Tree City USA How-To Guide document PDF


Tree City USA How-To Guide document PDF
Generating Public Awareness
of the Tree City USA Program
40th Anniversary Celebration! Your community has demonstrated a
commitment to caring for and managing its public trees.
With more than 3,400 communities nationwide, this anniversary is something that we
are all proud of. Tree City USA and its 40th Anniversary is a great opportunity to inform
citizens of the many benefits of trees in the community. Publicity of the anniversary can
also strengthen support for your tree programs by inviting and involving the public, the
media, civic groups, community leaders, public officials, educators, and students.
In addition, the Arbor Day Foundation will be executing a national public relations
campaign during the months of March and April to celebrate the program’s anniversary
with the entire country.
With that in mind, a how-to guide has been compiled to help you spread the word quickly
and easily about your community earning and celebrating Tree City USA recognition
and why it’s important. This guide is designed to supplement your efforts by allowing you
to effectively reach out to the media. A variety of recommended tactics, fill-in-the-blank
documents, step-by-step checklists, and a flexible timeline have been prepared to make
your life easier. Electronic files including a newly revised Tree City USA 40th Anniversary
logo, banners both for usage online and at events, and a limited edition poster are available
by request. You will also find information on a national social media contest that you can
share with your community to help further engagement on a local level.
What if I have QUESTIONS?
While this guide is designed to give you everything you need to get started, you may
run into a unique situation or need additional assistance when an opportunity comes
up. Please contact your state Urban and Community Forestry (U&CF) coordinator or
call the Arbor Day Foundation for help and advice. A list of current U&CF coordinators
is available at Your primary contact at the Arbor Day
Foundation is:
AMBER FILIPI, Program Coordinator
Arbor Day Foundation
211 N. 12th St. • Lincoln, NE 68508
402-473-9553 • [email protected]
For questions regarding public relations
or marketing of the Tree City USA 40th Anniversary, please contact:
DANNY COHN, Director of Public Relations
Arbor Day Foundation
211 N. 12th St. • Lincoln, NE 68508
402.473.9563 • [email protected]
Review now
Securing media coverage
Review now
Media list worksheet
Complete approximately 10–12 weeks before
the announcement of your Tree City USA
recognition or celebration
Step-by-step checklist for
generating media coverage for
the Tree City USA recognition
Review now and again when preparing
materials for the announcement, 2–12 weeks
prior to the announcement/celebration
Tree City USA 40th Anniversary
template release
Prepare at least three weeks before any
planned events (and preferably before your
state’s Arbor Day)
Tree City USA 40th Anniversary
pitch letter
Customize for each type of media contact
and distribute as appropriate (see checklist on
pages 7—8 for details)
Media alert
Email everyone on your media list two days
before your state’s Arbor Day or your “official”
announcement date
Community calendar listing
Email or share on social media with
pitch letter to calendar editors every
Monday starting at least 10 weeks prior
to announcement/celebration; also send
with correspondence to other print and TV
reporters, editors, and producers
Following up with the media
Review now and before making any follow-up
calls to the media (1­—2 business days after
emailing the pitch letter and/or media alert)
Talking points
Review now and before an interview
Preparing for an interview
Review now and before an interview
Tips for interviewing
Review now and before an interview
Branding guidelines
Review now and when preparing marketing
Social media guidelines, posts,
and contest information
Review now and when preparing marketing
How Does Public Relations Work?
Making the Most of Arbor Day
Public relations is a little different from other forms
of marketing you may have used in the past. You don’t
pay for the time or space as you do with advertising;
you “earn” it by providing information of value to the
newspaper’s readers, the radio station’s listeners, or
the television station’s viewers.
One of the most important recommendations to
take into consideration is to time your Tree City
USA recognition announcement and/or celebration
to coincide as much as possible with your state’s
observation of Arbor Day. If you are unsure of when
that is, a list can be found at
Working with the reporters, editors, and broadcast
producers in your state can have a powerful impact
on your efforts. By developing relationships with
them, you’ll be able to reach more people less
expensively than many other outreach efforts. While
the immediate call to action will focus on celebrating
your prestigious recognition, you’ll also have the
opportunity to educate the general public about how
they can make a difference as well.
This is one of two days during the year the media
will always want and need information. (The other
is National Arbor Day, the last Friday in April.) The
following timeline was designed to take advantage
of that fact, while allowing you to be flexible if
time is running short and you must announce your
recognition separately from your state’s observation of
Arbor Day.
You can’t dictate how, when, or even if a reporter
will use your news. But through careful planning
and an appreciation for the reporter’s objectives,
you can deliver a message that’s more credible than
the message you control in advertising. Thus, public
relations is highly cost-effective, and your biggest
investment will be your time.
Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff
If you helped your community earn Tree City USA
recognition, you are likely a leader and so you
probably have a lot of other things to do! Don’t worry
if you are unable to send out materials exactly the
way they are outlined in the following timetable and
throughout the how-to guide. You may decide that
some of the ideas are not right for your community.
Do the best you can, and contact the Arbor Day
Foundation or your state Urban and Community
Forestry coordinator if you have any questions. If you
utilize the materials, distribute them as close to the
target dates as possible and make follow-up calls, you
will be successful!’ll be able to reach
than many other
outreach efforts.
awareness about your organization as well as highlight the importance of trees to our environment. The media love
national stories with a local angle. Working with the media can generate great results when you follow the guidelines
described below.
Finding the Right Media Contacts
your news in a tasteful manner.
To start spreading the word about the Tree City USA
40th Anniversary and any related Arbor Day events,
you’ll need to build a media list. Plan on starting
this process as soon as you receive this guide. If you
have personal contacts in the media, find out ahead
of time if they’re interested in this kind of story. If
your contacts tell you they aren’t the right reporter or
editor, they’ll usually be kind enough to refer you to
the right person.
•PRINT: Magazine editors, newspaper lifestyle
section editors and/or feature reporters,
photo desk editors (if you’re planning a treeplanting event), community calendar editors,
and public service directors. Large daily
newspapers may have reporters that cover
education or the environment. At smaller
newspapers, ask for the managing editor.
People in the media, especially print reporters and
editors, are very particular about whether their
names are spelled correctly. We’ve included a special
worksheet (see Page 6) you can copy and use to keep
accurate records regarding your contacts.
the same way you would build your own
professional network. Make calls to outlets you’ve
identified by researching websites or connecting
with personal contacts you have throughout your
community. If available in your city or town,
focus on TV stations, major radio stations, social
media sites, and newspapers. Ask for the correct
person to approach regarding an environmentrelated story. Make it a point to get the correct
name, address, email, and phone number.
Please also note that contacts will have different
titles at radio stations, television stations, and
Then get creative and think about other relationships
you might be able to leverage or create. Perhaps you
can work with your chamber of commerce to identify
other local periodicals or newsletters that may not
be listed on websites. You’ll want to confirm contact
information for these people as well.
NOTE: Never contact an advertising department with a story idea.
•TV: News assignment editor, the producers
of the stations’ morning, midday and/or talk
shows, and the community calendar editor.
•RADIO: News director, producer of the
stations’ morning show, and/or talk show
producers. Be cautious and do not approach
“shock jock” stations that may not handle
Tree City USA 40th Anniversary information to
people on your list.
The following page
contains a worksheet
you can use to
• Some media outlets and reporters may
have preferences regarding mailings. As
you prepare your distribution list, ask
your contacts how they prefer to receive
information (mail or email).
• Daily and weekly newspapers, radio stations,
and television talk shows usually like a couple
of weeks’ notice prior to any event or topic
that isn’t related to breaking news. You’ll also
want to follow up every three or four days
leading up to your event.
• Local television news assignment editors
prefer one or only a few days’ notice.
Whom to include:
•NEWSPAPERS: General features, education,
or environment reporter or editor
Newspapers, radio, broadcast TV, and cable
• RADIO NEWS: News directors, morning
show producer, and talk show producer(s)
• OTHER IDEAS: Local home owners
associations, garden clubs, and student groups
• TELEVISION NEWS: Assignment editor and
morning and/or noon show producers
to celebrate the 40th Anniversary, you’ll want to let the public know the good news too! It will also give you a chance
to highlight any special recognition or Arbor Day events you have planned.
BIG TIP NO. 1: Concentrate on securing
placements in publications and broadcast
stations in your community.
BIG TIP NO. 2: If possible, include a digital
image of a beautifully-landscaped area of your
community that focuses on trees.
A Step-By-Step Checklist
3. Email a customized personal pitch letter and
news release to TELEVISION TALK SHOW
soon as you’re ready to do so. Try to give yourself
at least two weeks to talk to the media and the
public about any events or celebrations you have planned.
recognition announcement news release, pitch
letter, community calendar listing, and media
alert included on the following pages. Please
be sure to fill in every blank with your local
Once you’ve emailed information to a particular
contact, wait one to two business days and then
begin to make follow-up phone calls to him or
her, (for specific tips on making follow-up calls,
see Page 13.)
2. Email a customized personal pitch letter
and news release to ENVIRONMENTAL
soon as you’re ready to announce the Tree City
USA 40th Anniversary recognition. If you are
planning an event for Arbor Day or a public
ceremony to honor your community, provide
any information you currently have available and
encourage media outlet to send a photographer.
If you are pitching TV shows in your community,
you may want to be selective about which
stations you approach regarding in-studio
interviews. You’ll want to provide an “official”
on-camera perspective to the Tree City USA
program. Remember, many radio interviews can
be conducted over the phone, although some
stations prefer having you come to their studio
for recording quality.
4. Email a personal pitch letter and news release to
NEWSPAPER REPORTERS as soon as you are
ready. Try to give yourself at least two weeks to
talk to the media and the general public about
any events or celebrations you have planned.
Because some media outlets have such a long
lead-time, any information about your community
probably will not appear until after any events. You
may want to ask if the news outlet accepts outside
photographs and send some pictures from your
event(s) after the fact. This can also work with the
society editors at daily newspapers.
the news release or media alert, they may require
additional information or want to use you as a
resource in a related Arbor Day story. Always
return phone calls and requests for information
in a timely manner (within 24 hours). Most
publications have specific issue dates and
deadlines that cannot be extended.
contacts two days before any recognition
events or Arbor Day activities planned for your
community. The media alert will notify television
news assignment editors of the story and create
a sense of urgency for your other contacts. A
fill-in-the-blank version of the media alert is
included on Page 11.
WANTS when planning any Arbor Day activities
or Tree City USA 40th Anniversary celebration
events. For example, television news programs
(unlike morning and noon-hour talk shows)
are not likely to carry a story about a “Bunch Of
People Standing Around Talking” or a general
press conference announcing your recognition,
but they will respond to visual scenes that can
be shown on television, such as community
members planting a tree with the governor or
mayor in honor of Arbor Day.
6. MAKE FOLLOW-UP CALLS to each of your
contacts, starting one to two business days after
mailing the appropriate information to them.
7. IF THE MEDIA RESPONDS, be sure you and
any other spokesperson(s) are ready, and be as
helpful as possible. Before any interviews, review
the key talking points (see pages 15—16) with
anyone who might participate.
A WORD OF CAUTION: Never share talking points with the media.
media alerts and press releases with you to each
interview. If you are having an Arbor Day event
to announce your recognition, bring several
copies for the media who cover it.
while your media contacts should already have
USE THIS SAMPLE NEWS RELEASE by copying and pasting the text below and printing on your organization’s
letterhead. Be sure to update your information in the highlighted boxes below.
For more information, contact:
Danny Cohn: 402-474-5655
[email protected]
Arbor Day Foundation and City Celebrate Tree City USA’s 40th Anniversary
City, State Month, XX, 20XX-2016 marks the 40th Anniversary of the Arbor Day Foundation’s Tree City USA
program. City is celebrating XX years as a Tree City USA, recognized by the Arbor Day Foundation in honor of its
commitment to effective urban forest management.
The Tree City USA program is sponsored by the Arbor Day Foundation in partnership with the U.S. Forest Service
and the National Association of State Foresters.
City achieved Tree City USA recognition by meeting the program’s four requirements: a tree board or department, a
tree-care ordinance, an annual community forestry budget of at least $2 per capita and an Arbor Day observance and
“Everyone benefits when elected officials, volunteers and committed citizens in communities like City make smart
investments in urban forests,” said Matt Harris, chief executive of the Arbor Day Foundation. “Trees bring shade to
our homes and beauty to our neighborhoods, along with numerous economic, social and environmental benefits.
We congratulate City on its XX years of commitment to this program. Sixteen of the original Tree City USA
communities are celebrating 40 years in 2016.”
Trees are assets to a community when properly planted and maintained. They help to improve the visual appeal of
a neighborhood, increase property values, reduce home cooling costs, remove air pollutants and provide wildlife
habitat, among many other benefits.
More information on the program is available at
ABOUT THE ARBOR DAY FOUNDATION: The Arbor Day Foundation is a million-member nonprofit
conservation and education organization with the mission to inspire people to plant, nurture and celebrate trees.
More information is available at
USE THIS SAMPLE PITCH LETTER by copying and pasting the text below and printing on your organization’s
letterhead. Be sure to update your information in the highlighted boxes below.
Insert Date
City, State Zip
Dear Name:
Your Organization invites you to attend a special Tree City USA 40th Anniversary Arbor Day celebration event
on date, starting at time at location. We will be celebrating our city’s XX year of participating in the Tree City
USA program.
Provide brief highlights regarding your other Arbor Day activities, if any.
I have enclosed a news release with additional information. Anything you can do to spread the word would be greatly
appreciated. I would be happy to talk with you in greater detail regarding the benefits of this program.
For reporters and editors and select broadcast contacts: If you’d like to schedule an interview with me or one of the
local Tree City USA Tree Board Members, please let me know.
Also, please contact me at your phone number or your email address if you have any questions or would like help
customizing a story for Organization. Thank you for your time and consideration.
Your name
Your company/organization
USE THIS SAMPLE MEDIA ALERT by copying and pasting the text below and printing on your organization’s
letterhead. Be sure to update your information in the highlighted boxes below.
[Insert city logo]
[City] Holds [name of event] in Celebration of [Arbor Day]
and the national 40th Anniversary of Tree City USA.
What: [Information about the event] i.e. [city] holds ceremonial tree planting in observance of Arbor Day.
[Insert names and titles of speakers or other special guests]
When: [Day], [Date]
Where: [Location]
Trees are assets to a community when properly planted and maintained. They help improve the visual appeal
of a neighborhood, increase property values, reduce home cooling costs, remove air pollutants and provide
wildlife habitat, among many other benefits.
The Tree City USA program is sponsored by the Arbor Day Foundation in partnership with the U.S. Forest
Service and the National Association of State Foresters. It is celebrating its 40th Anniversary in during 2016.
City achieved Tree City USA recognition XX years ago by meeting and continuing to foster the program’s
four requirements: a tree board or department, a tree-care ordinance, an annual community forestry budget
of at least $2 per capita and an Arbor Day observance and proclamation.
For additional information, please contact [name], [phone], [email].
About the Arbor Day Foundation: The Arbor Day Foundation is a million-member nonprofit conservation and
education organization with the mission to inspire people to plant, nurture and celebrate trees. More information is
available at
USE THIS SAMPLE COMMUNITY CALENDAR LISTING by copying and pasting the text below and printing on
your organization’s letterhead. Be sure to update your information in the highlighted boxes below.
TREE CITY USA 4Oth ANNIVERSARY/ARBOR DAY CELEBRATION: Mark your calendars for the number of
years-annual Tree City USA 40th ANNIVERSARY/Arbor Day celebration event. Activities will begin at time on date
and include insert list of activities taking place. For more information, contact your name at: Insert your mailing
address information or your email address. Community members can also visit for more information
and additional educational opportunities.
WHEN WORKING WITH THE MEDIA, one of the most important — and often overlooked — steps is the followup phone call. Once you’ve delivered your news on time and in an interesting way, the next step is to pick up the
phone. Here are some tips to help you make a positive impact when calling your media contacts:
• Emphasize what is fresh and newsworthy
about your Tree City USA recognition/event:
Is it a first year for your community? Have
you earned the Tree City USA award for
several years? Who will present the award?
Did your community have a special project
which helped it qualify for the Tree City USA
an opportunity to explain more about your
community’s involvement in the Tree City USA
program, the program’s background and benefits,
and how the recognition will make an impact
on the broader community, its members, and
the environment. When making calls to your
contacts, remember four things:
ARE READY. Read and review “Preparing for
an Interview” (page 17). Relax, have fun, and
let people know what makes Tree City USA
recognition and Arbor Day so great!
• Reporters, editors, and producers are almost
always working against deadlines, so keep
conversations brief and to the point. The best
time to reach print reporters is usually after
3 p.m. (unless the newspaper is an afternoon
paper instead of a morning one). Television
reporters and assignment editors are usually
available to discuss story ideas between
11 a.m. and 2 p.m. Make sure you adjust
the timing of your calls to account for the
difference in time zones when necessary.
LIKE SALES. You may have to talk to many
people to close just one deal. If you distribute
releases, follow up with 20 reporters and get
two or three stories as a result, your efforts are
a great success! One local story gives thousands
of people an opportunity to learn more about
the importance of Arbor Day and generates new
interest in your efforts.
• Don’t ask, “Did you receive the materials I
sent?” Reporters hate this question. Instead,
try saying, “I sent you information a few days
ago about the Tree City USA recognition our
community received. I was hoping you could
share that information with your (readers/
viewers/listeners). I’d be happy to tell you
more about our celebration plans and how
you might be able to help.”
Relax, have fun,
and let people know
and Arbor Day so great!
• Be ready to email an additional copy of
your information or any resources you have
outlining the program and recognition.
Journalists receive huge amounts of mail and
email. It’s possible your contact did receive the
materials but doesn’t remember it or hasn’t
opened it yet. Don’t argue about whether
someone did, or did not, already receive
something — just send another copy.
You’ve successfully convinced reporters to interview
you and perhaps a spokesperson.
Look at the talking points (Pages 15-16) for the
answers. Talking points are the main ideas you want
the media to convey about a topic or event. They help
you stay focused when pitching and delivering a story.
Your talking points are designed to act as a guide.
You don’t need to memorize them word for word. Just
become familiar with them and make sure you always
come back to them when answering any questions.
DO NOT provide these notes to the
reporter, but do share them with
anyone else on your team who may
speak with the media regarding this
event. You also may consider taking
them with you to radio interviews so
you can refer to them (since no one
listening will be able to see you’re
referring to a piece of paper). Its okay
to use notes during a phone interview,
but don’t read them.
• The Arbor Day Foundation’s Tree City USA
program is celebrating its 40th Anniversary.
• Today, more than 137 million Americans make
their homes in Tree City USA communities. They
benefit daily from the cleaner air, shadier streets,
and aesthetic beauty that healthy, well-managed
urban forests provide.
• More than 3,400 cities and towns take great pride
in practicing sound urban forestry and being
recognized as Tree City USA communities.
• Our town is one of 16 communities that is also
celebrating our 40th year as a Tree City USA.
• Tree City USA increases public awareness of the
many social, economic, and environmental benefits
urban forests provide.
• The complete list of 40th Anniversary participants
include Urbana, IL., Clay City, KS, Junction City,
KS, Newton, KS, Auburn, NE. Paramus, NJ,
Parsippany-Troy Hills Township, NJ, Grand Forks,
ND, Mandan, ND, Springfield, OH, Westerville,
OH, Wooster, OH, Salem, OR, Philadelphia, PA;
and Upper Merion Township, PA
• Tree City USA’s national impact comes not only
through the tree stewardship program but also
from educational materials provided through
bulletins, public service announcements,
newspaper features, Spanish translations, and a
variety of other publications and videos.
• Tree City USA was designed to encourage better
care of the nation’s community forests by awarding
recognition to communities that meet four basic
standards of a good tree care program.
• If you do not live in a Tree City USA community,
talk to your mayor or city council representative
or state urban and community forestry agency. To
learn more about the program, go to
• Tree City USA is sponsored by the Arbor Day
Foundation in cooperation with the U.S. Forest
Service and the National Association of State
Foresters. This active partnership can be credited
with the ongoing success of the program.
Tree City USA Standards
COMMUNITY, a town or city must meet
four standards established by The Arbor Day
Foundation and the National Association of
State Foresters.
1. A Tree Board or Department
2. A Tree Care Ordinance
3. A Community Forestry program with an
annual budget of at least $2 per capita
4. An Arbor Day observation and proclamation
Goals and Benefits of the Tree City
USA Program
Tree City USA Fast Facts
• Encourage, support, and strengthen
effective urban forestry programs in diverse
communities nationwide.
• Tree City USA began in 1976 and is marking
its 40th Anniversary this year.
• 16 communities are celebrating 40 years of
• Recognize and reward communities for
advancement in urban forestry practices.
• 42 communities received Tree City USA
recognition in the inaugural year.
• Increase public awareness of the many social,
economic, and environmental benefits urban
forestry provides.
• 3,409 communities earned Tree City USA
status in 2014.
• Provide education to improve current urban
forestry practices.
• Communities from all 50 states, Washington,
D.C., and Puerto Rico have earned Tree City
USA distinction.
• Build cooperation between public and private
sectors to effectively manage urban forests.
• New York City (population 8.4 million) is the
largest Tree City USA community.
• Sibley, ND (population 28) is the smallest
Tree City USA community.
IF SOMEONE FROM THE MEDIA IS INTERESTED in a story about your Tree City USA recognition or celebration,
he or she may want to do an interview in person or over the phone. Interviews are always a great chance to share your
messages with the public and call them to action, so make sure you are prepared. Here are a few tips for interviews. If
someone else will be interviewed as well, be their coach and review the following points with them.
COMMUNICATE; know your talking points
(see pages 15—16).
Producers like to use on-screen graphics.
You might provide the following text to
use and include the Tree City USA logo
(page 19) as well:
2. Prepare for possible interviews by REHEARSING
sound silly, but it helps you develop clear, concise
messages that will benefit your Tree City USA
Visit for more about
the Tree City USA program
and other recognition opportunities.
3. PACE YOURSELF. If the interview is for a
television or radio station, ask if the interview
will be live or taped. Live interviews normally
last only two or three minutes, and when you are
live, there is no opportunity for editing. A taped
interview might last five or 10 minutes, because
the reporter will have time to edit the story to a
shorter length before it airs.
You can also try giving them a series of treecare tips that can be summarized in one or
more on-screen graphics. Just remember to
keep them short, simple, and to the point.
4. Remember, the MEDIA LOVE FEEL-GOOD,
INTERACTIVE STORIES. If possible, identify an
area of the community where the recognition/
celebratory event will take place. You could invite
a reporter to accompany you there if it is in his
or her area. This offers a compelling humaninterest story with a lot of visuals — and print
photographers and television reporters love those.
1. Know what you want to communicate and don’t
Live by your talking points.
9. Keep your hands free, open, and animated.
10. Plan what you’d like to say if asked, “Is there
anything else you’d like to say?” You should
as a response.
2. THINK LIKE A JOURNALIST, Speak in headlines
and follow up with supporting information and
ones. Speak in sound bites. Stop talking when
you are done making your point.
11. Always assume the CAMERA/MICROPHONE/
12. RESIST THE URGE TO SHOUT or lean into the
more enthusiastic.
13. Television is an intimate medium. Speak in
personal, anecdotal terms. USE ANALOGIES to illustrate your point. Don’t be afraid to tell
“your story.”
QUESTION. Begin your answer when he or she
is finished.
14. BODY LANGUAGE is important for television.
Practice by talking into a mirror. People will
remember how they felt about you more than
they’ll remember what you said.
as simply as possible.
comment. For example: If asked, “Aren’t you an
alien?” Don’t reply, “I’m not an alien.” You could
say, “Actually, I’m from Cleveland.”
16. Remember, there is NO SUCH THING AS “OFF THE RECORD.”
RECOGNIZED TREE CITY USA COMMUNITIES have access to the Tree City USA logo and other marketing
materials for use on websites and printed materials. Add the Tree City USA logo to your website, social media
channels, or any promotional materials to increase exposure to your program and the exciting recognition. The
guidelines for using these materials are listed below. To receive a copy of the Tree City USA logo and marketing
materials, please contact Amber Filipi at [email protected] or Danny Cohn at [email protected].
1. The logo may only be used to refer to the Tree City USA program and related Tree City
USA events.
3. When hyperlinking to the Tree City USA website, please use the web address below.
2. The logo may not be altered in any way.
4. The 40th Anniversary logo may only be used to
refer to the Tree City USA 40th Anniversary. The
logo may not be altered in any way.
6. This banner is to be used for print or web only. It
cannot be altered in any way.
7. This 40th Anniversary poster cannot be altered
in any way.
ALASKA: Eielson AFB • Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson • Wasilla • Fort Wainwright • Sitka • Juneau • Anchorage • Ketchikan ALABAMA: Magnolia Springs • Orrville • Rainsville • Pine Hill • Monroeville • Guntersville • Florence • Wetumpka • Phenix City • Atmore • Thomaston • Scottsboro • Prattville • Montgomery
• Mobile • Livingston • Greenville • Gulf Shores • Foley • Fairhope • Evergreen • Demopolis • Bay Minette • Auburn • Silverhill • Eufaula • Huntsville • Cullman • Flomaton • Autaugaville • Opelika • Daphne • Arab • Brewton • Piedmont • Abbeville • Orange Beach • Pine Apple • Ozark • Birmingham •
Anniston • Tallassee • Jasper • Dothan • Tuscaloosa • Vestavia Hills • Sipsey • Elberta • Maxwell AFB • Mountain Brook • Millport • Alexander City • Valley • Kennedy • Chelsea • Hoover • Headland • Madison • Newville • Prichard • Talladega • Loxley • Geneva • Boaz • Oneonta • Valley Head • Wadley
• Roanoke • Red Bay • Selma • Leeds • Robertsdale • Samson • Albertville • Hamilton • Sheffield • Myrtlewood • Union Springs • Sylacauga • Triana • Jacksonville ARKANSAS: Marked Tree • Pine Bluff • Star City • Dumas • Walnut Ridge • Searcy • Mountain View • Eureka Springs • Rogers • Cabot • Little
Rock AFB • Fayetteville • Marvell • Bentonville • Hot Springs • Etowah • Little Rock • Bryant • Warren • Mammoth Springs • Holiday Island • Fort Smith • Conway • Wynne • Melbourne • Springdale • Morrilton • Maumelle • Carlisle • Monticello • Clarksville • Prescott • Batesville • Delight ARIZONA: Chandler
• Patagonia • Camp Verde • Kingman • Scottsdale • Phoenix • Pinetop-Lakeside • Tucson • Litchfield Park • Tempe • Show Low • Glendale • Paradise Valley • Snowflake • Lake Havasu City • Coolidge • Florence • Prescott Valley • Quartzsite • Casa Grande • Yuma • Buckeye • Gilbert • Peoria • Avondale
• Mesa • Flagstaff CALIFORNIA: Del Mar • City of Walnut • Port Hueneme • Renewal • Santa Barbara County • El Monte • Fountain Valley • Norwalk • Dublin • Cupertino • Town of Ross • Alameda • Redding • Baldwin Park • EncinitasEl • Cajon • Commerce • Los Gatos • San Mateo • Burlingame • West
Covina • San Jose • Hayward • Oroville • Roseville • San Luis Obispo • Grover Beach • Stockton • Merced • Redwood City • Anaheim • Irvine • Arroyo Grande • Monterey • Gilroy • Pittsburg • Santa Clara • Campbell • Whittier • Santa Barbara • Sacramento • La Mesa • South San Francisco • Burbank
• Modesto • Visalia • Santa Rosa • Santa Cruz • Lakewood • Claremont • Concord • Glendale • Davis • Santa Fe Springs • Beverly Hills • Palo Alto • La Canada Flintridge • Hemet • Atascadero • Newark • Pasadena • Coronado • Monrovia • Chula Vista • Santa Monica • Oxnard • Oakland • Turlock •
Riverside • San Rafael • Hanford • Orange • Sunnyvale • Carpinteria • Morro Bay • Newport Beach • Chino • San Leandro • Rancho Cucamonga • Glendora • Tulare • Cypress • Highland • Ontario • La Habra • Los Banos • Santa Clarita • Atherton • Napa • Manteca • Millbrae • Thousand Oaks • Menlo
Park • Porterville • Ceres • Carmel-By-The-Sea • Livermore • Weed • Tustin • Fontana • Fremont • South Pasadena • San Marino • Bakersfield • Brea • St Helena • Cerritos • Calabasas • Santa Ana • Yuba City • Poway • Mission Viejo • Woodland • Simi Valley • Diamond Bar • Huntington Beach • Mountain
View • Carlsbad • Martinez • Azusa • El Segundo • Lodi • Santee • Belmont • Temple City • Antioch • San Bruno • San Dimas • West Sacramento • Moorpark • Folsom • Union City • Laguna Hills • Indio • Saratoga • Oceanside • Moraga • Benicia • San Francisco County • Chico • Arcadia • Brentwood
• La Palma • Sierra Madre • Lomita • Woodside • Richmond • Rossmoor • Clovis COLORADO: Trinidad • Frederick • Basalt • Colorado Springs • Mancos • Canon City • La Veta • Louisville • Salida • Wheat Ridge • Grand Junction • Pueblo • Fort Collins • La Junta • Delta • Longmont • Aurora • Westminster •
Brighton • Denver • Lakewood • Castle Rock • Berthoud • Evans • Glenwood Springs • Florence • Lyons • Monument • Windsor • Palmer Lake • Thornton • Littleton • Durango • Fort Carson • Boulder • Englewood • Northglenn • Sterling • Lake City • Montrose • Highlands Ranch • Greenwood Village •
Saguache • Buena Vista • Broomfield • Brush • Grand Lake • Monte Vista • Alamosa • Golden • Ken-Caryl Ranch • Commerce City • Springfield • Steamboat Springs • Lamar • Arvada • Limon • Cortez • Ordway • Rocky Ford • Swink • Silt • Woodland Park • Aspen • USAF Academy • Fruita • Parker •
Carbondale • Peterson AFB • Cedaredge • Eads • Lafayette • Estes Park • Erie • Schriever AFB • Dillon • Elizabeth • Crested Butte • Lone Tree • Milliken • Superior • Buckley AFB • Campo • Hayden • Loveland • Greeley • Gunnison • New Castle • Pleasant View • Edgewater • Poncha Springs • Olathe •
Platteville • Olney Springs • Cherry Hills Village CONNECTICUT: Branford • New Canaan • Fairfield • Stamford • Hartford • Middletown • Danbury • Groton • Wethersfield • East Hartford • Southbury • Ridgefield • Norwalk • Monroe • Brookfield • Bridgeport • New Haven • Wilton DIST. OF COLUMBIA: Washington
DELAWARE: Town of Georgetown • Town of Blades • Rehoboth Beach • Dover • Dover AFB • Wilmington • Newark • Lewes • Delaware City • Odessa • Smyrna • Ocean View • Milford • Bethany Beach • Fenwick Island • New Castle • Arden • Ardentown FLORIDA: Opa-Locka • Gateway Services CDD • LaBelle
• Apalachicola • South Miami • Bradenton Beach • North Port • Monticello • Lake Helen • Milton • Bushnell • DeFuniak Springs • Bartow • Clearwater • Orange Park • Coral Gables • St Petersburg • Cooper City • Hollywood • Plantation • Keystone Heights • Port Orange • Gainesville • Tampa • Sanford •
Fort Lauderdale • Boca Raton • Green Cove Springs • Boynton Beach • Orlando • Fernandina Beach • St Augustine • Sarasota • Coral Springs • Vero Beach • Palm Beach Gardens • Sarasota County • Pompano Beach • Sunrise • Winter Park • De Land • Tallahassee • Safety Harbor • North Miami Beach •
Mount Dora • Sanibel • Royal Palm Beach • Winter Springs • Davie • Altamonte Springs • Cape Canaveral • Largo • Dunedin • South Pasadena • Punta Gorda • Fort Pierce • Winter Haven • New Port Richey • Hallandale • Coconut Creek • Jacksonville Beach • San Antonio • Daytona Beach • Jacksonville
• Pembroke Pines • Pensacola • Margate • North Miami • Palatka • Ormond Beach • Gulf Breeze • Deerfield Beach • Sewalls Point • Inverness • Rockledge • Wildwood • Stuart • Ocala • Parkland • Palm Springs • Pomona Park • Lake Park • Cape Coral • Belleair • West Palm Beach • Oakland Park • Town
of Lantana • Panama City • Eustis • Apopka • Greenacres • NAS Whiting Field • Fort Myers • Bradenton • Brooksville • Ponce Inlet • Hurlburt Field • Windermere • Jupiter • Miami Springs • Naples • Pensacola Naval Air Station • NSA-Panama City • Orange City • Macdill AFB • Aventura • Wellington •
Gulfport • Lynn Haven • Lake City • Miami Beach • Leesburg • Oldsmar • Neptune Beach • Titusville • Seminole • Oakland • Destin • Interlachen • Lakeland • Lighthouse Point • Fort Walton Beach • Miami Gardens • Lady Lake • Palm Coast • Fort Myers Beach • Crescent City • Leon County • Miami • St
Augustine Beach • Orange County • Miami Lakes • Southwest Ranches • Tarpon Springs • Casselberry • Deltona • Doral • Temple Terrace • Village of Pinecrest • Ocoee • Palmetto Bay • Perry • Port St Lucie • Crystal River • Bonita Springs • Cutler Bay • Manatee County • Marco Island • Melbourne • St.
Cloud • Tamarac • Zephyrhills • Anna Maria • Venice • Maitland • Delray Beach • Newberry • Key West • Lake Worth • Oviedo • Clermont • Dunnellon • Holmes Beach • Palm Bay • Palmetto GEORGIA: • Brookhaven • Louisville • City of Homerville • Darien • Richmond Hill • Porterdale • Dawsonville • Gray
• Mountain Park • Tybee Island • Nashville • Thomaston • Thunderbolt • Washington • Columbus • Valdosta • Avondale Estates • Macon • Marietta • Savannah • Trenton • Gainesville • Duluth • Albany • Metter • Thomaston • Hinesville • Millen • Conyers • Ball Ground • Acworth • Moultrie • Douglas •
Locust Grove • Newnan • Dalton • Suwanee • Bainbridge • Cornelia • Alpharetta • Thomasville • Tifton • Rome • Madison • Waynesboro • Canton • Flovilla • Hagan • Statesboro • Warner Robins • Eastman • Jesup • Roswell • Ellaville • Greensboro • Clayton • Hampton • Sandersville • Covington • Jackson
• Griffin • Buena Vista • Woodland • Fort Gordon • Calhoun • Robins AFB • Young Harris • Hartwell • McIntyre • Blairsville • Cedartown • Ashburn • Reynolds • Irwinton • Odum • Americus • Oglethorpe • Oxford • Moody AFB • Bostwick • Dublin • Newborn • Athens-Clarke County • Arabi • Woodstock
• Dahlonega • Snellville • Eatonton • Vienna • Helen • Buckhead • Lavonia • Pembroke • Ivey • Woodbine • Norcross • Gordon • Luthersville • Toccoa • Fort Valley • Elberton • Jefferson • Harlem • Mansfield • Royston • Pine Lake • Kennesaw • Hazlehurst • Monroe • Atlanta • Hiawassee • Cordele •
Screven • Berkeley Lake • Social Circle • Smyrna • Montezuma • Cleveland • St Marys • Lilburn • Pooler • Clarkesville • Lagrange • McDonough • Homer • Chattahoochee Hills • Fayetteville • Sandy Springs • Yatesville • Doraville • Fort Stewart/Hunter Aaf • Milton • Decatur • Culloden • Forsyth • Dunwoody
HAWAII: Helemano Military Reservation • Fort Shafter • Wheeler Army Airfield • Aliamanu Military Reservation • Honolulu • Maui • Joint Base Pearl Harbor Hickam • Schofield Barracks IOWA: Hampton • Luxemburg • Avoca Iowa • Winterset • Tipton • Boone • Harlan • Maquoketa • Cedar Rapids • Burlington
• Hudson • Council Bluffs • Iowa City • Cedar Falls • Waterloo • Fort Dodge • Davenport • Ames • Onawa • Dysart • Des Moines • Clive • Washington • Clinton • Carroll • Shenandoah • Grinnell • Dewitt • Waverly • West Des Moines • Ottumwa • Coralville • Greene • North Liberty • Westside • Spencer
• Centerville • Westphalia • Sioux City • Johnston • Waukon • Polk City • Marion • Clarinda • Newton • Cresco • Indianola • Adel • Atlantic • Strawberry Point • Bettendorf • Glidden • Story City • Vinton • Denison • Glenwood • Nevada • Van Horne • Allison • Rock Rapids • Jefferson • Arnolds Park •
Deep River • Denver • Pisgah • Webster City • Odebolt • Urbandale • Clarksville • Marquette • Gladbrook • Pleasant Hill • Parkersburg • Hopkinton • Muscatine • Red Oak • Keystone • Manchester • Colo • Decorah • Oskaloosa • Clarence • Hiawatha • Indiana • Tetonia • Priest River • Meridian • Donnelly
• Gooding • Lewiston • Boise • Caldwell • Coeur D’Alene • Kuna • Idaho Falls • Eagle • Moscow • Sandpoint • Downey • Heyburn • Kendrick • Mackay • Buhl • Mountain Home AFB • Pocatello • Post Falls • Nampa • Kellogg • Twin Falls • Mountain Home • Aberdeen • Rockland • Payette • Malad • Inkom
• Filer • Garden City • Burley • Orofino • Ucon • Weiser • American Falls • Soda Springs • Shelley • McCall • Lava Hot Springs • Emmett • Chubbuck • Sugar City • Salmon • Dubois • Hayden • Driggs • Ammon • Ashton • St Anthony • Kimberly • Nezperce • Deary • Iona • Rexburg • Ketchum • Victor •
Peck • Worley • Craigmont • Cottonwood • Paul • Twin Falls County • Hailey • Potlatch • Blackfoot • Spirit Lake ILLINOIS: • Franklin Park • Carpentersville • Port Barrington • Mundelein • Niles • Marseilles Training Center • Village of Alsip • Deer Park • Pittsfield • Deerfield • Blue Island • Pontiac • Golf •
Warrenville • Bloomington • Skokie • Park Ridge • Barrington • Glen Ellyn • Hazel Crest • Roselle • Evanston • Itasca • Downers Grove • Galva • Wheaton • Carbondale • Lagrange Park • Mount Prospect • Decatur • Chicago • Arlington Heights • Glenview • Palatine • Altamont • Rockford • Orland Hills •
Brookfield • Wilmette • Orland Park • Lagrange • Villa Park • Quincy • Urbana • Elmhurst • Highland Park • Rantoul • Northfield • Oak Park • Lake Forest • Champaign • Glencoe • Elk Grove Village • Hanover Park • Des Plaines • Buffalo Grove • Palos Hills • Moweaqua • Taylorville • Addison • Springfield
• Highland • Lincolnshire • Rolling Meadows • Paxton • Country Club Hills • Bolingbrook • Lombard • Naperville • Indian Head Park • Clarendon Hills • Palos Heights • Bannockburn • Wheeling • Moline • Joliet • Marquette Heights • Matteson • Hoffman Estates • Plainfield • Inverness • Woodridge • Hinsdale
• Marshall • Vernon Hills • Oswego • Lisle • Streamwood • Macomb • Scott AFB • Aurora • Winnetka • Belleville • Libertyville • Palos Park • Sugar Grove • Tower Lakes • Charleston • Burr Ridge • Genoa • Northbrook • Mount Vernon • Alton • McHenry • Grayslake • River Grove • Bloomingdale • Lake
Zurich • Greenville • Forsyth • Lake Bluff • Algonquin • Henry • Oak Lawn • Hickory Hills • Frankfort • Westmont • Gurnee • Glendale Heights • Lindenhurst • Batavia • Channahon • Wayne • Dekalb • Barry • Dakota • O’Fallon • St Charles • Homewood • River Forest • Lincolnwood • Prospect Heights •
Gridley • Geneva • Elburn • Ottawa • Normal • North Barrington • New Lenox • Galesburg • Lincoln • Clinton • Lakewood • Carlinville • Morton Grove • Forrest • Mackinaw • Riverdale • South Holland • Edwardsville • Lake Barrington • Savoy • Stockton • Riverwoods • Steward • Mascoutah • Du Quoin
• Lake In The Hills • South Elgin • Riverside • Mokena • Wood Dale • Sycamore • Wauconda • Olympia Fields • Sleepy Hollow • Shorewood • North Aurora • Buffalo • St Elmo • Winfield • Bensenville • Camp Lincoln • Homer Glen INDIANA: • Plymouth • New Haven • Batesville • Bloomington • Indianapolis
• Richmond • Elkhart • Angola • Mishawaka • West Lafayette • Noblesville • Fort Wayne • Anderson • Whiting • Lafayette • Nappanee • Decatur • Auburn • Berne • Carmel • Huntington • Madison • North Manchester • Munster • Goshen • Chesterton • Salem • Middlebury • Greencastle • Muncie • South
Bend • Terre Haute • Rochester • Michigan City • Grissom Air Reserve Base • Evansville • Crown Point • Syracuse • Zionsville • Greenfield • Valparaiso • East Chicago • Tipton • Greendale • New Harmony • Mount Ayr • Fortville • Beech Grove • Fremont • Dyer • Avon • Westfield • Fishers • Rensselaer •
Bedford • Columbia City • Winamac • Merrillville • Nashville • Wakarusa • Kendallville • Hartford City KANSAS: • Unified Government of Wyandotte County • Eudora • Kechi • Burlingame • Greensburg • Udall • McPherson • Merriam • Formoso • Dodge City • Blue Rapids • Garden City • Waterville •
Anthony • Great Bend • Newton • Lindsborg • Wichita • Olathe • Phillipsburg • Fairway • Halstead • Atchison • Haven • Emporia • Topeka • Manhattan • Goodland • Winfield • Hays • Fort Riley • Beloit • Lawrence • Hesston • Bonner Springs • Marysville • Junction City • Liberal • Clyde • Russell •
Westwood • Lenexa • Wakeeney • Herington • Clay Center • Parsons • Oswego • Valley Falls • Salina • Osage City • Colby • Mulvane • Mission Hills • Abilene • Harper • Lansing • Oskaloosa • Oxford • Roeland Park • Burlington • Cunningham • Windom • Derby • Marquette • El Dorado • Hutchinson
• Leavenworth • Effingham • Arkansas City • Lake Quivira • Council Grove • Bel Aire • Spring Hill • St John • Atwood • Kiowa • Leawood • Troy • Shawnee • Louisburg • Prairie Village • Westwood Hills • Iola • Sedgwick • Ottawa • Park City • Haysville • Lyndon • De Soto • Mission • Baldwin City •
Gardner • Paola • Morrill • Augusta • Lyons • Mount Hope • Pittsburg • Chapman • Overland Park • Osawatomie KENTUCKY: • Cadiz • Windy Hills • Beaver Dam • London • Lexington-Fayette Urban County • Anchorage • Owensboro • Fort Thomas • Ashland • Madisonville • Paducah • Bellevue • Carrollton
• Shelbyville • Pewee Valley • Bowling Green • Henderson • Frankfort • Prestonsburg • Watterson Park • Kingsley • Covington • Green Spring • Fort Campbell • Audubon Park • Southgate • Munfordville • Prospect • Florence • Fort Knox • Cold Spring • Russellville • Danville • Park Hills • Harrodsburg •
Lyndon • Louisville Metro LOUISIANA: • New Orleans • Lafayette • Shreveport • Hammond • Alexandria • Covington • Mandeville • Port Allen • Ruston • Kenner • Slidell • Abita Springs • Gretna MASSACHUSETTS: • Great Barrington • Medfield • Chelmsford • Chatham • Monson • Winchester • Saugus • Danvers
• Springfield • Wellesley • Reading • Framingham • Lexington • Worcester • Belmont • Amherst • Hanscom AFB • Brookline • West Springfield • Hingham • Watertown • Cambridge • Sturbridge • Plymouth • Newton • Lynn • Chicopee • Duxbury • Swampscott • Nantucket • West Bridgewater • Needham
• Somerville • Newburyport • Falmouth • Boston • Haverhill • Groton • Quincy • Peabody • Orleans • Lowell • Marion • Arlington • Longmeadow • Marblehead • Leominster • Brockton • Medford • Andover • Weymouth • Sutton • Bedford • Stoneham • Ipswich • Grafton • Beverly • Wakefield • Holyoke
• Walpole • Salem • Lawrence • Greenfield • Weston • Chelsea • Lanesborough • Pittsfield • Boxford • Northampton • Fall River • Ludlow • Mattapoisett • Warren • South Hadley • Natick • Acton • Easton • Marlborough • Lynnfield • Petersham • Dedham • Sheffield • Westborough MARYLAND: • Edmonston
• Gaithersburg • Williamsport • Prince Georges County • Hyattsville • Hagerstown • Somerset • Frederick • Takoma Park • Chestertown • Annapolis • Baltimore • Montgomery County • Ocean City • Montgomery Village • Galena • NAS Patuxent River • College Park • Rockville • Howard County • Bowie •
Bel Air • Laurel • Cheverly • Cumberland • Fort Detrick • Greenbelt • Oakland • Baltimore County • Harford County • University Park • Aberdeen Proving Ground • Loch Lynn Heights • Friendsville • Berwyn Heights • Mount Rainier • Riverdale Park • New Carrollton MAINE: • Veazie • Dover-Foxcroft • Farmington
• Westbrook • South Portland • Portland • Yarmouth • Waterville • Augusta • Camden • Orono • Bath • Hallowell • Lewiston • Auburn • Bangor • Kennebunkport • Castine • Saco MICHIGAN: • Three Oaks • Norway • Rochester • Clio • Grosse Pointe Park • Southfield • Bay City • Lake Odessa • Royal Oak
• Birmingham • Zeeland • Grand Haven • Sterling Heights • Grosse Pointe • Plainwell • Frankenmuth • Holland • Alma • Midland • Adrian • Hillsdale • Ann Arbor • Albion • Grand Rapids • Cadillac • Big Rapids • Huntington Woods • Dearborn • Marquette • Trenton • Grosse Pointe Woods • Allegan •
Mount Clemens • Charlevoix • Buchanan • East Lansing • Ferndale • Lansing • Oak Park • Riverview • St Clair Shores • Detroit • Whitehall • Troy • Howell • Roseville • Charlotte • Traverse City • Tecumseh • Lapeer • Clawson • Portage • Fremont • Berkley • Ionia • Rochester Hills • Novi • Lathrup Village
• Mason • St Clair • Dearborn Heights • Marysville • Alpena • Dewitt • Kalamazoo • Spring Lake • Sturgis • Mackinaw City • Milford • Caledonia • Gaylord • Fraser • Southgate • South Lyon • Davison • Marshall • Wayne • Port Huron • Holly • Livonia • Auburn Hills • Westland • Muskegon • Escanaba
• Battle Creek • Evart • Imlay City • Brighton • Portland • Saline • Belding • Morenci • Richland • Montague • South Haven • Franklin • Boyne City • Grosse Pointe Shores • Saginaw • Saugatuck • Howard City • Coldwater • Dowagiac • Lowell • Breckenridge • Clare • Dexter • Taylor • Frankfort • Flint •
Plymouth • Ypsilanti • Vassar • Burr Oak • Kingsley • Farmington Hills • Lexington • Owosso • Chesterfield Township MINNESOTA: • Marshall • Ely • North St. Paul • East Bethel • Edina • Eden Prairie • Rochester • Preston • Plymouth • New Brighton • Austin • Apple Valley • Richfield • Kasson • Sleepy Eye •
St. Cloud • St Louis Park • Hutchinson • Sunfish Lake • St Paul • Moorhead • Minneapolis • Maple Grove • Cottage Grove • Anoka • Bloomington • Fergus Falls • Coon Rapids • Park Rapids • Eagan • Robbinsdale • Grand Rapids • Golden Valley • Oak Park Heights • Granite Falls • White Bear Lake • Detroit
Lakes • Ramsey • Roseville • Le Sueur • Fairmont • Belle Plaine • Northfield • Farmington • Bemidji • Hawley • Owatonna • Brooklyn Park • Savage • Pelican Rapids • Perham • Fosston • Crystal • Brooklyn Center • Rosemount • St Peter • Lakeville • Columbia Heights • Staples • Chatfield • Ham Lake • Blaine
• Wadena • Albert Lea • Willmar • Proctor • Sauk Centre • Minnetonka • Worthington • Red Wing • Benson • Oakdale • Chanhassen • Royalton • Rollingstone • Raymond • Hastings • Morris • Waconia • Hendricks • Andover • Arlington • Shakopee • Maplewood • Lino Lakes • Mountain Lake • Mankato
• Burnsville • Prior Lake • West St. Paul • Becker • Monticello • Faribault • Lonsdale • Mahtomedi MISSOURI: • Brookfield • Peculiar • Glendale • Cuba • St. James • Raymore • Village of Velda Village Hills • West Plains • Belton • Mexico • Kansas City • University City • Fenton • Florissant • Rock Hill • Ellisville
• Springfield • St Louis • Des Peres • Brentwood • Lees Summit • Ferguson • Parkville • Warson Woods • Centralia • Kirkwood • Blue Springs • Ballwin • Clayton • St Joseph • Dexter • Memphis • Grandview • Branson • Jackson • Crestwood • Richmond Heights • Kirksville • Exeter • Sturgeon • Kahoka •
North Kansas City • Savannah • Creve Coeur • Chesterfield • Columbia • St Peters • Maryville • Cape Girardeau • Jefferson City • Willard • Brunswick • Maplewood • Trenton • Hannibal • Mountain View • Carthage • Town & Country • Fayette • Independence • Maryland Heights • Lake Saint Louis •
Raytown • Gladstone • O’Fallon • Eureka • Liberty • Chillicothe • Marshfield • Greendale • Washington • Ozark • Hermann • Ash Grove • Twin Oaks • Herculaneum • Dardenne Prairie • Sunset Hills • Augusta • Joplin • Webster Groves • Wildwood • Wentzville • Warrenton • Sedalia • Warrensburg •
Clinton • Marble Hill MISSISSIPPI: Starkville • Diamondhead • Hernando • Tupelo • Biloxi • Laurel • Long Beach • Winona • Lucedale • Gulfport • Meridian • Hattiesburg • Keesler AFB • Columbus AFB • Oxford • Pearl • Senatobia • Tunica • Sandersville • Ridgeland • Greenville • Olive Branch • Ellisville •
Pascagoula • Ocean Springs • Southaven MONTANA: City of Thompson Falls • Town of Cascade • Great Falls • Missoula • Kalispell • Helena • Billings • Stanford • Polson • Havre • Townsend • Whitehall • Roundup • Malmstrom AFB • Libby • Bozeman • Manhattan • Whitefish • Anaconda • Fort Benton •
Butte-Silver Bow • Broadus • Red Lodge • Shelby • Sheridan • Hamilton • Sidney • Valier • Eureka • Livingston • Drummond • Glendive • White Sulphur Springs • Choteau • Laurel • Columbia Falls • Lewistown • Ennis • Judith Gap • Dillon NORTH CAROLINA: Maysville • Bald Head Island • Benson • Sanford •
Beaufort • Town of Banner Elk • Saluda • Carolina Shores • Wilson • Wendell • Wake Forest • Valdese • Southern Pines • St Pauls • Salisbury • Red Springs • Maxton • Marion • Lumberton • Jacksonville • Laurinburg • Franklinton • Farmville • Edenton • Durham • Charlotte • Cary • Brevard • Asheville •
Graham • Monroe • New Bern • Greenville • Raleigh • Weaverville • Hendersonville • Greensboro • Statesville • Boone • Eden • Burlington • Oriental • Oak Island • Goldsboro • Matthews • Chapel Hill • Southport • Pine Knoll Shores • Winston-Salem • Fayetteville • Gastonia • Surf City • Wilmington •
Sylva • High Point • Fort Bragg • Hickory • Zebulon • Clayton • Pinehurst • Waynesville • Albemarle • Indian Trail • Belmont • Elizabeth City • Jamestown • Cramerton • Rocky Mount • Carrboro • Hillsborough • Mocksville • Knightdale • Mooresville • Waxhaw • River Bend • Beech Mountain • Newton •
Kernersville • Burgaw • Davidson NORTH DAKOTA: Mohall • Grand Forks • Sibley • Wyndmere • Arthur • Lakota • Fargo • Williston • Valley City • Langdon • Lamoure • Hazen • Jamestown • Bismarck • Devils Lake • Cando • West Fargo • Mandan • Wahpeton • Northwood • Cooperstown • Dickinson •
Bottineau • Grafton • Towner • Lisbon • Carrington • Walhalla • New Rockford • Minot • Milnor • Cavalier • Ellendale • Granville • Grand Forks AFB • Pekin • Lankin • McVille • Cavalier Air Station • Casselton • Mapleton • Bowbells • Harvey • Rugby • Oakes • Washburn • Watford City • Gwinner •
Hatton • Lincoln • Buffalo NEBRASKA: Bellevue • Wauneta • McCook • Omaha • Auburn • Fremont • Lavista • Nebraska City • Broken Bow • Humboldt • Friend • Lincoln • Fairbury • Kearney • Sidney • O’Neill • Neligh • Ralston • North Platte • Blair • Imperial • Trenton • Gretna • David City • Seward •
Ogallala • Stromsburg • Columbus • Beatrice • Tekamah • Ord • Boys Town • Grand Island • Minden • Arapahoe • Falls City • Gothenburg • Scottsbluff • Schuyler • Curtis • Paxton • Plainview • Bennington • Papillion • Gering • Battle Creek • Wakefield • Chadron • Hastings • York • Hartington • Creighton
• Chappell • Kimball • Crete • Wayne • Pierce • Alliance • Crofton • South Sioux City • Brady • Hickman • Waco • Cozad • Bayard • Allen • Stella • Potter • Holdrege • Pender • Valley • Doniphan • Odell • Red Cloud • Nelson • Wisner • Rushville • Grant • Central City • Wausa • Sutherland • Cambridge
• Lexington • Bassett • Morrill • Waverly • Atkinson • Ashland • Pilger • Wallace • Dodge • Laurel • Mitchell • Scribner • Julian • Wahoo • Shelton • Norfolk NEW HAMPSHIRE: New London • Portsmouth • Wolfeboro • Laconia • Manchester • Durham • Hanover • Keene • Franklin • Dover • Nashua • Rochester
• Lebanon • Newbury • Somersworth NEW JERSEY: Flemington Boro • Township of Byram • Tewksbury Township • South Hackensack • Morristown • Toms River Township • Robbinsville • Camden • Phillipsburg • Newton • East Brunswick • Lakewood • Eatontown • Englewood Cliffs • Wayne Township • Morris
Plains • Freehold Township • Roseland • Nutley • Sea Girt • Maywood • Kearny • Verona • West Windsor • Chester • Madison • Cape May • Atlantic Highlands • Millburn • Paramus• Freehold Borough • Merchantville • Parsippany-Troy Hills Township • Piscataway • Belvidere • Clinton • Plainsboro
• Summit • Riverton • Cranbury • Princeton • Bernardsville • Middlesex • Branchville • Leonia • Wood-Ridge • Rumson • Stafford • Montgomery • Lacey • Glen Rock • South Brunswick • Manalapan • Hackensack • Bernards Township • Haddonfield • Secaucus • Woodbridge • Tinton Falls • Mountain Lakes
• Fanwood • Ramsey • Highland Park • Teaneck • Metuchen • Lawrence • Bridgewater • Wenonah • Clifton • Collingswood • Stone Harbor • Stratford • Millville • Manasquan • Caldwell • Rahway • Glen Ridge • Shrewsbury • Florence • Monroe Township • Pitman • Bordentown • Cedar Grove • Milltown
• Washington Borough • East Windsor • Bloomfield • Chatham Borough • River Edge • Closter • Franklin Township • Chesterfield • Jackson • Bogota • Alpine • Swedesboro • Barnegat • Asbury Park • Brielle • Bergenfield • Haddon Township • Tenafly • Berkeley Heights • Dunellen • Hopewell • Springfield
• Pequannock Township • Emerson • Brick • Bound Brook • Monmouth County • Woodcliff Lake • Edgewater • Red Bank • Hamilton • Hanover • Oakland • Riverdale • Rutherford • Clementon • Delanco Township • Franklin Lakes • Marlboro • Stanhope Borough • Ridgefield Borough • Interlaken • Medford
• Pennington • Ridgefield Park • Moorestown • Naval Weapons Station Earle • Howell Township • Upper Saddle River • High Bridge • Brooklawn • Hightstown • Southampton Township • Evesham Township • Mendham • Montville • West Cape May • Lebanon • Plainfield • Sayreville • Wyckoff • New Milford
NEW MEXICO: Red River • Santa Fe • Albuquerque • Tucumcari • Cannon AFB • Las Vegas • San Jon • Roswell • Kirtland Air Force Base • Taos • Carlsbad NEVADA: Winnemucca • Reno • Las Vegas • Boulder City • Henderson • Carson City • Nellis AFB • Sparks • Elko • Gardnerville • Ely NEW YORK: Village of
Flower Hill • Nyack • Suffern • Canton • Village of Cayuga Heights • Village of Port Washington North • Village of Scottsville • Oswego • Bergen • Cazenovia • Yorktown • DeWitt • City of Tonawanda • Rhinebeck • Larchmont • Yonkers • Warwick • Tarrytown • Scarsdale • Poughkeepsie • Port Jervis •
Pleasantville • Mamaroneck Village • Hastings-On-Hudson • Irvington • Croton On Hudson • New Hartford • New York • Oneida • Smithtown • Lindenhurst • Babylon • Mineola • Olean • Ellicottville • Franklinville • White Plains • Jamestown • Rochester • Bath • Binghamton • Baldwinsville • Buffalo • Norwich
• Ogdensburg • Oneonta • Schenectady • Malverne • Westhampton Beach • North Syracuse • Great Neck Estates • Rockville Centre • Canandaigua • Ithaca • Rye Brook • Garden City • Eastchester • Greenport • Medina • Tuckahoe • Amherst • Cortlandt • Albany • Floral Park • Oxford • Kingston • Beacon
• Greece • Town of Tonawanda • Bedford • Geneva • Fayetteville • Watertown • Hornell • Gowanda • Cobleskill • Jordan • Village Of Red Hook • Brighton • Cuba • Skaneateles • Rome • Fulton • Manlius • Cornwall • Walden • Town Of Red Hook • Cortland • Montebello • Wellsville • Amityville •
Mamaroneck • Lancaster • Syracuse • Oyster Bay • Middleport • East Aurora • Ossining • Fairport • Brockport • North Elba • Sleepy Hollow • New Paltz • Millbrook • Lynbrook • Huntington • Cooperstown • North Tonawanda • North Hempstead • Valley Stream • Mount Kisco • Orangetown • Newburgh
• Greenburgh OHIO: City Of Vandalia • Williamsburg • Swanton • Arcadia • Morrow • Greenfield • Canton • Haskins • Vermilion • Crestline • Lakeside • Euclid • Baltimore • Norton • Lockland • Rocky River • Salem • Lakewood • Findlay • Bowling Green • West Unity • Tipp City • Cincinnati • Terrace Park
• Cambridge • Westerville • Wadsworth • Delaware • Norwalk • Cleveland • Bellefontaine • Marietta • Bedford • Cleveland Heights • Shaker Heights • Doylestown • Cardington • Leipsic • Toledo • Sylvania • Perrysburg • Fremont • Tiffin • Wooster • Ada • Archbold • Lima • Fostoria • Springfield •
Bedford Heights • Hilliard • Stow • West Salem • Chardon • Kettering • Fredericktown • Medina • Canfield • Bellville • New Concord • Plymouth • Navarre • Kent • Grandview Heights • Columbus • Alliance • Lexington • Granville • Woodville • Holgate • Mount Gilead • University Heights • Orrville •
Willoughby • Chagrin Falls • Ashland • Olmsted Falls • Louisville • Mariemont • Centerville • Troy • Berea • Solon • Cuyahoga Falls • Shelby • Oakwood • Brooklyn • London • Greenhills • Wickliffe • Hudson • Baltic • Lancaster • Lisbon • Dover • Clyde • Wellington • Sugarcreek • New Philadelphia •
Wapakoneta • Munroe Falls • Pemberville • Upper Sandusky • Minerva • Fairport Harbor • Dublin • Washington Court House • Bexley • Mentor • Rockford • Bryan • West Carrollton • Worthington • Jackson • Port Clinton • Oak Harbor • North Baltimore • Sidney • Gahanna • Portsmouth • Broadview Heights
• Sandusky • Upper Arlington • Loudonville • Forest Park • St Marys • Athens • Parma Heights • Edgerton • Lebanon • Brewster • Leetonia • Westlake • Zanesville • New Lexington • Marysville • Dayton • Gallipolis • Elyria • Fairview Park • Aurora • Genoa • Maumee • Montpelier • Wright-Patterson AFB •
Ravenna • Springdale • Bolivar • Wauseon • Mount Vernon • Larue • Bluffton • Grove City • Oberlin • Canal Winchester • Avon Lake • Pickerington • Elmore • Silver Lake • Defiance • Piqua • Wyoming • Independence • Brecksville • Oregon • Burton • Chillicothe • Napoleon • Creston • Hoytville • Fairfield
• Gibsonburg • New Bremen • Strongsville • Mantua • Richfield • Zoar • Akron • Mansfield • Oxford • South Euclid • Glendale • Middleburg Heights • Waterville • Belpre • Beachwood • Springboro • Montgomery • Kenton • Lindsey • Amsterdam • Rossford • Miamisburg • Newburgh Heights • Bay Village
• Powell • Shreve • Richmond Heights • Mason • St Clairsville • Pepper Pike • Urbana • Minster • Coldwater • Milan • Ottawa • New Richmond • East Palestine • Bremen • Amberley • Hamilton • Milford • Belle Center • Ontario • Monroeville • Wayne • Macedonia • Ripley • Wellsville • Whitehouse •
Logan • Gambier • Middletown • Silverton • Youngstown • Sunbury • Bratenahl • Columbia Township • Brooklyn Heights • Willard • City of Groveport • Youngstown ARS • Village of Versailles • Anderson Township • Fort Recovery • Put-in-Bay • Woodlawn • New Albany • Prospect • Cridersville • Twinsburg
Township • Mt. Victory OKLAHOMA: Midwest City • Nichols Hills • Bartlesville • Pauls Valley • Claremore • Muskogee • McAlester • Vance AFB • Alva • Tinker AFB • Tulsa • Ada • Ardmore • Guthrie • Bixby • Morrison • Edmond • Broken Arrow • Norman • Shawnee • Kingfisher • Ponca City • Enid OREGON:
Independence • Oregon City • City of Stanfield • Newport • Salem • City of Central Point • Portland • Eugene • Tillamook • Sweet Home • Baker City • Sunriver • Rogue River • Ashland • Tualatin • Grants Pass • Lake Oswego • La Grande • Forest Grove • Beaverton • Toledo • Eagle Point • Madras • West
Linn • Albany • Philomath • Coos Bay • Cottage Grove • Troutdale • Medford • McMinnville • Seaside • Wilsonville • Coburg • Happy Valley • Banks • Talent • Monmouth • Tigard • Corvallis • Lebanon • Klamath Falls • Sherwood • Sandy • Redmond • Brownsville • Sisters • Gervais • Dallas • Lincoln City
• Echo • Gresham • Creswell • Bandon • Veneta • Irrigon PENNSYLVANIA: Newtown Township • Johnstown • Wyalusing Borough • Ephrata • Waynesboro PA • Mansfield Borough • Carnegie • Radnor Township • Philadelphia • Blairsville • Hershey - Derry Township • Allentown • Marcus Hook • State College
• Lancaster City • Upper Darby • Forest Hills • York • Swarthmore • Lower Merion • Lewisburg • Huntingdon • Upper Merion Township • Wellsboro • Milford • Titusville • Media • Reading • Emporium • Bloomsburg • Warren • Pottsville • Moscow • Hollidaysburg • West Chester • Crafton • Westmont
Borough • Bethlehem • Robesonia • Southmont • Easton • Townville • Bernville • Columbia • Lower Paxton Township • Ridley Park • Highspire • Meadville • Fountain Hill • Lehighton • Lansdowne • Schuylkill Haven • Whitpain • Forty Fort • Chambersburg • Catasauqua • Shinglehouse • Kingston • Upper
Dublin • Oil City • Beaver • Doylestown • Montgomery Township • Franklin • Cheltenham • Denver • Factoryville • Laporte • Gratz • Carlisle • Hanover Borough • Hatfield Township • Athens • Sheffield • West Pittston • Mifflinburg • Tunkhannock • Wyomissing • Hummelstown • Pittsburgh • Nicholson • St
Marys • East Stroudsburg • Summit Hill • Mount Lebanon • Marple Township • Erie • Springfield Township, Montgomery County • Muncy Borough • Boyertown • Wernersville • Clarks Green • Harris • Abington Township-Montgomery • North East • Plumstead Township • Paxtang • Springfield Township, Delaware
County • Clarks Summit • Carbondale • Newtown Borough • Selinsgrove • Phoenixville • Shillington • West Wyoming PUERTO RICO: Caguas RHODE ISLAND: The City of Central Falls • Providence • Newport • West Warwick • Warwick • Bristol • Jamestown • Portsmouth • Warren • Narragansett SOUTH CAROLINA:
North Augusta • Port Royal • Clinton • Town of Winnsboro • Travelers Rest • Rock Hill • Summerville • Hartsville • Cheraw • Iva • Mount Pleasant • Aiken • Columbia • Marion • Lexington • Conway • Charleston • Florence • Camden • Spartanburg • Sumter • Tega Cay • Georgetown • Chesterfield • Joint
Base Charleston • Myrtle Beach • Darlington • Shaw AFB • Manning • Hilton Head Island • McClellanville • Patrick • Dillon • Anderson County • North Myrtle Beach • Irmo • Greenville • Bluffton • Lake City • Surfside Beach SOUTH DAKOTA: Wood • Volga • Custer City • Box Elder • Lead • Pierre • Sturgis •
Spearfish • Yankton • Watertown • Huron • Madison • Rapid City • Mitchell • Aberdeen • Sioux Falls • Brookings • Dell Rapids • Vermillion • Burke • Gregory • Winner • Lemmon • Redfield • Hartford • De Smet • Ellsworth AFB • Spencer • Freeman • Gary • Brandon • Belle Fourche • Deadwood TENNESSEE:
Memphis • Kingston • Norris • Jackson • Maryville • Kingsport • Sevierville • Athens • Alcoa • Bristol • Oak Ridge • Gatlinburg • Brentwood • Cookeville • Clarksville • Chattanooga • Sewanee • Pulaski • Knoxville • Germantown • Cleveland • Tullahoma • Nashville • Bell Buckle • Johnson City • Sweetwater
• Crossville • Pigeon Forge • McMinnville • Harrogate • Morristown • Town of Jonesborough • Franklin • Rogersville • Livingston • Collierville • Bartlett • Martin • Parsons • Pittman Center • Signal Mountain TEXAS: Cuero • Nacogdoches • Taylor • Hollywood Park • Naval Air Station Fort Worth Joint Reserve
Base • Haltom City • Harker Heights • Little Elm • City of Murphy • Kennedale • Katy • Boerne • Sugar Land • Live Oak • Leon Valley • Bastrop • Childress • Mount Vernon • Wylie • Grand Prairie • Farmers Branch • Lufkin • Euless • Lake Jackson • Austin • College Station • Grapevine • Fort Worth • Houston
• Weatherford • Bryan • New Braunfels • Uvalde • Plano • Burleson • West University Place • Waco • Mesquite • Denton • Flower Mound • Joint Base San Antonio - Randolph • Keller • Addison • Lewisville • Greenville • Odessa • Coppell • Dallas • Amarillo • Sunset Valley • Southlake • Highland Village
• Colleyville • Rockport • Victoria • Arlington • Brownsville • Westlake • Rowlett • Allen • Duncanville • Trophy Club • Muenster • Frisco • McKinney • Fort Hood • University Park • Lancaster • Mansfield • Temple • Garland • Killeen • Pflugerville • El Paso • Piney Point Village • Shenandoah • The Colony •
Cedar Hill • Sachse • Lubbock • Fairview • Irving • Pearland • Tyler UTAH: City of Saratoga Springs • Beaver • Delta • Elk Ridge • Fairview City • Minersville • Mount Pleasant • Town of Apple Valley • Boulder • Leeds • Orderville • Washington • Monroe • Centerville City • Brian Head • Manti • Nibley •
Taylorsville • Torrey • Ferron • Francis • Toquerville • Springville • Mapleton • Wellsville • Provo • Ogden • Brigham City • Murray • Logan • Salt Lake City • Price • St George • Pleasant Grove • Hill AFB • Moab • Orem • Park City • Smithfield • Clearfield • Virgin • West Valley City • West Jordan • Ephraim
• Kaysville • Highland • Woods Cross • Spanish Fork • Draper • Cedar City • South Salt Lake • South Ogden • Sandy • Marriott-Slaterville • Grantsville • Hyrum • Parowan • Enoch • Bluffdale • Tooele • Hurricane • Huntsville • Rockville • Panguitch • North Ogden City • La Verkin City • Herriman City •
American Fork • Gunnison • Kanab • Lehi • Santa Clara • West Haven • North Salt Lake • Lindon • Farmington • Monticello • New Harmony • North Logan • South Jordan • Springdale • West Bountiful • Tremonton • Coalville City • Richfield • Green River • Cedar Hills • Deweyville • Holladay VIRGINIA:
Appomattox • Lovettsville • Broadway • NASA Langley Research Center • Chesapeake • Winchester • Portsmouth • Norfolk • Newport News • Fairfax County • Lynchburg • Franklin • Alexandria • Ashland • Falls Church • Fredericksburg • Fairfax • Richmond • Herndon • Leesburg • Middleburg • Waynesboro
• Staunton • Blacksburg • Manassas • Danville • Vienna • Reston • NAS Oceana • Roanoke • Surface Combat Systems Center • Arlington County • Warrenton • Roanoke County • Abingdon • Langley AFB • Front Royal • Salem • NAS Dam Neck Annex • Lexington • Luray • Vinton • NSA Norfolk - Northwest
Annex • Naval Station Norfolk • Harrisonburg • Woodstock • Farmville • Martinsville • Charlottesville • Buchanan • Virginia Beach • Marion • Naval Support Activity Hampton Roads • Joint Expeditionary Base Little Creek - Fort Story VERMONT: Burlington • Rutland • Montpelier • Hartford • Peacham • South
Burlington WASHINGTON: Port Angeles • Steilacoom • Shoreline • Pateros • Farmington • Puyallup • Tonasket • North Bend • Cheney • Edmonds • Snoqualmie • Yarrow Point • Seattle • Longview • Cashmere • Ellensburg • Bellingham • Vancouver • Town of Hunts Point • Lacey • Bellevue • Issaquah • Tacoma
• Olympia • Everett • Clyde Hill • Port Townsend • Sumner • Walla Walla • Fairchild AFB • Lynnwood • Tumwater • Bremerton • Woodinville • Yelm • Grandview • Poulsbo • Omak • Okanogan • Richland • Waterville • Redmond • University Place • Kennewick • Entiat • Bothell • Twisp • Colville • Burien •
Anacortes • Arlington • Kent • Enumclaw • Covington • Kirkland • Tukwila • George • Spokane • Liberty Lake • Auburn • Airway Heights • Oak Harbor • Lake Forest Park • Fairfield • Colfax • Bonney Lake • Bainbridge Island • Woodway • Wenatchee • Pasco • Millwood • Newcastle • Woodland • Centralia
• Hoquiam • Oroville • Renton • Chelan • Pullman • Medina • Sea Tac • Fife • Coulee Dam • Dupont • Marysville • Ritzville WISCONSIN: Town of Turtle • Prairie du Chien • Deerfield • Brodhead • Village of Spencer • Mauston • Village of Brooklyn • Village of Necedah • Village of River Hills • Hortonville •
Winneconne • Wonewoc • Village of Egg Harbor • Slinger • Reedsburg • La Crosse • Bristol • Appleton • Bloomer • Chenequa • Eau Claire • Green Bay • Hartford • Horicon • Kenosha • Manitowoc • Marshfield • Menasha • Menomonee Falls • Merrill • Milwaukee • Neenah • Oshkosh • Racine • Sheboygan
• Waukesha • Wausau • Wauwatosa • West Bend • Stevens Point • West Allis • Gilman • Saukville • Monroe • Kimberly • Fontana • Beloit • Fond Du Lac • Madison • Cudahy • Fort McCoy • Watertown • Medford • Fox Point • Wisconsin Rapids • Elm Grove • Cedarburg • Clintonville • Delavan • Monona
• Two Rivers • Menomonie • Beaver Dam • Rice Lake • Lake Mills • Fort Atkinson • Waterloo • Jefferson • Marinette • Howard • Baraboo • Antigo • Plymouth • Ashwaubenon • Fredonia • Plover • Monticello • Oconomowoc • Sun Prairie • Town of Madison • Combined Locks • Hillsboro • Kaukauna • New
London • Thorp • River Falls • Adams • Shawano • Waupaca • Grafton • Greenfield • Glendale • Little Chute • Chilton • Weyauwega • Sturgeon Bay • Paddock Lake • Stoughton • Middleton • Portage • Jackson • Whitefish Bay • Whitewater • Lodi • Mequon • Lake Geneva • Verona • Wescott • Port
Washington • New Glarus • Belgium • Allouez • De Pere • Greendale • Edgar • Shorewood • Cottage Grove • Fremont • Village of Waterford • Amherst • Brown Deer • Mount Horeb • Fitchburg • Delafield • Rosendale • Brookfield • Dresser • Hobart • Superior • Muskego • Oconto • Richland Center •
Sherwood • Onalaska • Bayfield • Oak Creek • Brillion • Hales Corners • Evansville • Algoma • Greenville • Williams Bay • Franklin • Marion • Columbus • New Holstein • Rothschild • New Berlin • Shorewood Hills • Maple Bluff • Waunakee • Bellevue • Germantown • Ashland • Spooner • Clinton •
Cambridge • Janesville • Phillips • Grand Chute • North Fond Du Lac • Oakfield • Albany • Elkhorn • Johnson Creek • Washburn • Mineral Point • Deforest • Whiting • Turtle Lake • Pound • Waupun • Campbellsport • Town of Menasha • Green Lake • Baldwin • Platteville • Dunn • Princeton • Bayside •
Osceola • Hudson • Clayton • Elkhart Lake • Endeavor • Fox Lake • McFarland • Seymour • Viroqua • Tomahawk • Rhinelander • Weston • Burlington • Dodgeville • Pittsville • Wisconsin Dells WEST VIRGINIA: Williamstown • Bluefield • Parkersburg • Hinton • Lewisburg • Town of Bath • Elkins • Summersville
• Harpers Ferry • Follansbee • Morgantown • Ronceverte • Huntington • Vienna • Shepherdstown WYOMING: Sinclair • Cokeville • Jackson • Star Valley Ranch • Ten Sleep • Cheyenne • Worland • Buffalo • Torrington • Green River • Francis E Warren AFB • Mountain View • Powell • Lander • Gillette • Lingle
• Pinedale • Bar Nunn • Rock Springs • Newcastle • Rawlins • Cody • Dubois • Casper • Thayne • Laramie • Marbleton • Evanston • Douglas • Wheatland • Riverton • Big Piney • Lovell • Greybull • Kemmerer • Glenrock • Saratoga • Chugwater • Cowley • Kaycee • Labarge • Sheridan • Lyman
5. The infographic can be used as a whole or
segmented as long as credit is given to the Arbor
Day Foundation. State-specific infographics are
available by request.
2016 Marks Tree City USA’s 40th Anniversary
Number of ALL Tree City USA Communities by State
Most Tree City USA
19 82
242 15
169 60
Largest Tree City vs
16 Tree Cities being recognized for their
Sibley, ND 28
New York, NY
Clay Center
211 N. 12th Street
Grand Forks
Junction City
Dodge City
Troy Hills Township
. Lincoln, Nebraska 68508 .
SOCIAL MEDIA ALLOWS YOU TO TELL the story of what your community is doing continuously and instantly. It
allows you to touch more individuals who can help spread the goals of your Tree City USA and, this year, recognize
40 years of participation in the program as well as help to increase advocates. Each year throughout the spring
leading up to National Arbor Day, the Arbor Day Foundation posts engaging social media content on Facebook and
Twitter. Please share with the Arbor Day Foundation pictures, videos, and any other posts from your recognition
ceremonies or Arbor Day events using the guidelines below to help increase the reach of your message.
• Use the hashtag #TreeCityUSA40 whenever
discussing the Tree City USA program.
using #TreeCityUSA40 or sharing image [pic]
Learn more: []
• Retweet the @arborday account when there
are any posts made about Tree City USA.
• Spread the word! Arbor Day Foundation’s
#TreeCityUSA program is turning 40. Find
out if your community is involved: [www.] #TreeCityUSA40
• Tag any Tree City USA or community
Arbor Day-related tweets with the hashtag
• #TreeCityUSA40 Trivia - There are a handful
of communities that have earned the Arbor
Day Foundation’s #TreeCityUSA distinction
every year since 1986. Can you guess how
many? Were you right? [
• Follow the #TreeCityUSA40 hashtag and engage
with other community members using it.
• Happy 40th anniversary to the Arbor Day
Foundation’s #TreeCityUSA program!
Learn more: []
• “Like” the Arbor Day Foundation page
updates on Facebook.
• Mention and tag the Arbor Day Foundation
page and your community in your own Tree
City-related updates.
• Excited that [tag city] is part of the Arbor
Day Foundation’s 40th yr of #TreeCityUSA!
Learn more: []
• Post comments and links on the Arbor Day
Foundation Facebook wall to share any
pictures or videos from your recognition
ceremony and/or event.
• #TreeCityUSA40 Trivia - Can you name
the smallest #TreeCityUSA community in
[tag state] Learn more about Arbor Day
Foundation’s #TreeCityUSA program? [www.]
Suggested Social Media Posts
Edit the highlighted sections below for your own
unique posts.
• #TreeCityUSA40 Trivia - Can you name
the largest #TreeCityUSA community in
[tag state]? Learn more about Arbor Day
Foundation’s #TreeCityUSA program?
• Help the Arbor Day Foundation celebrate the
40th yr of their #TreeCityUSA program by
2016. Users will be allowed to vote for one
image per category per day.
Congrats to #GrandForks #ND for achieving
#TreeCityUSA recognition status 40 straight yrs!
[] #TreeCityUSA40
Say Congrats to the communities
who have achieved Tree City USA
recognition every year for 40 years
Congrats to #Mandan #ND for achieving
#TreeCityUSA recognition status 40 straight yrs!
[] #TreeCityUSA40
Congrats to #Urbana #IL for achieving #TreeCityUSA
recognition status for 40 straight yrs! [www.arborday.
org/treecity] #TreeCityUSA40
Congrats to #Springfield #OH for achieving
#TreeCityUSA recognition status 40 straight yrs!
[] #TreeCityUSA40
Congrats to #ClayCity #KS for achieving
#TreeCityUSA recognition status 40 straight yrs!
[] #TreeCityUSA40
Congrats to #Westerville #OH for achieving
#TreeCityUSA recognition status 40 straight yrs!
[] #TreeCityUSA40
Congrats to #JunctionCity #KS for achieving
#TreeCityUSA recognition status 40 straight yrs!
[] #TreeCityUSA40
Congrats to #Wooster #OH for achieving
#TreeCityUSA recognition status 40 straight yrs!
[] #TreeCityUSA40
Congrats to #Newton #KS for achieving
#TreeCityUSA recognition status 40 straight yrs!
[] #TreeCityUSA40
Congrats to #Salem #OR for achieving #TreeCityUSA
recognition status 40 straight yrs! [
treecity] #TreeCityUSA40
Congrats to #Auburn #NE for achieving
#TreeCityUSA recognition status 40 straight yrs!
[] #TreeCityUSA40
Congrats to #Philadelphia #PA for achieving
#TreeCityUSA recognition status 40 straight yrs!
[] #TreeCityUSA40
Congrats to #Paramus #NJ for achieving
#TreeCityUSA recognition status 40 straight yrs!
[] #TreeCityUSA40
Congrats to #UpperMarion #PA for achieving
#TreeCityUSA recognition status 40 straight yrs!
[] #TreeCityUSA40
Congrats to #ParsippanyTroyHills #NJ for achieving
#TreeCityUSA recognition status 40 straight yrs!
[] #TreeCityUSA40
Tree City USA 40th Anniversary
Photo Contest
Photo Categories
• Each category will be eligible to win a GoPro
• Category 1 – My Scenic Tree City USA
Requirement: To be considered for this category,
images must capture the beauty of your Tree
City USA. (Tip: Focus on unique or historic
buildings/locations that include trees…
something that sets your city apart from others)
• Must be 18 yrs or older.
• Must include #MyTreeCityUSA40 when
posting image.
• Must include City, State where image was
taken [must be a recognized Tree City USA
community to be considered].
• Category 2 – My Active Tree City USA
Requirement: To be considered for this
category, images must show residents of your
Tree City USA participating in activities in,
around, or among trees. (Note: If your photo
includes any recognizable faces, you must get
permission from the individual.)
How Entries will be collected
• An internal team from the Arbor Day
Foundation will collect every photo posted
using the hashtag #MyTreeCityUSA40. On
April 21, 2016, the photos will be given to an
internal committee who will select 10 finalists
for each category by April 25, 2016.
• Category 3 – My Recognized Tree City USA
Requirement: To be considered for this
category, images must contain one of your
community’s Tree City USA recognition
materials. Examples include a Tree City USA
sign posted at the edge of town or a group
holding your town’s Tree City USA flag. Feel
free to get creative!
Voting Period
• On April 28, 2016, the finalists for each
category will be posted at
mytreecityusa40 and voting will begin. Voting
will continue until 11:59 p.m. CT on May 5,
How to Enter
• To enter the Tree City USA 40th Anniversary
Photo Contest, post your submission on your
Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook page along
with the hashtag #MyTreeCityUSA40 AND
the City, State you live in.
Entry Period
• Submissions will be accepted from April 6,
2016 to April 20, 2016.