Week 5 Edition - Cleve Area School
Week 5 Edition - Cleve Area School
CLEVE AREA SCHOOL NEWSLETTER Term 1, Week 5 2nd March, 2016 Hello Everyone. What a great success we had with the Gala Dinner last Saturday night being a sold-out event. I want to acknowledge and express enormous thanks to all the sponsors and the people who worked extremely hard, for many hours to make the event a magnificent success. The Atmosphere was tremendous, the Food was delicious, the Entertainment fabulous and the Decorations were superb. All the feedback so far has been very positive. We will have a financial report just as soon as all the accounts have been received and paid. I am amazed by the quality and quantum of support that the community continues to give our school. I feel proud and privileged to be member of such a supportive and giving community. Please read the list of people we are thanking for their involvement. I ask you to support all the sponsors who supported this important fundraising event for our local school. The Cleve Area School Governing Council will have the Annual General Meeting on Tuesday 29th March, 7.00pm in the staffroom at the school. If you are interested in having a say in the governance and decision making in our school please nominate for a position on the council. Last Friday we had the school’s swimming carnival. This was another very successful school event. We thank Mr. Graeme Byrnes and the sports committee for planning and coordinating the day. Many thanks also to the SRC for selling drinks, Parents & Friends for tea, coffee and cakes and the Pool Committee for selling yiros. I congratulate all the participants and offer enormous thanks to Mr. Byrnes and his team of helpers. Many thanks to all the students, parents and staff who worked hard on the day and helping to make this event a great success. On Tuesday March 22nd we will have a Pupil Free Day. The staff will travel to Kimba for a day of learning about Growth Mindsets. James Anderson, a consultant, will conduct a workshop for the schools and preschools in our Central Eyre Partnership. SRC Executive We congratulate the following students who were elected by their peers into the following positions for the Senior SRC: President: Alana Simes Vice President: Amy Nield Secretary: Amie-Lee Harris Treasurer: Tarsha Briese Year 11 Vice Presidents: Gabbie Stringer and Alesha Hammenamm Junior SRC Representatives: Michaela Story and Jackie Brown. We wish this year’s Executive all the best and look forward to working with them and the whole SRC. We will have an induction assembly later this term. The feedback received last year from students, parents and staff opinion surveys as well as External School Review information has been at the centre of our planning for 2016. We are listening to your feedback and it is reflected in our Human Resources planning (staffing) and our school priorities that include the following: Numeracy, Literacy, Pedagogy/Curriculum delivery, Australian Curriculum and Community Connections. We aim to stay on this path of continuous improvement so we are providing a high quality education service to all our students. Our aim is to be a High Performing School. Thank you, Ray Marino ACTING DEPUTY NEWS This week I learnt I had been successful in gaining the Acting Deputy Position for all of 2016 and Miss Alice Nelligan has accepted the opportunity to continue her teaching appointment in the Year 2/3 class for the entire year. We hope Miss Nelligan continues to enjoy her time in our school community as we certainly appreciate her caring and dedicated approach to her teaching. I know the students are appreciating the engaging activities she is providing every day to enhance their learning. Junior SRC Congratulations to the following students for being elected to represent their classes on the Junior SRC for 2016. Week 5 Tuesday 1st - Wednesday 2nd March RST Machinery Maintenance Wednesday 2nd March SAPSASA Softball Trials Thursday 3rd March Primary Assembly Friday 4th March Dash n Splash Week 6 Monday 7th—Friday 11th March V-Tech Tuesday 8th - 10th March Sports Day Practices Week 7 Monday 14th March Public Holiday Wednesday 16th March 1500m Friday 18th March Year 4-12 Sports Day Phone: 86282104 Fax: 86282511 Address: Second St, Cleve 5640 Email: Follow us on Facebook Cleve Area School Cleve Area School Parents and Friends Cleve Area School Sims Farm [email protected] Community Notices deadline 11am Tuesdays [email protected] R Sunè Swanepoel and Ryder Quinn 1/2 Archie Schubert, Rossieanna Edwards 2/3 Milly Evans and Mitchell Peters 3/4 Emma Cox and Brody Gillings 4/5 Cooper Matters and Jorja Newlyn Miss Jane Glasson is coordinating the Junior SRC this year. They had their first meeting on Thursday and discussed their role and aims. They had a quick meeting to address some ideas they had for school improvement. We wish them all the best for a successful year of student leadership. Dash n Splash A reminder that Dash n Splash is on Friday for Reception to year 3 students. Students will rotate through 4 water based activities. Many thanks to the many parents who have offered to lead classes from activity to activity, we appreciate you support of school events. Assembly Our first primary assembly is on Thursday in the Uniting Church Hall. It will start at 11:50am (lesson 4) and is presented by Mrs Grainger’s Year 3/4 class. Open Afternoon Last Friday afternoon our school was a hive of activity for our annual Open Afternoon. The students were so excited to show off their classrooms and learning so far to their parents and other relatives that visited. We also had a great response from parents in Mel Master’s information session on her ‘Walker Learning Approach’ and to the Wrap spelling and Accelerated Reader sessions. Parent/Teacher Interviews Now that parents have had an opportunity to meet their children’s teachers and view their classrooms during last week’s Open Afternoon, our next form of formal communication of children’s learning will occur in our annual Parent/Teacher Interviews. The interviews will be held in week 7 and 8 of this term, from 15th to 24th of March. Parent Teacher interviews provide opportunities to: Share information about your child’s progress, interests and needs. Foster positive and respectful relationships between home and school Improve communication with your child’s teacher Let the teacher know if you would like to become involved in classroom activities Set goals for your child’s learning This week you will receive a letter with some information about a system of arranging parent/teacher interviews online. Last year we trialled an online booking system and we will continue to use this system. Please check your child’s bag for the letter and take the time in the next few days to logon to the website and book your interviews. If you have any questions about the process or do not have access to a computer or internet, please don’t hesitate to contact the school for further information. Natasha Agars, Acting Deputy Principal Sports Day Trials and Practices The school’s annual Sports Day for all students in Years 4-12 will be held on Friday 18 March at the school oval. Preparation for this year will follow the same format as previous, which has proved very successful. On Tuesday 8 March, Wednesday 9 March and Thursday 10 March, from 9.00 until 11.00 am, students will be given the opportunity to participate in trials/ practices for Sports Day. They will be in House groups, with an “expert” staff member at specific events to coach as appropriate. If you would like to watch the trials or you are able to assist in any way (coaching, supervision, and recording), please let one of the front office staff know and I will contact you. The aim of the trials is to provide maximum individual participation and, at the same time, identify, encourage and develop the talented athletes in Years 4-12. It is necessary to provide block time for House Captains and supervising staff to select competitors and to prepare for the day generally. Since many of our students travel on buses and other valuable programmes are offered during lunch breaks; some school time has been set aside. Under the circumstances the training plan needs full co-operation. Staff will expect students to participate in order to gain maximum benefit and assist House officials to select teams. House performance (cooperation, behaviour, participation etc) on these days will also contribute to the Sports Day’s ‘Team Spirit Award’. We would appreciate your support for these arrangements and ask that you encourage your children to take part and give their best in each event. If there are extenuating circumstances preventing your child from participating, would you please provide the school with a brief explanatory note. Graeme Byrnes, Physical Education Teacher Coffee Pods Wanted If anyone has a coffee pod machine and is able to keep their empty pods for Samara Turner via the front office, it would be much appreciated. Changes to our Positive Behaviours for Learning Reward Program Since 2013 we have been using VIVOs to reward the positive behaviours we model and teach to our students. The R-4 cohort used VIVO Stars and Years 512, VIVO Miles. This process of acknowledging these positive behaviours has had a positive effect on teaching and learning, but we have an on-going review process to grow and develop the program. As part of a review the whole school decided that the R-Year 5 sector of the school will switch to Dojo, and most parents in this cohort will be familiar with this. Teachers of these classes felt that the Dojo format better suited the age group and the interface was also user friendly. Year 6-12 teachers have continued with VIVO as students are, on the whole, positive about the format which is better suited to this age group. The PBL Team thank Philippa Grainger for her diligent work in implementing Dojo. If you have any questions about the Positive Behaviour for Learning program programme please contact me. Parents and Friends AGM Thursday 10th March 12.30 pm Cleve Hotel for lunch. Meeting to follow at approx 1.15pm. Please come and join us for the AGM of the Parents and Friends of Cleve Area School. We are desperately seeking some new parents to get involved and help this important part of our school. If you feel like you’d like to be involved in some way please contact Liz Nield. 0428 862051. We’d like to thank the parents who gave food and help to our fundraising functions last year. The Year 12 dinner was a huge success and from all accounts went very well. Special mention must go to the fabulous team of people who organised the Gala Dinner on Saturday night. It was a beautiful evening and all who attended seemed to be having a great time. What a wonderful thing for our school community to showcase and be involved in. A very successful night and a lot of work for those involved. Thank you. Liz Nield Arno Bay Community Auction Sunday 6th March from 10 a.m. at the footy oval. Receiving goods from 7 a.m. Stall bookings available (contact Muriel on 86280151). Catering and bar facilities. Bouncy castle and face painting for the kids. For further information contact Stacy on 0429 782259 Garage Sale Cleve Unity Church Hall March 12th 9am Inaugural Grain Classification Competition— Cleve Show—2nd March, 2016 Grain Samples Needed! Grain growers. Would you be prepared to donate grain samples for this competitions? I’m in need of Wheat Barley Oat samples Samples needed to be about 4 litres of grain each (about the quantity of a large icecream container) unpickled. Please label with: Variety Grower’s name and phone number Locality grown in Please drop off to Aleks Suljagic, Ag Co-ordinator, via Cleve Area School. Woolgrowers - Cleve Show - 2nd March 2016 Have you got that standout fleece kept aside from shearing? Why not enter it in this year’s Cleve Show Wool Competition. Fleeces can be dropped off at Landmark Cleve, Elders, Cleve Area School or Sims Farm, or on the show morning, with accompanying details. Many thanks, Aleks Suljagic, Wool Convenor. Lost Property We have a lot of lost property left after Swimming Carnival. Please call in if your child has misplaced anything. Week 8 Tuesday 22nd March PUPIL FREE DAY Parents and Friends will be providing Tea and coffee and cake at Senior Sports Day this year. Donations of cake prewrapped to Front Office on day of Sports Day will be gratefully accepted. Thank you. NOMINATION FORMS—RETURN BY FRIDAY 18TH MARCH I would like to nominate for election to the Cleve AS Governing Council. Signed: _______________________________ Name: (please print) ________________________ The following committees are an integral part of the CAS Governing Council. These groups help to maintain our schools educational service to the community. We invite you to nominate for one or more of the committee's even if you are not interested in being a member of the Governing Council. We value your input and need your participation to help us on the journey of making our school from “Good to Great”. Please return to the front office by Friday 18th March. Thankyou. NAME……………………………………………PLEASE CIRCLE COMMITTEE FOR NOMINATION Finance Management Committee The focus of this committee is to make recommendation to Governing Council on the schools annual and three year budget. Analyse financial reports, decide the deployment of any surplus funding to support the purchase of extra staff or resources and monitor the financial direction of the school. The committee meets early term 1 and mid term 4. Any other meetings are on a needs basis. Currently parental representation is very minimal. Grounds & Facilities Committee The focus of this committee is to plan working bees, design the grounds, decide on improvement priorities and have input into the future of the facilities. This committee usually meets at a mutually convenient time (usually afternoons) once a month or on a needs basis. Rural & Isolated Committee (formerly CAP) The focus is on distributing federal funds evenly to benefit all students at Cleve Area School using an application process. Initial meetings in term 1 with and then on a needs basis for the remainder of the year. Sports Committee The focus of this committee is to manage school sporting events, competitions, interschool and SAPSASA. - meets regularly after school during Term 1, and infrequently after this. SARSAP Boarding House Committee The focus of this committee is to make decisions about the support our school offers the boarding students. This committee meets at night once a term. Curriculum Committee. The focus is to ensure that our school offers a balanced vibrant, relevant and innovative curriculum to our students. This committee meets on a needs basis. ICT Committee The focus of this group is to plan, review and implement the schools policy on computers and related technologies in order to offer students an up to date curriculum. This committee meets twice a term after school Uniform Committee The focus is to plan, review and monitor the uniform policy. The committee meets after school once per term. School Bus Committee The focus of this group is to monitor the bus policy and ensure that we offer a safe, effective and efficient service to the community. Cleve Area School Gala Dinner Thankyou for all the time and effort that was put in to make the Gala Dinner a massive success. Leader: Deb Taheny Promotions/Ticket Sales: Jody Bray. Decorations: Melissa Fennell (co-ordinator), Merridy Briese, Amanda Price, Hannah Schubert. Catering: Megan Cox (Co-ordinator), Lynn Kwaterski, Abbie Kwaterski, Ros Elson, Louise Dreckow, Ali Barnes, Warren Elson, Fiona Harkness. Compere: Ian Beeby. Bar: Al Schumann (Co-ordinator), Jarred Siviour, Trudi HerdeRodda, John Masters Sponsorship: Jo Turner, Mel Masters Entertainment: Ray Marino, Pete DuBois, Geoff Ilman, Ethnic Cowboys. Waiters/Waitresses: Jodie Hannemann (Co-ordinator), Amy Nield, Michaela Story, Tarsha Briese, Kristen Siviour, Brooke Grosser, Nathan Byrnes, Ethan Kwaterski, Cameron Taheny, Lachlan Shambrook, Bella Smith, Bree Alcock, Samara Turner, Maddie Phillips, Chloe Provis, Shakira Traeger, Karma Resmini, Stephanie Brown, Jacquelyn Brown, Rachelle Hannemann, Annie Burton, Kate Grainger, Brad Cronin. Set Up: Jock Duncan, Meredith Ramsey, April Burrows, Luke Bammann, Lachlan Shambrook, Kade Duncan, Rhett Schumann. Dishes: Sue-Anne Marino, Rebecca Story, Valerie Edwards, Lasma Dingwall, Leah Stuart-Douglas, Stacey Higgins, Norman Nathan, Zak Kelsh. Clean Up: Fiona and Tony Evans, Jody Bray, Deb and Andrew Taheny, Ray Marino, Megan Cox, Ali Barnes, Natasha Agars, Jo Turner, Melissa Fennell, Kane and Hannah Schubert, Jock Duncan. Photographer: Shannon Napier. Borrowed Items: Rick Leonard, Cleve Birdseye Roadhouse, Peter Story, Michael Evans, Hannah Lienert, Penny Foxwell, Kane and Hannah Schubert, Cleve Field Days, Cleve District Council, Darryl Lovegrove, Kylie Villis, Larie Crettenden, Chemart Pharmacy Cleve, Rudall Sporting Bodies. Thanks to all the people who bid and won auction items! Last, but not least - Ticket Holders! An invitation to parents to be involved in the following Training and Development Strengthening Family & Community Engagement in Student Learning This workshop will be held at school, in the staffroom from 3.30pm on Monday March 7 th. The facilitator, Carol Toole from the Student Engagement & Community Partnerships Unit is coming to the school on this day to run the Play at Lunchtime (PALs) workshop with a group of Year 7s from Cowell and Cleve. This workshop will develop students’ leadership skills and train them to facilitate games and activities with small groups of younger students at selected lunchtimes. She will also run Strengthening Family & Community Engagement T&D for staff and parents. This is a fantastic opportunity, as being in a rural setting it isn’t often that we have access to quality (and free) T&D for staff and parents. It would be fantastic to have parents along to help us build and strengthen family and community engagement to enhance students’ learning, here at Cleve Area School. A big ‘Thank you’ to the Student Engagement & Community Partnerships Unit for giving us this opportunity. The school will provide some nibbles, so for catering purposes could you please contact the front office to express your interest. (Please note: You do not have to register as indicated on the flyer) Jocelyn Wickstein PBL Team Leader