Alr.-INme Ltquto Bulr Ivponrnns s ExpoRrERS AssocnrtoN
Alr.-INme Ltquto Bulr Ivponrnns s ExpoRrERS AssocnrtoN
t\ ' -' ' . \-ZAILBIEA ' of An in-housee-newsletter AssocnrtoN Alr.-INmeLtqutoBulr Ivponrnnss ExpoRrERS JANUARY- MARCH 2014:VOLUME VIII FOR PRIVATE CIRCULATION ONLY due to multipLefactorswhich set the subsequently, a l a r mb e l l sr i n g i n ga n d f e a r so f a w a s ho u t L o o m i n g L a r g ei n t h e m i n d s o f T r a d ea n d I n d u s t r y . T h i s growthvisattributedto weakeningof in industrjaL B a n ko f I n d i a ' si n t r o d u c t i o no f t i g h t i-vis Reserve m o n e t a r yp o l i c yt h r o u g hm o s t o f 2 0 1 . L - 1 a2 n d t h e c o n t i n u e du n c e r t a i n tiyn t h e g l o b a le c o n o m y . T h eg L o b ael c o n o m cy o n t i n u e tdo g r o wa t a s l o wp a c e i n 2 0 1 . 2 . I n2 0 1 , 3t,h e w o r l de c o n o m yw a s e x p e c t e d t o i m p r o v e ;h o w e v e rt,h e r e c o v e r yw a s s L o wa n d u n c e r t a i n I. n f l a t i o n d i d e a s ei n 2 0 1 " 2 - 1v3i s - i - v i s h i g h e rL e v e Lwsh i c hw e r ep r e v a L e innt 2 0 L 1 " - 1 ' 2 .wI ta s e v i d e n t h a t t h e p a c ed e c l i n eh a d b e e ns l o w w h j c h Bankof India to deniedthe flexibiLityto the Reserve rates. sufficientreductionin PoLicy .rndertake W h i L s t h e I n d i a n E c o n o m yw a s e x p e c t e dt o g r o w betterthan the previousyears,which unfortunately economy, worsewith gLobaL feLL short,mattersbecame Let us hopethat NewYear201.4bringsjn Lotof respite too, showinguncertainty.However, with the reform c h a n g e sf r o m t h e g t o o m ye c o n o m i c and refreshing m e a s u r e us n d e r t a k e sn o m et i m e b a c k t o i m p r o v e lastyear"Thesoaringof US$ and trendsexperienced i n v e s t m e nst e n t j m e n tisn t h e e c o n o m ya s w e | .aLs t o devaluationof Indian Re. was a major deterrentin i m p r o v et h e f i s c a l s j t u a t i o n ,b e s i d e st h e h o p e so f progress of economicgrowthandstabiLityof Industries i m p r o v e m e ni nt t h e g l o b a le c o n o m yt ,h e r ei s a g o o d aLLover the country.To add to the and businesses reasonto expecta decentrevivaIof growthin 2014. o n g o i n gm i s e r i e ss, t e e pj n c r e a s ei n p r i c e so f f u e l , UndoubtedLy, these are basedon the premisethat etc. fuelled uncertaintyof the energy,vegetabLes, monsoonwiLLbe normal,rate of inflation declines magnitudeof turbulenttrendsandthat of the destiny further and the anticipatedmi|.dof recoverygLobaL in store! growthtakesplace. Wishing you a very Happy and a ProsperousNew Year-20141 W i t h a b o u n t j f u lm o n s o o na. n d a r e c o r df o o d g r a i n Notwithstanding the yearahead the abovescenarios, production,agriculturehas been the saviorof the is going to be very significantand critical for the I n d i a ne c o n o miyn 2 0 1 3 .A t a t i m e w h e nt h e r e ' i sa n countrywith the generateLections to be scheduted a [ a r o u n dd o o ma n dg l o o m- i n d u s t r i aol u t p u tf a i | . i n g heldsometimein 2ndquarter.Thesentiments andmood sectorrefusingto took to keeppace,manufacturing prevailingin the country[goingby the resultsin New growing,fiscal deficit mountedand up, jobtessness the voters Dethicity electionslis for a change.WiLL Level the currentaccountdeficitgrewto a worrjsome to ring and moods sentiments their be ableto sustain - i t w a s o n l y a g r i c u l t u r et h a t p r o v i d e da g l i m m e r in the change? 0R, with passageof time, wi[|.the of hope. voters give 'in to the populist trend of letting the T h eI n d i a nE c o n o mwy a se s t i m a t e tdo h a v er e g i s t e r e d rulingpartycontinuein officefor anotherterm?,being a growth rate of 5.0 per cent in 2013 jn terms of grossdomesticproductat factorcostat constant20042005 prices,followinga growth of 6.2 per cent in of havinggivena shockandwarningto them sat'isfied thru'the NewDeLhidebacle!It is foo[hardyto predict the courseof the electoraldominanceof any party 2011.-12H . o w e v e r ,t h e r e h a d b e e n a s L i d e , g i v e n t h e u n c e r t a i n t ya n d t h e d i v e r s es e a t s d'istributionsspreadacrossdifferent states country. 'in the remove whichwil"L and measures schemes break'ing policies and'introduce taxesandtaxation someabsurd healthyandtradefriendlytaxationschemes. Whateverbe the outcomeof the generalelections, at a timewhenit act of the government, the fate of Indian economyhangson a thin w'ire Thisrescue js neededthe most,is sureto be welcome by the coupledwith the frag'i[egtobaleconomywhich,too, propel w'i[|. certain|.y industry, and, trade and and threatensto snowballjnto entire is not so encouraging infusingtremendous to newerheights, the economy in the TradeandIndustryof governrnent's confidence TheTradeand Industryis, in fact, stit[ reelingunder trueandhonest intent'ions of beinga partnerinrevival the adverseafter effects of US $ surge,which has of Ind'ianEconomy! dust storml s e n t t h e e c o n o m i c so f b u s i n e s s e hs a y w i r ea n d housesaredesperately wayward.Mostof the IndustriaL and,austeritydrives introducingcostsavingmeasures, havebecomethe orderof the day.Underthesetry'ing 'it wou|'dbe prudentandjustifiabLe for circumstances, measures to comeout with pragmatic the Government aretryingto balance We,at the LiquidBu[kAssociation betweenthe collections out the issuesof revenue manner in a harmonious andthe Trade, departments thatthereis noroomforpanicforeither andensuring of revenue. to'BYPASS' sidewith regards meetin WearehavingourmuchsoughtafterannuaL Mumbai Point, Nariman Trident, March201,4 at the 21,whereweintendto makethiseventverypurposeful Burdenof high rate of taxation,introductionof more e r o u r m e m b e rasn d t h e a n d h i g h [ y' i n t e r a c t i vf o of taxes'in a stringent and moretaxes,assessment port andothergovernmental departments. 'insistenceon revenue, mannerto rake in more collections, profiLe high eventby this for of detaits Watchout paymentof high advancetaxesto meetthe revenue 'informatjon. ourofficefor more contacting s c h e m e st o p r o v i d et h e m u c h and relief-oriented neededsoothingbalmto enablethe woundsto heal. targets,etc. are bound to stunt and eventually weltwishers andfriendsa our members, is very WewishaL|. decimateindustrialgrowth.And,this scenario , E A L T H YP, R O S P E R OAUNSD A fearsomeand worrisomefor the Tradeand Industry. V C T yH A P P YH YEAR AHEAD. VERY SUCCESFUL for the Government FINANCIALLY Thetime is ripe and appropriate help and introducepath to extend alL ass'istance, JayantLapsia Fictrsc TAYAttIT I.APSIA ofiril Inrnvrf*s & p$bruklng rd*dom to rin#ify yoor life and rudiroovtr yanr potendrf .E*n'rro, tic ,.Ji.uf trcnrlfcr-"atc, t, -1*u, life. Crffirrsed ffi br h ffits l{trrl ffi.lfTrorF Hn ictdarnlG*psruh hEl lnh&n/hld Gordtlm GrtCn IHI*fu l$ll5ilH{rde acrlarlf, OttIl:rrhf ffir Off Ehrftonrr llanHrrt LI E {S.rt}. H'{000*Srft l3 at.'l lft$ jryrnt-lrf *ll!gtn$"coa. ffi ,clm* lT*rlhr]&trffiI AdvantageKPCT TheNavayuga Groupof Companies, KPCT hasevolved asa benchmark to the newportsthat Indiais competing againstthe g[obaIshareof NewPortsfor IndiaVision2020. planned, TheUS$3BillionInvestment whichwi[[be port year the largest 20L6-2017 by the with annual capacity of 200MMTPA handling and42 berths, about perannum, 6 MiLtion TEUs Krishnapatnam PortwouLd be the finestportin the EastCoastof India and the port of choicefor the Eastern Hub,surpassing riva[s[ikeChennai Portetc. Someof the satientfeaturesof Krishnapatnam Port arebeinghightighted below. Coveredwarehousespace- 100,000sqft Repair& Maintenance facility for Gontainers Warehouse& yard managementsoftware RailsidingwithinCFS State-of-artsecuritysystemwith 24x7 CCTV monitoring World-class MarineI nfrastructure: Wide& straightchanneL of 6.5 NM Deepest draftport in Indiawith 18.0mts.To be increased to 21.0mts 4 nos.of mostmoderndedicated tugs , with capacities from4000to 4800bhp.Portowned - 6 nos. dredgers . Gustomsfacility: FunctionalcustomEDI 1.5 connectivityDedicated Customs staff within the Terminal . CFSto be developedwithin port TotalArea - 48 acres.Provisionto expand up to 300 acres Capacity- 6,000 TEUs Seamless congestion-free connectivity 4-[anddedicated road.Wil"L be upgraded to 6-taneroad.Dedicated railway[ine.DoubLing workunderconstruction. Contd..>> 3 T h e s p a c ea v a i [ a b i | . i t a y n d t e c h n i c a [ [ ys u p e r i o r fromApril-December 201.3, KPCT hashandled 42,553 facitities,certain[ymakesKrishnapatnam Port, the TEU. Theportis lookingat exponential growthin the port of the future on the east coastof India unlike future. other ports that are challengedby congestionand poorconnectivity. Krishnapatnam Portis expectedto The acceterate the growthof this regionas an industrjat h u b a n d a l s oa i m st o b r i n g a p a r a d i g ms h i f t i n t h e I n d i a nS h i p p i n ga n d C o n t a i n eTr e r m i n aol p e r a t i o n s . Krishnapatnam P o r t C o n t a ' i n eTr e r m i n a L ( K P C T )a, w o r l d - c | " a scso n t a i n e r t e r m j n a Lo p e r a t e d b y K r i s h n a p a t n aP mo r t h a s s e t a n e w b e n c h m a r ikn vast atea, state-of-the-art equipment, deepest draft in the county, efficient & ransparent operations and unparallel road & rail connectivity is transforrning KPCT into the Container terminal of future on the East Coast of India. o p e r a t i o n a Ie f f i c i e n c yb y a c h i e v i n gB e s t C r a n e performance record. The vast area,state-of-the-artequipment,deepest draft in the county,efficient& transparentoperations 0n December 24, 2013duringMSC's weeklyserviceto andunpara[[e|' road& raiIconnectivity is transforming Colombofrom KPCI its vesseLMV MSCSIERRRA-II KPCTinto the Containerterminal of future on the becamepart of an hjstoricmomentwhen 641 TEUs EastCoastof India. It is we[[ connectedby a 24-km wereexchanged with the vessel,with a recordhourly d o u b l e - L i nrea i [ ( w i t h a n o n - d o c kr a i I a d j a c e n t o crane product'ivityof 48.6 containersand a berth Container Yard)and4-[aneroadsto the nationalgrid, productivityof 96.64 containersper hour. 2 super makingfor swift accessand evacuation of conta'iners post-panamax quaycranes,wereusedby the terminaI and cargo. to ach'ieveits most efficientcraneproductivity. The support infrastructureLikecoveredwarehouse facility to an extent of 200,000sq. ft is available towardsstuffingandde-stuffingof containers at KPCT. jnside Separate fumigationzonehasbeendeveloped the termina[.SpeciaL facilitiestowardshandLingof hazardous non-hazardous and cargoalso havebeen providedinsideKPCT. I n a d d i t i o nt o t h i s t h e t e r m i n a l h a s a d e d i c a t e d customsfaciLitywith functionaL EDI(electronicdata interFace) to process a[[the documents to enablefaster clearance of consignments. Thecurrentcargoprofile of KPCTincludesbarites, cement, chi[ies, coffee, This has been Krishnapatnam P o r t ' sb e s t c r a n e cotton,equipmentand relatedspares,feldspar,food performance at KPCT and probablyone of the highest products,granite,human hajr, maize,mangopuLp, achieved b y a n y c o n t a i n etre r m i n a il n I n d i a . m i c a , p o t a s h f e [ d s p a r ,p a c k a g i n gm a t e r i a | . s , polypropylene granutes, puLses, PVCproducts,quartz, Themainl'inerssuchas Maersk,MSCandthreefeeder rice,sheetmateria[,shreddedscrap,sugar,tobacco, services BTL,XpressFeeder and FarShippingregutarty turmericand wastepaper. ca[[ at KPCTbecauseof fasterturnaroundtime with averageberthingtime for the vesselsbeing90 minutes Besidesmar'nLineoperators,the terminal has also and tra'ilerturnaroundtime being 50 minutesfrom receivedgood supportfrom NV0CCs. With strategic entry to exit of the port unlike others ports in the tie-up with MLOsandfeeders,freightforwarders, CHAs country. ( c u s t o m sh o u s ea g e n t s ) ,L S P s( [ o g i s t i cs e r v i c e providers), (containertrain operators)and ICDs CTOs (inLandcontainerdepots),KPCT is provingto be the preferred containerhandLing destinationby the world The effic'iencyis evidentfrom the volumesthat are i n c r e a s ' i nmgo n t h - o n - m o n taht t h e t e r m i n a l . In FY 201.2-1.3, KPCThandled1,3,547TEUwhereas tradeon the EastCoastof India. 4 said. source ports have a positive impact on GDP - tndustry percentsincethe pasteightyears,the country's with India,sexportimporttradegrowingat a strong18 andhavehada positiveimpacton portshaveptayeda majorrolein bothinwardandoutwardshipment to industrysources' according product(GDP), the grossdomestic and implyingthat enhancement product, withthe grossdomestic India,sportshavea positivecorrelation ' wouldbe a criticalenablerto growthof the Indianeconomy' of port infrastructure development of coalfor generating consumption drivenby domestic Growthof India,sportindustrywouldbe primaril.y Thissectorhas hidden and containers requirements power,crudeoiLfor meetingdomesticpetroleum theysaid' aswe[[asindividualcompanies, of the economy potentialbothfromthe perspective their marketsharefrom25 percentin 2002-03to 42 portshaveincreased Non-major percentin 201'2-13 Q & Awith Dr. B. R- Gaikwad EoUmanufacturing D i r e c t o r& P r e s i d e n t unfriendlyduty structure,wF's o/o at VVFLtd. Fatty Alcoholsneed to pay 7.5 customsduty SpecialProjects at zeroduty. a n d V i c e C h a i r m a n for its localsaleas againstits import several representationsto the Financeand CHEMEXCIL commerceMinistryto resolvetheseburningissues feel 1) How do You remainedunattended. such delays in resolving Ltd WF helPed AILBIEAhas industry problemsare not only hurting the in the last 13 Years to domesticgrovuthof Indian oleochemicalindustry achievewhattheYhavewith but are also adverselyimpactingits exports' the variousGovt.Agencies Dr.B.R.Goikwad facedfor the fiscalyear etc' 3) Whatare the chattenges visa vis Customs-Ports withthecurrent you foresee & Whatchanges 2013-2014 AILBIEA of members vvF is one of the founder dollarruPeescenario. AILBIEA activities. its with andcloselyassociated currencyrateshasadversely in Rupee-usD hasbecomethe platformto the industryof liquid volatility the marginsof our industry dealing in bulk importersand exportersto representtheir affected we havesubstantial authoritiesfor its speedy commodityproducts.Though problemsto Government we are import dependentfor our raw redressal.vvF has experiencedthem convincing exports, always and hencesuchvolatile Gurrency governmentauthorities in fast clearanceof their materials our costs, affecting margins to bulk exportand import cargos,therebyhelpingin i n c r e a s e s scale. unpredictable reducingtransactionalGosts. 's with the Projectsat v.v.F 4) what wouldbe vvF Ltd visionfor Exports speciat and President 2) As Director facedbyyou with the currentlnflation in lndia. Limitedwhatare the challenges changinggovt.Policies, wF is integratingandoptimizingits oleochemical (Eou) facility at Taloja.we have V V F a n d o t h e r O l e o c h e m i c a l sa n d S o a p manufacturing whichwill plant in Indonesia companiesin Indiaarethe victims alsoset up fatty acid manufacturing our Indian facility and will help us to of invertedduty structurefor the finishedproducts support optimize our raw material costs. we are also manufacturedbythemanditsimportedraw support to incentivizehe Government's materials.Especiallywith ASEANFTA,most of the seeking of value added products and focused finished productsare getting importedat nil or exports with all theseefforts, we are confident reducedduties and henceits local manufacturing countries. our exportsof our products' has becomenon-competitive.with Government's to increase 5 MbPTat GargoTransportLogisticsExhibition2013 held at MumbaiPort Trustparticipatedin CTL2013 (CargoTransportLogisticsExhibitionand Conference WorldTradeCentre,Mumbaj.Mr. RajeevGupta,Chajrman,MbPT,as the guest of honour,inauguratedthe s u r i n gt h e i n a u g u r asI e s s i o nT. h et h e m eo f t h e c o n f e r e n caen d e x h i b i t i o na n d d e h v e r e da s p e c i a aL d d r e s d "shipping and way ahead".Lot of interestsand and integratedlogistics,its sustainabiLity exhibitionwas enquirieswerereceivedin the MbPTsta|.[regardingthe new projectsMbPThad exhibited.It evokedpositive from the visitors. responses and appreciatjon Mr. Rojeev Gupta, Chairman, MbPT at the exhibition Q&'U l"rrt fo'* TIMITED PETROGHEM SUPREME 400021,India Point,Mumbai Nariman Chambers, Office:612,Raheja Registered + Tel:+ 91 2222883518/20Fax: 91 2222883521 Park,167, Corporate Sthfloor,Solitaire Office:Bldg.No.11, Corporate (East), Andheri Chakala, LinkRoad), Marg,(Andheri-Ghatkopar GuruHargovindji + + 4005 22 5681 Fax 91 22 1900 Tel: 91 6709 India 400 093, v1/ Mumbai \^ - Village Amdoshi / Wangani, Maharashtra Plants: . + | 222548 402106,India Tel: 91 2194222540 Maharashtra Dist.Raigad, - Ammulavoyil Post, Andarkuppam Village, Tamilnadu 600103,India NewTown,Chennai Manali d 6 JN Porthandles62.50MT cargo,4.12MillionTEUsin 2013 JNPCT'Sthroughputsees an impressive6.60% growth Mr. N. N. Kumor, Choirmon, JNP cutting the cake in the customary New Year meeting olong with Mr. Ashish Kumar Bose, Chief Manager (Traffic), JNE Mr. Ajoy Singh, CEO,DP World Nhova Shera, Mr. PK. Agarwal, CEO,APM Terminols Mumboi, Mr. S K. Koul, Chief Monager (Admn) & Secretary JNPand Mr. Amit Sharan, CISFCommandant, JNP. JawaharlalNehruPort(JNPort)handled62.50million tonnes of totaI cargoduringthe calendaryear 201,3 a s a g a i n s t6 4 . 2 2 m i [ [ i o nt o n n e so f c a r g oh a n d l e d during the previousyear. 0f the total, the shareof Thiswas highLighted at a tradeget-together/cake cuttingceremony organised at the PortAdministration Buildinghereon January 3,201,4whichwaspresided overby Mr N N Kumar, IRS,Chairman of Jawaharlal containerized cargowas 55.31.mi|.[ion tonnes(S8.50 NehruPortTrust(JNPT), Headsof Department and percent),Liquidcargowas6.40mitliontonnes(10.24 seniorofficia[s of the Port.Representatives of the trade p e r c e n t ) a n d t h e r e m a i n i n g0 . 7 9 m i l t i o n t o n n e s werealsopresent in strength. (1,.26010) was miscetlaneous cargoin the form of dry b u [ ka n d b r e a kb u [ kc a r g o . JN Porthandled4.12 miLLion TEUsof containertraffic duringthe caLendaryear 201-3 as against4.25mi|,[ion TEUsin 201,2. 0f the total containertraffic of 4.12 million TEUs, the shareof JNPCT was1.28 mil"['ion TEUs(30.95per cent),the shareof NSICT was0.95millionTEUs(22.98 percent),andthe remaining 1..90millionTEUs(46.08 percent)wascontributedby APMTermina[s, Mumbai. the Port-owned terminal,handled1.28miLtion TEUs (1,6.40 mi|.[ion tonnes)in 201,3, registering a growth of 6.60percentin termsof TEUsand2.02percentin termsof tonnesover 201.2.The other container termina[s APMTermina[s and DPWorldhandLed 1.90 millionTEUs and0.95millionTEUs. Mr S K Kau[,Chief Manager (Admn)& Secyin his welcome speechexpressed gratitudefor the support f r o m t h e P o r t ' sc u s t o m e r st ,e r m i n a Io p e r a t o r s , employees, the tradeand a[[ stakehotders for the success of a[[JNPT's activities. andcontinues we[L JNPorthaspertormed MrN N Kumar competition, the chairman thegathering, Addressing for India'sexportimporttrade to aL[andelaborated to be primarygateway hisNewYearGreetings conveyed 'its andsustain position strivehardto ma'intain of the year 2013,including andwiLL on the ach.ievements of phaseI dredgingwhichis nearing as NoL Portin the country. commencement JN Port to bring andwhichhasenabl.ed comptetion year,the overall that duringthe calendar Hestressed biggersize vesselof 1'4meterdraft; awardof 0'8 trafficof the Porthasreduced slightlydueto reduction quay extension; meter milLionTEUscapacityof 330 trafficby both the PPP in handlingof container a contract connectivity, road of projectfor 1.2Laning issue of TAMP onaccount terminaloperators, container January of middte by awarded be to for whichLike[y relatedto tariff fixation. Freightcorridor of Dedicated 2Ot4andthe progress said"2013 Sheva, Nhava DPWorLd of containersby rail,finaLizationof MrAjaySingh,CEO, for movement 'it o/o sectorand was yearfor shipping LongpendingissuesLikeallotmentof 12.5 Landto wasa chaLlenging phasefor a[Lof us",addingon a humorous a difficul.t etc. the PAPs " ,t u s a L Lr e m a i n n o t e " K o r b o - L o r b o - J e e t b"ol e develop to in whichthey Furtherhe addedthat stepsareunderway aboutthe shippingmarkets confident the from demand addjtionalcapacityto matchthe andmoreoptimisticaboutmakinga major operate, 4.8 of Terminal container 4th a tradeby developing investmentoverthe com'ingyear.2014wi[Lbe a expressedpromising industry"' TEUscapacityp.a. Thechairman miLLion andgoodyearfor shipping for the supportfrom the port customers, grat.itude s umbai , E OA, P MT e r m i n a lM M r P . K . A g a r w a lC t e r m i n a Io p e r a t o r se,m p l o y e e st r,a d ea n d o t h e r JN Portfor their goodperformance, activitiesof JNPT. congratuLated of aLL for the success stakeholders Headded, andtoughyearin 201,3. despitechaltenges added the GTIterminalwouldstriveto do evenbetterin the onthefutureplans,MrN N Kumar HighLighting ,,thebiddingprocess for the mega4.8 million comingyears. that LiquidBuLk andthe add'itional Terminal Container TEUs saiddesp'ite MANSA President Mr.K. P.Unnikrishnan, is in the final stageandboththe projects Terminal welt,espec'ially JN Porthasperformed in the currentfiscalitself. Our a[Lhinderance, shouldbe awarded yearforJN Port,assomeof be a happen'ing more 2Ot4wil.l" facilitating nowhasnewcranes, ownterminaL Like330m,arrivalof newcranes projects theimportant efficientoPerat'ions". growthof the wi[Lboostovera[L andfourthterminal" JNP trade. (Traffic), Mr AshishKumarBose,ChiefManager supportand thankedthe tradefor their continuous of JN Portsa'id"underthe Trustee PatiL, Mr.Bhushan The Port. JN path of growth the towards guidance "JN Port has grownfrom Chairman, is highl"y guidanceof 0perators Container madeby PPP contribution He greatestheights". to strengthachieving asa whote. strength milestone JNPT's in achieving appreciable andthe need someof the constra'ints alsoexpressed the whichwi|.L'increase the infrastructure, of JN Portandstressed to expand Heoutlinedthe performance d e s p i t e t h e m a n y c h a L [ e n g e s a n d i n c r ebusiness a s i n g of the trade. ShippingConfidenceincreasesagaint n 2014 Overallconfidence levelsin the shippingindustryhaveshowna furtherriseoverthe pastthreemonths, reaching their highestleveIsinceMay2008.According to the latestShippingConfidence surveyby Moore Stephens, owners,managers, charterers and brokers aLLfeeLmoreconfidentaboutthe shippingmarkets in whichtheyoperate, andmoreoptimisticaboutmakinga majorinvestment overthe comingyear. Thenumberof respondents expecting financecoststo riseoverthe nexttwelvemonths,havingpeakedat their highestlevelsfor fifteen monthsin the previous survey, wasdownacross atl categories o f r e s p o n d e n tC. h a r t e r e r s , m e a n w h i l ew, e r ea [ o n ei n thinkingthat ratesin thetanker anddrybulktradeswereLikeLy to fa[[ over the next twelve months. It is encouraging to notethat, d e s p i t ec o n t i n u i n gg e n e r a I economic uncertainty worldwide, and irrespective of the furtherrecentinstabitity generated by the crisisin the Greekeconomy, confidence in shippinghasnowrisenfor the third consecutive quarter. There i s a n u n d e n i a b tm e o o do f renewed optimismin the industry. It is tempered by an underlying l.evel of caution,but that is no badthing. Thosewhocanremember badmarkets arelesstiketyto a[[owthemselves to be caughtup in furtherones. Mostpeopteareexpecting ratesto go up in the tanker,drycargoandcontainer shipsectors. Therearesigns that banksmightbe wi[[ingto lendoncemoreto shippingbusinesses that havedonetheir homework and thosewhichmayhavespottednew viableopportunities in a shippingmarketwhichhaschanged significantly duringthe pasttwo years Exportersexemptedfrom filing documentsin physicalform Withan aimto simplifyprocedures for exporters, the Government exempted themfrommandatory fiting of documents in physicaI formto obtainregistration certificates forshipment of fewcommodities. Forcommodities [ikecottonandcottonyarn,an exporterhasto obtainregistration certificates (RCs) for their shipment. "Theresha[[be no requirement of submitting anydocument in electronic fitingfor obtainingRCs," Directorate General of Foreign Trade(DCFf)saidin a notification.It saidthat the requirement of submission of hard copiesof the documents suchasprintoutof onlineapplication, Letterof Creditor foreigninwardremittance certificate or proofof advance payment andexportcontractis "dispensed with". "Theresha[[be no otherchangein eitherthe pol.icy or conditions for exportof cotton,cottonyarn,nonbasmatirice,wheatandsugarnotifiedearlierthroughrespective notifications, pubLic notices,poticycirculars etc,"it added. Thestepwouldhelpin reducing transaction costfor exporters. Therearecertaincommodities for whichon[ine registration procedure hasbeenprescribed for export.It wasmademandatory in JuLy201.3 that afterfiLing ontineapplications, exporters are required to furnishprintoutof the application submittedonlinebesides othercertificates andpaper,it added. Thecountry's exportwassuffering fromthe costdisadvantage. Theaverage costto an exporter on accountof transaction costhasbeenmonetised at a [eve[of USD945 percontainer as compared to USD460in China, USD450in Malaysia andUSD625in Vietnam. In April-November 2013,exportsgrewby 6.27percentto USD204bil"Lion whiteimportsaggregated at USD 304bittion.Tradedeficitfor the periodstandsat USD100biil.ion. 9 lndia to be world's 3rd largesteconomyby 2028:study Japanin 2028to become GDPsizeof $4,1,24 to overtake Indiais l"ikeLy bi[[ion,andit wi[Lclaim3rdspot in the worldafter China withGDPof $6,560bil"Lion economy the third Largest by 2028,it said.The2013 t o L o n d o n - b a s e dLeague a n d U n i t e dS t a t e s ,a c c o r d i n g in the list of tableshowsonlytwo changes Cebr. consultancy economic recessionovertook Firstly,Russia top 20 economies. place overtook andCanada strickenItaLyto gain8th League tablereportfor WorldEconomic AsperCebr's of the rupeeto retake Indiaasa resultof the collapse 2013,Indiahaslost a place'in the leaguetablein in the economy its positionas the secondLargest and'isnowthe 11thlargesteconomy 2013to Canada in the economy andthe 10thlargest Commonwealth in the world. wortd,the reportsaid. g r o w t h w i L t " B u t d e m o g r a p h i ac n e c o n o m i c sd wi[Lbe economies By the year2018,the emerging upthetableand drivethe Indianeconomy eventually "on the move".Russia wouldbe at the 6th place; the world's for 2028hasInd'iabecoming the forecast India9th, Mexico12th,Korea13thandTurkey17th, Japan,"the report 3rd largesteconomyoverLaking it said. said. and By2023,Ind'ia The CebrWorld Brazil would be E c o n o m iLce a g u e "o n t h e m a r c h " is an Table(WELT) and are likelyto annualcalculation c[aim the 4th bythe consultancy. and 5th p|.ace, The basedatafor respect'ive[y. 201.2is takenfrom forecast Bythe year2028,the League andtheGDP Outlook theIMFWorldEconomic tabtewitl be reordered. modelto forecast Chinawi[Lmoveto the number Prospects by drawson Cebr'sGLobal followed oneplace, rates. growth,inflationandexchange the UnitedStates(2nd),India (3rd),Mexico(9th) (10th). andCanada Thereportgivesan endof yearreporton GDPin the 'in the world and forecasts 30 largesteconom'ies GDPin dotlartermsis ThereportfurthersaidChina's 'top thirty' after 5, 1'0 in the be wi[[ that countries the USin 2028- muchlaterthan L'ikeLy to overtake andL5 years. predictions. mostprevious leaguetable,Indiais at the 11th place M e a n w h i [ teh, e U n i t e dK i n g d o m In the 201.3 w o u [ do v e r t a k e the country Germany bi[[ion,andby 201,8 of $1,,758 witha GDP WesternEuropean the Largest to becorne 'around place GDP of with a the 9th $2,481' economy is l"ikely to be at 2030',it added. bi[[ion,and by 2023it woutdbe at 4th place,with JNPTparticipatedin the IndianInternationalTrade Fare 2013 Mr. S K. Kaul, Chief Manager (Admn) & SecretaryJNP at the stall TradeFare2013 in the IndianInternational JNPTparticipated its Port facilities and future at NewDelhi by showcasing plans. Largenumberof visitors,VIPsvisitedto development in India'sExport contribution JNPT's JNPTstalt andappreciated Import trade. 10 ffit-#F' ir4 11 of us who do. - Isaac Asimov of lost the rings of Saturn are composed entirely The scientific theorY I like best is that airline luggage. - Mark Russell When they asked George Washington Did you ever walk in il"rra r-g"t for his ID, he iust took out a quarter' - StePhenWright' dogs spend why you walked in? I think that's how dF* ,fl: their lives. - Sue MurPhY '* I {I ' ti rt airro"nce Itm not mad. between me and amadman is that "-or'v .l "# - SalvadorDalirr* -q5r something people I'm divorced so they won't think Itve never been married, but I tell is wrong w'ith me. - Elayne Boosler use me' Maybe if I do a good iob, theY'll Whetever I go, people are waving at all their fingers. - Frank King an appropriate It is generally agreed that'6He11ot'is and said greeting because if you entered a room people' t'Goodbyer" it could confuse a lot of . * * :t' - Dolph ShbrPOliver ,', ** .-'* wi[[ be hightyapPreciated. to betterthe next edition of AILBIEANEWS and contributions Yourcomments l'com ndia'comor aiIbiea@gmai Pleasewriteto raghuwarrier@aegisi Jayyannt LaPsiaa President Devdas Chandran Vice President NandlalChawla Hon. Treasurer Sudhir Malhotra Hon. Secretary Hiranandani Rajesh Kishnani Manik Nasta Prakash ffiia, Raghuwanier,TrevorGordeiro,Rakeshshah