54th Annual - German-American Steuben Parade of New York
54th Annual - German-American Steuben Parade of New York
German-American Steuben Parade Official Line-Up Saturday, September 20th 2014 - 12 Noon Fifth Avenue, 67th to 86th Street New York, NY - USA WICHTIGE INFORMATIONEN FÜR ALLE GRUPPEN IN DER STEUBEN PARADE – NEW YORK CITY (FOR ENGLISH, SEE BACK SLEEVE) Wir freuen uns, Sie heute auf der Fifth Avenue begrüssen zu dürfen. Es ist daher wichtig, dass sich alle Beteiligten an diese Anweisungen halten, um die Parade zu einem Erfolg zu machen: - Finden Sie sich vor der Parade püntlich am angegebenen Treffpunkt ein. - Folgen Sie den Anweisungen von Division Marshal. Sie sind freiwillige Helfer zeigen Ihnen den korrekten Platz in der Aufstellung. - Stellen Sie sich so auf, wie es die durchgehen numerierte Marschordnung beschreibt, und bleiben Sie während der Parade in Ihrer Position in der ausgewiesenen Division. - Folgen Sie der Gruppe (Wagen, Auto, etc.) vor Ihnen in kurzem abstand und lassen Sie keine grösseren Lücken entstehen. Schliessen Sie Lücken, in dem Sie schneller laufen aber nicht rennen. Grössere Gruppen marschieren in 4er- oder 5er- Reihe. - Leisten Sie Anweisungen der freiwilligen Helfer Folge. - Essen und trinken Sie während der Parade nicht. - Bitte lassen Sie Handys in der Tasche; führen Sie keine Telefonate währen der Parade. Musikgruppen: Bitte spielen Sie während der gesamten Dauer der Parade in Ganzer Besetzung – nicht nur die Rhythmus – Abteilung. Gruppenführer: Bitte leiten Sie all diese Informationen an alle Mitglieder der Gruppe weiter. Die Deutsch-Amerikaner in New York sind stolz darauf, eine der grössten und farbenprächtigsten Paraden der Stadt zu veranstalten. Wir wollen dabei einen guten Eindruck machen. Allgemeiner Hinweis: Die Steuben Parade führt auf der Fifth Avenue bis zur 85th Street. Hier biegen Sie in den Central Park, um direkt zum Oktoberfest zu gelange, th 57 Annual German-American Steuben Parade September 20th , 2014 – 12:00 NOON New York City PARADE INDEX Hundreds of German-American organizations participate in this year’s Steuben Parade. These organizations are grouped into nine divisions and follow the Parade Officials, Honored Guests and Reviewing Party. This year’s Line-Up is as follows: First Division Grand Council in Civil Servic Parade Officials, Honored Guests Second Division Plattdeutsche Division Third Division Westchester County/NewYork State Division Fourth Division Gottscheer Division Fifth Division New Jersey Division Sixth Division Karneval Division Seventh Division Continental Division Eighth Division Bavarian Division Ninth Division Metropolitian Division The comprehensive organization of the Parade is the sole responsibility of the German-American Steuben Parade Committee. The Parade is sponsored by the German-American Committee of Greater New York, Inc. 1 The German-American Steuben Parade Committee is pleased to welcome many groups from overseas, some of them visiting New York for the very first time. Diverse Groups from Germany, such as bands, costume wearers or carnival groups, have for many years been a vital part of the Steuben Parade. In 2014 we welcome the following: Groups From Overseas (GFO) Club/Verein Basler Mittwoch Gesellschaeft 1907 Brauchtum am Niederrhein Bund kultureller Jugend Bunderwehrkpmmando USA und Kanada Bürger-Schützenverein Werne von 1653 e.V. Die Hecker Feuerwehr Bocholt Feuerwehr Musikverein Nienborg Feuerwehr Nieder-Florstadt Freigerichter Alphornisten Freiwillige Feuerwehr Mingerode German Air Force Band - Luftwaffenmusikkorps Grenzgänger Biedenkopf KG Stadtgarde Funken Rot-Wiss Ratingen e.V. Lechenicher Stadtgarde Poorzer Nubbele Schülerblasorchester St. Ottilien Schützenkapelle Holzheim Spielmannszug Ebersberg e.V. St. Johannes – Junggesellenbruderschaft Bettroth St. Maria Männerbruderschaft Bettroth Stadtkapelle Donauwörth Stammdesch „De Knollendorfer“ e.V, 2 Bundesland/State Page Basel, Switzerland Nordrhein Westfalen Schleswig Holstein Reston, VA Nordrhein Westfalen Baden Württenberg Nordrhein Westfalen Nordrhein Westfalen Hessen Hessen Niedersachsen Hessen Hessen Nordrhein Westfalen Nordrhein Westfalen Nordrhein Westfalen Bayern Bayern Bayern Nordrhein Westfalen Nordrhein Westfalen Bayern Nordrhein Westfalen 15 15 8 6 9 16 7 7 7 18 7 6 16 15 15 15 8 19 11 12 12 13 15 FIRST DIVISION Honored Guests, Parade Officials, Armed Forces, Steuben Associations in Civil Service Section A: Parade Officials and Honored Guests Assembly Area: Fifth Avenue & 67th Street Assembly Time: 11:00 AM 101 - New York City Police Department - Mounted Unit 102 - Presidential Flags 103 - Color Guard United States of America and the Federal Republic of Germany American Legion Post of the American Turners 104 - German Immigrants re-enactment of German Turner in the Civil War General Chairman Robert Radske Grand Marshal John W. Muller, Journalist & News Anchor WPIX 11 Honorary Guests Hon. Dr. Peter Wittig, Ambassador, Federal Republic of Germany Hon. Brita Wagener, Consul General, Federal Republic of Germany Line-Up Chairmen Eric Hoffmann, Herbert L. Seeff Float Chairperson Robert Radske, Doris Neugebauer GFO Coordinator Stephanie Messing Executive Committee of the German-American Steuben Parade: General Chairman: Vice Chairwomen: Vice Chairman Treasurer: Director of Finance: Recording Secretary: Corresponding Secretary: Robert Radske Nicole Miskiewicz Herbert L. Seeff Richard Rom Sonia Juran Kulesza Frederick H. W. Hansen Anita Radske Members: Mark Ameres, Lenny Coyne, Eric Hoffmann, Stephanie Messing, Doris Neugebauer, Steve Purk, Michael J. Rabus, Esq., Cornelia Rom, Stefan Schwarze, Herbert Stupp Hon. General Chairmen: William H. Handeler Jr+, William Hetzler and Lars Halter 3 Honorary Committee: Hon. Ilse Aigner , Carol Alt, Hon. Peter Ammon, Willi Benzenberg, Erik Bettermann, Hon. Michael Bloomberg, Frank A. Bolz, Jr., Samantha Brown, Heinz Buck, Christian Dinkelacker, Hon. Louis J. Freeh, Hon. Rudolph W. Giuliani, Christian Haub, Col. Gail Halvorsen, Werner Hiller, Dr. Henry Kissinger, Trude Klein, Hon. Ute W. Lally, Harald Leibrecht, Bill Leili, Hon. Michael McMahon, Hon. George E. Pataki, John Roland, Siegfried & Roy, Linda Schmidt, Norbert Schramm, Horst W. Stabenow, Donald J. Trump, Nik Wallenda, Dr. Ruth Westheimer, Werner Wolf Operating Committees: Auditing: Banquet: Chance Books: Church Service: City Hall Greeting: Cornflowers: Director of Security: Floats: Friendship Month: Government Liaison: Grand Stand: Groups from Overseas: Groups from U.S: Queen Committee: Music Committee: Oktoberfest: Parade Commentators: Parade Journal: Parade Line-Up: Photographers: Public Relations: Schools/Colleges: Souvenirs: Website: Michael J. Rabus, Esq., Claus Suhr, Denise Lartin, Claus Suhr Nicole Radske Miskiewicz Anita Radske, Stephanie Messing Bernhard Dengler, Esq., Capt. Joe Nolte, NYPD Michael Rabus, Esq., Robert Radske, Herbert Stupp, Heinz Buck Nicole Radske Miskiewicz Capt. Joe Nolte Doris Neugebauer, Robert Radske Lenny Coyne Herbert W. Stupp, Brian Andersson Steve Purk Stephanie Messing Stephanie Messing Cornelia Rom, Nicole Radske Miskiewicz Joe Haneman Herbert L. Seeff, Stefan Schwarze Herbert L. Seeff, Lenny Coyne, Katie Jonke, Frederick H. W. Hansen,Cornelia Rom, Linda Schmidt, Elaine Gehnich Nicole Radske Miskiewicz, Heidi Dowd Eric Hoffmann, Herbert L. Seeff Charles Ruppmann, Robert Radske, Kevin Heckman Lenny Coyne, Michael J. Rabus, Esq., Herbert Stupp Stephanie Messing, Dr. Judith Hecker (AATG) Max & Agnes Kramer Uli Mrose, Mark Ameres Honored Guests and Invited Dignitaries: Foreign Governments: Hon. Dr. Harald Braun, Ambassador, The Perm. Rep. of Germany to the UN Hon. Heiko Thoms, Deputy Ambassador, The Perm. Rep. of Germany to the UN Hon. Dr. Peter Wittig, Ambassador, Federal Republic of Germany Hon. Dr. Phillipp Ackermann, Deputy Ambassador, Federal Republic of Germany Hon. Brita Wagener, Consul General, Federal Republic of Germany Hon. Kai Hennig, Deputy Consul General, Federal Republic of Germany Hon. Jens Alberts, Consul., Chief of Press Dept., Federal Republic of Germany Hon. Kirsten Moosburner, Vice Consul, Press & Protocol, Federal Republic of Germany 4 Hon. Jakob von Wagner, Consul, Head of Cultural Affairs, Federal Republic of Germany Hon. Kai Tomzig, Vice Consul, Culture Department, Federal Republic of Germany Hon. Rüdiger Bohn, Director, Geman Information Center Hon. Dr. Werner Schmidt, United Nations Hon. Dr. Georg Heindl, Consul General of Austria Hon. Waltraud Dennhardt-Herzog, Deputy Consul General of Austria Hon. Andre Schaller, Consul General of Switzerland Hon. Nadine Olivieri Lozano, Deputy Consul General of Switzerland United States Government: Hon. John Kerry, US Secretary of State Hon. Charles E. Schumer, US Senator, NY Hon. Kirsten Gillibrand, US Senator, NY Hon. Steve Israel, Member of US Congress, NY Hon. Gregory W. Meeks, Member of US Congress, NY Hon. Michael Grimm, Member of Congress, NY Hon. Carolyn Maloney, Member of Congress, NY Hon. Robert Menendez, US Senator, NJ State Governments: Hon. Andrew M. Cuomo, Governor, State of New York Hon. Robert J. Duffy, Lt. Governor, State of New York Hon. Eric T. Schneiderman, Attorney General of State of New York Hon. Joseph P. Addabbo, Jr., NY State Senator Hon. Tony Avella, NY State Senator Hon. Ruben Diaz, NY State Senator Hon. Liz Krueger, NY State Senator – Yorkville Hon. Sheldon Silver, NY State Assembly Speaker Hon. Dan Quart, NY State Assembly Member - Yorkville New York City Government: Hon. Bill de Blasio, Mayor of the City of New York Hon. Carmen Farina, Chancellor of Dept. of Education of the City of New York Hon. Melissa Mark- Viverito, Speaker, City Council Hon. Scott M. Stringer, Comptroller, City of New York. Hon. Vincent Ignizio , Minority Leader, City Council Hon. Dan Garodnik, City Council Hon. Benjamin Kallos, City Council Hon. Eric Ulrich, Member, City Council Hon. Elizabeth Crowley, City Council Hon. Gale Brewer, Manhattan Borough President Hon. Ruben Diaz Jr., Bronx Borough President Hon. Eric Adams, Brooklyn Borough President Hon. Melinda Katz, Queens Borough President Hon. James Oddo, Staten Island Borough President Hon. Nick Viest, Chairman of Community Board 8, (Yorkville) Hon. Daniel Nigro, Commissioner, NYC Fire Department Hon. William J. Bratton, Commissioner, NYC Police Department 5 Hon. Kathryn Garcia, Commissioner, NYC Department of Sanitation Hon. Mitchell J. Silver, Commissioner, NYC Department of Parks Elizabeth Daly, Mayor’s Office of International Business Hon. Rafael Pineiro, First Deputy Commissioner, NYC Police Department Chief of Department, Philip Banks III, NYPD Chief of Patrol James Hall, NYPD Assistant Chief James A. Secreto, Patrol Borough Manhattan North Assistant Chief William T. Morris, Patrol Borough Manhattan South 105 - GFO/BAND: Luftwaffenmusikkorps – Munster (German Air Force Band) 106 - GFO: Bundeswehrkommando USA und Kanada 107 - FLOAT: Generals von Steuben and Washington at Valley Forge (Sponsored by the Steuben Society of America) General von Steuben: Thomas Cornell, Jr. General George Washington: George Stahl 108 - US Military Academy German Language Club, West Point, NY Company Commander, Capt. Charles Brown German Club President, Cadet: Bryce Wilderding 109 - BAND: Cathedral High School, New York City 110 - FLOAT: Miss German-America 2014 / Steuben Parade Queen & Court (Sponsored by a Friend of the German-American Steuben Parade) Miss German-America & Steuben Parade Queen: Stefani Kraker Princess: Pavlina Schriel Princess: Brittany Schreiber Junior Princess: Lucy Guarnaschelli Junior Princess:Emily Pogozelski Junior General: Christian Fraehmke 6 Section B: Grand Council of Steuben Associations in Civil Service, State of New York Assembly Area: Assembly Time: Section Marshall: 67th Street, between Fifth and Madison Avenues 11:00 AM John Wellenreuther 111 - Executive Board: Grand Council of Steuben Associations in Civil Service State of New York - John Wellenreuther, President 112 - Court Officers Steuben Association, President Robert Pickwick 113 - Police Steuben Association of Rockland County, President Glenn Dietrich 114 - Steuben Association U.S. Customs & Border Protection, President Jane Manne-Cordero 115 - Steuben Association Fire Department, City of New York, President Dave Schleyer 116- GFO: Feuerwehr Bocholt 117 - GFO/Band: Feuerwehr Musikverein Nienborg 118 - GFO: Feuerwehr Nieder-Florstadt 119 - GFO: Freiwillige Feuerwehr Mingerode 120 - FDNY Fire Trucks 121 - Steuben Association of Port Authority Police of NY & NJ, President: Michael Guzowski 122 - Police Steuben Association of Nassau County, President: John Schmaeling 123 - BAND: New York City Police Dept. Marching Band, Lt. Anthony Giorgio 124 - Steuben Association of the Police Department City of NY, President: Robert J. Dahling 125 - Steuben Association Suffolk County Police, President: Carl Glaser 126 - BAND: Suffolk County Police Dept. Pipe and Drum Band 7 SECOND DIVISION Plattduetsche Division Assembly Area: Assembly Time: Division Marshall: 67th Street, between Madison and Park Avenues 11:00 AM Elke Rugen/ Thomas Zwiener Section A: 201 - GFO: Bund Kultureller Jugend 202 - Plattduetsche Volksfest Vereen von Brooklyn and Vicinity Flags and Banners and Streamers President: Helga Minderjahn First Vice President: Glen Meyran Officers & Honorary Presidents 203 - Associated Clubs: Die Norddeutschen Brüder u. Schwester: President: Kord Fick German-American Cultural Council, President:Heinz Buck 204 - FLOAT: 205 - GFO/Band: Miss Plattduetsche & Her Court 2014 Queen: Sarah Kowalski First Princess: Anneliese Riesterer Second Princess: Karin Thomassen Junior Princesses: Alexandra Curatolo, Lydia Derokov, Erica Flaherty & Madison Grgas (Sponsored by Plattdeutsche Restaurant & Beergarten) Schülerblasorchester St. Ottilien 206 - Bremervörder Chorus, President: Elsie Bulgrin 207 - Foehrer und Amrumer K.-U. Verein, President: Hans Siewertsen 208 - New York Hota Soccer Club 1922 Inc., President: Donato Cellucci 209 - The New Generation German-American Club, President: Diane Wurzer Presenting giant American flag and giant German flag 210 - Garden City Middle School, NY, Dr. Judith Hecker 211 - Hauppauge High School – Danielle Cardi 212 - Hicksville High School German Club – Helena Lipska 213 - Fosters Meadow Heritage Center, Dr. Raymond Hoeffner, Franklin Square, NY 214 – XXX Not this Year- Klein Erna from Hamburg – Courtney Casper 214 A- Band Yonkers Military Band 8 215 - Brooklyn Schützencorps, Captain: John Wellenreuther 216 - Brooklyn Schützen Damen, President: Jane Kornahrens 217 - GFO/Band: Bürger-Schützenverein Werne von 1653 e.V. 218 - Plattduetsche Home: Officers, Directors and Ladies Society of the Home Wendy Westerfield, President. of the Ladies Society 219 - FLOAT: A Scene from the Beautiful Plattduetsche Home (Sponsored by Plattduetsche Home Society, Franklin Square, NY) 220 - The Steuben Society of America Chairman: Robert Land First Vice Chairman: Thomas Cornell Second Vice Chairman: Dr. Don Heinrich Tolzmann Third Vice President: Charlotte Arndt National Secretary: Ilse Hoffman: Financial Secretary: Barbara Deoliveira Treasurer: Mary Ostaseski Trustees: Randy Ratje, Esq.and Elyse Land Members of the various Steuben Society Units 221 - FLOAT: Lufthansa Group Austrian Airlines, Brussels Airlines and Swiss Air (Sponsored by Lufthansa Airlines) 222 - Suffolk County Parade Committee Chairman: Barbara Yager Vice-Chairman: Valentine Engesser Secretary: Barbara Engesser Treasurer: Tina Fisher Publicity: Barbara Yager/Raymond Yager Section B 223 - Band: Passic County Sheriff’s Band 224 - Plattduetsche Volksfest Vereen of New York and New Jersey Flags and Banners President: William Koehler First Vice President: Jeremiah Koehler Second Vice President: George Coche Officers, Honorary Presidents, Board of Directors Associated Clubs with Banners: 9 225 - FLOAT: Rheinischer Sängerbund (Sponsored by Rheinischer Sängerbund, Crystal Brook & the Mountain Brauhaus) 226 - FLOAT: Little Miss Schützen Park 2014 (Sponsored by Friends of Schuetzen Park, NJ, Little Miss Schützen Park / Queen: Rosie Guenther First Princess: Emily Pfeifer Second Princes: Alexis Kern Court: Emily Kern, Kylie Koehne, Helena Gerahthy & Freida Purk Jr. Princeses: Elizabeth Schroeder & Emily Highers 227 - The Young German-American Club, President: Steve Purk 228 - Zion German Evangelical Luthern Church, Brooklyn Heights, NY Pastor Josef J. Henning – Frederick Hansen, President 229 - New York Schuetzen Corps, Hauptmann: Jeremiah Koehler 230 - New York Schuetzen Ladies Auxiliary, President: Shereelyn Koehler 231 - BAND: Prime Time Brass , Rochester, New York 232 - FLOAT: “The Home that Love Built” – Fritz Reuter Altenheim (Sponsored by Friends of the Fritz Reuter Altenheim) 10 THIRD DIVISION Westchester County/New York State Division Assembly Area: 67th Street, between Park and Lexington Avenues Assembly Time: 11:00AM Division Marshals: Christina Kraker/Rosemarie Bartzick/Waldemar Stoppacher Section A: 301 - German American Societies of Westchester County American and German Flags and Society Banner President: Rosemarie Bartzick First Vice President: Ernest Endrich 302 - FLOAT: Living Langauge (Sponsored by Random House) 303 - Bavarian Club Edelweiss of Westchester, President: Gloria Mayer McSweeney 304 - German American Social Club of Peekskill, President: A. Gerald Schramek 305 - GFO/Band: Spielmannszug Ebersberg e.V. 306 - FLOAT: American Turners (Sponsored by International Gymnastics Camp) 307 - American Turners of New York, President: Richard Liescheidt 308 - Long Island Turners, President: Jim Goetz 309 - German Dog Group - The Doberman Gang of NYC 310 - German School New York, White Plains, NY, Head of School: Ulrich Weghoff 311 - FLOAT: Pusteblume NYC International Pre-school (Sponsored by the International School of NY) 312 - German Club, Niskayuna High School, President: Joseph Carosella 313 - CAR: 314 - FLOAT: Two Trabants (Trabi) – A car produced in the former East Germany Tavern 29 (Sponsored by Tavern 29 and Erdinger Beer) 11 FOURTH DIVISION Gottscheer Division Assembly Area: 68th Street, between 5th and Madison Avenues Assembly Time: 11:15 AM Division Marshall: Sonia Juran Kulesza 401 - National Colors and Streamers Chairlady: Elfriede Parthe Sommer Vice Chairlady: Sonia Juran Kulesza Second Vice Chairlady: Elfriede Hoefferle 402 - Gottscheer Relief Association, Inc., President: Elfriede Parthe Sommer Gottscheer Männerchor, President: Albert Belay Gottscheer Memorial Chapel, Inc., Representative: Elfriede Hoefferle Gottscheer Vereinigung, President: Robert Hoefferle Gottscheer Bowling Club, President: David Koehler Deutsch Gottscheer Gesangverein, President: Trudy Max Mordhorst Gottscheer Kranken Unterstützungsverein, Inc., President: Fred Hoefferle Gottscheer Rod & Gun Club, President: Joseph Morscher Gottscheer Central Holding Corp., President: Werner Klun Gottscheer Zeitung, Representative: Anita Radske 403 - FC Bayern Fan Club 404 - FLOAT: Celebrating 2014 World Cup Champions (Sponsored by Petschauer Insurance) 405 - Blau Weiss Gottschee Soccer Club, President: John Krische 406 - GFO: St. Johnnes – Junggesellenbruderschaft Bettroth u. St. Maria Männerbruderschaft Bettroth 407 - Die Erste Gottscheer Tanzgruppe Adult, Junior and Children’s Grou ps: President Dorothy Neubauer 408 - Friends and Family of the Greater New York Gottscheer Community 409 - CAR: Cabriolet with Miss Gottschee: Christina Kraker 410 - CARS: Classics Volkswagons with Gottscheer Trachten 411 - BAND: Palisades Park Fire Dept. Band 412 - CARS: Classic Volkswagons 413 - Gottscheer Friendship Group 414 - FLOAT: German Bar-B-Que (Sponsored by Karl Ehmer Meats and Bosco Family Foods) 12 FIFTH DIVISION New Jersey Division Assembly Area: 68th Street between Madison and Park Avenues Assembly Time: 11:15 AM Division Marshals: Michael Nowara/Jens Riedel Section A: 501 - New Jersey Banner German-American Steuben Parade Committee of New Jersey Jens Riedel, President Christa Wimmer, Executive Secretary Warren Crawford, Jr., Recording Secretary Gerda Riedel, Treasurer Trustees: Paul Senger, Gisela Lewis, Emmi Rank Albrecht Maier, Honorary President Arnold Lange, Honorary Chairman Section B: 502 - GFO/BAND: Stadtkapelle Donauwörth 503 - Deutscher Schul- & Gesangverein Germania Park, Dover, NJ President: Helmut Kapitza 504 - Carlstadt Turn Verein, President: Ewald Heckmann 505 - Carlstadt Mixed Chorus, President: Ingeborg Wendler 506 - Carlstadt Active Turners, President: Carole Schmidt 507 - FLOAT: WIR LERNEN DEUTSCH – CELEBRATING 80 YEARS (Sponsored by the German-American Steuben Parade Committee of NJ) 508 - Deutsche Sprachschule Inc., Winfield, NJ President: Marjorie Crawford, Principal: Lisa Koellmann Principal Emerita: Dr. Heidi Roehrs 509 - German Language School of Morris County, Cedar Knolls, NJ President: Dr. Gerhard Mayer Principal: Michaela Greco 510 - German School of Monmouth County, Holmdel, NJ Principal: Michaela Greco 510A- Deutsche Sprachschule of Central New Jersey, Warren, NJ President: Oscar Montoya Principal: Ursula Freymuth 13 511 - Hopewell Valley Regional School District, Pennington, NJ German Teacher: Marilyn Lilly Hopewell Valley Central High School, Principal: Mike Daher Timberlane Middle School, Principal: Tony Suozzo 512 - Linden High School – German Club – Coordinator, Jan Pac 513 - McManus and Soehl Middle Schools, Coordinator, Julia Baumeister 513A- Drew University German Club, Madison, NJ German Club President: Alex Slotkin Faculty Advisor, German Studies Program: Joshua Kavaloski Section C: 514 - FLOAT: Reichenbach Hall/Spaten (Sponsored by Spaten Beer) 515 - Schwaebischer Saengerbund, Clark, NJ President: Fran Steinmetz Ladies Auxiliary: Brigitte Roessle 516 - Swim and Sport Club, Flanders, NJ, President: Jim Waldron Section D: 517 - FLOAT: Oktoberfest (Music by the Austrian Boys) (Sponsored by Niché Import Co.) 518 - Miss Deutscher Club of Clark: Lexie Zabel (Riding in a BMW convertible) 519 - Deutscher Club of Clark, Clark, NJ, President: Sigrid Pagano 520 - Damenabteilung, President: Gretel Cenegy 521 – XXX Not this Year- Saengerchor Newark, Clark, NJ – Radfahrergruppe 14 SIXTH DIVISION Karneval Division Assembly Area: Assembly Time: Division Marshall: 68th Street, between Park and Lexington Avenues 11:45 AM Barbara Hoeltz Karneval Groups Flags and Karneval Banner 601 - GFO: Stammdesch „De Knollendorfer“ e.V. 602 - Kőlsche Funke rut-wieß New York 1961 President: Peter Jürgen Holle Vorsitzender: Perry Kummer 603 - FLOAT: Kölsche Funke New York – Agrippina Colonia & Dreigestirn Float (Sponsored by Forest Pork Stores, NY) Prinz Peter Jürgen I. Jungfrau Perry Bauer Paul 604 - GFO: Leichenicher Stadtgarde 605 - GFO: KG Stadtgarde Funken Rot-Wiss Ratingen e.V. 606 - GFO/BAND: Basler Mittwoch – Geschellschaft 1907 607 - GFO: Poorzer Nubbele 608 - GFO: Brauchtum am Niederrhein 609 - FLOAT: Blaue Gans – Standard Beer Garden (Sponsored by Bitburger Beer) 15 SEVENTH DIVISION Continental Division Assembly Area: Assembly Time: Division Marshall: 70th Street, between 5th and Madison Avenues 11:45 AM Stephanie Messing 701 - FLOAT: Warsteiner (Sponsored by Warsteiner Beer) Section A: 702 - Chicago Delegation: William and Darlene Fuchs, Coordinators 703 - German Pulse – Stephen Fuchs Section B: 704 - GFO: Die Hecker 705 - Philadelphia German-American Steuben Parade Committee Chairman: Thomas Markow, Chairman: Queen Committee Chairperson: Susan Hartmann Official Honor Guard, Philadelphia 706 - CAR: Philadelphia Cornflower Queen & Her Courtl Queen: Luisa Martini First Princess: Danika Gottbrecht Second Princess: Brittany Mann Philadelphia Delegation: Miss Kolping: Mary Schustack (Riding in vintage Cars) 707 - FLOAT: 25th Anniversary of the Fall of the Berlin Wall 707A – Washington Saegerbund - Bernard Wenzel - Coordinator 708 - GFO: Grenzgänger Biedenkopf Section C: United German-American Societies of Connecticut Section Marshall: Alfred Meier 16 710 - Arion Singing Society, Danbury, President: Gunter Bonsack – Coordinator: Karla Roder 711 - New Milford High School – German Langauge Students – Michael Crotta - Teacher 712 - HSV Bavaria, Meriden, CT, President: Karen Grenther, Vorplattler: Andrew Horn 713 - FLOAT: Teaching German to Children – Wir Sprechen Deutsch! (Sponsored by the German School of Connecticut - Eisenbahn) 714 - German Genealogy Group – Jo-Ann Schmidt Section D: 715 - BAND: BSA Troop #236 Drum & Bell Corps, Maybrook, NJ 716 - Associated German Societies of New England, President: Ann Shoesmith Vice President: Eva-Maria Chase 717 - CAR: Miss German America of New England: Shannon Smith (Riding in vintage Cars) Member Organizations’ Flags and Banners: 718 - Members of various Clubs and Organization in Massachusetts and Rhode Island 17 EIGHT DIVISION Bavarian Division Assembly Area: Assembly Area: Division Marshall: 70th Street, between Madison and Park Avenues Assembly Time: 12:00 Noon Kevin Murphy Flags and Banners Section A: 801 - United Bavarians of Greater New York and New Jersey President: Jim Grieco, First Vice President: Gloria Mayer McSweeney Flags and Banners 802 - FLOAT: Hofbräu Müchen (Sponsored by S&H Independent Premium Brands) On the float: Regional Champions of the Masskrugstemmen Competition 803 - Schuhplattler Verein "Original Enzian", President: Ferdinand Huber 804 - GFO: Freigerichte Alphornisten 805 - Schuhplattler Verein "Gemütlichen Enzianer", President: Joseph Neubauer 806 - Club Bavaria-Weiss Blau, President: Bernhard Deinbock 807 - FLOAT: Bierhaus NYC (Sponsored by Bierhaus NYC) 808 - Schuhplattler Verein "Schlierachtaler Stamm“, President: Michael Mattern 809 - Verein "Bronxer Bayern 1933", President: John Prendergast 810 - FLOAT: UNESCO – Sites in Germany (Sponsored by Consulate General of Germany – New York 811 - K.U.V. "Erster Burgenländer of New York", President: Peter Drauch 812 - CAR: Miss Burgenland 2014 – Lauren Drauch (Riding in a BMW convertible) 813 - Schuhplattler Verein "Bayern Verein Newark“, President: Richard Ernst 814 - Schuhplattler Verein "Edelweiss Passaic", President: Ed Mayer 815 - Nürnberger Bierhaus, Staten Island, NY, Proprietor: Bob Kelly 816 - FLOAT: Dinkelacker – Drink a Dink (Sponsored by S&H Premium Brands & Dinkelacker Brewrey) 18 NINTH DIVISION Metropolitan Division Assembly Area: Assembly Time: Division Marshall: 70th Street, between Madison and Park Avenues 12:00 Noon Kathy Jolowicz – Katrina Dengler Section A 901 - The German Language Learning Club, President: Kathryn A. Jolowicz 902 - FLOAT: Home of the Boot – Celebrating over 75 Years (Sponsored by the Heidelberg Restaurant) 903 - German Jewish Americans of New York, Coordinator Rick Landman “Celebrating German-Jewish contributions to America” 904 - Fussball Deutschland – Philipp Hüsgan, President 905 - GFO: Schützenkapelle Holzheim Section B: 906 - Kolping Societies – President, Katrina Dengler – Vice President, Gerhard Schmitt International – Praeses: Msgr. Ottmar Dillenburg New York – Praeses: Rev. Richard Bretone New Jersey – President, Gisela Hermann, Praeses: Rev. Antonio Roderiguez Brooklyn – President, Evelyn Blatz, Praeses: Rev. Joachim von Kerssenbrock, S.J. National President - Bernhard Preisser 907 - Leo House for German Cotholic Emigrants – Michael Coneys - President 908 - Hovawart Dog Club of North America – Barbara Mennite Section C: 909 - Ninth Manhattan Masonic District and Associate Lodges – Coordinator: Kurt Ott Grand Master, William J. Thomas District Deputy Grand Master; Jerry Messina Grand Lodge Staff Officer, Celestino President of the German Mansonic Charitable Foundatiop, Peter Unfried President of the Past Masters Association, Anthony Cansemi Past Grand Treasurer and Trustee of the Masonic Hall and Home, Kurt Ott 910 - FLOAT: Masonic Home – Faith – Hope - Charity (Sponsored by the German Masonic Home Charitable Foundation) 19 Section D: 911 - Deutscher Wanderverein of New York and New Jersey, President: Gunter Georgi 912 - FLOAT: German American School of NY 913 - Franz's Stammtisch, President: Bill McCoy 914 - Bier International – Marianne Blum – Chris Ousman 915 - BAND: Tappen Zee Bridgemen 20 PARADE FINALE Parade Officials, Reviewing Party, Honored guests will be requested to assemble at reviewing stand after the Tenth Division The band will precede Guests and Officials up Fifth Avenue to 86th Street Sincere thanks to: all committee members for their many hours of hard work the many Guests from throughout the USA and Europe the New York City Police Department for their generous and courteous assistance the New York City Fire Department including their Emergency Medical Service the Department of Parks and Recreation and New York City Sanitation Department for their outstanding cooperation to our generous sponsors: o Air Berlin o American Turners Foundation o Anna & Thomas Dominger o Canstatter Foundation o Dieter Pfisterer o Dorma America o German American Business Council o Hofbräu München o Living Langauge o Lufhansa Airlines o Max Kade Foundation o Mueser Rutledge Consulting Engineers o Niché Import Company o PVV of Brooklyn & Long Island o Rossbach International to the entire German-American community for their support Last, but not least, a hearty Thank You to the many Benefactors and Contributors. Without their generous help this Parade would not have been possible. Auf Wiedersehen until September 19, 2015 21 German-American and Austrian-American Restaurants: Anna’s Place, Rego Park, NY Bavaria Bierhaus, 19 S William Street, NY NY 10003 Bavarian Inn, Fairfield, NJ Beekman Beer Garden89 South St | Btwn Fulton & Beekman St Berlyn25 Lafayette Ave | Btwn Ashland Pl & St Felix St Berry Park, 4 Berry Street, Brooklyn, NY 11211 Bier International 2099 Frederick Douglass Blvd | Btwn 113th & 114th St Biergarten at the Standard Hotel 848 Washington St, NY, NY 10014 Biergarten100-15 Ditmars Blvd | At LaGuardia Access Rd Black Forest Brewhaus, 2015 New Highway, Farmingdale, NY Black Forest Mill, Harriman, NY Blaue Gans, 139 Duane St., NY ,NY Brooklyn Buschenschank 320 Court St | Btwn Degraw & Sackett St Cafe d'Alsace 1695 2nd Ave | At 88th St Café Sabarsky, 1048 Fifth Ave., NY, NY Cafe Steinhof, 422 Seventh Ave, Park Slope, Brooklyn, NY Camille’s, Carle Place, NY Chalet Alpina, Forest Hills, Queens, NY Clinton Hall, 90 Washington St at Rector Street, New York, NY Curry Wurst, 10 W Park avenue, Long Beach, NY D.B.A. 41 1st Avenue, New York, NY 10003 Der Kommissar, 559 5th Ave | At 15th St , NY, NY Der Schwarze Kolner, 710 Fulton St , Brooklyn, NY Die Koelner Bierhalle 84 St Marks Pl, Brooklyn, NY 11217 Doma Na Rohu 27 Morton St, New York, NY 10014 Eddy & The Wolf, 102 Avenue C NY, NY 10009 F&B European Street Food, Manhattan, NY Five Corners Restaurant, 13-46 127th Street, College Point, Queens, NY Hallo Berlin, 51st Street and Ninth Ave., New York, NY Harlem Tavern, 2153 Frederick Douglas, New York, NY Heidelberg, 2nd Ave, between 85th and 86th Streets, New York, NY Helmer’s, Washington Street, Hoboken, NJ Hofbrau Bierhaus NYC, 712 Third Avenue, New York, NY Killmeyer’s Bavarian Inn, 4254 Arthur Kill Rd., Staten Island, NY Koenig’s Restaurant, Tulip Ave., Floral Park, NY La Tarte Flambee1750 2nd Ave, NY, NY Lederhosen NYC, 39 Grove St, NY, NY Loreley Biergarten, Rivington Street near Bowery, NY, NY Manor Oktoberfest 80-28 Cooper Ave, Glendale, NY Manor Oktoberfest 73-11 Yellowstone Blvd, Forrest Hills, NY Max Bratwurst und Bier 47-02 30th Ave, Astoria, NY 11103 Nürnberger Bierhaus, 817 Castleton Ave., Staten Island, NY Oak Chalet Old Bavarian Inn, 1940 Bellmore Ave., Bellmore, NY Otto’s Sea Grill, 271 Woodcleft Ave, Freeport, NY 11520 Paulaner Brauhaus 265 Bowery | Btwn E Houston & Stanton St, NY, NY Pilsener Haus & Biergarten 1422 Grand Street, Hoboken, NY 07030 Plattduetsche Park Restaurant, 1132 Hempstead Turnpike, Franklin Square, NY Pumpernickel’s, Northport, NY Prime Meats, 465 Court Street, NY, NY Prost, 652 Franklin Ave, Garden City, NY Radegast Hall & Biergarten, Brooklyn, New York Reichenbach Hall 5 W 37th St | Btwn 5th & 6th Ave, NY, NY Rolf’s Restaurant, Third Ave. and 22nd Street, New York, NY 22 Rosamunde Sausage Gril l285 Bedford Ave, Btwn Grand & S 1st St , NY, NY Schnitzel Express1410 Broadway | Btwn 38th & 39th St, NY, NY Schnitzel Haus 7319 5th Ave | At 73rd St, Brooklyn, NY Schuetzen Park, 32nd Street & Kennedy Blvd., North Bergen, NJ Schnitzelhaus, 7319 5th Avenue, Brooklyn, NY Seasonal, 132 W 58th St | Btwn 6th & 7th Ave Spritzenhaus, 33 Nassau Ave | Btwn Dobbin & Guernsey St Studio Square, 35-37 36th St | At 36th Ave, Long Island City, NY Sweik, 2027 Emmons Ave | Btwn Ocean Ave & E 21st St Tavern 29, 29th Street and Park Avenue, New York, NY The Marrow 99 Bank St | Btwn Hudson & Greenwich St The White Whale, 3580 Bayview Street, Seaford Harbor, NY Thomas Beisl, 25 Lafayette Ave, Fort Greene, Brooklyn, NY Village Lanterne, 143 N. Wellwood, Lindenhurst, NY Wallse, 344 W. 11th St., NY, NY Zeppelin Hall, 88 Liberty View Drive, Jersey City, NJ 07302 Zum Schneider, 107 Avenue C @ 7th Street, New York, NY Zum Schneider, 4 South Elmwood Avenue, Montauk, NY 11954 Zum Stammtisch, 69-46 Myrtle Ave., Glendale, Queens, NY 23 IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR ALL GROUPS IN THE STEUBEN PARADE – NEW YORK CITY (DEUTSCHE VERSION S. ZWEITE UMSCHLAGSEITE) We are excited to welcome you today on Fifth Avenue to march in our Parade. For over fifty years, the German-American Steuben Parade has been the most public display of GermanAmerican Friendship in the United States. Traditionally, the parade celebrates German-American culture and tradition as well as the historic achievements of many German immigrants. The Steuben Parade showcases the rich history of German-Americans in the United States each year and preserves our heritage, culture, language and traditions well into the future. Over the last few years, we have put a much stronger focus on presenting our tens of thousands of spectators with a friendly contemporary picture of Germany and German- American friendship. It is extremely important that all marchers follow these rules from the parade to make sure that the Parade is most enjoyable for all involved. - Assemble in your designated area at the time provided - Listen to your Division Marshal, they are dedicated parade volunteers who will help you find the correct place in the line-up and coordinate all the groups. - Find your position in the parade according to the number given in the marching order and do not leave your position in the parade to march in another spot. - Follow the group, float, car, etc. in front of you and keep a short distance. Do not let a gap open up. If you are held up, please try to close the gap by walking a little faster without running. Larger groups are asked to walk in rows of 4 to 5 people. - Listen to the Parade Volunteers along Fifth Avenue. - Do not eat or drink during the Parade. - Do not make or take any cell phone calls during the Parade. Music Groups: Please play for the entire duration of the Parade with the full band- not only percussion. This is especially important when passing the Grand Stands. General Info on Marching: The Parade marches up Fifth Avenue to 85th Street. Here your group can take an immediate left in to Central Park and make its way south to the Oktoberfest. Dress Code: Please wear traditional tracht or clothing from your group. Please do not wear outfits from groups you are not marching with if they are in a different section of the parade. If you do not have this please wear your club uniform or shirt with slacks. Group Leaders: Please share all of this information with your entire group. German-Americans are proud to stage one of the most colorful and entertaining ethnic parades in New York City. We want to take this opportunity to look our best and leave a great impression. Now, enjoy the Steuben Parade – have a great time on Fifth Avenue!! ◄▬ ◄▬ ◄▬ ◄▬ ◄▬ ◄▬ ◄▬ ◄▬ ◄▬ ◄▬ ◄▬ ◄▬ ◄▬ ◄▬ ◄▬ 1 Grand Council Honored Guests 11AM 11AM 11AM 12 Noon 9 Metropolitian Division 12 Noon 8 Bavarian Division 7 Continental Division 11:45AM 5 New Jersey Division 11:15AM 6 Karneval Division 11:45AM 4 Gottscheer Division 11:15AM 3 Westchester/NY State 11AM 2 Plattdeutsche DIVISIONS 57TH GERMAN-AMERICAN STEUBEN PARADE - SEPTEMBER 20, 2014 ◄▬ ◄▬ ◄▬◄▬
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