Completion of Public Market Facilities Project Completion Report
Completion of Public Market Facilities Project Completion Report
:lijirrhlia i, :5e irIi1ip?;it,i ln'vitrtt *li.aEu:rt llulit:ipalill ol !'.ft1l ,ij)riil iir iiti. tii \laili!i t,l iir \i ir, ii i,.irlA \r,. ii,,,ri.-;; l,iili irl.1 i ir.f itl \ 1 i iljrii,,'.: I ilii itr targrri religir* hriir*l rmail: paqaillti{r&rrahn rrxn i* tfu llil$gilrs PERFORMANCE CHALLENGE FUND _ SUPPORTED PROJECT Project Completion Report 1. Name of LGU: PAKIL, I-AGUNA 2. Brief Profile of LGU: . Pakil is a 5h class municipality thet belong to the 4e district of Laguna with 13 barangays. lt has a unique physical feature being divided into two areas by the Laguna Lake, the Silangan Pakil and Kanluran pakil. lt has an agricuttural base economy with farming and fishing as the main industry. The population is 22,066 with 5,275 househotds. The municipality is known for the Turumba Festival in honor of Our Lady of Sorows of Turumba being the longest religious activity of the country. 3. Title of Projec{: COHPLETION OF PUBLTC TARKET FACtLtTtES 4. Location: Brgy. Gonzales, Pakil, Laguna 5. Date MOA Signed: January 2014 6. Project Description: r The major structural form are in place and the projec{ include the fabrication of dry stalls, spandrel fascia and steel cover grills, selected banow, pathway, drainage canal, and electrical & lighting fixtures. 7- Duration of Projecl: . r He: Project Start Sefiember8,2014 Project Completion Date: December 3, 2014 Project Beneficiaries: r The direct beneficiaries are the 28 stallholdels and 50 market perimeter vendors, 6 market employees, variou$ market urorkers (kargadorslhelpers), various goodsuares salesmefi, and fanners and fisherfolks. lndirect beneficiaries are the whole populace of the municipality and other stakeholders. Major Activities Under Taken: r Fabrication of dry stalls; fabrication of spandrel fascia; fabrication of cover grills; selected banow; drainage canal; ele<*rical & lighting fixtures; painting; plumbing fixtures. 10- Project Cost: r . 1 LGU Counterpart: PhP1OO,O0O.O0 Amount of PCF Subsidy Reeived: phpl,000,000.00 1. Date of PCF Subsidy Received: Juty 31, 2014 12. Fund Utilization: . . Yo of LGU Counterpart Utilized; g?.37o/a % of PCF Subsidy Utitized: 99.99% ll\llt[G\Ptf _pm!*r_reprt.dw -J-./*;.-*' /:-f*'. ', 7- /.ulr\r t o/o af Unexpended Fund: 7.6406 13 Projeet Results: lnaugurated and Blessed on January 26,2A15 14 Problems Encountered/Action Taken: . Delayed completion due to continuous inclement weather and technical problems (i.e. tow power supply) 15. Pictorials; Preoaredfrti oonar#Xnr-rm MPDC 0\0lLE\PEf 3m!en eplrt.dru Certified Correct:
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