Students return triumphant: Part Two


Students return triumphant: Part Two
Is Valentine’s Day a S.A.D.
Meet Scott, p.3
Google Chrome changes web
browsing, p. 5
holiday after all? p. 2
Sigma Tau Delta, student
honor society, p.4
Mesa Journal
Love messages, p. 6
... the Award-winning newspaper of The University of Texas of the Permian Basin...
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Volume 28~ Issue 10
Homecoming Queen and King crowned
Falcons show spirit in a week full of Homecoming victories
Staff Writer
Left: Catherine Allen
and Andrew Torres
The 2010 Homecoming
week at UTPB preserved old
traditions while creating new
ones. The all-week celebration
included ice skating, halftime
giveaways at the men's and
women's midweek games,
and a pep rally on Friday
night to get students in the
spirit for the games against
Lincoln on Saturday, Jan. 23.
At the halftime game, the culmination of the event was the
crowning of 2010 UTPB
Homecoming king and queen.
The traditional tailgating
party was held on Saturday
before the games, but the
Homecoming parade was
replaced by a Pep Yo Ride contest this year. Clubs, organizations, and individual students
were invited to decorate their
cars to demonstrate their
school spirit.
After the Pep Yo Ride contest and pre-game tailgate
party, the UTPB women's bas-
continued on
page 3
Below: Elizabeth
Mendoza and Matt
photo by Romey Elguezabal
photo by Romey Elguezabal
photo by Romey Elguezabal
Above: Christina Rios
and John Escontrias
photo by Romey Elguezabal
Above: Chassidy Johnson and Joe Uranga, 2010
Homecoming King and Queen.
BLC hosts poet laureate and civil
rights activist, Maya Angelou
Right: Amanda Brewer
(not pictured: Charles
Executive Director
Interim Assistant Editor
As one of the most influential women of our time, Maya
Angelou has been celebrated
as everything from an actress
to a filmmaker to a civil rights
activist. On February 17,
she’ll also have the experience
of visiting UTPB and bringing
attention to the activities of
the Black Leadership Council.
The BLC is giving out tickets to Angelou’s event as a
part of their conference to celebrate Black History Month at
Students who want tickets
can obtain them from Feb. 1012 in the Student Union, from
9 a.m.-6 p.m., while the community can pick them up on
Feb. 14 or 15, from 2 p.m.-5
p.m. in the MB lobby.
publicity photo
photo by Romey Elguezabal
On Monday, January 25,
UTPB President Dr. David
Watts announced the hiring of
Carol Roberts-Spence as executive director of the Wagner
Noël Performing Arts Center.
"There were a number of
outstanding candidates vying
for the position," President
Watts said. "It was the consensus of the board that Carol
was the very best choice for
Receiving her degree in
University of Texas at El Paso,
Roberts-Spence spent time in
New York performing as a
Shakespearean actor, instructor and touring manager. She
served as director of UTEP's
Office of Special Events since
1998, an office that is responsible for events taking place in
the Don Haskins Center, the
Sun Bowl, and the Magoffin
She hopes to bring
Broadway quality performances to the students at UTPB
with the state of the art
Wagner Noël Performing Arts
"Students are vital,"
"Whether they choose to manage or perform, I hope to bring
them the opportunity to gain
real-world experience with
the performing arts center."
Roberts-Spence's official
start date with UTPB is March
Students return triumphant: Part Two
Interim Assistant Editor
Few people experience the
rush and excitement of working side by side with political
powerhouses and civil rights
leaders, but graduating senior
Gaven Norris, a Political
Science major at UTPB, is one
of the lucky few.
Norris, along with fellow
UTPB students Kelly Combs
and Josh Zuniga were three of
32 students selected from the
UT System to intern in
Washington D.C. through the
Program for the Fall 2009
Norris spent
his semester in
D.C. interning
Bureau, which
is the "federal
legislative liaison
national public
policy office
according to
the organization’s website.
As a health
policy advocate,
photo courtesy of Gaven Norris
acted as a
l i a i s o n
between the
v a r i o u s
leaders and
often working with people such as
Al Sharpton,
Jesse Jackson
and Nancy
two weeks
and CEO Benjamin Todd
Jealous, the youngest person
to hold this office in the organization's history.
"Here I am, just this guy
from Odessa, Texas, and I
have their numbers in my cell
phone. The places life can take
us are amazing." Norris said.
After working a full day,
Norris and the other students
also attended class on
Monday and Wednesday
"We learned a lot that you
just can't learn from a text-
on page 5
, The Mesa Journal
to Letter
to the
This letter to the editor
brings up "budget problems" and "cutbacks" that
the authors believe have
affected UTPB's Writing
Center. I decided to do a little reporting, and my
research has shown that our
economy has affected the
UT system in general.
The UT annual report
shows a steady gain in system operating expenses
over the past few years,
along with an increasing
loss in income. On page
Kristen Gipson
G.1 of the UT System
Administration 2009-2010
Budget, which is available to the public online, there is a total
recommended decrease in budget of $9,507,343. However,
there has been no discussion, as far as I'm aware, of specifically
targeting student services, or anything of that nature.
In an Administrative Council meeting on Monday, February
8, a proposed overall 5% decrease of expenditures was discussed; however, this is not affecting the university at this time.
And, it won't affect the WC at all. President Watts emphasized
that tutoring, SI tutoring, lab hours, summer schedules, athletics, and work study will not be affected: "There will be no
reductions on any of these entities whatsoever."
Due to unrelated matters, the University Writing Center has
simply re-managed their budget for the remainder of the year
by minimizing multiple tutor coverage. This was not an administrative decision at all, which is sometimes where people want
to put the blame. Don't. Letter writers: you need to know that
there was no targeted budget cut back from administration
placed on the Writing Center.
I spoke to Dean Lois Hale, Dean of the College of Arts and
Sciences, under which the UWC resides, to determine what
exactly is happening with the Writing Center. The Dean confirmed that there were budget issues, but after long conversations with the director of the Writing Center, they determined
that the only real area to preserve the budget for the remainder
of the year was to temporarily (and voluntarily) minimize tutor
coverage: a management decision, not a budget cut issue.
However, the Dean is working with the UWC to transfer
funds into the WC budget, so that more tutors are available to
the students as they are needed.
Dean Hale stressed, "We believe in the Writing Center," and
that the administration is doing what they can. The Dean confirms that the whole UT system is in a budget crunch. All
departments are making efforts to economize as much as possible. But, no budget cuts have been made in any tutorial services or in student activities. I know it seems like I'm emphasizing
that, but it's important that students know that whatever budgetary restrictions are being put into place, they will not affect
the students, which is awesome.
As the letter writers point out, last semester, Dr. Lara worked
with the other tutoring centers on campus to provide a satellite
tutoring location at the Ranch House, which actually resulted in
more money for writing tutors from another source of funds.
These tutors are selected and supervised by the WC and are
paid from the PASS Office budgets. This satellite location is
another option for students who, in the past, made appointments during the earlier business hours, so it seems as if the WC
is doing everything they can to help the students, while they
wait for additional funds to be approved.
It would be awesome if the UT System was visited by the
Money Fairy (who often visits in the dreams of college students,
only to disappear at dawn). In the meantime, I hope that students will continue to visit the tutoring services available on
campus, so that the tutors may continue to help students the
way they have in the past.
My response to the letter writers, then, is that I have no
doubt that the administration, faculty, and students will read
your letter and pass on your helpful words of advice to each
other. It's wonderful that even during tough times, UTPB students prove that what they're thinking of foremost is each other.
Need to sell your biology textbook?
Buy an ad in the MJ! Call 552-2659 for more info.
Do you have a comment or concern?
Share it with the student body through the MJ.
Send your letter to the editor to:
[email protected]
Electronic copies of letters are preferred, but not
required. See letter policy for more details.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Amber Batura
Interim Assistant Editor
No, it's not crying-into-your-pillow-sad; it's Single’s Awareness Day. That's right, it's that time
of the year again when stores turn red and pink, flower sales go up, chocolate suddenly has no
calories, and some random delivery guy somewhere is pulling out a diaper wondering how life
brought him to this moment.
February 14 has Hallmark execs rubbing their hands together in anticipation as the romantically inclined run around trying to find the perfect card, candy and/or present for their significant other. The stores are filled with overzealous lovers looking for the best gifts and anxious kids
trying to pick out the best Valentine's Day cards for their school parties. It seems like nothing
more than another over-commercialized Hallmark holiday. It's no wonder Valentine's Day is one
of those holidays people just love to hate.
Personally, I've always been an anti-Valentine's Day person. I never saw the romance in celebrating the beheading of a clergyman, but with over 180 million Valentine's Day greeting cards
sold annually, there's no denying that there is something about this holiday that people like.
So what exactly is it? For many people, Valentine's Day causes stress and anxiety whether in a
relationship or not. For those who remain unattached, it serves as one giant, brightly colored
reminder that you are, in fact, alone. Even those who have someone to share this day with spend
much of their time worrying about getting the right gift or making the day special enough. What's
the big deal anyway?
Valentine's Day celebrates love. While the cynical will point out that it is only celebrating a
superficial kind of love, this is one of those cases where it is the thought that counts. While
romantic love is often placed as the main event on Valentine's Day, there are other kinds of love
that even the diehard cynics and Single’s Awareness Day advocates can celebrate. We have so
much in our lives we tend to overlook. It's always easier to spot the bad things and complain than
it is to see the good and appreciate. Whether single, married, or somewhere in between, we all
have people in our lives we love and care for, and that's something worth celebrating.
So I encourage you to find someone you love in your life, someone who has helped you, cared
for you, made you a better person, and use this day to thank them. Buy them one of those obnoxious cards you just can't stand. If that's pushing it, ignore the hearts and flowers, and just shoot
them a thank you. It's better than shooting them with an arrow, anyway.
Advice for students concerned
about Writing Center cutbacks
Dear Editor,
We are writing this letter to address a rumor we have heard concerning the University Writing
Center. It is true that due to some budget problems the Writing Center is experiencing cutbacks,
but some of us want to let the students know that the Writing Center and its tutors will continue
to be here to help the students, faculty, and community of UTPB.
The Writing Center will have to make some sacrifices by cutting hours and having only
one tutor on at a time, but we want to make it clear to students and faculty alike that we will continue to do everything we can to meet the needs of all our clients. A formal request for a budget
increase has been presented to the administration, and we have faith that the administration will
do their best by us.
It has been our goal the past couple of years to expand the Writing Center's resources to
reach as many students as possible. Our tutors believe in bettering the writer in order to better
the writing, and in doing so, creating a confident student body capable of succeeding in their academics as well as in the real world. The staff is composed of capable, hard-working students who
see this as more than just a job, but an opportunity to help better our school and help our fellow
students. We have some of the most enthusiastic staff on campus, and we are proud to say that
working for the Writing Center has been one of the more positive experiences of our college
careers. We work hard to meet the needs of every student and faculty member who comes to us
for help, and we will continue to do so.
While it may be more difficult for the students to obtain an appointment with us, we wish
to assure them that we are doing everything we can to accommodate them all. We encourage students to call and schedule an appointment to guarantee their time with us, and we also have an
online writing lab to which they can submit their assignments. Dr. Lara's office has helped the
various tutoring centers set up a satellite location at the Ranch House at Student Housing to better assist the students' needs. Appointments can be made there with a Writing Center tutor,
Sunday through Thursday, from 8 pm to 12 am, in addition to the hours set at the center.
We are terribly sorry for any inconvenience this might cause the students that need our
help, but we would like to reassure everyone that the Writing Center is still here, and the tutors
are more than happy to help the students and faculty with whatever they need.
Thank you for your support, and we look forward to seeing you in the Writing Center!
Amber, Callie, Daniel, George, Jared
- UWC Tutors
The Mesa Journal
mail: [email protected]
Chief: Kristen Gipson
Interim Assistant Editor: Amber Batura
Staff Writers: Mark Blair, Scott Thoen
Layout & Design: Kristen Gipson
Photographer: Romelia Elguezabal
Advisor: Dr. Nichole Rougeau-Vanderford
General Information:
The Mesa Journal is a student publication that provides information, commentary, and entertainment for The University of Texas of the Permian Basin community. Editorial statements and
advertisements do not necessarily reflect the opinion of UT Permian Basin adminstration.
Letter Policy:
All contributions, in good taste, will be edited for grammar, spelling, length (250 minimum), libel,
profanity, and personal attacks. All letters must contain the author’s name, major, academic classification, and contact information. This information can be withheld upon request. Electronic
copies of articles and letters are preferred.
Mission Statement:
The Mesa Journal is designed to inform, entertain, educate, and heighten awareness of students,
faculty, and administrators at The University of Texas of the Permian Basin. Staff members will
be responsible journalists by maintaining high ethical standards with fairness, accuracy, and balance.
On Campus
Thursday, February 11, 2010
I love you.
Drive carefully.
“Love is an ever-fix’ed
mark, that looks on
tempests and is
never shaken.”
Valentine’s Day
Nichi & Emilie
Singing hillbilly.
Searching for
We’ll always have
Will you
I’ll be eating
I love you,
The Mesa Journal,
Meet the Staff
Scott Thoen
tolerating from FebruaryAugust rants about the
Chicago Cubs.
1. What room in Charlie's
chocolate factory would you
most like to visit?
I would get on the boat ride, in
hopes that Andy Samberg
would show up and we could
have a musical scene. He'd go
a capella.
Those are your only
3. What makes Hermione
She's got the attitude to keep
me in check when I'm goofing
off, and she's rich.
6. In a fight between vampires and zombies, who
would win, and why, and
would the fight take place
It would take place on Easter,
because that's when you're
reborn as a zombie.
knowledgable on zombies,
they would win for sure,
because the virus would congeal their blood. Thus, vampires would end up starving.
The zombies would just be
leftover. I don't know how
much of a fight it would be.
4. If you were putting out a
personal ad for a Valentine's
Day date, how would the ad
Requirement #1: Someone
who will laugh with me when
we see inappropriate things.
#2: She has to believe Grey's
Anatomy is ridiculous, as well.
#3: Will deal and is okay with
7. If you had to write a greeting card for Valentine's Day,
what would it say on the
You're going to get abducted
by aliens, because you're out
of this world!
enough, I always make all my
greeting cards, with crayons
and paper.
2. If you were in a circus,
what would be your act?
I would just tell people about
my life, I think they could
make fun of that. Have them
laugh at me, not with.
from Uriel
Spotlight On...
Megan Lopez
Staff Writer
After graduating from UTPB
in May of 2009, Megan Lopez
headed straight to Austin and
Academy. Upon completing
the six month academy in
Austin, Lopez returned to
Odessa in order to work as a
campus police officer here at
UTPB. As a new recruit, Lopez
felt working somewhere
familiar would help her to lay
a solid foundation for her
future in law enforcement.
"I love the students, and
because I went to school here I
know a lot of them, so it
seemed more beneficial to me
to work here on campus,"
Lopez said.
Lopez plans to benefit from
the experience of her superiors and her co-workers while
working at UTPB. The
University Police Department
is a smaller department in
comparison to the Midland
Departments and Lopez feels
that working at UTPB will
allow her more one-on-one
training with the veteran officers of UTPB.
"Everybody else here has
had years of experience in
other places. In this environment, I have the opportunity
to learn from them," Lopez
While learning from her coworkers, Lopez will also be
working on a Masters degree
Administration. She plans to
use her years here at UTPB to
gain experience and possibly
enter other areas of law
Lopez would like to move on
to a federal branch of law
enforcement such as the FBI,
DEA, or one of the many other
However, while she is here at
UTPB she is excited by the
newness of the job and the
challenges it brings.
"Because I'm so new I get
excited about all the little
things that some of the other
officers don't because they
have been doing this job for so
long. Something simple like a
traffic stop excites me because
it's still all so new," Lopez said.
photo by Romey Elguezabal
Homecoming, continued
from page 1
ketball team took to the court at 2 p.m. The Lady Falcons gained
an early lead scoring the game’s first twelve points and keeping
the lead for the entire first half. However, the Lady Blue Tigers
did not lie down in the second half, taking the lead back with
three minutes left to play in the fourth quarter making the score
64-63. The Lady Falcons went on a streak outscoring the Blue
Tigers 12-1 making the final score of the game 73-66.
Following the women's victory, the UTPB men took to the
court at 4:30 p.m. to face off against the Lincoln men. Although
Lincoln captured the lead early on, the Falcons fought back in
the first half and led at halftime 34-31. Both teams came out in
the second half with victory on their minds, but with the score
tied at 59-59 with five seconds left in the game, Keenan Gay
made both of his free throws to put the Falcons up 61-59 giving
them the lead and the win.
This year's Homecoming court was announced during the
men's halftime. The women's court included Catherine Allen,
Chassidy Johnson, Christina Rios, Amanda Brewer and
Elizabeth Mendoza. Andrew Torres, Joe Uranga, John
Escontrias, Charles Harper and Matt Wood comprised the
men's court. This year's Homecoming King and Queen elected
by the students are Joe Uranga and Chassidy Johnson.
Congrats on
being awesome.
photo by Romey Elguezabal
, The Mesa Journal
On Campus
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Falcon baseball
Sigma Tau Delta to solid start
Organization Profile
Staff Writer
Sigma Tau Delta is an international English honor society that is represented by the
Alpha Alpha
here on the
UTPB campus.
"Our society
is meant to
form a community within the
university for
English majors
[and minors],
to not only
honor and distinguish them
endeavors, but
also to help
students to keep
up the hard
Dayna Epley
must have an overall GPA of
3.2, an English GPA of 3.5 and
have taken at least one junior
level English course to become
a member of Sigma Tau Delta,
but the organization provides
opportunities and events the
entire UTPB community can
"We are planning a faculty spelling bee in which participating instructors would
face off to see once and for all
school students who are interested in pursuing a degree in
English and showing them
how to go about doing so.
"We have also had proposals for community interaction,
allow some of our
members to volunteer at local
high schools and
encourage those
who show interest in English as a
major to pursue
such a course. We
might even be
allowed to hold
tutoring sessions
for students on
these high school
campuses, which
would be great!"
Epley said.
Sigma Tau
Delta offers many
opportunities for
students to gather
in the name of a
photo by Kristen Gipson common interest
and to reach out
who the best speller is." Epley to the community through litsaid.
erature. If you are interested
Sigma Tau Delta does in joining, contact the chapmore than just gather students ter's advisor, Dr. Rougeauwho excel in English. They Vanderford, Vice President,
also want to reach out to the Dayna Epley, or President,
community by finding high Kristen Gipson.
Great Valentine’s Gifts
Staff Writer
With expectations set high,
the UTPB Falcons Baseball
team got a solid start to the
season by winning two of
three games against Texas
A&M International University
In the 2009 season, the
Falcons won the Heartland
Conference Title and made it
to the playoffs for the first
time since joining NCAA
Division II.
The team started practicing
in fall but took a brief rest for
the holidays. Starting January
10th, the team resumed practice intensively by training six
days a week leading up to the
season opener in Laredo,
Texas against TAMIU.
The Falcons are looking to
repeat last year's feat of winning
Conference Title in order to
make it to the playoffs for a
second year.
"The bottom line is we're
going to win." Head coach and
2009 Heartland Conference
Coach of the Year, Brian
Reinke said.
Fans can expect to see a wellrounded team. In 2009, the
Falcons finished the year second in stolen bases, second in
batting average and sacrifice
"We have a big park." Reinke
said. "We do a bit of everything. We have to be good
overall hitters, not just power
After losing four players
from last season, including
Heartland Conference Player
of the Year, Logan Forest, the
team is confident they can
make up for the loss with their
All the single
returners’ contribution from
new players. Some notable
returners are first-team AllConference players Chandler
Goode, Mario Urena and
Jeremy Miller.
The Falcons had a slow start
in their first game against
TAMIU with a 3-5 loss. The
Falcons were held to only six
hits total, five of which came
off a strong performance from
TAMIU starting-pitcher Jorge
Bouncing back, the Falcons
won the second game over
TAMIU 11-1.
"Everytime we had an opportunity to capitalize we did,
which is what we didn't do in
the first game." Reinke said.
In the third game, the
Falcons had a strong performance at the plate and off the
mound that led to a 10-2 win
over TAMIU in cold and wet
Pitchers Felix Cardenas,
Drew Kendrick, Casey Rana
and Chance Lankford were
hard to hit as they worked
together to set a school record
of 21 strikeouts.
Offensively the Falcons were
dominant with eight hits,
eight walks, and five stolen
Wooldridge had a strong individual performance going
three for five with three RBIs.
The Falcons are off to a solid
start to the season with a
series win over a conference
"I couldn't be more happy
coming back home winning
two of thee on the road."
Reinke said.
UTPB Baseball fans can find
the team's schedule at, as well as a team roster,
box scores and statistics.
where our
Put your hands up.
Behind Harrigan’s
Valentine’s Day.
Make it last,
make it special.
I love you,
Happy Single’s
Awareness Day
Falcon Forensics
Happy Valentine’s
Day from Falcon
Sign up and
be our
You’re the greatest
mom ever. Thanks
for always being
Love, Robert
Thanks for all
the great years
of experience!
Know love.
Campus Crusade.
No love?
Join the
Find us on facebook:
Thursday, February 11, 2010
The Mesa Journal,
Google Chrome simplifies browsing
Staff Writer
Google has made another
leap into the Internet world
with their new browser
Google Chrome. Users may
not abandon Fire Fox and
Internet Explorer, but with the
speed, ease and some other
features, Chrome will be a
force to be reckoned with for
other web browsers.
The first thing a user will
notice when using Chrome is
the simple design. It is quite
refreshing to open a browser
without having a barrage of
buttons, options and tools.
The clutter is gone with
Chrome. Chrome has recognized and capitalized on a
strategy that Apple commonly
uses: simple, easy-to-use
design. Chrome is an incredibly uncomplicated browser
and doesn't have a lot of
options to confuse any users.
One of the most heavily
advertised features of Chrome
is the speed. Despite being
skeptical that it would be any
faster than Internet Explorer
on my relatively new laptop,
Google didn't skimp on the
promise. There is a very
noticeable difference in the
speed when loading the
browser and loading web
pages. With the quick speed of
the browser, users are left
without getting Internet
Explorer's common "Not
Responding" message to cause
The ease of managing multiple tabs at once is cool feature
that Chrome offers. Chrome
gives multi-tabbed browsing
and users can click a tab and
pull it out to make the tab its
own window. A time saver
they added is the ability to
click and drag links. When a
link is on a website, instead of
having to copy and paste,
users can just click the link
and drag it up to the address
bar and drop the link in.
Chrome has made Incognito
browsing which is similar to
Internet Explorer's InPrivate
browsing. This allows users to
browse the Internet without
leaving any tracks in the form
of history or cookies. No footsteps will be left. According to
the introductory video I
watched after downloading
Chrome, users should use
Incognito for planning surprise birthday parties without
spouses finding out. I'm not
sure how often anyone really
plans surprise birthday parties but there are probably
other uses for Incognito.
The one aspect about
Chrome users may not like is
not having the drop down of
all previously visited websites. The URL drop down is
definitely something to be
missed. Chrome provides the
most used websites the user
has gone to but only eight. It
can be frustrated to always
have to start typing in websites that aren't frequently
Also, there isn't a home button. In order to get back to the
home page with the eight
most used websites, users
have to open up a new tab. It
isn't a major inconvenience
but rather a habit that must be
Google Chrome is worth the
download. It is faster and easier to use than Fire Fox,
Internet Explorer and Safari.
Google has won the war with
search engines and with
Chrome out, it won't be surprising if they start to make a
dent in world of web
Lost and found
photo by Romey Elguezabal
Above: Work by Augustina Hernandez, presented in
the UTPB Visual Arts Building on December 11, 2009.
Norris, continued from page 1
book. So much of what we know about the legislative process
revolves around the representatives and senators," Norris said
of the Policy Making Process class, "But there is so much more
to it and so many more people involved."
Speakers were often brought in to talk to the class. Combined,
the guest lecturers had over 120 years of experience working in
Washington D.C.
"It was amazing to realize that we were learning this information from people who experience what they are teaching every
day." Norris said.
Washington D.C. had more to offer than an internship and
course work.
"Every day, on our way to and from work, we walked down
the street with the Capitol on one side of the street and the
Supreme Court on the other," Norris said. "Even after being
there for awhile, I often pinched myself just to make certain I
was really there."
As Chairman of the Black Leadership Council and Executive
Director of the Young Democrats, Norris is no stranger to trying
to make a difference in politics and in the lives of others.
Meeting leaders of the NAACP and people who are significant
in the civil rights movement only strengthened Norris's resolve
to become a part of the process.
"We have such a negative outlook on the people who represent us, with a lot of talk of corruption and greed, but that is
such a small minority of the people who work in D.C.," Norris
said. "The majority of them truly care about the wants of the
people. It is important to stay involved in the process because
what affects the White House affects your house."
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Brown pair plastic sunglasses
Small framed reading glasses
Silver colored charm bracelet
1 ruby colored ear ring
Silver colored ring (band)
1 silver colored ring (large hoop)
Set of misc keys with pink band
Ear phones
Silver colored episode brand watch
1 car key
1 micro SD Motorola memory card
1 pair of gold colored reading glasses
in Black case
Silver colored necklace
Misc keys with black UTPB band
Winter hood - John Deere
1 silver colored earring
Yellow/Brown reading glasses
1 white cotton Carbon women's hat
Children's Book - Baby in the Box
Text Book Essentials of Corporate
Finance Book
Child Size Camo Hat
three ring binder black (Billy
Grey colored sunglasses
Pair of leather adult sized gloves
Twilight Book
Adult Size J&W Services camo hat
2 misc Keys on ring
Broken black plastic sunglasses
1 key
3 misc keys on ring
1 misc car key
Black framed reading glasses
Misc keys on ring with movie rental
Bronze colored coffee cup
8 misc music cd's
Misc keys on chain w/ red ribbon
Silver colored heart shaped earring
Apple Ipod Shuffle White
Black plastic sunglasses
Blue colored auto power supply
Misc keys with heart shaped ring
Black plastic sunglasses
Brown colored sunglasses
Clear plastic safety glasses
Yellow colored earring
Brown plastic sunglasses
Tan colored sunglasses
Tan colored plastic sunglasses
Black Zune mp3 player with earphones
with green cloth case
Plastic magnifying glass
Black framed glasses
Black framed sunglasses
Cell phone charger/radio transmitter
Black Framed Sunglasses
Black Framed Eyeglasses
Grey colored earring
Grey colored ring
Pink Cell Phone
Texas Instruments Calculator TI N0408A
Yellow Colored Keychain
Misc keys with belt hook
Motel room key 111
Multi colored peace bracelet
Keys with Hertz keychain
Misc keys with remote
Black cloth camera case with contents
(business cards)
Ralph Lauren glasses case with
resembling lips
misc writing pens and pencils
Set of 6 keys with car key,
Grey colored button
house key and misc
Brown check book wallet
1 bronze house key
1 Chevy auto key
Saturn car keys and remote
1 misc key
GMC key and remote with Walt
Texas Instruments Ti30xslls
Disney keychain
GMC car key
Misc keys on chain with red ribbon
1 Oldsmobile car key
XM Radio Remote
Set of 3 keys with Chevy, house,
Macvision digital mp3 player
misc and YMCA keychain
Paperback book - A World of Ideas
1 Nissan car key
UTPB notebook with pink folder
OSFA shred key with tag chain
Texas Instruments Silver Ed 84
1 Ford car key with chain
Graco Pack n Play portable
2008 Daily Planner
child playard
Historical Geology textbook
Women's black Outbrook jacket
Green spiral notebook
Women's multicolored scarf
Basic Brown textbook
Black and red Marines cap
Notebooks with class notes
Women's black Kaktus jacket
Black notebook with student notes
1 pink winter glove
Public Personnel Management text1 black Arizona women's jacket
Orange gym bag with towel and
Child size Spiderman coat
swim suit
Child size black fleece jacket
Black and yellow backpack
Pair of blue jeans and t-shirt
Grey book bag with American
Black medium fleece
Literature book
Black jacket
1 l.e.i. watch - white and green
Denim purse with woman's clothing
Black coin purse
Black jacket
TI-83 Calculator 2364061678 sWhite UTPB t-shirt
Brown jacket
Green jacket
TI 83 Scientific Calculator
Black backpack with shoes
Eagle Scout bolo signet
Black jacket
Tweety Bird watch
Black nylon case
1 silver colored golden quartz
Green expandable stick
Black men's watch
1 silver ring with blue colored
l.e.i. silver colored women's watch
Silver colored ring with 8 clear stone
1 gold colored necklace with
clear stones (broken)
Glittery large hoop earrings - pair
Gold colored hoop earrings Silver colored designer ring with
cross design
Brown Galo Optical glasses
Silver colored thin hoop earring - ½
Brown backpack
Black nylon camera case
Black Hanes cotton sweater
The Central Receiving
Denim and beige lace jacket
has acquired
Like Tikes Toy truck
3 key set with white tag keychain
the responsibility of storTI-30xIIB K-0406G Silver Scientific
ing and processing the
TI-30XA RC1240997 Dark Green
lost and found items that
Scientific Calculator
been turned into the
TI-30XIIS N-0809M Dark Blue Solar
Scientific Calculator
University Police. Items
TI30XA S-0203B Dark Green
unclaimed after March
Scientific Calculator
TI-83 Plus 2364061678-0203C
15, 2010 will be declared
abandoned and may be
TI-83 1513005632 I-0200N
Graphing Calculator
Corner Office Black Scientific
2GB Memorex Thumb drive - purple If you recongize an item
with pink lanyard
on the list, please come
2GB PNY Attache Thumb drive black with orange trim
by Central Stores (MB
4GB Lexar Thumb drive - white
Toyota key and remote with red tag 1138) Monday-Friday 1-5
Set of 5 keys with green Midland
College lanyard
Set of 2 keys on pink keychain
14 inch
Heart-Shaped Pizza
(432) 366-2000
4007 JBS Parkway
(across from the university)
Offer good for February only. Must present coupon at time of purchase
,The Mesa Journal
Spread the love,
Share some good cheer.
On behalf of Admissions,
We’re happy you are here!
Happy Valentine’s Day!
Katherine and Angelica
Granny and
I love you more
than I love
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Last Day to File for
March 5
Spring Break
March 15 - March 19
Last Day to Withdraw**
or Drop*
March 26
Harry loves Dobby,
Bella loves crying.
We all love you,
And we aren’t lying!
Happy V-Day to
our PEO sisters.
Kristen, Nichi, and
Last Day to Submit
Master's Thesis and
Reports to Committee
March 29
Last Day to Add SelfPaced courses
March 29
Last Day to take Oral
Exam (Graduate Students)
April 26
Happy V-day, Kellye,
The UWC Staff
Valentine’s Day!
Let’s go to
“I know you will respond
when you understand
the state of my soul.
But I’ll become earth
If I had an
ocarina, I
would travel
through time
for you.
Love, Vincent
It’s “cause”
It’s your
Happy B-Day & VDay, Pay Pay!
before all that is clear to
February 11, 2010
Valentine’s Day Fun 4
All Photo Booth
Free Food & Drinks
Student Union
Commons Area
12 pm – 4pm
February 13, 2010
Falcon Day
Come see what UTPB
has to offer you!
February 14, 2010
Lonely Hearts Club
Multipurpose Room
I’m tiiiired.
you.” -M
Can’t we just be
death eaters?
Dear Scott,
You are so $@*!ing
awesome. *#@? it! I wish I
was that kick $@$. I don’t
give a %$*$ who knows it,
your body is rocking.
are so cool, you counter-act
global warming. Call me,
sweet *$?% thang. You have
my $*%?ing digits.
If I had a rocket ship...
We’d be ON
George is