Case V-9-14 - Town of Mount Pleasant
Case V-9-14 - Town of Mount Pleasant
1 of 3 Board of Zoning Appeals - Variance Application ALL APPLICATIONS ARE DUE BY 11:59 p.m. ON THE DEADLINE DATES. It is highly recommended that the property owner and/or their representative meet with staff prior to submitting an application. Nature of Request & Fees Notice of Appeal for a Variance $200.00 Requirements All supplemental information must be scaled to 8 ½ x 11 sheets and submitted in a portable digital format (pdf) with this application and appropriate fee An accurate, legible plot plan showing property dimensions and locations of structures and improvements must be attached to an application for variance or special exception. The following supplemental information is included with this application(please list):* Please attach supplemental information outlined above:* LEASK.PDF Applicant Information Applicant(s)* Address:* Daytime Phone:* Email: Owner Information (if other than applicant) Owner(s): Address: Daytime Phone: Email: Property Information Street Address:* Lot: Block: Subdivision: Tax Map No:* Plat Book: Page: Zoning District:* Designation Information (complete only if owner is not applicant) I (we) hereby appoint the person named as Applicant as my (our) agent to represent me (us) in this application. Date: Owner: Owner: 8/5/2014 9:12 AM 2 of 3 1. Applicant hereby appeals to the Board of Zoning Appeals for a variance from the strict application to the property described in the Notice of Appeal of the following provisions of the Zoning Code (cite Zoning Code section(s) from which relief is sought): so that a zoning permit may be issued to allow use of the property in a manner shown on the attached plot plan, described as follows: 2. The application of the ordinance will result in unnecessary hardship, and the standards for a variance set by State law and Town ordinance are met by the following facts: a. There are extraordinary and exceptional conditions pertaining to the particular piece of property as follows: b. These conditions do not generally apply to other property in the vicinity as shown by: c. Because of these conditions, the application of the ordinance to the particular piece of property would effectively prohibit or unreasonably restrict the utilization of the property as follows: d. Authorization of a variance will not be of substantial detriment to adjacent property or to the public good, and the character of the district will not be harmed by the granting of the variance for the following reasons: Development Approval Application (Permit) Recorded Convenant Affidavit I, the undersigned, serve as the owner and/or owner's representative and certify that the information contained herein to be true and accurate. I further certify that the tract(s) or parcel(s) of land to which this approval request pertains:* Is Not Restricted Is Restricted by any recorded covenant that is contrary to, conflicts with, or prohibits the activity for which approval is sought as provided in SC Code of Laws Section 6-29-1145, and the Town of Mount Pleasant Code of Ordinances §155.084 and §156.048. Electronic Signature I certify that I am the owner or serve as the owner’s representative and am duly authorized to complete this application. I certify that all information required for review of this submittal is included. If an application is found to be incomplete, the primary contact will be notified and the application removed from the agenda.* I understand that selecting the box below will serve as my electronic signature.* I agree 8/5/2014 9:12 AM 3 of 3 Information of person completing electronic signature Name:* Address (if different from above): Email:* Phone:* * indicates required fields. 8/5/2014 9:12 AM Le‘qq, CuRvE TABLE . er..5 10..r. ......or 0,0 Or. 1.1.00 wArc C04•11 14104.11. V.Y. Cot.. St yre erbra.• 5.1 0 000. (ban 143.44,434 ILLO LP lwrcyr We DyNeers no a 1.2.1 em• L3 9.• cebesall V,' H. 43,4,44 44.4, 1.3 .-.3 . •LP..2 4.71 L4 040 pin' crate M. RAD., care• Kagan. 44.31 te to• ,,,,,,,, ...... tax0 }1,6,.., L4 MIK ..... ,„.., V ...LT. 44. axr.rn-4 7 . I .. 4L. 0.44544 aavr erNi4TV ..4,.. no SP... ILL 0.4sace 44 1044 4444 •114.4•411, 3• .Yl. 4.441 •4431,1, 14.41 14004., .4.0.4 IL. 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TROUT E REAR LOT 126 , ). T. ALL LOTS ARE 2101110 L (r 11-2 • R 7004010 571541750, • 1. R. 11.14 renons Iowa orturrir 119 fl 45•514ce WNW IOC 1102 AaMmR IDS lasr sO nor Lee DWI ID) f1.1.1.) . 15 IL , -, , 11a <465.9./P77 Dertcre SADA • 518 IND* Fen7 flowd 911.. P44045N. S.C. 214414 (243) 971-11e2 LEGEND, ZZ1 • • 1. • .1234 4•212 • 41,11001110 f•TOTFa• 10. • ERAIRDE EASEMENT 311' CRrrIG1 4190 ORFER • IRON PI NEW WS 00840 ROW CSITEALNE PUNT (Ka. & 5451101 SO) BARRI VEDDER POND OD MON SET/ htfoil ADDRESS rrancr fsEE 1101E 08) b 1„.._ . CATE11 MAUI PON 44 xw M.FAI 101" 3.3 114 ''' 01 .11-17 e 14111-101 ROW MS- VI Il "' 11. NO SEDGES CBOITIET STRAIN,. 91 asnoons 51 12. POTAELE 141131 AND SAMAR! SEWERAGE TO BE P00001110AND PLEASANT WATER0O5A5 11151E11 1.10050 000 or 2212EI051 501111 5,701. TO THE SETREND/T 13. 111E wow. ATEA BUTTER %NYE WATDATE12 PURSUANT LEA01,0 DATED DEMOB woo 1111 WIRD CARD NA COAST. CDNDVATICH 2000.111E INTEDY IS TO DIGNAITT GRIMED IMITLVIED TAMS FEBRUARY AS [BECTON° 11111B/1 THE olera DEA 56D5 COM1DORS AMY BE ESTAIRO511ED 21 TIE /MAE evoTED AGREEMENT. 14. PAYElElif Ptlnera. RANDADIT MOE 2e ' DO RAT 50 . ,*DE DAMAO' 24 R/IY oars IC PROPER/1f IS SUDECT 112 DE RNER SURD PINITATICI1 DAWES DEVELOPMENT OfONDICE PO 11n. 95010. ADOPTED OP 101411 couoct. . DRC.11, 1993. DTE ODOM CATI1041 IYIE • 15. NO IVRONOND SURFACE 161TERALS ALLOYED 15111114`30. 1111125 1115 11111.45E. 17, THERE ARE IF2 NSTORD OR SIONT1CANT TREES WOWED 14. 1111HZ TO BE 5.42TDAVEI2 BY HOC REFERENCES: 14 T,14S. 500-00-00-004 2.) PUS eV TH0ADD C HUM. 011140,..110 CO. BATED SEPTEMBER 14, 1989 PLAT BOX EE. MAT 631-543 RUC. 0551.611711 005017? Com* 01 Cleantilan Town al 10. Maur[ lot end ques• lle• aweof foetal of Cm IBM Roan on 1115through a dal) Pawnar now Is sr/Aorta:I Manta, ord 05414 frets an 0.115/55/4 .owl, orlemyR1945 Bat 111* ped ecs forever Yet p/Dlo Ube of am BY le ovalasfq104 actual Dewy Pgy.. 7.1aisrgig0T15401. FINAL SUBDIVISION PLAT OF 6.4.43 4.4 AcwAAA. 44.4.4 yecre• mac nee 1.14-40-40,04 /4.344.4.4.0. -Wel!MC MFRS 4 11 WONFaey 11594 6 Plwrank S.C. 21484 (4143) 971164a PizauzED@ 11/11.1516 5 RAMC USE OrLY surorroes COTTNICRE cornal /1 b CcOm act/Pc• that DC Mat b Ovaofend Dm .00.01y. and vas pr•peead Own en 01001survey . .71 fyq 0R1 h 0.002 ecloalw ADD 511 11514 localic, DO -cordon. ft II and Omen and rnetyrial on cart.* • 05..'' BOMB • V a 1.15010m0 50900011. 051119•5*. Arwwr W 444 c innmem 2,451•01 MY.1 C ... red,.11,=0 la 44 Seafi 74rP7.4.0. 4.1.1r4-.414. 744.4 , • 44,4 4 :14.311 344 . PLAT APPROVED .F Itr.iLLEASJIV. 3.C. o. wvres, 1 1085+8.8.5 Rea.el DAT5 d w. 5 4-4k-o1„, FAEFhriP=1„.61 PeNeshMt. .140 111.1FC "'ar". 0.11.4007...77.• C.144.1. OSAN Tirt44 al.4144.4 wsTrhwaol .,I;Liw.r.“ k.,`E98fra 03 . 00 49.1...144 0 cawrawe ra.,,,d7RArwslow . wzrOADA e:r2P10e NA .e veml.En olIr5.0-. ‘,.1_'3°,.‘, _. Z.) : St ~ TOWN OF MT. PLEASANT CHARLESTON COUNTY, SOUTH CAROLINA SCALE: 1”--= 40 SEPTEMBER 25, 2001 'L I Ni SGJE RI FEET THOMAS Et HUTTON ENCINEERiNG CO. 433.440. N•44 434. .440 =tr.!, " 4141..S.5toNs ' Lamam PHASE 2D, RIVERTOWNE COUNTRY CLUB OWNED BY CINN-LA PARKERS. ISLAND, L.P. ILLAL, NI. (4. NW. aaA 1:17///M 5,-Immi=m1I23MIBL7 WAND 54. C- 935 May 14,, 2014 Mount Pleasant Zoning Board 100 Ann Edwards Lane Mount Pleasant,SC 29464 Re: Letter.of Support for Noah and Lisa Leask Pool Variance for Rivertowne Landing To Whom It May Concern, I am writing on behalf of my neighbor Noah and Lisa Leask. They have recently moved in to the Rivertowne Country Club, Parkers Landing Subdivision. My husband and I are their neighbors. We live Rivertowne next door to the Leasks. in Since the Leasks have moved in, my family and I have gotten to know the Leask family. They are a wonderful family and an excellen t addition to the community and to the town of Mount Pleasant. couldn't be happier to have such a We great family move in next door. The Leask family has told me that the y want to build a pool in their backya rd for their children. I have been in the neighborhood for many years and have seen several pools built right next door to thei house. A pool in the neighborhood r is a common structure that is seen all the time on our block and in the Rivertowne community, But, the y tell me that the special physical configuration of their lot makes platting a pool in the backyard near ly impossible under the strict terms of Mount Pleasant's zoning laws. I've seen the lot and it is very irre gular compared to the other lots in Rivertowne. Without approval by the Zoning Board, the Leasks will be unable to build their pool and fully utilize their lot for its intended purpose. Lisa has told me that she always intended to build the pool becaus e her daughter, who has special needs, is her best self whe n she is in the pool. Lisa has told me that the resistance in the wat helps her daughter develop her mot er or skills and that specialists have sug gested that her daughter spend several hours in a pool to enhanc e her development, Lisa says that the pool is the one place that her daughter is able to thrive and be most happy. If a pool has the abil ity to bring joy to Brianna, and improve the lives of our neighbors, and, in turn, the general welfare of the community, then I eagerly throw my support behind letting the Leasks build a pool in their backyard. I urge you strongly to consider letting the Leasks build a pool in their backya rd, if you have any further questions, please do not hesi tate to contact me. Thank you for cons idering this important issue. Sincere Colleen Boylston, MD 2713 Parkers Landing o d Mount Pleasant, SC 29466 May 09, 2014 Re: Brianna Leask DOB: 08/07/1995. To Whom It May Concern, This letter is in reference to Brianna Leask, DOB 08/07/1995. Brianna is currently a patient with Coastal Pediatric Associates, PA, She has been diagnosed with Autistic Disorder (299.00), and Anxiety Disorder (300.00). In order to maximize her personal growth and development, Brianna works with her occupational therapist to increase upper extremity and core strength, coordination, fine motor skills, visual motor skills, sensory processing, and self-help skills. Although Brianna is only able to meet with her occupational therapist one time per week for 60 minutes, she is encouraged to swim as often as possible during the week as part of her therapeutic regimen. Brianna's occupational therapy is medically necessary to correct or ameliorate the deficits resulting from her diagnoses. Swimming is an integral aspect of the daily work Brianna can do to facilitate improvement in skills needed to attain her therapy goals. it would be in Brianna's best interest to have access to:a pool without the stimulation of a public setting that can trigger and exacerbate her anxiety. I am writing this letter in support of the prospect of Brianna having a pool at home for daily use. Thank you for your time and cooperation in the comprehensive care Of this child. Please feel free to contact me if you need any further information. For the Children, Co-kArly Kimberly Caristi, MD, FAAP Laura B. Alberg, MD,FAAP *Leigh Arden Beck, CPNP•Kimberly K. Caristi, MP;FAAP•Robert A. Clifford, MD,FAAP Kathleen K. Domm, MD,FAAP• Laurin Graham, MD,FAAP • Rebekah E. Hanna, CPNP • Kara B. Huncik, MD,FAAP Kathleen Kelley, CPNP• Franklin C. Lee, MD,FAAP• Elizabeth Theta, CPNP West Ashley- 2051 Charlie Hall Boulevard • Charleston,SC 29414-5834• Office 843-573-2535•Fax 843-573-2534 Mount Plea sant•1952 Long Grove Drive, Suite 202 - Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464-7579•Office 843-971-2992•Fax 843-971-2998 May 19, 2014 Mount Pleasant Zoning Board 100 Ann Edwards Lane Mount Pleasant, SC 29464 RE: Letter of Support for Lisa and Noah Leask To Whom It May Concern, I am writing this letter on behalf of Brianna Leask and family. I am the Aquatics Coordinator for Mt. Pleasant Recreation Department and have been in this position for (6) six years. I also started the Piranha's Special Olympics Swim Team and have had the pleasure of knowing the Leask family as well as coaching Brianna since its inception. Over the six years, I have seen Brianna grow not only physically, but mentally as well. Brianna is in excellent shape, but most notable to me is her ability to maintain focus, which is critical for kids with Autism. I attribute Brianna's well-being in large part to her participating in swimming activities. With this in mind, a pool for Brianna to swim and exercise in would insure her continued physical as well as mental fitness well into the future. Thank you for your consideration. May 16, 2014 Shelli Davis 8156 Shadow Oak Dr Charleston, SC 29406 Mount Pleasant Zoning Board 100 Ann Edwards Lane Mount Pleasant, SC 29464 Re: Letter of Support for Noah and Lisa Leask Aquatic Therapy for Brianna To Whom It May Concern, I am writing on behalf of Noah and Lisa Leask, and their daughter, Brianna Leask. 1 have been a volunteer coach for Special Olympics of South Carolina and Therapeutic Recreation Coordinator for nearly 10 years, providing a variety of sports and programming for special needs children and adults. Knowing the benefits of swimming, both physically and mentally, an adaptive aquatics program was one of the first sports I implemented after taking on the position ofTR coordinator. Aquatic Therapy has a proven record of success and has been studied and approved of by the scientific community. Aquatic therapy is a unique and effective treatment for children with autism. The resistance from the water helps the autistic child develop their motor skills — a common issue that autistic children face. Autistic children benefit from the physical properties of water, which assist in healing and exercise performance. Additional benefits include better posture, improved balance and coordination, reduced pain, greater flexibility, better range of motion, and reduced joint strain. Aquatic Therapy is also a. lnental release for our autistic children. All of these have been observed in Brianna from her participation in swim programs, The Leask family has told me that they want to build a pool in their backyard for their daughter. But, they tell me that the current zoning laws make it impossible for them to build the pool for their daughter. Lisa tells me that the special physical configuration of their lot makes putting a pool in the backyard nearly impossible under the strict terms of Mount Pleasant's zoning laws. Lisa has told me that she always intended to build the pool because I have strongly supported the use of aquatic therapy as a means to treat and manage Brianna's autism. Water has truly healing properties which is evident in Brianna. Because the pool will be a therapeutic tool for the treatment and management of Brianna's autism, improve the lives of the Leasks, and the general welfare of the community, I support allowing the Leasks build a pool in their backyard. It is my professional opinion that the pool will greatly improve the life of Brianna and help treat and manage her autism. I urge you strongly to consider letting the Leasks build a pool in their backyard. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you for considering this important issue. Si icerel r, r Shelli Davis 412/583-8686 To Whom It May Concern; I'm writing this letter on behalf of Brianna Leask, As you may or may not know, Brianna is an individual with Autism. I have been her swim coach for the last 3 years, and while I have not taught Brianna in school, I have been a teacher of students with Autism for the last 15 years. I believe swimming is a wonderful therapeutic tool for individuals with Autism. As Brianna's swim coach, I have seen an incredible amount of growth in her abilities. She has become more confident in her abilities to swim, as well as in other areas of her life. She is more social with her peer group,she is trying new things and more interested in making new friends. Brianna has become more self-assured and will start a conversation with me and with others. Brianna's anxiety has lessened over the years due to the calming effects of swimming; this includes paying attention to body alignment while learning proper swimming techniques for each stroke and learning to breathe correctly while immersed in the water. Learning the proper breathing techniques while in water can be transferred to other areas in her daily life that could cause her to become anxious. By having unlimited access to a pool, Brianna's quality of life will continue to improve. She will continue to make gains in her daily life: socially, academically and functionally. Sincerely, Allyson Youmfns Brown NY.( CI Are 0.4e A., CArrl 51. 48•0" er1.9 8 31•3787.1 23.17.0, Ard3 6.2 ACAS, 17.1, 5137145-8 f1=5"5 V- S 85,e'Srl ,91.48 ILA .kea Rx Cof • 5/6 Sorer VorroPT / e er (11 01 29 • tbo-Irt• • okrd A Vroel Olf LOCATION MAP (NTS) SURVEY DOTES Reter•ree ten Ike td.e.t.N 583-14.-M-054 511 2- Roffercncs Merl ETeok Er / regre0le.61”,, TIOetry LYV 4. Sar,yor Pas rab no invorO;olon Or inflope,eof ae-voi Ter towo.W. 01 reocre.. 446.enbesocee. rei0e00105 reorottle. ftworsto 0000. chance, or toy Ow facts itat on accses a0E orreet r--ekes fifie eeaell cog 5. ME& 0160 hat Ta31 Sort 7.51.051:1-•T Lines W" of Norlheck Creek G1NN-LA FARMERS ISLAND. LP Morsboi 47 atLer aTi L eret:og•rlgel .,?tr.,1 510-0.0-00.597 0.0. MOST. C0.11-15.0. LIFE •1raral to ee 0.05 11r War. 1,0.0 <re oF SURVEYOR'S STATEMENT rohy ig! rt to WV•1 0020 Of my kri014 Z .t tejong to we.,,t,r., reW4 ' offre :- ••., :\.BOUNDARY SURVEY OF LOT 30 iu RAIL: Mote. erWOrTiOot Met 1 .ter :,T4.4.. -7 ___/V_q43 Date f; 1.1 C ( PARKERS LANDING, PHASE 2D AT RIVERTOWNE COUNTRY TOWN OF 1.15. PLEASANT; CHARLESTON COMITY, SOUTH CAROLTNA oiNfagl" 0:°).-5,7 1 1-"" A/ e, Irgormr.01;2. 0 WE: ?T, ,- .' kidiq ,,,,, c'-i.0 '' ) ' :. `...0?5 %V'', t S (3 Y'cr-: '' 2705 Porkers Lartar9 Rood L.TAICIC 2705 Porkers Lore Rood Riea0.11 SC 29422 0041.1110 0CA._E• I • 0 1 JVtalliP2.1 "'"..01-11" • 0.SP CS PERIMETER: SURFACE AREA: EST. GALLONS: r GEA OE MATCA C, --nie" lirppkox: 4-aO" Ar.&0 Voti-r" or 1-1- DECK aC) 1400SC,-1)0 Glr ' kg] tr .• I CE • te ! , „- EXCAVATION TYPE FOOTAGE COLOR RISERS REMOVE DIRT REMOVE STUMPS REMOVE coNcREfE MASTIC EQUIPMENT GUNITE FILTER TYPE FILTER SIZE LOVESEAT 2V RBB 18 RBB PUMP HP SMART CONTROL OZONE SALT SYSTEM 12 RBB 0" RBB NOTES: POOL LIGHT CLEANER TYPE HEATER TYPE PLUMBING SPA FILTER RUN FOOTAGE SIZE RETURN LINES RAISED INCHES OF 2ETS SKIMMERS ••# ELECTRIC RUN GA$ LINE • BLOWER HP ••LIGH T PLUMBING RUN ance 19'54 Designer: Jeff Little Cell Phone: 704-778-6443 I have reviewed and I give my approval to proceed with the construction of this project. Address: 7475A Peppermill Pkwy City: N.Charleston SC 29418 triorld's Larga,st! Office Phone: 843-552-6000 NAME: Noah & Lisa Leask ADDRESS: 2705 Parkers Landing CITY: Mnt Pleasant X Customer STATE/ZIP SC 29466 Date SUB. DIVISION Rivertowne PHONE: 571-235-1621 Her cell Ss 11 Q) DC< 1. f 5 CZ'17'557 S.17' S, tInt- I LIW.f4.1 tt 1..) • 3/0' / zr,l, CAI •• 01" Eltc01,-, Lf.,,Az Pde .j- 6Cruh c dcW la-g.,4 A = LOCATION MAR (NTS) SURVEY NOTES ff.e0rmf. 1.10> tAc,Err Sn-l4-00-D.56 2. Reln,e,,e, Plcl 00,k EF Pin`, 511 3. Strvgy re41.103 byf , /5- a! C,41 4. S,rvoycr tuna Ilftebilc0110., rr 1,10peni.,01 ce,orch ft+ e.rmanits of rec0 .0., rrsIrIcIlvt enver,.1., Onne..,fp 1116 e•AdeTt.C., cc en, 011,er fc.I. , 1 01 co 0c0...-olfr rra 20,nt 111n newth fr.oy thcitt, 0' 5. .15.1 . .Ar 0.260 ft.. s hos oT hot I bocA Croo.4 GIFIN-Lrl PARKER5 SLAW). LP 11331 FZSEI1VE0 Eovi Side et Sitio Lot Lh,e Front C. Ref, L01 1,10. {to be locciad ooto"oa Cl coy 0.1710154 eriff0024 ,02011 , 11,1) .50/-00.r0,.001 S.C. COA5T..1 Cf1111CAf. 1.01C nflovn . on P101 Bo. CF Pope 511 CIO eat 11^07-2011 c, ff 1 elf SURVEYOR'S STATEMENT hi " , t br ,,,Proct 'onc'gfori, 'hat7 _o 1y 5 P>.rinr",iprc' pforT:t.gk i,ipg , t; 1h iniffh.rn, o ords Manua romwooi:. o or Ijonl,Servef he , VAT, .rgg4 nOr shorn. BOUNDARY SURVEY OF LOT 30 LOCATED • N PARKERS LANDING, PHASE 2D AT RIVERTOWNE COUNTRY eL.0,. TOWN Or: 111T. PLEASANT. CHARLESTON COUNTY, SOUTH CAROLINA SIVANAH HIGFPAY MyMi07 AXIL: Palovit I tolefte I leouib.arri r.:y4.AnC..,00fELY 5001 Ft vI:AM D..I. 0.0 trf• 00. nu.: 20 .0 0 00 Zle 40 2705 Porkers Loncfing Rood 511,, LV. -111, :kt 2705 PorAcrg Lond:n9 Rood Mt. P/coso,li. SC 29422 C.41/..1 . 111C :CALE: 1 reap tArG l oa5.'51:oltrrt t. 27 D/LCuOrit POO •-e o Ce :ee 00 30 MI:Emote/Du pr Tirro.ln ----' c; • 5/8* bon Ron CM e cti l 41;45•;;• a 115E 015utter 36111140 5 63•27.35 Lf . 2 5.12' 3 56-20.51-1,,41.06• 52 LC MAO ,EManc4d / ATTs mew Sew CAT V L.01 29 Electric One 7 • Uchl Pets tt Ikeeh A cow Cocotte Cellial LW Mimed 011 On 11-07-200: LOCATION MAP (NTS) J‘_ SURVEY NOTES 1. Reference Tme PJo2 Welber 533-14-00-050 2. Refe-ence Piel Bock EF -Pop 511 3. Survey rtip:anted by: Kathy 0.0p flt 4. Surveyor Ina mode no Kmeticolion or independent we501 let 88155-4581• 01 record, entarbrcncee, resirktive cnvencm13, ennereedp this evidence, 00 any olher /eels lhat on taccarole old current tam aeorch may diodoee. ORIVJGG:/,as-sofy; Rib: GRee4: SOOT; slitos or Nor !hoe.% Creel' CINN- LA PARKERS ISLAND. LP (51.2A4, SI gclosac-T. pC.OPO.SE INS 580-00.00.02I 5. MEN,0.200 Am. 11531 5.gyt, &E:4FT; Ae & REFERVED EASEMENTS 3 Each Side of Side 101 Lima 10' Front O Rece Lot Llned (lo be fowled outride or aly dealt:rated tboinotie eumortonts) S.O. COASTAL CRITICAL LOX ae ebtmo on Plo1 Reek EF Peas 511 and row sliMed tor on 11-07-2011 by DIFC-CON t .., Liaratly pip • SURVEYOR'S STATEMENT IE:,Q1 , 10! III , t?,e know) pill,g1 cfgrelp. u y s ont n tnr rth (IMO 'VW. the Car '1111Wori S4 4 27 : 600 1 1a: ' 5 p 1 I l f 111i° 41. E0 ini ltilek013 Ff r,n 0•30. BOUNDARY SURVEY OF LOT 30 /lo Z7 LOCATED 1.0 Dote ,PLS. N. 19291 PARKERS LANDING, PHASE 2D AT RIVERTOWNE COUNTRY TOWN OF MT. PLEASANT. CHARLESTON COUNTY, SOUTH CAROLINA 'H1111110 5.4VAM4I HIGNINY WY ORME:Ar AWL: Palweitolear,lsonth—net PALPATED E10.1151VELY FWD Imlay bey 16. It(VISIM DCSMPIION: cult: OT: brit nue 2705 Porkers L6ncring Road 20 2 0e le r_ GRAPHIC SCALE: tlE Lamm 2705 Porkers LoneKng Road Mt. Pleasant. SC 29422 27 Drault0 " 7013 81.4.• DAIL 30 DECEM02R 2013 40 1.-40, rry JP 8 Or * F.,* ill .838 8580 w160 ICI 0580.000 3 POOL SPECS CONSTRUCTION DRAWING , . MAX WIDTH MAX LENGTH DEPTH: PERIMETER: SURFACE AREA: EST. GALLONS: DECK EXCAVATION TYPE FOOTAGE COLOR RISERS REMOVE DIRT REMOVE STUMPS REMOVE CONCRETE MASTIC EQUIPMENT GUNITE FILTER TYPE FILTER SIZE LOVESEAT 24" RBB RBB PUMP HP SMART CONTROL OZONE SALT SYSTEM POOL LIGHT CLEANER TYPE 1.2" RBB 6" RBB Swim Lane NOTES: HEATER TYPE PLUMBING SPA FILTER RUN FOOTAGE SIZE RETURN LINES RAISED INCHES SKIMMERS # OF LETS ELECTRIC RUN BLOWER HP LIGHT GAS UNE ea, PLUMBING RUN Travertine Decking COPING INTERIOR FINISH TYPE TYPE COLOR TILE WATER FEATURES: Scale 1/8" = 1 Ft. Customer Sign Off 11111111.22CIEM Designer: Jeff Little Cell Phone: 704-778-6443 I have reviewed and I give my approval to proceed with the construction of this project. CUSTOMER INFORMATION NAME: Noah and Lisa Leask ADDRESS: 2705 Parkers Landing Address: 7475A Peppermill Pkwy CITY: Mnt Pleasant City: N.Charleston SC 29418 STATE/ZIP SC 29466 Office Phone: 843-552-6000 Customer Date PHONE: 571-235-1621 Cell SUB. DIVISION Rivertowne C.C.