lely area stormwater improvement program (lasip)
lely area stormwater improvement program (lasip)
LELY AREA STORMWATER IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (LASIP) STAGE AND FLOW SUMMARY 2010 Activity Report Prepared for: Collier County Growth Management Division Prepared by: Johnson Engineering, Inc. 2350 Stanford Court Naples, FL 34112 (239) 434-0333 E B 642 FTMS01\Proj-fmw\20087326-011\Reports\2009 Reports\2009 Summary Report.doc April __ 2010 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY South Florida Water Management District permit conditions for the Lely Area Stormwater Improvement Project (LASIP) require Collier County to demonstrate the performance of the spreader swales located at the south end of the Lely Main Canal and at the south end of the Lely Manor Canal in Treviso Bay. Collier County is currently performing water quality testing at a group of locations in the system. The stage and flow work currently underway will generate water levels and discharge information to assist in estimating total outflow volumes from those two canals produced by overflow of the control berms. Towards this end, Johnson Engineering has installed a series of staff gages and electronic water level recorders in piezometers for a group of locations downstream of the Lely area for work relating to the Lely Area Stormwater Improvement Program (LASIP). The equipment was installed in March of 2009 and includes 9 electronic water level gages in piezometers with a staff gage at each location. Data collection began immediately, recording water levels at each location at hourly intervals. Two additional gages were installed in January 2011 for the new spreader swale on Lely Manor West Canal. Piezometers were downloaded at approximately quarterly intervals and results plotted on standard time versus water level charts presented inside this report. In addition to monitoring water levels, Johnson Engineering field staff was tasked to perform a series of stream flow measurements at 8 locations with the objective being to develop measurements and data to support the creation of flow measurement rating curves. Due to lack of rainfall throughout the year, only one set of flow measurements was made, that occurring September 15, 2009 with discharge values ranging from 8 cubic feet per second (CFS) to 115 CFS. In 2010, flow measurements were made at six locations on August 25, 2010 and one location on October 12, 2011. Values ranges from no flow to 96 CFS, Flow measurement data collected to date are insufficient to develop reliable rating curves. Once rating curves are developed and verified, this information can be used to estimate approximate discharge volumes leaving the Lely system via surface water overflowing several bermed earthen control structures . -i- The primary outflow points are at the downstream ends of spreader swales constructed as a part of the Treviso Bay water management system and by the County at the downstream end of the Lely Main Canal. An additional outfall and spreader swale was completed during 2010. It is known as the Lely Manor West Canal located west of the Treviso Bay development. In early January 2011, two additional water level recorders were installed at the new outfall spreader swale, one upstream of the 1,055 LF overflow berm, and one downstream. A staff gage was also set near the new upstream recorder location. These locations are shown on Exhibit A and the new Lely Manor West Canal outfall is shown in more detail on Exhibit E. Current plans are to continue stage monitoring and to collect additional flow measurements at all locations during the 2011 calendar year. This will include downloading of the 11 water level recorders at approximately quarterly intervals and reading the staff gages at the same times. Rainfall data will continue to be acquired from SFWMD gage at Rookery Bay, as well as water levels at US 41 bridge at Lely Main Canal, also from SFWMD data files. Flow measurements are also anticipated should sufficient rainfall occur in the wet season. Flow measurements are not part of the current scope of work and will need a separate contract at that time. -ii- TABLE OF CONTENTS Page EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ......................................................................................................... i 1.0 WATER LEVEL READINGS ........................................................................................ 1.1 Instrumentation .................................................................................................... 1.2 Recording Intervals .............................................................................................. 1.3 Data Downloading ............................................................................................... 1.4 Methodology ........................................................................................................ 1 2 2 2 3 2.0 STAFF GAGE READINGS ............................................................................................ 4 2.1 Methodology ........................................................................................................ 4 3.0 FLOW MEASUREMENTS ............................................................................................ 6 3.1 Methodology ........................................................................................................ 6 3.2 Results .................................................................................................................. 8 4.0 RECOMMENDATIONS ................................................................................................. 10 -iii- LIST OF TABLES Number 1 2 3 Typical Piezometer Raw Data ---------------------------------------------------LASIP Staff Gages 2010 ---------------------------------------------------------LASIP Flow Summary 2009 - 2010 --------------------------------------------- 2 5 9 LIST OF FIGURES Number 1 2 In-Situ Piezometer Installation Sketches (1-11) -------------------- Figures 1-11 Level Troll 500 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 12 LIST OF MAP EXHIBITS Exhibit A. B. C. D. E. Stage and Flow Project Location Map Stage and Flow Locations Lely Main Canal Spreader Swale Stage and Flow Locations Lely Manor Canal Spreader Swale Stage and Flow Locations Lely Manor Canal at LMB01 Stage and Flow Locations Lely Manor West Canal LMBOOSLU LIST OF CHARTS Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Rainfall Chart Rookery Bay US 41 at Lely Main Canal Stages 1995-2010 Lely Main Canal Spreader Swale Lely Manor Canal Spreader Swale South Outfall Lely Manor Canal Spreader Swale North Outfall Lely Manor Canal West Outfall at US 41 Lely Manor Canal at LMB01 APPENDICES Appendix A Site Photographs -iv- Collier County (LASIP Hydrological Monitoring) Steve Preston, Collier County Stormwater Management 1.0 June 20th, 2010 WATER LEVEL READINGS 1.1 Instrumentation Water levels are recorded using stainless steel/titanium pressure transducer style dataloggers manufactured by In-Situ Inc., model Level Troll 500, with varying cable lengths according to the specific application and sensors operating in the 0 to 5 psig range. This sensor provides the maximum sensitivity needed to detect small differences in water depths and can read a maximum depth of 11.5 feet. The sensors are installed in a standard type piezometer in this case being a 2-inch PVC pipe to provide a stilling effect and for protection of the electronics from the elements. PVC pipes are slotted below the water surface to allow the sensor to be exposed to the entire head pressure of the surrounding water surface. Accuracy of the Level Troll gages are reported by the manufacturer to be 0.05% of the full scale (FS) range. This equates to an error of about 0.005 feet of water based on a water depth of 11.5 feet. Typically, water depths are reported only to the nearest hundredth of a foot (0.01’). Pressure sensors for the Level Troll 500 are of the silicon strain gage type with titanium sensor baffles. In addition to recording pressure, the Level Trolls also record temperature in either Celsius or Fahrenheit at an accuracy of 0.1º C and a resolution of 0.01º C. The Level Trolls are equipped with internal 3.6 volt lithium batters with an expected life of 5 years. The units can store a maximum of 50,000 records. At hourly intervals, this would equate to a time period of over 5 years. Typical raw data from the Level Trolls are by overflowing of the several bermed earthen control structures in the following form and easily converted to a standard comma delimited (CSV) or MS Excel (XLS) format for archiving and charting purposes. 1 Collier County (LASIP Hydrological Monitoring) Steve Preston, Collier County Stormwater Management June 20th, 2010 Table 1. Typical Raw Data From Level Troll 500 Elapsed Time Date and Time 3/19/2009 15:00 3/19/2009 16:00 3/19/2009 17:00 3/19/2009 18:00 Sensor: Pres(G) 11.5ft SN#: 141388 Sensor: Pres(G) 11.5ft SN#: 141388 Pressure (PSI) 0.582268 0.582781 0.580141 0.582116 Temperature (F) 78.232056 77.878136 77.564423 77.469604 Milliseconds 0 3600.001 7200.001 10800.001 Sensor: Pres(G) 11.5ft SN#: 141388 Level Surface Elevation ( -0.983576 -0.982393 -0.988487 -0.983927 Typical installation schematics and photo for the Level Trolls are shown in the Figures section. 1.2 Recording Intervals The Level Trolls are programmed to record water levels at hourly increments. These are stored on the unit and downloaded to a handheld device or laptop computer at quarterly intervals. The hourly recording interval is an acceptable compromise between being overly sensitive and overly coarse. This study involves measuring water levels in water bodies subject to relatively rapid changes in water levels from rainfall or tidal influences. It is expected that hourly reading will provide sufficient resolution for future uses including flow calculations. Readings are not intended to be used for rainfall intensity analysis. 1.3 Data Downloading The Level Trolls are downloaded to a handheld device or laptop computer at quarterly intervals. This requires a field technician to visit the gage site and connect to the Level Troll utilizing a 9 pin serial style connector on a Rugged Reader handheld computer running Win-Situ software. The log file is copied to 2 Collier County (LASIP Hydrological Monitoring) Steve Preston, Collier County Stormwater Management June 20th, 2010 the Rugged Reader and returned to the office to be transferred to the in-house computer network system. Experience has shown that leaving data on the field units for extended periods of time results in data problems in several ways. For example, if a technician does not visit a site for an entire year, the gage may have failed or been vandalized shortly after the previous visit. This would result in the loss of an entire year’s worth of data. 1.4 Methodology Once the Level Trolls are installed and properly secured and braced, they are programmed with a site name and recording interval. The gages have the ability to calculate, from the pressure sensor readings, either a water depth in decimal feet, or an actual water surface elevation to be included with the raw data in the log files. The latter option minimizes post download calculations. Benchmarks were run from nearby recognized survey points to the installation sites in order to carry actual water level information in with the pressure sensor readings to further facilitate the use of the data. Water levels are reported in this study in the vertical datum known as North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD 88). These water levels referenced to NAVD 1988 show directly when connected to the sensor allowing easy checks to be made with nearby staff gages. When downloads are made, the field technician also inspects the gage for visible damage, checks the time function of the gage against local watch time and performs a calibration verification check. This is accomplished by measuring down from the reference mark (RM) on the gage set by a previous survey benchmark run to the water surface. Subtracting this number from the RM elevation gives the water surface elevation (WSEL)in feet NAVD 1988. This is compared to the gage reading to assure that the gage is functioning properly. 3 Collier County (LASIP Hydrological Monitoring) Steve Preston, Collier County Stormwater Management 2.0 June 20th, 2010 STAFF GAGE READINGS 2.1 Methodology Water levels are manually read from staff gages during flow measurements or during data downloading. Additionally, Collier County personnel read and maintain water levels from staff gages taken during water quality sampling operations. Staff gages are made of a hard, durable plastic graduated in decimal feet capable of reading to the nearest hundredth of a foot (0.01’). Staff gages are either mounted directly to the face of a structure, as in the case of the example photograph in the photograph appendix on page 4 under Piezometer JE 1531, or mounted to a pressure treated 4x4 post sunk into the canal bank slope and braced for stability. All staff gages were leveled to NAVD 1988 vertical datum and adjusted so that the water level read in the field represents the NAVD 88 elevation directly without a conversion. Readings are taken to the nearest hundredth of a foot, although during periods of high winds, turbulence, or waves, readings to the nearest hundredth of a foot are less reliable. To minimize cost and redundant readings, staff gage readings were limited to times when Johnson Engineering staff was downloading water level piezometer data. Water levels from other times can be taken directly from the piezometer data. Collier County staff also reads and records staff gage readings during water quality sampling events. That data is not a part of this report. The attached Table 2 shows staff gage readings taken during 2010. The period of record for staff gage readings is from March 2009 through December 2010. See Charts 3 through 7 for continuous water level elevations during this period. 4 Collier County (LASIP Hydrological Monitoring) Steve Preston, Collier County Stormwater Management June 20th, 2010 Table 2 - LASIP Staff Gages 2010 Gage ID Location Description LELYSLU Main Lely Canal Outfall - Upstream LELYSLD LMB00U Date Staff (feet) NAVD 88) JE Gage 1/15/2010 1.27 Main Lely Canal Outfall - Downstream (Tidal) 1/15/2010 -0.10 JE 1530 US 41 Lely Manor West Canal - Upstream 1/15/2010 1.40 JE 1531 LMB00D US 41 Lely Manor West Canal - Downstream 1/15/2010 1.40 JE 1532 LMB01 Lely Major East Outfall 1/15/2010 1.67 JE 1533 LMB01ASLU South Spreader North Outfall - Upstream 1/15/2010 1.66 JE 1534 LMB01ASLD South Spreader North Outfall - Downstream 1/15/2010 1.53 JE 1535 LMB01SLU South Spreader South Outfall - Upstream 1/15/2010 1.67 JE 1536 LMB01SLD South Spreader South Outfall - Downstream 1/15/2010 Dry JE 1537 LELYSLU Main Lely Canal Outfall - Upstream 5/21/2010 1.29 JE 1529 LELYSLD Main Lely Canal Outfall - Downstream (Tidal) 5/21/2010 0.34 JE 1530 LMB00U US 41 Lely Manor West Canal - Upstream 5/21/2010 1.53 JE 1531 LMB00D US 41 Lely Manor West Canal - Downstream 5/21/2010 1.53 JE 1532 LMB01 Lely Major East Outfall 5/21/2010 1.35 JE 1533 LMB01ASLU South Spreader North Outfall - Upstream 5/21/2010 1.35 JE 1534 LMB01ASLD South Spreader North Outfall - Downstream 5/21/2010 1.21 JE 1535 LMB01SLU South Spreader South Outfall - Upstream 5/21/2010 1.36 JE 1536 LMB01SLD South Spreader South Outfall - Downstream 5/21/2010 Dry JE 1537 LELYSLU Main Lely Canal Outfall - Upstream 7/27/2010 1.35 JE 1529 LELYSLD Main Lely Canal Outfall - Downstream (Tidal) 7/27/2010 0.43 JE 1530 LMB00U US 41 Lely Manor West Canal - Upstream 7/27/2010 2.59 JE 1531 LMB00D US 41 Lely Manor West Canal - Downstream 7/27/2010 2.59 JE 1532 LMB01 Lely Major Easst Outfall 7/27/2010 1.88 JE 1533 LMB01ASLU South Spreader North Outfall - Upstream 7/27/2010 1.89 JE 1534 LMB01ASLD South Spreader North Outfall - Downstream 7/27/2010 1.74 JE 1535 LMB01SLU South Spreader South Outfall - Upstream 7/27/2010 1.89 JE 1536 LMB01SLD South Spreader South Outfall - Downstream 7/27/2010 1.37 JE 1537 LELYSLU Main Lely Canal Outfall - Upstream 10/12/2010 1.22 JE 1529 LELYSLD Main Lely Canal Outfall - Downstream (Tidal) 10/12/2010 -0.02 JE 1530 LMB00U US 41 Lely Manor West Canal - Upstream 10/12/2010 WR JE 1531 LMB00D US 41 Lely Manor West Canal - Downstream 10/12/2010 WR JE 1532 LMB01 Lely Manor East Outfall 10/12/2010 1.58 JE 1533 LMB01ASLU South Spreader North Outfall - Upstream 10/12/2010 1.57 JE 1534 LMB01ASLD South Spreader North Outfall - Downstream 10/12/2010 1.50 JE 1535 LMB01SLU South Spreader South Outfall - Upstream 10/12/2010 1.58 JE 1536 LMB01SLD South Spreader South Outfall - Downstream 10/12/2010 1.37 JE 1537 LELYSLU Main Lely Canal Outfall - Upstream 11/12/2010 1.27 JE 1529 LELYSLD Main Lely Canal Outfall - Downstream (Tidal) 11/12/2010 0.31 JE 1530 LMB00U US 41 Lely Manor West Canal - Upstream 11/12/2010 1.47 JE 1531 LMB00D US 41 Lely Manor West Canal - Downstream 11/12/2010 1.47 JE 1532 5 JE 1529 Collier County (LASIP Hydrological Monitoring) Steve Preston, Collier County Stormwater Management June 20th, 2010 LMB01 Lely Manor East Outfall 11/12/2010 1.58 JE 1533 LMB01ASLU South Spreader North Outfall - Upstream 11/12/2010 1.58 JE 1534 LMB01ASLD South Spreader North Outfall - Downstream 11/12/2010 1.30 JE 1535 LMB01SLU South Spreader South Outfall - Upstream 11/12/2010 1.58 JE 1536 LMB01SLD South Spreader South Outfall - Downstream 11/12/2010 1.49 JE 1537 Notes: 1. Locations are as shown on the aerial location map. 2. Readings are NAVD 1988 datum. 3. Refer to continuous water level charts for additional data. 6 Collier County (LASIP Hydrological Monitoring) Steve Preston, Collier County Stormwater Management 3. June 20th, 2010 FLOW MEASUREMENTS 3.1 Methodology Due to abnormally low rainfall during the season, the number of flow measurements was lower than expected. As shown in the attached Chart #1 for Rainfall at Rookery Bay, total rainfall received for the year was 49.85 inches and some of the higher rainfalls were during the early season in June when the ground typically has more ability to absorb runoff. The net result was only one flow measuring event occurring on September 15, 2009, during which flows were measured at six different locations. See the attached Table 3 Flow Summary – LASIP. Flow measurement field techniques are based on standard United States Geologic Survey (USGS) accepted procedures with modifications as needed to accommodate special local conditions such as very low velocities. Flow measurement types are either stream measurements, culvert measurements or weir (overflow berm) measurements. Stream discharge measurements are made by first determining the total flowing area at the flow station location. This is accomplished by stretching a rope from bank to bank, measuring off 10-foot increments and determining depth at each 10-foot interval. Velocities are also obtained at each 10-foot interval at two locations in the vertical profile: 20% of depth and 80% of depth. The sectional discharges are calculated according to USGS publication Discharge Measurements at Gaging Locations Chapter A8. Sectional discharges are summed to produce a total discharge in cubic feet per second (CFS). Velocities are determined by using a Price Open Cup meter connected to a calibrated digital readout device or by counting cup revolutions during a known time period. 7 Collier County (LASIP Hydrological Monitoring) Steve Preston, Collier County Stormwater Management June 20th, 2010 For shallow depths or very low velocities, the procedure is modified to use fluorescent dye moving a specified distance in the flow stream and using a stopwatch to time the distance traveled. The several overflow berms in the project present special and challenging conditions. One being the depth of flow can be very small, less than 0.1-feet deep. Another challenge is the construction of the long overflow berms, which by virtue of the construction techniques results in top elevations that can vary by several tenths of a foot over the length of the berm. So while a berm elevation may be listed on the permit as 1.78-feet NAVD, when water is actually at this elevation, there are likely to be some combination of flowing and non flowing areas of the overflow berm due to slight variations in top of berm elevations. Until water levels are significantly above the top of berm, 0.5-feet or more for example, calculations of discharge based on one upstream water depth are likely to yield inaccurate results. In the case of the measurements made on the September 15, 2009 date, the individual flowing areas were measured and separate depths determined, then the individual discharges were summed together to arrive at a total discharge. This will be normal behavior for the long overflow weir structures found at the south end of the Lely Main Canal, and the two overflow berms at the south end of the Lely Manor Canal. The Lely Main Canal outfall berm also has its own special conditions which complicate accurate discharge measurements. In addition to the varying top elevations described above, this berm is located in a tidal area and examination of the water level charts for this location will show occasional periods where periodic high tides produce downstream water levels that are higher than the berm elevation. This can results in reverse flow into the system, which has been observed, or reduced discharge due to downstream submergence. As the tide goes out, this effect is diminished and eliminated when the downstream elevation drops below the berm elevation. This will be an additional challenge when attempting to 8 Collier County (LASIP Hydrological Monitoring) Steve Preston, Collier County Stormwater Management June 20th, 2010 use water level gage information alone to calculate discharge from the system. During the test period, this has been mitigated by choosing a location upstream of the spreader swale in the main canal to determine velocities and calculate discharge. Culvert discharge measurements are accomplished by using the standard Price Open Cup meter at multiple locations normally at the upstream face of the flowing culvert. Velocities are obtained either by connection to a calibrated digital readout, or by manually counting revolutions during a specified time period and consulting the calibration chart provided by the manufacturer. The total flowing area at the culvert is determined by on site physical measurements including depth of mud at the culvert, if applicable. During periods of very low flows, the stream velocity may be insufficient to turn the cups of the meter. In this case, fluorescent dye is used and the time for the dye to travel a known distance is determined multiple times and averaged to produce a velocity. By this technique, flow measurements can be made with reasonable, but less, accuracy as the standard Price Open Cup method, but at far lower velocities. It is not unusual to have velocities below that required to turn the cups of the meter, but over a total flowing area large enough to produce significant and visually obvious flowing water. Other methodologies exist and can be used to determine very low stream velocities, such as particle velocities determined by doppler effect. 3.2 Results Data collected was insufficient to produce desired flow rating curves for each of the locations. Nonetheless, discharges in CFS were calculated for all locations on September 15, 2009 ranging from 8 CFS at the south Treviso Bay Spreader Swale to 114 CFS at the Lely Main Canal upstream of the spreader swale. See attached Table 3. 9 Collier County (LASIP Hydrological Monitoring) Steve Preston, Collier County Stormwater Management June 20th, 2010 Table 3. Flow Measurements through October 2010 FLOW SUMMARY LASIP Date ID Structure WSEL NAVD88 Flow CFS 9/15/2009 LELYSLU Open Channel 1.31 115.5 Upstream of Lely Main canal Spreader Swale 9/15/2009 LELY Bridge 1.32 49.4 Bridge at US 41 Lely Main Canal 9/15/2009 LMB00U Box Culvert 1.93 11.6 Culvert Under US 41 North side Treviso Bay 9/15/2009 LMB01 Open Channel 2.00 16.5 Lely Manor West Canal 9/15/2009 LMB01SLU Overflow Berm 2.00 17.4 Treviso Bay Spreader Swale North Overflow 9/15/2009 LMB01ASLU Overflow Berm 1.99 8.0 Treviso Bay Spreader Swale South Overflow 8/25/2010 LELYSLU Open Channel 1.32 96.5 Upstream of Lely Main canal Spreader Swale 10/12/2010 LELYSLU Open Channel 1.20 1.3 Upstream of Lely Main canal Spreader Swale 8/25/2010 LELY Bridge 1.11 16.8 Bridge at US 41 Lely Main Canal 8/25/2010 LMB00U Box Culvert 3.20 0.0 Culvert Under US 41 North side Treviso Bay 8/25/2010 LMB01 Open Channel 2.00 0.0 Lely Manor West Canal 8/25/2010 LMB01SLU Overflow Berm 2.00 16.1 Treviso Bay Spreader Swale North Overflow 8/25/2010 LMB01ASLU Overflow Berm 2.00 16.8 Treviso Bay Spreader Swale South Overflow Notes: 1. Locations are as shown on the aerial location map. 2. Readings are NAVD 1988 datum. 10 Location Collier County (LASIP Hydrological Monitoring) Steve Preston, Collier County Stormwater Management 4.0 June 20th, 2010 RECOMMENDATIONS 1. Continue data collection for the remainder of the 2011 calendar year. Hourly stage readings, as currently being obtained, are sufficient resolution at all locations. 2. Obtain as many flow measurements as practical at all 8 locations during the remainder of 2011 to produce additional data points for a potential rating curve. Best results will be obtained when data points represent the full range of expected flow rates from low to high. 3. Staff gage face plates have developed a hard water scale that is making gage readings more difficult. We will attempt to scrape these off, but often this removes some of the gradations. Depending on how long these will need read, replacement of the plate sections in contact with the water should be considered. 11 FIGURES 12 MAP EXHIBITS CHARTS DATE 31-Dec-10 17-Dec-10 3-Dec-10 19-Nov-10 5-Nov-10 22-Oct-10 8-Oct-10 24-Sep-10 10-Sep-10 27-Aug-10 13-Aug-10 30-Jul-10 16-Jul-10 2-Jul-10 18-Jun-10 4-Jun-10 21-May-10 7-May-10 3.75 23-Apr-10 9-Apr-10 26-Mar-10 12-Mar-10 26-Feb-10 12-Feb-10 29-Jan-10 15-Jan-10 1-Jan-10 1 DAILY RAINFALL (inches) Rookery Bay SFWMD Rain Gage 2010 RAINFALL TOTAL JAN 01, 2009 TO DEC 31, 2009 = 51.74" 5.00 4.75 4.50 4.25 4.00 Max Rainfall 3.52" Occurred 4-10-2010 3.50 3.25 3.00 2.75 2.50 2.25 2.00 1.75 1.50 1.25 1.00 0.75 0.50 0.25 0.00 Chart 1 Date 7/20/2010 1/20/2010 Water level data from SFWMD DBHydro database Station:LELYUS41 7/20/2009 1/20/2009 7/20/2008 1/20/2008 7/20/2007 1/20/2007 7/20/2006 1/20/2006 7/20/2005 1/20/2005 7/20/2004 1/20/2004 7/20/2003 1/20/2003 7/20/2002 1/20/2002 7/20/2001 1/20/2001 7/20/2000 1/20/2000 7/20/1999 1/20/1999 7/20/1998 1/20/1998 7/20/1997 1/20/1997 7/20/1996 1/20/1996 7 7/20/1995 1/20/1995 2 Stage Feet NAVD 1988 Water Levels at LELY US41 Main Lely Canal 1995-2010 W ater Level Approximate roadway elevation at US 41 bridge Road Elv Berm Overflow 5 3 Construction activities in progress 2008-2010 Complete fall 2010 Approx Berm Elevation at Spreader Swale 1 -1 -3 Chart 2 Lely Area Stormwater Improvement Plan 2010 Water Levels Lely Main Canal Spreader Swale LELYSLD - JE 1530 EG=-0.68 LELYSLU - JE 1529 EG=-2.5 Crest 5.00 4.00 LELYSLU and LELYSLD operational March 19, 2009 3.00 LELYSLD is under tidal influence 3 2.00 1.00 0.00 -1.00 -2.00 -3.00 -4.00 DATE 31-Dec-10 17-Dec-10 3-Dec-10 19-Nov-10 5-Nov-10 22-Oct-10 8-Oct-10 24-Sep-10 10-Sep-10 27-Aug-10 13-Aug-10 30-Jul-10 16-Jul-10 2-Jul-10 18-Jun-10 4-Jun-10 21-May-10 7-May-10 23-Apr-10 9-Apr-10 26-Mar-10 12-Mar-10 26-Feb-10 12-Feb-10 29-Jan-10 15-Jan-10 -5.00 1-Jan-10 WSEL - NAVD 1988 Crest (Berm) Elev +/- 1.2 Lely Area Stormwater Improvement Plan 2010 Water Levels Lely Manor Canal Spreader Swale South Outfall Overflow Elev LMB01ASLU - JE 1536 EG=-2.7 LMB01ASLD - JE 1537 NG=+1.0 LMBLMB01A SLU and LMB01A SLD operational March 17, 2008 5.00 4.00 3.00 4 Overflow Elevation 1.78' 1.00 0.00 -1.00 -2.00 DATE 31-Dec-10 17-Dec-10 3-Dec-10 19-Nov-10 5-Nov-10 22-Oct-10 8-Oct-10 24-Sep-10 10-Sep-10 27-Aug-10 13-Aug-10 30-Jul-10 16-Jul-10 2-Jul-10 18-Jun-10 4-Jun-10 21-May-10 7-May-10 23-Apr-10 9-Apr-10 26-Mar-10 12-Mar-10 26-Feb-10 12-Feb-10 29-Jan-10 15-Jan-10 -3.00 1-Jan-10 WSEL - NAVD 1988 2.00 Lely Area Stormwater Improvement Plan 2010 Water Levels Lely Manor Canal Spreader Swale North Outfall Overflow Elev LMB01SLU - JE 1534 EG=-1.8 LMB01SLD - JE 1535 NG=+1.0 5.00 LMBLMB01 SLU and LMB01 SLD operational March 17, 2008 4.00 3.00 2.00 5 1.00 0.00 -1.00 -2.00 -3.00 -4.00 DATE 31-Dec-10 17-Dec-10 3-Dec-10 19-Nov-10 5-Nov-10 22-Oct-10 8-Oct-10 24-Sep-10 10-Sep-10 27-Aug-10 13-Aug-10 30-Jul-10 16-Jul-10 2-Jul-10 18-Jun-10 4-Jun-10 21-May-10 7-May-10 23-Apr-10 9-Apr-10 26-Mar-10 12-Mar-10 26-Feb-10 12-Feb-10 29-Jan-10 15-Jan-10 -5.00 1-Jan-10 WSEL - NAVD 1988 Overflow Elev 1.74 LMB00U and LMB00D operational March 18, 2008 Canal west of US 41 blocked for excavation after mid January. Some backpumping likley occurred during summer rains. Lely Area Stormwater Improvement Plan 2010 Water Levels Lely Manor Canal West Outfall - US 41 LMB00U - JE 1531 EG=-0.90' LMB00D - JE 1532 EG=-0.68' Invert Elev Mud Elev Ceiling Elev 5.00 4.00 Box Culvert Ceiling Elevation 3.00 2.00 JE1532 out of service due to construction Canal reopened Canal Blocked west of US 41 0.00 Box Culvert Mud Elevation -1.00 -2.00 Box Culvert Invert Elevation DATE 31-Dec-10 17-Dec-10 3-Dec-10 19-Nov-10 5-Nov-10 22-Oct-10 8-Oct-10 24-Sep-10 10-Sep-10 27-Aug-10 13-Aug-10 30-Jul-10 16-Jul-10 2-Jul-10 18-Jun-10 4-Jun-10 21-May-10 7-May-10 23-Apr-10 9-Apr-10 26-Mar-10 12-Mar-10 26-Feb-10 12-Feb-10 29-Jan-10 15-Jan-10 -3.00 1-Jan-10 WSEL - NAVD 198 88 6 1.00 DATE 31-Dec-10 17-Dec-10 3-Dec-10 19-Nov-10 5-Nov-10 22-Oct-10 8-Oct-10 24-Sep-10 10-Sep-10 27-Aug-10 13-Aug-10 30-Jul-10 16-Jul-10 2-Jul-10 18-Jun-10 4-Jun-10 21-May-10 7-May-10 23-Apr-10 9-Apr-10 26-Mar-10 12-Mar-10 26-Feb-10 12-Feb-10 29-Jan-10 15-Jan-10 1-Jan-10 7 WSEL - NAVD 1988 Lely Area Stormwater Improvement Plan 2010 Water Levels Lely Manor Canal LMB01 LMB01 - JE 1533 EG=-1.65' LMB01 operational March 18, 2008 Upstream Pump Station in operation 5.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 -1.00 -2.00 -3.00 APPENDIX A SITE PHOTOGRAPHS APPENDIX A Site Photographs A: LELY MAIN CANAL ................................................................................................ 2-3 B: LELY MANOR CANAL WEST OUTFALL ............................................................. 4-5 C: LELY MANOR CANAL .......................................................................................... 6-10 C: LELY WEST CANAL ............................................................................................ 11-12 D: FLOW PHOTOGRAPHS ....................................................................................... 13-16 1 Piezometer JE 1529 LELYSLU Photo #1 Looking southeast at piezometer location Photo #2 Close-up of piezometer and staff gage. 2 Piezometer JE 1530 LELYSLD Photo #1 Looking northwest at piezometer location Photo #2 Close-up of piezometer location. 3 Piezometer JE 1531 LMB00U Photo #1 Looking southerly at piezometer and staff gage location at US 41 Photo #2 Close-up of staff gage mounted on US 41 box culvert upstream side. 4 Piezometer JE 1532 LMB00D Photo #1 Looking east at piezometer location US 41 downstream Photo #2 Looking northeast at piezometer and staff gage location US 41 downstream 5 Piezometer JE 1533 LMB01 Photo #1 Looking east at piezometer and staff gage location Photo #2 Close-up of piezometer and staff gage location. 6 Piezometer JE 1534 LMB01SLU Photo #1 Looking north at piezometer and staff gage location Photo #2 Close-up of piezometer and staff gage. 7 Piezometer JE 1535 LMB01SLD Photo #1 Looking west at piezometer and staff gage location Photo #2 Close-up of piezometer and staff gage. 8 Piezometer JE 1536 LMB01ASLU Photo #1 Looking north at piezometer location Photo #2 Close-up of pPiezometer location. 9 Piezometer JE 1537 LMB01ASLD Photo #1 Looking east at piezometer and staff gage location Photo #2 Close-up of piezometer and staff gage. 10 Piezometer LMBOOSLU Photo #1 Looking north at piezometer and staff gage location Photo #2 Close-up of piezometer and staff gage. 11 Piezometer LMBOOSLD Photo #1 Looking south at piezometer and staff gage location 12 Flow measuring equipment in Lely Main Canal near JE 1529 on 9/15/09 Measuring flow at Lely Main Canal near JE 1529 on 9/15/09 Flow measurement station Lely Main Canal near JE 1529 13 Flow across spreader lake outfall berm in Lely Main Canal 9/15/09 near JE 1530. Flow is from left to right (NE to SW) Flow across spreader lake outfall berm in Lely Manor Canal 9/15/09 near JE 1537. Flow is from right to left (N to S) 14 Flow across spreader lake outfall berm in Lely Manor Canal 9/15/09 near JE 1534. Flow is from right to left (E to W) Depth of flow on outfall berm in Lely Manor Canal 9/15/09 near JE 1534. Flow is from right to left (E to W) 15 Flow across spreader lake outfall berm in Lely Main Canal 9/15/09 near JE 1529. Flow is from right to left (NE to SW). Note the uneven flow pattern that occurs when the water level is very close to the crest elvation. Pygmy style Price Open Cup Flowmeter with output display meter 16