Continental Instruments Systems CardAccess 3000
Continental Instruments Systems CardAccess 3000
C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Continental Instruments Systems CardAccess 3000 Operator’s Guide WI1189 2/03 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N Continental Instruments Systems LLC 355 Bayview Avenue Amityville, New York 11701 Phone (631) 842-9400 Fax (631) 842-9135 Email [email protected] Web Site [email protected] 2 M A N U A L C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Table of Contents CARDACCESS MAIN SCREEN DESIGN................................ 9 CARDACCESS MONITOR SCREEN DESIGN .................................. 10 THE ALERTS GRID ..................................................................... 12 EVENTS GRID NAVIGATION CONTROLS AND BUTTONS .............. 14 EVENTS GRID RIGHT CLICKS AND VIEW FILTERS ...................... 18 Filter Menu ........................................................................... 18 View Records Menus............................................................. 19 MONITOR MODE VS. STATUS MODE .......................................... 25 STATUS SCREEN STATIONS TAB ................................................ 31 STATUS SCREEN STATUS TAB .................................................... 33 LOG IN AND OUT..................................................................... 36 LOG IN ....................................................................................... 36 LOG OUT.................................................................................... 39 PROGRAMMING THE CARDACCESS ................................ 42 SETTING UP PRIORITIES ............................................................. 42 Panels.................................................................................... 43 Readers ................................................................................. 44 Inputs..................................................................................... 45 Relays.................................................................................... 46 Links...................................................................................... 46 ALERT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ..................................................... 47 Manual Alert Acknowledgement ........................................... 47 Auto Alert Acknowledgement................................................ 48 Enable Auto-Acknowledge .................................................... 49 Response Required Schedule ................................................ 50 Alert Ack Time....................................................................... 51 LANGUAGE CONTROL ................................................................ 53 Language Control Design..................................................... 53 SYSTEM SETTINGS ..................................................................... 58 Setting Up the System Settings.............................................. 58 General Tab .......................................................................... 58 Archive Tab........................................................................... 63 Printers Tab .......................................................................... 65 Alerts Tab.............................................................................. 68 Custom Fields Tab ................................................................ 76 Video Badging Tab ............................................................... 78 CCTV Tab ............................................................................. 82 Databases Tab ...................................................................... 93 ARCHIVE DATA .......................................................................... 95 Create an Archive Database................................................. 96 3 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Backup Configuration Data.................................................. 99 Archive Events from the Main CardAccess Database ........ 102 Connect to an Archive Database ........................................ 105 Restore Configuration Data................................................ 106 Archive Events from a Different Database ......................... 109 BACKUP & RESTORE................................................................ 113 Backup a Database ............................................................. 114 Restore a Database ............................................................. 116 VIEW HISTORY......................................................................... 119 Connect to a Database........................................................ 119 Set the Date Range.............................................................. 121 Select an Events Filter ........................................................ 122 Print the History ................................................................. 125 Status Bar............................................................................ 125 Change the List Sort............................................................ 125 AUDIT TRAIL ........................................................................... 126 MANUAL CONTROL.................................................................. 130 The Manual Control Screens .............................................. 130 SCHEDULED CHANGES ............................................................. 143 Create a Scheduled Change................................................ 144 Delete a Scheduled Change ................................................ 146 PERSONNEL .............................................................................. 147 Create a Basic Badge.......................................................... 147 Personnel Screen Controls & Functions ............................ 149 BATCH SAVE UTILITY .............................................................. 186 Run a Batch Save ................................................................ 188 Run a Batch Save ................................................................ 189 Batch Save Utility Screen Controls..................................... 194 BADGE HOLDERS IN LIST ......................................................... 200 Set Up the Badge Holders In Screen................................... 203 ACCESS GROUPS ...................................................................... 205 What is an Access Group .................................................... 205 Personnel Access Group Controls ...................................... 210 Create an Access Group ..................................................... 214 Access Group Templates..................................................... 215 Delete an Access Group...................................................... 216 Edit an Access Group.......................................................... 216 FIND USAGE UTILITY ............................................................... 217 Panel Statistics (Counts)..................................................... 218 Use the Counts Section ....................................................... 221 Show Schedule Usage ......................................................... 222 Show Unused Time Schedules............................................. 224 Show Access Group Usage ................................................. 225 Show Unused Access Groups.............................................. 227 BADGE FORMATS ..................................................................... 228 4 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L What is a Badge Format ..................................................... 229 Bit Position, Offset and Length........................................... 232 Predefined Badge Formats ................................................. 234 Create a Badge Format ...................................................... 242 Delete a Badge Format....................................................... 250 Restore Deleted Factory Formats....................................... 250 Download Badge Formats to Panels .................................. 251 FACILITY CODES ...................................................................... 253 About Facility Codes........................................................... 253 Add Facility Codes.............................................................. 255 Set Facility Codes in the Personnel Screen ........................ 255 SCHEDULES .............................................................................. 258 What is a Schedule .............................................................. 258 Create a Schedule ............................................................... 260 Edit a Schedule ................................................................... 262 Delete a Schedule................................................................ 263 HOLIDAYS ................................................................................ 264 GROUPS ................................................................................... 266 Create a Group ................................................................... 266 Edit a Group ....................................................................... 267 Delete a Group.................................................................... 267 List Groups Alphabetically ................................................. 267 OPERATORS ............................................................................. 268 Create an Operator............................................................. 269 Edit an Operator Definition................................................ 275 Delete an Operator Definition ............................................ 276 General Tab ........................................................................ 278 Operators Screen Event Viewing Tab................................. 280 Operators Screen Privileges Tab........................................ 281 OPERATOR PRIVILEGES ............................................................ 284 Forms Control..................................................................... 286 Personnel Fields Control.................................................... 288 Database Partitions ............................................................ 289 Create an Operator Privileges Template............................ 291 Delete an Operator Privileges Template ............................ 297 Edit an Operator Privileges Template................................ 298 OPERATOR RESPONSES ............................................................ 299 Operator Response Screen.................................................. 299 Event Response Screen ....................................................... 303 MAPS ....................................................................................... 312 Enable Maps ....................................................................... 313 Create a Map ...................................................................... 314 Delete a Map....................................................................... 320 Edit a Map........................................................................... 321 Find a Map.......................................................................... 321 5 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Displaying Maps ................................................................. 323 PANELS .................................................................................... 329 Create a Basic Panel Record.............................................. 337 Panel Screen Controls ........................................................ 339 Download Configuration and Data to Panels .................... 354 READERS.................................................................................. 360 Create a Basic Reader Record............................................ 362 Reader Functional Types .................................................... 363 Reader Screen Controls ...................................................... 373 Elevator Control ................................................................. 405 Software Setup for Elevator Control................................... 415 INPUTS ..................................................................................... 419 Create a Basic Input Definition .......................................... 421 General Tab ........................................................................ 422 CCTV Tab ........................................................................... 432 Map Tab .............................................................................. 434 Virtual Inputs ...................................................................... 436 RELAYS .................................................................................... 442 Create a Basic Relay Definition ......................................... 444 General Tab ........................................................................ 446 Map Tab .............................................................................. 456 DUPLICATE DEFINITIONS ......................................................... 458 LINKS ....................................................................................... 462 Links General Discussion ................................................... 464 Create a Basic Link Definition ........................................... 465 Create a Local Link ............................................................ 466 Create a Global Link .......................................................... 469 General Tab ........................................................................ 472 Input Tab............................................................................. 481 Output Tab .......................................................................... 483 Map Tab .............................................................................. 484 COM PORTS .............................................................................. 486 Configure Com Ports .......................................................... 488 Configure LAN Connections ............................................... 492 DIAL UP ................................................................................... 496 Create a Basic Node Definition .......................................... 499 Modems Screen Controls .................................................... 504 General Modem Setup......................................................... 517 Continental Approved Modems........................................... 523 US Robotics Courier V.Everything Modem ........................ 524 US Robotics Sportster Modem ............................................ 527 Dial Node Setup and Testing .............................................. 530 Modem Setup and Testing................................................... 536 LAN ADAPTERS ...................................................................... 547 General LAN Adapter Setup ............................................... 548 6 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L UDS-10 Setup...................................................................... 549 CARDACCESS UTILITIES.................................................... 559 CACLIENTCONNECT UTILITY .................................................. 560 Connect a Workstation to the Events Server....................... 560 CaClientConnect Utility Controls....................................... 561 CADBUTILS UTILITY ............................................................... 563 Start the CaDbUtils Utility ................................................. 564 Database Connection Tab................................................... 566 Attach Database Tab........................................................... 569 Detach Database Tab ......................................................... 571 Update Database Tab ......................................................... 573 Link Servers Tab ................................................................. 576 Drop Server Tab ................................................................. 577 DBUPDATE UTILITY................................................................. 578 Upgrade a Paradox Database ............................................ 578 DbUpdate Utility Controls.................................................. 581 EVENTTRANSFER UTILITY ....................................................... 585 Transfer Events ................................................................... 587 Events Transfer Utility Controls......................................... 588 FIND RECORDS UTILITY ........................................................... 591 Create a Basic Find Records Search .................................. 593 Find Records Screen Controls ............................................ 594 Expression Section .............................................................. 594 Conditions Section .............................................................. 598 Program Control Buttons ................................................... 599 BATCH SAVE UTILITY .............................................................. 601 Run a Batch Save ................................................................ 603 Batch Save Utility Screen Controls..................................... 609 PDXSQL UTILITY ..................................................................... 616 Transfer Events from a Paradox Database ........................ 617 PdxSQL Controls ................................................................ 620 SQLDBEXPLORER UTILITY ...................................................... 625 Run the SqlDbExplorer Utility............................................ 625 SQLDbExplorer Controls ................................................... 627 REPORTS.................................................................................. 634 PRINT PREVIEW SCREEN .......................................................... 635 ACCESS GROUP REPORT .......................................................... 639 Create a Basic Access Group Report.................................. 639 Access Group Report Screen Controls ............................... 640 ALERT RESPONSE REPORT ....................................................... 644 Create a Basic Alert Response Report................................ 644 BADGES REPORT ...................................................................... 645 Create a Basic Badges (Personnel) Report ........................ 647 Badges Report Screen Controls .......................................... 649 7 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L EVENT REPORT ........................................................................ 658 Create a Basic Event Report............................................... 659 Events Report Screen Controls ........................................... 664 FACILITY CODE REPORT .......................................................... 682 Create a Basic Facility Code Report .................................. 682 GROUPS REPORT ...................................................................... 683 Create a Basic User Group Report..................................... 683 HARDWARE REPORT ................................................................ 684 Create a Basic Hardware Report ....................................... 686 Hardware Report Panels Tab ............................................. 687 Hardware Report Readers Tab........................................... 690 Hardware Report Inputs Tab .............................................. 693 Hardware Report Relays Tab ............................................. 696 Hardware Report Composite Tab....................................... 699 HOLIDAY REPORT .................................................................... 702 Create a Basic Holiday Report ........................................... 702 IMPORT UTILITY ...................................................................... 703 Perform a Basic Badges Import from File.......................... 705 Import Utility Screen Controls............................................ 708 INLIST /BADGEHOLDERS IN REPORT ....................................... 721 Create a Basic Badgeholders IN Report............................. 722 Badgeholders IN Report Controls ...................................... 722 LINKS REPORT ......................................................................... 724 Create a Basic Link Report................................................. 724 Links Report Screen Controls ............................................. 726 MODEM REPORT ...................................................................... 732 Create a Basic Modems Report .......................................... 733 Modems Report Screen Controls ........................................ 734 OPERATORS REPORT ................................................................ 735 Create a Basic Operators Report ....................................... 735 PERSONNEL REPORT ................................................................ 736 Create a Basic Personnel Report........................................ 736 SYSTEM SETTINGS REPORT ...................................................... 739 Create a Basic System Settings Report ............................... 739 TIME AND ATTENDANCE REPORT ............................................ 740 Create a Basic Time and Attendance Report ...................... 741 Time and Attendance Report Screen Controls.................... 743 TIME SCHEDULE REPORT ......................................................... 748 Create a Basic Time Schedule Report ................................ 748 APPENDICES ........................................................................... 751 APPENDIX A – LIST OF FIGURES .............................................. 751 8 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L CardAccess Main Screen Design To begin, in the CardAccess world the words ‘Events’ and ‘Alerts’ are two terms that generally refer to the same thing. In operation, the CardAccess software regularly communicates with security panels. During this communication process, the CardAccess communication driver picks up event messages from the panels. These messages describe every activity that the panel has been involved with since the last communication. Event messages that have been picked up from panels are stored in the CardAccess SQL database. Once they are stored in the CardAccess database, CardAccess software rules can be applied to the display of those events. You have the ability to set priority rules in the software that determine how those events will be displayed in the CardAccess main screen. The rules that you apply to the display of panel event messages are called 'Priorities'. Effectively, you apply a priority value to each one of the possible CardAccess event messages during the setup of the CardAccess software. The software will then use these associated priority values to determine where to display these events in the CardAccess main screen. There are two display 'grids' on the CardAccess main screen - the 'Events' grid and the 'Alerts' grid. The Events Grid is where most alerts are displayed. The Alerts Grid exists primarily as a place where important events will be displayed (those with the highest priority numbers assigned). In other words, you will route most event messages to the Events Grid and you will route high priority events to the Alerts Grid so that they can be noticed more easily and acted upon. In a busy system, you might see hundreds of event messages per hour; this will tend to make the display very busy. In the case where hundreds of events are scrolling off the screen, it would be hard to notice a 'violation' message indicating a break in at a given door, or other illegal access. The Alerts Grid exists as a way to segregate important messages to have them display in a part of the screen that does not get cluttered with a lot of events. 9 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L CardAccess Monitor Screen Design Figure 1 – Events & Alerts Grids The CardAccess main monitoring screen has been divided into two view windows (see Figure 1), or 'grids' as they are commonly referred to. The top half of the screen (the Events Grid) is designed to receive 'normal' event messages. Normal events can be defined as 'routine' and 'expected' occurrences. These events would require no action from the security staff because they would be 'valid', expected, and approved activities. The bottom half of the screen (the Alerts Grid) is reserved for 'abnormal' events. Events such as a door break in, invalid badge accesses and other alarms are typically displayed in the lower portion of the screen. This separation of normal and abnormal events enhances the readability and usefulness of the main alarm monitor screen. Large organizations can generate thousands of events per day. If one common view window were employed to display all event types, security personnel would find it impossible to locate a given alarm on the screen amongst hundreds of normal events streaming in. The Alerts Grid provides a means for the CardAccess administrator to decide which event types should be segregated into a dedicated, filtered view window. This CardAccess design feature enables security staff to respond to abnormal alerts more quickly by placing them in a dedicated area of the screen. 10 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L As we mentioned, the grids are 'programmable'. The CardAccess administrator can decide which types of events appear in the upper and lower portions of the screen by setting parameters in the CardAccess configuration screens. Later sections of the CardAccess manual and this chapter will explain the use of the 'alert priority' system. Also note that the Alerts portion of the screen is not intended to display events for a long period of time. This would compromise the usefulness of the Alerts Grid. The design idea behind the Alerts part of the screen is that it should be reserved for special events only. It is intended that an operator should notice an alert, perform some physical action to correct the situation, then ‘Acknowledge’ the alert and clear that alert from the Alerts grid. This keeps the Alerts Grid clear of events making it more noticeable when an event does appear in that grid. Quick Tip - To ‘Acknowledge’ an alert means to move that alert from the Alerts Grid into the Events Grid. When any alert is acknowledged, a time/date stamp is attached to the alert, which includes the operator number of the operator who acknowledged the alert. 11 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L The Alerts Grid Figure 2 – The Alerts Grid and Alerts Grid Button Bar Quick tip - When events are displayed in the Events section of the main monitor screen, they are referred to as “Events”. When events are displayed in the Alerts portion of the Main Monitor screen, they are called “Alerts”. So when we mention ‘Alerts’ in the following text, we mean events that appear in the Alerts Grid. The Alerts Grid (the bottom half of the Main Monitor Screen) was designed to display ‘important’ alerts based on settings in various CardAccess configuration screens. This allows you to decide which events are important enough to be displayed in the Alerts area of the screen. (See the section on Setting Up Priorities for more information). There are several options available for the displaying of alerts in the Alerts portion of the CardAccess main screen. • • • Only the most important alerts display. Display all events in the Alerts Grid. Display events types that you select in the Alerts grid. Note that if you elect to display any alerts in the Alerts grid, those alerts must eventually be moved out of the Alerts Grid and into the Events Grid. The process of moving an alert to the Events Grid from the Alerts Grid is commonly referred to as ‘resolving the alert’. Alerts can be resolved manually or automatically by the system. Generally, there are several options for Acknowledging alerts. • • • Have the alerts stay in the alerts grid until they are manually resolved by an operator. Have the alerts remain visible in the alerts grid until a timeout value has expired. This timeout is set in the Operators screen. Each operator has an operator ‘Alert Ack Time’ value. For more information see the Setting Up Auto-Acknowledgement section. Force the operator who responds to an alert to fill in a ‘Manual Response Screen’. 12 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L In any case, the first thing to decide is which event types should appear in the Alerts Grid and which ones should go to the Events Grid. You do that by setting the event priorities. For more information, see the next section entitled Setting Up Priorities. 13 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Events Grid Navigation Controls and Buttons There are two control bars that operate on the Events Grid. • The Events Grid Button Bar (Figure 4) - Found immediately above the Events Grid. • The Events Navigation Bar (Figure 5) - Found immediately below the Events Grid. Both tool bars are explained in more detail below. In addition to the above tool bars, you have two standard scroll bars (vertical and horizontal) that appear when the screen contains more information than can be displayed in the current window size. You will use these scroll bars to move to data that is displayed off the current screen size, just as you would in any standard Windows program. Column Adjustability Figure 3 - Events Grid Column Headings (shown condensed from default) Note that the Events Grid has adjustable column widths, so you can condense columns to view more information per screen if needed. To move a column boundary, do the following. • Position the Cursor - Position your cursor over the junction of two columns at the top of the column where the headings are displayed (immediately over the line between the column headings. Consult Figure 3). If you are in the correct position, your cursor will change to a double arrow type cursor. • Click and Hold - Hold down the left mouse button. • Drag the Column - Drag the column boundary where you need it and release the mouse button. Note that the column position changes are not 'persistent'. That is, the columns will revert to their default positions if you restart the CardAccess. Column Relocation 14 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L The positioning of the columns of the Events Grid can be rearranged if you find the current organization of the columns to be inconvenient. To relocate any column, do the following. • Position the Cursor – Position your cursor over the approximate center of the column heading of any column that you wish to move. • Click and Hold - Hold down the left mouse button • Drag the Column - Drag the column where you need it • Release - Release the cursor The columns will revert to their default positions if you restart the CardAccess. Event Order Sorting By default, the Events Grid is sorted by the 'Acknowledged At' column (Seen to the right of Figure 3) - sorted according to the time the event was acknowledged. However, the events that appear in the Events Grid can be sorted by using the contents of any column. Simply click the column heading of any column, and the Events Grid will be resorted, using the selected column as the sort criteria. You will recognize the column that is being used as the sort criteria because it has its column heading highlighted in yellow. Events Grid Button Bar Figure 4 - The Events Grid Button Bar Some of the buttons shown in Figure 4 may be missing or may be grayed out on your Events Grid tool bar. This is because some buttons are only active when you have highlighted an event of a specific type. For example, the 'Photo' button is only visible if you have highlighted a badge type event and that badge holder has a photo stored in his or her personnel record. Similarly, the 'Control' button will be grayed out unless you highlight an event that concerns a door, relay or link that can be manually controlled. More detail follows on each button and its uses. 15 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L • Track/Browse Button - The 'Track' button switches the events display between 'Track' and 'Browse' modes. o Track Mode - In Track mode, the Events Grid displays each new event as it arrives. In a busy system, this will cause the oldest events to scroll up and off the screen. o Browse Mode - If you need to look more closely at a selected event, it may be hard to do in a busy system where events are rolling in constantly and scrolling the screen. The 'Browse' mode freezes the screen so you can select a specific event to examine. • Respond Button - The manual Respond button brings up the manual response screen. You can attach comments to the selected event for later reference. See the manual section entitled 'Manual Alert Acknowledgement' for more information on manual responses. • Map Button- If the selected event concerns a panel, reader, input, relay or link and that device has a map assigned, clicking the 'Map' button will display that map. • Photo Button - If the selected event concerns a badge holder and that badge holder has a photo stored in their personnel record, clicking the 'Photo' button will display that photo. Note that the Photo button will be grayed out if there is no photo associated with the event or if there is no photo in the badge holder record. • Control Button - The 'Control' button will be available if the event concerns a device that can be manually controlled, such as a door, relay or link. The button is normally grayed out unless one of the aforementioned event types is highlighted. When the button is not gray, manual control is available. Clicking the Control button opens the appropriate manual control screen (door, relay or link). The device mentioned in the selected event will be automatically selected, and will be ready to be manually activated or deactivated. • Previous, Recent, Next Navigation Buttons - The 'Previous', 'Recent' and 'Next' buttons allow you to scroll from the top of the Events Grid to the bottom of the Events Grid, one week at a time. There are three buttons shown in Figure 4, but only the 'Recent' button is visible by default. You can click any column heading to expose all three navigation buttons. The functions of the buttons are as follows. o Previous - Scrolls back to the oldest events, scrolls 1 week per click. 16 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L o Recent - Restores the display to the most current events. o Next - Scrolls the display toward the newest events, scrolls 1 week per click. Events Grid Navigation Bar Figure 5 - The Events Navigation Bar The Events Navigation Bar is used to scroll forward or backwards through the events in the events display window. Recall from the System Settings chapter that you are permitted to select the 'number of viewable events' in the 'Alerts' tab. The Events Grid navigation bar allows you to scroll from the most recent event to the oldest event, as defined in the current event buffer size which is set in the System Settings 'Number of Viewable Events' setting. Clicking the arrow keys scrolls one event per click. For example, if the number of viewable events control is set to '100', the navigation bar will allow you to scan a maximum of 100 events. The navigation buttons will not allow you to proceed past the oldest 'viewable' event as defined in the System Settings. Thus, you cannot use this tool bar to navigate to archive events, only to the current most 100 (or whatever the setting is in the System Settings). 17 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Events Grid Right Clicks and View Filters There are two right click menus available in the Events Grid. • Filter Menu - The 'Filter' menu allows you to select specific event types to view. When a filter is enabled, events that don't match the filter type are removed from view in the events grid. For example, you can view only 'System' event messages, 'Door' event messages or others. See below for more detail on the operation of the events filters. • View Records Menu - The 'View Records' menu allows you to select an event and view the configuration record of the badge holder, or hardware device mentioned in the event. See below for more detail. Filter Menu The Filter menu is available by right clicking on the column headings or anywhere under the columns depicted in Figure 6. Figure 6 - The Events Grid Columns Where the Filter Menu is Available by Right Click Figure 7 - The Events Grid Filter Popup Menu The Events Grid filter menu (Figure 7) allows you to change the events screen view to include only the type of events that you select. The CardAccess will query the events database and return all records of the selected type. You still have access to the entire events database, but the view is 'filtered' to include only the type of event that you want to see. The selected display filter will remain in effect until you change the filter selection again. Quick Tip – To return the display to the default (see all events) at any time, select ‘Show All’. 18 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L The available menu choices seen in Figure 7are explained below. • Show All - The events screen will show all event types. This is the default. No filter is applied. • Show Badges - Enables a filter that shows only badge type events. Any type of badge related event is displayed, excluding vehicle tags. • Show Doors - Enables a filter that shows only reader related events (door forced, door now closed, etc.). • Show Inputs - Enables a filter that shows only input related events (input abnormal, input normal, etc.). • Show Links - Enables a filter that shows only link related events (link activate, link deactivate). • Show Relays - Enables a filter that shows only relay related events (output on, output off). • Show System - Enables a filter that shows only system related event messages (panel trouble, etc.). • Show Vehicle Tags - Enables a filter that shows only vehicle tag type events. The events filter is helpful when you need to locate an event and you know what type of event you are searching for. In an events database of possibly thousands of events, the events filter is time saving tool. View Records Menus There are two View Records menus. The menu you will see depends on which column, the 'Description' or the 'Location' column that you right click. See below for details. • View Records Description Menu The View Records Description menu is available by right clicking on the column title or anywhere under the 'Description' column (Figure 8). Figure 8 - The Events Grid Description Column Where the View Records Menu is Available by Right Clicking 19 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 9 - The Events Grid View Records Description Menu The available menu choices (Figure 9) are explained below. o View Record - Opens the configuration record of the hardware device or badge holder that is currently selected. o Show This - Re-filters the events screen to display only events that mention the currently highlighted hardware or badge holder. o Show Usage - One of several things can happen depending on which event type mentioned below is highlighted. ! Badge Type Event - Selecting 'Show Usage' when a badge type event is selected brings up the Show Usage utility screen, which displays a listing of the doors that the selected badge holder has access to, along with a listing of the time schedules that the badge holder is permitted to access those doors. ! Reader Type Event - Selecting 'Show Usage' when a door type event is selected also brings up the Show Usage utility screen, but you will see a listing of badge holders that have access to the door mentioned in the highlighted event. The time schedules that the badge holders have access at that door are also listed. o Badge # - When clicked will bring up the Personnel record of the badge holder mentioned in the highlighted event message. This option is not available in the pop up list unless a badge type event is selected. o Tag # - When clicked will bring up the Personnel record of the badge (vehicle tag) mentioned in the highlighted event message. This option is not available in the pop up list unless a vehicle tag type event is selected. • View Records Location Menu The View Records menu is available by right clicking on the column title or anywhere under the 'Location' column (Figure 10). 20 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 10 - The Events Grid Location Column Where the View Records Menu is Available by Right Clicking Figure 11 - The Events Grid View Records Location Menu The available menu choices in Figure 11 are explained below. o View Record - Opens the configuration record of the selected hardware device or badge holder. o Show This - Re-filters the events screen to display only events that mention the currently highlighted hardware or badge holder event. o Show Access List - (Badge related events only) Selecting 'Show Access List' brings up the Access List utility screen which displays a listing of the badge holders that have access to currently highlighted door event message. • The 'Map' and 'Photo' Popup Screens Figure 12 - The CardAccess Events Grid Button Bar The Map and Photo buttons can be found on the Events Grid button bar. Clicking the 'Map' button manually will bring up a pop up window that contains a bitmap representation of the area mentioned in the selected event (if a map has been stored in the configuration record for that device). Clicking the 'Photo' button manually will bring up will also bring up a pop up window, but this window will display a bitmap photograph of the badge holder mentioned in the selected event (the event must be a badge related event and the badge holder must have a photo stored in their Personnel record). The system also supports automatic Map and Photo window pop ups. Right clicking on the Map or Photo buttons and selecting your option enables the feature. Once the feature is enabled for photos or maps, the photo or maps pop up screen will appear under the following conditions. 21 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L o When an alert that has a map or photo associated with it comes to the top of the Alerts Grid o When you highlight an alert that has a map or photo associated with it You can enable map pop up without photo pop up (and vise versa), or you can enable both map and photo pop ups. Maps and photos will appear in two independent windows for alerts that have both maps and photos associated with them. The right click menu choices for the Map and Photo buttons are as follows. o Map Button ! Auto-Show Off - Disables the automatic pop up of a map window for all alert types. Note that the manual map pop up window is still available by clicking the map button. ! Auto-Show All - Enables the pop up map window for all alerts. If an alert has a map associated with it, the map pop up window will open automatically when that alert moves to the top of the Alerts Grid. ! Auto-Show This Area - Enables the pop up map window only for alerts that concern the hardware mentioned in the currently selected alert (door, relay, input, link). Example - Select a given door alert. Right click on the Map button, select the 'Auto-Show This Area option. From that point on, each alert that appears in the Alerts Grid for that door will open the map window (if a map is stored in the reader record). 22 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 13 - The Map Popup Window o Photo Button ! Auto-Show Off - Disables the automatic pop up of a personnel photo window for all alert types. Note that the manual photo pop up window is still available by clicking the photo button. ! Auto-Show All - Enables the pop up personnel photo window for all alerts. If an alert has a photo associated with it, the photo pop up window will open automatically when that alert moves to the top of the Alerts Grid. 23 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N Figure 14 - The Personnel Photo Popup Window 24 M A N U A L C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Monitor Mode vs. Status Mode The CardAccess main monitoring screen has two modes of operation. • Monitor Mode - In 'Monitor Mode' the CardAccess display tracks events and alerts as they are gathered from the panels. For convenience, the events monitoring screen is divided into two display 'grids' (events and alerts) that allow an operator to track event and alert messages in individual, but conjoined view windows of the main screen (Figure 15). Figure 15 - The CardAccess Main Monitoring Screen in Monitor Mode • Status Mode - Clicking the 'Status' button on the CardAccess main toolbar enters 'Status Mode'. Clicking the status button changes the CardAccess main monitoring screen display from Monitor Mode to Status Mode (Figure 16). Clicking the button again returns the display to Tracking Mode (the default). 25 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 16 - The CardAccess Status Screen - The Doors Menu is expanded, a Door is highlighted, a Map is displayed Status Mode offers the operator a way to view the current status or manually control CardAccess system components. There are three folder tabs available that allow the operator to perform the following functions. o Control Tab - The Control tab contains a Windows Explorer type menu. You can double click any door, relay or link in this menu and bring up the manual control screen for that hardware device. o Status Tab - The Status tab allows the operator to observe the hardware status of all enabled hardware devices. There is a listing of all active hardware devices and their current status (open, closed, abnormal, normal, etc.). o Stations Tab - The Stations tab displays a listing of the CardAccess workstations that are currently connected to the CardAccess database. The information displayed includes the workstation UNC name and the name of the operator who is currently logged in. To view the Status screen, you must set the CardAccess main screen to 'Status' mode. To enable Status Mode, do the following. 26 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L • Click the Status Button - Click the 'Status' button on the CardAccess main toolbar (Figure 17). Figure 17 - The Main Toolbar Status Button • Click the Selected Folder Tab - Click the folder tab of your choice and proceed as described in the sections on each folder tab. Figure 18 – The Status Mode Folder Tabs 27 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Status Screen Control Tab Figure 19 - The Status Screen Control Tab - All Categories Expanded 28 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L The Control tab of the Status screen displays a listing of all of the enabled hardware devices in the CardAccess system. You can manually control any hardware device by double clicking its icon in the Status screen. When the CardAccess main display is first switched into Status Mode, the devices list in the Control tab is collapsed. The Control tab menu operates very much like Windows Explorer. You can click the plus sign to the left of a menu to expand the branch. If no devices are enabled, the menu will not show any devices in the list. To view the Control tab, you must set the CardAccess main screen to 'Status' mode. To enable Status Mode, do the following: • Click the Status Button - Click the 'Status' button on the CardAccess main toolbar (Figure 20). Figure 20 - The Main Toolbar Status Button • Click the Control Folder Tab - Once you enter status mode, click the Control folder tab. The Control folder tab contains a Windows Explorer type menu system. When you first open the Status screen, the Control tab shows three collapsed menus. o Doors - This menu contains a listing of the enabled active doors in the CardAccess system. Click the plus sign to the left of the doors icon to expand the branch. Double clicking on any icon under the doors category will open the manual control screen with the highlighted door selected and ready to be manually controlled. o Relays - This menu contains a listing of the enabled active relays in the CardAccess system. Click the plus sign to the left of the relays icon to expand the branch. Double clicking on any icon under the relays category will open the manual control screen with the highlighted relay selected and ready to be manually controlled. o Links - This menu contains a listing of the enabled active links in the CardAccess system. Click the plus sign to the left of the links icon to expand the branch. Double clicking on any icon under the links category will open the manual control screen with the highlighted link selected and ready to be manually controlled. The three items listed above correspond to the three manual control screens that are also available from buttons on the CardAccess main toolbar. When you double click any hardware item icon, the appropriate manual control screen will open, with the specific hardware item 29 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L automatically selected in the manual control screen, ready to be manually activated. Note that there is a section to the right of the Control folder tab labeled 'Map' (Figure 21). When you click a device in the 'Controlled Equipment' area of the Control tab that has a static bitmap stored in the hardware configuration record for that device, the bitmap is displayed in the Map area. If a selected device has no map, no bitmap will be displayed in the map area (it will remain plain gray). Figure 21 - The Status Screen with Map Display 30 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Status Screen Stations Tab Figure 22 - The Status Screen Stations Tab You can use the Stations tab of the Status screen to find out which CardAccess workstations are currently online with the CardAccess database, and which operators are currently logged in. To view the Stations tab, you must set the CardAccess main screen to 'Status' mode. To enable Status Mode, do the following: • Click the Status Button - Click the 'Status' button on the CardAccess main toolbar (Figure 23). Figure 23 - The Main Toolbar Status Button • Click the Stations Tab - Click the Stations Tab. The Stations tab will display a listing of all currently connected workstations. The display has a number of columns, as explained below. o Station - The Station column will contain the workstation number or name of every CardAccess workstation (and host) that is currently connected to the CardAccess database. You will notice in Figure 22 above that there are two entries, marked 'Master' and 'Master Comm'. These entries refer to the Host PC and the two software components that run on that PC - the Host user screen (Master) and the Communications Server (Master Comm). o Name - The Name column displays the name of the operator that is currently logged in to the indicated workstation. The name displayed in this field is taken from the operator record, in the Operators configuration screen, in the 'Name' field. o Active - The 'Active' column denotes whether the referred to workstation is currently logged in to the CardAccess system and is 31 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L actively accessing the CardAccess database. 'Yes' means that the workstation is active, 'No' means that the user has logged off. o Operator - The 'Operator' column displays the 'screen name' of the operator who is currently logged in to the indicated CardAccess workstation. The screen name is taken from the 'Screen Name' field of the Operators screen. o Time - The 'Time' field denotes when the indicated operator logged in to the CardAccess database. 32 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Status Screen Status Tab Figure 24 - The Status Screen Status Tab The Status tab displays the current operational status of all hardware items that are enabled in the CardAccess system. You will find line entries for all enabled doors, inputs, relays and links in the system, and the current operational status will be indicated as well. Note: The default selection in the ‘Category’ selection control is ‘None’. When the Category selection is set to none, you will not see any devices listed in the space below the Category field. You must make a selection in the Category field to see the status of CardAccess hardware. Devices that are not enabled are not shown on the Status screen. The selections in the Category field allow you to filter the display to show only hardware items that match the selected alert type. The available Category field selections are listed below. • None - The display will not show any hardware devices (this is the default). • All - The display will show all enabled hardware devices. • All Normal - The display will show all devices that are not in an abnormal state. 33 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L • All Abnormal - The display will show all devices that are in an abnormal state. • All Doors - The display will show only normal and abnormal door devices. • Doors Forced - The display will show only doors that are currently in a forced door state. • Doors Free Access - The display will show only doors that are currently in free access. • Doors Bypass - The display will show only doors that have been bypassed. • Doors Manually Unlocked - The display will show only doors that have been unlocked using the manual door control screen (and are currently being held unlocked). • Doors Manually Locked - The display will show only doors that have been locked down using the manual door control screen. • Doors Disabled (Manual Mode) - The display will show only readers (doors) that have been disabled using the manual door control screen. • Doors Disabled (Schedule) - The display will show only readers that are currently disabled by a time schedule. • All Inputs - The display will show all enabled input devices only. • Abnormal Inputs - The display will show only input devices that have reported 'input abnormal'. • Supervised Trouble - The display will show only abnormal supervised input devices. • Inputs Schedule Disabled - The display will show only inputs that have been disabled by a time schedule. • Activated Relays - The display will show only relays that are currently energized (latched). The Status tab display has a number of columns, as explained below. 34 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L • Panel - Displays the panel number of the panel that is hosting the connected hardware device. The panel number is taken from the 'PnlNo' field of the Panels screen. • Device - This field displays the name of the hardware device. This name is taken from the 'Name' field in the Panels, Readers, Relays, Inputs or Links screens. • Status - Indicates the current status of the connected hardware device. The message displayed is related to the type of device. • Last Change - This field indicates the date and time of the most recent change in status of the indicated hardware item. • Number - Indicates the number of the hardware item, in the list of items, in the configuration screen where the item is mentioned. For example, if a door is mentioned on the Status tab, the number of the door record in the Readers screen is mentioned in the Number field. Thus, you have the panel number that the device is connected to in the 'Panel' field and you have the reader number (as found in the 'Reader' field for the Readers screen). With this information, you can easily locate the configuration record of a hardware device. 35 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Log In and Out Log In Figure 25 The CardAccess Login Screen The CardAccess software presents you with a login screen shortly after you start the software. This login screen exists to prevent unauthorized tampering with security permissions and history reports in the CardAccess database. Before you can log in to the CardAccess, you must know a valid login identity and password. There are only two options. • Default Login - The default login identity is stored in the CardAccess database by the CardAccess software installation program automatically. This default login provides enough security to prevent unauthorized access of the software before 'official' security permissions have been set up, during the time after the software is started for the first time, after a new installation. It is strongly recommended that you change the password of the default login upon the first access to the software after installation. Continental Instruments has many customers and clients who are familiar with the default login listed below. For your system to be considered truly secure, do not keep the default password for the administrator login. Default Login Name = Admin (or admin) Default Password = q (the lower case letter 'Q') Quick Tip - The 'User Name' and 'Password' fields are case sensitive on all user names and passwords except the default user name. The user name 'admin' can be typed in as 'Admin' or 'admin' (without the quotes) 36 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L • Custom Login - Custom logins can be created after you have successfully logged into the CardAccess software after an installation. To create login identities, you must create operator privilege templates in the 'Operator Privileges' screen and you must create user profiles (login identities) in the 'Operators' screen (in that order). See more information in the manual sections entitled 'Operators' and 'Operator Privileges' To log into the CardAccess software, do the following. • Type in a Login Name - Type a login name into the 'User Name' field. If this is the first time you have used the software after a new installation, use the login name 'admin' (without the quotes). Figure 26 – The User Name Field • Type in a Password - Type a password into the 'Password' field. If this is the first time you have used the software after a new installation, use the password 'q' (without the quotes). Figure 27 – The Password Field Note that there are some options to consider during log in. • You May Elect to Change Your Password - If you are using the default administrator password or if you have logged in at least once with your current identity, the change password button will appear after you have entered a known valid user name and password. Clicking this button is the only way to change your current password. 37 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 28 The Login Screen With Change Password Button Visible • You May be Required to Change Your Password - Note that when you log in for the first time with a newly created login identity, you will see the change password screen in the figure below after you click the OK button. This password change is required by the system for your protection. Your login identity password should not be known to anyone but you, so that no one can impersonate your login and cause problems using your identity as the source of those problems. However, if you desire, you can re-enter your current password into both fields. Figure 29 – The Change Password Screen 38 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Log Out Logging out of the CardAccess is a two-step process. More accurately, there are two 'degrees' of logging out. • Exit the Main Screen - You may exit the CardAccess main screen and return to a Log In prompt. This option is useful if you wish to step away from a CardAccess workstation and you do not wish to leave the CardAccess main screen open to access by unauthorized users. Exiting the software in this manner closes the CardAccess user interface, which will prevent tampering, but the software is left fully operational. The below image shows the CardAccess Log In screen, in 'Logged Out mode'. Note the 'Shutdown' button. Clicking this button terminates the program as mentioned in the below paragraph. Figure 30 – The CardAccess Logout Screen • Shut Down the Software - Once you have exited the CardAccess main screen as mentioned in the previous paragraph, and have returned to the Log In screen, you can shut down the software completely from the Log In window by clicking the 'Shutdown' button. However, the software will require the password of the currently logged in operator in order to process the shut down request. The below screen will appear, requesting that password. You must know the password of the currently logged in operator. If not, your shutdown request will be ignored and the system will return to the Log In screen. 39 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 31 – The CardAccess Logout Screen How to Log Out There are two ways to leave the CardAccess main screen. • Log Out Button - Click the 'Log Out' button that is located on the extreme right side of the CardAccess main toolbar. Figure 32 – The Logout Button • System Menu - The System menu has a 'Log Out' shortcut. Click the 'System' menu shortcut at the top left of the CardAccess main screen. Then click the 'Log Out' shortcut at the top of that menu. Both methods of logging out above will close the CardAccess main screen and cause the CardAccess to return to the Log In screen. The software will remain running. How to Shut Down • Log Out - Log out as in the above section 'How to Log Out' Figure 33 – The Logout Button • Click Shutdown - Click the 'Shutdown' button Figure 34 – The Shutdown Button 40 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L • Enter Your Password - Enter the password of the currently logged in user in the 'Enter Password' field and click the 'OK' button. The CardAccess GUI will shut down and will also shut down the communications driver (if you are shutting down the host computer GUI only). Shutting down the CardAccess GUI on a workstation will not terminate the communications driver. Figure 35 – The Enter Password Screen 41 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Programming the CardAccess Setting Up Priorities Every displayable event that the CardAccess generates has a programmable Priority setting. Attaching priority numbers to events allows the system to route alerts of a higher priority to the Alerts window, lower priorities to the Events window. Quick Tip - Every alert type is assigned a priority number by the system as a default. You can use the system assigned priority numbers, or change them to any value you want. The Priority Number range is 1-99. The highest priority (most urgent) is 1. The least important is 99. Note however that 99 is a ‘special’ number. When an event priority is set to 99, it does not report at all. Events set to a priority of 99 are suppressed. Thus, the actual usable range of ‘reporting’ priority numbers is 1-98. Here is a list of the screens that have controls for setting up priorities. Let’s look at each in the following sections. • Panels • Readers • Inputs • Relays • Links 42 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Panels Figure 36 – Panels Priorities Tab Notice in Figure 36 that • Each of the 4 spin controls has a descriptive label that tells you its function. • There are default priority values loaded by the system • Each of the 4 priorities listed also has a check box labeled ‘Requires Operator Response’. If a priority has this check box checked, any automatic acknowledgement of this alert type will be disabled. Manual acknowledgement is required to resolve that alert. To set a priority value for a panel event item • Click Edit – Click the edit button on the Panels main toolbar. • Click Priorities – Click the Priorities tab. • Use the Spin Control – Use the spin control or type over the numeric value that is currently displayed. • Click Requires Alert – Check the ‘Requires Alert’ check box if appropriate. • Click Save – Click the Save button. 43 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Readers Figure 37 – Readers Priority Tab Notice in Figure 37 that the Priorities folder tab is divided into two sections – ‘Priority Settings’ and ‘Miscellaneous Priorities’. Also notice that the reader priorities listed on the left are ‘serious’ door events. Door break-ins, doors not closed on time, bad badges and the like. The priorities listed on the right are all of the events that are expected when a door is being accessed ‘normally’ (with permission). The segregation of these two event types on this screen is by design. Violation events are treated quite differently from normal, expected events. As we have stated previously, we have numerous corporate customers who generate thousands of events per day. The majority of these events are valid access type events. In the current system design, all event messages retrieved from panels are deposited in an SQL database table called ‘Events’. Since all events are deposited into one common database table, the total number of events stored in the active events database could eventually become large enough to compromise the efficiency of the system. To prevent system response time degradation due to a swelling events database, CardAccess design engineers created an events archive engine. The archive engine purges the online events database once per hour in an effort to maintain a manageable events table size (see the manual section entitled ‘System Settings’ for more information on events archiving). 44 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L All of the valid alert types mentioned in the Miscellaneous Priorities section are set by default to bypass the Alerts Grid. The priority setting in the ‘Priority’ field will be ignored and all valid alerts mentioned in this section will be dumped to the events portion of the CardAccess main screen unless the ‘Enable Oper Acknowledge’ check box is checked for any of those alert types. If Enable Oper Acknowledge is checked, the selected alert types will appear in the Alerts Grid, unless the ‘Enable Auto-Acknowledge’ feature is enabled in the System Settings (see the manual section entitled ‘System Settings’). If the auto-acknowledge engine is enabled, then the priority setting will determine which events will appear in the alerts grid. Inputs Figure 38 – Inputs General Tab There are only two events associated with inputs – ‘Normal’ and ‘Abnormal’. You set one alert priority for both event messages in the control highlighted above. 45 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Relays Figure 39 – Relays General Tab There are only two events associated with Relays – ‘Output On’ and ‘Output Off’. You set one alert priority for both event messages in the control highlighted above. Note that unless the check box ‘Alert on Change’ is checked, you will not get any relay event messages. They don’t report by default. Links Figure 40 – Links General Tab There are only two events associated with Links – ‘Link Activate’ and ‘Link Deactivate’. You set one alert priority for both event messages in the control highlighted above. 46 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Alert Acknowledgement Alerts can be acknowledged in two ways. • Manually • Automatically The following two sections describe the set up and operation of Manual and Auto Acknowledgement. Manual Alert Acknowledgement There are two kinds of Manual Acknowledgement. ‘No Response Required’ and ‘Response Required’. The no response required manual acknowledgement does not require any set up. When an alert appears in the Alerts Grid, you simply click the ‘Acknowledge’ button (see Figure 41). Clicking the Acknowledge button immediately moves the top most alert from the Alerts Grid, into to the Events Grid. Figure 41 – Alerts Grid Acknowledge Response Buttons The ‘Respond’ button is another optional way to acknowledge a no response required alert. When you click the Respond button, a response window opens (see Figure 42), allowing the operator to type in a response message. In this case, even though the operator is not required to create a response message, they have elected to do so by pressing the Respond button. 47 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 42 – Response Window To manually acknowledge an alert using the Alerts toolbar Respond button, left click the Respond button, fill in a (optional) response in the Respond Message area, then press the Acknowledge button on the Response form (see Figure 42). The result is (mostly) the same as pressing the Acknowledge button alone. The alert moves from the Alerts Grid into the Events Grid. The major reason to use the Response button instead of the Acknowledge button is to add comments to the event, which will be permanently linked to that event. A new shift of security guards can examine specific events later to see what action was taken by other guards. Auto Alert Acknowledgement In the section called Setting Up Priorities, we explored setting up priority values for event messages. Those steps should be completed before you attempt to enable Auto-Acknowledgement of alerts. 48 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L As we stated previously, alerts can be acknowledged manually or automatically. In Auto-Acknowledgement of alerts, we are setting up the CardAccess software to resolve alerts automatically, without human intervention. There are several CardAccess screens and menus involved in setting up Auto-Acknowledgement, let’s look at them. To get Auto-Acknowledgement working, you need to set up two features. Firstly, to enable the Auto-Acknowledge engine, you go to System Settings -> Alerts tab (see Figure 43). There are three controls of interest explained below. Figure 43 – System Settings Alerts Tab Note – Remember that you must be in Edit Mode in most CardAccess screens in order to change the settings of any control. You enter edit mode by clicking the ‘New’ button (to create a new record) or the ‘Edit’ button (to edit an existing record). The buttons are located on the top toolbar. Click ‘Save’ when you are done to save the changes you have made. Enable Auto-Acknowledge Figure 44 – The Processing Section of the System Settings Alerts Tab In the System Settings, on the Alerts tab, the 'Enable Auto-Acknowledge' check box enables and disables the Auto-Acknowledge feature. If the 49 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L box is checked, the feature is enabled, unchecked the feature is disabled. When disabled, the system will not automatically acknowledge alerts. The numeric spin control ‘Auto Ack Priority Set Point’ determines which alert priority levels will be auto-acknowledged. This control sets the ‘setpoint’ that the system uses to determine which alerts will stay in the Alerts Grid and which alerts will be automatically moved to the Events Grid. For example, if the set-point number is set to 5 as above, alerts that have a priority of 5-98 will be automatically acknowledged. Alerts with a priority of 1-4 will remain in the Alerts Grid until manually acknowledged. Response Required Schedule If you review the figures above, starting with Figure 36 and ending with Figure 40, you will notice a check box on each of those screens. That check box may have one of the following labels; “Requires Alert Response”, “Response Required”, “Alert Requires Response”, or “Requires Operator Response”. All of those labels mean the same thing. When that check box is checked for a given event type, a response window will be brought up on every alert of that type that is acknowledged (remember that when we say ‘acknowledged’, we mean to move an alert from the Alerts Grid to the Events Grid). So by requiring an alert response, we are requiring that the operator perform an extra step for every alert that is acknowledged. Normally, you have the option of adding a response to an alert (see the section titled Manual Alert Acknowledgement). The ‘requires response’ option takes away that choice. You must encounter the response window before you are allowed to acknowledge an alert. 50 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Alert Ack Time The final component that must be set to enable alert autoacknowledgement is in the Administration -> Operators menu. Each operator has a value set in the General tab of each operator record called “Alert Ack Time” (see Figure 45). Figure 45 – Operators General Tab, Alert Ack Time control The Alert Ack Time value is a (clock) timer that represents the amount of time in seconds that an alert will remain in the Alerts Grid before it is automatically moved into the Events Grid. This value is attached to each operator definition. Therefore, the auto-acknowledge timer can be different for each operator. This means that the amount of time that an Alert stays in the Alerts Grid is not fixed. It depends on the timer value that is set in the operator definition, for the operator that is currently logged in. Note the following points. • If you set the Operator Alert Ack Time to zero, alert acknowledgement will default to 1 second for that operator logon. • When there is no operator logged into the CardAccess, but the software is running and alerts are coming in, automatic acknowledgement is turned off. An operator must be logged in and must have an Operator Ack Time set (in their operator record) in order for automatic acknowledging to be operational. An operator does all acknowledging. 51 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L In a system of several CardAccess computer workstations and a server, in order for auto-ack to take place, at least one operator must be logged in at any computer in the system. • • The longest operator Alert Ack Time possible is 9999 seconds (166.65 minutes, 2.778 hours). In a larger system where several operators may be logged into CardAccess equipped workstations, each workstation will ‘compete’ to automatically acknowledge alerts. The operator workstation that has the shortest alert Ack Time set will acknowledge alerts before other workstation with longer times set. 52 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Language Control Figure 46 – Language Editor Utility English Translation Language Control Design Language translation for the CardAccess is accomplished by using text ‘overlay’ files. The text labels for every control, message and screen menu used by the CardAccess, Host polling program and the CardAccess reports have been added to three tab separated text files (one for CardAccess, one for Host and one for all of the Reports). Because these are ordinary tab separated text files, a user can easily edit the files by using a text editor such as WordPad or you can use the included utility (recommended). All of the relevant language files can be found in a folder called “Language” under the CardAccess3000 root folder (see Figure 47). 53 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 47 – Language Editing & Control Files The language of the CardAccess software does not actually change, it is always in English. It is the display of the labels of the various CardAccess controls and messages that is changed. On start up, the CardAccess will read the language setting. CardAccess will then access a language translation text file and load the translation key for that language. The labels for all controls then display in the appropriate language if there is translation text in the translation file that was used. It is possible to change the language settings and not be able to see any language changes in the CardAccess screens. The text files used for translation must have translation text filled into every row under the chosen language column. The files can be edited by the user, so translations for the English words found in the leftmost column of the file can be added by users in the country of use. There are four important files used for language translation. All four files are located in the CardAccess\Language folder. Here is a list of those files and what they are used for. • Language.exe – This is the language editor program. It creates a convenient utility interface so the user can edit the language text files. You can also use Microsoft WordPad, Notepad or Excel to edit the text files. It is recommended that you use the CardAccess language editor tool. 54 C A R D A C C E S S • • • 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Language.txt – This file contains the language translations for the CardAccess GUI. TranslatHost.txt – This file contains the language translations for the Host communications driver program. TranslatRpt – This file contains the language translations for the (all of the) reports. Using the Language Editor Utility • Use Explorer – Use Windows Explorer to locate the CardAccess3000 \ Language folder. • Click the File – Double click the file “Language Editor”. Figure 48 – The CardAccess3000 Folders • Select the Program – Click the arrow to the right of the ‘Program’ control, select the screen text that you want to edit. The choices are CardAccess 3000, Host Communications Driver or Reports. Once you select an option from the menu, the system will go busy momentarily while it opens the requested file. Figure 49 – The Program Control with Menu Visible • Select the Language – Click the arrow to the right of the ‘Language’ field. Use the scrollbar to scroll up or down to locate the language you wish to edit. Click on that language to select it. 55 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 50 – The Language Editor Language Field • Start Editing – The editing window will now show the English control names on the left and the translation text on the right (Figure 51). You can begin to fill in the translations on the right. You can also clear the entire right hand column by using the ‘Clear All’ button on the top right of the Language Editor utility screen. Changes are not committed until you click the ‘Save’ button at the bottom of the screen Figure 51 – The Language Editor Utility Window – Dutch Language Selected • Click Save – Click the ‘Save’ button when you are done to commit the changes. If you close the utility before you click Save, the changes will be discarded. 56 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N Figure 52 – The Save Button • Click Exit – Click the ‘Exit’ button to exit the utility Figure 53 – The Exit Button 57 M A N U A L C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L System Settings The System Settings of the CardAccess is a set of screens where you set the default operating characteristics of the software. These screens are typically accessed during the set up phase of the software. After that, the settings on these screens are rarely changed. You can access the System Settings menu by clicking the System menu at the top left of the CardAccess screen, then selecting System Settings. Warning - Some of the settings on the System Settings screens can profoundly change the behavior of the CardAccess or even disable the software. Therefore, it is strongly suggested that access to the System Settings be limited to Administrator level users only. Setting Up the System Settings When you open the System Settings, you will see several folder tabs (see Figure 54). We will discuss the controls on each folder tab below. Figure 54 – System Settings Folder Tabs Quick Tip – Some of the controls on the System Settings screens are ‘Local’, meaning they affect your workstation only. Some controls are ‘Global’, meaning they affect the entire system. Some of the settings affect only the server. We have indicated where a particular control is local, global or server in each section. General Tab Station Name [Local] It is important to note that the System Settings of any CardAccess equipped workstation is capable of editing the settings for any other 58 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L workstation, or even the Server. The System Settings window has a selection control called “Station Name” that allows you to choose which workstation’s settings you wish to edit. When you first open the System Settings, you will be looking at the settings for the workstation that you are currently editing from. You always need to be sure which workstation’s settings you are editing. Look at the Station Name control in Figure 55. This is the control that you use to select which workstation’s settings you wish to view and edit. You will know if you are looking at the settings for your workstation, if the “Assign As This PC” check box is checked. Figure 55 – Station Name Control The station name control performs several functions. • This control is where you could change your workstation number. • This control is where you could change the view to allow you to edit the settings for someone else’s workstation. • When set to “Host PC”, this control allows you to change your workstation into a Communications Server. When Station Name = Host PC, the CardAccess will look for and start the communications driver program upon start up. Quick Tip – In the current CardAccess, you are not allowed to set more than one computer’s Station Name = “Host”. There can be only one computer in the system that communicates to the panels. Change the Station Name [Local] • Open the System Settings. • Click the arrow at the right of the Station Name box. 59 C A R D A C C E S S • • • • • 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Choose a new workstation number. Left click it. Click the Edit button. Left click the ‘Assign As This PC’ check box (note – if you don’t click the Assign as this PC check box, the new workstation number assignment will not be saved). Left click the ‘Save’ button. Some settings changes require a restart of the CardAccess software. View Another Workstation’s Settings • Open the System Settings. • Click the arrow at the right of the Station Name box. • Choose a new workstation number. Left click it. • You are now viewing the settings for the selected workstation. You do not need to be in Edit mode to view these settings. Assign Modems [Server] Modems are used by the CardAccess for dial out to, and dial in from the panels. If you wish to use a modem with the CardAccess, the driver for that modem must be installed in Windows first. The CardAccess list of available modems is taken from the Windows modem list. To assign a modem use the following steps. • Open the System Settings. • Click the Edit button. • Left click the arrow to the right of the ‘Line 1 Modem Name’ box (or Line 2 Modem. Which modem is assigned first does not matter). • Select a modem and click it. • Click the Save button. The modem selection has been saved. Quick Tip – You can assign a maximum of two modems in the System Settings. This will make up to two modems available for use by the software. The modems are not dedicated to ‘dial out’ or ‘dial in’ in the System Settings screen. See the section entitled Dial Up for more information. 60 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Max Badge Digits at Panel [Global] Quick Tip – The maximum number of badge number digits that the CardAccess will allow is 9. Do not use badges with card numbers that are longer than 9 digits. Figure 56 – Badge Digit Selection Control The access control panels have limited memory. When a panel is first set up, one of the items downloaded to each panel is how the memory should be organized. There are spaces made for data items based on settings that you set in the CardAccess software. The Max Badge Digits at Panel setting controls how much panel memory is allocated for badge numbers. If less storage is needed for badge numbers, the panel can store more events. You will set the Max Badge Digits at Panel control to reflect the number of digits in the longest card number that you intend to use. There are several industry standard card format types and this control reflects the standard available types. The choices are 5, 7 or 9 digits. If you are unsure, set it to 9 digits (the maximum number of digits). Badge Tagging Type [Global] Figure 57 – Badge Tagging Type Control There are two options available here – ‘None’ and ‘Vehicle Tracking’. Select ‘None’ if you will not be using Vehicle Tagging and select ‘Vehicle Tracking’ if you will be using Vehicle Tags. When you select Vehicle Tagging, several menu items become visible in other screens. 61 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L A ‘Vehicle Tag’ check box becomes visible in the Personnel screen, on the ‘General’ tab. Figure 58 – Personnel Screen Vehicle Tag Check Box A ‘Vehicle Superterm Reader Link’ selection control becomes visible in the Readers screen, on the ‘Options’ tab. Figure 59 – Readers Screen Vehicle Tag Linking Control For a detailed explanation of vehicle tagging, see the Readers section of the manual. 62 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Disable Clock Synchronization [Global] Figure 60 – Clock Synchronization Control This feature is enabled by default. It keeps the clocks of all of the CardAccess workstations synchronized. This insures that timestamps attached to events, which were acknowledged from any of the CardAccess workstations, will be synchronized with a master clock. To Disable clock synchronization, check the box. Use Facility Maps [Local] Figure 61 – Mapping Enable Control The mapping engine is disabled by default. To enable it, check the box. Once maps are enabled, a “Maps” menu choice appears in the Administration menu. You also get a “Maps” folder tab that appears in the following screens. • Panels • Readers • Inputs • Relays • Links Archive Tab [Server] The Archive tab displays the name of the archive database and the server that the archive database is connected to. The archive database can be any CardAccess compatible SQL server database (desktop MSDE or server) except the CardAccess main database. It is recommended that you create your events archive database on the same server that is running the CardAccess database. When we say ‘CardAccess compatible’ database, we mean an SQL server database that was created by using the utility called 63 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L ‘CaDbUtils’. CaDbUtils.exe is a file supplied with the CardAccess software and is located in the CardAccess3000 tools folder (a shortcut is also available from the CardAccess3000 program group). An SQL database created with the CaDbUtils utility has all of the stored procedures and database tables that are unique to the CardAccess software. The CaDbUtils utility is available from the CardAccess program group, in the ‘Tools’ menu. To select a backup database do the following. • Select the Server Figure 62 – The System Settings, Archive Tab, Server Name Field By default, the name of the CardAccess server is loaded into the ‘Server Name’ control. If you wish to change the path, click in the white space, delete the old name and type in the new name. Do not use slashes in the computer name. The CardAccess software will attempt to locate the server name you entered once you click the ‘Database Name’ field. If the attempt fails, you will get the error message in Figure 63. Check the name, or look for the server by using other means (network neighborhood for example). Figure 63 – Archive Database Connect Fail Message Box • Select the Database Figure 64 – The System Settings, Archive Tab, Database Name Field If the CardAccess has successfully connected to the server, there will be a list of databases available in the ‘Database Name’ control. If there are no database names available, it may mean that no CardAccess compatible databases were created on the server 64 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L machine listed in the ‘Server Name’ control. Use Enterprise manager (if available) to check the databases available on the target server. To see the list of databases, click the arrow button to the right of the Database Name control and scroll up or down to locate the database you wish to use as the archive (events) database, and click it. If connection to the selected database was successful, the database name will appear in the Database name control. Printers Tab Report Printer [Local] Figure 65 – Report Printer Selection Control This control selects the printer that will be used when any of the reports is printed. The list of printers is taken from the Windows printers list. Thus, at least on printer must be installed in Windows or no selections will be visible in the list. To select a Report printer • • • • Click the Edit button Click the down arrow on the right side of the Report Printer control Click the selected printer Click the Save button 65 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Event Printer [Local] Figure 66 – Event printer selection controls Events printing is disabled by default. You enable the event printer by selecting a printer in the ‘Event Printer’ control. Once printing is enabled, the event-printing engine prints every violation and system event message that appears in the CardAccess Events Grid, 24 hours per day, every day of the year by default. Valid access messages are not printed by default, in the interest of saving paper. Since the majority of event transactions are valid access events, a considerable amount of paper could be used in a busy system. To enable valid event message printing, select a time schedule in the ‘Valid Access Events by Schedule’ control. When that schedule is in effect, valid access events will be printed. When the schedule is not in effect, valid access events will not print. Note – A high-speed dot matrix printer will offer line by line printing capability. A laser printer will not eject a document until the entire page has been filled with text. In a case where the event printer is being used to monitor violation event traffic, a dot matrix printer is advised if action is to be taken as events are printed. If event printing is for ‘historical’ purposes, the laser printer will suffice. To Enable Event Printing do the following. • Click Edit – Click the Edit button 66 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 67 – The Edit Button • Select an Event Printer – Click the down arrow on the right side of the Event Printer control and click the selected printer Figure 68 – The Event Printer Selection Control • Set the Priority – The ‘Print Events Above Priority’ control allows you to dictate a ‘set point’ for event printing. The number in this control refers to the priority level of the events that you wish to print. For example, the control in Figure 69 has a priority of 6 set. This means that the event printer will print all events that have a priority level of 5 or higher (1-5. Lower numbers are higher priority. See the manual section entitled ‘Setting Up Priorities’ for more information). 99 is the lowest priority, 1 is the highest priority. Figure 69 – The Print Events Above Priority Spin Control • Set up a Valid Access Printing Schedule – If you wish to have valid events printed, you need to select a schedule in the ‘Valid Access Events by Schedule’ control. If no schedule is selected, valid access events will not be sent to the event printer. Only violation and system messages will be sent as explained above. To select a schedule, click the arrow at the right of the Valid Access Events by Schedule control, scroll up or down to locate the desired schedule, and click it. If there are no schedules visible in the control, you need to create some in the Schedules screen, available from a button on the CardAccess main toolbar (see ‘Schedules’ for more information). 67 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 70 – The Valid Access Events by Schedule Selection Control • Click Save – Click the Save button Figure 71 – The Save Button Printer Properties [Local] Figure 72 – Printer Properties button The Printer Properties button is provided as a convenience for the user. This button gives access to the settings of the printers chosen as Events or Reports printers. To use this button, first click the printer whose settings you wish to edit. Then click the Printer Properties button. Alerts Tab Processing Section There are a number of controls in this section that are explained in detail earlier in this manual, in the section called Auto Alert Acknowledgement. This section will demonstrate how to make selections with these controls. 68 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 73 – Acknowledgement Controls • • • Enable Auto-Acknowledge – If checked the feature is enabled. Auto Ack Priority Set Point – Informs the CardAccess which event belong in the Events Grid, and which belong in the Alerts Grid. The acceptable range for this control is 1-99. Response Required Schedule – If Response Required is set on any event types, the default condition is that the Response Required window will display at all hours of the day (24/7/365). This control allows you to set a limit on when the Response Required window will appear. Note that if the Response Required function is disabled by a time schedule, the Response Required window will not display for any type of event. Number of Viewable Events Figure 74 – Viewable Events Selection Control The ‘Number of Viewable Events’ control works in conjunction with the event auto archive engine that was mentioned in the ‘Archive Tab’ section earlier in this chapter. As you may recall from that discussion, the auto archive engine purges events from the events database table once per hour to maintain system performance. The Number of Viewable Events control selects two things. • The number of events that will be seen by all operators in the Events Grid • The number of events that will remain in the events database table Thus, the Number of Viewable Events control selects the number of events that will not be automatically archived once per hour. Only the most recent events will be left in the events table during the hourly event archive. 69 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L It is strongly suggested that you set the Number of Viewable Events control to a low number. Smaller numbers will increase system response times. In no case should the number be set to more than 35,000. Alert Sound There are actually two sound generators included with the CardAccess. Each sound engine has it’s own sound(s) and it’s own ‘switch’ to turn it on and off (see Figure 75) Standard Bell Sound Figure 75 – Standard Bell Sound On/Off Switch The standard bell sound is active by default every time you re-start the CardAccess. It uses the standard Windows Default Beep sound. The standard Windows bell sound is not selectable from inside the CardAccess. This bell rings whenever an alert is received, at an interval of every two seconds. The time interval for this sound is also not selectable. To turn this bell on and off, go to the menu bar between the Events Grid and the Alerts Grid, right click on the words ‘Pending Alerts’, left click the ‘Silence’ box that appears. If the Silence box appears and it has a check mark in it, the bell sound has already been turned off (see Figure 76). Figure 76 – Bell Sound Turned Off 70 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Alert Sound Generator Figure 77 – Alert Sound Generator Controls The CardAccess has a built in alert sound generator. When alerts take their place at the top of the Alerts Grid, it is possible to have the CardAccess play a sound that is linked to the severity of the alert priority. In Figure 77, you will note a number of ‘Sound File’ controls. These controls allow you to assign a different sound file to each of four priority level ranges listed below. • Priority 1-5 • Priority 6-10 • Priority 11-20 • Priority 21-30 Priorities lower than 30 (31-99) are not assigned an alert sound because it is assumed that events of that lower priority level will not appear in the Alerts Grid at all. The Alert Sound section controls are explained below. • Enable Sound Figure 78 – The Enable Sound Check Box Enables the alert sounds engine. Checked is enabled, unchecked is disabled. To enable the sound generator engine, click the check box 71 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L • Play Interval Figure 79 – The Play Interval Spin Control Each sound file control has an associated ‘Play Interval’ selection control. This control sets how often the associated sound will repeat (in seconds). The minimum is 0 seconds (which is constant repeat) and the maximum is 90 seconds. To select a Play Interval, click the up or down arrow buttons to the right of the preferred Play Interval control or click in the white space and type a number from 0 - 90 • Sound File 5 Figure 80 – The Priority 5 or Above Sound File Selection Control The Sound File 5 control selects the sound that is to be associated with alerts of priority 1-5. To select a sound file, click the arrow to the right of the Sound File selection control, scroll up or down to locate a sound file, click the file to select it. Don’t forget to assign a Play Interval for the sound of 0 seconds or more. If the Play Interval is set to 0 the sound will be constantly played for all alerts in this alert priority range • Sound File 10 Figure 81 – The Priority 10 or Above Sound File Selection Control The Sound File 10 control selects the sound that is to be associated with alerts of priority 6-10. To select a sound file, click the arrow to the right of the Sound File selection control, scroll up or down to locate a sound file, click the file to select it. Don’t forget to assign a Play Interval for the sound of 0 seconds or more. If the Play Interval is set to 0 the sound will be constantly played for all alerts in this alert priority range. 72 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L • Sound File 20 Figure 82 – The Priority 20 or Above Sound File Selection Control The Sound File 20 control selects the sound that is to be associated with alerts of priority 11-20. To select a sound file, click the arrow to the right of the Sound File selection control, scroll up or down to locate a sound file, click the file to select it. Don’t forget to assign a Play Interval for the sound of 1 second or more. If the Play Interval is set to 0 the sound will be constantly played for all alerts in this alert priority range • Sound File 30 Figure 83 – The Priority 30 or Above Sound File Selection Control The Sound File 30 control selects the sound that is to be associated with alerts of priority 21-30. To select a sound file, click the arrow to the right of the Sound File selection control, scroll up or down to locate a sound file, click the file to select it. Don’t forget to assign a Play Interval for the sound of 0 seconds or more. If the Play Interval is set to 0 the sound will be constantly played for all alerts in this alert priority range • Response Required Events Figure 84 – The Response Required Events Selection Control The Response Required events control selects a sound to be played whenever an alert comes to the top of the Alerts Grid that has the ‘Response Required’ pop up screen feature enabled. This sound will play on all Response Required enabled alerts and will override the alert priority settings in the Sound File controls mentioned immediately above 73 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L • Import Button Figure 85 – The Import button The Import button opens an Explorer window that allows you to import a sound file into the CardAccess3000\Sounds folder. The CardAccess software is installed with 20 default sound files in the \CardAccess\Sounds folder. However, you can import as many sound files of your own choosing as you wish. For each file you import, a copy will be made of the original source sound file and stored in the Sounds folder. Files are expected to be in ‘.wav’ format. Click the Import button to search for a file. • Remove Button Figure 86 – The Remove Button The Remove button will allow you to delete a sound file association from one of the ‘Sound File’ fields. The remove button will not delete the sound file from the \CardAccess3000\Sounds folder. It will only remove the linkage between the sound file and the selected alert priority range. To remove a sound file for a given alert priority range, do the following: o Click the Sound – Click the Sound File field that you wish to remove the sound from. o Click Remove – Click the Remove button. o Click Yes – Click the Yes button on the warning message box that appears (Figure 87). The sound has been removed from the selected Sound File Control. 74 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 87 – The Delete Sound Warning Using Socket Alert Notify Figure 88 – The Socket Notify Control This feature is disabled by default. Socket Alert Notify is a feature that operates much like event printing. In event printing, event messages are routed to the database (they are then displayed on the screen) and copies of those event messages are sent to the event printer. When Socket Alert Notify is active, event messages are sent to the database as usual, but copies of those event messages are also sent out onto the network via a TCP socket message. The CardAccess server creates a TCP client socket that connects to IP (loop back) and TCP port 5001. The Event protocol Message is encapsulated in a standard TCP packet. The data portion of that TCP packet is stuffed with a comma delimited string of ASCII characters (plain text), which has the following format. Date BadgeNo Class Description Name To turn on Socket Notify, check the check box (see Figure 88). 75 Panel Reader C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Custom Fields Tab Figure 89 – Custom Fields Tab in System Settings The Custom Fields tab in the System Settings contains controls that allow you to create field types of your own design that appear in the Personnel screen. Custom fields are not enabled by default. To Enable Custom Fields • Open the System Settings. • Go into Edit mode. • Go to the Custom Fields tab. • Type in a suitable folder name in the “Page Title” field (see Figure 89). • Click the Save Button. • Once a Page Title has been filled in (even if it’s one character) and the settings have been saved, a folder with your title on it appears in the Personnel screen (see Figure 92). For the sake of this example, we called the folder “Custom Fields”, but the title of every field is under the user’s control. To Disable Custom Fields • Open the System Settings. • Go into Edit mode. 76 C A R D A C C E S S • • • 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Go to the Custom Fields tab. Delete every entry, in every field. Click the Save button. When you go to the System Settings Custom tab for the first time after installing the CardAccess, you will note that all fields in that screen are blank. To turn the custom fields feature on, you need to fill in a title in the field called “Page Title”. After you have filled in a page title and have saved the settings, an additional folder tab appears in the Personnel screen. Note that this folder tab has a title but no other items on it (Figure 90). Figure 90 – Personnel Custom Fields Tab with No Fields Created To create visible fields on the Personnel Custom Fields folder tab, as you see below in Figure 92, you must fill in titles for each of the fields you wish to use, much as you see in Figure 89. Each field becomes visible on the Personnel Custom Fields form, once you fill in a title in appropriate field in the System Settings. You are not obligated to choose particular fields. You can choose them in any order. Any or none of the fields can be enabled. For example, if you need only Alphanumeric Long Field 9, fill in a title for that field in the System Settings and leave all of the other fields without titles. You will get one usable field in the Personnel screen as below in Figure 91. Figure 92 shows all fields created. 77 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 91 – Personnel Custom Fields Folder Tab with One Field (field 9) Enabled Figure 92 – Personnel Custom Fields Tab with All Fields Enabled Video Badging Tab Video badging is disabled by default. The controls to enable Video Badging are in the System Settings, on the Video Badging tab (see Figure 93). 78 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 93 – Video Badging Tab Controls There are 3 modes of Video Badging Operation. • Video Badging turned off. • Video Badging turned on, Photos Only mode. • Video Badging turned on with badge creation (Goddard mode). Enable Video Badging The Video Badging Feature is turned on or off from the “Video Badging Package” control on the Video Badging Tab (Figure 94). Figure 94 – Video Badging Package Selection Control To set the three mode of operation, change the Video Badging Package to one of the following. • None – Video Badging is off. • Photos Only – Video Badging is turned on. Badge Template Editing is not available. • Goddard – Video Badging is turned on. Badge Editor is turned on. When you enable Video Badging, two things happen. A folder tab named “Photo” appears in the Personnel screen and a menu choice called “Photo ID” appears in the Administration menu. 79 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L When you click the Photo ID menu choice in the Administration menu, it starts the Badge Editor software. Using this software is discussed in the section of this manual called ‘ID Badging’. The controls on the Photo tab in the Personnel screen are discussed in the section about the Personnel screen called Photo Tab. Select the Badging Printer Figure 95 – Badging Printer Selection Control To select a printer • Click the Edit button • Click the arrow to the right side of the Badging Printer control • Click your printer selection • Click the Save button Note that the list of printers that is displayed in the Badging Printer control is taken from the Windows printers list. If there are no printers installed, there will be no printers in the list. Also note that any printer can be used to accept output from the badging software. A badge printer is the standard printer used, but the print output could just as easily sent to a document printer or even a file. This fact might prove useful during the badge design phase. To help save badge stock, the print output can be sent to a document printer temporarily until the badge design is perfected. 80 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Mag Encoding Schema Figure 96 – Mag Encoding Schema Selection Control This control has no effect if you are not programming magnetic cards using your badging printer. Whenever a magnetic stripe card is encoded, a message is set to the printer card encode head. That message includes a string of information that you as the CardAccess Administrator have programmed into the CardAccess Badge Editor software (such as badge number, facility code, etc. See ID Badging). Also included in the message are a number of hidden control characters that are embedded in that message by the badging software. What control characters are sent depends on the printer brand. Fargo printers accept different control character strings than Eltron printers. The Mag Encoding Schema control selects which control characters are to be sent to the encoding hardware of the badging printer. This selection control offers three options. • Fargo – Used for Fargo (Cheetah) brand printers. • Eltron – Used for older Eltron brand printers (P300/400/500). • Eltron 310 – Used for newer Eltron brand printers (P310/420/520). To Select an Encoding Schema • • • • Click the Edit button. Click the arrow to the right side of the Mag stripe Encoding control. Click your encoding selection. Click the Save button. 81 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N CCTV Tab M A N U A L CCTV control in the CardAccess software is disabled by default. If the ‘Using CCTV’ check box is not checked, CCTV is not enabled (see Figure 97). Figure 97 – CCTV Tab With CCTV Disabled 82 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L CCTV Command Strings Figure 98 - CCTV Tab With CCTV Enabled and Command Strings Entered Figure 98 above shows the CCTV folder tab with three CCTV command strings typed in. Each command string consists of two parts as seen in Figure 98, the “CCTV Command Name” and the “Command String”. The CCTV Command Name is nothing more than a descriptive label that is attached to a Command String. The Command Name label is typically worded to describe what the Command String actually does. As you can see from the example above, Command Strings can be quite unintelligible. What Command Strings are used, and how they look syntactically, depends on the brand and model of CCTV switch being used. A short general explanation of CCTV control may be in order. 83 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L CCTV Control Typical CCTV switches have built-in serial interface ports. These ports are designed to be connected to an outboard device (like a computer) that can remotely control the actions of the switch. The typical CCTV switch is responsible for switching video monitors and surveillance cameras. Control over the switching actions of any CCTV switch is usually available from any one of three places. • The front panel – you can manually switch any camera to any monitor • User programmable, automated, mini-programs (Guard Tour) • External Control – Most switches have a communications port built in. In order to use this communications port, you must use the manufacturer’s proprietary communications protocol. This protocol usually consists of ASCII ‘command strings’, which are recognized by the switch. Quick Tip – When we say ‘ASCII’ protocol, we mean a message format that consists of ordinary characters (letters and numbers), plus ‘control codes’ as defined in the ASCII character table. The CardAccess does provide a means to send strings of these ASCII characters from any serial port of the communications server PC (USB currently not supported). CCTV control from workstations is not currently supported. The essence of how CCTV control works in the CardAccess is, • The user will enter ASCII strings in the ‘Command String’ section of the CCTV screen • Each of the commands defined in the CCTV screen can then be ‘bound’ to a reader or input hardware device. • When there is a change in the ‘state’ of the reader or input, the associated CCTV command will be sent from the designated CCTV com port 84 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Let’s look at how to set up CCTV control. Enable CCTV Open System Settings and click the CCTV tab • Click the Edit button • If the ‘Using CCTV’ check box is not checked, click it • Assign a Com port for CCTV. Click the arrow at the right side of the ‘Com Port’ control. Select a port by clicking on the port number desired. Note that the com port list in this control shows 128 com ports. This is a ‘static’ list. Even though 128 ports are listed, they may not exist in Windows. Be sure that the port that you want to use has been created in Windows, has been tested working, and has been physically connected to the CCTV switch. Add a CCTV Command String CCTV must be enabled as above. To add a command string do the following. • Open System Settings and click the CCTV tab. • Click the Edit button. Figure 99 – CCTV Command Entry Area • Click in the white space below the ‘CCTV Command Name’ column (Figure 99). • Enter a title for your command string in that space. • Click in the white space below the ‘Command String’ column. • Enter a Command String that is compatible with your CCTV switch. • If you want to add more strings, locate the down arrow key on your computer keyboard. Press it once for every new line of commands you want to add. 85 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Delete a CCTV Command Line Figure 100 – Remove Entry Button • • • • • Open System Settings and click the CCTV tab Click the Edit button Click the line you want to delete Click the ‘Remove Entry’ button Click the Save button Select the Com Port Figure 101 – Com Port Selection Control • • • • • Open System Settings and click the CCTV tab Click the Edit button Click the arrow to the right of the ‘Com Port’ control Select the Com port that you will use for CCTV control. Note that the com port list in this control shows 128 com ports. This is a ‘static’ list. Even though 128 ports are listed, they may not exist in Windows. Be sure that the port that you want to use has been created in Windows, has been tested working, and has been physically connected to the CCTV switch. Set the properties of the Com port by clicking the ‘Port Properties’ button. Setting Up Readers and Inputs Once CCTV control has been enabled in the System Settings, two CCTV folder tabs appear, one in the Readers screen (Figure 102) and the other in the Inputs screen (Figure 103). 86 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Activate CCTV for a Reader Figure 102 – Readers CCTV Tab • Open the Readers screen • Click the Edit button • Click the CCTV tab. If you don’t see the CCTV tab, enable CCTV as in the previous section entitled System Settings • In the field called “CCTV Control Name” click the arrow at the right of the box. Select a CCTV command from the list. If there are no commands in the list, you must create some as explained in the previous section entitled CCTV Command Strings • Next, select which types of door events will send the selected command to the switch. You can check any or all of the event types listed • Click the Save button Once you complete the above steps, when one of the selected CCTV Activation Conditions occurs, the CCTV command selected in the CCTV Control Name control will be sent from the com port, selected in the System Settings CCTV tab. 87 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Activate CCTV for an Input Figure 103 – Inputs CCTV Tab • Open the Inputs screen • Click the Edit button • Click the CCTV tab. If you don’t see the CCTV tab, enable CCTV as in the previous section entitled System Settings • Click the “Enabled” check box • There are two conditions that you can assign CCTV commands to, Input Abnormal and Input Normal. You can assign a command to either one or both, in any order. You can assign the same, or different command names to both the normal and abnormal conditions. To select a CCTV command in either control, click the arrow at the right of the box. Select a CCTV command from the list. If there are no commands in the list, you must create some as explained in the previous section entitled CCTV Command Strings • Click the Save button Once you complete the above steps, when the input state changes, the CCTV command selected in the CCTV Command Name control will be sent from the com port selected in the System Settings CCTV tab 88 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Manual CCTV Control In the above sections, it was explained how to set up automatic transmission of CCTV command strings. In those cases mentioned above, when there is some event or change at a reader or input, the CCTV command is sent without user intervention. There is also a way to send command strings manually. The manual control for sending CCTV commands can be found in the “Response” Window. The Response window is accessible by clicking the ‘Respond’ button from the toolbar above the Events Grid or by using the Respond button on the toolbar above the Alerts Grid. Figure 104 – The CCTV Manual Control in the Response Window 89 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L How to Use CCTV Manual Control • • • • • • Go to the Events or Alerts Grid Find an event that is a Reader event or an Input event. Click on it Click the Respond button above the Grid where you clicked the event When the response window opens, click the CCTV tab You will see a selection control with two arrow buttons to the right of it. Click the down arrow to find the CCTV command that you want to test. If you don’t see any CCTV commands in that control, you must create some as explained in the previous section entitled CCTV Command Strings Click the “Send” button. Every time you click the send button, the software will send the command string shown in the selection control once. You can send the string as many times as you want. Control Codes Figure 105 – Control Codes Legend Notice that in the System Settings there is a Control Codes ‘key’ printed on the CCTV folder tab. This key is your guide to adding ASCII ‘control codes’ to your CCTV strings. Some CCTV switches require these control codes to be imbedded in the command string. Table 1 lists the function of each of the available codes. 90 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Table 1 – Control Codes Code ^B ^C ^J ^H ^M ^W ASCII Equivalent STX (Start of Text) ETX (End of Text) LF (Line Feed) Hex On/Off CR (Carriage Return) Delay (.5 Second) Result Send Hex 02 Send Hex 03 Send Hex 0A Start/End Hex Mode Send Hex 0D Wait ½ Second Explanation of Control Codes • • Some of the codes listed do not result in any output. Those codes are explained in more detail below There are 32 control codes in the ASCII table (00 to 1F Hex. Control @ through Control _). They are not all represented in the legend on the CCTV tab in the System Settings. You can use all of the codes in the ASCII chart between 00 hex to 1F hex. However, some of those codes have been ‘reassigned’ by Continental engineers and are dedicated to CardAccess functions. A table of those reassigned functions appears below. Table 2 – Reassigned Control Codes Code ^H ^W ASCII Equivalent Reassigned Function BS Hex On/Off ETB Delay (.5 Second) Result Start/End Hex Mode Wait ½ Second Hex On/Off Mode Hex mode allows you to create hexadecimal output to a CCTV switch. Typically, if you create a CCTV command string like “ABCDEF1234567890”, what will be output is exactly what you put in. The characters arriving at the switch will be ABCDEF1234567890. In hex mode, the CardAccess CCTV control converts characters that you enter as command strings into hexadecimal output to the CCTV switch. Let’s use the same command string input, but we will turn hex mode on and off. Here is the command string we enter in the CCTV screen. 91 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L ^HABCDEF1234567890^HABCDEF1234567890 Here is what is output to the CCTV switch. 0A0B0C0D0F01020304050607080900ABCDEF123456789 Note that the first group of 16 characters has been converted to hex output. The first ^H turns on hex mode and the second ^H turns off hex mode. The second group of 16 characters was output exactly as it was input. When hex mode is turned on, a leading zero is added to whatever character you input, converting it a hexadecimal character of the format ‘0x‘ (where x is the character that you input). Important Note – The acceptable range of hexadecimal characters for Command String input is 0-9, A-F. When using Hex Mode, do not try to input characters outside of this range. Delay When you put the characters ^W anywhere in a command string, the output of that string will pause for ½ second. The command string A^WB will output the ASCII character ‘A’, wait ½ second the output the ASCII character ‘B’. Enter a Control Code • • Click on the ‘Command String’ line of any CCTV command line Press the Shift key on your keyboard and type the number 6. Shift 6 gives the character ^ (called ‘control’). Then type the letter of the control code from the legend that you see above. For example, to add the ASCII character ‘Line Feed’, type ^J (use capitals only). 92 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Databases Tab Figure 106 - The System Settings Databases Tab The 'Databases' tab of the System Settings is where you can register archive databases with the CardAccess software. The CardAccess will use the list of archive databases created in this screen as the list of available databases found on the System Settings 'Archive' tab, and in the 'Archive Data' utility. You must first manually register a database with the CardAccess on the Databases tab before it will appear in the list of available archive databases in any screen that displays that list. CardAccess utility screens that use the list of archive databases generated on the Databases tab include. • System Settings Archive Tab - The System Settings Archive tab sets the default destination database for archived events and configuration back ups. The database that is set in the 'Database Name' field of the Archive tab is used as the default target database for all configuration and event message back ups • The Archive Data Utility - The 'Database Name' field of the Archive Data utility allows you to manually select a destination database for a manually initiated backup and restore of the CardAccess software configuration and events. 93 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Other CardAccess screens that display a list of CardAccess compatible SQL server databases do not use the list generated in the Databases tab. To add archive databases to the list, do the following. • Link Your SQL Servers to the CardAccess - You must first register your CardAccess database equipped SQL servers with the local CardAccess instance by using the caDbUtils utility (on the 'Linked Server' tab). caDbUtils is found in the CardAccess tools folder. Once all of your servers have been registered, that list of servers will then be visible in the 'Server Name' field mentioned in the next step • Select a Server - The 'Server Name' field will contain a listing of all of the CardAccess compatible servers that we linked to the CardAccess in the previous step. Select a server by clicking on it • Select a Database - When you click on a server name as stated in the step above, the CardAccess queries the sever to locate CardAccess compatible databases. That list of databases is loaded into the 'Database Names' control. When you click your selection, you will notice that the 'Add' button becomes enabled • Add the Database to the Database List - Click the 'Add' button to add the database to the listing of connected archive databases at the bottom of the Databases tab • Save the File - Click the 'Save' button on the System Settings toolbar to save the changes. If you click 'Cancel' before saving, the changes are not committed. 94 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Archive Data Figure 107 – Archive Data Utility Screen Archive Data is a utility, available from the System menu that allows you to create a full working backup of the CardAccess main database. This utility is unlike another similar CardAccess backup utility called ‘Backup/Restore Database’ (also available from the System menu), which backs up the CardAccess database to a data file (.dat extension), so you can later restore from it. The data file created by the Backup/Restore Database utility is unusable by the CardAccess until you restore it to a previously created CardAccess compatible SQL database. The database created by Archive Data is immediately usable because it’s a fully functioning exact copy of the CardAccess main database. Should you have a problem with your main database, you might use the CardAccess utility ‘DBConnect’ to connect the CardAccess software to the backup database, in one step. Perhaps this is a good time to generically look at what a CardAccess compatible SQL database actually is. When an SQL database is created, two linked files are created as part of the process. An .mdf file (database file) with an associated .ldf file (log file) comprises the SQL database. 95 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L When you let SQL server create a database for you, that database is created with fields and data that are useful to SQL server. There are no CardAccess compatible fields in the SQL server created database. If you want to create a CardAccess compatible SQL database, you must use the CardAccess utility ‘DBUtils’ available in the CardAccess\Tools folder to do so. You must first create an empty, CardAccess compatible database before you can move archive data into it. You would then use the Archive Data utility to attach to that empty database, and move or copy the data from the CardAccess main database into the archive database. Create an Archive Database To create an archive database, you must use a program from the CardAccess Tools folder called DBUtils. To use DBUtils do the following. • Open the DBUtils utility – Use Windows Explorer to open the \CardAccess\Tools folder. Double click the executable file ‘DBUtils’ • Click the Create Database Button Figure 108 – The Create Database Button • The server name is fixed to your local server name by default. You must create the archive database on the local machine. Make sure your local server name is displayed in the ‘Select a server instance for the new database’ field. If it is not, enter it now Figure 109 – Select Server Name Field • Create a Name for Your Database – Enter it in the ‘Select a name for your new database’ field. It’s best to use a descriptive name that clearly describes some details about the file 96 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 110 – Select Archive Database Name Field • Select a Target Directory – It is customary to store archives in the \CardAccess\Data folder, but the system allows you to place the new database in any folder on any hard drive of the local machine Figure 111 – Select Destination Directory Field • Enter the sa User Password – When your SQL server was set up, the administrator was required to set a password for the system administrator log in (sa). The CardAccess requires the sa password to be able to gain system administrator level access to the SQL server for the purpose of creating the database. If there is no password set for the sa user, leave the field blank. Note that having no password for the sa user is a serious security hazard. Figure 112 – SQL Server System Administrator Password Field If you enter the wrong sa password, the system displays an error message like Figure 113 below when you try to connect to the SQL server. Click the OK button, and re-enter the sa password correctly and try to create the database again Figure 113 – Bad sa Password Error Message 97 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Click the Create Database Button – You will see several screens as your Archive database is being created. The database is created first, then it is updated to the most current version. There are screens that inform you when the database has been created, when it has been updated and when the whole process is complete. Some of those screens appear in the three figures below. Figure 114 – Creating Tables Activity Gauge To stop the database creation, click the ‘Stop Script’ button Figure 115 – Database Created Success Message Click the OK button and the process will continue to the database update section Figure 116 – Database Update Completed Success Message Click the OK button to finish the process. 98 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L The Archive Data utility can be used for the following functions, which are described in more detail below. • Backup the CardAccess configuration data • Backup (and purge) the CardAccess Events table • Backup to an existing database • Restore configuration data from an existing backup database Backup Configuration Data To backup the CardAccess main database do the following. Warning – The Archive Data utility overwrites configuration data in the target database. This will destroy any existing data in that database. • First, be sure that Archive tab is selected at the top of the screen. Click on it, if it is not • Choose or Type in a Server Name – Fill in the computer name of any server on your network that has SQL server running Figure 117 – Server Name Selection Control • Select a database – Click the arrow to the right of the Database Name control. Scroll up or down to locate the name of your target archive database. Click on that name. If you don’t have an existing archive database, you can create one by clicking the ‘Create New’ button. See the section entitled ‘Create an Archive Database’ above for more information. Figure 118 – Database Name Selection Control 99 C A R D A C C E S S • 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Connect to the Backup Database – Click the ‘Connect’ button. Be sure that the indicator above the Connect button changes from ‘Disconnected’ to ‘Connected’ (and that the label on the Connect button changes from ‘Connect’ to ‘Disconnect’). To disconnect from the database, click the Disconnect button (again) Figure 119 – The Connect/Disconnect Button in a Disconnected State Figure 120 – The Connect/Disconnect Button in a Connected State • Select the Configuration Items to Backup – Be sure that the ‘Configuration’ folder tab is selected first. After that, you generally have two options. You can elect to back up all items, or you can select the individual items that you prefer. To select all of the items, click the ‘All’ check box or click each item individually until all of them are selected. To select individual items, click only those items that you wish to backup. Figure 121 – Configuration Folder Tab – note the select All check box • Click the Archive Button – If the Archive button is grayed out it means that you are not connected to your target database. 100 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 122 – The Archive Button • Click the Yes Button on the Warning Box That Opens – Be very sure that the target database that you have selected is correct. The Archive Data utility will overwrite any existing configuration data in the target database. Figure 123 – The Confirm Warning Box • When the utility has completed the transfer of data, you will get a message box. Click the OK button to finish the procedure Figure 124 – The Transfer Complete Message Box • Close the Archive Data Screen – Click the Close button Figure 125 – The Close Button 101 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Archive Events from the Main CardAccess Database To backup Events do the following. • First, be sure that Archive tab is selected at the top of the screen. Click on it, if it is not • Choose or type in a server name – Fill in the computer name of any server on your network that has SQL server running Figure 126 – Server Name Selection Control • Select a database – Click the arrow to the right of the Database Name control. Scroll up or down to locate the name of your target archive database. Click on that name. If you don’t have an existing backup database, you can create one by clicking the ‘Create New’ button. See the section entitled ‘Create an Archive Database’ above for more information. Figure 127 – Database Name Selection Control • Connect to the Archive Database – Click the ‘Connect’ button. Be sure that the indicator above the Connect button changes from ‘Disconnected’ to ‘Connected’ (and that the label on the Connect button changes from ‘Connect’ to ‘Disconnect’). To disconnect from the database, click the Disconnect button (again) Figure 128 – The Connect/Disconnect Button in a Disconnected State Figure 129 – The Connect/Disconnect Button in a Connected State 102 C A R D A C C E S S • 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Select a Date Range or Select ‘All Events’ – Be sure that the Events folder tab is selected first. Then, do the following. Archive Events Prior to a Date – Click the calendar button on the right side of the ‘Prior To’ control (Figure 130). All events prior to the date selected will be backed up and purged from the main database. Note that the ‘All Events’ check box will become checked when you select a date. Leave All Events checked if you have a date selected in the Prior To field Figure 130 – The Events Folder Tab – With Select Date Range Settings Archive All Events – If you want to archive and purge all events from the main database, make sure that you clear any date from the Prior To control. Click the All Events check box and make sure that it is checked (Figure 131). Figure 131 – The Events Folder Tab – With All Events Backup Settings Displayed • Click the Archive Button – If the Archive button is grayed out it means that you are not connected to your target database. 103 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 132 – The Archive Button • Click the Yes Button on the Warning Box That Opens – The Archive Data utility will append the archived events to any existing events in the target database. Figure 133 – The Confirm Warning Box • When the utility has completed the transfer of data, you will get a message box. Click the OK button to finish the procedure Figure 134 – The Transfer Complete Message Box • Close the Archive Data Screen – Click the Close button Figure 135 – The Close Button 104 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Connect to an Archive Database To connect to an archive database, do the following. • Choose or type in a server name – Fill in the computer name of any server on your network that has SQL server running Figure 136 – Server Name Selection Control • Select a database – Click the arrow to the right of the Database Name control. Scroll up or down to locate the name of your target archive database. Click on that name. Figure 137 – Database Name Selection Control • Connect to the Archive Database – Click the ‘Connect’ button. Be sure that the indicator above the Connect button changes from ‘Disconnected’ to ‘Connected’ (and that the label on the Connect button changes from ‘Connect’ to ‘Disconnect’). To disconnect from the database, click the Connect/Disconnect button (again) Figure 138 – The Connect/Disconnect Button in a Disconnected State Figure 139 – The Connect/Disconnect Button in a Connected State • If the Connected indicator is yellow and the ‘Archive’ button is no longer grayed out, then you have successfully connected to the archive database. 105 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Restore Configuration Data To restore configuration data from an archive, do the following. Warning – The Archive Data utility overwrites configuration data in the target database. This will destroy any existing data in that database. • First be sure that the ‘Restore’ folder tab is selected at the top of the Archive Data screen. Click on it if it is not. • Choose or type in a server name – Fill in the computer name of the server where your archived data is stored. This will be the server where you are restoring from Figure 140 – Server Name Selection Control • Select a database – Click the arrow to the right of the Database Name control. Scroll up or down to locate the name of your source archive database. Click on that name. This will be the database where you are restoring from Figure 141 – Database Name Selection Control • Connect to the Archive Database – Click the ‘Connect’ button. Be sure that the indicator above the Connect button changes from ‘Disconnected’ to ‘Connected’ (and that the label on the Connect button changes from ‘Connect’ to ‘Disconnect’). To disconnect from the database, click the Disconnect button (again) Figure 142 – The Connect/Disconnect Button in a Disconnected State 106 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 143 – The Connect/Disconnect Button in a Connected State • Select the Configuration Items to Restore – You cannot restore archived events to the main database. The Archive Data utility will only permit hardware and configuration information to be restored. That being said, you generally have two options. You can elect to restore all items, or you can select the individual items that you prefer. To select all of the items, click the ‘All’ check box or click each item individually until all of them are selected. To select individual items, click only those items that you wish to restore. The restored data will replace any current data in the database tables that you have selected. The rest of the target database will remain untouched Figure 144 – Configuration Folder Tab – note absence of Events folder tab • The target database is the main database. The name of the main database is always displayed at the bottom right of the Archive Data screen, in the status bar. To change the main database (the target in this case), you must use the DBConnect utility available in the CardAccess\Tools folder Figure 145 – Archive Data Status Bar – Main Database Name Display 107 C A R D A C C E S S • 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Click the Restore button Figure 146 – The Restore Button • Click the Yes Button on the Warning Box That Opens – The Archive Data utility will append the archived events to any existing events in the target database. Figure 147 – The Confirm Warning Box • When the utility has completed the transfer of data, you will get a message box. Click the OK button to finish the procedure Figure 148 – The Transfer Complete Message Box • Close the Archive Data Screen – Click the Close button Figure 149 – The Close Button 108 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Archive Events from a Different Database To archive events from a different database, do the following. • First, be sure that Archive tab is selected at the top of the screen. Click on it, if it is not • Choose or Type in a Destination Server Name – Fill a computer name into the ‘Server Name’ field. It can be any server on your network that has SQL server running Figure 150 – Server Name Selection Control • Select a Destination Database – Click the arrow to the right of the ‘Database Name’ control. Scroll up or down to locate the name of your destination archive database. Click on that name. If you don’t have an existing backup database, you can create one by clicking the ‘Create New’ button. See the manual subsection entitled Create an Archive Database for more information. Figure 151 – Database Name Selection Control • Connect to the Destination Archive Database – Click the ‘Connect’ button. Be sure that the indicator above the Connect button changes from ‘Disconnected’ to ‘Connected’ (and that the label on the Connect button changes from ‘Connect’ to ‘Disconnect’). To disconnect from the database, click the Disconnect button (again) Figure 152 – The Connect/Disconnect Button in a Disconnected State 109 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 153 – The Connect/Disconnect Button in a Connected State • If you have not already done so, click on the ‘Events’ folder tab (Figure 154) Figure 154 – Events Tab Advanced Features • Click the ‘Advanced’ checkbox (Figure 154). Note that several advanced controls appear. The advanced feature allows you to archive events from a CardAccess database other than the CardAccess main database. The CardAccess main database is always the source database for the Archive Data utility, unless you select a different source using the advanced feature. However, the advanced feature is only available when you are archiving events. • Choose or Type in a Source Server Name – Fill in the computer name of any server on your network that has SQL server running and has a CardAccess database Figure 155 – Server Name Selection Control • Select a Source Database – Click the arrow to the right of the Database Name control. Scroll up or down to locate the name of your alternative source archive database. 110 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 156 – Database Name Selection Control • Connect to the Source Archive Database – Click the ‘Connect’ button. Be sure that the indicator above the Connect button changes from ‘Disconnected’ to ‘Connected’ (and that the label on the Connect button changes from ‘Connect’ to ‘Disconnect’). To disconnect from the database, click the Disconnect button (again) Figure 157 – The Connect/Disconnect Button in a Disconnected State Figure 158 – The Connect/Disconnect Button in a Connected State • Select a Date Range or Select ‘All Events’ – Do the following. Archive Events Prior to a Date – Click the calendar button on the right side of the ‘Prior To’ control (Figure 159). All events prior to the date selected will be backed up and purged from the main database. Note that the ‘All Events’ check box will become checked when you select a date. Leave All Events checked if you have a date selected in the Prior To field Archive All Events – If you want to archive and purge all events from the main database, make sure that you clear any date from the Prior To control. Click the All Events check box and make sure that it is checked (Figure 159) 111 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 159 – The Events Tab with Date Range Selected • Click the Archive Button – If the Archive button is grayed out it means that you are not connected to your target database Figure 160 – The Archive Button • Click the Yes Button on the Warning Box That Opens – The Archive Data utility will append the archived events to any existing events in the target database. Figure 161 – The Confirm Warning Box • When the utility has completed the transfer of data, you will get a message box. Click the OK button to finish the procedure Figure 162 – The Transfer Complete Message Box 112 C A R D A C C E S S • 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Close the Archive Data Screen – Click the Close button Figure 163 – The Close Button Backup & Restore Figure 164 – The Backup & Restore Utility Screen The CardAccess Backup & Restore utility is used to create a backup of the entire CardAccess database, or to restore from such a backup. This utility creates a backup data file (.dat extension) that differs from the Archive Data utility, which ‘clones’ the CardAccess database into a duplicate, working SQL database (.MDF and .LDF files). 113 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L The utility allows you to choose any SQL database to back up to a data file. The choice is not limited to a CardAccess type database; any SQL database can be backed up. The utility is not available from CardAccess workstations. The Backup & Restore menu choice will only appear on CardAccess stations that are set up as ‘Host’ systems. To create a backup from the CardAccess main database or restore from a backup to the CardAccess main database, follow the below steps. Backup a Database To backup a database, do the following. • Open the Backup & Restore Utility – Click the ‘System’ menu, select Backup & Restore • Make Sure That the ‘Backup’ Folder Tab is Visible – If it is not, click it Figure 165 – Backup Tab • Select a Database to Back Up – Selections are limited to the local SQL server only. You cannot select databases that are not installed on the PC you are working from. To select a database, click the arrow on the right side of the ‘Database’ selection control. The list includes all database names, taken from the SQL server on the local machine Figure 166 – Database Selection Control • Enter a Name for Your Backup Database – Type a name in the ‘Name’ control. A database backup file will be created in the destination directory. That file will have the name you specify in the Name control. The rules for this file name are the same as those for any Windows file name – no spaces or special characters are allowed Figure 167 – The Name Control 114 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L • Select a Destination Directory – If you don’t wish to store the resulting backup file in the C:\ directory, which is the default destination, click the ‘Select Directory’ button. Then use the browse window that opens to select a local or network directory to receive the backup file Figure 168 – The Select Directory Button • Click the Backup Button Figure 169 – The Backup Button • Click the Warning Message OK button – You will get a warning message. Click the ‘OK’ button to proceed, click ‘Cancel’ if you have changed your mind about backing up Figure 170 – The Confirm Message Box • Click the Backup Complete OK Button – When the backup is complete, there will be a message box displayed. Click the OK button to close the box Figure 171 – Backup Complete Message Box 115 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Restore a Database • Open the Backup & Restore Utility – Click the ‘System’ menu, select Backup & Restore • Make Sure That the ‘Restore’ Folder Tab is Visible – If it is not, click it Figure 172 – The Restore Folder Tab • Select a Database to Restore Into – Selections are limited to the local SQL server only. You cannot select databases that are not installed on the PC that you are working from. To select a database, click the arrow on the right side of the ‘Restore as Database’ control. The list includes all database names, taken from the SQL server on the local machine Figure 173 – Restore Database Selection Control • Select a Source File – You will search the local hard drive or a network drive for a back up file. The file extension is .DAT. Click the ‘Browse’ button, and use the browse control to find a source database. Once you find a suitable file, click the OK button. Figure 174 – The Restore Browse Button • Disconnect the Original Source Database – SQL server will not permit you to restore from a database that is connected to the SQL server if using a .dat file as the source. Per Microsoft SQL server convention, the identity of the source database that was used to create the backup .dat file is stored in that .dat file. The SQL server requires that you disconnect that original source database from the SQL server before you restore from the .dat file. To disconnect a database do the following. • Make sure that the CardAccess is not running 116 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L • Start the caDbUtils utility. There are two ways to launch the utility. Go to Start -> Programs -> CardAccess3000 -> Tools, and click on Database Utilities. Alternately you can use Windows Explorer to locate the CardAccess\Tools folder. Double click the file called caDbUtils in that folder. The utility will refuse to launch if the CardAccess is running • When the utility opens, click the Detach Database button at the top of the screen Figure 175 – The Detach Database Button • If your server name is not displayed in the ‘Database Server Name’ control, either click the down arrow to the right of the control and select your sever or click the green circular arrows to the right of the control. Figure 176 – The Database Server Name Selection Control This circular arrows button is called the ‘Refresh Servers’ control. When you click it, it will fill the name of the current CardAccess server into the ‘Database Server Name’ control. It will also fill in the name of the current default main CardAccess database into the ‘Database Name’ control. If you intend to restore into the CardAccess main database, clicking the Refresh Servers control will save you from needing to select the values. • If your database name is not displayed in the ‘Database Name’ control, either click the down arrow to the right of the control and select your sever or click the green circular arrows to the right of the control. Figure 177 – The Database Name Control • Once you have the server and the database names selected, click the ‘Detach Database’ button. 117 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 178 – The Detach Database Button • When you get the completion message box, click the OK button Figure 179 – Completion Success Message Box • Click the Restore Button – You will see a confirmation box immediately after you click the Restore button. Click OK to proceed, Cancel to stop the restore. Note that the restore is destructive. It will overwrite all data in the target database Figure 180 – The Restore Confirmation Box • Click the ‘Restore Complete’ OK Button – You will get a message box when the restore procedure is complete. Click the OK button. Figure 181 – The Restore Complete Message Box 118 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L View History Figure 182 – The View History Screen The View History screen is a utility screen that allows you to view archive event data. The screen has controls that allow you to connect it to any CardAccess compatible SQL database. The typical use of this screen would be to scan archive events from past months or years, perhaps looking for some notable specific event or events. The screen will only allow the review of events. You can connect to any compatible CardAccess database, but it is not possible to review database information such as configuration or System Settings. There are a number of ‘filter’ controls on the View History screen. These controls allow you to narrow your search to certain types of events or specific date ranges. Some databases can contain huge amounts of information that would be difficult to scan through line by line. The filters remove any unnecessary data from the view screen making searching chores more efficient. The sections below describe how to operate the View History controls. Connect to a Database By default, each time the View History screen is opened it is connected to the server and database names that were (previously) set in the DBConnect utility. This means that the View History utility will be 119 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L displaying the same data that appears in the CardAccess Events Grid. The Events Grid and the view History utility are connected to the same database Events table. Stated another way, the View History utility is looking at the event data in the currently active CardAccess events database. Thus, if you need to locate some events from the currently active database, no action is needed to ‘connect’ to that database. You are already connected by default. If you want to connect to a database other that the currently active database, or if you want to return to the currently active database after connecting to a different database, do the following. Note – You need to be concerned about the revision level of any databases you wish to connect to. Backwards compatibility of the current To connect to a CardAccess compatible database, cannot do the following. revision database tools and legacy databases be guaranteed. Therefore, it is best to upgrade all archive databases to the most current revision level before attempting to use database tools like View History • Enter a Server Name – Enter the name of an SQL server equipped computer to connect to. If the name of the target computer is already displayed, select a database name per the next step. • Select a Database – Note the following about the ‘Database’ field (Figure 183). Figure 183 – The Database Field o Locate the Server – After you have filled a server name into the ‘Server’ field (as mentioned above), and when you click on the Database field, the system will try to locate the server name entered in the Server field and download a list of it’s available database names. You will see an hourglass briefly if the connection is successful and a list of those database names will open in front of the Database field. The hourglass will appear longer if the server connection attempt is not successful. At the end of an unsuccessful connection attempt, you will get an error message box (Figure 184) 120 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 184 – Database Connect Error Message If you have successfully connected to an SQL server, there will be a list of one or more databases available in the Database field. Click the database that you wish to connect to. o Click Connect – Click the Connect button. You will observe that the View history screen will blink briefly as the new events data is loaded. If you don’t see any data in the View History window, check the date range selection in the ‘Time Period’ controls. The date range is set to the current week by default. If you are looking at archive events files, then the date range needs to be set to the date range of your data set. Figure 185 – The Connect Button Set the Date Range Figure 186 – The Time Period Selection Controls The date range control is a ‘filter’. All of the data from a connected Events table will be available to the View History utility. When a date range is set, the View History utility will filter out any events from view that do not fall within the date range. Note that the date range controls default to the current week every time you reopen the View History window. There are two calendar controls in the time period section (Figure 186). The left most calendar control sets the start date and the right most control sets the end date. If both calendar controls are set with the same date, a span of one day’s records will be displayed. To set the calendar controls, do the following. 121 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L • Click the button to the right side of either calendar control –or– click inside either date control and fill in a date manually • Select a date from the calendar control that opens Select an Events Filter Figure 187 – The Events Filter Section The ‘Events Selected’ Filter allows you to select which type of events you wish to view. This filter provides a second level of search refinement to make the task of finding a specific set of event messages easier. In the previous section, you learned that you could select a narrow date range filter. The Events Filter will allow you to further select specific types of messages to view, perhaps in addition to the date range filter. To select a filter category (Figure 187), click on it. The selections are ‘mutually exclusive’, meaning that only one selection is permitted. You cannot select multiple events filters. Each time you click a selection, the screen will refresh and display the selected filtered data. Each possible selection is explained below. • All – Returns all event types (includes all categories listed immediately below). This setting is the default. When you open the View History window, the screen returns all current events, from the active CardAccess database, by default • Badges Figure 188 – The Badge Search Control Surface When you select the badges filter option, a hidden control surface is made visible (Figure 188). This control surface allows you to select more filter criteria to narrow your badge search if desired. If you select no badge criteria, the search will return all badge events by 122 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L default. The controls in the Badges filter are explained in more detail below. Each of the controls listed below can be used individually or together to narrow a search. o Badge Event Type Figure 189 – The Badge Event Type Selection Control There are thirteen badge event message types available from a list in this control. If a selection is made in this control, the search will be narrowed to only events with the selected event type. For example, if Clock In/Out is chosen, only events types with ‘Badge Clock In’ and ‘Badge Clock Out’ in the ‘Type’ field of the event message will be returned. To select an event type, click the arrow to the right of the control (Figure 189), use the scrollbar to find your selection, click the selection o Badge Search Fields Figure 190 – The Search Criteria Fields The following notes apply to all of the search fields depicted in Figure 190. ! Letter case is ignored. Capital or small letters may be used ! To enter a search criteria in any field, click in the white space and type in the name of the searched for item ! Fields in this group can be used together, alone or in any combination ! If no search filter criteria is selected, the badge search will return all badge type events The fields are individually explained below. 123 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L ! Badge # – If a badge number is entered, events will be returned that were generated by the selected card number only ! Last Name – If a last name is entered, events will be returned that include the selected last name in the ‘Description’ field of each event ! First Name – If a first name is entered, events will be returned that include the selected first name in the ‘Description’ field of each event ! Group – If a group name is entered, events will be returned that have card holder badges that have the selected group assigned ! Dept – If a department is entered, events will be returned that have card holder badges that have the selected Department assigned o Run Button Figure 191 – The Badge Search Run Button After you have selected some badge event search criteria by using the filter controls mentioned above, click the ‘Run’ button to begin the search. The screen will clear if there are no records that fit the search criteria. The screen will display the search results if records are found matching the search parameters • Readers – All door related messages are returned (bypass, door open too long, door forced, etc.) • Inputs – All input related messages are returned (normal, abnormal, ground fault) • Relays – All relay related messages are returned (output on/off) • Links – All link activate/deactivate) relate messages are returned (link • System – All system related messages are returned (download started/ complete, power fail, and more) 124 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Print the History Figure 192 – The Print Button Click the Print button to print the entire filtered history. Status Bar Figure 193 – The View History Status Bar The status bar shows the name of the SQL server that the View History screen is attached to. It also displays the name of the database that is currently being viewed. Change the List Sort Figure 194 – The View History Column Headings Once you have set the View History controls to display the filtered list of your choosing, the system brings up the filtered events list in date/time sorted order. You may wish to sort that list differently. The View History screen will allow you to change the sort order by clicking on the column heading of any of the available columns (Figure 194). 125 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Audit Trail Figure 195 – Audit Trail Window The Audit Trail (Figure 161) is a utility window that allows you to view a log of system change messages. Whenever any change is performed inside the CardAccess, such as logging in or out, changing the configuration, adding or deleting Personnel records, that activity is recorded in a log table in the main database. The Audit Trail screen is a window that allows you to attach to an Audit Trail log table and display its contents. The 'Server' and 'Database' fields at the top of the Audit Trail window are used to connect the utility to a CardAccess compatible SQL database. The Audit Trail utility can be connected to any CardAccess SQL (or MSDE) database provided that the current version CardAccess software Audit table is compatible with the archive Audit table version. By default, the Audit Trial utility connects to the CardAccess main database (as listed in the caDbUtils utility found in the Tools folder). Thus, when you open the Audit Trail window, you will see a log of changes that have been made to the online database system configuration. In the event that you wish to examine the contents of a different, archive database, the Audit Trial utility can be made to connect to that database. To connect to an archive database, do the following. 126 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L • Select the Server - The default value for this field is the server name that you entered in the caDbUtils utility when you set up the CardAccess. If you intend to connect the Audit Trail to an SQL server CardAccess database on a server other than the default active server, click the down arrow on the 'Server' field and click your selection Figure 196 - The Server Selection Control • Select the Database - It is likely that you will create a number of archive CardAccess databases where you may wish to store old history records. The Audit Trail utility will allow you to select the specific database that you wish to be connected to on the currently selected server. Click the arrow to the right of the 'Database' field and click the selected database. The utility will automatically query the server mentioned in the Server field to obtain the names of the CardAccess compatible databases Figure 197 - The Database Selection Control • Click the Connect Button - The Audit Trail utility does not connect to the selected database until you click the 'Connect' button. You will know the connection is successful if the button label changes to 'Connected' after you click it (or if you see new Audit Trail data in the window). Figure 198 - The Connect Button Screen Layout 127 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 199 – Several Detail Lines from Audit Trail The items recorded on every change to the database are • Date & Time • The name of the item changed • The type of action performed • Who was logged on when the change was made • Which workstation the change was made from • The database table that was affected by the change Every change to the database is recorded to the Audit Trail table. The Audit Trail is not regularly purged. Audit Trail logging will continue until the hard drive runs out of space. If you want to clear the Audit Trail table, you must use database utilities. These utilities are typically provided by the database software manufacturer. Open the Audit Trail • Go to the System Menu • Click Audit Trail • Use the scrollbar to locate the record or group of records that you wish to view. Records are organized in date order with the most recent events at the bottom of the list and the oldest records toward the top • If you wish to sort the Audit Trail events in an order other than the default date order, click on the column heading of the column that you wish to use as the sort criteria (Figure 166) 128 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 200 – The Audit Trail Column Headings – Sorted by ‘Action’ Print the Audit Trail • Open the Audit Trail • Click the Print Button 129 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Manual Control The CardAccess is an ‘access control’ software. Thus it is generally designed to lock and unlock doors. All the electric door locks in the system are ultimately controlled by relays on the Continental Instruments designed access control panels. Relays can be activated by any of three methods. • Automatically – Present an access card at a door. Or, turn the relay on or off via a time schedule • Manually – There are manual controls in the CardAccess that allow a user to activate relays from a manual control screen • Links – When a Link is programmed, an association is made between the state of an input (or more than one) and the state of an output(s) (a relay, or more than one relay). So the ultimate goal of a link is to fire at least one relay So, when we are talking about manual control, we are generically referring to the manual activation or deactivation of relays. Ultimately all discussion about manual control, whether it refers to ‘doors’, ‘relays’ or ‘links’, actually pertains to the same subject – the firing of relays resulting from the activation of a manual control. The above paragraph important to the below discussion about Manual Control. Because even though there are three different manual control screens, they ultimately all do the same thing – they cause relays to activate or deactivate. Let’s look more closely at the three manual control screens. The Manual Control Screens Figure 201 – Toolbar Manual Controls There are three manual controls on the main toolbar (Figure 201). There are separate controls for • Doors – Brings up the Manual Door Control screen • Relay – Brings up the Manual Relay Control screen • Links – Brings up the Manual Links Control screen 130 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L The layout configuration of each of the manual control screens is very similar. The following material will be broken into two sections. The first section will explain how to use the controls that are the same on each screen. The second section will discuss how to operate doors, relays and links and will supply more detail on those controls that are unique to each of those screens. Common Controls The Manual Door Control screen is typical of each of the other screens so we will use it as a generic example. Note that there are basically three sections to this screen (Figure 202), labeled ‘Top’, ‘Middle’ and ‘Bottom’. Figure 202 – Door Manual Control Screen The top and bottom of each of the screens is almost identical. The middle section of each screen is unique to the type of manual control screen. We will discuss the middle parts of each screen each in it’s own section below. But first, we will discuss the controls that are common to all screens. 131 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L The top section of each manual control screen has two controls. • Group selection control • Execute button Group Selection Control All the manual control screens have a Group selection control, which activates a filter that affects the bottom portion of the screen. As an example, imagine a system where you had 1000 doors listed in the Manual Door Control screen. Suppose you needed to find the door called “T-Building Front Entrance” quickly, say it was an emergency that you manually unlocked it. Without a name list filter, all 1000 doors would appear in the manual control screen every time you opened it. Since the manual control screens are sorted in alphabetical order, you would need to use the scroll bar and scroll from the “A’s” to the “T’s” every time you opened the manual control screen. This could take some time if you are in a hurry to find one specific door and there are many doors in the list. Instead, imagine that we have created a door group called “TBuilding”, and we have assigned all of the readers that belong to panels in the T-Building to that group. Now we could go to the manual door control screen, select the group called ‘T-Building’ and the display will filter out all doors except those that have been assigned to the T-Building group. Instead of searching through a list of 1000 doors to find ‘T-Building Front Entrance’, we have a list of perhaps eight or more doors. Obviously filtered manual control screens are much easier and quicker to use. In order to use the Group filter control, you must first create Groups. To learn more about Groups, see the Groups section of the manual. To use the Group Selection control, • Click the arrow to the right of the control • Select a group • Observe that the screen is now filtered for that group. Filtering will remain on, filtering for the group you selected until you turn it off, or close and reopen the manual control screen. 132 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L • If you want to remove filtering, click the group selection control again and select ‘none’ as the item choice. This will turn filtering off Note – There are actually two sets of items that will appear in every manual control screen filtered list – the items that belong to the selected group, and the items that have no group assigned (group = ‘none’). If you want to see only the items from a particular group in the manual control screens, then you must assign groups to every door, relay and link that you create. Do not leave any door, relay or link with a group = ‘none’. Execute Button This is the button that launches the manual control event. What actually occurs depends on what controls were set when the button was clicked. Selection Grid Figure 203 – Manual Door Control - Door Selection Grid Figure 203 is a close up picture of the lower portion of the Manual Door Control screen from Figure 202, called the “Manual Control Selection Grid”. You will note a number of check boxes visible in this figure. What appears in the lower portion of every manual control screen is a listing of all of the devices of that type that have been created. In Figure 48, a list of doors is displayed. If this were a Manual Relay Control screen, you would see a listing of relays, a Manual Links Control screen, a listing of links. 133 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L You select a device for manual control by clicking on it (check box is checked). You can select none, one, several or all of the devices for manual control. When you select multiple devices and click the Execute button, all selected devices are activated simultaneously. Select All When this control is clicked, all items in the manual control selection grid are selected. Clear All The Clear All control unselects every selected item in the selection grid. Exit The Exit button closes the manual control screen. Alpha Sort The default sort order for manual control screens is number entered order. That is, the items display in ‘panel number numeric order’. Those items on panel one appear before those on panel two. The lowest numbered item on panel one appears before the highest numbered item, etc. The Alpha Sort control, allows you to re-sort the list into alpha order. The sort order reverts back to number entered order every time the screen is opened, so the Alpha Sort order must be selected each time the window is opened. Below we will discuss the controls that are unique to each type of manual control screen (the middle part of the screen from Figure 202). 134 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Manually Open a Door or Disable a Reader Note that the manual door control screen has two sets of controls (Figure 202) that perform two different but related functions. The controls on the left side of the Manual Door Control window, in the ‘Door Action’ section, control the locking and unlocking of doors. The controls on the right side of the window, in the ‘Reader Action’ section, control enabling and disabling a reader. Each set of controls can be used individually or both can be used together. You can open doors and turn off readers at the same time. However, the action(s) that you choose will be performed on all selected readers. To manually open a door or disable a reader do the following. • Click the ‘Doors’ button on the main toolbar Figure 204 – Doors Manual Control Button • Filter the manual door control screen to one ‘group’ of doors (if desired) by clicking the arrow to the right side of the ‘Door Group’ control. Select a group by clicking on it Figure 205 – Door Group Selection Control • Select the doors you want to manually control from the list of doors at the bottom of the screen. Click on each door you want to select or select all doors by clicking the ‘Select All’ button at the bottom of the screen. A check mark means that door is selected Figure 206 – Door Selection Control With Four Doors Selected 135 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L • Select the type of Door Action you want using the ‘Door Action’ control or the ‘Reader Action’ control. You can trigger a door action, a reader action or both by selecting or unselecting the ‘Door Action’ and the ‘Reader Action’ checkboxes Figure 207 – The Door Action Controls The Door Action part of the control (Figure 207) can be disabled by clicking the ‘Door Action’ checkbox and un-checking it. Make sure that it is checked if you intend to manually open any doors. The Door Action control has three ‘mutually exclusive’ radio buttons – Lock, Unlock and Unlock Hold. When the Door Action checkbox is checked, you can choose any one of the three available options. The action of each choice is explained below. Quick Tip – Remember that door locks are activated and deactivated by relays on the Continental Instruments control panels. When we say ‘open a door’ below, we are referring to the latching and unlatching of relays that are assigned to doors. Also remember that relays can be ‘off state energized’ which means that the relay is energized until the door is unlocked, which is the opposite of the normal state of ‘off state de-energized’. o Lock – Locks the door. This could mean energizing or deenergizing the door relay. It depends on the ‘Off-State Energized’ setting in the relays screen. The relay is ‘normalized’. The locking is not ‘persistent’. That is, it is not a lock and hold that prevents future access. The next badge or manual open command will open the door as normal o Unlock – Unlocks the door. The door relay is energized for the time duration set in the ‘Door Strike Time’ control in the Readers screen o Unlock Hold – Unlocks the door and keeps the relay energized (or de-energized) until you send a manual lock command to the door 136 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L • Choose the type of Reader Action you want. There are two choices – Enable and Disable. Enable turns the reader ‘on’; disable turns the reader ‘off’. ‘On’ means that the reader will read badges. ‘Off’ means that the reader will ignore all badge reads. Once a reader is switched off, you must manually turn it before it will read badges again Figure 208 – Reader Action Selection Control • Click the ‘Execute Door Action’ button Figure 209 – Execute Door Action Button • You will get a message box stating that the door command has been queued. Be aware that this message box does not mean that the door has been opened. It means that the command is queued in the database to be sent to the panel. If communications is down between the computer and the panel, the queued command will be dropped after a timeout period. Figure 210 – Door Control Queued Message Box Manually Fire a Relay To manually fire a relay, do the following. • Click the ‘Relays’ button on the main toolbar 137 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 211 – Relays Manual Control Button • Filter the manual relay control screen to one ‘group’ of relays (if desired) by clicking the arrow to the right side of the ‘Relay Group’ control. Select a group by clicking on it Figure 212 – Relay Group Selection Control • Select the relays you want to manually control from the list of relays at the bottom of the screen. Click on each relay you want to select or select all relays by clicking the ‘Select All’ button at the bottom of the screen. A check mark means that relay is selected Figure 213 – Relay Selection Control With Four Relays Selected • Select a Relay Action. You have three choices explained below. o Momentary On – The relay is activated for the time duration set in the ‘Energize Time’ control, for that relay, in the Relays screen o Hold Energized – The relay is activated and held in that state until De-Energized. Note that if the relay is set to ‘Off State Energized’, this control will de-energize it o De-Energize – The relay is de-activated. Note that if the relay is set to ‘Off State Energized’, this control will energize it 138 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 214 – Relay Action Controls • Click the ‘Execute Relay Action’ button Figure 215 – Execute Relay Action Button • You will get a message box stating that the relay command has been queued. Be aware that this message box does not mean that the relay has been activated. It means that the command is queued in the database to be sent to the panel. If communications is down between the computer and the panel, the queued command will be dropped after a timeout period. Figure 216 – Relay Control Queued Message Box Manually Fire a Link To manually fire a link, do the following. • Click the ‘Links’ button on the main toolbar Figure 217 – Links Manual Control Button • Filter the manual links control screen to one ‘group’ of links (if desired) by clicking the arrow to the right side of the ‘Link Group’ control. Select a group by clicking on it 139 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 218 – Link Group Selection Control • Select the Links you want to manually control from the list of links at the bottom of the screen. Click on each link you want to select or select all links by clicking the ‘Select All’ button at the bottom of the screen. A check mark means that link is selected Figure 219 – Links Selection Control With Four Links Selected • Select a Link Action. You have three choices as explained below. o Activate – The link is ‘fired’ (activated) o De-Activate – The link is ‘turned off’. The link will no longer activate. Use ‘Set to Normal’ to re-activate the link o Set to Normal – This control must be used to re-activate a link after the De-Activate function has been used Figure 220 – Link Action Controls • Click the ‘Execute Link Action’ button Figure 221 – Execute Link Action Button 140 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L • You will get a message box stating that the link command has been queued. Be aware that this message box does not mean that the Link has been activated. It means that the command is queued in the database to be sent to the panel. If communications is down between the computer and the panel, the queued command will be dropped after a timeout period. Figure 222 – Link Control Queued Message Box Events & Alerts Grid Manual Control Buttons Figure 223 – Events & Alerts Grids Manual Control Buttons 141 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L There are two manual control buttons located on the Main Screen toolbars (see Figure 223). Both of these manual control buttons allow you to pull up a manual control screen. The Control button that appears above the Events Grid is linked to the Events Grid. The Control button that appears above the Alerts Grid is linked o the Alerts Grid. These controls allow you to click on a door, relay or link event in the Events or Alerts grids, then click the appropriate Control button, and pop up a manual control screen that already has the highlighted device selected. An example would be where we have a ‘Badge Violate Void at Panel’ message, as a result of a cardholder being rejected while trying to gain access to a door, by presenting an unknown badge. The security guard looks at the CCTV monitor and recognizes the cardholder as a valid employee. The next step might be for the guard to manually open that door to let the cardholder enter. Opening the door can easily be accomplished by following the steps below. • Highlight the event or alert (rejection) message for the door in question (click it) • Click the appropriate Control button • Click the ‘Execute Door Action’ button There was no need to search the doors list for the door name in question, because the system automatically selected the correct door. The door identification information is contained in the event or alert message, so the system can determine which door to select, from the event message information. You simply need to click on an event from a door, relay or link that you wish to manually control, and then click the appropriate Control button. The appropriate manual control screen comes up with the proper device selected. 142 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Scheduled Changes Figure 224 – The Scheduled Changes Utility Screen The Scheduled Changes screen is a utility screen where you can create schedules that can temporarily override ‘standard’ schedules that were created using the Schedules screen (located in the Administration menu or is available from the ‘Schedules’ button on the Main Toolbar). If you have had an opportunity to read the section on Schedules, you know that Schedules can be applied to CardAccess hardware items such as Readers, Inputs, Relays and Links. Time schedules modify the behavior of those hardware items (for more information see Schedules). 143 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Technically speaking, override schedules work identically to the schedules discussed in the Schedules section. The main difference between an override schedule and a standard schedule is that the override schedule will ‘preempt’ the standard schedule if set up to do so. In fact, that is the main purpose of an Override Schedule, to preempt any other schedule that has been applied to that hardware item. A schedule created in the Scheduled Changes screen, will take effect on the date indicated in the “Effective Date Range” section of the Scheduled Changes screen (see Figure 224). That schedule will remain in effect until the end date indicated. The shortest time span available is 24 hours. Notice that the Scheduled changes screen is divided into two halves – ‘Device to Change’ and ‘Changes to be Made’. The left side of the screen is where you select the device that will have its schedule modified. The right side of the screen is where you will program in the type of modification to be done. Create a Scheduled Change • Click the New button • Add a clearly worded title for your schedule in the ‘Description’ field • Select a hardware device type from the Device list. Note that there are four choices. Reader, Input, Relay or Link. When you select a device type, you will notice that the listings in the three controls directly underneath the Device control change their listings. The item selections in those controls change depending on what type of hardware you are applying the schedule to. Figure 225 – Device Control Reader Input Relay Link • Select a device using the ‘Item’ control. The menu in the Item control is linked to the selection made in the Device control. Notice that the title for the Item control changes depending on what type of hardware was selected in the Device control. 144 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L The selection menu in the Item control will be a listing of Readers, Inputs, Relays or Links. These are hardware devices that are programmed into the system using the screens available from the Configuration menu. If no hardware devices have been programmed into the system, the lists will be blank. Figure 226 – Item Control • Select a group from the ‘Group’ control. Like the Item control, the list of groups available in the Group control changes depending on which hardware type you have chosen in the Description control. You are permitted to choose a group in addition to the device that you chose in the Item control. Figure 227 – Group Control • Select a schedule to override in the Field control. As above, the list in this control changes depending on the hardware type you have chosen in the Description control. The Field control displays a list of all of the types of schedules associated with the hardware item you chose in the Description control. The question answered in this control is, “Which schedule should be overridden?” Figure 228 – The Field Control • The effective date range control is where you will set the duration of time that the change will affect. The minimum time is one full day (24 hours). That day starts at midnight of the ‘From’ day, and ends at midnight of the ‘To’ day. The start and stop time is not selectable, only the day range. There is no limit on the number of days the override schedule can span. To select a From and To time, click the button to the right of each field. You can then choose a date from a standard calendar control. You can also type the date in manually. 145 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 229 – Effective Date Range Control • Click the Save button Delete a Scheduled Change There are two ways to delete a scheduled change. Which one you will choose will depend on whether the scheduled change is in effect, or it is not in effect. To delete a scheduled change do the following. • If the scheduled change is not in effect, click the Delete button on the main toolbar of the Scheduled Changes screen. The Delete button will not delete an active schedule. Figure 230 – Delete Button • If the scheduled change is in effect, click the Cancel Active button on the main toolbar of scheduled changes screen. The system will not let you use the Delete button to delete an active schedule. Figure 231 – Cancel Active Button 146 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Personnel Figure 232 – The Personnel Screen The Personnel screen is where you will create employee and cardholder records. In the Personnel screen, you can associate a name with a badge number, you can set access rules for any badge holder, and you can attach special attributes to a badge. First, let’s look at how to create a basic badge, and then we will look at all of the special badge functions available in this screen. Create a Basic Badge You will only need to add a name, badge number and an access group to a new Personnel record to get the badge opening doors. The other defaults needed to get the badge working are set to default values by the system when you click the ‘New’ button. Do the following to create a working, basic badge. • • Open the Personnel screen by clicking the Personnel button on the Main Toolbar or click the Personnel option from the Access menu Click the ‘New’ button 147 C A R D A C C E S S • 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Type a badge number in the ‘Badge Number’ field of the Personnel Screen. You can type in a badge number of 1 to 9 digits (badge numbers must be limited to no more than 9 digits). Quick Tip - Be sure that the number of badge digits is set correctly in the System Settings • • • Type a first name in the ‘First Name’ field (25 characters maximum) Type a last name in the ‘Last Name field (25 characters maximum) In the field called ‘Access Group 1’, click the arrow to the right of the control, and select an access group. If there are no access groups visible in the list, then you must create some in the Access Groups screen. See Access Groups for more information. Quick Tip – When you are first setting up your system, it would be wise to test several badges to be sure they are working with your readers. To test that your badges are working properly, your assigned access group should include at least one nearby reader. • • Click the ‘Save’ button Once you click the Save button, the badge you just edited is automatically downloaded to the panel(s) that have readers in the assigned access group. 148 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Personnel Screen Controls & Functions Figure 233 – The Personnel Screen Notice in the above Figure 233, that the screen is divided into four major sections. • Main Toolbar – There are buttons for major functions like; Add a record, Delete a record, Edit a record, Search for a record, Batch load (or batch modify existing) records and Close the Personnel screen • The View Window – This is where a summary list of Personnel records can be viewed. If you want to view more records, drag the bottom right corner of the Status Bar down. To view the details of a specific record, use the scrollbar to the right of the View window to scroll to the record that you want to see, and click on that record. The details of that record will then display in the bottom half of the screen 149 C A R D A C C E S S • 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L The Settings Section – This is where the badge holder information is entered and where the operating rules for that badge holder are set. Note that this section of the Personnel screen has a number of controls that affect the operation of devices, which are configured in other CardAccess screens. Each control will be discussed in detail shortly • The Status Bar – The status bar contains historical information. The ‘Last Edit’ area indicates the date that the currently highlighted record was last changed. The ‘Total Badges’ count is the total number of badges stored in the database. Quick Tip – When a Personnel record is saved, it is automatically downloaded to the specific panel(s) where that badge holders is meant to have access General Tab General Tab Hotspots There are several screens throughout the CardAccess that have ‘hotspots’. Hotspots are ‘hyperlinks’ on the screen that take you to other screens or functions. The ‘General’ tab of the Personnel screen has several hotspots discussed below. If you place your cursor over a hotspot, you will notice that your cursor changes from an arrow to a hand with a pointing finger. That change of cursor is an indication that you can left or right click to start a special associated function or open a related window. The controls on the General tab that have hotspots are listed below along with an explanation of what function is launched by each hotspot. Quick Tip – When you type a ‘search string’ into a hotspot type control, upper and lower case are ignored • Badge Number – When you left click on the words ‘Badge Number’ above the Badge Number field, the Badge Number field turns blue. If you type a badge number in the blue area, and hit the Enter key on your keyboard, the system will search for and display all records that have the badge number that you typed in (you may pull up several records with the same badge number and different facility code numbers). 150 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 234 - The Badge Number Field In Search Mode Click Here Type Search String • First Name - When you left click on the words “First Name” above the First Name field, the First Name field turns blue. If you type a first name into the blue area, and hit the Enter key on your keyboard, the system will search for and display all records that have the first name that you typed in. Figure 235 – First Name Field in Search Mode Click Here Type Search String • Last Name - When you left click on the words “Last Name” above the Last Name field, the Last Name field turns blue. If you type a last name into the blue area, and hit the Enter key on your keyboard, the system will search for and display all records that have the last name that you typed in. Figure 236 – Last Name Field in Search Mode Click Here Type Search String Quick Tip – In the First and Last Name fields, you have the option of typing in the first character only or the first several characters of the name. In that case, the system will pull up all records that have the partial string, as the first part of the name. • Activation Date – When you left click on the words “Activation Date”, the Activation Date field turns blue. When the field turns blue, you can type in a date to search for. The date must be in the form 07/18/2002 or 7/18/02 (slashes are mandatory). Then press the Enter key on your keyboard. The system will pull up all records with the Activation Date indicated. 151 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 237 – Activation Date Field in Search Mode Click Here Type Search String • Expiration Date – When you left click on the words “Expiration Date”, the Expiration Date field turns blue. When the field turns blue, you can type in a date to search for. The date must be in the form 07/18/2002 or 7/18/02 (slashes are mandatory). Then press the Enter key on your keyboard. The system will pull up all records with the Expiration Date indicated. Figure 238 – Expiration Date Field in Search Mode Click Here Type Search String • Access Group 1 & 2 – When you place your cursor over the Access Group 1 or Access Group 2 fields, and you right click in the white space of either one of those fields, a button appears entitled “Show Access List” (Figure 239). If you left click this button, a “Show Usage” utility screen appears (Figure 240). This screen shows you a listing of readers from both access groups, which the highlighted cardholder has access to. Figure 239– Access Group 1 & 2 Controls & the Show Access Hotspot Right Click Here Show Access List 152 Left Click Here C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 240 – Show usage Utility • Access Group 1 Expiration Date – When you left click on the words “Expiration Date”, the Expiration Date field turns blue. When the field turns blue, you can type in a date to search for. The date must be in the form 07/18/2002 or 7/18/02 (slashes are mandatory). Then press the Enter key on your keyboard. The system will pull up all records with the Expiration Date indicated. Figure 241 – Access Group 1 Expiration Date Field in Search Mode Click Here Type Search String 153 C A R D A C C E S S • 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Access Group 2 Expiration Date - When you left click on the words “Expiration Date”, the Expiration Date field turns blue. When the field turns blue, you can type in a date to search for. The date must be in the form 07/18/2002 or 7/18/02 (slashes are mandatory). Then press the Enter key on your keyboard. The system will pull up all records with the Expiration Date indicated. Figure 242 - Access Group 2 Expiration Date Field in Search Mode Click Here Type Search String • Group - When you left click on the word “Group”, the Group field turns blue. When the field turns blue, you can type in a group name to search for. Then press the Enter key on your keyboard. The system will pull up all records that have the group name that you typed in. Figure 243 – Group Field in Search Mode Click Here Type Search String General Tab Controls • Badge Number – Type in a number from one to nine digits. Leading zeros are stripped off. The system will not allow more than nine digit badge numbers. The field accepts numbers only Figure 244 – Badge Number Field • First Name – Type in a name no longer than 25 characters. The field accepts any combination of letters and numbers Figure 245 – First Name Field 154 C A R D A C C E S S • 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Last Name - Type in a name no longer than 25 characters. The field accepts any combination of letters and numbers Figure 246 – Last Name Field • Facility – Type in a number from 0 – 10. You can type in that value or use the arrow buttons on the right side of the control. You set this number to the position of the facility code in the facility codes screen. See the section of the manual called Facility Codes for more information. When facility is set to zero in a badge holder record, facility codes are ignored for that badge holder (see Facility Codes for more on what that means). Figure 247 – Facility Field • Re-Issue – When a cardholder loses a badge, you really have only two choices - issue them a new badge number, or create a new badge with the same badge number. Issuing a new badge number means that the Personnel record for the user must be recreated (a fairly ‘messy’ process). However, if you issue a badge with the same badge number to the user, you can’t be sure that the lost badge will not be found by a stranger, who may elect to use it to gain unauthorized access to your building. Even more serious is that this access will have an authorized user’s name and badge number attached to the access event message. You in effect, have no way to identify the unauthorized user. The reissue field solves this problem. A reissue field is programmed on the badge (most often used with magnetic stripe type cards) and that reissue field is used in addition to the badge number to identify the badge holder. When a cardholder loses a badge, the previous issue level number is incremented by 1 when they are issued a new badge with the same badge number. 155 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L When reissue numbers are enabled in a badge format (see ‘Badge Formats’ for more information), the CardAccess panels will examine the card number and the issue number to determine if the card holder will be allowed access. The reissue number must match the number in the Re-issue field of the cardholder’s Personnel record. If the numbers don’t match a ‘Badge Violate Re-Issue’ error event message is generated and access is denied. In this way, you can issue a numerous badges with the same badge number, but only the most current issue of the badge will gain valid access at any door. To set the reissue level, type in a value 1-99 or use the arrow buttons on the right side of the control Figure 248 Reissue Field • Pin Code – The pin code is a 1-4 digit (personal) number used in applications where we want card holders to present two forms of identification to gain entry at a door. When you set the system up to require ‘Card & Code’ access at a door, an access card must be presented to a reader and a security code must be entered into a keypad before the door will unlock. Pin codes can be the same for every user or can be unique for every user. Consult the section of this manual called Readers for information on setting up Card & Code operation at a reader Figure 249 – Pin Code Field • Embossed ID – Some brands of access cards (like Weigand swipe) don’t have card numbers printed on the cards. Instead, they have a serial number ‘embossed’ (printed) on the card. The manufacturer includes a document with a cross-reference chart that matches serial numbers to card numbers. That serial number is the only identifier on this type of card. The Embossed ID field is a notation field where the user cannot this serial number for reference purposes (in case the card is lost). The Embossed ID field is not actively used by the system, it is for notation only. 156 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 250 – Embossed ID Field • Activation Date – Activation date is a means of automatically enabling a badge based on date. You can set up a badge record, and complete all the entries in that record, but you can leave that badge disabled (card holder has no access). You can then set the activation date to some date in the future, and the system will automatically enable that badge. Once enabled, the system will automatically download that badge record to every panel that has doors that allow access to that cardholder. Activation happens at 00:00:00 o’clock (midnight + n seconds, at the start of the day) of the date indicated in Activation Date. To set the date, either type in a date in the form 07/05/2002 or 7/5/02, or click the button to the right of the field to bring up a calendar control. Doubleclick any date in the calendar control to select it Figure 251 – Activation Date Field • Expiration Date - Expiration Date is a means of automatically disabling a badge based on date. Disabled badges are not deleted from the database; they are ‘deactivated’ and can be reactivated at any time later. Once a badge record has been deactivated, the system will automatically remove that badge record from every panel where it is stored. Deactivation happens at 24:00:00 o’clock (midnight, at the end of the day) of the date indicated in Expiration Date. To set the date, either type in a date in the form 07/05/2002 or 7/5/02, or click the button to the right of the field to bring up a calendar control. Double-click any date in the calendar control to select it Figure 252 – Expiration Date Field 157 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Quick Tip – To ‘Disable’ a badge via an Expiration Date means that the system will remove the check mark from the Enabled box in the Personnel record. This means that the badge will be deleted from every panel where that cardholder has access. • Access Time – Access Time is the number of seconds that a door is held unlocked after a successful badge read. The Access Time control in the Personnel record allows you to set ‘override’ door open times for certain users, without affecting the door open times for the general population. Door open times are set in the Readers screen. Access Time values set in a badge holder’s record preempt settings in the Readers screen for every door that that Badge Holder has access to Figure 253 – Access Time Field • Badge Use Limit - The badge use limit control sets the maximum number of times a card can be used before it is automatically disabled by the system. Once a card is disabled, that card cannot be used again (system wide) until the cardholder record is manually re-enabled by the system administrator. To set the badge use limit, type in a number from 1-999, or click the arrows to the right of the badge use limit control Figure 254 – Badge Use Limit Field • Dedicated Access - The Dedicated Access check box turns the Dedicated Access function on and off. If checked, the feature is on and if unchecked, the feature is off. You will note that there are two access group controls on the general tab of the personnel screen. You have the option to select an access group from the list that appears in either one of these two controls. 158 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Note that the access groups in this list are available to every cardholder. Optionally, you can create what is called a Dedicated Access group. A Dedicated Access group is an access group that belongs to only one cardholder. The setup of Dedicated Access type access groups is explained in detail in the section entitled Dedicated Access Figure 255 – Dedicated Access Field • Access Group 1 & 2 – The Access Group 1 & 2 controls allow you to choose an access template for a cardholder. To select an access group from either one of these controls, go into edit mode, click the arrow on the right side of either control, and select an access group from the list by clicking it. Figure 256 - Access Group 1 & 2 Fields • Access Group 1& 2 Expiration Date – The Access Group 1 & 2 Expiration Date fields allow you to set a (future) date when Access Group 1 or 2 (or both) will be removed from a cardholder. The event takes place at 24:00:00 o’clock (midnight at the end of the day) of that date. Unlike the badge Expiration Date explained above which disables the card, removing an access group does not necessarily mean that the cardholder will no longer have access to a building. For example, if we provide a card holder with Access Groups 1 & 2, and we set an expiration date only on Access Group 2, Access Group 2 will be removed from the card holder on the expiration date, but that card holder will still have access group one. To enter an expiration, either type in a date in the form 07/05/2002 or 7/5/02, or click the button to the right of the field to bring up a calendar control. 159 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 257 – Access Group 1 & 2 Expiration Date Field • Enable – This control enables or disables the badge. If checked, the badge is enabled. When the badge is enabled, the cardholders badge record is automatically sent to all panels where that cardholder has access. When the badge is disabled, that cardholder’s record is automatically removed from every panel where cardholder has access. To enable or disable the badge, click on the Enable check box. Figure 258 – Enabled Check Box • Tracked – The tracked function is usually used to track a badge holder’s movements throughout a building. When the Tracked check box is enabled (checked), a different priority level is assigned to that badge. Priority levels for badge card reads are set in the Readers screen (see Readers). Notice in Figure 260 that the default priority for a Tracked Badge is higher than the default priority for a valid badge. This means that even though a Tracked badge read is still a ‘valid’ badge read per se, it will be treated differently. There are two specific differences in the handling of a tracked badge versus a standard valid badge. Tracked badge reads have a special event message “Badge Valid – Tracked”, and Tracked reads are usually displayed in the Alerts portion of the screen (not Events) so they can be noticed by security personnel. Click the Tracked checkbox to enable or disable the Tracked function for a given badge holder. Figure 259 – Tracked Check Box 160 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 260 – Readers Priorities Screen • Escorted – When Escorted is enabled for a badge, two badge reads are required at the reader for an Escorted cardholder to gain entry. The second badge read must be from a non-Escorted type card. However, an Escorted card will only require a second badge read at a reader that is set up as an Escort reader (for more information on setting up an Escort reader see Readers). At a non-escort reader, a badge set to Escorted is treated the same as any other, non-Escorted badge. To enable escorted, click the escorted check box. Figure 261 – Escorted Check Box • Stay on Panel – This control is only active when an access panel is in Interactive Mode (to learn more about interactive mode see Panels). When Interactive Mode is enabled at the panel, all badge records that have the Stay on Panel function enabled will be permanently stored in panel memory as space allows. Those badge records that have not been used recently, and do not have the stay on panel function enabled can be deleted from panel memory if memory space becomes an issue. When Interactive Mode is turned on at a panel, set the Stay on Panel function active for all badges that are expected at readers on that panel regularly (that is, not occasionally), if memory space allows. 161 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 262 – Stay on Panel Check Box • Initial Download – This control is only active when an access panel is in the Interactive Mode (to learn more about interactive mode see Panels). When Interactive Mode is enabled at the panel, all badge records that have the Initial Download function enabled will be downloaded to the panel memory on every full panel or badge download. When Initial Download is not enabled, each badge will only be downloaded to the panel as they are presented to readers on that panel. Figure 263 – Initial Download Check Box • Vehicle Tag – The Vehicle Tag check box changes the type of badge holder record from cardholder to Vehicle Tag. Technically that means that the badge belongs to an asset and not a person. Vehicle tags are most commonly created to track company automobiles. Setting up the vehicle tagging function is explained in more detail in the Readers section. Click the check box to enable vehicle tagging. Figure 264 – Vehicle Tag Check Box • Last Valid Access – The last valid access window automatically displays the latest badge read from the highlighted cardholder. 162 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 265 – Last Valid Access Display Control Tab The control tab is divided into two sections. The left side of the folder tab has controls that affect the Anti Passback settings for the selected cardholder. The right side has controls that affect Alarm Shunt settings for that cardholder. Figure 266 – Personnel Screen Control Tab APB Control Generally, Anti Passback (APB) is a mode of operation that you set at a reader (see Readers for more information). The function of Anti Passback is to prevent a card from being presented to the same reader twice. An example of this might be where there are several people online waiting to gain entry at a doorway. The first person in line presents their card to the reader and gains entry. They then pass that card to the second person on line (hence the term, ‘Passback’) who presents the same card to the reader, and also gains entry. With a standard reader set up, both cardholders would gain access through the door, but the event messages generated would make it look like it was the same person who opened the door twice. 163 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L With Anti Passback set, the second badge read from the example above would be denied and an error event message (Anti Passback Violate) would be displayed in the CardAccess software. So, enabling Anti Passback at a reader sets that reader to deny multiple card reads. Part of Anti Passback is set up in the readers screen. Those settings are applied to the reader, at that door, and apply to all cardholders wishing to gain access at that door. The Personnel screen also has Anti Passback settings. Those settings are applied to each cardholder individually. This allows us to modify the Anti Passback operation for individual cardholders without affecting the Anti Passback settings for everyone else who uses a given Anti Passback enabled door. It is important to note that the Anti Passback controls in the Personnel screen work in conjunction with the anti passback controls in the Options tab of the Readers screen. Anti Passback processing parameters must be set in both locations or Anti Passback will not be enabled. We will not discuss the Readers Anti Passback controls in detail in this section (see Readers for more information). • Duration Use – The Duration Use control (Figure 267) is used in conjunction with a timer called ‘Duration Use Time’, that is set in the Readers screen, Options tab (Figure 268). The basic operation of Duration Use is to allow you set a window of time during which successive reads of the same badge will be blocked, until the timer expires. Figure 267 – Personnel Duration Use Control Figure 268 – The Readers Screen APB Controls 164 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L The Duration Use control in the Personnel record has several modes of operation. Which mode is active, depends on settings in the Readers screen. They are discussed below. • Timed Re-Entry – With no Anti Passback set at the reader (reader ‘normal’ mode), the reader allows unlimited badge reads of the same card by default. When you set a Duration Use Time in the Readers screen, and you set the Duration Use feature to Enabled in a card holder’s Personnel record, that card holder will be blocked from reentering the same door until the time out period has expired. Other badge holders that do not have the Duration Use times set in their records are not blocked from re-entering the door. Because the reader is not in Anti Passback mode, re-entry rules are not applied to all cardholders. This type of reader functionality is more accurately termed ‘Timed Re-Entry’. The alert message generated for a timed re-entry violation (Badge Violate Re-Use) is different from an Anti Passback violation. Figure 269 – Settings for Timed Re-Entry in Personnel Figure 270 - Settings for Timed Re-Entry in Readers • Timed APB – With Timed APB reader functionality, one or more readers are set up as Anti Passback readers. A Duration Use Time is also set on each of those readers. You can then enable the Duration Use feature for selected Personnel records. Those badges that have Duration Use enabled will be able to re-enter at an Anti Passback reader after the time out period has expired. Badge holders that do not have Duration Use set in their badge records will be denied the option of re-entering any APB enabled door (they cannot re-enter until they ‘exit’). 165 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 271 Settings for Timed APB in Personnel Figure 272 – Settings for Timed APB in Readers APB Setting The APB setting is a manual method for presetting the Anti Passback status for the highlighted cardholder. When a cardholder card is presented to an Anti Passback IN reader, the status of that card holder is said to be ‘IN’. When a cardholder card is presented to an Anti Passback OUT reader, that cardholder is said to be ‘OUT’ (of the building). The APB setting controls offer the CardAccess administrator a way to preset the current APB status of a cardholder. You have the following options. • IN – Sets the card holder status to IN the building • OUT – Sets the card holder status to OUT of the building • Exempt – Sets the cardholder to be ‘immune’ from Anti Passback rules. The card acts like Anti Passback is not enabled at any APB reader. • Set IN/OUT Next Use – Sets the cardholder’s status to IN or OUT based on which type of APB reader type (IN or OUT) the next card read comes from. Figure 273 – APB Setting Controls 166 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Alarm Shunt Control An ‘Alarm Point’ by definition is (usually) a set of contacts of some type that are connected by wires to an alarm panel ‘Input’ (ours or someone else’s). ‘Alarm Shunting’ is a term that refers to the (old technology) act of bridging a shorting wire across the contacts of an Alarm Point, to prevent that Alarm Point from triggering an alert, when an access door is opened. In effect, the system is ‘faked’ into believing that the door is still closed so an alarm is not sounded. Shunting is often used with burglar alarm systems so that authorized entries and exits can be made to and from a building without the need to disarm the alarm system. However, the explanation above that detailed using a piece of wire to short the contacts of an alarm point is highly over simplified. There is some specialized hardware and software that has been created to perform these shunting functions. There are two types of shunting used in modern access control systems such as the CardAccess, hardware shunting and software shunting. Hardware shunting uses relays to accomplish ‘hardwire bridging’ across input points. We will only be discussing software shunting in detail below. Every panel made by Continental is shipped with some number of (software programmable) alarm inputs. Because those inputs are under software control, the status of those inputs can be easily ignored by the software. Ignoring input status messages (on purpose) is called ‘software alarm shunting’. When software shunting is turned enabled, the software ignores the status messages of one input or a group of inputs. By enabling the shunt feature in a cardholder record, that badge holder’s card is set up as a ‘shunt card’. A shunt card opens doors just like a standard card, but the shunt card has an additional special feature. Once shunting is enabled in a cardholder record, that cardholder can enable or disable shunting at a reader or group of readers. What we mean when we say ‘enable or disable shunting’ is, when the shunt card is presented to a reader, the door strike is activated (opening the door like a normal card), and shunting is activated. When the same card is presented again to the same reader, shunting is deactivated. 167 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L The most understandable example of an application for alarm shunting happens when the access control or security system includes Programmable Infrared sensors (PIR’s). These sensors trigger every time they see ‘moving heat’ (moving people). That means that when a building is fully occupied during the day, these sensors will be constantly triggering (false) alarms. Here is a case where you may not want to disable the entire access control system (because you want to maintain security at the doors), but you do want to disable the PIR inputs (or perhaps, other types of inputs that are located inside the building perimeter). The alarm shunting function was designed for just such a case. For example, you can set up a manager’s access card as an alarm shunt card. When the manager arrives in the morning to open the building and presents his or her card to a door, the door opens as normal, but the PIR inputs are turn off as well (shunting is turned on). The rest of the access control system remains operationally unchanged. Set Up a Shunt Card Setting up alarm shunting at a door or group of doors is a two-step process. • You need to decide which badges will be allowed to turn the shunting feature on and off • You need to decide which inputs or groups of inputs will be shunted, and by which cards Quick Tip – Before you can shunt groups of Inputs, you must create Input Groups in the Groups screen, available from the Administration menu. See the manual section on Groups for more information Quick Tip – You can create a number of different shunt cards - cards that shunt different groups of inputs, a number of cards that shunt the same group of inputs, cards that turn on shunting at one door only, some cards that turn on shunting of an input group from any reader, other cards that turn on shunting at shunt designated readers only 168 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Alarm shunting can be set up to operate in any one of three modes. Which mode is active for a particular card is determined by the shunting controls settings on the Control tab of the Personnel record for that cardholder. There are also some companion settings that must be made in the Readers screen for some modes as explained below. • Shunt a Group of Inputs From Any Reader – If you add a Shunt Group to any card holder record, but do not enable the ‘Shunt by Designated Reader’ check box (Figure 274), that card will turn on shunting of the selected Input group from any reader in the system. Be sure that the ‘Alarm Shunt Reader’ check box remains unchecked in the Readers screen. Figure 274 – Personnel Screen Settings for Shunt a Group of Inputs From Any Reader • Shunt a Group of Inputs From Shunt Designated Readers – If you add a Shunt Group to any card holder record, and you enable the ‘Shunt by Designated Reader’ check box (Figure 275), that card will turn on shunting from shunt designated readers only. There is a setting in the Readers screen to designate a reader as a shunt reader (Figure 276) 169 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 275 – Personnel Screen Settings for Shunt by Designated Reader Figure 276 – Readers Screen Settings for Shunt by Designated Reader • Shunt One Door – If you enable ‘Shunt by Designated Reader’ but do not add a shunt group (Figure 277), that card will shunt the door contact of whichever door the card is presented to. All door contact messages will be suppressed at that door as long as the door remains open. This means that if the door were left open after the entry, the ‘Door Open Too Long’ event message would not be broadcast. Input shunting for that door is disabled when the door contact closes. 170 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 277 - Personnel Screen Settings – Shunt One Door Only (Any Door) Manually Activate/Deactivate Shunting We have been discussing ways to turn the shunting feature on and off using an access control badge. There is also a way to manually turn the feature on and off. To manually activate or deactivate shunting, follow the below steps. • Open the Personnel Screen • Click on the Control Tab • Click on the Personnel record that has shunting enabled Quick Tip – The only badge records that have the ability to manually activate shunting are those that have a shunt group selected. If a shunt group is not selected in a given badge record, manual shunting is not available • Click on the Words “Current State” (Figure 278) Figure 278 – Manual Shunt Control Click Here • Click the button marked ‘Yes’ on the warning dialog that appears 171 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 279 – Shunt Warning Dialog • Note that if you close then re-open the Personnel screen, then click the record that you used to turn shunting on or off, the control status will have changed from ‘Inactive’ to ‘Shunting’, or from ‘Shunting’ to ‘Inactive’ (Figure 278) Shunt Event Messages When you activate or deactivate shunting using a badge at a reader, there are event messages sent from the panel to the CardAccess software (seen below in Figure 280). Note that the name of the badge holder who activated shunting is shown as well as the shunt group that was activated and the door where the badge read occurred. Figure 280 – Shunt Event Messages Personal Tab The Personal tab contains a number of controls that are primarily notation fields. The fields contained in this tab are generally intended for personal notes about the cardholder. Although these fields are not active like those on the General tab, they are still available to reports and to the Badge Editor software. The fields themselves are explained below. • SSN – Accepts nine numeric digits only 172 C A R D A C C E S S • • • • • • • 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Company ID, Department, and Location – Each of these fields accepts sixteen alphanumeric characters. These three fields are also special because as you enter names in these fields, they create a list of names already entered. After the list has been started, you can then choose a name from the list instead of typing in a name. Supervisor – The supervisor fields accepts nineteen alphanumeric characters. This field is also special because it creates a list of names as you enter them like the above mentioned three fields. Hire Date – To choose a hire date, click the calendar button on the right side of the control. Hire Date is a non-active field. The day in this field is not connected to any program logic. Phone/Ext. – This field is a place where you can add a contact phone number and extension number. Phone and Extension accept ten alphanumeric characters each. Vehicle – The vehicle field is where you can enter a description the badge holder’s automobile. Seventeen alphanumeric characters maximum. License Plate – Reserved for the license number of the badge holder’s automobile. Eleven alphanumeric characters maximum. Remarks – The remarks field is an area you can enter comments about the badge holder. Two hundred and fifty five characters maximum. Figure 281 – Personnel Personal Tab 173 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Custom Fields Tab The Custom Fields tab only appears in the Personnel screen if Custom Fields has been enabled in the System Settings (for more details see Custom Fields Tab). The Custom Fields tab is used in a case where the user needs more notation type fields than are included on the Personal tab. Custom fields are very helpful because the fields can be titled to the user’s preference. Figure 282 – Personnel Custom Tab Photo Tab The SmartImage Video Badging software is shipped as part of the CardAccess software package. The video badging package has two modes of operation that are selectable in the System Settings, available from the System menu (see Video Badging Tab for setup information). The modes are listed below. Quick Tip – The CardAccess software is shipped with the SmartImage Video Badging package included. However, parts of that package will not operate unless you have purchased and installed a hardware security key. This key attaches to the parallel printer port. Without the key, Image Capture, Badge Design Preview and Badge Printing are disabled 174 C A R D A C C E S S • 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Photo ID Only – In this mode, you can import and export photo bitmaps into and out of the CardAccess database, but you cannot o Create a badge design o Print or preview a badge design o Capture an image o Capture a signature • Photo ID + Badging – In this mode you can o Import and export photo bitmaps o Capture an image (with appropriate hardware) o Capture a signature (with appropriate hardware) o Create badge designs o Print and Preview badge designs The Photo ID package is disabled by default. The Photo tab in the Personnel screen is invisible until you go into the System Settings and enable the ‘Video Badging Package’ on the ‘Video Badging’ tab. See Video Badging Tab for instructions. The buttons that appear on the Photo tab change depending on which option you have chosen in the System Settings. Both configurations appear below. 175 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 283 – Personnel Photo Tab With Photos Only Enabled Note a difference in the number of available buttons in each mode. In Photos Only mode (Figure 283), you are limited to importing existing images that were created using another manufacturer’s software package. Thus, you have only three function buttons available (Import, Clear Photo, Export). In Goddard mode (Figure 284), you can capture photos using a camera kit. There are more buttons to activate the image and signature capture windows, and to edit and delete images and signatures. Note that the buttons visible on the left side of Figure 283 are grayed out. These buttons belong to functions that are not enabled unless you are in Edit mode. When you click the Edit button, those buttons (and those functions) become available. In Figure 284 below, the form is in Edit mode, so all of the buttons on the left side of the form are visible. 176 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 284– Personnel Photo Tab With Photo ID + Badging Enabled In Edit Mode Let’s look at the function of each button in Figure 284. • Capture Photo – When you click the Capture Photo button, a capture window is opened (Figure 285) and the software attempts to connect to a camera. The type of camera that the software will search for is set in the Camera Setup control, which is explained below. When you are happy with the image, the Capture button is clicked and the image is transferred to the CardAccess and the badge holder’s record. The Capture Photo button is grayed out when not in Edit mode. 177 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 285 – Image Capture Window • Capture Signature – When you click the Capture Signature button, the system searches for a signature pad device. If one is found, a signature capture window is opened (Figure 286). After the signature has been entered on the pad, the OK button is clicked and the image is transferred to the CardAccess and the badge holder’s record. The Capture Signature button is grayed out when not in Edit mode. Note that there is no signature view window displayed in any Personnel record until you capture a signature for that record. After capturing a signature, a signature view window is made visible. 178 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 286 – The Signature Capture Window • Modify – Once you have captured or imported a photo, if you are not happy with the quality of the image, you can edit the image by clicking the Modify button. This brings up an image edit window with controls that allow you to enhance the image. 179 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 287 – The Modify Image Window • Import – The Import button calls up a Windows Explorer type control that allows you to search your hard drive or network drives for a bitmap to import. The images window supports .bmp, .jpg, .wmf and .gif type image files. 180 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 288 – Import Image Window • Clear Photo – The Clear Photo button clears the badge holder photo from the current record. The system displays a warning message before deleting the image Figure 289 – Clear Photo Warning Dialog • Clear Signature – The Clear Signature button deletes a signature from a cardholder record. The system displays a warning message before deleting the signature. 181 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 290 – Clear Signature Warning Dialog • Camera Setup – The Camera Setup button brings up a utility window that allows you to select some camera operating parameters. Each parameter is briefly discussed below. Figure 291 – Camera Setup Utility Screen • Camera Type – There are four choices. o None – No camera selected. o Hitachi w/Flashpoint 128 – Using the Flashpoint 128 video capture card. o Hitachi w/Flashbus – Using the FlashBus MV Pro video capture card. o TWAIN – Use for digital camera with a serial or USB interface. 182 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L • Video In Type – Three standards are supported. The SVideo standard is supported by the Continental SmartImage kit, but the other camera connection methods can be supported with special order interface cables. o Composite – Uses one round BNC type connector o SVideo – Uses a 7 pin round DIN type connector o RGB – Uses five round BNC type connectors • Standard – Always set to NTSC in the United States. PAL is a European video standard. • Image Buffer Size – The badge creation software must be told what the maximum size of a captured image will be. This setting only affects the badge printing software. If this setting is set too small, there will be an internal software error and the image will fail to preview or print properly. Set the Image Buffer Size to the smallest possible value to save database space. Recommendations follow. o Hitachi VKC77 Camera – This camera captures images of about 75K in size. Set the image buffer size to 100K maximum, lower if possible o Digital Camera – Most (if not all) digital cameras have an image quality adjustment control built in. The default value for that control is usually set to the highest available setting. Reset that setting to the lowest possible setting that produces an acceptable image that can be used in the CardAccess. That will reduce the image size that is output from the camera. Lower resolution images save database space. The Image Buffer Size control will not let you set the resolution higher than 2 Megabytes. Digital cameras in high-resolution mode can create images that exceed 2Megabytes in size, which will fill up the database quite fast and will fail to preview and print properly as was explained above. 183 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L We have successfully reduced digital camera images to 17K with fine results. Start with the lowest resolution setting on your camera, and increase it in small increments if the photo does not display well in the CardAccess. The average quality digital photo should be 50-100K in size. When you are done setting camera parameters, click the ‘Save’ button. • Preview – The Preview button brings up a print preview window that allows you to see what your badge design will look like before you commit to printing it. • Print – The print button allows you to print your badge design • Copies – The Copies spin control sets the number of copies that you want to print of the currently highlighted badge. Figure 292 – The Copies Control • Export – The Export control allows you to export the badge holder image to a bitmap type file. Select a destination folder and a filename 184 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N Figure 293 – The Export Photo Window 185 M A N U A L C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Batch Save Utility Figure 294 - The Batch Save Utility Screen The Batch Save utility is available from a button on the Personnel screen main tool bar. The utility allows you to create or change batches of Personnel records. For example, you can have the Batch Save utility visit every Personnel record and change the settings of one or more fields. You can also have the Batch Save utility create an entire range of records (say badge numbers 1-500); all with the same preset values. The Batch Save utility is a multi-purpose utility and can be placed in one of several operating modes, depending on which selection you make in the 'How to Handle a Range' control. Using the How to Handle a Range control, you will elect to create new records, modify existing records, or create new and modify existing records at the same time. Note that regarding the batch modification of Personnel records; you may commonly have any of the following four situations. • You Have No Personnel Records and You Wish to Create a Number of Them in a Batch 186 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L • You Have Some Existing Personnel Records, But You Need More Records • You Have Existing Records and Some or All of Them Need to Have One or More Fields Modified • You Have Existing Records and You Wish to Create New Records and Modify the Existing Records at the Same Time The Batch Save utility can solve each of the problems above. Performing badge creation operations in a batch will save you from needing to create Personnel records individually, thereby saving considerable time. Important Note: The Batch Save Utility must be provided with a badge number range. The badge number range is a required field, all other fields are optional. The Batch Save utility will use the badge number range and create or modify all badge records in that range, according to the settings in the ‘Controls’ section of the utility. The Batch Save utility is quite useful if you have a range of new badge records to create and all of those records share common settings. You can create each badge record (in a contiguous badge number range) in one batch operation, and then visit each record to type in the name and other personal information. In this way, you can get an entire batch of badges operational in one short operation, and then revisit each of those records to add personal information as the badges are actually issued to the cardholders. Visit the Batch Utility Screen controls topic for more specific information on the individual fields and controls of the Batch Save screen. Visit the 'Run a Batch Save' topic section for more information on how to run an example batch save operation. Click the link below for access to those topic pages. 187 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Run a Batch Save When you run a batch save operation, you will be creating or modifying a 'range' of badge records. You are required to enter a badge number range in the 'Badge Range' fields. This badge range selection sets the Batch Save utility up to perform the act of creating or modifying all badges in the badge number range selected. What the Batch Save utility will actually do to the badges that are included in the selected range, is controlled by the selection you make in the 'How to Handle a Range' section controls. You may have one of the following needs. • Create New Records - When you attempt to create new records, you may be faced with one of two possible conditions o Create Contiguous New Records - You may have no badge records in the badge range that you have selected. In this case, you will select the 'Create New Only' or the 'Create and/or Modify All' option. In the case where there are no existing badge records in the badge range selected, the 'Create New Only' and the 'Create and/or Modify All' options will both perform the same function create only new records. o Create New Interlaced Records - You may have some existing badge records created, but the badge numbers are not contiguous (there are gaps in the numbering sequence), and you wish to create badge records that fill in all the missing gaps in the badge number sequence, and/or you perhaps wish to add more records to the beginning or the end of the badge records. However, you wish to add these new badges without changing the settings of any of the existing badge records. In this case, the 'Create New Only' option is the only option that will create new badge records in a badge range where there are existing records, and leave those existing records untouched. • Create New Records and Modify Existing Records - You may have some existing records that you want to modify and at the same time create some new records. You may wish to append more records to the beginning, in between, or at the end of the existing badge records. The 'Create and/or Modify All' feature will modify any existing badge records within the badge range specified in the 'Badge Range' fields, but it will also add new badge records for any badge numbers missing in that range. • Modify Existing Records Only - You may wish to scan the badge database and only modify records that are already found there. The 'Modify Existing Only' option will change the settings of existing 188 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L badge records, according to your selections in the Batch Save utility, but it will not create any new badges Run a Batch Save • Open the Batch Save Utility - To open the Batch Save utility, first open the Personnel screen (available from a button on the CardAccess main toolbar). Then click the 'Batch Modify' button on the Personnel screen toolbar Figure 295 - The Personnel Screen Batch Modify Button • Select the Badge Number Range - You need to tell the Batch Save utility the range of badge numbers to work on. Type the number into the 'Badge Range' fields. If you type the same badge number in the 'from' and 'to' fields, the batch utility will modify only 1 badge. Warning: The Batch Save utility will visit every record in the Personnel screen that you have included in the badge range that you specified. Be very careful which options you set, and especially which option you set in the ‘How to Handle a Range’ section controls. You run the risk of altering fields in records that you did not intend to alter Figure 296 - The Badge Range Fields • Select the Batch Save Range - You need to select the operating 'mode' of the Batch Save utility. The Batch Save utility can create only new badges, can create new badges and modify existing badges, or it can modify existing badges without creating any new badges. Select the mode you want in the 'How to Handle a Range' section Figure 297 - The How to Handle a Range Selections • Select the Fields - Once you have determined the mode that you wish to have the Batch Save utility operate in (see above), you need to tell the utility which fields in the selected Personnel records you want 189 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L to have changed. The 'Item' column includes the name of every Personnel screen field. Adjacent to every field name in the Item column is a check box (in the 'Include' field). If you select any check box by clicking it (checked is selected), the field selected will have its contents changed according to your other selections in the 'Value to be Set' fields of the Batch Save utility. If you leave any fields unchecked, those fields will not be altered by the Batch Save Utility. Figure 298 - The Item and Include Columns • Select the Default Values - If you have selected any fields to be altered by checking one or more check boxes in the 'Include' column, you can then select the values that will be placed into the selected Personnel screen field when the batch save takes place. Note that every record that falls within the selected badge number range will be given the value that is set in the Value to be Set column 190 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 299 - The Value to be Set Column There are five types of controls found in the Value to be Set column as follows: ! Spin Field - Usually a numeric field. Click the arrow button to the right of the field to locate a selection Figure 300 - A Spin Control Field ! Text Field - You are expected to type a line of text into a text field Figure 301 - A Text Field ! Combo Field - The combo field control displays a list of choices. Click the arrow to the right of a combo field to display the list of selections Figure 302 - A Combo Field Control ! Check Box Field - Click a check box field to enable an option (checked is enabled). Check boxes represent 'Boolean' fields of the CardAccess. Boolean fields can be either true or false. In the 191 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L CardAccess, boolean fields are most often used to indicate 'enabled' (true) or 'disabled' (false). Thus, if you want to enable a feature, check the check box Figure 303 - A Check Box Field ! Calendar Field - A calendar field is used to provide a fixed date value to the selected field. You may manually type in a date (of the form MM/DD/YY), or you can use the built in calendar by clicking the button (with the number 15 on it) to the right of the calendar field control Figure 304 - A Calendar Field Control • Select the Search Criteria - If you make a selection in the 'Batch Criteria' column, the operation of the Batch Save utility will be altered. Once you have made any selection in the batch criteria column, when the Batch Save utility runs, it will look for Personnel badge records that have the selected batch criteria, and it will modify the fields of only those records. Stated another way, the Batch Save utility will ignore any record that does not match the search criteria. Select a Batch Criteria in a case where you wish to search for badge records that have the specified settings, and you want to change some settings in only those records. The batch criteria search mode is ideal in a case where you wish to search for a specified value in each badge record, and if that setting is found, to replace it with a setting of your choosing. This will leave all records that do not match that setting untouched. The fields found in the Batch Criteria column are the same as shown above in the 'Select the Default Values' section 192 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N Figure 305 - The Batch Criteria Column 193 M A N U A L C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Batch Save Utility Screen Controls Figure 306 - The Batch Save Utility Screen The Batch Save utility allows you to change or create batches of personnel records in one, automatic operation. The individual controls of the Batch Save screen (Figure 295) are discussed below. Batch Save Screen Controls • Badge Range - The 'Badge Range' (from, to) fields set the range of badge numbers that the Batch Save utility will operate on. You may set the range anywhere from one badge (put the same badge number in the 'from' and 'to' fields) to as many badges as you like. However, note the following about the Batch Save utility o Must be supplied with a badge number range. The badge number range is the one required key field for the utility. All other fields are optional o The 'from' (on the left) number must be less than the ‘to’ number (on the right) o The utility will visit each Personnel screen badge record in the badge number range. Each record may or may not be affected, 194 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L depending on the option that you select in the 'How to Handle a Range' controls. Warning: The Batch Save utility will visit every record in the Personnel screen that you have included in the badge range that you specified. Be very careful which options you set, and especially which option you set in the ‘How to Handle a Range’ section controls. You run the risk of altering fields in records that you did not intend to alter To use the Badge Range Fields (Figure 296), type a number into the 'from' field (on the left), and type a number into the 'to' field (on the right). The number in the 'from' field must be greater than or equal to the number in the 'to' field Figure 307 - The Badge Range Fields • Batch Save Range - You have three options in the 'How to Handle a Range' section as explained below. o Create and/or Modify All - If this option is selected, the Batch Save utility will visit each record in the badge range selected and modify the fields selected. The selected fields of existing records will be modified according to the selections in the Batch Modify screen, and new records in the badge range will be created with the selected options if they do not exist. In a simple example, let's say that you have existing Personnel badge records with badge numbers of 1, 3 and 5 (there are no existing badge records with badge numbers of 2 & 4). You select the 'Create and/or Modify All' option in the How to Handle a Badge Range section and you also elect to enable the 'Enable' check box in each badge record. When you run the utility, it will visit each existing badge record and change the 'Enabled' field to the enabled state (unless already enabled). However, when the option is set to 'Create and or Modify', the utility will create any badge records that are found missing in the badge range. In the case of our example, the utility will create badge records for badge numbers 2 & 4, and it will modify the badge records of badge numbers 1, 3, and 5, which already exist. o Create New Only - If the 'Create New' option is selected, the utility will only create new badge records with the options you 195 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L select. The utility will 'pass over' any existing records that fall inside the selected badge range without changing them. In the example above, two new badges would be created (2 & 4), and the existing badges 1, 3 & 5 would remain unchanged o Modify Existing Only - If the 'Modify Existing Only' option is selected, the utility will not create any new badges in the selected badge range. The utility will only modify existing badge records with the selected settings Figure 308 - The Batch Save Range Selection Controls • Column Functions Figure 309 - The Batch Save Column Layout o Item Column - The 'Item' column basically contains a listing of every field found in the Personnel screen. By default no personnel fields are included in the batch save. You must select each field that you wish to include in the batch save by clicking the check box adjacent to the field label (see the Include column below) found in the Item Column field o Include Column - The 'Include' column contains the check boxes which are associated with the field labels in the Item column. You may click any or all check boxes to include the selected field in the batch save. Check is included, unchecked is not included o Value to be Set Column - The 'Value to be Set' column contains fields that you can use to set a default value for each selected field. The value selected in the Value to be Set column will be loaded into the selected control of each personnel record in the selected badge range. Remember the list of fields shown in the Batch Save utility actually represents every field found in the Personnel screen. As you would expect, some fields in the Personnel screen have small drop down menu selections available, some fields require that you type in a value, some fields require that you select a date, 196 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L etc. The controls in the Value to be Set column allow you to set a static value that will be loaded in to the selected fields of every badge record visited. If no selection is made in the Value to be Set column for a given field, the default value as decided by the Batch Save utility will be loaded into that field. There are five types of controls found in the Value to be Set column as follows ! Spin Field - Usually a numeric field. Click the arrow button to the right of the field to locate a selection Figure 310 - A Spin Control Field ! Text Field - You are expected to type a line of text into a text field Figure 311 - A Text Field ! Combo Field - The combo field control displays a list of choices. Click the arrow to the right of a combo field to display the list of selections Figure 312 - A Combo Field Control ! Check Box Field - Click a check box field to enable an option (checked is enabled). Check boxes represent 'boolean' fields of the CardAccess. Boolean fields can be either true or false. In the CardAccess, boolean fields are most often used to indicate 'enabled' (true) or 'disabled' (false). Thus, if you want to enable a feature, check the check box Figure 313 - A Check Box Field ! Calendar Field - A calendar field is used to provide a fixed date value to the selected field. You may manually type in a date (of the form MM/DD/YY), or you can use the built in 197 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L calendar by clicking the button (with the number 15 on it) to the right of the calendar field control Figure 314 - A Calendar Field Control o Batch Criteria Column - The fields found in the 'Batch Criteria' column are used when you wish to search the personnel records for a particular value and modify any personnel record where that value is found. Note that all records that do not have the selected search criteria will not be altered. Stated another way, the Batch Modify utility will search every personnel record for the values set in the fields of the Batch Criteria column. If any records are found to have the searched for values, only those records will be changed to the settings that have been selected in the Batch Save utility 'Include' and 'Value to be Set' columns. All records not matching the search criteria set in the Batch Criteria column will not be touched. There are two types of fields found in the Batch Criteria column ! Combo Field - The combo field control displays a list of choices. Click the arrow to the right of a combo field to display the list of selections Figure 315 - A Combo Field Control ! Calendar Field - A calendar field is used to provide a fixed date value to the selected field. You may manually type in a date (of the form MM/DD/YY), or you can use the built in calendar by clicking the button (with the number 15 on it) to the right of the calendar field control Figure 316 - A Calendar Field Control • Send Badges to Panels Check Box - As you can well understand, the Batch Save utility can be used to modify possibly thousands of personnel records. Some of the changes that are made to those records could change the access permissions of those badge holders. This makes it vitally important to get the change information to every hardware access control panel as soon as possible. 198 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L However, in a large system changes to thousands of cards could cause a massive download that could disable the system for a period of time until the download has completed. To prevent a possible system lack of availability due to large scale badge downloads, the system is set up not to trigger a badge data download at the end of the batch save operation. This means that you will need to manually download each panel (or all panels at once) to get the changed personnel data to the panels (it won't happen automatically). This option allows you to decide when to download updated badges to the access control system. If you prefer to have all changed badge records downloaded automatically to the panels when the Batch Save utility completes, click the 'Send Badges to Panels' option check box (checked means that the utility will trigger a download when completed) Figure 317 - The Send Badges to Panels Check Box • Execute Button - Click the 'Execute' button to start the batch operation Figure 318 - The Execute Button • Cancel Button - Click the 'Cancel' button to stop the batch operation and close the Batch Save screen. It is strongly recommended that you do not click the Cancel button during a batch operation. Let the operation complete to prevent unexpected consequences Figure 319 - The Cancel Button 199 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Badge Holders In List Figure 320 – The Badge Holders In List Screen The purpose of the Badge Holders In screen, available from the Access menu on the CardAccess main toolbar, is to display a list, commonly called a ‘muster list’, of all badge holders that have entered a building. This list might generally be helpful in an emergency situation where the building would need to be evacuated. The muster list could be printed out and used as a check list to be sure that all tenants in a given building have been evacuated safely, and have rallied together at a ‘muster point’. You will notice in Figure 320 that there are several badge holders listed in the view area of the screen. It is important to note that the CardAccess system (and the In List) needs to have some way to determine who has passed into a given building and who has passed out of that building. In a standard access control system, an access card is read at a door and that door is opened, but no note is made whether that access was into or out of the building. All that is known is that the cardholder has accessed a door. The way to be more certain who has entered a building and who has left that building is to adopt a more ‘disciplined’ approach to access. In the more disciplined approach, we establish one door as an IN door, and a second door as an OUT door. We require all entrants to a building to enter through the IN door and to leave via the OUT door. This makes logging who is in the building and who is not, somewhat easier. 200 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L The CardAccess system has settings to establish a door as an ‘IN’ door or an ‘OUT’ door. Those settings are found in the Readers screen, on the Options tab. Readers are being discussed at this point because the Badge Holders In screen and the Readers screen are linked. At least one IN reader must exist before the Badge Holders In screen will begin logging badge holder activity. Let’s look at the set up required for In List operation in more detail. As we have stated, the In List will not operate unless you set up at least one reader as an ‘IN’ reader. The IN List is gathered from system event messages that are received from all readers that have been set up as T&A or APB readers. The messages from other types of readers are ignored by the Badge Holder In List screen. The readers screen let’s you set up two different types of IN & OUT readers. Warning – You cannot set APB and T&A active on the same reader. The reader must be set to one type or the other • Time & Attendance IN Reader – The Time and Attendance function is applied to a reader if you wish to have a ‘passive’ notation that a badge holder passed through an IN or OUT type reader. T&A readers do not restrict the number of times you can enter or exit through the same reader, but they do generate an event message for every attempt that is made. When you pass through a T&A reader, two things happen. o A special event message is generated – “Badge Clock-IN” or “Badge Clock-OUT” o A database notation is made as to whether the badge holder that passed through the reader is IN the building or OUT of the building IN • Figure 321 – The Readers Screen T&A Control – T&A Type Set to Anti-Passback IN Reader – The Anti-Passback function is more stringent than the T&A function. With APB, you can set the readers up to refuse multiple card reads from the same card. You can force a badge holder to exit through an exit reader before entering through an entry reader. When you pass through an APB reader, several things happen. 201 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L o A special event message is generated – “Badge Entry” or “Badge Exit” o A database notation is made as to whether the badge holder that passed through the reader is IN the building or OUT of the building o The badge holder is prevented from re-entering the same door IN Figure 322 – The Readers Screen APB Control – APB Type Set to The choices available in the ‘Time&Attendance Type’ control and the ‘APB Type’ control are the same. You can set a T&A or an APB reader up as an • IN Reader – Swipe the card, the system logs that card as IN • OUT Reader – Swipe the card, the system logs that card as OUT • IN & OUT Reader – Swipe the card once, the system logs that card as IN. Swipe the same card again at the same reader, in the opposite direction and the system logs that card as OUT So now you are aware that T&A or APB must be set up on (some) readers in order to get the Badge Holders In screen to begin logging activity. Once you have readers designated as IN and OUT readers (T&A or APB does not matter), the Badge Holders In list automatically begins logging which badge holders are (technically) IN. If a badge holder passes through an IN reader, that badge holder is considered IN by the system. If that same badge holder subsequently passes through an OUT reader, that badge holder is considered OUT by the system. If a badge holder is considered IN by the system, that badge holder’s name will appear in the Badge Holders In list screen. When the badge holder passes through an OUT reader, that badge holder’s name is removed from the Badge Holders In List screen. 202 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L The In list screen updates automatically when new badge holders are admitted through an IN Reader. Thus, if you leave the screen open, you will see names added or deleted from the In list dynamically. Set Up the Badge Holders In Screen Lets’ look at the controls on the Badge Holders In screen. • Select Reader – Note that you can designate any number of doors as IN doors. When you open the Badge Holders In screen, that screen will display badge holder status messages from any and all IN readers in the system (by default). You may wish to filter the screen to view the badge holder IN status messages from just one reader. To filter the Badgeholders In screen to view the messages from a single door, do the following. o Click the Button – Click the Select Reader button Figure 323 – The Select Reader Button o Click the Arrow – Click the arrow to the right of the selection control o Use the scroll bar – Scroll up or down to locate the reader who’s badge holder IN status that you wish to see o Click Your Selection – The screen is now filtered to display badge IN status messages for card holders from your selected reader only • Print Report – Clicking this button prints a hard copy of the muster list. This button is grayed out when there are no badge holders listed in the view window Figure 324 – Badge Holders In List Print Report Button • Auto Refresh – If this feature is enabled (the box is checked), the screen will update every 8 seconds and refresh the display to include the most recent badge holder entries and exits. If this feature is not selected, the refresh engine is turned off and the only way to refresh the screen is to close and reopen it, or select a different reader from the Select Reader control. 203 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 325 – Badge Holders In List Auto Refresh Check Box • Exit – Closes the Badge Holders In screen Figure 326 – Badge Holders In List Exit Button • Status Bar – Indicates the total number of badge holders that are displayed in the Badge Holders In list. This is helpful in the case of an emergency. You will know the total number of people to be accounted for Figure 327 – Badge Holders In List Status Bar 204 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Access Groups What is an Access Group The “Access Group” is an access ‘template’ that once created, is designed to be assigned to one or more badge holders (see Personnel). This access template contains a list of the doors that those badge holders are allowed access to. To illustrate the problem that is solved by the Access Group, let’s look at the following example. Say we have three eight door panels, for a total of 24 doors. All of these panels are in the same building and control interior and exterior doors. Say we have 100 employees working in this building and each of them has access to various doors, none of them is allowed access to every door. Thus from a technical standpoint, we are asking the access control panels to accept or reject cardholders depending on their permission to access a given door. For the moment, let’s call this ‘door level access’. Further, even if an employee is allowed at a given door, we may not want them to be in the building during certain hours of the day. Let’s call this ‘time schedule level access’. So there are basically two things we want to limit for each employee. Which doors they are permitted to use, and what times of the day they are allowed to use those doors. So how do we program the Continental access control panels to accept or reject a badge holder at a certain door, at certain times? We use a utility screen called ‘Access Groups’. The Access Groups screen is a utility window where you will create an ‘access template’ for a cardholder or a group of cardholders. Each template has a listing of all of the card readers in the system, and you selectively activate some or all of those readers by assigning time schedules to them. Once you have created an Access Group, that Access Group template will ‘do nothing’ until you assign it to a badge holder. The very reason for creating Access Groups is so that we can attach them to badge holders. 205 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Once you assign an Access Group to a badge holder, that badge holder ‘inherits’ the access control template described by the Access Group definition. Let’s look at the anatomy of the Access Groups screen (Figure 328). The screen is divided into two halves. The top half of the screen contains the main toolbar and a view window where you will see a listing of all of the Access Groups that you create. Figure 328 – Access Groups Utility Screen The bottom half of the screen shows a listing of all of the readers that have been (previously) programmed into the CardAccess Readers screen (available from the Configuration menu). Every reader in the system will be displayed here (Figure 329). 206 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 329 – Example Access Groups Readers List with Schedules Assigned When you create an access group, you are expected to scan the list of readers, and selectively assign schedules to some or all of those readers. You can create Access Groups that: • Have no schedules assigned to any reader. This is an Access Group that will have access to ‘no doors’ (although this is a waste of an access group, the system will let you create it). • Have a schedule assigned to one reader in the list. This is an Access Group that grants access to one door only. • Have schedules assigned to every reader. This Access Group grants access to every door in the system. • Have numerous, different schedules assigned to any number of doors. This Access group will allow access to several doors, but (perhaps) at different times of the day. Let’s look at the details of the access group in Figure 328. • There is a time schedule assigned to doors 2-1 and 2-2 called “24/7/365”. The 24/7/365 time schedule from the Schedules screen is displayed below in Figure 330. Notice that the schedule runs from Monday to Holiday (every day of the year) and 12:00AM to 12:00AM (24 hours) • Door 1-1 has no time schedule assigned 207 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 330 – Time Schedules Screen – 24/7/365 Schedule So, the access group in Figure 119 is an access template that grants access to ‘two doors on panel two’ and ‘no doors on panel one’, every day of the year, at all hours of the day. Knowing what we know now, we can say that the above access group grants access to two doors of the system and that those doors will be available 24 hours per day, and every day of the year. The previous paragraph is an important step toward being able to create an access group. At some point before access groups are created, someone, usually the CardAccess administrator, needs to sit down and work out these access control templates. You begin the task by listing all of the cardholders in the system and deciding who should have access to what doors, and at what time of the day. It is likely that some group of card holders, such as all card holders that belong to a given department, will have similar access needs and will be able to use the same access template. For example, we determine that all employees, that are not managers, from the Human Resources department need to arrive at work at 8am and leave at 5pm. Let’s agree that we have created an employee ‘Employee Entrance’ door and that these Human Resources employees will be required to enter and leave by this door, but only during business hours. Further, all employees are allowed access to the company cafeteria. The resulting Access Group will look something like figure 267 below. 208 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 331 – Access Groups Example Note the following. • We have given the Access Group a clearly descriptive name, “Human Resources" Warning – A caution about ‘labeling’. There is no error checking on the name you assign to something. Thus, you could create a time schedule that includes only weekend hours (or no hours what-so-ever), but you could call it Weekdays, Business Hours. Therefore, when you are programming Access Groups and using schedules from the Schedules screen, you are strongly advised to check to be sure that the operation of a given schedule matches the name of that schedule. • We have given the Human Resources department access to only two doors – the “Cafeteria” and the “Employee Entrance” • The access to these two doors is limited to “Weekdays, Business Hours” 209 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Once you create access groups, it’s important to remember that these access groups don’t actually do anything until they are assigned to Personnel records. The next section describes the Personnel screen Access Groups controls. Personnel Access Group Controls If you go to the Access menu and click Personnel, you will see the Personnel utility window (see figure below). This is the control surface that you will use to create Personnel records. We will only examine the Access Group controls in this section. Please see the section on Personnel for more specific information on the Personnel screen. Figure 332 – Personnel Screen In the above figure, the Access Group controls are all highlighted with square boxes. The function of these controls is explained in the following sections. 210 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Remember that you must be in Edit Mode in most CardAccess screens in order to change the settings of any control. You enter edit mode by clicking the ‘New’ button (to create a new record) or the ‘Edit’ button (to edit an existing record). The buttons are located on the top toolbar. Press ‘Save’ when you are done to save the changes you have made. Figure 333 – Access Group Controls Access Group 1 & 2 Controls There are two Access Group controls available in each Personnel record. Each control will accept one access group. You are allowed to assign a maximum of two access groups per badge holder when using these controls. If you elect to assign only one access group to a given badge holder, you can assign that access group in either control, Access Group 1 or Access Group 2. The system does not care about the order in which you use the access group controls. When you click the arrow to the right of the Access Group 1 or 2 controls, a list box appears that shows all of the access groups that you (previously) created in the Access Groups utility screen. You can choose any one of those access groups listed. Click the toolbar ‘Save’ button to store the change. An example of how to efficiently use these two access groups follows. Say we have a department in a corporation. The employees of that department have access only to the entry door of their department. The manager of their department needs access to their department entry door and to the manager’s hallway. One possible solution for the case above is to create two access groups. The first access group allows the employees access to their departmental entry door only. The second access group is set to allow access to the manager’s hallway only. 211 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L You assign the access group that gives departmental access to the general employees. So they get only one access group for each personnel record. You assign two access groups to the manager. One access group gives access to the manager’s hallway and the other gives access to the departmental entry. Access Group Expiration Date If you refer to figure 3, note that on the right side of the control cluster, there are two ‘calendar controls’, one for Access Group 1 and another for Access Group 2. If you fill in an expiration date for either access group (or both), that access group will be removed from that card holder at the end of the day on the indicated date. That is, the access group that is set in that control will be removed from that cardholder after midnight at the end of the indicated day, and that access group will revert to ‘not used’. When an access group is taken away from a cardholder because the expiration date has been reached, that change is automatically downloaded to the panels where that cardholder had access. Access is removed. Dedicated Access There are actually two ways to create an access group. We have already discussed using the Access Groups screen to create an access group. You can also create an access group from inside the Personnel record of the cardholder that you are editing. This type of access group is called ‘Dedicated Access’. It’s called dedicated access because, when you create an access group from inside a Personnel record, that access group is ‘bound’ to that cardholder. It becomes a ‘personal’ access group. It is ‘dedicated’ to that person. Creating a dedicated access group is a two-step process. First you need to check the ‘Dedicated Access’ check box in the Personnel record that you are editing (Figure 334). 212 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 334 – Dedicated Access Checkbox Once you check the Dedicated Access check box, several things happen. The Access Group 2 selector control disappears and a Dedicated Access folder tab appears in the Personnel record that you are currently editing (Figure 335). Figure 335 – Dedicated Access Folder Tab If you are using dedicated access for a given card holder, you are allowed to create only one (dedicated) access group for that user. That’s why the second access group selector control disappears. The Access Group Expiration Date works the same on a dedicated access group as it does on a standard access group. When you click the Dedicated Access tab, you will notice that you are presented with a list of readers, just as you were in the Access Groups screen. This screen does work exactly like the Access Groups screen. You scan down the list of readers and select a time schedule for whichever reader(s) that you want to assign to this cardholder. When you are done, save the changes. 213 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L The primary difference between a dedicated access group and a standard access group is that the dedicated access group belongs to only one cardholder. The dedicated access group is created in a cardholder’s badge record, and that dedicated access group ‘belongs’ to that cardholder alone. Once created, dedicated access groups do not appear in the standard access group’s utility screen. However, every dedicated access group that is created does use up an access group number, just like a standard access group. The CardAccess permits a maximum of 1000 access groups. Every dedicated access group and standard access group that you create is subtracted from the total number available. Create an Access Group To create an access group do the following. • Click the ‘Access’ button on the Main Toolbar or click the ‘Access Groups’ menu item available from the Access menu Figure 336 – Access Groups Button • Click the New button on the Access Groups screen toolbar • Create a name for your access group in the Description field Figure 337 – Access Groups Description Field • Now you will need to add time schedules to selected readers. Use the scroll bar on the lower right portion of the screen to scroll through the list of readers. When you find a reader that you want to add a schedule to, double click the words ‘Not Used’ under the ‘Time Schedule’ column. A list of time schedules will appear. Scroll up and down the list to find a selection. Click to select it. Repeat the process for every reader that you want to include in your access group. If a list of readers does not appear, see Readers for more information about creating reader definitions. The cardholder that uses your access group will be denied entry at every reader that says ‘Not Used’. 214 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 338 – Access Groups Screen – Reader Time Schedule Section • When done click the Save button • Click the Close button Access Group Templates There is a button on the Access Groups screen called ‘Get Template’ (Figure 339). This button allows you to select another access group that was previously created, as your basis for a new access group. The template is a time saving feature that allows you to load all of the settings from another access group into the current access group. To use the feature do the following. • Click the Get Template button Figure 339 – Access Group Screen Get Template Button • Click the arrow to the right of the ‘Select Access Group Template’ field to show the access groups list Figure 340 – Select Access Group Template Utility Screen • • Scroll up or down the list to locate your selection Select an access group from the list by clicking on it 215 C A R D A C C E S S • 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L The selection screen closes and the settings from your selection are loaded into the current access group after you click it Delete an Access Group To delete an access group do the following. • Click the ‘Access’ button on the Main Toolbar or click the ‘Access Groups’ menu item available from the Access menu Figure 341 – Access Groups Button • Select the access group that you want to delete by using the scrollbar to scroll up or down the view window until you see the selection. Then click on the selection that you want to delete • Click the Delete button on the Access Groups screen toolbar • Close the Access Groups screen Edit an Access Group To edit an access group do the following. • Click the ‘Access’ button on the Main Toolbar or click the ‘Access Groups’ menu item available from the Access menu Figure 342 – Access Groups Button • • Select the access group that you want to edit by using the scrollbar to scroll up or down the view window until you see the selection. Then click on the selection that you want to edit Click the Edit button on the Access Groups screen toolbar • • When you are done editing the record, click the Save button Close the Access Groups screen 216 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Find Usage Utility Figure 343 – The Find Usage Screen The Find Usage screen, available from the Access menu, is a multipurpose utility that will allow you to generate a variety of system statistics. You will note that the screen is divided into three functionally different sections, explained below. • Counts – You can use this section of the screen to query the CardAccess database and display the number badges and access groups to be stored at a give panel • Time Schedules – You can use this section of the screen to examine how Time Schedules are assigned in the CardAccess database. You may wish to know which hardware devices use a particular time schedule, or which time schedules have been created but have not yet been assigned to any devices 217 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L • Access Groups – You can use this section of the screen to examine how Access Groups are assigned in the CardAccess database. You may wish to know which badges (or how many) use a particular access group, or which access groups have been created but have not yet been assigned to any badge holders We will examine the operation and use of the controls in each section in more detail below. Panel Statistics (Counts) The Find Usage screen section called ‘Counts’ is used to display panel configuration statistics. These statistics can be useful in determining if panels in the system are storing configuration data correctly. The general process of examining panel statistics is to verify that the data reported by a given panel matches the database programming for that panel. In a case where the two reports don’t match, it means that configuration data for that panel may not have downloaded properly, a situation that would certainly warrant immediate corrective action. Regarding the analysis of panel statistics and panel data downloads in general; there are three panel error conditions that the CardAccess administrator should be aware of. • Overflow – Panel data overflow conditions generate warning alert messages in the CardAccess main screen, usually in the Alerts Grid. Overflows occur when the host computer attempts to send more configuration data than a panel’s memory can store. This problem has most commonly occurred when panel memory size has not been increased, and the download of an excess number of badges records is attempted. • Underflow – This condition occurs when the panel has not stored all of the configuration data that the database indicates should be downloaded to that panel. This can be typically due to a communication error. This problem can be located by using diagnostic tools, but there may not be an error event messages associated with it. • Logic Error – This condition occurs when the panel logic has been disrupted and configuration memory gets corrupted or lost. A power spike or dip coupled with low backup battery voltages may set the stage for this type of problem. The panel might then possibly begin ‘misreporting’ statistical numbers, and possibly denying previously valid cardholders. 218 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Thus, when it becomes necessary to examine panel configuration memory behavior, you will find the Find Usage utility, Counts section, useful. The Find Usage utility will only report the database programming settings for a given panel. To read statistical counters from the actual panel memory, you need to use the Host polling diagnostic window (Figure 344). Figure 344 – Host Polling Diagnostics Window – One Panel Shown The Host diagnostic window data is obtained by directly querying the panel (‘request for status’ messages). The Find Usage utility screen information is obtained by querying the database (SQL query). This gives you the ability to compare how many badges and access groups a given panel claims are stored, against what the database says there should be. Let’s look at how to use these two tools in conjunction with each other. To open the host polling diagnostic window, do the following. • Double Click the Host Icon – Locate the Host icon in your Windows taskbar system tray (Figure 345) and double click it. Figure 345 – The Host System Tray Icon • Click the Host Icon – This will bring up a second icon in the main Windows taskbar (Figure 346). Click that icon, and the Host diagnostic window opens, revealing statistics on every active panel in the system. Figure 346 – The Host Taskbar Icon You will notice in the above Figure 344 that there are several information columns in the host polling status window. The meaning of each column is briefly explained below. 219 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L • Panel – This is the panel number of the panel whose data is being viewed (taken from the Panels screen, available from the Configuration menu). • Version – This is the firmware version of the panel firmware. • State – This is the panel’s current communication status. • TZ Blks – This is the number of time zone blocks stored at the panel. • Max Cards – This is the maximum number of badge records that can be stored by the panel memory. • Card Cnt – This is the actual number of cards that is stored at the panel. • Exp Mem – This is the total number of expanded memory blocks (each block represents 4k bytes). • Xacts – This is the number of event transactions that are being buffered in panel memory, waiting to be sent to the CardAccess host polling computer. • AG Blks – This is the total number of Access Group blocks that are stored at the panel. • Errors – This is the total number of times the panel was polled but did not respond. • Retry Fail – This is the total number of times the panel failed to respond to a group of three successive polls. In order to compensate for possible communications line problems, the panel is polled three times before being considered ‘non-responsive’ (a ‘Retry Fail’). For the purposes of this discussion about the Find Usage utility, we will only be interested in the data found under the columns marked ‘Card Cnt’ and ‘AG Blks,’ in the Host diagnostic window. The reason that we are interested in these two fields particularly is because these fields are also represented in the Find Usage utility as ‘Total Badges’ and ‘Total Blocks’ respectively. 220 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Use the Counts Section To get panel statistics using the Find Usage screen Counts section, do the following. Figure 347 – The Find Usage Counts Section • Open Find Usage – Open the Find Usage utility, available from the ‘Access’ menu • Enter a Panel Number – In the field called ‘Panel’, type in the panel number of the panel that you want statistics on. The ‘panel number’ refers to the number of the panel, in the ‘PnlNo’ column, in the Panels screen, available from the Configuration menu (Figure 348) Figure 348 – Panels Screen – Panel Number Field • Click a Field – Click in either the ‘Total Badges’ field, the ‘Total Acc Groups field, or the ‘total blocks’ field (Figure 349). Clicking once on any of those fields will start a database query, which will return the requested statistics. The system will momentarily go busy, and then you will get results printed in each of the three fields mentioned. You only need to click once, in any of the three ‘blue colored’ fields to start the query. 221 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 349 – The Find Usage Counts Section After you have brought up the panel database settings in the Find Usage utility, do the following. • Open Host – Open the Host diagnostic window. • Compare – Compare the Total Badges field in the Find Usage utility against the Card Cnt field in the Host window. The numbers should match. • Compare – Compare the Total Blocks field in the Find Usage utility against the Ag Blks field in the Host window. The numbers should match. • Verify – If the numbers don’t match, you will need to re-download data to the panel. For more information, see the section of the manual entitled Panels. Show Schedule Usage Figure 350 – The Show Schedule Usage Control Set The ‘Show Schedule Usage’ button is located in the ‘Time Schedules’ section of the Find Usage utility. You can use this function to create a list of devices that have a given schedule assigned. The Show Scheduled Usage button works in conjunction with the combo box above it. To use the function, do the following. 222 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L • Open Find Usage – Open the Find Usage utility, available from the ‘Access’ menu • Select a Schedule – Click the arrow to the right of the box above the Show Schedule Usage button. Select a schedule from the list • Click Show Schedule Usage – When you click the Show Schedule Usage button, a results window will open on the left side of the Find Usage window with the results of your query (Figure 351). If your schedule is used by one or more hardware devices, you will see those devices listed in the results window (Figure 351). Note that in the below result set, the time schedule 24/7/365 is used by seven devices. Note also that each device type is labeled with a highlighted listing title (e.g. <<<Readers>>>, etc.). Also note that the last item listed is an Access Group, not a hardware device. The time schedules Find Usage search will bring up any software or hardware item in the CardAccess database that uses a given schedule. In this example case, the Access Group ‘24/7/365 All Doors’ has at least one reader with the 24/7/365 time schedule assigned. Figure 351 – Schedules Query Result - Items Found 223 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L If your selected schedule is not used by any devices, the results window will open empty (Figure 352). Figure 352 – Schedules Query Result - No Items Found Show Unused Time Schedules Figure 353 – The (Show) Unused Time Schedules Button Clicking the ‘Unused Time Schedules’ button will bring up a listing of all time schedules that have not been assigned. Any schedule that appears in the list is not used by any hardware device or software function. 224 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Show Access Group Usage Figure 354 – The Show Access Grp Usage Control Set The ‘Show Access Grp Usage’ control set allows you to select an access group and see which badge holders have that access group assigned. To use the Show Access Grp Usage feature, do the following. • Open Find Usage – Open the Find Usage utility, available from the ‘Access’ menu • Select an Access Group– Click the arrow to the right of the box above the ‘Show Access Grp Usage’ button. Select an access group from the list • Click the Show Access Grp Button – When you click the Show Access Grp button, a results window will open on the left side of the Find Usage window with the results of your query (Figure 355). All badges that appear in the results window have the chosen access group assigned in the ‘Access Group 1’ or ‘Access Group 2’ field (or both) in the Personnel screen (see Personnel for more information). Note that badge numbers and cardholder names are listed. Also note that the total number of badges that use the selected access group appears under the results window. 225 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 355 – Show Access Group Usage Results – Items Found Note if you select an access group that is not assigned to any badge holder, the results window will open empty (Figure 356) 226 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 356 – Show Access Group Usage Results – No Items Found Show Unused Access Groups Figure 357 – The Unused Access Groups Button Clicking the ‘Unused Access Groups’ button will bring up a listing of all Access Groups that have not been assigned to cardholders. Any access group that appears in the list has not been assigned to anyone. 227 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Badge Formats Badge formats are one of the more technical aspects of CardAccess programming. The goal of this section is to simplify the subject for the CardAccess administrator. It is important to have a firm understanding of badge formats both for troubleshooting badge related problems, and in being able to create custom badge formats where necessary. One of the most useful benefits of the CardAccess software and hardware is its flexibility. When the panels arrive from the factory, they have only a small amount of on board programming. Almost all of the configuration programming for the access panels is done from the CardAccess software. Some of this programming includes badge formats. Badge formats are not pre-programmed into the panels. Formats are created in a badge format creation screen in the CardAccess software, and then those formats are ‘downloaded’ (as serial data) to the panels. Once the formats have been stored by the panel, the panel is then programmed to ‘recognize’ those badge format types. There are a number of ‘industry standard’ badge format designs that can be used, so you don’t have to create badge formats from scratch. In fact, there are several industry standard formats preprogrammed into the Badge Formats screen. We will discuss those shortly. It’s also important to note that the CardAccess system designer can design and implement a completely unique badge format. The system allows you to design badge formats from scratch, program those formats onto cards, and have the access panels recognize this ‘proprietary’ format. The system is that flexible. Let’s look at existing badge formats in some detail. This will lead us to better understand the decision making process that one might use to choose one format over another or to decide when to create your own format. 228 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L What is a Badge Format In order to understand badge formats, we must first look at what actually happens when the system reads a badge. You are most likely familiar with the typical hardware configuration of an access control system. Typically, we have some kind of card reader connected through wires to an access control panel, and that panel is in turn, connected through wires to a computer. In the case of Continental Instruments designed access control systems, the panel is programmed with local intelligence. It is the panel locally that makes all of the decisions on who will gain access through a given door. The PC connection mostly exists to receive history and status messages from the panel about what access attempts have taken place. The ‘access scenario’ most often seen at an entry door is, a cardholder steps up to a reader with an access card, and presents that card to a card reader. But what is actually happening at the reader? How does the reader get data from the badge? (For the purpose of this discussion, we assume that the card type used is designed to match the reader type used. That is, we get a successful read each time.) Every access card is ‘encoded’ with some kind of ‘data string’. Essentially, some information is programmed into the card, and that information is ‘dumped’ to the reader when the card is presented to the appropriate reader type. The reader (somehow) activates the card (the technology used to activate the card varies with the reader and card design) and the data content of that card is dumped to the reader memory (the card activates, dumps its data contents, then ‘shuts off’). The reader then forwards that data stream to the panel, which evaluates it. The data that is actually sent from the card to the reader is an unintelligible string of ‘data bits’ that looks like Figure 358. Figure 358 – Typical String of Card Data Bits (36 Bit Format) 101110111000111110000111110101111111 It is the “badge format” that gives description to this meaningless string of data bits. The badge format tells the panel how to divide the data bits into several logical (sub) groups of bits. Each sub-group of data bits is assigned a meaning, which is defined by the badge format. 229 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L At this point, it’s helpful to look at the type of information that gets conveyed from the badge to the access control panel. What things might we want to know about a badge holder from the data stream on his access card? The answer to that question will define a badge format. The total number of bits needed on the badge will depend on how many data fields are needed on that badge. Let’s dissect the (industry standard) 36-bit format for an example. Embedded in this format is a Facility Code (16 bits), a Badge Number (16 bits) and an Issue Level (2 bits). These fields are explained in greater detail elsewhere in the manual but for now, let’s concentrate on the badge format itself. You may have noticed that we have not accounted for two bits of the 36 total bits (16+16+2=34). The first bit and the last bit of this format are part of a checking calculation. We discuss how this calculation is performed later in this section. Figure 359 – 36 Bit (Weigand) Format P FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB I I P In Figure 359 above, the 36-bit format graphic shown is divided into five subsections. The system knows to ‘parse’ the bit stream into the subsections shown above, because that information is programmed into the Badge Formats screen (see Figure 360 below). The 36 bit example we have been discussing is taken from the actual badge “Format 1” that is one of the four predefined badge formats that Continental has created for you. Figure 360 is a picture of the definition for Format 1, from the Badge Formats screen. Let’s look at how this format is generally constructed and that will explain the entries in this screen. 230 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 360 - 36 Bit Format Let’s look at each entry you see above in each field of Figure 360. • Format No. – This is a format number automatically assigned by the system. Quick Tip – A maximum of 10 badge formats are allowed • • • • • • • Name – This is a descriptive text label that the user will give to the format. Badge Format Type – There are four badge format types to choose from. o ABA – ABA is a standard created by the American Banking Association o Non ABA – A format not adhering to the ABA standard o Insertion – A bi-directional format designed to be used with swipe or o Insertion type readers o Key - A format designed to be used with Weigand key badges Bit/Char Length – Non-ABA badge formats are decoded as bits. ABA formats are decoded as characters. This control selects the total number bits or characters found in the format. Enter the number of bits for a non-ABA format and the number of characters for an ABA format Badge ID – Details the string location and length of the badge number. Facility – Details the string location and length of the facility code. Issue – Details the string location and length of the issue number. Even Parity – Details the string location and length of even parity calculation 231 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L • Odd Parity – Details the string location and length of the parity calculation Quick Tip – In the Badge ID, Facility and Issue fields, enter the Length as number of bits for non-ABA, and as number of characters for ABA formats Bit Position, Offset and Length Some explanation of the engineering terms ‘Bit Position’, ‘Offset’ and ‘Length’ is needed. Both Figure 361 and Figure 362 below depict the same 36-bit format. Both figures are identical except for the bit position numbering method used. Figure 67 shows the count of bits from left to right numbered sequentially, starting with the leftmost bit as bit #1. Figure 68 is also numbered sequentially from left to right, but the count starts at ‘0’. The reason for this is that, in the bit offset method of counting bits, the leftmost bit (bit ‘0’ location) is used as a reference point to locate the rest of the bits in the string. Each bit is counted as being so many places to the right of the first, or ‘zero’ bit. So ‘offset’ means ‘offset to the right of the first bit in the bit string’ (the first bit has a zero offset, the second bit is offset one bit to the right of the first bit, the third bit is offset two bits to the right of the first, etc.). Figure 361 – Bit Positions – 36 Bit Format 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 Figure 362 – Bit Offsets – 36 Bit Format 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 When you type in the ‘Offset’ and ‘Length’ in the Badge Formats screen (Figure 360), what you are really saying to the software is, “when you see a bit stream from a badge, count n bits to the right of the leftmost bit. Then count off the next n bits, stop counting, and use the bits you have just stored as the Badge Number (or the Facility Code, etc.). 232 232 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L In the specific case of the standard, Continental supplied 36-bit format, the first bit is a parity check bit. Then you count one bit to the right of the first bit, and you are located on the first bit of the Facility Code. You then count 15 more bits to the right and you find the last bit of the Facility code information. If you then count off the next 16 bits, you will find the Badge Number. The next two bits are the Reissue number. The last bit is another parity check bit (see Figure 363). Figure 363 – 36 Bit Badge Data Format with Fields Delineated and Labeled P Code 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8Facility 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21Badge 22 23Number 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Issue P If we now take a close look at Figure 360 and compare what you see in each field of Figure 360 to Figure 363, you will see that both figures represent two different ways to describe the same data structure. Figure 360 describes the badge data string using numeric coordinates. Figure 363 is a graphic representation of the numeric coordinates described in Figure 360. The information that is filled into the Offset and Length fields of a badge format, tells the (panel) software where in the badge data string to look for Facility Code, Badge Number and other data items included in the data string. So, when we are creating badge formats (in the Badge Formats screen), we are actually telling the system how to ‘decode’ strings of data bits from the readers. The system does this by counting the bits as they are received and then parsing those bits into groups of bits. What those groups of bits represent is described in the Badge Formats screen by the titles on each of the fields (‘Badge ID’, ‘Facility’, ‘Issue’, etc.). When you set up your system, it is imperative that you have a badge format in the Badge Formats screen that exactly matches the type of badge you intend to use. If one bit is unaccounted for in your format, the entire system may not read badges. This means that you must know what type of badge format you intend to use for your system, and you must be sure it is programmed correctly. 233 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Fortunately, the CardAccess software already has four industry standard, time tested badge formats pre-programmed into the Badge Formats screen. Let’s examine each of those. Predefined Badge Formats Figure 364 – Badge Formats Screen Notice in Figure 364 that there are four badge formats displayed. These are the standard four badge formats that are preprogrammed and shipped with the CardAccess. A short explanation of each format follows below. 234 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Format 1 – Insertion 36 Bit Format Figure 365 – Format 1 - 36 Bit Insertion Format Figure 366 – Format 1 - 36 Bit Weigand/HID Data Structure Odd Parity Calculation OP Even Parity Calculation Facility Code Badge Number Issue EP 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 The specifications for this format follow. • • • • • • • • • The badge format type is set to Insertion This data format is 36 bits long The data string starts (read left to right) with an odd parity bit The odd parity calculation is performed on the left most eighteen bits The next sixteen bits are the facility code The next sixteen bits are the badge number The next two bits are the issue level The data string ends with and even parity bit The even parity calculation is performed on the right most eighteen bits 235 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L This 36 bit format can be used with Weigand swipe readers, HID 36 bit proximity readers and Recognition systems 36 bit Biometric hand and fingerprint readers. Any device using the 36 bit format will work ‘out of the box’ using this predefined format. A reader does not have to be an ‘Insertion’ type to work with this 36 bit format. See below for more details. The ‘Insertion’ badge format type (historically) refers to a type of Weigand brand reader that has a slot in it, which accepts an access badge. This type of reader is unique because it is one of several designs of readers that allow the bit stream from a badge to be read forward and backward (one simply turns the card around, and inserts it the opposite way around). Note that the (Weigand) ‘swipe’ type reader also allows you to read a badge bit stream forward and backward (swipe in the opposite direction, as opposed to turning the card around). Time and Attendance logging is a CardAccess related application where reading a bit stream backwards would be helpful. When setting up the system for Time and Attendance logging, you have the option to use two separate readers, one set up as an IN reader, and one set up as an OUT reader. However, using one reader to read both the IN and OUT card swipes would lower the total cost of the access control project. Using one reader for T&A IN and OUT is permitted by the system. So, if you were to use a swipe type reader for this application, when clocking IN you would swipe your badge in a forward motion, when clocking out you swipe your badge in the opposite direction. When you create a badge format and set it as ‘Insertion’ type, the Continental access control panels become programmed to evaluate the badge bit stream as swiped in either direction (left to right or right to left). The ability to evaluate a badge when swiped backward is the primary difference between the Insertion Badge Format Type and other types. Other badge format types do not allow backward swiping of badges. That is, if the badge format stored at the panel is not an Insertion type, the panel will not attempt to read the bit stream backward. A backward badge read will be thrown away as an error. 236 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Parity Calculation In Figure 365, on the lower right side of the diagram, there are two fields that concern parity calculations. One is called “Odd Parity “and the other is called “Even Parity”. The entries in these fields tell the software how to check the incoming badge data string to make sure it has not been corrupted during transmission. The parity check digit is an industry standard method of checking a data string to be sure that it has not been corrupted during its journey through wires. A parity check digit or bit is added to a data string (usually at the end) and that digit or bit is used as a reference to check the integrity of the rest of the data bits. To create the parity check bits that are used for the 36-bit format, the 36-bit format is divided into two, 18-bit formats. A calculation is made on each 18-bit format individually (Figure 366). One bit is added as the first bit in the data string, to cause the first half of the data string to have an odd number of ones. A second bit is added as the last bit in the data string. This causes the second half of the data string to have an even number of ones. This odd and even parity is checked on every card read to be sure that the data has not been corrupted between the reader and the panel. Quick Tip – Corrupted badge reads are thrown away by the panel without any other action, and with no error messages of any kind from the panel to the PC. Important Note – There are two alternate ways to set the parity calculation for the 36-bit format. The above-mentioned method suggests dividing the format into equal halves. This will work with most 36-bit cards. However, if you are using Motorola/Indala cards, they will not work with this parity calculation. They require the parity settings as seen in Figure 367 below. If you install your system and all the settings seem to be right, but the system is not reading cards correctly, try the parity settings as seen in Figure 73. 237 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 367 – Alternate Weigand 36 Bit Format Parity Settings Format 2 – ABA 19 Character Format Figure 368 – Format 2 – 19 Character ABA Format Figure 369 – Format 2 – 19 Character ABA Mag Stripe Format SS Facility FS Badge ID B 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Not Used ES 13 14 15 16 1718 F The specifications for this format follow. 238 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L • This data format has 19 total characters. • The data string starts with a ‘Start Sentinel’, which will always be the letter ‘B’ (capital). • The facility code consumes the next 5 digits. • The next character is a ‘Field Separator’, which will always be the letter ‘D’ (capital). • The next 6 characters are the badge number (note the maximum 6 digit badge number). • The six characters following the badge number are not used. • The last character is an ‘End Sentinel’. This will always be the letter ‘F’ (capital). • There is no check character programmed into this format. The ABA 19-character format is generally used when encoding magnetic stripe or barcode type cards. The ABA standard was developed for the American Banking Association for use with ATM and credit cards. In the access control application, some of the data characters available in this format are not used. In this card format, the data structure is expressed in characters instead of number of bits (as it was above, in Format 1). Format 3 – Non-ABA 26 Bit Format Figure 370 – Format 3 - 26 Bit Non-ABA Format 239 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 371 – Format 3 – 26 Bit Non-ABA Even Parity Calculation EP Facility Code 0 Odd Parity Calculation Badge Number OP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 The specifications for this format follow. • • • • • • • • • The badge format type is set to Non ABA This data format is 26 bits long The data string starts (read left to right) with an even parity bit The even parity calculation is performed on the left most thirteen bits The next eight bits are the facility code The next sixteen bits are the badge number Issue level field is not used The data string ends with and odd parity bit The odd parity calculation is performed on the right most thirteen bits The 26-bit format is a well-known industry standard format and is identical in many ways to the 36-bit format, Format 1. This format has parity bits at the beginning and ends of the data string and is a Non ABA type (like Format 1). This format is used by Motorola (Indala) readers. The Recognition Systems hand and finger type biometric readers and HID proximity readers are also available with 26-bit output and can use this format with no changes. Note that the data string is divided into two halves, and parity is calculated separately on each half (like Format 1). Note that Even parity is calculated on the left half of the data string and that Odd parity is calculated on the right half of the string which is opposite of the way it’s done in Format 1. Note that the standard 26-bit format does not provide an Issue Level field. 240 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Format 4 – Non-ABA 31 Bit Format Figure 372 – Format 4 - 31 Non-ABA Format Figure 373 Format 4 – 31 Bit Non-ABA Even Parity Calculation Odd Parity Calculation EP Issue Facility Code Badge Number OP 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 The specifications for this format follow. • • • • • • • • • The badge format type is set to Non ABA This data format is 31 bits long The data string starts (read left to right) with an even parity bit The even parity calculation is performed on the left most seventeen bits The next eight bits are the facility code The next sixteen bits are the badge number Issue level field is not used The data string ends with an odd parity bit The odd parity calculation is performed on the right most seventeen bits The 31-bit format is not an industry standard. It was created for one of Continental’s customers. This card data format is not likely to be used by any of our current customers. The data format is very similar to Format 1 mentioned above. 241 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Note though, that the parity calculation is different. Note that there are three bits in the center of the format that are used for both parity calculations. These three bits ‘overlap’ both the odd and the even calculations. Create a Badge Format If you are creating a badge format, there are basically two things to consider. Are you creating your own custom badge format (for use with barcode or magnetic stripe cards), or are you creating a format for a card type that you have purchased from a supplier (a standard format). The approach you take will be quite different for each method. Essentially, there are only two kinds of access cards - those that have preprogrammed data, and those that are programmable by the user. Weigand cards, HID proximity cards and Motorola/Indala cards are examples of preprogrammed access cards. The badge data string is encoded into each card by the manufacturer. These cards are well known in the industry and the formats for cards from these manufacturers are already programmed into the CardAccess. Preprogrammed Access Cards Having preprogrammed cards disadvantages listed below. has some advantages and Preprogrammed Access Card Advantages • No work to get data on the cards. The manufacturer does the work. Saves time • Badge formats are well known and already programmed into the CardAccess • Formats used are typically are ‘industry standard’ compliant Preprogrammed Access Card Disadvantages • Higher per unit cost • Much harder to get cards with duplicate badge numbers and higher issue levels 242 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Programmable Access Cards Examples of programmable access cards are magnetic stripe cards and barcode cards. Magnetic stripe cards are plain PVC plastic cards with an electronically programmable magnetic stripe embossed on the card. You can encode magnetic stripes with a special card printer available from Continental Instruments. Barcode is printed on blank, plain PVC plastic cards using a standard card printer, also available from Continental Instruments. Programmable Access Card Advantages • Flexibility. You have complete control over what data gets programmed on the card (within limits) • Lower per unit initial cost • Use a ‘standard’ badge data format or create your own ‘proprietary’ format • Badges can be made to work with multiple manufacturer’s systems (such as CardAccess and a Time and Attendance system) • Easy to reissue cards with the same badge number (reissue levels) • Print as many or as few as you need, when you need them Programmable Access Card Disadvantages • More time needed to program cards • More technical complexity for the CardAccess administrator to contend with. Must create badge programming data strings in the badge editor software, CardAccess admin will be responsible to be sure the badge format is entered correctly and is working properly Quick Tip – There are essentially two kinds of badge data types; ABA and NonABA. Both data types have the same data fields available to them – ‘Badge ID’, ‘Facility’ and ‘Issue’. If using mag stripe or a barcode, you must include Badge ID (its a required field) in your badge format. Facility and Issue are optional. There are two things that you should do before trying to create any kind of badge format. • If you have purchased access cards from a supplier, ask that supplier to provide you with a description of the badge format. 243 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L • Before trying to create a custom or Standard badge format in the Badge Formats screen of the CardAccess, draw a diagram of your badge format like the below. This will act as your guide and make it easy to count characters or bit places as you create the format. Remember that if you misstate even one bit of the badge format in your description, the system will likely reject all card reads. The format that you create in the Badge Formats screen must be exact. Figure 374 –Diagram of a Badge Format Odd Parity Calculation OP Even Parity Calculation Facility Code Badge Number Issue EP 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Create a Standard Format There are numerous different types of access control cards. Weigand, HID, Motorola/Indala, 26 bit, 36 bit and more. The place to start is to be sure what format of card you are buying, since we have to describe that badge format to the system. If you purchase all of your supplies from Continental Instruments, the readers and cards will be a matched set and the badge format will be well known to Continental technicians, who can help you set up the system. The 36-bit format (Format 1) and the 26-bit format (Format 3) are the most commonly used because they are widely adopted standards. Format 2 is most often used with magnetic stripe cards and barcode cards. Quick Tip – If some or all of the CardAccess predefined badge formats are missing or corrupted you can restore them quickly by clicking the Default button at the top of the Badge Format screen. Let’s create an example 36-bit format. The steps follow. • • Draw a diagram of your badge format (see Figure 374) Open the Badge Formats screen, available from Administration menu 244 the C A R D A C C E S S • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Click the ‘New’ button Give your badge format a descriptive name Select a Badge Format Type. Select ‘Insertion’ in this case Set the Bits/Char length to 36 Click in the Offset Field for Badge ID, type in the number 17 Click in the Length field for Badge ID, type in the number 16 Click in the Offset field for Facility, type in the number 1 Click in the Length field for Facility, type in the number 16 Click in the Offset field for Issue, type in the number 33 Click in the Length field for Issue, type in the number 2 Click in the Offset field for Even Parity, type in the number 18 Click in the Length field for Even Parity, type in the number 18 Click in the Offset field for Odd Parity, type in the number 0 Click in the Length field for Odd Parity, type in the number 18 Click the ‘Save’ button Quick Tip – When you click the ‘Save’ button on the Badge Formats screen, the modified badge formats are automatically downloaded to the panels by the software WARNING – You cannot create two very similar badge formats. The system will have a logical error trying to differentiate which format it should use. The two formats must be uniquely different enough for the system to recognize. As a general rule, do not create two formats with the same number of bits or characters. Create a Custom Format When creating a custom format, you will be limited to using cards that do not have a preprogrammed format on them. Barcode and magnetic stripe cards are the only two types of cards that can be considered. 245 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L There will be nothing different about the badge format that you create for magnetic stripe cards vs. barcode cards. Both will use the ABA badge format type. Within the framework of the ABA type, certain start and stop characters are required (not optional). Also you must include the badge number as a required field. However, Badge Number is the only required field. Facility Code and Issue Level are optional. Quick Tip – The total number of bits read from any badge cannot exceed 255. Therefore any custom non-ABA format Bit/Char length cannot exceed 255 bits, and any custom ABA format cannot exceed 53 characters (each ABA character is 5 bits) Here are the steps to create a custom format. • Make a diagram of your proposed format Figure 375 – ABA Format – Standard Data Structure SS Facility FS Badge ID B 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Not Used ES 13 14 15 16 1718 F When creating your Data Structure diagram, bear in mind that there are some required Items and some optional Items. You can modify the above standard data structure for your own use, but consult the requirements lists below before creating your format. Custom Format Required Items • • The Start Sentinel and the End Sentinel are required. The position of those fields in the data structure must be at the beginning and at the end of the data string. However, the characters themselves can be any characters 0-9 or A-F (any hexadecimal character). We will use the standard characters in these examples The Badge ID field is required. The position of this field in the data string is optional, it can be placed anywhere in between the Start and End Sentinels Quick Tip – The system will allow a maximum of 9 badge digits. The ‘Badge’ field in ABA formats cannot exceed 9 digits and the Badge field in non-ABA formats cannot exceed 27 bits. 246 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Custom Format Optional Items • The order of the data fields does not matter. As long as required fields are included in the data string, which field appears in the string first is not important, except for the Start and End Sentinels which must be placed at the extreme ends of the string. • The Field Separator character is optional. If you wish to adhere to the ABA standard you will include the field separator character. However, it can be eliminated without penalty. • The Facility code field and the Issue level field are both optional. They can be eliminated from the badge format with no penalty. Figure 376 – ABA Format – Formats Screen Quick Tip – When you set any of the data fields to Offset = 0 and Length = 0, or if you leave them blank, it means that those fields are not used. Let’s create two example ‘non-standard’ formats to illustrate the process. Custom Badge Format Example 1 The constraints for this badge design are - we will allow a 5-digit badge number on the badge and there will be no other data encoded on this badge. This would represent the simplest badge format the system will allow. 247 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L First, lets construct a data diagram. Figure 377 – Custom 7 Character Badge Format SS Badge ID ES B 12345 F Now let’s construct the above format in the badge formats screen. Figure 378 – Custom 7 Character Badge Format Created • • • • • • • Open the Badge Formats screen from the Administration menu Click ‘New’ Copy in what you see above in Figure 378 Give the badge format a descriptive name Notice that the total Bits/Char length is seven characters, not five. The length calculation includes the Start and End Sentinels. In an ABA format, the count is in number of characters, not bits. Notice that the Start Sentinel begins at offset zero and the End Sentinel begins at offset six. Each Sentinel is one character wide. Sentinel characters in custom formats are not limited to ‘B’ and ‘F’. Sentinels can be any character 0-9, or A-F, but the Start and End Sentinels cannot be the same character Click the ‘Save’ button 248 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Custom Badge Format Example 2 In this format, we will allow a nine-digit badge number. We will also allow a one-digit issue level field and an 8-character field for future use. There will be no other data on this badge. Again, let’s construct a data diagram first. Figure 379 – Custom 17 Character Format SS Badge ID Not Used IS ES B 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 15 F Figure 380 – Custom 17 Character Format Created • • • • • • • Open the Badge Formats screen from the Administration menu Click ‘New’ Give the badge format a descriptive name Copy in what you see above in Figure 380 Notice that the total Bits/Char length is seventeen characters. The length calculation includes the Start and End Sentinels. Notice that the Start Sentinel begins at offset zero and the End Sentinel begins at offset sixteen. Each Sentinel is one character wide. Sentinel characters in custom formats are not limited to ‘B’ and ‘F’. Sentinels can be any character 0-9, or A-F, but the Start and End Sentinels cannot be the same character. Notice that we have added eight characters to the data string that are not used by the CardAccess. These characters could potentially be used by another device that can read a bar code or magnetic stripe. 249 C A R D A C C E S S • 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Notice that we have limited the Issue level to 1 character. That means that we will allow up to 9 total re-issues (1-9). In the standard ABA 19-character format, two characters are provided for the Issue level. Two characters would allow 99 issue levels (199). Note that when you encode a badge that has never been reissued, the Issue level is set to 0. Quick Tip – Mag stripe and bar code cards make it easy to replace lost cards with cards that have the same card number. You simply create another identical card. This is called ‘reissuing’ the card. Issue level refers to how many times the card has been reprinted for the user. • Click the ‘Save’ button Delete a Badge Format Warning – Deleting a Badge Format could disable all badges in the system! Only delete unused badge formats. • • • • • Open the Badge Formats screen from the Administration menu Select the format that you wish to delete by clicking on it in the top portion of the screen Click the Delete button Click the ‘OK’ button on the warning message box that appears Click the ‘Close’ button Restore Deleted Factory Formats If you accidentally delete one or all of the factory badge formats, you can restore them by the following method. • • Open the Badge Formats screen from the Administration menu Click the ‘Default’ button Figure 381 – The Default Button • Click OK when the warning message box appears. The new formats will automatically downloaded to all panels after the restore. 250 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 382 – The Restore Badge Formats Warning Message Box Warning – Restoring badge formats will delete all existing formats and restore the original four, factory supplied formats • Click ‘Close’ to close the Badge Formats screen Download Badge Formats to Panels If you are having problems reading badges, you may have the need to download badge formats to one or more panels manually. Follow the following procedure. • Open the Panels screen from the Configuration menu • Click the ‘Download’ button Figure 383 – Panels Screen Download Button • Select ‘Badge Formats’ for downloading by clicking in the check box to the left of the words ‘Badge Formats’ (Figure 384). 251 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 384 – The Panel Download Selection Screen • Click the ‘Download Panel’ button (Figure 384) if you are downloading badge formats to just one panel. Click the ‘All Panels’ button if you are downloading badge formats to all panels in the system. • Click the ‘Yes’ button on the warning dialog that opens (Figure 385). At this point, badge format downloading has begun if communications to the panel is operating. Figure 385 – The Download Panel Warning Dialog • After you confirm the download in the warning dialog, the screen reverts back to the Panels screen. Click the ‘Close’ button. 252 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Facility Codes About Facility Codes It is possible for two clients of an access badge manufacturer to buy card lots with the same card number range. If the buildings for these two clients happened to be next door to each other, then cardholders from one building could gain unauthorized access to a neighboring building. Without some second level of security, badge holders from other companies, could gain unauthorized access to your facility. The facility code is an additional number series that is encoded on the badge, in addition to the badge number. The facility code and the badge number are read together and treated as one number. When these two numbers are combined together they form a unique combination that is more secure than a badge number alone. Figure 386 – Facility Codes Screen Each Continental Instruments access control panel can store up to ten facility codes (Figure 386). Facility codes are generally associated with ‘batches’ of cards. When you buy a batch of access control cards, those cards are programmed with a badge number range (say 1 – 500). They also have a facility code programmed that is the same on every card in the batch. 253 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Here are some facts about facility codes. • The facility code is generally written on a label attached to the box that your cards were shipped in. Some card types have a spec sheet inserted inside the box that has the facility code on it. • Facility codes are typically quoted in 4-digit hexadecimal notation (an example would be ‘123F’). • The facility code is programmed in decimal notation on (or in) the card • When you enter the facility codes on the CardAccess Facility Codes screen, they must be entered in hexadecimal notation. Quick Tip – If you are using magnetic cards, then you will most likely be programming the card’s mag track. When you program the facility code on the badge, you must convert the hexadecimal value to decimal and encode the decimal equivalent on the mag track, not the hexadecimal value. Using the Windows calculator, set to scientific mode, makes the conversion process easy. For more information on mag encoding see the ‘Photo ID’ section. So when we say you can store ten facility codes at the panel, we also mean that you can store identical card numbers from up to ten different batches of cards at that panel. The ability to use facility codes becomes especially helpful when you have a campus of several buildings and you want to prevent cardholders from accessing whole buildings on the campus. Each building can be assigned it’s own facility code. This makes it easy to prevent entry from a large block of cardholders, without needing to make access groups to accomplish that. Figure 387 – Facility Codes Entered Note in Figure 387 above that the facility code in position one is the same for each panel (as are the rest, 2-10). This is done deliberately. See the below section titled Set Facility Codes in the Personnel Screen for more information. 254 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Add Facility Codes To add facility codes to the Facility Codes screen, do the following. • Click Facility Codes from the ‘Administration’ menu • If you are editing an existing record, select a panel from the list in the upper portion of the screen • If you are creating a new Facility Code definition, click the ‘New’ button • Begin entering facility codes, starting in field number one in the bottom portion of the screen. Enter the facility codes as hexadecimal values. Use your mouse to click in the first field and enter the facility code. Use the tab button on your keyboard to navigate to the next facility code field, or use your mouse to click it. All facility codes entered must be 4 digits. If your facility code is 0001, enter all the leading zeros. When you save the record, the leading zeros will not display, but they are stored in the database. • You can enter up to ten different facility codes per panel • Click the ‘Save’ button to save the record. Once the record is saved, it will be automatically downloaded to whichever panel it belongs to. Note that this is one step of a two-step process. The second step is shown below. Set Facility Codes in the Personnel Screen Sending facility codes to the panels is one part of a two-part process to get facility codes working. Each personnel record must also have a reference to a specific facility code. 255 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 388 – Facility Code Numbering Notice above in Figure 388, that each facility code is assigned a number (1-10). This is the number that is referred to in the personnel records, not the facility code value itself. In other words, each person’s Personnel record refers to the number of the facility code, in the list of facility codes, stored at the panel where access is to be granted. Figure 389 – Personnel Facility Code Selection Control To set the personnel facility code value do the following. • Click Personnel from the access menu or click the Personnel button from the main toolbar • Click Edit if you are editing an existing record. Click New if you are adding a new record • Set the Facility spin control (Figure 389) to a number one through ten. This number will correspond to the numbered field in the facility codes screen • Click the Save button 256 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Note that in the personnel records there is no place to fill in an actual facility code, only a reference to the position of a facility code in the facility codes screen (Figure 388). Notice in Figure 387, that the facility code in position one is the same for each panel. This is done so that each cardholder that has Facility = 1, will be able to gain access at every panel. For example, in Figure 388 the facility code in position 1 is ‘2FA1’. If you put 2FA1 in position 1 of every panel and you set the Facility = 1 for all card holders that have 2FA1 cards, those card holders will be permitted access at all panels that have 2FA1 as the facility code in memory position #1. All cardholders would still need to have an access group that permits them access to some doors on those panels, however. Figure 390 – Different Facility Codes in Position One 257 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Schedules What is a Schedule Figure 391 – The Schedules Screen, with Multiple Time Block Schedule Programmed Multiple Time Blocks Programmed Below The schedules screen is where you will create time blocks that can be used elsewhere in the software. These time blocks don’t do anything until they are connected to other software components or to hardware devices. Technically, the schedule becomes ‘valid’ while the time block shown is in effect, and becomes invalid outside of the time block. A hardware device that has a schedule assigned will be activated while the schedule is in effect and deactivated when the schedule is no longer in effect. Stated another way, the device will be activated at the Start Time and deactivated at the End Time, for each time block created in the schedule. 258 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L The Figure 391 example above shows a schedule with multiple time blocks created. A schedule can contain up to ten time blocks. The schedule in Figure 391 has ten time blocks programmed (6 are visible). A hardware device with this example schedule assigned would be activated and deactivated ten separate times, each day of the week, every day of the year. Typically a schedule will contain one time block as shown in Figure 392 below. A hardware device with this schedule assigned would be activated and deactivated once per day for each day of the week indicated in this schedule. Figure 392– The Schedules Screen, with Single Time Block Schedule Programmed Single Time Block Programmed Below 259 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Create a Schedule To create a schedule do the following. Figure 393 – Schedule time Block Area • • • • • • Open the Schedules screen by clicking the schedules button on the main toolbar or by clicking Schedules from the Administration menu Click the New button The Schedule Number (Schedule No.) is automatically assigned, but can be manually overridden by the user if necessary Add a description in the description field. It’s best to create a clearly worded description that accurately describes what the schedule does. If the schedule is to belong to a group, select that group by clicking the down arrow to the right of the group of control. Select a group from the list. To create a time block, do the following (consult Figure 393): o Select a Start Day by double-clicking under the Start Day column. This will reveal a list of days. Choose one by clicking on it. o Select an End Day by double clicking under the End Day column. This will reveal a list of days. Choose one by clicking on it. A word about Start Days, End Days and Holidays is in order here. The following chart shows the effects of using the most common Start Day and End Day combinations. Table 3 – Start Day & End Day Effects (below valid if at least one Holiday defined) Start Day End Day Effect Mon Mon Hol Mon Sat Mon Hol Sun Hol Fri Sun Mon Every Day of the Year * (24/7/365) Every Day of the Year Except Holidays * Holidays Only * Weekdays Only Weekends Only Mondays Only (a one day per week schedule) 260 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L * There are no predefined holidays. Holidays are defined by the user. For more information on creating Holidays, see the section entitled ‘Holidays’. Table 3 above assumes that at least one Holiday is defined. Table 4 below assumes that no Holidays have been defined. Table 4 - Start Day & End Day Effects (below valid if no Holidays are defined) • Start Day End Day Mon Mon Hol Mon Sat Mon Hol Sun Hol Fri Sun Mon Effect Every Day of the Year * (24/7/365) Every Day of the Year * (24/7/365) No Effect * Weekdays Only Weekends Only Mondays Only (a one day per week Select a Start Time by double clicking under the Start Time column. This will allow you to edit the default time of 12:00:00. Quick Tip - 12:00:00 is actually 00:00:00 o’clock (midnight, the start of the day). You have the option of entering the time using standard clock notation or military time. If you use standard in clock notation, you must include ‘PM’, if the time block you are creating is after twelve noon. • Select an end time by double-clicking on the End Time column. This will allow you to edit the default time 12:00:00. Quick Tip - Note that the default Start Time of 12:00:00 to the default End Time of 12:00:00 means 00:00:00 o’clock to 24:00:00 o’clock (or 24 hours). If you want your schedule to span 24 hours, then accept the default time blocks. • • You have just created one time block. If the schedule is complete, click the ‘Save’ button. If you need to enter more time blocks, see the next step Each schedule can contain up to ten time blocks. To create multiple time blocks do the following 261 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 394 – New Time Block Being Added, New Block & Delete Block Buttons • • • Either click the ‘New Block’ button (Figure 394) or press the down arrow key on your computer keyboard. A new time block detail line is added to the Time Schedule Blocks area of the screen. Each new time block has the default value of 24/7/365. Repeat the above procedure for every new time block line that you want to add. If you try to exceed 10 total time blocks, you will get an error message When done, click the ‘Save’ button Click the ‘Close’ button Edit a Schedule To edit a schedule do the following. • Open the Schedules screen by clicking the Schedules button on the main toolbar or by clicking Schedules from the Administration menu • Click the Edit button • Make whatever changes are needed • Click the Save button • Click the ‘Close’ button Warning – When you edit or delete a schedule, the behavior of all devices that have that schedule assigned is changed. Be sure that any access group that has the deleted schedule assigned does not deny door access to cardholders. The operation of Free Access and schedules applied to hardware devices (readers, inputs, relays and links) are other important considerations. 262 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Delete a Schedule • • • • • Open the Schedules screen by clicking the Schedules button on the main toolbar or by clicking Schedules from the Administration menu Use the scrollbar on the right side of the screen to locate the record that you wish to delete Click the record Click the Delete button on the Schedules toolbar Click the ‘Close’ button 263 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Holidays There are no predefined holidays in the CardAccess. Holidays are created by the user in a utility window called Holidays, available from the Administration menu. Any day of the year can be designated as a Holiday. To create a Holiday, do the following. Figure 395 – The Holidays Screen in ‘New’ Mode • • • • Open the Holidays screen by going to the Administration menu and clicking ‘Holidays’. To create a new Holiday click the ‘New’ button. To edit an existing holiday, click the ‘Edit’ button. When you click the New or the Edit button, you will see the screen as shown in Figure 395. You need to select a date and a time range for your holiday. There is no restriction on which day of the year you can choose, or the start and stop time of your Holiday. A holiday can be five minutes long or span full day. To select a day for your holiday, click the small button on the right side of the ‘Date’ control. This will bring up a calendar control. Select your month from the calendar control that appears. Quick Tip - You can create holidays for future years. However, only holidays for the current date + the next 365 days will be downloaded to the panel. Holidays beyond 365 days from the date of the last holiday data download are not stored at the panel. 264 C A R D A C C E S S • • • • 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L As you can see from Figure 65, the default start and stop time spans 24 hours. If this default start and stop time are acceptable, move to the next step. If your holiday will span less than one day, click the start time and stop time and change them to the appropriate values. You can use clock notation or military time Click the Save button Click the ‘Cancel’ button at any time to exit without changes Click the ‘Close’ button to close the screen. 265 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Groups Groups are primarily used by the system to filter the display in the CardAccess GUI and in reports. Groups are first assigned to hardware items like doors, relays, etc. Then, a filter is set up in the Operator Privileges screen. Each Operator Privilege type would be assigned access to one or more groups. After of groups are assigned to each operator type, when operators who are assigned filtered Operator Privileges log on, hardware items that don’t belong to that operator’s group are filtered out of the display. This display filtration is also known as ‘Database Partitioning’. Groups are used as the vehicle to accomplish this Database Partitioning. Groups are also used as a report filter. The user can run reports filtered by a group. Create a Group Figure 396 – The Groups Screen • Click the Groups selection from the Administration menu. 266 C A R D A C C E S S • • • • • • • 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Select which type of group you want to create. Note in Figure 396, that there are eight different types of groups. You need to select one of the folder tabs at the bottom of the screen before you click the New button. Click the New button. Fill in a descriptive title for your group in the ‘Group Name’ field. Click the ‘Save’ button. Repeat this process for every group you need to create. Click Cancel at any time to cancel without saving. Click Exit to close the window. Edit a Group • • • • • • • Click the Groups selection from the Administration menu. Select which type of group you want to create. Note in Figure 396, that there are eight different types of groups. You need to select one of the folder tabs at the bottom of the screen before you click the Edit button. At the top of the screen, select which group you want to edit. Click the Edit button. After you are done, click the Save button. Click Cancel at any time to cancel without saving. Click Exit to close the window. Delete a Group • • • • • Click the Groups selection from the Administration menu. At the top of the screen, select which group you want to Delete. Click the Delete button. Click Cancel at any time to cancel without deleting. Click Exit to close the window. List Groups Alphabetically Groups that are displayed in the top half of the screen are displayed in the order that they were entered. If the ‘List Alphabetically’ check box is checked, the display in the top half of the screen will be resorted in alphabetical order instead. 267 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Operators Figure 397 – The Operators Screen The Operators screen, available from the Administration menu, is where you will create CardAccess user login identities. This screen is associated with the Operator Privileges screen, also available from the Administration menu. Technically, the Operator Privileges screen is where you create operator ‘levels’. Operator levels can also be described as ‘operator types’. Login names in the CardAccess are called ‘Operators’. Logging in to the CardAccess is much like you may be used to when you have logged into Microsoft Windows. A user name and a password are required. Those user names and associated passwords are created in the Operators screen. You are also required to assign an Operator Privileges template to each operator. The system uses the Operator Privileges template to determine 268 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L the system permission level of the user. For more information on Operator Privileges see the section of the manual called Operator Privileges. Below we will examine the Operators screen, and the creation of operator identities. Create an Operator To create an operator login identity, do the following. • Open the Operators screen – Click ‘Operators’ in the ‘Administration’ menu • Click the ‘New’ button – Click the ‘New’ button on the main toolbar Figure 398 – The Operators New Button • Click the General Tab – Click the General folder tab if the controls on that tab are not visible Figure 399 – Operators General Tab • Enter a Name In the Name Field – This name is the full name of the person who will be logging in. This is not the ‘login name’, but a notation field that denotes the operator’s actual name. 32 characters maximum allowed 269 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 400 – The Operators Name Field • Enter a Screen Name – This will be the operator’s login name. The operator will type this name into the CardAccess login screen, in the ‘User Name’ field, when logging into the software. 12 characters maximum allowed. Any typed character is permitted. Figure 401 – Operators Screen Name Field • Enter a Password – This will be the operator’s login password. The operator will type this password into the CardAccess login screen, in the ‘Password’ field, when logging into the software. When you are creating the operator profile, it is required that you enter the password twice for verification. The Password field does not limit the number of characters. It is suggested that you limit passwords to manageable lengths that will be easily remembered. Any typed character is permitted. Characters that are typed are shown as asterisks. Figure 402 – Operators Password Field • The Operator Number is Assigned Automatically – The operator number is automatically assigned by the system but it can be changed by the user in case you wish to create breaks in the sequence Figure 403 – Operators Operator Number Field • Enter an Alert Ack Time – The Alert Ack Time is a timer that determines how long alerts will remain in the Alerts Grid for this Operator. When an operator logs on, that operator’s alert ack timer is started whenever an alert appears in the Alerts Grid. When the timer for that alert expires, the alert is automatically moved from the Alerts Grid into the Events Grid 270 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L If there are several alerts in the Alerts Grid, the timer is not started on any alert until it moves to the top of the Alerts Grid. So as the top most alert ‘times out’ and is moved from the Alerts Grid into the Events Grid, the timer starts on the next alert immediately below it, which is moved to the top of the list, and so on until all alerts have been removed from the Alerts Grid This feature is called the ‘Operator Alert Auto Ack Timeout’. The minimum ack time is one second. If you attempt to enter a number less than 1 second, the timer will default to 1 second. You may type a number into the Alert Ack Time field or you can use the arrow buttons to the right of the control to spin the number up or down Figure 404 – Operators Alert Ack Time Control • Enter an Auto-Logoff Time – The Auto-Logoff Time is an ‘inactivity timer’. This timer is started when user activity in the CardAccess GUI, like mouse clicks and keyboard entries, ceases. When the timer expires, the Operator is automatically logged out of the CardAccess and a new operator login is required to regain access to the CardAccess menus. This prevents unwanted tampering in the case where the logged in operator has walked away from the CardAccess equipped PC. Each operator can have their own unique timer setting, or all operators can be set to the same value If set to 0, the Operator will be auto logged out in 10 minutes by default. The longest allowable Auto-Logoff time is 99999 minutes (69.44 days), the shortest is 1 minute. You may type a number into the Auto-Logoff field or you can use the arrow buttons to the right of the control to spin the number up or down Figure 405 – Operators Auto-Logoff Control • Click the Event Viewing Tab – Click the Event Viewing folder tab. Enter the number of events that you want to have this operator view in the Events Grid. When set to 100, the events window will display only the most recent one hundred events. All other events in the events database will be filtered out. When set to ten, the most recent ten events will be displayed. The display is constantly filtered to remove the view of all but the n most recent events, where n 271 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L equals the number you set in the ‘Number of Events to Retain in View’ control. The smallest number of viewable events possible is 10. The largest number of viewable events is 250. You may type a number into the field or you can use the arrow buttons to the right of the control to spin the number up or down Figure 406 – Operators Event Viewing Tab • Click the Privileges Tab Figure 407 – Operators Privileges Tab • Select the Screen Privileges – Select the screen privileges template for this operator. The screen privileges template is created in the Operator Privileges screen, available from the Administration menu. A screen privileges template restricts the menu access for a given operator. To learn more about Operator Privileges see the manual section entitled Operator Privileges. To select a screen privilege template, click the arrow to the right of the ‘Screen Privileges’ control, scroll up or down to your selection, click on that selection. Figure 408 – Operators Screen Privileges Selection Control • Select the Device Control Privileges – The checkboxes in this control cluster (Figure 409) all refer to the manual control of Doors, 272 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Relays and Links. The Device Control Privileges check boxes in the Operators screen work in conjunction with the ‘Manual Control Privilege’ controls in the Readers, Relays and Links screens (Figure 410). Figure 409 – Operators Device Control Privileges Check Boxes Figure 410 – Readers, Relays, Links Manual Control Privilege Selection Control Together, these controls set up a filter that is applied on a per Operator basis. This filter is designed to hide selected doors, relays or links from view in the manual control screens, to prevent selected operators from having the ability to manually activate those devices. By default, manual control filtering is disabled. That means that when you open any manual control window (by clicking the Doors, Relays or Links button on the Main toolbar), you will see a listing of all doors, relays or links. That gives any logged in operator access to manually activate any of those devices. In theory, assigning privilege levels works very much like the CardAccess ‘Groups’ function. All hardware devices (readers, relays, links) that have been assigned a Priv level of 1 belong to a group, those that have a Priv Level of 2 belong to another group, etc. However, in this case the group that each of those devices belongs to, is used for the purpose of manual control permissions. You only see the results of that filtering when you open a manual control screen. In the Operators screen, on the Privileges tab, you check off which privilege groups the operator will be able to see in his or her manual control list. The check boxes are ‘additive’. That is, each additional check box that you select, adds one more privilege group to that operator. The hardware items from each checked privilege group will appear in every manual control screen that the operator opens. 273 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L When you look in the privilege settings for readers, relays and links (Figure 410), you will see that the ‘Manual Control Privilege’ control also has a setting called ‘All’ (in addition to Priv 1-8). When set to All, it means that the device in question can be manually activated by an operator with any privilege level, and also if there is no privilege level set. Alternatively, when a hardware device has a Manual Control Privilege setting of Priv 1-8, that device can only be manually controlled by an operator having that specific privilege setting enabled in his or her operator profile. That device becomes ‘invisible’ to any operator that does not have the privilege enabled. To get manual control filtering actually working, you must first apply manual control privileges to hardware devices. Follow the below steps. Apply Manual Control Privileges to Hardware Devices • Open the Hardware Screen – Open the Readers, Relays or Links screen, available from the Configuration menu Note – You will need to decide on a manual control access strategy in advance – which operators will have access to which hardware devices – before you can decide how to assign manual control privileges to the hardware You have nine privilege levels to choose from; ‘Priv 1 –8’ and ‘All’ access. Manual Control access is provided to an operator under the following rules. o If you assign the selection ‘Manual Control Privilege = All’ to any hardware device, that hardware device can be manually activated by all operators, regardless of privilege level settings in the operator’s profile. o If you set any privilege 1-8 on a given hardware device, that device becomes hidden from any operator who does not have that specific numbered privilege assigned in his or her Operator screen profile. • Assign a Privilege – The procedure for the Readers, Relays and Links screens are identical except that the Manual Control Privilege control is in a different location. o Open the Hardware Screen – Open the Readers screen and click the Priorities tab. Or, if opening the Relays or Links screens, the Manual Control Privilege control is on the General Tab. 274 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L o Click the Edit Button – Click the edit button on the top toolbar. o Figure 411 – Edit Button o o Select the Privilege – The Manual Control Privilege selector is at the bottom of the screen (on each type of screen). Select a manual control privilege by clicking the arrow to the right of the control and clicking on your selection. o Figure 412 – Manual Control Privilege Control (Readers, Relays, Links screens) o o Click the Save Button o Figure 413 – Save button o o Repeat – Repeat the procedure for every hardware device that you wish to filter out of the manual control default list. • Click the Save Button – The settings for the new operator definition will take effect the next time the operator logs in to any workstation. Figure 414 – Save Button • Close the Operators Screen – Click the Close button on the main toolbar Edit an Operator Definition To edit an existing operator definition, do the following. • Open the Operators screen – Open the screen available from the Administration menu 275 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L • Select the operator definition – Select the operator definition you wish to edit by using the scrollbar on the right side of the view window to locate the definition, then click on it • Click the Edit Button – Go into edit mode, then change the setting(s) needed Figure 415 – Edit Button • Click the Save Button – When done, click the Save button Figure 416 – Save Button • Close the Operators Screen – Click the Close button on the main toolbar Figure 417 – Close Button Delete an Operator Definition To delete an existing operator definition, do the following. • Open the Operators screen – Open the screen available from the Administration menu • Select the operator definition – Select the operator definition you wish to edit by using the scrollbar on the right side of the view window to locate the definition, then click on it • Click the Delete Button – Click the Delete button on the main toolbar Figure 418 – Delete Button 276 C A R D A C C E S S • 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Close the Operators Screen – Click the Close button on the main toolbar Figure 419 – Close Button 277 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L General Tab Figure 420 - The Operators Screen General Tab The Operators screen General tab has controls that allow you to set up the log in parameters of a given operator. Note that the password can only be set once from inside the Operators screen. Once set, you must delete and re-create the record if you wish to change a password from inside the Operators screen. However, you can change the password during log in (on the Log In screen), but you must know the current password to do so. Each field on the Operators screen General tab is explained below. General Tab Controls • Name - Enter up to 32 characters that represent the given name of the operator • Screen Name - Enter up to 12 characters that will serve as a screen 'nickname' for the operator. This nickname will be displayed in the status bar of the CardAccess main screen and will also be displayed in all status screens that show the logged in operator name. In all status screens, the Screen Name is used instead of the (given) name to refer to the operator • New Password - Enter an unlimited number of characters that will act as a login password for the operator. Although there is no limit on the number of password characters, it is suggested that you limit the password to 10 characters. It is further suggested that you avoid common, easy to deduce passwords. The best passwords consist of letters, numbers and symbols that do not spell any known words. Note that what you type into the password field is masked from view by asterisks. Note also that once you save the record, the password cannot be changed from inside the Operators screen. This is a safeguard to prevent anyone with access to the Operators screen from 278 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L changing the password and logging in under another operator's sign in. There are two ways to change a password after it has been saved. o From Inside the Operators Screen - Delete the operator record and recreate it, entering a different password. Note that you must be logged in as an authorized operator with the correct permissions to delete an operator record. Further, an audit trail record will be logged with details of which operator deleted the original record and who created the new record o From Outside the Operators Screen - At the log in screen, click the 'Change Password' button. This button only appears after you have entered the correct password into the 'Password' field of the Login screen • Confirm - Renter the same password that you typed into the Password field. This field is used to make sure that you did not make a mistake typing your password into the Password field mentioned above • Operator Number - The Operator Number is automatically assigned by the system, but can be overridden by the person entering the operator record. The Operator Number merely refers to the location of the operator record in the Operators screen listing. The operator number is only used inside the operators screen • Alert Ack Time - The default Alert Ack Time is 5 seconds for a new operator record, but the time is selectable from 1 to 9999 seconds. This timer is used by the alert acknowledgement engine. When a given operator is logged in, the alerts acknowledgement engine uses the Alert Ack Time timer to determine how long to leave an alert in the Alerts Grid before automatically acknowledging that alert on behalf of the logged in operator. Alerts that are acknowledged using the operator's Alert Ack Time timer are time and date stamped along with the currently logged in operator's screen name. Each operator can have the same ack time or can have a unique ack time • Auto Log-Off Time - Then Auto Log-Off Time is an inactivity timer. The setting in this field determines how many minutes the CardAccess will allow the main monitoring screen to remain open before closing the main screen down and reverting back to the log in screen. This feature prevents unwanted access to the CardAccess main screen in the event that the user steps away from the console. The selectable range is from 1 to 9999 minutes 279 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Operators Screen Event Viewing Tab Figure 421 - The Operators Screen Event Viewing Tab The Event Viewing tab determines how many events will be retained in the Events Grid for the current operator (each operator is permitted to have a different setting). The events that are displayed in the Events Grid and the Alerts Grid are all taken from the events database table. The settings of the CardAccess determine whether an event will appear in the Alerts Grid or the Events Grid. Further, by using the 'Number of Events to Retain in View' control, you can select how many events will comprise the 'recent event view'. The recent events view is obtained by clicking the 'Recent' button on the top right side of the CardAccess main toolbar. The Recent button resets the events view to the most recent events. The most recent events are defined as 'the number of most recent events as described in the Number of Events to Retain in View field'. For example, the Number of Events to Retain in View field in Figure 1 above is set to 100. The CardAccess user interface will consider all events that are outside of the range of the 'most recent event to 100th oldest event' to be 'archive' events. In the aforementioned example, as you scroll back in time in the events grid, the user interface is counting the number of events. Once you scroll backwards to the one hundred and first event, the interface deems that you are now viewing archive events and puts the display into 'Browse' mode. Thus, the Number of Events to Retain in View field determines how many events you will scroll back in time before the display will be put into Browse mode (which means that you are looking at 'archived' events). In this case the archived events we are discussing are stored in the active CardAccess database, not in an archive database. The Number of Events to Retain in View control is merely selecting the 'conceptual limit' as to when the user interface should consider the operator to be browsing in 'archive mode'. You may select a minimum of 10 events, and a maximum of 250 events. The default setting is 10. 280 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Operators Screen Privileges Tab Figure 422 - The Operators Screen Privileges Tab The Operators screen Privileges tab is where you will set the screen permissions for the selected operator. There are two fields on the Privileges tab as explained below. Privileges Tab Controls • Screen Privileges Control - The Screen Privileges field sets the overall permission level of the selected operator. The operator privilege 'types' are created in the 'Operator Privileges' screen. The Operator Privileges screen allows you to add or subtract access to CardAccess menus and fields (for more information see the manual section entitled 'Operator Privileges'). To select a Screen Privileges type do the following. o Enter Edit Mode - Enter edit mode by clicking the 'Edit' button on the toolbar o Make Your Selection - Click the arrow to the right of the Screen Privileges field and click your selection. 'System Administrator' is the default selection. The System Administrator is an operator type that has access to all CardAccess menus and functions. This operator type definition is provided o Save the Record - Click the 'Save' button when done • Device Control Privileges - The 'Device Control Privileges' section determines the selected operator's access to the manual control screens. An operator definition is created in the Operators screen and Device Control Privileges are assigned (or not assigned) on the Privileges tab for each operator that you create. If you wish to implement Device Control Privileges, you will also need to visit every Reader, Relay and Link configuration record and apply a setting to the 'Manual Control Privilege' field found in each of 281 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L those screens. If no value is assigned in the Manual Control Privilege field of a given hardware device, that device is visible to all operators who wish to manually control it. Operator ‘Device Control Privileges’ operate under the following rules. o If no Device Control Privileges are assigned in the Operator record (which is the default), privilege level settings are ignored and the operator has access to all devices listed in any of the manual control screens (doors, relays or links) o If you assign a given operator only one permission level, as in the example in Figure 1 where Priv 4 is assigned, the operator would be allowed to see only those devices with ‘Priv 4’ or ‘All’ selected in the Manual Control Privilege field of each manual control screen (see Figure 412 example from the Links screen, General tab) Figure 423– The Links Screen Manual Control Privilege Control ! Privilege level assignments are not ‘inclusive’. If a given operator has Priv 4 assigned in his or her operator record (as in Figure 412) that does not mean that they will be able to manually control all links with Priv 1-4 assigned in the Manual Control Privilege field of the link record. It means they have access to Priv 4 links only. If you require that operators have access to multiple privilege levels, you must check off multiple Priv levels in the Privileges tab of the Operators screen (Figure 413). Figure 424 – The Operators Screen Priv Assignment Check Boxes 282 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L In Figure 413, the operator with these settings will be able to manually activate links with the Priv levels of 1, 3, 4, 7, 8 or ‘All’. Links with a Priv level of 2, 5, or 6 will be hidden from the view of this operator. The Links manual control screen will open with links 2, 5, and 7 filtered out of the list. Note that checking all of the Priv check boxes works identically to checking none of the Priv check boxes. That is, the operator has access to all of the links in the manual control screen with either set up 283 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Operator Privileges Figure 425 – The Operator Privileges Screen The Operator Privileges screen and the Operators screen work in conjunction with one another. Operator Privileges is a utility screen where you create operator access permission templates. In the Operators screen, you create login identities for CardAccess users. The Operator Privileges screen creates access permission templates that can be assigned to one or more operators. Every operator must be assigned an access template from the Operator Privileges screen. The access permission templates created in the Operator Privileges screen do not belong to any one operator. An access template is created in Operator Privileges and can then be assigned to as many operators as needed. Until an access template is assigned to at least one operator definition, it effectively ‘does nothing’. 284 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L The assignment of an operator permissions template to an operator is performed in the Operators screen, available from the Administration menu, on the Privileges tab. The control called ‘Screen Privileges’ (Figure 426) lists all of the operator privilege templates that have been created; you select one from the list for assignment to a given operator. It’s important to give permissions templates descriptive names so they will be easier to assign. For more information about the Operators screen and the assignment of Screen Privileges, see the section of the manual entitled Operators. Figure 426 – The Operators Screen Privileges Control Generally speaking, when you attempt to create a new operator privilege template by clicking the ‘New’ button, a default template is automatically created for you that grants access to every menu, button and screen in the CardAccess software (deemed ‘Administrator Level Access’). If you wish to create a limited access template, you will go about subtracting access to selected menus, buttons and screens from this default full access template. So, the system creates a full access template, and you subtract what you don’t want from that template, thereby creating a new ‘limited access’ template. There are three folder tabs on the Operator Privileges screen (Figure 427). There are listings on each of those folder tabs that represent all of the menus, buttons, fields and screens of the CardAccess software. A summary of the contents of each folder tab follows; a more detailed explanation on the use of each folder tab follows after that. Figure 427 – Operator Privileges Folder Tabs • Forms Control – The Forms Control tab controls are used to selectively disable access to CardAccess menus. You can hide selected CardAccess menu choices by disabling them in the Forms Control section • Personnel Fields Control – By default, all of the fields and controls on the Personnel screen are visible and accessible by any operator. You can hide access to selected Personnel screen fields using the controls on this tab 285 C A R D A C C E S S • 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Database Partitions – The controls on this tab work in conjunction with the Groups feature, available from the Administration menu. It is possible to assign some or all hardware items to groups (readers, relays, inputs, links). It is further possible to hide any or all of the hardware configuration screens and any event messages from that hardware, from a given operator. Using Groups is the key to setting up a CardAccess ‘partitioned’ system. In a partitioned system, hardware resources are assigned to groups. Then, those groups are selectively assigned to Operators through the Operator Privileges templates. Templates are created that have access to only those groups that are required. Those templates are assigned to one or more operators. When a partitioned operator logs into the CardAccess, all hardware groups that are not assigned to his or her privilege template are made invisible. Any event or status messages from that (invisible) hardware are suppressed for the operator. See the section entitled Database Partitions for more information. Forms Control Figure 428 – The Forms Control Tab – Menus are Collapsed The Forms Control tab is used to limit access to the CardAccess menu system. Effectively, you can disable or take menus away from users of the CardAccess. The hierarchical listing that you see in the ‘Menu Items’ section of the Forms Control tab is actually a ‘map’ of the CardAccess menu system. Every menu item available in the CardAccess software is represented in the Menu Items list. The Menu Items list is shown above in Figure 428 in ‘collapsed’ mode. The control works much like a Windows Explorer screen. Click the + 286 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L sign (or double click) to expand a branch; click the – sign (or double click) to collapse a branch. The top most item in a branch has the highest significance (much like a folder would in Explorer), the lowest item in a branch has the lowest significance (much like a file in Explorer). Changes made to an item at the top of a branch affect all of the items below that item on the same branch. Changes to a single menu item of a branch affects only that item. On the right side of Figure 428 are four buttons. These buttons represent four ‘states’ that you can apply to the controls represented in the Menu Items list. Generally, you select a menu item from the list in the Menu Items section (by clicking it), and then you click one of the buttons on the right side of the Forms Control form. That applies the ‘state’ indicated on the button to the menu item. The states are explained below. • Disable – When this function is selected, the menu item is disabled. Once disabled, the menu item is hidden from view (removed from the menu system). It will either be grayed out or will be removed from the menu list entirely. This is the lowest level of access. If all menus were disabled, the logged in operator would have access to ‘nothing’ (all menus grayed out) • View Only – When this function is selected, an operator can see the menu item in the CardAccess menus, but editing privileges are revoked. The operator can view but not change information • Create Only – When this function is selected, the operator can create new items in the screens described by the menu item, but they cannot edit existing records • Create/Edit – When this function is selected, the operator can create new items in the screens described by the menu item and they can edit existing items. This is the highest level of access. There is no restriction with Create/Edit access 287 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Personnel Fields Control Figure 429 – The Personnel Fields Control Tab – With Badges Branch Expanded The Personnel Fields Control tab operates identically to the Forms Control screen, in that the menu system is the same – it is used like a Windows Explorer tool. However, the list of fields that appear in the ‘Form Fields’ section (Figure 429) of this screen represents all of the fields in the Personnel screen. You can apply three different states to the Personnel fields. • Disable – Causes the field to become hidden from view and invisible. This is the lowest permission on a Personnel field. The user cannot even look at the contents of the field • View Only – Edit permissions are revoked on the field. The user can only look at the field. They cannot add, edit or delete the contents of the field • Edit – Users with this permission can add, view, edit and delete the contents of the field. This is the highest permission on a Personnel field 288 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Database Partitions Figure 430 – Database Partitions Tab – No Groups Selected The general goal of database partitioning is to allow several tenants to share a common database while hiding the personal information of each tenant from the view of the other, possibly unrelated tenants. The term ‘database partitioning’ is somewhat misleading. The common database is not actually divided in any way. Filtering is used to block the view of records by selected operators. The Database Partitions tab of the Operator Privileges screen operates somewhat differently from the Forms Control or the Personnel Fields Control tabs. As you can see in Figure 430, there are two list windows. The window on the left called ‘Available Groups’ is a list of all of the groups that have been created in the Groups screen (for more information on groups, see the manual section entitled Groups). The window on the right called ‘Selected Groups’ is a listing of the groups that have been assigned to this operator privileges template. The button controls that are positioned between the two windows allow you to move selected groups from one side to the other and back. The buttons with the single arrow move whichever item you highlight in the direction of the arrow. The buttons with the double arrows move all items in the direction of the arrows. Database partitioning in the CardAccess is disabled by default. If database segregation for privacy sharing is an issue, database partitioning can be enabled. Enabling it requires a number of steps summarized below. 289 C A R D A C C E S S • 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L To begin, groups must be set up in the Groups screen (see Groups). What groups are created and how they are later assigned is completely under the control of the CardAccess administrator. How many and which type of groups one will choose to create, depends on how you wish to apply the database partitioning. Figure 431 – The Groups Screen Folder Tabs You can see from Figure 431 above, that it is possible to create eight different types of groups (and an unlimited number per group). If you wish to implement the full database partitioning, you would want to create some number of groups in each of the eight different categories displayed above. You do also have the option of implementing ‘partial’ database partitioning. You can elect to create groups in only one or more categories (say, Personnel groups only). • Once you have created groups, database partitioning cannot be activated unless those groups are assigned to some hardware. You need to visit each type of screen that has the groups that you wish to assign, and apply those groups to selected items in those screens (readers, inputs, relays, links, access groups and time schedules). Figure 432 is an example of the Group control that can be found on each hardware screen and on the Access Groups and Schedules screens. This example comes from the Readers screen. Figure 432 – The Readers General Tab – Group Control 290 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Note the following rules regarding groups and database partitioning. o If an Operator Privilege has no Groups Assigned in the Selected Groups Field– That operator can see all screens that have groups assigned AND all screens that have no groups assigned o If an Operator Privilege has Groups Assigned in the Selected Groups Field – That operator can see all screens that have the groups assigned that are represented in the Selected Groups field AND that operator can see all screens that have no groups assigned. If you wish to be sure that there will not be a case where any operator will see all screens, you must assign groups to every hardware item, access group and schedule AND you must assign every operator an operator privilege template that has all groups assigned in the Selected Groups field of the Database Partitioning tab. Quick Tip – If you intend to create an Operator Privileges template that has full access to all of the CardAccess screens and data, you only need to accept all of the default settings. Full access is granted by default. Any changes that you make to a given template will be for the purpose of taking away access permissions. Create an Operator Privileges Template To create an operator privileges template do the following. • Open Operator Privileges – Open the Operator Privileges screen, available from the Administration menu • Click New – Click the New button • Click Forms Control – If the items on the Forms Control tab are not visible, click the Forms Control tab • Select Menu Items – Controlling access to the menu system of the CardAccess is accomplished by using the controls found on the Forms Control tab. That folder tab consists of two related parts – the ‘Menu Items’ window on the left side of the form and the ‘Actions Buttons’ on the right side of the form (Figure 433). The ‘Menu Items’ window is a hierarchical listing of every menu and submenu available from the CardAccess toolbars. By applying the Action Buttons to selected Menu Items, access to those menus can be limited or eliminated for a given operator access template. 291 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Because the Menu Items list is hierarchical, it is possible to apply an action to a (top) menu that will affect that menu and all of its submenus. The Menu Items list is a quasi-exact replica of the CardAccess main toolbar. Thus, you will find that the menu organization of the Menu Items list is similar to the CardAccess main toolbar. Changes that are made to the entries in the Menu Items list will directly affect the CardAccess main toolbar and other CardAccess menus and controls. Every significant menu of the CardAccess is represented in the Menu Items list. As an example, notice in Figure 433 that the Administration menu is disabled (red circle). That means that this operator template has removed any access to the Administration menu, and because the Administration menu is a ‘top’ menu, all of its submenus are also disabled. Figure 433 – The Menu Items List Notice in Figure 434, that the Administration menu is grayed out for the operator who logged in with the operator template from Figure 433. Note that the ‘Schedules’ button is also grayed out. This is because the Schedules menu is a submenu of the Administration menu. In fact, all submenus of the Administration menu are unavailable in this template. That is not clearly reflected in Figure 434 because the other submenus of the Administration menu do not have button shortcuts on the toolbar, they have shortcuts that are only visible if you open the Administration menu (which is not available to open at all). So if you disable the Administration (top) menu in the Operator Privileges Menu Items area, and the Administration menu becomes unavailable, there are ten other menu shortcuts that also become unavailable (see Figure 435). You also have the option of disabling any submenu individually. 292 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 434 – The CardAccess Main Toolbar Figure 435 – The Menu Items List – Administration Menu Branch Disabled There are four Actions Buttons located to the right side of the Menu Items view area (detailed in Table 5). These buttons are used to set the type of access allowed on menu branches and menu items. When you create an operator privileges definition by clicking the New button, menu access is Create/Edit (full access) on all CardAccess menus by default. Table 5 – The Menu Items Actions Buttons Attribute Result Makes the menu item invisible Takes away the ‘New’ and ‘Edit’ buttons but let’s the operator look at th screen in question Takes away the Edit button on the screen in question, allowing th operator to create new records, but not edit existing records Allows full access. The ‘New’ and ‘Edit’ buttons are available on the scree If you wish to limit access to any of the CardAccess menus, you need to select that menu item in the Menu Items area, then click the appropriate action button. After you have clicked an action button, you will notice that the symbol to the left of the menu item has 293 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L changed to that of the button you clicked (see Table 5 for icons). This is your indication of which type of access is assigned to each menu item. Note in Figure 433 that some menu items have plus signs to the left. This means that there are other sub menu items underneath that item. To open the sub menu, click the plus sign. You will know that there are no more sub menus if there are no plus signs to the left of that menu item. You can apply actions buttons to any top menu or submenu. • Select Personnel Fields – Click the Personnel Fields Control tab. The Personnel Fields Control menu system works identically to the above Forms Control tab. That is, it is a hierarchical menu and it has action buttons to change the level of access for each menu item. The primary difference is that the Personnel Fields Control tab is a menu of all of the fields from the Personnel screen. You can hide any Personnel field from the view of selected operators. A classic example is social security numbers. It may not be necessary for every operator to see the social security numbers of all the employees. So that field can be marked as disabled in some operator privilege templates. When those operators open the Personnel screen, the social security number field contents will be invisible. Figure 436 – The Personnel Fields Control Tab Table 6 – The Form Fields Action Buttons Attribute Result Makes the menu item invisible 294 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Takes away the ‘New’ and ‘Edit’ buttons but let’s the operator look at th screen in question Allows full access. The ‘New’ and ‘Edit’ buttons are available on the scree Note the following differences from the Forms Control tab. • You cannot apply Actions Buttons to all fields by clicking the ‘Badges’ top menu selection. You must open the Badges menu tree (click the plus sign) and highlight each menu item individually in order to set it to a different status (edit, view or disable) • There are three action buttons instead of four All fields in the Personnel screen are fully accessible by default. To limit that access do the following. • Click the Plus Sign – Click the plus sign to the left of ‘Badges’ in the Form Fields window so the menu will expand Figure 437 – Form Fields Tab - Badges Top Menu • Click the Field – Use the scrollbar to locate the field that you want to alter the access permission on, click on that field Figure 438 – Badges Menu Expanded • Click the Permission – Click the button with the appropriate permission level 295 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 439 – Forms Field Actions Buttons • Move to the Next Field – Click the next field of interest and continue • Click Save or Cancel – When done, click the Save button. If desired, press the Cancel button if you don’t want to continue, all changes will be lost. Figure 440 – Operator Privileges Save and Cancel Buttons • Select Database Partitions – To select database partitions, do the following. o Click the Database Partitions Tab Figure 441 – Database Partition Tab o Select a Group to Move – Firstly, there will be no groups to display in the ‘Available Groups’ window if no groups have been created. The Available Groups window will be empty. If there are groups displayed in the Available Groups window, you have two choices. 296 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 442 – Database Partitions Tab ! You can move all of the groups from the Available Groups window to the ‘Selected Groups’ window by clicking the ‘Move All’ button (with the double arrows pointing right) OR Figure 443 – Database Partitioning Move All Button ! Use the scrollbar on the ‘Available Groups’ window to find a group that you wish to assign to this operator privileges template. Use the ‘Move Item’ button (with the single arrow pointing right) to move the item from the Available Groups window into the Selected Groups window Figure 444 – Database Partitioning Move Item Button Delete an Operator Privileges Template To delete an operator privileges template, do the following. • Open Operator Privileges – Open the Operator Privileges screen, available from the Administration menu • Use the Scrollbar – Use the scrollbar to select the record you wish to delete 297 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E • Click the Delete Button • Click the Close Button I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Edit an Operator Privileges Template To edit an operator privileges template, do the following. • Open Operator Privileges – Open the Operator Privileges screen, available from the Administration menu • Use the Scrollbar – Use the scrollbar to select the record you wish to edit • Click the Edit Button • Make Changes – Make your changes as per the instructions above • Click the Save Button – Click the Save button when done • Click the Close Button 298 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Operator Responses The Operator Response screen is where you will create and store predefined operator response strings. The Event Response screen is where you can enter ‘free-form’ operator response strings on a per event basis. Both are further explained below. Operator Response Screen Figure 445 – The Operator Responses Screen The Operator Responses screen is a utility screen where you can create and store operator comment strings. The CardAccess system stores those strings in the CardAccess database, for later use by an operator. The Operator Response string list can be accessed from the Events or Alerts Grids and a pre-defined string from the list can be attached to an event message of your choosing. There are no restrictions on the type of content you can include in an operator response string. All typed characters are allowed. There is a maximum character limit of 256 characters. To create an operator response string, do the following. 299 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Create a Pre-Defined Operator Response • Open the Operator Responses screen, available from the Administration menu • Click the ‘New’ button Figure 446 – The New Button • Fill in your response string into the ‘Response Text’ field Figure 447 – The Operator Privileges Response Text Field • Click the ‘Save’ button Figure 448 – The Save Button • Click the ‘Close’ button Figure 449 – The Close Button Edit a Pre-Defined Operator Response • Open the Operator Responses screen, available from the Administration menu • Use the scrollbar on the right of the Response Text view area to locate the string you wish to edit 300 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 450 – The Response Text View Area & Scrollbar • Click the ‘Edit’ button Figure 451 – Edit Button • Fill in your response string into the ‘Response Text’ field Figure 452 – The Response Text Field • Click the ‘Save’ button Figure 453 – The Save Button • Click the ‘Close’ button Figure 454 – The Close Button Delete a Pre-Defined Operator Response String • Open the Operator Responses screen, available from the Administration menu 301 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L • Use the scrollbar on the right to locate the string you wish to delete Figure 455 – The Response Text View Area & Scrollbar • Click the ‘Delete’ button Figure 456 – The Delete Button • Click the ‘Yes’ button on the warning box that appears Figure 457 – The Delete Warning Message Box • Click the ‘Close’ button Figure 458 – The Close Button 302 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Event Response Screen Figure 459 – The Event Response Window – Event Tab Displayed The Event Response screen is accessible by clicking the ‘Respond’ button located above the Events and Alerts Grids (Figure 460). Each of those buttons performs the same function – they bring up the Event Response screen. You will note that there are several folder tabs visible in Figure 459. All the folder tabs shown in the figure are not always visible when you open the Event Response screen. Which folder tabs are made visible is dependant on the type of alert that was highlighted in the Events or Alerts Grids at the time the Respond button was pressed. More information on each folder tab appears below. 303 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 460 – The CardAccess Main Screen – Sectional View, Respond Buttons Highlighted In the previous section, you learned how to pre-create operator event responses. The Event Response window is where you actually apply those event responses. The general reason to open the Event Response window is so you can attach some kind of ‘note’ to a given alert or event. Let’s look at the process of creating an operator event response. Create an Event Response To create an event response, do the following. • Highlight the event or alert that you wish to attach a note to, by clicking on it • Click the Respond button. If the event that you wish to attach a note to is in the Events Grid, click the Respond button that is above the Events Grid. If the event that you wish to attach a note to is in the Alerts Grid, click the Respond button that is above the Alerts Grid (Figure 460, Figure 461) 304 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 461 – The Respond Button • When the Event Response window opens, make sure that the Event tab is visible. If it is not, click on it • Either – o Type your message into the ‘Response Message’ field OR Figure 462 – The Response Message Field o Click the down arrow to the right of the Response Message field and select a pre-created operator response by clicking on it. The list will be empty if no operator responses were created using the Operator Responses screen. See the above section called Operator Response Screen for information on creating predefined operator responses Figure 463 – Response Message Control with Pre-Created List Visible o Click the ‘Accept’ button when done Figure 464 – The Accept Button 305 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Event Response Screen Folder Tabs As stated above, there are several folder tabs that may or may not appear in the Event Response screen. Which tabs appear, will depend on which type of event message you highlighted before pressing the Respond button. Below, we will look at the function and layout of each of the four possible folder tabs. • Event Tab – The Event folder tab is where you will find the details on the event that is being responded to. Each section of the Event tab is explained below. This folder tab is always visible regardless of what type of event is selected. o The ‘Alert’ section lists the details related to the person and/or the location. Figure 465 – The Event Tab, Alert Section o The ‘Archive Information’ section lists system information. Figure 466 – The Event Tab, Archive Information Section o The ‘Response’ section is where you will do one of three things. ! Type a ‘free form’ response message into the Response Message field ! Click the arrow control at the right of the Response Message control and select a pre-created response message 306 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 467 – The Response Message Control ! Click the Response History button (Figure 468) to view a ‘history’ list of operator responses that have been attached to this event or alert message (Figure 469) Figure 468 – The Response History Button Figure 469 – The Response List Window • Map Tab – The map tab is where you can view the map (if available), which is assigned to the hardware device that is mentioned in the event that is highlighted in the Events or Alerts screen. The map tab is made visible only when a hardware device (panel, reader, input, relay, link) is involved. Each of those devices is capable of having a map assigned, so the maps tab is displayed for events that concern those types of devices. If the map tab is visible but it is blank, it means that no map was assigned to the device. 307 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 470 – Event Response Map Tab • Photo Tab – The photo tab is where you can view a photo of a badge holder. This folder tab is only visible when there is a badge related event involved. 308 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 471 – The Photo Tab • CCTV Tab – The CCTV tab will be used in the case where an operator wishes to send switching commands to a CCTV controller manually. In other screens of the CardAccess (readers, inputs), CCTV command strings can be assigned to hardware devices. Those CCTV command strings are sent to the CCTV controller automatically on the change of status of one of the mentioned hardware devices. 309 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 472 – The CCTV Tab However, in the case where an operator wishes to manually send CCTV command strings, the CCTV tab has a ‘Send’ control to facilitate that. To use that control, do the following. Which event you highlight is immaterial as long as it involves a badge, door or input. We are only trying to gain access to the CCTV controls. • Open the Event Response screen by highlighting any event that mentions a badge, door or input event (this will ensure that the Event Response screen will open with the CCTV tab visible) • Click the CCTV folder tab • Use the arrow buttons adjacent to the ‘Send’ button to scroll up and down the list of available CCTV commands. Figure 473 – The CCTV Command Selection Control • Click the ‘Send’ button. The command will be sent. There is no limit to how many times you can resend the command by clicking the Send button again 310 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 474 – The CCTV Send Button • Close the Event Response window by clicking the ‘Exit’ button Figure 475 – Exit Button 311 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Maps Figure 476 – The Maps Creation Screen A ‘Map’ as defined in the CardAccess software is a static bitmap background, with a flashing cursor icon, which indicates the relative position of the hardware device being represented. The mapping engine does not allow dynamic control of hardware objects from a map control surface. Maps in the CardAccess are used for ‘visual location verification’ only. The maps engine in the CardAccess is connected to a number of screens. The Maps creation screen is available from the Administration menu. This maps creation screen can also be opened from every CardAccess hardware screen (Panels, Readers, Inputs, Relays & Links), via a button on the ‘Maps’ tab of each of those screens, called ‘View Maps’ (Figure 477). Figure 477 – The Hardware Screen View Maps Button 312 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L The mapping engine is disabled by default. When the map engine is disabled, the Maps folder tab is hidden in all of the hardware screens (Figure 478), and the Maps option is missing from the Administration menu. Once the mapping engine has been enabled, a Maps folder is made visible in each of the hardware screens (Figure 479), and the Maps shortcut is made available in the Administration menu. Figure 478 – Panels Screen Folder Tabs - Maps Disabled Figure 479 – Panels Screen Folder Tabs - Maps Enabled Enable Maps To enable the Maps engine, do the following. • Open System Settings – Open the System Settings, available from the System menu • Click the General Tab – If the General tab is not visible, click it Figure 480 – System Settings General Tab • Click Edit – Click the ‘Edit’ button Figure 481 – System Settings Edit Button • Click Use Facility Map – Click the check box marked ‘Use Facility Map’ Figure 482 – System Settings Map Engine Enable Check Box 313 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L • Click Save – Click the ‘Save’ button Figure 483 – System Settings Save Button • At this point, the Maps tab has been made visible in each of the hardware screens, and the Maps shortcut has been made visible in the Administration menu. Create a Map To create a map, do the following. • Open the Maps screen – To open the screen, use one of the following methods o Click the Maps shortcut in the Administration menu o Open a hardware screen (Panels, Readers, Inputs, Relays, Links), click the Maps tab and click the ‘View Maps’ button • Click the ‘New’ button • Click Import – Click the Import button to open an explorer control (Figure 484). You are looking to find a bitmap or jpeg image to serve as a map background. This will generally be the image of a floor plan. Or, the image could be a digitized photograph of a doorway, a building, or a section of a building. Any image that would assist an operator in identifying the area of a building where a hardware device alarm is taking place would be suitable. Some explanation of the image importation controls is in order here. Figure 484 – Maps Import Button 314 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Image Importation Controls Explorer Tool Figure 485 – The Maps Explorer Window The Maps explorer window is a standard Windows type file search tool that will allow you to search your local hard drive and network shares for a suitable import image file. Note the following about the explorer window. o Although .jpg, .bmp, .ico, .emf and .wmf files are supported by the explorer window, it is best to limit your map images to .jpg or .bmp files. Icons and Windows Meta Files are not supported as map images o The explorer control allows you to preview the prospective map in a preview window on the right side of the explorer control o You can preview a larger view of the image you have selected (before you finalize your selection) by clicking the ‘Preview’ button at the top right of the explorer control (Figure 486) Figure 486 – Maps Explorer Control Preview Button o The size of the selected image is displayed immediately above the image (see Figure 485) 315 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L To import an image into the Maps creation screen, do the following. • Click the File – Click on the file you wish to select • Click Open – Click the ‘Open’ button to bring the image into the map creation screen. File Source Selector Tool Figure 487 – The Maps File Source Selector Tool In the previous section, we have discussed using the explorer tool to bring image files into the map creation screen. The File Source Selector tool has a number of buttons that offer additional methods for the importation of image files. The buttons on the File Source Selection tool perform the following functions. ! Import From Scanner – This button allows you to connect directly to a scanner for the importation of a scanned image. To import from a scanner, do the following o Click the Scanner Select button Figure 488 – Scanner Select Button o Select a Source – After you click the Scanner Select button, a Source Selection box appears. You are expected to select one of the sources from that list. If there are no sources listed, you need to install TWAIN or scanner drivers for the devices you are trying to scan from 316 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 489 – The Select Source Box o At this point, the CardAccess program will relinquish control to your scanner software. The scanner software typically starts up and performs the scan. The scanner software may not automatically upload the scan to the CardAccess. You may need to click an upload button in order for that to take place. In any case, the object is to have your scanner software ‘hand off’ the image to the CardAccess Maps engine. The Maps software will then display that image in the Configure Maps screen image area. ! Import From File – The ‘New Image (Edit)’ button (Figure 490) offers a way to open the explorer tool mentioned above, manually. The explorer tool opens automatically when you click the Import button on the Configure Maps screen. But if you close the explorer tool, the New Image button offers you a way to reopen it without having to close down the entire import ‘session’ and re-press the Import button. Figure 490 – The New Image (Edit) Button ! Copy & Paste Tools – (Figure 491) The Copy button is used to copy an image from one map to a second map. The Paste tool is used to paste that image into the second map. Open the map that you want to use the image from. Click the copy tool. Then open the map that you wish to paste the image to (or click the New button to create a completely new map) and click the Paste button Figure 491 – The Copy and Paste Buttons 317 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L • Select a Device – Now that we have imported a background image to serve as a visual location identifier, the next step is to create a linkage between the map and a hardware device (or more than one hardware device). Figure 492 – The Devices Control Panel The Devices control panel is the toolbar that you will use to create linkages between the map and hardware devices. Until some linkage is made between the map and at least one hardware device, the map is just a static bitmap that has little practical use. By dragging devices from the Devices control panel and dropping them onto the map bitmap view area, you create a ‘linkage’ between the map and one or more hardware devices. The bitmap of that map and the hardware device become ‘linked’ together. Let’s look at how to create these linkages. The Devices control panel uses ‘drag and drop’ operation. You click on an icon button, hold down the left mouse button, drag the icon to the desired location on the map and click where you want to drop the hardware reference. You will note that the Devices control panel has five icons available. The function of those icons is shown in Table 7. Table 7 – Devices Control Panels Buttons Button Function Connected to the Readers screen. This button will display a list of every reader in the system. 318 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Connected to the Inputs screen. This button will display a list of every input in the system. Connected to the Relays screen. This button will display a list of every relay in the system. Connected to the Links screen. This button will display a list of every link in the system. Connected to the Panels screen. This button will display a list of every panel in the system. To link a hardware device to a map, do the following. • Click the Hardware Button – Click any of the hardware icon buttons (Figure 492 or Table 7), and hold down the left mouse button • Drag the Icon – Drag the hardware item to the desired location on the map • Drop the Icon – Release the left mouse button • Select a Device – Select a device from the ‘Select the Device’ control (Readers shown in Figure 493). Click the arrow to the right of the hardware item field to see a list of available devices. Click the selected device. You are only permitted to assign a given hardware device to one map. Once a hardware device has been assigned to a map, it cannot be assigned to a second map unless you delete it from the first map. If you try to assign a hardware device to more than one map, you will get an error message informing you that the device has previously been assigned (Figure 494) Figure 493 – The Reader Select Device Control 319 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 494 – Maps Device Duplicate Assignment Warning • Save the Map – Note that the system permits you to add more than one icon per map. This option will allow you to create one map that will be linked to several hardware devices. So you can click the Save button now, or you can repeat the process of dragging and dropping hardware devices as explained above, add as many device icons as you require, and then click the Save button. Or, you can add one icon per map, and dedicate each map to one hardware device. Figure 495 – Map with Several Devices Attached Delete a Map To delete a map, do the following. 320 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L • Open the Maps Screen – Open the Maps screen available from the Administration menu • Use the Select Map Control – To select the map that you wish to delete, click the arrow to the right of the Select Map field, and use the scrollbar that appears to scroll the list of maps. Click your selection. • Click the Delete Button – Click the Delete button located on the Maps main toolbar Edit a Map • Open the Maps Screen – Open the Maps screen available from the Administration menu • Use the Select Map Control – To select the map that you wish to edit, click the arrow to the right of the Select Map field, and use the scrollbar that appears to scroll the list of maps. Click your selection. • Click the Edit Button – Click the Edit button located on the Maps main toolbar • Make the required changes to your map • Click the Save button on the Maps main toolbar Find a Map • Open the Maps Screen – Open the Maps screen available from the Administration menu • Use the Select Map control – Select the map that you wish to find by clicking the arrow to the right of the Select Map control -- OR -Figure 496 – The Select Map Control • Click the ‘Find’ button – Click the Find button located on the lower left side of the Configure Maps screen Figure 497 – The Find Button 321 C A R D A C C E S S • 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Select the Device – To select the device to locate, do the following. o Select the device type by clicking the down arrow to the right of the top most selection control in the ‘Select the Device’ control that opens (Figure 498) o Select the specific device by clicking the down arrow to the right of the bottom most selection control in the ‘Select Device’ control (Figure 498) Figure 498 – Maps Find Select the Device Control • Click OK – Click the OK button. The map of the selected device will be located and displayed. 322 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Displaying Maps Figure 499 – The Maps Pop Up Window Once maps have been created and linked with hardware devices, they are ready to be utilized. The primary use for a map is to allow an operator to bring up a map in response to some alert or event, and to be able see a graphic representation of the alarm point. This would assist him or her in locating an alarm in a given building or complex. Note that the actual displayable map is primarily a static bitmap with a flashing icon that represents an alarm point (Figure 499). Thus, this bitmap can be anything of your choosing. It can be a floor plan, picture of the area, or even written text instructions that have been saved as a bitmap file. Your image options are open to whatever type of image is useful to you and your organization. There are two ways to display maps, manually and automatically. Manual viewing of maps involves clicking a button and causing the Maps Pop Up screen to open with the requested map. Automatic viewing of maps, also called ‘Pop Up’ maps, is accomplished by setting the map controls to display a map automatically, every time an event or alert appears that has a map associated with it. Both methods are further explained below. 323 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Manual Map Display You can manually view a map from a number of screens as listed below. • Events Grid or Alerts Grid, Map Buttons – There are two buttons labeled ‘Map’ available on the CardAccess main screen. One button is located just above the top middle of the Events Grid (Figure 500), and the other Map button is located just above the top middle of the Alerts Grid (Figure 501). Clicking either button will open the Maps Pop Up window, and display the map that is associated with the event or alert that is highlighted. Figure 500 – The Events Toolbar Figure 501 – The Alerts Toolbar Note the following special properties of the Events and Alerts Grids Map buttons. o If you highlight an Event, click the Map button above the Events Grid to manually bring up the map associated with that event. o If you highlight an Alert, click the Map button above the Alerts Grid to manually bring up the map associated with that alert. o The Pending Alerts toolbar Map button can be grayed out when there are no alerts in the Alerts Grid • Hardware Screens, View Map Button – When maps are enabled in the System Settings, a Map tab becomes visible in each of the hardware screens. As a convenience, you can open the Maps Creation editing screen from inside any hardware screen. To view or edit a map from the Panels, Readers, Inputs, Relays or Links screens, do the following. o Open Panels, Readers, Inputs, Relays or Links screen, available from the Configuration menu o Click the Map tab 324 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L o If a map is assigned to that hardware device, there is a thumbnail view of the assigned map attached to the Map tab (Figure 502) Figure 502 – Readers Screen Map Tab o Click the ‘View Maps’ button on the right side of the Maps tab to open the Maps creation and editing screen Figure 503 – The View Maps Button o If there is a map associated with that hardware item, it will be the default map displayed when the maps creation screen opens • Administration menu, Maps shortcut – The standard way to open the maps creations screen is – Click Administration on the CardAccess main toolbar, click the Maps menu choice shortcut Pop Up Maps You can set maps to automatically display when alerts appear in the alerts grid. It is an important point that maps will only pop up for alerts, and not events. Once you enable the feature, you will not see any maps pop up unless you have some alerts rolling into the Alerts Grid of the CardAccess main screen. If a given alert has a map and the pop up feature is enabled, once that alert makes its way to the top of the alerts grid, the pop up map for that alert is displayed. The maps pop up display is closed down when that 325 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L alert is acknowledged out of the Alerts Grid and it is moved to the Events Grid. If there is another alert to move into the topmost position of the Alerts Grid, and that alert too has a map, then the maps pop up screen is reopened with the new map image belonging to the current alert. This will happen until the alerts grid has been emptied of all alerts. Automatic map display (Pop Up Maps) can be enabled or disabled by right clicking on either of the buttons on the CardAccess main screen marked ‘Map’ (mentioned above). A menu is then displayed with three choices explained below (Figure 504). Figure 504 – Alerts Toolbar with Map Button Right Click Menu Visible • Auto-Show Off – Turns Pop Up Maps OFF • Auto-Show All – Turns Pop Up Maps ON • Auto-Show This Area – Turns Pop Up Maps ON, but only for the device mentioned in the ‘Location’ field of the currently highlighted event or alert. Once activated, maps will only pop up if there is activity at the specific hardware device mentioned in the event that was highlighted at the time the feature was activated 326 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Hardware Screen Map Controls Figure 505 – Readers Screen Map Tab The controls found on the Map tab of each of the hardware screens are identical, so we will use the Readers screen Map tab as our example. Each of the controls seen in Figure 505 is explained in more detail below. • Facility Map for This Device – The name in this field is taken from the ‘New Name’ field of the Maps design screen. This is the name of the map Figure 506 – The Facility Map for This Device Field • Map Description – The information in this field is taken from the ‘Description’ field of the Maps design screen. This is a note describing the map Figure 507 – The Map Description Field • Size Image to Fit – This control allows you to stretch an image to fit the thumbnail view window in the hardware screen. When unchecked, the image window will display the image in its native size 327 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L format, even if the fit in the image window is not exact. When the Size Image to Fit feature is enabled, the entire view window is filled with the image. The image is stretched to fill the window. Use this feature if you want to eliminate white borders around the map images. Figure 508 – Size Image to Fit Checkbox • View Maps – Clicking this button opens the Maps design window Figure 509 – The View Maps Button • Remove Map – Clicking this button deletes the map from the CardAccess database Figure 510 – The Remove Map Button 328 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Panels The (access control) ‘panel’ could be considered the single most important component in the CardAccess access control system. All physical hardware mounted at doors or in a building ultimately connects to some kind of panel arrangement. The CardAccess Host PC exists to program and communicate with panels. CardAccess workstation PC’s exist in large part to configure panel hardware and monitor event messages that are broadcast from panels. The panels themselves have onboard microprocessors and have ‘local intelligence’. When panels are shipped from the factory, they are supplied with a minimal start up program (in firmware). This ‘boot strap’ program provides enough programming for the panels to start up and wait for instructions from the PC. The PC uses serial communication to download configuration data to panels, and to upload event and status data from the panels. When a panel powers up for the first time after shipment from the factory, the configuration menu of that panel is ‘blank’. That is, none of the onboard hardware is activated. Activation of reader ports, inputs, relays, keypads and the like is accomplished by using the various screens of the CardAccess software to create a software configuration template for a given panel. That configuration template is then downloaded to the panel via a serial communications link (typically). Once the configuration template is received by the panel, the panel activates the hardware specified in the configuration template, with the attributes specified in the CardAccess software configuration for that panel. Thus, it is the PC and the CardAccess software that determine the configuration and operation of the panels. Ultimately, the mode of operation of any hardware connected to those panels is determined by the CardAccess software configuration Panel Specifics It is important to note that each panel type manufactured by Continental Instruments has a default memory size. Some panel types have expandable memory and some do not, as shown below. Table 8 – Panel Types and Memory Sizes Panel Type Memory Size Card Capacity 329 Cards w/Expanded Memory C A R D A C C E S S SuperTerm Smarterm MiniTerm MicroTerm 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N 256K 64K 64K 32K 20,000 2,400 3,200 1,100 330 M A N U A L 130,000 (2Mb) 130.000 (2Mb) N/A N/A C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Quick Tip - You must be mindful not to overflow the panel memory. Memory overflow is possible if the amount of badges exceeds the recommended quantities above (for the amount of ram you have), or if settings in the Panels screen do not match settings elsewhere in the CardAccess (more on this later). Note that there is quite a bit going on at the panel level that you need to be aware of. Panels have data communications ports, used to pass data to and from the PC. Panels connect to door hardware such as readers, buttons and keypads. Panels electrically operate door strikes and sense the state of input switches. In short, the access control panels are more or less the ‘logical center points’ of the entire CardAccess equipped system. All panel types require programming from the PC initially. After that, the panel logic is designed to operate independently, without the need for a PC (except in ‘Global’ applications - more on that later.). It is the panel logic that evaluates badge numbers, access attempts, input alarms and more. The ‘rules’ that a given panel will use to make those decisions are provided by the PC, from the Card Access software configuration. Since panels make all local access control decisions autonomously, once a given panel has been programmed with a configuration template, the PC could (theoretically) be disconnected from a PC altogether. As a point of fact, some of our customers have Continental panels running without PC connections in smaller systems. Note that you must connect to Com Ports in the ‘Com Ports’ screen, available from the Configuration menu, before you attempt to create panel definitions. This brings up a discussion about system design construction, which we will discuss only briefly in this section (for more information about system design, see the manuals that are included with each panel). As you attempt to create panel definitions, it would be helpful to have an overview of how panels will be connected to the PC, and to each other. Generally, the panels are interconnected using a serial ‘party line’ (sometimes called a ‘daisy chain’). A serial cable is run from a PC serial port to the first panel. Another serial cable is run from the first panel to a second panel. Another serial cable is run to a third panel and so on, to the end of the panel node. Several panels connected together in a party line configuration as described above is referred to as a ‘panel node’ (often also referred to as a ‘panel cluster’). 331 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L In fact, if there were only one panel connected to a PC serial port, it could still be referred to as a node. For the remaining discussion of panels, we will define a node as a PC serial port, dial line or LAN connection supporting one or more panels. Note the following Panel installation notes. • Each panel connected to a common node must be assigned a unique identification address. • The ‘panel address’ is set on a hardware switch block that is soldered to the panel PC board.. • If a panel has an address set to 0, it will not respond to any poll. • If a panel has an address set to 0 and the panel is reset, the configuration of that panel will be erased. • The absolute maximum number of panels allowed on any node is 63. • The highest possible panel address that can be set on Superterm, Smarterm or Miniterm panels is 63. • The highest panel address for a Microterm is 31. • The maximum panel count on a node is a function of the number of switches used to set the panel address. • The Superterm, Smarterm and Miniterm have six switches dedicated to the panel address and the Microterm has five. 332 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 511 – The Panels Screen – General Tab Visible The Panels screen (Figure 574), available from the Configuration menu, is a configuration screen that you use to describe the panel configuration and geographical layout to the CardAccess software. By default, there is no hardware activated in the CardAccess software configuration screens. You must build a configuration from scratch. There are two primary configuration items that are needed to activate a panel. • Panel Address Figure 512 – The Panel Address Control The Panel Address is needed to identify the panel to the CardAccess communications driver (called the ‘Host’ polling program). The Host program uses a polling and response protocol to communicate with the panels. When several panels are mounted on the same Com Port, they share a common set of wires sometimes referred to as a ‘party line’. This type 333 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L of connection is called a party line because all Host messages are routed to all of the panels on a pair of common wires. A source or destination Panel Address is embedded in every data packet sent in either direction. The destination Panel Address (in messages sent by Host) is used by the panels to determine which panel should act on the message. Thus, the Panel Address must be different on all panels connected to the same Com Port. Panel addresses can be duplicated across different com ports without conflict (panel address 1 exists on Com1, and panel address 1 exists on Com2 is ok. Two panels with panel address of 1 on Com1 will cause a conflict. Both panels will attempt to ack the same data packets). • Com Port Figure 513 – The Com Port Selection Control The Com Port setting for a panel tells the CardAccess communications driver what serial port the panel is physically connected to. The use of the words ‘Com Port’ in the Panels screen is somewhat of a misnomer, because the words Com Port are used in the CardAccess Panels screen to describe any of three types of connections, selectable on the Com Ports screen, available from the Configuration menu (see ‘Com Ports’ for more information). o Serial Port Connection Figure 514 – Com Ports Screen – Cable Serial Selected In the specific case of a serial port, a com port is usually logically connected to the serial port so the terms ‘serial port’ and ‘Com Port’ can be used synonymously o Dial Up Connection 334 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 515 – Com Ports Screen - Modem Dial Up Selected Dial out modems are mounted on computer com ports, so the term Com Port applies to dial connections as well o LAN Connection Figure 516 – Com Ports Screen – LAN Connection Selected In the Com Ports screen, available from the Configuration menu, LAN connections are set in a control grid that calls them ‘Com Ports’. LAN micro serial server connections are not connected through Com Ports at all. Windows sockets connections are used by the CardAccess software to connect to panels mounted on LAN networks. Thus, the term ‘Com Ports’ in the Com Ports screen does not refer to any type of serial connection. However, the fact that CardAccess Com Ports can be any of three types of connections does not affect how you will select a Com Port in the Panels screen. When you select a Com Port for a panel by using the Com Port control on the General tab, you are linking that panel to a Com Port number and a communication method. Communications is attempted to the selected Com Port immediately after you have clicked the ‘Save’ button on the panel record. The communications driver will behave in one of three ways depending on which type of Com Port connection you chose. o Serial Port Connection – The communication driver will immediately attempt to open the Com Port that was selected. If the attempt fails, you will get an error event message (Figure 517). Connection attempts will occur once and will not be repeated unless the CardAccess communications driver (Host) is restarted. 335 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 517 – Com Port Open Fail Message If the attempt succeeds, you will not get any event messages, but the communications driver will attempt to begin polling all panels (and panel addresses) that are assigned to the given Com Port. If polling fails on any panel, you will get a polling related event fail message for that panel. Figure 518 – Failure to Receive Response to Poll Event Message o Dial Up Connection – When you have clicked the ‘Save’ button for a panel record, the system will not attempt to dial out to the panel automatically. Connecting to Dial Up panels is done according to a time schedule that is set in the ‘Modems’ screen, available from the ‘Configuration’ menu. Figure 519 – The Modems For more information on setting up Dial Up nodes, see the manual section entitled ‘Dial Up’ o LAN Connection – When you have chosen a LAN connected Com Port in the Com Port control of the Panel record, when you click the ‘Save’ button, the communications driver will attempt to open a Windows sockets connection 336 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L with the IP address that you specified in the Com Ports screen for that Com port number (Figure 520). Figure 520 – Com Ports Screen LAN Connection Tab The sockets connection uses the TCP protocol. TCP port 3001 is used for all Com Ports screen initiated LAN connections Create a Basic Panel Record To create a basic, working panel record, most of the CardAccess default settings can be used. There are only a few changes that you need to make to the basic panel record to get a panel operating, as mentioned below. • Open the Panels Screen – Open the Panels screen, available from the Configuration menu • Click New – Click the ‘New’ button Figure 521 – The New Button • Select the Com Port – Select the Com Port that the panel is to be connected to. To select the Com Port, click the arrow button to the right of the Com Port selection control, and choose a Com Port from the list by clicking it. If there are no com ports in the list, you must create some Windows com ports using the Windows control panel. Figure 522 – The Com Port Selection Control • Select the Panel Address – Select the panel address for the panel from the Panel Address control. To select the address, click the buttons to the right of the control, or click in the white space and type in a number. 337 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 523 – The Panel Address Selection Control Be aware of the following issues. o The available panel address range is 1 to 63 if Superterm, Smarterm or Miniterm panels are used. The available panel address range is 1 to 31 if a Microterm panel is used o The panel address must be unique if the panel is to be connected on the same com port with other panels o You cannot mount more than 63 total panels on any panel node o If the panel is connected to a dial node, the panel that is physically connected to the modem must be set to panel address 1 o Pressing the panel Reset button while the Panel Address is set to 0 on any panel type will clear the panel configuration memory (called a zero reset) o If the panel is directly connected to a modem, switch 7 (the ‘modem’ switch) must be rocked to the left (set to off) on a Superterm, Smarterm and Miniterm. Switch 6 must be rocked to the left for a Microterm. • Give the Panel a Name – Enter a descriptive name in the ‘Name’ field. Figure 524 – The Panel Name Field • Make Sure Enabled is Checked – Make sure that the ‘Enabled’ check box is checked. The panel will not be polled unless Enabled is selected. Click the check box to change the Enabled status. Figure 525 – The Panel Enabled Check Box • Click Save – Click the ‘Save’ button Once the Save button has been clicked, polling will be started for the selected panel. 338 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 526 – The Save Button Panel Screen Controls There are three folder tabs that can be visible in the Readers screen. Below is a general explanation of the function of each of those folder tabs. Figure 527 – The Panels Screen Folder Tabs • General Tab – The General folder tab contains controls that connect the panel to a communications port, set the operating parameters of the panel, and determine (some) memory buffer sizes • Priorities Tab – The Priorities tab has controls that set priorities for the event messages generated from activities at the panel • Maps Tab – The Maps tab has controls that allow you to create or edit a map for that panel record. The Map tab will not be visible unless Mapping is enabled in the System Settings (see the manual section entitled ‘System Settings’ for more information) General Tab Figure 528 – The Panels General Tab 339 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L The function of each of the controls on the General folder tab are as follows. • Name Figure 529 – The Name Field The Name field is where you will fill in a descriptive name for your panel. It is strongly suggested that you give your panels names that describe their location in a building or their function. The names that you assign here will be used in all event messages for that panel (in the ‘Location’ field of the Events and Alerts Grids). • Panel# Figure 530 – The Panel Address Selection Control The Panel Number field is often confused with the ‘Panel Address’ field. However, the Panel Number is a number that is automatically assigned by the CardAccess software each time you create a new panel definition. The Panel Number is simply the number of that panel definition in the panel definitions list (Figure 531). Figure 531 – The Panels Screen Panel Number Column Typically, you don’t need to edit the automatically assigned Panel Numbers unless you wish to modify the panel numbering sequence. The system will let you override the automatic panel numbering sequence, if preferred. To manually change the Panel Number, click the arrow buttons to the right of the Panel# control or click in the white space and type in a Panel Number 340 C A R D A C C E S S • 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Group Figure 532 – The Group Selection Control The Group selection control allows you to assign the current panel to a group. Groups are used for database partitioning and for manual control list filtering. For more information see the manual section entitled ‘Groups’. To select a Group, click the arrow button to the right of the Group control and click on the Group that you wish to select • Enabled Figure 533 – The Enabled Check Box The Enabled check box enables or disables the panel record. If the panel record is disabled, that panel is taken out of the list of panels to be polled and polling stops for that panel. The panel is effectively disconnected from communications. When the panel is enabled, it is put back in the list of panels to be polled and communication between the PC and panel resumes. ‘Enabled’ is the default state for a newly created panel record. To enable or disable the panel, click the Enabled check box. Checked means enabled, unchecked means disabled • Interactive Badges Figure 534 – The Interactive Badges Check Box Interactive Mode primarily exists to support panel types with limited memory, which are installed into sites that have large numbers of badge records. There is no setting in the CardAccess that tells the software what type of panel you are connecting to. Thus it is possible to attempt to load a database of 20,000 badges into a Microterm (that holds 1,100 badges maximum). 341 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L When any panel’s memory capacity is exceeded (such as when you try to download more badges than the panel can store), the panel will refuse to store those records that exceed its memory size. This creates a ‘memory overflow’ condition. The key issue is that, when the panel memory is exceeded, there are valid records that belong at the panel that the panel cannot store. In the specific case of overflowed badge records, some badge holders will be rejected when badge records have not been stored due to lack of memory. As a temporary measure to overcome a limited memory badge overflow situation, Interactivity can be enabled. When Interactive Mode is enabled, the panel badge rejection behavior is modified. A panel will normally reject any badge that is not stored in local panel memory and report a ‘violate void’ type error event message. When Interactive mode is enabled, the panel is forced to check the CardAccess database in addition to checking local panel memory to validate a badge. Once a badge is read by a reader connected to a given panel, a badge validation procedure is applied. The ‘normal’ panel badge validation procedure and the Interactive mode badge validation procedure are explained in more detail below. o Normal Badge Validation – After a badge is presented to a reader on a given panel set to normal mode, the panel logic checks the local panel memory for a badge record corresponding to the badge number read. If that record does not exist, the entry request is rejected and a denial message is sent to the CardAccess Host computer o Interactive Mode Badge Validation Procedure – After a badge is presented to a reader on a given panel set to Interactive mode, the panel logic checks the local panel memory for a badge record corresponding to the badge number read. If that record does not exist, a message is sent to the Host PC inquiring if the badge has a valid record in the CardAccess database. There are several conditions that could exist, with different outcomes. ! There is no CardAccess database record of the badge – In this case the badge is rejected with the error event message ‘Badge Violate Void’ 342 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L ! There is a record of the badge in the database, but the badge does not belong at any reader on the panel – In this case the badge is rejected with the error event message ‘Badge Violate Void at Panel’. ! There is a record of the badge, the badge does belong at least one reader on the panel, but the badge is not permitted at the reader in question – In this case the badge is rejected with the error event message ‘Badge Violate Unauthorized’. ! There is a record of the badge, the badge does belong at the panel, and the badge is permitted at the reader, but not at the current time of day – In this case the badge record is downloaded to the panel but the badge is rejected with the error event message ‘Badge Violate Time of Day’. The badge record is stored at the panel, overwriting an existing badge record that had remained unused for some time ! There is a record of the badge, the badge does belong at the panel, and the badge is permitted at the reader, at the current time of day – In this case the badge record is downloaded to the panel and the door is unlocked. The badge record is stored at the panel, overwriting an existing badge record that had remained unused for some time It is important to note that, in Interactive mode the panel will communicate with the CardAccess Host PC to validate badge numbers that are not locally stored in panel memory. The panel logic will attempt to store the most frequently used badges and overwrite badge numbers that are less frequently used in an attempt to optimize memory usage. Enabling Interactive mode could increase communications traffic and slow the overall response of the system. Thus, Interactive mode should not be considered a long-term solution for a badge overflow condition. A memory or panel upgrade is the only long-term solution to lack of panel memory. Note that enabling Interactive mode will not solve other types of memory overflow problems, such as Access Group or Time Schedule overflows. • Repeat Off-Line Alert 343 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 535 – The Repeat Off-Line Alert Check Box When the CardAccess Host computer loses communication with a panel, an error event message is displayed that says ‘No Response’ (Figure 536). That message is displayed once, several seconds after the panel fails to respond to three successive polls. If you wish to have the no response error message repeated about every 3 minutes, set the ‘Repeat Off-Line Alert’ check box to enabled. You will then receive an error event message that says ‘Still No Response’ (Figure 536), repeated indefinitely until the panel begins responding again. Figure 536 – The Panel Response Event Messages To enable the Repeat Off-Line Alert feature for a given panel, click the check box. Checked is enabled, unchecked is disabled (the default setting) • Using Elevator Readers Figure 537 – The Using Elevator Readers Check Box Elevator reader capability is disabled at all panels by default. Thus, the option to set a reader to an elevator type reader is made unavailable (grayed out) until you enable the ‘Using Elevator Readers’ option for the panel that the given reader is connected to. Once the ‘Using Elevator Readers’ feature is enabled for a given panel, all readers that are connected to that panel have the ‘Elevator Reader’ option made available in the Readers screen (Figure 538) (for more information see the manual section entitled ‘Readers’) Figure 538 – The Readers Screen Reader Type Control – Elevator Selected 344 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L To enable the Elevator Reader option for a given panel, click the ‘Using Elevator Readers’ check box. Checked is enabled and unchecked is disabled (the default setting) • Enable Password Figure 539 – The Enable Password Check Box Panel passwords are only used for dial up panel clusters (see the manual section entitled ‘Dial Up’). Since dial up panel clusters are exposed to the outside world through the public switched telephone network, it is possible for anyone with a copy of the CardAccess software to dial in and connect to a given panel node. This raises the possibility that someone with the wrong database settings could potentially dial in to a panel cluster and accidentally change the configuration of the panels on that cluster. To prevent unauthorized dial in access, panels that are known to be included in dial up panel clusters can have the ‘Enable Password’ option set. Further, the actual password is entered in the Com Ports screen (for more information see ‘Com Ports’). Note that a password is only needed for the panel that is directly connected to the modem. All other panels in the dial up panel cluster do not need to have the password option set. Note also that the panel that is physically connected to the modem must be set to panel address 1. In a dial up configuration, panel address 1 acts as a ‘master’ panel, which answers the incoming call, and negotiates the password. To enable the password feature for a given panel, click the Enable Password check box on the General tab of the Panels screen. Checked is enabled, unchecked is disabled (the default setting). • Degrade Mode On Figure 540 – The Degrade Mode On Check Box Degrade Mode is a feature that allows you to modify how a panel will evaluate badge numbers. In normal mode, a panel will examine a 345 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L badge number and a facility code to determine the identity and access permissions of a given badge holder. When Degrade Mode is enabled, the panel will ignore badge numbers and time schedules. The panel will evaluate only the facility code on a badge to determine access permission. Essentially, all badge holders with the correct facility code will gain entry, at any hour of the day. This feature may prove useful if you are having problems reading badge numbers correctly, but the badge format is being read. Setting Degrade Mode will force the system to ignore badge numbers (while you fix the problem), but will still allow you to require badge holders to use an access badge to gain entry to secured areas. To enable Degrade Mode for a given panel, click the ‘Degrade Mode On’ check box on the General tab of the Panels screen. Checked is enabled, unchecked is disabled (the default setting). 346 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Connection Section – The Connection section has settings that are important to establishing data communications between the CardAccess Host PC and the panel nodes. • Panel Address Figure 541 – The Panel Address Selection Control There is a hardware Panel Address switch block on every panel type. Each panel that shares the same node with other panels must have a unique panel address set. Stated another way, every panel that shares the same Com Port must be set to a panel address that is different from every other panel on that Com Port. The Panel Address is used by the system to identify the panel. The Panel Address setting in the Panels screen works in conjunction with the Com Port setting below. The Com Port setting determines what node the panels are on, and the Panel Number determines what panel the system is communicating with. The minimum Panel Address is 1. The maximum Panel Address is 63. If the Panel Address is set to 0, the panel will not be polled. To set the Panel Address, click the arrow buttons to the right of the Panel Address control, or click in the white space and type in a number • Com Port Figure 542 – The Com Port Selection Control The Com Port control selects which communications port the panel will be connected to. The Com Port number may not necessarily refer to a serial port. The CardAccess uses the label ‘Com Port’ to refer to serial ports, LAN connected panel nodes and dial nodes. To select the Com Port, click the arrow buttons to the right of the Com Port control, or click in the white space and type in a number Initialization Parameters Section 347 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L When configuration data is downloaded to a panel, part of the downloading process is to set the sizes of some panel static memory buffers. Some of these buffers are adjustable from inside the CardAccess software. Three such adjustable memory buffers are detailed below. Note that panel memory space is limited (unless you have added expanded memory). Thus, every buffer size that you increase using the controls below will subtract from the total memory available for badge records. Thus, you should seek to set the below controls to their smallest possible size where memory for badge storage is an issue. • Transaction Buffer Size Figure 543 – The Transaction Buffer Size Selection Control The Transaction Buffer Size control allocates panel memory for the number of event transactions to be stored before a buffer full condition occurs. The event buffer is a ‘circular’ type buffer, which means that if the panel runs out of space for event transactions, it will begin to overwrite the oldest transactions in memory. When a panel is connected to a computer serial port, event transactions are picked up every few seconds by the polling program, so it is rare that you would need to set a large Transaction Buffer Size. However, when a panel is connected to a dial line and is not dialed frequently, event buffer size could become more of an issue if the panel sees substantial traffic. Event messages could be lost if the panel is allowed to fill, then begin to overwrite the event buffer. In that case, you would want to increase the Transaction Buffer Size. The default size is 110 event transactions. The maximum is 30,000. To change the setting, click the arrow buttons to the right of the Transaction Buffer Size control or click in the white space and type a number. • Time Schedule Blocks Figure 544 – The Time Schedule Blocks Selection Control 348 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Time Schedule blocks are created in the ‘Schedules’ screen (see the manual section entitled ‘Schedules’). A Schedule is defined as one or more Time Blocks (Figure 545). One Time Block is composed generally, of a ‘Start Day’ and an ‘End Day’ and a ‘Start Time’ and an ‘End Time’. Figure 545 – Schedules Screen – Six Time Blocks Shown The Panels screen Time Schedule Blocks control allows you to allocate the minimum amount of memory for the storage of time schedule blocks (which will save space for badge records if adjusted to the minimum size). The CardAccess software will permit a maximum of 128 schedules. The maximum number of time blocks per schedule is 10. The maximum setting for the Time Schedule Blocks control cannot exceed 1280 blocks (128 schedules x 10 blocks per schedule). The Time Schedule Blocks control can be set to the actual number of time schedule blocks that have been created in the Schedules screen if memory is needed for additional badge record storage. Note that the settings in the Time Schedule Blocks control is ignored by the panel if the panel is equipped with expanded memory. In that case the panel automatically allocates the maximum memory space of 1280 time blocks. To determine how many time blocks exist in your Schedules screen, visit each schedule and count the number of lines in the ‘Time Schedule Blocks’ area, of each schedule created in that screen. For example, in Figure 545 above, the schedule shown has six time blocks showing (use the scrollbar to see more schedules if they are present). To change the setting, click the arrow buttons to the right of the Time Schedule Blocks control or click in the white space and type a number. • Max Access Groups 349 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 546 – The Max Access Groups Control The Max Access Groups control should be set to a value equal to the highest numbered access group, in the access group number field in the Access Groups screen (Figure 547). Note that the CardAccess will permit you to create up to 1000 access groups maximum. As an example, if you have created access group number 1000 in the Access Groups screen, then you must set the Max Access Groups control in the Panels screen to 1000 for every panel. Scroll to the highest numbered access group to check the access group number and set that number in the Max Access Groups control in each panel definition in the Panels screen. Figure 547 – The Access Group Number – Access Group #1 Shown To change the setting, click the arrow buttons to the right of the Max Access Groups control or click in the white space and type a number. Maximum vale = 1000. Priorities Tab Figure 548 – The Panels Priorities Tab The Priorities folder tab is used to set the alert priority levels of the various Panel event messages. Priority levels are used by the system to 350 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L determine which part of the CardAccess main screen to use (the Events or Alerts grids), to display the each type of event type message mentioned in Figure 548. Every possible Panel event message is mentioned on the Priorities tab. The function of each of the controls on the Priorities folder tab is as follows. • Panel Event Priorities – The Priority spin control allows you to set the ‘numeric significance’ of the given alert type. How alert priority levels are used depends on the settings of the CardAccess main screen controls. See the manual section entitled ‘Setting Up Priorities’ for more information. To set a Priority level for an alert type, click the arrow buttons to the right of the Priority spin control or click in the white space and type in a number. • Require Operator Response – If checked the ‘Requires Alert Response’ feature will be enabled for the given event type. The Requires Alert Response feature engine will force an operator to respond to an alert by popping up an alert response window that mandates that the operator manually click a button to move an alert from the Alerts Grid to the Events Grid. For more information see the manual section entitled ‘Setting Up Priorities’. Maps Tab Figure 549 – The Panels Maps Tab The Map tab has controls that allow you to add or edit a map for the current panel. The Map tab is not visible unless the ‘Use Facility Map’ 351 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Option is enabled in the System Settings. For more detailed information on the creation of maps see the manual section entitled ‘Maps’. The function of each of the controls on the Map folder tab is as follows. • Facility Map for This Device Figure 550 – Facility Map Name Field Displays the name of the map that is attached to the current reader • Map Description Figure 551 – The Map Description Field An area where you can add a text description of the map 352 C A R D A C C E S S • 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Size Image to Fit Check Box Figure 552 – The Size Image to Fit Check Box Image bitmaps come in all shapes and sizes. The CardAccess Maps image view control is set by default to stretch the image to fit the size of the image display window. If Size Image to Fit is disabled, the image will be displayed in its native size format (and white space may appear on the sides, or top and bottom). The feature is enabled by default • View Maps Button Figure 553 – The View Maps Button Click this button to open the Maps creation screen where you can create or edit a map. • Remove Map Button Figure 554 – The Remove Map Button This button is only available while in Edit mode. Click it to delete the map 353 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Download Configuration and Data to Panels Figure 555 - The Panels Download Categories Selection Screen There are two classes of panel data downloads. • Automatic - Automatic configuration data downloads occur immediately after you click the 'Save' key in any of the CardAccess configuration screens. The CardAccess host computer clock is also downloaded to hardwired panels once per hour. The clock is downloaded to dial panels at the end of a dial session • Manual - Manual configuration data downloads are initiated by the CardAccess operator by manually clicking a 'Download' button on the toolbar of the Panels screen (see below) Panel data downloads are generally initiated automatically each time you click the 'Save' button in one of the CardAccess configuration screens. After a record has been created or changed in any configuration screen, that changed record is immediately (and automatically) queued up by the system for transmission to the appropriate panel. The system treats changed configuration records with a very high priority and sends them to the appropriate panel as soon as possible, without human intervention. However, there may be times when you wish initiate a data download to a panel manually. This may be true in a case where the CardAccess administrator is bringing a new panel online, or in the rare case where a 354 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L panel seems to be malfunctioning and a data re-download seems appropriate. There is a download button available on the Panels screen main toolbar to initiate a manual download. To download a panel do the following. • Open the Panels Screen - Open the panels screen, available from the Configuration menu • Select a Panel - Use the scrollbar to locate the panel you wish to download. Click that selection • Click the Download Button - Click the 'Download' button which is available on the Panels screen toolbar Figure 556 – The Download Button • Select the Type of Download - Select the download category in the 'Download Categories' screen. The top half of the screen contains the possible individual data categories that are available for download. You may select one or all of the categories that appear in the top half of the screen. The individual download categories are listed below. o Badges - When this checkbox is selected, the system will download all Personnel badge records that belong at the selected panel (as seen in the Personnel screen) Figure 557 – The Badges Check Box o Readers - When this checkbox is selected, the system will download all Reader records that belong at the selected panel (as seen in the Readers screen) Figure 558 – The Readers Check Box o Inputs - When this checkbox is selected, the system will download all Input records that belong at the selected panel (as seen in the Inputs screen) 355 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 559 – The Inputs Check Box o Relays - When this checkbox is selected, the system will download all Relay records that belong at the selected panel (as seen in the Relays screen) Figure 560 – The Relays Check Box o Links - When this checkbox is selected, the system will download all Link records that belong at the selected panel (as seen in the Links screen) Figure 561 – The Links Check Box o Badge Formats - When this checkbox is selected, the system will download all Badge Format records that belong at the selected panel (as seen in the Badge Formats screen) Figure 562 – The Badge Formats Check Box o Access Groups - When this checkbox is selected, the system will download all Access Group records that belong at the selected panel (as seen in the Access Groups screen) Figure 563 – The Access Groups Check Box o Time Schedules - When this checkbox is selected, the system will download all Time Schedule records that belong at the selected panel (as seen in the Schedules screen) Figure 564 – The Time Schedules Check Box o Facility Codes - When this checkbox is selected, the system will download all Facility Code records that belong at the selected panel (as seen in the Facility Codes screen) 356 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 565 – The Facility Codes Check Box o Holidays - When this checkbox is selected, the system will download all Holiday records to the selected panel (as seen in the Holidays screen) Figure 566 – The Holidays Check Box o Full Download - When this checkbox is selected, the system will download all records, from all database tables that concern the selected panel. Selecting the 'Full Download' option is like selecting every checkbox mentioned above (except the firmware checkbox). Panel firmware will not be downloaded on a full (data) download Figure 567 – The Full Download Check Box o Firmware Download - When this checkbox is selected, the system will download panel firmware to the selected Superterm panel (note that only Superterms have downloadable firmware). The panel will be taken offline during the firmware download, but will continue to read badges and admit any card holder having a badge with the correct facility code (badge numbers are not checked during a firmware download, only facility codes. The panel is put into Degrade mode when receiving a download). You can elect to download firmware or data but not both simultaneously Figure 568 – The Firmware Download Checkbox • Select Which Panels to Download - There are two buttons that will start a panel data or firmware download. The functions of the buttons are explained below o Download Panel - Clicking this button causes the communications driver software to download the requested configuration data to only the panel that is currently highlighted in the Panels screen 357 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 569 – The Download Panel Button o All Panels - Clicking this button causes the communications driver software to download the requested configuration data to all panels in the panels list of the Panels screen Figure 570 – The Download All Panels Button • Confirm the Download - One of two download confirmation boxes will appear. Which box you see will be determined by which type of communications link your selected panel is on. o Hardwire or LAN Lines - A download confirmation message box will appear (see figure below). If you wish to proceed with the download, click the 'Yes' button, otherwise click the 'No' button to abort the download request Figure 571 – The Download Confirmation Message o Dial Up Modem Connection - In the case where the panel you have selected for a download is on a modem, and it is not currently connected to the CardAccess communications driver, the download confirmation will take you through two confirmation windows. ! Confirm the Dial Up Request - The software informs you that the selected panel is on a modem and requests permission to connect to the panel. To continue, click the 'Yes' button. To exit without dialing, click the 'No' button 358 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 572 – The Dial Up Confirm Message ! Confirm the Download - You will then see the standard download confirmation box. Click the 'Yes' button to begin the data download, click the 'No' button to cancel the download before sending any data. If you elect to abort the download at this point, the dial line connection will be terminated as well Figure 573 – The Download Confirm Message • If You Wish to Stop the Download - Once the download has started to the selected panel(s), if you wish to stop the download before it has completed, click the 'Abort Download' button Warning – Do not stop a panel download until it is complete, especially a firmware download. The panel memory is cleared before a download, and you could leave the panel in an unstable state unless you permit the download to complete • Close the Download Categories Screen - Click the 'Exit' button at any time to close the Download Categories screen 359 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Readers Figure 574 – The Readers Screen – General Tab Visible The thing to keep in mind about all of the configuration screens available from the CardAccess Configuration menu is that all of the settings in those screens exist to program the Panel hardware. All the configuration type screens quite are similar, in that all screens available from the Configuration menu create database records that are used to configure some type of connected hardware. Readers is a configuration screen, available from the Configuration menu (Figure 574), whose settings are applied to Panel Door connectors. The settings in the Readers screen activate or deactivate features that can primarily be found connected to a given panel’s door connectors. With all CardAccess hardware (and every hardware choice available from the Configuration menu), you need to be aware that hardware records must be created in ‘an order’. That is, some hardware types need to exist in the database before other types can be created. In the specific case of Readers, you cannot create reader records without first creating Panel records. By definition, a Reader is a hardware device used for reading access badges. All badge card reads are sent to the Continental access control panels for access permissions evaluation. And Readers are physically connected to panels, therefore you can’t have 360 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Readers without first having panels. To learn more about creating panel records, see the manual section entitled ‘Panels’. With all the CardAccess hardware configuration screens, when you create a new record, that record is automatically configured with a minimum default functionality necessary to insure that the hardware item will function without any further changes to the default record settings. When you create each new reader record, the following configuration items are automatically loaded with default values by the system. Each item listed will be discussed in more detail in later sections. • Reader Type – The Reader type is set to ‘Door’ by default • Enabled – The Enabled check box is checked • Report Bypass – The Report Bypass check box is checked • Bypass Unlocks – The Bypass Unlocks check box is checked • No Schedules – No schedules are entered in any of the schedule controls. The reader is activated 24 hours per day, every day of the year by default, unless an override schedule is manually selected in one of the schedule controls • No Keypad – The available keypad interface is disabled by default. You must manually activate the keypad interface if desired • Inputs – Door Sensor and Bypass inputs are automatically chosen by the system based on the reader number • Door Strike Relay – The Door Strike Relay is automatically chosen by the system • Options – Each control on the Options tab is loaded with default values • Message Priorities – Event message priorities are automatically entered for each type of reader event message • CCTV – CCTV is disabled • Maps – Maps are not assigned 361 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Create a Basic Reader Record To create a basic reader record do the following. • Open Readers – Open the Readers screen, available from the Configuration menu • Click New – Click the ‘New’ button Figure 575 – The New Button • Select a Panel – To select a panel from the Panel control, click the down arrow on the right side of the control, scroll up or down to locate your selection, click the selection Figure 576 – The Panel Selection Control • Select a Reader Number – To select a reader number, use the control marked ‘Reader#’. Either type in a reader number or click the up or down arrows to locate the number you want Figure 577 – The Reader Number Selection Control Note – The software lets you create up to eight readers per panel. The CardAccess will not allow you to create two readers with the same reader number, on the same panel • Click Save – Click the ‘Save’ button to save the record. After you click Save, the reader record will be sent down to the appropriate panel and will be activated automatically. Figure 578 – The Save Button You have just enabled a reader with the following options. 362 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N • Operational 24 hours per day, every day of the year • Is set up as a ‘Door’ reader type • Has a door strike relay programmed • Has a bypass input programmed M A N U A L Reader Functional Types Because the reader hardware is controlled by software, the reader ‘function’ can be determined by settings in the CardAccess software. Typically a badge and card reader are used to open a door. But, because the operation of a reader is controlled principally by the CardAccess software, the meaning of a badge read can be interpreted in whatever way we choose. The controls of the readers screen will let you set any reader to one of the functional types listed below. Only one of the functions listed below can be set per reader (they are mutually exclusive). Standard Door Reader This is the default setting. It is assumed that most readers will be used for door access, and that an access badge of some type will be used to open those doors. Thus, all items needed to operate a standard door are enabled by default Badge Validator Figure 579 – The Badge Validator Control You can set a reader up to enable and disable badges. When a specific reader is set up as a Badge Validator reader, if you present an enabled card to that reader, it disables that card. When you present a disabled card to that reader, it is enabled. 363 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Note that the badge validator reader will not create a new badge record for a badge. It will only enable or disable a badge record that already exists in the CardAccess badge database. When we say ‘enable’ or ‘disable’, we mean that the ‘Enabled’ check box in the badge holder Personnel record will be checked or unchecked. The badge will also either be ‘activated’ or ‘deactivated’ by the CardAccess software by changing that badge holder’s Enabled status in the CardAccess database. The amended badge holder record will be downloaded to the appropriate panels (or deleted from the appropriate panels). The Badge Validator functionality can be useful to a department responsible for activating badges for a company. After badge holder records have been created, a card reader mounted on a desktop can serve to activate and deactivate those badges. There would be no need to visit the Personnel screen and search for those badge records. Quick Tip – If a badge validator reader is mounted at a door, it will open that door upon the presentation of a valid, enabled badge, but will also disable that badge. The door will not be opened if a disabled badge is presented, but it will enable that badge. Figure 580 – Badge Validator Reader Enable & Disable Messages Escort Reader Figure 581 – Personnel Screen Check Boxes – Escorted Highlighted 364 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L In the Personnel screen, on the ‘General’ tab, there is an option check box labeled ‘Escorted’ (Figure 581). This setting in the Personnel screen works in conjunction with a setting in the Readers screen, on the ‘General’ tab, labeled ‘Escort Enabled’ (Figure 582) that allows you to designate a reader as an ‘Escort Reader’. Figure 582 – Readers Screen Check Boxes – Escort Enabled Highlighted When the Escort option is selected in a given badge holder’s Personnel record, that badge holder will require a second, non-Escort enabled badge holder, to ‘escort’ them through doorways, that have readers with the Escort option set. The Escort enabled badge has the following properties. • If a valid Escort enabled badge is presented to a non-Escort enabled reader (and the badge holder has permission to enter that door), the badge holder will be granted access • If a valid Escort enabled badge is presented to an Escort enabled reader (and the badge holder has permission to enter that door), the door will not be opened unless there is a second, non-escort enabled badge, presented to that same reader before the ‘Two-Badge’ timer expires (Figure 583) Figure 583 The Readers Screen Two-Badge Timer The Two-Badge Timer can be found in the Readers screen, on the ‘Options’ tab. This control sets the time, in seconds, that the system 365 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L will wait for the presentation of a second badge, for any two badge type event (Escort, Two-Man and Vehicle Tag). Alarm Shunt Reader Figure 584 – Readers Screen Check Boxes – Alarm Shunt Highlighted Alarm Shunting is explained in detail in the manual section entitled ‘Personnel’. To set a reader as an Alarm Shunt reader, the ‘Alarm Shunt Reader’ check box must be checked. In addition, a Shunt enabled badge is needed to activate shunting. Once the Alarm Shunt feature is enabled at a given reader, that reader will behave as a normal door type reader (see above) unless a Shunt enabled badge is presented. In that case, shunting will be activated and will be in the mode as described by the settings in the Personnel record (on the ‘Control’ tab) of the shunt card badge holder (see Personnel for more information on Shunting). The next subsequent presentation of any shunt enabled badge at the same Shunt enabled reader, will disable the shunting that was enabled by the first badge read. Card Only Reader Figure 585 – The Card-Only Time Schedule Selection Control 366 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L By default, when you create a new reader record, that reader is already in ‘Card-Only’ mode. Thus, if no changes have been made to the default Reader record settings, then you will not need to apply a Card-Only Time Schedule. The Card-Only Time Schedule control is used to ‘override’ another applied schedule. An example would be where you wish to have badge holders enter the building during business hours using their badges only (security personnel can identify valid card holders on sight). After hours (when there are fewer security personnel), you require badge holders to type an access PIN code into a keypad in addition to presenting a valid access card (this may prevent someone from being able to use a stolen card and ‘sneak in’ unnoticed after hours). In the example above, you would create a Card-Only time schedule for use during the day, and you would create a ‘Card & Code’ schedule for use at night. Thus, the mode of the reader will be switched between Card-Only and Card & Code automatically by the system. Card & Code Reader Figure 586 – The Card&Pin Time Schedule Selection Control It is possible to set a reader into a mode where you will require that any card holders that present badges to that reader also type an access PIN code into a keypad (that keypad will be connected to the same reader port). When a Card&PIN schedule is selected in the Card&PIN Schedule control, the panel reader port is set to expect a keypad entry after every badge read. The keypad port for a given reader is not enabled by default, so you must enable the keypad port for a given door before you select a Card&PIN Schedule for that door. Keypad set up is discussed later in this manual section. 367 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Time & Attendance Reader Figure 587 – The Time & Attendance Type Selection Control The Time & Attendance selection control allows you to activate the Time & Attendance function for a given reader. The reader will behave like a standard reader, but the CardAccess will generate special event messages as badges are presented to T&A readers (Figure 588). Readers can be set up as IN, OUT or IN&OUT readers (see more below). Time & Attendance is a ‘passive’ function. That is, a T&A reader will not generate a violation message if you wish to ‘enter’ or ‘exit’ the same reader twice (so a card holder could clock IN or OUT more than once, for example). A cardholder will be allowed to enter or exit as many times as they wish, without restriction. Figure 588 – Time&Attendance Event Messages Anti-Passback Reader Figure 589 – The Anti-Passback Controls The APB control section allows you to activate the Anti-Passback function of a given reader. An Anti-Passback reader functions much like the Time & Attendance reader described above, except that AntiPassback readers can be set to deny re-entry to a given door. Typically, one reader is set up to be an APB IN reader, and a second reader is set as an APB OUT reader. After a given cardholder has presented a badge to an APB IN reader, that badge will not be accepted at an APB IN reader again until it has been presented to an APB OUT reader. 368 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L The APB function is designed to enforce strict entry and exit rules, which will prevent card holders from ‘re-entering’ an APB IN enabled door, until they have exited through an APB OUT enabled door. Thus, you must enable APB on at least two readers if you wish to enforce AntiPassback. Two-Person Reader Figure 590 – The Two-Person Reader Type Selection Control The Two Person Reader Type control allows you to active the ‘TwoPerson’ function at a reader. The Two-Person function operates much like the Escort function explained earlier in this manual section. In general, a Two-Person reader will wait to obtain badge reads from two valid badges before allowing entry to either cardholder. The door will not be unlocked until two valid badge reads are received. The Two-Person function software tracks how many occupants are in a given room or facility at one time. The software requires that at least two badge holders enter the room together. Any two badge holders must remain in the room at any time. And the last two occupants must leave together. The application for a two person reader might be in a sensitive lab area where your firm would want a minimum of two people in that lab at all times. An entry door and an exit door would be provided. At least two badge holders would be required to be in the room at any time. The above scenario brings up several optional methods of operating such a secure room. The ‘Two Person Reader Type’ control has several option selections, explained below. • In – When the Two-Person ‘IN’ function is assigned to a reader: o If the room in question currently has no inhabitants, two badges are required to open the door for the first time. Single card reads are rejected with a violation event message after a timeout period (waits for second badge read). 369 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L o Once the room or facility has a minimum of two occupants, the reader behaves like a standard reader and admits individual badge holders without escort. • Out – When the Two-Person ‘OUT’ function is assigned to a reader: o As badge holders leave the room or facility, the last two card holders are required to leave together. The reader requires two badge reads at an exit reader before the door will be unlocked. o Single card reads will be rejected by the reader at all times, with a violation event message (after a timeout), when set to TwoPerson Out. • Out with Override – When the Two-Person ‘OUT with Override’ function is assigned to a reader o As the room is emptied, a single card read will unlock the door, but a violation message will be generated. All Two-Person functions require that two valid badge holders occupy the room at any one time Out with Override prevents a cardholder from being ‘stranded’ in a room or facility. It is possible for the last two persons in a room to present their badges at the exit door, and let one person leave. If the exit reader has the Two-Person Out setting, there is no way that the final occupant can exit. Out with Override allows the single card holder to leave, but generates a violation message so it can be determined who was in the room without escort • Always – When the Two-Person ‘Always’ function is assigned to a reader, there is no In or Out function. Two valid card reads are required at that door at all times, at that door Vehicle Tag Reader Figure 591 – The Vehicle Tag Reader Selection Control Generally, ‘Vehicle Tagging’ is a function where two readers are linked together by software settings and employed to track which badge holder has exited a facility in possession a given vehicle. Note that the Vehicle 370 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Tag function can only be enabled on a Superterm panel. The firmware of all other panel types does not support Vehicle Tagging. There are two readers placed at the exit point of a motor pool parking facility. One reader is at an elevation suitable to read a badge presented by the driver of a vehicle. The second reader is mounted in the roadway, directly underneath the vehicle. The second reader reads a proximity badge mounted on the vehicle chassis. The two readers are linked by software so that badge events from both readers can be treated as one logical event. The ‘Vehicle Tag Superterm Reader Link’ control selects the vehicle tag reader that will be associated with the badge holder reader. In other words, the link between the two readers is accomplished in the Readers screen, on the ‘Options’ tab, in the ‘Vehicle Tag Superterm Reader Link’ control. You link the badge holder reader to the Vehicle Tag reader (not the other way around). Two readers on a single panel are required. The panels may be Superterm type only. Besides linking two readers together, you will need to create badge holder badges and Vehicle Tag badges in the Personnel screen (see the manual section entitled Personnel for more information). The badge holder badges for drivers of vehicles are not special badges. The same badges that allow door access can be used. The Vehicle Tag badge records are not special in any way either. They are created and configured just like standard badge holder records and all of the same rules apply. A Vehicle Tag badge record must have access group permissions just like a standard badge. You will want to enter names in the First and Last name fields that describe the vehicle, however. The only configuration requirement for identifying a badge as a Vehicle Tag is to check the “Vehicle Tag” field in the badge record (Figure 592). The Vehicle Tag badge type is created with all of the default settings of a standard cardholder badge. Figure 592 – Personnel Screen Check Boxes – Vehicle Tag Highlighted 371 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Note that in all functions that involve two badge reads, the ‘Two-Badge Timer’ is used (Figure 593). The time set in the Two-Badge Timer determines how long the system will wait for the second badge read for all two badge type events (including Vehicle Tagging). Figure 593 – The Two-Badge Timer Thus, you need to set a value in the timer if you will be using Vehicle Tags (the time is in seconds). If the system collects one badge read (either badge may be read first), but does not receive the second badge read before the timer expires, there will be a violation event message generated (Figure 594). Figure 594 – Vehicle Tag Violation Event Massage In the specific case of a Vehicle Tag reader and it’s associated badge reader, you need to set a Two-Badge Timeout time for both readers. That timer will determine how long each reader will wait for the second badge read before generating an error event message. The timers do not need to be set to the same value. When either a badge or tag is read, all of the standard access control checks are performed on that badge or tag. If the badge or tag is valid, the associated door strike is activated (if programmed) and the panel waits for the second reader event. When both the badge and the tag have been read successfully, only one event message is generated that mentions both readers (Figure 595). Figure 595 – A Valid Tag Event Message Once two readers are linked together in a Vehicle Tag arrangement, the badges read at those readers will report as Vehicle Tag type events by default. Further, two badge reads (one at each reader) are then expected on every badge event. If only one (valid) badge is read at either reader, and the timer expires, you will get a violation event message even though the door relay was fired in response to a valid badge. 372 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L However, you can override the ‘Tag No Match’ error event message for specific badges, in a case where you need to set up a situation where only one valid badge read will be permitted at either reader, and you want a ‘Badge Valid’ event message generated instead of ‘Tag No Match’. For each badge that you wish to have override the vehicle tag programming, check the ‘Tracked’ checkbox in that cardholder’s Personnel record. In the specific case of Vehicle Tag readers, the Tracked function does not set the badge to Tracked mode. When the Tracked enabled badge is presented to a Vehicle Tag reader, it causes the system to ignore the Vehicle Tag linking. At all other readers, the badge reports as ‘Tracked’. Reader Screen Controls There are six folder tabs that can be visible in the Readers screen. Below is an explanation of the function of each of those folder tabs. Figure 596 – The Readers Screen Folder Tabs • General Tab – The General folder tab contains controls that define or change the reader type, link the reader to a panel, link the reader to a group, and set the reader number • Door Control Tab – The Door Control folder tab contains controls that set up reader activate/deactivate time schedules, set input and relay numbers, and activate the keypad interface for a door • Options Tab – The Options tab contains controls that set various timer values, reader IN and OUT type and Vehicle Tag linking • Priorities Tab – The Priorities tab has controls that set priorities for the event messages generated from activities at the reader • CCTV Tab – The CCTV tab has controls that link reader activity to CCTV control messages. The CCTV tab will not be visible in the Readers screen unless CCTV is enabled in the System Settings (see the manual section entitled ‘System Settings’ for more information) • Map Tab – The Map tab has controls that allow you to create or edit a map for that reader. The Map tab will not be visible unless Mapping is enabled in the System Settings (see the manual section entitled ‘System Settings’ for more information) 373 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L General Tab Figure 597 – The Readers General Tab The function of each of the controls on the General folder tab is as follows. Note – You must be in edit mode to make changes to any of the controls mentioned below. You enter edit mode by clicking the ‘Edit’ button or the ‘New’ button at the top of the Readers screen. • Panel – Readers are ultimately always connected to panels. Each new reader definition must be attached to a panel through CardAccess software configuration. Selecting a panel in the Panel control attaches this reader definition to that panel. Once the record is saved, a data packet is downloaded to the panel and the panel software automatically enables the reader port indicated by the reader record, with the options selected in the below mentioned controls. Panel definitions must be created before Reader definitions. Create panels in the Configuration, Panels screen. • Reader# – This control selects the reader number. By default, all panel reader ports are deactivated. The Reader indicates which reader port the panel should activate, once the record is downloaded to the panel indicated in the ‘Panel’ control • Name – The ‘Name’ is a descriptive text label that you wish to give to the reader. The label should clearly describe where the reader is located in a given building. The CardAccess software will display this name in all events relating to the reader in question. Descriptive names will aid users of the CardAccess in locating the proper door when needed. 374 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L • Group – The Group control assigns the given reader to the selected group. ‘Readers’ Groups must first be defined in the Groups screen, available from the Administration menu, or you will not see any groups in the list to select from. • Reader Type Figure 598 – The Reader Type control The ‘Reader Type’ control programs the panel reader port to behave in one of the three ways listed below. The difference in actual software behavior of the three reader types listed below is minimal. The primary difference between the reader types below is how the reader will be used. o Door – When the Reader Type is set to Door, the reader is configured as a standard door reader. A ‘Door’ in the CardAccess is defined as a reader with one door strike relay, one bypass input, one door contact input, and optionally one shunting relay, and one keypad. o Elevator – Elevator reader programming is treated quite differently from door reader programming in the following ways. ! A new folder tab appears in the reader record called ‘Elevator Access’ Figure 599 – The Readers Screen Elevator Access Tab ! Access Group programming is extended to the Readers screen, on the Elevator Access tab. You are given the opportunity to attach extra relays to the door definition 375 C A R D A C C E S S ! 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L You can assign multiple relays to activate upon the presentation of a valid access card, which is in contrast to a standard door reader that can fire up to two relays (door strike and a shunt relay) maximum However, you are still provided with the standard door relays in addition to the elevator control relays, when you create an elevator reader definition. You can find more detail on elevator control programming in the section called ‘Elevator Control’ found later in this section o Badge Validator – When a reader is set up as a Badge Validator, badges that are presented to that reader will be toggled between Enabled and Disabled. Thus, the Badge Validator reader is used to activate and deactivate access cards (badges). Note the following rules. ! Badge records are not created by the Badge Validator reader ! Only badge records that exist in the database can be activated or deactivated ! The Badge Validator function will change the enabled status of the badge only. When you present a badge to a Badge Validator reader once, the badge will be enabled (if it’s currently disabled). When you present the same badge again, the badge will be disabled ! When an enabled, valid badge is presented to a Badge Validator reader, the door strike is fired (if programmed) and the badge is disabled ! When a disabled badge is presented to a Badge Validator reader, the door strike is not fired, and the badge is enabled 376 C A R D A C C E S S • 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Assign to Access Group from Reader Figure 600 – The Assign to Access Group from Reader Selection Control Access groups are usually created from the Access Groups screen, available from a button on the CardAccess main toolbar. The ‘Assign to Access Group from Reader’ control allows you to assign a reader to an access group from the Readers screen. The Assign to Access Group control contains a list of readers who already belong to access groups. To assign a reader to an access group from the readers screen, you click the arrow to the right of the Assign to Access Group from Reader control and select a reader that belongs to the access group you want to attach the current reader to. The current reader will be attached to the same access group as the reader that you selected, and the current reader will be assigned the same time block as the reader that you selected. • Enabled Figure 601 – The Enabled Check Box The Enabled check box activates or deactivates the badge record. When the Enabled check box is checked and the badge record is saved, that badge record is downloaded to all panels where the given badge has access. When the Enabled check box is unchecked and the badge record is saved, that badge record is removed from all panels, thereby rendering the badge inoperative at all doors, system wide. • Report Bypass Figure 602 – The Report Bypass Check Box Report Bypass is enabled (checked) by default. Each panel door connector is equipped with two inputs, which become enabled (on 377 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L the panel door connector) automatically when a new Reader record is saved in the CardAccess software. One of those inputs is a Bypass Input, often called a ‘request to exit’ input. On each panel door connector, the Bypass input is treated as a special input. When there is a contact closure (a ‘short’) across the Bypass input, the door strike relay is fired, opening the door. The typical use for this input is to mount a switch on the inside of a door to allow badge holders to exit a building without the need to present a badge to a reader to do so. Because the number of employees exiting the building, at the end of a workday in a large facility can generate literally thousands of requests to exit event messages, some clients prefer to turn those messages off. Some security teams are less interested in who is leaving a building. To turn Report Bypass off, uncheck the check box. • Bypass Unlocks Figure 603 – The Bypass Unlocks Checkbox Bypass Unlocks is enabled by default. The Bypass Unlocks check box is related to the Report Bypass input above. The Bypass Unlocks check box determines whether the bypass switch mentioned above will be coupled to the door strike relay. If Bypass Unlocks is checked, a closure on the bypass input will unlock the associated door. If Bypass Unlocks is not checked, the bypass switch will be ignored. • Report Access After Open Figure 604 – The Report Access After Open Check Box By default, when a valid badge is presented to any reader, the CardAccess system generates a ‘Badge Valid’ event message immediately (no delay). The system does not wait for the door to be pulled open before reporting the badge access. 378 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Potentially, a cardholder could present a valid card and decide not to enter the door. However, an event message would still be generated, making it look like the badge holder entered the building. To prevent false door access reporting by valid badge holders, the CardAccess allows you to suppress Badge Valid event messages until the door is actually opened. The system senses the state of the door by using the door contact input (mentioned later). When the Report Access After Open check box is checked, the panel software will wait for the door contact to open before sending a Badge Valid event message. With the Report Access After Open checkbox unchecked, the panel will send a Badge Valid event message immediately, every time a valid badge is presented to a reader. This event message suppression only works for Badge Valid messages. Violation messages are not affected by the Report Access After Open control, and are sent immediately. • Escort Enabled Figure 605 – The Escort Enabled Check Box The Escort Enabled function is disabled by default (unchecked). When the Escort Enabled check box is checked, the reader becomes an ‘Escort Reader’. No essential functioning of the reader is changed. The only noticeable change in reader behavior is when an Escort enabled badge is presented to an Escort reader. When the Escort attribute is enabled for a badge, that badge works as a normal badge at any reader that is not set with the Escort Enabled function activated. When an Escort enabled badge is presented to an Escort enabled reader, the reader will refuse to grant door access unless a second, non-escort enabled badge is presented within a timeout period. More information on Escort readers is found above in the section entitled ‘Reader Functional Types’. To set the reader as an Escort Reader, check the check box 379 C A R D A C C E S S • 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L No Transaction for Valid Figure 606 – The No Transaction for Valid Check Box No Transaction for Valid is disabled on every reader by default. All events are logged to the database unless those settings are overridden. However there are some events that could be considered ‘less significant’, such as Badge Valid messages. In a standard system, the greatest majority of event messages are Badge Valid messages. You can elect not to receive Badge Valid event messages by enabling the No Transaction for Valid (check the check box) feature on a reader port. The benefits of not logging event messages are o Not logging Badge Valid messages would save considerable hard drive and database space o The system would not need to pick up Badge Valid event messages from panels and would likely gain some speed improvement The main pitfall of not logging event messages is that if you need to reference an event for a later report on valid access activity, perhaps during a selected hour or day, none of those events will be stored in the database or any archive (the events are not sent to the computer by the panel). Note that the No Transaction for Valid check box only suppresses Badge Valid messages. All other event messages are unaffected. Check the No Transaction for Valid checkbox to suppress Badge Valid event messages for one specific reader. The feature must be set on each reader where you wish suppress valid event messages. You are permitted to set the feature (or not) on any readers of your choosing. • Suppress OTL Warning Figure 607 – The Suppress OTL Warning Check Box 380 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L When checked, ‘Door Open Too Long’ event messages will be suppressed on whichever readers have this option set. Door Open Too Long event messages are sent by a panel (to the PC) when there has been a ‘valid door access’ (defined as a successful badge read, and subsequently the door contact was broken), but the door contact has not returned to the normal state (the door has not closed) before the ‘Still Open Delay’ timer has elapsed. The Still Open Delay timer is set in the ‘Doors’ section of the ‘Options’ tab, found in the Readers screen (Figure 608). The default value for the Still Open Delay timer is 30 seconds. Thus, the system will report that the door has been ‘held open’ (which is a violation) if the door is not closed within 30 seconds. Figure 608 – The Readers Still Open Delay Selection Control The Suppress OTL Warning option is generally used when there is a need to hold the door open for an extended period, such as when there is a construction crew working in the building. Door Open Too Long messages are enabled by default. To suppress Door Open Too Long messages, click (check) the check box for every reader that you wish to have suppressed. • Time Schedule Violate Override Figure 609 – The Time Schedule Violate Override Check Box Generally, badge holders are assigned ‘access rights’ to a given reader. Those rights include the right to access a certain reader and selected time schedules during which access is possible. If a badge holder attempts to access a reader outside of a permitted time schedule, or if access is attempted at an unauthorized reader, a violation error is generated by the system and access is denied. The Time Schedule Violate Override feature allows you to modify the violation behavior of the reader. If the Time Schedule Violate Override feature is enabled (check box is checked), and an unauthorized access is attempted, the panel will still send a violation message to the PC, but the cardholder will be admitted through the door 381 C A R D A C C E S S • 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Alarm Shunt Reader Figure 610 – The Alarm Shunt Reader Check Box If the Alarm Shunt Reader check box is checked, the reader continues to behave as a normal reader. However, the reader is enhanced to treat badges that have the Alarm Shunt feature enabled differently. Alarm Shunting behavior is fully explained in the Personnel section of this manual Door Control Tab Figure 611 – The Readers Door Control Tab All reader definitions are created with default settings, some of which appear in the below list. • Every reader is enabled 24/7/365 by default • Every reader will accept access cards only by default • The Keypad port is disabled • There is no Free Access schedule • Degrade Mode is disabled The ‘Door Control’ folder tab (Figure 611) contains a number of controls to modify the default behavior of a given reader as explained 382 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L below. You must be in Edit mode to change the selection in any of the controls below. • Door Controls Section o Card-Only Time Schedule Figure 612 – The Card-Only Time Schedule Control Note – If you are not planning on enabling a keypad at a given door, you will not need a Card Only Time Schedule The Card-Only Time Schedule control is used in conjunction with the Keypad controls mentioned below. By default, all readers are created with a (hidden) card only time schedule that activates the reader 24 hours per day, 365 days per year. Also by default, the reader keypad is disabled. When a keypad is activated for a given reader, a ‘Card & Code’ time schedule or a ‘Code Only’ time schedule must be applied to the keypad to make it operational. When this keypad schedule is in effect, it overrides the default reader time schedule of ‘card only’, 24 hours per day, every day of the year. The keypad time schedule ‘reprograms’ the door to require keypad entries in addition to (or instead of) card reads to allow entry. The Card-Only time schedule control allows you to select a schedule to return the reader to its default state, where only a card is required to gain entry. All keypad time schedules are disabled by the Card Only time schedule. The keypad is ignored while the Card Only time schedule is in effect. You must decide how you wish to set up your door. You will select a Card-Only time schedule if you have a keypad enabled at the current door, and it has a Code Only or Card & Code schedule assigned to it, and you wish to have the keypad disabled during certain hours, requiring only a card to gain entry during those hours. To select a Card-Only Time Schedule click the arrow to the right of the Card-Only Time Schedule control and select a schedule (Figure 612). The list of schedules is taken from the Schedules 383 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L screen. If there are no schedules visible, you need to create some in Schedules, available from the Main Toolbar To disable the Card-Only Time Schedule, select ‘Not Used’ from the Card-Only Time Schedule list. o Free Access Time Schedule Figure 613 – The Free Access Selection Control Effectively, the door control relay is activated during a Free Access schedule, unlocking a door for the duration of that schedule. Typically, Free Access schedules are used to unlock doors when employees enter a building in the morning, during lunch or when they leave at night. The doors are held unlocked at those times to permit easy access. To Set a Free Access Time Schedule, click the arrow to the right of the Free Access Time Schedule control and select a schedule. If no schedules are visible, you must create some in the Schedules screen. To disable the Free Access Time Schedule, select ‘Not Used’ from the Free Access Time Schedule list. o Degrade Mode Time Schedule Figure 614 The Degrade Mode Time Schedule Selection Control When a panel is placed in Degrade mode, readers on that panel are instructed to ignore badge numbers and admit any cardholder that has the correct Facility Code (if Facility Codes are used). This feature may prove useful when badge numbers are not being read correctly by the readers. Since degrade mode ignores badge numbers, cardholders with the correct facility code can still gain entry to the building. 384 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L The Degrade Mode Time Schedule control allows you to activate degrade mode for each door individually. To activate degrade mode, click the arrow to the right of the Degrade Mode Time Schedule control and select a schedule from the list. If there are no schedules in the list, you must create some in Schedules. To deactivate degrade mode for a Reader, select ‘Not Used’ in the Degrade Mode Time Schedule control o Door Sensor Input Figure 615 – The Door Sensor Input Selection Control The Door Sensor Input (door contact) control sets the panel input number that the ‘door’ will use as the door contact. By default, the system assigns the next available odd numbered input for the door contact function. Door one gets input 1; door two gets input 3, etc. The Door Sensor Input control is provided in case you wish to override the system’s choice of input number for the door. When set to 0, there is no door contact for the given door. Note that any input number that gets assigned to door contact duties through this control becomes a ‘special’ input. The standard input messages ‘Input Normal’ and ‘Input Abnormal’ messages are changed to the door input event messages ‘Door Forced Open’, ‘Door Now Closed’ respectively. Further all door contact inputs have the settings of the controls of the readers screen applied, whereas standard inputs have the settings of the Inputs screen applied. Note that each door contact is enabled with some default ‘behavior’. You can override that behavior by going to the Inputs screen and creating an input definition with the same input number as the door definition input number (termed a ‘duplicate input definition’). If you check the ‘Enabled’ check box in the duplicate input definition, the door contact will report with input event messages. If you do not check the Enabled check box, the settings found on the input screen will override the default door 385 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L contact setting behavior, but the input will report with door contact type event messages. To set the Door Sensor Input Number, click the arrows to the right of the control, or click in the white space and type in the number o Bypass Input Figure 616 – The Bypass Input Selection Control Technically, the Bypass Input control works identically to the Door Sensor Input mentioned above. However, the Bypass Input sets the input number of the Request to Exit switch. By default, all door input numbers are assigned by the system automatically. The automatically assigned Bypass Input number will be the next available even number. The Bypass Input (request to exit) control sets the panel input number that the door will use as the bypass input. This can be any available input on the panel type that you are using. The same rules apply as stated above for the Door Sensor Input. You can override the default settings of the door Bypass Input by creating a duplicate input definition in inputs. If you enable the duplicate input, event messages will report as an input instead of a door bypass. To set the Bypass Input Number, click the arrows to the right of the control, or click in the white space and type in the number o Door Strike Relay Figure 617 – The Door Strike Relay Selection Control The Door Strike Relay control selects the panel relay that will be used to operate the door strike. A relay selected to be a door relay becomes a ‘special’ relay. Standard relay event reporting, Output On, Output Off type messages are changed to Door type access event messages. 386 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L To set the Door Strike Relay Number, click the arrows to the right of the control, or click in the white space and type in the number • Keypad Settings Section o Keypad Enabled Figure 618 – The Keypad Enabled Check Box If checked, the Keypad will become enabled. If unchecked, the Keypad is disabled. 387 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L o Disable Duress Figure 619 – The Disable Duress Check Box Duress is a feature that works in conjunction with the Card & Code feature mentioned earlier in this section. Generally, ‘Duress’ is defined as an emergency situation where a valid cardholder has an urgent need to attract the attention of security personnel (the victim is under duress). The classic access control Duress case is where a valid cardholder approaches a reader and is about to present their access card. An attacker approaches from the rear and forces the cardholder to admit them both to the building. At the typical ‘reader only’ door installation, there would be no easy way for the victim to attract the attention of security personnel. However, at a door with a keypad mounted, an emergency code could be entered that would create a special CardAccess event message. This message could then attract the attention of security without alerting the attacker. You need several things in place to use the Duress feature ! The keypad must be enabled at all doors where the duress feature is to be made available ! Each door must also have a reader installed and enabled ! Each badge holder must have a numeric PIN code entered in their Personnel records (PIN codes don’t have to be unique) ! A Card & Code schedule must be in effect on each door Thus, you will provide a keypad and reader at the door. Badge holders will be required to present a badge and type in a PIN code on every access (while the Card & Code schedule is in effect). The CardAccess system Duress feature recognizes the first character of the PIN code typed four times as the Duress alarm. Typically, if the wrong characters are typed in for the PIN code, the door will remain locked. 388 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L However, after a valid card is presented at the reader for a door, if the first digit of that card holder’s PIN code is typed on the keypad four times, the Duress feature is activated and a ‘violation’ class event message is generated (alerting security to an issue at the door), but the door is unlocked as though the correct PIN code was typed. The fact that the door is unlocked even though the PIN code was typed incorrectly allows security personnel to respond without the attacker knowing about detection. The Disable Duress check box shuts off the duress feature when the Disable Duress check box is checked. It is suggested however, that you leave Duress enabled for safety reasons. o Common Code Figure 620 – The Common Code Control The Common Code control works in conjunction with the Common Code Schedule control mentioned below. A ‘Common Code’ in the CardAccess system is defined as a numeric code, known to all cardholders that can be typed into a keypad to gain admittance at a door without the need for an access badge. Thus, when a door has been set to common code mode, all cardholders will gain entry by typing the same numeric code into the appropriate keypad. That ‘common’ code is entered into the Common Code control for each reader (the common code does not need to be the same for each reader). It is important to note that there are actually two modes to the common code control explained below. ! Common Code Mode – When you fill a numeric code into the Common Code control, the Common Code feature is put in ‘Common Code’ mode for that reader. Common code mode is as described above. While the Common Code Schedule is in effect, the panel reader port will be expecting badge holders to type in the common code as defined in the Common Code control. 389 C A R D A C C E S S ! 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Card Number Mode – When you fill in the hexadecimal value FFFF into the Common Code Control, the Common Code feature is put in ‘Card Number’ mode for that reader. In Card Number mode, the panel reader port expects badge holders to type in their card numbers (maximum 9 digits) as defined in each individual Personnel record, for that reader. Note the following operational issues regarding using keypad entered card numbers to access a building (where Common Code = FFFF). o It would be wise for cardholders to press the * key before entering the badge number. This clears the keypad memory of any ‘unresolved’ digits that another user may have typed in and left incomplete o If facility codes are not used for a given panel, or if the facility code is set to 0 for a given badge holder’s record, the badge holder must type the badge number into the keypad followed by the # symbol (the enter key) to gain access o If facility codes are being used at the panel being accessed, then the badge holder must type the number ‘0’, then the facility code (in decimal), then the badge number, then the # symbol (the enter key) to gain access. If using facility codes on panels that have reader ports set to allow keypad badge number access, because the facility code must be preceded by a 0, only facility numbers 0-9 can be typed in. Do not use facility numbers greater than 0009 (hex) at such panels (see ‘Facility Codes’ for more information) o Card & Pin Schedule Figure 621 – The Card & PIN Schedule Selection Control While this schedule is in effect, entry will not be granted to any cardholders that do not present a valid badge at the door and enter a valid PIN code into a keypad mounted at the same door. To select a schedule, click the arrow to the right of the Card & PIN Schedule control. Click the desired schedule. 390 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L To disable Card & PIN mode (also known as card & code mode), select ‘Not Used’ from the list of schedules and uncheck the ‘Keypad Enabled’ check box o Common Code Schedule Figure 622 – The Common Code Schedule Selection Control While this schedule is in effect, badge holders will be expected to enter the common code as defined in the ‘Common Code’ control (described above) for that reader, in order to gain entry through the door. Badges will be rejected. To select a schedule, click the arrow to the right of the Common Code Schedule control. Click the desired schedule. To disable Common Code mode, select ‘Not Used’ from the list of schedules and uncheck the ‘Keypad Enabled’ check box Options Tab Figure 623 – The Readers Screen Options Tab The function of each of the controls on the Options folder tab is as follows. • Doors Section o Shunt Relay 391 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 624 – The Shunt Relay Selection Control The Shunt Relay control enables the hardware shunting relay for a door. The hardware shunting relay is generally used to bypass another manufacturer’s door contact switch to prevent that alarm system from false triggering each time a door is opened, as a result of valid access using the CardAccess system. The panel software is designed to activate the shunting relay a few milliseconds before the door strike relay. As we stated previously in this manual chapter and others, input and relay numbers are not pre-assigned in the CardAccess. Thus, you can assign any relay on the panel to any door or function (excepting the console relay, #73). However, the system does automatically assign the odd numbered on board relays for door functions and ‘reserves’ the even numbered onboard relays for shunting functions. Even though you are free to change those conventions, typically you would select an even numbered relay to perform shunting functions. To select a relay for shunting, click the arrows to the right of the Shunt Relay control, or click in the white space and type in a number 392 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L o Door Strike Time/Elevator Relay Duration Figure 625 – The Door Strike Time Control The dual function Door Strike Time/Elevator Relay Duration control allows you to select the amount of time (in seconds) that the door strike (or elevator relay) will energize before releasing and returning to the relaxed state. The control is dual function because, if the reader has been set up as an elevator reader (see above sections) this control selects the elevator relay energize time duration. If the reader has been set up as a door reader, this control selects the door strike time. The label on the control changes to reflect its function when you set the reader to an elevator reader (Figure 626) Figure 626 – The Elevator Reader Duration Control o Intrusion Delay Figure 627 – The Intrusion Delay Control The Intrusion delay control selects the amount of time (in seconds) that the system will wait before reporting a ‘Door Forced’ event message. When this control is set to 0 (the default), door forced messages are reported immediately. When set to a number other than 0, the system will wait the specified time before reporting the door ajar. However, if the door is returned to closed status before the timeout period has expired, the door forced message will not be reported. To set the Intrusion Delay, click the arrows to the right of the control or click in the white space and type the number o Still Open Delay 393 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 628 – The Still Open Delay Control The Still Open Delay selects the amount of time (in seconds) that the system will wait before broadcasting a ‘Door Open Too Long’ event message. When a door has been opened as a result of a valid badge read, but the door was not returned to the closed position, the system will wait the amount of time selected in the Still Open Delay timer before reporting ‘Door Open Too Long’. The timer is only used for the first open too long delay. If the door remains open long term, the system will rebroadcast the Door Open Too long event messages every three minutes. To set the Still Open Delay, click the arrows to the right of the control or click in the white space and type the number o Lock Control Figure 629 – The Lock Control Selection Control The Lock Control selector determines when the system will release the door strike relay. There are three options. ! On Open – The door strike relay is released as soon as the door contact is broken. Warning, you must use a door contact with this setting or the system will have no way of determining if the door has been opened ! On Close – The door strike relay is released when the door is closed (when door contact is closed). A door contact must be used ! On Timeout – The system will use the timer value found in the ‘Door Strike Time’ control to determine how long to hold the door strike relay activated o Time & Attendance Type 394 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 630 – The Time & Attendance Selection Control There is more information on the Time & Attendance function in the Badge Holders In List section of the manual. The Time & Attendance setting determines: ! The type of event message generated upon a valid badge read ! The In/Out status of a given badge holder There are three selections (and three Time & Attendance reader types). ! In – When the Time & Attendance Type is set to ‘In’ for a given reader, that reader will report ‘Badge Clock In’ event messages. The In/Out status of a card holder will be changed to ‘In’ after gaining valid access at a Time & Attendance In reader ! Out – When the Time & Attendance Type is set to ‘Out’ for a given reader, that reader will report ‘Badge Clock Out’ event messages. The In/Out status of a card holder will be changed to ‘Out’ after gaining valid access at a Time & Attendance Out reader ! In/Out – The In/Out Time & Attendance function uses one reader to clock a badge holder in and out. A bi-directional capable reader (like a Weigand swipe reader) is needed, and the badge format type must be set to ‘Insertion’ (see the Badge Formats section of this manual). Badge Clock In is accomplished by swiping a badge in the forward direction. Badge Clock Out is accomplished by swiping the same badge in the opposite direction, on the same reader. To select a Time & Attendance type, click the arrow to the right of the Time & Attendance selection control and click your selection o Two Person Reader Type 395 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 631 – The Two Person Reader Type Selection Control The Two Person Reader Type is explained in detail above, in the first part of the Readers chapter. The menu choices are as follows. ! In – Reader acts as a Two Person In reader ! Out – Reader acts as a Two Person Out reader ! Out w/Override – Reader acts as a Two Person Out reader, but permits one remaining occupant to exit through the reader ‘alone’ (but generates a violation message) ! Always – Reader always requires two badge reads to permit entry to a door To select a Two Person reader type, click the arrow to the right of the Two Person Reader Type control and click your selection. 396 C A R D A C C E S S • 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Two Badge Timer Section Figure 632 – The Two Badge Timer Control o Second Read Timeout – The Two Badge Timer is the timer value used by any reader type that requires two badge reads. The timer is started when the first badge is read. If the timer expires before the second badge is read, a violation event message is generated. Two badge functions are explained more completely in the first part of the Readers section above. To select a Two-Badge Timer value, click the arrows to the right of the Second Read Timeout control or click in the white space and type in a value. • APB Control Section Figure 633 – The Anti Passback Controls See the beginning of the Readers chapter for more detail on AntiPassback. Recall that a reader with the APB function enabled requires that a badge holder present a badge to an In reader, and subsequently to an Out reader (in that prescribed order). If the badge is presented to either reader more than once, a violation condition occurs and the reader refuses re-admittance to the cardholder (termed ‘hard’ Anti-Passback). o APB Type – APB Type can be set to one of the following. ! In – The reader is set to be an Anti-Passback In reader 397 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L ! Out – The reader is set to be an Anti-Passback Out reader ! Neutral – (the default) Anti Passback is disabled at the reader o APB Violate Override Figure 634 – The APB Violate Override Check Box When the APB Violate Override check box is checked, the panel will allow a badge holder to open a door protected by an APB In or Out reader multiple times, but will generate a violation event messages (termed ‘soft’ Anti-Passback) each time the same reader is accessed by the same badge. In other words, door reentries are permitted but are seen as a violation by the system o Duration Use Time Figure 635 – The Readers Duration Use Time Control Duration Use is more fully explained in the chapter called Personnel. The Readers Duration Use Time control works in conjunction with the Personnel check box called ‘Duration Use’ (Figure 636). Figure 636 – The Personnel Duration Use Check Box When a Duration Use Time value is set at an APB reader, and a badge that has the Duration Use feature enabled is used to access that reader, the card holder will be allowed to re-enter at that reader after the Duration Use Time has expired (timed AntiPassback). However, any card holders that do not have the Duration Use feature enabled will be denied re-entry capability at every APB enabled door regardless of the Duration Use Time value. 398 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L To set the Duration Use Time value, click the arrow buttons to the right of the Duration Use Time control or click in the white space and type the value in, 1 to 2700 minutes • Vehicle Tag Superterm Reader Link Figure 637 – The Vehicle Tag Superterm Reader Link The Vehicle Superterm Reader Link selection control allows you to logically link the current reader with a second reader (on the same panel only) so that both readers can perform Vehicle Tag functions in conjunction with one another. More information is available in the beginning of this chapter. Two readers are used to perform vehicle tag functions, a badge reader and a vehicle tag reader. In the Vehicle Tag Superterm Reader Link Control, you will open the ‘badge’ reader record and you will select a reader from the list that is to act as the Vehicle Tag reader. To select a reader, click the arrow to the right of the Vehicle Tag Superterm Reader Link control, click on the selected reader. Priorities Tab Figure 638 – The Readers Screen Priorities Tab The Priorities folder tab is used to set the alert priority levels of the various Reader event messages. Priority levels are used by the system to determine which part of the CardAccess main screen to display the 399 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L various event reader type messages (the Events or Alerts grids). Every possible Reader event message is mentioned on the Priorities tab. The function of each of the controls on the Priorities folder tab is as follows. • Priority Settings The Priority Settings section sets the priority of each type of alert that you would normally want to have displayed because they are (mostly) violation type messages. o Priority – The Priority spin control allows you to set the ‘numeric significance’ of the given alert type. How alert priority levels are used depends on the settings of the CardAccess main screen controls. See the manual section entitled ‘Setting Up Priorities’ for more information. To set a Priority level for an alert type, click the arrow buttons to the right of the Priority spin control or click in the white space and type in a number. o Requires Alert Response – If checked the ‘Requires Alert Response’ feature will be enabled for the given event type. The Requires Alert Response feature engine will force an operator to respond to an alert by popping up an alert response window that mandates that the operator manually click a button to move an alert from the Alerts Grid to the Events Grid. For more information see the manual section entitled ‘Setting Up Priorities’. o Activate Console Relay – When checked, the system will fire the Console Relay every time an alert of the type indicated is received from the reader. Note that the Console Relay (relay 73) must be enabled at the panel before it can be activated (see the manual sections entitled Panels or Relays) • Miscellaneous Priorities The Miscellaneous Priorities section has been endowed with ‘special properties’. All of the event messages mentioned in this section (see below) are programmed to be archived to the database by default automatically (and not displayed in the CardAccess Events or Alerts grids). 400 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L To force display of these event messages, the ‘Enable Oper Acknowledge’ check box must be checked beside each event type that you prefer to have displayed. o Enable Oper Acknowledge – Enable Oper Acknowledge is disabled by default. When disabled, all event types mentioned in the Miscellaneous Priorities section will be automatically archived. This means that operators will never see a display of alert types mentioned in this section unless you check the Enable Oper Acknowledge check box for that alert type. o Priority – The Priority spin control allows you to set the ‘numeric significance’ of the given alert type. How alert priority levels are used depends on the settings of the CardAccess main screen controls. See the manual section entitled ‘Setting Up Priorities’ for more information. To set a Priority level for an alert type, click the arrow buttons to the right of the Priority spin control or click in the white space and type in a number. o Requires Alert Response – If checked the ‘Requires Alert Response’ feature will be enabled for the given event type. The Requires Alert Response feature engine will force an operator to respond to an alert by popping up an alert response window that mandates that the operator manually click a button to move an alert from the Alerts Grid to the Events Grid. For more information see the manual section entitled ‘Setting Up Priorities’. o Manual Control Privilege – The manual Control Privilege selection control sets the manual control access level of the reader. This feature affects how the reader is displayed in the ‘Doors’ manual control screen, available from the CardAccess main toolbar. See the manual section entitled ‘Manual Control’ for more information. To set the Manual Control privilege level for the given reader, click the arrow to the right of the Manual Control Privilege selection control and click the desired privilege level. 401 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L CCTV Tab Figure 639 – The Readers Screen CCTV Tab The CCTV tab (Figure 639) for a given reader contains controls that determine when the CCTV command string mentioned in the CCTV Command Name control will be sent. The function of each of the controls on the CCTV folder tab is as follows. • CCTV Activation Conditions – The CCTV Activation Conditions check boxes determine which types of alerts will cause the transmission of the CCTV string. You may select any or all of the conditions indicated by clicking each condition (checked means selected). • CCTV Command Name – This is a list of the CCTV commands that were created in the System Settings, CCTV tab (see the manual section entitled ‘System Settings’ for more information). You will select a command to be ‘bound’ to the given reader. That command will be transmitted from the CCTV serial port each time an event of the type(s) detailed in the CCTV Activation Conditions section is received by the CardAccess software. To select a CCTV Command Name click to arrow to the right of the CCTV Command Name control and click your selection. 402 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Elevator Access Tab Figure 640 – The Readers Elevator Access Tab The Elevator Access tab is not visible unless the Reader Type is set to ‘Elevator’ on the ‘General’ tab of the reader definition. The Elevator Access tab is not visible unless the ‘Using Elevator Readers’ check box is checked in the associated Panel definition (see ‘Panels’ for more information). The Elevator Access tab is divided into an upper half and a lower half. The upper half lists the access groups that have the current reader included. The lower half of the screen lists all of the relays that have been defined in the Relays screen (for more information see ‘Relays’). Generally, for a given reader you highlight a selected access group in the top half of the screen, and you click whichever relays you wish to activate for that access group in the bottom half of the screen. Functionally, you are first setting the mode of a given reader to ‘Elevator’. Then, you are using the Elevator Access tab to assign selected relays to selected access groups for that reader only. You have then created a situation where a card holder who belongs to a given access group can access a reader that has relays assigned for that access group, and fire each one of those relays simultaneously upon the presentation of a valid badge. In this way, elevator call buttons can be activated for selected floors. See the section entitled ‘Elevator Control’ at the end of this chapter for more detailed information on Elevator Control. You can elect to assign relays to all access groups listed or none of the access groups listed. First, select an access group on the top half of the screen by clicking it. Then click on each relay that you wish to fire when a card with that access group is presented (checking the check box) 403 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Map Tab Figure 641 – The Readers Screen Map Tab The Map tab has controls that allow you to add or edit a map for the current reader. The Map tab is not visible unless the ‘Use Facility Map’ Option is enabled in the System Settings. For more detailed information on the creation of maps see the manual section entitled ‘Maps’. The function of each of the controls on the Map folder tab is as follows. • Facility Map for This Device – Displays the name of the map that is attached to the current reader • Map Description – An area where you can add a text description of the map • Size Image to Fit Check Box – Image bitmaps come in all shapes and sizes. The CardAccess Maps image view control is set by default to stretch the image • View Maps Button – Click this button to open the Maps creation screen where you can create or edit a map. • Remove Map Button – This button is only available while in Edit mode. Click it to delete the map 404 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Elevator Control Figure 642 – The Readers Elevator Access Tab Most of those reading this section will know that the CardAccess software is a software interface used to program and monitor Continental’s line of access control panels. The generic design of the Continental Instruments access control panels offers the flexibility to assign those panels to virtually any access control function. Elevator Control is one such function. When we say “Elevator Control”, we essentially mean two things. • The ability of the Continental access control panels to limit access into and out of the elevator ‘cab’ (call the elevator and open and close the elevator door) • The ability of the Continental panels to limit access to a given floor or set of floors (enable or disable selected floor selection buttons). In general, these limits can be assigned on a per person basis or can permit ‘everyone’ access based on a time schedule. Currently the Superterm and the Smarterm access controls panel are the only Continental panels equipped with firmware capable of performing elevator control. If you intend to use a Smarterm, you must upgrade the memory to at least 256K. The Superterm comes with 256K standard, enough to handle elevator control. For the examples in this discussion we will use the Superterm panel. As you might imagine, the best place to start when trying to understand how to apply Continental hardware to an elevator control situation, is to define the problems you are trying to solve first. In the case of an elevator control application, you must decide the following: 405 C A R D A C C E S S • • • • 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Do you need to limit access to the elevator cab? Do you need to limit access to a given floor or set of floors? Who is to have access to the elevator cab? Who is allowed access to each floor? Once the problem set is defined, we can bring in Continental’s line of sophisticated hardware to apply to each problem in turn. Let’s create a few examples to illustrate the configuration issues. Example 1 Summary – Full Control In this example we want to limit access to the Elevator cab and we want to limit which floors a given ‘rider’ on the elevator has access to. Example 2 Summary – Limited Floor Access Only In this example, we want to allow anyone into the elevator cab, but we want to limit which floors a given rider on the elevator has access to. For both examples let’s say we will have ten floor selection buttons inside the elevator. The lower five floors will be available to anyone who enters the elevator cab, and the top five selection buttons will remain unavailable unless you are specially authorized. In other words, there are a number of unrestricted floors in the building and some restricted floors too. Hardware Considerations As we have discussed, the hardware chosen for the application will depend on the problem definition. Let’s talk about some generalities first. In the simplest CardAccess installation, our panel may be connected to a switch, which is mounted at a door. When that switch is activated, the panel activates a built in relay, which is connected to an electronic door lock, which unlocks the door. So Continental panels can be viewed as intelligent switching devices. Activate an input; the panel activates a relay based on rules you set in the CardAccess software. The type of input device used to control a Continental panel is optional. You can use a switch, a keypad or a reader. The panel is flexible enough to accept any or all of those devices as input devices. All of those input devices have but one mission inside the panel hardware – when an input 406 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L device is triggered, a relay or a group of relays will be activated based on rules that you as the CardAccess Administrator set up in the software. Let’s look at the typical elevator. It has a push button on the outside of the cab so you can summon the elevator. Once you enter the cab, you usually find several floor ‘selection’ buttons. Thus, to add security to the typical elevator you will perhaps limit who goes into the elevator cab and/or you will limit what selection buttons are made available to a given rider. Example Elevator Control Implementations Example 1 – Full Control General Considerations Since we want to limit access to the elevator cab in this example, we can’t permit a push button on the wall outside of the cab. We will want to replace the button with a card reader or a keypad. This will the require that anyone who wishes to gain access to the elevator, present the system with some means to identify them before being permitted to enter the elevator cab. Since the elevator call button is a very simple device that basically ‘shorts’ two wires together, we can replace that button with a relay that performs the same function. The Superterm hardware has 17 on board relays. Any of these relays can be used to replace a call button. Some of these 17 relays are better suited for this application than others. We will talk about that shortly. Generally, you will disconnect and remove the elevator’s floor call button, and bring that call button’s wires back to a relay on the Superterm. When we activate that relay, it will short the call wires (in place of the button). When you turn off that relay it will release the short across the call button wires. The relay will ‘mimic’ the operation of the call button. Except now, we have software control over the function of that relay. The elevator call button input will ‘see’ what we want it to see, and we will gain control over when we want it to happen. 407 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Input Considerations Our goal in example 1 is to place an input device on the wall in place of the call button. You will be required to run the appropriate wire type from the reader to wherever the panel is mounted. Regarding input device types, you have three options: • Card Reader • Keypad • Button A card reader or keypad are commonly used. This will force anyone wanting to gain entry to the elevator to identify themselves to the CardAccess system. This is very useful for creating detailed reports of who was using the elevator, how much they used it and when. Note that you could also connect a button to the Superterm in place of a keypad or reader. You may think that this was exactly what we had originally, why do it? It is not really what we had originally. When you insert the Superterm panel in between the call button and the elevator control circuits, it allows you to have more control over the call button’s operation. You can create history files of when the button was used. You can disable the button outside of specified hours of the day. Those functions may not be available from the elevator manufacturer, so you pick up some rudimentary control of granting access to the elevator cab. By far the biggest reason to insert a CardAccess system into an elevator control application is to gain ‘identity control’ capability. You can prevent unauthorized use of the elevator and you can identify who was in the elevator, at what time of day. So for example 1, since we want to be able to identify the elevator occupants, we will add a reader. There are several types of card readers available (that we won’t discuss here). We will choose a ‘proximity reader’ available from Continental Instruments (with a 36 bit output, say). 408 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Output Considerations The second half of the problem for this example stated that we wanted to control the floor selection buttons inside the elevator cab. Again, a floor selection button is simply a momentary switch. Our goal here will be to splice a relay into one wire (the hot wire, say) of each floor selection switch. We only need to put relays in the circuits of the switches that we want to control. These relays will hold the line open unless the relay is energized by the panel. With the connection between the elevator circuits and the floor selection switches now broken and ‘normally open’, the floor call button will be ‘dead’ to anyone entering the elevator cab. Now we have software control over whether that switch will be active or not. In the CardAccess software, you now have several choices of how you want to approach control of these ‘switched’ floor selection buttons. Regarding the Operation of Relays • Relays can be energized on a time schedule • Relays can be energized based on some input change of status • Relays can be made to energize when a particular badge or group of badges are presented at a reader. • Relays can be made to energize on certain types of badge or door events (see the section on virtual inputs). Our example 1 project requires that we use a reader at the elevator door to activate the floor selection buttons. Since we are using access cards to gain entry to the elevator cab, let’s create a situation where we activate a floor button or a group of buttons based on which cardholder presents their card. What this means inside the CardAccess software is that we will program a card to activate a number of relays. If you present a valid card, and that card is allowed at that elevator, at that time of day, then we will allow the relays that are connected to (some or all of) the elevator floor selection buttons to be energized (completing the floor button circuits). 409 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Example 2 – Limited Floor Access Only General Discussion In this example, we will allow everyone access into the elevator cab. However, we want some buttons on the elevator control panel to be available to everyone, and some buttons to be available to only those riders that we authorize. Example 2 is identical in many respects to example 1, except that we will not add a card reader at the elevator entrance. We will leave the call button in place so anyone may gain entry to the elevator cab. However, we will mount a reader inside the elevator cab so that once a rider is inside the elevator, they can present an access card to that reader. We will then control which buttons become available for that user. We will not discuss the similarities to example 1, just the expected differences. The method of connecting relays, readers and inputs is identical to what you have already read in example 1. Below are the differences: Example 2 Implementation • We will leave the elevator call button in place outside the elevator door • We will move the reader to inside the elevator cab. The connection for this reader is the same as example 1 • There are some floor selection buttons that will be available to every elevator passenger. We will leave those floor selection buttons connected to the standard elevator controls (they will not be connected to the Superterm) • As in the previous example, let’s assume that we have 10 total floor selection buttons. Five of those buttons are ‘unrestricted’ and five are ‘restricted’. Further, regarding those five restricted buttons, there will be some riders that have permission to use restricted buttons. Let’s also say that there will be no rider who has access to every one of the five floors • In both examples, only the 5 restricted buttons need to be connected to the Superterm 410 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Hardware General Considerations (both examples) • The Superterm and Smarterm relays are FormC type, rated at 2Amps @ 28Volts. Do not exceed the recommended current. • Proper shielding must be provided on the reader and input connections. Elevator circuits are quite noisy and transient voltages can interfere with the card reading capability of a reader circuit. Improperly shielded inputs can receive transient voltages, which can cause false triggering. • Be careful how and where you run the panel wiring. Keep relay and power wires bundled together, keep input and reader wires bundled separately. Never put reader and input wiring in the same conduit or in the proximity of motor control circuits, power circuits, RF circuits or high voltage circuits. Noise interference could cause the readers to misread intermittently. Once wiring is already installed (incorrectly), intermittent reader problems become very hard to diagnose. • The hardware design of the Superterm provides 17 on-board, built-in relays. If you find that you need more relays, up to 3 relay expansion cards can be added for a maximum of 48 additional relays (48 expansion + 17 on board relays = total of 65 relays maximum). Expansion relays are electrically identical to the on-board relays • The hardware design of the Superterm provides 24 built-in hardware inputs and 32 software ‘virtual’ inputs (see the manual section on Virtual Inputs for more information). If you need more inputs, up to 3 input expansion cards can be added for a total of 48 additional inputs (73 inputs maximum). • The hardware design of the Smarterm provides 16 built in inputs and 9 built in relays. • The Smarterm can accept up to 4 relay or input expansion cards for up to 73 relays or 81 inputs maximum. • You can mix input expansion cards with relay expansion cards. But, the total number of (any type) expansion cards cannot exceed 3 on the Superterm, 4 on the Smarterm. • Each Relay expansion card comes equipped with 16 relays and 8 unsupervised inputs. • Each Input expansion cards comes equipped with 16 supervised inputs and no relays. 411 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L • Panel mounted inputs 1 through 24 can be used as Supervised or Unsupervised on the Superterm, programmable through the CardAccess software. Panel mounted inputs on the Smarterm are unsupervised. • Read and understand the entire Superterm and Smarterm Installation and Service manuals. All the specifications and connection information for the panels and all of their accessories are in those manuals. Notes On Inputs and Relays Doors – All Continental panel hardware was designed around the idea that the panels would be used to secure ‘doors’. However, the panel hardware was made flexible enough so that it does not need to be used to secure a door specifically. The Superterm panel was designed to support 8 doors, the Smarterm support 4. But what are ‘doors’ to the hardware installer? It was assumed by the hardware designers that several things might be found at a door: • A reader of some (standard) type • A keypad of some (standard) type (made optional) • A door contact switch • A door ‘Request to Exit’ button (also called a bypass) • A relay to activate the lock on the door • A second relay to bridge across another manufacturer’s alarm system (made optional) What we provide at every door is a way to gain entry at the door (the reader), a way to operate the lock set (the relay), a way to know when the door opens and closes (the door contact) and a way to get back out the door from inside (the request to exit button). Those items listed above comprise what the designers at Continental would call a ‘logical grouping’. Their thinking was that all of those things that would be found at a given door should be grouped together on a common connector. 412 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L However, since it could not be guaranteed that our panels were going to be used to control doors at all, the panel hardware and software needed to be flexible enough to be able to be applied to any situation. When you look at the physical design of the Superterm, you will notice that there are several items grouped on each door connector. The reader, keypad, door contact input, and bypass switch input can all be found on the same connector. There are eight such connectors on the Superterm, all with the same configuration. This is somewhat misleading though. The physical layout of the board implies that items connected to door connector one will all belong to the same door (door 1). That does not have to be true. All of the inputs and the relays on the Superterm PC board are completely programmable. The panel firmware does not make any default assignments, of any inputs, to any relays as shipped from the factory. The logical grouping of those items is completely under the control of the CardAccess software. Thus, as a hardware installer and designer, you are free to use any input on the board for any purpose. Assign any input to any door if you want. Assign an input as an ordinary input. Or don’t program it at all. You will decide that, while programming the CardAccess software. So part of the CardAccess software programming will include linking inputs and relays together such that, when there is a change in an input, a relay will fire (typically). To save time for the CardAccess administrator, some of the linking of readers, inputs and relays is done for you automatically as you create ‘door’ definitions in the Configuration->Readers screen. Whenever you go to Configuration->Readers and create a new door definition on any panel, some automatic assignments are made for you, to save time. When you create a door, the software automatically: • Enables the reader port of that door • Enables a predefined odd numbered relay to operate the electronic door lock. Door relays are always odd numbered relays if assigned by the CardAccess software • Enables a predefined odd numbered input for the door contact (so you can tell if the door is open or closed) 413 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L • Enables a predefined even numbered input for the ‘Request to Exit’ switch (It opens the door to let you out from the inside, without the need to present an identity card) The software also ‘reserves’ as optional the below two hardware items. These items are not assigned when you create the door but they are considered as part of the door hardware if you do assign them. • A second relay for ‘alarm shunting’. This is a special relay that activates milliseconds before the door strike relay. It is commonly used to prevent another manufacturer’s alarm system from triggering when the door is opened. A predefined even numbered relay is automatically assigned to each door by the CardAccess software for the alarm shunt relay. The relay does not have to be used for alarm shunting. This relay does not have to be assigned to the door at all • A keypad. The assumption is that you will not use a keypad by default, as this is less secure than using an access card. You can enable the keypad from inside the readers screen Thus, the ‘door’ is considered a special grouping of hardware components by the CardAccess software. As we stated, the panel hardware has no ready-made input and relay assignments. Some of those assignments take place automatically when you create door definitions in the Readers screen of the CardAccess software. The primary reason why we have taken significant time to explain door assignments in a section about elevator control is that these automatic input and relay assignments change the event messages that these inputs and relays generate. And if you do create door definitions, some relays and inputs have already been allocated. You need to keep this in mind when you start to assign relays and inputs for your elevator application. Look in the readers screen to see what inputs and relays have already been used before you try to assign them to your elevator. 414 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Software Setup for Elevator Control Step 1 – Program the Panel For Elevator Control To set a panel up to support elevator readers, do the following. • Open the Panels screen, available from the Configuration menu • Go into Edit mode for an existing panel definition or create a new panel definition. • Click the ‘Using Elevator Readers’ check box (so it is checked) Figure 643 – The Panels Screen, Using Elevator Readers Check Box highlighted • Click the ‘Save’ button. 415 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Step 2 – Program the Reader for Elevator Control • Open the Readers screen, available from the Configuration menu • Click the Edit mode on an existing reader, or create a New reader definition. • Click ‘Elevator’ in the Reader Type section. Once Elevator is selected, the “Elevator Access” folder tab will become visible. Figure 644 – The Readers General Tab, Elevator Selected Step 3 – Program the Elevator Access Groups • Open the Readers screen, available from the Configuration menu. • Assuming that you have accomplished step 2 on at least one reader, use the scrollbar to locate a reader that has a Reader Type set to ‘Elevator’ 416 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L • Go into Edit mode. Click the “Elevator Access” folder tab. You will see something similar to the Figure 645. Figure 645 – The Readers Elevator Access Tab Notice that the Elevator Access tab is divided into an upper and lower section. The upper section is a listing of all of the access groups that have been programmed into the CardAccess software that include the reader that you are currently looking at. The object in this screen is to select one or more access groups that already belong to cardholders, whom you wish to have access to elevator call buttons. You select the given access group in the top part of the screen by clicking it, and then click on each relay in the ‘Relay Call Buttons’ section of the screen. Each relay that has a green check mark beside it will fire whenever a badge with the selected access group is presented to the reader you are currently editing. If your access group section is blank, open the Access Groups screen, available from a button on the CardAccess main toolbar and create some access groups (if there are none). Or, if you see access groups in the Access Groups screen but none appear in the Elevator Access tab of the reader you are editing, you need to include the reader you are currently editing in some of your existing 417 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L access groups. See the manual section entitled Access Groups for more information. For example, in the figure above reader 1-1 is highlighted. If there were no access groups visible in the Access Groups half of the folder tab, we would open the Access Groups screen. We would then add a schedule to reader 1-1 in some existing access group(s), if there were existing access groups that we wanted to use. Or, we would create a new access group where we would want to make sure that reader 1-1 did have a time schedule programmed. Once reader 1-1 appears in any access group (and has a time schedule assigned), that access group becomes visible in the Elevator Access tab of the Readers screen. The lower section of the Elevator Access tab is a listing of all of the Relays that have been programmed into the CardAccess software. If the lower half of the screen is blank, open the Relays screen, available from the Configuration menu and create some relay definitions. See the section entitled Relays for more information. 418 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Inputs Figure 646 – The Inputs Screen The Inputs screen is a configuration screen where you create configuration records that activate panel hardware inputs, hardware expansion inputs and software inputs. Firstly, there are several ‘categories’ of inputs. • Door (Reader) Inputs – These are hardware inputs whose input connections are mounted on the door connectors of each panel. The panel design assumes that you will prefer to assign two inputs per door, so those input connectors are collocated with the reader and keypad connections • Auxiliary Inputs – These are hardware inputs that are usually mounted along the periphery of the panel PC board. The use for these inputs is to connect auxiliary devices such as motion detectors, fire detectors and the like. • Virtual Inputs – ‘Virtual Inputs’ are software inputs. There are no hardware connections for virtual inputs. Essentially, virtual inputs are linked by software to door event messages. See the section below entitled ‘Virtual Inputs’ for more information. 419 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L • Expansion Inputs – Expansion inputs are accessory inputs obtained by adding input or relay expansion cards to a panel. The Superterm and Smarterm panels support expansion cards; the Miniterm and Microterm do not. Each input expansion card provides 16 additional supervised or unsupervised inputs. Each relay expansion cards provides 8 expansion inputs. You can mount 3 expansion cards of any type to a Superterm and 4 expansion cards to a Smarterm. A maximum of 81 total inputs is supported on any panel. Input #81 is reserved for the ‘Tamper’ input on all panel types and may not be used for any other purpose once enabled. See below for more details. The typical use for the on board panel inputs for each panel type is shown below in Table 9. However, remember that all panel input assignments are completely programmable. This means that any input can be assigned to any function (or any door). Below is a listing of how the inputs are typically assigned by the system. Table 9 – Standard Panel Input Assignments Superterm 1-16 17-24 25-72 81 Doors Auxiliary (on board) Expansion Cards Tamper Only Smarterm 1-8 9-16 17-80 81 Doors Auxiliary (on board) Expansion Cards Tamper Only Miniterm 1-4 5-8 81 Doors Auxiliary (on board) Tamper Only Microterm 1-2 81 Doors or Auxiliary (on board) Tamper Only 420 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Create a Basic Input Definition Note that when you create a new input definition the system provides the following default settings automatically (unless you override those settings by changing the settings in the appropriate controls): • Input is enabled • Input is active 24 hours per day, every day of the year including holidays (default 24/7/365 enable schedule). • Input is set to normally closed mode • Input is set to unsupervised mode • Input is set with no Alert Delay and no Alert Reset time • Response Required is disabled • Alert Reporting is enabled. ‘Input Abnormal’ and ‘Input Normal’ event messages will be sent by the panel • Set to not activate the console relay • Set not to dial up on any condition To create a basic input definition, do the following. • Open Inputs – Open the Inputs screen by clicking the Inputs shortcut, available from the Configuration menu • Click New – Click the ‘New’ button Figure 647 – The New Button • Select a Panel – Click the arrow button to the right of the ‘Panels’ control and scroll up or down to select a panel. If there are no panels visible in the list, you need to create some panel definitions in the Panels screen, available from the Configuration menu 421 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 648 – The Panel Selection Control • Create a Name – Type a descriptive name for the input in the ‘Name’ field. It is advised that this name clearly describe the location or intended use for the input Figure 649 – The Name Test Field • Select an Input Number – Click the buttons to the right of the Input Number control select an input number. See the section on the Input Number below for detailed information Figure 650 – The Input Number Spin Control • Click Save – Click the ‘Save’ button Figure 651 – The Save Button You have just created an Input definition with all of the default operational settings as mentioned in the first part of this section. A detailed view of each of the Inputs screen controls follows. General Tab • Panel Figure 652 – The Panel Selection Control You need to select the panel that the input will be associated with before you can set the operating parameters of that input. The Panel 422 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L selection control contains a list of all panels that were created in the Panels screen. To select a panel, click the arrow button to the right of the Panel control. Scroll up or down to locate the selected panel and click on it. If there are no panels in the Panels list, you need to open the Panels screen, available from the Configuration menu and create some panel definitions. • Input # Figure 653 – The Input Number Selection Control The Input Number selection control allows you to select which numbered input you wish to activate on a given panel or any attached input expansion cards. By default, all on board and expansion card inputs are disabled. They must be activated by a CardAccess software configuration, which is downloaded to the panel. The configuration instructs the panel as to which hardware it should enable, and with what operating parameters. Note that some input numbers may have been pre-assigned in the Readers screen. When you create reader definitions in the Readers screen, some inputs are automatically assigned to doors (two inputs per door by default). If you elect to create an input record in the Inputs screen, that has the same input number as an input that has been assigned to a door in the Readers screen, you have created a ‘duplicate input definition’. When you create a duplicate input definition, the settings in the Inputs screen will override the system defaults for the door input. See the manual section entitled ‘Duplicate Definitions’ for more information. To select an input number, click either of the arrow keys to the right of the Input# field, or click in the white space and type a number. Note the following issues. o Each panel type has a different maximum number of inputs as follows. 423 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Table 10 – Panel Onboard Input Numbers Panel Type Onboard Inputs Reader Inputs Expansion Inputs Tamper Input Superterm Smarterm Miniterm Microterm 1-24 1-16 1-8 1-2 1-16 1-8 1-4 1-2 25-73 17-80 None None 81 81 81 81 Notice in Table 11 that the column marked ‘Reader Inputs’ indicates the input number range that is automatically assigned to Reader ports if they are activated. All inputs on the panel can be used for any purpose, but if you create a door in the Readers screen, two inputs will be assigned to that door unless you manually override the automatic selection. The CardAccess software automatically assigns the next available, lowest numbered two inputs, to the next reader record that you create. Door 1 always gets inputs 1 & 2. Door 2 always gets inputs 3& 4, and so on. o The system has no way of determining which type of panel you are configuring. Thus, you must exercise caution that you do not attempt to create input numbers that do not exist on a given panel type o Some input numbers are already (activated and) allocated to reader ports on the selected panel. If you don’t not want to override the default settings for inputs already allocated to reader ports, do not create input definitions in the Inputs screen with the same input numbers that were previously assigned to reader ports inputs (see ‘Duplicate Definitions’) o The Superterm and Smarterm panels can support input expansion cards. The Miniterm and Microterm have no expansion capability • Name Figure 654 – The Name Text Field You will use the ‘Name’ field to enter a descriptive name for the input. Be sure to create a name that describes the location or the function of the input. This name will be attached to all input event messages 424 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L involving this input (Figure 689). The field will accept any combination of letters, numbers or symbols. Figure 655 – Input Event Messages • Group Figure 656 – The Group Selection Control Use the Group selection control to assign the input to an Input Group. Groups are used by the CardAccess software to perform database partitioning and manual control masking. For more information see the manual section entitled ‘Groups’. To select a Group, click the arrow button to the right of the Group control and click on your selection. If there are no Groups visible in the list, you need to create some in the Groups screen, available from the Administration menu • Enable Schedule Figure 657 – The Enable Schedule Selection Control When you create an input definition and enable it, that input is operational 24 hours per day, and every day of the year by default. However, you can elect to have the input’s status ignored outside of a predefined schedule. When an ‘Enable Schedule’ is selected, the input will report change of status (normal or abnormal) only while the selected schedule is in effect. Outside of the schedule, the panel will ignore the input contact status and will suppress all event reporting. To select an Enable Schedule, click the arrow button to the right of the Enable Schedule control. Scroll up or down to locate your schedule and click it. If no schedules appear in the Enable Schedule control, you need to create some schedules in the Schedules screen, available from a button on the main CardAccess toolbar. 425 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L • Enabled Figure 658 – The Enabled Check Box The Enabled check box activates or deactivates the input at the panel. When an input is disabled, the state of the input contacts is ignored by the panel and there is no event reporting for that input. To enable the input (the default), click the check box. Checked is enabled and unchecked is disabled. • Normal Open Figure 659 – The Normal Open Check Box Typically, input switches are ‘normally closed’ (normally shorted together) dry contact, magnetically operated reed type switches. However, contact switches can be purchased in a ‘normally open’ (normally not shorted) configuration as well. The panel hardware is set by default to use normally closed type switches for inputs, but can be set to use the normally open type as well. To set an input to normally open, click the ‘Normal Open’ check box for a given input. Checked is normally open, unchecked is normally closed type. • Supervised Figure 660 – The Supervised Check Box Inputs can typically be defined as some form of dry contact switch, connected to a pair of wires, which are ultimately brought back to two input contacts on a Continental Instruments designed access control panel. A small voltage is generated by the panel on each input two-wire circuit as a means to monitor the state of the input contacts. When the contacts are broken, the circuit is interrupted, causing an alert violation by the panel logic. 426 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L The shortcoming of a simple switch at the end of a pair of wires is that the circuit can be easily bridged by a ‘shorting’ wire strapped across the input contacts, allowing easy intrusion. A ‘Supervised’ input modifies the electrical connection method between the dry contact and the panel in an attempt to prevent tampering. This is done by inserting two 1 Kilo-ohm resistors strategically in the circuit between the input contacts and the panel. Inserting resistors in the circuit changes the voltage levels being monitored by the panel and makes it harder for intruders to bridge the circuit. Thus, the panel needs to be notified as to which type of input circuit is being monitored, dry contact (unsupervised) or supervised, so the output voltages and input sensing can be modified. Warning – You can only enable supervised inputs on panels or input expansion cards that support supervised inputs. Note that the Smarterm panel does not have on board supervised input capability. If you wish to add supervised inputs to a Smarterm, you must add one or more supervised input expansion boards. The Superterm, Miniterm and Microterm panels all support onboard supervised inputs. To set the input to supervised mode, click the check box. Checked is enabled and unchecked is disabled. • Activate Console Relay Figure 661 – The Activate Console Relay Check Box When the ‘Activate Console Relay’ feature is enabled, the console relay will be fired each time this input changes state from normal to abnormal. However, the console relay (relay #73 on every panel type) must be configured in the Relays screen, available from the Configuration menu (see ‘Relays’). The console relay is a special relay to the system and a linkage can be made between any input and the console relay (perhaps) for the purpose of sounding an alarm of some type, to alert operations personnel to the input violation (fire sensor, glass break and the like). 427 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L To enable the Activate Console Relay function for an input, click the check box. Checked is enabled and unchecked is disabled (the default). • Dialup On Abnormal Figure 662 – The Dial Up on Abnormal Check Box The ‘Dialup On Abnormal’ function is only applied when the panel hosting the input is connected to a dial node (see ‘Dial Up’). If Dialup On Abnormal is enabled, and the panel is on a dial up node, when this input changes status from Normal to Abnormal, the host computer will be dialed by the panel and the resulting ‘Input Abnormal’ event message will be delivered to the Alerts or Events Grid. To enable Dialup On Abnormal, click the check box. Checked is selected, unchecked is unselected (the default). • Dialup On Normal Figure 663 – The Dial Up on Normal Check Box The ‘Dialup On Normal’ function is only applied when the panel hosting the input is connected to a dial node (see ‘Dial Up’). If Dialup On Normal is enabled, and the panel is on a dial up node, when the input changes status from Abnormal to Normal, the host computer will be dialed by the panel and the resulting ‘Input Normal’ event message will be delivered to the Alerts or Events Grid. To enable Dialup On Normal, click the check box. Checked is selected, unchecked is unselected (the default). • Remarks Figure 664 – The Remarks Text Field The ‘Remarks’ field is a memo field where an operator can add text comments about the input. The ability to add comments in the 428 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L configuration screen may prove especially useful when the input is used to fire one or more links. The link connections can be listed in the Remarks field. To add comments, click in the white space and type any characters. Alerts Section • Alert Delay Time Figure 665 – The Alert Delay Time Selection Control The Alert Delay Time control will set a delay on when the input will be reported as ‘Input Abnormal’. Typically, all event reporting as to the change of status of an input happens immediately. The ‘Alert Delay Time’ control allows you to apply a delay to the change of status event message sent by the panel. The setting in this control is applied to the transition from ‘Input Normal’ to ‘Input Abnormal’ only. The ability to delay input event reporting may prove useful when the input is used to fire a link. To set the Alert Delay Time, click the arrow buttons to the right of the control or click in the white space and type in a number. The minimum is 0 (no delay, the default) and the maximum is 255 seconds. • Alert Reset Time Figure 666 – The Alert Reset Time Selection Control The Alert Reset Time control will set a delay on when the input will be reported as ‘Input Normal’. Typically, all event reporting as to the change of status of an input happens immediately. 429 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L The ‘Alert Reset Time’ control allows you to apply a delay to the change of status event message sent by the panel. The setting in this control is applied to the transition from ‘Input Abnormal’ to ‘Input Normal’ only. The ability to delay input event reporting may prove useful when the input is used to fire a link. To set the Alert Reset Time, click the arrow buttons to the right of the control or click in the white space and type in a number. The minimum is 0 (no delay, the default) and the maximum is 255 minutes. • Alert Priority Figure 667 – The Alert Priority Selection Control The ‘Alert Priority’ control sets the alert priority level for all event messages that are received from this input. Priority levels are used by the system as a way of sorting event messages. Typically, urgent alerts (priority level of 1-20) are placed in the Alerts Grid portion of the CardAccess main screen. Less urgent events (priority levels of 21-98) are placed in the Events Grid. Events and Alert priorities are explained in greater detail in the manual section entitled ‘Setting Up Priorities’. Manual and Auto Acknowledgement are explained in the manual section entitled ‘Alert Acknowledgement’. The default Alert Priority is 50. If you wish a higher or lower priority for events from this input, click the arrow buttons to the right of the Alert Priority control or click in the white space and type a number from 1-99. 1 is the highest priority and 99 is the lowest. Note that if an Alert Priority is set to 99 for any hardware item (in this case, an input), alert reporting will be disabled for that hardware item. So the usable priority range is 1-98. • Response Required Figure 668 – The Response Required Check Box 430 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L The manual section entitled ‘Alert Acknowledgement’ has detailed information on alert acknowledgement and the Response Required function. The Response Required feature is used only when an input event appears in the Alerts Grid portion of the CardAccess main screen. Briefly, when the ‘Response Required’ feature is enabled for a given input, a pop up response window is displayed, requiring that an operator manually do two things. o Type a response message into a text memo field (optional). This memo will be permanently attached to the event message. o Manually click an Acknowledge button to move the alert from the Alerts Grid to the Events grid of the CardAccess main screen In normal operation, alerts are automatically moved by the system from the Alerts Grid to the Events Grid of the CardAccess main screen, after a timeout period. When the Response Required feature is enabled, it overrides the automatic acknowledgement engine for all alerts from that input. The operator will be required to manually move the alert from the Alerts Grid to the Events Grid. The Response Required feature forces an operator to manually handle alerts from a given input. This forces operators to notice (and deal with) selected alerts. If the Response Required check box is checked, the feature is enabled. Unchecked is disabled (the default) • No Alert Reporting Figure 669 – The No Alert Reporting Check Box Alert reporting of Input events is enabled by default. This means that each time there is a change of input status (normal to abnormal, or abnormal to normal), there will be an event message generated by the associated panel that indicates the type of status change (Figure 670). Figure 670 – Input Alert Messages 431 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L When the ‘No Alert Reporting’ check box is checked, the panel will be instructed to suppress all event messages for the selected input. To disable event reporting for an input, click the check box. CCTV Tab When you elect to enable CCTV commands for a given input, the CCTV tab of the Inputs window becomes linked with selected CCTV commands that you have previously entered in the System Settings, on the CCTV tab (see the manual sub-section entitled ‘CCTV Tab’ in the ‘System Settings’ chapter for more information). • Enabled Figure 671 – The Enabled Check Box The Enabled check box works in conjunction with the ‘Abnormal Condition’ and the ‘Return to Normal Condition’ sections mentioned below. Essentially, the two conditions mentioned below cause either of the two CCTV commands mentioned in the controls to be sent when the input state changes to Normal or Abnormal. If the input state changes, and if there is a CCTV command entered for that state (normal or abnormal) and the Enabled check box is checked (CCTV output = Enabled) then the indicated CCTV command will be sent to the CCTV switch. If any of the above conditions is not met, then no command will be sent. If the ‘Enabled’ check box is checked, CCTV output for the current input is activated. If the ‘Enabled’ check box is not checked, CCTV output for the current input is deactivated (all CCTV output is suppressed). If there is a CCTV command name in only one condition control (normal or abnormal), CCTV output will occur for that input state only, if the enabled check box is checked. 432 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L • Abnormal Condition Figure 672 – The Abnormal Condition Section When you select a CCTV command in the ‘CCTV Command Name’ control in the ‘Abnormal’ section for a given input, each time that input changes state from normal to abnormal, the CCTV command mentioned in the CCTV Command Name control will be sent from the CCTV designated serial port (presumably to the hardware CCTV controller). To select a CCTV command, click the arrow to the right of the CCTV Command Name control, scroll up or down to locate your selection and click it. If there are no CCTV commands visible in the list, you must create some in the CCTV tab of the System Settings screen. • Return to Normal Condition Figure 673 – The Return to Normal Section When you select a CCTV command in the ‘CCTV Command Name’ control in the ‘Return to Normal’ section for a given input, each time that input changes state from abnormal to normal, the CCTV command mentioned in the CCTV Command Name control will be sent from the CCTV designated serial port (presumably to the hardware CCTV controller). To select a CCTV command, click the arrow to the right of the CCTV Command Name control, scroll up or down to locate your selection and click it. If there are no CCTV commands visible in the list, you must create some in the CCTV tab of the System Settings screen. 433 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Map Tab Figure 674 – The Inputs Screen Map Tab The Map tab has controls that allow you to add or edit a map for the current input. The Map tab is not visible unless the ‘Use Facility Map’ Option is enabled in the System Settings. For more detailed information on the creation of maps see the manual section entitled ‘Maps’. The function of each of the controls on the Map folder tab are as follows. • Facility Map for This Device Figure 675 – The Facility Map for This Device Field Displays the name of the map that is attached to the current input • Map Description Figure 676 – The Map Description Field An area where you can add a text description of the map 434 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L • Size Image to Fit Figure 677 – The Size Image to Fit Check Box Image bitmaps come in all shapes and sizes. The CardAccess Maps image view control is set by default to stretch the image to fit the size of the image display window. If Size Image to Fit is disabled, the image will be displayed in its native size format (and white space may appear on the sides, or top and bottom). The feature is enabled by default. Checked is enabled • View Maps Figure 678 – The View Maps Button Click this button to open the Maps creation screen where you can create or edit a map • Remove Map Figure 679 – The Remove Map Button This button is only available while in Edit mode. Click it to delete the map 435 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Virtual Inputs A ‘Virtual Input’ is an input that exists only in software. You would never wire to a virtual input. A virtual input can be programmed to go abnormal based on an event rather than on the change of state of a hardware input (open or closed). Essentially, the panel logic handles a virtual input in the same way as a hardware input. When the virtual input status changes, an input event message is generated, just like a hardware input. The CardAccess handles the virtual input in the same way it would a physical input. Thus, you can use virtual inputs in any of the same ways you would think of using a hardware input. For example virtual inputs (and inputs in general) are often used to fire links (see the manual section entitled ‘Links’) that sound alarms or switch CCTV equipment. The real strength and usefulness of virtual inputs is that these inputs are attached to door event types. In other words, when a specific type of event occurs at a door, a virtual input can be made to go abnormal. This allows you to set up software ‘macros’ (links) that can trigger hardware events, based on selected ‘conditions’ at the door. There are four virtual input types. Each virtual input type can be enabled on any reader port, for any Continental panel. All panel types support virtual inputs. There four available virtual input types per reader port, as listed below. • Forced Door – The ‘Forced Door’ virtual input for given door will go abnormal if the door is forced open. Forced open is logically defined as breaking the door contact of a given door without a valid badge read prior to the door opening • Valid Tracked Card – When the ‘Tracked’ feature is enabled in the Personnel record for a given card holder, each time that card holder access any door, a special ‘Badge Valid Tracked’ event message is generated (see ‘Personnel’ for more information). A reader port can be set to trip the Valid Tracked Card virtual input, when any tracked card successfully access a given door An ‘Input Abnormal’ event message (for the virtual input) is generated each time a valid tracked card is presented to a reader that has the Valid Tracked Card virtual input enabled • Denied Card/ Void Card – Technically, a ‘denial’ of entry can result from a denied card or a void card access attempt. A denied card is usually due to a CardAccess rules violation (time of day, unauthorized 436 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L access, etc.). A void card is usually due to the fact that the card record is ‘missing’ from the panel’s card database (the card record does not exist in the CardAccess Personnel database, or does not belong at any reader on the panel). Thus, (when enabled) the Denied/Void Card virtual input will go abnormal when a denied or void card is presented to the reader • Door Open Too Long – Generally, the ‘Door Open Too Long’ event is triggered at a given door when the door has been opened resulting from the presentation of a valid card, but the door was not closed before the ‘Still Open Delay’ timer (in the Readers screen, Options tab) has expired. The Door Open Too Long virtual input will go abnormal when the Still Open Delay timer expires. The below section entitled ‘Virtual Input Mapping’ details the specific input numbers for the virtual inputs for each panel type. 437 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Virtual Input Mapping As we have stated previously, virtual inputs are available for all panel types. You can elect to activate up to four virtual inputs for each Reader on any panel. With hardware inputs, a given input number always refers to the same physical input on a given panel PC board. This is not the case with virtual inputs on all panel types. The virtual input numbers assigned to a given reader port may change depending on how many input or relay expansion cards you have attached to the panel. Virtual input numbers are fixed on the Superterm, Miniterm and Microterm panels. Virtual inputs numbers will change on the Smarterm panel depending on how many inputs are provided from expansion cards (see the charts below). Also note that if you add the maximum number of expansion cards to the Superterm or Smarterm panels, you consume all of the software input numbers that could potentially be allotted for virtual inputs. Thus, virtual inputs become unavailable if you use the maximum number of expansion cards for either panel type. Below are the input number ‘mapping’ charts for each panel type. All Panels Note – Input #81 is always reserved as the Tamper Input for all panel types (this means that the Superterm, Smarterm, Miniterm and Microterm all have an input #81). However, you must create and enable the input definition for input #81 on a given panel to activate the tamper input, since the tamper input is disabled by default. 438 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Superterm Virtual Inputs are fixed on the Superterm starting with input 49 Reader Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Category Input Number Forced Door Valid Tracked Card Denied/Void Card Door Open Too Long Forced Door Valid Tracked Card Denied/Void Card Door Open Too Long Forced Door Valid Tracked Card Denied/Void Card Door Open Too Long Forced Door Valid Tracked Card Denied/Void Card Door Open Too Long Forced Door Valid Tracked Card Denied/Void Card Door Open Too Long Forced Door Valid Tracked Card Denied/Void Card Door Open Too Long Forced Door Valid Tracked Card Denied/Void Card Door Open Too Long Forced Door Valid Tracked Card Denied/Void Card Door Open Too Long 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 Superterm Note – Virtual inputs are lost if more than one expansion board is added 439 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Smarterm The following table shows the virtual input mapping for a Smarterm. Recall that the Smarterm virtual input number assignments change depending on how many expansion cards are installed as shown in the chart below (the Smarterm supports up to four expansion cards). Door Number 1 2 3 4 Category Input # with No Expansion Boards With 1 Expansion Board With 2 Expansion Boards With 3 Expansion Boards Forced Door Valid Tracked Denied/Void Door Open Forced Door Valid Tracked Denied/Void Door Open Forced Door Valid Tracked Denied/Void Door Open Forced Door Valid Tracked Denied/Void Door Open 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 Smarterm Note – Virtual inputs are lost if a fourth expansion board is added 440 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Miniterm and Microterm Virtual Inputs are fixed on both the Miniterm and the Microterm, starting with input # 17. Reader Number 1 2 Category Input Number Forced Door Valid Tracked Card Denied/Void Card Door Open Too Long Forced Door Valid Tracked Card Denied/Void Card Door Open Too Long 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 441 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Relays Figure 680 – The Relays Screen The Relays screen is a configuration screen where you create configuration records that activate panel on-board hardware relays and expansion relays. When trying to understand how the CardAccess system uses relays, it is important to note that relays have a physical operation and a software operation. The software operation of a relay is somewhat ‘detached’ from the actual hardware that performs relay switching functions. There are two software states of any CardAccess relay; ‘Output On’ and ‘Output Off’. The Output On and Output Off states are very similar to the Input Normal and Input Abnormal states mentioned in the Inputs section of this manual. Output Off would logically be considered the ‘normal’ or resting state of the relay and Output On would be considered the ‘abnormal’ or active state of the relay. Note that when you fire a relay manually, the relay is switched from Output Off to Output On as far as the CardAccess logic is concerned. There are also two physical states of any relay; energized and deenergized. The association between energized/de-energized and Output On/Off is software selectable. By default, the logical ‘Output On’ 442 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L corresponds to the energized state of the relay and the logical Output Off condition corresponds to the de-energized state of the relay. The relationship between logical Output On/Off and energized/deenergized can be reversed by changing the default setting of the ‘Off State Energized’ control mentioned later in this section. It is important for you to note for the moment that it is the logical Output On or Output Off state that the CardAccess uses to determine the state of the relay, not the physical state of the relay hardware. Note that ‘Output On’ could mean relay energized or de-energized depending on settings in the Relays screen. Note the following additional issues regarding relays. • Each panel type has a fixed number of on-board relays. Relay expansion cards can be attached to the Superterm and Smarterm panels to increase the total number of available relays • The lowest odd numbered (on-board) relays are automatically assigned to reader ports in the Readers screen. You don’t need to redefine those relays in the Relays screen • The lowest numbered even numbered (on-board) relays are available for ‘shunting’ functions. Actually two relays are allocated per door, a door strike relay (odd numbered) and a shunting relay (even numbered). The door relay is enabled by default, the shunting relay is optional and is not enabled Once enabled and assigned to a door, the shunting relay fires a few milliseconds before the door strike relay. The shunting relay would typically be used to bridge the door contacts of another manufacturer’s alarm system to prevent it from triggering when its door contact is broken • Each panel has a ‘console relay’, which is relay #73 on all panel types. The console relay is a ‘special’ relay often used to connect to a horn alarm. There are settings to specifically activate the console relay in the inputs screen 443 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Create a Basic Relay Definition Note that when you create a new relay definition, the system provides the following default settings automatically (unless you override those settings by changing the settings in the appropriate controls). • Relay is enabled • Relay is ‘available’ to be activated 24 hours per day, every day of the year • Relay is set to be normally de-energized • If there is a change in relay status, ‘Output On’ and ‘Output Off’ event messages will not be sent to the CardAccess host PC by the panel (you must enable them, if preferred) • The ‘Alert Requires Response’ function is disabled • The ‘Dial Up on Change’ function is disabled • The alert priority is set to 1 by default • Relay is not assigned to a group • Relay has no Track Schedule assigned • The relay Energize Time is set to 0 seconds. This means that the relay will not activate, even if it has been enabled and all other settings are correct. You must manually set the energize time to a value greater than 0 • The Manual Control Privilege is set to ‘All’. This means that all operators will have access to manually activate the relay from the ‘Relays’ button on the CardAccess main toolbar To create a basic relay definition, do the following. • Open Relays – Open the Relays screen by clicking the Relays shortcut, available from the Configuration menu • Click New – Click the ‘New’ button 444 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 681 – The New Button • Select a Panel – Click the arrow button to the right of the ‘Panels’ control and scroll up or down to select a panel. If there are no panels visible in the list, you need to create some panel definitions in the Panels screen, available from the Configuration menu Figure 682 – The Panel Selection Control • Create a Name – Type a descriptive name for the relay in the ‘Name’ field. It is advised that this name clearly describe the location or intended use for the relay Figure 683 – The Name Text Field • Select a Relay Number – Click the buttons to the right of the Relay Number control to select a relay number, or click in the white space and type a number. See the section on the Relay Number below for detailed information Figure 684 – The Relay Number Spin Control • Click Save – Click the ‘Save’ button Figure 685 – The Save Button You have just created a Relay definition with all of the default operational settings as mentioned in the first part of this section. 445 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L A detailed view of each of the Relays screen controls follows. General Tab • Panel Figure 686 – The Panel Selection Control You need to select the panel that the relay will be associated with before you can set the operating parameters of that relay. The Panel selection control contains a list of all panels that were created in the Panels screen, available from the Configuration menu. To select a panel, click the arrow button to the right of the Panel control. Scroll up or down to locate the selected panel and click on it. If there are no panels in the Panels list, you need to open the Panels screen, available from the Configuration menu and create some panel definitions • Relay # Figure 687 – The Relay Number Selection Control The Relay Number selection control allows you to select which numbered relay you wish to activate on a given panel and any attached relay expansion cards. By default, all on board and expansion card relays are disabled. They must be activated by a CardAccess software configuration that is downloaded to the panel. The configuration instructs the panel as to which hardware it should enable, and with what operating parameters. Note that some relay numbers may have been pre-assigned in the Readers screen. When you create reader definitions in the Readers screen, some relays are automatically assigned to doors (one odd numbered on-board relay per door, by default). If you elect to create a relay record in the Relays screen that has the same relay number as a relay that has been assigned to a door in the Readers screen, you have created a ‘duplicate relay definition’. 446 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L When you create a duplicate relay definition, the settings in the Relays screen will override the system defaults for the door relay. See the manual section entitled ‘Duplicate Definitions’ for more information. To select a relay number, click either of the arrow keys to the right of the Relay# field, or click in the white space and type a number. Note the following issues o Each panel type has a different maximum number of onboard relays as follows. Table 11 – Panel Onboard Relay Numbers Panel Type Onboard Relays Reader Relays (odd) Expansion Relays Console Relay Superterm Smarterm Miniterm Microterm 1-16 + 73 1-8 + 73 1-4 + 73 1-2 + 73 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15 1,3,5,7 1,3 1 (2)* 17-65 9-72 None None 73 73 73 73 * The Microterm can be configured with two readers as an option Notice in Table 11 that the column marked ‘Reader Relays’ indicates the relay number range that is automatically assigned to Reader ports if they are activated. Remember though, that all relays on the panel can be assigned to any purpose that you choose, but if you create a door in the Readers screen, one (odd numbered) relay will be assigned to that door unless you manually override the automatic selection. The CardAccess software automatically assigns the next available, lowest numbered odd relay (on the same panel), to the next reader record that you create. Door 1 always gets relay 1. Door 2 always gets relay 3, and so on o The system has no way of determining which type of panel you are configuring. Thus, you must exercise caution that you do not attempt to create relay numbers that do not exist on a given panel type o Some relay numbers may already be activated and allocated to reader ports on the selected panel. If you don’t not want to override the default settings for relays already allocated to reader ports, do not create relay definitions in the Relays screen with the same relay numbers that were previously assigned to reader ports relays (see ‘Duplicate Definitions’ for more information) 447 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L o The Superterm and Smarterm panels can support relay expansion cards. The Miniterm and Microterm can not support expansion cards • Name Figure 688 – The Name Text Field You will use the ‘Name’ field to enter a descriptive name for the relay. Be sure to create a name that describes the location or the function of the relay. This name will be attached to all relay event messages involving this relay (Figure 689). The field will accept any combination of letters, numbers or symbols Figure 689 – Relay Event Messages • Group Figure 690 – The Group Selection Control Use the Group selection control to assign the relay to a Relay Group. Groups are used by the CardAccess software to perform database partitioning and manual control masking. For more information see the manual section entitled ‘Groups’. To select a Group, click the arrow button to the right of the Group control and click on your selection. If there are no Groups visible in the list, you need to create some in the Groups screen, available from the Administration menu • Track Schedule Figure 691 – The Track Schedule Selection Control 448 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L When you create a relay definition and enable it, that relay becomes operational. That is, the relay is activated by the panel logic and you now have the ability to energize the relay at some later time. The relay can be activated from a number of sources inside the CardAccess software (manual control button, link, time schedule, card read, etc.). One of the available ways to activate a relay is to set a ‘Track Schedule’. The term ‘Track Schedule’, when it refers to a relay, means to have the action of the relay follow the action of the schedule (the relay ‘tracks’ the schedule). When the schedule is in effect, the relay is activated. When the schedule expires, the relay is deactivated (or the opposite behavior can be true, depending on the setting of the ‘Off State Energized’ control. See below). Thus, you can use a track schedule to hold a relay in an energized or de-energized state (output on) for some period of time, and then release the relay (output off) when the time schedule expires. The track schedule can be applied to any relay, regardless of what function it is assigned to. To assign a track schedule, click the arrow to the right of the Track Schedule control, scroll up or down to locate your selection, and click the selection. If there are no selections available in the Track Schedule control, you need to go to the ‘Schedules’ screen available from a button on the CardAccess main toolbar • Energize Time Figure 692 – The Energize Time Selection Control The Energize Time control selects the length of time that the relay will remain energized, before returning to normal. The default time is 0 seconds. When set to 0 seconds, the relay will not activate. The Energize Time must be set to a value greater than 0 seconds if you wish the relay to fire. The maximum Energize Time is 10,000 seconds (about 2.7 hours). To set the Energize Time, click the arrow buttons to the right of the Energize Time control or click in the white space and type a number 449 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L • Manual Control Privilege Figure 693 – The Manual Control Privilege Selection Control The Relays screen ‘Manual Control Privilege’ selection control works in conjunction with the Manual Control screen shown below in Figure 694. Effectively, the Relays screen Manual Control Privileges control assigns the relay to a ‘filter group’ who’s intent is to hide selected relays from the view of selected operators. The effect is similar to database partitioning except that the object is to hide relays from view in the manual control screen only, to prevent unauthorized manual activation of selected relays. More information is available below o Relays Manual Control Screen Figure 694 – The Relays Manual Control Screen Manual Control Privilege settings affect which relays are displayed, in the Relays manual control screen, for selected operators. The object is to hide selected relays from the view of selected operators. The Relays manual control screen allows operators to manually fire relays from inside the CardAccess software (see the manual section 450 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L entitled ‘Manual Control’). Hiding selected relays will prevent unauthorized activation of those relays. The relays manual control screen uses the settings in the Operators screen, on the Privileges tab (Figure 695), of the currently logged in operator, to determine which relay privilege groups to make visible and which relays to hide, each time the manual control screen is opened o Operator Manual Control Privileges Figure 695 – The Operators Screen Privileges Tab An operator definition is created in the Operators screen and Device Control Privileges are assigned (or not assigned) on the Privileges tab for each operator that you create (Figure 695 above). Operator ‘Device Control Privileges’ operate under the following rules. ! If no Device Control Privileges are assigned in the Operator record (which is the default), privilege level settings are ignored and the operator has access to all relays in the Relays manual control screen (Figure 694) ! If you assign a given operator only one permission level, as in the example in Figure 695 where Priv 4 is assigned, the operator would be allowed to see only those relays with ‘Priv 4’ or ‘All’ selected in the Manual Control Privilege field of each relay record (Figure 696) 451 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 696 – The Relays Screen Manual Control Privilege Control ! Privilege level assignments are not ‘inclusive’. If a given operator has Priv 4 assigned in his or her operator record (as in Figure 695) that does not mean that they will be able to manually control all relays with Priv 1-4 assigned in the Manual Control Privilege field of the relay record. It means they have access to Priv 4 relays only. If you require that operators have access to multiple privilege levels, you must check off multiple Priv levels in the Privileges tab of the Operators screen (Figure 697). Figure 697 – The Operators Screen Priv Assignment Check Boxes In Figure 697, the operator with these settings will be able to manually activate relays with the Priv levels of 1, 3, 4, 7, 8 and the ‘All’ selection set in the Manual Control Privilege field. Relays with a Priv level of 2, 5, or 6 will be hidden from the view of this operator. The Relays manual control screen will open with relays 2, 5, and 7 filtered out of the list. Note that checking all of the Priv check boxes works identically to checking none of the Priv check boxes. That is, the operator 452 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L has access to all of the relays in the manual control screen with either set up • Enabled Figure 698 – The Enabled Check Box The Enabled check box activates or deactivates the relay at the panel. When a relay is disabled, the relay is effectively ‘dead’. The relay cannot be activated by any means, including a time schedule or link. When relays are not enabled, they rest in a ‘relaxed’ (un-powered), deactivated state. To enable the relay (the default), click the check box. Checked is enabled and unchecked is disabled • Off-State Energized Figure 699 – The Off-State Energized Check Box Effectively, relays have two hardware states; powered and unpowered. The default state for all newly created relay definitions is unpowered. When you create a new relay definition, the relay is enabled but no power is applied to the energizing coils of the relay by default. Further, the CardAccess software recognizes two software states for a relay; ‘Output On’ and ‘Output Off’. By default Output On (the ‘onstate’) correlates to the energized state of the relay, and Output Off (the ‘off-state’) correlates to the de-energized state of the relay. The ‘Off-State Energized’ check box allows you to reverse the resting state of the relay from un-powered to powered. Figure 700 below graphically shows the electrical difference between off state deenergized (the normal state is un-powered) and off-state energized (the normal state becomes powered instead of un-powered). Figure 700 – Relay Pin Out Connections (N.O. = Normally Open) Common Common N.O. N.C. Normal N.O. N.C. Off-State Energized 453 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Note that an ‘Output On’ event message from a relay always means that the relay has been changed from its ‘normal’ state. If you have enabled off-state energized, Output On means that the relay has been de-energized. If you have not enabled off-state energized, Output On means that the relay has been energized. To set the relay to Off-State Energized, click the check box. Checked is off-state energized and unchecked is off-state de-energized (the default) • Alert on Change Figure 701 – The Alert on Change Check Box By default, relay event messages are not reported. If you wish to enable the reporting of ‘Output On’ and ‘Output Off’ event messages for this relay, click the ‘Alert on Change’ check box. Checked is enabled and unchecked is disabled (the default) • Alert Requires Response Figure 702 – The Alert Requires Response Check Box If the ‘Alert Requires Response’ check box is checked, each relay event message will appear in the Alerts Grid. A Pop up event response box will appear and it will require the operator to click a button to resolve each alert from this relay. To enable the Alert Requires Response function for a relay, click the check box. Checked is enabled and unchecked is disabled (the default) • Dialup on Change Figure 703 – The Dial Up on Change Check Box The ‘Dialup on Change’ option is only used with dial up panels. Dial panels save event messages in a memory buffer and wait to be dialed (on a regular schedule). While the panel is off-line, relays could be reporting potentially important event messages which the CardAccess computer will not be aware of until dialing in to pick up event messages at some time later. 454 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L If you want the panel to dial the CardAccess PC each time this relay reports an Output On or Output Off event message, click the Dial Up on change check box • Alert Priority Figure 704 – The Alert Priority Selection Control The ‘Alert Priority’ selection control allows you to set the default event priority value for relay type event messages from this relay. The alert priority is used by the system to route event messages to the Events or Alerts Grids (see the manual section entitled ‘Setting Up Priorities’ for more information). To set the Alert Priority, click the arrows to the right of the Alert Priority control or click in the white space and type a number Warning – If you set a priority of 99 for relay alerts, no alerts will be generated by the panel. An Alert Priority level of 99 suppresses all alerts • Remarks Figure 705 – The Remarks Text Field The ‘Remarks’ field is a memo field where an operator can add text comments about the relay. The ability to add comments in the configuration screen may prove especially useful when the relay is involved in one or more links. The link connections can be listed in the Remarks field, providing a ‘road map’ of sometimes-complicated linkages. To add comments, click in the white space and type any character. 455 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Map Tab Figure 706 The Map tab has controls that allow you to add or edit a map for the current relay. The Map tab is not visible unless the ‘Use Facility Map’ Option is enabled in the System Settings. For more detailed information on the creation of maps see the manual section entitled ‘Maps’. The function of each of the controls on the Map folder tab is as follows. • Facility Map for This Device Figure 707 – The Facility Map for This Device Field Displays the name of the map that is attached to the current relay • Map Description Figure 708 – The Map Description Field An area where you can add a text description of the map 456 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L • Size Image to Fit Figure 709 – The Size Image to Fit Check Box Image bitmaps come in all shapes and sizes. The CardAccess Maps image view control is set by default to stretch the image to fit the size of the image display window If Size Image to Fit is disabled, the image will be displayed in its native size format (and white space may appear on the sides, or top and bottom). The Size Image to Fit stretching feature is enabled by default • View Maps Figure 710 – The View Maps Button Click this button to open the Maps creation screen where you can create or edit a map • Remove Map Figure 711 – The Remove Map Button This button is only available while in Edit mode. Click it to delete the map from the current relay record and the Maps screen editor 457 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Duplicate Definitions As you have read in the ‘Readers’ section of the manual previously, the CardAccess software automatically assigns inputs and relays to doors by default. Each input and relay that is assigned to a door is enabled with certain default operational settings as seen below. Input Default Settings • The input is enabled* • The input is active 24 hours per day, every day of the year including holidays (default 24/7/365 enable schedule). • The input reports with door event messages (‘Door Forced’, ‘Door Now Closed’, ‘Door Open Too Long’), not input event messages (Input Abnormal, Input Normal) • The input is set to normally closed mode* • The input is set to unsupervised mode* • The input is set with no Alert Delay and no Alert Reset time • The input is set to no Response Required • The input is set to no Alert Reporting • The input is set to not activate the console relay • The input is set not to dial up on any condition Relay Default Settings • The relay is enabled* • The relay is available to be activated 24 hours per day, every day of the year • Relay is set to be normally de-energized* • The relay can be activated by a valid badge, or from the manual control screen only • The ‘Alert Requires Response’ function is disabled 458 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L • The ‘Dial Up on Change’ function is disabled • The alert priorities are set by settings in the readers screen • Relay is not assigned to a group • Relay has no Track Schedule assigned • The door strike time is set to 5 seconds by default • Relay is released when the door contact input opens (set to ‘On Open’) • The manual control of a relay which is associated with a reader is possible from the ‘Doors’ manual control screen, not the ‘Relays’ manual control screen It is important to note that the above settings for inputs and relays that have been automatically assigned to readers by the CardAccess software are stored in the CardAccess database. However, those automatically assigned settings are not accessible from any configuration screen inside the CardAccess software. Thus, if you need to change some selected operational settings of a reader input or relay, you must create what is termed a ‘duplicate’ input or relay definition. A duplicate input or relay definition is created by going to the Inputs or Relays screen and creating an input or relay that has the same input or relay number as an input or relay that has been previously assigned to a reader, in the Readers screen. For example, input 1 (on panel 1, say) is typically assigned to door 1 as the door contact. To create a duplicate definition for this input, you would go to the Inputs screen and create an input record for the input #1 on panel 1. This sets up a situation where the input is defined in two places, in the Readers screen and the Inputs screen (hence the term ‘duplicate definition’). The same rules apply to duplicate relay definitions. There are a limited number of settings that can be changed by a duplicate input or relay definition. All of the controls in the Inputs or Relays record for the selected input or relay record do not apply to a door input or relay. The door input and relay settings that can be changed by a duplicate definition are as follows. • Inputs – You may wish to set the reader input to either of the modes shown below. The only way to accomplish that is through the creation of a duplicate input definition 459 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L o Normally Open Mode – By default all inputs are created in normally closed mode. To select normally open mode you must create a duplicate input definition and check the ‘Normal Open’ check box Figure 712 – The Inputs Screen Normal Open Check Box o Supervised Input Mode – By default all inputs are created in unsupervised mode. To select supervised input mode you must create a duplicate input definition and check the ‘Supervised’ check box Figure 713 – The Inputs Screen Supervised Check Box • Relays – By default all relays are created in the off-state de-energized mode. The only way to set a reader relay to the off-state energized mode, is through the creation of a duplicate relay definition o Off-State Energized – To select off-state energized you must create a duplicate relay definition and check the ‘Off-State Energized’ check box Figure 714 – The Relays Screen Off-State Energized Check Box The above settings are the only reader input or relay settings that are affected by the duplicate input or relay definitions. The other settings in the Inputs or Relays screens are ignored by the reader input or relay. Important Note – The duplicate input or relay definition should not have the enabled box checked. Once you enable the duplicate input or relay definition, the input or relay begins sending input or relay event messages in addition to door related event messages. Automatic Input and Relay Numbering For your convenience, below in Table 12 is a review of how the CardAccess system automatically assigns input and relay numbers to 460 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L readers. The chart below assumes that no inputs or relays have been previously assigned in the Inputs or Relays screens. Note that the lowest numbered two inputs available are assigned to the door contact and bypass switch (respectively). Regarding relays, the lowest odd numbered relay is assigned to the door strike. Input and relay number assignments are handled identically on every panel type. To use the chart below for your panel, simply locate the number of doors and ignore the remaining chart. For example, the Miniterm has two reader ports, so you would use the ‘Door 1’ and ‘Door 2’ portion of the chart, and ignore the rest. Table 12 – Input and Relay Automatic Numbering Assignments Door Number Door 1 Door 2 Door 3 Door 4 Door 5 Door 6 Door 7 Door 8 Door Contact Bypass Door Strike 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 461 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Links Figure 715 – The Links Screen The Links screen is a configuration screen where you create configuration records that activate software ‘links’. All links have one main purpose – to fire one or more relays. Thus, when a link is activated, one or more relays will typically be activated as a result. A link basically allows you to monitor the status of inputs or a time schedule, and cause relays to activate if any of those inputs change state, or if the time schedule goes into effect. There are four ways to activate a link. • Input Abnormal – A link program can monitor the status of up to five inputs, selectable on the ‘Input’ tab. If any of those inputs goes abnormal, the link will be activated • Schedule – You can select a track schedule in addition to, or instead of, using inputs to fire a link. The link will be activated when the schedule goes into effect, and deactivated when the schedule expires • From Another Link – Any link can be made to activate one other link. The ‘Remote Panel Link’ settings on the General tab allow you to connect any link to one other link. Each time the selected link is activated, the link mentioned in the Remote Panel Link area will also 462 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L be activated. When two or more links are connected together in this way they are known as ‘global’ links • Manually – You can use the manual control screen available from a button on the CardAccess main toolbar to activate a link When a link activates, there are two things that could happen. • Activate a Relay – The Output tab of the Links screen allows you to select up to five relays for activation be the link. Any of those relays can be placed in one of three states o Output On – The relay will be changed from its normal state to the ‘Output On’ state, then return to the ‘Output Off’ state (pulsed relay) o Output Off – The relay will be changed from the Output On state to the ‘Output Off’ state, then return to the ‘Output On’ state (pulsed relay) o Tracked – The relay will remain in the ‘Output On’ state until all inputs return to normal or the time schedule expires (tracking relay) • Activate Another Link – Any link can be set up to trigger another link using the settings in the ‘Remote Panel Link’ section of the General tab. You can create a link which will fire local relays and activate another link or you can create a link whose sole purpose is to activate a link on another panel Generally, there are two types of links. • Local – Local linking means ‘local to a specific panel’. A ‘local link’ links inputs to relays on the same panel only (all inputs and relays that are mounted on the same physical panel are said to be ‘local’ to each other) Note – Local links are controlled exclusively by the panel logic. The CardAccess PC is not needed to operate a local link • Global – ‘Global’ linking refers to links that span two or more hardware panels. An input on a given panel can fire a link on another 463 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L panel. What happens when that second link is activated depends on the programming settings of that link Note – Global links require communication with the CardAccess host PC. When a given panel is required to fire a global link, a message is sent to the CardAccess host PC, which forwards that message to the subject panel. The panels do not communicate with each other on a peer basis. The CardAccess host acts as the communications controller for all inter-panel communications. Global links will fail if the CardAccess PC is off-line during a remote link activation request Links General Discussion The ultimate object of any link is to activate one or more relays. Links can be thought of as ‘macros’ that are stored locally at each panel. These macros can be set up to activate relays on the panel where the link is stored, or the link macro can send a message to the CardAccess computer to activate a second link, perhaps on a different panel. In the Links screen, you are exclusively creating local links. These link macro ‘programs’ will then be stored at their respective panels. Once activated by an input stimulus, some of these links may activate only local relays (local link), and some links may have connections to links on other panels (global links). Thus, a Global Link is actually two or more local links which have been connected together through software. If a local link has settings in the ‘Remote Panel Link’ field of the General tab, it is called a ‘Global Link’. There are four types of Local links. • Input Only – If there are one or more selections on the Inputs tab, and no selections on the Relays tab, this link will be activated when an input goes abnormal, but no local action will take place on the panel where this link resides (the link has no local relays programmed, so there is nothing to activate on the local panel) Since the link itself does ‘activate’ when one of its selected inputs changes state, it can be used to activate another link by connecting it as a global link. Thus, the input(s) on one panel can be used to fire relays on another panel (one example is where an Input Only input on one panel fires an Output Only link on another panel. See below) • Input/Output – The standard way to fire a link. One or more inputs are selected on the Inputs tab and one or more relays are selected on the Relays tab. An input is used to fire the local link, the 464 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L link becomes activated and in turn, the selected local relays are activated – all on the same panel • Schedule Triggered – When you select a ‘Track Schedule’ to fire a link (with or without inputs configured), the relays selected in the Relays tab will be changed to the ‘Output On’ state during the schedule and they will be returned to the ‘Output Off’ state when the schedule expires. You are permitted to configure inputs and a track schedule in the same link • Output Only – The ‘Outputs’ tab has relays selected for activation, but there are no inputs selected on the Inputs tab and no time schedule selected in the Track Schedule field. The only way to fire this type of link is from another link using the Global linking feature Create a Basic Link Definition Note that when you create a new link definition, the system provides the following default settings automatically (unless you override those settings by changing the settings in the appropriate controls). • Link is enabled • Link has no Enable Schedule assigned, but the link is ‘available’ to be activated 24 hours per day, every day of the year (unless overridden by the enable schedule) • If there is a change in link status, ‘Link Activate’ and ‘Link Deactivate’ event messages will be sent to the CardAccess host PC by the panel • The ‘Alert Requires Response’ function is disabled • The ‘Dial Up on Activation’ function is disabled • The alert priority is set to 10 by default • The link is not assigned to a group • The Manual Control Privilege is set to ‘All’. This means that all operators will have access to manually activate the link from the ‘Links’ button on the CardAccess main toolbar • Remote Panel Linking is disabled • No inputs are assigned 465 C A R D A C C E S S • 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L No outputs are assigned As we stated previously, there are two kinds of links; Local and Global. Global links are actually comprised of two or more local links (from different panels) that have been cross-linked in the software. Thus, we will first explore how to create a local link, and then we will explore how to link two or more links together to create a global link. Firstly, you need to decide what function your links will perform. There are some questions to be answered as follows. • Will your relays be normally energized or de-energized? • Will your links fire local relays or only remote panel relays? • How many relays will be fired for each link (maximum 5 permitted)? • Should one or more relays track the input state (as opposed to being switched on momentarily, then being switched off) • How many inputs should be capable of firing the link (maximum 5 permitted)? • Would a track time schedule better suit the application? Create a Local Link Since we are creating a local link, some of the questions above are automatically addressed. In a local link, we will use local inputs (or a time schedule) to fire local relays only. In this simplest example, we will use one input to fire one relay. To create a basic local link definition, do the following. • Open Links – Open the Links screen by clicking the Links shortcut, available from the Configuration menu • Click New – Click the ‘New’ button Figure 716 – The New Button 466 C A R D A C C E S S • 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Select a Panel – Click the arrow button to the right of the ‘Panel Name’ field and scroll up or down to select a panel. If there are no panels visible in the list, you need to create some panel definitions in the Panels screen, available from the Configuration menu. The panel selected must have inputs created in the Inputs screen and relays created in the Relays screen (otherwise there will be nothing to link) Figure 717 – The Panel Name Selection Control • Create a Name – Type a descriptive name for the link in the ‘Description’ field. It is advised that this name clearly describe the intended use for the link Figure 718 – The Description Text Field • Select a Link Program Number – Click the buttons to the right of the ‘Prog#’ control to select a link program number, or click in the white space and type in a number. The link program number must be unique on the selected panel and should be set to the next lowest available number. The Prog# is not automatically incremented Figure 719 – The Link Program Number Spin Control • Select an Input – To select an input do the following. o Click the ‘Input’ folder tab o Click the arrow to the right of any of the five input fields, and select an input. You will only see inputs that have been activated for the panel you selected on the General tab, in the ‘Panel Name’ field. In this example we will select one input. However, you can select up to five inputs 467 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 720 – The Links Input Selection Controls • Select an Output – To select a relay that will be fired by the input change of status do the following. o Click the ‘Output’ folder tab (Figure 721) o Now you need to decide how the relay will respond to the change of input status. You have three states to select from ! On – When the input goes abnormal, the relay(s) will be placed in the ‘Output On’ state for the period of time set in the ‘Energize Time’ field of the relay record (in the Relays screen). Use this setting if you want the relay activated momentarily ! Off – When the input goes abnormal, the relay(s) will be placed in the ‘Output Off’ state for the period of time set in the ‘Energize Time’ control of the relay record (in the Relays screen). Use this setting if you want the relay de-activated momentarily and if the relay is currently tracking a schedule ! Track – When the input goes abnormal, the relay(s) will track the input. As long as the input is abnormal, the relay will remain in the ‘Output On’ state. Use this setting if you want the relay held in the ‘Output On’ state for as long as the input stays abnormal Click the arrow to the right of any of the five output fields, in the appropriate action type column, and select an output. You will only see outputs that have been activated for the panel you have selected on the General tab, in the ‘Panel Name’ field 468 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 721 – The Links Screen Output Folder Tab • Click Save – Click the ‘Save’ button Figure 722 – The Save Button You have just created a basic, local Link definition with all of the default operational settings as mentioned in the first part of this section. Create a Global Link Figure 723 – The Remote Panel Link Controls Recall from the above discussion that a global link is simply a local link that has been connected to another local link through software. You simply take two or more local links and you ‘link’ them together using the ‘Remote Panel Link’ controls (Figure 723), found on the General tab of the Links screen. Note that every link that you create in the Links screen is assigned to a specific panel. Every panel is assigned a unique panel number (in the ‘PnlNo’ field of the Panels screen). Further, every link that you create on a specific panel is assigned a unique link program number for that panel 469 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L (in the Prog# field of the Links screen). These unique panel and link numbers are used when connecting links together globally (Figure 724). Figure 724 – The Remote Panel Link Settings for Figure 725 below Figure 725 – Global Link Schematic Diagram Panel 1 Link 1 Panel 2 Link 1 Panel 2 Prog# 1 Panel Nbr Link Nbr In the above Global Link Schematic Diagram (Figure 725), Panel 1/Link 1 is globally connected to Panel 2/Link 1. When Link 1 on Panel 1 is activated (by an abnormal input or a track schedule), if there are any local relays programmed into Panel 1/Link 1 they will be activated. In addition, Panel 1 will send a message to the CardAccess communications driver that Panel 2/Link 1 needs to be activated. The CardAccess communications driver will relay that command to panel 2. Panel 2 will then activate Link 1. Panel 2/Link 1 will then activate any local relays programmed into that link. If a remote panel link is programmed into the ‘Remote Panel Link’ field of Panel 2/Link 1, a message will be sent to the CardAccess communications driver to activate that link. The link activations and the remote panel link activation messages will continue until the last link in the chain is reached. Warning – It is possible to create a ‘circular link’ that will activate indefinitely! In Figure 725 above, if you enter ‘Panel = 1’ and ‘Prog# = 1’ in the Remote Panel Link field of Panel 2, Panel 1/Link 1 will activate Panel 2/Link1. Panel 2/Link 1 will in turn activate Panel 1/Link 1, which will start the process over again. This is called an ‘endless loop’ which will never stop activating these links and consume system resources. This condition is to be avoided. When creating a global link you have some decisions to make. First, we need to reinforce the following points. • Links are ‘chained’ together to form Global links 470 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L • All links are triggered by inputs, time schedules or other links • The goal of all links, local or global, is to (ultimately) fire relays Local links are fairly straightforward to deal with. But, with a global link you have a number of issues. Since the global link is created from two or more local links, what type of links should those local links be? For example, if you create two local links and then plan to connect those links globally, your first decision is what each of those links should do locally, at their respective panels. Here are some of the considerations. • How many links will you connect together globally? • What is the overall plan for the links? Will each link be able to operate independently? Will one of the links act as an Input Only link (see above) and the other act as the Output Only link? • How many links need to be connected together globally? Remember that each link can be triggered by up to five inputs on a given panel. A link can also be triggered by a tracked time schedule. Any link can activate up to five relays. Any of those relays can be placed in any of three modes ‘On’, ‘Off’ or ‘Track’. You can see that there are a number of variations, so a plan needs to be created before attempting to connect your links. However, the process can be simplified. All global links will fall into two categories. • Links that work independently and fire other links – These will be links that are complete with input settings and output settings. So each of these links will operate on its own and be connected globally in addition • Links that exist to fire other links – The Input Only and Output only links mentioned above are examples of links that are dependant on other links. An input will fire an Input Only link, but that link will not activate anything on its own. It requires a global connection to do any meaningful work Thus, there are two classes of links that are used to create global links – those links that activate local relays and fire other links, and those links that do not activate local relays but use a local input or time schedule to activate another link, which in turn fire relays that are local to the panel where that link resides. To Create a Global Link do the following. 471 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L • Create Local Links – Create at least two local links of any type mentioned above. Decide which link will fire the remote link • Create the Remote Link – In the Remote Panel Link area of the link that will activate the remote panel link, select the panel number and link number of the link that will be remotely activated Figure 726 – The Remote Panel Link Selection Controls • Click Save – Click the Save button That is all that is needed to create a global link. The act of connecting links together, using the Remote Panel Link controls, is what makes any link global A detailed view of each of the Links screen controls follows. General Tab • Panel Name Figure 727 – The Panel Name Selection Control You need to select the panel that the link will be associated with before you can set the operating parameters of that link. The ‘Panel Name’ selection control contains a list of all panels that were created in the Panels screen. Once a panel is selected, the fields on the Input tab and the fields on the Output tab will have access to the inputs and relays (respectively) that are activated for the selected panel. To select a panel, click the arrow button to the right of the Panel Name control. Scroll up or down to locate the selected panel and click on it. If there are no panels in the Panels list, you need to open the Panels screen, available from the Configuration menu and create some panel definitions 472 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L • Description Figure 728 – The Description Text Field You will use the ‘Description’ field to enter a descriptive name for the link. Be sure to create a name that clearly describes the function of the link. This name will be attached to all link event messages involving this link (Figure 689). The field will accept any combination of letters, numbers or symbols Figure 729 – Link Event Messages • Group Figure 730 – The Group Selection Control Use the Group selection control to assign the link to a Link Group. Groups are used by the CardAccess software to perform database partitioning and manual control screen masking. For more information, see the manual section entitled ‘Groups’. To select a Group, click the arrow button to the right of the Group control and click on your selection. If there are no groups visible in the list, you need to create some in the Groups screen, available from the Administration menu • Enable Schedule Figure 731 – The Enable Schedule Selection Control When you create a link definition and enable it, by default that link is available to be activated by input trigger or manually 24 hours per day, every day of the year. If you select a schedule in the ‘Enable Schedule’ field, the selected link cannot be activated by an abnormal input outside of the schedule. 473 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L However, the link can still be manually activated outside of the enable schedule. To assign a link enable schedule, click the arrow to the right of the Enable Schedule control, scroll up or down to locate your selection, and click the schedule. If there are no selections available in the Enable Schedule control, you need to create some in the ‘Schedules’ screen available from a button on the CardAccess main toolbar • Prog # Figure 732 – The Link Program Number Selection Control The Link Program Number selection control allows you to select which numbered link you wish to activate on a given panel. Link program numbers are used by the system to identify the link, so link numbers cannot be duplicated on the same panel. Each panel can have it’s own set of link programs numbered 1-64. The Prog# field is not automatically incremented, so you must keep track of the numbered links that you have created for the selected panel. To select a link program number, click the arrow buttons to the right of the Prog# field or click in the white space and type a number from 1 to 64 • Enabled Figure 733 – The Enabled Check Box The Enabled check box activates or deactivates the link at the panel. When a link is disabled, the link is effectively ‘dead’. The link cannot be activated by any means, including input abnormal, track schedule or manual activation. To enable the link (the default), click the check box. Checked is enabled and unchecked is disabled 474 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L • Report Activity Figure 734 – The Report Activity Check Box Link status event messages (Figure 735) are enabled by default. You can elect to suppress link event messages by un-checking the ‘Report Activity’ check box. Checked enables reporting of event messages, unchecked disables reporting for the selected link Figure 735 – Link Status Event Messages • Alert Requires Response Figure 736 – The Alert Requires Response Check Box If the ‘Alert Requires Response’ check box is checked, each link event message will appear in the Alerts Grid. A Pop up event response box will appear and it will require the operator to click a button to resolve each alert from this link. To enable the Alert Requires Response function for a link, click the check box. Checked is enabled and unchecked is disabled (the default) • Dialup on Activation Figure 737 – The Dial Up on Activation Check Box The ‘Dialup on Activation’ option is only used with dial up panels. Dial panels save event messages in a memory buffer and wait to be dialed (on a regular schedule). While the panel is off-line, links could be reporting potentially important event messages which the CardAccess computer would not be aware of until dialing in some time later. If you want the panel to dial the CardAccess PC each time this link is activated and reports an event message, click the Dial Up on 475 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Activation check box. Checked is enabled, unchecked is disabled (the default) • Alert Priority Figure 738 – The Alert Priority Selection Control The ‘Alert Priority’ selection control allows you to set the default event priority value for the event messages from this link. The alert priority is used by the system to route event messages to the Events or Alerts Grids (see the manual section entitled ‘Setting Up Priorities’ for more information). The default priority is 10. If you wish to change the Alert Priority (199 is possible, 1 is most important), click the arrows to the right of the Alert Priority control or click in the white space and type a number Warning – If you set a priority of 99 for link alerts, no alerts will be generated by the panel. Alert Priority level of 99 suppresses all alerts. • Manual Control Privilege Figure 739 – The Manual Control Privilege Selection Control You use the Links ‘Manual Control Privilege’ selection control to assign the current link to a privilege level. That privilege level affects which relays will appear in the Links Manual Control screen. The Links screen Manual Control Privilege selection control works in conjunction with the Links Manual Control screen and the Operators screen as explained below o Links Manual Control Screen 476 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 740 – The Links Manual Control Screen Essentially, all Manual Control Privilege settings affect which links are displayed in the Links manual control screen, for selected operators. The object is to hide selected links from the view of selected operators. The Links manual control screen allows operators to manually fire links from inside the CardAccess software (see the manual section entitled ‘Manual Control’). Hiding selected links will prevent unauthorized activation of those links. The links manual control screen uses the settings in the Operators screen, on the Privileges tab, of the currently logged in operator, to determine which links to make visible and which links to hide, each time the manual control screen is opened o Operator Manual Control Privileges 477 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 741 – The Operators Screen Privileges Tab An operator definition is created in the Operators screen and Device Control Privileges are assigned (or not assigned) on the Privileges tab for each operator that you create (Figure 695 above). Operator ‘Device Control Privileges’ operate under the following rules ! If no Device Control Privileges are assigned in the Operator record (which is the default), privilege level settings are ignored and the operator has access to all links in the Links manual control screen (Figure 694) ! If you assign a given operator only one permission level, as in the example in Figure 695 where Priv 4 is assigned, the operator would be allowed to see only those links with ‘Priv 4’ or ‘All’ selected in the Manual Control Privilege field of each link record (Figure 696) Figure 742 – The Links Screen Manual Control Privilege Control ! Privilege level assignments are not ‘inclusive’. If a given operator has Priv 4 assigned in his or her operator record (as in Figure 695) that does not mean that they will be able to manually 478 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L control all links with Priv 1-4 assigned in the Manual Control Privilege field of the link record. It means they have access to Priv 4 links only. If you require that operators have access to multiple privilege levels, you must check off multiple Priv levels in the Privileges tab of the Operators screen (Figure 697). Figure 743 – The Operators Screen Priv Assignment Check Boxes In Figure 697, the operator with these settings will be able to manually activate links with the Priv levels of 1, 3, 4, 7, 8 or ‘All’. Links with a Priv level of 2, 5, or 6 will be hidden from the view of this operator. The Links manual control screen will open with links 2, 5, and 7 filtered out of the list. Note that checking all of the Priv check boxes works identically to checking none of the Priv check boxes. That is, the operator has access to all of the links in the manual control screen with either set up • Remote Panel Link Figure 744 – The Remote Panel Link Controls The Remote Panel Link controls allow you to set up Global links. As described above, there are two types of links – Local and Global. In the Links screen, when you create new links, you are exclusively creating local links only. That is, some number of links that reside locally in the memory of each panel of your CardAccess system. Once several local links have been created, it is then possible to connect two or more local links together using the ‘Remote Panel 479 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Link’ controls, thereby forming global links. To connect two links do the following o Select a Panel Number – You will be attempting to connect the current link to a second link, on a different panel. Select a panel number from a panel other than the one that you are currently editing the link from. To locate the panel number of a given panel, go to the Panels screen, available from the Configuration menu. The panel number will be found in the ‘PnlNo’ column in the top of the screen (Figure 745). Figure 745 – The Panels Screen Panel Number Field Return to the Links screen and use to arrow buttons to the right of the ‘Panel’ control (Figure 746) or click in the white space and type in a number from 1 to 512 Figure 746 – The Global Link Panel Number Selection Control o Select a Link Program Number – Use the arrow buttons to the right of the Prog# control (Figure 747) to select a link program number on the target panel. Figure 747 – The Global Link Program Number Selection Control The link program numbers can be found in the Links screen, in the ‘Link Prog’ column (Figure 748) 480 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 748 – The Links Screen Link Program Number Field Input Tab Figure 749 – The Input Tab The Input tab of the Links screen contains the ‘triggers’ that are used to activate a link. You can connect up to five inputs to fire the current link. If any one of the inputs selected goes abnormal, or if the schedule goes into effect, the link will be fired. As you may recall from the Inputs chapter of the manual, Inputs have two software states – normal and abnormal. The software states are somewhat ‘disconnected’; from the hardware states – ‘open’ and ‘closed’. An input can be set up to be normally open or normally closed depending on the setting of the ‘Normal Open’ check box in the Inputs screen. Thus, an input could be ‘open’ but still be ‘normal’. Note that the panel software uses the normal and abnormal software states to describe the condition of the input, not the hardware condition. 481 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L This is an important distinction, because a link program uses the software state of the input to trigger the link, not the hardware state. It is ‘Input Abnormal’ that fires a link, not necessarily an open input, since open could be the normal state for the selected input. To select an input to fire a link, click the arrow to the right of any of the five selection controls in the Input tab of the links screen. Scroll up or down to locate the selected input and click on it. Figure 750 – The Links Screen Inputs Selection Controls If you elect to use more that one input to trigger the link note that it does not matter which of the five available fields you use, they are not ‘prioritized’ in any way. If you elect to fill all five fields note that the fields are not logical ‘and’, they are logical ‘or’. Which means that any one input going abnormal will fire the link. Also note that you can create a link that does not have any input selections at all. The link can be activated by a time schedule alone. To select a time schedule, click the arrow to the right of the ‘Time Schedule’ field (Figure 751), scroll up or down to locate the schedule and click it. Figure 751 – The Links Screen Track Schedule Control If you don’t see any schedules in the list you need to go to the Schedules screen, available from the CardAccess main toolbar and create some 482 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Output Tab Figure 752 – The Output Tab The Output tab is used to select relays that will be activated by this link. You can select up to five relays. All five relays will be activated when the link is fired. There is no priority order for selecting a relay on this screen. You can select a relay from any control bank; the order is ignored by the system. Relays can be placed in any one of three states by a link. • Output On – When the input goes abnormal, the relay(s) will be placed in the ‘Output On’ state for the period of time set in the ‘Energize Time’ field of the relay record (in the Relays screen). Use this setting if you want the relay activated momentarily • Output Off – When the input goes abnormal, the relay(s) will be placed in the ‘Output Off’ state for the period of time set in the ‘Energize Time’ control of the relay record (in the Relays screen). Use this setting if you want the relay de-activated momentarily and if the relay is currently tracking a schedule • Track – When the input goes abnormal, the relay(s) will track the input. As long as the input is abnormal, the relay will remain in the ‘Output On’ state. Use this setting if you want the relay held in the ‘Output On’ state for as long as the input stays abnormal To select a relay, click the arrow to the right of the selected control. Scroll up or down to locate the selected relay. Click it. If there are no relays appearing in the controls, you need to go to the Relays screen, available from the Configuration menu, and create some. 483 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Map Tab Figure 753 – The Maps Tab The Map tab has controls that allow you to add or edit a map for the current link. The Map tab is not visible unless the ‘Use Facility Map’ Option is enabled in the System Settings. For more detailed information on the creation of maps see the manual section entitled ‘Maps’. The function of each of the controls on the Map folder tab is as follows. • Facility Map for This Device Figure 754 – The Facility Map for This Device Field Displays the name of the map that is attached to the current link • Map Description Figure 755 – The Map Description Field An area where you can add a text description of the map 484 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L • Size Image to Fit Figure 756 – The Size Image to Fit Check Box Image bitmaps come in all shapes and sizes. The CardAccess Maps image view control is set by default to stretch the image to fit the size of the image display window. If Size Image to Fit is disabled, the image will be displayed in its native size format (and white space may appear on the sides, or top and bottom). The feature is enabled by default • View Maps Figure 757 – The View Maps Button Click this button to open the Maps creation screen where you can create or edit a map • Remove Map Figure 758 – The Remove Map Button This button is only available while in Edit mode. Click it to delete the map 485 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Com Ports Figure 759 – The Communications Ports Screen Continental Instruments panel hardware commonly uses serial connections to communicate with the CardAccess (polling) computer. Those panel serial connections can attach to the computer through any of the several mechanical methods mentioned below. • Built in computer serial ports • Serial port expansion cards • An Ethernet network connection Communication ports can be attached to or detached from the CardAccess software by using the ‘Communication Ports’ screen (Figure 759), available from the Configuration menu. Up to 255 total communications nodes (ports) are supported, but you must have the hardware installed to support those ports and they must be activated in the operating system, unless you are using ‘virtual ports’. Virtual ports in the CardAccess are configured much like hardware ports, but data that is sent to a virtual port is passed to the computer network card as opposed to leaving the computer via a physical serial port. 486 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L The data method used to make these virtual port connections is by using TCP sockets over Ethernet. At the present time, the Continental panel hardware does not support Ethernet connections, and the panel firmware only supports a proprietary protocol. Thus, a mechanical adapter box is needed to convert the serial ASCII based panel protocol to an Ethernet TCP based protocol, to facilitate connecting panel hardware to a standard Ethernet LAN network. The current adapter of choice for this application is the Lantronix UDS10. The device efficiently converts serial ASCII based data into Ethernet compatible data packets. This makes it possible to seamlessly connect Continental access control panels to Ethernet networks. The aforementioned discusses the panel side connection and what is needed to support bringing Ethernet to the panel hardware. On the PC side, a specialized software interface was needed to accomplish supporting Ethernet based panel connections from the CardAccess software side. The Ethernet standard supports a number of connection protocols including UDP, TCP and Net Bios. TCP was chosen as the Ethernet protocol to be used to connect the CardAccess application software to the Lantronix UDS-10 interface. TCP is more reliable than other methods, and the TCP ‘sockets’ connection methods are supported by the UDS-10. If you look at Figure 759, you will notice that there are two folder tabs visible in the figure called ‘Com Ports’ and ‘LAN Connections’. The Com Ports tab allows you to configure the CardAccess physical serial ports. The LAN Connections tab allows you to configure the CardAccess virtual (TCP) ports. Both of these port types are ‘mutually exclusive’. That is, you can configure a total of 255 ports of any type. If a port is allocated to LAN it cannot be allocated to Com Ports and vice versa. Let’s look at more detail on both of those connection types. 487 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Configure Com Ports Figure 760 – The Com Ports Tab The CardAccess is installed with the ‘capability’ of supporting 255 port connections. These connections can be serial ports, LAN ports or any combination of the two. Com1 is the only serial port that is connected to the CardAccess software by default. All other ports are configured as disconnected when you initially install the software. As we stated previously, you must have the installed hardware to support a given serial port before you attempt to connect it to the CardAccess software. The controls as seen in Figure 760 exist for the function of connecting the CardAccess software to a designated physical serial port. But what do we mean when we say ‘connect’? Computing equipment serial port connection methodologies were established long before Windows was created. Effectively, the following steps must be taken to configure serial ports prior to making them available to any software application that wishes to connect to them. • Install the Hardware – Before any connections can occur, the physical serial port hardware must be in place. If you intend to connect the CardAccess software to 200 Com ports, appropriate port expansion cards need to be installed in the CardAccess computer first • Configure the Hardware – The physical ports mentioned above must be activated in the operating system. This means that appropriate drivers must be installed, and Windows must recognize (and be communicating with) every port that CardAccess is expected to connect to 488 488 C A R D A C C E S S • 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Connect to the Ports – Connect the CardAccess application to selected ports using the controls on the Com Ports tab of the Communication Ports screen You will notice in Figure 760 that the Com Ports tab is showing connection controls for serial ports Com1 through Com12. There is a scrollbar to the right of that folder tab that will allow you to scroll down to see more Com port connection controls. The highest numbered Com port that the CardAccess will recognize is Com255. Let’s look at how these controls work. Each control on the Com Ports tab allows you to connect to one Com port. Whichever Com port you elect to connect to, that Com port must exist and be operational in the operating system first. Below explains how to set the controls to connect to a com port. Connect to a Com Port To connect to a Com port do the following. • Open the Com Ports Screen – Open the Communications Ports screen available from the Configuration menu (Com Ports shortcut) • Click Edit – Click the ‘Edit’ button • Select the Com Ports Tab – If the Com Ports tab is not visible, click it • Use the Scrollbar – Use the scrollbar on the right side of the Com ports tab to locate the Com port that you wish to connect the CardAccess to • Click the Arrow – Click the down arrow to the right side of the control under the ‘Type’ column. There are four selections explained below (Figure 761). Figure 761 – Com Ports Tab – Com Port Control with Type List Visible 489 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L o Not Used – If selected, the connection to the indicated Com port is disabled. The port is disconnected and becomes available to be reassigned o Cable – ‘Cable’ refers to a physical serial port. If selected, the CardAccess will attempt to connect to the physical serial port indicated by the Com port number when the Save button is clicked. The CardAccess will also attempt to connect to each Com port that is set to ‘cable’ every time the CardAccess software is started. If connection fails, there will be an error event message (Figure 762). If the connection is successful, there will be no event message Figure 762 – Com Port Open Fail Event Message o Modem – When a Com port control is set to ‘Modem’, it will use Dial Up to connect to panels. However, several other items must be set up before dial up will function. ! At least one modem must be connected to the CardAccess as set in the System Settings, available from the System menu ! Dial Up will not take place unless at least one panel is assigned to a Dial Up Com port number ! Dial Up will not take place unless a dial schedule is set in the ‘Modems’ screen, available from the Configuration menu To learn more about dial up, see the manual section entitled ‘Dial Up’. o UnAvail – You cannot select this menu item. This status is automatically displayed in the Type control on the Com Ports tab when you set a given port to LAN. Once a port is allocated to the LAN function, the ‘UnAvail’ indicator is displayed in the Com Ports area indicating that this port is already allocated to a LAN connection and is not available to connect to a hardware serial port Figure 763 – Com Ports Tab View of Port Allocated to LAN 490 C A R D A C C E S S • 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Set the Baud Rate – Click the down arrow to the right side of the control under the ‘BAUD’ column. There are five selections Figure 764. There are a few notes about the Baud rate below. Figure 764 - Com Ports Tab – BAUD Control with Baud Rate List Visible o When set to 0 Baud, the polling is turned off for the port o 9600 is the recommended port speed o Setting a Baud speed is required to enable the port o The CardAccess Baud setting overrides the operating system setting o The other port settings are {8, n, 1} – 8 Bits, No Parity, 1 Stop bit (not selectable) • Enter a Password – Passwords can only be used on dial up nodes. Passwords are not necessary on Cable and LAN connections. Password settings are ignored if the Type is set to Cable or LAN. Passwords were instituted to prevent an unsolicited dial in to panels from more than one service organization. It is possible to load the wrong configuration into a panel and cause a node to become misprogrammed, denying access to valid users. In a case where the panels are Cable or LAN connected, unauthorized connection to a panel cluster is much more unlikely than with dial up, which is exposed to the public telephone network. If the Type field (see above) is set to ‘Modem’ and you desire a password, enter up to six characters (numbers, letters or symbols in any combination) • Click Save – When done setting the parameters for all of the Com ports that you wish to activate, click the ‘Save’ button. When you 491 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L have changed the settings for selected Com ports, the CardAccess software will attempt the following after the Save button is clicked o Cable – The CardAccess will immediately attempt to open every port that has Type = Cable. If the connection fails, you will get an error event message for every port that fails. If the attempt succeeds, you will get no event messages o LAN – The CardAccess will attempt to open a TCP sockets connection with every port that is set to LAN. Read more detail about LAN connections in the next section o Modem – There will be no attempt to dial a panel node until a dial schedule has activated dialing. To learn more about dial up, see the manual section entitled ‘Dial Up’ Configure LAN Connections Figure 765 – The LAN Connections Tab The LAN Connections tab in the Communication Ports screen facilitates connections to Lantronix brand micro serial server devices. As we stated earlier, LAN connections to panels cannot take place until conversion boxes (micro serial servers) are mounted to LAN connected panel nodes. Each micro serial server adapter needs to be connected to the LAN network, programmed and operating before the CardAccess can connect to them. A micro serial server device is a hardware adapter box that converts an Ethernet connection to an RS232 connection. The Ethernet side of the box behaves just like any network card that you may have configured for a PC, and the same set up considerations apply. The box must have an IP 492 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L address assigned and the serial server allows the use of any of several common network protocols like TCP, UDP, ARP and more (consult the product documentation). The interface software used to connect the CardAccess to the micro serial servers is written to use the TCP protocol. The TCP protocol uses port numbers as the means to establish a ‘session’ connection between two software applications (in this case, the CardAccess and a serial server). The port number used for the CardAccess to serial server connection is ‘3001’. The CardAccess software is hard coded to communicate with port 3001, so each micro serial server must be set up with port 3001 assigned to the RS232 port. This is done in the set up menu of the serial server. The manual section called ‘LAN Adapters’ has more details on micro serial server programming. To set up the CardAccess LAN Connections tab ports, do the following. • Provide an IP Address – The network administrator of the network that you plan to install the CardAccess into must provide one IP address for each micro serial server that you plan to use. You will need one micro serial server (and thus, one address) per panel node (a node is a cluster of up to 63 panels). You will assign each panel node to one port on the LAN Connections tab. You will then fill in the IP address of the micro serial server for that node into the ‘IP Address’ field of the selected port. Note that the LAN connections engine does not communicate with ‘Com ports’ at all. Each port on the LAN Connections tab represents a Windows ‘sockets’ connection. Even though the ports are labeled as Com1 through Com255, every port that is assigned to LAN connections strictly uses the LAN network interface card for all connections. It does not matter which port you choose for a given LAN node. But you do need to make sure that you don’t try to assign a port to a LAN function that has already been assigned to a Cable or Modem function on the Com Ports tab. • Enable a Port – If the ‘Enable’ check box is not checked, the LAN port will not be activated even if there is an IP address entered in the IP Address field. Click the check box (check mark is visible) to enable the port. Once you click Enable and save the record, IF there 493 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L are any panels enabled on that node, the CardAccess will attempt to communicate to the IP address indicated. Note that if a given port has already been allocated on the Com Ports tab, then your attempt to click the Enable check box will be ignored. You must set the port to Type = Unused on a given Com port on the Com Ports tab, before you will be allowed to allocate that same port to LAN duties • Provide a Network Connection – In order to make it possible to communicate to a serial server, you must have a working network connection from the CardAccess PC, and to the micro serial server devices. Note that the network infrastructure (routers specifically) must not be blocking the TCP ports 3001 and 9999. TCP 3001 is the port number of the serial port on the micro serial server devices, and 9999 is the configuration port of the UDS-10 micro serial server. Unrestricted access to both ports must be provided along the entire network path from the CardAccess PC to each micro serial server. 494 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N 495 M A N U A L C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Dial Up The discussion of ‘Dial Up’ panel connections requires that we separate the discussion into two subjects. • Configuring the CardAccess Software for Dial Up Access – Configuration of dial nodes is performed in the ‘Modems’ screen (available from the ‘Configuration’ menu) • Installing and Testing the Modem Hardware – The setup and installation of modems is performed in the Windows control panel. It is important to understand that the modem hardware is under the control of the Windows operating system, not the CardAccess software. When the CardAccess wishes to make a connection to a modem, it must go through the operating system to do so. This understanding is crucial to the proper configuration, testing and troubleshooting of dial nodes To create dial nodes, you use the CardAccess ‘Modems’ screen. Each record in the Modems screen describes one Dial Node. Essentially, a Dial Node is a ‘software macro’ that is ultimately a coupling of three things. • Selected Panels – You select which panels will be connected to a common panel cluster in the ‘Panels’ area of the Modems screen (Figure 766). Note that all panels selected for a given dial node must be physically connected together and they must be connected to one common modem Figure 766 – The Modems Screen Panels Selection Area • A Modem Phone Number – You enter the phone number of the panel side modem in the ‘Telephone No’ field of the Modems screen General tab (Figure 767). The CardAccess communications driver will use this phone number to dial out to the panel cluster 496 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 767 – The Modems Screen Dial Out Phone Number Section • A Time Schedule – You select a dialing schedule in the ‘Dial Out Schedule’ area of the General tab (Figure 768). The communications driver software will then dial the phone number indicated in the ‘Telephone No’ field (mentioned above) each time the selected schedule goes into effect Figure 768 – The Modems Screen Dial Out Schedule Section Note that the Modems screen uses records from the ‘Schedules’ screen (available from a button on the CardAccess main toolbar) and the ‘Panels’ screen (available from the ‘Configuration’ menu), so you must have panels and schedules programmed before you attempt to create dial nodes. The reason for the existence of dial nodes is to have the CardAccess communications driver connect to selected panel clusters periodically for the following purposes. • Uploading Event Messages – All models of Continental panels store event messages in a memory buffer. When the CardAccess communications driver polls a given panel, panel event messages are purged from panel memory and are sent to the CardAccess host. On a dial node, the panels will not be polled until a dial connection is established. 497 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L The panels will continue to store event messages until the memory buffer is filled, then overflowed. The default size of the panel event message buffer is set to 110 events (adjustable in the ‘Transaction Buffer Size’ field in the Panels screen, on the General tab). When full, the events buffer begins to overwrite itself. The oldest event messages can be lost if the CardAccess PC does not dial a given panel cluster frequently enough • Downloading Configuration Changes – When configuration changes are made in the CardAccess software, such as adding a badge or changing an access group, those changes are sent to dial node panels on the next available dial connection. Thus, dial panels must be connected through dial up before they can receive configuration changes. However, configuration changes for any dial panel cause the system to dial the associated dial node as soon as the change is made, automatically. The system does not wait for the next valid schedule to send configuration changes. Sections below will describe the functions of all of the Modems screen controls and the process of setting up modems and dial lines. First, let’s look at the general process of creating a basic dial node. 498 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Create a Basic Node Definition To create a basic node definition do the following. Click the General tab and do the below. • Open Modems – Open the Modems screen, available from the Configuration menu • Click New – Click the ‘New’ button Figure 769 – The New Button • Create A Node Name – Type a descriptive name for your node into the ‘Node Name’ field. It is strongly recommended that you create a name that accurately describes the location or the intended use for the node. To enter a name, click in the white space and type in a name. Any typed character is accepted Figure 770 – The Node Name Field • Enter a Dial In Phone Number – There are two fields provided for dial in phone numbers. Each field represents one of the modems that is selected for use by the CardAccess software, as indicated in the CardAccess System Settings. The Dial In Phone Number fields will contain the phone numbers of the two modems that are connected to the CardAccess host PC. These numbers will be downloaded to the panel(s) indicated in the current node record. The panel(s) will then store these numbers and use them to dial in to the CardAccess PC where necessary. The numbers in these fields are optional. If you will not need to have any panel in the selected node dial the CardAccess host PC, you don’t need to supply any dial in phone numbers. Also, you may elect to use only one modem, which can be either modem 1 or modem 2. However, whichever number you provide (modem line 1 or 2), there must be a modem selected for that modem line in the System Settings (see the manual section on the ‘System Settings’ for more information, also see the below section called ‘Modems Screen Controls’ in this chapter). 499 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L To enter a phone number, click in the white space and type in the number. Figure 771 – The Dial In Telephone Numbers Fields • Enter a Dial Out Phone Number – The Dial Out Phone Number field is where you will type in the phone number of the panel side modem for this panel cluster. This number will be used by the CardAccess communications driver each time the selected panel node is dialed To enter a phone number, click in the white space and type in the number. Figure 772 – The Dial Out Telephone Number Field • Enter Init String – If preferred, you are permitted to enter modem initialization strings into the ‘Modem Init Strings’ field (Figure 773). These strings will be downloaded to the panel that is connected to the remote modem (the panel whose address is set to 1 gets the string stored). That panel will store the initialization string in memory and will send that string to the (panel side) modem after each connection event is terminated (shortly after each hang up). The string will also be sent from the panel to the panel side modem each time the panel is manually reset. To enter a string, click in the white space of the Modem Init Strings field (Figure 773) and type in your string. The string must begin with the AT command (the modem ‘attention’ command). You will not need ‘AT’ on the second line (if you use it). The system sees both lines of the field as one contiguous string. You may separate each command with a space if preferred for readability. Spaces are ignored Figure 773 – The Modem Init Strings Field 500 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L • Select a Schedule – The schedule is a key element of the dial node definition. The schedule determines when, and how frequently the CardAccess communications driver will connect to the dial node defined by this node definition. You have the following choices. o By Schedule – The CardAccess will dial the node according to the schedule selected in the ‘Time Schedule’ field. If you elect to use this option, you must also select a time schedule in the Time Schedule field o On the Hour – The CardAccess will dial the node every hour, at the top of the hour o Twice Daily – The CardAccess will dial the node twice daily, once at midnight and once at noon o Daily – The CardAccess will dial the node once per day, at midnight If you are not sure which option to select, as a baseline use the ‘Twice Daily’ option if the system is busy 24 hours per day. Use the ‘Daily’ option for systems that are moderately busy during the day, but are quiet at night. To select an option click on it. If a black dot is shown in the circle, the option is selected Figure 774 – The Dial Frequency Selection Radio Buttons Now click on the Panels tab and do the below. • Select Panels – You will need to add some panels to your dial node. By default, the software shows you a list of all panels that are known to be dial up panels, but no panels are added to your new dial node automatically. You must select each panel that you wish to have included in the current dial node. 501 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L You will only select panels that you know are physically connected together and are on the same modem. The CardAccess communications driver will then poll the panel addresses of each selected panel, each time the currently selected dial node is connected. To select a panel, click the check box of the panel in question. Checked means selected, unchecked means unselected. Figure 775 – The Panels Tab Panel Selection Area • Select a Dial Out Line – Since the CardAccess allows you to assign up to two modems for use by the dial engine (in the System Settings), the software needs to know which of the two modems you would prefer this dial node to use for dialing out to the panel cluster indicated by the currently selected node record. To select a Dial Out Line, click the radio button to the left of the ‘Modem Line 1’ or ‘Modem Line 2’ labels. A black dot in the circle means selected. It is recommended that you check the System Settings ‘General’ tab to verify which modem line is assigned to the modem you wish to select. You are permitted to select either line but not both Figure 776 – The Dial Out Line Radio Buttons • Select a Dial In Line – You will only need to select one or more Dial In Lines if you are planning on having the panels dial in to the CardAccess PC in response to an input, relay or link activation. If you have not set this option in any of the Inputs, Relays or Links screens, you may skip this section. 502 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L If you wish to have one or more panels in the currently selected dial node dial in to the CardAccess, you need to supply those panel(s) with the dial line phone number(s) of the CardAccess host PC modem(s). The CardAccess host PC can support up to two modems (in the System Settings). Each of those modems can be assigned to dial in or dial out duties. However, when you select a modem for dial in duty, that modem port is placed in ‘monitor’ mode. The CardAccess software will monitor the port waiting for a ringing indication, then will answer the call. You can assign up to two modems to dial in duty if you prefer. The CardAccess will monitor both modems and answer whichever line is ringing. A modem can be assigned to dial out and dial in duty simultaneously. To select a Dial In Line, click the radio button to the left of ‘Modem Line 1’, ‘Modem Line 2’ or ‘Both Modem Lines’. A black dot in the circle means selected. You are only permitted to select one of the three options • Click Save – Click the Save button Figure 777 – The Save Button When you have saved your node record, the CardAccess will activate the node. Once the node is activated, the CardAccess will wait for the time schedule selected in that node to go into effect, and will then dial the remote node’s modem as requested. Once the CardAccess is successfully connected to a panel cluster through a dial line, it will remain online with the panels indicated in the node record until there are no more event messages received from those panels. The CardAccess communications driver will then hang up the call and dial the next dial node if it programmed to do so. 503 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Modems Screen Controls The function of each of the Modem screen controls appears below. General Tab You will use the General tab controls to set the operating settings for the dial node. To the software, a dial node is comprised of a phone number for a remote modem, coupled with one or more panel assignments and a dial out time schedule. Panel assignments are handled on the ‘Panels’ tab, general settings for the node are found on the General tab. Each control on the General tab is described below. • Node Number Figure 778 – The Node Number Selection Control The ‘Node Number’ is incremented automatically by the system. Each node you create must be assigned a unique number. You will get an error message if you try to save a node with a duplicate number. If you wish to manually set the Node Number, click the arrows to the right of the Node Number control or click in the white space and type in a number from 1 to 512 • Panel Dial In Phone Numbers Figure 779 – The Dial Back Phone Numbers Section The ‘Workstations (Incoming)’ section (Figure 779) is where you can enter up to two phone numbers that the panels will use to dial back the CardAccess host PC. The two phone number fields, ‘Telephone No. Line 1’ and ‘Telephone No. Line 2’, represent the phone numbers of the PC side modems connected to the CardAccess host PC and software. These will be the modems that you connected to the CardAccess in the System Settings. 504 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 780 – The System Settings Modems Section Note that the System Settings has fields for ‘Modem Line 1’ and ‘Modem Line 2’ (Figure 780). These fields let you connect up to two modems for use by the CardAccess communications driver. There is no prioritizing of the fields, so you can connect one modem to Line 2, and no modem to Line 1 if you prefer (This not recommended though. It is far less confusing to use Line 1 first and then Line 2 if you need a second modem). Note that the field called ‘Telephone No. Line 1’ in the Modems screen is permanently linked by software to the field called ‘Line 1 Modem Name’ in the System Settings (on the ‘General’ Tab). The field called ‘Telephone No. Line 2’ in the Modems screen is also permanently linked to the ‘Line 2 Modem Name’ field in the System Settings. When you select a modem in the ‘Line 1’ field of the System Settings, that modem becomes known to the CardAccess software as ‘Modem Line 1’. The software does not use the modem name to refer to the modem. It uses whatever modem is assigned in the Line 1 Modem Name field of the System Settings and is known to the system as ‘Modem Line 1’. The same is true for the Line 2 modem. This is an important concept in CardAccess dial node set up, because in the CardAccess configuration screens, all references to the dial modems are expressed as ‘Line 1’ or ‘Line 2’, not as modem name ‘xyz’. Thus, the field called ‘Telephone No. Line 1’ in the ‘Workstations (Incoming)’ section of the Modems screen refers to the phone number of the phone line, that is connected to the modem, that is referred to in the field called ‘Line 1 Modem Name’ in the System Settings (in the Modems section, on the General tab). And, ‘Telephone No. Line 2’ refers to the telephone number of the ‘Line 2 Modem Name’ modem in the System Settings. To enter a phone number, click in the white space of either of the Telephone No. fields and type a phone number. Each field will hold up to 30 digits 505 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L • Panel Dial Out Phone Numbers Figure 781 – The Remote Panel Modem Details Section The CardAccess software needs to know the phone number of the panel side modem for the currently selected dial node. You will supply that phone number by typing it into the ‘Telephone No.’ field of the ‘Panels’ section of the Modems screen (Figure 781). Each node record in the Modems screen represents one dial node. That dial node could represent 1 panel or up to 63 panels. The phone number entered into the ‘Telephone No’ field represents the phone number of the modem that is physically connected to the first panel in the selected cluster. There will be one record in the Modems screen for each dial up panel cluster that you have constructed (in this case a cluster is one or more panels, with one of those panels connected to a modem). Each panel node record will have a unique telephone number in the Telephone No field, because each node record represents a different cluster of panels, each with its own modem and phone line. There is an additional field provided in the ‘Panels’ section called ‘Modem Init Strings’. You can fill in an initialization string that will be sent to the panel side modem. This string will be downloaded to the panel memory just after the CardAccess communications driver hangs up every call. This will allow you to reprogram the remote panel modem behavior from any CardAccess workstation, possibly saving a trip to the remote site. Once an initialization string has been downloaded to panel memory, the panel will send that string to the panel side modem on either of two occasions. o When the panel hangs up just after a connection o When the panel is manually reset Note that when there is no initialization string specified in the Modem Init Strings field of the Modems screen node record, the panel 506 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L connected to the modem still sends a default initialization string to the modem of ‘ATQEV’. The meaning of this string is as follows. o AT – The ‘attention’ command. Instructs the modem to enter command mode o Q – (Q0) Return result codes o E – (E0) Echo Off o V – (V0) Return numeric result codes This default string will ensure the minimum modem compatibility with Continental access control panels. The panels require that numeric result codes be returned from the modem. The panel uses these result codes to determine the dial and answer status of the modem. Thus, whatever custom initialization string you create for your modem, at the minimum that string must include ‘Q0’, ‘E0’ and ‘V0’ as parameters. Note that the default initialization string is permanently stored in panel EPROM, so you don’t need to enter it in the Modem Init Strings field. If you wish to expand on that string, then the Modem Init Strings field is available • Manual Connect Figure 782 – The Manual Connect Button Generally, there are two ways to request that the CardAccess connect to a given dial node. o Dial By Schedule – This is the standard way to have the CardAccess connect to dial nodes. You select a schedule in the Modems screen for each dial node that you create. The system will then automatically dial a given node when the schedule goes into effect o Manual Connect – You have the option of manually connecting to any dial node at any time by using the Manual Connect feature. Generally, you highlight the selected node and click the ‘Manual Connect’ button (Figure 782). This brings up a manual connection screen (Figure 783), which provides controls that will allow you to force the communications driver to dial the selected node immediately. 507 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 783 – The Manual Connect Screen The manual connect screen controls are explained below. ! Node – Using the ‘Node’ field, you can select the name of a node to manually dial. The Node field will be focused on the name of the node that was highlighted when you clicked the ‘Manual Control’ button on the Modems screen. However, once the ‘Modem Connections’ screen is open, you can select any node that you wish to dial by selecting it in the Node control. To select a node, click the arrow button to the right of the Node control and scroll up or down to locate the selection. Click the selection to select it Figure 784 – The Node Selection Control ! Modem – As stated above, there are two possible dial lines available in the CardAccess software. The manual control screen needs to know which modem line (Line 1 or Line 2) you wish to use to dial out. To select a modem line to dial out on, click the arrow to the right of the ‘Modem’ field, and select ‘Modem Line 1’ or ‘Modem Line 2’ Figure 785 – The Modem Selection Control ! Dial – Click the ‘Dial’ button to force the CardAccess communications driver to dial the selected dial node Figure 786 – The Manual Control Screen Dial Button 508 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L ! Hang Up – The ‘Hang Up’ button has been provided as a means to cancel a manual dial out request. After you click the ‘Dial’ button, the CardAccess communications driver will attempt to force the selected modem off hook and dial the selected panel cluster. You can click the Hang Up button at any time during the connection to cancel the dial request and hang up the line Caution – Once a connection has been established to a dial panel cluster, you must be careful not to hang up the connection while panels are in the middle of a data download. The panels clear their configuration memory prior to a data download, and partial downloads can disable the panel. Note though, that all dial connections do not result in data downloads ! Cancel – If you click the ‘Cancel’ button all changes will be discarded and the manual control window will be closed. The Cancel button will not cause the communications driver to hang up a currently active call Figure 787 – The Manual Control Screen Cancel Button ! Stay Connected – The ‘Stay Connected’ check box allows you to override the default behavior of the CardAccess communications driver. For economy, the communications driver is set by default to hang up all dial connections (manual or automatic), once there is no more data to transmit or receive. When checked, the Stay Connected check box tells the communications driver to remain connected indefinitely once a manual dial call is connected. The Stay Connected check box applies to the manual dialing feature and does not apply to the dial by schedule function. Check the Stay Connected check box to remain connected. Uncheck the check box to always disconnect after the data transfer is complete (the default) Figure 788 – The Setup Dialup Screen Stay Connected Check Box 509 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L • Node Name Figure 789 – The Node Name Text Field Enter up to thirty characters to describe your dial node. It is strongly suggested that you use names that accurately reflect the location or use of the dial node. Any typed character is accepted in this field • Dial On Schedule Figure 790 – The Dial Frequency Section Figure 791 – The Time Schedule Selection Control The ‘Dial Frequency’ controls (Figure 790) and the ‘Time Schedule’ selection field (Figure 791) of the modems screen work in conjunction with one another. As stated previously, dial out to panel clusters can be set up to happen automatically based on a time schedule, or you can force a manual dial by using the Manual Connect button on the Modems screen. The ‘Dial Frequency’ radio buttons set how frequently the selected node will by automatically dialed by the CardAccess system. You have the following choices. o By Schedule – The selected node is dialed according to the time schedule selected in the ‘Time Schedule’ field (Figure 791). To select the dial by schedule option, click the ‘By Schedule’ option in the ‘Dial Frequency’ section of the General tab. Next, click the arrow to the right of the ‘Time Schedule’ field (also on the General tab) and scroll up or down to select a schedule. If there are no schedules visible in the list, you need to go to the 510 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Schedules screen (available from a button on the CardAccess main toolbar) and create some o On the Hour – The selected node is dialed every hour, at the top of the hour. To select the dial on the hour option, click the ‘On the Hour’ option in the ‘Dial Frequency’ section of the General tab. Make sure the selection in the ‘Time Schedule’ control is blank or says ‘Not Used’. The Time Schedule control is only used in the Dial by Schedule setting o Twice Daily – The selected node is dialed twice daily. Once at noon and once again at midnight. To select the dial on the hour option, click the ‘Twice Daily’ option in the ‘Dial Frequency’ section of the General tab. Make sure the selection in the ‘Time Schedule’ control is blank or says ‘Not Used’. The Time Schedule control is only used in the Dial by Schedule setting o Daily – The selected node is dialed once per day, at midnight only. To select the dial on the hour option, click the ‘Daily’ option in the ‘Dial Frequency’ section of the General tab. Make sure the selection in the ‘Time Schedule’ control is blank or says ‘Not Used’. The Time Schedule control is only used in the Dial by Schedule setting Important Note – Panel event buffers have limited capacity. You will want to select a dial schedule for a panel cluster that picks up buffered event messages before panel event buffers overflow. If overflow occurs, the oldest event messages will be overwritten with newer events. You could lose event messages if a panel’s event buffer is allowed to overflow. Busier panels require more frequent dialing Panels Tab Each record saved in the Modems screen, is called a ‘Dial Node’. Conceptually, a dial node could be considered a software ‘macro’. In the Modems screen, a dial node record joins phone numbers, time schedules and panels (some of which were created in other CardAccess screens) together to form an action macro that the software will later execute. The dial node macro begins to perform ‘activities’ once you create, enable and save it. 511 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Once activated, a dial node macro will wait for the time schedule to go into effect. The CardAccess communications driver will then dial the phone number stored in the ‘Telephone No.’ field of the node record. The communications driver will then attempt to establish a data communications link with the panels selected in the node record. Thus, the goal of a dial node macro is to establish communications with the panels selected on the Panels tab of the dial node record. The ‘Panels’ tab is where you will tell the CardAccess which panels will belong to the current dial node. The list of panels that appears in the Panels tab contains only panels that are known to be dial up panels. You select the panels that you wish to have belong to a given dial node by clicking the check boxes. When you click the Panels tab in the Modems screen for a given dial node record, you will not see any panels represented there unless you have created some dial panels first. To begin the process of creating dial panels, you must start by going to the Com Ports screen. You need to create at least one Com port that has the ‘Type’ set to ‘Modem’ (Figure 792). Figure 792 – The Com Ports Screen Type Field Set to Modem After you have created a modem enabled Com port, you can then assign that Com port to one or more panels in the ‘Com Port’ field of each selected panel record (Figure 793) in the Panels screen. Figure 793 – The Panels Screen Com Port Selection Control Once a given panel has been assigned to a modem enabled Com port, it becomes a ‘dial up’ panel. Only dial up enabled panels are shown on the Panels tab of the Modems screen (Figure 794). Therefore, if you have not assigned a ‘Modem’ type Com port to any panels, the list will be empty. 512 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 794 – The Modems Screen Panels Tab Note that the Panels tab of the Modems screen lists all panels that are assigned to modem enabled Com ports. The list is simply a listing of all panels that have been assigned to dial up Com ports. None of those panels have been assigned to any dial nodes, until you assign them by clicking the check boxes. So, when you create a dial node, you are telling the CardAccess software which panels in the list of all dial enabled panels, you have connected together on the same remote panel modem. The controls on the Panels tab of the Modems screen allow you to select the panels that will belong to a given dial node. You can also select which of the two CardAccess modem lines will be used for dialing out by the CardAccess host PC, or which modem lines will be used by the selected panels for dialing in from the currently selected dial node. Note that all selections in a given node record affect only that node. There are no ‘global’ settings available from the Modems screen that will affect all dial nodes. The Panels tab controls are explained below. 513 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L • Panel Selection Figure 795 – The Panels Tab Panel Selection Area The ‘Panels’ selection area (Figure 795) is where you will select panels that will belong to the current dial node. You simply click the check box of each panel that you wish to have belong to a given node. All of those panels that don’t have checks in the check boxes will not be polled when the currently selected node is connected. Note that in the modems screen, we are creating a macro that will dial a given cluster and poll the panel addresses of the panels that we have selected on the Panels tab. It is important to be sure that all of the panels selected in the Panels area of a given node are in fact, actually physically connected together, and are connected to the modem whose phone number is specified in the ‘Telephone No.’ field of the selected node. Since the panels list is a list of all dial up panels, it would be easy to mistakenly include a panel that belongs to a different node by checking the wrong box. To select a panel for inclusion with the selected node, click the check box for that panel. Checked means the panel is included, unchecked means excluded • Dial Out Modem Line Figure 796 – The Dial Out Modem Radio Buttons 514 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L The ‘Dial Out Line’ radio buttons are used to select which modem the currently selected dial node will use to dial out from the PC to the panels. You are telling the CardAccess which modem listed in the System Settings (Figure 780 above) it should use for dialing out to panels when this node is contacted. Click the modem you wish to select (the system will only let you select one of the modems) • Dial In Modem Line Figure 797 – The Dial In Modem Radio Buttons The ‘Dial-In Line’ radio buttons enable two things. o Dial In Phone Numbers – The ‘Dial-In Line’ radio buttons are used to select which dial in phone numbers will be sent to the currently selected panel cluster. If you select ‘Modem Line 1’, only the phone number from the ‘Telephone No Line 1’ field (on the General Tab) will be sent to the panels in the selected cluster. Thus, they will only be aware of the one dial back phone line and will use that phone number exclusively for dial back. Similarly, if you select ‘Modem Line 2’, only the phone number from the ‘Telephone No Line 2’ field will be sent to the panels. If you select ‘Both Modem Lines’, both of the phone numbers from the ‘Workstations (incoming) section of the General tab will be sent to all panels in the selected cluster. A panel wishing to connect to the CardAccess host PC will dial Modem Line 1 first. If that line is busy, the panel will dial Modem Line 2. The panel will continue to cycle between Modem Line 1 and 2 indefinitely until it achieves a connection. o Modem Monitoring – Your selection in the Dial-In Line area of the Panels tab also enables CardAccess monitoring of the modem lines selected, waiting for incoming calls. Once you make a Dial-In Line selection, the CardAccess connects to the selected modem(s) to monitor for incoming connection requests. The CardAccess may still dial out from the selected modems, but those modems will not be available to any other Windows programs. To make a selection, click ‘Modem Line 1’, ‘Modem Line 2’ or ‘Both Modem Lines’ (the system will only allow one selection) 515 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L • Alpha Sort Figure 798 – The Alpha Sort Check Box By default, the list of panels in the list on the Panels tab is sorted in panel number order (taken from the ‘PnlNo’ field of the Panels configuration screen). If you wish to sort the panels list in alphabetical order instead, click the ‘Alpha Sort’ check box. Checked means sorted in alpha order, unchecked means sorted in panel number order. You don’t need to be in edit mode to use this feature 516 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L General Modem Setup Generally, you will need at least one dial modem for the CardAccess host PC (up to two are permitted). An external modem is recommended, as there have been cases where a modem has ‘locked up’, preventing dial out. The only way to reset an internal modem is to reboot the host computer, which will also take the entire CardAccess system down. You will also need to provide an additional modem for every dial node (panel cluster) that you wish to construct. A dial node will consist of a modem with one or more panels serially connected attached to each other, and ultimately one panel in the cluster is attached to the modem. Important Note – The panel that is directly attached to the modem must have the ‘modem switch’ set to Off (switch #7 on a Superterm, Smarterm and Miniterm, switch #6 on a Microterm). This switch enables panel control of the modem through AT commands. The modem to panel link will not work correctly if the modem switch is set to On (the default). The various CardAccess system dial modems do not have to be the same brand or model. That is, you can mix modem brands in the same system, but it is not recommended. Because modems are designed to industry standards, theoretically you should be able to make any modem talk to another modem. In practice, this will only be true if the modem installer is highly skilled at setting up modems and in telecommunications in general. It makes more sense to use the same modem brand and model for every connection point to permit ease of setup and insure 100% compatibility. All modems, regardless of brand have programmable parameters that are accessible by sending configuration command codes through the modem serial port. These command codes are generally referred to as the ‘Hayes AT Command Set’ due to the fact that the modem command language was first used by the Hayes modem company, and due to the fact that every command string must begin with the letters ‘AT’. ‘AT’ is the ‘attention’ command for a modem, and puts all modems into configuration mode. The modem expects that some number of recognizable command codes will follow the AT command. Every modem has a specific list of AT commands that the modem will respond to. Any commands that are outside of that list are ignored by the modem. Unfortunately, the Hayes command set was not officially adopted as a fixed standard. Manufacturers are free to reassign modem control codes to any modem function as they see fit. Thus, you will find that each 517 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L modem comes with a chart of command assignments, which is unique to that brand or model of modem. However, modem manufacturers do attempt adhere to the Hayes command set for the most part. You will find that most modem command mnemonics are the same from brand to brand, with only minor variations. But it is important to be forewarned that a command string that works for one modem may not work for another modem, even if that modem is a different model made by the same manufacturer. The general setup guidelines for modems that will be used with the CardAccess system are the same for all modem brands. The Host PC side modem requires no special setup and the panel side modem will require some compensation for the fact that the panels do not provide any hardware handshaking signals on the RS232 interface. The below are the general features that you will want to set up on any modem (regardless of brand or model) that you intend to use with the CardAccess system. Host PC Side Modem • Use Factory Defaults – There is no set up necessary for the PC side modem. Set the modem to the factory default settings and connect the modem to the PC using the standard modem cable. The factory setup works because modems are designed to be connected to PC’s, so the optimal settings for that type of connection have been stored in the modem’s memory in advance by the manufacturer. Panel Side Modem You will need to enable the following features on any modem that you intend to connect to a Continental designed access control panel. Table 13 – Required Modem Features for Panel Side Modems Modem Feature Name DTR Normal/Override Option RTS Override Carrier Detect Override Option Echo Off/On Option Result Codes On/Off Option Verbal/Numeric Result Codes Auto Answer On/Off Option Answer On One Ring Fix Modem DTE Speed Select This Option DTR Always On Ignore RTS Carrier Detect Normal Echo Off Display Result Codes Numeric Result Codes Auto Answer Enable S0 = 1 9.6K or 19.2K Baud 518 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E Load from NV Ram or Factory AT Commands Accept/Ignore I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Load From NV Ram Accept AT Commands* *Important Note – If you find that the panel side modem is picking up the line then hanging up right away, set the AT Command option on the panel side modem to ‘Ignore AT Commands’ (or ‘Dumb Mode’ depending on the modem model). However, be warned that disabling AT commands on the panel side modem means that the panel will no longer be able to dial back the CardAccess PC (if set up to do so) Each option listed in Table 13 can be set on a given modem by sending an AT command string, or in some cases by setting dipswitches. Note that it is strongly recommended that you use only modems that have been tested with the CardAccess software. Continental Instruments tech support will be limited on modem brands that have not been approved for use with the CardAccess system. Note the below modem connection issues: • Modem Cables o PC Side – The PC side cable will be a standard RS232 modem cable o Panel Side – Continental has designed a modem cable that provides the correct pin outs and jumpers needed to support the panel side modem. As we stated previously, the panel provides connections for RD, TD and GND (receive, transmit data and ground) but the panel does not provide any hardware handshake signals (DTR, RTS) to the modem. However, the modem requires these RS232 handshake signals to control carrier and dialing. Inputs like ‘Request to Send’ and ‘Data Terminal Ready’ are commonly sent by computer equipment to the modem. When a Continental Instruments panel is connected to a modem, these signals are not available. Since these signals must be provided, we must find a way to do so. There are two methods available to provide handshake signals to a modem. ! Software Jumpers – Modem manufacturers have provided a means to use initialization strings to set the software of the modem to ignore the electrical states of some hardware inputs 519 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L like RTS and DTR. When the modem is set to ignore selected RS232 inputs, this is commonly referred to as the ‘software jumpering’ of those inputs. If you are not providing hardware jumpers (see below), then you must provide software jumpers for RTS and DTR. If DTR is not provided, the modem may not answer an incoming call. If RTS is not provided, the modem may not raise transmit carrier once the call has been answered. The initialization codes used to set the above options can vary from manufacturer to manufacturer. Consult the manufacturer’s documentation for more information ! Hardware Jumpers – Hardware jumpers have been the traditional method of providing missing RS232 signals for the decades since the modem was first invented. A hardware jumper (also known as a ‘hardwire’ jumper) is nothing more than a piece of wire used to short two or more pins of the RS232 interface together, for the purpose of ‘fooling’ the modem into thinking that the proper voltage level is supplied to selected pins (using jumper wires to short pins on the RS232 interface is also known as ‘faking out’ the signals). Essentially, you find a pin on the interface that has a voltage level that you need to provide for another pin, and you short one pin to the other. You bridge the pin that has the voltage with a pin that needs a voltage. It is important to be sure that the pin that you have selected to feed the voltage to other pins does not change state unexpectedly (go from high to low, say). You must be sure that the pins that you select for hardware jumpers provide a constant voltage to pins that you wish to fake. There are a number of tried and true RS232 jumper configurations that have proven their worth over years of trials, and those will be the ones we will tend to recommend. Other jumper configurations are possible, but require knowledge of the RS232 interface to successfully implement. For example, the recommended method for the hardware jumper faking of RTS and DTR are as follows: Table 14 – Standard RS232 RTS and DTR Faking Jumpers Signal Pin Pin 520 Signal C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 RTS DTR S O F T W A R E 4 20 TO TO I N S T A L L A T I O N 5 6 M A N U A L CTS DSR In the specific case of Continental Instruments panels, you would employ these jumpers on the modem side of the panel to modem cable. The Request To Send and Data Terminal Ready pins are expected to be +12 volts at the modem if a DTE device (computer or panel in this case) is connected. The modem signal CTS (clear to send) is held high (+12vdc) when the modem has receive carrier. Thus, if you jumper RTS and CTS, when the panel side modem connects to the CardAccess host PC side modem, CTS will go high (+12Vdc) and CTS will drive RTS high as well. Thus, the modem creates the needed RTS signal by deriving it from its own CTS signal. The modem signal DSR (data set ready) held high once the modem power is turned on and the modem has passed its selftest. Thus if you short DSR to DTR, then DTR will always be held high as long as the power to the modem is on. Again, we use DSR to derive DTR. Warning – Beware of connecting too many pins together as you create your hardware jumpers. If you attempt to drive too many input signals from only one output pin, the output pin’s voltage will drop and that output may be stressed to the point of failure. Thus, it is strongly recommended that you bridge no more than two pins together as suggested above. It is recommended that you consider software jumpers to be somewhat ‘unreliable’. The reasoning for this is that software jumpers relies on settings stored in programmable areas of modem memory, areas which have the potential of being corrupted if the modem is hit by a power spike. Therefore, to insure absolute reliability, you will want to add hardware jumpers either in addition to software jumpers, or instead of software jumpers. If the modem is hit by a spike, the potential exists (and it has happened) that the modem will revert to its factory programming (stored in non-programmable EPROM). The factory settings of most modems set the RTS and DTR functions to the normal, non-jumpered state. 521 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L In the case where the modem has reverted to factory defaults and the hardware jumpers have not been provided, the modem may stop answering incoming calls and may require a site visit to restore the software jumpers to modem memory. Hardware jumpers become cheap insurance of continued operation in that case. Continental Instruments Systems offers a modem cable that comes equipped with the correct hardware jumpers for connections between Continental panels and all brands of dial modems. This cable is strongly recommended for all panels to dial modem connections. Hardware AT Switches Earlier in this section we discussed the fact that modem settings can be modified by sending AT commands to the modem through the serial port. Some modem models also provide a switch block that allows you to preset some AT functions by using hardware switches. Each time the modem powers up, the switch block is read and the appropriate initialization parameters are loaded from modem EPROM. It is important to note that the power on switch settings will always override any contrary software initialization strings that are stored in modem configuration memory. For example, in the case of the US Robotics V.Everything modem, if you set switch 5 to ‘Off’, the modem will auto-answer on one ring regardless of the setting in the S0=n parameter (which is interpreted by the modem as ‘pick up on ‘n’ rings’). Also note that you can use AT commands to temporarily override the settings of hardware switches if required. If you power up the modem and wait for it to fully initialize, then send AT commands that concern parameters that are handled by the switch block, those AT commands will override the modem switch settings. However, these modified settings will only remain in effect as long as the power is applied to the modem. When you remove the power, all temporary initialization parameters are lost. 522 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Continental Approved Modems The US Robotics V.Everything and the US Robotics Sportster modems have been tested and have been approved for use with the Continental Instruments access control system. The V.Everything modem offers high performance at somewhat higher cost. The Sportster modem is bargain priced and offers reasonable performance for access control applications. Other brand modems can be used to provide dial up access for the CardAccess system, but since they have not been officially tested and approved by Continental Instruments Systems, support and in-house knowledge of your specific modem will tend to be limited. The primary difference between the V.Everything and the Sportster modems lies in the error correction capability of the modem on questionable phone lines. In our experience, the business class V.Everything modem has succeeded to connect on questionable phone lines where other lesser quality modems have failed with regularity (including the Sportster). Generally, the performance of the V.Everything will tend to be more predictable than the Sportster, but it costs considerably more. So, where price is an issue, you will want to select the Sportster modem. Where reliability is an issue, the additional cost of the V.Everything modem is offset by the fact that it is more adaptable and stable than its lower priced cousin. 523 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L US Robotics Courier V.Everything Modem The superior error correction circuitry of the Courier V.Everything modem makes it ideal for use as a general-purpose dial modem for access control applications involving Continental Instruments equipment. The additional cost of the V.Everything modem is offset by the fact that the modem has superior performance on marginal quality phone lines. The properly configured V.Everything modem has been proven to have fewer support issues on sub-par phone lines, as compared to standard modems. The approach to setting up the V.Everything modem is no different than any other modem that one would consider using for a CardAccess dial application. The Host PC side modem can generally be used with the factory default settings, but the panel side modem will require special set up due to the fact that Continental panels do not provide any hardware handshake signals to the modem. Note that the V.Everything modem has a switch block located on the underside of the modem (Figure 799). Figure 799 – V.Everything Modem Switch Block The ten switches on the switch block correspond to ten AT configuration parameters that are stored in the modem’s configuration memory. Those parameters can be changed by switch or by software AT command. However, the switch settings will override the software settings except as noted above in the above section entitled ‘Hardware AT Switches’. 524 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L The recommended switch settings and AT command setup for the US Robotics Courier V.Everything modem follow below. Note the separate sections for the PC side modem setup and the panel side setup. PC Side Modem The recommended switch settings for the PC side modem are seen in Table 15 below. Table 15 – The Recommended PC Side V.Everything Modem Switch Settings Switch 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Setting Off = DTR Normal Off = Verbal Result Codes On = Display Result Codes Off = Echo Offline Off = Auto Answer Enable* Off = Carrier Detect Normal Off = Display Result Codes On = Accept AT Commands On = Disconnect With +++ On = Load Factory Settings Modem Option DTR Normal/Override Verbal/Numeric Result Codes Result Codes On/Off Echo Off/On Auto Answer On/Off Carrier Detect Override Result Codes Ignore AT Commands Disconnect Mode Load from NV Ram or Factory * Set Auto-Answer to Off (sw 4 to On) if panels will not be dialing in to the host PC No additional initialization strings are needed for the PC side modem. Use the factory settings. Panel Side Modem The switch settings for the Panel Side modem are found below in Table 16. As mentioned above, you will need to provide a DTR and an RTS signal to the modem. Table 16 shows the settings for software jumpering of the modem. However it is strongly suggested that you add hardware jumpers in addition to software jumpers (see the manual section entitled Continental Approved Modems for more information). 525 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Table 16 – The Recommended Panel Side USR V.Everything Switch Settings Switch 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Setting On = DTR Always On On = Numeric Result Codes On = Display Result Codes On = Echo Off Off = Auto Answer Enable On = Carrier Detect Always On Off = Display Result Codes On = Accept AT Commands* On = Disconnect With +++ Off = Load From NV Ram Modem Option DTR Normal/Override Verbal/Numeric Result Codes Result Codes On/Off Echo Off/On Auto Answer On/Off Carrier Detect Override Result Codes Ignore AT Commands Disconnect Mode Load from NV Ram or * If the panel is picking up then hanging up set to ‘Ignore AT Commands’, but only if the panel is not set to dial back to the host PC On the panel side modem, in addition to the switch settings above you will need to modify the factory initialization strings settings by sending the following initialization string to the modem. AT&N6&R1S0=1&W The meaning of the above string follows. Table 17 – The USR V.Everything Panel Side Modem Additional Command Strings Command AT &N6 &R1 S0 = 1 &W Description The Modem ‘Attention’ Command Connect Speed Maximum = 9600 Ignore the RTS Signal Answer On 1 Ring Store Profile in NV Ram Location ‘W0’ You can use the Windows HyperTerminal utility (available from the Accessories program group) to send the initialization strings to the modem. More information on using Hyper term is available below in the Configuring Modems and Dial Nodes section. 526 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L US Robotics Sportster Modem The US Robotics Sportster modem provides reasonable performance for access control applications at an affordable price. The Sportster will perform very well in all applications that do not include marginal phone lines (where you will select the Courier modem instead). The configuration of the Sportster is very similar to the Courier mentioned in the previous section. The Sportster provides a switch block on its rear panel that allows you to program some initialization parameters, much like the Courier. However, the Sportster has fewer initialization parameters available from switches. The recommended PC side and panel side modem switch settings and initialization strings appear below. PC Side Modem The recommended switch settings for the PC side modem are seen in Table 18 below. Table 18 – The Recommended PC Side Sportster Modem Switch Settings Switch 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Setting Up = DTR Normal Up = Verbal Result Codes Down = Display Result Codes Up = Echo Offline Commands Up = Auto Answer Enable* Up = Carrier Detect Normal Down = Load Factory Settings Down = Accept AT Commands Modem Option DTR Normal/Override Verbal/Numeric Result Codes Result Codes On/Off Echo Off/On Auto Answer On/Off Carrier Detect Override Load from NV Ram or Factory Ignore AT Commands * Set Auto Answer to Off (sw 4 to On) if panels will not be dialing in to the host PC No additional initialization strings are needed for the PC side modem. Use the factory settings. Panel Side Modem The switch settings for the Panel Side modem are found below in Table 19. As mentioned above, you will need to provide a DTR and an RTS signal to the modem. Table 19 shows the settings for the software jumpering of the modem. However it is strongly suggested that you add 527 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L hardware jumpers in addition to software jumpers (see the manual section entitled Continental Approved Modems for more information). Table 19 – The Recommended Panel Side USR Sportster Switch Settings Switch 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Setting Down = Override Down = Numeric Down = Yes Down = Off Up = On Down = CD Override Up = Load NV Ram Down = Smart Mode* Modem Option DTR Normal/Override Verbal/Numeric Result Codes Result Codes Yes/No Echo Off/On Auto Answer On/Off Carrier Detect Override Load from NV Ram or Factory Ignore AT Commands * If the panel is picking up then hanging up set to ‘Dumb Mode’, but only if the panel is not set to dial back to the host PC On the panel side modem, in addition to the switch settings above you will need to modify the factory initialization strings settings by sending the following string to the modem. AT&F&B1&H&N6&U6S0=1S28=255Y&W&W1 The meaning of the above string follows. Table 20 – The Recommended USR Sportster Initialization Strings Command AT &F &B1 &H &N6 &U6 S0 = 1 S28 = 255 Y0 &W0 &W1 Description The Modem ‘Attention’ Command Load Generic Template (No Flow Control) Fixed Serial Port Rate Flow Control Disabled Connect Speed Maximum = 9600 Connect Speed Minimum = 9600 Answer On 1 Ring Answer Only at 9600, V.32 Default Profile = W0 Store Profile in W0 Store Profile in W1 You can type the command string as one contiguous string as seen above or you can enter the commands individually as below. 528 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L AT&F (hit enter), AT&B1 (hit enter), AT&H (hit enter), etc. You can use the Windows HyperTerminal utility (available from the Accessories program group) to send the initialization strings to the modem. More information on using HyperTerm is available below in the Configuring Modems and Dial Nodes section. 529 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Dial Node Setup and Testing The goal of this section is to provide you with the tools necessary to set up and troubleshoot dial nodes. Let’s begin by looking at an overview of the typical dial node. Modem Dial Node A Panel Telco Modem Host PC Modem Figure 800 – Two Typical Dial Nodes Dial Node B Panel As we stated earlier in this chapter, you can connect up to two modems to the CardAccess host PC (only one shown in Figure 800). Those host PC modems can be used for dial out to panels or dial in from panels, programmable in the CardAccess software. As we also stated earlier, you will also need to supply one additional remote modem per panel cluster (Figure 800 depicts two panel clusters, each with one panel). Figure 800 depicts a standard configuration of a PC serially connected to one modem, which is connected to a telephone line, which goes through the telephone company or in house telephone switch (pbx), and out to two panel node modems which are then serially connected to panels. The modems are set to dial up, and there is no ‘persistent’ data connection. It is assumed that most readers of this manual will be generally familiar with modems and the RS232 signaling method. A modem is employed in any system because serial port RS232 signals have a maximum traveling distance of fifty feet. To drive RS232 signals longer than 50 feet, a ‘signaling conversion’ is needed. The modem’s main function is to convert serial data signals into an electrical format that can be transported longer distances. The telephone line side of modem uses a modulated carrier wave to transmit data signals longer distances than would be possible otherwise. The ‘tones’ that are transmitted on the telephone line side of the modem are ‘repeated’ along the signal path by telephone company equipment so no level is lost as the signal travels perhaps, around the world. The fact that you can use modems to connect to CardAccess panel clusters anywhere around the world makes the system immensely flexible, but it also adds a layer of complication to the communications link 530 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L between panel and host PC (which may otherwise be a simple piece of wire, which everyone has no problem understanding). The fact that the telephone company is involved with transporting data packets typically causes some confusion when communication problems arise, because it becomes harder to determine if a problem is caused by phone company equipment, modem equipment, panel equipment or PC equipment. The simple solution to dial node testing and troubleshooting is to focus on what you are trying to accomplish, not the hardware that does the job. There are essentially two phases of operation of any dial system. • Dial Up and Connection – Before any data exchange can take place, the local and remote side modems must connect. You must know what is normal modem behavior before you can determine if your system is operating properly. A connection is made in ‘steps’ as described below in the section entitled ‘Modem Behavior’. Note that you can manually control any modem using the Windows ‘HyperTerminal’ program. You can send commands to any modem that cause the modem to go off hook, dial or hang up. The use of this program is explained below in the section entitled ‘Testing and Troubleshooting’. The Testing and Troubleshooting section should be considered essential reading • Transportation of Data Packets – Once a connection has been established between two modems, data packets can be exchanged by the customer equipment. Getting to the point of data packet transfer is the ‘real business’ of any dial system. In a case where the data transfer is not operating properly, the HyperTerminal program can be used as a data monitor. See the section below entitled ‘Testing and Troubleshooting’ for more information Modem Behavior To be sure that a given modem connection is working correctly, it is crucial that you know how a connection is actually made from the CardAccess application to the local modem, through the phone lines to a remote modem, and ultimately to panel. However, note that the steps described below apply to any Windows application that wishes to dial out to a remote modem. 531 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L The following steps are performed each time any Windows application (including the CardAccess) wishes to dial out. • Dial Request – The application software sends a modem connection request to the Windows operating system Transmission Application Programming Interface software (the ‘TAPI’) • Tapi Request – The Windows TAPI software queries the modem. If the modem is operational, the dial request with phone number is sent to the modem. If the modem does not respond to the query, an error message is sent back to the application that requested the modem connection (in this case, the CardAccess software) Note that Windows sends AT commands to the modem to control it. These commands are sent out the modem serial port (for an external modem) in plain ASCII. Thus, the ‘conversation’ between the modem and Windows can be monitored using a data scope (or the Windows HyperTerminal utility) • Off Hook – If the modem passed the query test above, the ‘ATDT’ (go off hook) command is sent to the modem. If all is well, the modem goes off hook and dial tone indication is received by the TAPI from the modem. The off hook status is passed back to the dialing application from the TAPI. If dial tone fails, an error message is sent back to the application that requested the dial out • Dialing – If the dial tone is present, the ATDT command plus phone number is sent to the modem. The modem dials the number • Ringing – Like any other ordinary phone call, the line receives ring tone once the line is connected to the destination phone number. The modem monitors the ringing and passes codes back to the Windows TAPI indicating each ring. The TAPI forwards these ringing messages back to the calling application. Note that CardAccess panel side modems should be set to pick up a call after one ring • Answer – Once the remote modem picks up the line, the modem passes a success message back to the Windows TAPI. The TAPI forwards that message to the calling application. Both the local and remote modems also start a ‘training sequence’ on the telephone line side of the connection 532 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L • Training Tones – After a connection has been established between the two modems, the modems send tones (with embedded test data) back and fourth. The modems exchange information about the telephone line quality and the connection settings of each modem. This phase is called ‘line negotiation’, and is exclusively controlled by the modem software • Connection – If line negotiation is successful, then the modems are officially ‘connected’ and a success message is sent from the PC side modem to the Windows TAPI. This success message is passed to the software application that originated the call (in this case, the CardAccess). The CardAccess now knows that data can be exchanged and polling begins • Data Exchange – This phase of the modem connection is why the connection was made in the first place. The PC application can exchange data with the remote device. The data exchange is described generically in the previous paragraph with a purpose. It is irrelevant what application initiated the call. It is also irrelevant which modem initiated the call. The steps to make the connection are exactly identical in every case. And the goal of making the connection is the same in every case. The purpose for making a dial connection is to get to the data exchange phase. The CardAccess will now pass polling messages through the modems and out to the connected panel(s). The panels will respond in the other direction. The CardAccess will continue to poll the panels for the dialed up node until there is no more data to exchange. The CardAccess will then send a disconnect request to the TAPI • Hangup – When a disconnect request is received from the application, the TAPI will send a disconnect request (ATH) to the PC side modem. The CardAccess host modem will disconnect the call and both modems will disconnect from their respective telephone lines Knowing the steps in the above modem behavior explanation is crucial to the testing and troubleshooting of modems. The steps taken to make a dial connection as described above are the same for all modems, and they occur without variation on every connection attempt. One modem will always initiate a call; the other modem will answer the call. A modem uses one behavior when initiating a call and another behavior when answering a call. 533 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L It does not matter if the CardAccess host PC is trying to dial the PC modem, or the panel is attempting to dial the panel side modem, the steps as described above are the same. The device wishing to start a dial connection passes through the phases of connection as shown above. The phases of connection for the answering modem are as follows. • Ringing – The remote (panel side) modem will see ringing on the phone line. The modem will pass ringing messages out the RS232 port to the connected device. The object is for the remote modem to answer the call, but two possibilities exist. o The Modem Answers the Call – Every modem has settings that can instruct the modem to pick up an incoming call after a specified number of rings. On the Continental approved modems there are two settings of interest. ! Memory Location S0 – The modem memory location ‘S0’ contains a numeric value that tells most modems how many rings they should wait before answering a call. For use by the CardAccess system, S0 should always equal 1. The only valid reason to set the number of rings to answer higher than one is where you have a hardware telephone attached to the modem phone port, you are using the line for voice and modem, and you wish to have the option to pick up the phone receiver before the modem picks up. ! Hardware Switch – Both of the Continental recommended modems have a switch that sets a feature called ‘Auto Answer’. When this switch is set, the modem is forced to pick up on one ring and ignores the setting in the modem S0 parameter o The Connected Device Answers the Call – You have the option of letting the modem control the answer of incoming calls, or letting the device connected to the modem control picking up the incoming call. We discussed the settings to let the modem pick up the call in the section immediately above. The connected device can send the ‘ATA’ command to a modem to cause it to go off hook. This option is available if the application running on the device connected to the modem supports it. The modem sends a message on the RS232 TX line each time the line rings. The application running on the device connected to the 534 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L modem must be set up to monitor the RS232 port status messages and respond to them. If you are not sure, always set the modem up to do the answering as shown above. If using Continental panels, set the modem up to answer the call on one ring. The switch settings is preferred over the S0 memory setting, but set S0=1 and set the Auto Answer switch to enabled. • Off Hook – After the required number of rings has elapsed as stated above, the ‘ATDT’ (go off hook) command is sent to the modem. The answering modem sends training tones to the calling modem • Training Tones – After a connection has been established between the two modems, the modems send tones (with embedded test data) back and fourth. The modems exchange information about the telephone line quality and the connection settings of each modem. This phase is called ‘line negotiation’, and is exclusively controlled by the modem software • Connection – If line negotiation is successful, then the modems are officially ‘connected’ and a success message is sent from the panel side modem to the panel. This success message includes information about the line speed and connection mode. The panel ignores this data and waits for a valid poll message • Data Exchange – The PC begins polling the panel. If the polling data is received without corruption then the panel will reply • Hangup – The host PC will initiate the hang up. When the line is disconnected at the PC side, the remote panel modem will hang up as well 535 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Modem Setup and Testing Before you use any modem with the CardAccess system, it must be connected to a PC to have its settings programmed using a Windows utility called ‘HyperTerminal’. The HyperTerminal program is invaluable if you wish to test or program any modem. HyperTerm offers you a way to connect to a modem and manually control its functions. There are text commands that you can send to the modem that can make a modem go off hook, dial, change its settings or connect to a remote modem. Before you use HyperTerminal to implement custom settings changes or actually use the modem, it is wise to restore all modem settings to the factory defaults. Restoring the factory settings first as a rule, saves you from having to check over every modem parameter to verify its settings. The Continental recommended modem settings assume that the modem started with factory default parameters. As a recommendation, do not assume that any modem has factory settings unless you have set it that way yourself. The Continental approved modems each have a switch that is available externally, that can be set to restore the factory default settings. You need to set the switch with the power off. Then turn the power on. Once the power has been applied, the factory settings have been loaded into the operating memory of the modem. Then you can return the switch to the ‘Load from NvRam’ position (the ‘Continental Approved Modems’ section of this chapter has more details). Once you have restored the factory settings of a given modem, you must then be sure that these settings are stored in the modem’s NvRam area(s). These ‘Non Volatile Ram’ areas are generally used to store custom ‘initialization strings’ for the modem. These strings are loaded on power up of the modem (if set to do so) to set the modem to operating rules that you supply. For most modems, you are given the option of loading the factory default settings when the modem powers up, or using the custom settings that are stored in NvRam. Continental modems should always be set to load NvRam values. This is because we want to have our own custom initialization strings loaded when any of our modems powers up. To recap, the process to program any CardAccess modem is • Load the factory defaults • Send custom initialization strings to the modem using HyperTerm (or other terminal emulation program) 536 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L • Store the modified settings in every NvRam area of the modem (some modems have one NvRam area, some have more than one – usually two. If the modem has two NvRam areas, store the custom initialization string in both areas. Consult the modem documentation for details) The same procedure below is used to program a modem or to test a modem and dial lines. Only the command syntax is changed. In both cases, you will attach a PC to a modem serial port, open a HyperTerminal window on the PC and send commands to the local modem. If you are simply setting up a modem using HyperTerminal, you will send commands that change the settings of the modem. If you intend to test the modem and dial lines, you will send commands that cause the modem to go off hook and dial. Some of the details follow below. There is not room in this chapter to discuss every possible AT command. If the reader requires more information on the Hayes AT command set, it is suggested that you consult the modem manufacturer’s web site or you use a world wide web search engine to search for ‘Hayes AT Command Set’. To program or test any modem or dial lines, do the following. • Connect the PC – Connect a PC to the modem RS232 port (use Com1 where available). Make sure that the CardAccess software is not running on the PC that is connected to the modem. The CardAccess communications driver will open all Com ports that are enabled in the Com Ports screen. No other applications (like HyperTerm) will be able to open Com ports that the CardAccess has already opened • Open HyperTerm – Power up the PC and open the HyperTerminal program. HyperTerminal is usually available from the ‘Accessories’ Windows program group • Connect to the Com Port – To connect HyperTerminal to your modem Com port, do the following o Give the Connection a Name – When HyperTerm opens, you get a screen that requests that you create a name for the connection (Figure 801). It is suggested that you name the connection ‘Com n’, where ‘n’ is the number of the Com port that you are attempting to open. However, you can type in any name of your own choosing for your HyperTerm configuration file. This name will be used as a file name when you save the HyperTerm settings template. Saving the template will allow you to 537 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L recall the settings of this HyperTerm template without the need for selecting the settings again. After you have completed entering the connection name, click the ‘OK’ button Warning – Windows will not allow you to create a HyperTerm file named ‘Comx’, where ‘x’ is the Com port number. Com1 becomes a Windows reserved word when the Com1 port exists. The same is true of any other numbered Com port that you have created in Windows. You must put one or more spaces between ‘Com’ and the number for HyperTerm names that use ‘Com’ in the name Figure 801 – The HyperTerm Connection Name Screen o Select the Com Port – Click the arrow button to the right of the ‘Connect Using’ field of the ‘Connect To’ screen (Figure 802), select the Com port (not the modem name) that your modem is connected to. When done, click the ‘OK’ button 538 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 802 – The HyperTerm Connection Type Selection Screen – Com1 selected o Choose the Com Port Settings – The standard settings for any modem that is to be connected to a Continental system are 9600, 8, n, 1 as shown in Figure 803. Set flow control to ‘Hardware’. These settings are not for the modem, they affect the computer serial port that is connected to the modem When done, click the ‘OK’ button 539 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 803 – The HyperTerm Com Port Settings o Verify Connection – The HyperTerminal main screen will open. If connection to your Com port was successful, you will see a wording in the HyperTerm status bar that says ‘Connected…’. If connection was unsuccessful, you will get an error message box stating ‘Unable to open Comx’ (where x = your Com port number) 540 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 804 – The HyperTerminal Main Screen – Successful Connection (no messages, blinking cursor only) To test the connection to your modem, type the letters AT on your computer keyboard, then hit the ‘Enter’ key. If you see the word ‘OK’ in the white space of the screen (Figure 805), you are properly connected to the modem, the modem has responded and you are ready to test or program the modem. Note – If you have your modem set to respond with numeric result codes, you will receive the number 2 in place of the ‘OK’. ‘OK’ and ‘2’ both mean that the modem command was received successfully. If testing the modem with HyperTerm, it is far easier to set the modem to display verbal result codes. However, you must set all panel side modems to numeric result codes before connecting them to panels. PC side modems can always be set to verbal result codes. Consult the modem documentation for more information on result codes. Note that what you type on your computer keyboard may not appear in the HyperTerm screen. This is normal. It is because the ‘echo’ of typed characters is disabled in HyperTerm by default. Consult the HyperTerm help file for more information on character echo. 541 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 805 – The Modem Normal Response to the AT Command Now that you have a connection to the modem, what you do next depends on what you are attempting to accomplish. If you are attempting to program the modem settings, you will send a command string that reflects the new modem settings (see the sections entitled ‘General Modem Setup’ and ‘Continental Approved Modems’ for modem setup specifics). If you are attempting to test a modem or dial connection, you will send strings to the modem that are designed to command the modem to respond, go off hook, dial and connect to a remote modem. The next paragraph describes commands that can be used to test any modem • Send Test Strings – It should be considered mandatory to test all modems and phone lines before allowing the CardAccess software access to them. The dial sequence collects valuable event data from panels and the pre-testing of dial lines will help to insure that there will be no abnormalities in dial connections. Once HyperTerm is connected to a modem in the system, you will want to check the following • Response Test – To test if the locally connected modem is responding to commands, type ‘AT’ (without the quotes) and hit the ‘Enter’ key on your keyboard. The modem should respond with ‘OK’ (or ‘2’ if the modem is set for numeric result codes). If the modem 542 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L responds, it is operational and is in command mode, so you can proceed to the dial test. If the modem does not respond to the AT command, then the HyperTerm program is not connected to the correct modem or the modem is defective. Without doing anything else, power the modem off then on and try again. • Dial Test – If the modem responds to AT commands, then you can attempt to dial out to any remote modem. The command to dial out is ‘ATDTxxxxxxxxxx’ (without the quotes), where xxxxxxxxxx is a phone number. Enter the command ATL3 and hit the Enter key. This will turn the modem speaker volume all the way up so we can hear the dialing sequence take place. The command ATDT causes the modem to go off hook. ATDT5165551212 causes the modem to go off hook and dial the number ‘516 555 1212’. To hang up type ‘ATH’ (without the quotes) or click the Hang Up button on the HyperTerm toolbar (Figure 806) Figure 806 – The HyperTerm Hang Up Button After you type ATDTPhoneNumber, the modem will go off hook, you will hear dial tone, the local modem will dial, you will hear ringing, then the remote modem will pick up the line (if all is well). After the remote modem picks up the line, the two modems will swap ‘training tones’. These are tones that have embedded data that allows the modems to test the line quality and agree on a connect speed. If training fails, the modems will hang up the line. If training succeeds, the modems will then be able to pass data. Figure 807 – HyperTerm Modem Successful Connect Message 543 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L If the connection to the remote modem cannot be established, you will get local modem generated error messages of the type shown in Figure 808 below Figure 808 – HyperTerm Modem Unsuccessful Connection Attempt Messages • Data Test – If you have achieved a successful connection between two modems over a phone line, those modems are now ready to swap data. The modems and phone line can now be considered ‘transparent’. The modem equipment will simply take whatever characters are sent in at one modem RS232 port and pass them out the other modem RS232 port. Since we know that the modems will pass any data that we feed into them, we can exploit that fact for testing purposes. There are several data tests that can be performed on connected modems. o PC to PC – To test a modem-to-modem connection, you can connect a PC to the local modem and a second PC to the remote modem. You can open a HyperTerminal window on each PC and connect them to the Com ports that host the modems. You then initiate a call from one of the modems. Once the line is open, you type characters at each side and make sure that the characters are received on both sides. Of course, you will need two people to perform this test o PC to Loopback – A second possibility is to create a ‘loopback’ on the RS232 port of one of the connected modems (Figure 809). This loopback will route all characters that are received on the RS232 port back out to the telephone line and ultimately, back to the originating modem. Telco 544 Modem Host PC Modem Figure 809 – Remote Modem Loopback Schematic Loop TD to RD C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L This testing method only requires one PC and one person to operate the PC once the loopback has been established at the remote modem. There are two types of modem loop backs as shown below ! Shorted Wires – You can create a test connector that plugs into the 25-pin RS232 port of a modem. This test connector has one jumper wire on it that shorts pins 2 and 3 together (Receive Data and Transmit Data). This will loop any received data back through the phone line to the modem that originally sent the data ! Analog & Digital Loopbacks – Many modems have two built in software features called ‘Analog Loopback’ and ‘Digital Loopback’. The software of a modem can be set up to loop received characters back to the originating modem. Analog Loopback is performed internally by the modem by looping the circuitry on the phone line side of the modem. The loopback bypasses all of the RS232 components of the modem, so it is a good test of the phone line side of a modem. The Digital Loopback is also performed internally by a modem, but uses the RS232 chipset to perform the loop. This test tests more of the internal modem circuitry than the Analog Loopback. The real usefulness of these ‘software’ loop backs is that you can force a modem into loopback remotely, without the need to visit a remote site, by sending AT commands to it. Consult the manufacturer’s documentation to see if your modem supports remote activated software loop backs • Close HyperTerm – If all the above tests were passed, you can close the HyperTerminal window. When you attempt to close the window, the program asks you if you want to save the current session (Figure 810). Answer ‘Yes’ and your connection configuration for this modem will be saved in an ‘.htm’ file. You can reopen it from the file menu next time you open HyperTerminal 545 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 810 – The HyperTerm File Save Warning • Polling Test – Now that you have established that you can connect to your remote modems successfully, you can connect the panels to their respective modems and connect the CardAccess host to its modem. You can then start the CardAccess and manually dial each node to be sure it connects and the remote panels all answer to poll. See the section entitled ‘Modem Screen Controls’ earlier in this chapter for manual dialing instructions. 546 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L LAN Adapters Figure 811 – The LAN Adapter External Connection Schematic RS232 LAN Adapter Ethernet LAN Adapters, also known as ‘Micro Serial Servers’, are used in the CardAccess system where there is a need to convert the security panel RS232 serial communication format to the Ethernet LAN format. Generally, we employ LAN adapters where we wish to connect Continental Instruments panels directly to an Ethernet network. However, LAN adapters can be used anywhere that you need to connect any device that has an RS232, RS422 or RS485 serial interface to an Ethernet network. The LAN adapter has a simple job. It converts all of the serial data entering the RS232 port into Ethernet packets for transport on a network. In the reverse, the serial server strips off Ethernet packets received on the network side of the box, and presents serial ASCII data to the RS232 serial port. In this way, any serial interface equipped device can be connected to an Ethernet network without the need for creating a custom integrated hardware interface to accomplish the task. The serial servers simply pass the characters that are received at the serial port on to the Ethernet port and the reverse. This type of device is ideal for connecting Continental Instruments access panels to an Ethernet network. Continental panels communicate using a numeric ASCII protocol, which is handled with relative transparency once the LAN adapter has been installed and configured correctly. Further, the network utilization of each serial server is quite low at about 100K per serial server while passing peak traffic. Since there are many lull periods between polls, the sustained data transfer is intermittent on most moderately busy systems. In terms of hardware connectivity, one panel in a given cluster of panels will connect to the RS232 port of the LAN adapter. The Ethernet port of the LAN adapter will in turn connect to the subject network. On the PC side of the connection, only a standard network card is necessary. You do not need a serial server at the PC side of the connection. The CardAccess software has built in handling for communications to LAN adapters and uses the PC network card. See the 547 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L manual section entitled ‘Com Ports’ for more information on setting up LAN addresses for LAN adapters. This section will address the setup and testing of the LAN adapter hardware. General LAN Adapter Setup The LAN adapters that are used by Continental Instruments are manufactured by the Lantronix Corporation. Lantronix manufacturers a number of different models, but the model that has been tested and certified for use with the CardAccess software is the Lantronix UDS-10. The design of the UDS-10 is ideal for use with Continental Instruments panels mainly because the 25-pin connector on the device can be configured by software to provide RS232 or RS422 signaling. Note that when using RS422, the physical LAN adapter module can be located up to four thousand feet away from the first panel in the cluster where necessary. The typical connection involves setting up the LAN adapter for RS232 operation and mounting it within fifty feet of the first panel. The setup of the LAN adapter for use with a Continental panel system includes the following general procedures. • Custom Cable – The Continental panels do not provide handshaking signals to the LAN adapter so a special cable is needed to provide the missing signals. The cables are available pre-made through Continental. The pin outs for the cable appear later in this chapter. • Set Up of Serial Port Parameters – The serial port of the LAN adapter has several parameters that the user must set up as follows o Serial Port Parameters – Continental panels use 9600, 8, n, 1 serial port settings o Serial Port TCP Address – The LAN adapter devices allow the user to assign a TCP port address to the LAN adapter serial port by the user. The CardAccess software sends polling data to TCP port 3001, so any LAN adapters that are to be used with the CardAccess must have the serial port TCP address set to 3001. See below in this chapter, in the section entitled ‘UDS-10 Setup’ for more information • Setup of Ethernet Port – The setup of the Ethernet port of a serial server proceeds much like a network card. In fact, the Ethernet interface of the serial server behaves identically to a PC network interface card. Thus, you will need to assign an IP address, subnet 548 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L mask and a default gateway address (if needed) to the LAN interface of the serial server Now that we have looked at the general requirements of mounting a serial server on a network, let’s look at the specific setup of the preferred serial server, the Lantronix UDS-10. UDS-10 Setup The Lantronix UDS-10 is the only LAN adapter that has been tested and approved for use with the CardAccess system. There are other serial server products that can be used with the system, but Continental is not currently supporting those devices for new installations so technical support will tend be limited on non-approved models or manufacturers. The UDS-10 is a programmable device, much like a modem. You must set up operating parameters for the RS232 port and the Ethernet interface. The Lantronix UDS-10 manual describes each of the possible settings for these ports. This section will describe the specific setup used for supporting CardAccess panel nodes. Consult the UDS-10 manual for additional information (you can download the manual from the manufacturers web site at The LAN interface of the UDS-10 supports 10Mb operation only. The 25-pin connector supports RS232, RS422 and RS485 (RS485 is not used by the CardAccess system). The options for the UDS-10 are set through the use of an ASCII based software interface that is accessible through the 25 pin connector, by using a standard ‘terminal’ program (like Windows HyperTerminal) connected to a standard PC serial port. The setup screens of the UDS-10 can also be accessed through the Ethernet connector and LAN network by using a network terminal emulator program such as Telnet. However, the initial setup and testing of the box should be performed ‘on the bench’ using the 25 pin connector and the RS232 connection method. The UDS-10 is set by default to activate RS232 as the signaling method, so a PC RS232 connection to the UDS-10 connected to a HyperTerminal window on the PC desktop will be the easiest way to set up the device initially. The UDS-10 does not have an IP address programmed initially, but does have a MAC level address (like all network enabled devices). Thus, the initial setup of the box can be performed by connecting it to a network and using the ARP protocol to send an IP to the box (consult the Lantronix manual). Once the IP is stored through this method, you can then use a Telnet application on the PC to connect to the IP ad further configure the box. 549 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Although the ARP method of connecting to the UDS-10 is spelled out in the manufacturer’s documentation, Continental does not recommend using the ARP method to connect to the device when setting it up for the first time. The best method for setting up any network enabled device is to set it up and make it work on a ‘bench’ first, verify that it is programmed and working, then deploy it in the field. Deploying new serial servers in this way will reduce the possibility of mounting a non-operational box at a remote location. The manufacturer also provides an easy to use utility called ‘EZWebCon’ that can be used to connect to the UDS-10 and configure the operating parameters using a convenient interface. Consult the manufacturer’s documentation on the use of the EZWebCon utility. The HyperTerminal method of setting up the operating parameters of the UDS-10 will be discussed in this section. Routers and Gateways Note that the UDS-10 does not behave any differently from other network enabled devices. Specifically, when the UDS-10 is mounted on a small local network there is no need to supply a setting for the default gateway address if the network traffic is not expected to pass through a router or gateway to get to its destination. However, if the UDS-10 will be connected to a panel cluster in a typical large network configuration, where the panel cluster is mounted one or more router hops from the CardAccess host PC, a gateway address must be supplied to the UDS-10. The gateway address will be the router or gateway that is connected to the subnet where the subject UDS-10 is mounted. Programming the UDS-10 To set up the operating parameters of the UDS-10 serial and Ethernet ports do the following. • Connect a PC to the UDS-10 – Remove the power connection from the UDS-10. Connect a 9 pin to 25 pin, standard, serial cable between the UDS-10 and the computer serial port (use Com1 where available) 550 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L • Open HyperTerminal – Start up the HyperTerminal program that is included with all Microsoft Windows operating systems and proceed as below o Open HyperTerm – Open the HyperTerminal program, usually available from the Windows ‘Accessories’ menu o Give the Connection a Name – When HyperTerm opens, you get a screen that requests that you create a name for the connection (Figure 812). You can type in any name of your own choosing for your HyperTerm configuration file. After you have completed entering the connection name, click the ‘OK’ button Figure 812 – The HyperTerm Connection Name Screen o Select the Com Port – Click the arrow button to the right of the ‘Connect Using’ field of the ‘Connect To’ screen (Figure 813), select the Com port (not a modem name) that your UDS-10 is connected to. When done, click the ‘OK’ button 551 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 813 – The HyperTerm Connection Type Selection Screen – Com1 selected o Choose the Com Port Settings – The standard settings for any device that is to be connected to a Continental system are 9600, 8, n, 1 as shown in Figure 814. Set flow control to ‘Hardware’. These settings are not for the UDS-10, they affect the computer serial port that is connected to the UDS-10 When done, click the ‘OK’ button Figure 814 – The HyperTerm Com Port Settings 552 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L o Verify Connection – The HyperTerminal main screen will open. If connection to your Com port was successful, you will see a wording in the HyperTerm status bar that says ‘Connected…’. If connection was unsuccessful, you will get an error message box stating ‘Unable to open Comx’ (where x = your Com port number) Figure 815 – The HyperTerminal Main Screen – Successful Connection Note that what you type on your computer keyboard may not appear in the HyperTerm screen. This is normal. It is because the ‘echo’ of typed characters is disabled in HyperTerm by default. Consult the HyperTerm help file for more information on character echo. • Start Up the UDS-10 and Enter Setup Mode o Put the UDS-10 into Diagnostic Mode – While in the HyperTerminal window, hold down the ‘x’ key on the computer keyboard while applying power to the UDS-10. If the connection between the computer HyperTerm window and the UDS-10 is working correctly, you will see the type of information you see in Figure 816. Figure 816 – The UDS-10 Boot Up Screen o Enter Setup Mode – If the step above was successful, press the ‘Enter’ key on your keyboard to put the UDS-10 into edit mode. You should see the setup menu as it appears in Figure 817 below 553 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 817 – The UDS-10 Diagnostic Menu • Select the Correct Setup Options Select the following menus and options for use with the CardAccess system o Factory Defaults (7) – This selection restores the factory default settings to the UDS-10 (note that resetting to factory settings does not delete the IP address, subnet mask and gateway information) It is strongly recommended that you restore the factory settings before you attempt to program any UDS-10. All of the recommended settings below assume that all settings not mentioned are in the factory state o Server Configuration (0) – This selection allows you to enter the Ethernet connector configuration menu. Select the below options 554 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 818 – Configuration Menu Example Ethernet (Server) Settings To set up the network interface section of the UDS-10 do the following ! Select Option ‘0’ – To select option 0, type the number 0, then press the enter key Note – If you don’t want to change any settings, but you are stuck in the configuration menu, keep pressing your keyboard Enter key until you exit the setup menu branch and return to the main setup menu. ! Enter an IP Address – You will need an IP address that is valid on the subnet where the UDS-10 will be mounted (be warned that you should test the UDS-10 on the bench, using an IP that is valid on the local network before changing the IP to the final end user value. Don’t attempt to set the UDS-10 up at the installed location. If it is not functioning correctly, you have wasted a trip to the customer location). The UDS-10 requires that you enter the first three characters of the IP, then press the enter key, enter the next three characters, etc. You enter the IP address from the leftmost octet to the rightmost. Press the Enter key after each entry ! Enter a Gateway – You will require a gateway address when the UDS-10 is mounted on a network where messages must pass through a router or gateway to reach the CardAccess host PC. The Gateway address is entered in the same manner as the IP address mentioned above ! Enter a Subnet Mask – The subnet mask on the UDS-10 is set by indicating the number of bits that is consumed by PC 555 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L addresses on the target sub-network, not by entering the value literally. Observe the line in Figure 818 that says ‘Netmask:…(09)’. This means that the subnet mask in the example above is 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1110 0000 0000 or You will generally obtain the IP address, gateway and subnet mask from the I.S. administrator of the network where the UDS-10 will be installed o Channel 1 Configuration (1) – This selection allows you to enter the Serial Port configuration menu Figure 819 – Configuration Menu Example Serial Port Settings To set up the serial port of the UDS-10 do the following ! Select Option ‘1’ – From the diagnostic main menu type the number 1 on your keyboard, then press the Enter key ! Baud Rate – Set to 9600 ! Interface Mode – The serial interface of the UDS-10 can be set to a number of different modes. Refer to the table below for the mode settings that are appropriate for use with the CardAccess system. You are expected to supply a hexadecimal value (consult the UDS-10 manual for more information). 556 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Table 21 – The CardAccess Interface Modes Interface Type Mode Setting RS232 RS422 4C 4D Consult the UDS-10 manual for the cable pin outs for the RS232 and RS422 interfaces or see the below section entitled ‘Physical Connections’ ! Flow – Make sure flow control is set to ‘00’ (none) ! Port Number – Set the port number to 3001 for use with the CardAccess 3000 system All serial port settings not mentioned in this section should be left at their default values. Consult the UDS-10 manual for more information o Save and Exit (9) – Use this option to exit and save all of your changes and exit the setup mode 557 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Physical Connections You will need to connect to the appropriate pins on the 25-pin connector as detailed in the manual and stated below. The UDS RS232 port is a DCE connection (with pinouts like a modem serial port) Table 22 – UDS-10 RS232 Cable Pin Outs Interface Mode 4C UDS-10 Pin Out 1 2 3 7 UDS Signal Shield Rx Data Tx Data Signal Ground Panel Signal Panel Pin Out Tx Data Rx Data Signal Ground No Connection 4 5 6 Table 23 – UDS-10 RS422 Cable Pin Outs Interface Mode 4D UDS-10 Pin Out 14 15 21 22 UDS Signal Panel Signal Panel Pin Out Tx+ TxRx+ Rx- Rx+ RxTx+ Tx- 13 14 11 12 558 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N CardAccess Utilities 559 M A N U A L C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L CaClientConnect Utility Figure 820 - The CaClientConnect Utility The CaClientConnect utility is used when setting up a CardAccess station to connect a workstation or communications server to the CicData Server. The CicData Server is responsible for distributing event and alert messages to all of the CardAccess workstations. The CaClientConnect utility provides the details of the data connection between the CicData Server and the client workstation. The connection of each workstation to the CicData Server is essential to the proper operation of each workstation. The CaClientConnect utility sets the following parameters. • IP Address - This is the IP address of the CIC data server. Ask your network administrator for the IP address of the CardAccess host computer and type it into the Server IP Address field • Server Port - The server port is always set to 9000. This is the CIC data server TCP port for incoming workstation connections. The value is fixed at the present time and should not be changed • Workstation Number - You will select a workstation number for your CardAccess workstation. This workstation number must be unique, workstation numbers may not be duplicated in the CardAccess system Connect a Workstation to the Events Server • Enter the IP - Manually enter the IP address of the CardAccess database server in the 'Server IP Address' field (Figure 2). If there are no workstations in the system (the host computer is the only CardAccess equipped PC in the system), set the IP address to (the 'loopback' IP address) 560 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 821 - The Server IP Address Field • Select the Workstation Number - Set the 'Workstation' field to the workstation number setting that is appropriate for the workstation that you are configuring. If you are setting up the database server, select the 'Host PC' setting. If you are setting up a workstation, pick a workstation number that is unique in the system. Workstation number duplication is not allowed. Click the arrow to the right of the 'Workstation' field (Figure 734) and click on your selection Figure 822 - The Workstation Field CaClientConnect Utility Controls • Server IP Address - You can set the server IP address by typing in the value. This IP address is the address of the server that has the CardAccess database installed. The format of the IP address must be XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX Figure 823 - The Server IP Address Field • Server Port - You can click the spin buttons to the right of the 'Server Port' field to change the port number, or you can type in a value manually. However, the CIC Data Server currently only connects to CardAccess workstations through port 9000. Thus you must leave the default setting of 9000 unchanged unless you are instructed to change it by Continental technical support Figure 824 - The Server Port Field 561 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L • Workstation - Click the arrow to the right of the 'Workstation' field (Figure 737) and scroll up or down to locate a suitable workstation number for your workstation. Use caution not to select a workstation number that is already in use. Click on your selection to accept it Figure 825 - The Workstation Field • Save Settings - Click the 'Save Settings' button (Figure 7) to register the changes that you have made to the server IP address and the server port number Figure 826 - The Save Settings Button • Exit - Clicking the 'Exit' button (Figure 8) will close the CaClientConnect utility without saving any changes Figure 827 - The Exit Button 562 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L CaDbUtils Utility Figure 828 - The CaDbUtils Utility Screen, Database Connection Tab Selected The CaDbUtils utility is used to perform database maintenance tasks on the CardAccess database. There are seven folder tabs. Each folder tab has controls that perform a specific function as follows. • Database Connection Tab - The 'Database Connection' tab contains controls that connect the CardAccess host software to the selected database. The main CardAccess database is selected here • Create Database Tab - The 'Create Database' folder tab has controls that allow you to create a new, blank (no data), CardAccess compatible database • Attach Database Tab - Before you can perform any maintenance on an SQL compatible database, you must first attach the database to the SQL server. The 'Attach Database' tab has controls that allow you to attach a database to the local server • Detach Database Tab - The opposite of the Attach Database tab explained above, the 'Detach Database' tab has controls that you can use to select and detach a given database from the local SQL server • Update Database Tab - The 'Update Database' tab has controls that allow you to select a CardAccess database and upgrade that database to the latest CardAccess version. From time to time, the database structure is changed. Fields are added or deleted, tables are changed and so on. In most cases, you cannot run a newer version CardAccess program on an older version database (the program may eventually crash). Each time you update the CardAccess version, you should also use the Update Database tab to update all your active and archived CardAccess databases. Database update does not work on nonCardAccess databases 563 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L • Link Servers Tab - The Link Servers tab has controls that allow you to link servers to the main CardAccess server for the purpose of creating control and archive spans across several servers. • Drop Server Tab - The Drop Server tab of the DbUtils utility has controls that allow you to unlink archive servers from the CardAccess main server. The CaDbUtils utility is actually several utilities housed on the same screen, each utility is located on its own folder. Each folder is dedicated to a different database utility function. Generally, all utilities in the CaDbUtils utility perform some kind of database related function. One of the important functions of the CaDbUtils utility is to set the workstation number for the CardAccess workstation or host communications driver (done on the Database Connection tab, as explained below). Each folder tab and set of controls for that folder tab are explained below. Start the CaDbUtils Utility Figure 829 - The CaDbUtils Program in the Tools Folder 564 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L • Launch the Program - The CaDbUtils program 'CaDbUtils.exe', is stored in the \CardAccess\Utils folder. There are two ways to launch the utility. o CardAccess Program Group - When you install the CardAccess software by using the CardAccess CD, a 'CardAccess3000' program group is created. Along with shortcuts to files that start the CardAccess, a 'Tools' program group is also created. There is a shortcut called 'Database Utilities' in the Tools folder that starts the CaDbUtils utility o Double Click the File - An alternate way to start the CaDbUtils utility is to open the \CardAccess\Tools folder (Figure 2) and double click the file called CaDbUtils.exe • Log In - When the program starts, you are presented with a login screen that requires a password to continue (Figure 3). The login password is 'PR1532' (without the quotes) Figure 830 - - The CaDbUtils Login Screen 565 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Database Connection Tab Figure 831 - The Database Connection Tab The Database connection tab is where you will tell the CardAccess software where to find the main CardAccess database. Firstly note that, before the CardAccess can connect to any SQL database, that database must have been previously attached to a working server that is accessible to the CardAccess software. Further, the CardAccess must know name of the server where CardAccess database is stored and the name of the database that the CardAccess will use on that server. When the CardAccess starts up, the software consults settings in the Windows registry to determine the name of the CardAccess database server, the specific database on that server that will serve as the CardAccess main database, and the workstation name and number. These settings are placed in the registry by the CaDbUtils 'Database Connection' utility during initial set up of the CardAccess. There are three controls on the Database Connection tab of the CaDbUtils utility that concern workstation and database identification as follows. Connect a Database • Database Server Name - The 'Database Server Name' field displays the names of all SQL servers that the local server is aware of. Click the arrow to the right of the Database Server Name field and click a server to select it. Alternatively, you can type the name of your server into the Database Server Name field. Note that you are selecting the CardAccess main database server in the Database Server Name field and the UNC name of this server will be written to the Windows registry (of the computer that you are currently working on) when you click the 'Save Settings' button. Once the name of this server has been written to the registry, the CardAccess software will search for the selected server and attempt to connect to the database named in the 'Database Name' field (see below) upon each start up of the software 566 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 832 - The Database Server Name Field • Database Name - The 'Database Name' field displays the names of all of the databases that have been created on the server named in the Database Server Name field. The Database Name field only displays databases on the selected server that have been previously attached to the server (perhaps using the 'Attach Database' tab in the CaDbUtils utility). As we have previously stated, you must first attach a database to the target CardAccess SQL server before you can designate that database as available for use by the CardAccess software. Click the arrow to the right of the Database Name field, and select a database by clicking on it. This database name will be written to the Windows registry when you click the 'Save Settings' button. The database selected in the Database Name field will be used as the CardAccess main database Figure 833 - The Database Name Field • Network Station ID - The 'Network Station ID' is where you will tell the CardAccess instance on the current computer if it is a workstation or a communications server (host). The Network Station ID control contains a fixed list which includes o Host PC - If the computer you are setting up is the CardAccess server, click 'Host PC'. Clicking the 'Save Settings' button (see below) will load the Host PC value into the Windows registry and the CardAccess will start the communications driver upon start up of the software henceforth o Workstation 1 - 100 - If the computer that you are setting up is to be a CardAccess workstation, select a workstation number from 1 to 100. Note that you are not permitted to duplicate workstation numbers in any CardAccess system Figure 834 - The Network Station Id Field • Save the Settings - Click the 'Save Settings' button to store the settings in the Windows registry 567 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N Figure 835 - The Save Settings Button 568 M A N U A L C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Attach Database Tab Figure 836 - The CaDbUtils Attach Database Tab The 'Attach Db' utility is used to connect a database to an SQL server. All SQL databases must be attached before they can be managed by the SQL server. Attach a Database To attach a database to an SQL server, do the following. • Select the Database Server - You must tell the Attach Database utility the server name of the target server. Type in the name of that server (the UNC name of the target machine) Figure 837 - The Select a Server for the Database Field • Select the Database Name - The utility requires you to type in a unique name for your new database into the 'Select a name for your new database' field. Be cautious not to duplicate the name of an existing SQL database on the same server Figure 838 - The Select a Name for the Database Field • Select the Directory - The 'Select the directory that your database should be stored in' field requires you to enter the fully qualified path where the utility will store the newly created database files. The default path is taken from the existing path of the CardAccess main database. You may fill in a different path if required. However, it is strongly recommended that you house all CardAccess database files in the \CardAccess3000\Database folder 569 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 839 - The Select the Directory That Your Database Files are in Field • Click Attach Database - Click the 'Attach Database' Button Figure 840 - The Attach Database Button 570 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Detach Database Tab Figure 841 - The Detach Database Tab The 'Detach Database' tab performs a function that is the opposite of the 'Attach Database' tab; a database is disconnected from the SQL selected server. Once a database has been disconnected, it becomes unavailable for use by the CardAccess. You may consider disconnecting older, archive databases that are no longer used, to save server space and maintenance overhead. Detach a Database To detach a database do the following. • Select the Server - You need to tell the Update Database utility the name of the server that contains the database to be detached. Click the arrow to the right of the 'Database Server Name' field and select a server. You may optionally manually type the name of a known server. Note that you do not need slashes. Simple type in the UNC (NetBios) name of the target computer. Also note that the Windows log in profile on the current computer must have change permissions on the target machine or the connection request may be rejected by the target computer Figure 842 - The Database Server Name Field If you do not have access to the server whose name you selected in the Database Server Name field, you will get an error message similar to the below Figure 3. Figure 843 - The Server Connection Error Message 571 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L • Select the Database - The Update Database utility needs to know which database on the target computer you wish to detach. Once you have selected a server name in the previously mentioned Database Server Name field, the CaDbUtils utility will query that server and compile a list of CardAccess compatible databases. That list will be displayed when you click the arrow to the right of the 'Database Name' field. You also have the option of manually typing in the database name, if you know it. Figure 844 - The Database Name Field • Click Detach Database - Click the 'Detach Database' button to begin the update Figure 845 - The Detach Database Button • Completion Message - Once the update utility has completed, you will see a completion message box (Figure 758). Click the 'Ok' button to continue Figure 6 Figure 846 - The Detach Database Completion Message Box 572 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Update Database Tab Figure 847 - The Update Database Tab The 'Update Database' tab allows you to connect to a CardAccess compatible database and upgrade it to the newest CardAccess version. Note that you need to be cautious when using this utility due to the following issues. • Always make a safe copy of any database that you wish to update before running the Update Database utility. This will provide you with a fallback database in case the upgrade does not go as well as planned. The safe database copy can be deleted once you are sure the update was successful • You must be sure that you are using a version of the CaDbUtils utility that is compatible with the CardAccess version that you plan to deploy. Never attempt to use a version of the CaDbUtils utility that was not installed with your software. You might accidentally corrupt your database and prevent the software from starting up. The database upgrade utility may change tables and table fields as part of the upgrade. This could render the database version incompatible with the CardAccess build version. Update a Database To update a database do the following. • Select the Server - You need to tell the Update Database utility the name of the server that contains the database to be upgraded. Click the arrow to the right of the 'Database Server Name' field and select a server. You may optionally manually type the name of a known server. Note that you do not need slashes. Simple type in the UNC (NetBios) name of the target computer. Also note that the Windows log in profile on the current computer must have change permissions on the target machine or the connection request may be rejected by the target computer 573 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 848 - The Database Server Name Field If you do not have access to the server whose name you selected in the Database Server Name field, you will get an error message similar to the below Figure 761. Figure 849 - The Server Connection Error Message • Select the Database - The Update Database utility needs to know which database on the target computer you wish to upgrade. Once you have selected a server name in the previously mentioned Database Server Name field, the CaDbUtils utility will query that server and compile a list of CardAccess compatible databases. That list will be displayed when you click the arrow to the right of the 'Database Name' field. You also have the option of manually typing in the database name, if you know it. Figure 850 - The Database Name Field • Click Update Database - Click the 'Update Database' button to begin the update Figure 851 - The Update Database Button • Completion Message - Once the update utility has completed, you will see a completion message box (Figure 764). Click the 'Ok' button to continue 574 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 852 - The Database Update Completion Message Box 575 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Link Servers Tab Figure 853 - The Link Servers Tab The Link Servers tab has controls that allow you to link servers to the main CardAccess server for the purpose of creating control and archive spans across several servers. Link a Server To link a server do the following. • Select the Master Server - Click the arrow to the right of the 'Master Server Name' field. Click on the name of your main CardAccess server to select it. You may optionally type in the name of your main CardAccess server • Select the Linked Server - Click the arrow to the right of the 'Linked Server Name' field. Click on a server name to select it. You may optionally type in the name of the linked server • Click the Link Servers Button - Click the 'Link Servers' button to begin the linking process 576 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Drop Server Tab Figure 854 - The Drop Server Tab The Drop Server tab of the DbUtils utility has controls that allow you to unlink archive servers from the CardAccess main server. Unlink a Server To unlink a linked server, do the following. • Select the Master Server - Type in the name of the main CardAccess server or click the arrow to the right of the 'Master Server Name' field and click on the name of the main CardAccess server • Select the Linked Server - Click the arrow to the right of the 'Linked Server Name' field. Select a linked server from the list by clicking it. You may also optionally type the linked server name in manually. • Click the Drop Server Button - Click the 'Drop Server' button to commence the unlinking 577 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L DbUpdate Utility Figure 855- The DbUpdate Utility The DbUpdate utility (found in the \CardAccess\Tools folder) is used to update Paradox version (not SQL) database tables to the Current CardAccess 495 version (which is version number 3.0.2 and build 466). The DbUpdate utility does not operate on any CardAccess 3000 database files. The CardAccess 3000 uses an SQL type database, and the DbUpdate utility will only recognize Paradox type tables, as used in all of the CardAccess versions prior to the CardAccess 3000 version. Thus you can use the DbUpdate utility to upgrade CardAccess 195, 295, 495 and 2000 archive databases to the most recent CardAccess database revision of If you intend to bring any archive data from older versions into the CardAccess 3000 (which is SQL only), you must first upgrade the Paradox versions of those databases to the revision, using the DbUpdate utility. You can then use the PdxSQL utility (also found in the \CardAccess\Tools folder) to actually bring those updated Paradox files into an SQL database. Warning – It is strongly recommended that you run the CardAccess utility called ‘DbRebuild’ on each Paradox database that you plan to upgrade, before you begin the upgrade with DbUpdate. DbRebuild repairs damaged database tables that would otherwise cause a database upgrade attempt to fail Upgrade a Paradox Database To perform a Paradox database upgrade to the latest CardAccess 195, 295, 495 or 2000 database version, do the following. • Start the Utility - The utility does not have a shortcut on any menu of the CardAccess or in the CardAccess program group. This is to 578 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L prevent you from accidentally starting the utility and causing database damage. To start the DbUpdate utility, do the following. o Open Windows Explorer - Open Windows Explorer and locate the \Program Files\CardAccess3000\Tools folder o Double Click the File - In the \CardAccess\Tools folder, double click the file 'DbUpdate.exe' (you may not see the .exe extension) Figure 856 - The CardAccess 3000 Tools Folder - DbUpdate Utility Highlighted • Select the Database - The default path in the 'Target Directory' field is 'BW_Data'. This target path is taken from the Borland Database Engine configuration file. In that file, a database alias (a unique name for your database) is created. That database alias is then associated with a network or local hard drive path in the same file. Because the name alias is linked in the configuration file to the actual hard drive path to the physical location of the database, using the name to point to the database becomes the same as using the literal hard drive path By default, the BW_Data alias actually points to the c:\program files\cardaccess3000\data folder. The Data folder of legacy CardAccess software versions contains about 160 database files that are recognized by the Borland Database Engine to be Borland compatible files. 579 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L The key point to remember is that the database alias 'BW_Data' actually points to some hard drive path that can be ascertained by opening the Borland BDEAdmin utility and checking the settings for the database path. If you intend to select the alias BW_Data in the Target Directory field, check the path in the BDEAdmin utility to be sure that it points to the correct path (call Continental technical support for assistance with the BDEAdmin program, if needed). The DbUpdate utility can also be pointed to a specific hard drive path. Thus, if you have an archive database that you wish to have upgraded to the latest Paradox version, you can click the folder browse button to the right of the Target Directory field to locate the folder where the database table will be found. Note that you will need to upgrade every Paradox version data archive prior to using the PdxSQL program to import those archives into the CardAccess 3000 database Figure 857 - The Target Directory Field • Select the Events Option - The DbUpdate utility updates all of the database tables found in your legacy CardAccess database. However, the events option concerns only the events table of that database. By default, the DbUpdate utility creates one events table and moves all of the events found in the upgraded database into that events table. Note that in older versions of the CardAccess software there were three ways that events were handled, as follows. o One Events Table - In the earliest CardAccess versions, all events were stored in one main Events table. This table could grow to enormous size in busy systems. Note that if you have a table with a lot of data, the upgrade process could take more than an hour to complete. Do not reset the computer during this time; you will damage the database irreparably! o One Main Events Table and Monthly Backup Tables Intermediate versions implemented a monthly event archive folder schema. Events were off loaded from the main events folder to monthly back up folders. This enhanced the speed of the system by keeping the online events database small. However, to update such a database, you will need to first update the main database (BW_Data), and then update each monthly backup events archive separately. o One Main Events Table and Weekly Backup Tables - The latest versions of the CardAccess seen before the implementation 580 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L of the CardAccess 3000 used a weekly back up folder schema. Events were regularly off loaded from the main events database into an events archive folder that bears the name of the week number of the year (week 1, week 2, etc.). As above, you will need to update each weekly folder individually. As we stated, by default the DbUpdate utility assumes that you wish to have all events found in the events table that you are currently updating moved into one common, updated events table. In the case where you wish to have the utility move older events into individual monthly archive folders, click the 'Move events to default folders' check box. This sets the option to create monthly back up folders and move events from the main events database table into those folders, based on the date of occurrence of each event. If the Move events to default folders option is not set, the utility will move all events found in the archive database into one updated events table. Click the checkbox to set the option (checked means the option is set). Once you have selected the Move events to default folders option, you are required to set a date value in the 'Events Newer Than' field (Figure 770) Figure 858 - The Move Events to Default Folders Field • Run the Utility - Click the 'Run' button to start the update process Figure 859 - The Run Button DbUpdate Utility Controls • General Tab The General tab has controls that allow you to select the path of the database to be upgraded and to select the destination of the converted data. While the folder path of the converted data is fixed, the distribution of the data is selectable. More details on each control are available below. o Target Directory Field - The 'Target Directory' field selects the database to be converted. The default path is set to the CardAccess main database path as set in the Borland BDEAdmin 581 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L utility. You can change the path by clicking on the file browse button, located on the right side of the Target Directory field (Figure 772). Figure 773 shows the file browse window that will open Figure 860 - The Target Directory Field Figure 861 - The File Browse Window o Move Events to Default Folders Field - The 'Move events to default folders' field sets the option to create monthly back up folders (and separate events tables in each folder) when converting one large events database. Click the check box to create the folders, unchecked creates on contiguous events database (see above for more information) Figure 862 - The Move Events to Default Folders Field o Events Newer Than - Use the 'Events Newer Than' field to select a date range for the upgrade Figure 863 - The Events Newer Than Field 582 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L o Run Button - Click the 'Run' button to begin the database upgrade Figure 864 - The Run Button o Exit Button - Click the 'Exit' button to exit the program at any time Figure 865 - The Exit Button o Week of the Year Calendar - There is only one way to find out the current week number of the year from inside the CardAccess. That is to run the DbUpdate utility and click on the bottom button bar (Figure 778) Figure 866 - The DbUpdate Button Bar When you click anywhere on the bottom button bar, the week number calendar appears (Figure 779). This calendar shows the current date circled in red, and the number of the week of the year is shown along the left side of the window. Figure 867 - The Week Number Calendar • Log Tab The log tab displays error messages when errors have been found in updating database tables. You can click the Log tab after the utility has completed and examine errors that were generated and which tables 583 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L they occurred in. If there are no errors displayed, then the utility performed the upgrade without incident. If there are errors displayed, you may be able to correct the errors by running a program called DbRebuild on the original source database, then running DbUpdate again. If the errors were not corrected by running DbRebuild, then the database upgrade was a success. 584 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L EventTransfer Utility Figure 868 - The EventTransfer Utility The Event Transfer utility is used to transfer legacy CardAccess 195, 295, 495 and 2000 events database files from a Paradox version database, to the latest CardAccess 3000 SQL version database. The Events Transfer utility is programmed to only recognize and move events data. If you need other database tables moved, use the PdxSQL utility instead. This utility is useful to convert your monthly or weekly events backup folders and bring those archive events records into the CardAccess 3000 SQL database. Firstly, let's look at some background about the Paradox version CardAccess. The events handling strategy of the early CardAccess versions changed several times over the evolution of the product. Over time, there were three events handling methods used in the CardAccess software versions, which used the Paradox database, as follows. o One Events Table - In the earliest CardAccess versions, all events were stored in one main Events table. This table could grow to enormous size in busy systems. Note that if you have a table with a lot of data, the events transfer process could take a significant amount of time to complete. Do not reset the computer during this time. o One Main Events Table and Monthly Backup Events Tables Intermediate versions implemented a monthly event archive folder schema. Events were off loaded from the main events folder (at regular intervals) to monthly back up folders. This enhanced the speed of the system by keeping the online events database small. 585 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L However, to transfer events to the SQL server from monthly events archives of this type, you must visit each monthly backup folder and transfer the events from that folder separately. o One Main Events Table and Weekly Backup Events Tables The latest versions of the Paradox based CardAccess, seen before the implementation of the CardAccess 3000, used a weekly back up folder schema. Events were regularly off loaded from the main events database into an events archive folder that bears the name of the week number of the year (week 1, week 2, etc.). As above, you will need to visit each weekly folder individually, and transfer the events found in that folder to the CardAccess 3000 database. Thus, in your search of the hard drive for CardAccess events back up files, you may find the following. • All events in one folder (most typically, the CardAccess\Data folder) • All archive events in stored in monthly folders, the main events database stored in the CardAccess\Data folder, all stored under the \CardAccess main program folder • All archive events stored in weekly folders, and the CardAccess main database stored in the \CardAccess\Data folder and all stored under the \CardAccess main program folder The current CardAccess 3000 SQL version database uses one main events table and one archive events table. The amount of events that are stored in the main events table is determined by the setting in the 'Number of Viewable Events' field on the Alerts tab, of the CardAccess System Settings. The CardAccess 3000 will archive any events (on an hourly basis) that exceed the amount set in the Number of Viewable Events field. The EventTransfer utility is hard coded to take Paradox events from the source path you select, and place them in the CardAccess 3000 main events table. Further, the EventTransfer utility is designed to append those events to the existing CA3000 events database, so existing events will not be destroyed (note that the PdxSQL utility overwrites the target SQL database). Thus, you will use the EventTransfer utility when you wish to transfer events (and only events) from a legacy Paradox version database to a CardAccess 3000 SQL version main database. You are expected to tell the utility where to find the Paradox source file (the utility must have an events table from a Paradox database as the source, a file called 'Events.Db' is what you will search for, usually found in the 586 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L \CardAccess\Data folder). You are given two options of how to inform the utility as to the path of the source events table. • Use the Path That is Known to the Borland BDEAdmin program - You can select a 'database alias' using the 'Select BDE Name' field. A database alias is simply a name that is attached to a given set of database files. The database alias becomes a name that we can use to refer to a group of database files (this prevents us from needing to look at the hard drive path as a reference, we use a convenient name instead). The database alias that is assigned to the Paradox versions of the CardAccess database is always 'BW_Data'. Thus, when you use the Select BDE Name field, always select BW_Data as the file source • Use a Path of Your Own Choosing - If you prefer, you may manually point the utility to the CardAccess\Data folder or any other folder of your choosing by using the Explorer search tool in the 'Select Event Table' field. You will be searching for files called 'Event.Db, Event.Mb, and Event.Px, which always occur as a set wherever there are Paradox events database files (the Events.Db file is the source file that the utility will use). Select the folder where you find the Event.Db file that you wish to convert. Transfer Events • Select the Source Database - The EventTransfer utility must know the name and storage path of the source Paradox events database. You will select that source database by using the 'Select BDE Name' field or the 'Select Event Table' field. These two fields are 'mutually exclusive'. You will select one or the other. You are given two options. o Use the Alias - You can instruct the EventTransfer utility to use the database path that is found in the BDE Administrator program configuration file. Do the following ! Click the check box to the left of the 'Select BDE Name' field ! Select the database alias called BW_Data from the list that appears in the Select BDE Name field Figure 869 - The Select BDE Name Field 587 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L o Use the Path - As an alternative to using the database alias to point to the source database, you may do the following ! Click the check box to the left of the 'Select Event Table' Field ! Click the folder browse button to the right of the 'Select Event Table' field to open the Explorer file browser, search for your folder and select it. The path to your selected folder will be automatically loaded in the Select Event Table field Figure 870 - The Select Event Table • Begin the Transfer - Click the 'Transfer Data Button to begin the transfer Figure 871 - The Transfer Data Button Events Transfer Utility Controls The Events Transfer utility controls are detailed below. Note that the ‘Select BDE Name' and the 'Select Event Table' fields are mutually exclusive, you may only select one of the fields. • Select BDE Name - Use the Select BDE Name field to select the source database by using the database alias. Click the check box to the left of the Select BDE Name field. Then click the arrow to the right of that field and select BW_Data from the list Figure 872 - The Select BDE Name Field • Select Event Table - Use the Select BDE Name field to select the source database by using the hard drive path instead of the database alias as above. Click the check box to the left of the Select Event Table field. Then click the explorer button to the right of that field and locate the folder where your events table is located. The file you seek is 'Events.Db' 588 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 873 - The Select Event Table Field • Transfer Data Button - Click the 'Transfer Data' button to begin the events transfer Figure 874 - The Transfer Data Button • About Button - Click the 'About' button (Figure 787) to open the About window (Figure 788) that lists the version details of the EventTransfer utility Figure 875 - The About Button Figure 876 - The About Box • Status Bar - The Status Bar (Figure 789) indicates the file copy progress. The blue bar moves from left to right during the file copy process. When the process is complete, the blue bar moves all the way to the right and you are presented with a completion message box that indicates how many records were actually moved (Figure 790) Figure 877 - The Status Bar - With Complete Indicator Showing 589 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N Figure 878 - The Event Transfer Completion Message Box 590 M A N U A L C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Find Records Utility Figure 879 - The Find Records Utility The Find Records utility screen is available from a button, usually marked 'Search', that is available on the toolbar of most CardAccess screens. The search utility is a generic utility that allows you to select one or more fields from the CardAccess configuration screen that you currently have open, and create a search command to search the CardAccess database for configuration records that match your search criteria. The Find Records utility does not search the Events database; it searches the configuration records of the screen that is currently open. Generally, the Find Records utility is only available from the toolbar of CardAccess configuration screens. To use the Find Records screen, you must construct one or more search strings. The generic search string construction is: Field -> Condition -> Value Generally, you are saying to the utility - 'Search every record of the screen that I am currently in and find each record that matches the criteria I selected'. Note that you can create multiple search strings. You would then be saying; 'Search every record of the screen that I am currently in and find every record that matches the criteria I selected and matches the second criteria and matches the third (and so on)'. 591 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L The Find Records screen will be easier to understand if you have had previous experience with 'logical mathematical operators'. Even if you have not seen logical operations before, the concept is fairly simple to grasp. We can use words to describe what we are looking for. 'Find me a record that has this and that or that and is less than this...'. Creating statements like the preceding is what you are doing in the Find Records 'Expression' section (the Expression section consists of the Field, Condition and Value fields). The general steps you would use to start a search would be: • Define an Expression - You need to define an expression using the three controls in the Expression section to tell the utility what you are looking for • Store the Expression - You click the 'Accept' button to move the expression into the 'Conditions' area of the Find Records utility. When you run Find Records, the utility uses all search strings found in the Conditions area as the search criteria. If you have five search strings, the utility will use all five strings in the search • Define More Expressions - You can define as many search strings as you need before you run the utility • Start the Search - Once you have created your search criteria, you can run the Find Records utility by clicking the 'OK' or 'Apply' buttons 592 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Create a Basic Find Records Search To create a basic find records search, do the following. • Open the Find Records Utility - To open the Find Records utility, click the 'Search' button on the toolbar of the CardAccess configuration screen where you wish to perform the search • Select a Field - Click the arrow to the right of the 'Field' control and select the field that you will be searching in this expression • Select a Condition - Select the logical condition that you will be searching for (equals, greater than, less than, not equal, etc.) • Fill in a Value - Type in the value that you are looking for from the field that you selected earlier in the Field control • Commit the Expression - If you are satisfied with the search expression that you have created, click the 'Accept' button to commit the search expression to the Conditions window. Once you click the Accept button, you will see your search string in the Conditions window and can review it for accuracy. If you find an error, you can delete it by first clicking on the expression that you wish to delete in the Conditions window, then clicking the 'Delete' button • Narrow the Search - Now that you have created one search expression, you can create several more if desired, to narrow the search. More information is available on creating multiple expressions in the help topic entitled 'Find Records Screen Controls' • Run the Search - Once you have stored at least one expression in the Conditions window, you can click the 'Ok' or 'Apply' button to run the search 593 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Find Records Screen Controls Figure 880 The Find Records screen is divided into two halves (Figure 792). The top half of the screen is where you will create search strings. The bottom half of the screen is where those strings are saved and where the controls to run the search are located. Each field and control is explained in detail below. Expression Section Figure 881 - The Find Records Utility Expression Section Controls The Expression section (Figure 793) is where you will define search expressions that will later be used by the utility conduct the actual search. Each field in the Expression section is explained below. 594 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L • Field - The Field control displays a list of every searchable field of the configuration screen that was open at the time you opened the Find Records utility. The list in this field changes depending on which CardAccess configuration screen you are in. The Find Records utility is available from every CardAccess configuration screen. When you open the utility while inside a given configuration screen, the Field control is connected to a list of fields that is unique to the specific configuration screen that you are currently in. Thus, you will find an identical Find Records utility screen available in every CardAccess configuration screen, but the field choices in the Field control will change based on the screen you are in at the time you opened the utility Figure 882 - The Field Selection Control • Condition - The Condition field contains a listing of logical operators as explained below o = (Equals) - Use this expression when you want to say 'if A is equal to B' o >= (Greater Than or Equal To) - Use this expression when you want to say 'if A is greater than or equal to B' o < (Less Than) - Use this expression when you want to say 'if A is less than B' o (Greater Than) - Use this expression when you want to say 'if A is greater than B' o <= (Less Than or Equal To) - Use this expression when you want to say 'if A is less than or equal to B' o (Not Equal) - Use this expression when you want to say 'if A is not equal to B’ Figure 795 - The Condition Selection Control Figure 883 • Value - You are expected to type in the value that the Find Utility will search for. The 'data type' of this value will change depending on the selection you have made in the 'Field' control. Note that a hint will 595 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L appear just below the Value field that will indicate what type of entry you are required to make. You will be expected to enter any of the following data types. o Name - If you have selected a text field, like the Name field of the Personnel screen that requires text entry, you will be asked to enter text just below the Value field (Figure 796) Figure 884 - The Value Field with Text Hint o Number - If you have selected a numeric field, like the Facility field of the Personnel screen that requires a numeric entry, you will be asked to enter an integer (a whole number) just below the Value field (Figure 797) Figure 885 - The Value Field with Number Hint o Boolean Value - If you have selected a boolean (true/false) field like the Escort field of the Personnel screen (it's a check box) that requires 'True' or 'False' entry, you will be asked to enter the words 'True' or 'False' (upper or lower case is ignored) just below the Value field (Figure 798) Figure 886 - The Value Field with Boolean Hint o Date - If you have selected a date field, like the 'Expiration Date' field of the Personnel screen that requires a date entry, you will be asked to enter a date formatted string just below the Value field (Figure 799). The date needs to be entered in the format; mm/dd/yyyy 596 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 887 - The Value Field with Date Hint • Logical Operation Section - The Logical Operation section (Figure 800) is only used when you intend to combine more than one logical expression into an expression 'statement'. We can define an expression statement as the joining of two or more logical statements. As described above, each expression is created in the Expression section of the Find Records screen. When you click the 'Accept' button (mentioned below), each expression that you created is then moved to the 'Conditions' display window (Figure 801). When two or more expressions have been created, there needs to be a logical operator placed between them, so the Find Records utility knows how to logically join several expressions. As you recall from the above information on the Expression section, a logical operator is placed between the 'Field' and the 'Value' in every single expression. An example from the Personnel screen is: Find -> Last Name = Smith But, what if we wanted to find Find -> Last Name = Smith AND First Name = John This would allow us to narrow our search and prevent the utility from displaying the badge records of every 'Smith' in the database. We would only see records that have the last name = 'Smith', and the first name = 'John'. The operator that we want to focus on in the above example is the AND operator between the first expression 'Find Last Name = Smith' and the second expression 'Find First Name = John'. The Logical Operation section controls provide the logical operator that gets inserted between expressions, when you elect to use more than one expression to conduct your search. The logical operator selections are the same as mentioned previously in the 'Conditions' section explanation (And, Or, Not, etc.). Please see that section for more details. 597 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 888 - The Find Records Utility Logical Operations Section Controls • The Accept Button - When you create a logical expression, that expression will not be used by the utility unless it has been stored in the 'Conditions' section (Figure 801 below). To accept the expression that you have created, and commit it to the Conditions area, click the 'Accept' button Figure 889 - The Accept Button Conditions Section Figure 890 - The Find Records Utility Conditions Section Controls The 'Conditions' section is used to store your expressions and statements to give you the opportunity to final review the logic in your statements to verify that the verbiage of your expressions make logical sense. Each control of the Conditions section is explained in more detail below • Search String Window - The Search String window is where your expression must be stored prior to running the Find Records utility. If there are no statements in the search string window, no search will be conducted. The 'Accept' button in the 'Expression' section moves an expression from the Expression area into the search string window 598 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 891 - The Search String Window • Delete Button - You may delete any expression from a statement in the search string window, at any time, by clicking on the expression that you want to have removed and clicking the 'Delete' button (found in the Conditions section) Figure 892 - The Delete Button • Clear All Button - Clicking the 'Clear All' button clears all the expressions from the search string window Figure 893 - The Clear All Button • Restore Button - The 'Restore' button currently works like a 'restart' button. All expressions are cleared from the string window and the Find Records utility resets all fields Figure 894 - The Restore Button Program Control Buttons The Program Control Buttons either run or close the Find Records utility. The available buttons are as follows. • Ok Button - Clicking the Ok button, runs the search and closes the utility Figure 895 - The Ok Button 599 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L • Cancel Button - Clicking the Cancel button closes the utility without running a search Figure 896 – The Cancel Button • Apply Button - Clicking the Apply button runs the search and closes the Find Records utility (identical to the Ok button) Figure 897 – The Apply Button 600 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Batch Save Utility Figure 898 - The Batch Save Utility Screen The Batch Save utility is available from a button on the Personnel screen main tool bar. The utility allows you to create or change batches of Personnel records. For example, you can have the Batch Save utility visit every Personnel record and change the settings of one or more fields. You can also have the Batch Save utility create an entire range of records (say badge numbers 1-500); all with the same preset values. The Batch Save utility is a multi-purpose utility and can be placed in one of several operating modes, depending on which selection you make in the 'How to Handle a Range' control. Using the How to Handle a Range control, you will elect to create new records, modify existing records, or create new and modify existing records at the same time. Note that regarding the batch modification of Personnel records; you may commonly have any of the following four situations. • You Have No Personnel Records and You Wish to Create a Number of Them in a Batch • You Have Some Existing Personnel Records, But You Need More Records 601 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L • You Have Existing Records and Some or All of Them Need to Have One or More Fields Modified • You Have Existing Records and You Wish to Create New Records and Modify the Existing Records at the Same Time The Batch Save utility can solve each of the problems above. Performing badge creation operations in a batch will save you from needing to create Personnel records individually, thereby saving considerable time. Important Note: The Batch Save utility must be provided with a badge number range. The badge number range is a required field, all other fields are optional. The Batch Save utility will use the badge number range and create or modify all badge records in that range, according to the settings in the controls section of the utility. The Batch Save utility is quite useful if you have a range of new badge records to create and all of those records share common settings. You can create each badge record (in a contiguous badge number range) in one batch operation, and then visit each record to type in the name and other personal information. In this way, you can get an entire batch of badges operational in one short operation, and then revisit each of those records to add personal information as the badges are actually issued to the cardholders. Visit the Batch Utility Screen controls topic for more specific information on the individual fields and controls of the Batch Save screen. Visit the 'Run a Batch Save' topic section for more information on how to run an example batch save operation. Click the link below for access to those topic pages. 602 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Run a Batch Save Figure 899 - The Batch Save Utility Screen When you run a batch save operation, you will be creating or modifying a 'range' of badge records. You are required to enter a badge number range in the 'Badge Range' fields. This badge range selection sets the Batch Save utility up to perform the act of creating or modifying all badges in the badge number range selected. What the Batch Save utility will actually do to the badges that are included in the selected range, is controlled by the selection you make in the 'How to Handle a Range' section controls. You may have one of the following needs. • Create New Records - When you attempt to create new records, you may be faced with one of two possible conditions o Create Contiguous New Records - You may have no badge records in the badge range that you have selected. In this case, you will select the 'Create New Only' or the 'Create and/or Modify All' option. In the case where there are no existing badge records in the badge range selected, the 'Create New Only' and the 'Create 603 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L and/or Modify All' options will both perform the same function create only new records. o Create New Interlaced Records - You may have some existing badge records created, but the badge numbers are not contiguous (there are gaps in the numbering sequence), and you wish to create badge records that fill in all the missing gaps in the badge number sequence, and/or you perhaps wish to add more records to the beginning or the end of the badge records. However, you wish to add these new badges without changing the settings of any of the existing badge records. In this case, the 'Create New Only' option is the only option that will create new badge records in a badge range where there are existing records, and leave those existing records untouched. • Create New Records and Modify Existing Records - You may have some existing records that you want to modify and at the same time create some new records. You may wish to append more records to the beginning, in between, or at the end of the existing badge records. The 'Create and/or Modify All' feature will modify any existing badge records within the badge range specified in the 'Badge Range' fields, but it will also add new badge records for any badge numbers missing in that range. • Modify Existing Records Only - You may wish to scan the badge database and only modify records that are already found there. The 'Modify Existing Only' option will change the settings of existing badge records, according to your selections in the Batch Save utility, but it will not create any new badges Run the Batch Save • Open the Batch Save Utility - To open the Batch Save utility, first open the Personnel screen (available from a button on the CardAccess main toolbar). Then click the 'Batch Modify' button on the Personnel screen toolbar Figure 900 - The Personnel Screen Batch Modify Button • Select the Badge Number Range - You need to tell the Batch Save utility the range of badge numbers to work on. Type the number into 604 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L the 'Badge Range' fields. If you type the same badge number in the 'from' and 'to' fields, the batch utility will modify only 1 badge. Warning: The Batch Save utility will visit every record in the Personnel screen that you have included in the badge range that you specified. Be very careful which options you set, and especially which option you select in the ‘How to Handle a Range’ section controls. You run the risk of altering fields that you did not intend to alter. Figure 901 - The Badge Range Fields • Select the Batch Save Range - You need to select the operating 'mode' of the Batch Save utility. The Batch Save utility can create only new badges, can create new badges and modify existing badges, or it can modify existing badges without creating any new badges. Select the mode you want in the 'How to Handle a Range' section Figure 902 - The How to Handle a Range Selections • Select the Fields - Once you have determined the mode that you wish to have the Batch Save utility operate in (see above), you need to tell the utility which fields in the selected Personnel records you want to have changed. The 'Item' column includes the name of every Personnel screen field. Adjacent to every field name in the Item column is a check box (in the 'Include' field). If you select any check box by clicking it (checked is selected), the field selected will have its contents changed according to your other selections in the 'Value to be Set' fields of the Batch Save utility. If you leave any fields unchecked, those fields will not be altered by the Batch Save Utility 605 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 903 - The Item and Include Columns • Select the Default Values - If you have selected any fields to be altered by checking one or more check boxes in the 'Include' column, you can then select the values that will be placed into the selected Personnel screen field when the batch save takes place. Note that every record that falls within the selected badge number range will be given the value that is set in the Value to be Set column Figure 904 - The Value to be Set Column There are five types of controls found in the Value to be Set column as follows 606 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L • Spin Field - Usually a numeric field. Click the arrow button to the right of the field to locate a selection Figure 905 - A Spin Control Field • Text Field - You are expected to type a line of text into a text field Figure 906 - A Text Field • Combo Field - The combo field control displays a list of choices. Click the arrow to the right of a combo field to display the list of selections Figure 907 - A Combo Field Control • Check Box Field - Click a check box field to enable an option (checked is enabled). Check boxes represent 'boolean' fields of the CardAccess. Boolean fields can be either true or false. In the CardAccess, boolean fields are most often used to indicate 'enabled' (true) or 'disabled' (false). Thus, if you want to enable a feature, check the check box Figure 908 - A Check Box Field • Calendar Field - A calendar field is used to provide a fixed date value to the selected field. You may manually type in a date (of the form MM/DD/YY), or you can use the built in calendar by clicking the button (with the number 15 on it) to the right of the calendar field control Figure 909 - A Calendar Field Control • Select the Search Criteria - If you make a selection in the 'Batch Criteria' column, the operation of the Batch Save utility will be altered. Once you have made any selection in the batch criteria column, when the Batch Save utility runs, it will look for Personnel badge records 607 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L that have the selected batch criteria, and it will modify the fields of only those records. Stated another way, the Batch Save utility will ignore any record that does not match the search criteria. Select a Batch Criteria in a case where you wish to search for badge records that have the specified settings, and you want to change some settings in only those records. The batch criteria search mode is ideal in a case where you wish to search for a specified value in each badge record, and if that setting is found, to replace it with a setting of your choosing. This will leave all records that do not match that setting untouched. The fields found in the Batch Criteria column are the same as shown above in the 'Select the Default Values' section Figure 910 - The Batch Criteria Column 608 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Batch Save Utility Screen Controls Figure 911 - The Batch Save Utility Screen The Batch Save utility allows you to change or create batches of personnel records in one, automatic operation. The individual controls of the Batch Save screen (Figure 823) are discussed below. Batch Save Screen Controls • Badge Range - The 'Badge Range' (from, to) fields set the range of badge numbers that the Batch Save utility will operate on. You may set the range anywhere from one badge (put the same badge number in the 'from' and 'to' fields) to as many badges as you like. However, note the following about the Batch Save utility o Must be supplied with a badge number range. The badge number range is the one required key field for the utility. All other fields are optional o The 'from' (on the left) number must be less than the ‘to’ number (on the right) o The utility will visit each Personnel screen badge record in the badge number range. Each record may or may not be affected, depending on the option that you select in the 'How to Handle a Range' controls. 609 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Warning: The Batch Save utility will visit every record in the Personnel screen that you have included in the badge range that you specified. Be very careful which options you set, and especially which option you select in the ‘How to Handle a Range’ section controls. You run the risk of altering fields that you did not intend to alter. To use the Badge Range Fields (Figure 824), type a number into the 'from' field (on the left), and type a number into the 'to' field (on the right). The number in the 'from' field must be greater than or equal to the number in the 'to' field Figure 912 - The Badge Range Fields • Batch Save Range - You have three options in the 'How to Handle a Range' section as explained below. o Create and/or Modify All - If this option is selected, the Batch Save utility will visit each record in the badge range selected and modify the fields selected. The selected fields of existing records will be modified according to the selections in the Batch Modify screen, and new records in the badge range will be created with the selected options if they do not exist. In a simple example, let's say that you have existing Personnel badge records with badge numbers of 1, 3 and 5 (there are no existing badge records with badge numbers of 2 & 4). You select the 'Create and/or Modify All' option in the How to Handle a Badge Range section and you also elect to enable the 'Enable' check box in each badge record. When you run the utility, it will visit each existing badge record and change the 'Enabled' field to the enabled state (unless already enabled). However, when the option is set to 'Create and or Modify', the utility will create any badge records that are found missing in the badge range. In the case of our example, the utility will create badge records for badge numbers 2 & 4, and it will modify the badge records of badge numbers 1, 3, and 5, which already exist. o Create New Only - If the 'Create New' option is selected, the utility will only create new badge records with the options you 610 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L select. The utility will 'pass over' any existing records that fall inside the selected badge range without changing them. In the example above, two new badges would be created (2 & 4), and the existing badges 1, 3 & 5 would remain unchanged o Modify Existing Only - If the 'Modify Existing Only' option is selected, the utility will not create any new badges in the selected badge range. The utility will only modify existing badge records with the selected settings Figure 913 - The Batch Save Range Selection Controls • Column Functions Figure 914 - The Batch Save Column Layout o Item Column - The 'Item' column basically contains a listing of every field found in the Personnel screen. By default no personnel fields are included in the batch save. You must select each field that you wish to include in the batch save by clicking the check 611 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L box adjacent to the field label (see the Include column below) found in the Item Column field o Include Column - The 'Include' column contains the check boxes which are associated with the field labels in the Item column. You may click any or all check boxes to include the selected field in the batch save. Check is included, unchecked is not included o Value to be Set Column - The 'Value to be Set' column contains fields that you can use to set a default value for each selected field. The value selected in the Value to be Set column will be loaded into the selected control of each personnel record in the selected badge range. Remember the list of fields shown in the Batch Save utility actually represents every field found in the Personnel screen. As you would expect, some fields in the Personnel screen have small drop down menu selections available, some fields require that you type in a value, some fields require that you select a date, etc. The controls in the Value to be Set column allow you to set a static value that will be loaded in to the selected fields of every badge record visited. If no selection is made in the Value to be Set column for a given field, the default value as decided by the Batch Save utility will be loaded into that field. There are five types of controls found in the Value to be Set column as follows ! Spin Field - Usually a numeric field. Click the arrow button to the right of the field to locate a selection Figure 915 - A Spin Control Field ! Text Field - You are expected to type a line of text into a text field Figure 916 - A Text Field 612 C A R D A C C E S S ! 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Combo Field - The combo field control displays a list of choices. Click the arrow to the right of a combo field to display the list of selections Figure 917 - A Combo Field Control ! Check Box Field - Click a check box field to enable an option (checked is enabled). Check boxes represent 'boolean' fields of the CardAccess. Boolean fields can be either true or false. In the CardAccess, boolean fields are most often used to indicate 'enabled' (true) or 'disabled' (false). Thus, if you want to enable a feature, check the check box Figure 918 - A Check Box Field ! Calendar Field - A calendar field is used to provide a fixed date value to the selected field. You may manually type in a date (of the form MM/DD/YY), or you can use the built in calendar by clicking the button (with the number 15 on it) to the right of the calendar field control Figure 919 - A Calendar Field Control o Batch Criteria Column - The fields found in the 'Batch Criteria' column are used when you wish to search the personnel records for a particular value and modify any personnel record where that value is found. Note that all records that do not have the selected search criteria will not be altered. Stated another way, the Batch Modify utility will search every personnel record for the values set in the fields of the Batch Criteria column. If any records are found to have the searched for values, only those records will be changed to the settings that have been selected in the Batch Save utility 'Include' and 'Value to be Set' columns. All records not matching the search criteria set in the Batch Criteria column will not be touched. There are two types of fields found in the Batch Criteria column 613 C A R D A C C E S S ! 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Combo Field - The combo field control displays a list of choices. Click the arrow to the right of a combo field to display the list of selections Figure 920 – A Combo Field Control ! Calendar Field - A calendar field is used to provide a fixed date value to the selected field. You may manually type in a date (of the form MM/DD/YY), or you can use the built in calendar by clicking the button (with the number 15 on it) to the right of the calendar field control Figure 921 - A Calendar Field Control • Send Badges to Panels Check Box - As you can well understand, the Batch Save utility can be used to modify possibly thousands of personnel records. Some of the changes that are made to those records could change the access permissions of those badge holders. This makes it vitally important to get the change information to every hardware access control panel as soon as possible. However, in a large system changes to thousands of cards could cause a massive download that could disable the system for a period of time until the download has completed. To prevent a possible system lack of availability due to large scale badge downloads, the system is set up not to trigger a badge data download at the end of the batch save operation. This means that you will need to manually download each panel (or all panels at once) to get the changed personnel data to the panels (it won't happen automatically). This option allows you to decide when to download updated badges to the access control system. If you prefer to have all changed badge records downloaded automatically to the panels when the Batch Save utility completes, click the 'Send Badges to Panels' option check box (checked means that the utility will trigger a download when completed) Figure 922 - The Send Badges to Panels Check Box 614 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L • Execute Button - Click the 'Execute' button to start the batch operation Figure 923 - The Execute Button • Cancel Button - Click the 'Cancel' button to stop the batch operation and close the Batch Save screen. It is strongly recommended that you do not click the Cancel button during a batch operation. Let the operation complete to prevent unexpected consequences Figure 14 Figure 924 - The Cancel Button 615 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L PdxSql Utility Figure 925 - The PdxSQL Utility The PdxSQL utility is used to transfer database configuration and events data from legacy CardAccess Paradox version databases, to the current version CardAccess 3000SQL database. The data is copied from the Paradox version database and transferred to the SQL database. The utility is most useful for transferring data from an existing CardAccess Paradox version to a new CardAccess 3000 software installation. 616 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Transfer Events from a Paradox Database To transfer events from a Paradox database, do the following. • Open the PdxSQL Utility - To open the PdxSQL utility, use Windows Explorer to open the \CardAccess\Tools folder. Then, double click the file 'PdxSQL.exe' (you may not see the .exe extension) Figure 926 - The CardAccess Tools Folder • Upgrade the Database - When the PdxSQL utility starts, a message box is displayed asking you if you wish run DbUpdate first (to upgrade the database). Note that you must upgrade any Paradox database that you intend to bring into the CardAccess 3000 SQL database (if it is not already at version 3.0.2 build 466). Click the OK button to open the DbUpdate utility. See the manual section entitled DbUpdate Utility for more information on the operation of the DbUpdate utility. Figure 927 - The DbUpdate Warning Box • Select the Directory - After the DbUpdate utility has been closed, and control is returned to the PdxSQL utility, select the directory where the Paradox version source files are located by clicking the folder icon button on the right side of the 'Directory' field. Locate 617 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L your directory in the browser window that opens. You may also type in the path to your Paradox database if you prefer. Figure 928 - The Directory Selection Field Warning: The default target destination directory for the files copied by the PdxSQL utility is the CardAccess main database. Be warned that the destination database cannot be changed in the PdxSQL utility, and the data in the destination database will be replaced. • Bring in the Files - Once you have selected the source directory, the 'Get Paradox' button will become available (Figure 817). Click the button to open the Paradox database. You will note that after you click the Get Paradox button, a listing of the Paradox database tables found in the source directory is displayed (Figure 818). Figure 929 - The Get Paradox Button Figure 930 - The Table View Window • Select the Files - You have two options. 618 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L o Transfer One Table - This is the default setting of the utility. If you click any database table listed in the left side table view window (and highlight that file name), you can then transfer the contents of that one table to the SQL database by clicking the 'Transfer Data to SQL' button. The contents of the selected table will be transferred only, and the data found in the source database table will overwrite the data in the target table in the CardAccess 3000 main database (use with caution, there is no undo feature) o Transfer All Tables - There may be approximately 38 tables in the source Paradox database. Since transferring them to the SQL database one at a time would be tedious, the 'Select All' check box is provided as a means of selecting all of the files that are visible in the Table View Window for transfer in one operation (as opposed to individually, as above). To set the option to transfer all database tables, click the 'Select All' check box (Figure 819) Figure 931- The Select All Check Box • Click Transfer - Click the 'Transfer Data to SQL' button (Figure 820) to begin the data transfer. You will get a warning message box (Figure 821) that you are about to overwrite the data in the target database (which is the CardAccess 3000 main SQL database). Click the 'Yes' button to continue, click the 'No' button to cancel the request without starting the copy operation • Figure 932 - The Transfer Data to SQL Button Figure 933 - The Data Transfer Warning Message Box • Observe the Result - When the transfer operation has completed, you will get a 'Transfer Complete' message box (Figure 822). Click the 'Ok' button on that box to close it and observe that the PdxSQL utility has posted the status of the data transfer attempt for each table encountered (Figure 823). 619 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 934- The Transfer Complete Message Box Figure 935- The Table Transfer Window - Select All Results Shown PdxSQL Controls • Table View Window - When you select a database to view in the 'Directory' field (see below), and you click the 'Get Paradox' button (see below), a listing of the database tables found in the source Paradox database is displayed in the left side 'Table View Window' (Figure 824) 620 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 936 - The Table View Window • Transfer Status Window - When you run the PdxSQL utility (by clicking the 'Transfer Data to SQL' button), the utility posts the results of the data transfer in the right side 'Table Status Window' (Figure 825) Figure 937 - The Table Status Window 621 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L • Info Button - Clicking the 'Info' button (Figure 826) brings up the utility information window (Figure 827), which displays information about the utility version and general database information. Note that the target database is shown in this information window Figure 938 - The Info Button Figure 939 - The PdxSQL Information Screen • Select All Check Box - Click the 'Select All' check box (Figure 828) to select all of the data files listed in the Table View Window. By 622 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L default, no tables are selected unless you click on them. When you run the utility with one table selected, only the contents of that table are moved. To move the contents of all the tables shown in the Table View Window in one operation, click the Select All check box Figure 940 - The Select All Check Box • Directory Field - The Directory field (Figure 829) is where you will select the source directory. This is the directory where the Paradox source database is located. Click the picture of the folder to the right of the Directory field to open a file browser, or type in the fully qualified path Figure 941 - The Directory Field • Get Paradox Button - Click the get Paradox button (Figure 830) after you have selected a source database in the Directory field (mentioned above) to have the PdxSQL utility connect to the source directory, open the source Paradox database and list the tables found in that database Figure 942- The Get Paradox Button • Transfer Data to SQL Button - Click the 'Transfer Data to SQL' button (Figure 831) to begin the data transfer from the source Paradox database to the target SQL database. Note that the data from the source database will overwrite the data in the target database Figure 943 - The Transfer to SQL Button • Close Button - Clicking the 'Close' button (Figure 832) will close the PdxSQL utility. Do not click the Close button while a file transfer is in progress, database corruption can result Figure 944 - The Close Button 623 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L • Progress Bar - The Progress Bar indicates the progress of the file copy procedure. When complete, the progress bar will indicate 100 percent (Figure 833) Figure 945 - The PdxSQL Progress Bar - Showing Completion 624 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L SqlDbExplorer Utility Figure 946 - The SqlDbExplorer Utility - Not Connected to Any Database The SqlDbExplorer utility allows you to view the contents of the CardAccess SQL database tables outside of the CardAccess software. For those of you familiar with the older Paradox version of the original CardAccess software, the SqlDbExplorer utility operates very much like the Borland utility 'DbExplorer32'. Run the SqlDbExplorer Utility Essentially, to use the SqlDbExplorer utility the steps are as follows. • Select a Server - You need to select a server in the 'Server Name' field (Figure 811). By default, the name of the CardAccess main database server will be loaded into the Server Name field. If you wish to view the database tables of a different server, type in the UNC name of that server (without slashes) Figure 947 - The Server Name field • Select a Database - You need to type a database name into the 'Database Name' field (Figure 812). You will select a CardAccess 625 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L compatible database known to be active and on the target server mentioned in the Server Name field mentioned above. The database must have been 'attached' to the SQL server previously Figure 948 - The Database Name Field • Connect to the Database - Now that you have selected a server and a database on that server, you need to connect the utility to that server. Click the 'Connect' button to connect to the target database (Figure 813). If all was successful, you will see the left side panel of the screen fill up with database table names (Figure 814). Figure 949 - The Connect Button Figure 950 - The SqlDbExplorer Utility Successfully Connected to a Database • Select a Table to View - Once you have successfully connected to a server SQL database, click any file in the left windowpane. The contents of the selected database table will appear in the right side 626 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L window (on the 'Table' tab). See Figure 815. You can now view and edit the table contents outside of the CardAccess software Figure 951 - The SqlDbExplorer Utility Table Selected - Table Contents Displayed SQLDbExplorer Controls Each of the SqlDbExplorer controls is explained below. • Server Name - The 'Server Name' field is where you will type in the name of the server that you wish to have the SqlDbExplorer utility connect to Figure 952 - The Server Name Field 627 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L • Database Name - The 'Database Name' field is where you will type in the name of the database that you wish to have the SqlDbExplorer utility connect to Figure 953 - The Database Name Field • Connect - Clicking the 'Connect' button causes the SqlDbExplorer utility to attempt to connect to the server and database named in the 'Server Name' and 'Database Name' fields Figure 954 - The Connect Button • Database Table List Window Pane - After you click the 'Connect' button, the SqlDbExplorer utility attempts to connect to the server database named in the 'Database Name' field. If that connection is successful, a list of database table names is displayed in the Database Table List Window Pane (the left window pane, Figure 819) Figure 955 - The Database Table List Window Pane • Table Tab - The 'Table' tab displays the records that are stored in the selected table. When you click a table name in the left windowpane, the SqlDbExplorer utility sends an SQL 'select * from [selected table]' query to the SQL server. The results of that query are displayed in the Table tab. If no records are returned, it means that the table has no records 628 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 956 - The Table Tab • SQL Tab - The SQL tab of the SqlDbExplorer utility allows you to type in an SQL query and retrieve a set of records based on your search string. Any Transact SQL statement is accepted Figure 957 - The SqlDbExplorer SQL Tab - With Query and Returned Records To run an SQL query, do the following. o Click the SQL Tab - Click the SQL tab to reach the SQL statement entry area 629 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 958 - The SQL Tab o Type in a Query Statement - In the white space below the SQL tab, type in an SQL query statement. Any Transact SQL command is accepted. Be especially careful with 'Delete' and 'Update' statements! o Click the Query Run Button - Clicking the 'Query Run' button (Figure 823) will cause the utility to send the SQL statement you typed to the SQL server for processing. When the query is completed, you will see a completion message box (Figure 824). Click the 'Ok' button in the message box and you will see the query results displayed in the white space under the SQL statement (on the SQL tab) Figure 959 - The Query Run Button Figure 960 - The Query Completion Message Box o Navigation Bar - The records Navigation Bar is used to locate or edit records in the records view window on the Table tab. There are ten buttons whose functions are explained below Figure 961 - The SqlDbExplorer Navigation Bar o Top Button - Click the 'Top' button to zoom to the first record in the records view window (Table tab) 630 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 962 - The Top Button o Up Button - Each click of the 'Up' button will scroll the highlight bar up exactly one record in the records view window (Table Tab) Figure 963 - The Up Button o Down Button - Each click of the 'Down' button will scroll the highlight bar down exactly one record in the records view window (Table Tab) Figure 964 - The Down Button o Bottom Button - Click the 'Bottom' button to zoom to the last record in the records view window (Table tab) Figure 965 - The Bottom Button o Add Button - Clicking the 'Add' button will create a new blank record in the currently selected space in the table. The utility will also be put into edit mode so you can enter values into the fields of the new record. You must click the 'Save' button as mentioned below to commit the new record addition to the online database Figure 966 - The Add Button o Delete Button - Clicking the 'Delete' button will delete the currently highlighted record in the right hand records view window 631 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 967 - The Delete Button o Edit Button - Click the 'Edit' button if you wish to edit individual database records. First you must highlight the database table that you wish to edit by clicking on it in the left hand database table list window. Next you must locate the record that you wish to edit and click on it. Then you can click the Edit button to put the utility into edit mode. Once you are in edit mode, you can edit any records that you wish. Note that because you are working on an off line copy of the database, any changes that you make to individual records will not be committed to the online database until you click the 'Save' button mentioned below Figure 968 - The Edit Button o Save Button - The 'Save' button commits the changes to records that you have made since clicking the Edit button. The data that is viewed in the SqlDbExplorer window is a static off line 'snapshot' of the database. Changes to individual records are not committed to the online database until you click the Save button Figure 969 - The Save Button o Cancel Button - If you have entered edit mode by clicking the Edit button as mentioned above, you may exit without committing changes by clicking the 'Cancel' button Figure 970 - The Cancel Button o Refresh Button - The 'Refresh' button causes the SqlDbExplorer utility to access the database and refresh the contents of the SqlDbExplorer view window. When you open the SqlDbExplorer window and connect to a given database, the SqlDbExplorer window take a 'snapshot' of the data from the selected database. Since you are viewing a static off line snapshot of the database, changes that occur to the database are not 632 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L reflected in the SqlDbExplorer view windows unless you 'refresh' the view. The Refresh button forces the utility to reload the data from the selected database, providing a more current view Figure 971 - The Refresh Button 633 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N Reports 634 M A N U A L C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Print Preview Screen Figure 1 - The Print Preview Screen Figure 972 The Print Preview screen is available from a button, usually marked 'Preview' that is available in all of the CardAccess report screens. The print preview allows you to see what a report will look like before printing (or look at it on the screen instead of printing it). Generally, you select your report filtering criteria then click the Preview button. The reports engine will query the CardAccess database for records that match your search criteria, then a preview window will open that displays the data found (if any). Once the preview screen has opened, you have a control toolbar with the following functions available. 635 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Zoom Controls Figure 973 - The Print Preview Navigation Controls - Zoom to Width Selected Note that the aspect ratio (ratio of width to height) of the report image is always maintained in the view window. The dimensions and orientation in the printer setup determine the print preview orientation and dimensions. However, you do have some control over the relative size of the document as it appears in the view window. There are three 'zoom' controls as explained below • Zoom to Fit - The preview image page is resized to fit equally within the width and height of the current window size. The document aspect ratio will be maintained, so the preview document will be made to fit the smallest dimension (width or height) • 100 % - Zooms the preview image to a full 8.5 x 11 size. This button allows you to read the document by making it full size. Note that 8.5 x 11 is the default size, but if you have another size set in your printer setup, this zoom will zoom to the size of your current page setting in the printer settings of the printer selected in the CardAccess System Settings 'Report Printer' field • Zoom to Width - This button links the report display size to the size of width of the display window. As you stretch the report display window wider, the page display also follows with the width increase. The report display aspect ratio is maintained so as you stretch wider, the height of the report can exceed the height of the display window and bring up a scroll bar. The Zoom to Width setting is the default when you first open the preview window Navigation Controls Figure 974 - The Print Preview Screen Navigation Controls The navigation controls allow you to page through a report when the report has returned more than one page. There are several buttons on to toolbar as follows. 636 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L • First Page - Zooms to the fist page of the report • Previous Page - Zooms to the previous page number (zooms 'left') • Next Page - Zooms to the next page number (zooms 'right') • Last Page - Zooms to the last page of the report • Go to Page - Allows you to zoom to a specific page of the report. Click the 'Go to Page' button and fill the page number in to the message box that appears (Figure 888) Figure 975 -The Go to Page Message Box Printing Controls Figure 976 - The Print Preview Screen Printing Controls • Printer Setup - Clicking the 'Printer Setup' button brings up the configuration settings page for the CardAccess report printer. You can change the operational setting before printing from this control • Print - Clicking the 'Print' button sends the report to the printer. This is the printer that was selected as the report printer in the CardAccess System Settings File Controls 637 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 977 - The Print Preview Screen File Controls You can save the results of a report search as a file and recall it again in a preview window. The controls that perform those functions are explained below. • Save as Report - If you wish to save the results of the report search as a file, click the 'Save as Report' button and give the file a descriptive name • Load Report - If you have saved any report files, this button will allow you to open a report file and view it in the print preview window Status Bar Figure 978 - The Print Preview Status Bar The status bar displays the total number of pages returned from the database based on your search criteria (this will be the actual number of printed pages). Also displayed is the page number of the page that is currently being viewed Close the Report Preview Figure 979 - The Print Preview Close Button • Close - Click the Close button to close the print preview window. Alternately, you may also click the close button at the top right of the print preview window (the button with the 'x') 638 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Access Group Report Figure 980 – Access Group Report Screen The Access Group Report is used whenever it is necessary to review or print the readers and schedules associated with each Access Group. Create a Basic Access Group Report • Open AccessGroups3000.exe – Open the Report screen by clicking the AccessGroups3000.exe shortcut available in the Reports/Other Reports menu • All Groups – Put a check in the checkbox next to “All Groups” • Access Group Range – Leave the default setting of 1-thru 1000 • Report Title – Enter a Report Title for your report in the textbox next to “Report Title” • Start New Page for each Access Group – Leave unchecked • Click Preview or Print – If you wish to preview your report before printing, click Preview. Otherwise, go right to Print You have just created a basic Access Groups report for all groups. 639 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Access Group Report Screen Controls A detailed explanation of the Access Groups screen follows. • All Groups Figure 981 – The All Groups Section This checkbox gives the user the ability to include all Access Groups in the report. Placing a checkmark in the All Access Group checkbox will automatically set the “Access Group” dropdown box to “No Filter”. • Access Group Figure 982– The Access Group screen section The Access Group drop down box gives the user the ability to select a single Access Group to report on. Clicking the down arrow in the “Access Group” drop down box will give you a list of all Access Groups for your selection 640 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L • Acc Group Range Figure 983 – The Acc Group Range screen section The Acc Group Range gives the user the ability to enter a range of Access Groups to report on. You enter the range by directly entering the value into the text box or by using the arrows to select a value. The maximum Access Groups the system can have is 1000. • Report Title Figure 984 – The Report Title Box Screen Section The Report Title textbox gives the user the ability to enter a custom name for a report 641 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L • Start New Page for Each Access Group Figure 985 – The Start New Page for Each Access Group checkbox screen section . This checkbox gives the user the ability to print a new page for each Access Group in the report. Placing a checkmark in the checkbox will enable this feature • Preview Figure 986 – The Preview Report screen The preview button gives the user the ability to preview the report before printing it. To preview the report, click on the Preview button. 642 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L • Print The print button gives the user the ability to print the report to the currently selected Report printer. To print the report, click on the Print button. 643 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Alert Response Report The Alert Response report is used to preview or create a hard copy print out of the Operator Alert Responses that have been attached to events and have been archived in the CardAccess database. Create a Basic Alert Response Report To create an Alert Response report, do the following: • Open the Alerts Response Report – Open the Alert Response report screen by clicking the AlertResponse3000.exe shortcut available in the Reports/Other Reports menu. This action will display the screen displayed in Figure 987 Figure 987 – Alert Response Preview/Print screen • Preview – If you wish to see a preview before printing, click the Preview button. A report will display listing of all of the alert responses stored in the CardAccess database Figure 988 – The Preview Button • Print – Click the Print button to get a hard copy of the report. The report will print out on the printer selected in the System Settings screen, in the Report Printer field (see the manual section entitled ‘System Settings’ for more information) Figure 989 – The Print Button 644 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Badges Report Figure 990 – The Badges.exe Report Personnel screen The Badges.exe Report allows the user to generate a report on any information regarding a badge holder that has been entered in the Personnel section of the CardAccess software. Note: This is not an activity report. The Badges.exe report consists of two sections separated by two tabs on the top-left hand side of the screen. The Personnel section (See Figure 990) is comprised of a series of filter options, which the user may utilize to narrow the report when looking for specific information about a badge holder or badge holders. As in other reports, if no filters are selected, the report will display all information related to the all badge holders contained in the CardAccess database. 645 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 991 – The Badges.exe Report Access List screen The Access List function is to show the relationship of badge holders and readers in the system. In other words, this report shows when and where a badge holder may enter the building or buildings. By using the filters (See Figure 991) the user may filter the report to retrieve only the information that is needed. 646 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Create a Basic Badges (Personnel) Report To create a basic Badges report using the Personnel section, do the following. Note: In this example, we will not be utilizing any filters to create this report. • Open the Badges Report – Open the Badges report by clicking the Badges.exe shortcut, available under the Reports/Other Reports menu. • Personnel – Select the Personnel section by clicking the tab labeled Personnel in the upper left-hand side of the Report screen • Select Preview or Print – The default settings will yield a report which will include all badge holders and all their information that has been entered in the General section of the Personnel screen • Access List – Select the Access List section by clicking the tab labeled ‘Access List’ in the upper left-hand side of the Report screen. Complete one (1) of the following bulleted steps below to create a report. o Personnel Access List for a Reader ! Click the Checkbox – Click the arrow adjacent to the Reader Description field. Select a Reader by clicking on it. The selected Reader should appear in the Reader Description field and a check will appear in the Access List checkbox. See the section on Personnel Access List for a Reader below for detailed information. Figure 992 – The Personnel Access List for a Reader screen ! Click Preview or Print – The report should yield a list of badge holders that have access to the reader that was previously selected. o Access List for Badgeholder 647 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L ! Click the arrow adjacent to the Badgeholder Name field. Select a badgeholder by clicking on it. The selected Badgeholder should appear in the Badgeholder Name field and a check will appear in the Reader List checkbox. See the section on Access List for Badgeholder below for detailed information. Figure 993 – The Access List for Badgeholder screen ! Click Preview or Print. The report should yield a list of readers that the selected badgeholder has access to. o Personnel Access Group List ! Click the checkbox adjacent to the Access Group field. Select an access group by clicking on it. The selected access Group should appear in the Access Group field and a check will appear in the Access Group List checkbox. See the section on Personnel Access Group List below for detailed information. Figure 994 – The Personnel Access Group List screen ! Click Preview or Print. The report should yield a list of badge holders that have the selected Access Group assigned to them. 648 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Badges Report Screen Controls A detailed view of each of the Badges report screen controls follows Note: The filters below may be used alone or in conjunction with other filters on this screen. • Badge Numbers Figure 995 – The Badge Numbers range selection screen The Badge Numbers selection field allows the user to select a range of badge numbers in which to report on. By default this option is de-selected. To activate this feature, click the checkbox adjacent to the Badge Numbers text. Then enter the numeric value for the badge range you are interested in. • Access Group Figure 996 – The Access Group filter The Access Group field is used whenever the user needs to report on badge holders in a particular Access Group and filter out all badge holders from other Access Groups. Click the arrow adjacent to the Access Group window. Select the Access Group you wish to report on by clicking on it. The selected Access Group should appear in the Access Group window. • Groups Figure 997 – The Groups filter The Groups field is used whenever the user needs to report on badge holders from a particular personnel Group and filter out all badge holders from other personnel Groups. Click the arrow adjacent to the Group window. Select the Group you wish to report on by clicking on it. The selected Group should appear in the Group window. Note: Since Groups are not a required programming element necessary for system operation; there may be no Groups in this list to 649 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L choose from. See the manual chapter entitled ‘Personnel’ for more information. • Department Figure 998 – The Department filter The Department field is used whenever the user needs to report on badge holders from a particular Department and filter out all badge holders from other Departments. Click the arrow adjacent to the Department window. Select the Department you wish to report on by clicking on it. The selected Department should appear in the Department window. Note: Since Departments are not a required programming element necessary for system operation; there may be no Departments in this list to choose from. See the manual chapter entitled ‘Personnel’ for more information. • Location Figure 999 – The Location filter The Location field is used whenever the user needs to report on badge holders from a particular Location and filter out all badge holders from other Locations. Click the arrow adjacent to the Location window. Select the Location you wish to report on by clicking on it. The selected Location should appear in the Location window. Note: Since Locations are not a required programming element necessary for system operation; there may be no Locations in this list to choose from. See the section on Personnel for detailed information. • Alarm Shunt Group Figure 1000 – The Alarm Shunt Group filter The Alarm Shunt Group field is used whenever the user needs to report on badge holders from a particular Alarm Shunt Group and filter out all badge holders from other Alarm Shunt Groups. Click the arrow adjacent to the Alarm Shunt Grp window. 650 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Select the Alarm Shunt Group you wish to report on by clicking on it. The selected Alarm Shunt Group should appear in the Location window. Note: Since Alarm Shunt Groups are not a required programming element necessary for system operation; there may be no Alarm Shunt Groups in this list to choose from. See the section on Personnel for detailed information. • Selection Filters Figure 1001 – The Selection Filters screen The Selection Filters section of the badges report is comprised of a list options pertaining to badgeholder programming. Once a filter is chosen with a checkmark, only that filter will be used to create the report. Example: If Enabled is checked, only those badge holder’s with active enabled cards will appear on the report. A description of each filter follows o Enabled/Disabled – Refers to whether or not a badgeholder is active in the system. o Resident/NonResident – Refers to whether or not the badgeholder is stored at the panel level. See Stay on Panel portion of the Personnel section for detailed information. o Escorted – Refers to whether or not a badge holder’s card is programmed as escorted. See the Escorted portion of the Personnel section for detailed information. o Door Shunting – Refers to whether or not a badgeholder is assigned to a Door Shunting Group. See the Alarm Shunt Control portion of the Personnel section for detailed information. • Date Ranges 651 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 1002 – The Date Ranges screen The Date Ranges screen allows the user to report on badge holders by using specific dates for certain options. Simply check the option you with to report on and then enter a start date and an end date in the windows provided. o Activation – With this option checked the user has the ability to find badge holders that had their cards activated (Enabled) within the time frame specified in the date screen. See the Personnel section for detailed information. o Deactivation – With this option checked the user has the ability to find badge holders that had their cards deactivated (Disabled) within the timeframe specified in the date screen. See the Personnel section for detailed information. o Hire – With this option checked the user has the ability to find badge holders that were hired within the timeframe specified in the date screen. See the Personnel section for detailed information. o Last Edited – With this option checked the user has the ability to find badge holders that had their personnel information edited within the timeframe specified in the date screen. See the Personnel section for detailed information. o Unused – With this option checked the user has the ability to find badge holders that have no presented their cards to any reader in the system within the timeframe specified in the date screen. See the Personnel section for detailed information. 652 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L • Output Figure 1003 – The Output screen The Output screen allows the user to customize how the report is printed by specifying how it will be sorted. It also allows the user to assign a custom Report Title. Figure 1004 – The Primary and Secondary Sort window drop down list o Primary Sort – Click the arrow adjacent to the Primary Sort window. A drop-down list will appear (See Figure 15). Select the item you wish to use as the primary sort item by clicking on it. The selected item should appear highlighted in the Primary Sort window. When the report is run, this item will appear in the first column. o Secondary Sort – Click the arrow adjacent to the Secondary Sort window. A drop-down list will appear (See Figure 15). Select the time you wish to use as the secondary sort item by clicking on it. The selected item should appear highlighted in the Secondary Sort window. When the report is run, this item will appear in the second column. o Report Title – Enter the text you wish to use for the title of the report. The title can be as long or as short as necessary. 653 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L • Report Content Figure 1005 – The Report Content Screen The Report Content Screen allows the user to select how much information will be included when a report is run. o Minimal – When this option is selected the report will contain only the information that has been entered in the General portion of the Personnel screen. See the Personnel section for detailed Information o With Personal Data – When this option is selected the report will contain the Minimal data as well as any data that has been entered in the Personal portion of the Personnel screen. See the Personnel section for detailed information o All Data – When this option is selected the report will contain the Minimal and Personal data as well as all the information entered in the custom portion of the Personnel screen. See the System Settings and Personnel sections for detailed information • Other Search Criteria Figure 1006 – The Other Search Criteria screen The Other Search Criteria screen allows the user to narrow the report even further by using personnel fields from the database. Depending 654 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L on the report requirements, the user can setup one or multiple operations for this feature to yield the proper results. To start, click the arrow adjacent to the Field window. A drop-down list will appear with all options related to Personnel (See Figure 18). Figure 1007 – The Field option drop-down list To select the field you would like to use to filter your report, click on it. The selected field will be displayed in the Field window. Next, click the arrow adjacent to the Condition window. A drop-down list will appear with the following options. (See Figure 19) Figure 1008 – The Condition window The Condition window is used to determine the relationship between the Field setting we are using and the value setting of the condition o Equal (=) – Using this symbol yields results that are equal to the setting in the Value field. Example 1 – Using Badge as the Field and 125 as the value, the resulting report will only contain information for Badgeholder number 125 o Greater Than or Equal To (>=) – Using this symbol yields results that are greater than or equal to the setting in the Value field. Example 2 – Using example 1 above, the resulting report will contain information for badge holders 125 and higher o Less Than (<) – Using this symbol yields results that are less than the setting in the Value field. 655 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Example 3 – Using example 1 above, the resulting report will contain information for badge holders 124 and lower o Greater Than (>)– Using this symbol yields results that are greater than the setting in the Value field. Example 4 – Using example 1 above, the resulting report will contain information for badge holders 126 and higher o Less Than or Equal To (<=) – Using this symbol yields results that are less than or equal to the setting in the value field. Example – Using example 1 above, the resulting report will contain information for badge holders 125 and lower o Not Equal To (<>) -Using this symbol yields results that are less than and greater than but not equal to the setting in the value field. Example – Using example 1 above, the resulting report will contain information for badge holders 124 and lower and 126 and higher o Like and Containing– Using these symbols yields results that are similar to the setting in the value field. This is commonly used when searching for a name field but you are not sure exactly how the name is spelled. Example – We are looking for a badgeholder named John Smith. Using Last Name as the Field and Like as the Condition we can enter SM for the value. The resulting report will yield all badge holders with last names starting with SM • Logical Operation Figure 1009 – The Logical Operation screen The Logical Operation field allows the user to create interaction between each expression that is created. By using the settings above properly, the resulting report should contain only the information the user was looking for. These settings will only become highlighted and selectable after the first expression is accepted by the report. This is done by creating the first expression and clicking the Accept button (See Figure 1009). 656 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L o And – When an expression is prefaced with this setting it requires the system to include information from the expression before it and after it. In other words, the system must match the badge holders information to both expressions A and B and include it in the report o Or – When an expression is prefaced with this setting it requires the system to include information from either expression. The system must match the badge holders information to either expression A or B in order for that badgeholder to be included in the report o And Not – When an expression is prefaced with this setting it requires the system to leave out any badgeholder that has information matching that of the expression that follows. The system will try to match information from expression A and B. If it matches both, it will exclude the badgeholder from the report. If it only matches A the badgeholder will be included in the report o Or Not – When an expression is prefaced with this setting it requires the system to include information from either expression with one exception. If the system matches the badge holder’s information from expression A, it will not look to expression B. However, if the system matches no information from expression A, it will look for a match for expression B. 657 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Event Report Figure 1010 – The Events Report Screen The events report is used to create a hard copy history report of event activity. Archived event data that has been saved either to the online database or to an archive database can be accessed by the Events report engine. Note that the CardAccess software has an events archive engine that regularly purges the online database of older events. This enhances system performance by off-loading excess data that could degrade the database system performance. The fact that event history data is regularly being off-loaded from the online database means that archive data for a report may be found in the online database or it may be found in an archive database. The event report does allow you to connect to any SQL server or MSDE database engine (as long as they are registered with the local SQL server) and attach the report to any valid online or archive CardAccess database for the purposes of running a report. 658 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Create a Basic Event Report To create a basic Event report, do the following • Open the Events Report – Open the Events report by clicking the ‘Reports’ button on the CardAccess main toolbar. Once the reports screen is open, click the ‘Other Reports’ tab, and double click the ‘Events3000.exe’ report executable file visible in the list of files in the window Figure 1011 – The Other Reports Folder Tab – Events Report Highlighted • Select a Database – The report is defaulted to generate the Events report using the currently active online events database. If you are running a report on recent events that are likely to be included in the online Events database, you do not need to set a database path. However, if you intend to run a report on older archived events, you will need to ‘point’ the Events report engine to the archive database that you need to run the history report from. To change the report database, do the following. o Click the Setup Tab – Click the Setup tab on the lower left corner of the report. 659 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 1012 – The Event Report Setup Tab o Click the Check Box – Click the Use Alternate Database check box Figure 1013 – The Use Alternate Database Checkbox o Select Server Name – Note that by default, the report engine is connected to the CardAccess main database server. Thus, when you open the report, the ‘Archive Server Name’ field will display the name of the current CardAccess database server. Click the arrow to the right of the ‘Archive Server Name’ control to display the names of all of the servers that have databases connected to the local SQL server Figure 1014 – The Server Name Selection Control o Select Database Name – Once you have successfully connected to the server selected in the ‘Archive Server Name’ field, the Events report engine will fill the ‘Database Name’ field with the names of all of the databases found on that server. You can click the arrow to the right of the Database Name selection control to display the list of databases found. You must be careful to select a CardAccess compatible database. The list of databases shown contains all the active SQL databases on the server, not the CardAccess compatible databases alone 660 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 1015 – The Database Name Selection Control o Confirm Connection – After you select a database in the ‘Database Name’ field, the Event report engine will automatically attempt to connect to the server and database that you have selected. If the database connection attempt is successful, you will get a flashing green indicator (Figure 1016) to the right of the Database Name field. The words ‘Connected to Event’ will also be displayed to the right of the indicator. Figure 1016 – The Successful Connection Indicator If the database connection attempt is unsuccessful, you will get a flashing red indicator (Figure 1017) to the right of the Database Name field. The words ‘Not Connected’ will also be displayed to the right of the indicator. Figure 1017 – The Unsuccessful Connection Indicator • Create a Report Title – You can give your report a descriptive title in the ‘Report Title Field’. Click in the white space and add your title Figure 1018 – The Report Title Field • Select the Report Type – There are two folder tabs that allow you to select the report type. o General Tab – The ‘General’ tab contains selections that allow you to generate a report that returns events that have been 661 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L generated by CardAccess hardware like, door messages, input messages, panel messages, etc. o Personnel Tab – The ‘Personnel’ tab contains selections that allow you to generate a report on various type of valid or violation badge messages If you make no filter selections on the General or Personnel tabs, the report will return all events found in the target events database. In a case where there are many events in the database it is wiser to narrow the data search to create a smaller report. First you must decide what type of events you are searching for a report on. If you are searching for information on a badge holder, click the Personnel tab. If you seek a report on hardware status messages such as panel downloads, input abnormals and the like, select the General tab • Select the Filters – If you select no filters, by default the report engine will return all events. If you wish to narrow your search to create a smaller and more succinct report, you must select ‘filters’. All of the check boxes on the General and Personnel folder tabs exist for one reason – to allow you to focus your report on certain key data. Generally, to select a filter, click on the check box for that filter item. You are allowed to combine as many or few of those filter items as you prefer. Each checked item will be treated with a logical ‘AND’ operator (if it’s this AND that And that, etc) • Select a Date Range – If you do not select a date range, by default the report engine will return results from every day that is included the database. To select a date range that will limit the results returned by the report to the date range selected, click the button to the right of the ‘Date’ fields and select a date from the calendar controls that open Figure 1019 – The Date Range Selection Controls 662 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L • Select the Sort Criteria – When the default printed report displays on the screen or is printed to a printer, it is printed in date occurrence order. You can elect to sort the report in an order that is different from the default by using the ‘Sort Criteria’ controls available on the General and Personnel Tabs Figure 1020 – The General Tab Sort Criteria Section Figure 1021 – The Personnel Tab Sort Criteria Section • Preview the Report – To save paper printing a report that possibly contains the wrong data, it is suggested that elect to view a preview of the report. You can view a preview by clicking the ‘Preview’ button. Figure 1022 – The Preview Button • Print the Report – To print the report click the Print button Figure 1023 – The Print Button 663 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Events Report Screen Controls A detailed view of each of the Events report screen controls follows Setup Tab The ‘Setup’ tab is where you will tell the Events report the name of the database you intend to search. The Events report engine will connect to the requested database and search the events table of that database to create your report. • Use Alternate Database Figure 1024 – The Setup Tab Use Alternate Database Check Box • Archive Server Name Figure 1025 – The Setup Tab Archive Server Name Field If you wish to connect to a different server to run a report on an archive CardAccess database, type the name of the server in the ‘Archive Server Name’ control. The selection in this field defaults to the server name set up in the CardAccess utility ‘DbConnect’ (the CardAccess main database) • Database Name Figure 1026 – The Setup Tab Database Name Selection Field If there is server name supplied in the ‘Archive Server Name’ field, the ‘Database Name’ field will allow you to connect to a database on that server. The Database name field is automatically populated with the names of all databases that are registered with the SQL server mounted on the server defined in the Archive Server Name field mentioned above. Warning – The list displayed in this control includes all the SQL databases registered with the target server. You must be careful to select a CardAccess compatible database. 664 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L When you make a selection in the Database Name control, the Events report engine will attempt to connect to that database immediately. A flashing indicator will appear to the right of the Database Name field to indicate the success or failure of the connection attempt (as seen in Figure 1027 and Figure 1028). The report will not run unless you have connection success. Figure 1027 – The Connection Success Indicator Figure 1028 – The Connection Failure Indicator 665 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Common Tab • Date Range Section Figure 1029 – The Common Tab Date Range Section The ‘Date Range’ section is where you will set the time and date limits for the event report engine. When no time or date is supplied, the report engine will return all events that match the other filter criteria (if supplied) and ignore the date. If a date is supplied and no time range is supplied, all events from the selected days will be returned. If a date range is supplied and a time range is supplied, the report will return the date range requested and the report will be limited to those hours requested. See below for more details o Date Figure 1030 – The Common Tab Date Range Selection Controls The ‘Date’ selection controls are used to select the date range of the search. The field on the left is the start date and the field on the right is the end date. If you select the same date for the start date and the end date, the report will span one day only (midnight to midnight unless you select a time range in the ‘Between Hours’ controls. See below). To select a date, click the button to the right of each field or click in the white space and type a date in the format mm/dd/yyyy o Between Hours Figure 1031 – The Common Tab Between Hours Time Selection Controls 666 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L The ‘Between Hours’ selection controls work in conjunction with the ‘Contiguous Time Range’ control mentioned below. The Between Hours fields set the start and end time end points that the events report engine will use when searching the database for events that match the report filter criteria. If no selection is made in the Between Hours controls, the report o Contiguous Time Range Figure 1032 – The Common Tab Contiguous Time Range Check Box When you select a time range for your report using the ‘Between Hours’ selection controls, the Events report engine assumes that you wish to print out all events that occurred between the hours indicated, on the dates indicated in the ‘Date’ field. For example, if you select 9am as the start time and 5pm as the end time, the standard report will return all events that occurred between the hours of 9 and 5 on each of the days included in the data range selected. Any events that occur before 9am and after 5pm on any day are excluded from the report. If you select the ‘Contiguous Time Range’ option, the Events report engine will return all of the events that occurred between the hours of 9am on the first day, all the way through to 5pm on the last day. All events that occurred each hour of the day between the date and time end points are included. To enable the Contiguous Time Range, click the check box. Checked is enabled, unchecked is disabled (the default) • Show Alert Response Messages Figure 1033 – The Common Tab Show Alert Response Messages Field Normally, alert responses are suppressed in all reports. Alert Responses are saved in the database when an operator manually acknowledges an alert and enters a text message describing an alert. 667 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L If you select the ‘Show Alert Response Messages’ option, each event that has an associated alert response message will have that message printed on the same page as the event. Click on the Show Alert Response Messages check box to enable the feature. Checked is enabled, unchecked is disabled • Report Title Figure 1034 – The Common Tab Report Title Field The Report Title field is where you can create a title for your report that will appear on the top of the report when printed. To enter a title, click in the white space and type your title • Select Device Section o Dev Type Figure 1035 – The Common Tab Device Type Selection Field The ‘Dev Type’ field of the ‘Select Device’ section is used to select a hardware filter for your event report. By default, the event report will return all events for all devices unless you limit the result set by selecting filters. The Dev Type field offers you a list of the hardware device types so you can select one of those device types to narrow your search. To select a device, click the arrow to the right of the Dev Type field and click on your selection 668 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L o Name Figure 1036 – The Common Tab Select Device Section – All Devices Selected The ‘Name’ field will display a list of whatever is selected in the ‘Dev Type’ field directly above the Name field. For example, in Figure 1037, ‘Readers’ has been selected as the device type in the Dev Type field. A list of all readers created in the database is displayed in the Name field, and you are expected to select which readers you wish to have the report return events for. To select an item in the Name field, click on it. Checked means selected, unchecked means unselected Figure 1037 – The Common Tab Select Device Section – Reader Devices Selected 669 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L General Tab • Event Types Section o Doors Section Figure 1038 – The General Tab Doors Section The ‘Doors’ section allows you to select report filters that limit the returned report to only events that have the selected reader related event messages. To select an event type, click the check box. Checked is selected, unchecked is unselected. You may select any or all of the items listed in this section and use them together to further narrow your search If you select the ‘All’ check box, all of the event types listed in the section will be included in the report. You may select the ‘All’ feature or you may select individual items in the section. The report engine will not allow you to select both. o Inputs Section Figure 1039 – The General Tab Inputs Section The ‘Inputs’ section allows you to select report filters that limit the returned report to only events that have the selected input related event messages. To select an event type, click the check box. Checked is selected, unchecked is unselected. You may select any or all of the items listed in this section and use them together to further narrow your search If you select the ‘All’ check box, all of the event types listed in the section will be included in the report. You may select the ‘All’ 670 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L feature or you may select individual items in the section. The report engine will not allow you to select both. o Outputs/Links Section Figure 1040 – The General Tab Outputs/Links Section The ‘Outputs/Links’ section allows you to select report filters that limit the returned report to only events that have the selected output or link related event messages. To select an event type, click the check box. Checked is selected, unchecked is unselected. You may select any or all of the items listed in this section and use them together to further narrow your search If you select the ‘All’ check box, all of the event types listed in the section will be included in the report. You may select the ‘All’ feature or you may select individual items in the section. The report engine will not allow you to select both. o Panels Section Figure 1041 – The General Tab Panels Section The ‘Panels’ section allows you to select report filters that limit the returned report to only events that have the selected panel related event messages. To select an event type, click the check box. Checked is selected, unchecked is unselected. You may select any or all of the items listed in this section and use them together to further narrow your search If you select the ‘All’ check box, all of the event types listed in the section will be included in the report. You may select the ‘All’ 671 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L feature or you may select individual items in the section. The report engine will not allow you to select both. • Sort Criteria Section Figure 1042 – The General Tab Sort Criteria Section You may select one menu item from the list presented in the ‘Sort Criteria’ section of the General tab. You selection will determine how the data printed in the report will be sorted (by date, name, badge number, vehicle tag number or group number). The default report is printed in Date sorted order. Personnel Tab • Event Types Section o All Badge Events Figure 1043 – The Personnel Tab All Badge Events Check Box If the ‘All Badge Events’ check box is checked, all badge type events will be returned in the report. The event types returned include all those listed in the ‘Access Events’ and ‘Violations’ sections discussed below. You may select All Badge Events or you may select individual events in the ‘Access Events’ and ‘Violations’ sections. They are ‘mutually exclusive’ 672 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L o Access Events Section Figure 1044 – The Personnel Tab Access Events Section The ‘Access Events’ section allows you to select report filters that limit the returned report to only events that have the selected valid access event messages. These are event messages that indicate successful accesses. To select an event type, click the check box. Checked is selected, unchecked is unselected. You may select any or all of the items listed in this section and use them together to further narrow your search o Violations Section Figure 1045 – The Personnel Tab Violations Section Check Boxes The violations section of the Events report allows you to select report filters that limit the returned report to only events that have the selected badge violation messages. These are event messages that indicate unsuccessful attempted accesses. To select a violation type, click the check box. Checked is selected, unchecked is unselected. You may select any or all of the items listed in this section and use them together to further narrow your search ! Vehicle No Match Figure 1046 – The Personnel Tab Vehicle No Match Check Box 673 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L When this options is selected (click the check box) the event report returns all events with the event ‘type’ set to ‘Badge Violate, Tag No Match’. Checked is enabled, unchecked is disabled o Show Tracked Only Figure 1047 – The Personnel Tab Show Tracked Check Box The ‘Show Tracked Only’ check box enables a filter that will return only badge events that have ‘Badge Valid Tracked’ event messages in addition to the other search criteria that you have selected in other sections of the Events report screen. To enable the feature, click the check box. Checked is enabled, unchecked is disabled • Badge Selections Section Figure 1048 – The Personnel Tab Badges Selection Section The Badges Selection Section controls refer to settings in the Personnel screen. The fields in this section allow you to set up report filters that retrieve events that match the Personnel record criteria selected. You may select a Badge Range or a Name. In addition, you may select any or all of the remaining fields in this section to further narrow your search. o Badge Range Figure 1049 – The Personnel Tab Badge Range Selection Control 674 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L The ‘Badge Range’ selection allows you to create an event report that contains only events from a selected badge number or badge number range. To select a badge number range, do the following. ! Click the Check Box – To enable the badge number range feature, click the ‘Badge Range’ check box. Checked is enabled, unchecked is disabled ! Select a Range – Next, select a badge number range to limit the report to specific badge numbers. Put the same badge number in both fields if you wish to limit the report to one specific badge number. Declare a range of badge numbers if you wish to have the report retrieve events from all of the badge numbers in that range (inclusive). To enter a value, click the arrows or click in the white space and type in a number o Name Figure 1050 – The Personnel Tab Name Selection Control You can elect to create an event report that returns only events generated by a specific badge holder name. If you wish to create such a report do the following. ! Click the Check Box – Click the ‘Name’ check box. When the Name check box is checked, a listing of all of the badges created in the Personnel screen will appear in the combo box to the right of the check box. ! Select a Name – Select the badge whose events you wish to create a report on by clicking the arrow to the right of the selection control, scroll up or down to locate the name and click on it ! Match Name from Event Record – The ‘Match Name from Event Record’ check box modifies the behavior of the Events report search engine. By default, when you supply a name to search for in the ‘Name’ combo box, the Events report will look up the badge number for that cardholder in the CardAccess database. The Events 675 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L report will then use that badge number in search for events matching the selected criteria. In a case where a cardholder has several cards issued to the same name, the default search will return events for only one of those card numbers. The Match Name from Event Record check box forces the Events report to search the ‘Description’ field of the Events table for the actual name of the cardholder. This will tend to return any events that have the cardholder name associated with them, regardless of card number. Though this method of searching the database may prove slightly slower to return report results, it is a more thorough search, which returns events that have every card number associated with the badge holder name Figure 1051 – The Match Name from Event Record Check Box o Facility No. Figure 1052 – The Personnel Tab Facility Number Selection Field The ‘Facility No.’ selection control allows you to create a report only of events that include badges that have the selected Facility Number assigned. The Facility No. refers to the ‘Facility’ field of the Personnel screen. Thus, the facility number in this field is the position number of a particular facility code in the ‘Codes’ section of the Facility Codes screen (available from the ‘Administration’ menu). See the manual sections entitled ‘Personnel’ and ‘Facility Codes’ for more information To select a group, click the arrow to the right of the Group field and click your selection 676 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L o Group Figure 1053 – The Personnel Tab Group Selection Control The ‘Group’ selection control allows you to create a report only of events that include badges that have the selected group assigned. To select a group, click the arrow to the right of the Group field and click your selection o Personnel Search Criteria Figure 1054 – The Personnel Tab Personnel Search Criteria Button Click the ‘Personnel Search Criteria’ button to bring up the standard CardAccess ‘Search Criteria’ selection box. Figure 1055 – The Personnel Search Criteria Selection Screen The search Criteria selection box allows you to define additional search filters that may include any field of the Personnel screen 677 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L • Vehicle Selection Section Figure 1056 – The Personnel Tab Vehicle Selections Section The ‘Vehicle Selections’ section of the Event report is used if you wish to run a report on a specific vehicle badge holder. When you activate this section by checking the ‘Vehicle Tag Report’ check box, the report results are limited to the badge selected in the ‘Vehicle Description’ field o Vehicle Tag Report – The Vehicle Tag Report check box activates the ‘Vehicle Description’ control below. Checked is enabled, unchecked is disabled (the default) o Vehicle Description – When you enable the ‘Vehicle Tag Report’ check box, a list of badges that have the ‘Vehicle Tag’ option set in the Personnel screen will appear in the Vehicle Description control. Your selection will cause the report engine to return only events with the selected vehicle badge included. To select a specific vehicle badge to run a report on, click the arrow to the right of the Vehicle Description field, scroll up or down to locate your selection, click the selection • Sort Criteria Section Figure 1057 – Personnel Tab Sort Criteria Section You may select one menu item from the list presented in the ‘Sort Criteria’ section of the Personnel tab. You selection will determine how the data printed in the report will be sorted (by date, by name, badge number, vehicle tag number or group number). The default report is printed in date-sorted order. 678 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Templates Tab The ‘Templates’ tab is where you can create an Event report template file that can be recalled later. The template file allows you to recall the settings of a given report for the purpose of running a specific report on a regular basis, without the need to select all of the report options each time. You create a report template by doing the following. • Visit the ‘General’ or ‘Personal’ folder tab of the report and select the report options • Visit the ‘Templates’ folder tab of the report and select the ‘Report Type’ and the ‘Date Range’ of the report (see below). Save Template Section Figure 1058 – The Templates Tab Save Template Section The ‘Save Template’ section of the ‘Templates’ tab is used if you wish to automatically set a date range for a report template. The controls in the Save Template section work in conjunction with the controls in the ‘Date Range’ section of the Templates tab. A selection in the Save Template section will automatically change the date range selected in the ‘Date’ fields of the Date Range section • Report Type Section 679 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 1059 – The Templates Tab Report Type Section The ‘Report Type’ section allows you to automatically select the report type for the current report template. The settings in this section correspond to the ‘General’ and ‘Personnel’ folder tabs available at the top of the Event report screen. You are expected to select your report options on the General tab or the Personnel tab, and then move to the ‘Templates’ tab to select the time interval that the report will cover • Reporting Interval Section Figure 1060 – The Templates Tab Reporting Interval Section The reporting interval section offers you a way to automatically select a Date Range for your report template. When you make a selection, the Date Range control is loaded with the appropriate date range • Which Interval Section Figure 1061 – The Templates Tab Which Interval Section The ‘Which Interval’ controls work in conjunction with the ‘Date Range’ controls on the ‘Common Tab’ at the bottom of the Event report screen and the ‘Reporting Interval’ controls mentioned in the section above. The details follow. o Current – When selected, the report will automatically change the data range selection to the current day, week, or month 680 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L o Previous – When selected, the report will automatically change the data range to the previous day (yesterday’s date), week (last week from Sunday to Saturday), or month (last month from the first day of the month to the last day of the month) Retrieve Template Figure 1062 – The Templates Tab Retrieve Template Selection Control Report Templates are stored in the CardAccess database. If there are any Event report templates in the current database, the names of those templates will appear in the drop down list in the ‘Retrieve Template’ field. To select a template, click the arrow to the right of the ‘Retrieve Template’ field, scroll up or down to find your selection, click it to select it. 681 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Facility Code Report The Facility Code report is used to preview or create a hard copy print out of the Facility Codes that you have created in the Facility Codes screen, available from the Administration menu. Create a Basic Facility Code Report To create a Facility Code report, do the following: • Open the Facility Code Report – Open the Facility Code report screen by clicking the Facility3000.exe shortcut available in the Reports/Other Reports menu. This action will display the screen displayed in Figure 1. Figure 1063– Facility Code Preview/Print screen • Preview – If you wish to preview the report before printing, click the Preview button. The report will display on your monitor screen, listing all the Facility Codes programmed into your card access software Figure 1064 – The Preview Button • Print – Click the Print button to get a printed hard copy of the report Figure 1065 – The Print Button 682 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Groups Report The Groups report is used to preview or create a printed hard copy of the User Groups that were created in the ‘Groups’ screen, available from the Administration menu. Create a Basic User Group Report To create a User Group report, do the following: • Open the User Group Report – Open the User Group report screen by double clicking the Groups3000.exe shortcut available in the Reports/Other Reports menu. This action will display the screen displayed in Figure 1066 Figure 1066 – User Group Preview/Print screen • Preview – Click the Preview button. A report will display listing all the User Groups programmed into your card access software. Figure 1067 – The Preview Button • Print – Click the Print button to get a hard copy of the report. Figure 1068 – The Print Button 683 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Hardware Report Figure 1069 – The Hardware Report Main Screen The 'Hardware' report is used to create a hard copy print out which details the hardware that has been programmed into the various CardAccess configuration screens. There are five folder tabs in the Hardware report main screen. Each folder tab allows you to create a report on the following specific hardware types. • Panels - The 'Panels' tab allows you to create a report that lists the panels that have been created in the CardAccess Panels screen • Readers - The 'Readers' tab allows you to create a report that lists the doors that have been created in the CardAccess Readers screen • Inputs - The 'Inputs' tab allows you to create a report that lists the input definitions that have been created in the CardAccess Inputs screen • Relays - The 'Relays' tab allows you to create a report that lists the relay definitions that have been created in the CardAccess Relays screen • Composite - A report that is run from the 'Composite' tab will produce a hard copy listing of all the hardware listed above (panels, readers, inputs, and relays) 684 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L The hardware report can be very useful when you run it after creating a new CardAccess system. You can get a hard copy listing of the hardware configuration and file it. Should you need to rebuild the configuration at a later time, this hard copy hardware configuration report will provide reconfiguration guidance. The hardware report can also be run after the completion of the programming of a new system, and can later be used as evidence in the event that someone who is unauthorized has changed the configuration and you need to prove that. 685 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Create a Basic Hardware Report To create a basic Hardware report, do the following • Open the Hardware Report - Open the Hardware report by double clicking the Hardware3000.exe shortcut available in the Configuration/Reports/Other reports menu • Report Title – The Panels tab will be highlighted by default. Click the Report title field and type in a title for your report if desired (not mandatory) Figure 1070 – The Report title screen • Select a Folder Tab - There are five folder tabs to select from. Click the folder tab for the type of report you wish to run o Panels - Use this report to print out the panels hardware configuration o Readers - Use this report to print out the readers hardware configuration o Inputs - Use this report to print out the inputs hardware configuration o Relays - Use this report to print out the relays hardware configuration o Composite - Use this report to print out the hardware configuration of all the hardware in the other four categories mentioned above • Enter Filter Criteria - In each of the fields of the selected folder tab, enter filter criteria to narrow the report result. If no criteria are entered, the report will return all records found. See the help topic section specific to the folder tab that you have selected for more information on activating search filtering • Preview or Print – If you wish to review the report before printing, click the Preview button. If you wish to Print the report without previewing, click Print. 686 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Hardware Report Panels Tab Figure 1071 - The Hardware Report Panels Tab You can use the Hardware Report 'Panels' tab to created a printed listing of any or all of the panels that have been created in the CardAccess 'Panels' configuration screen. The report will include information on which Com port the panels are connected to, and the setting of each control and field of each panel included in the report. Panels Tab Controls • Panels Section - When you check the 'Panels' check box, the Hardware Report utility allows you to select either a panel number range to search for, or a specific panel name to search for. The Hardware Report will then filter the report to include only those panels that you selected. See a specific explanation of each field below. Figure 1072 - The Panels Selection Section o Panels Check Box - When you select the 'Panels' check box, you signal your intention to supply a range of panel numbers in the 'Start' and 'End' fields (mentioned below) or to supply a specific panel name to search for. By default, the Hardware Panels report will print the configuration details of all panels, unless you limit the result by providing a panel number range in the Start and End fields. When you select the Panels check box and provide the panel number range, the report is filtered to include only those panels that you have selected. Click the Panels check box to select 687 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L the option to tell the Hardware Report which panels that you wish to view a report on. Checked is selected (and filtered), unchecked means that all panels will appear in the report Figure 1073 - The Panels Check Box o Start and End Fields - If you have clicked the 'Panels' check box mentioned above, you are permitted to filter the Panels Report to include only those panel numbers that you select in the 'Start' and 'End' fields. Type in a start number and an end number to establish the end points of the report search. If you use the same number in the Start and End fields, the report will return only one panel. The Start and End fields expect you to type in the panel number. The panel number of a given panel is found in the 'PnlNo' field of the CardAccess Panels configuration screen Figure 1074 - The Start and End Fields o Selected Field - You will use the 'Selected' field if you have checked the Panels check box mentioned above, and you wish to select a specific panel by name. Click the arrow to the right of the Selected field and click on your chosen panel name to selected it. The names of all panels that have been created in the Panels screen will be listed. Note that if you select a panel name, the report will return the results from one panel only Figure 1075 - The Selected Field • Group Field - Make a selection in the 'Group' field if you wish to limit the report results to only those panels that belong to a selected group. In the case where you select a panel number range and a group, the report engine will return only the panels that match both criteria. If no selection is made in the Group field, all groups will be included in the report result • Com Port Field - Make a selection in the 'Com Port' field if you wish to limit the report results to only those panels that have the selected 688 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Com port assigned. In the case where you select a panel number range and other search criteria such as the Com Port field, the report engine will return only the panels that match all the selected criteria. If no selection is made in the Com Port field, all Com ports will be included in the report result • Dial Up Node Field - Make a selection in the 'Dial Up Node' field if you wish to limit the report results to only those panels that are assigned to the selected dial node. In the case where you select a panel number range and other search criteria such as the Dial Up Node field, the report engine will return only the panels that match all the selected criteria. If no selection is made in the Dial Up Node field, all Dial Up Nodes will be included in the report result Note that you may select any or all of the fields as you see fit. Each field filter that you add to the Hardware Report search will narrow the report result. 689 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Hardware Report Readers Tab Figure 1076 - The Hardware Report Readers Tab You can use the Hardware Report 'Readers' tab to created a printed listing of any or all of the readers that have been created in the CardAccess 'Readers' configuration screen. The report will include information on which panel the readers are connected to, and the setting of each control and field of each reader included in the report. Readers Tab Controls • Panels Section - When you check the 'Panels' check box, the Hardware Report utility allows you to select either a panel number range to search for, or a specific panel name to search for. The Hardware Report will then filter the report to include readers from only those panels that you selected. See a specific explanation of each field below Figure 1077 - The Panels Selection Section o Panels Check Box - When you select the 'Panels' check box, you signal your intention to supply a range of panel numbers in the 'Start' and 'End' fields (mentioned below) or to supply a specific panel name to search for. By default, the Hardware Panels report will print the configuration details of readers found on all panels, unless you limit the result by providing a panel number range in 690 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L the Start and End fields. When you select the Panels check box and provide the panel number range, the report is filtered to include readers that are configured on only those panels that you have selected. Click the Panels check box to select the option to tell the Hardware Report which panels that you wish to view a report on. Checked is selected (and filtered), unchecked means that all panels will appear in the report Figure 1078 - The Panels Check Box o Start and End Fields - If you have clicked the 'Panels' check box mentioned above, you are permitted to filter the Panels Report to include only those readers that are connected to the panel numbers that you select in the 'Start' and 'End' fields. Type in a start number and an end number to establish the end points of the report search. If you use the same number in the Start and End fields, the report will return a listing of the readers on only one panel. The Start and End fields expect you to type in the panel number. The panel number of a given panel is found in the 'PnlNo' field of the CardAccess Panels configuration screen Figure 1079 - The Start and End Fields o Selected Field - You will use the 'Selected' field if you have checked the Panels check box mentioned above and you wish to see a report on readers for one specific panel, by providing the panel name instead of the panel number. Click the arrow to the right of the Selected field and click on your chosen panel name to selected it. The names of all panels that have been created in the Panels screen will be listed. Note that if you select a panel name, the report will return the results from one panel only Figure 1080 - The Selected Field • Reader Group Field - Make a selection in the 'Reader Group' field if you wish to limit the report results to only those readers that belong to a selected group. In the case where you select a panel number range 691 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L and a group, the report engine will return only the readers that match both criteria Figure 1081 - The Reader Group Field 692 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Hardware Report Inputs Tab Figure 1082 - The Hardware Report Inputs Tab You can use the Hardware Report Inputs tab to created a printed listing of any or all of the inputs that have been created in the CardAccess 'Inputs' configuration screen. The report will include information on which panels the inputs are connected to, and the setting of every control and field of each input included in the report. Inputs Tab Controls • Panels Section - When you check the 'Panels' check box, the Hardware Report utility allows you to select either a panel number range to search for, or a specific panel name to search for. The Hardware Report will then filter the report to include only those inputs that belong on the panels that you selected. See a specific explanation of each field below Figure 1083 - The Panels Selection Section o Panels Check Box - When you select the 'Panels' check box, you signal your intention to supply a range of panel numbers in the 'Start' and 'End' fields (mentioned below) or to supply a specific panel name to search for. By default, the Hardware Panels report will print the input configuration details of all panels, unless you limit the result by providing a panel number range in the Start and End fields. When you select the Panels check box and provide the 693 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L panel number range, the report is filtered to include only those inputs that are activated on the panels that you have selected. Click the Panels check box to select the option to tell the Hardware Report which panels that you wish to view a report on. Checked is selected (and filtered), unchecked means that all panels will appear in the report Figure 1084 - The Panels Check Box o Start and End Fields - If you have clicked the 'Panels' check box mentioned above, you are permitted to filter the Panels Report to include only those inputs that belong to the panel numbers that you select in the 'Start' and 'End' fields. Type in a start number and an end number to establish the end points of the report search. If you use the same number in the Start and End fields, the report will return only one panel. The Start and End fields expect you to type in the panel number. The panel number of a given panel is found in the 'PnlNo' field of the CardAccess Panels configuration screen Figure 1085 - The Start and End Fields o Selected Field - You will use the 'Selected' field if you have checked the Panels check box mentioned above, and you wish to select a specific panel by name. Click the arrow to the right of the Selected field and click on your chosen panel name to selected it. The names of all panels that have been created in the Panels screen will be listed. Note that if you select a panel name, the report will return the results from that one panel only Figure 1086 - The Selected Field • Input Group Field - Make a selection in the 'Input Group' field if you wish to limit the report results to only those panels that belong to a selected group. In the case where you select a panel number range and a group, the report engine will return only the panels that match both criteria 694 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N Figure 1087 - The Input Group Field 695 M A N U A L C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Hardware Report Relays Tab Figure 1088 - The Hardware Report Relays Tab You can use the Hardware Report 'Relays' tab to created a printed listing of any or all of the readers that have been created in the CardAccess 'Relays' configuration screen. The report will include information on which panel the relays are connected to, and the setting of each control and field of the relay(s) included in the report. Relays Tab Controls • Panels Section - When you check the 'Panels' check box, the Hardware Report utility allows you to select either a panel number range to search for, or a specific panel name to search for. The Hardware Report will then filter the report to include only relays from those panels that you selected. See a specific explanation of each field below Figure 1089 - The Panels Selection Section o Panels Check Box - When you select the 'Panels' check box, you signal your intention to supply a range of panel numbers in the 'Start' and 'End' fields (mentioned below) or to supply a specific panel name to search for. By default, the Hardware Panels report will print the relay configuration details of all panels, unless you limit the result by providing a panel number range in the Start and End fields. When you select the Panels check box and provide the 696 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L panel number range, the report is filtered to include only those panels that you have selected. Click the Panels check box to select the option to tell the Hardware Report which panels that you wish to view a report on. Checked is selected (and filtered), unchecked means that all panels will appear in the report Figure 1090 - The Panels Check Box o Start and End Fields - If you have clicked the 'Panels' check box mentioned above, you are permitted to filter the Panels Report to include relays from only those panel numbers that you select, in the 'Start' and 'End' fields. Type in a start number and an end number to establish the end points of the report search. If you use the same number in the Start and End fields, the report will return only one panel. The Start and End fields expect you to type in the panel number. The panel number of a given panel is found in the 'PnlNo' field of the CardAccess Panels configuration screen Figure 1091 - The Start and End Fields o Selected Field - You will use the 'Selected' field if you have checked the Panels check box mentioned above, and you wish to select a specific panel by name. Click the arrow to the right of the Selected field and click on your chosen panel name to selected it. The names of all panels that have been created in the Panels screen will be listed. Note that if you select a panel name, the report will return the results from that one panel only Figure 1092 - The Selected Field • Relay Group Field - Make a selection in the 'Relay Group' field if you wish to limit the report results to only those panels that belong to a selected group. In the case where you select a panel number range and a group, the report engine will return only the panels that match both criteria 697 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N Figure 1093 - The Relay Group Field 698 M A N U A L C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Hardware Report Composite Tab Figure 1094 - The Hardware Report Composite Tab The 'Composite' report will return a report that includes a listing of all panels, readers, inputs and relays. This is a summary report, which includes all hardware mentioned in each of the other individual reports. The controls of the Composite tab are explained below. Composite Tab Controls • Panels Section - When you check the 'Panels' check box, the Hardware Report utility allows you to select either a panel number range to search for, or a specific panel name to search for. The Hardware Report will then filter the report to include hardware from only those panels that you selected. See a specific explanation of each field below Figure 1095 - The Panels Selection Section o Panels Check Box - When you select the 'Panels' check box, you signal your intention to supply a range of panel numbers in the 'Start' and 'End' fields (mentioned below) or to supply a specific panel name to search for. By default, the Hardware Panels report will print the configuration details of all panels, unless you limit the result by providing a panel number range in the Start and End fields. When you select the Panels check box and provide the panel number range, the report is filtered to include hardware 699 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L from only those panels that you have selected. Click the Panels check box to select the option to tell the Hardware Report which panels that you wish to view a report on. Checked is selected (and filtered), unchecked means that all panels will appear in the report Figure 1096- The Panels Check Box o Start and End Fields - If you have clicked the 'Panels' check box mentioned above, you are permitted to filter the Panels Report to include only those panel numbers that you select in the 'Start' and 'End' fields. Type in a start number and an end number to establish the end points of the report search. If you use the same number in the Start and End fields, the report will return only one panel. The Start and End fields expect you to type in the panel number. The panel number of a given panel is found in the 'PnlNo' field of the CardAccess Panels configuration screen Figure 1097 - The Start and End Fields o Selected Field - You will use the 'Selected' field if you have checked the Panels check box mentioned above, and you wish to select a specific panel by name. Click the arrow to the right of the Selected field and click on your chosen panel name to selected it. The names of all panels that have been created in the Panels screen will be listed. Note that if you select a panel name, the report will return the results from one panel only Figure 1098 - The Selected Field • Group Field - Make a selection in the 'Group' field if you wish to limit the report results to only the hardware that belongs to the panels in the selected group. In the case where you select a panel number range and a group, the report engine will return only the panels that match both criteria. If no selection is made in the Group field, all groups will be included in the report result 700 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L • Com Port Field - Make a selection in the 'Com Port' field if you wish to limit the report results to only those panels that have the selected Com port assigned. In the case where you select a panel number range and other search criteria such as the Com Port field, the report engine will return only the panels that match all the selected criteria. If no selection is made in the Com Port field, all Com ports will be included in the report result • Dial Up Node Field - Make a selection in the 'Dial Up Node' field if you wish to limit the report results to only those panels that are assigned to the selected dial node. In the case where you select a panel number range and other search criteria such as the Dial Up Node field, the report engine will return only the panels that match all the selected criteria. If no selection is made in the Dial Up Node field, all Dial Up Nodes will be included in the report result. Note that you may select any or all of the fields as you see fit. Each field filter that you add to the Hardware Report search will narrow the report result. 701 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Holiday Report The Holiday report is used to preview or print a hard copy of the Holidays that were created in the Holidays screen, available from the Administration menu. Create a Basic Holiday Report To create a Holiday report, do the following: • Open the Holiday Report – Open the Holiday report screen by clicking the Holidays3000.exe shortcut available in the Reports/Other Reports menu. This action will display the screen displayed in Figure 1099 Figure 1099 – Holidays Preview/Print screen • Preview – If you wish to see a preview of the report before printing, click the ‘Preview’ button. The preview will display a listing of all the Holidays that were created in the Holidays utility screen Figure 1100 – The Preview Button • Print – Click the Print button to print a hard copy of the report to the report printer selected in the System Settings Figure 1101 – The Print Button 702 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Import Utility Figure 1102 – The Import Badges screen The Import/Export utility has three selectable functions. • Import Personnel Information – Personnel records can be created or updated by setting the Import/Export utility to import records from a text file. The type of file typically used as a source file is a ‘comma separated value’ (.csv) file. The comma separated value file is an industry standard text file organization scheme that is recognized by most file import capable database programs. However, the CardAccess Import/Export utility can also read files with field separators other than commas. Using another manufacturer’s program, you are free to create an import source file that uses almost any typed symbol as a field separator. The symbol used in the source file is selectable in the Import/Export utility screen ‘Field Separator Char’ field on the ‘Import Badges’ folder tab. See more below • Batch Load Personnel Records – You can use the Import/Export utility to create batches of badge records without using a source file 703 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L (‘Batch Mode’). You can set default values for selected fields and create as many contiguously numbered badges as you desire. Note that all badges will be created in the Personnel screen with the same default values that you selected in the Import Badges folder tab ‘Default Value’ column • Export Event Records – The ‘Export Events’ folder tab contains controls which allow you to select the type of event messages you wish to export from the CardAccess main database to a ‘character separated file’ (again, you are allowed to select the separator character). 704 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Perform a Basic Badges Import from File To create a basic badges import, do the following Warning – The Import utility will overwrite any fields that you select in the ‘Column’ column if there is any data in the source file for that field. Therefore you must be sure that the source file contains approved changes or that the source file contains badge numbers that do not currently exist in the database (new records will be created in that case), existing records will remain untouched Note: You must have a text source file already saved on your system that meets the requirements stated above for import. • Open the Import.exe Utility – Open the Import utility by clicking the Import.exe shortcut available in the Configuration-> Reports -> Other Reports menu. • Import Badges – The import badges tab should be selected by default. If it is not, click the import badges tab to activate it. Figure 1103 – The Import badges tab • File Name – Select the file name of the text file you wish to use for badge import. Click the folder icon adjacent to the File Name field. This will open a Microsoft browser window. Navigate to the location of the file and click the file name to select it. Click ‘Open’. The selected file name will appear in the File Name window. Figure 1104 – The File Name screen • Field Separator Char. – Select the separator character that is being used in the text file. Click in the window adjacent to the Field Separator Char text. Enter the character by hitting the appropriate character on your keyboard. The default character will be a comma. Figure 1105 – The Field Separator Character screen 705 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L • Column – Enter a number in the Import/Export program ‘Column’ field that corresponds with the position of the data field in your source character separated field text file. Figure 1106 is a graphic of a typical comma separated value file with the column numbers indicated. Figure 1107 depicts the column fields in the Import/Export report where you are expected to fill in the relative column number of the filed that you want the Import function to use when it looks for data for the indicated field. For example, in Figure 1106 below, in every record in the source file, the last name is contained in column 1. You would therefore put the number 1 in the white space to the right of the ‘Last Name’ field in the Import utility (in the ‘Column’ column). Since the first name is in column 2 of the source file, you would type a 2 in the white space to the right of the ‘First Name’ field of the Import utility, etc. You can select as many or as few fields as you prefer. You may choose to ignore fields in the import file. That is, you can elect to import only one field from each record of the file, or all the fields in that file at your option. You are telling the utility what CardAccess Personnel screen field to store each field of the source file by using numeric pointers. The Import utility uses the commas as markers to locate the individual fields and it uses the new line character at the end of each line to locate the end of each record. Note – The source file you construct must contain a badge number field. There must be a unique number field included for each record in the file. Figure 1106 – The Text File Column Numbers 706 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 1107 – Import badges field and column screen Note: In this basic example, we are not using any fields that require a ‘Default Value’ to be set. We will cover that option later in this section. o Run – Click the Run button to run the utility and import your in information. Figure 1108 – The run button 707 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Import Utility Screen Controls A detailed view of each of the Import badges and Export events utility screen controls follows • Import Badges Tab – The Import Badges section of the import utility allows the user to populate fields in the Personnel screen by importing information from an outside source. This is meant to be a timesaving utility. By utilizing pre-existing text documents that contain important personnel information the user no longer needs to enter this information manually. Figure 1109 – The Import Badges Tab Screen • Field – The ‘Field’ column is a list of all available importable fields located in the Personnel section of the CardAccess software. (See Figure 1109) There is nothing interactive regarding this column. This is a reference to insure that the imported information gets to the proper location. • Column – The ‘Column’ column is used in conjunction with the text file that we will be importing information from. To use this feature, click the column window adjacent to the field you wish to import and enter the column number that corresponds to that field’s placement in the text document. (See Figure 1110) 708 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 1110 – Text document example • Default Value – The default value column is used to set a ‘global’ value for any or all features in the Personnel screen. In other words, once a value is entered in one of these fields, the value will hold true for all badges imported that contain a ‘Y’ in the appropriate column of the text file. Example: If the user wishes to ‘Enable’ all the cards that are being imported then the user would create a column in the text document that would contain a ‘Y’. Then the user would place a check in the ‘Yes’ checkbox adjacent to the ‘Enabled’ field and put the column number in column window. Some of the default values can be enabled with a checkbox while others require the user to select a value that has already been programmed in the personnel screen while still others allow you to enter custom text in the default value field. The section below will describe each feature in more detail. • Facility – The facility field allows the user to select an existing facility code number that can be set during import. To use, select the code number (1-10) by clicking the up or down arrows adjacent to the facility default value window or by clicking in the same window and entering the value with the keyboard. Then click the column window and enter the column designation number for facility associated with your text document. When imported, this number will appear under the ‘Facility’ field in the Configuration>Personnel>General screen. Figure 1111 – The Facility Code Screen 709 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L • Badge Number – The badge number field allows the user to enter a custom badge number that can be set during import. To use, click the default value window adjacent to the badge number field. Enter the number you wish to use. Then click the column window and enter the column designation number for badge number associated with your text document. When imported, this number will appear under the ‘Badge Number’ field in the Configuration>Personnel>General screen Figure 1112 – The Badge Number Screen • Last Name – The last name field allows the user to enter a custom last name that can be set during import. To use, click the default window adjacent to the last name field. Enter the text you wish to use. Then click the column window and enter the column designation number for last number associated with your text document. When imported, this text will appear under the ‘Last Name’ field in the Configuration>Personnel>General screen. Figure 1113 – The Last Name Screen • First Name – The first name field allows the user to enter a custom last name that can be set during import. To use, click the default window adjacent to the first name field. Enter the text you wish to use. Then click the column window and enter the column designation number for first name associated with your text document. When imported, this text will appear under the ‘First Name’ field in the Configuration>Personnel>General screen. Figure 1114 – The First Name Screen • Access Grp 1 / Access Grp 2 – The access group fields allow the user to select from a list, the access group they wish to assign to the badges that are imported. To use, click the arrow adjacent in the default value window next to the Access Grp 1 or 2 fields. A list of existing access groups will appear. Click on the access group you wish to use. The selected access group will appear highlighted in the access grp window. Then click the column window and enter the column designation number for Access grp 1 or 2 associated with your text 710 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L document. When imported, this selection will appear under the Access Group 1 or Access Group 2 field in the Configuration-> Personnel-> General screen. Figure 1115 – The Access Group Rows • PIN – The pin field allows the user to enter a custom pin code that can be set during import. To use, click the default value window adjacent to the PIN field. Enter the number you wish to use. Then click the column window and enter the column designation number for the pin column associated with your text document. Figure 1116 – The PIN Code Screen • Issue Level – The issue level field allow the user to select an existing issue level that can be set during import. To use, select the level number (1-99) by clicking the up or down arrows adjacent to the issue level default value window or by clicking in the same window and entering the value with the keyboard. Then click the column window and enter the column designation number for issue level associated with your text document. When imported, this number will appear under the ‘Re-Issue’ field in the Configuration>Personnel>General screen. Figure 1117 – The Issue Level Screen • Fields with checkboxes – The fields in Figure 1117 and Figure 1118 allow the user to select a feature to activate during import. To use, place a check in the checkbox adjacent to the feature you wish to activate. Then click the column window and enter the column designation number for that feature associated with your text document. When imported, a checkmark will appear next to activated feature in the Configuration-> Personnel-> General screen. 711 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 1118 – Fields with Checkboxes Screen Figure 1119 – The Vehicle Tag Checkbox Screen • APB (Anti-passback) Setting – The APB field allows the user to select from a list, the Anti-passback setting they can be activated during import. To use, click the arrow adjacent to the default value window next to the APB Setting feature. Click the APB setting you wish to use. The selected setting will appear highlighted in the APB setting window. Then click the column window and enter the column designation number for APB Setting associated with your text document. When imported, this selection will appear under the ‘APB Control field in the Configuration-> Personnel-> Control screen. Figure 1120 – The APB Setting Screen • Access Time – The access time field allows the user to select a custom access time (1-90) in seconds that can be set during import. To use, select the amount of time by clicking the up or down arrows adjacent to the access time default value window or by clicking in the same window and entering the value with the keyboard. Then click the column window and enter the column designation number for access time associated with your text document. When imported, this number will appear under the ‘Access Time’ field in the Configuration-> Personnel-> General screen. Figure 1121 – The Access Time Screen • Activation/Deactivation Date – The Activation and Deactivation date field allows the user to select a custom date that can be set during 712 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L import. To use, select the date by clicking the date icon . This will display a calendar date selection screen. Click on the date you wish to use. The selected date will appear in either the Activation or Deactivation date field depending on which one you are working at the time. Then click the column window and enter the column designation number for activation or deactivation date associated with your text document. When imported, the Activation Date will appear in the ‘Activation Date’ field and the Deactivate Date will appear in the ‘Expiration Date’ field in the Configuration-> Personnel-> General screen. Figure 1122 – The Activation and Deactivation Date Screen • Group – The group field allow the user to set from a list of preprogrammed Personnel groups. To use, click the arrow adjacent to the default value window in the Group field. Click on the group you wish to use. The selected group will appear highlighted in the default value window. Then click the column window and enter the column designation number for group associated with your text document. When imported, this number will appear under the ‘Group’ field in the Configuration-> Personnel-> General screen. Figure 1123 – The Group Screen • Personal Information Fields – The fields in Figure 1123 allow the user to enter custom information that can be entered during import. . To use, click the default window adjacent to the field you wish to import. Enter the text you wish to use. Then click the column window and enter the column designation number for select field associated with your text document. When imported, this text will appear under the proper field in the Configuration-> Personnel-> Personal screen. 713 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 1124 – The Personal Information Section Screen • Hire Date – The hire date field allows the user to select a custom date that can be set during import. To use, select the date by clicking the date icon . This will display a calendar date selection screen. Click on the date you wish to use. The selected date will appear in the date field. Then click the column window and enter the column designation number for hire date associated with your text document. When imported, the Hire date will appear in the ‘Hire Date’ field in the Configuration-> Personnel-> Personal screen. Figure 1125 – The Hire Date Screen o User Fields – The fields in Figure 1125 allow the user to enter custom information that can be entered during import. . To use, click the default window adjacent to the field you wish to import. Enter the text you wish to use. Then click the column window and enter the column designation number for select field associated with your text document. When imported, this text will appear under the proper field in the Configuration-> Personnel-> Custom* screen. *Note: The custom field within the System-> System Settings menu must be configured before these fields can be imported. See the System Settings section for detailed information. 714 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 1126 – The User Fields Screen o Photo Path Name – This field allows the user to select a path to a picture file that can be set during import. To use, click the default window adjacent to the photo path name field. Enter the path to the file you wish to use. Then click the column window and enter the column designation number for Photo Path associated with your text document. When imported, this photo will appear under the photo window in the Configuration-> Personnel-> Photo screen. Figure 1127 – The Photo Path Name Field o Batch Mode – The batch mode feature allows the user to import a badge range of cards. Also, the user may set certain default criteria to be inserted at time of importing. Example: You just purchased one hundred new cards and that have consecutive numbers from 1 to 100. Click the checkbox adjacent to the Batch Mode field. This will activate this feature. Notice that the File Name folder icon is grayed out. Click the window adjacent to the First Badge text. Enter the number 1 on your keyboard. Then, click the window adjacent to the Last Badge text. Enter 100 on your keyboard. We want to have the cards enabled when they are imported so we click the checkbox next to Enabled. Click Run. If you go to Access->Personnel there should be new badges inserted with card numbers of 1 to 100 and they should be Enabled. 715 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 1128 – The Batch Mode Screen o Export Events Tab – The Export Events section of the Import.exe utility allows the user to export events from the database to a text file. By using the filters contained on this screen, only those events that are crucial will be exported out of the CardAccess software and into the text file. Once the text file is created it may be imported by other third-party software packages. For example, the text file may be imported into Microsoft Excel, which will allow the user to view the events in spreadsheet form. Figure 1129 – The Export Events Screen o Event Types – This Events Types feature group allows the user to filter the file by event type. By default, there are no items selected. In order for the export file to have any content you must check all items that you wish to include. There are two ways to accomplish this task. 1. Place a check in the ‘All’ checkbox adjacent to each section header in green. This will include all events for that section. 716 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Example: If you put a check in the checkbox adjacent to the ‘Doors’ field, the file will include all events listed below it. They include ‘Forced’, ‘Bypass’, ‘Free Access’, ‘Lock/Unlock’ and ‘Open Too Long’. 2. Check only those events needed under each section header in green. Example: You may only need to include the forced and bypass events in the file. Therefore, just check the box next to “Forced’ and “Bypass’. Figure 1130 – The Event Types Screen o Badge Events – The Badge Events feature group allows the user to filter the file by badge events. By default, there are no items selected. In order for the export file to have any content you must check all items that apply. There are two ways to accomplish this task. 1. Place a check in the checkbox adjacent to ‘All Badge Events’. This will include all events listed under ‘Access Events’ and ‘Violations’. 2. Check only those events needed under each section labeled Access Events and Violations. 717 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 1131 – The Badge Events Screen o Retrieval Dates – This feature allows the user to specify a date range for when the events occurred. When the dates are set, only the events that occurred within that timeframe will be included in the file. The ‘Between Hours’ feature allows the user to specify, by time of day, what events to include in the file. Example: We will use the dates that are set in Figure 1130 as the example. If we set the hours of 8 to 17 (military time) than all those events that occurred between 12/9 and 12/16 from eight in the morning to five in the afternoon will be included in the file Figure 1132 – The Retrieval Dates Screen o Sort Criteria – This feature allows the user to specify a custom sort order. By clicking the button next to the appropriate option the output file will be sorted by the selected criteria. 718 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 1133 – The Sort Order Screen o Output Fields – This feature allows the user to specify, by column, where the information will be located in the file. Example: If we use commas as the field separator for the output fields below the output file columns would be sorted like this: Badge Number, Type, Description, Location, Date Figure 1134 – The Output Fields Screen o View Report – This feature allows the user to preview the file exactly as it will look when it is exported. This allows the user to verify the sort order and make sure all the information needed is included in the output file. Click the View Report button to review the report. Figure 1135 – The View Report Button o View SQL – This feature allows the user to preview the SQL statement being used to create the report. Click the View SQL button to view the statement 719 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L o Field Separator – This feature allows the user to specify the character that will be used to separate the information. Click the window adjacent to the field separator text. Enter the character you wish to use. Remember, no spaces or tabs. By default, a comma will be entered in this field. Figure 1136 – The Field Separator Screen • File Name – This field allows the user to assign a custom name to the output file also let the user choose the folder the file will be sent to. To use, click the folder icon adjacent to the file name field. A Windows browse window will appear. Select the folder you wish to use by browsing to it and clicking on it. Then enter the name you wish to use for the file in the File Name window of the Windows browser. Click the Open button. The selected path for the file should appear in the file name window. Figure 1137 – The File Name Field • Run – After all of the fields needed are selected and a file name and path are created, click the Run button to create the file. Figure 1138 – The Run Button • Export Finished – The following screen should appear. The amount of records exported depends on the amount of events that matched your criteria. Figure 1139 – The Export Finished Screen 720 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L InList /BadgeHolders In Report Figure 1140- The Badgeholders IN Report screen The Badgeholders In report is used whenever it is necessary to determine who is inside a building at a given time. The report will display the Name of the Badgeholder and the exact Location and Time that the badgeholder entered. The report will also display the total number of badges at the bottom of the screen. This report can be invaluable in an emergency situation. With a single click, the user can determine not only how many people need to be evacuated from the facility but also who the people are. Note: This report is known as the badge holders in report as well as the Inlist report. 721 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Create a Basic Badgeholders IN Report To create a basic Badgeholders IN report, do the following • Open the Badgeholders IN report. This can be done in one of two ways. 1. Click on the Access text in the top portion of the CardAccess taskbar (See Figure 2). Next, click on Badgeholders IN. 2. Click on InList.exe in the Report/Other Reports menu Figure 1141 – The CardAccess taskbar Unlike other reports in CardAccess this report will display all the badgeholder information that is required. The only other options that is selectable for this report is Select Reader and Print. Badgeholders IN Report Controls • Select Reader The Select Reader option allows the user to filter this report in two ways. By Reader and by Reader Group Figure 1142 – The select reader and print screen Click the Select Reader button to display the select reader screen Figure 1143 – The Select Reader screen 722 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Click the arrow adjacent to the select reader window to display all the readers and reader groups that have been programmed in the system. To select a reader or reader group, click on it. The selected reader or reader group will appear highlighted in the window. To filter the report by the selected reader or reader group, click OK. The report will be displayed • Print To print out a hard copy of the report, click the Print Button. (See Figure 3) 723 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Links Report Figure 1144 – Links Report screen. The Links report is used whenever it is necessary to preview or create a hard copy of the Links programmed into your Card Access software. This utility gives the user the ability to select the panels you want to report on. Also it gives you the ability to report on a range of Link program numbers. Create a Basic Link Report To create a basic Link report, do the following. NOTE: You must verify you have at least 1 panel programmed into the system with at least 1 link programmed into the panel. Refer to Figure 1 for the following steps. • Open the Links Report – Open the Links report by clicking the Links3000.exe shortcut available in the Reports/Other Reports menu. This action will display the screen displayed in figure 1. • Panels – Put a checkmark in the checkbox “Panels”. If you put a check mark in Panels, but do not supply any additional criteria, the report will return the links that have been programmed for all panels. If you wish to narrow the search, you will add additional parameters in the Panels and Links sections as follows. o Start – Enter a value of 1. o End – Enter a value of 2. 724 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L o Name – Leave the default, “no filter”. • Links– Put a checkmark into the checkbox. ”Links”. o Start – Enter a value of 1. o End – Enter a value of 100. o Name – Leave the default, “no filter”. • Group – Leave the default, “no filter”. • Report Title – Enter “Links Report” into the Report Title textbox. • Preview – Click the Preview button to Preview report. • Print - Click the Print button to Print report 725 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Links Report Screen Controls A detailed view of each of the controls on the Links report screen follows. • Panels The Panels checkbox gives the user the ability to create reports based on certain panel criteria. • Start The Start textbox gives the user the option of putting in a Start Panel number to report on. 726 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L • End The End textbox gives the user the option of putting in an End Panel number to report on. o Name The Name drop down box gives the user the ability to select a particular panel to report on. 727 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L • Links The Links checkbox gives the user the ability to create reports based on certain link criteria. • Start The Start textbox gives the user the option of putting in a Start Link number to report on. 728 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L • End The End textbox gives the user the option of putting in the End Link program number to report on. • Name The Name dropdown box gives the user the ability to select a link by name to report on. 729 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L • Group The Group dropdown box gives the user the ability to select a specific group to report on. • Report Title The Report Title textbox gives the user the ability to enter a custom name for the report. 730 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L ! Preview – The Preview button gives the user the ability to preview the report before printing. ! Print – The Print button gives the user the ability to print a hard copy of the report. 731 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N Modem Report Figure 1145 – The Modem Report screen The Modems report is used to create a hard copy modems report of all modems installed and programmed in the CardAccess system. The report content will consist of information consisting of, but no limited to, phone numbers, node numbers, dial-up frequency and initialization strings. All of this information has been previously entered in the Configuration-> Modems section of the CardAccess software. See the Modem section for detailed information. The Modems report may be useful as a reference or can be a valuable tool for system troubleshooting. 732 M A N U A L C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Create a Basic Modems Report To create a basic Modem report, do the following. • Open the Modems Report – Open the Modems report by clicking the Modems.exe shortcut available under the Configuration-> Reports-> Other reports menu • Enter a Report Title – Click in the Report Title window and enter the text you wish to use for the report Figure 1146 – The Report Title screen • Preview or Print – If you wish to review the report before printing click the Preview button. If you wish to Print the report without previewing, click Print Figure 1147 – The Modems Report Preview and Print Buttons 733 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Modems Report Screen Controls A detailed view of each of the Modems report screen controls follows. • Cluster Name – Select the Cluster Name field by clicking the arrow adjacent to the ‘Cluster Name’ field. You will be presented with a list of all ‘Nodes’ programmed in the system. The report will be filtered by the node you select. Select the node by clicking it. The selected node will appear highlighted in the Cluster Name window. If you wish to include all clusters, click the ‘All Cluster's’ option Figure 1148 – The Cluster Name screen • Report Title – Select the Report Title field by clicking in the window labeled Report Title. Enter the text you wish to use in this window. This Report title text will appear at the top of the report Figure 1149 – The Report title screen • Preview, Print and Exit – Click the Preview button if you wish to preview the report before you print. Click the Print button to print a hard copy of the report. Click the Exit button to exit the modems report 734 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Operators Report The Operators report is used to preview or create a hard copy of the Operators programmed into the Card Access software. Create a Basic Operators Report To create an Operators report, do the following: • Open the Operators Report – Open the Operators report screen by clicking the Operators3000.exe shortcut available in the Reports/Other Reports menu. This action will display the screen displayed in Figure 1150. Figure 1150 – Operators Preview/Print screen • Report Title – Enter a report name into the “Report Title” textbox Figure 1151 – Report Title entry screen • Preview – Click the Preview button. A report will display listing all the Operators programmed into your card access software and also information about the operators • Print – Click the Print button to get a hard copy of the report 735 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Personnel Report Figure 1152 – The Personnel Report screen The Personnel Report is used to create a hard copy of Personnel information. This report allows the user to select up to eight (8) database fields to include in the report depending on the report requirements. Create a Basic Personnel Report To create a basic Personnel report, do the following • Open the Personnel Report – To open the Personnel report, click the Reports icon in the CardAccess taskbar or click on Reports in the Configuration menu. (See Figures 2&3) Figure 1153 – The CardAccess Main Toolbar Reports Button Figure 1154 – The Configuration Menu Reports Shortcut 736 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L • Select the Report Content – The report content feature allows the user to select up to eight (8) database fields in which to use in the report. (See Figure 4) To add a field to the report, click on the desired field in the box on the left. Then, click the top arrow that points to the right. The database field should appear in the box on the right. The box on the right will display all fields you have chosen for the report. If you wish to remove a field from the box on the right that you previously selected, highlight the field you wish to remove and click the arrow that points to the left. This will return the field to its original location on the left. Once all your fields are selected you may choose one of the fields to be the sort-by field. This field will be the first field displayed in the left column when the report is run. To select the sort-by field simply click on the desired field in the box on the right. This will highlight it and instruct the report to sort by this field Figure 1155 – The Report Content screen • The Print Badge Photo Check Box – The Print Badge Photos feature also allows the user to print badge photos with the report. This feature allows the user to refer to the report when attempting to identify personnel that the user may not be familiar with. Another scenario would be the training of a new guard. The guard would have the ability to study the report with the photos to familiarize him with the personnel at a particular facility without having to sit in front of a PC running the CardAccess software • Badgeholder Search Criteria – Refer to the Badges report for detailed information on this feature • Report Title – Enter the text you wish to use for naming each report. This feature is useful when referring back to a report that has been printed and filed 737 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L • Preview or Print – The user may preview the report before printing to verify the report is configured properly. Click the Preview button to preview a copy of the report. If the user wishes to print the report, click the Print button. 738 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L System Settings Report The System Settings report is used to preview or create a hard copy of the System settings programmed into the Card Access software. Create a Basic System Settings Report To create a System Settings report, do the following: • Open the System Settings Report – Open the System Settings report screen by clicking the SysSettings3000.exe shortcut available in the Reports/Other Reports menu. This action will display the screen displayed in Figure 1156. Figure 1156 – System Settings Preview/Print screen • Preview – Click the Preview button. A report will display listing all the System Settings programmed into your card access software. This information includes stations, badges, CCTV, Modems, Alert Sounds, Alerts, Archive information, Video Badging, Customized Personnel information and printer information. • Print – Click the Print button to get a hard copy of the report. 739 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Time and Attendance Report Figure 1157 – The Time & Attendance Report Screen The Time & Attendance report is used to create a hard copy report on the use of readers that have been configured as Time & Attendance readers or have been configured as Anti-Passback readers. The Time & Attendance report scans the events database and searches for Time & Attendance or APB events that match your selected search option criteria. If you intend to use the Time & Attendance report for tracking employee hours, please check your local government code for detailed information regarding Time and Attendance reporting requirements. 740 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Create a Basic Time and Attendance Report When the T&A Report screen opens it gives you a choice of Readers to choose from. Select the Readers you wish to report on by putting a check in the check box adjacent to the appropriate reader. In order to run the report properly, at least one In and one Out Reader must be selected. • Open TimeAttend3000.exe – Open the Report screen by double clicking the TimeAttend3000.exe shortcut available in the Reports/Other Reports menu available from the ‘Reports’ button on the CardAccess main toolbar. • Report Title – Enter a title for your report at the bottom of the Report screen with the General tab highlighted on the left. (See Figure 1158) Figure 1158 – The Report Title screen • Selected T&A Readers – Click the checkbox adjacent to the Readers you wish to include in the Report. (See Figure 1159) Figure 1159 – The T&A Reader selection screen • Time Span – Select the Period you wish to use along with the Start Day and End Day. A report can be run for the ‘Current’ or ‘Last’ week by clicking the button adjacent to the timeframe you wish to use (See Figure 1160). Otherwise click the button adjacent to the ‘Other’ selection to run a report fro a different period. Then enter a start date and end date by clicking the calendar icon next to each window. (See Figure 1161) 741 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 1160 – The Time Span selection screen Figure 1161 – The Time Span Other screen • Click Preview or Print – If you wish to preview your report before printing, click the Preview button. Otherwise, click the Print button. You have just created a basic T&A report with no filtering and the default Sort order. Note – You must have at least one IN reader and one OUT reader programmed in the CardAccess system. If no T&A readers are programmed in the system the T&A report cannot run. See the manual section entitled ‘Readers’ for more information. 742 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Time and Attendance Report Screen Controls A detailed view of each of the T&A Report screen controls follows. • Select T&A Readers Figure 1162 – Selected T&A Readers screen section If necessary, you have the option to Report on activity generated by Readers programmed in the CardAccess system for Anti-passback. When the option ‘Include APB Readers’ is checked, all Readers programmed for Anti-passback will appear in the Reader selection screen and become selectable. See the Readers section for detailed instructions. The user may also wish to include the Reader Description in the report. Click the checkbox adjacent to the ‘Include Reader Description in Report’ option to accomplish this. Figure 1163 – The T&A reader checkbox screen section Select the Readers you wish to include in your Report by clicking the checkbox adjacent to the appropriate Reader. 743 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L • Selected Personnel Groups Figure 1164 – Selected Personnel Groups screen section If necessary, you have the ability to filter the T&A report by Personnel Group. When selected the report will only display activity generated by Badgeholders that have been assigned to that selected Group. The user may select as many or as few Groups as necessary or may select all Groups by checking the “All Groups: checkbox. • Selection Criteria Figure 1165 – The Selection Criteria Screen Section Figure 1166 – The Field Drop -Down List Screen The Selection Criteria feature gives the user the ability to filter the Report by Database Fields using the Selection-Criteria-Fields dropdown list. Click on the arrow to the right of the Field window. Select 744 744 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L the Field you wish to use, and then provide the values necessary in the Field Value box. Example: If you wish to run a report on a single badgeholder and you know the badge number, select Badge Number as the Field and then enter the badge number in Field Value. This will generate a T&A report for that badge number only. • Time Span Figure 1167 – The Time Span screen This Feature gives the user has the ability to select a time span necessary to generate a T&A Report. The “Current Week” feature may include all activity for the current week up until the day the Report is generated. In other words, if we run a report on a Thursday, we have the ability to gather information from Sunday until Thursday. Click the Current week feature. Then enter a Start day and End day by clicking the arrow adjacent to the appropriate window. Select the day by clicking it. The selected day should appear highlighted in the window. The “Last Week” feature may include all activity generated up until Sunday of the previous week again dependant on the Days selected. Figure 1168 – The Other Period screen The “Other” feature gives the user the ability to Report on activity from another timeframe besides the Current or Last week. By using 745 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L this report may include activity for a single day, week, month or year dependant on the dates selected. • Report Sort Order Figure 1169 – The Report Sort Order screen This feature gives the user has the ability to sort the report by database fields contained in this window. To select a different sort order just click on the bullet adjacent to the name you wish to sort by. Badge No. will always be selected by default. • Report Title Figure 1170 – The Report Title screen The user has the ability to create a custom name for a Report. Click in the Report Title window and enter your text. • Report Templates Figure 1171 – The create and retrieve Template screen section This feature gives the user the ability to create custom Template names as well as retrieve previously created Report Templates. This feature will save the user time by automatically populating all the fields necessary when a Template is retrieved. To create a Template the user must select all the information needed to be included in the Report as well as enter the Template Name in the New Template Name field. Save the Report by clicking the Save Template button. (See Figure 1172) 746 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 1172 – The Save Template button To Retrieve the Template, click on the drop-down arrow in the “Retrieve Template” window and select the report you wish to run by clicking on it. Figure 1173 – The preview or print report screen section You can then “Print” or “Preview” the Report by clicking the appropriate button. • Use Alternate Database Figure 1174 – The Use Alternate Database screen The user has the ability to point the T&A report to an additional or Alternate database. This becomes useful when a backup database is stored on another drive within the PC or on a network drive. To use this feature, the user must put a check in the “Use Alternate Database” checkbox. Then the user must define the Server Name where the database is stored as well as the Name the Database was stored as. This will connect the user to the database and retrieve the appropriate data. 747 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Time Schedule Report The Time Schedule report is used to preview or create a hard copy of the time schedules programmed into the Card Access software, in the Schedules screen, available from a button on the CardAccess main toolbar. Create a Basic Time Schedule Report To create a Time Schedule report, do the following: • Open the Time Schedule Report – Open the Time Schedule report screen by clicking the TimeSchedules3000.exe shortcut available in the Reports/Other Reports menu. This action will display the screen displayed in Figure 1175 Figure 1175 – Time Schedule Preview/Print screen • Report Title – Enter a report name into the “Report Title” textbox Figure 1176 – Report Title entry screen • 24 Hour Format – Put a checkmark in the 24-Hour Format checkbox. This checkbox gives the user the ability to select whether the time will be displayed in AM/PM or 24 hour format 748 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 1177 – The 24 Hour Format Checkbox • Preview – Click the Preview button. A report will display listing all the Time Schedules programmed into your card access software • Print – Click the Print button to get a hard copy of the report 749 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N 750 M A N U A L C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Appendices Appendix A – List of Figures Figure 1 – Events & Alerts Grids ________________________ 10 Figure 2 – The Alerts Grid and Alerts Grid Button Bar_______ 12 Figure 3 - Events Grid Column Headings (shown condensed from default) ____________________________________________ 14 Figure 4 - The Events Grid Button Bar ___________________ 15 Figure 5 - The Events Navigation Bar ____________________ 17 Figure 6 - The Events Grid Columns Where the Filter Menu is Available by Right Click _______________________________ 18 Figure 7 - The Events Grid Filter Popup Menu _____________ 18 Figure 8 - The Events Grid Description Column Where the View Records Menu is Available by Right Clicking ______________ 19 Figure 9 - The Events Grid View Records Description Menu __ 20 Figure 10 - The Events Grid Location Column Where the View Records Menu is Available by Right Clicking ______________ 21 Figure 11 - The Events Grid View Records Location Menu____ 21 Figure 12 - The CardAccess Events Grid Button Bar ________ 21 Figure 13 - The Map Popup Window _____________________ 23 Figure 14 - The Personnel Photo Popup Window ___________ 24 Figure 15 - The CardAccess Main Monitoring Screen in Monitor Mode ______________________________________________ 25 Figure 16 - The CardAccess Status Screen - The Doors Menu is expanded, a Door is highlighted, a Map is displayed_________ 26 Figure 17 - The Main Toolbar Status Button _______________ 27 Figure 18 – The Status Mode Folder Tabs _________________ 27 Figure 19 - The Status Screen Control Tab - All Categories Expanded___________________________________________ 28 Figure 20 - The Main Toolbar Status Button_______________ 29 Figure 21 - The Status Screen with Map Display ____________ 30 Figure 22 - The Status Screen Stations Tab ________________ 31 Figure 23 - The Main Toolbar Status Button _______________ 31 Figure 24 - The Status Screen Status Tab__________________ 33 Figure 25 The CardAccess Login Screen __________________ 36 Figure 26 – The User Name Field _______________________ 37 Figure 27 – The Password Field ________________________ 37 Figure 28 The Login Screen With Change Password Button Visible ___________________________________________________ 38 Figure 29 – The Change Password Screen_________________ 38 Figure 30 – The CardAccess Logout Screen _______________ 39 Figure 31 – The CardAccess Logout Screen _______________ 40 Figure 32 – The Logout Button__________________________ 40 Figure 33 – The Logout Button__________________________ 40 751 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 34 – The Shutdown Button _______________________ 40 Figure 35 – The Enter Password Screen __________________ 41 Figure 36 – Panels Priorities Tab _______________________ 43 Figure 37 – Readers Priority Tab________________________ 44 Figure 38 – Inputs General Tab _________________________ 45 Figure 39 – Relays General Tab_________________________ 46 Figure 40 – Links General Tab__________________________ 46 Figure 41 – Alerts Grid Acknowledge Response Buttons______ 47 Figure 42 – Response Window __________________________ 48 Figure 43 – System Settings Alerts Tab ___________________ 49 Figure 44 – The Processing Section of the System Settings Alerts Tab _______________________________________________ 49 Figure 45 – Operators General Tab, Alert Ack Time control __ 51 Figure 46 – Language Editor Utility _____________________ 53 Figure 47 – Language Editing & Control Files _____________ 54 Figure 48 – The CardAccess3000 Folders _________________ 55 Figure 49 – The Program Control with Menu Visible ________ 55 Figure 50 – The Language Editor Language Field __________ 56 Figure 51 – The Language Editor Utility Window – Dutch Language Selected ___________________________________ 56 Figure 52 – The Save Button ___________________________ 57 Figure 53 – The Exit Button ____________________________ 57 Figure 54 – System Settings Folder Tabs __________________ 58 Figure 55 – Station Name Control _______________________ 59 Figure 56 – Badge Digit Selection Control ________________ 61 Figure 57 – Badge Tagging Type Control _________________ 61 Figure 58 – Personnel Screen Vehicle Tag Check Box _______ 62 Figure 59 – Readers Screen Vehicle Tag Linking Control_____ 62 Figure 60 – Clock Synchronization Control________________ 63 Figure 61 – Mapping Enable Control ____________________ 63 Figure 62 – The System Settings, Archive Tab, Server Name Field ___________________________________________________ 64 Figure 63 – Archive Database Connect Fail Message Box ____ 64 Figure 64 – The System Settings, Archive Tab, Database Name Field ______________________________________________ 64 Figure 65 – Report Printer Selection Control ______________ 65 Figure 66 – Event printer selection controls _______________ 66 Figure 67 – The Edit Button ____________________________ 67 Figure 68 – The Event Printer Selection Control____________ 67 Figure 69 – The Print Events Above Priority Spin Control ____ 67 Figure 70 – The Valid Access Events by Schedule Selection Control ____________________________________________ 68 Figure 71 – The Save Button ___________________________ 68 Figure 72 – Printer Properties button ____________________ 68 Figure 73 – Acknowledgement Controls___________________ 69 752 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 74 – Viewable Events Selection Control _____________ 69 Figure 75 – Standard Bell Sound On/Off Switch ____________ 70 Figure 76 – Bell Sound Turned Off_______________________ 70 Figure 77 – Alert Sound Generator Controls _______________ 71 Figure 78 – The Enable Sound Check Box _________________ 71 Figure 79 – The Play Interval Spin Control ________________ 72 Figure 80 – The Priority 5 or Above Sound File Selection Control ___________________________________________________ 72 Figure 81 – The Priority 10 or Above Sound File Selection Control ___________________________________________________ 72 Figure 82 – The Priority 20 or Above Sound File Selection Control ___________________________________________________ 73 Figure 83 – The Priority 30 or Above Sound File Selection Control ___________________________________________________ 73 Figure 84 – The Response Required Events Selection Control _ 73 Figure 85 – The Import button __________________________ 74 Figure 86 – The Remove Button _________________________ 74 Figure 87 – The Delete Sound Warning ___________________ 75 Figure 88 – The Socket Notify Control ____________________ 75 Figure 89 – Custom Fields Tab in System Settings __________ 76 Figure 90 – Personnel Custom Fields Tab with No Fields Created ___________________________________________________ 77 Figure 91 – Personnel Custom Fields Folder Tab with One Field (field 9) Enabled _____________________________________ 78 Figure 92 – Personnel Custom Fields Tab with All Fields Enabled ___________________________________________________ 78 Figure 93 – Video Badging Tab Controls__________________ 79 Figure 94 – Video Badging Package Selection Control_______ 79 Figure 95 – Badging Printer Selection Control _____________ 80 Figure 96 – Mag Encoding Schema Selection Control _______ 81 Figure 97 – CCTV Tab With CCTV Disabled ______________ 82 Figure 98 - CCTV Tab With CCTV Enabled and Command Strings Entered ____________________________________________ 83 Figure 99 – CCTV Command Entry Area__________________ 85 Figure 100 – Remove Entry Button ______________________ 86 Figure 101 – Com Port Selection Control _________________ 86 Figure 102 – Readers CCTV Tab ________________________ 87 Figure 103 – Inputs CCTV Tab _________________________ 88 Figure 104 – The CCTV Manual Control in the Response Window ___________________________________________________ 89 Figure 105 – Control Codes Legend _____________________ 90 Figure 106 - The System Settings Databases Tab ___________ 93 Figure 107 – Archive Data Utility Screen _________________ 95 Figure 108 – The Create Database Button_________________ 96 Figure 109 – Select Server Name Field ___________________ 96 753 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 110 – Select Archive Database Name Field __________ 97 Figure 111 – Select Destination Directory Field ____________ 97 Figure 112 – SQL Server System Administrator Password Field 97 Figure 113 – Bad sa Password Error Message _____________ 97 Figure 114 – Creating Tables Activity Gauge ______________ 98 Figure 115 – Database Created Success Message ___________ 98 Figure 116 – Database Update Completed Success Message __ 98 Figure 117 – Server Name Selection Control_______________ 99 Figure 118 – Database Name Selection Control ____________ 99 Figure 119 – The Connect/Disconnect Button in a Disconnected State______________________________________________ 100 Figure 120 – The Connect/Disconnect Button in a Connected State __________________________________________________ 100 Figure 121 – Configuration Folder Tab – note the select All check box_______________________________________________ 100 Figure 122 – The Archive Button _______________________ 101 Figure 123 – The Confirm Warning Box _________________ 101 Figure 124 – The Transfer Complete Message Box _________ 101 Figure 125 – The Close Button_________________________ 101 Figure 126 – Server Name Selection Control______________ 102 Figure 127 – Database Name Selection Control ___________ 102 Figure 128 – The Connect/Disconnect Button in a Disconnected State______________________________________________ 102 Figure 129 – The Connect/Disconnect Button in a Connected State __________________________________________________ 102 Figure 130 – The Events Folder Tab – With Select Date Range Settings ___________________________________________ 103 Figure 131 – The Events Folder Tab – With All Events Backup Settings Displayed___________________________________ 103 Figure 132 – The Archive Button _______________________ 104 Figure 133 – The Confirm Warning Box _________________ 104 Figure 134 – The Transfer Complete Message Box _________ 104 Figure 135 – The Close Button_________________________ 104 Figure 136 – Server Name Selection Control______________ 105 Figure 137 – Database Name Selection Control ___________ 105 Figure 138 – The Connect/Disconnect Button in a Disconnected State______________________________________________ 105 Figure 139 – The Connect/Disconnect Button in a Connected State __________________________________________________ 105 Figure 140 – Server Name Selection Control______________ 106 Figure 141 – Database Name Selection Control ___________ 106 Figure 142 – The Connect/Disconnect Button in a Disconnected State______________________________________________ 106 Figure 143 – The Connect/Disconnect Button in a Connected State __________________________________________________ 107 754 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 144 – Configuration Folder Tab – note absence of Events folder tab__________________________________________ 107 Figure 145 – Archive Data Status Bar – Main Database Name Display ___________________________________________ 107 Figure 146 – The Restore Button _______________________ 108 Figure 147 – The Confirm Warning Box _________________ 108 Figure 148 – The Transfer Complete Message Box _________ 108 Figure 149 – The Close Button_________________________ 108 Figure 150 – Server Name Selection Control______________ 109 Figure 151 – Database Name Selection Control ___________ 109 Figure 152 – The Connect/Disconnect Button in a Disconnected State______________________________________________ 109 Figure 153 – The Connect/Disconnect Button in a Connected State __________________________________________________ 110 Figure 154 – Events Tab Advanced Features______________ 110 Figure 155 – Server Name Selection Control______________ 110 Figure 156 – Database Name Selection Control ___________ 111 Figure 157 – The Connect/Disconnect Button in a Disconnected State______________________________________________ 111 Figure 158 – The Connect/Disconnect Button in a Connected State __________________________________________________ 111 Figure 159 – The Events Tab with Date Range Selected _____ 112 Figure 160 – The Archive Button _______________________ 112 Figure 161 – The Confirm Warning Box _________________ 112 Figure 162 – The Transfer Complete Message Box _________ 112 Figure 163 – The Close Button_________________________ 113 Figure 164 – The Backup & Restore Utility Screen _________ 113 Figure 165 – Backup Tab _____________________________ 114 Figure 166 – Database Selection Control ________________ 114 Figure 167 – The Name Control________________________ 114 Figure 168 – The Select Directory Button ________________ 115 Figure 169 – The Backup Button _______________________ 115 Figure 170 – The Confirm Message Box _________________ 115 Figure 171 – Backup Complete Message Box _____________ 115 Figure 172 – The Restore Folder Tab ___________________ 116 Figure 173 – Restore Database Selection Control __________ 116 Figure 174 – The Restore Browse Button_________________ 116 Figure 175 – The Detach Database Button _______________ 117 Figure 176 – The Database Server Name Selection Control __ 117 Figure 177 – The Database Name Control________________ 117 Figure 178 – The Detach Database Button _______________ 118 Figure 179 – Completion Success Message Box ___________ 118 Figure 180 – The Restore Confirmation Box ______________ 118 Figure 181 – The Restore Complete Message Box__________ 118 Figure 182 – The View History Screen___________________ 119 755 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 183 – The Database Field_______________________ 120 Figure 184 – Database Connect Error Message ___________ 121 Figure 185 – The Connect Button_______________________ 121 Figure 186 – The Time Period Selection Controls __________ 121 Figure 187 – The Events Filter Section __________________ 122 Figure 188 – The Badge Search Control Surface___________ 122 Figure 189 – The Badge Event Type Selection Control ______ 123 Figure 190 – The Search Criteria Fields _________________ 123 Figure 191 – The Badge Search Run Button ______________ 124 Figure 192 – The Print Button _________________________ 125 Figure 193 – The View History Status Bar________________ 125 Figure 194 – The View History Column Headings__________ 125 Figure 195 – Audit Trail Window_______________________ 126 Figure 196 - The Server Selection Control________________ 127 Figure 197 - The Database Selection Control _____________ 127 Figure 198 - The Connect Button ______________________ 127 Figure 199 – Several Detail Lines from Audit Trail_________ 128 Figure 200 – The Audit Trail Column Headings – Sorted by ‘Action’ ___________________________________________ 129 Figure 201 – Toolbar Manual Controls __________________ 130 Figure 202 – Door Manual Control Screen _______________ 131 Figure 203 – Manual Door Control - Door Selection Grid ___ 133 Figure 204 – Doors Manual Control Button ______________ 135 Figure 205 – Door Group Selection Control ______________ 135 Figure 206 – Door Selection Control With Four Doors Selected __________________________________________________ 135 Figure 207 – The Door Action Controls__________________ 136 Figure 208 – Reader Action Selection Control_____________ 137 Figure 209 – Execute Door Action Button ________________ 137 Figure 210 – Door Control Queued Message Box __________ 137 Figure 211 – Relays Manual Control Button ______________ 138 Figure 212 – Relay Group Selection Control ______________ 138 Figure 213 – Relay Selection Control With Four Relays Selected __________________________________________________ 138 Figure 214 – Relay Action Controls _____________________ 139 Figure 215 – Execute Relay Action Button________________ 139 Figure 216 – Relay Control Queued Message Box _________ 139 Figure 217 – Links Manual Control Button _______________ 139 Figure 218 – Link Group Selection Control _______________ 140 Figure 219 – Links Selection Control With Four Links Selected 140 Figure 220 – Link Action Controls ______________________ 140 Figure 221 – Execute Link Action Button_________________ 140 Figure 222 – Link Control Queued Message Box __________ 141 Figure 223 – Events & Alerts Grids Manual Control Buttons _ 141 Figure 224 – The Scheduled Changes Utility Screen ________ 143 756 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 225 – Device Control __________________________ Figure 226 – Item Control ____________________________ Figure 227 – Group Control___________________________ Figure 228 – The Field Control ________________________ Figure 229 – Effective Date Range Control _______________ Figure 230 – Delete Button____________________________ Figure 231 – Cancel Active Button______________________ Figure 232 – The Personnel Screen _____________________ Figure 233 – The Personnel Screen _____________________ Figure 234 - The Badge Number Field In Search Mode _____ Figure 235 – First Name Field in Search Mode____________ Figure 236 – Last Name Field in Search Mode ____________ Figure 237 – Activation Date Field in Search Mode ________ Figure 238 – Expiration Date Field in Search Mode ________ Figure 239– Access Group 1 & 2 Controls & the Show Access Hotspot ___________________________________________ Figure 240 – Show usage Utility _______________________ Figure 241 – Access Group 1 Expiration Date Field in Search Mode _____________________________________________ Figure 242 - Access Group 2 Expiration Date Field in Search Mode _____________________________________________ Figure 243 – Group Field in Search Mode _______________ Figure 244 – Badge Number Field ______________________ Figure 245 – First Name Field _________________________ Figure 246 – Last Name Field _________________________ Figure 247 – Facility Field____________________________ Figure 248 Reissue Field _____________________________ Figure 249 – Pin Code Field __________________________ Figure 250 – Embossed ID Field _______________________ Figure 251 – Activation Date Field _____________________ Figure 252 – Expiration Date Field _____________________ Figure 253 – Access Time Field ________________________ Figure 254 – Badge Use Limit Field ____________________ Figure 255 – Dedicated Access Field____________________ Figure 256 - Access Group 1 & 2 Fields _________________ Figure 257 – Access Group 1 & 2 Expiration Date Field ____ Figure 258 – Enabled Check Box _______________________ Figure 259 – Tracked Check Box _______________________ Figure 260 – Readers Priorities Screen __________________ Figure 261 – Escorted Check Box ______________________ Figure 262 – Stay on Panel Check Box __________________ Figure 263 – Initial Download Check Box ________________ Figure 264 – Vehicle Tag Check Box ____________________ Figure 265 – Last Valid Access Display__________________ Figure 266 – Personnel Screen Control Tab ______________ 757 144 145 145 145 146 146 146 147 149 151 151 151 152 152 152 153 153 154 154 154 154 155 155 156 156 157 157 157 158 158 159 159 160 160 160 161 161 162 162 162 163 163 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 267 – Personnel Duration Use Control ____________ 164 Figure 268 – The Readers Screen APB Controls ___________ 164 Figure 269 – Settings for Timed Re-Entry in Personnel______ 165 Figure 270 - Settings for Timed Re-Entry in Readers _______ 165 Figure 271 Settings for Timed APB in Personnel___________ 166 Figure 272 – Settings for Timed APB in Readers___________ 166 Figure 273 – APB Setting Controls _____________________ 166 Figure 274 – Personnel Screen Settings for Shunt a Group of Inputs From Any Reader______________________________ 169 Figure 275 – Personnel Screen Settings for Shunt by Designated Reader ____________________________________________ 170 Figure 276 – Readers Screen Settings for Shunt by Designated Reader ____________________________________________ 170 Figure 277 - Personnel Screen Settings – Shunt One Door Only (Any Door) ________________________________________ 171 Figure 278 – Manual Shunt Control_____________________ 171 Figure 279 – Shunt Warning Dialog ____________________ 172 Figure 280 – Shunt Event Messages_____________________ 172 Figure 281 – Personnel Personal Tab ___________________ 173 Figure 282 – Personnel Custom Tab ____________________ 174 Figure 283 – Personnel Photo Tab With Photos Only Enabled 176 Figure 284– Personnel Photo Tab With Photo ID + Badging Enabled In Edit Mode ________________________________ 177 Figure 285 – Image Capture Window ___________________ 178 Figure 286 – The Signature Capture Window _____________ 179 Figure 287 – The Modify Image Window _________________ 180 Figure 288 – Import Image Window_____________________ 181 Figure 289 – Clear Photo Warning Dialog _______________ 181 Figure 290 – Clear Signature Warning Dialog ____________ 182 Figure 291 – Camera Setup Utility Screen________________ 182 Figure 292 – The Copies Control _______________________ 184 Figure 293 – The Export Photo Window _________________ 185 Figure 294 - The Batch Save Utility Screen _______________ 186 Figure 295 - The Personnel Screen Batch Modify Button ____ 189 Figure 296 - The Badge Range Fields___________________ 189 Figure 297 - The How to Handle a Range Selections _______ 189 Figure 298 - The Item and Include Columns ______________ 190 Figure 299 - The Value to be Set Column ________________ 191 Figure 300 - A Spin Control Field ______________________ 191 Figure 301 - A Text Field _____________________________ 191 Figure 302 - A Combo Field Control ____________________ 191 Figure 303 - A Check Box Field ________________________ 192 Figure 304 - A Calendar Field Control __________________ 192 Figure 305 - The Batch Criteria Column _________________ 193 Figure 306 - The Batch Save Utility Screen _______________ 194 758 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 307 - The Badge Range Fields ___________________ 195 Figure 308 - The Batch Save Range Selection Controls______ 196 Figure 309 - The Batch Save Column Layout______________ 196 Figure 310 - A Spin Control Field ______________________ 197 Figure 311 - A Text Field _____________________________ 197 Figure 312 - A Combo Field Control ____________________ 197 Figure 313 - A Check Box Field _______________________ 197 Figure 314 - A Calendar Field Control __________________ 198 Figure 315 - A Combo Field Control ____________________ 198 Figure 316 - A Calendar Field Control __________________ 198 Figure 317 - The Send Badges to Panels Check Box________ 199 Figure 318 - The Execute Button _______________________ 199 Figure 319 - The Cancel Button ________________________ 199 Figure 320 – The Badge Holders In List Screen ___________ 200 Figure 321 – The Readers Screen T&A Control – T&A Type Set to IN________________________________________________ 201 Figure 322 – The Readers Screen APB Control – APB Type Set to IN________________________________________________ 202 Figure 323 – The Select Reader Button __________________ 203 Figure 324 – Badge Holders In List Print Report Button ____ 203 Figure 325 – Badge Holders In List Auto Refresh Check Box _ 204 Figure 326 – Badge Holders In List Exit Button ___________ 204 Figure 327 – Badge Holders In List Status Bar ____________ 204 Figure 328 – Access Groups Utility Screen _______________ 206 Figure 329 – Example Access Groups Readers List with Schedules Assigned __________________________________________ 207 Figure 330 – Time Schedules Screen – 24/7/365 Schedule ___ 208 Figure 331 – Access Groups Example ___________________ 209 Figure 332 – Personnel Screen_________________________ 210 Figure 333 – Access Group Controls ____________________ 211 Figure 334 – Dedicated Access Checkbox ________________ 213 Figure 335 – Dedicated Access Folder Tab _______________ 213 Figure 336 – Access Groups Button _____________________ 214 Figure 337 – Access Groups Description Field ____________ 214 Figure 338 – Access Groups Screen – Reader Time Schedule Section____________________________________________ 215 Figure 339 – Access Group Screen Get Template Button ____ 215 Figure 340 – Select Access Group Template Utility Screen___ 215 Figure 341 – Access Groups Button _____________________ 216 Figure 342 – Access Groups Button _____________________ 216 Figure 343 – The Find Usage Screen ____________________ 217 Figure 344 – Host Polling Diagnostics Window – One Panel Shown ____________________________________________ 219 Figure 345 – The Host System Tray Icon _________________ 219 Figure 346 – The Host Taskbar Icon ____________________ 219 759 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 347 – The Find Usage Counts Section _____________ 221 Figure 348 – Panels Screen – Panel Number Field _________ 221 Figure 349 – The Find Usage Counts Section _____________ 222 Figure 350 – The Show Schedule Usage Control Set ________ 222 Figure 351 – Schedules Query Result - Items Found _______ 223 Figure 352 – Schedules Query Result - No Items Found_____ 224 Figure 353 – The (Show) Unused Time Schedules Button ____ 224 Figure 354 – The Show Access Grp Usage Control Set ______ 225 Figure 355 – Show Access Group Usage Results – Items Found226 Figure 356 – Show Access Group Usage Results – No Items Found __________________________________________________ 227 Figure 357 – The Unused Access Groups Button___________ 227 Figure 358 – Typical String of Card Data Bits (36 Bit Format) 229 Figure 359 – 36 Bit (Weigand) Format __________________ 230 Figure 360 - 36 Bit Format____________________________ 231 Figure 361 – Bit Positions – 36 Bit Format _______________ 232 Figure 362 – Bit Offsets – 36 Bit Format _________________ 232 Figure 363 – 36 Bit Badge Data Format with Fields Delineated and Labeled________________________________________ 233 Figure 364 – Badge Formats Screen ____________________ 234 Figure 365 – Format 1 - 36 Bit Insertion Format __________ 235 Figure 366 – Format 1 - 36 Bit Weigand/HID Data Structure 235 Figure 367 – Alternate Weigand 36 Bit Format Parity Settings 238 Figure 368 – Format 2 – 19 Character ABA Format________ 238 Figure 369 – Format 2 – 19 Character ABA Mag Stripe Format __________________________________________________ 238 Figure 370 – Format 3 - 26 Bit Non-ABA Format __________ 239 Figure 371 – Format 3 – 26 Bit Non-ABA ________________ 240 Figure 372 – Format 4 - 31 Non-ABA Format _____________ 241 Figure 373 Format 4 – 31 Bit Non-ABA__________________ 241 Figure 374 –Diagram of a Badge Format ________________ 244 Figure 375 – ABA Format – Standard Data Structure_______ 246 Figure 376 – ABA Format – Formats Screen______________ 247 Figure 377 – Custom 7 Character Badge Format __________ 248 Figure 378 – Custom 7 Character Badge Format Created ___ 248 Figure 379 – Custom 17 Character Format _______________ 249 Figure 380 – Custom 17 Character Format Created ________ 249 Figure 381 – The Default Button _______________________ 250 Figure 382 – The Restore Badge Formats Warning Message Box __________________________________________________ 251 Figure 383 – Panels Screen Download Button_____________ 251 Figure 384 – The Panel Download Selection Screen ________ 252 Figure 385 – The Download Panel Warning Dialog ________ 252 Figure 386 – Facility Codes Screen _____________________ 253 Figure 387 – Facility Codes Entered ____________________ 254 760 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 388 – Facility Code Numbering __________________ 256 Figure 389 – Personnel Facility Code Selection Control ____ 256 Figure 390 – Different Facility Codes in Position One ______ 257 Figure 391 – The Schedules Screen, with Multiple Time Block Schedule Programmed _______________________________ 258 Figure 392– The Schedules Screen, with Single Time Block Schedule Programmed _______________________________ 259 Figure 393 – Schedule time Block Area __________________ 260 Figure 394 – New Time Block Being Added, New Block & Delete Block Buttons ______________________________________ 262 Figure 395 – The Holidays Screen in ‘New’ Mode _________ 264 Figure 396 – The Groups Screen _______________________ 266 Figure 397 – The Operators Screen _____________________ 268 Figure 398 – The Operators New Button _________________ 269 Figure 399 – Operators General Tab____________________ 269 Figure 400 – The Operators Name Field _________________ 270 Figure 401 – Operators Screen Name Field_______________ 270 Figure 402 – Operators Password Field _________________ 270 Figure 403 – Operators Operator Number Field ___________ 270 Figure 404 – Operators Alert Ack Time Control ___________ 271 Figure 405 – Operators Auto-Logoff Control _____________ 271 Figure 406 – Operators Event Viewing Tab_______________ 272 Figure 407 – Operators Privileges Tab __________________ 272 Figure 408 – Operators Screen Privileges Selection Control _ 272 Figure 409 – Operators Device Control Privileges Check Boxes __________________________________________________ 273 Figure 410 – Readers, Relays, Links Manual Control Privilege Selection Control ___________________________________ 273 o Figure 411 – Edit Button _________________________ 275 o Figure 412 – Manual Control Privilege Control (Readers, Relays, Links screens)________________________________ 275 o Figure 413 – Save button _________________________ 275 Figure 414 – Save Button _____________________________ 275 Figure 415 – Edit Button _____________________________ 276 Figure 416 – Save Button _____________________________ 276 Figure 417 – Close Button ____________________________ 276 Figure 418 – Delete Button____________________________ 276 Figure 419 – Close Button ____________________________ 277 Figure 420 - The Operators Screen General Tab___________ 278 Figure 421 - The Operators Screen Event Viewing Tab______ 280 Figure 422 - The Operators Screen Privileges Tab _________ 281 Figure 423– The Links Screen Manual Control Privilege Control __________________________________________________ 282 Figure 424 – The Operators Screen Priv Assignment Check Boxes __________________________________________________ 282 761 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 425 – The Operator Privileges Screen _____________ 284 Figure 426 – The Operators Screen Privileges Control______ 285 Figure 427 – Operator Privileges Folder Tabs ____________ 285 Figure 428 – The Forms Control Tab – Menus are Collapsed 286 Figure 429 – The Personnel Fields Control Tab – With Badges Branch Expanded ___________________________________ 288 Figure 430 – Database Partitions Tab – No Groups Selected _ 289 Figure 431 – The Groups Screen Folder Tabs _____________ 290 Figure 432 – The Readers General Tab – Group Control ____ 290 Figure 433 – The Menu Items List ______________________ 292 Figure 434 – The CardAccess Main Toolbar ______________ 293 Figure 435 – The Menu Items List – Administration Menu Branch Disabled __________________________________________ 293 Figure 436 – The Personnel Fields Control Tab ___________ 294 Figure 437 – Form Fields Tab - Badges Top Menu _________ 295 Figure 438 – Badges Menu Expanded ___________________ 295 Figure 439 – Forms Field Actions Buttons________________ 296 Figure 440 – Operator Privileges Save and Cancel Buttons __ 296 Figure 441 – Database Partition Tab____________________ 296 Figure 442 – Database Partitions Tab ___________________ 297 Figure 443 – Database Partitioning Move All Button _______ 297 Figure 444 – Database Partitioning Move Item Button ______ 297 Figure 445 – The Operator Responses Screen _____________ 299 Figure 446 – The New Button__________________________ 300 Figure 447 – The Operator Privileges Response Text Field __ 300 Figure 448 – The Save Button _________________________ 300 Figure 449 – The Close Button_________________________ 300 Figure 450 – The Response Text View Area & Scrollbar_____ 301 Figure 451 – Edit Button _____________________________ 301 Figure 452 – The Response Text Field ___________________ 301 Figure 453 – The Save Button _________________________ 301 Figure 454 – The Close Button_________________________ 301 Figure 455 – The Response Text View Area & Scrollbar_____ 302 Figure 456 – The Delete Button ________________________ 302 Figure 457 – The Delete Warning Message Box ___________ 302 Figure 458 – The Close Button_________________________ 302 Figure 459 – The Event Response Window – Event Tab Displayed __________________________________________________ 303 Figure 460 – The CardAccess Main Screen – Sectional View, Respond Buttons Highlighted __________________________ 304 Figure 461 – The Respond Button ______________________ 305 Figure 462 – The Response Message Field _______________ 305 Figure 463 – Response Message Control with Pre-Created List Visible ____________________________________________ 305 Figure 464 – The Accept Button ________________________ 305 762 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 465 – The Event Tab, Alert Section________________ 306 Figure 466 – The Event Tab, Archive Information Section ___ 306 Figure 467 – The Response Message Control _____________ 307 Figure 468 – The Response History Button _______________ 307 Figure 469 – The Response List Window _________________ 307 Figure 470 – Event Response Map Tab __________________ 308 Figure 471 – The Photo Tab___________________________ 309 Figure 472 – The CCTV Tab __________________________ 310 Figure 473 – The CCTV Command Selection Control _______ 310 Figure 474 – The CCTV Send Button ____________________ 311 Figure 475 – Exit Button______________________________ 311 Figure 476 – The Maps Creation Screen _________________ 312 Figure 477 – The Hardware Screen View Maps Button______ 312 Figure 478 – Panels Screen Folder Tabs - Maps Disabled ___ 313 Figure 479 – Panels Screen Folder Tabs - Maps Enabled____ 313 Figure 480 – System Settings General Tab________________ 313 Figure 481 – System Settings Edit Button_________________ 313 Figure 482 – System Settings Map Engine Enable Check Box_ 313 Figure 483 – System Settings Save Button ________________ 314 Figure 484 – Maps Import Button ______________________ 314 Figure 485 – The Maps Explorer Window ________________ 315 Figure 486 – Maps Explorer Control Preview Button _______ 315 Figure 487 – The Maps File Source Selector Tool__________ 316 Figure 488 – Scanner Select Button _____________________ 316 Figure 489 – The Select Source Box_____________________ 317 Figure 490 – The New Image (Edit) Button _______________ 317 Figure 491 – The Copy and Paste Buttons ________________ 317 Figure 492 – The Devices Control Panel _________________ 318 Figure 493 – The Reader Select Device Control ___________ 319 Figure 494 – Maps Device Duplicate Assignment Warning __ 320 Figure 495 – Map with Several Devices Attached __________ 320 Figure 496 – The Select Map Control ___________________ 321 Figure 497 – The Find Button _________________________ 321 Figure 498 – Maps Find Select the Device Control _________ 322 Figure 499 – The Maps Pop Up Window _________________ 323 Figure 500 – The Events Toolbar _______________________ 324 Figure 501 – The Alerts Toolbar _______________________ 324 Figure 502 – Readers Screen Map Tab __________________ 325 Figure 503 – The View Maps Button ____________________ 325 Figure 504 – Alerts Toolbar with Map Button Right Click Menu Visible ____________________________________________ 326 Figure 505 – Readers Screen Map Tab __________________ 327 Figure 506 – The Facility Map for This Device Field _______ 327 Figure 507 – The Map Description Field _________________ 327 Figure 508 – Size Image to Fit Checkbox_________________ 328 763 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 509 – The View Maps Button ____________________ 328 Figure 510 – The Remove Map Button ___________________ 328 Figure 511 – The Panels Screen – General Tab Visible _____ 333 Figure 512 – The Panel Address Control _________________ 333 Figure 513 – The Com Port Selection Control_____________ 334 Figure 514 – Com Ports Screen – Cable Serial Selected _____ 334 Figure 515 – Com Ports Screen - Modem Dial Up Selected __ 335 Figure 516 – Com Ports Screen – LAN Connection Selected _ 335 Figure 517 – Com Port Open Fail Message_______________ 336 Figure 518 – Failure to Receive Response to Poll Event Message __________________________________________________ 336 Figure 519 – The Modems ____________________________ 336 Figure 520 – Com Ports Screen LAN Connection Tab ______ 337 Figure 521 – The New Button__________________________ 337 Figure 522 – The Com Port Selection Control_____________ 337 Figure 523 – The Panel Address Selection Control _________ 338 Figure 524 – The Panel Name Field_____________________ 338 Figure 525 – The Panel Enabled Check Box ______________ 338 Figure 526 – The Save Button _________________________ 339 Figure 527 – The Panels Screen Folder Tabs _____________ 339 Figure 528 – The Panels General Tab ___________________ 339 Figure 529 – The Name Field__________________________ 340 Figure 530 – The Panel Address Selection Control _________ 340 Figure 531 – The Panels Screen Panel Number Column _____ 340 Figure 532 – The Group Selection Control _______________ 341 Figure 533 – The Enabled Check Box ___________________ 341 Figure 534 – The Interactive Badges Check Box ___________ 341 Figure 535 – The Repeat Off-Line Alert Check Box_________ 344 Figure 536 – The Panel Response Event Messages _________ 344 Figure 537 – The Using Elevator Readers Check Box _______ 344 Figure 538 – The Readers Screen Reader Type Control – Elevator Selected ___________________________________________ 344 Figure 539 – The Enable Password Check Box ____________ 345 Figure 540 – The Degrade Mode On Check Box ___________ 345 Figure 541 – The Panel Address Selection Control _________ 347 Figure 542 – The Com Port Selection Control_____________ 347 Figure 543 – The Transaction Buffer Size Selection Control__ 348 Figure 544 – The Time Schedule Blocks Selection Control ___ 348 Figure 545 – Schedules Screen – Six Time Blocks Shown ____ 349 Figure 546 – The Max Access Groups Control ____________ 350 Figure 547 – The Access Group Number – Access Group #1 Shown ____________________________________________ 350 Figure 548 – The Panels Priorities Tab __________________ 350 Figure 549 – The Panels Maps Tab _____________________ 351 Figure 550 – Facility Map Name Field __________________ 352 764 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 551 – The Map Description Field _________________ 352 Figure 552 – The Size Image to Fit Check Box ____________ 353 Figure 553 – The View Maps Button ____________________ 353 Figure 554 – The Remove Map Button ___________________ 353 Figure 555 - The Panels Download Categories Selection Screen __________________________________________________ 354 Figure 556 – The Download Button _____________________ 355 Figure 557 – The Badges Check Box ____________________ 355 Figure 558 – The Readers Check Box ___________________ 355 Figure 559 – The Inputs Check Box _____________________ 356 Figure 560 – The Relays Check Box_____________________ 356 Figure 561 – The Links Check Box______________________ 356 Figure 562 – The Badge Formats Check Box______________ 356 Figure 563 – The Access Groups Check Box ______________ 356 Figure 564 – The Time Schedules Check Box _____________ 356 Figure 565 – The Facility Codes Check Box ______________ 357 Figure 566 – The Holidays Check Box ___________________ 357 Figure 567 – The Full Download Check Box ______________ 357 Figure 568 – The Firmware Download Checkbox __________ 357 Figure 569 – The Download Panel Button ________________ 358 Figure 570 – The Download All Panels Button ____________ 358 Figure 571 – The Download Confirmation Message ________ 358 Figure 572 – The Dial Up Confirm Message ______________ 359 Figure 573 – The Download Confirm Message ____________ 359 Figure 574 – The Readers Screen – General Tab Visible ____ 360 Figure 575 – The New Button__________________________ 362 Figure 576 – The Panel Selection Control ________________ 362 Figure 577 – The Reader Number Selection Control ________ 362 Figure 578 – The Save Button _________________________ 362 Figure 579 – The Badge Validator Control _______________ 363 Figure 580 – Badge Validator Reader Enable & Disable Messages __________________________________________________ 364 Figure 581 – Personnel Screen Check Boxes – Escorted Highlighted ________________________________________ 364 Figure 582 – Readers Screen Check Boxes – Escort Enabled Highlighted ________________________________________ 365 Figure 583 The Readers Screen Two-Badge Timer _________ 365 Figure 584 – Readers Screen Check Boxes – Alarm Shunt Highlighted ________________________________________ 366 Figure 585 – The Card-Only Time Schedule Selection Control 366 Figure 586 – The Card&Pin Time Schedule Selection Control 367 Figure 587 – The Time & Attendance Type Selection Control_ 368 Figure 588 – Time&Attendance Event Messages ___________ 368 Figure 589 – The Anti-Passback Controls ________________ 368 Figure 590 – The Two-Person Reader Type Selection Control 369 765 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 591 – The Vehicle Tag Reader Selection Control_____ 370 Figure 592 – Personnel Screen Check Boxes – Vehicle Tag Highlighted ________________________________________ 371 Figure 593 – The Two-Badge Timer_____________________ 372 Figure 594 – Vehicle Tag Violation Event Massage ________ 372 Figure 595 – A Valid Tag Event Message ________________ 372 Figure 596 – The Readers Screen Folder Tabs ____________ 373 Figure 597 – The Readers General Tab __________________ 374 Figure 598 – The Reader Type control___________________ 375 Figure 599 – The Readers Screen Elevator Access Tab______ 375 Figure 600 – The Assign to Access Group from Reader Selection Control ___________________________________________ 377 Figure 601 – The Enabled Check Box ___________________ 377 Figure 602 – The Report Bypass Check Box ______________ 377 Figure 603 – The Bypass Unlocks Checkbox ______________ 378 Figure 604 – The Report Access After Open Check Box _____ 378 Figure 605 – The Escort Enabled Check Box______________ 379 Figure 606 – The No Transaction for Valid Check Box ______ 380 Figure 607 – The Suppress OTL Warning Check Box _______ 380 Figure 608 – The Readers Still Open Delay Selection Control 381 Figure 609 – The Time Schedule Violate Override Check Box 381 Figure 610 – The Alarm Shunt Reader Check Box__________ 382 Figure 611 – The Readers Door Control Tab _____________ 382 Figure 612 – The Card-Only Time Schedule Control _______ 383 Figure 613 – The Free Access Selection Control ___________ 384 Figure 614 The Degrade Mode Time Schedule Selection Control __________________________________________________ 384 Figure 615 – The Door Sensor Input Selection Control______ 385 Figure 616 – The Bypass Input Selection Control __________ 386 Figure 617 – The Door Strike Relay Selection Control ______ 386 Figure 618 – The Keypad Enabled Check Box_____________ 387 Figure 619 – The Disable Duress Check Box______________ 388 Figure 620 – The Common Code Control ________________ 389 Figure 621 – The Card & PIN Schedule Selection Control ___ 390 Figure 622 – The Common Code Schedule Selection Control _ 391 Figure 623 – The Readers Screen Options Tab ____________ 391 Figure 624 – The Shunt Relay Selection Control ___________ 392 Figure 625 – The Door Strike Time Control ______________ 393 Figure 626 – The Elevator Reader Duration Control _______ 393 Figure 627 – The Intrusion Delay Control ________________ 393 Figure 628 – The Still Open Delay Control _______________ 394 Figure 629 – The Lock Control Selection Control __________ 394 Figure 630 – The Time & Attendance Selection Control _____ 395 Figure 631 – The Two Person Reader Type Selection Control 396 Figure 632 – The Two Badge Timer Control ______________ 397 766 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 633 – The Anti Passback Controls ________________ 397 Figure 634 – The APB Violate Override Check Box ________ 398 Figure 635 – The Readers Duration Use Time Control ______ 398 Figure 636 – The Personnel Duration Use Check Box ______ 398 Figure 637 – The Vehicle Tag Superterm Reader Link ______ 399 Figure 638 – The Readers Screen Priorities Tab ___________ 399 Figure 639 – The Readers Screen CCTV Tab _____________ 402 Figure 640 – The Readers Elevator Access Tab____________ 403 Figure 641 – The Readers Screen Map Tab _______________ 404 Figure 642 – The Readers Elevator Access Tab____________ 405 Figure 643 – The Panels Screen, Using Elevator Readers Check Box highlighted _____________________________________ 415 Figure 644 – The Readers General Tab, Elevator Selected ___ 416 Figure 645 – The Readers Elevator Access Tab____________ 417 Figure 646 – The Inputs Screen ________________________ 419 Figure 647 – The New Button__________________________ 421 Figure 648 – The Panel Selection Control ________________ 422 Figure 649 – The Name Test Field ______________________ 422 Figure 650 – The Input Number Spin Control _____________ 422 Figure 651 – The Save Button _________________________ 422 Figure 652 – The Panel Selection Control ________________ 422 Figure 653 – The Input Number Selection Control _________ 423 Figure 654 – The Name Text Field ______________________ 424 Figure 655 – Input Event Messages _____________________ 425 Figure 656 – The Group Selection Control _______________ 425 Figure 657 – The Enable Schedule Selection Control _______ 425 Figure 658 – The Enabled Check Box ___________________ 426 Figure 659 – The Normal Open Check Box _______________ 426 Figure 660 – The Supervised Check Box _________________ 426 Figure 661 – The Activate Console Relay Check Box _______ 427 Figure 662 – The Dial Up on Abnormal Check Box ________ 428 Figure 663 – The Dial Up on Normal Check Box __________ 428 Figure 664 – The Remarks Text Field ___________________ 428 Figure 665 – The Alert Delay Time Selection Control _______ 429 Figure 666 – The Alert Reset Time Selection Control _______ 429 Figure 667 – The Alert Priority Selection Control__________ 430 Figure 668 – The Response Required Check Box___________ 430 Figure 669 – The No Alert Reporting Check Box___________ 431 Figure 670 – Input Alert Messages______________________ 431 Figure 671 – The Enabled Check Box ___________________ 432 Figure 672 – The Abnormal Condition Section ____________ 433 Figure 673 – The Return to Normal Section_______________ 433 Figure 674 – The Inputs Screen Map Tab ________________ 434 Figure 675 – The Facility Map for This Device Field _______ 434 Figure 676 – The Map Description Field _________________ 434 767 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 677 – The Size Image to Fit Check Box ____________ 435 Figure 678 – The View Maps Button ____________________ 435 Figure 679 – The Remove Map Button ___________________ 435 Figure 680 – The Relays Screen ________________________ 442 Figure 681 – The New Button__________________________ 445 Figure 682 – The Panel Selection Control ________________ 445 Figure 683 – The Name Text Field ______________________ 445 Figure 684 – The Relay Number Spin Control _____________ 445 Figure 685 – The Save Button _________________________ 445 Figure 686 – The Panel Selection Control ________________ 446 Figure 687 – The Relay Number Selection Control _________ 446 Figure 688 – The Name Text Field ______________________ 448 Figure 689 – Relay Event Messages_____________________ 448 Figure 690 – The Group Selection Control _______________ 448 Figure 691 – The Track Schedule Selection Control ________ 448 Figure 692 – The Energize Time Selection Control _________ 449 Figure 693 – The Manual Control Privilege Selection Control 450 Figure 694 – The Relays Manual Control Screen __________ 450 Figure 695 – The Operators Screen Privileges Tab_________ 451 Figure 696 – The Relays Screen Manual Control Privilege Control __________________________________________________ 452 Figure 697 – The Operators Screen Priv Assignment Check Boxes __________________________________________________ 452 Figure 698 – The Enabled Check Box ___________________ 453 Figure 699 – The Off-State Energized Check Box __________ 453 Figure 700 – Relay Pin Out Connections (N.O. = Normally Open) 453 Figure 701 – The Alert on Change Check Box _____________ 454 Figure 702 – The Alert Requires Response Check Box ______ 454 Figure 703 – The Dial Up on Change Check Box __________ 454 Figure 704 – The Alert Priority Selection Control__________ 455 Figure 705 – The Remarks Text Field ___________________ 455 Figure 706_________________________________________ 456 Figure 707 – The Facility Map for This Device Field _______ 456 Figure 708 – The Map Description Field _________________ 456 Figure 709 – The Size Image to Fit Check Box ____________ 457 Figure 710 – The View Maps Button ____________________ 457 Figure 711 – The Remove Map Button ___________________ 457 Figure 712 – The Inputs Screen Normal Open Check Box____ 460 Figure 713 – The Inputs Screen Supervised Check Box ______ 460 Figure 714 – The Relays Screen Off-State Energized Check Box __________________________________________________ 460 Figure 715 – The Links Screen _________________________ 462 Figure 716 – The New Button__________________________ 466 Figure 717 – The Panel Name Selection Control___________ 467 Figure 718 – The Description Text Field _________________ 467 768 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 719 – The Link Program Number Spin Control ______ 467 Figure 720 – The Links Input Selection Controls___________ 468 Figure 721 – The Links Screen Output Folder Tab _________ 469 Figure 722 – The Save Button _________________________ 469 Figure 723 – The Remote Panel Link Controls ____________ 469 Figure 724 – The Remote Panel Link Settings for Figure 725 below _____________________________________________ 470 Figure 725 – Global Link Schematic Diagram_____________ 470 Figure 726 – The Remote Panel Link Selection Controls_____ 472 Figure 727 – The Panel Name Selection Control___________ 472 Figure 728 – The Description Text Field _________________ 473 Figure 729 – Link Event Messages______________________ 473 Figure 730 – The Group Selection Control _______________ 473 Figure 731 – The Enable Schedule Selection Control _______ 473 Figure 732 – The Link Program Number Selection Control __ 474 Figure 733 – The Enabled Check Box ___________________ 474 Figure 734 – The Report Activity Check Box ______________ 475 Figure 735 – Link Status Event Messages ________________ 475 Figure 736 – The Alert Requires Response Check Box ______ 475 Figure 737 – The Dial Up on Activation Check Box ________ 475 Figure 738 – The Alert Priority Selection Control__________ 476 Figure 739 – The Manual Control Privilege Selection Control 476 Figure 740 – The Links Manual Control Screen ___________ 477 Figure 741 – The Operators Screen Privileges Tab_________ 478 Figure 742 – The Links Screen Manual Control Privilege Control __________________________________________________ 478 Figure 743 – The Operators Screen Priv Assignment Check Boxes __________________________________________________ 479 Figure 744 – The Remote Panel Link Controls ____________ 479 Figure 745 – The Panels Screen Panel Number Field _______ 480 Figure 746 – The Global Link Panel Number Selection Control480 Figure 747 – The Global Link Program Number Selection Control __________________________________________________ 480 Figure 748 – The Links Screen Link Program Number Field _ 481 Figure 749 – The Input Tab ___________________________ 481 Figure 750 – The Links Screen Inputs Selection Controls ____ 482 Figure 751 – The Links Screen Track Schedule Control _____ 482 Figure 752 – The Output Tab __________________________ 483 Figure 753 – The Maps Tab ___________________________ 484 Figure 754 – The Facility Map for This Device Field _______ 484 Figure 755 – The Map Description Field _________________ 484 Figure 756 – The Size Image to Fit Check Box ____________ 485 Figure 757 – The View Maps Button ____________________ 485 Figure 758 – The Remove Map Button ___________________ 485 Figure 759 – The Communications Ports Screen ___________ 486 769 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 760 – The Com Ports Tab _______________________ 488 Figure 761 – Com Ports Tab – Com Port Control with Type List Visible ____________________________________________ 489 Figure 762 – Com Port Open Fail Event Message__________ 490 Figure 763 – Com Ports Tab View of Port Allocated to LAN _ 490 Figure 764 - Com Ports Tab – BAUD Control with Baud Rate List Visible ____________________________________________ 491 Figure 765 – The LAN Connections Tab _________________ 492 Figure 766 – The Modems Screen Panels Selection Area ____ 496 Figure 767 – The Modems Screen Dial Out Phone Number Section __________________________________________________ 497 Figure 768 – The Modems Screen Dial Out Schedule Section_ 497 Figure 769 – The New Button__________________________ 499 Figure 770 – The Node Name Field _____________________ 499 Figure 771 – The Dial In Telephone Numbers Fields _______ 500 Figure 772 – The Dial Out Telephone Number Field________ 500 Figure 773 – The Modem Init Strings Field _______________ 500 Figure 774 – The Dial Frequency Selection Radio Buttons ___ 501 Figure 775 – The Panels Tab Panel Selection Area_________ 502 Figure 776 – The Dial Out Line Radio Buttons ____________ 502 Figure 777 – The Save Button _________________________ 503 Figure 778 – The Node Number Selection Control _________ 504 Figure 779 – The Dial Back Phone Numbers Section _______ 504 Figure 780 – The System Settings Modems Section _________ 505 Figure 781 – The Remote Panel Modem Details Section _____ 506 Figure 782 – The Manual Connect Button ________________ 507 Figure 783 – The Manual Connect Screen ________________ 508 Figure 784 – The Node Selection Control ________________ 508 Figure 785 – The Modem Selection Control_______________ 508 Figure 786 – The Manual Control Screen Dial Button ______ 508 Figure 787 – The Manual Control Screen Cancel Button ____ 509 Figure 788 – The Setup Dialup Screen Stay Connected Check Box __________________________________________________ 509 Figure 789 – The Node Name Text Field _________________ 510 Figure 790 – The Dial Frequency Section ________________ 510 Figure 791 – The Time Schedule Selection Control _________ 510 Figure 792 – The Com Ports Screen Type Field Set to Modem 512 Figure 793 – The Panels Screen Com Port Selection Control _ 512 Figure 794 – The Modems Screen Panels Tab _____________ 513 Figure 795 – The Panels Tab Panel Selection Area_________ 514 Figure 796 – The Dial Out Modem Radio Buttons__________ 514 Figure 797 – The Dial In Modem Radio Buttons ___________ 515 Figure 798 – The Alpha Sort Check Box _________________ 516 Figure 799 – V.Everything Modem Switch Block___________ 524 Figure 800 – Two Typical Dial Nodes ___________________ 530 770 C A R D A C C E S S 3 0 0 0 S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L Figure 801 – The HyperTerm Connection Name Screen _____ 538 Figure 802 – The HyperTerm Connection Type Selection Screen – Com1 selected ______________________________________ 539 Figure 803 – The HyperTerm Com Port Settings___________ 540 Figure 804 – The HyperTerminal Main Screen – Successful Connection (no messages, blinking cursor only) ___________ 541 Figure 805 – The Modem Normal Response to the AT Command _________________________________