LivingWell is an affiliate of Delnor Health System


LivingWell is an affiliate of Delnor Health System
LivingWell is an affiliate of Delnor Health System
2008 annual report
Dear Friends,
As 2008 winds to an end, we are happy to share
with each of you a snapshot of our year in
review. This picture tells our story from several
vantage points: from the perspective of our
participants and their families, who have been
touched by the care provided at LivingWell; and
from the point of view of our dedicated volunteers and donors who give so much back to our
organization. Through their stories we hope to
express our heartfelt gratitude for the contributions each of you have made in the past year that
continue to make it all possible.
Cancer is a ruthless equalizer. It touches both
men and women, old and young, from all neighborhoods, backgrounds and experience. But one
thing is still certain: statistics show that half of
all men and a third of all women will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime. To meet that
anticipated need, LivingWell continues to grow
through new programming, support services and
education offerings. This year alone, hundreds
of those touched by cancer have come through
our door, and we are humbled by the opportunity we have had to serve and support both them
and their families.
While this has been a year of tremendous growth
for LivingWell, another trend has also become
clear: many who have been touched by LivingWell are compelled to give back to the others
that will follow in their footsteps by volunteering as part of our organization. And still others
who have yet to be touched by cancer have been
inspired to make a difference at LivingWell with
their gifts of service or financial support.
Together, we have been
able to make LivingWell a
haven for those who need
it, a refuge where those
impacted by cancer find
comfort, support, and the
strength to face a cancer
diagnosis, treatment and the
rest of their life. You have
been part of the wonderful
team that allows LivingWell
to work in the lives of those
who need it most. Our
dedicated board of directors, caring staff, incredible
Seated left to right: Dick Ryan, Dave Peterson, Terry Murphy, Fred Dornback. Top row
volunteer base, sustaining
from left to right: Suzy Peters, Lisa Collins, Robert Hubbard, Nancy Vance, Joanne Hancommunity partnerships
sen, Mary Therese Berg (Not pictured: Kris Fauske and Tom Anderson).
and generous donors make
all we do possible.
As you read the stories inside, you are bearing
witness to a story unfolding. It is a snapshot, a
picture of a growing organization reaching to
find its full potential, inspired by those it serves
and those compelled to help us serve, committed to the mission of helping those touched by
cancer live well in the face of challenge. Thank
you for coming along on our journey.
Nancy S. Vance
Joanne B. Hansen
Executive Director
Board Chair
Local Businessman Gives Back
Mike Mendel of Mendel Plumbing and Heating
in St. Charles doesn’t think of himself as a hero,
but the many that receive support and education
services free of charge at LivingWell might beg
to differ. Mike was the grand prize winner of
this year’s Delnor Men’s Foundation Drive for
Cancer Wellness, which gave him the choice of
a luxury Mercedes or $25,000 in cash. Instead,
he chose a third option: in an unprecedented
move, he donated the cash prize back to LivingWell, which is the beneficiary of the raffle
It was an act of generosity that was planned
from the start. “He has purchased tickets for
several years and has always indicated on his
ticket that he would like to donate either the car,
or in this case the cash prize, back to LivingWell
if he won,” says Men’s Foundation Drive for
Cancer Wellness event chair and board member Joe Faron. “We just never imagined that it
might actually happen.”
Mike on the other hand, was certain of it. “I
just had a feeling that I was going to win this
year,” he says. “Call it a hunch, but I thought
I would have the winning ticket. After I won,
others told me I should play the lottery!”
He jokes, but at the same time believes in visualizing success. He has attended leadership training sessions that encourage you to write down
your goals in advance. “After I won, I went
back and realized that I had written down, ‘win
the Drive for Cancer Wellness raffle this year,’
some months before it actually happened,” he
says. “I can’t tell you how good I felt to know
that in this case it will benefit such an important
Mike, who says he has not been touched personally by cancer, says that he felt that the services provided by LivingWell were deserving of
a grand show of support. “It is a special place,”
he says. “We were fortunate to be able to help
the organization by donating plumbing work
when the kitchen was put in during the center’s
opening, so I just saw this as a way to do more
of the same.”
While attending a recent Delnor Donor Dinner, Mike met others that had made similar gifts.
There, he heard about the importance families
touched by cancer place on support. “I have
been lucky not to have experienced cancer firsthand, but that doesn’t mean it is not important
to help those who have.”
giving back
Family Faces Cancer Together
According to St. Charles resident Linda Abendroth, her breast cancer diagnosis in the spring of
2007 was difficult for the entire family to accept.
“I wasn’t even sure how to tell our children, who
were 13 and 16 years old at the time,” she says.
“When we did, my son, who is the youngest, just
cried. It was the day before his birthday and all he
could think about was that there was a chance that
his mom could die.”
The grief that he expressed was similar to the
reaction of her extended family. “My brother had
lung cancer and died during surgery at age 47, the
exact same age that I was,” says Linda. “I think
that my mother, and many other relatives, thought
they were going to lose me, too. That fear caused
some of them to pull away when I needed them
Finding that support missing, Linda and her
husband Dan visited LivingWell and immediately
got involved. She started out in the breast cancer
support group, and later tried Zumba Latin dancing, yoga, massage and Culinary Comforts, and he
became a member of the Caregiver support group.
“LivingWell also helped our kids deal with their
pain,” she says. “Our son, in particular, took part
in the art therapy class, and soon was helping out
the younger participants there. My daughter was
part of the Varsity Colorguard for St. Charles East
School that volunteers at and supports the center.”
“It was a blessing to be around people that understood, there was a kinship there,” says Linda. “We
all face the same kind of issues and we all learn
from each other. At the core, death is a fear that
we all have, and from that you begin to examine
your fears, wishes and dreams for the time that
you might have left. That is OK to share with
those walking that same path.”
Linda says that she also remembers what her
doctor told her when she was first diagnosed. “I
initially cried and told her that I was worried about
my kids and how they would react,” she says. “She
told me that they would take my lead, and that has
been true. I have been fortunate to be able to take
the lead of those at LivingWell, who have offered
me hope and optimism.”
Not that there haven’t been challenges. Although
Linda is currently in remission from her Stage II
breast cancer, she had to undergo a year of rigorous treatment and her job was eliminated before
she could return. She was also recently diagnosed
with sarcoidosis, a chronic lung condition. Dan
says that he also had psychological challenges to
overcome in dealing with her illness.
“Several years ago I suffered a bout with depression that was triggered by the loss of our family
pet, who was a part of the family,” says Dan. “My
real fear was that if I had trouble dealing with the
death of a dog, how was I going to deal with this?”
He says that the way he was able to cope was the
connections he made in his LivingWell support
group. “I knew that I needed to take care of myself so that I could be a support to her, and having
them in my corner helped me to do that. Because
I was the only man in my particular group I think
that I was able to give others a different perspective as well, and helping others helped me.”
For the family, healing has taken many forms.
Linda spent hours volunteering for the LivingWell
Bridge Walk, and made presentations at area high
schools and businesses to raise funds for the
event. “It was a way to give back, and it was very
fulfilling for me to be able to help,” she says.
And the couple is dancing again. “We missed
it,” says Linda. “We used to go out and dance
together frequently, but my illness stopped all
that. Now we are picking up where we left off.”
Cancer Survivors Find Comfort Moving Forward
Yoga stretches the muscles just like a cancer diagnosis stretches your inner strength, something
that Sugar Grove resident Margaret Hilger and
Geneva resident Mary Ann Sturn have discovered as members of LivingWell’s Yoga class.
“We have a wonderful teacher, and the movement just feels great,” says Margaret. “The
group has also formed a tight bond, meeting
regularly in the LivingWell kitchen for coffee
and homemade treats. “We also will go out for
lunch after class, or just talk…it is a good place
to get rid of your troubles.”
Margaret knows a few things about troubling
times. She says that after being diagnosed with
colon cancer some years ago, she learned just
how isolating the disease can be. “At the time
there was nothing out there like LivingWell; it
would have made a world of difference,” she
says. “Instead I became very sad, depressed
and lonely.”
Mary Ann Sturn (left) Margaret Hilger (right)
Since LivingWell opened their doors in September of 2005, “I have attended the support
groups, yoga, Women on Weights and Culinary
Comforts, and what I have found is that people
who have lived through cancer nearly always
have an immediate bond,” says Margaret. “We
are there for each other.
Finding those connections has been nearly as
triumphant for Margaret as surviving cancer.
“They didn’t give me much of a chance of making it at the time, they were sure that it was going to come back,” she says. “It took radiation
treatment, a year and a half of chemotherapy
and physical therapy to recover, but today I am
cancer free.”
For fellow yoga class member Mary Ann Sturn,
her tactic for dealing with her breast cancer
diagnosis was simple: “I tried to put it to the
back of mind and not think about it,” she says.
“I still do that to some extent now.”
The difference is that she has the help of the
friends she has met at LivingWell to help her
focus on optimism and move forward. “The
people there are wonderful, and there is no
doubt that just being there helps me tremendously,” Maryann says. “I would encourage
anyone who does not want to face their diagnosis to simply give LivingWell a try, see what
comradery there is there.”
Both women have participated in the LivingWell
Bridge Walk as well. “We walked the first one
and have volunteered to work at the event all
three years,” says Sturn. “It is because of what
we have been given that we want to give back.”
moving forward
Brothers Help Each Other at LivingWell
Geneva resident Russell Witek thinks of LivingWell the way some people think of Las Vegas.
“What you say at LivingWell, stays at LivingWell,”
he says. “It is a place where you can express
yourself…I go there as much as possible.”
Fourteen-year-old Russell was diagnosed with
acute lymphocytic leukemia a day shy of his
fourth birthday. Pale and tired, he was initially
admitted to Children’s Memorial Hospital in
Chicago with all of the symptoms of a low red
blood count. “He had been a ring bearer in his
uncle’s wedding the day before and had to be
bribed down the aisle with licorice,” his mom
Karen remembers.
While chemotherapy initially put the leukemia in
remission, Russell did have a relapse that required
a stem cell transplant. Even so, by the end of the
summer of 2001 the seven-year-old was playing
soccer and baseball, and in 2005 celebrated five
years of being cancer free.
Unfortunately, the reprieve would not last. His
now eighteen-year-old brother Garrett remembers when the family learned that the sinus
infections, dizziness and headaches that Russell
experienced in the summer of 2007 were due to
a brain tumor. “My mom and I were on a youth
group trip in Wisconsin when we first heard, she
went back and I stayed on…but it was hard to
think of much else after that point.”
Russell had brain surgery to remove the tumor, but
had to have another surgery this summer when it
re-grew. “I wasn’t angry, but just impatient,” he
says. “When I found out it was back all I wanted
to do was to hurry up and get rid of it again.”
According to Russell and Garrett, neither spend a
lot of time dwelling on cancer outside of LivingWell. There, the two attend art classes, and
Russell participates in several support groups.
“The people there understand,” says Russell. “If
you haven’t had cancer you might get some of it,
but is it hard to really relate unless you’ve been
through it yourself.”
For Garrett, LivingWell has also been a place
to be understood. “One of the hardest things
that I’ve ever done was walk into LivingWell
the first time, because I didn’t think I needed to
talk about it. I wasn’t sure I wanted to express
myself,” he remembers, saying it was his mom
that encouraged him to go. “What I learned
is that what LivingWell does best is help those
who don’t think that they need help. Sometimes,
mom does know best after all, and you can quote
me on that.”
The two brothers are close, so it makes sense
that LivingWell has become something they do
together. “We shared a bedroom for 13 years,
so I guess that means we get along,” Garrett says
with a smile, giving his brother a playful kick at
the same time. “The fact that he has had cancer
has definitely changed me, and I know it will
affect the choices I make my whole life through.
When I am with other family members at LivingWell, it’s obvious that is the case with them as
When you ask about their academic interests,
Russell shares that his favorite school subject
is Christian history—while Garrett is currently
taking a college-level sign-language interpreting
class that he favors. But both of the boys agree
about one thing: the value of LivingWell for
support. “I would just challenge those with
cancer to try it once if they are not sure,” says
Russell. “They will feel at home there, I know
they will.”
Nurse and Volunteer Makes LivingWell a Mission
St. Charles resident Mary Therese Berg, better known to her friends and colleagues as MT,
spent years of her life working as a pediatric oncology nurse at Rush University Health System,
and as a clinician in charge of coordinating chemotherapy home infusion for cancer patients.
It was only as her kids grew to be elementaryschool age that she considered spending that
professional time volunteering closer to home.
“No one in my own family has had cancer, but I
have a passion for those who are struggling with
the disease, and for their families,” says MT.
“Too often the caregivers get overlooked, and
unfortunately cancer is a family experience.”
When she began looking for an outlet for her
experience and interest, LivingWell was a dream
about to be built. “I met Sue Mielke, one of
the founding board members of LivingWell,
and she asked me to consider becoming part of
their Professional Advisory Board,” says MT.
“At that point everything clicked.”
She quickly became deeply involved, from
working to develop the first clinical pathways
for those who visit LivingWell seeking support, to helping co-facilitate the teen support
and parent support groups. “It was so fulfilling
to be able to join LivingWell when it was just
getting started, and to have the opportunity,
almost immediately, to put programs in place
that touch lives.” Today MT is a new LivingWell
board member and also facilitates its Parenting
Through Cancer network breakfast.
The experiences she was having at LivingWell
quickly reached out and touched the lives of her
own family. “My husband, who is an anesthesiologist, has always been very supportive of
whatever I do, and he knows that oncology is
my thing,” says MT. “For my 40th birthday he
threw a party for me with the band that performed at our wedding, and asked guests to
support LivingWell in lieu of giving gifts…he
knows how important the organization is to me.
We raised $2300 for LivingWell that night.”
Her children have caught the spirit of LivingWell philanthropy as well. “They have donated
proceeds of lemonade stand efforts,” says MT
with a smile. “And their school donated funds
from their book drive to LivingWell and my kids
were able to bring that donation in themselves.”
The family also walks together in the LivingWell Bridge Walk. MT was the chair of the second and third annual events, and has co-chaired
it the last few years. “It is a lot of work, but
rewarding work. On the day of the walk, which
has always been beautiful, you look around and
think that every moment you put into it was
worth it.”
life’s mission
2008 LivingWell Financials
LivingWell Participant Data for 2008
2% 3%
treatment phrase
Tri City
In 2008, 70 percent of those attending LivingWell did so within a year of their cancer diagnosis. Approximately 25 percent of those attended
within two years post-diagnosis, and 5 percent
after two years of their cancer diagnosis.
Southern Kane & Kendall
DuPage County
Northern Kane
DeKalb County
Other (Includes Cook, McHenry
& Will Counties)
geographic distribution
1% 1% 1% 1%
cancer type distribution
program growth
LivingWell welcomed over 6,000 new
participants in 2008, which represents a
program growth of 40 percent.
Breast Cancer
Lung Cancer
Gynecological Cancers
Colorectal Cancers
Brain Tumors
Prostate Cancer
Urological Cancers
Head/Neck Cancers
Mutiple Myeloma
Oral Cancers
Thank you Donors
Due to space limitations in this report, we have chosen to list donors of $100 and greater. However, we are so grateful for the tremendous grass-roots, community-based support of LivingWell that we have received from so many of you. Every gift has made a true difference in the lives of those living with cancer and their
In Memory of:
Gerry Anderson
Susan Baginski
Gary Boyd
Shannon Bruce
Anthony Caranci
Kathy Clark
Dorothy G. Corbel
Vivian Doan
Shirley Duncan
Roy Fair
Eldora Forni
Jerome Gabriel
Jay E. Gerlach
Marge Giefer
Frank Gorham
Bernadine Greiter
Eileen Hennessy
Ralph Hillquist
Catherine Hoeger
Mary Ann Hubbard
Ed Jakaitis
Andrea Jones
Jackie Keeney
Mary Patricia King
James Joseph Koblas
Gretchen Koeppl
Gail Lay
Shirley Lindahl
GiGi Lundgren
Reita A. Marshall
Opal Martin
Brian McGrath
Margaret Mead
Doug Moehs
Posey Murphy
Jack O’Malley
Gary Ott
Susan L. Person
Lucille Pickle
Kate Robinson
Debby Rogers
Jo Anne Rowe
Walter Schweigert
Anna Marie Taylor
Michele Thatcher
Diana V. Thurlwell
Elizabeth Waller Kessler
Julie Lynne Yund
Bruce Zwicker
In Honor of:
Dr. Robert Bayer
Mary Therese Berg
D. J. Bergsma
Georgia Bosch
Catherine Brubaker
Deb Buss
Tom and Dianne Canoles
Frank and Gloria Covelli
Kelly Engel
Kevin & Mary Fitzpatrick
Lou Guizzetti
The Marriage of Kelly Hall
& Brian Pulver
Mr. Kolbusz
Chris Leonaitis
Laura Mau
Ray and Diane Mesh
Terry Murphy
Ann Paulsen
Suzy Peters
Martha Ryan
Tom Wright
Mary Acton
Angelyn Agrella
Allan and Cecelia Alanko
Cynthia and Carl Albright
Rebecca Andersen
Jonora Anderson
Thomas and Cris Anderson
Animal House Veterinary
Terry Apple
Meg Augustine
Therese and Todd Augustine
Richard and Lisa Ayres
Cristine and Robert Baetz
Russell Baldwin
Sarah and Donald Bastian
The Alben F. Bates And Clara
G. Bates Foundation
Benita Baugatz
Carl and Sandra Bayer
Kathleen Beaugureau
Laurance Beaugureau
Tom Berg
Arija and Ilmars Bergmanis
Chandrashekhara Bhat
Carol and Daniel Bieniak
Frank and Sue Blazek
Amy and Charlie Blood
George I. Boerema
Brenda and Dennis Bonn
Norma Bouweraerts
Krista and Michael Bradburn
Karen and Ron Breier
John and Kathy Brens
Bruce Brown
Charles and Diane Brown
Linda Brubaker
Inara Bundza
Beverly Burnett
Ellie and Rob Byrnes
Steve Cannon
Dorothy Carlson
John and Dorothy Carlson
Arlyn and Robert Carrara
Gerette and Romualdo
John and Kathleen Carroll
Mary Cherek
Babs and George Chivari
Charles Cipalo
Wendell and Kay Clancy
Sydney and Chris Clark
Gergory Cole
Community Unit School
District #303
Arvis Connolly
David Conroy
Brooke Corbel
Raymond J. Corbel
Loretta Cwiertnia
Delnor-Community Health
Anthony and Rebecca DeSilva
Diane and Thomas Detelich
Rosemary DiGiuro
Amy and Tom Dillenburg
Jim DiMartini
Barbara and Walt Donat
Beverly and John Donovan
Fred and Mary Dornback
Mark and Laure Driscoll
David Drummond
Patricia Duckworth
Edward and Susan Dugan
Ann and Gregg Dvorak
Mary Eisendrath
Ethan Allen Employees
Charles Falls
Mary Fishbein
Janet Fitzpatrick
Kevin and Mary Fitzpatrick
Tonya and David Flatt
Patrick and Robyn Flinn
Tannie and Gary Foiles
William and Kari Foote
Jean and Mark Fredericks
Paul and Deborah Frerichs
Robert Frisk
Jerry Gabriel
Valija Galenieks
Mary Ganoe
Susan and Barry Gardner
Carol and Bruno Gentile
Mary and Patrick Gerkin
D. J. Gilsdorf
Jane and Dennis Gorski
Regina Gorski
Helen Gossman
Maureen Hahn
Chuck and Judy Hall
Kelly Hall
Joanne and Richard Hansen
Carl and Shirley Harleen
Brian Harpling
Dawn Harpling
Dolores Harpling
Milo and Mary Beth Harrison
Russell and Janice Hart
Cynthia Hartweger
Scott Hayes
Bradley Hecht
Ann Marie Hess
Brian Hickie
Danielle and Kevin Hildebrand
Margaret Hilger
Todd Hilson
Becky and Michael Hoag
Janet Hofmeister
Barb Hubbard
Peggy and Chris Huson
Barbara Ickler
Christina and Kevin Isenhart
Sharon and James Jaenel
Harold and Alice Jingst
Leslie R. and Marjorie
Johnson, Jr.
Laurie Kaiser
Georgene Kauth O'Dwyer
Robert Kaye
Jean Kellogg
Lawrence Kelly
Diane and Roger Kertz
Sarah and Doug Kimber
Carole King
Ron Koeppl
Elaine Kraft
Dawn Kramer
Gretchen Krembs-Rossiter
Dale Krypel
Francis M. Kunz
George and Barbara Lacina
Jan Lane-Labat
Pauline Larson
Mark and Tracy Lau
Carolyn Laufenburger
Barbara and Robert Lawrence
Betty Lay
Judy LeBlanc
R. Mark and Wendy Lee
Amy Leigh
Fred Lepenske
Cheri Lee Lewis
Mari Anne Lichtfeld
Kurt and Stacy Lightcap
Elma Limkemann
Robert Lindorff
Ronald and Laura Lingl
Janette Litrun
Craig and Beverly Livermore
Leann and Russell Look
Bekki Lorenz
Jeannine Lynch
Robert and Jodi Manthei
Robin Marcellis
Daniel Marshall
Heidi Martinez
Mary Alta Masemore
Sally Matoushek
Kathleen McGrath
Robert McGrath
Allen Mead
Molly Mead and Carol Bull
Joanne Mendes
Danny Miller
Michael Miller
Irene Moehs
John E. Montgomery
Denise and James Morgan
T. Patrick and Katie
Murphy, Jr.
Terry Murphy
Nancy and Jay Murray
James and Mary Myers
Vladimir Nagaslaev
Daniel Nasharr
Lisa Neidel
Nichols Industries, Inc.
Darren and Kelly Niemann
Mary O'Brien
Mary and Patrick Olsen
Wanda Olson
William and Kathleen Orr
Paddock Publications
Sharon Pankey
Arlene and William
K. and M. Pedersen
David Peebles
Betsy and Mike Penny
Rick Person
Susan Peters
Inger and John Petersen
Eric and Carol Pfeiffer
Ellen and Ken Phillips
Yvonne Piazzi
Maureen and John Plante
Diane Pohlig
Luci Pommers
Marilyn Poole
Peter Power
Jacqueline and Donald Pulver
Joseph and Louise Quinn
John Radtke, Jr.
Art and Sue Raeder
Nada Rajak
Cheryl Randazzo
Carole B. Randecker
Judith and Dean Reidy
Meghan Reidy
Pamela Reihl
Vija Reinfelds
Kurt Riesselmann
Janina and Andrze Righetti
Sara Risley
Aida Rizo
RJC Quality Electric Inc.
Dzidra and Ainars Rodins
Marlene Romba
Jerry and Joan Rumps
Kristin Ryan
Martha Ryan
Larisa Salenieks
Rich and VerJean Sanders
Richard and Phyllis Sbarbaro
Linnea Schlobohm
J. L. Scott
Patricia Screeden
Cheryl Sehring
Angela and Michael Severino
Lisa and Michael Shaw
Alexander Shemyakin
Raymond and Susan Shepherd
David Shormann
Anton and Marilyn Shulski
Ronald Simone
Megan and Gary Sindelar
William and Julianne Small
Irene Snead
Judith Sneesby
Elsie Sorensen
Carrie Sovola
William Sparks
William Spitzig
Jessica Spizzirri
St. Charles East High School
St. Patrick Home & School
James Steimel
Martin Stengle
Megan Sterling
Mary and Herbert Stith
Gelnn R. Storm
David Strickland
Debbie Strong
Mary Ann Sturn
Steve and Linda Sullivan
Julie and Roger Sumner
Becky Sweeney
Janet Swick
Amy Thurlwell
Joy Utts
Jim and Cynthia Van De Veire
Ann and Richard VanThournout
Dorothy VanThournout
Donna Vasicek
Steve and Laura Vasilion
Dace Venters
Beverly Vermaat
Dario and Deborah Villa
Thomas Von Lunen
Susan Wachs
Marilyn Wagner
Lorraine Walby
Raymond Wasilauskis
Heather Watson
Julie and Thomas Wawczak
Denise and Jeff Weigand
Dennis Weiss
Wayne Weiss
G. James Weith
Georgia Wilkinson
Carolyn Wondrow
Ginny and Jack Young
Jennifer Zagel
Erica Zoretic
2008 Bridgewalk Sponsors
Shodeen Family Foundation
Hansen-Furnas Foundation, Inc.
Hewlett Packard
Francissen Landscape
Group, Inc.
Niche Restaurant
Montgomery Brothers
Abraxis BioScience
Berglund Construction
Delnor Hospital
Delnor Cancer Care Center
Delnor Center for Breast
Dickens, Mason & Kissell,DDS
Gerald Nissan Subaru of
North Aurora
Gordon Flesch Co.
Kane County Farm Bureau
Prose Orthodontics
Provena Mercy Medical Center
Roche Laboratories
Rotary Club of Batavia
Rush-Copley Medical Center
2008 Winter Wine Festival
Jill Mallinder
Gerald Nissan and Subaru of
North Aurora, Inc.
LaGrange Oncology
Leopardo Construction
Berglund Construction
Chicago Investment Advisory
Council, Inc.
Robert and Carol Foster
Francissen Landscape
Group, Inc.
Gastrointestinal Health
Kane Anestheisa
Scott Stonebreaker
Builders, LLC
Aurora Metals Division, LLC
Northern IL Enterprise
State Mechanical Services LLC
Tom Cantwell
Classic Carriage Auto Body
Gastroenterology Group
Practice, LLC
Gastrointestinal Health
Associates, LLC
Joanne Heidorn
Koehler Koehler, Inc.
Animal House Veterinary
Keller Williams Fox Valley
Laurie and Timothy Albion
Michael Alford
Carl W. Allen
Allied Precision Industries
Aaron and Anne Anderson
Brandon and Dayna Anderson
Steve Arnold
Meg Augustine
Aurora Burlington CU
Vanatha Babu
Russell Baldwin
Susan Banks
Thomas Banks
Larry Barkley
Judy Barrick
Vincent Bergthold
Elvira Besco
Mary Beth Breslich
George I. Boerema
Deborah Briner
Inara Bundza
David & Dorothy Buren
Elizabeth Burkland
Beverly Burnett
Kevin and Terry Burns
Jean Butzler
Philip Cali
Steve Cannon
Dianne Canoles
Arlyn and Robert Carrara
Murray and Ellen Chalmers
Govind Chandra
Janice and Jerry Cisneros
Citigroup Foundation Matching
Gift Program
Sydney and Chris Clark
Laureen Compton
Community Unit School
District #303
Mari Connelly
Arvis Connolly
Jim Cook and Joyce
Kevin Costello
Patricia Cote
Jim Coxworth
Nina and Jake Coyner
Julie Crane
Vic Cross
Donald D’Amico
Nancy Dellinger
Carey Dewire
Don and Diane DeWitte
Laurie Dieter
Jim DiMartini
Diane Doenges
Lynn Dollman
Michael Donahue
Helen Dorner
Tom and Diane Dorner
Jon and Joy Duerr
Edward and Susan Dugan
Megan Dunne
DuPage Memorial Auxiliary
Post #2164
Mary Dusing
Andrea Early
Doris Elzinga
Michelle and John Erickson
Sachiko and Robert Eubanks
Greg Faber
Kevin and Susan Fee
Kevin and Mary Fitzpatrick
Orest Fiume
Tonya and David Flatt
Robert Frisk
Beth Gabriel
John Gaden
Phil and Jill Gattone
Carol and Bruno Gentile
Laura Gielow
Girl Scouts-Fox Valley Council
Daisy Troop #653
Karen Grzegorzewski
Rebecca Haag
Louise Hague
Jody Hallahan
Arthur Hand
Robert Hansen
Frederick Harbecke
Carol and Ron Harczak
Dolores Harpling
Milo and Mary Beth Harrison
Russell and Janice Hart
Cynthia Hartweger
John Haskins
Anjali Hawkins
Joan Hedge
Charles and Jean Henry
Charles and Kathleen Hewell
Cynthia Hiemenz
High Voltage Electric
Marcia Hill
Nancy Hoeksema
Barb Hubbard
Cheri and Jeff Hunt
Christina and Kevin Isenhart
Carrie Jerdee
Jennifer Johnson
Kathleen Johnson
Ron Jordan
Gary Kemnitz
Nancy Kenny
Andrew Kissamis
Keith and Joni Kotche
James and Barbara Krage
Aaron Kuhn
Diane and Donald Kurten
Kurt and Terry Kuyawa
Peggy Langeness
Marcia Lathrop
Law Offices of Cooper,
Storm and Piscopo
R. Mark and Wendy Lee
Robert Lindorff
Linda Liu
Mary Ann Lockwood
Matt Lovejoy
Flora Lucas
Dennis and Natalie Machul
Daniel Marshall
Mary Ellen Masson
Sally Matoushek
Steven McBurney
Elizabeth and Terry McCarthy
Kari McGinn
John and Jodi McKinney
Molly Mead and Carol Bull
Carol Medendorp
Anjalika and Joseph Meschi
Charlotte Meyer
Deborah Meyers
Jane Michel
Carol Mitchell
Nancy Moe
Irene Moehs
Elizabeth Moeller
John E. Montgomery
Virginia Mueller
James and Mary Myers
Darren and Kelly Niemann
James Nissen
Cathy Norris
Geralyn O’Brien
Mary O’Brien
Kevin OKasick
Donna Olson
William and Kathleen Orr
John and Jan Ovitz, Jr.
Pat and Ron Papini
Ramona Pasetti
Patricia Patrick
K. and M. Pedersen
Betsy and Mike Penny
Peterson & Matz, Inc.
Cathy Petruczenko
Nancy Pierce
Peter Power
Betty Primm
Jodie Proctor
John and Margaret Rea
Patricia Reines
Aida Rizo
Nancy and John Rizzo
Mary Louise and David
Cyrus Sadigh
Larisa Salenieks
Dan Sanders
Martha S. Sarnecki
K.R. Saroja
Howard Sauer
Linda and Jeff Schielke
Joyce and Donald Schoenecker
Patricia Seale
Jack and Marlene Shales
Susan and Craig Shambaugh
David Shormann
Martina and Laurance Simon
Ronald Simone
Hasi Smith
Joyce and Mark Smith
Irene Snead
Jody and Robert Snyder
Jodi Sparacino
William Sparks
Sandy Spiegel
Linda St. Clair
Sue and Gary Stallman
Megan Sterling
Craig and Carolyn Stokely
Norman and Jill Stolpestad
Robert Taylor
Debi Thompson
Melissa and Jeff Thompson
Amy Thurlwell
Robert Travis
Jenny Tuman
Dee and Tim Tvrdik
Joy Utts
VFW DuPage Post #2164
Laurie Valentino
Valley Family Medicine
Andrew and Jodie Van Chau
Kathryn Vandermolen
Ann and Richard VanThournout
Robert and Lorraine
Daral D. Vining
Warner’s Decking, Inc.
Wasco Ladies Aid Society
Washington Mutual Matching
Gift Program
Julie and Thomas Wawczak
Wayne Weiss
Catherine Wierz
Micheal Wurtz
Ginny and Jack Young
Lois and Glenn Zelensek
Diana Zorc
Clare Laudont
Elizabeth Dewitt
Denise and Jeff Weigand
Sarah Starynski
Joanie Washkowiak
Ethan Allen Employees
Charlotte and Robert
Tina and Doug McClain
Linda Ahlgren
Charles and Linda Anderson
Stacy and David Bell
Patrick Colton
Jan and Roger Crites
Ann and Gregg Dvorak
Scott and Sue Fore
John Fuchs
Daniel and Kathie Griffith
JoBeth Heinz
Laura Jahn
Loreta Lescelius
Mary Lovejoy
Robert and Mary Fran Madjak
Stephanie McBurney
Martin Munroe
Anna Palazzolo
Mary and Jack Paquette
Debby Scully
Peggy Sitarz
Lynne Smith
Tricia Stewart
Charlie Sturm
Shelley and William Weible
Cheryl Wiersema
Mary Lynn Yarter
Linda Mullins
Peter and Mary Inorio
Bonnie and Jim Kararo
Marilyn Kodie
Dave and Mary Ellen Fay
Janet and David Anderson
Animal House Veterinary
Lynn and Jeff Beckley
Jill Carlson
Richard and Susan Dean
Mary Fishbein
Maureen Hahn
John and Lorraine Kearns
Maggie Kearns
Nola Kyle
Deborah and Thomas LaLonde
Matthew Lindborg and
Renee Engman
Janet Millikan
Mary O’Brien
Carol and Alvin Quitno
Frances Sykes
Laura Arimoto
Wayne and Norma DeMaar
Christy Storm
Nancy and Steve Deppe
Thomas Kress
Kathy McNeil
Megan Rafferty-Flatter
Amber and Matt Zerby
Terry and Marcia O’Connor
Mary Ann Sturn
Rachel and John Harms
Barbara and Stephen Zerby
Patrick and Merrie O’Rahilly
Carl and Cynthia Albright
Altrusa International Fox Valley
Barbara Angenendt
Batavia Lions Club
Frank and Sue Blazek
Eva Carr
Classic Carriage
Terrance Coleman
Gastroenterology Group
Practice, LLC
Gastrointestinal Health
Grove Hill Drive Bunco Gals
Havlicek Builders, Inc.
Joanne Heidorn
Kathy Hoeksema
Greta Huizenga
Suzanne Juday
Julie Kazimier
Kiwanis Club of Batavia
Koehler Koehler, Inc.
Thomas Lawrence
Norma Lindborg
Kristy Maher
Hal and Jolene Masoncup
Kathleen McGrath
Allen Mead
Mihaela Resek
Randa Sabbagha
Kevin Schmidt
Horst and Tammi Zemp
Christ The Lord Lutheran
Susan McGrail
Ellie and Rob Byrnes
Mary and Carl DeKlyen
Elmhurst Yoga Shala Inc.
Les and Mary Lou Haworth
Susan Konicek
Lions of Elburn Charities
Pattie Livingston
Karen and James Urek
Kurt Anderson
Joe and Phyllis Tolian
$250 - $499
Aurora Metals Division L.L.C.
Mike and Pam Bless
David Bumbar
Curbside Valet Service
Brenda Cutsinger
Diane and Thomas Detelich
David Drummond
Vernon and Arvena Guynn
Betty Hampa
Ira Hanan
Brian Hickie
Melinda Hinners-Waldie
Mary Ann Hubbard
Kurt and Angela Kobylecky
Leonard and Jean Korgie
Barbara and Robert Lawrence
Kurt and Stacy Lightcap
Tracy Marut
Robert McGrath
T. Patrick and Katie Murphy
J. Terrence Murray
Bettina Ortiz
Maureen and John Plante
Jacqueline and Donald Pulver
Sandman Insurance Agency
St. Charles Mothers Club
St. Patrick Home & School
State Mechanical Services LLC
William and Emma Towne
Roger and Pat Vanzele
Ralph Voris
John and Kris Wazio
Marybeth Zlock
Jim and Mary Newhouse
Dan and Linda Abendroth
Gerard Brosnan
Lisa Nutkin
Corey and Ron Waller
Dorothy Carlson
Raymond J. Corbel
Kathy Domalick
Elmhurst BMW
Kiwanis Key Club of
Geneva High School
Ron Koeppl
Premium Concrete, Inc.
Michael and Elizabeth Sheridan
Mary Carol Smith
Tom Williams
Bernard and Dawn
Margaret Hilger
David Hunt
Wayne and Sue Woltman
Tom and J. Clare Peterson
Rick and Sue Bell
Kara and Lou Guizzetti
Glenn and Kathy Harks
Mercedes-Benz of St. Charles
Patricia Campbell
Nancy and Thomas Cantwell
Kay and Wendell Clancy
Angie and John D’Angelo
Alene Korby
Beverly and Larry Miller
Jeffrey and Lisa Postlewaite
Denise Provenzano
William and Mary VanSanten
Renee Ayer & Tim Stouffer
Stockholm’s Vardshus, Inc.
Bailey Allard
Karen and Steve Johnson
Cheryl Marschinke
Colonial Ice Cream, Inc.
Dominic and Marianne Cirone
Dorothy and William Phillips
Steven and Chrystal Maxwell
$500 - $999
Chicago Investment Advisory
Council, Inc.
William and Rae Cunningham
Elburn Fire Department
Carol and Robert Foster
Gastrointestinal Health
Patrice and Bahram Ghaderi
Catherine Harrington
Robert and Karen Hollis
Peter & Heidi Huizenga
Bob and Sue Jensen
Sandra and Robert Jester
Kane Anesthesia
Associates, S. C.
John C. Koechley, D.D.S.
Lakone Company
Denise and James Morgan
Mothers Club of Geneva
North Aurora Mothers Club
Todd and Elaine O’Reilly
Robert and Nancy Paul
Patti and Brian Petty
Scott Stonebreaker
Builders, LLC
T. Rowe Price Program
John and Maj Williams
XL Global Services Inc.
John and Cheryl Rabchuk
Kristin Armstrong
Linda Brubaker
Chris and Shannon Potenzo
Nancy and Paul Bertrand
Lindsey and Tom Burgess
John and Peggy Collins
Doris Hunt
Bob Jelinek
Greg and Kelly Licht
St. Charles Kiwanis Golden K
Glen D. Tjaden
Ginsberg Chiropractic
Gazebo Junction, Inc.
Patrick L. and Linda Murphy
Stanley and Carmen Drab
Roger and Kelley Howard
Barbara Ickler
Robert and Jodi Manthei
Todd Klimek
Nancy and Scott Vance
Gary and Laurel Moad
Whole Foods Market
Wredling Middle School
Anne and Harry McGee
Premier Interiors
$1,000 - $2,499
Abraxis BioScience
Sterling Ainsworth
Jonora Anderson
Norbert and Suzanne Becker
Loretta Cwiertnia, Trustee
Dickens, Mason, & Kissell DDS
Kris and AnnMarie Fauske
Jean and Mark Fredericks
Gordon Flesch Company
Lisa A. Hansen
Earl and Kay Harbaugh
HSBC Philanthropic Programs
Kane County Farm Bureau
L. C. Klenk Charitable
Ron and Bridget Link
Nichols Industries, Inc.
Paws In Time, Inc.
Prose Orthodontics
Provena Mercy Medical Center
RJC Quality Electric Inc.
Roche Laboratories, Inc.
Rotary Club of Batavia
Rush-Copley Medical Center
Sara Lee Foundation
Matching Gifts
Rick Thompson
Town of St. Charles
Mary Whinfrey
Jan and Tony Zehnder
Aspect Matching Gifts Program
Mary and Herbert Stith
Senior Operations, Inc.
Illinois Tool Works Foundation
Jennifer and Todd Sommers
Thomas and Cris Anderson
James and Mary Ann Shiltz
Rick Person
John and Cindy Downey
Delnor-Community Health
Keri Foster and
Robert Sommer
Chuck and Judy Hall
Thomas and Wendy Wright
Rick and Sally Yurs
Geneva Community Chest
Denise and Mark Woodard
David and Lisa Brown
David and Carol Walker
Berglund Construction
LaGrange Oncology
Leopardo Charitable
Packaged Concrete Inc.
St. Charles Kiwanis Foundation
Robert and Kathy Hubbard
Judy and Matthew Kaseeska
Patrick and Anne Francissen
Central School District #301
David and Judi Peterson
Wolande Foundation
Geneva Lions - We Serve
James and Carol Hansen
Tom and Ethel Reynolds
Susan Mielke
Julie and Roger Sumner
City of Geneva 708 Board
Stephen and Lisa Paul
Roger and Jane Harris
Francissen Landscape
Group Inc.
Craig and Beverly Livermore
Scott and Jennifer
Macy’s Foundation
Mill Creek Elementary
School PTO
Bruce and Jennifer White
$2,500 - $4,999
$50,000 - $99,999
Fred and Mary Dornback
EFS Foundation
Gerald Nissan & Subaru of
North Aurora
Montgomery Brothers Inc.
Cheryl Sehring
Charles Wolande
William and Andrea Ferguson
Steven and Gretchen Bush
Alben F. Bates and Clara G.
Bates Foundation
$5,000 - $9,999
Hewlett Packard
John and Kathleen Carroll
Richard and Kathleen Ryan
$10,000 - $24,999
Guardian Angels Fund
Shodeen Family Foundation
Patrick and Robyn Flinn
Joanne and Richard Hansen
Kane County Riverboat Fun
City of St. Charles 708 Board
$25,000 - $49,999
Mendel Plumbing & Heating
St. Charles Boosters Club
Delnor Men’s Foundation
Terry Murphy
Hansen-Furnas Foundation Inc.
Delnor-Community Health
Care Foundation
1803 West State Street (Route 38) • Geneva, IL, 60134
(630) 262-1111 •