Issue 239 Page 01 Uk Mortons - think


Issue 239 Page 01 Uk Mortons - think
No 239
LAS VEGAS Centre pages
love her
on p43
Wrong lyrics
leave Croats
laughin’ and
home side’s
Euro dream
PANISH singing sensation Tony
Henry played a major part in
England football team’s downfall as they crashed out of the Euro
2008 championship.
The man dubbed the black Pavarotti, who
brought the house down with his stunning
tenor voice at the Benidorm Palace last week,
had the Croatian national team in stitches
– when he led the singing of their anthem at
the Wembley showdown.
For the booming voice of Henry, an instant
hit at the Proms at the Palace extravanganza
and a guest on Graham Norton’s TV programme this week, dropped the biggest possible lyrical clanger.
The Brit star accidentally sang ‘My penis
is a mountain’ for one of the lines in the
to be
All aboard the
surfin’ special
IT wasn’t quite the owl and the
pussycat – but the Straits of
Gibraltar had probably not seen
anything like it before.
For three migrants bidding
for a new life in Spain were
rescued after rowing a windsurfing board with toy oars – and
pulling their belongings behind
them in a tyre.
The three were trying to cross
the strait when they got into
difficulty and were saved by a
passing ferry.
“They had no shoes and they
were soaked through”, said
ferry passenger Miguel Marín.
Game on for
world player
THE world of sport revolved in
ever decreasing circles this week
– with high and lows for the
On the up were potential bids
for the 2016 Olympic Games
and the 2018 World Cup in a
joint venture with neighbours
Portugal. (see page 8)
In a sensational development, a
22-year-old Spanish-based soccer
boss became a stalking horse for
the vacant Engand football manager’s job – arguably the worst
career move imaginable.
Other candidates include
Spaniard Rafa Benítez and the
bookies’ favourite – former real
Madrid boss Fabio Capello. (see
back page)
Spain coach
an AraGONEr
HERE today, Aragonés tomorrow!
Spanish coach Luis Aragonés
said he intends to step down
after next year’s European
He revealed his decision after
Spain qualified for the tournament in Austria and Switzerland
by beating Sweden 3-0.
Friday, November 30, 2007
Life Truth No 143:
There’s never a good
time to have a baby, take
a holiday or visit the
Post Office.
Stripped to the waist, it’s
hard to believe that Louis
was once a right winger
with aspirations for Real
Zap retains his zip as the most popular leader LATEST Lo último
THERE’S no joy for Rajoy, but it’s not
much fun for Zap either.
While president José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero remains the most popular leader – with Mariano Rajoy languishing in fifth place – the Partido
Popular are closing the gap on the
governing Socialists, a survey says.
In the latest barometer from the
Centre for Sociological Investigation,
the poll results give the ruling PSOE
39.7 per cent – with the opposition
Partido Popular just 2.3 points behind them on 37.4 per cent.
The previous survey in July gave
the Socialists 40.5 per cent of the vote
and the opposition 37 per cent.
The survey was carried out over a
seven-day period at the end of October, and is bad news for the leaders
of both the main parties, neither of
whom come out particularly high in
the popularity stakes.
President Zapatero gets the highest
marks, with 4.92, but is down from
his previous 5.01.
The PP leader, Mariano Rajoy, is
beaten by Gaspar Llamazares, leader
of the left-wing coalition, Izquierda
Unida, who gets a mark of 4.15.
Rajoy himself is given 3.75 points,
and is in fifth place behind the leaders of the Catalan party, CiU, and the
PNV Basque Socialists.
Izquierda Unida comes out in third
place in voting intention, with 5.5 per
cent of the vote, followed by CiU, in
Unemployment is the major concern
for Spaniards, 37.4 per cent of whom
put it in top place, behind housing
and immigration.
Why we’re on
a real winner
Candidates are confident as election fever grips
By Phil Balding
WE’RE going to win the day – that
was the boast of Junta de Andalucía
president Manuel Chaves as general
election fever begins to grip Spain.
He made his claim at a rally held by the
Socialist Workers’ Party in the Madrid
dormitory town of Fuenlabrada, which
saw Spain’s president José Luis Rodríguez
Zapatero declared the PSOE official candidate to lead them into the March poll.
Señor Zapatero said the party had to
deserve to win, and he was confident the
country would prosper towards freedom.
His objectives are to increase the levels of social welfare, improve innovation
and development, and guarantee a greater
peace between those of differing backgrounds and ideals. He said he wanted
to do away with the ‘useless insulting’
between the political parties.
He listed some of the party’s achievements over the past four years: The withdrawal of Spanish troops
from Iraq; the baby cheque;
sions when the president was
the Dependency Law which
accompanied by his wife,
gives a wage to family carers
Sonsoles Espinosa.
and the new Sexual Equality
Meanwhile, Mariano Rajoy,
the Partido Popular’s candiUp to 70,000 party members
date for president, spoke on
attended the rally, which
one of the main concerns of
was one of the rare occathe Murcia region – the sup-
applaud José
Luis Rodríguez
Zapatero and
his wife, left,
and Mariano
Rajoy, above
ply of water – at a rally of
6,000 people in Murcia City.
He said if elected he would
bring in a national agreement on water to transfer
excess supply from elsewhere
in Spain to areas lacking in
resources. Such an agree-
ment would lay down a timetable for building the infrastructure necessary for the
transfers to take place.
He said there is not much
surplus of water, but there is
a surplus, and there “can be,
should be and will be enough
for everyone.”
He is confident of victory
and continues to campaign
on the promise anyone who
earns less than €16,000 a year
will pay no income tax, and
children across the country will have the right to be
taught Castellano.
It has been a weekend of
campaigning in the Murcia
region, with the justice minister, Mariano Fernández
Bermejo, in Lorca.
Senor Bermejo, who heads
the Socialist Party’s list of
candidates for Murcia in the
upcoming general election,
told a crowd of 3,500 party
supporters: “I have come
here to dedicate myself, body
and soul, to Murcia.”
as a man with a hard-line
approach, in the sense, he
said, that he will not put up
with any injustice.
Terrorist arrested after 21 years
ETA terrorist María Jesús Arriaga Martínez – wanted for attempted murder in the 1980s – has been
arrested in the French basque
She was arrested on a street in
Saint Martin d’Arrosa, close to
the border with Spain.
Arriaga has not been seen in
Spain for the past 21 years, after
she fled her home in Pamplona
with her then-husband and fellow
ETA member, Ángel Íñigo Arlabán, in 1986.
She was a member of the ETA
gang which seriously injured a national police officer in a car bomb
attack in the 1980s. The officer lost
an arm and both legs in the attack
on May 7, 1985, in Pamplona.
Arriaga is also accused of a
part in the terrorist attack which
killed the Guardia Civil general,
Juan Atarés, in Pamplona in 1985.
She was arrested in Saint Martin d’Arrosa in 2000, but was freed
by authorities in France on the
grounds that the extradition order from Spain had expired.
It’s the third arrest by French
police in recent days, after Pedro
María Goikoetxea Elorza was arrested in Behobia and Concepción
Iglesias Álvarez near Bayonne.
Both are wanted in connection
with terrorist attacks.
Graphic images
sent to niece, 11
A TEACHER could lose her job after she emailed
graphic images of aborted foetuses to her 11-year-old
niece as part of a bitter custody battle.
Her brother-in-law and sister-in-law – the girl’s parents – are going through a difficult separation.
But she tried to use the child as a pawn in the row –
and imply that the girl’s mother had had an abortion.
She sent pictures, details of methodology and a message, which said: “This is for mummy. If she wants to
teach you.”
A Valencian court judge said her actions were “devious, cruel and insensitive.
“Her suitability as a person charged with the education of minors must be evaluated.”
A court summary said the teacher had got too closely
involved with the case and her actions were an attempt
to “prejudice the case of the child’s mother.”
The teacher was fined €240 and now faces disciplinary action by education authorities.
Murdered teenager, 17,
sparks police crackdown
THE murder of a 17-year-old outside a disco in
Málaga province has prompted a police crackdown on drink-driving, weapons and noise.
Scores of national officers have been deployed
to patrol nightspots in Benalmádena, which have
been hit by regular botellones – street parties.
The move follows a teenage footballer being
stabbed to death in the Plaza Solymar – for which
two lads, aged 18 and 20, are being held in custody.
Authorities say up to 18,000 people descend on
the resort in summer, compared with 5,000 out of
Benalmádena mayor Javier Carnero and the central government representative for Málaga province, Hilario López Luna, announced a heightened
police presence.
First demo by soldiers
as president arrested
ATTEN-SHUN! Around 100 Spanish soldiers demonstrated outside the offices of the ministry of defence
in Madrid.
In the first demonstration of soldiers during the
time of Spain’s democracy, they gathered in support
of Jorge Bravo, the president of the Unified Association of Spanish Soldiers, who has been arrested for
supporting and taking part in an earlier demonstration by the Guardia Civil.
Jorge Bravo is the only Spanish soldier to be held in
custody for making public statements in favour of soldiers’ rights and questioning the official version of a
Cougar helicopter crash in Afghanistan in 2005.
Man survives being run over,
stabbed and thrown from car
A MIRACLE man survived being thrown from a
car, run over and stabbed several times in southern Spain.
It is thought the 30-year-old was caught up in a
settling of scores between two criminal gangs in
Jerez, near Cádiz.
He is said to be in a serious but stable condition
after surgery in hospital. Health workers say it
was a miracle that he survived.
Police investigating the incident, which happened near the Torrox lagoon, plan to interview
him once he has recovered.
Friday, November 30, 2007
Budget will be
a blockbuster
LIGHTS, camera, action
– Andalucía is nearly trebling its state film budget
to €8.15m for next year.
Recent Andalucian
productions include
Javier Gutiérrez’s Before
the Fall, co-produced by
Antonio Banderas’ Green
Moon, Alain Gomis’
Andalucía, which world
premiered at this month’s
Sevilla fest, and Laura
Mana’s La Roldana, now
in production.
A new Andalucian
Institute for Cultural
Industries is also being
set up.
In a separate move, the
Andalucía government
will give Cuba’s ICAIC
Film Institute €1m in aid.
The cash is earmarked
for the restoration of
ICAIC’s cinema vaults
and making films digital.
ICAIC boasts more than
10,000 film prints, 2,000 of
Cuban productions.
According to ICAIC
director Omar González,
there is a real danger of
this treasure trove suffering irreparable damage.
■ A BRUSH WITH SUCCESS: Some of the paintings by Spanish artist Joaquín Sorolla, whose work is on display in the Bancaja cultural centre, Valencia
MUSEUM VISIT: Baroness Carmen Thyssen
was in Málaga to visit the
building site at the Villalón
Palace in the city centre.
Mayor of Málaga, Francisco de la Torre, accompanied her with other local
dignitaries to inspect how
the work is progressing on
the new museum which will
be named after her.
Spain set to
get wind up
SPAIN plans to replace
gas with wind as the main
source of energy by the
year 2020.
It’s not an imaginative
scheme involving the
famous fabada bean stew
from Asturias, but a ministry of energy plan to
build and harness many
more wind farms throughout Spain.
This will require a further investment of about
€45,000m, with plans to
put turbines in controversial beauty spots such as
in the sea at the site of
the Battle of Trafalgar off
southern Spain.
By also increasing solar
power, the government
hopes to reduce harmful
greenhouse gases given
off by burning fossil fuels
to generate electricity.
Another key part of the
plan is to encourage factories, offices and homes
to become more energy
Sunday boost
is now in store
have been given a boost
with stores announcing
plans to open on more
High street shops are
battling to open for 25
Sundays a year, instead of
the current 20.
Madrid already benefits
from more public holidays
than any other region.
Struggling shoppers
in Barcelona can only
feed their habit on eight
Sundays a year.
But retail bosses in
the capital want to sign
a new deal with unions,
authorising them to open
doors for a maximum of
90 hours a week.
The museum is expected to open to
the public in 2010, with building work
alone costing €1.4m and expected to
continue until the end of next year.
The baroness owns a Sorolla – El
Patio de la casa – at her museum in
Madrid, across the street from the
Prado Museum.
I’m a secret
offspring of
artist, claim
SECRET grand-daughter of the renowned
Spanish artist Joaquín
Sorolla has come forward
– more than 80 years after
his death.
Encarna Martínez claims she is
the daughter of the artist’s illegitimate lovechild José Martínez
She revealed her identity as tens
of thousands of people descend on
an exhibition of Sorolla’s work in
But Encarna said: “I don’t want
money or pictures, only Sorolla’s
Queue would have thought it, night viewing’s a hit!
THE only hope Sorolla fans have of
seeing the Visions of Spain exhibition
is by queueing through the night.
Every viewing in January was sold
out within nine hours when the ticket
office opened in November.
Now bosses from the Bancaja cultural centre have started all-night
views at the weekend to cope with the
unprecedented interest.
More than 36,000 people have visited the 14 panels of Valencian artist Sorolla at the Bancaja cultural
DNA, which can be easily obtained
from his remains. This will prove
I’m his grand-daughter.”
Now she is pleading with
Francisco Camps, the Valencia
regional president, to help her get
Her roots date back to the late
1800s and early 1900s when Sorolla
was painting the city’s Malvarrosa
centre since the exhibition opened on
November 7. This is more than the
total number of people who went to
see it at New York’s Hispanic Society,
who commissioned the pictures in
1911. The exhibition leaves Valencia
on March 31 to tour the country.
Meanwhile, in Madrid, the Sorolla
museum, under the auspices of the
Ministry of Culture, is working on
6,500 unedited photographs of the
artist and his family. They will be
published in 2008.
beach, Valencia. She says Sorolla
used to stay with her greatgrandfather, Pelegrín Fossati
Magdalena, who was the mayor of
Pelegrín’s daughter, Carmen,
was a girl when Sorolla first came
to visit. According to Encarna,
Sorolla “fell in love with her like
an adolescent.”
“He only had two loves in his life,
his wife Clotilde and my grandmother Carmen.”
The son of Sorolla and Carmen
was born in 1905 by the name José
Martínez Fossatti. Sorolla didn’t
give his name but acknowledged
him by paying for his education
and referring to him in various
Friday, November 30, 2007
Two accused of aiding
illegal abortion service
TWO people accused of aiding an illegal abortion
service have been arrested in Barcelona.
Police believe the culprits were taking cash payments of €4,000 or more in order to perform abortions after the 12-week limit set in law.
They seized scores of documents during raids on a
series of private clinics across the city. The medical
centres have already received hefty fines for “irregularities.”
The new arrests follow a complaint by a Christian
organisation, after a Danish TV station reported that
clinics were performing operations as late as the seventh month of pregnancy.
It is claimed many of the clients travelled into
Spain for the operation from Germany, Britain or
Denmark. The clinics denied the charges when the
programme was aired last year.
Crowds turn out to see Pope
make archbishop a cardinal
A LARGE delegation from the Comunitat Valenciana,
including president Francisco Camps and mayoress
Rita Barberá, were in St Peter’s Basilica in Rome for
the naming of Valencian archbishop Agustín GarcíaGasco as a cardinal.
Pope Benedict XVI bestowed on the new cardinal
the title of cardinal of Santo Marcello de Corso – a
church in Rome. Also named as cardinal was Lluis
Martínez Sistach of Barcelona.
With these new cardinals – 23 in all – the numbers
of voting and non-voting cardinals are 104 in Europe,
234 in Latin America, 20 in North America, 18 in
Africa, 21 in Asia and four in Oceania.
SPANISH banking
giant Santander
is selling its portfolio
of 1,173 properties in
Spain to Hugh Osmond,
the entrepreneur who
has just won the battle to take over closed
life assurer Resolution
His investment
vehicle, Sun Capital
Partners, is expected to
sign a deal within days
to purchase them from
It is understood that
the Spanish banking
giant is selling the portfolio of 1,173 properties
– consisting mainly of
high-street banks – as
part of its plans to dispose of €4bn worth of
commercial property
assets in the country.
Santander was part
of the consortium that
bought Dutch bank ABN
Amro in October.
Sun Capital is thought
to be keen to buy the
properties as it is
understood to have
secured a sale and
leaseback agreement
with Santander.
Plane crash: There were errors, says judge
A JUDGE said there were errors
in identifying 30 of the 62 Spanish
troops killed when their plane
crashed in Turkey in 2003.
But Judge Fernando GrandeMarlaska said although there were
errors it could not constitute a criminal offence as there was no evidence of any document forgery in
the death certificates.
Now he has decided to archive
investigations into alleged irregularities in the identification of bodies from the Yak-42 tragedy.
The case is named after the plane
which crashed, a Ukrainian Yakolev
42, which caused the highest ever
number of casualties the Spanish
Offering the hand of friendship
THE second meeting of state co-operation with Cuba
is set for Bilbao from December 14-16.
The meeting has been called by the Euskadi-Cuba
Association urging friendship associations and other
institutions interested in having ties with the island
to participate in the event. Some of the topics to be
discussed are food sovereignty, the environment,
ecology and renewable sources of energy.
It’s harmony on the buses
UNIONS have agreed to end the 14-day strike action
in the Auto Res bus company.
The stoppages are thought to have affected thousands of passengers in both the north of Spain and
on the Levante coast.
Armed Forces has suffered in times
of peace.
Those killed were returning home
I am innocent,
says ex mayor
But I’d admit to 9/11 attack if it keeps me out of jail for life
By Phil Balding
and Nick Hudson
FORMER mayor Julián
Muñoz protested his innocence in court this week
as the Malaya corruption
case started to unravel in
Th ex Marbella civic head
sensationally told the trial
that he would admit responsibility for the 9/11 terrorist outrage if it stopped him
being caged for life.
Muñoz said he is innocent
of the charges, and said all
his actions during his time
at the town hall were within
the law.
When asked why he accept-
Probe into death of baby
A BABY who died 18 days after being circumcised
may have been victim of his parents’ neglect, a
Spanish court has said.
An autopsy showed the child died from loss of blood
from his penis, which caused hypovolemic shock.
Police have questioned his Nigerian parents and
another un-named person in connection with his
death. A court in Tarragona is now investigating
whether they committed negligent homicide.
■ DOOMED: The crashed Yak-42 plane
from a humanitarian mission in
Afghanistan. There were no survivors.
Judge Grande-Marlaska made mention of the ‘moral damage’ caused to
the families of 30 of the victims who
died, whose bodies “were exhumed
and then buried again.”
The judge also noted ‘serious conduct’ on the part of the forensic medical team sent by the then defence
minister, Federico Trillo, to identify
the bodies: identification was carried out in the space of 24 hours.
An association set up by the families of those who died that day say
they will appeal the judge’s decision.
■ IN COURT: Julian Munoz
ed a €9,000 fine and a nineyear ban from office in his
last case, the ex mayor said
he was innocent in that
case also, but would accept
whatever he has to accept,
“even if it meant admitting
to the Twin Towers,” to avoid
spending the rest of his life
in prison.
He reminded the Málaga
court that there are 83 cases
outstanding against him,
and would spend 83 years in
prison if he did not take such
Muñoz was back in the dock
with former municipal real
estate assessor Juan Antonio
Roca and the ex first deputy
mayor Pedro Román – accused
of perverting the course of
This is the first time that
Roca has faced this charge in
court – in the case known as
This was one of the first
allegedly illegal licences
granted by late mayor Jesús
Gil y Gil, and in its time
caused a stir because the person who owned 95 per cent of
the shares in the Incopromar
company was the late journalist Antonio Herrero. His firm
obtained a licence to build 68
homes on a plot designated
for public facilities.
The prosecutor is calling for
18 months in prison and eight
more out of public office
for Julián Muñoz and seven
other councillors in the case
who were in power when the
licence was granted in 1997.
Roca faces a six month prison sentence because it was he
who held the talks over the
deal with Señor Herrero.
Jesús Gil’s personal lawyer
at the time, José Luis Sierra,
is also charged in the case,
which reached the court after
a postponement last May.
appeared in court said they
assumed the agenda items
they approved fell within the
law if they came with favourable technical and legal
reports, and denied
received any instructions
from municipal real estate
assessor at the time, Juan
Antonio Roca.
Roca said the reports were
the responsibility of the
chief of the town planning
department’s legal service,
Jorge González, who is called
as a witness in the case.
The case continues.
A COURT has ordered the dog pound in Puerto Real
to close and has banned the vet who works there from
practising and from owning animals.
The pound is at the centre of allegations of animal abuse,
where more than 550 animals are said to have been put
down this year by a method which produces a slow, agonising death.
Basing its decision on a 64-page report from the Guardia
Civil nature protection branch, Seprona, together with statements from witnesses and suspects, the court said the
vet could have infringed article 337 of the Penal Code, by
unjustified and cruel abuse of domestic animals causing
their death.
Nacho Paunero, president of El Refugio, the animal rights
association which reported the abuse, said: “This ruling is a
great step forward in animal rights protection.
“El Refugio applauds each and every paragraph of the
four sheets drawn up by the court. This decision gives us
the inspiration to continue with our work in the defence of
Friday, November 30, 2007
Four people are found dead from carbon monoxide poisoning
FOUR people died from carbon
monoxide poisoning in Madrid on
Two people were found dead at
their home in the Vicálvaro district.
The bodies of a 59-year-old man
and a 50-year-old woman were found
in the flat on Calle Condesa de Vega
del Pozo shortly after 2pm, where
firemen also found two women who
had been taken ill.
The victims are sisters, aged 25
and 31, and were both still conscious
when they were rescued, but are said
to be in a serious condition.
Two children who live in the neighbouring flat, aged nine and 13, were
admitted to the Gregorio Marañón
Hospital with shock, and minor
symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning.
Another neighbour of the dead
couple said the flat’s gas heating system had recently undergone repair.
Meanwhile, a second couple, aged
22 and 21, died from carbon monoxide poisoning while they were sleeping in Torrejón de Ardoz.
My days of
being foot
Loos and
fancy free
Beckham’s back in at Deep End
By Duncan Danley
young David Beckham
at Deepdale, above, and for
Real Madrid, below. Left is
Rebecca Loos
So much to be thankful for
FOOD for thought – the United States consul, Roberta
Aaron, was among 200 guests to celebrate Thanksgiving at
the Valparaíso Restaurant in Mijas with the traditional turkey and all the trimmings, together with pumpkin pie.
Meanwhile, Russian canned meat and rye bread were
served for Thanksgiving on the International Space Station
– where astronauts are orbiting 220 miles above the earth.
THE WORLD’S best-known footballer – once the target of allegations of an affair with his Spanish
personal assistant – has been in at
the Deep End before.
And this week a Spanish-based sports
journalist talked about David Beckham’s
past in a sensational new book about a
part of his life untouched, until
now, by the media glare.
The book on Real Madrid’s
most famous soccer import
finds him in his humblest football setting.
For former Man United, Real
and now American LA Galaxy
star David Beckham once plied
his trade in the backwaters of Preston.
David Beckham – In at The Deep End
is a book on the star’s time at Preston
North End in the mid-nineties.
Exclusive photographers of Beckham,
married to ‘Posh’ Spice Girl Victoria
Adams and the subject of allegations
about an alleged affair with his Real
Madrid assistant Rebecca Loos, show
him playing and in a social setting during his time at Preston.
The book, published in the New Year,
includes quotes from Manchester United
manager Sir Alex Ferguson, who loaned
Beckham to Preston in 1995.
Author and journalist Andrew
Atkinson, from Los Montesinos, said:
“David Beckham has acknowledged
that Preston North End played a big
part in his career.”
Beckham was loaned out to Preston
North End from Manchester United in
1995 at a time during the old third division status in English football.
Old Trafford manager Ferguson comments in the book about his
reasons behind his policy that
saw Beckham at Deepdale.
Comments from former
team-mates of Beckham during his time at Deepdale,
include that of Gareth
Ainsworth: “Gareth has been
very helpful in giving a background insight into Beckham’s time at
Preston North End,” said Andrew.
QPR and ex-Preston star Gareth
reveals that Beckham drove the players
during nights out during his time at
Photos of Beckham include him wearing a fans’ Town Ender t-shirt, and
a teenage 19-year-old Beckham with
slicked-back hair, taken within the corridors of Deepdale.
For more details on the book, email
[email protected].
Tunnel will be right on track
AN 18-YEAR-OLD climber
died from his injuries after
he fell 60m from a cliff at a
beauty spot in the Alicante
province. He died at the
site near L’Ample Cave in
the Vall d’Ebo.
TRAM–TASIC news! Work has begun in Alicante City on
the metro-tram tunnel which will run for 470 metres below
the underground car park on Avenida El Sabio.
It will connect the Mercado Central station with the station under construction in Luceros. It is expected to take 11
months to complete, and uses a system which advances at a
slow pace to prevent damage to properties above.
BIG ISSUE: Pages 16 & 17 BIG FEATURE: Centre pages SPORT: Pages 59-64
death after
road crash
in Bolivia
A WOMAN journalist
was among five people
killed in a road crash
in Bolivia.
BBC video journalist Lola Almudévar
was travelling by taxi
to Sucre in the early
hours of Sunday after
all flights to the city
were suspended.
Eduardo García Gil, a
Spanish reporter with
Reuters, was also said
to have been injured in
the accident.
It happened amid
violent protests in
the country after the
Bolivian president, Evo
Morales, approved the
draft text of a new constitution.
The journalists
crashed near Ayo Ayo,
87 kilometres south of
the capital. Their driver was unable to brake
in time to avoid two lorries which had collided
just minutes before.
The others who died
were three lorry drivers and the taxi driver’s
Gang snared by
sham weddings
A GANG of Colombian
thieves lived double
lives by posing as
policemen and having
sham weddings to run
a secret jewellery and
drugs empire, claim
Five suspects are
being held in Madrid,
accused of pretending
to be policemen to rob
jewellery salesmen.
Others thought to be
drug dealers have also
been arrested.
They were all snared
when they tried to get
citizenship by undergoing regular arranged
marriages in Valencia.
Officials told the
Valencian High Court,
which demanded the
sham weddings be
Driver is killed
by falling pipes
A YOUNG lorry driver
has become the 14th
person to die in an accident at work in Málaga.
The 25-year-old was
killed when pipes fell
from his truck onto
his body at a building
site. He was the youngest of 12 brothers who
live in Villanueva de la
The accident
happened near
the Guadalmina
Urbanisation in San
Pedro de Alcántara.
Friday, November 30, 2007
Ten arrested as groups of youths clash
TEN people have been arrested
as groups of youths clashed with
police in Spain’s northern city of
The clashes followed the arrests
of five people suspected of having
links with the armed Basque separatist group ETA and who were
wanted in connection with 32 incidents of street violence.
Gangs burned rubbish bins and
threw bottles and stones at police,
who responded with tear gas and
rubber bullets in clashes that lasted
several hours. Two policemen were
slightly injured.
Spanish police chief Joan Mesquida said 109 people had been arrested in connection with pro-ETA
street violence since the Socialists
took office in 2004.
The gangs resumed attacks after
ETA ended a cease-fire in June it
had called 15 months earlier.
at trial
helps wife
in tell-tale
case book
Javier Gómez Bermúdez
found himself on trial – accused of disclosing private
conversations, and criticisms
of police, lawyers and staff.
It also names secret key witnesses, who now fear they
will be hunted down by Islamic extremists.
The book “La Soledad del
Juzgador” (The Solitude of
the Judge), was released just
three weeks after the National Court delivered verdicts on
the bombings, which killed
191 and injured more than
Now the General Council of
the Judiciary is opening an
investigation, at the request
of Gómez Bermúdez, to see
whether he should face disciplinary action for sharing
information improperly.
The authority will also investigate his wife Elisa Beni.
She also works as a spokeswoman for a regional court
in Madrid, so is subject to the
same guidelines.
The move comes as critics
slate Bermúdez for sapping
his moral authority by sharing confidential information.
Victims’ associations said
the timing of the book is only
designed to make money out
of their misfortune.
Pilar Manjón, the president
Prisoners hold
guards hostage
CRIMINALS in a high-security jail wing held three
officers hostage for 12 HOURS after a suspected
drugs feud.
A Civil Guard assault team and negotiators spent
four hours diffusing the situation at Picassent
Prison, Valencia.
Now authorities have launched an investigation
into how the situation happened, as well as details
of the motive behind it. The prisoners will now be
moved to a different unit.
The drama unfolded at 6pm on Tuesday, when three
or four prisoners launched the attack.
Experts said the situation was “calm” by 10pm.
Soon after, in the early hours, two of the officers
were released, and the last one was freed just after
6am on Wednesday.
‘Unfair’ airlines are fined
a whopping €740,000
By Susie Carter
A PROBE is under way
in Spain after the judge
in the Madrid bombings
revealed confidential information to his journalist wife for a tell-all book
about the case.
UNDER PRESSURE: AVT president Fransico José Alcaraz is accused oF making personal gain from the group
THE main support group for victims of
Basque terrorism – the Asociación Víctimas
del Terrorismo – could only muster half the
support it had last year for its latest demonstration in Madrid.
The turnout varies wildly between 70,000
– estimated by experts – and 500,000 quoted
by organisers.
But what is certain is that neither government officials nor the leader of the main opposition party, the Partido Popular, took part.
Some have raised serious concerns about
the personal ambitions of the AVT president
Francisco José Alcaraz, accusing him of using the group for his own personal gain.
Some say he could end up facing charges
of slandering the government by saying they
are accomplices of ETA.
Officially, in Madrid’s Plaza Colón, his association launched a new attempt to crack
down on ETA – the Basque separatist terrorist cell.
Members demanded a ban on ETA’s latest
political wing, ANV, and an associated communist ally, PCTV. They also called for an end
to the law that allows the Spanish government to try to negotiate with ETA.
But behind the scenes, a different conflict
was unfolding in AVT itself.
The bulk of its members are genuine
victims of the Basque terrorism, which has
claimed more than 800 victims during over
of one the victims associations — whose 20-year-old son
died in the bombings — has
said the book makes her a target for Islamic extremists.
Numbers fall at
victim rally as AVT
boss faces critics
40 years of violence. But there is growing
suspicion that the association has been
hijacked by unscrupulous people.
ATV president Alcaraz, 39, is accused of
ruthlessly using the association for his own
He was a hairdresser from Jaén when
he was staying at a civil guard barracks in
Zaragoza in 1987 that was bombed by ETA.
His brother and twin three-year-old nieces
were killed.
While opening three treatment centres
against hair loss, he set up the Jaen Association of Victims of Terrorism in 2000 with his
wife, Carmen, making himself president.
In 2004, he was also elected president of
the national association, in an election which
some members of AVT say was rigged. At
least one rival resigned in protest.
She revealed vital information which led to the conviction of one of the bombers.
“I asked for an appointment
with the judge.
“It was a confidential conversation. This irresponsible
frivolity means I am in the
cross-hairs of the jihadists,”
she said.
A WHOPPING €740,000 worth of fines has been
slapped on at least 22 airlines in Spain – for being
unfair and misleading customers.
A watchdog found “significant breaches” such as
hiding taxes and fees so that advertised prices were
four times lower than the real cost.
All the offending companies were operating in
Catalonia. Some were also pulled up for running
adverts in the local dialect, which is unauthorised.
Now the Catalan Cosumer Agency (CCA) has
stepped in and issued €417,000 worth of fines for
miselading ads and €145,700 worth for the language
Misleading advertsing and unfair terms are classed
as grave breaches – carrying fines of up to €30,000.
BACK on the piste again as the Sierra Nevada
ski season starts tomorrow.
There was a heavy snowfall at the station last
Thursday and the 120 snow cannons have now
been turned on.
It’s not yet known how many kilometres of pistes
will be open initially. That depends on any further
snowfall before the end of this week.
SEE SKI WHIZZ in Pleasure Zone on page 25.
Tony’s crooning cock-up lifts Croatian crackers
Croatian national anthem.
Fans said the mispronounciation
helped the players relax before the
big game which Croatia when on to
win 3-2 against England – and also
brought the downfall of coach Steve
The national anthem is written in
old style Croatian, and there can be
slightly different interpretations in
English because it is a very lyrical
language. The line in which Henry
slipped up should have been “mila
kuda si planina” (You know my
dear how we love your mountains).
But what he actually sang was
“mila kura si planina” which means
“Dear Penis, you are a Mountain”
or “My Dear, my penis is a mountain”.
Croat players like Manchester
City’s Vedran Corluka and Arsenal
target Luka Modric started looking
at each other and grinning when
they realised what he was singing.
It certainly made it an uphill struggle for England on the night.
Croat fan websites have been calling for Henry to be given a medal
of honour for helping the players
relax, they also want him made an
official team mascot for the tournament.
Mate Prlic, publisher of the
top Croatian footballing Torcida
Magazine said: “It would be great if
Tony Henry could join the Croatian
team and fans at the European
Championship in Austria and
“He obviously relaxed the Croatian
players before the match at Wembley
and if that’s a winning combination
why not invite him to join the team
at Euro 2008 to keep the winning
streak going.”
Henry is preparing to wow the
crowds again at a special gala night
in Spain.
He is topping the bill at an exclu-
sive hotel in Marbella – with all proceeds going to Spanish charities.
The night will also feature a gourmet meal with wine, charity auction and champagne reception.
There will also be dancing until
dawn, thanks to live music from
Timeless – a Soul and R&B sensation. The event, sponsored by
thinkSPAINtoday, and organised
by Going Live Productions, is on
Saturday, December 15 at Puente
Romano Hotel.
Friday, November 30, 2007
Outbreak of
fatal disease:
Ice rink is in
the spotlight
AN ICE rink in a tourist
haven is at the centre of a
probe into a fatal outbreak
of Legionnaire’s disease.
Two Brits and one
Spaniard died and a further
15 became ill in the area
around the attraction in
The deaths were caused by
an outbreak of the disease
traced to a refrigeration
tower in the complex.
Now an instruction court
in Torremolinos has asked
for documentation on the
Benalmádena ice rink complex from both the town hall
and the Junta de Andalucía.
It is thought the court dossier will include the centre’s
management arrangement
and the contracting procedure for the centre, as well
as a report on the complex
which is to come from the
Junta de Andalucía’s provincial health department.
LAUGH, the Madrid
parliament couldn’t
stop when foreign minister
Miguel Ángel Moratinos
referred to Spanish enclaves Ceuta and Melilla as
being part of Morocco.
However, several members of the conservative
Partido Popular didn’t see
the funny side later.
They said the error committed in public was absolutely inexcusable and
clearly showed why Spain
had now sunk so low in
international importance.
Tots got wrong
doses, claim
PARENTS are calling for an
investigation after their twomonth-old babies were all
given overdoses of a vaccine
– but medics kept it quiet.
For one week, their tots
were given doses suitable for
four-year-old children at the
Felipe II Health Centre in
Móstoles, they claim.
The Patient Defender
Association says nobody
really knows the consequences the error could have on
the children and it is “unbelievable” parents were not
It has demanded the
Madrid regional health
authorities carry out exhaustive examinations.
SIX OF THE BEST: Some of the Hooters Girls who have been serving up a real treat. Now the firm’s spreading its wings to Spain
A WORLD-FAMOUS restaurant
name – with loads of spice and
served up by saucy girls – is landing on Spanish soil this weekend.
The international brand of Hooters
is spreading its chicken wings and
coming to the Canary Islands.
Tenerife will be the 440th location
for the popular chain, which was
started more than 20 years ago by
the late Coby Brooks.
The all-American food outlet is the
first of 15 planned for Spain. A VIP
celebration is planned for tomorrow,
attended by the 37-year-old company president Coby Brooks junior,
with an official opening next week.
You’ll have a real hoot at Hooters
The restaurant, which boasts a
casual beach-theme atmosphere, a
menu that features seafood, sandwiches and Hooters’ signature spicy
chicken wings, and service provided
by the all-American cheerleaders,
the Hooters Girls, is one of two
opening in the world in the next
seven days.
Hooters of Poleg in Israel opened
its doors on Tuesday and the company’s international profile now
stretches to 25 countries.
In 2008, Hooters will reached
32 countries with new markets in
Dubai, Thailand, New Zealand and
“It’s a great week for the brand to
be able to claim two new countries,”
said Señor Brooks.
His father founded Naturally Fresh
Foods in Atlanta in 1966 and is credited with the development of nondairy coffee creamer and preservative free refrigerated dressings in
grocery store produce sections.
He added to his fame when he
acquired a small Tampa Bay area
restaurant concept called Hooters
in 1986. Over the past 20 years the
chain has grown into a multi-national
success, with locations in 46 US
states and 25 countries, including
China, Australia and Greece.
He also was instrumental in the
launching of a magazine, Pro Golf
Tour; Stock Car Racing Series, credit
card and casino under the Hooters
However, it was his foray into aviation that truly captured the public’s
interest when he launched Hooters
Air in 2003.
No sex please, we’re kids
Children exposed
to too much sex
on TV – watchdog
EXCLUSIVE by Jayne Lovett
CHILDREN are exposed to too much
sex and dirty talk on Spanish television before the watershed, watchdogs have warned.
Kids can watch tales of adultery, prostitution, vulgar insults and sexual deviance for more than two hours every day,
according to the audience monitoring
agency SOFERS.
And Spain is the only country in Europe
which does not have an agency to independently monitor standards.
Now experts have claimed that Spain’s
system of self-regulation isn’t working
and have called for a review.
On the hit list are the La Sexta show
How to Know Your Mother, which recently
broadcast the line: “You’re my tart, do you
think I’m going to call for a whore without
teeth from the port?” at 5pm.
■ MAKING A POINT: María Teresa Fernández
And the cartoon series Family Guy, on
the same channel, ran the
still raging about Patricia’s
tightened has been launched
line: “I want you to know
Diary – where a guest made
by Spain’s vice-president,
that I’m thinking of you
a surprise proposal to his ex María Teresa Fernández de
when I’m doing it with my and days later was accused
la Vega, and Núñez Encabo
wife” at 2pm.
of her murder.
– a former member of the
Meanwhile, the storm is
Now a battle for rules to be country’s only TV advisory
de la Vega, right, and The Simpsons, above left
Encabo said: “The problem
is that the television stations
are both judge and jury.”
Most shows under fire are
cartoons directed at adults,
but watched by children
– including The Simpsons.
The TV companies agree
that kids are not profitable
– and it’s not worth making
programmes just for them.
Friday, November 30, 2007
Mum’s the word for saucy calendar girls
Alleged planning
corruption: 8 held
AT least eight people have been arrested in connection with alleged planning corruption in the town of
Totana, where more than two million hectares of land
are said to have been reclassified for a project from a
company from Galicia to build thousands of homes.
The arrests in Totana include two women connected
with the former Partido Popular mayor of the town,
Juan Morales: his ex wife and his current partner.
Also in custody is the owner of an agricultural company based in Totana, who is believed to have acted
as an intermediary between the Galician company
and those they allegedly bribed in Totana. Property
searches were also being carried out in a local egg
factory and in a legal assessor’s office, with reports
that clients’ safety deposit boxes were being searched
at a branch of Caja Murcia.
Two more arrests took place in Murcia City, and
another in Madrid. And in Galicia, the director of the
company concerned, together with an assistant, were
arrested in Nigrán, Pontevedra.
Relations are strong and
solid – Kuwait and see!
STRONG and solid – that’s the relations between
Spain and the state of Kuwait.
Spain’s deputy parliament speaker Ignacio Gil
Lázaro praised relations between the two countries
when he arrived in Kuwait on a four-day visit.
He said Kuwait’s national assembly plays a vital and
obvious role in the international arena and world parliamentary union conferences.
The Spanish official said he will meet officials from
the Kuwaiti government and parliament, focussing on
political and economic relations.
YUMMY mummies got
their baubels out to
make a special stocking filler
– and raise cash for kids.
The gang used only tinsel,
umbrellas and giant cake to
cover their modesty before
doing a ‘photo shoot’ at the
swimming pool, bakery, doctor’s surgery, tourist information centre and public places
for a calendar.
All proceeds from the €5
creation will be donated to
after-school activities at the
Tierra Alba primary school
in Serradilla del Arroyo,
Salamanca, where their children are pupils.
The seven women – some
of whom appear on more
than one month – say they
had the full support of their
husbands, despite the provocative shots.
Whether their kids feel the
same in a few years remains
to be seen.
Let us prove we
are good sports
There is no reason why we shouldn’t host the Olympic
Games and the World Cup, says Spain’s sports minister
by Phil Balding
SPAIN is in cruise control after taking delivery
of two Taurus KEPD 350 missiles for its air
A total of 43 of the cruise missiles have been
ordered to equip the country’s EF-18 fighter aircraft.
The missiles have been delivered ahead of schedule by Taurus Systems GmbH.
“The missile system will in future support the
Spanish Air Force to even better fulfil the challenging tasks it has been entrusted with. Being the first
export customer, Spain is of enormous strategic
importance to us,” said Helmut Hederer, managing
director of Taurus Systems GmbH.
Passports man deported
A MAN carrying two passports has been deported
after fighting the Guardia Civil in a millionaires’ harbour haven in Ibiza.
He snatched one officer’s gun and damaged a patrol
car at Marina Botafoch when he was stopped on suspicion of using false papers.
Police found he had two passports, one for Nigeria,
the other for the Ivory Coast. The public prosecutor
would have sought an 18-month jail term but he was
spared when he agreed to leave the country.
Many a good tale from old Fidel
A BOOK including interviews by
French Spanish-born journalist Ignacio
Ramonet with Cuban president Fidel
Castro has been translated into Galician
by José Manuel García Crego.
The book Fidel Castro: A mina
vida will be launched at Havana’s
International Book Fair in February.
SPAIN is keeping its fingers crossed – for hosting
the two greatest shows on
Earth over the next decade.
The country has the 2016
Olympics Games and, in a
joint bid with Portugal, the
2018 World Cup in its sporting sights.
Certainly after the success
of Eurocopa in Portugal in
2004, the two member states
that make up the Iberian
peninsular could be well
placed for the football bonanza.
And Spain’s sports minister Jaime Lissavetzky says
the country SHOULD win
the right to host the 2016
Olympic Games.
Madrid was edged out by
London in the bid to hold
the 2012 Olympics, but the
ODDS ON: Sports minis■ter
Jaime Lissavetzky
Spanish capital has already
declared its intention to run
for the 2016 Games and Señor
Lissavetzky is optimistic this
time it will win.
“When you enter a race you
do it because you believe you
can win,” he said.
“I don’t know if I’m too subjective but I think we have
a real chance of getting the
Olympics. Some people say
because London have got the
Games in 2012 then Europe
won’t get them again in 2016,
but nowhere is it written
down that this is the case.”
Winning the right to hold
the games would be the perfect way to celebrate the
sporting achievements of a
new generation of Spanish
sportsmen, he said.
“Spain is enjoying great success in collective sports like
basketball, volleyball, hockey
and water polo.
“We have a series of emerging figures in motorsport
like Fernando Alonso, Dani
Pedrosa and Jorge Lorenzo.
“In tennis we’ve got Nadal,
the world number two, who
has made a huge impact in
the media, and we’ve got three
players in the top 10.
“We are successful at
European level in athletics and we’ve had the last
two winners of the Tour de
France in Óscar Pereiro and
Village erupts into swift action
A VILLAGE in Tenerife looked
like a set from a disaster movie
as emergency crews recovered
six bodies and 35 injured from
a volcanic eruption.
But all the ‘casualties’ were
back on their feet within min-
utes after the mock rescue
It was designed to allow public services to practise how to
deal with real-life crises.
The event followed an annual
religious service in Chinyero,
West Tenerife, to commemorate when the volcano erupted
for real almost 100 years ago.
The lava flow stopped just
short of the village when residents placed a statue of the
Virgin Mary in its path.
Alberto Contador.
“In football the national
team seems to be improving
too. The clubs are among
the best in Europe and, of
course, football is still the
king of sports in Spain.
“We just need that icing on
the cake of Spain winning or
getting to the final of a big
Spain has won 72 per cent of
all its Olympic medals at the
last four summer games and
the country’s Olympic committee believes they could
exceed the record haul of 22
they achieved at Barcelona
in 1992 when they compete in
Beijing next year.
“Our whole strategy is
designed to ensure that
the Beijing Olympics are
the best in the history of
Spanish sport,” said Señor
Madrid will be up against
bids from Chicago, Tokyo,
Rio de Janeiro, Doha, Prague
and Baku.
Friday, November 30, 2007
It’s China in
your hands
in fostering
world peace
The times they are a changing, but Dylan classic will promote fair
Dylan has recorded a new version of his 1963 classic A Hard Rain’s
A-Gonna Fall exclusively for the Expo
Zaragoza 2008 world fair.
And the ageless American singersongwriter has chosen multi-platinum EMI-signed band Amaral, from
Zaragoza, to record a version of the
song in Spanish.
The two versions will form part of a
promotional campaign for the fair, to
be held from June 14 until September
14 next year in the northern Spanish
‘Dead man’
calls may
hold clue
on murder
A MURDER probe launched
after a mayor was shot dead
in Alicante province took a
step forward this week.
Police are investigating a
series of anonymous phone
calls, which spoke of a “dead
man,” and were made to a
former councillor’s relative.
The unknown caller spoke
in German the first time but
remained silent in the sec-
city, which includes a TV spot which
begins airing on December 17.
More than 100 countries have
confirmed their attendance at the
Expo, which organizers expect will
draw five million visitors over three
Expo Zaragoza president Roque
Gistau said he is “delighted” that Dylan has offered his voice and face as
the sound and image of the world fair,
whose theme is “water and sustainable development.”
Amaral performed as the support
band on a Dylan tour of Spain a few
years ago.
Dylan was this year awarded the
Prince of Asturias award for the arts,
Spain’s equivalent to the Nobel prize,
although he was unable to attend
the award ceremony in the Asturian
capital of Oviedo, northern Spain.
He has been a major figure in popular music for five decades.
Much of his most celebrated work
dates from the 1960s, when he
became an informal chronicler and a
figurehead of American unrest.
Jam and Jerusalem’s
salvation for sisters
It’s just the
job as nuns
find recipe
to success
By John Davies
THE words of
Eurythmics and Aretha
Franklin rang true for
an ancient order of nuns
faced with the trauma of
ond and third calls.
It is thought the former
councillor could be Juan
Andrés Llorens, who had
responsibility for town planning in the previous local
Alejandro Ponsoda,
the Mayor of Polop de la
Marina, above, died eight
days after he was shot outside his home in Xirles.
A number of his songs, such as
Blowin’ in the Wind and The Times
They Are a-Changin’, became anthems of the anti-war and civil rights
His most recent studio album, Modern Times, released on August 29,
2006, entered the UK album charts at
number one, making him, at 65, the
oldest living person to top the charts.
Amaral, pictured above left, consists of Eva Amaral (vocalist) and
Juan Aguirre (guitarist). Their musical
style is often called pop rock.
The threat of the axe forced
the sisters to adopt a “doing
it for themselves” approach
– by launching jam-making
And the Benedictine nuns
have stumbled upon a recipe
for success as thousands of
jars of their preserves were
snapped up by the high street
chain El Corte Inglés.
The sisters used to work
in the Manacor pearl factory
in Mallorca, which recently
laid off scores of staff.
But unlike hundreds of
European workers who fall
into deep mental depression when they are made
redundant, nuns from the
Santa Familia de Manacor
Monastery, Mallorca, rolled
up the sleeves of their dis-
SPAIN now plays an
increasingly important
role in fostering world
peace, stability and
That’s the view of
China’s vice-premier
Hui Liangyu on a visit
to the country.
China hopes to promote healthier and
faster development of
its relations with Spain,
he said.
Señor Liangyu said
after his arrival at
Madrid airport that
Spain has made great
contribution to world
civilization and human
“The Chinese government attaches great
importance to its ties
with Spain. China also
attaches importance to
Spain’s important position and influence in
The vice-premier said
he planned to meet
Spanish leaders to further “enhance mutual
understanding, broaden
consensus and promote
healthy development of
bilateral relations.”
Mum’s outburst
THE mother of a local
policeman killed by
ETA member Joseba
Pagazaurtundua has
called the Socialist
party a bunch of
shameless people.
Pilar Ruiz hit out
after it became clear
that the Socialists were
undertaking talks
with the Basque terror group prior to, and
after, the killing.
Others taking part
in a seminar on terrorism in the Basque
Country expressed the
belief that the Socialist
government was only
undertaking talks with
ETA in the interests of
which is
the jams,
and one
of the
on the
tinctive habits and started
their own business.
The industrious team created a new line of homemade jams and preserves,
made without preservatives
or additives. They even
print their own colourful
labels, which say: Monges
artisans-Benedictine nuns,
homemade products.
Four of the nine sisters in
the community are responsible for jam-making.
And their hard work has
paid off as El Corte Inglés,
worth hundreds of millions
of euros, agreed to sell the
fruits of their labours.
The products are now in
great demand at the Club Del
Gourmet in Palma’s luxury
store El Corte Inglés.
Tel. 96 568 29 67 - 608 766 777
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Friday, November 30, 2007
editorial & comment editorial y opinión
Viva, Las Vegas!
But is it a gamble
you want to take?
SO, Las Vegas is coming to Spain – and, like in a cartoon, you can almost sense the bank rolls spinning in
the eyes of fat cat executives.
What great news, they decry, as plans are approved to tear
out the heart of untouched desert home to sensitive plants
and wildlife.
Gran Scala is the world’s biggest, most expensive and jawdropping theme park.
It’s also an example of capitalism gone bonkers.
At a time when Spain is intent on creating a classier kind
of tourism, is a neon, technicolour, ringing, singing, whirling, racing eyesore, that churns out lame paella and burgers,
washed down with Coca-Cola really going to help its cause?
Yes, it will offer a quick-fix, a half day of amusement for all
the family. But long-term residents of Spain won’t be amused
when the water supply runs dry and river levels fall within a
few decades.
The red herring is that the project offers tens of thousands
of desperately-needed jobs to the community. It’s an offer
most councils would struggle to resist.
But is this park sustainable? Or could it just become the
world’s biggest White Elephant?
The jewel in Spain’s crown is its natural landscape. Its
wildlife, plants, contrasts between north and south. Its people are special because they value their families without
commercialism and don’t like following the rules.
This park is totally the opposite.
The execs will be the cats who got the cream – but it could
well turn sour for Spain.
Editor Nick Hudson
Deputy editor Philip Balding
News editor Susie Carter
Reporters Samantha Kett, Jayne Lovett, Nick Clayton, John Davies
Corry Granger, Colin Kirby, Edward Owen, Heather Sadtler
Special guest columnist Marcelle d’Argy Smith
Cartoonist Higgins
Newspaper production team Sandi Tullett,
Cheryl Earley, Dean Mullock &
Cristina Sabater
Magazine production Berta Chulvi, Alfredo Serrano
& Penny Lapenna
Sales director Lawrence Francis
Regional sales managers Fernando Gadea, Emilio Irigoyen
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AM beginning to
think I am a witch.
A white witch you
kind of wise woman of
the woods who knew
how to heal a boil by
rubbing it with eye of
newt and leg of frog.
Or maybe not a witch but
more of a vehicle by which
strange and wonderful
things happen to the people
around me.
I am an enabler. The cynical among you of whom
there are many (I know)
will ask on what grounds
I base my supposition. I
know it to be true, therefore it is.
At hallowe’en 2006 I had
the good fortune to be living in Cornwall (fairy capital of England). I was in the
only nightclub in St Austell
and I was dressed as a traditional witch, warts and
I decided to try a little experiment. Standing on the
edge of the dance floor I allowed my mind to wander.
The amount of alcohol
which I had consumed was
merely an aid in opening
the portal from which my
powers would flow.
I chose a random few fellow revellers and went up
to each one saying the first
thing that came into my
“Don’t worry it will all
work out for you, I know
that you are in pain but it
will soon ease” that sort of
I was of course cold reading, or was I? Could it have
been that I was connecting
with my sixth sense?
N a serious note I have
had very strange experiences. Things that
have no real rational explanation.
Travelling from England
to Scotland for the first time
when passing through Carlisle, I was overcome with
intense emotion so much so
that it moved me to tears.
I later recounted this to
my mother and she said
“well you would feel like
that, your grandfather was
born there.” I had no idea
OF NEWT, LEG OF FROG: Witch spell would you be brewing up to help
those around you if you thought it would really help to do the trick?
A trick of the
mind? No,
this feeling
does make
perfect sense
– try it today
By Sara Gosser
her father was born in Carlisle. My grandfather died
when I was five years old.
On moving to Spain my
husband negotiated the
lease of our house whilst I
was still in England.
He told me that on their
first meeting the landlady
embraced him and said
“You are not a stranger to
Nothing too odd about that
you may say, quite a Spanish thing to do in fact.
However several months
later my mother-in-law
came to stay with us and
met our landlady in the
street. I introduced them in
my best Spanglish.
Again an embrace from
our Spanish friend, this
time my mother-in-law
(who is not openly emotionally demonstrative by her
own admission) dissolved
into tears.
When I asked her what
was the matter she could
not explain except to say
that she felt she had known
the woman and was overcome with emotion.
This is something that I
cannot explain. This is not
coincidence. I will say, however, that both my husband
and mother-in-law have
Mediterranean features being dark skinned with black
hair and dark eyes.
I will also add that it was
me who first saw the job advertisement which brought
my husband and me to this
part of Spain.
o we all possess a sixth
sense which due to our
evolution is no longer
needed? We all recognise
feelings of dejà-vus from
time-to-time. A trick of the
mind, or an affirmation of
our past life.
Women in particular have
a heightened sense of foreboding.
“Mother knows
best”. She certainly does.
Great men throughout history have been consulting
their soothsayers and wise
They say that behind every great man there is an
even greater woman.
So your mission for this
week, if you decided to take
it, is to practise your sixth
sense and remember – I
know it to be true, therefore
it is.
Friday, November 30, 2007
By Samantha Kett
EX education always
brought about mixed
feelings at school.
Girls will remember that
fateful day, just short of their
teens, when the boys were sent
out to play football while the females were taken into a room on
their own.
There, they watched a video and
inspected the contents of lots of
colourful plastic packages.
Later, more suspect packages
and dire warnings about pregnancy and AIDS were passed
around in weekly Health and Social Education classes.
So, it seems nothing new, but for
youngsters in Spain, such excruciatingly embarrassing debates
– both for teachers and pupils
– started this term with a brand
new subject on the curriculum.
But it’s not all about sex. In
Educación para la Ciudadanía,
or Education for Citizenship,
pupils will discuss a wide range
of moral and ethical issues including homosexuality, religion,
immigration, alternatives to the
nuclear family – and even how to
budget for their expenses, support fair trade and care for the
It’s a good idea in
principle, but the idea
has already attracted
Parents and teachers have presented
mixed views. Some
of the more devout
Catholics are against
teaching about sex
or homosexuality in
the classroom, and
fear traditional religious education lessons could be compromised. Others say the
topic reflects a similar
subject presented in
schools during Franco’s time, apparently
to support the dictator’s radical views and groom
children to be his followers.
The education law LOE – Ley
Orgánica de la Educación – itself came under fire all round as
parents and teachers feared its
provisions would mean dumbing down exams and making it
too easy for pupils to pass.
Fear of failure is much more
pronounced in Spain, since
children from around the age
of nine upwards take tests and
exams every few weeks. If they
fail too many subjects, they are
forced to repeat a year.
But with Spain becoming
more cosmopolitan by the day
– its population of foreigners
has reached 9.5 per cent and
a multi-faith society has been
established – tolerance and acceptance is crucial. And where
better to start creating an openminded society than in the
The subject is aimed at the 1215 age-group, but most believe
it should be taught from earliest childhood.
Let’s talk about sex and
charity and housework
■ IT’S GOOD TO TALK: But it’s not all about sex. Pupils discuss a wide range of moral and ethical issues
Ainoa, 14, from Barcelona,
said she finds it interesting
learning to respect other cultures and finding out about how
the Spanish constitution deals
with human rights and equality.
She said: “You have to respect
different forms of sexuality,
but the danger is that we might
all end up thinking the same
thoughts. Each of us should
have our own opinions.”
Iván, 14, said: “They should
teach us this subject much earlier than at this age.”
Neither do they understand
the controversy behind the subject. Daniel, Guillermo, Fátima,
Eunice and Andrea, 14 and 15,
from Zaragoza, said they found
their new class interesting and
cannot see why anyone should
object to it.
It’s a challenge, say Isabel and
Manuel, both 14, from Mérida.
But they’re happy, because this
is the one school subject in
which they won’t have to sit an
exam. There will be an evalua-
tion, but practical and ongoing.
A Barcelona state school’s first
class on Citizenship Education
is about equality and sexuality.
The teacher asks a boy if
he knows any other lads who
would prefer to have boyfriends
rather than girlfriends.
“No, but if I did, it’s up to
him,” he replies.
Next, the teacher asks a girl
the same question.
“I’ve got two female friends
who prefer girls and I think it’s
absolutely fine. It’s up to them,”
she responds.
According to Spain’s publiclyrun gay society FELGTB, truancy and failure rates among
adolescents who discover they
are not heterosexual are shockingly high.
This is because children fear
ridicule, violence and losing
their friends if their secret is
Thanks to the LOE’s requirement that homosexuality be
dealt with in the school curriculum, and the fact that Spain
is one of the most gay-friendly
countries in the western world,
the next generation of homosexual teens could have a much
smoother ride.
Despite the reservations of
the faithful, it does not seem as
though Educación para la Ciudadanía is going to produce a
new generation of heretics. A
private school in Jaén states
that it will teach the subject “in
accordance with the centre’s
Christian ideals” and will “preserve the religious values that
inspire the school.”
And in their classrooms, open,
frank discussions about human
relations, politics, sexual orientation, multi-religious societies,
charities and immigration flow
The teacher asks the class to
define “a plural society” and a
pupil replies that it is one where
different cultures, religions and
opinions are all valid. “And different sexual orientations, too,”
the teacher adds.
“Being charitable isn’t just
about giving to charity. It’s also
about giving your seat up on a
bus to an old person,” says Ana,
from Jaén.
“Or buying a Barça shirt, because UNICEF sponsors them,”
adds Alfonso.
They have just been taught
that if they don’t help in the
house, they are not charitable,
even if they give all their pocket
money to Oxfam.
This is supposed to educate
boys from an early age that
housework and child-rearing
is not simply “women’s work”,
but that in modern society, both
sexes should have the right to
go out to work.
Pupils are even made to think
about the consequences of their
behaviour. Pushing and shoving
in the corridor at break-times,
not buying fair trade goods
and failing to switch off lights
which are not needed, all come
up in class discussion. These
help their understanding of aggressive behaviour, sweat-shops,
poverty and the environment.
‘You have to respect the different forms of sexuality’
Friday, November 30, 2007
Poet and translator dies of cancer aged 91 SPAIN TODAY
PAUL Roche, a noted poet and
translator, has died from cancer at his home in Sóller, Mallorca, aged 91.
He was among the last living
associates of the Bloomsbury
group, the artists and writers
twined around Virginia Woolf
and her family.
The author of several wellreceived volumes of poetry, Mr
Roche (pronounced “rawsh”)
taught over the years at colleges and universities throughout
the United States.
His translations of Greek and
Latin works, published in the
Signet Classics series and by
New American Library, have
been familiar to students in the
United States and in Britain.
He was also known for his
relationship with the prominent English painter Duncan Grant,
a founder of the unorthodox
Bloomsbury circle.
His translations include the
works of Plautus, Aeschylus,
Euripides and Sappho.
Mr Roche, right, wrote the
screenplay for the film “Oedi-
pus the King,” based on a translation of the Sophocles play.
“Poetry is awareness heightened to the point of love,” Mr
Roche wrote in 1970 in an essay
for the reference work “Contemporary Poets.”
“It is a way of apprehending
the intensity of being. I try to
recreate experience more intensely, reduce it to a luminous
whole, render intuitive the
meaning and metaphysics of
the universe, and so feed myself and others the kernel of
Final curtain call
for fiery Fernando
Tougher budgets passed
despite workers’ protest
MARBELLA Town Hall has approved new austere
budgets for next year, despite protests from civil servants and other council workers.
A group of workers demonstrated outside the debating chamber shouting “negotiation, not imposition,”
causing a 15-minute interruption in the proceedings.
Police had to be called to evict the protesters from
the chamber.
The budgets were passed with the Partido Popular
overall majority.
Council workers are angry about the cancelling
of their private health cover, which has been a local
authority perk for the past 13 years.
A series of redundancies and overtime restrictions
are also expected to be enforced.
Aiming to ensure that
you’re well connected
SPAIN is aiming to get well connected – to broadband
internet lines.
The ministry of industry hopes the country will
reach more than eight million broadband internet
lines by the end of this year.
In 2003, Spain had only 2.1 million broadband accesses.
A total of €1,440m has been allocated this year to
broaden broadband penetration in the whole country,
especially in rural areas. And by 2008 this amount will
be up to €1,800m.
By the end of this year, the ministry hopes Spain
will have 18.4 internet connections for every 100
inhabitants, compared with five connections for every
100 inhabitants in 2004.
A FINAL FAREWELL: Fernando Fernán-Gómez’s coffin, covered by an anarchist flag, on the stage of the Teatro Español in
Madrid. A picture of the famous character is above the coffin. He is also pictured right as people will remember him
an anarchist flag draped over
of famous faces from the Spanish
character who had WITH
his coffin, Fernando Fernán-Gómez
world of stage and screen.
said goodbye from the stage. His
Among those to pay their respects
a 60-year career
body spent last Thursday ‘lying in were Pilar Bardem, who arrived
By Susie Carter
SPANISH screen star legend Fernando Fernán-Gómez – known for being larger-than-life in size, volume
and emotion – has died in Madrid,
aged 86.
state’ on the stage of the Teatro
Español in Madrid, where the
public were invited to pay their
respects to the actor and director.
It was the same stage where he
starred in Las bicicletas son para el
verano, and thousands turned out
to file past the coffin.
His wife, Emma Cohen, and children Fernando and Helena were in
attendance and joined by hundreds
He appeared in 200 films, directed 20
and wrote novels, plays and poetry and
was known for his booming
town public school teacher at
voice, stern and imposing
the outbreak of the Civil War
presence and fiery temper.
in La Lengua de Las MaripoHighlights of his 60-year
sas (Butterfly) in 1999.
career included the 1992 film
Off screen, he was known
Belle Epoque, in which he
for his fierce temper, particuplayed the father of four pretlarly when dealing with the
ty daughters, including Penémedia.
lope Cruz. The movie won
At a news conference at
nine Spanish Goya Awards
the Berlin festival in 2005, he
and the Oscar for Best Forroared at a journalist to sit
eign Language Film.
down and not ask him any
He also received praise for
more questions.
his role as a liberal smallBorn in Peru in 1921, he
with tears in her eyes, Pedro
Almodóvar and his brother Agustín,
Marisa Paredes, Verónica Forqué,
Raphael and Víctor Manuel.
Among the politicians to attend
were president José Luis Rodríguez
Zapatero and the mayor of Madrid,
Alberto Ruiz-Gallardón.
Fernán-Gómez was cremated on
Friday at the Almudena Cemetery
in the capital.
moved to Spain when he was
aged three and went on to
study philosophy and literature in Madrid.
His career was delayed by
the Spanish Civil War in
1936 but he became one of
the best-known faces during
Franco’s reign. He hit the
big screen in the 1943 production Cristina Guzmán, before
starring in several fast-paced
He worked with scores of
big-time directors, was the
only actor to become a member of the Spanish Royal
Academy – which promotes
language, and won scores of
He married and divorced
Spanish singer María Dolores
Pradera. In 2000, he married
actress Emma Cohen.
He is survived by Cohen and
two children – Fernando and
Helena – from his marriage
with Pradera.
SPAIN collaborated in the secret transfer of
prisoners from Afghanistan to Guantánamo
Bay, inmates claim.
It is alleged that the first such flight used the
Morón airbase near Sevilla for a stop-over, saying
23 prisoners were on board a United States Air
Force C-141 which landed at 1.50pm on January
11, 2002.
It is claimed these were the very first prisoners to
be taken from Afghanistan to Guantánamo, and the
illegal transfer took place after the then Spanish
president, José María Aznar, relaxed Spanish control on the United States airbase in Spain.
Lawyers for the prisoners say this shows the systematic collaboration of the Spanish government in
the secret transfer of prisoners to Guantánamo.
Outrage over claims that
history is being re-written
SPANISH history has been re-written in scores of
children’s text books, it was claimed this week.
Now the Partido Popular has demanded an explanation from socialist minister of education, Mercedes
Cabrera, about why different versions of the same
national syllabus books have been released.
The PP says nationalists have changed content in a
fourth grade history book.
The Madrid version shows a picture of university
students demonstrating against an ETA assassination. The Basque one shows a protest against racism.
In a 1,200-word text on recent history in Euskadithere
is not a single mention of ETA Basque terrorists or
their 833 victims.
Friday, November 30, 2007
The torture must stop
Human rights group accuses government of turning a blind eye
By Phil Balding
A HUMAN rights group has
accused Spain’s government of
turning a blind eye to what it
calls the “widespread and persistent” torture and abuse of
people held in custody.
Amnesty International also called
for closed-circuit television cameras
in police stations and an independent body to look into suspected cases
of torture.
“Up to now, the official attitude,
from ministries to prosecutors and
judges, is that there are only isolated cases. Our investigations show
this is not so,” said Esteban Beltrán,
director of Amnesty in Spain.
There have been allegations in the
ON THE RIGHT TRACK: Cerebral palsy sufferer José
Ibáñez from Granada has just realised a dream by
recording his first single of heavy metal music with the
group Carromato.
Some of José’s fans have described him as “the king, he
moves and feels the heavy metal more than anyone else.”
His concert stunts have included launching himself off
from his motorised wheelchair – to be caught in the arms
of the crowd below.
A €750,000 lifeline to
help cyclone victims
SPAIN will send €750,000 worth of lifeline aid to families in
Bangladesh left stricken by Cyclone Sidr.
The eight-tonne haul of medicine, water-treatment tablets,
tents and blankets was due to be jetted out on a commercial
flight this week.
Around 3,500 people were killed and tens of thousands left
homeless when Sidr struck the Indian city.
Now an arm of the Spanish foreign ministry has agreed to
stump up cash to help victims.
past of torture and mistreatment
by Spanish police toward jailed
members of armed Basque separatist group ETA, but London-based
Amnesty said abuse occurs with all
types of suspects.
“In Spain, torture and mistreatment of detained people by officers
responsible for making sure the law
is obeyed is a widespread and persistent practice,” Amnesty said.
A senior interior ministry official
rejected Amnesty’s claims that torture and abuse was common.
The official said that with some
150,000 police officers, it was only
logical that there would be some
“isolated” cases.
The report referred to 15 sample
cases, most involving beatings by
police and threats of further violence to the victims.
Rising parking
charges protest
CAR parking charges at
Ibiza Airport have soared
– prompting a complaint
by consumer groups.
A change in the law
means operators can up
their prices by as much as
50 per cent for some visitors, especially those on
short stays.
The increases mean it
now costs €9 for a short
stay, instead of €6.
The airport is a lifeline
for those who need to
travel to get vital medical
or specialist services.
Friday, November 30, 2007
AMOUS battles associated with Madrid include
Jarama, Ikea and Zara. The first of these took place
during the Spanish Civil War, but Ikea and Zara are
more recent affairs, occurring most Saturdays at
shopping centres in and around the city. In their legions, Madrileños love their centros comerciales.
One of the biggest centres has a dome, in much the
same way as St Paul’s or the Vatican. It’s a splendid
glass construction, and a potent symbol of how the
city’s love of shopping borders on worship.
A pilgrim’s progress, or lack of it, makes for a stirring
office tale come Monday morning. Traffic queues and
vast crowds are sometimes overcome in order to follow
a path to some nice shelving or a trendy jacket.
Strangely, one city suburb is trying to buck the consumerism trend. In Alameda de Osuna, a neighbourhood church is about to be sold and there are rumours of
a supermarket being planned in its place. A new church
has been constructed, but the residents are objecting to
the change of use for the old one.
I feel the conflict could be resolved by a joint venture.
Most famous churches and cathedrals have progressed
to selling postcards and souvenirs. Business is business, so instead of a supermarket or a church, perhaps
Madrileños should be offered a supermarket and a
church. Together. Same space, different aisles.
Marketing would need to be addressed, but some
product lines immediately spring to mind – sacrificial
lamb, holy mackerel, almost forbidden fruit. Some of
the ten commandments can even be directly linked to a
modern shopping spree.
‘You shall not covet your neighbour’s ass’ may seem
out of date, until you realize that a modern ass is a
loaded supermarket trolley. Do not envy other
trolleys, nor anything in
them. Of course, a real
ass is a rarity nowadays,
but only last week I went
to pay and found that I’d
forgotten my wallet, so
you do still get one from
Supermarkets offer
plenty of opportunity
for cursing, but there’s
guidance in ‘you shall
not take the Lord’s name
in vain’. Don’t mention
the Almighty when faced
with a malfunctioning credit card.
When a customer interprets ‘ten items or less’ as
‘eleven items or more’, please remember ‘you shall not
kill’. And ‘you shall not commit adultery’ is a question
of health, safety and hygiene in food display areas. The
most surprising association is to be found in ‘you shall
have no other Gods’, which is clearly a veiled reference
to loyalty cards.
The card schemes encourage us to stay with the
store. We’re rewarded with points. And how do you get
value for points? You redeem them. Redemption at last.
Madrileños would face dilemmas. A priest pointing
out marriage responsibilities together with a special
offer on bed sheets would be deemed inappropriate.
But the real flaw would be parking. The citizens of
Madrid love their cars even more than their commercial
centres, and there are only so many vehicles you can fit
in a chapel.
At present, there’s no sanctuary from shopping, and
there are always mortals who drain from the strain.
One centre in Barcelona has just started an ‘aparcamaridos’ scheme – a waiting area for husbands. Men
can relax, read or watch TV while the rest of their party
continue the crusade.
With sixty per cent of Madrileños wanting more
Sunday opening hours, I suspect Madrid will go further.
Not just husband areas, but dormitories, kitchens, storage units and education facilities.
As for the residents of Alameda de Osuna, they’d
prefer to see their former church turned into an old
people’s home, a kindergarten or a music academy.
The father, the son, and maybe Bruce Springsteen. That
doesn’t sound so bad.
And not a dome in sight.
Gone off my
trolley? –
aisle bet it
would work
a real treat!
Demands for hit TV chat show to be dropped
A SPANISH television
station faced demands to
drop a hit chat show after
claims a man stabbed to
death his ex days after
she refused his on-screen
marriage proposal.
The Spanish suspect got
on one knee and begged
a Russian mother-of-one
to take him back on the
prime-time programme.
Five days later, she was
killed by multiple stab
wounds to the neck at her
home in Alicante. She
leaves a two-year-old son.
Bosses from the TV
show are accused of using
deceit to lure Svetlana
Orlova onto the stage
– despite her winning a
restraining order against
him after a previous case
of abuse.
Now the Association
of Television Viewers
in the eastern region of
Cataluña, has demanded
that Antena 3 drops the
Patricia’s Diary show,
which attracts more than
■ TV PLEA: Svetlana’s exboyfriend Ricardo Navarro
two million viewers a day.
And women’s groups
have demanded an apology.
“You can’t mislead a
woman into meeting her
abuser, because of the
consequences which we
now know of,” said Ana
María Pérez del Campo,
of the Federation of
Separated and Divorced
Covadonga Naredo, of
Spain’s Federation of
Progressivist Women,
said: “We believe that
media professionals
should be capable of
assessing when a situation
is delicate when treating
Ms Naredo’s federation
is teaming up with other
women’s groups in Spain
to file a case against
the TV station and said
Antena 3 should apologise.
Patricia’s Diary specialises in getting ordinary
people to reveal their most
intimate problems and
confront errant loved ones
in front of an afternoon
television audience.
In last week’s appearance the spurned Ricardo
Navarro told the woman,
identified as Svetlana: “I
want you to marry me.
You’re everything for me.”
She looked visibly uncomfortable as he brought out
a ring.
Presenter Patricia
Gaztañaga pushed
Svetlana to respond, saying, “Come on Svetlana,
say something, we’re
all here waiting.” She
answered: “No.”
During their talk show
appearance, Navarro
blamed the end of their
four-year relationship
on financial troubles but
Svetlana said other factors
were involved, although
she did not provide details.
TV researchers had
failed to find out that
Navarro was required to
keep at least 500 metres
away from her by a court
order due to a previous
case of abuse.
Presenter Gaztañaga
expressed sorrow for the
victim at the start of
Tuesday’s show but said
her murder could not have
been foreseen.
A chief judge of the
region’s supreme court
has called for a review of
such shows, saying they
may “add fire” to a heated
After being arrested,
Svetlana’s ex-boyfriend
Ricardo Navarro has
appeared in court charged
with her murder.
Women step out
to stop violence
Thousands protest in memory of 69 killed this year
By Phil Balding
That’s the message loud
and clear that was delivered
across Spain on Sunday.
Thousands of people attended protests on International
Day for the Elimination of
Violence Against Women
to remember the 69 women
who have died as victims of
domestic violence in Spain
this year.
The latest such killing
illustrated one of the most
common scenarios: a man
received a restraining order
to keep a certain distance
away from his former partner, and reacted by attacking her. Such attacks tend to
result in the woman’s death.
The murder took place in
the northern Spanish city of
Santander, when a 78-yearold man stabbed his wife,
who had reported him to the
authorities on October 25
for threatening her, and had
obtained an injunction forbidding him to come within
200 metres of her.
Another high-profile case
of a separated couple happened after a television programme. A young Russian
woman living in Madrid was
invited to a private television
channel. While she was live
on camera, her ex-partner,
from whom she was separated, appeared on the set.
He said: “I love you. There’s
only one life and I want to
spend it with you. Forever.
I want you to marry me.
You are everything to me.
Everything. Everything.”
Five days later she was
stabbed to death on her doorstep.
Actress Pilar Bardem read
out a statement on Sunday
at a protest organised by
Amnesty International in
Madrid, calling on governments for more ‘political will’
to end what was described
as the ‘atrocity’ of violence
by men.
Her colleague, Charo López,
called at the Salamanca demonstration for women who
suffer abuse to be brave and
to leave their partners.
One of the more graphic protests was in the
Andalucian capital, Sevilla,
where a group of women
brought up the rear of the
demonstration, using a coloured liquid to leave behind
them the bloody footprints of
domestic violence.
Marches, films and more
Women protesting in Sevilla
than 200 talks and events
were held and 8,000 brochures distributed in Málaga,
which has the highest level
of reported crime against
women in Andalucía.
Between January and
September of this year, there
were 2,552 reports of attacks,
35 per cent of which came
from foreign women.
Montserrat Comas, the
head of the observatory on
domestic and gender violence, sponsored by the general council of the judicial
branch, said that the increase
in the number of murders by
husbands or partners “is a
response to efforts by the victims of abuse to get out of the
hell they live in.”
“Nowadays women won’t
tolerate what they would put
up with 15 or 20 years ago,”
she said.
Since 2004 there have been
306,682 criminal prosecutions
in the courts for violence
against women, and 24,634
civil actions.
Nearly 72,000 protective
measures have been sought,
75 per cent of which have
been granted. An increasing
number of foreign women
have been issued restraining
orders, accounting for 35 per
cent of the total in 2007, five
percentage points more than
two years ago.
In spite of the continuing
abuse and murders, progress
towards gender equality and
respect for women has been
made, in particular by the
March 15 entry into force
of the gender equality law,
which was unanimously
passed by parliament.
The law includes obligatory
negotiation of equality strategies in companies with more
than 250 workers, including
gender parity on administrative councils. For elections,
40 per cent of candidates in
the first five listed positions
must be women, except in villages or towns with less than
5,000 people.
Enriqueta Chicano Jávega,
head of the federation of progressive women, acknowledged that advances have
been made in legislation, but
said there is still much to
be done, because “laws do
not change people’s mentalities.”
In her view it is essential
for the rights of women and
men to be priority subjects in
educational curricula, from
primary school on.
Friday, November 30, 2007
asked of
QUESTIONS are being
asked about the competence of a Spanish private
detective agency hired by
the parents of missing
four-year-old Madeleine
Doubts emerged after the
head of Método 3 admitted
the agency does not like
working for individual
members of the public.
Francisco Marco boasted
that his firm is unique
because it only works for
The recording, made
for a Spanish business
magazine, was four years
old – but many say it fuels
Marco, director-general
of the family-run firm, has
bragged to the BBC that he
was “100 per cent sure” she
was alive and he was “very,
very close” to finding her.
Portuguese detectives are
said to have ridiculed the
agency’s claims.
But Método 3, hired for
six months, says it has a
proven track record of
finding missing children.
Leicestershire toddler
Madeleine has been missing since May from her
parent’s apartment in
On the road to
faster journeys
CHRISTMAS has come
early for frustrated motorists in Málaga province.
A €350m motorway will
be built – cutting journey
times by more than half.
A new road linking Ronda
to the Costa del Sol will be
open in 2012.
The 32.5km route will
comprise 26 viaducts and
only one tunnel, in order to
minimise the environmental impact.
It will join the coast
just above San Pedro de
Alcántara and experts say
will cut journey times from
50 to 22 minutes.
Murder in mind
IT WAS a weekend of murder, mystery and intrigue
in Tenerife at the first
Agatha Christie festival.
Films and plays of the
crime writer’s work were
staged in Puerto de la Cruz
to mark the 80th anniversary of her visit to the city
– which inspired her to
write the short story The
Man From The Sea.
Her grandson Mathew
Prichard was guest of honour and the climax saw a
bust of the author unveiled
and the Calle Ciprés
renamed to Calle Agatha
Blanco’s all
set to make
London date
SPANISH fashion retailer
Blanco is to open its first
UK store in west London
next year.
The firm has earmarked
the Westfield shopping centre in White City, London,
for its debut and wants to
open more stores between
next year and 2010.
Blanco, founded in
1960 in Bilbao, has about
100 stores in Spain and
Portugal. The retailer will
also expand in Italy from
next year.
Blanco is regarded widely as a competitor to Zara
in both retailers’ home
market of Spain. Blanco
has three store formats;
women’s fashion shop
Blanco, accessories and
lingerie specialist Blanco
Accessories and outlet
store Blanco Stock.
BULLY FOR YOU! The main picture shows one of giant black bulls that loom over the country’s motorways,
while inset are flamenco dancer Joaquín Cortés and model Inés Sastre who will paint replicas of the bulls
Sherry interesting
– and no bull!
A peaceful start
PEACE be with you
– Spanish King Juan Carlos
discussed the Annapolis
Peace Conference with
Syrian president Bashar
A presidential statement
said the two leaders talked
about conference developments in a telephone call
by the Spanish monarch.
Unofficial symbol of Spain
celebrates half a century
By Phil Balding
NO BULL – the iron silhouettes of Spain’s most
famous animal that loom
large over the country’s
motorways are celebrating their 50th birthday.
Jet black, 14 metres high
and weighing 4,000kg, the
bulls started life as an advertising campaign for sherry.
Since then they have
become the unofficial symbol of Spain.
Half a century on you can
find the image on flags, Tshirts and guidebooks, at
sporting events and national
In a scene from the 1992
film Jamón, Jamón, Penélope
Cruz and Javier Bardem
make love underneath one
of the bulls.
Wherever you see Spain,
the bull is never far behind.
The Osborne sherry company, founded by an English
immigrant to Andalucía in
the late 18th century, originally placed the bulls on
roadside bends to catch drivers’ attention.
They used to bear the company logo and the name of
its Veterano brandy, but the
words were removed in 1988
after it was ruled that they
were distracting drivers.
By then the silhouettes
were so famous that the company decided drivers would
need no reminding of what
the bulls were promoting.
There was a national outcry when, in the wake of new
EU laws banning roadside
advertising outside towns,
the bulls faced extinction.
But following petitions and
nationwide protests the bulls
were reclassified as official
historical monuments and
lived on.
In the mid-90s a new law
banned the siting of structures too close to roads, so
Osborne moved its bulls to
hillsides overlooking the
motorways. But they still
faced legal challenges. By
then, though, the public had
so grown to love the bulls
that even the supreme court
could not sanction their
removal. In 1997 judges ruled
that the bulls had “become
part of the landscape.”
This year Osborne is marking its half-century by inviting 50 Spanish stars to paint
small replicas of the bulls,
which will be auctioned.
The artists include Real
Madrid footballers, model
Inés Sastre and flamenco
dancer Joaquín Cortés.
Richard Morris
Jávea Office
966 462 960
Ian Clack
Murcia Region
902 947 637 /
667 306 972
Mark Harrison
Torrevieja Office
966 773 796
[email protected]
Friday, November 30, 2007
the big issue tema de la semana
Spain tops table for an
Taking UP
and 15-34
age group
users in EU
By Nick Hudson
UT-PRICE cocaine is pushing up usage in Spain to
record levels – despite the
country’s tough line on decriminalising cannabis.
Consumption is up 30 per cent with
Spain, and the UK, topping a European
league table.
Adults aged between 15 and 34 in Spain
and Britain are the biggest consumers of
the hard drug, whose main entry point
into the EU remains the Iberian peninsula.
More Europeans are taking cocaine
than ever before as its price falls, with
most users concentrated in Spain and
At least 4.5 million Europeans used
cocaine last year, up from 3.5 million in
That has coincided with record hauls
of the drug with an estimated 107 tonnes
seized in 2005, the European Monitoring
Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction
THRILLS AND PILLS: The untidy table top full of drugs and smokes are a tell-tale sign of the growing problem for
said in its 2007 drugs report.
Spain and its younger population
“It is estimated that cocaine has been
used at least once by more
than 12 million Europeans,
representing almost four per
cent of all adults,” said the
At least 4.5 million Europeans used cocaine last year, up
from 3.5 million in 2005. That
Council, which hopes to create a
has coincided with record
A HOSPITAL boss in Ibiza has
working group to develop a code
hauls of the drug in recent
called for discos to be shut for
of practice so that everyone can
years, with an estimated 107
eight hours a day in order to curb
enjoy the island – without its
tonnes seized in 2005, the Euyoung people’s drug-taking.
seedier side.
ropean Monitoring Centre
New laws coming into force next
It is also intended to prevent
for Drugs and Drug Addicsummer will curb the 24-hour
Ibiza’s young people getting
tion (EMCDDA) said in its
clubbing culture and see hefty
sucked into the spiral of drug
2007 drugs report.
fines imposed on venues operattaking.
“Cocaine is now, after caning between 6am and noon.
Experts from Liverpool John
nabis, the second most comBut Carlos Rodríguez, head of
Moores University are expected
monly used illicit drug in
emergency services at Can Misses
to attend. Last year, they surveyed
many EU member states and
Hospital, said the ban should be
hundreds of British young people
in the EU as a whole,” said
who visited Ibiza. One in five
the EMCDDA in its report of
He said a break of eight hours
cited taking recreational drugs as
the 27-nation bloc.
is essential to break the link out sleeping for such a long time
global experts in nightlife, viothe main reason for their trip.
The latest report comes
between clubbing and drugs. And without help. If it was going to
lence, justice, tourism, the leiBut the most popular reason
in the wake of the Spanish
tourists abuse substances because be over for eight hours, many
sure industry, sexual risk and
given for coming to the island
parliamentary commission
clubs are open all day and night.
young people would not consume
security sign up for a conference
was to enjoy the music and the
in Congress turning down
He said: “The body has cycles so many drugs to enable them to
to tackle Ibiza’s problems, next
second choice was generally hava proposal to decriminalise
which must be respected. It is keep going.”
June 23-25.
ing a good time, while drug conpossession of small amounts
physically impossible to last withHis call comes as hundreds of
It is the brainchild of the Island
sumption was third.
of cannabis – despite thou-
Hospital boss calls for 8-hour disco ban
sands pushing for a softer
legal stance.
Experts say growing demand for cocaine and a
strong euro have increased
the pressure for South American drug cartels to break
through Europe’s tight borders.
The EMCDDA said that although cocaine prices had
fallen in recent years, a gram
of the white powder can still
fetch up to €120.
Wolfgang Goetz, head of the
EMCDDA, said in September
that traffickers were increasingly relying on poor West African countries like Guinea
Bissau to store their cocaine
before sending it to Europe’s
lucrative market.
However, heroin and injected drugs have become less
common in Europe while the
use of cannabis is stabilising
after a sustained period of
growth, the agency said.
“Nevertheless, positive messages are marred by high levels of drug-related deaths and
rising cocaine use,” said the
EMCDDA, which estimates
there are up to 8,000 overdose
deaths every year – mostly
linked to the consumption of
opiates like heroin.
Friday, November 30, 2007
unwanted drugs’ club
Drugged-up drivers even WORSE than the
booze-fuelled ones on the country’s roads
MORE drivers get behind the wheel on drugs
than booze in Spain, a top cop has revealed.
A shocking number of drivers were caught
under the influence during random drugs
It is a further blow to Spain’s appalling driving record.
Statistics show more people die on Europe’s
roads than from murders, drugs and AIDS put
And more than half the 6,000 people involved
in death crashes in Spain don’t have a licence.
Now Bartolomé Vargas, the road safety prosecutor in Spain, has revealed the extent of the
He said the results of roadside drug tests carried out in Cataluña would be replicated across
Drivers have to complete two tests. The first
shows whether they are positive or negative
and the second, involving saliva or blood samples, gives a more scientific result.
The crackdown comes in the same week that
motorists could face jail for the first time for
exceeding speed limits on rural roads and
The results of
roadside tests
in Spain make
Friday, November 30, 2007
Poem with a
€30,000 tag
written by the guru of
Spanish poetry fetched an
ungodly sum at auction this
Experts correctly predicted
the manuscript, hand-written by Federico García
Lorca, would drain up to
€30,000 from the winning bidder’s purse.
The Spanish Ministry for
Culture was the successful
bidder on the day – going
under the hammer at €30,757.
Lorca wrote the poem in
New York in October 1929
and later gave it to his friend
Miguel Benítez. It went missing until tracked down after
his death.
Moor the merrier
for new marina
MOOR, moor, moor. Málaga
City Hall is expected to
approve building a new
€30m marina in El Morlaco,
between Baños del Carmen
and La Caleta.
The marina itself would
include 544 mooring points
and a sailing school, with
a 35,000 square metre park
also forming part of the
project, together with a
centre for marine investigation and commercial
Bangers and
crash fears
A WOMAN air traveller
almost gave fellow passengers an explosive journey
after she carried 1kg of
FIREWORKS onto a plane.
The culprit brought 33
rockets and 26 bangers into
the passenger cabin of a
private flight from Moscow
to Málaga.
Police say the explosives
could have detonated at any
time because they were not
packed correctly.
Officers destroyed the
material when she arrived
in Málaga.
Quake, rattle and
roll, then dial 112
FRIGHTENED residents
called police when a small
earthquake shook the
Murcia region.
Around 10 homeowners
dialled 112 when tremors
started at a point Southeast
of Aledo and south west of
Totana before rippling outside just before 2pm.
Experts say the quake
measure 3.2 on the Richter
Scale and caused no injuries
or damage.
The €650m tax timebomb that’s ticking away
waiting for Brits who own properties in Spain
A €650m tax timebomb is ticking
for hundreds of thousands of
Brits who own property in Spain.
Experts say up to half of all
homeowners are not paying the
required taxes – leaving them
wide open to huge fines, as well
as demands for lump-sum payments.
In the worst cases, authorities
could seize dream homes.
In the meantime, Brits unwittingly caught up in the mess
are now finding they are being
named and shamed in Spanish
newspapers, as part of a crackdown on tax evaders.
Some have merely fallen into
a trap, where the former owner
of the property burdened buyers
with their tax.
It is thought 100,000 people in
Ireland alone will soon be investigated for the last four years of
returns, facing 300 per cent of
the liability.
It means tax on a €300,000 prop-
erty normally amounts to €1,000
a year. If that bill is left unpaid,
it can spiral to €13,000 in four
Paul Connolly of Dublin-based
IFG mortgages, said: “It’s only a
matter of time before thousands
of Irish property owners are
faced with big tax penalties.”
It’s home, sweet
home, says firm
17,000 new
houses to
be built
By Nick Hudson
SPAIN’S No 1 housebuilder is pressing ahead
with ambitious plans to
develop 17,000 new homes
– despite gloomy forecasts
for the immediate future.
The Polaris World company
says it will sidestep the current downturn in the real
estate sector and move ahead
with the exciting proposals.
The Murcia-based company
has, however, revised its forecasts DOWNWARDS for this
year and admits that the marketplace is more complicated
than two years ago.
The firm specialises in
resorts where it sells second homes generally with
golf, and has been using television advertising to sell
to the Spanish market since
October 2006.
Company president José
Luis Hernández forecast that
cashflow for this year will be
35 per cent lower than the
€800m first forecast a year
ago. But he admitted the first
figure was “off the top of his
The company has handed
over the keys to 5,500 homes
since 2001, has another 4,500
pending and plans to build
17,000 more, most of them in
the Murcia town of Alhama.
The government is continuing with its forecast of a gentle landing for the sector, but
given the delay in the assembly of statistics it could be
that prices are really falling
The BBVA is forecasting a
1.9 per cent fall in 2009.
■ CRUEL SEA: Waves lash the rocks at Tossa de Mar, Costa Brava. Thomas and Jay
Howlett were swept out to sea from the circled rock. Jay and his dad are pictured below
Drowning tragedy: Soccer boss’ condolences
SIR Alex Ferguson
offered his condolences to a football-mad
father and one of his
sons who drowned when
they were swept out to
sea by a huge wave in
The Man United soccer
boss said his team was
Sex charge boys released
TWO boys who sexually abused a
young girl and circulated a mobile
phone video of the attack in their
school have escaped scot free.
One of the boys committed an
offence against her and the other
forced her to perform a sex act on
Teachers at the school in Sevilla
realised what was happening and
told the girl’s parents, who pressed
Both the boys handed over their
phones, but were released without
charge because it was their first
shocked to hear of the
deaths of Simon Howlett
and his son Jay.
The little boy and his
brother Thomas, seven,
were pulled into stormy
seas at Tossa de Mar,
Costa Brava, as their dad
was taking photographs.
Mr Howlett, 32, from
Market Drayton in
Shropshire, pulled
Thomas back to shore
but died alongside Jay as
he tried to rescue him.
His wife and mother
of the boys, Deborah
Howlett, watched in vain
as they drowned.
Fellow guests, Karen
Garratty, her partner
Michael Harrison and
their son Robert, 13, witnessed the tragedy.
80 jobs in store
EIGHTY jobs will be created when a Fnac multimedia
superstore opens in Málaga
The company will take over
the first floor of the Plaza
shopping centre and should
open next autumn. It will be
Fnac’s 16th store in Spain.
She said they looked
for lifebelts on the beach
but none were provided.
Other tourists ran to
help but the force of the
sea overpowered.
Friends of the family
said Mr Howlett ran a
bathroom-fitting company.
An energy
surge that
will give a
needed lift
SWITCHED-ON developers
are bringing four renewable energy companies to
Southern Spain – creating
2,000 jobs.
A further four un-named
businesses are also coming
to Andalucía, as part of a
multi million euro industrialisation scheme.
The scheme is designed
to boost competitivity and
It will offer a lifeline to
Cádiz City, Chiclana, El
Puerto de Santa María,
Puerto Real, San Fernando
and Jerez – which were hit
hard by the closure of the
Delphi car parts factory
in Puerto Real earlier this
It was approved by the
Junta de Andalucía, which
has approved €2m worth
of public funding for the
scheme in the Bahía de
Cádiz district.
The plan is in place until
2013, and is described by
the president of the Junta
de Andalucía, Manuel
Chaves, as a ‘great opportunity.’ He denied claims it
is a crisis plan.
Residents flee
falling building
TERRIFIED residents
narrowly escaped serious
injury when the two-storey
building they were living
in collapsed around them.
Two women sustained
minor injuries and were
rescued by firemen.
Other occupants fought
through rubble to reach
safety and were later treated for shock.
The building, on Calle
Lealas, Jerez de la
Frontera, was thought to
be ageing badly.
A relacement is under
Plunge girl goes home
A BRITISH girl seriously hurt in
a mysterious 50ft plunge from a
Mallorca hotel balcony has gone
home from hospital.
But it is not known when Gianna
Cooper, seven, will be well enough
to tell whether she fell accidentally
or was pushed.
Her mother Sara, 45, was found
drowned in a sea cave two days
after the holiday drama.
Gianna is being cared for by dad
Ian, 44, at home in Foxton, Cambs.
She was on holiday with her
parents and two teenage brothers
when she hurtled from the balcony.
Friday, November 30, 2007
It’s a pig of
a problem
as porkers
stumble in
Plane drama
as engine
catches fire
A PILOT flying out of
Lanzarote was forced to
make an emergency landing when the engine burst
into flames.
Terrified passengers on
board the Boeing 757 to
Manchester heard four
loud bangs and saw fires
out of the windows, just
after take-off.
The Thomsonfly flight
circled Fuerteventura
while fuel was dumped
before making a smooth
landing on the island.
The pilot shut down the
engine and fire crews tackled the blaze.
Relieved travellers were
fed at the unscheduled
stop as they waited for a
replacement plane to arrive
to complete their onward
Animals make life hell for villagers
By John Davies
AN ARMY of prime porkers is
making life hell for scores of
people living in a quiet mountain village in Mallorca.
POLICE smelt
something fishy
going on when they raided an industrial estate
in Valmojado.
They found 18 tons of
cannabis resin in a lorry,
hidden between two
pallets of frozen fish.
A Málaga lorry driver
is under arrest in Toledo,
along with five other
suspects from Morocco.
PAPER REIGN: This man’s crowning glory is to sell tissues to motorists
at traffic lights in the centre of Sevilla
Around 10 pigs escaped from a
farm and have been breeding so successfully they have multiplied FIVEFOLD, making a 50-strong clan.
Its members have devoured whole
crops of cabbages and trampled over
people’s land.
Now authorities in Estellencs,
between the Tramuntan Mountains
and the sea, have been inundated
with complaints from fed-up farmers,
smallholders and homeowners.
One poultry farmer said the hungry pigs had guzzled a day’s supply
of freshly-laid eggs, destined for a
supermarket in Andratx.
Estellencs Council has appealed for
help from the Balearic ministry for
the environment and Natura Parc.
Experts have studied the rogue porkers’ behaviour and have placed traps
around the area. But many say the
animals have access to so much free
food, they won’t fall for the traps.
A sow can produce a litter of eight
to 10 piglets every three months and
20 days.
Friday, November 30, 2007
Yes, minister – but rail boss swings job vote by three
THE head honcho of the doomed
railway service in Barcelona was
saved from being ousted by just
three of her peers.
Development minister, Magdalena
Álvarez, was in the firing line when
politicians voted in congress about
whether she should keep her job.
The referendum was called after
more than one month of delays and
disruption to rail services, caused
by work on the AVE high speed network.
The proposal was put by the
Izquierda Unida-ICV, which claimed
she should be held to account.
Only seven members were absent
for the vote – which swung in her
favour by just three yeses.
The vote in the lower chamber
came just hours after the secretary
of state for infrastructure, Víctor
Morlán, announced that Barcelona’s Cercanías local train network
will be back to normal service.
She is the sixth politician to face
the grilling.
Keep a gain in planes
in Spain, says carrier
Don’t sell it to
foreign firm:
BURIED treasure – and now you must keep it close to
your chest!
A judge in Florida has asked the Spanish government and the Odyssey exploration company to agree
a pact on confidentiality over the treasure which was
found last May.
At the same time the judge rejected the agreement
proposed by Odyssey which would have seen them
informing Spain about the exact location of the find
and other details.
Odyssey president Greg Stemm made a brief statement to the court and said that his company was
clearly willing to share information on the three
exploration sites.
The estimated value of the treasure is €336m, but the
Spanish ministry for culture considers that it could
have been taken from a sunken Spanish galleon.
Odyssey has said that it is made up of gold and silver
coins and was found outside Spanish waters. The next
public hearing has been set for January 10.
QUEEN Sofía marked the 800th birthday of a spiritual
guru by watching a traditional meditation ceremony
full of colour and costumes.
She watched scores of whirling dervishes – followers of a branch of Islam who perform a spinning
ritual in order to reach a higher mental state.
The event in Madrid was staged to mark the 800th
anniversary of Jalal ud-Din Muhammed Rumi, known
as Mevlana. He was a great philosopher, who founded
the Sufi order Mevlevi – a path followers choose in
order to reach enlightenment.
His most important work, composed during the last
10 years of his life, is the Mesnevi –which comprises
30,000 couplets in six books, giving insight into laws
of physics and psychology.
The performance was organised by the Turkish
Culture & Tourism Ministry and the Turkish Embassy
in Madrid.
A SPANISH shareholder in Iberia
airlines says the carrier should
not be sold to foreign investors.
cal opposition to the sale of Iberia,
a company that is important to the
capital’s economy, said Manuel Zayas, an analyst at Fortis in Madrid.
Iberia received a takeover approach
worth as much as €3.7bn last week
from a group of Spanish investors
led by Gala Capital Partners Equity.
Iberia said it would study Gala’s offer and may open up its books.
British Airways said it will not
exercise its preemption rights to acquire any of the shares in Iberia.
It said its position as Iberia’s “key
industrial partner” remained important and did not depend on an increase in its shareholding.
The UK flag carrier’s chief financial officer, Keith Williams, said: “We
will enter into discussions with Caja
Madrid in order to maximise the value of our relationship with Iberia.”
And Air France is studying its options in taking over Iberia, without
any Spanish support.
Judge asks for pact
over buried treasure
Queen marks spiritual
guru’s 800th birthday
By Phil Balding
The Latin American routes of Iberia have attracted potential bidders
including British Airways, which
already holds a 10 per cent stake, and
Air France-KLM Group, which said
it is exploring a possible offer.
Caja Madrid, a savings bank based
in the Spanish capital, agreed this
week to buy Iberia shares from Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria and
Compañía de Distribución Integral
Logista to increase its stake to 23 per
cent from about 10 per cent.
“Caja Madrid would like the airline to stay in Spanish hands,” said
a spokesman for the savings bank.
The lender would prefer to see a big,
Spanish shareholder in control at
Iberia, he said.
Caja Madrid, the second-biggest
Spanish savings bank after La Caixa,
may be responding to local politi-
PUNDITS are already
predicting the train to
oust the plane in travelling between Madrid
and Málaga – where
Costa takes on a whole
new dimension.
Informed critics fear
the launch of the new
bargain basement AVE
high speed rail link
next month could spell
the “beginning of
the end” of air travel
between the two cities.
But the air companies are not ready to
roll over as they plan
to hit back with their
own discount fares.
It’s no secret that
flights between
European cities
such as Amsterdam,
Brussels and Paris
were badly hit following the launch of the
TGV and Thalys services between them.
Stopping trains on
Andalucía’s new rail
service, which is due
to start on Christmas
Eve, will take just
under three hours.
But the airlines
will have to compete
against four non stop
trains a day which
will make the journey
in only two-and-a-half,
at speeds of up to 300
It’s a rail quandary: Will
passengers go by rail or
will they travel by air?
kilometres an hour.
The route has always
seen fierce competition
but now with RENFE
offering tickets for
bookings 15 days in
advance of departure
for just over €30 one
way, the airlines have
responded by offering
own bargain fares.
Looking at a typical
journey in January, Air
Europa, Spanair and
Iberia are all offering
return journeys priced
at around €50, including all airport taxes.
Abelardo Jiménez,
RENFE’s boss of high
speed trains, said the
extra comfort, space
and facilities on board
the type S102 and S103
trains would bring a
new era for travel to
the Costa del Sol.
There will be up to
13 trains a day in each
direction, with RENFE
making 1.65 million
seats available per year,
compared with just
over one million now.
Señor Jiménez and
his southern area boss,
Magdalena Alonso, said
that the anticipation
of demand would bring
extra trains on Fridays
and Sundays.
“We have no doubt
that many more people
will see the train as a
more comfortable way
of travelling between
Málaga and Madrid,”
he said.
The official tourist
class AVE fare between
the two cities has been
set at €76 one way,
with a return priced at
Preferente Class is
approximately fifty per
cent more, while the
ultra-exclusive Club
class almost double the
basic fare.
NOW A-VEIL-ABLE: A Murcia company has
introduced the Islamic veil as part of their work
It means that from January the 850 workers at
Agromediterránea SCL can wear a plain white veil
if they so wish.
The preserves company employs as many as 150
Muslim workers, and it’s thought to be the first case
of its type where a Murcia company has changed
uniform regulations to accommodate the religious
customs of their workers.
President calls to strengthen
the relationships with Cuba
CANARY Islands president Paulino Rivero has called
for a strengthening of relations with Cuba after meeting with Cuban foreign minister Felipe Pérez Roque
in Havana.
The autonomous president Rivero pointed out the
Canary Islands has never interrupted its relations
with Cuba, and there are
more than 100 co-operation projects fostered by
the Canary Islands with
Cuba, and 11 in development.
“We want to keep and
strengthen our commitment to improve living
conditions by support of
the people of the Canary
Islands and their Cuban
descendents,” he said.
Friday, November 30, 2007
Show is
for the
King must
to me –
IN STORE: It may be
cold outside but the
sun will shine brightly on
Valencia when performers from the world-famous Cirque du Soleil
descend on the city.
International musicians, ballerinas,
actors and acrobats
will perform on a 46m
stage – the only one big
enough for them – in
front of huge IMAX cinema screens, projecting
films and holograms to
the crowd.
They hope their show,
called Delirium, will send
culture vultures into a
frenzy. It’s designed to
show humans’ quest to
find balance and peace
in a shifting world.
The show takes place
at the Feria complex
from December 13 – 16.
on eating
are shut
FOUR websites accused of
promoting anorexia and
bulimia as acceptable ways
to lose weight have been
shut down by Microsoft in
The offending blogs were
picked up by the Catalan
iternet quality control agency, Iqua. No specific details
of their content have been
It is the first time in Spain
that a company housing
internet sites has shut down
web pages seen to promote
eating disorders after complaints by the authorities.
Normally computer firms
only close websites after a
court order has been issued.
Blogs with tips on how
to become extremely thin,
aimed mainly at young girls,
have sprouted in cyberspace,
alarming health officials
who say they promote eating
In January, Spanish
authorities banned an
internet site dubbed “the
Porcelain Princesses”,
which planned to run a competition for young women
suffering from anorexia.
The contest offered points
to those reducing their calorie intake to a minimum,
with starvation rations of
50-150 calories a day worth
nine points, while a maximum 10 points was offered
for not eating all day.
Da Vinci mode
tops gong list
da Vinci
a self-portrait and
a picture,
left, to
the film
Oscars set to honour one of the world’s greatest painters
By Nick Hudson
SPAIN’S Oscars are set to
take a 500-year step back
in history – to honour one
of the world’s greatest
painters of all time.
Leonardo da Vinci, whose
brushes stroked the masterpieces The Mona Lisa and
The Last Supper, is the subject of the film Perpetuum
Mobile – being tipped for a
gong at the Goya Awards.
The movie, by Raquel
García-Ajofrín Virtus and
Enrique García Rodríguez,
is a favourite in the best animated short film nominees
for the awards.
The film tells the story of
a young Da Vinci and events
that motivated him.
Da Vinci was so interested
in realistic painting he dissected a human body to see
how it worked.
Apart from his masterpieces, he also was credited with
having created the designs for
the modern-day helicopter.
Silverspace used Maya
3D and Pixar’s Renderman
to make the film. It has
already received 12 award
nominations and has won
awards at the Independent
Film Festival of California,
L’Uovo de Napoli, the Las
Vegas International Film
Festival and the Oregon Da
Vinci Film Festival.
The film has also been
translated into 12 different
languages and was shown
at SIGGRAPH 2007 and the
Sitges Cinema Festival in
Cataluña, Spain.
The full nominees for the
section are: Perpetuum Mobile
by Raquel García-Ajofrín
Virtus and Enrique García
Rodríguez; Atención al cliente
by Marcos Valin and David
Alonso; El bufón y la infanta
by Juan Ramón Galiñanes
García; La flor más grande
del mundo by Juan Pablo
Etcheverry; Tadeo Jones y el
sótano maldito by Enrique
Gato Borregán.
APOLOGISE – or relations stay frozen.
That’s the message to
Spain from Venezuela
president Hugo Chávez.
He says there will be
no change until the
King apologises for his
now famous comment
‘¿Por qué no te callas?
– Why don’t you shut
up’, made at the IberoAmerican summit two
weeks ago.
Señor Chávez said
that King Juan Carlos
“must recognise that he
made a mistake.”
He said he was freezing relations because of
The king “has the
moral, human and
political obligation to
present his apology,”
he said, adding that he
was revising relations
with Spain, but then
also saying that he did
not want a conflict with
Spanish officials
sought clarification of
the remarks by Señor
Chávez that he was
“freezing” bilateral
The foreign ministry’s
top official for Latin
America, Trinidad
Jiménez, said she had
telephoned Venezuelan
Ambassador Alfredo
Toro and arranged to
“There have not been
any consequences in
diplomatic and economic relations,” she said.
Man badly hurt
in blaze protest
A SPANISH man set
fire to himself in a
desperate protest over
a separation from his
wife and children.
He returned to her
home to collect his
stuff, then poured petrol over his legs and
ignited it in the street.
Neighbours in the
Cañada de San Urbano
district of Almería City
managed to extinguish
the flames and rushed
him to hospital.
He is said to be in
a serious condition
in hospital, suffering
burns to 18 per cent of
his body.
Friday, November 30, 2007
Sienta turns Santa
for Christmas hair
SPANISH designers have dreamt up an original way
of giving people a hair-py Christmas.
They’ve found a way to transform lacklustre locks
into a Come-look-at-me Christmas tree.
But models don’t look like they’ve been dragged
through a hedge backwards.
The creation takes hours of work, as well as wires,
spraypaint and lacquer.
It’s the brainchild of Sienta La Cabeza – a group of
skilled hair artists who create new styles in an eyecatching way, like a performance.
Fafa Franco, founder of the Barcelona group,
which includes a sculptor and a musician, rolled out
the new look in Hong Kong.
She said her work is designed to make people feel
good about themselves, and to stand out in a crowd.
Work on Big Brother
project at standstill
SPAIN is being blocked from playing a key role in a
Big Brother is Watching You scheme being developed
in Europe, insiders claim.
Space scientists are working on Galileo – a mutli
million euro satellite project where individuals can be
tracked to within one metre of their exact location.
But politicians in Germany and Italy are seeking to
prevent Spain from taking a key role in the project, led
by the European Commission, according to a report by
the ministry of public works.
The document is dated several months ago, but is
still thought to be a sore point.
Work on Galileo has stalled as cost over-runs piled
up, private contractors bickered and member nations
pushed their own industrial interests. The 2008 launch
date is now been put back to 2013.
I’m part of a very special species, says former prime
minister who ‘always kept his promises’ before polling
SPAIN’S former prime
minister José María
Aznar has spoken of
being in a small, select
group of world leaders.
The country’s ex-political leader told a university audience in Brazil
that he was part of a
“strange species”.
Aznar said he was odd
in politics as he had kept
his promises ahead of
being re-elected – such
as retiring after his second term of office.
TWO goods trains – one carrying dangerous
solvents – crashed 80 metres from homes near
Alcalá de Henares in Madrid.
One of the trains did hit a local school building –
but luckily no-one was hurt in the incident. Classes
at the Doctora Alcalá centre were cancelled.
Six wagons in all came off the tracks, and two
were carrying dangerous substances of solvent
and oxygenated water.
Game claims 3rd death
A POST-MORTEM will be carried out on the body of
a Spanish student who dropped dead playing basketball in Ireland.
He is the third student to die in similar circumstances within six months.
His parents were due to travel from Valencia to The
Emerald Isle on Wednesday.
The incident took place at the Athlone Institute of
Technology, County Westmeath, on Tuesday night.
Please send this gift BACK
IT’S a gift with a twist – a bag given to clients who
spent more than €24 on Yves Rocher products is being
recalled, because it contains toxic metal.
Yves Rocher said the bag it has given to clients as a
promotional item should be returned as it contains
cadmium. Several European countries, including
Spain, are affected.
us’, he said, ‘and we
have the right to defend
Calling himself a
friend of Israel, Aznar
said that he liked to
express himself and that
now there were so many
“light and decaffeinated”
“We can be tolerant,
but with the pre-requisite of having ideas”,
he told the Bar-Ullan
University of Israel in
Sao Paulo.
José María
7 in heaven but
most miss treat
Tourist freebie gets a
‘no-show’ response as
holiday chiefs worry
about Tenerife appeal
Colin Kirby
Tenerife had to cancel a
lavish three-day jolly for
British travel agents after
almost 1,300 showed no
interest in attending.
“I didn’t lose the elections, I wasn’t sacked,
there was no political
judgement, I went voluntarily,’ he said boldly.
He claimed that put
him into a small select
group in history.
Aznar defended the
entry of countries such
as Israel, Australia and
Japan into NATO saying
that global threats needed global responses.
“A radical part of the
world wants to eliminate
They were promised free
accommodation in five-star
hotels, meals, transport,
entertainment and adventurous activities – but only
seven took up the offer.
Now serious questions are
being asked about how to
promote Tenerife and curb
falling visitor numbers.
The Canary Islands are the
only region of Spain to show
a drop in foreign tourists for
the first 10 months of this
In an attempt to generate
more interest, the Tenerife
Tourism Corporation coordinated a comprehensive
programme prior to a convention by ABTA.
Bosses offered British travel agents a complimentary
four-night stay at the 5
star Botanico and others
such as the Florida, Puerto
Palace and Sol.
The programme also
included the chance to
go paragliding, ride in
antique carriages and
visit many leading attractions in the Puerto de la
Cruz and Orotavo Valley
But only seven – 143
short of expectations –
signed up. They have now
been promised a sole trip
through its national park.
Business and tourism
leaders said they were disappointed, blaming a bad
image and poor transport
to the North of Tenerife.
A spokesman for ABTA
blamed a lack of time – as
members had already committed to three days.
The ABTA Convention
took place this week at the
Magma Congress Centre
in Tenerife South.
New figures show the
British and German tourism markets are falling
away, with foreign tourist
numbers down 240,500.
LIFE’S a beach on the Costa Blanca after it overtook
the Balearic Islands and the Canaries as the main
tourist destination for Spaniards last month.
More than 153,000 people chose hotels on the Alicante
coast for a holiday break by the sea in October.
Numbers from the National Statistics Institute also put
the province ahead of other popular destinations such as
the Costa del Sol and the Costa Daurada.
It follows high numbers reported this summer, when
600,000 Spaniards spent their holidays on the Costa
Blanca in July and August, with figures reported to be
greater than those for hotels in Madrid and Barcelona
Benidorm was the most popular destination on the
Alicante coast with Spaniards last month.
Spain aids after bomb blast
INDIA’S cultural capital of
Varanasi is to get a Spanish
makeover after it was rocked
by three bomb blasts which
killed 11 people.
The Andalucian government, and Unesco, will fund
the project through the network of Indian Cities of Living Heritage, which provides
technical support.
“Andalucía has always
been interested in cross-cultural dialogue. Like Varanasi, it has a rich history
and many influences,” said
a Unesco spokesperson.
“These two places have a lot
in common.”
The Andalucian govern-
ment will also lend expertise
on monuments and management and prepare a master
plan for the restoration.
“We have provided technical help to Morocco and Ecuador before,” said Gaspar
Zarrias, the vice-president
of the regional government
of Andalucía.
In the heart
of India
Friday, November 30, 2007
anger at
civil war
Woman has half
her ear cut off
A WOMAN had half her
ear cut off during a violent street fight in the centre of Málaga.
The 51-year-old
Senagalese had been in a
long-running dispute with
her attackers, who were of
the same nationality.
One of the culprits was
arrested by police, but the
other, her partner, fled the
scene. The missing part of
her ear could not be found.
Quarry is the
hardest word!
of destroying animal and
plant life with an illegal
quarry faces two years in
jail and a €150,000 fine.
The Formentera man
claims he closed the
quarry in 2001 when
approached by Guardia
Civil but re-opened when
the mayor said the island
would be without sand.
Players are invited
to rewrite history
By Susie Carter
A COMPUTER game that
invites players to rewrite
the history of Spain’s
devastating civil war has
prompted outcry among
grieving families.
Why booking is
not hard to do
PLENTY of room – hotel
occupancy in Spain fell 1.4
per cent to 53.8 per cent
in October from a year
The National Statistics
Institute said hotel prices
grew 1.7 per cent year-onyear.
DIG THIS: A group is shown the latest excavation work undertaken by archaeologists
in the last year in the ancient Roman city of Iesso in Guissona
Shadows of War went on
sale in the same week as protests against the leader of
the conflict Francisco Franco
and a new law to banish his
image and name from public
Immediately, relatives of
those killed in the conflict
accused manufacturers of
trivialising the war.
Carlota Leret, whose father,
Virgilio Leret Ruiz, was executed at the beginning of the
war by troops loyal to Franco
said: “It will not serve to help
reconstruct our historical
memory, but to render death,
tyranny and violence banal.”
Players join either the
nationalist or republican
teams in order to change the
outcome of the war. They
manage limited supplies of
food and gold and battle with
50 military units.
Friday, November 30, 2007
the big feature el gran reportaje
SPECIAL REPORT by Susie Carter and Jayne Lovett
AS Vegas was known as Sin City for a reason... sex,
gambling, boozing. Just ask Britney Spears – who married a friend, and was forced to get it annulled days
Now, in a move that will cause waves of delight – and horror – a BIGGER version will be built in the desert in Northern Spain.
The world’s biggest leisure park – comprising 32 hotels, casinos, golf
courses, a hippodrome, bullring and five theme parks will be created in a
€12.2 BILLION project, creating 30,000 jobs.
Among the attractions will be a James Bond-style Spyworld – designed
to showcase the breath-taking plots,
as well as gadgets and gizmos used in
real-life crime cases. Backers plan to
invite Daniel Craig and Eva Green,
stars of Casino Royale, the latest Bond
film, to bring a touch of glamour to
the project.
And in a move that will be music to
Britney’s ears, the park, named Gran
Scala, could also feature authentic
wedding chapels.
It’s party time for developers and
gamblers but environmental groups
say it’s a recipe for disaster.
It’s earmarked for the desert of Monegros, Navarra – one of the hottest,
driest areas of Spain, which already
suffers from a serious shortage of
And the leisure park has re-ignited
a heated row about supply, which has
been debated in and out of the European courts for almost a decade.
So, just who are the winners and losers in Gran Scala?
Spain gets the
biggest leisure
park in the WORLD
The project, which will dwarf Disneyland Paris, will channel billions of
euros into the Aragón Valley.
Its hostile, undeveloped terrain is
unsuitable for almost every kind of
development – but perfect for a development of this size.
It offers a once-in-a-lifetime chance
to create 30,000 desperately-needed
new jobs.
And the site is sustainable. It is a
stone’s throw from the airport in Zaragoza – which will also soon be home to
a high-speed rail link to Madrid. And
it’s in a strategic position between
Spain’s three biggest cities – Madrid,
Barcelona and Valencia.
Backers are planning to invite Bond stars Daniel Craig
(the special agent himself) and Casino Royale actress Eva Green, above
The project is the brainchild of International Leisure Development
(ILD), a London-based consortium
comprising 12 companies from the
UK, America, Australia and France.
A spokesman for ILD said: “We want
to create a mixture of Las Vegas and
Orlando. “The aim is to combine the
best of both towns – leisure with play
and culture with spectaculars. It will
be something totally new.
“We could create something in Dubai or China, but who is going to go
there? Spain is a country with 60 million tourists, on top of which there’s
the local population and the people
who would travel to Aragón purely
for the Gran Scala.”
Bosses say the attraction could be a
major draw for millions of Brits – especially after plans for super casinos
were set back by Gordon Brown.
Friday, November 30, 2007
Park leaves bad
taste in mouth in
divertionary tactic
SUPPORT for the sprawling
theme park has restarted
a political tug-of-war about
how water from the Ebro River
should be used.
The provinces of Valencia,
Murcia and Aragón reached
such a deadlock they had to
face each other in the European
Desperately short of water and
losing staple industries of agriculture, tourism and construction, Valencia and Murcia begged
Aragón to help by diverting their
But bosses from Aragón said
no, claiming it would only be
used for commercial gain – such
as golf courses and leisure
So it leaves a bad taste in the
mouth when Aragón diverts its
supply for the world’s biggest
theme park.
Greenpeace spokesman Julio
Barea, who is responsible for the
charity’s water campaign, said:
“The paradox is that Aragón is
one of the regions that fought
hardest against the diversion of
the river Ebro, Spain’s longest
river. They were totally against
the Valencia region and Murcia
receiving any benefit from a possible diversion, arguing those
places only wanted the water for
urbanisations and golf courses.
“And now look. They have
double standards. They don’t
want anyone else to have the
water but it’s different when it
comes to them.”
Señor Barea also argued that
the park is so big, it could become a large-scale white elephant.
“The developers need look no
further than the Warner Brothers
theme park in Madrid. It has no
visitors and is not a successful
business. It has also been built
in a hot, dry area.”
Adolfo Barrena, a left-wing
deputy in the opposition in
Aragón, is fighting the development. He said: “Once again we
are seeing that the local government is on the side of private
developers instead of the needs
of local people.”
will contain 80 per cent less water,
which includes the river Ebro. And
that’s without projects like these.
“Gran Scala is simply not a solution and will cause more problems.”
GREENPEACE has already dubbed
the park Gran Scandal.
The Aragón Valley is one of the
hottest, driest places in Spain – and
already suffers from a crippling shor-
tage of water.
That’s without the huge demand
created by an aqua park, lawns, restaurants and services.
The commercial park would plunder
water from the River Ebro – the longest in Spain. And it would channel in
hundreds of thousands of cars, disturbing the natural environment.
A spokesman for Greenpeace said:
“Gran Escala is like a get-rich-quickscheme, where financial considerations have taken precedence over
everything else.
“The sustainable development of an
area is not achieved by misusing or exploiting its natural resources.
“Globally, Spain is one of the countries most affected by climatic change
and a lack of water.
By the summer of 2050, the rivers
CHRISTMAS came early for the Aragón government, which approved
plans for Gran Scala.
José Ángel Biel, vice president, appealed for negative media coverage
to be silenced and said: “There are
other countries and other regions
who would be delighted to be involved with the project, so don’t let’s
make it easy for them.
“This is a project of extraordinary
character and enormous magnitude
and importance. It has strong financial backing. And it is a wholly private venture”.
Next year Zaragoza will host Expo
2008, a world fair with an ecological
theme that has attracted contributions from 95 countries. Biel said
“Gran Scala is 12 times bigger than
the Expo in terms of investment”.
Señor Biel said central government
would be co-operative in the scheme. “There won’t be any problem in
terms of giving a helping hand and
improving the infrastructure, ”but
he denied there was an urbanisation
project behind it all.
It sounds extraordinarily ambitious, to say the least: the casinos will
cover the sweep of history, featuring
cavemen croupiers, Roman centurions or courtiers from the time of
France’s Louis XIV – not to mention
agents of the KGB.
● SPAIN’S love of gambling just got
deeper as an international poker
website launched a Spanish-language version.
Sean Jones, a spokesman for Poker
Source Online said: “We want to acknowledge... the 300 million native
Spanish speakers. Spanish is the
third most used language on the Internet.”
Friday, November 30, 2007
PROGRESSIVE metallers Symphony X have been
confirmed for Granada’s rescheduled Atarfe Vega
Rock festival.
March 7-8, 2008, are the dates and the Coliseo Ciudad
Atarfe, in Atarfe, the setting for the fest.
Billing is as follows: Destruction, Exciter, Grave
Digger, Katatonia, Korpiklaani, Kotipelto, Mayhem, My
Dying Bride, Symphony X, Tribal and Unleashed.
It’s back to the
country for our
fashion icon
C a r o l i n e
exchanged her favourite Chanel for a warm
jacket and scarf to
keep a long-standing
date with the Spanish
Her parents Grace Kelly
and Prince Rainier, first
stayed in Cáceres as guests
of Fernando Díaz de
Bustamente in 1975. Now a
Grimaldi family tradition,
Caroline brought along
her husband, Ernest of
country look, Monaco’s first
Princess remained the
epitomy of elegance. An
excellent shot, she didn’t
come to shoot partridge,
as on previous occasions,
but to relax and enjoy the
Javier and the case of a bad-hair scare day
SPANISH heart-throb actor
Javier Bardem, above, had
a bad hair day for his latest role
– and ended up looking the
spitting image of aging Rolling
Stones drummer Charlie Watts,
inset top, and dead British actor
Oliver Reed, inset bottom.
Bardem had the Dumb and
Dumber-like cut to play psychopathic murderer Anton Chigurh
in No Country For Old Men, the
chilling Coen brothers adaptation of the Cormac McCarthy
novel of the same name.
And he says it was the bad hair
day that enabled him to put in
such a good performance.
For it was the haircut, he says,
that helped him find the character. Bardem claims no credit for
it, saying it was the production’s
hairdresser who suggested the
Prince Valiant-like cut.
Bardem told his agent years
ago that he wanted to work with
the Coen brothers.
“And he told me, that’s not
going to happen, ever. And truly,
truly, that’s what I most wanted.
But I’m from Spain, so that could
never happen.
“And then they called. And I
didn’t believe at first. And then I
read the material, the script and
I thought, no I can’t do this. But
then I read the novel and I talk to
them and they explained the themes. And so here I am,” he says.
Bardem, born in the Canary
Islands and raised in Madrid, has
acting in his blood. He’s part of
a third generation of actors.
Both older siblings, Carlos
and Mónica Bardem, act. His
uncle, Juan Antonio Bardem, is
a screenwriter and director. His
mother, Pilar, is a well-known
actress as was his grandfather,
Rafael Bardem.
But his mother, he says, endured long periods without work
and, at times, was employed as a
cleaning lady.
COUNTRY GIRL: Princess Caroline kept a
long-standing date with Spain’s countryside
Chance to see Celine Why soul queen Gloria
SINGING sensation Celine
Dion has announced a world tour
– and two of the
dates are in Spain.
A ticket in the
seated category for
the Taking Chances
tour in the Palau
Sant Jordi stadium
in Barcelona on
July 11 next year
will cost almost
The other
Spanish venue
is the Palacio
De Deportes de
la Comunidad,
Madrid, two days
The Taking
Chances tour, organised to support
the Taking Chances
album is a year
long and will visit
five continents in
85 cities.
never can say goodbye
PROVING she never can say
goodbye, Gloria Gaynor is
saying a big hello to Valencia
over the Christmas holiday.
The star will be belting out
her famous philosophy of
survival at the city’s Palau de
la Música on December 29.
Reach out and she’ll be
there – the soul queen will
be centre stage two days after
Lucie Silva who kicks off
the city of Valencia’s first
Winter Festival two days
after Christmas.
Silvas, born in Surrey but
brought up in New Zealand,
was a backing vocalist for
ex-Take That vocalist Gary
Barlow and singer-songwriter Judie Tzuke.
In 2000, Lucie signed to
recorded an album, entitled
Forget Me Not. We haven’t
and Valencia won’t either.
Meanwhile, fans of the
glamorous Latin American
singer María Dolores Pradera
can enjoy her popular touch
on January 4.
A high note of the festival is the eagerly awaited
appearance of the Boys
from the choir or Los Chicos
del Coro. They will be singing at Valencia’s Palacio de
Congresos on January 19.
Originally a French film, it
enjoyed a runaway success
compared with the Harry
Potter boom in the UK. Now
the boys will perform in person.
Spanish actress and singer Ana Belén ends the festival back at the Palau, on
February 6 with a review of
all her much loved hits.
Ticket prices vary from
between €20 and €72. They
can be obtained directly from
the Palau de la Música and
“It gave me great respect for
the profession,” he says, “and
taught me that when you do
have a chance to work break
your back because you are
showing respect to all the actors
who are not working.”
A member of the Spanish
national rugby team before he
turned to acting (“I had to stop
because I kept breaking my
bones”), Bardem describes himself as “a pain-in-the-ass kind of
“He says the Coen brothers’
approach was completely different from that of the film he had
just finished shooting, Vicky
Cristina Barcelona, in Spain
with Woody Allen and Scarlett
“That was very intense,” he
says. “No rehearsals. Two takes.”
Bardem is also starring in the
soon-to-be-released film adaptation of Gabriel García Márquez’s
Love In the Time of Cholera.
Friday, November 30, 2007
Why sexy
just porn
to be wild
HE’S Spain’s sexiest siren – and now she’s
about to get even hotter. Penélope Cruz and
her sister Mónica will play porn stars in a
music video.
prove Paz’s
best friend
DIAMONDS are a girl’s best
friend as this stunning nude
photo-shoot of Spanish actress Paz
Vega proves.
But maybe the old adage also
rings true for the lucky lad who had
the job of placing 6,000 glittering
gems on her naked body one by
Vega, 31, spent 14 HOURS motionless for the session.
It was the first time she had bared
all since her pregnancy – and she
certainly did it in style.
The image is on the front cover of
the Christmas edition of Elle – only
15,000 copies are on sale.
More news on Paz. She is starring
in a new romantic comedy called
The Human Contract. The sitcom
actress shot to fame in Sex and
Lucía, described in a BBC review
as erotic and inventive. Her onscreen charm has made her one
of the stars of European cinema.
In this film the free-spirited Vega
introduces a businessman, played
by actor Jason Clarke, to the joy of
reckless love.
Shooting has just begun on the
movie which is directed by Will
Smith’s wife, Jade Pinkett-Smith.
But there won’t be a lucky male accomplice – as they’re
only doing the shoot for their BROTHER, Eduardo, who is
recording an album called ‘Cosas Que Contar.’
But it’ll give Penélope herself some good singing training.
ordered to quit
smoking so she’s
ready to exercise
her vocal chords for
her next film, Nine,
starring Catherine
Sophia Loren.
It’s not the first
time Penélope – a
Golden Globe and
Academy Awardnominated actress
– has worked with
her sister.
The duo designed
a 25-piece collection
for the Barcelonabased fashion chain
Mango in May, 2007.
seems even movie
icons are in awe of
La Cruz.
Johansson, not a
herself, has claimed
that the film director Woody Allen
turned into a “stammering idiot” in
the presence of the
Madrid actress.
Woody was so
taken by the beauty
of Penélope Cruz when they
were working together over
the summer on the film Vicky
Cristina Barcelona that he
just went to jelly.
Scarlett said: “Without any
doubt Woody was incredibly
in love with her. He would
say something like ‘Uh, Uh,
Uh, P- Penélope”.
The film was shot in
Barcelona, Oviedo and New
York and opens on September
19 next year.
Friday, November 30, 2007
world news noticias del mundo
Fork handles? This sketch will fetch a fork-tune!
IT’S one of the Two Ronnies’ best
known sketches and now the original script could fetch its owner
€120,000 when it goes to auction.
The handwritten script for the
Fork Handles sketch was written by
Ronnie Barker in the 1970s on four
sides of A4 lined paper in red ink
under his pseudonym Gerald Wiley.
The script first came to light in
2006 on BBC One’s The Antiques
The sketch features Ronnie Corbett
as a shopkeeper who becomes irritated by workman Ronnie Barker
with his requests for items with double meanings.
It includes the classic opener
where Corbett produces four candles when Barker insists he actually
wanted fork handles.
The privately-owned script was
taken to Ronnie Corbett, who confirmed its authenticity.
“It was quite sweet for me to see
his handwriting again,” he said.
Barker died in 2005.
If US attacks Iran,
heaven help us!
It would be a bad day for all concerned, says Sheik
By Charles Barrington
15 people dead
in bomb blast
TWO suspected suicide blasts
have killed at least 15 people
and injured others in the
Pakistani garrison city of
One explosion hit a bus carrying security forces, killing
at least 15 people. Another
left officers badly wounded at
an army checkpoint.
There have been a number
of suicide bombings in
Pakistan in recent months,
including an attack that left
at least 135 people dead in
Karachi last month.
This is the third recent
strike on Rawalpindi.
MAKE a date with us and test your memory to
see if you remember these important milestones in our new “lunch-time” look at history in THIS
WEEK over the last century.
November 30
The Trade Descriptions Act made it a
crime for a trader to knowingly sell an
item with a misleading label or description.
Almost 1,000 people were forced to
abandon a luxury cruise ship in the
Indian Ocean after it caught fire. The Achille Lauro
– which made headlines in 1985 when it was hijacked by Palestinian guerrillas – was sailing 50 miles
off the Somali coast when the fire started.
December 1
A black woman was arrested by poli1955
ce in Montgomery, Alabama, after
refusing to give up her seat on the bus to a white
Guinness shares plunged by £300m
after the government ordered an
inquiry into the affairs of the company.
Construction workers drilled through
the final wall of rock to join the two
halves of the Channel Tunnel and link Britain to
France. The momentous breakthrough linked the
UK to Europe for the first time since the Ice Age,
about 8,000 years ago.
December 2
The United States Senate censured
Republican Senator Joseph McCarthy
for conduct unbecoming a senator. The vote was
67 to 22, with all the Democrats and about half the
Republicans voting against him.
Security police in South Africa were
exonerated of any blame in the death
of black leader Steve Biko, who died while in
Former futures trader Nick Leeson
was jailed for six-and-a-half years
for his part in the collapse of Britain’s oldest merchant bank. The 28-year-old admitted to a judge
in Singapore two charges of fraud connected with
Barings Bank’s €1290m ruin.
IF the United States attac
ks Iran, then heaven help
us all.
These are the words of Sheik
Ahmed Zaki Yamani in an
assessment of the world today
made for the Royal Elcano
Institute in Madrid.
The Sheik, who was Saudi oil
minister for more than twentyfive years, said that he thought
if the United States were to
intervene militarily against
Iran in order to destroy the
nuclear installations, Iran
would in all probability try to
close the Straits of Hormuz,
which would lead to oil prices
rising above all known levels.
The first countries to suffer
from this would be China and
India, as a great deal of their
industry depends on petroleum products, but it would not
be too long before the United
States started to feel the effects
as well.
In his opinion, Germany and
the United Kingdom have sufficient reserves to ward off price
rises for a short time, but the
same cannot be said of other
European countries.
An American soldier
with some
children in
Bayji, Iraq
December 3
Hundreds of people died from the
effects of toxic gases which leaked
from a chemical factory near the central Indian
city of Bhopal. The accident happened in the early
hours of the morning at the American-owned
Union Carbide Pesticide Plant.
Health minister Edwina Currie provoked outrage by saying most of
Britain’s egg production was infected with the salmonella bacteria.
December 4
Women wishing to have oral con1961
traception were able to get it on the
National Health Service. The health minister, Enoch
The Sheik, who has lived in
London for many years, and
was at one time held hostage by
the terrorist Carlos in Vienna,
also stated that he does not
usually pay attention or read
any of the statements made by
Venezuelan strongman Hugo
Chávez, but in this instance
did agree with him that a barrel of oil could rise to a value
of €134 if the United States did
invade Iran.
The Sheik also voiced the
Imagine it’s a budgie!
FROM me to you!
An image originally
used in Beatle John
Lennon’s book, A
Spaniard in the
Works, is going on
sale this Christmas,
Oxfam said.
The yellow Fat
Budgie picture
– first used on the
charity’s cards during Beatlemania
in 1965 – will be
reprinted for the
first time with Yoko
Ono’s permission.
The cards will be
sold in limited edition packs of 10 for
opinion that several countries
are now well on the way to
producing alternative energy
sources, but this has been offset by the tremendous demand
from developing countries, currently led by China and India.
Chirac to face
a court case
FORMER French president
Jacques Chirac has been
accused of diverting public
funds when he was mayor of
It is the first time a French
former head of state has
been part of a court action.
Mr Chirac said he had
never sought personal
enrichment, however the
prosecutor believes the
former president played a
key role in setting up false
pay packets under which
several members of the RPR
Party received a benefit from
Paris Town Hall.
Powell, made an announcement in the House of
Commons but did not give any guidelines as to
whom the pill should be given.
Benjamin Britten, considered to be
Britain’s leading composer, died aged
63. He had been fighting ill health since a heart
operation in 1973. Mr Britten died at his home, in
Aldeburgh, in Suffolk.
December 5
Administrators were called in to try to
salvage the Maxwell business empire,
which was at least €1.5bn in debt. Two sons of
the late business tycoon Robert Maxwell, Kevin
and Ian, called in administrators from accountants
Arthur Andersen as the enormity of their father’s
financial difficulties emerged. Mirror Group
Newspapers revealed Mr Maxwell, who died a
month ago, removed €475m from its pension fund
in the weeks before his death apparently without
proper authority.
December 6
Three armed IRA men on the run
from police burst into a flat in central
London and took at least two people hostage.
Officers sealed off the corner of Dorset Square
and Balcombe Street, in Marylebone.
The first heart and lung transplant
operation to be performed in Britain
was successfully carried out. Swedish journalist,
Lars Ljungberg, underwent the transplant receiving the organs of a woman from the south of
England who had died the day before.
Friday, November 30, 2007
Briefing A fondo
Service to
help new
mums to
give birth
A LIFELINE has been
thrown to expectant mums,
who were forced to adopt
uncomfortable positions in
impersonal surroundings
in order to give birth.
The Spanish government
is channelling millions of
euros into improving its
‘behind-the-times’ maternity care.
Many women are still
obliged to give birth with
their legs in stirrups. Gas
and air is rarely offered,
nor are TENS machines
which administer pain
relief. There is limited
access to birthing pools
and only one milk bank,
where mothers donate
breast milk for ill and premature babies, in Spain.
Now health bosses are
unveiling a “Strategy for
Normal Birth” – aimed at
giving women more choice
and control over how they
give birth.
Spain also has the highest
number of caesarean sections in Europe. Statistics
show 23-40 per cent of all
births are by caesarean,
while the average for the
rest of Europe is about 17
per cent.
Getting a boost
from chocolate
CHOCS away! A environmentally-friendly pair of
adventurers have set off on
an unusual 7,200-kilometre road trip – which will
take them through Spain
–in a truck fuelled by
The route of UK pair
Andy Pag and John
Grimshaw will take them
by ferry across to France,
before they continue
their chocolate-powered
journey via Spain, across
the Straits of Gibraltar
and through Morocco and
Mauritania to Mali.
The trip is expected to
take three weeks and will
be powered by 2,000 litres
of bio-diesel made from
4,000 kilograms of chocolate. They also have a small
processing unit on board
which can convert waste
oil products into fuel.
Although the fuel is
chocolate-based, it will
not provide an emergency
snack – it is made from
cocoa butter extracted from
waste chocolate.
Science cash joy
THE winds
of change
are set to take
place in Hungary,
where Spanish
firm Iberdrola is to
build a €225m wind
power plant.
The power plant
– with a capacity
of 27 megawatts
and consisting of
13 towers – will be
built next spring
in Ikervár, Zala
SPANISH science is set for a slice of a €4bn grant programme from the European Research Council.
The Advanced Grants scheme, seen as exceptional
by researchers, is envisaged as the flagship funding
programme of the ERC through to 2013.
The programme will dispense about two-thirds
of the budget of the ERC, whose sole focus is “blue
skies” study.
It will operate alongside the already established
ERC Starting Grant scheme targeted at emerging scientific talent.
The ERC Starting Grant scheme received more than
9,000 grant applications in its first year and the process of selecting the winners will be finalised over the
next few weeks.
The ERC is a pan-European funding agency set up
solely for frontier research. It runs under the EU’s
new Seventh Framework Programme.
It was established after scientists warned that
Europe faced a “brain drain” if it did not fulfil promises to boost its knowledge-based economy.
It’s an English classic!
A shortage of
child carers
in classroom
Now parents
may get the
call to help
By Samantha Kett
THOUSANDS of working
parents could be called into
school to change their children’s clothes if they wet
themselves, due to a drastic
shortage of child carers.
Mum and dad could be
dragged out of the office to
deal with routine mishaps
in children aged three to six
– including cuts and bruises,
sickness and wet pants.
Over-stretched teachers are
unable to leave classes unattended to deal with minor mishaps and there are not enough
assistants in Alicante province.
But the education authority
says addressing the problem is
“not a priority,” as new nursery staff will be drafted in, in
Valencian government said:
“At this age, children tend not
to urinate or defecate on themselves anyway.”
Now the Federación de
Asociaciones de Padres de
Alumnos (Association of
Parents and Teachers) has hit
out at the situation – claiming it is impossible to combine
work with school runs to clean
up after their kids.
A spokesman for FAPA said:
“Nowadays, almost all couples
work because they have to. It’s
really difficult for them to drop
everything and do the schoolrun. If the teacher won’t do
it, and the parent can’t come
to the school, well maybe the
child has to spend the whole
day in wet, dirty clothing.”
Members of FAPA have been
campaigning for years for
extra classroom assistants to
help with basic child care.
But regional and central governments have only drafted
them into special cases – such
as classes with a high number
of pupils with disabilities or
learning difficulties.
Now local education authorities in Mutxamel, Petrer, San
Miguel de Salinas, Aspe, Elche,
Benimantell and Alicante city
are considering forking out for
their own school nurses.
A RADICAL move means pupils in three Spanish
provinces could be forced to take Educación de la
Ciudadanía in ENGLISH.
Pundits in the Comunitat Valenciana says it’s a
decision roughly similar to teaching an entire subject
in a UK school in French or German.
While regional president Francisco Camps supports
the idea, saying “English is the main driving language in the world,” he forgets that not all children
have a head for languages.
This means those who struggle with English will
not gain the benefit of this important key subject.
It might help them to see English as a living
language and not just exercises in a textbook, but
Educación de la Ciudadanía contains vital messages that should not be lost in translation, says one
Valencia teacher.
MILLIONS of young
Spanish people
could damage their
future careers with the
details about themselves they post on social
networking websites, a
survey has warned.
The study found
more than half of those
asked made most of
their information public.
Some 71 per cent of
2,000 14 to 21-yearolds said they would
not want colleges or
employers to do a web
search on them before they had removed
some material.
And young people
could be putting themselves at risk of identity fraud because of
the material they post
on social networks
such as Facebook and
The survey found
that two thirds of those
questioned accepted as
friends on such websites people they did not
even know.
Some 60 per cent
posted their date of
birth, a quarter put
their job title and
almost one in 10 gave
home addresses.
“We have to help teenagers wise up to every
aspect of the internet
age they’re living
in,”said David Smith, a
spokesman for the watchdog which carried
out the survey.
Virus may be linked
EVIDENCE is building that the cold sore virus may
be linked to Alzheimer’s disease.
Scientists have discovered that In lab tests, brains
infected with the herpes simplex virus, HSV-1, saw a
rise in a protein linked to Alzheimer’s.
And they believe the discovery could pave the way
for a vaccine that may help prevent the brain disorder, although such a breakthrough is a long way off.
Friday, November 30, 2007
your money tu dinero
Deal appeal as
pressure takes
its toll on firms
and they split
THE stakes are high as rival tollroad firms have ended a five year
Spanish firm Abertis has
acquired 4.58 per cent of its
smaller Portuguese rival Brisa,
bringing its stake up to 14.58 per
Brisa has taken umbrage at the
larger firm’s stakebuilding, saying it had ended its partnership
with Abertis because it had not
told Brisa’s management about
its share purchases.
Abertis hit back, saying it had
informed Brisa’s management
of the stake buy, although it was
not obliged to because the percentage shareholding did not
cross any significant threshold.
The Spanish firm added it had
not had a working partnership
with Brisa since December 2005.
The stakebuilding in the Portuguese firm comes at a time of
waning management support
for a revival of a €14bn shelved
merger with Italian toll-road
firm Atlanta.
Abertis said last month it was
less willing to push forward with
the deal, which was put on ice
last December with both companies blaming Italy for throwing
up obstacles to the merger.
Phone company in
call to probe rivals
SPANISH phone company Telefónica has asked
Mexico’s anti-trust agency to investigate rivals
Telmex and Telcel for possible anti-competitive practices.
Telefónica Mexico wants regulators to force the two
firms to connect rivals to their networks on non-discriminatory terms, and put an end to anti-competitive
practices such as Telcel offering calls between its
clients at prices below what it charges rivals to terminate calls made by their clients on its network.
Firm achieves net
profit of €10.04m
THREE cheers – Spanish-based La Seda de Barcelona
has achieved a net profit of €10.04m, nearly tripling
last year’s earnings.
Oman Oil Company, the Omani-government-owned
overseas energy investment vehicle, has a six per cent
equity shareholding in La Seda. The company – which
supplies polyester-based chemicals and materials
– has substantially increased its annual turnover, currently €963m.
SPANISH finance
minister Pedro
Solbes has said he
TOLL YOU SO: The impressive headquarters of Abertis, which has acquired a
4.58 per cent in its smaller Portuguese rival Bruisa. The two sides are not talking
That’s rich for
Zara’s Ortega
Profits down this year but firm made €1.4m
By Charles Barrington
SPAIN’S richest man,
Amancio Ortega, will be
keeping his eye on the fortunes of Zara in Ireland.
Ortega, who is also
ranked as the eighth
wealthiest man in the
world, heads Zara’s parent company, Inditex.
Although Zara’s turnover in
Ireland this year was about 30
per cent higher than 2006, the
company’s profits are down
about a fifth.
Zara, which opened its first
store in Ireland about four
years ago, made profits of
about €1.4m this year, com-
pared to €1.7m in 2006. This
could be due to rising staff
costs at Zara’s Irish wing, ZA
Clothing Ireland.
The company now employs
245 staff – up from 220 last
year, according to accounts
just filed. At €7m, staff costs
this year were about 25 per
cent higher than last year.
But Ortega might take
some comfort from the latest
consumer spending figures,
which show that the Irish
continue to spend freely.
Although Irish consumer
sentiment hit a four-year
low last July, retail sales
increased by 7.1 per cent in
the first nine months of this
Spain’s richest
man, Amancio
Ortega, who will
be keeping his
eye on Zara in
intends to remain in
his post if the current
Socialist government is
re-elected in the March
general election.
“My answer is yes,” he
said, after being asked
about earlier reports
about his plans.
In opinion polls, Solbes
regularly scores as one
of the most popular
members of the current
Solbes, a former
European Union commissioner, has served as
finance minister since
José Luis Rodríguez
Zapatero was elected
president in 2004.
He was also briefly
in the post in the mid1990s, under previous
prime minister Felipe
The best of health
FRESENIUS’S clinical nutrition unit Fresenius Kabi
has agreed to buy Nestle’s nutrition businesses in
Spain and France.
The companies agreed not to disclose financial
details of the transaction, which is expected to be
finalised this year.
The European Commission made the sale a condition of Nestle’s acquisition of the worldwide clinical
nutrition business of Novartis.
€55m refinery order
IN the money – technical services provider Imtech has
won a €55m order to expand oil producer Cepsa’s ‘La
Rábida’ refinery in Huelva.
As a result of this expansion, the production capacity of Cepsa will be doubled to about 10 million tonnes
of ready-to-use diesel products per year.
SPANISH industrial prices rose 0.9 per cent from the
prior month in October.
The industrial price index moved up 0.3 per cent in
September. On a yearly basis, industrial prices climbed
4.7 per cent, larger than the 3.4 per cent rise in the
previous month.
Friday, November 30, 2007
business & economy economía
Airbus deal
taking off
Moving SEAT
up the gears
TAKING off – that’s
Airbus, which has just
sold 160 planes to China
for €11bn.
It’s good news for
Spanish workers in
Airbus. The deal is for
110 A320 model planes
for national flights, and
50 A330 models for other
routes in configurations
of 250 and 375 seats.
Meanwhile, a shareholders’ meeting has taken
place in the Spanish low
cost carrier Vueling. New
president, Josep Piqué,
said he thinks company
shares are undervalued.
He said he will revise
the pricing structure,
claiming tickets are too
THE Volkswagen Group
has put three German
executives into its
Spanish subsidiary SEAT
in a bid to drive it forward.
The three – chairman
Eric Schmitt, research
and development head
Frank Bekemeier and
sales boss Berthold
Kruger – have been
brought in to get the firm
back to profitability and
to hit new production
Design will be a big
theme in SEAT’s revival,
and Luc Donkerwolke
has been hooked out of
Lamborghini to bring
controlled creativity.
He is very keen that
all future SEAT designs
have “higher quality.” By
that he means the way
the cars’ proportions and
details are better realised:
“We will do much better
in quality in future.”
EADS, the parent
company of Airbus,
has announced losses
of €705m for the first
nine months of the year.
The company said
income was one per
cent higher than last
year for the same time,
but the costs of developing and launching the
huge A380 airbus and
the A400M military plane
have led to the results.
Ensuring you
are entertained
THAT’S entertainment
– Spanish production and
distribution company
Imira Entertainment has
done a number of deals to
bring shows to television
The firm has partnered
with ZDF Enterprises to
place two of its shows
on RTVE. The public
broadcaster has acquired
Wicked Science for TV2
and Clan TV, and The Lost
Treasure of Fiji for Clan
In another deal, Jetix’s
new girl-skewed magazine
Jetix Chic – which has a
circulation of more than
100,000 in Spain – has
signed a deal to feature
hit property Lola &
Virginia in each monthly
issue. The series airs
in Spain on the Disney
Channel, as well as RTVE,
TV3 and ETB.
THE Endesa power
company has
announced a 21 per cent
fall in profits for the first
nine months of the year
compared to last.
Serving up a
tasty delight
■ BIG WHEELS TURNING: Some of the casting parts to arrive from Iran’s giant automaker Iran Khodro Industrial group
A CAST of millions will be helping
one of Spain’s leading clutch and
car component manufacturers.
For Spanish company Valeo is to import €5m worth of casting parts from
Iran’s giant automaker Iran Khodro
Industrial Group by March.
A spokesman for Valeo said: “Casting
parts made by the Iranian firm are of
the highest quality and the company is
eager to step up cooperation with Iran
Valeo ranks among the world’s top
automotive suppliers and supplies all
major vehicle manufacturers. Present
in 29 countries, the group employs
72,300 people.
Iran’s auto manufacturing industry,
Cast of millions
is set to help one
of Spain’s leading
clutch companies
born in 1957 with the assembling of
Jeep, is currently the 16th largest
in the world, producing one million
buses, lorries and cars. The country
plans to increase car production to 1.6
million next year. Revenues from Iran’s
car exports are expected to hit a record
€403m high this year.
Spain is investing
in a bright future
Bid to stem the flow of illegal migrants to territory
By Phil Balding
SPAIN is turning to West
Africa as a potential
investment destination in
a bid to stem the flow of
illegal migrants to its territory.
Minister of industry, tourism and trade Joan Clos led
a large Spanish business delegation to Senegal, where he
was due to sign a bilateral
investment agreement.
Spain, which last year
launched a “Plan Africa” for
stronger political and eco-
nomic engagement with the
West African region on its
southern flank, is also negotiating an investment agreement with Mauritania.
Clos said an illegal migration crisis, which saw more
than 30,000 Africans risk
their lives in rickety open
boats to reach the Spanish
Canary Islands last year, had
shown the need for better
trade and co-operation with
West Africa.
“The signing of the reciprocal investment accords aims
in this direction, to make
things easier to start a cycle
of investment and business
participation which helps to
develop the economy of the
region,” the minister said.
Señor Clos was accompanied by executives from 60
Spanish companies who met
in Dakar with counterparts
from 120 companies from
Senegal, Gambia, GuineaBissau, Mali, Guinea, Cape
Burkina Faso.
The delegation included
executives from Spain’s
Endesa and from other companies in the energy, agro-
business, infrastructure and
tourism sectors.
Señor Clos said Spain was
working to increase the
number of legal job opportunities in its labour market that could be offered to
West Africans. Earlier this
month, Madrid announced it
was making available 2,000
jobs in its fisheries sector
and 700 jobs in agriculture
for Senegalese workers.
As part of its three-year
Plan Africa, Spain has
increased its diplomatic and
law enforcement presence in
West Africa.
EE,BAH GUM – Spanish
diners are getting their
claws into Yorkshire lobsters.
The Bridlington variety
is so popular that they are
being flown out regularly
from Robin Hood Airport,
to be served up in the
restaurants of Málaga
by Goole company GX
Danbrit Logistics.
Managing director of
GX Danbrit Logistics,
Graham Cross, said:
“Lobsters are flying out
live each week, 14 boxes
of 20 at a time.
“I think a lot of people think they are eating Spanish lobster in
Spanish restaurants,
when it is actually the
Bridlington variety.”
Firms call for
legal stability
THE main Spanish companies with investments
in Latin America have
said they need legal stability to protect their investments in the region.
BBVA and Repsol have
both said that only with
such stability can they do
away with the poverty in
the region.
It comes after criticism
of the Spanish companies from some quarters,
most notably from Hugo
Chávez in Venezuela.
Still keeping
up the interest
THE European Central
Bank has kept interest rates unchanged at
four per cent, despite
the increase in inflation
now been seen across the
Eurozone and in Spain.
The provisional IPC
for October across the
Eurozone is six points
above the target level.
Friday, November 30, 2007
Rules and answers on page 50
1. What fishing weight
sits on the bottom?
2. What does a viticulturist
3. Who beat Kostya Tszyu
to win the IBF light welterweight title in June
4. What do we call the
words to an opera?
5. Who sang On the
good ship Lollipop in
the film Bright Eyes?
6. Which group’s chart
career started with the
Fun Boy Three?
Your six jackpot balls must total
8. What is an asexually
produced genetic copy
of an animal?
10. Which two colours
feature in the Spanish
national flag?
7. When is St George’s
9. Which queen was executed in 1793?
and all even-numbered
balls with one 2
and balls with digits total
more than 10
and its odd-numbered
and the ball which is half
this number
and its double
and two balls which total
and odd-numbered balls
with digits total 4
and the three nearest
and all balls on its circle
with a 1
and two balls which total
and the ball with reverse
these digits
and next-but-two ball on
its diameter
1. Reveal (secrets) (7)
5. Improvising jazz singing
10. Distribute in portions (5)
11. Holiday home on wheels
12. Tampered (7)
14. Opposite of ‘narrow’ (4)
16. Cultural trend that
embraces mysticism and
astrology (3,3)
19. Fair-haired (6)
22. Asian language (4)
23. Making a serrated edge on
(material) (7)
26. Bundled up, wrapped (7)
27. Made on a loom (5)
29. Very small amount (4)
30. Taking medical photos (1-6)
2. Black liquid mineral (3)
3. Ending in death (5)
4. Make up your mind (6)
6. Collapsed, gave way (5,2)
7. Colour slightly (4)
8. Packing tightly (7)
9. Gardener’s digging hand
tool (6)
13. Genetic blueprint (inits) (3)
15. Bordering (on) (7)
17. Document sanctioning a
police search (7)
18. Socially clumsy (6)
20. Furniture timber (3)
21. Common fly-eating
creature (6)
24. Not under any
circumstances! (2,3)
25. Sparkling wine from Italy (4)
28. Delivery vehicle (3)
Where in Spain would
you find this building?
The answer is a Spanish word
1. Zorba spoke this language.
2. The language of love.
3. The Little Mermaid was first written in this language.
4. This language uses the Cyrillic alphabet.
5. This language is known as the Holy language.
We would like your
feedback on the puzzles
in thinkSPAIN|today.
Please email your
thoughts and
comments to
[email protected]
Friday, November 30, 2007
Rules and answers on page 50
1. Blodwen played
her dulcimer on
a later evening in
the week than Sir
Poltroon’s music
2. Aled was not the
Friday performer,
and the lute was
not played on
Thursday evenings.
3. The viol was
the instrument
played by the
Saturday gangster.
4. Tuesday was
music night in
the castle of Sir
Spyneless de
5. Idris was hired
by Sir Sorely à
6. Madoc performed regularly
the night before
the harp was
played in the
Great Hall of Sir
Coward’s castle.
Aircraft carrier:
The clue for the nine-letter word
this week is:
Please email
and comments
on the
puzzle pages to
[email protected]
The five knock-kneed knights of the Round Table had recently read and discussed an article
suggesting that listening to music was an effective way of calming fears. As a result, each applied to the Minstrel Agency in Camelot, and engaged the services of a different Welsh minstrel on a regular basis for one evening each week. While this did not result in any noticeable
increase in their courage factor, it did at least provide some enjoyment during the long winter
evenings in their respective castles. From the clues given below, can you work out which knight
hired which minstrel on which evening, and match the minstrels with their instruments?
Friday, November 30, 2007
THE Stars with Mystic Tara
each and every week.
Libra (sep 23 - oct 23)
It’s not universally true that opposites attract, but you’ve been
noticing some hot magnetic energy
between two very different (and
very single) people in your life. You
are in a position to put them in the
same room together. Are you up
for the matchmaking thing? Think
about what it’s like to be your
friends and subtly dig for some
clues about how interested these
two parties may be in each other.
Follow your gut, and if you’re
ready to connect these hot dots,
do it!
Aries (mar 21 - apr 19)
Just because your phone hasn’t
been ringing off the hook doesn’t
mean that people don’t want to
connect with you. They are probably just waiting for you to make
the first move – but are you sure
you even want to, right now? Your
social life may have been winding
down lately, but that can be a very
good thing. You should use this
downtime to organise some of the
more hectic areas of your life and
get back on top of financial issues
you may be neglecting.
Taurus (apr 20 - may 20)
New beginnings are not always marked by ceremonies or
starting pistols. All it takes to
branch out in a new direction
or get that project finally off
the ground is you! Stop waiting
for the green light – there isn’t
going to be one. Right now, you
need to move forward on your
own. If the funding you’ve been
waiting for is nowhere in sight,
don’t let that stop you. If your
partners haven’t materialised,
forget them.
Gemini (may 21 - jun 21)
Good things come to those who wait
– so if you have been waiting for a
time when things might free up a
bit, this just might be the week!
Get ready for some last minute
cancellations on meetings or dates
– and sort out some backup plans so
you can make use of the extra time.
Think of something that you can do
by yourself at a moment’s notice.
Patience is an extremely hard skill
to master, but you’ve been an excellent student, and this week will
bring you your reward.
Cancer (jun 22 - jul 22)
The silent treatment won’t get
you anywhere this week, so if
you’re using that tactic you’d
better come up with something
else. Here’s a wacky idea – how
about talking it through? It can
be hard to start the conversation, but it won’t be hard to continue it once you know someone
is listening. There is no communication without an exchange of
ideas, so break down your wall
of silence and open up. You will
make a bigger, better point by
talking than you ever could by
being silent.
Leo (jul 23 - aug 22)
Someone who’s been at the edge of
your radar for a very long time will
suddenly move bang into your field
of vision this week. They want
your attention, and they want to
inspire you, and if you give them
a chance to make their case, they
just might. They are ready to prove
to you that what they have to offer
isn’t a correction – it’s just a suggestion. Getting involved in a new
venture could give you the energy
(and ego) boost you have been looking for, so say ‘yes’ to a proposal
this week.
Virgo (aug 23 - sep 22)
As your social life starts heating
up again, be sure to dedicate
some of your outings to cultural events. Jazz music, sushi
restaurants, and even foreign
films will make a welcome
break from your usual social
plans. Plus, they will expose you
to some very interesting and
attractive people. Stimulating
your mind by trying something
new will earn you respect and
admiration. You’ll impress some
sophisticated people who are
new to the local scene.
Scorpio (oct 24 - nov 21)
The confusing behaviour of
someone you are just getting
to know is becoming frustrating – this week it might be time
to push things all the way and
find out once and for all what
is really going on. Taking an
unexpected action could wobble
this person’s boat, but it’s nothing compared to the uncertainty
they have been putting you
through. In order to feel confident about what you are doing,
you have to know more about
what is going on in their world.
Sagittarius (nov 22 - dec 21)
While you may want to work
diligently through your week, your
mind is on other things. You will
have a difficult time staying on
track. Whether it’s an unexpectedly beautiful day, the piercing eyes
of someone new on the scene, or
just your own short attention span
that causes your frequent detours,
you won’t really mind the disruption in your routine. Each little
interruption will lead to an amusing revelation, a brilliant idea, or
a good chuckle. Money matters are
looking very good this week, if you
fancy a flutter, now’s the time.
Capricorn (dec 22 - jan 19)
This week, someone’s brilliant one-liner will do more
than tickle your funny bone, it
will ignite a tiny spark in your
heart. Few people realise how
having fun can lead to romance,
although you have always
understood the connection,
haven’t you? Your ideal mate is
more likely to be someone who
makes you smile than someone
who makes you swoon. Remember this when you are considering which crushes to pursue.
Hold off on accepting an invitation from anyone who’s coming
on too strong.
Aquarius (jan 20 - feb 18)
You may think that you are judged
by the company you keep, but that
isn’t necessarily true. This week,
don’t worry about people making assumptions about who you
are, based on who you are with.
Your true personality is too bright
to hide, and will shine through
boring meetings, dull meals, and
meaningless small talk. You can be
confident that being the person you
want to be one hundred per cent of
the time, encourages other people
to do the same, which is good for
all of us.
Pisces (feb 19 - mar 20)
Every now and again, you go
through what could be called
a ‘velcro phase’, when you feel
a strong need to stick close –
physically and emotionally – to
the people you love the most.
But right now, you could be
moving away from that, detaching yourself and going off on
your own. Don’t be frightened
by this change of attitude, it is
perfectly healthy and normal.
You’re not moving away from
people, you are just moving in
a different direction from them
for a while, and when you swing
back into cycle with them you’ll
be even more windswept and
interesting than you are now.
Read Mystic Tara ONLY in your No 1
national paper for Spain.
Lottery Lotto
Eliminate 43 balls and WIN THE JACKPOT! Link
all eliminated balls as you go.
Word wheel
Find as many words as possible using the letters
in the wheel. Each word must include the letter
in the centre, and at least three other letters.
Plurals and proper nouns do not count. See if
you can make some Spanish words.
Solving Logic Problems
Read the information about the problem and
then, using the clues, solve the problem using the
grid. The grid cross-references all possible solutions
and once you know whether a solution is correct
or not you can mark a definite “no” with a cross
(X) and a definite “yes” with a tick (✓). Once you
have marked off everything you can find out from
the clues, use the grid to find out new answers
and then check through the clues again – don’t
forget to include information in all the relevant
places in the grid! Use the reference table below
the grid to help you. (Hint: when you know something is right, don’t forget to cross off everything
that therefore must be wrong.)
Complete grid so that each column, row and 3x3
square contains the numbers 1 to 9.
Find all the ships in the grid. Some parts of the
boats or sea have already been filled in, and the
number next to a row or column refers to the total
number of squares in that row/column occupied
by ships. Boats may be positioned horizontally or
vertically but no boats can touch each other so
boat parts are never in adjacent squares – horizontally, vertically or diagonally.
Lottery LOTTO
Ricky Hatton
Shirley Temple (Black)
23rd April
Marie Antoinette
Red and yellow
English words:- Drued, duel,
dueler, dune, elude, eluded,
endure, endured, launder, lure,
lured, nude, rude, rule, ruled,
udder, under, unread, unreel
Spanish words:- Dudar, duda,
duende, duna, luna, lunar,
Nine-letter word:- LAUNDERED
Castilla y León castle in
Friday, November 30, 2007
HIS is a terrible time of year.
I am too panicked to frolic.
Last week Christmas seemed
ages away. Now it’s heading
this way like a fire-breathing monster.
Look – I intended, for once in my life, to be
ready. At a Spirit of Christmas fair I bought
cashmere scarves for three men. And I bought Christmas cards last December.
I was coming back through Kennedy Airport the day after Boxing Day. (They don’t
have Boxing Day in the USA. But one of my
friends did ask “Hey – what are you doing on
Dog Day?”)
Anyway, forward to this year and about
two weeks ago on a Sunday afternoon sitting
with my mother, I addressed about 14 of the
Christmas cards and took the train home
feeling pretty damned smug.
A bit of a mission accomplished I thought,
as I swung along the station platform. Course
you don’t post too early. You don’t want to
look ridiculous by posting them in November.
DIDN’T send any cards last year. The
truth is lots of people don’t even notice.
Okay, okay some people notice, I’ve three
aunts who hang on my every festive wish and
an ex-lover who certainly notices.
So today there’s the pile of cards sitting on
my desk in front of me – along with another
50 more unwritten ones. There are 15 crimson smartypants diaries I bought that should
go out with the cards. There are the scarves.
There are 37 other things to do on my List.
And apart from all the things in my life that
are falling apart and friends ringing up stressed or tetchy – I have an envelope problem.
This has stumped me most of the day. I
thought about it when Darren and Mark
came to repair the lights that keep blowing
in the living room since they fixed them last
I was thinking about it again when Saeed
and Nabil came to repair the two TV sets that
won’t change channels.
It wasn’t a good time to mislay the TV controller which is normally somewhere in the
sofa cushions. But my mind was elsewhere. Don’t even get me started on the stamp
I queued for 45 minutes to get stamps last
Saturday. I thought I’d picked a quiet time of
day. (Life Truth No 143 - There’s never a good
time to have a baby, take a holiday or visit the
Post Office.)
Mind you – at least I was inside the Post
Office. In the queue. At ten minutes past
twelve, twenty minutes before closing time,
they closed the doors. Customers outside had
to bang on the windows. They had to beg to
be let in.
You’d think businesses needed customers.
One impeccably polite Iraqi with polished
shoes was finally allowed in. He said to me:
“I took a taxi here to send this recorded delivery package. It’s so urgent. I thought they
closed at closing time”.
Welcome to our world, I said.
He smiled and said it was a lot better than
his world at the moment. But you know how
it is. By the time I got to the counter I forgot
my luck at not living in Baghdad.
“You can find details of our inland and
overseas postage charges ONLINE.” said the
It’s sadly that
time of year in
the Post Office
Serenity is skin-deep
this time of year. But
itʼs okay to panic
now and frolic later.
clue what packages cost and how much it
cost to send a diary to Malta. Look – I use
a computer.
Tomorrow I may calm down and try to
make sense of the Post Office website. All
I can tell you is when I tried to renew my
parking permit online at the weekend the
application form appeared with letters the
size of a large movie poster. Renewing the
permit in person took three hours.
Everything and everyone breaks down
this time of the year. And it’s going to get
worse. Jo said isn’t everybody irritable and
she wasn’t even bothering with the Christmas thing as she and Tony are off to New
Zealand in four weeks.
“It’s so blissful to be able to sail past
all the crowds in the shops knowing it’s
nothing to do with me” she said. She’s very
serene these days. She wasn’t at all like
that when she was single.
I decided not to tell her the real details
of my flat falling apart, the missed dates
and how hard it is to get out of the front
door just now. The panic is making me so
forgetful and disorganised.
woman behind the glass partition. “We don’t
print that information any more”.
My heart always sinks when anyone tells
me I can do anything online. You should see
our local Post Office. It’s stuffed to the gills
with leaflets advertising every single service
they ever dreamt up in competition with any
other business. They’ve racks of sticky sentimental Christmas cards. How come there’s
nothing about the cost of postage?
Still at least, as I told Jo on the phone, I’ve
got the sodding stamps even if I haven’t a
ES, I did go to a party yesterday but
I can’t tell you how long it took me
to find my black belt with the gold
dangly bits.
Jo insisted we must meet up before she
I said: “Give me a date”.
A guttural sound of pain could be heard.
“Oh God” she said, “I can’t think. We’ve
got so much to do. Let me come back to
Serenity is only skin-deep this time of
I think padded envelopes are the answer
to the envelope problem. I also think it’s
okay to panic now and frolic later.
Friday, November 30, 2007
relax relájate
Bob’s walking back to happiness
in the mountain areas he so loves
Costa Blanca Sketchbook
by Bob Stansfield
Published by PP
Publishing 2007
Review by Roger
WHETHER you are a
mountaineer or simply
frequent the mountain
areas on the Costa Blanca,
there will be pleasure to
be found in Bob’s latest
For those new to the area,
Bob is still the foremost, and
has been for some 20 years,
author of scores of mountain
related articles in the local
press and numerous walking
guides of the region.
Manchester suburbs, and
■ JUST THE JOB, BOB: Bob Stansfield, who has put together the sketchbook, right, showing mountains like the one above
health and strength not what
they used to be, our prolific
guide found his thoughts
wandering back to his beloved mountains and friends
here in Alicante.
It was at this time he
box containing most of his
sketches from his leader days
in the Costa Blanca Walkers’
It came as quite a surprise
as he thought them lost.
So, as a way of reliving his
adventures and, putting to
use his recent studies at the
local art school, the idea for
this book was born. A first of
its kind in Spain.
The Costa Blanca Sketchbook
has some 180 pages, with
seventy full-page sketches
all beautifully detailed and
enhanced in watercolours
reproduced on good quality
satin paper.
The collection, design and
layout by his friend Clarke
Rogerson is worthy of mention too. The clean and easy
flowing format is colourcoded into eleven areas.
At the beginning of each
section you will find a
description of the area with
useful information, history,
and wry comments.
Each print is accompanied
on a facing page with a brief
description of the location
and how to get there.
Should you feel the urge to
get your boots on you will
also find references to the
corresponding walk in Bob’s
guide books.
At €18 it is well worth the
money and should surely be
on every walker’s and art lover’s coffee table.
This title is available online
Friday, November 30, 2007
A.S.K British & Spanish Legal
Services Avda. Alegría 7, Local 1,
La Marina Pueblo, 03194 Elche/Elx
(Alicante) Tel. 664468378 www.
Andalucía Lawyers Lawyers in
Andalucia, Granada and Costa
Tropical. Bi-lingual law firm with
a strong commitment to providing
complete legal, accountancy and
tax advice. Cº de Ronda, 74 - 3º4ª, 18001 Granada Tel. 958290580
Ángel Poveda Abogados International law firm of abogados and
solicitors advising on property
law, taxation, family law, wills and
inheritance law, company law, environmental law, media and entertainment law, Intellectual Property
law, European and International
law. Audience before the Spanish, British and Irish Courts. Avda.
Barón de Cárcer 31-3º-6ª, 46001
Valencia Tel. 963530196
Bufete Frau San Miguel, 36 - 1º,
07002 Palma de Mallorca (Mallorca) Tel. 971228036
Cornish & Co Abogados Bi-lingual
law firm providing clients with a
complete legal service for their
personal and business affairs
in Spain. Avda. Ricardo Soriano
22, Edificio Sabadell. 4º-6, 29601
Marbella (Málaga) Tel. 952866830
Costa Blanca Lawyers This unique
service from English lawyers is designed to help the English in Spain,
particularly on the Costa Blanca.
Whether you live, work, run your
own business or have any assets in Spain then our extremely
affordable services are there for
you. Arabí Plaza 22, Paseo de la
Media Legua, 03580 l’Alfàs del Pi
(Alicante) Tel. 966814506 www.
Davies Solicitors Honest, independent advice for your legal
requirements - from wills and
inheritance to building and property claims, specialists in Spanish
inheritance and probate. Whatever your requirements feel free
to contact us for a no obligation
chat to assess your needs. Parque
Commercial 49 & 50, 04638 Mojácar (Almería) Tel. 950472775 www.
Eshkeri & Grau At Eshkeri & Grau
we ensure that you are able to
make your plans with complete
confidence that you will get what
you pay for and will also avoid the
unexpected and unwelcome pitfalls often experienced by people
unfamiliar with Spain’s legal system and business culture. Rambla Nova 127, 43001 Tarragona Tel.
977249960 www.solicitorsinspain.
Fuster & Associates Free consultation. English speaking lawyers
and solicitors. Offices in Los Alcázares, Murcia and Vera, Almería.
Areas of expertise: conveyancing,
wills, litigation, accountancy, tax,
civil and commercial law. From
Valencia to Almería. Avda. De La
Libertad , 301, Edif Europa 1st Floor
6, 30710 Los Alcázares (Murcia)
Tel. 968575650
Ibiza Realty Network English
speaking real estate lawyers/solicitors based in Ibiza. Experts
dealing with all legal aspects of
property sales/purchases such
as surveys and valuations. Legal
consulting also available for business, taxation and investment.
Bartolomé Vicente Ramón 4-1,
07800 Ibiza Tel. 639722291 www.
Miguel Mateo Independent, experienced law firm offering a high
level of personal service. Professional and effective. Fixed fees,
no hidden costs. Fluent English
speaking staff. Specializing in
property law, non resident fiscal liabilities, inheritance and company
law. Paseo Vista Alegre 8, Piso 1,
03181 Torrevieja (Alicante) Tel.
Puerta Vides S.L. Lawyers, Solicitors and Accountants for Spain.
The Law firm of Puerta Vides is
based in Marbella and provides
complete legal and tax advisory
services for the Costa del Sol and
the southern Andalucía region
of Spain. Avda. Ricardo Soriano
22, 29601 Marbella (Málaga) Tel.
Richarte, Duque & Hortelano We
are fully qualified lawyers and
members of the Spanish Law Society. Founded in 1987, we have
built an exceptional reputation by
providing excellent legal services
to British Citizens living in Spain.
Our services include Conveyancing, Wills, Mortgage Applications
and Foreign Investments. Av. Los
Almendros, ed. Etxezuri III 7,2,A,
03501 Benidorm (Alicante) Tel.
Ross Legal Services S.L. English
speaking Spanish lawyers and
solicitors. Conveyancing, wills/inheritance, civil litigation and legal
advice. Based in Águilas (Murcia)
covering the Costa Almería, Costa
Cálida and Costa Blanca. C/ Castelar 2, 3-A, 30880 Águilas (Murcia)
Tel. 968412321
Sparkes Spanish Lawyers Spanish Property Conveyancing. Our
firm has an “in-house” English
Solicitor working with our Spanish lawyers included in our fees
for excellent quality of service.
El Tomillar de Nagueles, 26, Arroyo de Las Piedras, 29602 Mijas
(Málaga) Tel. 600670688 www.
Vahusari Advocats SCP A law firm
that stands out due to the professionalism and seriousness of all
its associates. The security and
effectiveness in the processing
of all types of advice and, especially with regards to real estate
operations, distinguishes the
characteristics of our work. Rambla Nova 118, 43001 Tarragona Tel.
Velasco Lawyers Fluent in English
and many other European languages, Velasco Lawyers are practising
solicitors and barristers in Spanish
Law, providing legal services such
as property purchase/selling, family, employment and commercial
law. Please visit our website or
call for further assistance. Mariana
Pineda, Edif. Mercadona 2ª planta,
oficina 6, 18690 Almuñécar (Granada) Tel. 958630114
White & Baos English solicitors
and Spanish lawyers. Spanish
conveyancing, tax advice and
representation, wills and probate/
inheritance, company formations, tenancy agreements, legal
translations, process serving. C/
Diana, 19, 2º, D, 03700 Dénia (Alicante). E-mail: info@white-baos.
com - Tel.
966426185. Mobile 677204355. Fax
Abbey Mortgages SL Continuing
to offer the best interest rates on
the Costa Blanca “Guaranteed”.
Purchase and re-mortgages, 100%
Casahipoteca S.L. Your mortgage
broker in Spain. Plaza Virgen del
Carmen 14b 770, 03724 Moraira
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International Mortgage Solutions
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Mortgages & Hipotecas Group SL
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Mortgages In Spain - No income
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Calle Valencianas, 03580 Altea
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Exchange Business Are you
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than it should by advising on the
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Crystal Clear Satellite TV We are
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work is concentrated in the area
between Benidorm – Gandia and
inland. Our aim is total customer
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Solana No 3, Camino Lloso, 03727
Xaló (Alicante) Tel. 660186505
Halo Financial Ltd is one of the
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survey. Re-alignment and fault
finding. Fully legal and registered
installers offering European and
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to Dénia, inland and coastal. Tel.
Langtons Spain S.L. Independent
financial planners. Centro Commercial, Mar y Sol, Local 28, 11311
Sotogrande (Cádiz) Tel. 956796791
Offshore World S.L. Property and
financial advisers - qualified advice on low risk investment, retirement planning, equity release and
Spanish mortgages. Specialists
in non stock market related plans
that provide both guaranteed and
high returns for income and capital growth. Free financial health
check. Avienda del Alicante 6B,
03726 Benitachell (Alicante) Tel.
966493797 www.offshoreworldsl.
Golden Leaves Funeral Plans
Thousands of people have now
woken up to the fact that they
can not only pre-plan their funerals, but also pre-pay their own
funeral expenses - now - and
at today’s prices, beating the
soaring cost of funerals. Tel. +44
Graydon & Associates SL is an
independent accountancy and
financial services company
dedicated to providing sound
financial advice to individuals
living in Spain. We are committed to understanding our clients
needs and in providing solid &
reliable solutions. Centro Plaza,
Oficina 4 - Planta 1, Nueva Andalucía, 29660 Marbella (Málaga)
Tel. 952906370
Escape Currency Whether you
are buying property abroad, paying utility bills or sending remittances to your family, with Escape
currency you can get better exchange rates, save money and
protect yourself against currency
fluctuations. Tel. +44 (0)1296339811
International FX Ltd When buying
or Investing abroad, emigrating
or making regular overseas payments you need to be sure that
your you can get the best possible rate for your transaction.
Even slight fluctuations in the
market can make a huge difference to the price you pay. Tel. +44
LWB Toyota Hiace panel van. S
reg, 6 seats, side windows, rear
bulk head, alarm, VGC. Ideal for
builder or family returning to UK.
Dénia area. Price: 1,500 euros. Tel.
Mini one Cabrio for sale. Registered in Dec 2005, red with
black hood. Following upgraded
features are included: 5 spoke
alloy wheels, chrome pack incl.
wing mirrors, run flat tyres, on
board computer, reverse parking sensors, Harman Karden CD,
MP3 and speaker system, sports
steering wheel with music system controls, cruise control, visibility pack and climate control
installed. Interior is cobalt grey
with half leather sports seats. In
Excellent condition, company car
forces sale. Price 18,500 euros.
Tel. 676302199
Britsat Your one stop shop for all
Sky Digital TV and Satellite Broadband Internet throughout Europe.
Serving English-speaking European satellite customers since 1998,
we pride ourselves in offering
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Tel. 616369913
Costa Blanca Web Design Services. Competitive professional and
visually exciting websites that will
effectively market you and your
company. We also offer a graphic
design service which can be of
great benefit when seeking to promote a fully-integrated company
image. Four-page websites starting at 495 Euros. Check out our
portfolio on our website. Ctra, Dénia-Jávea, 38, Local F, 03700 Dénia
(Alicante) Tel. 966433220 www.
Go Atlantic A complete, innovative web solution for your company. We offer website and logo
designs, dynamic data-driven
solutions, web and email hosting, search engine optimisation,
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and Micrsoft-certified training.
Call now! C/ Torrevella 16, No 3,
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nets – all with FREE delivery and
installation! Calle Laguna de Villasinda , 24, Poligino In Municipal
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(Murcia) Tel. 968580712
Inside Right UK The most stylish
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Tel. +44 (0)1782567656
RNA Home Decor SL specialises in furnishing properties for
investment/rental purposes as
well as complete bespoke interior design. Quality, durability and
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13, 29680 Estepona (Málaga) Tel.
952804800 www.rnahomedecor.
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Whether you have bought your
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packages will suit all your needs.
Calle Mallorca, 22 , Local Bajo,
29640 Fuengirola (Málaga) Tel.
MODEL HOUSE (820x750x500mm
deep), weight 30 kilos. Must be
seent to appreciate. Price: 1,200
euros. Tel. 966480890
Break-up households and clear
out. Quick and reliable. From Gandia to Benidorm. Phone 965973348
Meaningful Christmas present to
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Kamagra 12 tablets - PRICE 30
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664340861 -
Hotspring Portable Spas are famous for their quality with over
750,000 sold worldwide and 4
BEST BUY awards. Hotspring spas
are the biggest spa company on
the Costa Blanca with showrooms
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Dénia-Ondara KM1, 03700 Dénia
(Alicante) Tel. 966426045 www.
Ju.ju.ju.Aqua - Pools, saunas,
spas, air conditioning, C/H, baths,
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marks, 40 years experience, interactive exhibition 2,000m2, pioneers
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spa-models, own fitters. Pol. Ind.
La Pedrera, 03720 Benissa (Alicante) Tel. 965734025 www.jujuju.
Nivola Spas - Your spa and sauna
specialist. Choose from 22 Spa
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for your best comfort and relaxation. Made in the UK by SPAFORM,
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del la Mar 16, 03580 l’Alfàs del Pi
(Alicante) Tel. 966814302 www.
HealthyPets - your suppliers of
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Spain, including Naturediet. Call
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Friday, November 30, 2007
property inmobiliaria
Property for sale
ALCALALÍ, Alicante - Bargain for
quick sale - 170m, 3 beds, with
large upstairs studio with potential for further beds or living space
50m2, kitchen, lounge, dining room,
bath, guest toilet, terrace. Spacious townhouse in the attractive
and historic town of Alcalalí, all
the advantages of being in the
centre near shops and bars while
having the charm of a townhouse
with wooden beams and original
fireplace. A must see bargain and
will be a great home or fantastic investment in the idyllic Jalón Valley.
Price 169,950 euros. Tel. 627435376
ALCALALÍ, Alicante - To rent shop/
warehouse on Future Roundabout.
250m2 ground floor, 250m2 top
floor. Possible to rent all or separate. Price: 1,800 euros pm. Tel.
965780854 - 630128536
ALCALALÍ, Alicante - Shop in Alcalalí. Ideal for restaurant. Easy access for Murla, Parcent, Jalón and
Alcalalí. 250m2. Price: on request.
Tel. 965780854 - 680128536
ALGORFA, Alicante - Villa - 365,000
euros. 620m² plot, 3 bed, 3 bath,
pool, A/C. ALGORFA det. villa - 3
bed, 3 bath, 620m2 plot fully walled.
Large villa located just 2 mins from
La Finca... Ref TT239-2280a
ALTEA LA VELLA, Alicante - Flat
with 3 beds, 2 baths, new kitchen. 1
min walk to supermarket, bars and
restaurants. Price: 225,000 euros private sale. Tel. 617893036
ASPE, Alicante - Finca/Country House - 174,000 euros. 70m²,
6,000m² plot, 3 bed, 1 bath. Spanish
country house 5 mins from Aspe.
Land includes olive grove with 130
olive trees. 30m² workshop. Ref
BENIJÓFAR, Alicante - Bungalow
- 147,000 euros. 2 bed, 1 bath, pool.
Ground floor bungalow near the
Ciudad Quesada golf course and
Benijófar town. A very small development and property has a... Ref
BENIMANTELL, Alicante - Guadalest - Brand new pretty and sunny
2 bed apartment. Block of 6 only
with lift. 25 mins inland from Benidorm. Totally furnished, ready
for moving into. Price: 155,000
euros. Tel. 965747997 - 677509106
- 650472578
BENITACHELL, Alicante - In Moraira, Benitachell and Jávea,
Sales and Rentals. www. Tel. 0034
CALPE, Alicante - Villa - 575,000
euros. 180m², 540m² Plot, 4 bed,
2 bath, garage, pool. CALALGA
Surface area: 180m², Plot: 540m².
4 beds. Price: 575,000€ 95.671.950
pts. Extended... Ref TT239-2067a
CALPE, Alicante - Bungalow 260,000 euros. 150m², 200m² plot,
2 bed, 1 bath, 1 toilet, pool, A/C.
EMPEDROLA. Surface area: 150m²,
Plot: 185m². 2 rooms, 2 beds. Price:
260,000€ 43.260.360 pts. Extended...
Ref TT239-2066a
CAMPELLO (EL), Alicante - Apartment - 258,500 euros. 2 bed, 2 bath,
pool. Nearly new! Situated in the
CENTRE of Campello, right opposite the beach is waiting to be
discovered. From the apartment...
Ref TT239-2070a
- Townhouse - 266,500 euros. 3
bed, 2 bath, pool. Superbly spacious 3 bed/2 bath corner Lola
townhouses located on small
complexes with uniquely designed
comm. pools and garden areas...
Ref TT239-2213a
COCENTAINA, Alicante - Villa 133,000 euros. 80m², 5,700m² plot,
2 bed, 1 bath, garage, pool, A/C.
Small 2 bed cottage near Cocentaina, on a plot with mature trees,
shrubs and plants. This property...
Ref TT239-2076a
COCENTAINA, Alicante - Townhouse - 66,000 euros. Ref: t1200
Townhouses in Cocentaina. 3 beds,
mains elec. and water, bath, kitchen, terrace, aprox. 200m2 needs
full... Ref TT239-2075a
Commission only
2% exclusive
3% Multi-Agency
Almost new 199 m detached
villa with private pool and
fabulous sea views, 3 beds,
2 baths + W/C, gas C/H,
master bedroom en-suite with
dressing room and private
terrace. Fully landscaped 670
m2 plot with carport & BBQ.
Was €375,000
Reduced to
Avda. del Oeste, 8
03709 La Xara
Tel/fax 96 642 45 05
Mobiles (0034) 609 512 745 / 669 386 710
DAYA NUEVA, Alicante - Villa 230,000 euros. 230m², 3 bed, 3 bath,
3 toilets, garage. Fully furnished 3
storey house in the village of Daya
Nueva. 230m2 build on 3 floors, 3
beds... Ref TT239-2080a
JÁVEA, Alicante - Villa - 500,000
euros. 4 bed, 3 bath. 4 bed, 3 bath
det. villa with private pool located
in a very private cul-de-sac in the
Montgó area of Jávea. Accommodation is on 2... Ref TT239-2178a
DÉNIA, Alicante - Villa - 765,000
euros. 5 bed, 3 bath, pool. The
imposing Montgó massif in the
background and the immense blue
of the Mediterranean Sea within
walking distance, this luxury villa...
Ref TT239-2085a
- Townhouse, new construction. 3
beds, comm. pool, excellent quality. Direct from promoter. Price:
from 229,000 euros. Tel. 965780854
- 630128536
DÉNIA, Alicante - Villa - 375,000
euros. 101m², 300m² plot, 3 bed,
2 bath, pool. Brand new det. villa
located on a small private complex
of only 4 villas with private gated
entrance.... Ref TT239-2084a
DENIA, Alicante - Townhouse 245,000 euros. 145m², 3 bed, 2 bath,
toilet, garage, A/C, C/H. Spacious
townhouse in Dénia, very central,
on 3 levels. In very good repair. Ref
DENIA, Alicante - Apartment 220,500 euros. 77m², 2 bed, 2 bath,
pool, A/C. Las Marinas km. 1,5:
Very well-kept apartment with A/C
(hot-cold). Direct access to the
comm. pool from the spacious...
Ref TT239-2083a
DENIA, Alicante - 2 bed flat. Sea
views. Bath and toilet. Excellent
quality. Central zone. Price: 186,000
euros. Tel. 965780854 - 630128536
DENIA, Alicante - 1 bed. flat, next
to Chabás Park in Dénia. Next construction, ready in 2 years. Payable
in convenient instalments. Price:
on request. Tel. 965780854
DÉNIA, Alicante - Flat in Edf. Faroleta Puerto, 3 beds. New construction. Central Dénia. Excellent
quality. Direct from promoter.
Price: 228,423 euros. Tel. 965780854
- 630128536
DÉNIA, Alicante - Penthouse with
views of Montgó, castle and sea. 3
beds. Recently built. Price: 366,000
euros. Tel. 96578085 - 630128536
DÉNIA, Alicante - Shop for sale
or rent in Playa de las Marinas
KM11. 104/40m2 terrace. Price for
sale: 172,000 euros. Price for rent:
1,100 euros pm. Tel. 965780854 630128536
DOLORES, Alicante - Apartment
- 125,000 euros. 3 bed, 2 bath. Contact us for further information. Ref
JALÓN, Alicante - Villa - 577,500
euros. 4 bed, 3 bath. Delightful
residence set in the heart of the
beautiful Jalón Valley. The present
owners have built up a very successful bed and breakfast... Ref
JÁVEA, Alicante - Villa - 820,000
euros. 350m², 900m² plot, 4 bed, 4
bath, 2 toilets, pool, A/C. Very private, charming villa located in the
est. and sort after area of Portichol,
and offers... Ref TT239-2180a
JÁVEA, Alicante - Villa - 750,000
euros. 297m², 1,632m² plot, 4 bed,
3 bath, garage. High ceiling in the
living room and big windows create lots of light in this spacious
southfacing villa. Big... Ref TT2392179a
- Apartment - 108,000 euros. 60m²,
2 bed, 1 bath, pool. Located in Los
Montesinos, on the Southern end
of the Costa Blanca. This buy little
town is sit. in the heart of the Vega
Baja... Ref TT239-2072a
MORAIRA, Alicante - Villa - 650,000
euros. 210m², 600m² plot, 5 bed,
2 bath, garage, pool, A/C. VILLA
– MORAIRA. Located very close to
the El Portet beach, on a flat... Ref
MORAIRA, Alicante - Villa - 495,000
euros. 160m², 600m² plot, 4 bed, 3
bath, 3 toilets, pool, C/H. Villa and
guesthouse completely renovated
and extended, modern finished
by now! Sorry for old photo.... Ref
MORAIRA, Alicante - Villa - 475,000
euros. 5 bed, 3 bath. Lovely 5 bed, 3
bath det. villa built in 1980 with sep.
guest apartment and 10x5m pool.
Main accommodation comprises...
Ref TT239-2186a
MORAIRA, Alicante - Villa - 375,000
euros. 3 bed, 3 bath, pool. Designed
in Finca style, with farmhouse
kitchen with wood burning stove
and rustic features inside and out.
Views over the vineyards and... Ref
MORAIRA, Alicante - Villa - 259,000
euros. 2 bed, 1 bath, pool. COSTA
immaculate 2 bed det. villa, sit. on
a small well kept urbanisation and
within easy... Ref TT239-2183a
MORAIRA, Alicante - 6 bed, 4 bath
det. villa in the heart of Moraira,
close to new Algas development
with bars, restaurants, gym and
spa. 1st floor: 3 beds, 1 en-suite and
bath. New f/f kitchen, dining area
and access to large terrace. Living
area. Sea and mountain views.
Ground floor: 2 beds, new bath
with jacuzzi, new fitted kitchen
and living/dining area. Sep. apartment with bed/sofa, shower and
toilet. 8x4 pool, parking for 8 cars,
gas C/H, internet and sat TV. Fantastic family home. Price: 570,000
euros. Tel. 626939223 - no agents
MUCHAMIEL, Alicante - Apartment - 210,000 euros. 2 bed, 2 bath,
pool. Sit. in the fabulous Bonalba
Golf Spa Resort. Development of 2
bed/2 bath apartments overlooking
the fairways.... Ref TT239-2118a
NUCÍA (LA), Alicante - Villa 334,500 euros. 210m², 700m² plot, 4
bed, 2 bath, garage. Very complete
property, semi-det. - attached via
the garage. Renovated in January
2006. 2 comm. tennis... Ref TT2392119a
PEDREGUER, Alicante - Villa 444,800 euros. 3 bed, 2 bath. 2 beds,
Tel: 625 92 81 83
Email: [email protected]
Tel. 0034 902 51 45 55 • WWW.ARENAGROUP.ES
To enquire about properties with the TT reference code prefix:
Send us an email and we will send
you the five best offers of the week
(+34) 902 102 580
1 lounge/dining room, 2 kitchens, 2
baths. Only few minutes away from
towns like... Ref TT239-2127a
- Villa - 460,000 euros. 4 bed, 2 bath,
1 toilet, pool. Opportunity to purchase a substantial det. villa with
a well laid out garden, private pool
and purpose built... Ref TT2392211a
- Townhouse - 140,000 euros. 70m²,
38m² plot, 2 bed, 1 bath, 1 toilet.
Lovely terraced house with 2 large
beds, 1 full bath and a cloakroom.
Galley kitchen with a small... Ref
PINOSO, Alicante - Finca/Country House - 144,000 euros. 170m²,
20,000m² Plot, 4 bed, 1 bath. Pinoso
Campo - 40mins Alicante City, Airport and Coast. Pinoso an active
large village with all main amenities inc. 24hr.... Ref TT239-2128a
PLAYA FLAMENCA, Alicante Townhouse - 150,000 euros. 3 bed,
3 bath, pool, A/C. Attractive townhouse sit. in an attractive urbanisation in Playa Flamenca. Includes
many extra features, including air...
Ref TT239-2212a
POBLETS (ELS), Alicante - Villa
- 298,000 euros. 3 bed, 2 bath,
pool. Very beautiful villa with pool
and carport near the beach of Els
Poblets. Very well maintained villa
at one of the most beautiful... Ref
- New 3 bed townhouse built on
the flat in Ráfol de Almunia. F/F
kitchen. Incl. white goods. 3 beds,
2 baths. (Mitsubishi) hot/cold air
units installed in lounge and master bed. Double glazed throughout.
Comm. pool and gardens. Place to
park your car. Price: €174.000 No
agents please. Tel: 615297572
ROJALES, Alicante - Semi-det.
villa - 155,000 euros. 3 bed, 1 bath,
with 3 beds, 1 bath, sep. kitchen....
Ref TT239-2135a
SAX, Alicante - Villa - 320,000 euros. 4 bed, 2 bath, pool. Modern
design bright and spacious villa on
a 10,000m2 plot. 3 beds, 2 baths, living/dining room, fully... Ref TT2392150a
SAX, Alicante - Sax/Salinas - 2 rustic plots for building, over 10,000m2
each. Water, elec. already installed. Build of up to 200m2 living area available. Next to town,
panoramic views. Price: 140,000
euros for both. Tel. 659821599 [email protected]
SAX, Alicante - Sax/Salinas, rustic
plot 16,000m2. Water, elec. installed.
Building permissions obtained.
Can build up to 300m2 living area.
Next to town, panoramic views.
Price: 120,000 euros. Tel. 659821599
- [email protected]
SELLA, Alicante - Villa - 529,500
euros. 4 bed, 3 bath. Pretty 4 bed, 3
bath det. villa with 9x4m pool (with
cover) sea and valley views, sit.
in La Sella close to the golf... Ref
SELLA, Alicante - Villa - 237,600 euros. 2 bed, 2 bath linked villa with
2 resident pools and gardens located in the La Sella development
just mins away from the golf... Ref
SENIJA, Alicante - MUST SELL charming village house, excellent
condition, ready for immediate occupation. Spacious lounge, kitchen, utility area. Bath/toilet with
bidet, heater/fan. Outside storage,
laundry area. Open area for office
with built in cupboards and A/C. 2
beds. Outside terrace/dining area.
Ideal for 1st time buyer. Bargain at
only 117,000 euros. Tel. 966481253
- 685004020
TORMOS, Alicante - Apartment 145,000 euros. 3 bed, 1 bath. Costa
Blanca, Spain, Tormas - Jalón a
new development of 8 luxury, 2 and
3 bed apartments that are located
in the village of... Ref TT239-2160a
TORRE DE LA HORADADA, Alicante - Villa - 300,000 euros. 3 bed,
2 bath, pool. Only 10 min walk to the
beach from this 3 bed, 2 bath det.
villa with a large roof solarium. Located within a highly sought after...
Ref TT239-2209a
TORRETA (LA), Alicante - Townhouse - 235,000 euros. 68m². CASHBACK on this Property - Contact
Agent for details full description: A
wonderful 3 bed, 2 bath townhouse
close to all facilities in the Salt...
Ref TT239-2239a
TORREVIEJA, Alicante - Villa 320,000 euros. 3 bed, 2 bath, pool.
Det. villa sit. just a 10 min. drive
from the beach and a 5 min drive
from 3 golf courses. Also a selection... Ref TT239-2167a
TORREVIEJA, Alicante - Villa 199,000 euros. 3 bed, 2 bath, pool.
Quatro house in Dream Hills, nice
lounge, sep. kitchen, 3 beds, 2
baths, large terrace with tiled
garden, balcony, solarium... Ref
TORREVIEJA, Alicante - Apartment
- 182,100 euros. 82m², 2 bed, 2 bath,
pool, A/C. Stylish apartments located to the south of Torrevieja, within
mins of the beach. Ground floor
homes have a... Ref TT239-2164a
TORREVIEJA, Alicante - Townhouse - 148,500 euros. 2 bed, 1
bath, 1 toilet, pool. THIS PROPERTY
SCHEME 2 Storey townhouse with
2 beds, 1.5 baths, lounge/diner,
kitchen and utility... Ref TT2392162a
TORREVIEJA, Alicante - Apartment
- 81,000 euros. 1 bed, 1 bath. Resale
top floor apartment in Calas Blancas, Torrevieja. Sit. within walking
distance to a variety of amenities
and only a 5... Ref TT239-2163a
ALMANZORA, Almería - Villa 590,000 euros. 3 bed, 3 bath. Playa
Marques, Bahia de Almanzora in
Almería, you’ll find superbly sit. 3
bed villas with underbuild and 2/3
bed courtyard style... Ref TT2392214a
ALMERIMAR, Almería - Ground
floor apartment 85m2. 2 beds, 2
baths. Built-in wardrobes, marble
floors, excellent condition. Parking space included. Price: 205,000
euros. Tel. 696408014
ARBOLEAS, Almería - Apartment
- 184,000 euros. 4 bed, 2 bath. Under construction: 4 bed duplex sit.
within walking distance of Arboleas. Ground floor: kitchen (not fitted) with... Ref TT239-2286a
GARRUCHA, Almería - Apartment
- 185,200 euros. 4 bed, 3 bath, pool.
Delightful apartments set back
from the beach but within easy
walking distance of both the beach
and shops. 2 to... Ref TT239-2101a
PALOMARES, Almería - Apartment
- 136,800 euros. 2 bed, 2 bath, garage. New apartments in the village
of Palomares, f/f kitchens, granite
worktops, all the white goods are
inc.,... Ref TT239-2207a
ROQUETAS DE MAR, Almería Apartment - 290,240 euros. 2 bed,
2 bath, pool. NEW PROMOTION IN
SALIENTE ALTO, Almería - Townhouse - 78,750 euros. 3 bed, 1 bath.
End terrace house with 3 beds and
1 bath. Fully refurbished to an extremely high standard, the beds
are all... Ref TT239-2238a
TABERNAS, Almería - Finca/Country House - 239,000 euros. 180m²,
5,000m² Plot, 6 bed, 3 bath, pool, A/
C. Wonderful renovated cortijo of
180m2 approx., set on a fenced and
gated plot of 5,000m2 with amazing
20x10 swimming... Ref TT239-2158a
BARCELONA, Barcelona - Flat
- 618,000 euros. 90m², 100m² plot,
3 bed, 2 bath, garage, pool, A/C,
C/H. Very luminous flat of 90m2 with
elevator in the district of Poblenou.
2 comm. swimming... Ref TT2392290a
OLIVELLA, Barcelona - Terraced
Villa - 375,000 euros. 155m², 230m²
Plot, 4 bed, 3 bath, 3 toilets, garage,
pool, C/H. Beautiful house in Urb.
Mas Mestre (Sitges Hills) urbanisation of Mas Mestrain a small...
Ref TT239-2122a
SITGES, Barcelona - Villa 1,290,000 euros. 5 bed, 5 bath, pool.
Contact us for further information.
Ref TT239-2156a
VILLENA, Alicante - Apartment 189,990 euros. 4 bed, 2 bath. Very
large apartment, in the very middle
of the sought after town of Villena.
2 reception rooms, 1 with a goodsized... Ref TT239-2176a
SITGES, Barcelona - Villa - 620,000
euros. 5 bed, 4 bath. Spectacular
modern property, made with the
best quality materials and is very
well thought of. Huge living with
sliding... Ref TT239-2155a
VILLENA, Alicante - Townhouse 84,000 euros. 136m², 3 bed, 1 bath.
Located in the small railway village
of La Encina, just 15 mins from the
town of Villena and only 45... Ref
SITGES, Barcelona - Villa - 498,000
euros. 4 bed, 3 bath, pool. Ibiza
style house! We build the house of
your dreams in Sitges Hills. Typical
Ibiza style with terracotta floors,...
Ref TT239-2154a
Friday, November 30, 2007
CÁDIZ, Cádiz - Finca/Country
House - 315,000 euros. 3 bed, 1
bath, pool. Country home near
Olvera.........large country home,
located only a few mins drive into
the town of Olvera. The property...
Ref TT239-2065a
CALETA DE FUSTE, Fuerteventura Townhouse - 157,500 euros. 112m², 3
bed, 2 bath, pool. Popular houses on
this development and the added advantage that this one is on the back
row with fab views to the mountains. Close... Ref TT239-2257a
CORRALEJO, Fuerteventura - Apartment - 100,000 euros. Furnished
apartment in Corralejo, fabulous
seaside location in Fuerteventura!
Enjoy wandering around the Canarian-style town, amazing tourist
and... Ref TT239-2258a
MATORRAL (EL), Fuerteventura Townhouse - 221,052 euros. 156m²,
3 bed, bath, toilet, garage. Situated
in El Matorral, spacious townhouse
close by to schools, and easily accessible to the beach resort... Ref
OLIVA (LA), Fuerteventura - Apartment - 195,000 euros. 97m², 3 bed, 2
bath, garage, pool, A/C. With architecture of clear Moresque inspiration, El Sultán development offers 2
bed apartments and houses with...
Ref TT239-2121a
ALBONS, Girona - Finca/Country House - 950,000 euros. 288m²,
26,000m² plot, 6 bed, 2 bath. BEAUTIFUL RUSTIC FARMHOUSE with
various outbuildings. Very well
located. 6 beds and 2 baths. The...
Ref TT239-2274a
ESCALA (L’), Girona - Villa - 450,000
euros. 125m², 600m² plot, 3 bed, 2
bath, garage, pool. Attractive villa
with 3 double beds, 2 baths, kitchen, living/dining room, store-room,
terrace, garage,... Ref TT239-2091a
- Apartment - 265,000 euros. Pool.
Excellent apartment at St. Feliu
de Guixols. 3 beds, 1 bath, lounge/
diner, fitted kitchen, balcony, fitted
wardrobes, C/H, air... Ref TT2392141a
TAMARIU, Girona - Villa - 685,000
euros. 130m², 1,000m² plot, 3 bed,
2 bath, 2 toilets, garage, pool, C/H.
Comfortable villa in perfect condition, built on only 1 storey, located
in a quiet urbanisation... Ref TT2392215a
- Beach Apartment - 149,000 euros.
32m², 1 bed, 1 bath. Apartamento
de 1 habitacion a pocos metros de
la playa de Griells (L’Estartit). Consta de 2 terrazas , comedor, cocina
americana,... Ref TT239-2168a
- Bungalow - 186,400 euros. 38m²,
140m² plot, 1 bed, 1 bath. Cosy well
appointed 1 bed bungalow with private terrace and garden in a popular complex close to the centre of
Playa del... Ref TT239-2206a
ALAJAR, Huelva - Finca/Country House - 770,000 euros. 200m²,
1,500m² plot, 4 bed, 3 bath, pool.
Restored old mill of 200m2 on 2
floors sit. in 1,500m2 of land. 4 beds,
3 baths, large... Ref TT239-2271a
COSTA TEGUISE, Lanzarote - Semidet. villa - 315,000 euros. 160m²,
200m² plot, 3 bed, 3 bath. Semi-det.
duplex recently renovated, plot size
of 200m2 and build size of 160m2.
The well... Ref TT239-2197a
IBIZA, Ibiza - Penthouse - 650,000
euros. Luxury penthouse of 200m²,
3 bed, 2 bath, garage, pool, A/C,
sea view, duplex, 2 terraces, big
living area, pool, parking, close to
the golf club Ref TT239-2088a
COSTA TEGUISE, Lanzarote - Villa
- 205,000 euros. 2 bed, 2 bath. Very
well maintained terraced duplex
sit. on a complex, built approx. 1
year ago. Build size: 141m2 and
build... Ref TT239-2196a
IBIZA, Ibiza - Finca/Country House
- 630,000 euros. 180m², 1,000m² plot,
3 bed, 3 bath. Finca close to the
Salinas beach, 1,000m2 plot, 180m2
house, 3 beds Ref TT239-2089a
- Apartment - 228,000 euros. 70m²,
2 bed, 1 bath, pool. Large ground
floor apartment sit. on the corner of
a small complex with comm. swimming pool and OFFERS sea views
from the... Ref TT239-2192a
IBIZA, Ibiza - Apartment - 425,000
euros. 100m², 3 bed, 2 bath, pool,
A/C, C/H. Ibiza Botafoch apartment with modern design, 3 beds,
2 baths, terrace, pool. Ref TT2392090a
IBIZA, Ibiza - Penthouse - 375,000
euros. 98m², 3 bed, 2 bath, garage,
pool, A/C, solarium 112 - located in
S.Gertrudis Ref TT239-2087a
Ibiza - Building Plot - 390,000 euros.
900m² plot, sea view, for building a
house of about 350m2 - 2 level, we
can also build the house - price/m2
- about 1,200€... Ref TT239-2140a
- Apartment - 116,000 euros. 58m²,
1 bed, 1 bath, pool. SAN BARTOLOME DE TIRAJANA in PLAYA
DEL INGLES. Price: 116,000€,
19.300.776 Pts. Financed: 489,13
€/month. Community: 126€,... Ref
Ibiza - Apartment - 167,693 euros.
51m², 1 bed, 1 bath, garage. New
development of exclusive Beachfront homes, enjoying an enviable
position round the bay of San Antonio in Cala de Bou. They... Ref
Gran Canaria - Finca/Country
House - 260,000 euros. 75m², 695m²
plot, 4 bed, 2 bath. Nice house located only 5 mins from the Chira
Lake in the middle of the countryside. Large plot of... Ref TT2392138a
SANTA EULALIA , Ibiza - Finca/
Country House - 1,750,000 euros.
350m², 2,000m² plot, 4 bed, 4 bath,
garage, pool, A/C, C/H. Rustic style
newly constructed villa in S.Eulalia.
Garage, pool, jacuzzi, heating AA under... Ref TT239-2147a
ALMUÑÉCAR, Granada - Villa 799,000 euros. 7 bed, 7 bath, pool.
Large villa recently reformed, only
10 mins from beach and the centre
of Almuñécar, located in the prestigious Cotobro... Ref TT239-2282a
SANTA EULALIA , Ibiza - Finca/
Country House - 1,575,000 euros.
300m², 15,000m² plot, 4 bed, 4 bath,
garage, pool, A/C, C/H. New House
with sea view close to S.Carlos,
pool, tropical garden, bar, garage,
heating... Ref TT239-2146a
- Apartment - 225,750 euros. 2 bed,
1 bath, pool. Refurbished top floor
apartment on a well est. complex
in a central, but peaceful location.
Well maintained and... Ref TT2392191a
- Apartment - 205,000 euros. 65m², 2
bed, 1 bath, pool. Fantastic opportunity to acquire a 2 bed apartment
sit. on a beach front complex. Build
size of... Ref TT239-2195a
PUERTO DEL CARMEN, Lanzarote - Apartment - 145,000 euros.
50m², 55m² plot, 1 bed, 1 bath, pool.
Ground floor, 1 bed apartment with
comm. pool located in the centre
of Puerto del Carmen. Also has a...
Ref TT239-2194a
- Apartment - 110,000 euros. 45m²,
50m² plot, 1 bed, 1 bath. Variety of
spacious 1 bed apartments on a
complex with comm. pools. Located close to both old and new town
of... Ref TT239-2193a
SAN BARTOLOMÉ, Lanzarote Townhouse - 367,500 euros. 3 bed,
2 bath, garage, C/H. To view our extensive list of properties visit www. Are
you looking for a mortgage? Then we
can help! Non... Ref TT239-2137a
TAHICHE, Lanzarote - Villa - 787,500
euros. 475m², 5,000m² plot, 4 bed, 4
bath, garage, pool. Very attractive,
luxurious and spacious det, villa,
with a 2 bed, 1 bath villa attached
to it... Ref TT239-2189a
TAHICHE, Lanzarote - Villa 378,000 euros. 200m², 500m² plot, 3
bed, 2 bath, garage. Spacious det.
villa, approx. 9 years of age, with a
plot size of 500m2 and build size of
200m2. The... Ref TT239-2190a
TIAS, Lanzarote - Villa - 450,000
euros. 4 bed, 3 bath, pool. 3 brand
NEW det. villas to choose from.
Each plot size 1,134m2 with a build
size of 204m2. Each... Ref TT2392159a
- Terraced Villa - 684,000 euros. 7
bed. House of 297m2 with 7 beds,
garden, garage. Ref TT239-2275a
BENAHAVIS, Málaga - Villa 1,900,000 euros. 371m², 2,731m²
plot, 5 bed, 4 bath, 1 toilet, garage.
Rustic style villa currently under
construction on a west facing
hillside, offering beautiful... Ref
BENAHAVIS, Málaga - Apartment
- 460,000 euros. 89m², 136m² plot,
2 bed, 2 bath, 2 toilets, garage.
Fantastic 2 bed apartment sit. in
an elevated ground floor position,
with stunning views to the sea...
Ref TT239-2291a
BENAJARAFE, Málaga - Apartment - 209,000 euros. 60m², 1 bed, 1
bath, garage, pool. 4 year old, 60m2
ground floor apartment in good
condition. Lounge, fitted kitchen, 1
bed with... Ref TT239-2224a
ALGARROBO, Málaga - Apartment
- 262,500 euros. 80m², 2 bed, 1 bath,
garage. Very nice 2 bed apartment
sit. in 1ST line beach of Algarrobo
Costa, fully reformed and furnished, A/C,... Ref TT239-2278a
- Apartment - 226,000 euros. 107m²,
3 bed, 2 bath, garage. Nicely appointed and spacious 3 bed apartment only a few mins drive to the
beach or local Golf Course. Very...
Ref TT239-2218a
- Apartment - 335,000 euros. 114m²,
3 bed, 2 bath, garage. Apartment,
Frontline Golf, equipped kitchen.
Panoramic views of Golf, hills and
mountains. ADSL, A/C hot/cold,...
Ref TT239-2281a
- Apartment - 199,950 euros. 1 bed,
1 bath, pool. 1 bed apartment opposite the beach in Benalmádena,
46m2 build with 1 full bath. Brand
new quality... Ref TT239-2221a
ÁLORA, Málaga - Townhouse 190,450 euros. 4 bed, 2 bath. Pretty
townhouse tucked away on the
edge of Álora town in a pedestrian
only street. Just a few mins walk
into the centre and 15... Ref TT2392283a
ANTEQUERA, Málaga - Townhouse - 252,500 euros. 5 bed, 2
bath. Very large centrally located
village house. Excellent condition
throughout and has further living
space at the garage level,... Ref
ARCHEZ, Málaga - Undeveloped
Land - 127,000 euros. A plot of
land in an elevated position just 5
mins drive from the white village
of Competa. Approx. 7,000m2 and
already has an area... Ref TT2392287a
BENAMARGOSA, Málaga - Ruin 300,000 euros. Rural ruin, off road
parking, private garden, south
and west facing with views of the
countryside and mountains. Ref
BENAMARGOSA, Málaga - Finca/
Country House - 299,000 euros. 3
bed, 2 bath, pool. Lovely finca in
Benamargosa.............built to modern standards 3 years ago. Short
track to the... Ref TT239-2061a
CABOPINO, Málaga - Apartment
- 250,000 euros. 85m², 105m² plot,
2 bed, 2 bath, garage. Fantastic 2
bed, 2 bath apartment very spacious in size. Sit. just a few minutes
from the... Ref TT239-2222a
CASABERMEJA, Málaga - Finca/
Country House - 420,000 euros. 4
bed, 2 bath, pool. Country finca
near Casabermeja.............Recently
built single storey house built in
a typical Spanish country... Ref
COMPETA, Málaga - Apartment
- 170,000 euros. 2 bed, 2 bath.
79.80m2 forms part of a luxury development of 2 penthouses and 4
apartments. Designed by one... Ref
COMPETA, Málaga - Ruin - 38,000
euros. shell of a former building of
approx. 90m2, lying on a plot of land
of approx. 600m2, about a 10-15 min
drive to the south of Competa. The
ruin is... Ref TT239-2077a
CORTES DE LA FRONTERA, Málaga - Finca/Country House - 183,500
euros. 80m², 3,000m² plot, 4 bed, 1
bath. Rustic charm. Lovely spacious well built wooden house
with fantastic views from the
large portch position. Sit. just... Ref
ESTEPONA, Málaga - Apartment 1,195,000 euros. 2 bed, 3 bath, pool.
Sit. within the renowned Alcazaba
beach complex, located in the 4th
y for investers, villa red
Op ,000 from// €695 b
on htt
tesa 000
€5 etails
ESCALA (L’), Girona - Apartment 220,000 euros. 60m², 2 bed, 1 bath,
pool. Beautiful apartment, 7th floor
with lift, 2 double beds, living/dining room, kitchen, bathroom, big
terrace (10m2) with a extra... Ref
LLAGOSTERA, Girona - Townhouse
- 195,000 euros. 170m², 50m² plot.
Ref: 1601. Girona city, Llagostera.
Built surface: 170m², garden. Price:
195,000.00€ Ref TT239-2102a
(+34) 902 102 580
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Friday, November 30, 2007
property inmobiliaria
and last phase, completed beginning... Ref TT239-2095a
ESTEPONA, Málaga - Finca/Country House - 680,000 euros. 4 bed,
3 bath, pool. Small and attractive
finca, a couple of mins drive to
the 5-star Kempinski hotel and the
beach, in a peaceful environment.
The... Ref TT239-2094a
ESTEPONA, Málaga - Villa 680,000 euros. 185m², 850m² plot,
4 bed, 3 bath, garage. Sit. in a
quiet urbanisation just a few mins
from Estepona town and from the
beach. Lovely house enjoys a... Ref
MACHARAVIAYA, Málaga - Townhouse - 210,000 euros. 90m², 215m²
plot, 3 bed, 1 bath, 1 toilet. Beautiful
3 bed family home sit. in Macharaviaya, just 7km from Rincón de la
Victoria. Only 5... Ref TT239-2106a
MARBELLA, Málaga - Villa 2,250,000 euros. 348m², 1,700m²
plot, 4 bed, 3 bath, 1 toilet, garage, pool, A/C. BEAUTIFUL VILLA
Ref TT239-2114a
MARBELLA, Málaga - Apartment
- 575,000 euros. 110m², 3 bed, 2
bath, garage. Central 3 bed apartment sit. very close to the beach in
Marbella’s centre. 3 beds, 2... Ref
MARBELLA, Málaga - Apartment
- 410,000 euros. 124m², 2 bed, 2
bath, 1 toilet, garage. Beautiful
penthouse built on just 1 floor sit.
close to several golf courses and
just a few mins drive from... Ref
MIJAS COSTA, Málaga - Apartment - 152,250 euros. 55m², 1 bed,
1 bath, garage, A/C. Apartment in
Mijas - Las Lagunas, in a private urbanisation, 1 bed, 1 bath, 55m2, 5m2
terrace, garage,... Ref TT239-2223a
NUEVA ANDALUCÍA, Málaga Penthouse - 589,000 euros. 147m²,
2 bed, 2 bath, garage. Converted
from 3 beds to 2, providing an
outstandingly large L shaped living room but could easily be... Ref
PUERTO BANÚS, Málaga - Penthouse - 750,000 euros. 3 bed, 2
bath, pool. Impressive duplex
penthouse sit. beachside in the exclusive urbanisation of El Embrujo
Marbella providing 24-hr security
and large... Ref TT239-2188a
TORRE DEL MAR, Málaga - Apartment - 240,000 euros. 78m², 78m²
TORREMOLINOS, Málaga - Apartment - 147,000 euros. 3 bed, 1 bath,
pool. 3 beds flat, 60m2, independent kitchen, bath, living room. Ref
TORROX, Málaga - Townhouse 315,000 euros. 4 bed, 2 bath, pool.
Fabulous location, spacious family
house, in the town centre of Torrox-Costa. Walking distance to the
beach, promenade and all the bars
and... Ref TT239-2171a
TORROX, Málaga - Townhouse 160,000 euros. 3 bed, 1 bath. NICE
FULL BATH.... Ref TT239-2170a
TORROX, Málaga - Apartment 135,450 euros. 40m², 1 bed, 1 bath,
garage. Apartment in Torrox Costa
(Torrox Park). Located in Sun Coast,
500m. to beach, next to camping EL
Pino. Placed in very good... Ref
TORROX PARK, Málaga - Villa 410,000 euros. 2 bed, 2 bath, pool.
Det. villa, Urbanisation, furnished,
independent kitchen, garage, private pool and garden, west facing,
views... Ref TT239-2233a
ALARO, Mallorca - Villa - 190,000
euros. 3 bed, 1 bath. Nice 100 year
old rustic townhouse in need of
restoration. 120m2, with 3 beds, 1
exterior bath, 40m2 garden,... Ref
ALCÚDIA, Mallorca - Villa - 499,000
euros. 4 bed, 3 bath. Typical Mallorcan front-line villa that has been
lovingly reformed to an exceptional
standard by profesionals. Only 20m
from the beach... Ref TT239-2276a
ALGAIDA, Mallorca - Finca/Country House - 2,310,000 euros. 385m²,
25,000m² plot, 7 bed, 5 bath, 2 toilets, pool, A/C, C/H. Absolutely
fabulous property comprising 3
sep. f/f dwellings all with many...
Ref: TT239-2277a
BENDINAT, Mallorca - Apartment
- 450,000 euros. 81m², 95m² plot, 1
bed, 1 bath, pool, A/C. Located in
a quiet, private comm. overlooking
the golf course of Real Bendinat.
Golf Bendinat is an increasingly...
Ref TT239-2199a
CALA D’OR, Mallorca - Building
Plot - 450,000 euros. 16,000m² plot.
Idyllic country plot of 16,000m2,
with licence to build a 2 storey
det. house. Excellently located
plot only a 5 min. drive from... Ref
To enquire about properties with the TT reference code prefix:
(+34) 902 102 580
CAN PASTILLA, Mallorca - Semidet. Villa - 407,000 euros. 135m²,
430m² plot, 4 bed, 2 bath, garage,
pool, A/C, C/H. Ref: 10062 276,683
GBP (407,000 euros). Attractive
semi-det. house in a quiet but central location... Ref TT239-2230a
PALMANOVA, Mallorca - Apartment - 190,500 euros. 64m², 1 bed,
1 bath, pool. Exciting 1 bed apartment very close to the beach and
all amenities. Totally reformed
and very modern and... Ref TT2392245a
RAPITA (SA), Mallorca - Finca/
Country House - 575,000 euros.
300m², 15,000m² plot, 4 bed, 4 bath,
garage. Country house located in
quiet area close to a popular beach
area and marina. Plot: 15,000m2 is
of... Ref TT239-2229a
CA’N PICAFORT, Mallorca - Apartment - 228,913 euros. 90m², 3 bed,
2 bath. Beautiful apartment sit.
in Ca’n Picafort. 3 beds, 2 baths,
kitchen and cosy living room with
dining... Ref TT239-2241a
PEGUERA, Mallorca - Finca/Country House - 525,000 euros. 4 bed,
2 bath. Beautiful villa located in
a quiet and private position with
300m2 of terraces and garden. 2
living rooms, dining area,... Ref
- Apartment - 353,000 euros. 153m²,
4 bed, 2 bath, garage, pool. Ref:
10048. 239,973 GBP (353,000 euros).
Very nice, large ground floor apartment in a well cared residents complex. Large... Ref TT239-2262a
POBLA (SA), Mallorca - Apartment - 177,744 euros. 79m², 3 bed,
1 bath, 1 toilet, pool, A/C. Ground
floor apartment sit. in Sa Pobla. In
approx. 10 mins you can reach the
beach and in approx. 20 mins... Ref
SANTA EUGENIA, Mallorca - Villa
- 798,000 euros. 4 bed, 2 bath. Interesting opportunity to acquire a very
large rural finca in Santa Eugenia.
Currently half of the house has
been fully restored with a further...
Ref TT239-2145a
POLLENSA, Mallorca - Villa 1,100,000 euros. 240m², 1,037m²
plot, 4 bed, 4 bath, garage, pool,
A/C, C/H. Very contemporary residence, with minimalist lines exhuding sheer design, is sit. on a... Ref
SANTA PONSA, Mallorca - Apartment - 525,000 euros. 152m², 4 bed,
3 bath, pool, A/C, C/H. Amazing
off-plan returns! New development under construction in Santa
Ponsa. Top quality build from major
Mallorcan... Ref TT239-1656
POLLENSA, Mallorca - Apartment
- 325,000 euros. 3 bed, 2 bath. Perfectly located central apartmenT
in Puerto Pollensa. Sit. in the main
square with magnificent views out
to the Tramontana... Ref TT2392131a
SANTA PONSA, Mallorca - Apartment - 281,000 euros. 2 bed, 2 bath,
garage, pool, A/C. New Complex 2
bed Apartments. Residential complex with 4 three-storey buildings
with a total number of 41... Ref
PORTALS NOUS, Mallorca - Apartment - 370,000 euros. 90m², 3 bed,
2 bath, A/C. 3 Bed apartment Sit.
in a quiet area, 2 double beds, 1
single bed, 1 bath en-suite, 1... Ref
SANTA PONSA, Mallorca - Apartment - 264,500 euros. 80m², 2 bed, 1
bath, garage, pool, A/C, C/H. What
a bargain!! Totally reformed frontline marina apartment with stunning marina views. 2 bed, 2 bath...
Ref TT239-2201a
CA’N PICAFORT, Mallorca - Apartment - 151,500 euros. 2 bed, 1 bath.
Apartment located in the popular
resort village of Ca’n Picafort, only
100m from beach. 2 bed, 1 complete... Ref TT239-2242a
CAPDEPERA, Mallorca - Villa 845,000 euros. 3 bed, 2 bath, pool.
Fantastic villa located in the privileged area of Canaymel. Boasts 3
beds, 2 bath, toilet, good size... Ref
- Finca/Country House - 3,150,000
euros. 5 bed, 3 bath. Wonderfully
unique house sit. in one of the most
prestigious areas of Mallorca
- Costa den Blanes, with truly uninterupted panoramic views... Ref
FELANITX, Mallorca - Villa 1,700,000 euros. 600m², 25,000m²
plot, 6 bed, 5 bath, garage, pool,
C/H. Idyllic finca sit. between Felanitx and Manacor, a little before
Son Macia, nestled on a small...
Ref TT239-2096a
TORROX PARK, Málaga - Villa 296,000 euros. 3 bed, 2 bath, pool.
Ref: 381 Semi-det. villa sit. in the urbanisation Torrox Park with several
comm. pools,... Ref TT239-2234a
CALA D’OR, Mallorca - Apartment
- 168,000 euros. 40m², 1 bed, 1 bath,
garage, pool, C/H. Ref: 30169 Nice
apartment in a very well-tended
urbanisation with comm. pool!
Modern Mediterranean style... Ref
VENTA BAJA, Málaga - Villa 325,000 euros. 125m², 870m² plot,
3 bed, 2 bath, 2 toilets, pool, A/C.
Charming house near to all local
amenities in the villages of Puente
don Manuel and Alcaucín! The
house has... Ref TT239-2240a
CALA RATJADA, Mallorca - Villa
- 480,000 euros. 2 bed, 2 bath, pool.
Well maintained bright and tranquil
semi-det. house in Cala Ratjada
enjoying panoramic views over the
town and sea and out... Ref TT2392227a
VILLANUEVA DE ALGAIDAS, Málaga - Townhouse - 138,500 euros.
3 bed, 1 bath. Sit. in a quiet street
on the edge of the town of Villanueva de Algaidas, well maintained and is being sold at a very...
Ref TT239-2173a
VIÑAS, Mallorca - Apartment
- 352,000 euros. 2 double bed, 2
bath apartment located in complex
with comm. gardens and pool, with
nice sea views. It comprises... Ref
LLUCMAJOR, Mallorca - Finca/
Country House - 350,000 euros.
100m², 1,800m² plot, 3 bed, 2 bath,
2 toilets, garage, A/C. Dear Mr.
Grandison, thank you for being
interested in our offers. in the attachment I send you more... Ref
VIÑUELA, Málaga - Townhouse
- 179,995 euros. A/C. Exquisite 2
bed house, fully reformed in an enchanting rustic style. Spectacular
views over Lake Viñuela. Walking
distance to all amenities of... Ref
CALVIA, Mallorca - Finca/Country
House - 1,080,000 euros. 580m²,
535m² plot, 5 bed, 4 bath, 1 toilet,
garage, pool, A/C. Spacious chalet
on 2 floors plus ample basement,
pool and garden, sit. in Calvia.
Beautiful... Ref: TT239-2068a
ALARO, Mallorca - Villa - 1,100,000
euros. 3 bed, 2 bath, pool. Beautifully sit. rural finca enjoying spectacular far reaching mountain
and countryside views close to
the village of Alaro. Sitting... Ref
CAMPANET, Mallorca - Villa 480,000 euros. 4 bed, 1 bath, pool.
House in Campanet enjoying
wonderful panoramic views over
the surrounding countryside and
mountains. Ready... Ref: TT2392069a
LLOSETA, Mallorca - Finca/Country House - 1,900,000 euros. 800m²,
1,300m² plot. Ref: 10102. 1,291,639
GBP (1,900,000 euros) Great XVIII’s
historical-country house in Lloseta, excellente like gastronomic or
hostelry... Ref TT239-2104a
PORTOCOLOM, Mallorca - Villa
- 395,000 euros. 173m², 303m² plot,
3 bed, 2 bath, pool, C/H. Wonderful new construction with modern
style and high quality in detail. Next
to the shopping and restaurant
mal... Ref TT239-2228a
SANTANYI, Mallorca - Townhouse
- 305,000 euros. 460m² plot, 4 bed,
1 bath. Townhouse to be renovated
in the centre of Santanyi. Piece of
land in the back and positioned in
a... Ref TT239-2148a
PORTOL, Mallorca - Apartment 570,000 euros. 175m², 7,232m² plot,
4 bed, 3 bath, pool, C/H. Brand new
villa sit. in the popular village of
Portol only a few kilometres north
of Palma with panoramic views...
Ref TT239-2263a
SINEU, Mallorca - Finca/Country
House - 495,000 euros. 3 bed, 2
bath. Well reformed and newly
extended finca of 163m2 enjoying a
quiet location with superb country
and mountain views. Set on a plot
of 8,000m2... Ref TT239-2153a
- Flat - 612,700 euros. 170m², 4 bed,
2 bath, 1 toilet, garage, A/C, C/H.
Splendid apartment in residential
area near schools. Good quality materials have been used and
there are 2... Ref TT239-2124a
- Building Plot - 1,000,000 euros.
1,000m² plot. Beautiful plot sit. directly in front of the sea in Playa
de Muro. Only 75m away from the
fantastic beach. On the plot you
can... Ref TT239-2244a
SOL DE MALLORCA, Mallorca - Villa - 2,400,000 euros. 440m², 1,360m²
plot, 4 bed, 4 bath, garage, pool,
A/C, C/H. Ref: 20076. 1,631,544 GBP
(2,400,000 euros). Turn your dream
of a sunny and easygoing life in
the... Ref TT239-2247a
- Apartment - 450,000 euros. 150m²,
2 bed, 2 bath, garage, A/C, C/H. Ref:
09931. 305,915 GBP (450,000 euros).
Possibility to rent or buy, parking.
Plot of land. Automatic entryphone... Ref TT239-2123a
- Terraced Villa - 380,880 euros.
180m², 3 bed, 1 bath, 1 toilet, garage, C/H. Nice terraced house sit.
in the Port of Alcúdia in a quiet but
also central area. 3 beds, 1... Ref:
SOL DE MALLORCA, Mallorca Apartment - 265,000 euros. 2 bed,
2 bath, pool. Beautifully modernised apartment sit. within walking
distance to Cap Falco beach, and
a short drive to all amenities. Set in
tranquil... Ref TT239-2246a
SON SERVERA, Mallorca - Villa 630,000 euros. 4 bed, 2 bath. Beautiful townhouse in a quiet area of
Son Servera. 4 beds, 2 reception
rooms with fireplaces, sep. dining
room,... Ref: TT239-2157a
TOLLERIC, Mallorca - Semi-det.
villa - 475,000 euros. 100m², 320m²
plot, 3 bed, 2 bath, pool, A/C. One
of 2 semi-det., 2 storey houses. The
purchaser will have freedom of...
Ref TT239-2261a
TORRENOVA, Mallorca - Apartment - 395,000 euros. 2 bed, 2 bath,
A/C. Beautiful 2 bed, 2 bath apartment in superb condition and restored with quality new fittings and
decor. Ground floor, with huge...
Ref TT239-2248a
ALAIOR, Menorca - Villa - 634,800
euros. 200m², 2,200m² plot, 4 bed, 1
bath, garage. Villa of 200m² including garage, on 2,200m² of land. 3
double beds with fitted wardrobes
and 1... Ref TT239-2270a
ALAIOR, Menorca - Villa - 295,000
euros. 77m², 230m² plot, 3 bed,
2 bath, pool. Semi-det. villa of
77.32m² on 230.09m² of land.. 3
beds, 2 baths, lounge/dining room,
kitchen.... Ref TT239-2269a
BINIBECA, Menorca - Villa 2,500,000 euros. 350m², 20,000m²
plot, 5 bed, 3 bath, garage, pool,
C/H. What can I say about this
luxury villa but WOW! Unbeatable
location very private and with sea
views... Ref TT239-2265a
CASTELL (ES), Menorca - Villa
- 390,000 euros. 2 bed, 1 bath. Old
villa enjoying a privileged situation
with fabulous sea views, in need
of reform. Double bed, single bed,
cloakroom,... Ref TT239-2074a
MAHÓN, Menorca - Villa - 850,000
euros. 255m², 1,282m² plot, 4 bed,
4 bath, garage, pool, A/C, C/H.
Exceptional villa in Bini Dali
one of the most sort after areas
of Menorca, the villa has... Ref
MAHÓN, Menorca - Villa - 698,000
euros. 201m², 1,000m² plot, 3 bed,
2 bath, garage, pool, C/H. Luxury
villa built to a high standard in
2001. 201m² set on 1,000m² of land
close to the beach and sea.... Ref
MAHÓN, Menorca - Apartment 691,000 euros. 83m², 3 bed, 2 bath,
pool, A/C, C/H. Front-line,ground
floor luxury apartment of 83,39m². 3
double beds with fitted wardrobes,
2 full baths,... Ref TT239-2109a
MAHÓN, Menorca - Penthouse
- 675,000 euros. 156m², 3 bed, 1
bath, 1 toilet, garage, A/C, C/H.
Extra-ordinary duplex with 3 beds,
Friday, November 30, 2007
property inmobiliaria
MERCADAL (ES), Menorca - Apartment - 298,000 euros. 80m², 80m²
plot, 2 bed, 1 bath, pool. Charming
apartment with excellent views
and a private garden which is a
rarity. Built surface 80m2, 2 rooms
(2... Ref: TT239-2116a
SANT LLUIS, Menorca - Villa 687,700 euros. 230m², 800m² plot, 4
bed, 2 bath, garage, pool, A/C. CAP
D’EN FONT. Ref: TT239-2143a
SANT LLUIS, Menorca - Villa 685,000 euros. 215m², 1,000m² plot,
4 bed, 3 bath, garage, pool, A/C.
Fabulous villa sit. in a peaceful road
only 5 mins from Binisafua Beach.
215m2 on a... Ref: TT239-2144a
SANT LLUIS, Menorca - Villa 340,000 euros. 98m², 500m² plot, 3
bed, 1 bath, garage, A/C, C/H. Villa
of 98m² in grounds of 500m², close
to the sea and beaches. 3 double
beds with fitted... Ref TT239-2142a
ÁGUILAS, Murcia - Apartment 170,000 euros. 70m², 2 bed, 2 bath.
2 bed apartments sit. in the coastal
area of Águilas next to a future golf
course. The development has all
necessary... Ref TT239-2268a
BALSICAS, Murcia - Apartment 159,000 euros. 69m², 2 bed, 1 bath, 1
toilet, garage, pool, A/C. ACACIAS.
Quality South-East facing 2 bed
apartment, with fitted wardrobes in
each room, in... Ref TT239-2253a
BULLAS, Murcia - Finca/Country
House - 275,000 euros. 4 bed, 2
bath, pool. *Resale *Reformed
Country House *Private Swimming Pool *Large Garage *Outside
kitchen, BBQ and wood oven *Possibility of an... Ref TT239-2064a
FORTUNA, Murcia - Det. top villa
130/1,100m2, 3 beds, 2 baths, living
room 35m2, kitchen, garage, carport, C/H, A/C, double glazing, Sat
dish (180). Can be split to build a
2ND house. Price: 240,000 euros. Tel.
MURCIA, Murcia - Apartment 137,400 euros. 2 bed, 1 bath. Apartments on the front-line of golf,
built in traditional Mediterranean
architecture. 1, 2 and 3 beds, in 4
storey... Ref TT239-2117a
TERCIA (LA), Murcia - Villa 456,000 euros. 4 bed, 3 bath, pool.
Top of the range 4 beds, 3 baths,
St. George Villa sit. 1st or 2nd line
golf on La Tercia United Golf Resort. Villa of 153m2 plus 70m2... Ref
AMPOLLA (L’), Tarragona - Finca/
Country House - 210,000 euros.
100m², 5,000m² plot, 2 bed, 2 bath,
2 toilets. Two storey house sit. on
high ground with fabulous views to
the sea and delta. A totally private
retreat. From... Ref TT239-2284a
ASCO, Tarragona - Finca/Country House - 170,000 euros. 98m²,
69,000m² plot, 1 bed, 2 bath, 2 toilets, A/C. Casa La Vall 6.9 Hectares
about 10 mins from the village and
accessed off a tarmac track. Land
planted with... Ref TT239-2288a
DELTEBRE, Tarragona - Finca/
Country House - 175,000 euros.
20m², 23m² plot. This is a great opportunity to buy a good size peace
of land with a building already on
FREGINALS, Tarragona - Finca/
Country House - 187,000 euros.
3 bed, 1 bath. FREGINALS 120m,
10,000m solar, with Chalet for internal completion 3 beds, bath,
kitchen, lounge, water, electrical
installation is... Ref TT239-2097a
TORTOSA, Tarragona - Finca/
Country House - 250,000 euros.
120m², 13,140m² plot, 2 bed, 1 bath.
Lovely countryside property with
oranges on land. New building legalised. Direct access to river... Ref
XERTA, Tarragona - Finca/Country House - 72,000 euros. 90m²,
40,000m² plot, garage. Rustic finca,
in the countryside, facing south
with breathtaking views of countryside, Ebro´s Delta, Mountains,
River Ebro. Features:... Ref TT2392182a
ADEJE, Tenerife - Townhouse 310,500 euros. 5 bed, 3 bath, pool.
What great value for money! 5
bed, 3 bath townhouse set within
a huge living area of 158m. Fully
furnished with a light, bright... Ref
ADEJE, Tenerife - Apartment 162,750 euros. 4 bed, 2 bath. Close
to all facilities, 4 bed apartment,
2 baths, furnished and equipped
American kitchen, very quiet area,
lift, bright airy and has... Ref TT2392058a
CHAYOFA, Tenerife - Apartment 272,000 euros. 2 bed, 1 bath, pool.
German built less than 3 years ago,
this 2 bed apartment was built to
an exceptionally high standard.
Located in a quiet residential... Ref
CRISTIANOS (LOS), Tenerife - Penthouse - 292,000 euros. 2 bed, 2 bath,
garage, pool. 2 double beds, 2 baths,
independent kitchen, dining room,
terrace, comm. garden, garage,
cupboards,... Ref TT239-2231a
Orange Villas
Jalón sl
specialise in the
Jalón Valley
GIGANTES (LOS), Tenerife - Apartment - 106,000 euros. 1 bed, 1 bath,
pool. Sit. on outskirts of Los Gigantes, this complex has panoramic sea and cliff views. Selection of
1 bed apartments of various... Ref
GOLF DEL SUR, Tenerife - Apartment - 357,000 euros. 92m², 192m²
plot, 3 bed, 2 bath, garage, pool,
A/C. Delightful penthouse with
sea views, being sold partially furnished. Fully air... Ref TT239-2255a
GOLF DEL SUR, Tenerife - Terraced
Villa - 249,500 euros. 3 bed, 1 bath,
pool. Lovely semi-det. house on
2 floors, 3 beds and roof terrace
with spectacular ocean views, set
in landscaped gardens. Located...
Ref TT239-2256a
GOLF DEL SUR, Tenerife - Penthouse - 179,900 euros. 1 bed, 1
bath, pool. Live on top of the world
in this spacious 1 bed penthouse
and gasp at the glorious ocean
views from your huge 44m terrace.... Ref TT239-2254a
PLAYA DE LAS AMÉRICAS, Tenerife - Villa - 577,500 euros. 4 bed,
3 bath. Absolutely outstanding 4
bed, 3 bath villa. Spacious and
beautifully furnished with large
terraces, plenty of room to... Ref
PLAYA DE LAS AMÉRICAS, Tenerife - Bungalow - 419,580 euros. 2
bed, 1 bath. Fully furnished duplex
bungalow sit. in the popular area
of Puerto Colon, Las Américas. 2
beds, bath,... Ref TT239-2236a
PLAYA SAN JUAN, Tenerife Apartment - 395,000 euros. 2 bed,
2 bath, pool. If you’re looking for a
spacious luxury apartment close to
the beach then look no further! 2
double beds, 2 baths, marble... Ref
PUERTO SANTIAGO, Tenerife Apartment - 108,000 euros. 2 bed,
1 bath. Sit. in upper Puerto de
Santiago in a quiet area. Recently
completely refurbished. 2 beds, 1...
Ref TT239-2260a
- Apartment - 185,000 euros. 3 bed,
2 bath, pool. New development of
2 and 3 bed apartments, built in
Andalucía style, all overlooking the
swimming pool and gardens Ref
SANTA ÚRSULA, Tenerife - Fantastic business opportunity. Busy
supermarket for sale due to owner
relocating. Fully functioning and
open for business. Excellent price.
Tel. 6677597753
- Apartment - 138,000 euros. 45m²,
(+34) 902 102 580
1 bed, 1 bath, pool. 4th floor apartment of 45m² sit. in the centre of
Playa de la Arena only 2 mins walk
from the beach and all amenities,
one... Ref TT239-2149a
ALGINET, Valencia - Villa 552,900 euros. 4 bed, 2 bath, pool.
Construction approx. 420m2 - Plot
approx. 2,500m2. 4 beds with fitted
wardrobe, lounge/dining room
with... Ref TT239-2279a
LLÍRIA, Valencia - Finca/Country House - 236,960 euros. 3 bed,
3 bath, pool. Lliria, villa, near
urbanisation Vall de Liria, all
redone, parquet, C/H, 3 beds, 3
baths, hydromassage, office... Ref
MASSAMAGRELL, Valencia Apartment - 195,002 euros. 4 bed,
2 bath. Massamagrell, centre,
good building, lift, large apartment, 127m2, all redone, oak
wooden kitchen, 4 beds, 2 baths,
big lounge, nice... Ref TT2392115a
OLIVA, Valencia - Semi-det. Villa 276,000 euros. 110m², 243m² plot, 2
Excellent opportunity to purchase
a modern semi-det. house only
350m... Ref TT239-2120a
OLIVA, Valencia - Oliva Nova Semi-det. property with 2 beds,
2 baths, kitchen, terraces, 200m
from the sea. Price 192,000 euros.
Tel. 629639573
PEDRALBA, Valencia - Villa 225,000 euros. 120m², 6,000m² plot,
POBLETS (ELS), Alicante - Comfortable 2 double bed bungalow
near Dénia. Fully equipped including ADSL. Close to nice beach.
Will suit disabled. Tel. 965755273
- [email protected]
MARCHUQUERA, Valencia - Self
contained studio flat in Marxuquera, a quiet area with stunning
views. Pool, tennis courts. Newly
refurbished. Ideally looking for
someone to maintain property for
cheap rent. Price: on request. Tel.
0044 7976 722351
Business / Offices
TORREVIEJA, Alicante - Restaurant/Bar - 241,900 euros. 2 toilets.
Excellent business opportunity
located in one of most busy areas
of Torrevieja, close to a popular
supermarket in town centre and
shops. It is... Ref TT239-2166a
MASPLOMAS, Gran Canaria
- Business - 99,500 euros. 59m².
Brand new kiosk (25m²) on the
Boulevard Las Dunas in Maspalomas is fitted out and licensed as
a bar-cafe which can be open for
up to 20hrs per day.... Ref TT2392204a
(LAS), Gran Canaria - Commercial
- 1,437,000 euros. 420m². 1st line
beach freehold property (420m²)
on 2 floors overlooking Las Canteras Beach. Enjoys a prominent
location at one end of... Ref TT2392125a
BENALMÁDENA COSTA, Málaga - Restaurant/Bar - 62,950
euros. Busy sea-front Cafe Bar
in Benalmádena. If you dream of
a lovely sea-front cafe/bar comfortably sized for a couple to run,
serving cool drinks and tasty...
Ref TT239-2220a
- Restaurant/Bar. Price: 50,000
euros. A very well established
cafe-bar situated on a busy main
road, near the beach. Built to
high standards and very well...
Ref TT239-2219a
FUENGIROLA, Málaga - Restaurant/Bar. Price: 680,000 euros.
157m², garage. High quality restaurant situated 2nd line to the
beach with a catchment area
of both holiday and residential
property as well as... Ref TT2392100a
FUENGIROLA, Málaga - Restaurant/Bar. Price: 155,000 euros.
125m². Sit on the famous Fish Alley, which is probably the busiest
pedestrian street in Fuengirola,
and has recently had a total refurbishment... Ref TT239-2098a
FUENGIROLA, Málaga - Restaurant/Bar - 127,500 euros. 100m²,
garage. Fantastic opportunity.
Offering one of the best loca-
Easy access from
Valencia & Alicante airports
Spectacular views
For more information visit
(IVA not
SANTA PONSA, Mallorca - Restaurant/Bar - 260,000 euros.
110m², A/C. REF: 20113 Business
transfer: 176,751 GBP. Restaurant
in the south-west of Mallorca.
Decorated completely in the
ancient Mallorquin style. Fantastic... Ref TT239-2200a
SANTA PONSA, Mallorca - Commercial - 80,000 euros. 240m².
REF: 20082 Business transfer:
54,385 GBP GLOBO21 is holding
the key to your successful future
- storage hall in best location in
the southwest of... Ref TT2392203a
SAN EUGENIO, Tenerife - Commercial - 115,500 euros. This bar
has good daytime trade from the
visitors to the Agua Park opposite.
Bar and kitchen area furnished
to a good standard with stainless
steel... Ref TT239-2249a
MORAIRA, Alicante - 3 beds, 21/2
baths, newly renovated, furnished
villa. Large lounge/diner with wood
burner, gas CH, pool. Quiet location close to amenities. Price: 1,000
euros p/m exc bills. Tel. 966499878
- 618182503
FOR SALE: Spectacular Exclusive Luxury Villa in Calpe
Los Hidalgos
costa del sol (manilva)
de los Hidalgos
• FROM 77 TO 123 M2 BUILD
● 2,750 m2 plot, 680 m2 house and 290 m2 terraces.
● Pool, spa, lift, guest apartment.
● Latest technology and high quality materials.
Telephone: 690 100 084
e-mail: [email protected]
errazas de los Hidalgos is an exclusive development
located at the top of Los Hidalgos Urbanisation,
offering you unbeatable sea views, views of the Golf
Course, La Duquesa Yacht Marina and even the African
The apartments have 2 or 3 bedrooms. Those on the
ground floor boast a private garden and penthouses have a
private terrace with spectacular views.
The apartments are built with high-quality materials, marble
floor tiles indoors, fully-fitted kitchens and pre-installation
of air conditioning. The exterior resembles a typical Mediterranean village, surrounded by extensive gardens and
paths throughout the grounds. Parking area and communal pools.
Tel. (0034) 952 93 68 45
E-mail: ofi[email protected]
Build area: approx. 98 m2 Price
free gift 37”
Country House & plot of
2,700 m2.
Ref. 6732
Country house & plot of
18,000 m2.
Ref. 6803
free gift 37”
Double house fully
equipped. Ref. 6784
Villa with plot of land.
Ref. 6712
free gift 37”
Large town house of
traditional style.
Ref. 6781
To reform to your liking!
Ref. 6798
from: €185,000 Terrace: 8.54 m2 Garage
free gift CORTES
37” LCD
Country house overlooking the lagoon! Ref. 6736
Townhouse in a
stunning area! Ref. 6774
Fax: (+34) 96 648 01 10
10,000 m2
plots choice
of design,
ten years
living, open
RIOGORDO, Málaga - Business
- 240,000 euros. 800m². SHELL
OR SMALL HOTEL. Includes 4
floors of which the basement is
designed to be the underground
car park. Each of the... Ref
100 m2 build, 800m2 plot,
2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom,
closed kitchen, storage room.
Terrace with open views.
Separate apartment can be
built on the ground floor.
Property for Rent
Tel. 619 228 558 & 680 845 754 - C/ Virgen del Rosario, 3. AYORA (Valencia)
MÁLAGA, Málaga - Business
- 495,000 euros. 20,000m² plot,
3 bed, 2 bath, 2 toilets, garage,
pool. Freehold rural kennels and
cattery - Málaga. Fully licensed
and very successful boarding
kennels and cattery... Ref TT2392107a
VILLAR DEL ARZOBISPO, Valencia - Finca/Country House 65,000 euros. 190m², 3,000m² plot,
garage, pool. Investment property
Ref: TT239-2174a
Detached luxury wooden chalet bungalows COFRENTES
tions, right on the beach-front
with picturesque views of the...
Ref TT239-2099a
REQUENA, Valencia - Townhouse
- 80,000 euros. 125m², 400m² plot,
3 bed, bath. Requena area of the
main town which is 35 mins to Valencia airport and city. Famous for
its... Ref TT239-2133a
PRICE: €2,750,000 / £1,920,000
● Fabulous sea and mountain views.
COSTA TEGUISE, Lanzarote Commercial - 285,000 euros. 2
bath. One of the finest bars in
Lanzarote, beautifully furnished
and presented, set in one of the
busiest areas of Costa Teguise
along the main... Ref TT2392198a
Call Property Phone: (+34) 902 102 580 2 baths, kitchen, dining/living with
an elevated studio, large... Ref
To enquire about properties with the TT reference code prefix:
Friday, November 30, 2007
jobs & education trabajo y formación
Situations Vacant
yourself*Work with a stable
multicultural ethical company*
Uncapped commission in a
dynamic environment* Career
development* Email your CV to:
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Cartagena, Murcia - SALES
MANAGER Teletek Spas, the
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sales orientated manager for
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Tremendous oportunities for
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- Leo, for an informal chat.
A varied role which will use all
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be multi-lingual. Tel. 971633545
or email admin@sunsearchrecr
Deià, Mallorca - LIVE IN NANNY
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duties will include assisting with
homework, meals and some
housework. Flexible hours, one
day off a week. Use of car. Tel.
971633545 or email admin@suns
Must have: CRM, BI & Data
Warehousing, SQL & Informatics/BO Data Integrator. Email
[email protected] or call
Nicole 952 587 533 for more info.
Quote NI/1087
Seville, Sevilla - SALES ROLE
in Sevilla, for an important
company dedicated to the distribution of construction materials. 1200 net + great commissions. Tel. 952587453 or email
[email protected]
Marbella, Málaga - RECRUITMENT CONSULTANTS Two consultants required for company
based in Marbella, offering an
excellent package and commission structure. Minimum 1
year recruitment experience.
Please send applications to
[email protected]
Marbella, Málaga - SELF MOTIVATED PERSON that can handle
accounts for one of our online
product lines. The position requires a sales orientated person
with the ability to generate business on the phone. Great commissions. Tel. 952587453 or email
[email protected]
Palma de Mallorca, Mallorca
- SALES/MARKETING EXECUTIVES - We are recruiting Sales
Executives for the launch of
a new Multi lingual Business
Directory for Mallorca. Enthusiasm, energy and a desire to
earn excellent money are the
key skills being sought. Tel.
971633545 or email admin@suns
Marbella, Málaga - JUNIOR
SALES GIRL for an exclusive
interior design company in
Marbella. Being bilingual is a
must. Age 25-30, must live in
Marbella area. 1500 net salary
+ bonus. Tel. 952587453 or email
[email protected]
Bendinat, Mallorca - PATISSERIE & PASTRY CHEF - A high
quality Italian/French restaurant
in Bendinat is seeking an experienced Pastry Chef. Must be an
innovative, qualified and experienced professional chef. Tel.
971633545 - admin@sunsearchr
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senior managers from a cross
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partnerships with media and
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Llucmajor, Mallorca - SALES
EXECUTIVE for a major international leisure company. Determination, dedication, and competition with a will to succeed are
the qualities they are looking for.
Tel. 971633545 or email admin@s
Palma de Mallorca, Mallorca
growing travel company are
looking for staff to support their
Customer Service Team. Fluent
spoken English as well as additional languages of German,
Italian and French are a requirement. Tel. 971633545 or email
a leading magazine company
must be organised and efficient.
with JavaScript, C# & Sql skillset
required. Tel. Sacha on 952587533
or Email info@ambientjobs.
com for more info. Quote ref:
MANAGER required with management, B2B sales & short
cycle sales experience. Email
[email protected] or call
Nicole on 952 587 533 for more
info. Quote REF: JA/1030
Gibraltar - TRUST ADMINISTRATOR required for law firm.
Part or fully qualified in STEP
required with 3yrs experience.
Knowledge of accounts advantageous. Please send CV to
[email protected] or call
Cristianos (Los), Tenerife - TECHNICAL SUPPORT HELPDESK
- Leading telecoms company require helpdesk operator. Knowledge of Windows (XP / Vista),
Routers, Networks required.
Send CVs to info@ambientjobs.
com or call 952587553.
Madrid - INTERNATIONAL SUMMIT SALES *Show yourself*Work
with a stable multicultural ethical
company*Uncapped commission
in a dynamic environment*Career
development* Email your CV to:
[email protected].
SPECIALIST responsible for
taking new applications developed by the software development team and managing the
deployment of such into various
systems. Tel. 952587533 or email
[email protected]
Gibraltar - COPYWRITER - must
have at least 3/4 years of experience within consumer communication, have experience
with direct response media and
with online community websites
and to hold a 2nd European language. Tel. 952587553 or email
[email protected]
Marbella, Málaga - TELEMARKETING - We currently have a
number of clients seeking dynamic and bright individuals for
well paid Telemarketing roles
in Marbella. Search and Apply
Sotogrande, Cádiz - SALES REPRESENTATIVE - IT solutions. Our
client is seeking a Sales Exec to
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Friday, November 30, 2007
SPORT deportes starts here
Garay could
be Racing
to the Prem
star Ezequiel Garay has admitted that he would like to play in
England after Manchester United
and Liverpool were reported to be
watching his progress.
The Argentinian defender has
attracted attention with some
powerful displays at the heart of
the Cantabrian rearguard and
would fancy trying his luck in the
Racing admitted recently that
they may have to let him leave
next summer after Real Madrid
were rumoured to be preparing
an offer that would be difficult to
turn down.
Now Garay has revealed that he
would be open to a transfer, but
admitted that he has heard nothing concrete about interest from
any clubs.
“To play in England is a dream,”
he said. “But I insist that I do not
want to talk about the hypothesis.
I do not have any preferences
about any clubs.”
Discipline is the
key at Valencia
FOOTBALL: VALENCIA’S sporting director Miguel Ángel Ruiz
has praised new coach Ronald
Koeman for his hard-knock
approach to club discipline.
“Koeman’s a man who likes
order and discipline to be understood,” he said.
“He’s a man who likes order and
discipline, and always emphasises
structure and the group. He’s also
a very easy person to deal with.
“We wanted a new person that
would start from scratch socially,
in sporting terms, and with the
“Above all, we wanted someone
with the ambition to be a winning
Valencia lost 2-0 to Rosenborg
immediately following Koeman’s
appointment, but then roared
back to life with a 3-0 win over
Mentally I am
very strong
believes he has not suffered too
much despite missing the majority of the season through injury
after joining Real Madrid in the
“I feel very good, the team is
doing well and I feel mentally
strong, but it is never good for
a player to be injured,” said the
Dutch forward.
“All my team-mates are great.
They all tried to help me adapt
and gave me a very warm welcome when I joined the team. We all
work hard and laugh a lot. There
is a very good atmosphere. I think
this is obvious when we play.
“You always feel pressure here
because this is the greatest club.”
Formula One world
motor racing champion
Michael Schumacher will
test again for Ferrari at
Jerez in southern Spain
next month.
Schumacher retired at the
end of the 2006 season, but
returned to the race track
this month in a test that
Ferrari described at the
time as “half for pleasure,
half for technical reasons.”
He was the fastest driver
on both days he tested
at Barcelona’s Circuit de
The 38-year-old German
has ruled out a return to
“My love for this sport
has never faded and to
drive the F1 car is the best
you can do as a motorsportsman,” Schumacher
said on his website.
“It has nothing to do
with my decision to retire
though, that is irrevocable.
I hope I can give Ferrari
some support in preparations for the new season.”
Ferrari won both world
championships this
year, with Finland’s Kimi
Raikkonen taking the drivers’ title.
New sting in tale
for a sailing cup
Hopes are raised that 2009 event will now be held
SAILING by Phil Balding
A NEW twist to the America’s
Cup has just unfurled with news
that champion Alinghi has lost
its court battle against rivals
BMW Oracle – raising hopes of
the reinstatement of the 2009
Organisers postponed the next race
after BMW Oracle took Alinghi to
court claiming they had chosen an
illegitimate yacht club as challenger.
The New York State Supreme
Court ruled BMW Oracle’s Golden
Gate Yacht club was Challenger of
That means it can negotiate the
rules of the next regatta in Valencia,
BMW Oracle Racing owner Larry
Ellison had argued the rules of the
next event were unfairly weighted
in Alinghi’s favour, including the
right to disqualify teams or bar them
entering sailing’s most prestigious
Alinghi had chosen Spain’s Club
Náutico Español de Vela as Challenger
of Record, a status that allows it to
set the rules with the holder.
But Judge Herman J Cahn ruled it
was not eligible for the role because it
does not hold an annual regatta.
Alinghi owner Ernesto Bertarelli,
who had accused Ellison of trying to
win in the courtroom where he had
twice failed on the water, said he was
disappointed with the decision.
“There will now be a thorough
review of the judge’s decision and
an analysis of the various options
offered,” he said in a statement.
BMW Oracle chief executive Russell
Coutts said he wanted a meeting with
Alinghi as soon as possible to set the
“We will be very happy if we can
put the last few months behind us
and get on with sailing,” said the
former Alinghi skipper who fell out
with Bertarelli and was sacked in
BMW Oracle Racing spokesman
Tom Ehman added that the team
wanted “a proper, traditional, multichallenge regatta here in Valencia
in 2009 with a challenger selection
series. We want to do it with mutual
consent, not having the defender dictate terms to us,” said Mr Ehman.
● A TOTAL of 88 craft and 353 crew
members took to the waters of
Valencia Bay to celebrate and compete in the first Spanish challenge
trophy organised by the Spanish sailing club.
In the four races, and after time corrections, Scampi 45 of Antonio Savall
came first in the RN 1 class, followed
by Sercotel Hotels and Fernando
López, with Itaca IX of Manuel
Gallego coming third.
All four classes of craft were competed again in two regattas, with a
special prize-giving ceremony taking
place on the Spanish challenge base in
the America’s Cup port in Valencia.
It is the Real
deal for Diego
FOOTBALL: WERDER Bremen midfielder Diego wants
to team up with his former
Santos team-mate Robinho at
the Bernabeu.
According to reports, if
Real Madrid were to make
a move for him then the
Bundesliga side would accept
a bid of around €18m, but
they will only let him go next
“It is very difficult to say no
to Madrid,” Diego’s father,
Djair Ribas de Cunha explained. “But nobody has made
any contact with me.”
Bernd Schuster has already
stated that he is a big fan
of the Brazilian playmaker
and has reportedly told the
Madrid board that a creative midfielder is all that the
squad is missing.
The German coach also believes that Werder would find
it hard to resist a substantial
offer for their star player.
HOME internationals
are set to return to
the fixture list as early as
February 2008, but do not
currently include England.
Scotland, Wales,
Northern Ireland and the
Republic of Ireland will
take part in a new competition, called the Celtic
The quartet would play
fixtures in February and
March with the final in
May. England have about
a week to come to an
agreement if they wish to
take part.
Prime minister Gordon
Brown said he would welcome the revival of home
internationals to ease the
pain of Euro 2008 misery
for the four home nations.
England’s defeat by
Croatia, following the
failures of Scotland,
Northern Ireland and
Wales, triggered calls for
the sides to face each
other in 2008.
Davies leaves
Derby County
County manager Billy
Davies has left the Premier
League strugglers after
talks with chairman Adam
The club are two points
adrift at the foot of the table
following a 2-0 defeat by
Chelsea on Saturday.
“We have decided mutually in the best interest of
both parties that to go our
separate ways is the correct
decision at this time,” said
On Wednesday Derby
appointed former Wigan
Athletic manager Paul
Jewell to take over from
Friday, November 30, 2007
SPORT deportes
is down –
but is he
really out?
Riddle over whether Spain’s
basketball star is crocked
BASKETBALL by Phil Balding
BASKETBALL star Jorge Garbajosa
– whose hails from Madrid – has
had his wonky, never-quite-healed
left ankle and leg examined by a
specialist in Baltimore to finally put
to rest rumours that he is not really
injured at all.
“Future treatment and therapy options
remain undetermined at this point,” the
Toronto Raptors, who Garbajosa plays
for, said in a team statement.
One of those options could be surgery,
and it might take that to change the mind
of some conspiracy theorists.
Several Spanish journalists were in
Toronto for the NBA contest against the
Chicago Bulls. And the buzz among the
fans and the media is that the national
team hero is not really hurt at all.
Garbajosa, some are saying overseas, is
being punished by the Raptors for refusing to have surgery in the summer and
then helping his country win a silver
medal at the 2007 Eurobasket tournament.
“The people in Spain are thinking that
not playing Garbajosa has been a Raptors’
vendetta for the summer,” said Héctor
Martínez, a sports reporter.
Garbajosa initially mangled the leg during a game against the Boston Celtics last
Instead of surgery, as was prescribed by
the Raptors, he sought a second opinion
from the doctors back home.
The diagnosis in Spain did not call
for an operation. And when the Spanish
basketball federation agreed to insure his
damaged leg, the Raptors gave Garbajosa
permission to play at Eurobasket.
The 29-year-old insisted from the start
of Toronto’s training camp that the leg
felt fine. But Garbajosa’s performance,
prior to being placed on Toronto’s inactive list on November 20, suggested otherwise.
Garbajosa began his career playing for
Tau Vitoria between 1995–2000. In the
1998–99 season, he guided Vitoria to a
MUSCLE: Louis Vidal from Consell has
■ MR
built himself into the body beautiful
OUIS Vidal, from the tiny Mallorcan pueblo
of Consell – formerly famous for its wineproducing grape, unique anis-based liquor
called Hierbas and an agricultural boot sale
every Sunday – is bodybuilding’s answer to
boxing’s undisputed champion of the world.
Seeing Louis stripped to the waist, biceps, triceps,
abs, and the rest of the body’s
muscular repertoire bulging
like cannon balls, it is hard to
believe that just over 18 years
ago he was a lithe professional
right winger with aspirations
of stardom with Real Madrid.
Whether he was perhaps a
little short on the high level of
skills required to make the top
level at the Santiago Bernabeu Stadium where the most
successful club in the world is
based, or his growing disillusionment with the life of a pro’
soccer player, Louis packed his
training bag and went searching for another challenge to
sate his sporting passion.
It is convenient for Louis’
Don’t tell Louis that you subformidable training schedule
scribe to a widely held theory
with weights and cardiovasthat bodybuilding is not a sport
cular machines that he is the
but an ego trip to build a frame
part owner of the Elite Fitness
enabling him to kick sand in
Club in San Agustín, Palma de
the face of men with walnut
sized sinews sitting alongside
There, at the crack of dawn
a shapely blonde on a golden
most mornings, as a member
Balearic playa.
of the club I see him pumping
For 16 years he has honed,
iron, pushing weights that
shaped, pressured and punwould test a working elephant
ished his body until he has
and toiling up step machines
achieved his aim of becomthat you swear you can hear
ing absoluto world champion
the lilt of ‘Climb Every Moununder bodybuilding’s three
organisations – WABBA, AEF
All this accompanied by a
and IFBB.
specially designed diet that
Louis is ‘The Man’ that any
includes half a dozen, white of
aspiring body builder who
egg, omelettes, brown rice and
wants one of those three ruling
protein pan cakes.
titles has to get past.
“As a professional footballer
“Take no notice of those who
with Real Madrid like the
decry bodybuilding,” argues
other lads I would be required
this gentle giant. “It is the most
to train for an hour or so every
complete sport in the world.
day and then play a game for
You have to work at it 24 hours
one of the reserve teams at the
a day if you want to reach and
weekend,” Louis explained.
stay at the top.”
“After training we would go
You need dedication to succeed
DOWN: But is basketball star
■ HE’S
Jorge Garbajosa really injured?
Spanish National Cup victory.
He then spent four seasons at Benetton
Treviso between 2000–2004, where he won
two national cups, two super cups and two
national championships, All-Euroleague
first team honours and being named 2003 Player of the Year.
He spent his next two seasons 2004–2006
with Unicaja Málaga, helping them to the
2005–06 ACB League championship and
Spanish National Cup.
On July 24, 2006 the Toronto Raptors
officially signed Garbajosa to a three-year
On September 3, 2006, Garbajosa and the
Spanish national team won the gold medal
at the 2006 FIBA World Championship,
scoring a game high 20 points and collecting 10 rebounds.
out in the evening for a drink
and looking for girls.
“I wanted a stronger training
discipline and that’s what I
got from bodybuilding, but the
climb to the top has been hard,
and it’s even harder to keep
Vidal has a long honours list
in the back-breaking world
of bodybuilding. He has been
champion of Spain four times,
absoluto champion of Spain
three times before going to
claim the European and World
But beneath that massive
frame beats a generous heart.
I have seen Louis giving his
time to work out with some of
his gym members to help them
to recover from debilitating
Talking of hearts he totally
refutes the allegation that
bodybuilders pay a high price
with heart problems later in
life for punishing their body
over the years in training.
“You believe in fairies if you
think that,” he asserts. “It
depends on how you look after
yourself. If people stopped
eating convenience food, took
regular exercise, even just a
daily walk, there would be
much less obesity, much fewer
strokes, heart attacks, and yes,
“As I said, bodybuilding is
not only the most complete 24
hour a day sport, but also the
way to enjoy a longer life.”
Friday, November 30, 2007
A revenge
for Russia
EUROPEAN volleyball
champions Spain were
beaten in the third
round of the men’s
world cup tournament
by Athens Olympic
bronze medal winners
Russia on Sunday.
It avenged their loss
in the continental
championship final.
Semen Poltavskiy
scored 15 points, while
Sergey Tetyukhin,
Yury Berezhko and
Alexander Volkov
scored 11 points each
to lead Russia to a 2521, 25-13, 25-15 victory
for a sixth straight
Spain’s coach
Marcelo Méndez said
the Russians’ performance was excellent.
“They played a great
game today, especially
in serve and attack,”
he said. “Our team
could not play our 100
per cent, so I’m very
disappointed with this
The top three finishers in the 12-team
round robin competition qualify for the
Beijing Olympics next
In other games,
Argentina defeated
Puerto Rico 19-25, 2225, 25-16, 25-21, 15-13,
while Japan squeezed
through to a 25-17,
19-25, 21-25, 25-23,
15-9 win over African
champions Egypt.
In Okayama, world
champions Brazil beat
Australia 25-19, 25-19,
25-21 for a 5-1 win-loss
World bronze medal
winners Bulgaria
whipped South Korea
25-20, 25-20, 25-19,
while the United
States outclassed
Tunisia 22-25, 25-19,
25-19, 25-17.
Clubs bid to
sign James
A 17-year-old footballer
from Scotland is attracting attention from
Barcelona, Real Madrid,
Chelsea and Liverpool.
James McCarthy,
who currently plays
for Scottish First
Division side Hamilton
Academical, is considered one of the hottest
talents in football.
McCarthy made his
first team debut for
Hamilton at the age of
15 and has since clocked
up more than 40 senior
His international
future has already been
With two grandparents
from County Donegal,
family links to Ireland
are strong. He made his
under-17 debut against
Italy, weeks after his
grandfather died.
“I always used to watch
Ireland matches with
grandad, and it was his
dream that I play for
Ireland,” said the teenager.
Defoe’s tale of woe as penalty SPORT breves
miss in injury-time seals draw Marvellous Messi
Defoe missed an injury-time
penalty against his old club in
an exciting draw at West Ham.
The Hammers seized on a
Younes Kaboul mistake to
take the lead as Luis Boa
Morte stole in to find Nolberto
Solano, who crossed for
Carlton Cole to tap in.
Spurs were furious at being
denied a penalty when goalkeeper Robert Green seemed
to have fouled Robbie Keane,
but Michael Dawson’s header
hauled them level.
Defoe won a penalty after a
Lucas Neill foul but saw his
effort saved by Green.
Meanwhile, Gary Megson
claimed his first win in charge
of Bolton with the unlikely
scalp of Manchester United,
thanks to Nicolas Anelka’s
early strike.
Anelka slotted home Iván
Campo’s free-kick after 11
And an out-of-sorts United
were left frustrated as Jussi
Jaaskelainen kept out Owen
Hargreaves’ free-kick.
Meanwhile, late goals by
William Gallas and Tomas
Rosicky moved Arsenal three
points clear at the top of the
Premier League against Wigan.
In the first half a superb
save from Mike Pollitt denied
Emmanuel Adebayor.
Chelsea moved into fourth
place in the Premier League
with a comfortable win over
struggling Derby County, but
saw Michael Essien sent off
late on.
They took the lead after 17
minutes when Salomon Kalou
finished calmly from Steve
Sidwell’s through ball.
Chelsea wrapped up the win
after 73 minutes, Shaun-Wright
Phillips scoring after Frank
Lampard had hit a post.
Liverpool skipper Steven
Gerrard, booed by rival fans
for his part in England’s
Euro 2008 qualifying failure,
answered the jeers by powering
in a 30-yard shot for the Reds
and put them on the way to a
win over Newcastle.
Dirk Kuyt bundled in a Reds
second, before Ryan Babel slid
in the third to give them a comfortable 3-0 victory.
And Everton went on the goal
trail against poor Sunderland,
who went down 7-1.
Yakubu’s early strike and
Tim Cahill’s shot on the turn
put Everton in charge. Steven
Pienaar fired home a brilliant
third before Sunderland’s
Dwight Yorke scored on the
stroke of half-time.
Cahill slid home another
composed finish after the
break before Yakubu pounced
from a corner to make it five.
Substitute Andrew Johnson
raced through to make it six
before Leon Osman’s late solo
effort rounded off the scoring.
And Stephen Ireland smashed
home a stunning injury-time
volley to break Reading hearts
and maintain Manchester
City’s 100 per cent league
record at Eastlands.
City dominated the opening
half and Martin Petrov fired
them ahead after a goalmouth
melee saw Elano hit the post.
But Reading equalised before
the break with their first shot
on target, James Harper curling in after a neat move.
Geovanni wasted a glorious
late chance for the home side
before Ireland’s winner.
Meanwhile, Birmingham
caretaker boss Eric Black’s
first game in charge ended
in a defeat to high-flying
Black chose to give Richard
Kingson his debut in goal, but
the decision backfired when he
let a Sulley Muntari shot creep
in under his body.
Niko Kranjcar’s stunning
late free-kick compounded
Birmingham’s misery.
Long shot sure pays off for Spain
EURO 2008 by Martin Pitchwell
SPAIN beat Northern Ireland
in their last match to finish
top of their group and deprive
their opponents of a place in
the Euro 2008 finals.
Having already qualified after
the win against Sweden, Luis
Aragonés used the occasion to
try out some of his lesser used
And although his side were on
top for much of the match, they
were unable to break through
until early in the second half,
when Craigan got a head to Xavi
Hernández’s long shot only to
deflect it past Taylor into his own
While dominating possession
for the majority of the game,
Spain insisted on looking for that
one final pass before shooting
and that ensured that they had to
remain patient until the deadlock
was finally broken.
In the first few minutes the
referee waved away claims for
a penalty as David Silva went
down in the area after a challenge from Craigan, while David
Healy registered the visitors first
shot from distance that flew over
the bar.
Daniel Güiza was hoping to
make an impact on his international debut but, against a
side that was defending in such
numbers, it was difficult for the
Mallorca striker to find space.
After Cesc Fàbregas had fired
a drive straight at Maik Taylor,
Güiza had his best chance of the
encounter four minutes before
the break. Xavi clipped a ball over
the Northern Ireland defence
where the debutant had beaten
the offside trap, but the striker
could only steer his header wide
of the goal.
The chances came thick and
fast as the break approached
and Taylor was called into
action again to keep out a longrange drive from Marcos Senna,
moments before he was down
again to save a shot from Silva.
Joaquín was introduced at the
break, but his arrival had little to
do with Spain taking the lead in
the 52nd minute.
Iniesta edged towards the area
before laying the ball off to Xavi
and the Barça midfielder took
aim and was delighted to see his
shot headed past Taylor and into
the corner by Craigan.
Just before the hour mark
Joaquín’s superb crosses was
just inches away from being met
by the diving head of substitute
Raúl Tamudo.
lands top trophy
BRAVO for Messi! Barcelona and Argentina
footballer Lionel Messi has won the Bravo trophy for the best under-21 player in Europe.
The cup, awarded annually based on performances in the previous season, went to the young
Argentine for his showings in the 2006-07 campaign.
Messi becomes the first player from
Argentina to lift the award, and the third from
Barcelona after Josep Guardiola won it 15
years ago and Ronaldo was given it in 1997.
Arsenal’s Cesc Fàbregas – who is himself a
Barcelona youth product – won the prize last
Former winners include Real Madrid’s
Emilio Butragueño, who won twice in 1985
and 1986, Barcelona’s Josep Guardiola in 1992,
Barcelona’s Ronaldo in 1997, Real Madrid’s
Iker Casillas in 2000 and Wayne Rooney in 2003.
The first winner was Liverpool’s Jimmy Case.
REAL Madrid are reportedly interested
in American teenage star Jozy Altidore.
director assistant Carlos Bucero
travelled to New York amid reports the
Spanish champions are interested in signing
the 18-year-old New York Red Bulls striker.
Altidore made his US national team debut
in a 1-0 friendly win over South Africa on
November 17.
He scored four goals as the United States
reached the quarter-finals at the under-20
World Cup earlier this year, and had nine
goals in 22 games in major league soccer
this season.
Sevilla growing
on and off pitch
JOSÉ María del Nido is determined to continue
Sevilla’s growth both on and off the pitch.
The Nervion side’s president offered a lecture at the University of Granada about the
growth of the ‘sports company’, and the importance of maintaining incremental growth.
“Sevilla has tried to be much more than a
football club, and we’ve been fortunate in being
able to sell our image,” he said.
“But we must continue to grow slowly and in
a phased fashion.”
Financially, the club’s annual turnover has
increased fourfold since 2001/02, and the president is also set to announce plans for a new
stadium in conjunction.
Xavi Hernández’s
long shot was deflected past Taylor in
the Northern Ireland
goal by Craigan.
Cesc Fàbregas fired
a drive straight at
Maik Taylor and then
Güiza has a good
chance to put the
result beyond doubt
Friday, November 30, 2007
SPORT deportes
Not cutting
the mustard
Sevilla go
on the goal
TIME looks like running out
for Chris Coleman’s reign at
Real Sociedad.
His side beat Málaga 2-0
at the weekend, with goals
from Mikel Aranburu and
Carlos Martínez, and could
have bought him the chance
of seeing in the new year in
San Sebastián.
The former Fulham manager was promised time to
build a young home-grown
side when he took over in
the summer, but the president who made that promise
resigned a week ago.
All notions of slow growth
have been forgotten and,
if results do not improve,
Coleman’s time is up.
ARSENAL lost their long unbeaten
record and top spot in Group H after
slumping to a Champions League
defeat by a dominant Sevilla.
Arsenal had not been beaten in a
competitive match since the start of
April, but goals from Seydou Keita,
Luis Fabiano and former Tottenham
striker Frederic Kanoute saw Sevilla
join the already-qualified Arsenal
in the last 16.
Eduardo Da Silva scored for
Arsenal but it was not enough,
and they will need to beat Steaua
Bucharest in their final match and
hope Sevilla slip up against Slavia
Prague to clinch first place.
It was a good night for Spain in
the Champions League, with both
Barcelona and Sevilla qualifying as
leaders of their groups.
Barcelona drew in their match
against Olympique Lyon 2 – 2 in a
game where Ronaldinho was left on
the bench, and Bojan and Gudjonsen
were given playing time.
Roma join race
to sign Baptista
ROMA have joined the race
to sign Julio Baptista from
Real Madrid, only days
after Tottenham Hotspur
and Manchester City were
linked with the Brazilian.
The Italian outfit are keen
to add strength to their
attacking options.
Like Tottenham, the Serie
A outfit are considering
Baptista joining them in
January, as they would like
him on loan.
Spurs boss Juande Ramos
is reported to have included
Baptista on his list of players that he would like to
bring in during January.
Alonso: Is he
on way back?
XABI Alonso has refused
to dismiss rumours linking
him with a return to Spain,
while Atlético de Madrid
coach Javier Aguirre has
admitted he is a fan.
The Liverpool midfielder
admitted that he had heard
the stories linking him with
Atlético de Madrid and also
with Barcelona, where his
father Periko was a hero
during his playing days.
“I have heard about the
rumours involving Atlético
and Barcelona but, formally,
I know nothing,” he said.
Hinkel is set
to leave Sevilla
ANDREAS Hinkel has
revealed his intention to
leave Spanish side Sevilla in
the winter-break.
“I have decided to look for
a new club. I want to move
and preferably in the winter
break,” he said.
He has recently been linked
with a switch to Wolfsburg,
where he would link up
again with Felix Magath,
who coached him during his
time at Stuttgart.
Will Klinsmann
lead England?
HIGH FIVES: Spain are the new European five-a-side football champions after beating Italy 3-1 in the final in
Oporto. Spain dominated the game with better possession and depth. It is the fourth time they have won the title.
Captain Javi Rodríguez is pictured kissing the trophy.
Qualify at all
costs – Villar
EXCLUSIVE by Mort Birch
SPANISH FA president Ángel
María Villar is determined that
the national side reach the 2010
World Cup with the minimum
of fuss.
The team took a circuitous route to
Euro 2008 and, while they eventually
emerged as group winners, Villar is
hoping for a straight passage this
time around.
“The only thing that counts is
qualification,” he said, when faced
with the news that his side would
face Turkey, Belgium, BosniaHerzegovina, Armenia, and Estonia.
“We’ll face all the teams involved,”
said the former Athletic Bilbao player. “We have to win.”
England, meanwhile, have been
President’s World Cup verdict
drawn against their Euro 2008 nemeses Croatia.
It gives them a chance to avenge
last week’s defeat by Croatia, which
eliminated them from next summer’s Euro 2008 finals in Austria and
Thirty-one nations will join hosts
South Africa in the 2010 finals.
The 53 European teams were divided into eight groups of six and one
of five, and only the winners are sure
to go to the June 11-July 11 tournament in South Africa. The best eight
runners-up go into play-offs to determine the other four spots.
The groups are as follows: Group
1: Portugal, Sweden, Denmark,
Hungary, Albania, Malta; Group 2:
Greece, Israel, Switzerland, Moldova,
Latvia, Luxembourg; Group 3: Czech
Republic, Poland, Northern Ireland,
Slovakia, Slovenia, San Marino;
Group 4: Germany, Russia, Finland,
Wales, Azerbaijan, Liechtenstein;
Group 5: Spain, Turkey, Belgium,
Estonia; Group 6: Croatia, England,
Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan,
Andorra; Group 7: France, Romania,
Serbia, Lithuania, Austria, Faroe
Islands;Group 8: Italy, Bulgaria,
Republic of Ireland, Cyprus, Georgia,
Montenegro; Group 9: Netherlands,
Scotland, Norway, FYR Macedonia,
set-up. Who can lead the boys with
the three lions out of their coma?
One name comes immediately to
mind. Jurgen Klinsmann.
“He’d have three years until the
2010 World Cup to form a new team
and he wouldn’t have to worry
about old baggage.”
Klinsmann is just one of a long line
of well-known names being linked
to the job after Steve McClaren was
sacked last week.
Liverpool boss Rafael Benítez has
said he may be interested in the
job after an apparent disagreement
with the club’s owners over transfer targets.
“Maybe I could be Steve
McClaren’s replacement if I
improve my English,” said the 47year-old Spaniard.
One man who definitely wants
the job is former Real Madrid boss
Fabio Capello.
Capello was sacked by Madrid
despite leading the Spanish giants
to the Primera Liga crown earlier
this year.
“Me to coach England? It would be
a challenge, a beautiful test to overcome and I would have the right
age,” he said.
The 61-year-old – who has also
enjoyed successful spells at AC
Milan, Juventus and Roma – was
recently linked with a move to
Tottenham, but the London club
appointed Spanish coach Juande
Ramos instead.
Meanwhile, Real Madrid coach
Bernd Schuster has admitted his
surprise at being linked with the
job. Reports in Spain have claimed
that the German is among those
being considered by the FA.
Friday, November 30, 2007
Real Madrid
Premier League table (Top Four)
Man Utd
Man City
But Milito is
inspiration for
a motivating
3-0 victory
BARCELONA defender Gabriel Milito said his side are
still feeling the heat, despite
a motivating 3-0 victory over
Recreativo on Saturday.
Controversy has surrounded
the Spanish giants ever since the
surprising declarations made by
the club’s Brazilian international Edmilson, who said that there is a “black sheep” in the team,
in relation to Ronaldinho.
“There was never a crisis between the group.”
In the game against Recreativo, Milito, Bojan and Messi all
Sevilla drop further down the
table though after losing 2-1 at
home to a Mallorca side who
themselves are just two points
off the European spots.
Ibagaza fired the visitors into
the lead early on after good work
by Jonás, and Varela scored a
spectacular second with a shot
from way outside of the area close to half-time.
Kanouté headed one back soon
after the restart and Mallorca
were left with ten men after
Varela picked up a second booking.
Murcia let a poor Real Madrid
off the hook on Saturday, in a
game which ended 1-1.
Robinho put the visitors ahead
in what many thought was an
offside position, and De Lucas
equalised at the start of the second half. Guti was sent off in
the 82nd minute for getting into
a dispute with a player.
Villarreal lost the chance to go
top of La Liga with a close-fought 1-1 draw with Almería.
With Real Madrid dropping
points the previous night, the
stakes were high, but the Yellow
Submarine seemed able to call
them as Nihat tapped in following Guille Franco’s excellent
work down the right.
Almería scored just after halftime. Former Real Madrid youth
Álvaro Negredo bundled home
Aitor López Rekarte’s far post
cross to send the small but vocal visiting fan contingent into
a frenzy.
Rampant attacks and sloppy
defending ruled the day at the
Vicente Calderón as a seven-goal
thriller opened up between Atlético de Madrid and Valladolid.
Three minutes into the game
Maniche got on the end of a fine
cross from Agüero to leave Butelle stranded.
But Valladolid have shown a
tendency for fightbacks before, not least away to Zaragoza
recently. That seemed to be the
pattern again as they began to
control possession, much to the
Real Madrid’s
Robinho scores
to put the visitor’s
ahead, far left,
against Murcia,
while De Lucas
celebrates his
equaliser, above.
Gago is pictured in
action, left.
disgust of the home support.
And the fans were whistling
and jeering in earnest by the
time Víctor equalised six minutes from the interval. The ex-Villarreal veteran took advantage
of a defensive error from Pablo
to sweep home.
Just after the interval, things
went from bad to worse for the
hosts as Sisi capitalised on yet
more laughable defending to
shoot past Leo Franco.
Captain Maxi Rodríguez strode forward and, still deputising
for the recovering Diego Forlán
in an advanced role, struck the
equaliser with a rocket of a
Almost inevitably, Llorente
became the latest beneficiary
of a charitable Atlético backline as he made it 2-3 with an
unmarked shot from Jonathan
Sesma’s cross.
Maxi fired back yet another leveller two minutes later from a
Reyes cross, which the visitors
felt was marred by a foul.
Right at the death, Pedro López had his head in his hands
after putting through his own
net from Forlán’s cross.
Just in case Spain hadn’t had
enough of seven-goal encounters, Levante and Betis served
up a relegation clash that was
as exciting as the 4-3 scoreline
It also proved that there’s life
in the hosts yet as they fought
back from 2-0 down to command
a brief lead. Betis looked to be
on the road to victory early on
as Arzu opened the scoring
with a truly memorable drive
from 35 yards as the Levante
defence looked on.
Edu made it 2-0 with a penalty a quarter hour later.
Levante suddenly sprung
into life half an hour in. They
eventually pulled one back
with a close-range finish after
Juanito and Lima conspicuously failed to clear the ball
from the box, and two minutes
later the granota side were on
level terms as Riga fired home
after yet another mix-up in the
back line.
Five minutes after the interval it was 3-2 as Riga struck
home superbly from 25 yards
after evading Somoza – what a
strike on a day of wondergoals
– only for the comeback king
of two weeks ago, Mariano
Pavone, to equalise two minutes later with an opportunist
Levante’s Javi Fuego got the
decider in this nail-biter.
And as the Beticos fell to pieces, captain Juanito picked up
a red card for a professional
foul, leaving coach Héctor Cúper stunned on the sidelines.
Espanyol deservedly left
Pamplona with all three points
as Osasuna’s miseries continue.
The Periquitos started the
better side, although it took
them 30 minutes to gain the
lead. Valdo nodded on Riera’s
fine cross in the direction of
Ángel, who made no mistake
from close range.
Valdo silenced the home fans
with his side’s second three
minutes later, firing in his first
of the season.
The rojillos seemed to be out
of it, but the half-time break
did them good as they planned
a fightback.
Dady came close just before the hour mark, but it took
Javier Portillo to act as supersub.
The former Real Madrid
man scored his first goal in
the blue-and-red after a fine
header from Arsenal loanee
Carlos Vela.
Vela tried his damndest to
level the scores, but Espanyol
were able to hold on for an ultimately deserved win.
Deportivo La Coruña fought
back from 2-0 down to earn
a deserved point against an
Athletic Bilbao outfit that
didn’t kill the game off when
they had the chance.
The Basques seemed to be firmly in control early on, Dude
Aouate having to act quickly
Division two results:
Eibar 0 Hércules 3, Poli
Ejido 1 Castellón 0,
Las Palmas 3 Cordoba
1, Elche 2 Alavés 2,
Xerez 1 Salamanca 1,
Albacete 0 Tenerife 0,
Numancia 0 Granada
74 2, Sporting Gijón 4
Cádiz 2, Racing Ferrol
1 Sevilla B 1, Real
Sociedad 2 Málaga 0,
Celta 1 Gimnastic 1.
to snuff out through balls and
crosses on more than one occasion.
And the hosts got their
reward early on when Antonio
Barragán scored an own goal
in what was his first Liga start
of the season. The young right back accidentally bundled
Iraola’s cross into his own
net as he attempted to clear
Llorente’s missed ball.
Athletic looked confident
enough as they scored yet
again just minutes after
the restart. This time, David López got on the end of
Llorente’s miscued shot to
fire home.
But then came the fightback,
and the unlikely figure of Riki
made it 2-1 with a neat finish
from Sergio’s cross.
And although the Liones began to defend more doggedly,
Sebastián Taborda was to have
the last laugh as he headed
Guardado’s cross past standin goalie Dani Aranzubia for a
merited point.
Almería v Sevilla;
Valladolid v
Villarreal; Betis v
Atlético; Getafe
v Levante;
v Zaragoza;
Espanyol v
Deportivo v
Osasuna; Valencia
v Athletic; R
Madrid v Racing;
Mallorca v Murcia.
Aston Villa
v Arsenal;
Blackburn v
Chelsea v West
Ham; Portsmouth
v Everton;
Reading v
Sunderland v
Derby; Wigan v
Man City.
Liverpool v
Bolton; Tottenham
v Birmingham.
City v Sunderland.
Friday, November 30, 2007
the winner el ganador
Here today,
SPANISH coach Luis
Aragonés said he intends to
step down after next year’s
European championship.
He revealed his decision
after Spain qualified for
the tournament in Austria
and Switzerland by beating
Sweden 3-0.
“I have an expiry date and
you all know that. It’s like
milk. When it goes off you
don’t drink it,” the 69-yearold Aragonés said.
He took charge of the national team in 2004 and has
endured a rocky relationship with the country’s media. He has reportedly come
close on several occasions to
resigning during his tenure,
particularly after the team’s
early elimination from last
year’s World Cup.
He raised a storm soon
after his appointment when
he made a racist remark
about Arsenal and France
striker Thierry Henry during a training session. He
was fined €2,533 by Spain’s
soccer federation.
Aragonés began his coaching career in 1975 at Atlético
de Madrid, where he played,
leading the club to the world
club championship title
in his first season and the
Spanish league title two
years later.
As well as undertaking
three more spells at Atlético,
Aragonés was in charge of
seven more clubs – including
FC Barcelona and Valencia
– for a total of 757 Spanish
league games.
DRAW: See page 61
Will it be yo ho,
or out you go?
IT could be yo, ho, ho... or
out you go!
Barcelona coach Frank Rijkaard could be getting more
than he bargained for from
Santa this year.
For it is rumoured that the
Camp Nou boss is facing the
And pundits are predicting
that he will know his fate by
With tough away games
looming – Valencia, for one
– and the visit of Real Madrid to Camp Nou also on the
horizon, it seems that only an
impressive Christmas season
will save him.
See pages 62 & 63
Well eet eez
nooow as
German to
Klin up for
World Cup
By Phil Balding
former La Liga bosses are
being tipped for it, but
thinkSPAIN|today have the
inside track on the favourite for
the most pressured job in world
DEAN-O! The man who can save the English game from sinking further in the mire – Dean
Mullock, who says he is not afraid to drop players if they are not up to scratch
Deano the stalking horse for England job
A WORLD Cup winner from Spain
threw his hat into the ring to
emerge as the dark horse for the
England soccer boss’ job.
The 22-year-old, with no less
than *TEN Jules Rimmet trophies
to his name, has written to FA
boss Brian Barwick to officially
apply for the vacant post.
A football manager since 1996,
winning the World Cup and
European Cup, he’s taken his side
from Division Three and turned
them into Champions League
“I’ve won the league championships in Spain, Germany and
Italy... and now I’m aiming to succeed where so many men have
failed before,” said the Alcalalíbased soccer guru Dean Mullock.
In his letter top the FA chief
executive, the no-nonsence
Mullock said: “Yes, Mr Barwick,
please note. I’m young, ambitious,
experienced and not afraid to
drop players if they are not up to
“I’m the man to come up with
new ideas to change England’s
fortunes and transform the side
from a laughing stock to a force
to be reckoned with once more.
“I’m the man who can save us
from embarrassment and despair.
“So, please Mr Barwick. Don’t
spend millions searching for a
coach when the answer is right
here in front of you.”
The first thing he would do is
bring Gordon Banks back in goal.
He added: “I feel that even
with one good eye he has more
chance of keeping a clean sheet
than that clown Scott Carson who
appeared for us against Croatia.
“We need a goalscorer, so I
would suggest a return for Manchester United favourite Bobby
Last night, the young Spanish
pretender, who spends his day
jetting between the Bernabeu
Stadium and the Nou Camp as a
talent scout, had his application
acknowledged by the Football Association in Soho Square.
If you would like to see Dean to
land the hotseat, write to Mr Barwick at The Football Association,
25 Soho Square, Westminster,
London, W1D 4FA, England. We’ll
let you know how he gets on.
(*Dean has won these, and
many more footballing competitions, on his PC.)
And pitchside sources are tipping the
unthinkable – the English national team
managed by a German.
Well-qualified Spaniard Rafa Benítez
may be up for it and former Madrid
boss Fabio Capello looks the bookies’
favourite to replace the ill-equipped
Steve McClaren.
But an unthinkable scenario of a few
years ago for most English die-hard football supporters is emerging.
An English team managed by former
German boss Jurgen Klinsmann. Better
still, a world cup game between the two
nations with the 1990 winning medallist
at the helm.
Frans Beckenbauer says Klinsmann,
43, has the right credentials, having
guided Germany to the semi-finals in
the 2006 world cup and played with
“The job would be ideal for him and
England as well,” Beckenbauer said.
“Jurgen has very clear ideas who can
enforce them. He knows what he wants,
he speaks very good English and would
revel in the England
German football
icon Beckenbauer,
captain and coach
of the teams that
won the world cup
in 1974 and 1990,
believes Klinsmann
would not be afraid
to shake things up
within the England
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