Winter Holiday Survey
Winter Holiday Survey
THE Columns St. Agnes Academy Volume 57 Issue 3 9000 Bellaire Boulevard Houston, TX 77036 What’s Inside Health Care Pains Political issues stand between 4 million children See page 3. Teen Haters Do you ever feel discriminated against because you’re a teenager? See page 4. Winter Holiday Survey Lindsey Adam On Campus Editor “I leave my pet reindeer outside because I live on a farm and I have like 3 of them. But so far Santa hasn’t stolen him. But I really want them to make baby reindeer. That’s all I want for Christmas to cuddle with my baby reindeer.” -Junior Chloe Hamilton “I have divorced parents so I really get two Christmases which is awesome so Christmas day I open my presents and spend the day with either my mom or dad and their side of the family and the next day just when you think Christmas is over NOT FOR ME I spend it with my other parent and have yet another Christmas.” - Ninth Grader Chelsea Thompson “My parents hold that, ‘if you don’t believe in Santa, he just won’t come.’ So then Santa comes, because we are firm believers in Santa, leprechauns and fairies[...]” -Senior Isabel Greiner I listen to Christmas songs incessantly in December, especially on sunny 99.1. -Senior Florence Pichon “We’re supposed to open [presents] Christmas morning, but I usually unwrap mine early and then re-wrap them! Don’t tell!” -Math teacher, Ms. Garvin Gaston Teacher BFFS 59% of the school leave out milk and treats for Santa and his reindeer Teachers tells us how their friendships at St. Agnes make life sweeter. See page 9. Hear the St. Agnes Tigers ROAR! When do you open presents? 72% Christmas Morning 15% Both 10% Christmas Eve 3% Other Turn to the Sports section to read about our wonderful basketball and soccer teams December/January 2007 When do you have the celebratory meal? 27% Christmas Eve Dinner 23% Christmas Dinner 21% Christmas Brunch 19% Multiple Meals 10% Other See page 11. To advertise with The Columns, contact Business Manager Aileen O’Leary through our email address [email protected] What holiday decorations do you put up? 80% The works! 15% A tree! 5% Other Top 5 Favorite Reindeer 1) Rudolph 2) Vixen 3) Comet 4) Blitzen 5) Cupid 67% of the school sends out holiday cards! Index Page 2....................Editorial Page 3.........................News Page 4-5................Opinions Page 6............Stress Spread Page 7-8.................Features Page 9...............On Campus Page 1........................Sports Page 11.................Tiger Tail Top 5 Favorite Carols 1) Winter Wonderland 2) Let is Snow 3) Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas 4) Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire 5) Jingle Bells 98% of the school spend the holidays with family! 57% of the school travel for the holidays! 1 Special thanks to: Amy Stuhldreher, Anne Loos, Hayley Hemstreet, Sandi Moynihan, Jansen Lloyd, Julia Belcher, Dakota Lawrence, and Linda Adam. Editorial December/January 2007 Columns The Vol 57 Issue 3 the columns St. Agnes Academy 9000 Bellaire Boulevard Houston Texas 77036 713.219.5400 [email protected] Advisor.........................................................................Dr. Ranajana Varghese Editor-in-Chief.........................................................................Juliana Serrano Editor-in-Chief.......................................................................Kate Winderman Features Editor........................................................................Lauren Halliday Opinions Editor.........................................................................Nicki Koetting On-Campus Editor.....................................................................Lindsey Adam News Editor...........................................................................Amy Stuhldreher Sports Editor...........................................................................Sandi Moynihan Business Manager....................................................................Aileen O’Leary Asst. Business Manager/Blast from the Past Columnist.....Hayley Hemstreet Art Director.....................................................................................Anne Loos Asst. Art Director/Photographer...........................................Stephanie Turner Spread Editor/Chief Photographer.................................................Jamie Oyer Perspective Columnist.................................................................Soha Nassef Entertainment Columnist..........................................................Allison Branca Food Columnist..............................................................................Ali Wolters The Columns is the student newspaper of St. Agnes Academy. Its content, which is the responsibility of The Columns staff, is not subject to administrative approval. Unsigned editorials represent the opinions of the newspaper, while opinion columns represent the writer’s perspective. Advertisements do not represent the newspaper’s viewpoint. The Columns, an open forum, welcomes signed letters on pertinent issues from the SAA community. The editors reserve the right to edit and decline to print letters. All writing may be submitted to Dr. Varghese in room 212 or through [email protected] Advertising Policy The Columns accepts advertising that does not promote illegal services or immoral products to its readers. The moderator reserves the right to accept or deny advertising with her discretion. Contact Aileen O’Leary for advertising rates and information. Upon approval of the advertisement, The Columns promises to follow through on all contracts. If advertisments are not approved, The Columns promises to refund the fee in full. I It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas... in October? t’s October afternoon and you walk into Kroger for an errand your mom asked you to do on your way home from school. You walk in and you’re astounded. Alongside the Halloween cupcakes in the bakery section, a surprising display of Christmas cookies awaits your eyes. You ask yourself: is Christmas celebrated too early? Why does it seem that every year stores are starting to put out Christmas merchandise earlier and earlier? When is it the right time to start celebrating Christmas? Some believe that the earlier you celebrate Christmas the better, because it means more time for celebration and partying. Others hate having it so early because they feel it takes away from the magic of Christmas. Before forming a point of view, one must remember what the Christmas season is and what it stands for. Christmas is an extremely special day. For Christians, it is the day that our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ was born. It’s the day love and mercy came to our world, and that is a wonderful thing that we should celebrate. What angers some of those who don’t agree with the early start on Christmas is that the only reason stores start it early is because they want to take advantage of the season and Jesus’ birth to get money out of holiday shoppers. When stores begin Christmas celebrations in October, it makes Christmas more commercialized. Most people can agree that Christmas is becoming too much of a “Hallmark” holiday. The spirit of Christmas and of loving one another are lost when the holiday becomes materialistic. Christmas is supposed to be a time of being together and loving one another as we celebrate Jesus’ birth; it’s not about spending a lot of money to satisfy what everyone expects for Christmas. I don’t want to be the Christmas grinch; I love Santa, Rudolph, receiving gifts, and everything that goes along with the holiday. It would be nice, however, to not feel obligated to give gifts because it’s Christmas, but because you love the person who received your gift and you want to show your appreciation. You also shouldn’t expect to receive gifts. You should feel honored that your parents and loved ones love you so much they want to show their appreciation when giving gifts. This Christmas season, do not feel rushed to buy gifts in October before Halloween and Thanksgiving. Enjoy each holiday as it comes and wait at least until the end of Thanksgiving to begin Christmas. Use Santa’s float on the Macy’s Thanksgiving parade and the start of Sunny 99.1’s Christmas carols to begin your holiday shopping. December 2007 By: Sandi Moynihan 1 SAA/SJ BAND CONCERT 2 3 4 7 6 5 8 Hanukkah Begins SAA/SJ MESSIAH 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Festivus 30 Christmas Eve Our Lady of Guadalupe Mass E X A M S 25 26 Christmas Kwanzaa Begins 31 New Years Eve 2 27 Christmas Dance Christmas Break Starts 28 29 NewsTwenty - oh seven December/January 2007 Health care crisis Allison Branca Entertainment Columnist T Anne Loos Art Director T he Congress and President Bush continue to clash over the issue of health care. In October, the Democratic Congress passed a new health care bill that would provide public health care to children whose families earned too much to qualify for Medicaid, but still could not afford health insurance. The bill would give $35 billion to the State Children’s Health Insurance Program, also known as SCHIP, and would add four million children to the six million uninsured children already covered by the program. The money the government will use to insure these children would come from a 61 centper-pack increase on cigarettes. In addition, the bill received a fair amount of bipartisan support. However, President Bush threatened to veto this bill before it had even reached his desk. Despite the president’s threats, Congress still passed the SCHIP plan but just as Bush promised, he vetoed it. Bush and other skeptics claim that the bill forces families to switch from private health care to public health care. He claims that the Democratic Congress’s bill is a “trick” to bring the country one step closer to a completely nationalized health care system. Bush also does not approve of the Vol 57 Issue 3 the columns Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, urges representatives to support the SCHIP bill. WWW.FTD.DE fact that the funding comes from taxes on tobacco. Originally, the president had proposed adding only $5 billion to the program over the next five years, but Congress felt that was not enough. The veto further strained the already tense relationship between Congress and the President. Harsh allegations flew from both sides of the fence. Bush accused Congress of wasting time and tricking the American people. Democrats said the president cared more about his Iraq war than poor children. They accuse him of being out of touch with America’s needs. The Democrats were certain that they could override the President’s veto in the Senate; however, they came up thirteen votes short of a two-thirds majority which is needed to override a veto. The Senate was not discouraged though. They made revisions to the bill which restrict benefits to illegal immigrants, prevent adults form receiving benefits, and cap the income levels of families who quality for the program. The bill still gives $35 billion to SCHIP, insures four million children, and raises the tax on cigarettes. The changes to the bill are minimal; Rep. Joe Barton of Texas described it as “putting lipstick on a pig.” Many Republicans still do not like the fact that the bill causes people to leave their private insurers and rely on federal programs. And Bush says he will refuse any health care plan in which the money comes from a tobacco tax. Tensions between Democrats and Bush are preventing much needed changes from being made in America. Issues such as the Iraqi War, health care, and the environment will never be solved until Congress and the president can come to the table with an open mind and willingness to compromise. that the volcano does not pose an imminent threat. They have, however, taken precautionary measures and set up a 3 km radius zone around the volcano and continue to warn people to remain outside the zone. Though Anak Krakatau is one monitor Anak Krakatau and the other infamously volatile volcanoes of Indonesia, the question arises: is it possible that we may experience a repeat of 1816’s year without a summer? The global community experienced severely abnormal weather in 1816 due to the eruption of Indonesia’s Mount Ta m b o r a which released volcanic dust into the upper atmosphere. This abnormal weather included June snowstorms in Canada and New England and a May frost which killed off a large majority of the world’s crops. There was mass starvation and extreme inflation. I know many of us are not pleased by the 83 degree weather we have been experiencing this November, but surely it is better than a year without summer and the death and destruction the eruption of Anak Krakatau and its neighbors could bring with it’s incredible beauty. he year 2007 is coming to an end and the year 2008 will be rung in soon enough. This year has been busy. From political campaigns to Britney Spears’ custody battle the news has been that of which we can never forget. Being an academy woman I would like to recall that this year has been an incredible year for women. While we were celebrating the change in the New Year, Nancy Pelosi was preparing to be inducted as the first womaSpeaker of the House. It was On less important news Britney Spears had a meltdown that the world saw. She shaved her hair off, and went ballistic. She constantly backed into other cars and ran causing the media to question her capability of being a good mother. The negativity around Britney created an inappropriate atmosphere for her boys. She is currently fighting an uphill battle for custody of her children. She tried to make a comeback, but really put her even more in a slump. Hollywood is a dangerous place and not many people can handle the pressures. Close to home and our hearts. Another year without summer Aileen O’Leary Business Manager W ithin the last week Anak Krakatau, the “child” of the Indonesian volcano Krakatau, has woken up and undergone several small explosions. When parent volcano Krakatau erupted in 1883, the explosion caused the earth to cool half a degree for ten years and generated a tsunami with waves as high as 130 feet. The volcano exploded with the force of 100 million tons of dynamite that was heard a full 1800 miles away; ashes generated by the explosion in Indonesia were carried as far as New York City. As Ms. Crank explains, such an event is “similar to something happening in Seattle and us hearing it here [in Houston].” Despite the volatility of Krakatau’s 1883 eruption, scientists monitoring Anak Krakatau say that it will continue with minor eruptions into the near future and Karakatau erupting in 1883. WWW.UHH.HAWAII.EDU of the most dangerous volcanoes in the Pacific, Saut Simatupang, head of volcano observation in Bandung, assures residents and tourists: “It is still at the third level of alert.” Even though he states, “There were approximately one hundred explosions yesterday,” he assures that, “It is safe and there aren’t any problems.” As volcanologists continue to New Yorkers celecrate the beginning of a new year. WWW.WIREDNEWYORK.COM an incredible breakthrough and could possibly foreshadow the turn out of the 2008 presidential election. Hillary Clinton is as motivated as ever and continues to campaign to be the first woman president. A much needed new experience has occurred and has inspired women all over the country. She has let people know that it is possible to make a change. Politics are not the only thing that has occurred in the last year that is of substantial importance. Sports are part of America’s past time and are crucial in our lifestyle. In the world of baseball the Boston Red Sox won the World Series, and Craig Biggio set a record and retired. Houston will miss Biggio and his dirty helmet for many years. 3 Our own arch-bishop Denardo, whom many of us were confirmed by, has become a cardinal elect. He is the first bishop in the southeast states that has been selected for this worthy position. It is comforting to see that the man that was leading our spiritual lives is now even closer to the pope. We were lucky enough to see him so soon after being selected. It was a blessing that he came to dedicate our science building. The science building is now a place to grow spiritually and intellectually. News never stops and something new is always happening. As the year continues advancements will be made and adventures will unfold. The year 2007 was a great year and a hard year. We will all carry on and cannot wait to see what 2008 has in store. December/January 2007 Opinions Vol 57 Issue 3 the columns Public Service Announcement I’m in the from the President of St. Agnes Mood for Food! Academy Jamie Oyer Center Spread Editor D ear students, faculty, staff, and tenderhearted guests-readers, To most Americans, the holidays are a time where millions of people participate in memorable Christmas traditions like hanging lights on the tree, sitting on Santa’s lap, and maxing out credit cards to buy those pricy last minute gifts. However, after observing these last seventeen Christmases with sad eyes as I watched some of my classmates confused about the entire Christmas process, I have decided to make Christmas 2007 a celebration of all things politically correct. Firstly, I believe some phraseology must be taken into account if we are to truly going to undertake this task. I am of course referring to the popular holiday motto “Merry Christmas” as not everyone in the entire universe celebrates the birth of the baby Jesus. Now I understand that this terminology does pertain to wide percentage of students, however, what about those who are of the Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, or other faiths? Should not they have a “merry” time, too? A more politically correct term would be the forever applicable “Happy Holidays!” or even better, “Happy Non-Denominational and Neutral Celebration of the Winter Solstice Holiday!” I think a motto like that would bring smiles and sunshine to all the little children of our world. In order to better recognize the religious faiths of our fellow Americans, perhaps we should partake in their winter celebrations. How about putting a menorah in your window? I myself am 1/32 Jewish, and although I am not a follower of the Jewish faith, I still find myself getting into fits of glee and amusement every time someone pulls out the dreidle. You could also join in sipping a drink with your friends out of the Kikombe cha Umoja (community cup) to spread some Kwanza joy. On that note, I would like to inform you all that Kwanzaa is not an actual African holiday, but more accurately, an African-American holiday. It was created in 1966 by African Americans as a way to remember their African ancestry. I admit, making these changes may be a little drastic, but think about all the new and exciting winter holiday festivities you will be participating in. So this December, in the spirit of all things holiday related, let us join hands as one celebratory and diversified unit and shout, “Happy Hannuchrismakwanzikah!” Lindsey Adam On Campus Editor H Despite strong marketing campaigns towards teenagers, the Galleria’s department stores are also guilty of profiling their target audience. stereotype, and did not tip well. The other most common place for profiling is at the mall, in particular department stores. St. Agnes girls agree that profiling is a frequent occurrence in their shopping experience. “If you go to the Coach store and you don’t look like you have money or are over twenty-five, then they don’t even greet you,” said junior Anne Mims. Senior Florence Pichon definitely notices the change in service, “I am a casual slob kind of person, but I enjoy the extremities of fashion. Whenever I do go to a nice department store, I get scorching glares from the store attendants who snub me and never offer to help.” Yet I wanted something more concrete than just the experiences of a few. So I developed a mall experiment using a teenage girl and a middle aged woman. The teenage girl was dressed in shorts and a summer camp T-shirt, while the woman wore expensive jeans and carried a designer handbag. I was shocked by the results. The teenager was kept waiting for much longer periods of time and when she was helped; the attendants were brisk, condescending and reluctant to help. In great contrast, the woman was constantly welcomed and offers of help and compliments awaited her at every turn. After the experience there was no denying the role profiling plays in the commercial industry. Despite the billions of dollars spent on advertisements focusing teens and the family friendly claims of many restaurants, the profiling of such a large consumer audience is ultimately destructive to both the commercial industry and the teenage customers affected by such practices. 4 Food/Dining Columnist Christmas Cookies “ Falling into the “teenage dirt bag” category ave you ever walked into a restaurant and known that you are being treated differently based purely on the fact that you’re a teenager? Have you ever stood at a make-up counter waiting for service while every other person is helped? Have you ever walked into a department store in shorts and a T-shirt and been treated differently than another time when you were dressed in your best? If you’ve experiences any of these scenarios, then you’ve been profiled. Profiling is when restaurant or store workers assign a category or type to customers based on a set of characteristics or qualities. For instance, there is a common belief that teenagers are bad tippers and therefore restaurant workers will typically spend less time and effort on them as customers due to the stereotype. Probably the most common and noticeable location for profiling is at restaurants. Actually my inspiration for this article began in a restaurant. Their whole treatment of my friend and I was ridiculous in its obviousness. Despite multiple open tables and plenty of servers just standing around, the hostess told us we would have to wait for at least fifteen minutes before we could be seated. However, when a couple entered several minutes later, they were immediately seated. Seeing this, we decided to sit at the bar rather than continue to wait. After about fifteen minutes, the bartender finally asked our drink and food orders. We were especially shocked when the bartender returned with our check even before the drinks! The bad service continued and being completely fed up with the treatment, we lived up to our teenage Alison Wolters The wide selection of Houston restaurants does little to prevent the profiling of the city's teenagers. www.visithoustontexas. com It wouldn’t be Christmas without Christmas cookies!” says senior Chelsea Woodlock. From gingerbread men to sugar cookies, Christmas cookies are a definite part of the Christmas season. Christmas cookies have been a part of the winter season for some time; the German culture began the tradition of celebrating the Christmas season with cookies. All the way back to the 13th century, German monks would cut Lebkuchen, a dough similar to gingerbread, into elaborate shapes and decorate the shapes with sugar. This tradition was continued with the story of Hansel and Gretel, which was first published in a Grimm’s Fairy Tales book in 1812 in Germany, beginning the custom of sending gingerbread men as Christmas cards. Since then, other cultures have adopted this tradition, and cookies have become an internationally popular way to celebrate Christmas. While iced sugar cookies seem to be the most common kind of Christmas cookie, they will never have the special place in my heart that gingerbread men have. The spicy flavor, the crispy texture, and the way they look like little people is just an unbeatable combination. Here’s a great recipe to celebrate this year: INGREDIENTS • 1/2cup shortening • 1/2 cup packed brown sugar • 3 1/4 cups sifted all-purpose flour • 1teaspoon salt • 1 teaspoon baking soda • 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon • 1/2 teaspoon ground ginger • 3/4 cup molasses • 1/4 cup water DIRECTIONS 1. Cream shortening and sugar. Sift flour with salt, soda and spices. Blend flour mixture into creamed mixture alternately with molasses and water. Chill at least 1 hour. 2. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. 3. Roll dough to 1/4 inch thick. Cut with large 6-8 inch gingerbread men cookie cutters. 4. Bake for about 12 minutes. Do not overcook, because they won't stay soft. Enjoy!!! December/January 2007 Opinions the columns Festivus for the rest of us Sandi Moynihan Sports Editor can remember running down the newly-installed hardwood stairs in my house on December 23rd 2003, hoping that my Mom made her famous cranberry cinnamon rolls. “Dad, why is there a giant metal pole in our front yard,” I asked with a puzzled, sleepy look. “It’s Festivus, Sand,” he relied. “Festivus for the Rest of Us.” Up until this insightful moment of my life, I thought that the holiday season only included I Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanzaa, and Winter Solstice- not that I knew what Winter Solstice was. What was this “Festivus” my dad spoke of? Did he just make it up? And what’s a giant metal pole in my front yard have to do with it? Essentially, Festivus is the brainchild of Seinfeld character, Frank Costanza. One Christmas, after fighting over a doll for his son in the store, Frank decided Christmas was too commercial. As a result, he created his own winter holiday: Festivus. As senior Margaret Wheeler puts it, “It's kinda like an antiChristmas. You have this big dinner and there's a thing called the Airing of Grievances, where you go around telling everyone at the table how they've disappointed you in the past year. After dinner, there is some sort of wrestling match [called the Feats of Strength] between the head of the house and a challenger.” Every household that celebrates Festivus also erects a large, plain, aluminum pole in place of a Christmas tree at the focal point of the common room. While the customs of Festivus might seem foreign to traditional holiday-goers, the overall idea of the holiday is surprisingly welcomed in the St. Agnes community. “I don't celebrate Festivus” said Danielle DiLuzio. “It’s not too ridiculous though because you get to tell people what you really think of them.” Even Mrs. Griffin agrees that Festivus is a holiday to love. “I think everyone should celebrate Festivus,” she said. “How could you go wrong with the aluminum pole? The holiday is so much better without all of the commercialized distractions!” So maybe my dad isn’t crazy for driving a 7 ft aluminum pole in our front yard. Maybe, despite all its strange customs, Festivus is simply a stripped down, non denominational form of its commercialized brother, Christmas. Or maybe, it’s just a holiday so completely beyond practicality that there’s no choice BUT to celebrate it. “No tinsel, no problem,” right? Some information regarding Festivus from: Juniors proudly display their Festivus enthusiasm. SANDI MOYNIHAN/THE COLUMNS Vol 57 Issue 3 That’s So-Ha Ha Ha! Soha Nassef Perspective Columnist Where have all the good shows gone? M From Stress to Success: How to turn the holiday season from stressful to stress free Hayley Hemstreet Blast from the Past Columnist B elieve it or not but the time has already come to start thinking about midterms. Just as people are getting in the holiday spirit, decorating a Christmas tree or buying new winter clothes, the reality of life at St. Agnes returns. Notes, tests, and quizzes from August must be salvaged from piles of papers tucked back in a closet, or folders on a laptop, and they must be thoroughly studied for a second time around. Studying for exams is the last thing that anyone wants to do, especially at this festive time. If wanting to make good grades and avoid any worrying over the winter break, read on for some helpful tips that will be sure to ease some of the stress of exams and lead to a happy, stress-free break. At some point or another everyone falls prey to the temptations of procrastination and will wait to study the weekend, or even afternoon, before the exam. This year, however, try to avoid this bad habit – it will be hard but ultimately very worthwhile. It’s not necessary to start actually studying on the first of December, but at least make some sort of study plan at the beginning of the month that lays out what to do and when to do it. A few weeks before, slowly start the preparation process. This probably sounds excessive, but it doesn’t have to be taken to the extreme. Study a little bit from one or two subjects every night. There are many different ways to do this: chronologically, starting with material from way back in August, or starting with the material that was the most difficult. One night go over a set of Spanish vocabulary flashcards from the very first chapter, and the next night that impossibly difficult algebra test. Right now this plan might seem like an utter waste of time, but starting a few weeks before exams and doing a little extra work every night is surely better than waiting until the day of the exam to re-learn 200 years of American history or 7 chapters of chemistry notes. 5 Not many people can sit in a crowded, noisy Starbucks with their best friend across the table and actually get some work done. For most people all of the noise and other people would be too many distractions. This doesn’t mean that true studying can only get done alone and at home, though. Being trapped in one room all alone for several hours could drive a person crazy. Try something as simple as moving to different rooms; or go outside for some fresh air, which will refresh your mind, and listen to the soothing sounds of the outdoors. TV®. Every person at St. Agnes has at least watched one show on MTV® be it at home on their own, in the cafeteria during lunch or open lab. MTV® haunts us follows teens everywhere. The question is where are the morals? They are quite nonexistent on MTV®. Why do we watch it? I have watched MTV® several times before and now that I look back I wonder why I even did that. Half the time I was disgusted by the content of some of those shows and the other half I was just appalled. I watched MTV® for My Super Sweet Sixteen because I liked how extravagant these girls were and enjoyed laughing at them. I, honestly, have never seen an episode of The Real World nor do I want to. The snippets and clips of it I see everyday in the cafeteria are enough to put me off. The sad thing is, most teens in America watch MTV® everyday and as a consequence know nothing about what is going on in the world around them. I know a few cries of disappointment from me are not going to cause teens to stop watching MTV® all together, but what if in addition to watching hours upon hours of A Shot at Love with Tila Tequila teens also watched some news channels or the history channel. I know it may sound ridiculous to so many of you but in reality if everyone had some inkling as to what was going on in the world and our country that might cause some people to go out and speak out. This tangent may not have changed any minds but my hope is that it has opened some eyes. My Kwanza Holiday by Lindsay Buchanan In addition to Christmas, I celebrate Kwanzaa. It’s a fun time each year when my family gets together and celebrates our rich culture as AfricanAmericans. We set up a table in our house with a kinara. It’s kind of like a wooden menorah. It holds 7 candles that represents the seven days of Kwanzaa. There are 3 red candles, 3 green candles, and one black candle. Each new day of Kwanzaa, we light a new candle. Along with the kinara, set out on the table is the muhindi, an ear of corn that represents children and our future. Since my family has two children, we have 2 muhindi. There’s also the Kikombe cha Umoja, or unity cup. We drink water from it at our candle lighting ceremony to show that we are all united as a family and that unity makes all else possible. All of this sits on the Mkeka, a symbol of our tradition and history as African Americans. We sit around the table and read from a book that tells us the things we are supposed to hold in our minds each day. Each day of Kwanzaa has a theme. Umoja (Unity), Kujichagulia (Self-Determination), Ujima (Collective Work and Responsibility), Ujamaa (Cooperative Economics), Nia (purpose), Kuumba (creativity), Imani (Faith). We do activities that pertain to the theme of the day. For example, on Kuumba, children that celebrate Kwanzaa may put on a play for the family or make and color pictures. The best part of Kwanzaa is the zawadi, or gifts! On the last day of Kwanzaa (New Year’s Day), we have a big dinner with our family and the parents give the children zawadi. Many African American neighborhoods have larger celebrations with African drums, dancers, and other things. I was fortunate enough last year to play at one with my jazz combo! Kwanzaa is fun and I’m so glad that my parents chose to celebrate it and share it with me. A young girl lighting a kinara. In Greece, the children are visited b patron saint of sailors. According to legend soaking in brine and his beard drips with s forty day fast, the Greeks celebrate by eati topsomo or “Christ’s Bread” which is a sw in various shapes. During the twelve days kallikanzeri, or goblins, come to scare the priests often come around to get rid of the ey is given to orphanages and the poor dur Greeks usually give their gifts on January F Day. Families usually give money. A Normal Christmas in Mexico by Letty Perez I celebrate Christmas Mexican Style! Every year my family goes to Mexico for Christmas. We alternate between Mexico City and Monterrey because we have family in both places. This year we are going to Monterrey. I am really excited because I have a HUGE family so it’s a lot of fun. I have 32 cousins and 12 aunts and uncles. When we are in Monterrey we all gather at my grandmother Titi’s house and when we are in Mexico City we gather at my grandma Tita’s house. At the gathering, we break piñatas, sing posadas, light fireworks, have a traditional Mexican dinner and desert, and do a gift exchange. My cousin Sergio dresses up like spiderman or tigger to entertain the younger cousins. At some point in the night, all of the cousins put their names in a hat and then my grandma pulls one out. Whoever gets their name pulled out gets to keep her baby Jesus for a whole year! Then, my cousin Mauricio whips out his accordion and accompanies my dad while they play and sing mariachi songs! It’s so festive! St. Nicolas A group of young children recreating the scene at Bethleham. A Russian Orthodox Church In Russia, the Festival of Winter is the name of the winter celebration which ends on January 6th with a twelve course meal. On Christmas Day, people gather together to sing carols and decorate Christmas trees or yelka with flowers and lights. Instead of Santa Claus, Russian children are visited by Babushka, which means grandmother. According to Russian ledged, Babushka did not go with the wise men to see the baby Jesus, but she later regretted her decision. She decided to try and catch up with the wise men and brought baskets of gifts to bring the baby Jesus, however she never found him. In the end, Babushka began leaving presents at every house for good children. by St. Nicolas the d, St. Nicolas is seawater. After a ing pork and chrisweet bread made of chirstmas, the little children and bad spirits. Monring Christmas, but First or St. Basil’s Although only 1% of Japanese people believe in Christ, they still celebrate Christmas to remember the birth of Jesus. Most children get their gifts from a Buddhist monk named Hotei-osho In the Holy Land, Christmas is celebrated three times. Once on December 24 celebrated by the Protestants and Catholics. Another time for the Greek Orthodox, Coptic and Syrian churches. The third Christmas is for the American Church. The Japanese Santa Claus monk Christmas in Congo begins with an annual Christmas pageant and carolers. The most important part of Christmas is the worship service which usually lasts until 8 or nine o’clock. In South Africa, Christmas is a summer holiday so instead of snow, sunshine and flowers are usually expected. In Ghana, the children march up and down the streets on Christmas Eve shouting “Christ is coming!” and then go home to eat a special meal of rice and fufu or yam paste. On the west coast of Africa, families decorate an oil palm instead of Christmas tree. Don’t be thinking of a white Christmas in Australia! Because of the oppo site seasons on the other side of the world, Christmas is actually a summer holiday. A traditional Christmas dinner includes turkey, pork, or other meat and ends with a plum pudding that has a special treat inside. A gold nugget is hidden inside the pudding for one lucky person. Instead of a tree, Australians buy a Christmas Bush, a native plant that has little red flowered leaves. Some tourists actually An Austrailian Christmas Bush go to the famous Bondi Beach to enjoy a Christmas lunch. Others go to Melbourne and participate in the Carols by Candlelight where tens of thousands participate in singing their favorite Christmas songs. Drawing by Channelle Balwant Features December/January 2007 Blast from the Past Vol 57 Issue 3 the columns Mute Math is anything but typical live Lauren Halliday Features Editor Hayley Hemstreet Blast from the Past Columnist Have a very retro Christmas F or those St. Agnes girls who celebrate Christmas, the holiday festivities are extremely different for each girl, but they all often involve good food, family, and friends. These Christmas celebrations haven’t changed that much over many years, even since when our parents were growing up. I learned from my own parents and relatives about their Christmas traditions as kids, and they are similar to my and others’ traditions today. The obsession of children over Santa Claus and the presents he brings hasn’t changed much. Santa is still just as much of a hero today as he was for kids many years ago. Parents have always had the challenging task of finding that perfect gift for their children. They often have to search in the middle of the night on Christmas Eve, venturing into some of the sketchiest parts of town, and then be sure to have the gift perfectly wrapped under the tree for when the kids wake up at the crack of dawn. Every year there is one particular toy that causes a complete frenzy among parents. It will transform average moms into vicious scavengers who will stop at nothing and cause dangerous stampedes in the local “Toys R Us”. When we were younger and it was our parents who were out on the prowl, Cabbage Patch Dolls, Furbies, and Tickle Me Elmo were the toys that we desired, For our parents, the same kind of craziness took place. Apparently, a certain toy called Chatty Kathy was extremely popular, which I’m assuming was a talking doll (I didn’t press on for more details). The Christmas decorations that our parents would see every year have become popular again. Those silver, aluminum trees that were once all the rage are back again and now deemed “retro” (although some would probably call them tacky). They can be seen in store windows and the apartments of those “too cool” for a real tree. They do have an artsy look and fit nicely into the crisp, clean style of a modern house. Every year new toys, decorations, and traditions come about and change a family’s own Christmas celebration. Many things stay the same from year to year, or at least disappear and then resurface, creating a cycle of traditions that connect many generations. The tradition of spending time with family and friends during the holidays has always stayed consistent, though, and probably always will. A fter performing two concerts in Houston in the past year, Mute Math returned for a third time on November 11 to Warehouse Live, their biggest and nicest venue to date. Still fresh off of last year’s self-titled debut album, the band had plenty of chaotic tunes to perform and plenty of fans to sing along. Known primarily for their dynamic live show and singer Paul Meany’s keytar and crazy onstage antics, Mute Math certainly did not disappoint. This atypical band brought an incredible show and an equally wonderful opening band, Eisley, to Houston. Eisley, a quintet of Houston born, Tyler raised DuPree siblings and their cousin, took the stage first. Full of songs from both albums, Room Noises and Combinations, their set was simply delightful. “Golly Sandra” was a definite crowd favorite with the band having noted it particularly for its Texas twang. The pleasant harmonies and whimsical lyrics of songs such as “Memories” and “Marvelous Things” kept the audience in a joyful mood throughout their entire set. Their musicianship was impeccable as was their style and finesse on stage. As they tour through Houston frequently, be sure to catch Eisley next time around for an enjoyable, classy live show. The next forty minutes seemed like two hours while everyone waited in eager anticipation for Mute Math to play. What immediately struck me as the crew was setting up the band’s equipment was that the drum kit was set up in the front of the stage instead of in the back where the drummer is usually hidden behind all the other members. As soon as the lights went off, the crowd erupted in screams and applause. The band took the stage and immediately began with the first track off their album, “Collapse.” This instrumental song pumped up the crowd as we all longed to see what would happen next. They continued with the next two tracks on their album, “Typical” and “Chaos.” These songs are two of their most energetic and guitar Mute Math provides one of the best live experiences in music today. driven tunes. I was impressed with their ability to come out and play these well-known songs first as many bands save those types of songs for last. Mute Math does a remarkable job of conveying their excitement on stage. Upon seeing them live, one would never doubt their enthusiasm in putting on an incredible show for the fans. Since this show was the last of a two month tour, it was obviously even more special to the band because another era of their careers was coming to a close. I was in for a thrilling surprise as the band announced that they had specifically waited until this last date to play one of their slower anthems, “Picture.” The band played one new song from their forthcoming record entitled “Clockwork.” It was the only chance to see Meany play an instrument other than his signature keytar, a Fender Telecaster. The song unquestionably echoed the classic Mute Math sound with a quick drum beat, excellent harmonies, and varying tempos. At this point, Meany told the crowd that their participation would become increasingly important during the next few songs. I thought the initial intensity of the crowd was incredible but after this comment I was completely blown away by the audience’s energy. Songs such as “Control” and “Plan B” had everyone jumping up and down and dancing around. Meany used the resounding lyric “Such a beautiful surrender” from “Control” to draw the crowd in to contribute. The set was not without the slower songs from Mute Math. Lyric-strong tunes such as “Noticed” and “Stare at the Sun” and the continuing instrumental track “Obsolete” provided some of the strongest performances musically of the night. Nearly every song off of their album was played in the set. To end the set, they played “Break the Same,” my personal favorite. Having seen the song performed on Late Night with Conan O’Brien and multiple times on YouTube videos, I was prepared for the madness about to occur. At the main break in the song, Meany started running around, jumped on the keyboard and began to do a handstand on top of it. It was definitely one of the highlights and most exhilarating parts of the show. As soon as the band exited the stage, the crowd began to chant “Mute Math, Reset,” in reference to the final, instrumental song on their album, “Reset.” After a few minutes the band came back on stage to play their most ballad-like song, “You are Mine.” Once this song was over, the word “Reset” was chanted again and Meany said, “The people have spoken.” Many artists improvise on their final song; this is exactly what Mute Math did. At one point during the song, drummer Darren King brought out his bass drum, placed it out in the crowd LAUREN HALLIDAY/THE COLUMNS for the fans to hold, climbed on top of it, and jumped onto the rafters of the building. The crowd was hysterical as he continued to move through the rafters and flipped back onto the stage. There could not have possibly been a better way to end the show. The incredible musicianship of King struck me the most out of all elements of Mute Math’s live show. As soon as he came out to the stage, he put headphones on and wrapped duck tape around his head to keep them in place, an obvious sign that extreme drumming was to occur. The zeal and passion in his playing were so noticeable that it was hard not to be drawn to him over the other band members. He plays with such amazing quickness and accuracy that it is purely a pleasure to watch him live. This is not to say that the other members of Mute Math are vastly outshined; Darren King simply deserves much more recognition in the modern drumming world than he currently receives. Mute Math’s live show is clearly one of the best out there today. Their music sounds as if it were purposefully meant to be played live and is actually quite better live. Thankfully for any of you who have recently taken an interest in the band, they are coming back to Houston again on February 28, 2008, to Toyota Center with Matchbox Twenty and Alanis Morrissette. Don’t miss Mute Math on their first arena tour! Top 10 things NOT to do at Christmas dance Soha Nassef Perspective Columnist 0. Tell your limo driver the wrong hotel and then miss the lock in because of it 9. Forget to make reservations then end up having to eat at McDonalds 8. Leave all event planning until final week and consequently end up not studying at all 7. Not look behind you and end up dancing right on up to Ms. Schiro 6. Take off your shoes then grab someone else’s when leaving 5. In the darkness grab the wrong guy and start dancing with him 4. Forget to check the back of your dress before leaving the bathroom 3. Start a fight with your date’s ex on the dance floor 2. Out of nervousness say yes to two people who ask you to the dance 1 And last but not least… SOHA NASSEF/THE COLUMNS Party Hardy: Sr. Jane, Hannah Dyer-Holzhauer, and Christine Bartram all are having a great time at Christmas Dance. 8 1. Forget to leave room for the Holy Spirit Features December/January 2007 Because I’ve Got It Allison Branca Entertainment Columnist Discovery channel not cool?... BUSTED! T o some, the Discovery channel may be nothing more than a “geek channel”, but I personally think it is brilliant. For years, the channel has provided its audiences with educational information: for example the solar system, but recently it has provided shows that are directed towards the teenage audience. Previously, the Discovery channel has appealed to mainly male viewers, but after many long fights over the remote with my brother I decided to cope and watch the Discovery channel. To my “discovery”, I fell in love with a show called Mythbusters. For the students that have never seen the show, Mythbusters is dedicated to putting well-known myths to the test. Two special effects experts of the San Francisco Bay area, Adam Savage and Jamie Hyneman, use basic elements of the scientific method to test various rumors. Adam and Jamie “get a thrill out of science in action and a kick out of blowing things up”, says physics teacher Harold Burris. It is true that the experts spend days building, researching, experimenting, and exploding “myths”. The question “Is a bullet proof wall really bullet proof?” is one of the many myths seen on the show. The experiments are accurate. The process in which Adam and Jamie use can help students like myself understand the importance of research and experiments. The show has influenced me to become more tenacious in finding answers to difficult questions. The show has been on for six seasons and is no where near cancellation. It has received excellent ratings and is even a favorite of our own Mr. Burris. “This is science with fun and that’s the best type of science I know of”, said Burris. I can agree and I’m sure all of you would too. Vol 57 Issue 3 the columns I’ll be there for you! Two SAA teacher friendships Nicki Koetting Opinions Editor J ust as St. Agnes students cannot live without their friends, St. Agnes teachers find support in their “besties.” All of the teachers at St. Agnes are a tight-knit group, but two teacher friendships that are well-known at St. Agnes are Dr. Novo and Mr. Sutter, as well as Dr. Varghese and Ms. Vollrath. Mr. Sutter and Dr. Novo met when Mr. Sutter was first touring the school, before he started working at St. Agnes. “There was this man in ragged sweatshorts and a sweatshirt, typing on a computer, who I later knew was Dr. Novo, working on his PhD,” said Mr. Sutter. Mr. Sutter’s wife was pregnant with their third child at the time, and she “began to feel a little nauseous, and needed crackers,” Mr. Sutter said. Dr. Novo went to the snack machine in the teachers’ lounge, but he couldn’t unlock the doors. “He tried again and again, and I was thinking, ‘Who was this strange and sweet man who wanted to help, but couldn’t?’” said Mr. Sutter. Mr. Sutter and Dr. Novo became best buddies when they started carpooling to work together. They bonded over their mutual Christian faith: “Mr. Sutter is a true Christian, not living it as a theory, not living it as a principle, but as a reality. That’s how he is; that’s how he lives his life,” Dr. Novo said. Of course, Mr. Sutter’s SANDI MOYNIHAN/THE COLUMNS Dr. Varghese and Ms. Vollrath have fun on Halloween dressed up as Virgil and Dante! explanation of his friendship with Dr. Novo would not be complete without a Dante reference! “Dr. Novo is like Virgil [in Dante’s Inferno], he illuminates the path for me like he lights the way for Dante… he has a great soul, and that great soul allows him to see the good in others,” Mr. Sutter said. Ms. Vollrath and Dr. Varghese have been friends for five years. They met during a teachers assistants’ orientation at the University of Houston, when Ms. Vollrath was working on her master’s degree and Dr. Varghese, like Dr. Novo, was working on her Ph.D. They met when Ms. Vollrath needed a ride and Dr. Varghese gave her one. At the party, something came up about the cookies there, and they started joking about it – their first inside joke, and the beginning of their friendship. What first struck Dr. Varghese about Ms. Vollrath? “She’s very friendly, laid back, generous, and sweet,” Dr. Varghese said. The two friends have a great deal in common: “We both spent a year in France, we spent one year teaching before we met each other, we both love music festivals, and we always have the Halloween tradition of dressing up,” Ms. Vollrath said. One of their inside jokes is about their cars – “At the time I had a little car, and Ms. Vollrath had a little car the same color as mine, and we joked about that,” Dr. Varghese said. Dr. Varghese and Ms. Vollrath also have inside jokes about the name “Simon”, who was Dr. Varghese’s cat. “We also have inside jokes about poems that help us with playing Taboo,” Dr. Varghese said. What does Dr. Varghese like best about Ms. Vollrath? “Ms. Vollrath is always there for me, like a sister,” Dr. Varghese said. Ms. Vollrath said of Dr. Varghese, “Ranjana inspires me to be the best person I can be because she is such a caring individual. She is genuine and compassionate and truly cares for the well being of others. She has been like a sister to me; I am thankful to have such a great friend like her in my life.” The triple trio: triple threats Kate Winderman Editor-in-Chief D uring the fall and winter seasons, a student at St. Agnes can expect the normal: studying hard for tests and quizzes, finishing projects and papers, pulling several allnighters in order to meet college deadlines and even rehearsing for a play or getting ready for a game. However, nine girls from all different grades do something different each year; the members of the St. Agnes Triple Trio are fluffing up their petticoats, warming up their voices, painting their faces, making flower crowns, and waiting in anticipation for the annual Texas Renaissance Festival. The Triple Trio is a classical ensemble of nine girls who perform not only at the Texas Renaissance Festival, but also at many other events. Being a member of Trio requires a great deal of dedication, as it calls for a class every day, as well as a rehearsal once a week with the Strake Jesuit Triple Trio. According to junior Jacquie Perrin, the Renaissance Festival is by far the high point of being in Strake and SAA Double Trio members perform at the Texas Renaissance Festival. the group: “my favorite part of [the festival] is when it’s all starting up and one minute everyone’s setting up and it’s quiet and calm and then the cannon goes off and it explodes into activity and life,” said Perrin. “It’s cheesy, but it’s probably my favorite part. It’s a 9 KELLY O’BRIEN/GUEST PHOTOGRAPHER weird experience, but completely unforgettable.” At the Renaissance Festival, the Trio members are more than just singers; they must constantly be in character through speaking in English accents, as well as performing Renaissance-style dances. “What really helps me a lot are the other actors there, as well as the Festival itself,” said sophomore Trio member Amy Aquino. “[The] Renaissance Festival is a great learning experience for me to grow in my singing and my performing skills.” December/January 2007 OnCampus Vol 57 Issue 3 the columns “Have a Bodacious Day Ladies…” Sandi Moynihan/Anne Loos Sports Editor/Art Director I n an exclusive interview The Columns got up close and personal with Mr. Rodney Miles, the new and experienced U.S. History teacher. After a five year hiatus as a lawyer, Mr. Miles returned to St. Agnes Academy to teach his favorite subject; United States history. While most history teachers preach in a monotone voice that puts the most studious scholars to sleep, Mr. Miles captivates his student audience, and brings history to life. Why is history important for us to learn? Mainly cause it keeps me… I have a job... You hear all this stuff [that] ‘we have to remember the mistakes of the past’ … I’m not sure I buy that, but history does a lot of things. It teaches you a lot of skills; writing skills, thinking skills, analytical skills, […] and I think it’s important to know the culture and the heritage of the country. It’s your 2nd time teaching at St. Agnes, what’s different between this time and the first? The school has become much more technologically advanced, just in the five years I’ve been gone. […] You can look at your grades almost instantaneously. Stephanie Turner Assistant Art Director he only thing seniors Chiara and Kim Ferrari have in common with the sports car is a name and an Italian background. Being identical twins is something very special between the two of them but it is also something they share with other members in their family. They have 11-year-old sisters named Ilaria and Federica who are fraternal twins. They also have a 19-year-old brother named Giacomo. One time when he was younger, he asked for a twin for Christmas because everyone else in the family has one. When meeting new people, what kind of questions do they get about being twins? Chiara comments about how all the questions they get are the same. Kim starts listing some examples, “Like if our names have anything to do with the car.” Which, it does not. Chiara adds, “It’s not just about the car, sometimes we get ‘Do T People check their grades at midnight and 1AM and all this other stuff, its crazy; I’m not saying everything about technology isn’t good but I’m not sure everything about it is fantastic. […] The other thing is that the school has become more intense… for teachers… for students. It seems like the school is much more involved in causes. Than I remember it five years ago. JAMIE OYER/THE COLUMNS What were you like in high school? It was a small high school; it wasn’t like the big high schools out here where I would’ve probably been sitting on the edge of the bench with the water boy, so I played football and baseball. What made you want to study history in college? It’s something that came easy for starters. I liked it. But, actually I started out college as being an engineering major. I was pretty decent in math, but lets say calculus and physics in college convinced me that I needed to […] go where I was strong. So your from Virginia/ How does Virginia compare to Is your favorite Texas? word bodacious? First of all that’s I came up with it… a bogus quesIt just happened tion. There is no Mr. Miles intensely prepares for his next lecture on Andrew Jackson. several years ago comparison. Up when I was teaching there you actually the change of the seasons. Here have seasons. Fireplaces burning you get winter for two days. You here, this one class I happened at Christmas time, and snow on blink, and you miss it. So that’s to say that out of the blue. And it was this weird reaction, and it, I the ground, you know in the win- the big thing. kinda thought it was kinda funny ter. I just love cold weather, I love to watch the reaction, so I started doing it with every class, every day, and it got to the point where some kids would actually say, oh well you forgot to wish us a bodacious day. And so its just one of those things that stuck. What do you think history will say about this decade? They will probably consider it the decade of ignorance […] This decade will probably be judged very hardly […], probably even more harshly than [the] Vietnam [era] . I don’t think it would be a very positive thing. If you could have lunch with any historical figure, who would it be, and why? Abraham Lincoln. Because first of all I think he is probably the greatest president. He saw the country through its most difficult time in its entire history. There were other [presidents] who went through some difficult times, but nothing compares to a country trying to tear itself apart. Would you rather… have no hair on your body or never be able to remember anything for more than 10 minutes? Those are such bad choices… God that means I’d be bald…I’d have to say no hair on my body, as frightening as that would be for everyone, including myself. Better than the sports car you guys get psychic powers?’ or, ‘If I pinch Kim will [Chiara] feel it?’ I’ve stopped saying no, I always say yes.” Do twins really have some sort of mystical phenomenon? Chiara starts by explaining one of their secrets, “We usually plan it out when people ask us to say what the other is thinking of. We always say, ‘Coke.’ It’s our thing, you know? We at it out.” Kim tells a story that, “Once we were at [a friend’s] house for a party and they were all into our twin senses and tried to make us read each other’s minds. I was in one room and Chiara was in another but there was this time when [Chiara] was in another room and there was a bottle of Coke. So they were like ‘Chiara, think of coke.’ I didn’t know that so when I said ‘Coke’ they all freaked out. It was great.” Another twin trick these two actually showed me involved me thinking of three random objects and they would say one of them in unison. So I give them “school, dog, and cat” (not very creative of me, I know). Afterward they count to three and say dog at the same time. Chiara swears they don’t cheat on that trick. Have they ever switched places? Kim answers first, remembering a couple of times here at St. Agnes, “Oh yeah we did, for French class once, but that didn’t really count, and once during the Jr. Ring Ceremony, we switched.” Chiara goes back to their early childhood: “Every now and then, in our preschool days, our dad would accidentally take us to the wrong class, but he’d find out sooner or later.” Is there anything Kim and Chiara fight over? “No.” Their answer was as simple as that. What do they love most about having a twin? “There is someone there who always knows what you’re thinking without having to tell them.” Is there anything Kim and Chiara don’t like about being twins? “Well, sometimes our parents get mad because we’re too confusing or because we’re in our own little bubble.” If they could have any animal for a pet, what would it be? The immediate response to this question… “Pet?” they both ask in the 10 most perfect unison. Chiara was the first to answer after a bit of thinking. “Well, I used to want a monkey.” Kim takes a bit longer to come up with, “Probably a possum.” Is there anything else they want to share with St. Agnes? I got a bit of that awesome ‘twins- finishing-each-other’s-sentences’ for this question. Chiara starts with “If April fools ever lands on a school day, we might switch all our classes,” Kim finishes up with “so watch out for that.” STEPHANIE TURNER/THE COLUMNS Chiara is pink and Kim is blue, but how can you tell who is who? December/January 2007 Amy Stuhldreher News Editor S Sports No Autographs Please. AA soccer players are the unsung heroes of St. Agnes. The Varsity soccer team has gone to State the past two years and looks forward to not only going to State this year, but bringing home a championship. “I am 100% sure that we are not only State-bound, but are going to bring back home a State Championship to St. Agnes,” said senior Varsity soccer player Elizabeth DeLozier. The other varsity soccer teams in and outside of TAPPS are proof of this confidence as they fear both of the SAA soccer teams. Many of St. Agnes’ opponents opt not to face the soccer teams here at SAA because they do not like to lose. The girls that make up the SAA soccer teams demonstrate their skill and dedication to the sport by playing usually both club soccer and school soccer. The skill that comes from this extreme Vol 57 Issue 3 THE COLUMNS amount of playing time serves to make the school team the “power house,” as it has been referred to by other teams in the past, that it is today. According to DeLozier, the team chemistry is what makes the team work well together and worth playing for. “I don’t think any other team at St. Agnes bonds the way us soccer girls do,” said DeLozier. Junior and Varsity soccer player, Olivia Collado, states her agreement by saying that the girls who play St. Agnes soccer with her are like “having a second family at SAA.” A strong team is built of strong friends, which is obviously exemplified on the soccer fields of St. Agnes. Because the team has been working hard and doing well, the off campus soccer coaches in coordination with the soccer director on campus have been able to make some improvements for the SAA soccer team. For instance, Varsity has been supplied with brand new uniforms, and new, heated dugouts will be provided for the use of both Varsity and JV soccer at any Home games during the season. DeLozier said “if you have no other reason to come to a game, y o u should just AMY STHULDREHER/ THE come and take a look at COLUMNS how cool our uniforms Marielle mercurio prepares to slam it! look.” With these new luxuries provided by the school, the soccer girls are making an effort to get the whole school involved with the soccer team by increased publicity. Collado said “I really wish people would get excited and come out and support us. We would really appreciate any support.” Now, a number of girls from b o t h teams have been making the effort to get the word out around campus to encourage any and all support, “but people still do not know how good the Alli Woltors Food Col- W SANDI MOYNIHAN/ THE COLUMNS SWOOSH: Lauren Kleczynski makes a perfect freethrow shot. 11 AMY STHULDREHER/ THE COLUMNS IN THE ZONE: Junior Marta Mattioli battles for the ball. SAA Basketball is a Slam Dunk Team! doing just as well so far this year. Although the team SANDI MOYNIHAN/ THE COLUMNS lost some great players last year, this year’s team is “a lot younger, but a lot quicker and more aggressive,” said Senior player Jennifer Nwokedi. Senior Rachel Harmon agrees with Nwokedi, adding that, “Our bench players seem to produce a lot more than they did last season.” Senior Sarah Granberry, another Varsity team member, insists that this year’s team is “better” than last year’s team, and hopes to win the MAKING THE SHOT: Alice Carol Johnson focuses to shoot. State competition this year. ith about fifteen hours Being on such a successful of practice every team is great, but keeping up with week, in addition to basketball in addition to the SAA games and scrimmages, it doesn’t workload isn’t easy for anyone. come as a surprise that the St. However, according to Harmon, Agnes Academy basketball team “I think I do better in school when was the Runner-Up at the TAPPS it’s basketball season just because State competition last year, and is soccer team is,” said Collado. Faculty and students are highly encouraged to attend these games because according to junior and varsity soccer player Marta Mattioli, “I believe we have a good team and will do well this season.” DeLozier expressed her agreement in saying, “not only do we have a great group of girls who really redefine the definition of what a team is all about, but they are equally talented and we are all in it together and can push each other to do our best in school and on the court.” Just as they have to come together on during a tough game, the girls have come together as friends in a way that only girls who are forced to sit on an SAA bus for hours at a time can. “We are a crazy group of girls who love to have fun no matter what!” says Nwokedi. Harmon adds, “We are one weird team...and I mean WEIRD! No one else would understand half the things we say or do.” She also says, “Each player makes an effort to be a team player and to get to know each individual.” When it comes to a serious game, all the quality fun time, barbeques with Coach Hollinger, and weirdness pays off. “Our team is really emotionally bonded, when our heads and hearts aren’t in the game we won’t play well,” says Granberry. When a group of close tem members channels so much commitment and determination into a common goal, only good things can happen. Everybody is excited to see what this promising basketball season will bring. December/January 2007 TigerTail the columns Vol 57 Issue 3 Would You Rather... ...Smell with your feet or sneeze with your hands? (Remember shaking hands with people) …go to school in your underwear or have your mom come to school in her underwear? …get water up your nose or have a never ending …have paper cuts in between your toes brain freeze? and fingers or have sprite come out of your nose? …be a waiter for one of your …walk out of a bathroom with teachers on an awkward date or toilet paper on your foot or your get caught smooching with your date by a teacher? skirt tucked into your shorts? 12