, “We’ve got to give it back.”
Sally said, “Finders keepers.” She put the
money back in the bag and hid it in their
The next day, two FBI agents were
canvassing the neighborhood looking
for the money, and knocked on the door.
“Pardon me, but did either of you find
a bag that fell out of an armored car
Sally said, “No.”
Andy said, “She’s lying. She hid it up in
the attic.”
Continued on page 9
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The Insider Magazine Sept/Oct 2007
Miss Know-it-All
Dear Miss Know-it-All,
I am a Mexican female inmate who married
to an American for the last six years but I
still haven’t applied for my citizenship although I was qualified long time ago – my
crime is a class C felony and I have an INS
detainer - I wonder and worry what they
are going to do with me, please help!
Marcia (CA)
Dear Marcia.
The INS, which is run by Homeland
security now, does not take any felony
offenses lightly after the 911 incident. I did
some research and discovered that being
married to an American citizen do not have
much power to keep you in this country if
your felony is a deportable felony such as
murder, assault, drug trafficing and most of
the sex crimes. My suggestion for you is to
look in an immigration law book in your
law library and see if your felony falls into
the deportable category. If so, there is not
much you can do.
They don’t appoint you an attorney when
you go to the INS court; you have to provide
your own representation. In most cases you
are fighting a loosing battle if your crime
falls into the deportable category. If you
decide to fight after they come and pick you
up, and believe me, they will come and pick
you up on your release day, they will hold
you from 6 months to a year in a county
jail while you are going through the appeal
My suggestion to you is – if your crime
falls into the deportable category and if
your conviction is affirmed (your criminal
case is not still going through an appeal
process) – you should make it easier for
yourself and let them deport you since you
are fighting a loosing battle, anyway. Good
luck to you, and if you an get out without
being deported – get your citizenship as
soon as you can. If you are deported – it’s
not the end of the world either because
there is only a 2 years waiting period. I
believe and with the help of your American
citizen husband, you can legally return to
this country.
Dear Miss Know-it-All,
Currently I am an inmate in the State of
California system and this is my third time
entering the system for drug crimes. My
8 The Insider Magazine Sept/Oct 2007
first two times were crimes I committed in
other States and California has this law – 3
strikes you’re out and I am scared to death
to come out and commit another crime. I
am an alcoholic who has not much skills
and training and honestly I am scared to
death to go back to the same life cycle because that’s the only thing I know. Please
help me.
Rick (CA)
Dear Rick,
Well, my dear that’s the problem with our
youth these days – addiction
and thinking errors. First of all we have
“At least I am going
to give it a good try.
So try me!”
to admit our problems and thinking errors
before we can on our way to a healthy
life style and stay out of trouble. It’s not
something easy to do but you can do it.
Take advantage of all the cognitive thinking
class your institution offers you. Then take
advantage of some of the trade training
and computer training classes your
institution provides for you. Take control of
your time and better yourself when you are
These courses will help you overcome your
alcohol addiction and will help you think
better when making decisions. This training
will help you make it on the outside and
reduce your chances of committing another
crime. You do not want to take a chance of
having a third strike against you. You have
no more chances. This is it, so do everything
you can to retain your freedom and stay
crime free. Becoming free forever is really
all what it is cracked up to be. It’s worth it.
Make the sacrifice while someone else is
paying the bill. Get that critical knowledge
and change your life forever. Then, and only
then, will you truly be free.
By the way the Insider Magazine is also
aware of the serious issues with our youth
are facing these days and have structured a
program to help you and other inmates to a
healthy and successful future. See Page 19
for more information and we look forward to
seeing you participate with us.
Dear Miss Know-it-All,
I was just sentenced to 3 years in prison
and through it all I lost everything and the
only thing I have left are my beloved animals
– a dog and a cat. They are staying with a
so called friend of mine who I pay to care
for my animals but he doesn’t have a stable
living style and I worry about the well being
of my animals. I am just about running out
of funds to support my animals while I am in
prison and I am really stress out. My animals
are the only families I have. What can I do?
Susan (LA)
Dear Susan,
If you can’t find a real friend or relative
who loves your animals as much as you do,
and can care for them as good as you have,
both with love and financially while you are
incarcerated, you would be better off calling
your local animal shelters and have them
find a good family to adopt your dog and
your cat. I know you really don’t want to do
that but for the sake and love of your animal
– I think you should. It’s unfair to your pet
and to you to think otherwise. Good luck.
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Still More Humor
Sally said, “Don’t believe him, he’s
getting senile.”
The agents turn to Andy and began to
question him.
One says: “Tell us the story from the
Andy said, “Well, when Sally and I were
walking home from school yesterday...”
The other FBI agent turns to her partner
and says, “We’re outta here.”
Never, under any circumstances, take a
sleeping pill and a laxative on the same
Don’t worry about what people think, they
don’t do it very often.
Going to church doesn’t make you a
Christian anymore than standing in a
garage makes you a car.
Artificial intelligence is no match for
natural stupidity.
If you must choose between two evils,
pick the one you’ve never tried before.
My idea of housework is to sweep the
room with a glance.
Not one shred of evidence supports the
notion that life is serious.
A person, who is nice to you, but rude to
the waiter, is not a nice person.
For every action, there is an equal and
opposite government program.
If you look like your passport picture, you
probably need the trip.
Bills travel through the mail at twice the
speed of checks.
A conscience is what hurts when all of
your other parts feel so good.
Eat well, stay fit, die anyway.
Men are from earth. Women are from
earth. Deal with it.
No man has ever been shot while doing
the dishes.
A balanced diet is a cookie in each hand.
Middle age is when broadness of the
mind and narrowness of the waist change
Opportunities always look bigger after
they have passed.
Junk is something you’ve kept for years
and throw away three weeks before you
need it.
There is always one more imbecile than
you counted on.
Experience is a wonderful thing. It
enables you to recognize a mistake when
you make it again.
By the time you can make ends meet, they
move the ends.
Thou shalt not weigh more than thy
Someone who thinks logically provides a
nice contrast to the real world.
It ain’t the jeans that make your butt look
If you had to identify, in one word, the
reason why the human race has not
achieved, and never will achieve, its full
potential, that word would be “meetings.”
There is a very fine line between “hobby”
and “mental illness.”
People who want to share their religious
views with you almost never want you to
share yours with them.
You should not confuse your career with
your life.
Nobody cares if you can’t dance well.
Just get up and dance.
Never lick a steak knife.
The most destructive force in the universe
is gossip.
You will never find anybody who can give
you a clear and compelling reason why we
observe daylight savings time.
You should never say anything to a
woman that even remotely suggests that
you think she’s pregnant unless you can
see an actual baby emerging from her at
that moment.
There comes a time when you should
stop expecting other people to make a big
deal about your birthday. That time is age
The one thing that unites all human
beings, regardless of age, gender, religion,
economic status or ethnic background, is
that, deep down inside, we ALL believe
that we are above average drivers.
Your friends love you anyway.
Never be afraid to try something new.
Remember that a lone amateur built the
Ark. A large group of professionals built
the Titanic.
The truth about Chocolate
Chocolate is extracted from the beans of
the cocoa plant
Beans are a vegetable
Sugar is extracted from sugar beet
The Sugar beet is a vegetable
Therefore chocolate is a vegetable
Let´s spin the theory further:
Chocolate bars contain milk
Therefore chocolate bars are healthy!!!
Raisins, cherries, orange peels and
strawberries are in chocolate
They belong to the fruit family, so eat as
much as you like
Chocolate is good for stress
Just think : “STRESSED“ read backwards
means: “DESSERTS”
So I Married an Atheist ...
A young lady came home from a date,
rather sad. She explained to her mother,
“Anthony proposed to me an hour ago.”
“Then why are you so sad?” her mother
“Because he also told me he is an atheist.
Mom, he doesn’t even believe there’s a
Her mother replied, “Marry him anyway.
Between the two of us, we’ll show him
how wrong he is.”
“It’s no exaggeration to say that the
undecided could go one way or another.”
-- George Bush, US President
“I love California. I practically grew up in
-- Dan Quayle
Don’t Mess With Texas...
Two Texans were having lunch at their
favourite restaurant when they noticed
a young woman at the next table having
trouble breathing. One of the Texans got
up, walked over to her table, took her face
in his big Texan hands and said, “Kin ya
swaller?” She shook her head ‘no.’
“Kin ya breath?” Again she shakes her
head ‘no.’
Suddenly, the Texan grabbed her around
the waist with one of his big Texan hands,
turned her over, pulled up her skirt, and
licked her right on the bottom!
The young woman was so shocked that
she coughed, causing the food to dislodge!
The big Texan, pulled up her skirt, turned
her right side up, tipped his hat and
returned to his seat.
His companion sitting there, is stunned:
“I have never seen anything like that in my
whole life!” he says to his heroic friend.
“Yep, I tell ya, that Hind Lick maneuver
works every time!”
The Insider Magazine Sept/Oct 2007
What’s Your Beef?
We are being treated less than human?
Medical care: 2 years into my sentence, I
have seen so many cases of inmate died or
lost their limbs because of lack of medical
I admitted that we have made a big mistake care. You practically have to be on your
in our life by committing crimes one way death bed before they will provide care
or the other and that’s the reason we are for you. When you are ill with a flu or
being punished; however is the punishment pneumonia it can take you up to 2 weeks to
might be too harsh by us being treated less get an appointment with a doctor. If your
than human? That remains to be answered. sentence is almost up – forget it. If you
have cancer or any terminal disease, they
Some examples:
will just give you an excuse one-way or the
other because they don’t want to spend any
Our food: We eat out of date stuff and more money on you. I saw this lady who
marked as not for human consumption. was falling all the time for no reason but the
Most of our food is just made of starch doctors told her that she was just faking it to
and filler stuff such as out of date bread get more psych-medicine and that she was
and potatoes and cost the institution addicted to the medication. She was about
around $2.00 a day to feed us. How can 2 months away from being released and we
the institution justify to the taxpayer a cost all knew she was really ill because we saw
of $45,000.00 a year for each and every her falls all the time but we just couldn’t
inmate for food and housing? The food get the doctors to help her. Guess what?
is out of date stuff donated by companies After more than six months of pleading,
as garbage, lettuce is brown, and meat is they finally took her to the hospital after a
not fit for human consumption - where do really bad fall and they diagnosed her with
we get the nutrition to keep us healthy and an inoperable brain tumor and she died 3
alive if we are alive at all with the health days later right after her release.
care they do provide us?
Guess what else is being treated less than
human – when an inmate
is hospitalized rather
This delightful and
because of a childbirth,
informative new book
by Eugene Linwood
Jr. is a compilation
hand-cuffed and shackled
of stories of prison
to the bed the whole time
experiences, poetry,
and have a security guard
and successful
strategies to help
watch them the whole
inmates, friends
time. Guess who pays for
and families help
the cost of the security
themselves in dealing
guard? – the taxpayer. Is
with the stress of
that really necessary when
everyday problems
an inmate is so seriously ill
encountered in our
(only seriously ill patient
legal system. Also
Reaching Out Beyond Bars
can make it to the State
included is some
The Dehumanization of Generation X hospital) to be handcuffed
insightful poetry
by Eugene Linwood Jr.
written by inmates.
and shackled already?
Don’t delay! Order
your copy now. Send
$14.95 to:
The Insider Magazine
PO Box 829
Hillsboro, OR 97123
Order online at
This informative book encompasses
the experiences and vulnerabilities
that are as diverse as the youth they
represent. From America’s urban
centers to the barrios and hoods of
major cities, these are their stories,
hopes and dreams. $14.95
A portion of the proceeds will go to
support charities like America for Youth
Foundation and Boys Project. www.
10 The Insider Magazine Sept/Oct 2007
Our shelter: We are
provided a cell measuring
8’ x 10’ with a toilet, a
sink and a bed (some of
us have cell mates), then
we have a bunk bed. Some
of the lifers, high security
inmates or county inmates
are only allowed to come out of the cell one
hour a day to go to the yard and exercise.
Twenty three hours a day, seven days a
week, three hundred and sixty five days a
year for the rest of the inmate’s life they
are locked up inside a 8’x10’ cell. If we
don’t have mental problems to begin with
– we would definitely will have mental
problems when we get out. Treated less
than human? Speaking of mental problems
– if an inmate doesn’t have any addiction
problems when he/she is admitted, he/she
might have addiction problems when he
gets out. Institutions love to give psychmedication to inmates because that’s their
way to control inmates. I have seen so
many inmates got out with a pain/psych
– medication addiction. It might as well be
heroin. Actually, that might be better.
Even though we made mistakes and are
paying for them with our time and freedom,
doesn’t mean that we have become subhuman animals, and we should not be
treated as such. Taxpayers are paying
premium rates to provide adequate food
and shelter for us during our rehabilitation,
and they should get their money’s worth.
They should not be cheated out of their
investment by the system with nonconsumable food and overcrowded living
conditions. The taxpayers did not do any
crime. Why should they be punished?
For that matter, how does treating us like
sub-human animals as punishment for our
crimes fit into rehabilitation, and how will
that benefit society when we are released?
Marie (NY)
Dear Marie.
I have heard these same things over and
over again from inmates in facilities all
across the country, but you put them all into
one letter, and did so eloquently. Surely the
prison system needs to change a lot of their
common practices, but before any changes
can take place, the tax paying public has
to know what is really going on inside. If
enough people make legitimate complaints
to their political representatives, change will
occur. Unfortunately, inmates don’t vote, so
it will be up to your families and friends on
the outside to make your conditions known.
Good luck with that. Ed.
America’s Pen Pal Directory has been bought by The Insider Magazine.
What The
In our efforts to help you acomplish your hopes and dreams and connect to the outside
world, we want to let those on the outside know who you are and that you matter. We want to
become an “all around” entertainment magazine for inmates. To that end, we are offering an
introductory FREE LISTING in the upcoming issue of America’s Pen Pal Directory. Use
this Official Application to be included for free. Sorry, no copies will be accepted.
Check This Out ! ! !
There will be some changes in the way we distribute the Directory. We will NOT be putting it on Newsstands or in bookstores. Instead, we
will offer it for sale to the general public through newspaper ads around the country. These ads will reach about 5 million people at a time,
and cover different regions of the country, state by state. We will begin with one region and then add others as we go so eventually we will
reach the entire country. The directory will be available through the website and by mail only. Inmates can get a single copy for $5.95 if
their facility allows it in. The website will be for ordering the Directory only, not for viewing listings of inmates to write to. Those listings
will only be available in the printed Directory.
To get your FREE LISTING, fill out this official form and send it to us at the address THIS
below along with a good clean head and shoulders picture and a brief description of
yourself and a list of your interests on a separate sheet of paper. Include a SASE so we FREE LISTING. WE WILL NOT
can return your photo. FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED. We only have room for about ACCEPT COPIES OR ANY OTHER
400 listings, and they are starting to fill up. Once they are taken, you will be out of luck MEANS OF APPLICATION. YOU
and you will not get the free listing. We will do our best to include you, but we cannot MUST USE THIS FORM OR
guarantee anything. Only the first few hundred applications will be accepted. Hurry!
Mail to:
Include GOOD Photo of face and shoulders.
No full body shots. Write list of interests
on a separare sheet of paper and send with
Gender (M-F)
Include SASE
so we can return
your photo.
The Insider Magazine
Pen Pal Department
PO Box 829
Hillsboro, OR 97123
South Somerset in England, as many an ardent hiker
knows, has fine walking paths through lowland landscapes of dairy farms, crop farms, modest forests,
and charming villages.
Thomas P. Stanwick, the amateur logician from New
England, was delighted to discover these for himself
one July as he took a solitary walking tour through
the district. He was on holiday, with no more freelance editing projects on hand until September.
After a full day of walking, Stanwick found the guest
lounge of a bed-and-breakfast near Bruton very
comfortable. With him there that evening were two
sturdy, middle-aged American women and a British
writer in his early forties.
“My sister Rose and I are traveling through the
south of England this summer,” said Elena Symes.
“My first real holiday since my Elliott died last year.
Where are you traveling, Mr. Stanwick?”
“Well, I’m finishing up the Leland Trail,” said
Stanwick. “I’ve looked in on Stoke-sub-Hamdon
and Penselwood Forest, and am looking forward to
exploring Bruton and King Alfred’s Tower. Later I’ll
check out the water gardens of Stourhead in Wiltshire
as well. Bruton itself is supposed to be the smallest
village in England, but has room for a packhorse
bridge, a dovecote, and a two-towered church. How
about you, Mr. Denault?”
Noah Denault, the writer, laughed. “I’m visiting Roman fortification ruins in the area. My current project
is an historical novel on Roman Britain, and this is
part of my research.”
“Roman Britain!” Stanwick grinned. “Old Julius
Caesar landed in Britain in 55BC and again in 54BC,
I think it was, before being recalled to deal with unmitigated Gaul. ‘Veni, vidi, vici, and vamoosed.’ The
Romans returned in 43AD, were reinforced in person
by Emperor ‘I, Claudius,’ and lingered until 410.
There must be plenty of artifacts still around.”
“I hope so,” said Denault.
“Oh, the Romans!” exclaimed Symes. “Well, then,
you might be interested in my coin.”
She pulled up from her blouse an aged silver medallion clipped to a thin gold chain around her neck.
Denault examined it and gave a low whistle.
“A Julius Caesar denarius!” he said with wonder.
“There’s the Latin inscription, the date – 42BC – and
the Caesar profile. Is it possibly genuine?”
“Oh, yes!” Symes beamed. “After my Elliott retired
from real estate, he took up philately and numismatics as hobbies. He got his coins from a highly reputable dealer in Miami. Welby Rare Coins. He was
going to have this one mounted and put on display
in his library, but he – well, he died before he could.
So now I carry it as a good-luck charm in memory
of him.”
“That’s very touching,” remarked Stanwick. “Where
did the dealer get the coin from?”
“Oh, gracious, I have no idea. I understand that Mr.
Welby has connections all over the world.”
“Have you had the coin appraised?”
“No, not yet.” Symes took a sip of tea. “I suppose
I should before I keep carrying it about with me.
Maybe when I get home next month.”
“Just when was Caesar assassinated, anyway?”
mused Denault. “I should know, of course, but
remembering dates isn’t my strong suit.”
“44BC,” stated Rose Toole firmly. “The Ides of
March, remember?”
“That’s right. Well!” Denault grinned. “Now I’ll keep
my eyes open for coins as well as fortification ruins!”
“Maybe not coins quite like that one.” Stanwick
smiled faintly. “It still makes a lovely charm and memento, Mrs. Symes. I’m no expert on Roman coins,
but I’m afraid that one is NOT genuine.”
Answer on Page 17
continued on page 22
The Insider Magazine Sept/Oct 2007
Street Dreams
A Tale of Two Guys, and a Stunning
Raging Bull of an Exotic
By Dan Burrill
Photography: Dan Burrill
Joe Martin is no stranger to the world of kit
cars and hot rods. He’s also a guy who has
his priorities in order.
Thirteen years ago, Joe worked for nowdefunct Exotic Dream Machines (builders
of custom, tube-chassis Countach replicas),
which gave him a great deal of sweatequity, hands-on experience, and insight
into the workings of kit cars, fiberglass
construction, and powertrains. It also turned
him into somewhat of an elitist when it
comes to kit cars—as you’ll discover later
in this piece—having literally seen the best
and worst of the business. As for having
his priorities in order, let’s just say Joe’s
home shop completely dwarfs his home
by a significant margin. He says that will
change when he converts his shop into his
living space and then builds an even bigger
Joe always wanted to build a car for himself,
so several years ago he set aside his other
personal projects. He had seen enough bad
Lambo bodies (and had even acquired one)
to know he’d have to do his own thing and
virtually start from scratch, working from
his own designs. He scrapped the Countach
kit body and began massaging a collection
of various Lambo parts into something he
could work with. He also thought ahead
enough to make his own molds in the event
he would ever consider starting his own
Next he located a donor vehicle, dragged
out the torch and the welder, and he was on
his way. But as everyone knows, when you
have to work for a living (Joe is a welder
who builds auto manufacturing–related
heavy equipment), projects such as this
take a lot of time. He began the chassis
for the car you see here in 1994 and the
completed car made its debut at the Club
Sandwich show in Laughlin, Nevada, in
October 2000.
12 The Insider Magazine Sept/Oct 2007
As fate would have
it, about three years
ago Dave Swinney
unexpectedly showed
up at Joe Martin’s shop
door with a handful of
parts and inquired,
“Can you build me a
car?” Dave wanted a
Countach. For years
he had dreamed
about prowling the
streets in a Lambo kit
car. Though he had
owned several Corvettes, he was looking
for something more exotic to satisfy his
desire. Joe certainly had the knowledge,
the experience, and a fairly good start
on the foundation of a solid car. A deal
was struck and Joe turned his project into
Dave’s project, going back to the drawing
board for some more refinement. The short
story is that a good working relationship
developed, and a spectacular, show-winning
street machine emerged as a result.
“The first thing was to design enough
cockpit room into the car so the average-totall person would be able to get in and drive
it,” Joe says. “After slightly raising the roof
in the front to allow for adequate headroom,
I had to find a donor windshield to fill up
that big hole.” A cut-down windshield from
a Ford Aerostar turned out to be the correct
fit. The side and back windows are custom-
made using tempered glass.
The body is a hand-laid fiberglass structure,
with Coremat added for additional strength.
Once the body was mounted on the frame,
remote-door actuation switches were
installed and the highly modified wing was
Next, Joe checked the body measurements.
The tubular frame was modified slightly
to accommodate some of the changes. It’s
a Martin-designed steel space frame with
the actual construction employing varioussized rectangular and square tubing. This
chassis is designed to accommodate many
of the Fiero donor-car components as well
as aftermarket gear.
“I really like this design,” Joe tells us. “The
long, low nose and the slipstream design of
the car make it look like it’s moving even
when it’s parked.”
Joe and Dave both wanted a smooth ride
with responsive handling, so Joe used
modified Fiero components for the front
and rear suspension. The front employs
Aldan coilover shocks, while the Fiero
rear struts are modified for coilover
springs. This setup allows for adjustment
in ride height, spring rate, and damping
rates. Since approximately 80 percent of
the stopping is accomplished with front
brakes, custom hubs with 10-inch rotors
were installed. The rear brakes are stock
Fiero units. The wheels are Centerline
Champ 500s—15x8 up front and 15x10 in
the rear. The polished alloys are shod with
Yokohama AVS tires with 225/50 ZRs and
285/40 ZRs, respectively.
Wanting the car to be as fast as it looks, Joe
installed a 350ci small-block Chevy with
throttle-body fuel injection. The engine is
mated to a Fiero five-speed Getrag transaxle
using a combination of Zumalt axles and
custom-made components for strength.
The power transfer takes place through
a beefed-up clutch and adapter kit from
PISA. Custom headers were fabricated and
Flowmaster mufflers with dual Anza tips
create a mellow, satisfying sound.
The attention to detail is remarkable. Joe
spent numerous, painstaking hours making
sure every part of the vehicle fit as planned.
Once he was satisfied with the bodywork
and the fit, the paint was ordered. After
some deliberation, Joe and Dave decided
to use a three-stage custom orange mix by
House of Color. The effect is stunning, and
at different angles and different times of
the day, the paint takes on different
colors and gives the Lambo a
changing personality.
of his dreams, and Joe is—well—let’s just say
he’s considering another project for himself.
We’ll just have to wait and see if he’s able to
keep it.
For the interior, Dave selected
Dr. John’s Auto Trim in Denver,
Colorado. There, John Edwards
took special care in making sure the
installation of the headliner, carpet,
and leather equaled the workmanship
of the rest of the car.
Due to the sharp angles of the
doors, the windows only roll down
2 inches, so air conditioning is a
must. Looking at the size, the stock
Fiero unit was a natural fit in the car.
A set of Classic Instruments Elan
GT–series gauges keep track of the
engine’s vitals, while Alpine stereo
provides the cockpit entertainment.
This car is definitely not for a driver
who wants to assume a low profile.
Dave lives in St. Louis, and twice the
car has been mentioned on the radio
because an announcer happened to
see it on his way to work.
“All the money and hard work that
went into building this vehicle paid
off when, on its first time out, the car
won the President’s Choice award at
the Laughlin show,” Dave says.
Dave now tours the country in the car
The Insider Magazine Sept/Oct 2007 13
claimed dry weights at this time, they but bouncing up and down on it for a
are certainly going to be heavier than the minute revealed comfortable padding and
an easy 30.3-inch height. Rubber-mounted
M109R which is said to be 703 pounds.
These bikes are a ways off and you can handlebars hold all the tools necessary to
expect them in February, 2008. The C109R command this machine. The clutch lever
model will retail for $13,799, and the tour modulates a hydraulic system while the
brake lever controls a pair of 4-piston
version’s MSRP will sit at $14,999.
Since we’ve been talking about the M109R calipers squeezing 310mm floating discs.
so much we should probably mention that A 41mm Kayaba fork with preload
it has some updates as well. The 2008 adjustment doesn’t give the new machine a
Suzuki is introducing the 2008 C109R, a machine
based on the M109R but with classic cruiser styling.
whole lot of fine-tuning
M109R2 (MSRP $12,999)
capability up front, but
2008 Suzuki C109R & GSX650F
gets a sloped headlight
the rear end features
By JC Hilderbrand
housed in chrome. The
rebound adjustability
We’ve already broke cover on the 2008 M109R Limited Edition
in conjunction with the
RM-Z motocross bikes and the ultra- has a slightly different
preload settings.
powerful Hayabusa and B-King - none headlight
Available December of
of which exactly lend themselves to new adorned with a racing
2007 with a MSRP of
riders or those who value leisure. Suzuki stripe that stretches to the
$6999, the GSX650F
has two other new models to cover the rear fender where a clear
isn’t really going to
bases in these two important categories, an taillight lens has red LED Suzuki gave the Katana 600 and 750 the
axe this year and replaced it with this, the
contend with its Ventry-level sportbike and classic cruiser.
GSX650F. Suzuki intends for this bike to be a
Twin Suzuki sibling or
stepping stone to the race-ready GSX-R line.
Kawasaki’s parallelOn the heels of last year’s all-new M109R The entry-level sportbikes
power cruiser, Suzuki thought it would be currently offered by Suzuki are the SV650 Twin Ninja 650R. As a four-cylinder
nice to bolster the Boulevard line and offer models, the Katana 600 and 750 and the for seven grand, the 650F is in the same
the same type of exhilarating cruiser in a GS500F. Of those four machines, half of category as the Yamaha YZF-R6S and
more traditional styling package. What the them will be cut from the lineup for the Kawasaki’s ZZR600 for attracting new or
designers came up with is
2008 model year. lesser-skilled riders to the world of modern
the C109R and a touring
Both Katanas are sportbikes - the difference, of course, is
version called the C109RT.
going the way of that the Yamaha and Kawi machines are
The only difference between
the dodo, which leftover high-tech wonders of yesteryear,
the two is that the T model
leaves only twin while the GSX650F is purpose built as an
gets a windscreen, studded
cylinder machines, entry-level machine.
seat, passenger backrest,
leather saddlebags and twoInline-Four gap is
tone paint.
an all-new 656cc
The meat and potatoes of The GSX650F gives Suzuki a modern Inlinemachine.
these machines is a 1783cc, Four to go with its popular V-Twin machine GSX650R is a 16- the SV650.
4-valve DOHC V-Twin.
valve, DOHC, liquidEssentially the same motor as used in the cooled motor utilizing a 65.5mm x 48.7mm
M109R, the mill uses 112mm x 90.5mm bore and stroke. The 6-speed, chain-driven
bore/stroke cylinders mounted at 54 bike is based off the Bandit 650, a naked
degrees. The Suzuki Dual Throttle Valve European version.
EFI uses 52mm throttle bodies, 4mm Nestled behind the double cradle steel
smaller than the M version. Suzuki claims frame’s 26 degrees of rake and 4.25 inches
that crank inertia is increased by 20% and of trail, and in between the 57.9-inch
that the C109R offers more torque at low wheelbase, the motor uses cam profiles
speeds. Power is dished out via a 5-speed that target low- to mid-range power to offer
transmission and shaft drive.
as much user-friendliness as possible. A
The chassis offers 32 degrees of rake and 5.1 quartet of 36mm throttle bodies is digitally
inches of trail while resting on a150/80R16 controlled by the SDTV technology.
and 240/55R16 front/rear tire combo. The It’s all wrapped in a full fairing design and
wheels are a more classic 10-spoke design five-gallon fuel tank that takes styling cues
and the fenders are much deeper than the from the GSX-R line. The one-piece seat
M109R. Though the C models don’t have clearly sets it apart from the race machines,
14 The Insider Magazine Sept/Oct 2007
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The Insider Magazine Sept/Oct 2007 15
1. Four roods
5. Post on deck
9. Ese
13. Paris’home
14. Above a whisper
16. Less than all
17. Bear on the person
18. Mechanism lead-in
19. English public
20. Imported TV series
23. She in sheep’s
24. Dawn goddess
25. Welcome change
33. High-seas spoils
34. Parcel out
35. Corp. VIP
36. Oriental nursemaid
37. Exonerate
38. Munich missus
39. Tummy muscles
40. Certain machetes
41. Warning signal
42. Eschews formality
45. List ender: abbr.
46. US labor group
47. Desolate burial site
55. — the kill
56. From John Paul
The Insider Magazine Sept/Oct 2007
57. Late Verdi opus
58. Sora, for example
59. Dog the footsteps of
60. Turns right
61. Stuart queen
62. Start of a Shakespearean
63. Once, once
1. Near Islands isle
2. Cut off short
3. Degenerates
4. Upper canines
5. Stumpy hound
6. “— Three Lives”
7. Corrida creature
8. Alphabet quartet
9. African fly
10. Empty talk
11. 8th-century prophet
12. Two cubed, plus two
15. Doomed
21. Plane route
22. Put in order
25. Frozen dessert
26. Lambaste
27. Town on the Saale
28. Bread spreads
29. Camera attachment
30. Guard in the pen
31. Writer Lafcadio
32. Demustify
33. Phoenician deity
37. Notion
38. Room area
40. Not just one
41. Fat: prefix
43. Alight
44. O2 receptors
47. — even keel
48. Town near Nazareth
49. Yuri’s love
50. Milky stone
51. Catch
52. More unreal
53. March date
54. Bridge seat
55. A Gershwin
Hint: 5 letter spaces in
this puzzle must be filled
in with the word “air”,
all in the single space.
This becomes part of the
words that the space is
part of.
Answers on next page.
Hopes & Dreams
This page will be dedicated to your hopes
and dreams for the future, whether still in
prison or out for good. They do not have to
be detailed or long drawn out explanations;
they can be as simple as “I want to open my
own business when I get out”, or “I will just
go home and be with my family”. You can
dream about what kind of car you want or
what you hope to accomplish, even if it’s
just something simple like “I’m going to sue
the State for all the bad things they did to
me” or “I want to go to a movie and eat a
really good steak.”
Be creative and send in your dreams. We
will print them along with your name on this
page each issue. Seeing your dreams in print
can help you accomplish them.
Please send them to:
The Insider
Dreams Dept.
PO Box 829
Hillsboro, OR 97123
~:~ Life is Good!
I might as well get started by telling you
some of my hopes and dreams: First of all,
I earn my living by buying properties and
building houses on them, then selling them.
My dream is to buy a large piece of property,
at least seven acres, and develop it for a
manufactured home park with 25-30 spaces
that can be rented to owners of manufactured
homes. I would provide water, electric and
sewer hookups, but the renter would pay
the utilities. I would charge rent on the land.
When the land is paid off, I would retire on
the income.
This should give you some idea of what
you should send in, although this column
is not restricted to this kind of dream. You
can send in anything that can be printed
and still go inside prisons. I want to turn
this magazine back over to you guys...
Make it your own and participate in the
content. When we first started The Insider
Magazine, we invited everyone to send in
their articles, poetry, and artwork. Well, we
kinda got away from that in the past few
months, and I want to bring it back. This
magazine should be full of your stories and
experiences, uncut and unabashed, good,
bad, and ugly. It should be all about you,
not what I think or want to say. Please help
me out by sending in your stuff.
I would like to have a regular car column
featuring your cars.
I would like to have a regular motorcycle
page with your bike featured. (See pg. 2)
I would like to see more original poetry and
more original artwork submitted.
I would like you to share any known
resources for when you get out of prison.
Together we can make a great list of
agencies and other resources that will
benefit anyone getting out.
I would like to see similar resources for
lifers. What have you got? Let me know.
Next issue will begin a 12 part series on
how to start your own business when you
get out. The Insider Magazine University
(IMU) will show you how. We will cover
every aspect of starting a successful
business, including how to determine if
you will succeed. This could be a very
valuable tool in your future. Please refer
to IMU on page 19 to learn more about
this great opportunity. Ed.
Mystery Solution:
“You’re right.” Denault suddenly
looked glum. “The coin is dated 42BC,
but as you say, Caesar was assassinated
two years earlier, in 44BC. The tough
old Romans wouldn’t have honored
him with a coin after he was dead. It
might have offended the new rulers of
“That’s a nice try,” said Stanwick. “But
although I don’t know much about Roman coins, I do happen to know that a
silver denarius honoring the late Julius
was indeed struck in 42BC.”
“Then why do you say my coin is a
fake?” Symes demanded. “You’ve
twice admitted you’re no expert on Roman coins.”
“I’m not,” said Stanwick. “But I know
a little logic. And logic shows that no
coin or document produced Before
Christ would show a BC date! The
maker couldn’t have used a system of
dating depending on – and therefore invented after – a future event. So coinmakers in 42BC couldn’t know at the
time the date would be called 42BC! It
would be like Edward III in 1337 saying ‘OK, you men of the Middle Ages,
come embark with me upon the Hundred Years War!’.”
An embarrassed silence filled the room
for a moment.
“Poor Elliott,” sighed Elena Symes at
last. “He knew real estate. But coins?
There the poor love was just a patzer!”
Answer:Why he couldn’t tell that joke about oil:
Answer: What the jacket that cought fire must
have been: A BLAZER
Answer: From a lorgnette you get this:
Answer: This might mean cutting and cheating
The Insider Magazine Sept/Oct 2007
Lifer Page
Irons v. Carey
See CZJV#14. p. 14. Both the Attorney
General (BPH) and the Federal Defender’s
office (representing Carl Irons) seek
review of the split decision. The AG,
still dissatisfied with the narrow “some
evidence” standard of review, alleges
that the Supreme Court has never ratified
it - despite Superintendent v. Hill and
continues to dispute the protected
liberty interest in parole established
in McQuillion and reaffirmed in Sassdespite the Supreme Court’s holdings in
Green-holtz and Alien. Irons seeks an en
bane decision ratifying Judge Reinhart’s
scathing Irons dissent.
The spoiled-brat attitude of the AG’s
office, which can’t quit while “ahead,”
may some day spell its downfall, perhaps
if Irons points out that the Supreme Court
held in Santosky v. Kramer, 455 U.S. 745
(1982) that the federal standard of review
of a state administrative agency decision
that materially affects fundamental
rights, is clear and convincing evidence
“when the individual interests at stake in
a state proceeding are both ‘particularly
important’ and ‘more substantial than
mere loss of money’” (citing Addington
v. Texas, 441 U.S. 418), e.g., when
the detriment constitutes “a significant
deprivation of liberty” or “stigma” or
when relief is required because the
petitioner would otherwise be “condemned
to suffer grievous loss.” (additional
On the other hand, Hill should apply
only to its facts - a hearing at which
disciplinary charges were based on a
confidential source causing the prisoner’s
due process right to be diminished
by a prison’s need for security and
confidentiality. Irons’ due process right
should not be reduced because neither
the parole determination process used by
BPH nor adjudication of his habeas claims
required disclosure of a confidential
source or involved a security concern.
The Insider Magazine Sept/Oct 2007
Importantly, the state courts that adopted
Hill’s standard to review BPH decisions
held that prisoners did not have a due
process liberty interest in parole. In
re Powell, 45 Cal.3d 894, 911 (1988).
Now that the contrary is established in
McQuillion, Sass, and Rosenkrantz,
shouldn’t due process require a finding
of something more than “some” or
“any” evidence in the record to protect
a vested liberty interest protected by the
Due Process Clause? Indeed, we know
of no other state whose parole statutes
provide a protected liberty interest in
parole, or any defined liberty interest
of any sort extinguishable by the mere
presence of any evidence whatsoever. To
the contrary, see Carrillo v. Fabian, 701
N.W. 2d 763 (2005)(Minnesota Supreme
Court); Davis v. Board of Parole and Postprison Supervision (2005) 200 Or.App.
366 (Oregon); Trantino v. New •Jersey
State Parole Board (2001) 764 A.2d 940
[“substantial evidence” required to support
parole decisions].
Although revisiting Irons is doubtful
(the Court resisted the temptation in Sass
- see CLN #14, p. 1), in this area of law,
as we’ve learned, anything’s possible.
In the meantime, although the Court in
Irons allowed the facts of his offense to
substantiate parole denial, it reaffirmed
Biggs and explained that in all three cases
- Biggs, Sass, and Irons, the petitioners
had not served what the Court called their
“minimum” prison terms, a caveat that
leaves the door ajar for most lifers who
have done so. See CLN# 14, p. 8.
CLN is published every 6-8 weeks (a
minimum of 6 issues per year) and
distributed to inmates and free subscribers
and attorneys, courts, and prison law
CLN focuses on issues of importance,
particularly to “lifers” confined in
California, and reviews state and federal
court decisions, legislation (new bills
and proposed laws), and recent news and
articles of interest to prisoners.
CLN also provides research, photocopying,
and related paralegal assistance for
prisoners in all state and federal institutions,
including finding cases, case law and
materials on legal topics.
CLN also buys stamps from inmates to
be converted to money orders for trust
accounts, subscriptions, payment to family
members , or to purchase and send in
approved property and packages.
Prisoners: $15 or
3 books (60) postage stamps
California Lifer Newsletter
P.O. BOX 687
WALNUT, CA 91788
Editor’s Note: This article is printed
with permission from California Lifer
Newsletter #15, May 2007. For more
articles like this one, subscribe to
California Lifer Newsletter
PO Box 687
Walnut, CA 91788
Please say you saw them in The Insider.
“It’s hard to beleive you’ve served 14 years
already for armed robbery. I lose all track
of time when I’m shopping.”
Insider Magazine University
Jammin’ School of Success
On the Road to Financial Freedom
Money Talks, Bulls**t Walks. Join The Insider University with a special subscription so you
don’t miss a single installment of our “On the Road to Financial Freedom” series. See details at end of article.
At least 95% of all State prisoners will
be released from prison at some point;
nearly 80% will be released to parole
supervision. Forty-five percent of
parole discharges in 2005 successfully
completed their term of supervision,
unchanged since 1995. Thirty-eight
percent were returned to jail or prison,
and 11% absconded. You don’t want to
be one of that 38%!!!
68% of State prison inmates did not
receive a high school diploma. About
26% of State prison inmates said they
had completed the GED while serving
time in a correctional facility. 82% of
prison inmates are functionally illiterate.
This means that they don’t have enough
reading and writing skills to write an
understandable letter or fill out a job
application correctly.
We want to change all that, a few people
at a time. That is why we began The
Insider University.
Anyone can be successful, but it takes
certain qualities. There are learned
behaviors and habits that make a
person successful. We at The Insider
Magazine will walk you through each
step of the way so that you can learn
these secrets and become successful
when you get out.
This is not an easy road to follow, but
it can be done by anyone if you have
the determination. You must have
the desire to succeed, and recognize
the pitfalls of your own mind. You
must change the way you think and
how you view others. When you are
done with this course, you will be a
completely different person who will
have the ability and knowledge to gain
financial success, if you will submit to
this new way of thinking and conform
to these techniques.
We want you to succeed, but success
will require close attention to every
detail in this course, and you will be
required to do homework and send
it in for review. You will be required
to work hard at this course and learn
through self analysis and critique from
our teachers and other students.
If you are willing to participate under
these conditions and endure to the
end of this two year course, then you
need to send your tuition of $20.00 (a
$795.00 value) along with the form on
page 22. You will receive the course
through The Insider Magazine over a
two year period. This could be the best
$20 you ever spend. Your future could
depend on the information contained
in this informative course.
Included in this course will be new
ways to think about yourself, how to
cope with stress, how to change your
behavior, how the rich behave towards
others, what makes them succeed, and
a detailed interactive section on how
to start your own business. If you
don’t want to be in business, you can
use the new learned skills to find a
better job. We will teach you how to
interact with people in the corporate world;
who to help, what to say and what not to
say. These skills will help you with your
personal relationships, too. Do you want
to find the perfect mate? You can use what
you learn here for that purpose, too.
You will receive a diploma upon completion
of the course. During the course you will
continued on page 22
Insider University FAQ’s
What are we going to get out of this
You will learn how to change your
thinking to achieve success. You will
develop a business plan that will show
you how to build a business and make
a profit. You will see what it takes to
survive in the corporate world.
What if I join the in the middle of the
course? How can I fit in?
If you join after the course is in progress,
you will receive all the back issues of
The Insider containing any course work
you may have missed. You will have to
read through this material and catch up
with the rest of the class on your own,
but you can write us with any questions
you may have and we will send you our
answers through the mail.
I already have a subscription. What
will happen to that?
Your current subscription will be
extended to cover the entire course. You
will not get duplicate issues.
What is the real reason for The Insider
Magazine to offer us this program?
Our goal has always been to reduce the
recidivism rate. It is a fact that educated
prisoners are less likely to return to
prison. We have been promoting literacy
through reading and writing already,
and now we want to introduce specific
information that will help you stay out of
prison and be successful on the outside.
The main reason we are offering this
opportunity is that we care.
The Insider Magazine Sept/Oct 2007
Artist Loft
Eddie A. Frias
by your
friends and
Art Contest
Submit your original artwork for
judging. We will pick the winners
and publish them on this page.
First place:
One 8” X 10”
print of your
art, matted, plus
four additional
professional prints.
Second place: One 8” X 10”
professional print of your art,
matted, plus one additional
professional print.
Honorable Mention: One 8” X 10”
professional print of your art, not
Eddie A. Frias
All artwork printed will receive one
of these prizes.
Send your original artwork plus a
short bio about yourself to:
The Insider Magazine
Art Contest
PO Box 829
Hillsboro, OR 97123
Include a SASE with sufficient
postage if you want your art
The Insider Magazine Sept/Oct 2007
Advertise your art here. This
space is only $50. Reach
thousands of people for very
little. Contact:
The Insider
PO Box 829
Hillsboro, OR 97123
Eddie A. Frias
Poet’s Corner
by Thomas Anderson
by Thomas Anderson
Do you feel me?
My heart is beating inside your chest
My sweat is trickling down your breast
My footprint is imprinted in your sand
My thoughts is exploding inside your
memory glands
My tongue is tasting the very texture of
the wine you drink
I am the patient observer who watching
the delicate patterns of the way you think
My thoughts are the thoughts that racing
through out your mind
I’ve always been you since the beginning
of time
If only you would search for me, you
realize that I am not that hard to find
If you look inside yourself, you realize
that we are not one of a kind
You would see that there no future without
us in it
We are the very cosmos, galaxies, stars
and time infinite
Do you feel me?
If you will quiet the monkey chatter of
your mind, then you will hear
If you learn to feel me, you will never
know fear
You would know!
Our being is trhe vast part of all that exist
since the beginning of timewhen darkness
was all
Light that penetrate the darknesswhen they
heard our call,
And the very cosmo gave way to the
creative process that we enjoy
Know me. Discover me.
They told us that they was American
Patriots as they look the American public
in their eyes
They promise to protect the American
Public from the terrorist attacks, but it
turns out to be lies
They deceive us during the election
process, that they have the solution
But we know they faking terror alert, so
they can rewrite the amendments of the
Homeland Security was design to take
away your individual rights
All it take is terror alert and it will take 3
½ hours to board your airline flight
Americans use to enjoy liberties that make
other countries jealous
We are slowly becoming a heavily police
nation, thanks to the greed of a couple of
oil rich fellas
The politician who lies, beat the podium
and preach about how much the American
Public need him
But as long as they stay elected, we can
forget about enjoying the true aspect of
They clasp their hand in prayer as they
hypocritically look upward to the sky
But Hell has no fury as a scorn politician
who has no conscious when he is about to
By Daniel W. Carroll
Seconds, minutes and hours,
Twenty four in each day.
Do we take them as ours
To waste them all away?
Each Morning we happen to wake,
Should we stop and give thanks.
Our time here isn’t a mistake.
We all struggle to survive,
Each in our very own way.
Our needs are all the same,
What we want and how we pay.
Inside us are these voices;
It’s up to us what s real.
We make our own choices,
What we think and how we feel.
What’s most important to us,
Who’s affected by what we say.
Are we thinking things through,
Or makeing decisions along the way?
Are we sure of what we want?
Maybe what sounds good at the time.
Do we worry about who’s in front,
Or who we’ve left behind?
Life is an interesting journey,
Full of bumps and curves.
Are we wasting it on worries?
We get what we deserve.
Time is a very special thing
To all born into this world.
We can’t see it or feel it.
How we use it makes it a gift.
Please send us your
original poetry to:
The Insider Magazine
PO Box 829
Hollsboro, OR 97123
The Insider Magazine Sept/Oct 2007
On the Road to Financial Freedom
be working on your own business plan for
when you get out, and may receive advice
pertaining to that business plan. You may
also have some of your questions and
answers posted in this column to receive
feedback from other students, and so
everyone can benefit from the answers.
This is an interactive course, and you
will be expected to participate. You
will be able to enroll in this course at
any time during the first year, but if you
enroll after the initial enrollment at the
beginning, you will need to make up the
work in order to catch up with the rest of
the class. We cannot help you with the
work that you missed except by sending
you the information covered. Any work
missed due to late enrollment cannot be
discussed interactively; that would be
unfair to the students who have already
covered that part of the work. That is
why you need to enroll right away. Not
only will you be able to keep pace with
the course and the rest of the students,
but you will also benefit by receiving
The Insider for two years at a discounted
rate. It’s a double deal! Here’s how to get
Fill out the enrollment form on this page
and send it in to:
The Insider University
PO Box 829
Hillsboro, OR 97123
You will begin to receive The Insider
Magazine beginning with the first issue
that contains the course work.
You will have a special department to
correspond with to review your work
and help you complete the course and
improve yourself. You will be able to see
your own questions and the questions of
other students in the next issue, along
with the answers. (This is the interactive
part..) You will see yourself improve in
many areas that pertain to everyday life,
and will be able to recognize those areas
that need improvement as well as those
areas that you have mastered. It’s better
than losing weight! And easier, too. You
will be able to take these learned skills
The Insider Magazine Sept/Oct 2007
out into the world and be proud of who
you’ve become.
Yes, it’s a lot of hard work, and yes, you
will see changes in yourself, but so will
everyone else, and that’s what counts!
You will be a new person when you get
out; ready to conquer the world with your
new found skills; ready to succeed in
whatever you do. This is the beginning
of your new, successful life. The choice
is before you right now. All you have to
do is seize the day and fill out the form
below. Go for it! You will change your
life forever!
me the
Enrollment Form for The Insider University
Yes, please enroll me in The Insider University. Enclosed is my payment of $20.00
for Tuition (a $795.00 value) which includes a two year subscription of The Insider
Magazine containing the full course. If you already have a subscription, enrolling will
extend your existing subscription to include the full course.
Send completed form to The Insider University, PO Box 829, Hillsboro, OR 97123
CHI-EY INC - A digital printing Company
• We offer reprints in different
sizes and packages.
• We offer reprints in semi-gloss
copies and high gloss copies.
• Turn around time only “48” hrs.
• All reprints cut before shipping.
“ Where Technology Meets Imagination”
Photo Alteration Service - a much needed service for inmates and their loved ones
Photo 4 combined
inmate image
onto photo with
his dad on the
boat, cloned
(2 procedures)
High gloss
16 wallets............$5.00......$7.50
4 wallets+3-5x7..$5.00......$7.50
8 wallets+2-5x7..$5.00......$7.50
12 wallets+1-5x7.$5.00......$7.50
8-3.50x5(same picture)$5.00......$7.50
4-4x6(same picture).....$5.00......$7.50
4-4x6(4 different pictures)$6.50.... .$9.00
4-5x7(same pictures).....$5.00......$7.50
4-5x7(4 different pictures)$7.00......$9.50
1-8x10 enlargement.....$4.50......$6.50
2-8x10 enlargement.....$8.00.....$11.50
1-10x15 enlargement...$10.00...$15.00
2-10x15 enlargement...$18.00...$27.00
Photo 1- placed
inmate’s head onto
model’s body.
(2 procedures)
Photo 2 - took person
out and placed onto a
different background.
Always perform
cloning procedures after
background changes.
(2 procedures)
Photo 3- took man
and his family out of 2
different photos then
combined & changed
(3 procedures)
For the artist
• We copy your artwork in semi
- gloss and high gloss copies.
• We copy your artwork into
sheet format and single folded
greeting card format.
High Gloss copies (at least 5 copies)
5x7 (sheet) ...................$1.50 ea.
5.50x7.50 (card) ..........$2.00 ea.
8x10 (sheet) .................$4.00 ea.
10x15 (sheet).................$7.00 ea.
Semi-gloss copies (at least 5 copies)
5x7 (sheet)....................$1.00 ea.
5.50x7.50 (card)...........$1.50 ea.
8x10 (sheet)..................$2.50 ea.
10x15 (sheet)................$4.00 ea.
To qualify for artist pricing, please
add 10% of the total cost of the order
for shipping & handling.
Attention artists: want to have your
artwork organized into a catalog of
your own - Free? Send $5.00 for
our 12-pages color artist catalog
• All reprints available in color, B&W
and antique copies.
• Many different border styles available
for reprints.
• Several different background styles to
choose from.
• We customize calendar orders in single
page (year) and 12 pages (single month)
formats by inserting photo and text.
• We customize different styles of
postcards with photo and text.
• We customize greeting cards for all
special occasions.
Send $2.25 institution check or 6 first class
(41 cents) stamps for our 8-page color
catalog for more information
- postage included.
photo 6 - took out 2
people from 2 photos
and placed onto a
different background.
(3 procedures)
Photo 7- took 2 people out of 2
photos and changed background
and color of shirts on both people.
(5 procedures)
Photo 5 - took
inmate out of
a photo and
combined it
with his 2 brothers and cloned
the background.
(2 procedures)
• What’s the simplest way to calculate the cost? - by
counting procedures. (every time you want something done it is a procedure)
• Use photo 3 as example took inmate out (1), took
family out(1), insert both onto a new background
and perform cloning.(1)
• Each procedure costs $5.00. When all procedures
are completed - you will receive a 5x7 semi gloss
Frequently Asked Questions
• What if I want more reprints on the finished photo made? - Go to the reprint pricing structure and order more
reprints. We also keep a copy of your finished photo(s) on record under your name for 6 months and you can
always make more reprints in the future.
• What if the 2 photos I want to combine vary in lighting, color, quality and focus? - We can adjust the sizes of
the photos to make the combined photo looks natural but there’s only so much we can do to make a very poor
photo look as good as a professional photo. We will definitely do the best we can.
• What color choices can I make to my clothing? - You can choose any color you want but the pigment for certain
colors has to be there. Changing a white top to a dark color (or black color to a light color) is the hardest because
there isn’t any color pigment to work with. In that case we would choose the best and the closest color for the
• What if I didn’t send enough money to cover what I wanted to have done? (wrong calculation) - Due to the over
whelming requests for these services, we have the right to refuse the service until additional funding is provided.
To make it simple - always send more and we will post the remaining funding on your account for future services.
This is the only and the best way to ensure what you want done will be accomplished in a timely manner.
• How does cloning work? - We have to pick up similiar samples to use to perform the cloning procedures. If your
photo is missing an arm after removing someone out of a photo - we need to have a picture of your other arm for a
skin sample for us to perform the cloning procedure.
• What if my institution only allows 5 reprints (or 10 reprints) per envelope and I have 16 wallets along with the
original? - Please let us know when you place the order and please add a $1.00 for each aditional envelope
required to mail out your reprints. You can also choose not to cut the reprints and have them sent back in a sheet
format without adding any funds for extra shipping & handling. (Each order includes 1 paid postage envelope)
• Do I get my original photo(s) or artwork back after the reprints are made? - Of course, your original will be mailed
back to you along with your reprints. Please provide a self-addressed stamped-envelope for the return of
your artwork.
• Do I need an order form to place an order? - No, we prefer you use a piece of plain white paper and list all
procedures in detail for us when you place an order. Please print clearly.
• Do you accept stamps as payment? - We accept a time and a half in stamp value ($7.50) for an order value of
$5.00. If you choose to use stamps, send first class 41 cents stamps as payment.
Please make sure the procedures are allowed by your institution’s security guidelines before
placing the order(s) for photo alteration services - We’ll not be held responsible for the violation.
Please make sure your institution allows 4 pieces of paper (printed on both sides) held together
by staples before placing an order for our color catalog. We can remove staples when requested.
Please send institution check or money order (no personal checks) along with order(s) to
CHI-EY INC - dept. IM0708, PO BOX 829, Hillsboro, OR 97123