Credit Course SChedule - Prairie State College
Credit Course SChedule - Prairie State College
P R A I R I E S T A TE C OLLE G E ACTIVE CO R E R! VE Download Layar App Scan Discover logo Watch it come to life! INT SPRING 2017 Credit Course Schedule Your Future Your future starts at Prairie State College. We believe you can Start Near and Go Far, and PSC is great place to begin your academic journey! We offer excellent education taught by highly qualified instructors. When our students graduate from PSC, they are equipped with the tools they need to improve their skills and advance their career. Y o u r C A R EE R Explore the many degree and certificate programs we offer. Whether you are just out of high school, or have been working for years and are ready for a change, PSC has the programs you need to get started on the path to the career of your dreams. Work toward a career in nursing, welding, fire science, biology and MORE! Yo u r PA S S I O N ant to s ee ou w y a o SC? tP Wh at d We offer exciting opportunities for students to get involved and to foster their passion. Whether it is helping others, joining a team, becoming a leader, or indulging in the arts, there is something for everyone at PSC! Your experiences here will help you discover what makes you, you. Visit and click on “Tell Us” to answer six simple questions. r vo ter t a ic e m s! Yo u Table of Contents Audit Policy..................................................................................8 Calendar........................................................................................4 Cooperative Agreements..........................................................8 Course Cancellations.................................................................8 Credit Course Listings............................................................ 17 Desire2Learn............................................................................. 16 Dropping a Course.....................................................................8 Employment In-District.............................................................8 Enrollment Residency Information..........................................8 Financial Aid..................................................................................9 First-Year Student Orientation............................................. 12 How to Enroll..............................................................................5 How to Read the Schedule.................................................... 16 ITR Help Desk.......................................................................... 16 Maps and Directions..................................................................3 Payment Options........................................................................7 Placement Testing..................................................................... 11 PSC Alert.....................................................................................3 Refunds.........................................................................................8 Registration Information..........................................................4 Scholarships...............................................................................10 Student IDs..................................................................................3 Tuition...........................................................................................7 Veterans Benefits.....................................................................10 WebAdvisor..............................................................................16 Withdrawal Policy......................................................................7 Work & Learn...........................................................................15 Para información en español visite la página en de Internet Locations For each class, the location is indicated by a code. 4-digit number (for example, 2506) PSC Main Campus CC Conference Center PSC Main Campus FH Fitness and Health Complex Franciscan Fitness Center 100 W. 197th Pl., Chicago Heights GSU Governors State University 1 University Parkway, University Park L Health Tech Center PSC North Campus K K Building PSC North Campus MAC PSC Matteson Area Center 4821 Southwick Dr., Matteson Tech Wing T PSC Main Campus TWL Training, Warehouse, Logistics 191 S. Halsted St., Chicago Heights Policies and Procedures Release of Information about Students For students 18 years or older or those attending an institution of post-secondary education, the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) forbids the college from releasing any information (for example, registration, records, payment, grades, classroom performance, attendance) to anyone other than the student unless the student has signed a “Release of Confidentiality Form” or the parent provides IRS proof of the student as a dependent. The form is available in Counseling and Academic Advising, Enrollment Services, the Business Office, and the Financial Aid Office. For additional information on FERPA, please see the college catalog online at Mission Statement Prairie State College fosters collaborative relationships that empower students to achieve their education and career goals. The College embraces its diversity, nurtures life-long learning, and supports community and economic development. Maps and Directions PSC Alert Register to receive important information regarding weather closings, college emergencies, and more on your cell phone, home phone, and/or email. To sign up, visit Follow the instructions on the page and choose the ways you wish to be notified. It only takes a few minutes. To receive alerts by cell phone, it must be capable of receiving text messages. Carrier charges may apply to text messages. Email or voicemail options are also available. Student IDs All students are issued identification cards. There is no charge for the first card, and replacement cards are $5. The ID card must be carried at all times. For more information, call (708) 709-3640. Smoke/Tobacco Free at PSC Smoking is prohibited on campus. For more information on our Smoke/Tobacco free campus, visit Resources are available as well as specific information regarding the new law. Visit, and click on Maps and Directions. ! LC 8 Online i 8-Week d 12-Week g 14-Week z Honors 3 Spring 2017 Calendar Registration • Priority registration (in-person and online) for current students: Oct. 17 • Open registration (in-person and online) for all students: Oct. 24 • Schedule changes: Jan. 17-18 Spring 2017 Credit Courses 16-week Begins Jan. 17, ends May 11 Final day for class registration: Jan. 27 Last day to declare an audit: Jan. 27 Last day to withdraw for a W grade: April 13 Financial Aid census date: Jan. 28 First 8-week Begins Jan. 17, ends March 10 Final day for class registration: Jan. 27 Last day to declare an audit: Jan. 27 Last day to withdraw for a W grade: Feb. 24 Financial Aid census date: Jan. 28 Courses less than 8-weeks See 14-week Begins Jan. 30, ends May 11 Final day for class registration: Feb. 9 Last day to declare an audit: Feb. 9 Last day to withdraw for a W grade: April 21 Financial Aid census date: Feb. 10 12-week Begins Feb. 10, ends May 11 Final day for class registration: Feb. 21 Last day to declare an audit: Feb. 21 Last day to withdraw for a W grade: April 21 Financial Aid census date: Feb. 22 Second 8-week Begins March 20, ends May 11 Final day for class registration: March 30 Last day to declare an audit: March 30 Last day to withdraw for a W grade: April 28 Financial Aid census date: March 31 Final Exams May 12-18 Full schedule available at by selecting Final Exam Schedule from the A-Z index. 4 Last day to apply to spring graduation March 1 Commencement (only ceremony held all year) May 20 Late Registration Procedures— Credit Classes Only The following guidelines apply to students who wish to register for credit classes after the schedule change period has ended and classes have begun to meet: • If the class is not full, students do not need an instructor’s consent to register during the first two days of the term (up until 11:59 pm of second day). This applies to all standard session classes—16-week, 14-week, 12-week, first and second 8-week, and first and second session summer classes. • Students do not need instructor’s consent to register if a class has not yet met. (For example, if a class meets Thursday, Friday, or Saturday, students may register up to the time the class begins if space is available). • Online: To start an online class, log in to Desire2Learn and select your class.Your class begins on the start date listed in the schedule. • All students who register (with or without the instructor’s consent) the day following the first meeting of a class will be charged a late registration fee of $20. Payment • Financial aid application priority deadline is on or before Oct. 1. • Payment due or payment plan must be set up by Dec. 13. See page 7 for payment information. Non-Credit Classes Flip schedule for non-credit class information. Census date information is on page 8. First-Year Student Orientation All new students are required to attend an orientation session. For a complete listing of dates and to register, visit and select Orientations, Student from A-Z Index. Check WebAdvisor for up-to-date course information: How to Enroll New Student for Credit Courses Step 1. Apply Complete an enrollment application online at, or in person in Enrollment Services. Allow three days for processing the online application. Step 2. Placement Test or ACT Scores Students need to take the placement test for transfer programs and for correct placement in prerequisite courses, or bring in ACT scores that are within the past five years. The placement test determines your placement in English, math, and reading. No appointment is necessary. Contact the testing center for times at (708) 709-3558, or visit Step 3. Transcripts Send your official high school transcripts* to Enrollment Services. Step 4. Advisor Meet with an advisor to select courses and complete the registration form. No appointment is necessary. Step 5. Register Register in person for courses in Enrollment Services. Step 6. Payment Pay tuition and fees in the Business Office, online through e-Cashier, or have a PSC financial aid award letter. *Official transcripts are not required for enrollment at PSC. It is recommended that official transcripts be received and evaluated as soon as possible to ensure adequate advising and progress toward a degree or certificate. Transfer Student for Credit Courses Step 1. Apply Complete an enrollment application online at, or complete one in person in Enrollment Services. Allow three days for processing the online application. Step 2. Transcripts Send your official transcripts* and request an evaluation of official transcripts to determine how courses will transfer to PSC. Step 3. Placement Test, ACT Scores, or College Transcripts Take the placement test or bring in ACT scores that are within the past five years, or present unofficial transcripts to an advisor for course placement. The placement test determines your placement in English, math, and reading. No appointment is necessary. Contact the testing center for times at (708) 709-3558, or visit compass. Unofficial transcripts can be used to determine a preliminary placement and determine the need for placement testing. Step 4. Advisor Meet with an advisor to select courses and complete the registration form. No appointment is necessary. Step 5. Register Register in person for courses in Enrollment Services. Step 6. Payment Pay tuition and fees in the Business Office, online through e-Cashier, or have a PSC financial aid award letter. How Will You Pay For Your Courses? If considering financial aid, complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) today. This is the first step in the process. All documents requested by the PSC Financial Aid Office must be submitted before your eligibility can be determined. If considering a payment plan, review the payment schedule at under the Apply, Register, Pay section. ! LC 8 Online i 8-Week d 12-Week g 14-Week z Honors 5 How to Enroll Current Student Online Registration Note: Students will not be able to register for or drop courses under 100 level through WebAdvisor. Students who have completed at least one semester at PSC can register online. Note: Courses below 100 level and certain programs cannot be registered for online. Step 1. Meet with an academic advisor Discuss your academic program and select your courses. Step 2. Register for courses Use this schedule to find the courses most convenient and appropriate for you. Fill out the registration form and register in Enrollment Services or online. Step 3. Payment Pay tuition and fees in the Business Office, online through e-Cashier, or have a PSC financial aid award letter. Step 4. Report address and phone number changes Visit Enrollment Services. ID required. *Official transcripts are not required for enrollment at PSC. It is recommended that official transcripts be received and evaluated as soon as possible to ensure adequate advising and progress toward a degree or certificate. Special Admissions Programs The Dental Hygiene, Nursing, Paramedicine, and Surgical Technology programs have special admission requirements. For more information, contact Enrollment Services at (708) 709-3516. Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action PSC does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, age, disability, ancestry, marital status, military discharge status, national origin, veteran status, sexual orientation, or other non-merit factors in educational programs or employment practices. Inquiries may be directed to the Affirmative Action Officer. Tuition Free Course for High School Seniors Learn more at Step 1. Select your courses Select your courses from this schedule or from the PSC website by clicking first on WebAdvisor and then View Class Schedule. Step 2. Register Click on WebAdvisor, and select Log in to WebAdvisor at the top of the screen where you will enter your user ID and password. If you cannot remember your user ID and password, select an option under WebAdvisor Help or call the Help Desk at (708) 709-7999. Step 3. Print To print your schedule, click file, then print. Step 4. Payment Pay tuition and fees in the Business Office, online through e-Cashier, or have a PSC financial aid award letter. Student with Bachelor’s Degree or Higher Step 1. Apply Complete an enrollment application in person or online at If you have questions about the enrollment process, contact Enrollment Services at (708) 709-3516. Step 2. Transcripts Send official transcripts* and request an evaluation to determine completion of course prerequisites. Unofficial transcripts can be used for initial enrollment. Official transcripts should be received and evaluated by the end of the first term of enrollment. Step 3. Register Complete registration form and enroll in courses. Step 4. Payment Pay tuition and fees in the Business Office, online through e-Cashier, or have a PSC financial aid award letter. Tuition for Senior Citizens Learn more at 6 Check WebAdvisor for up-to-date course information: Payment and Refund Information Bookstore Payment Plan Tuition and fees Information about tuition and fees for credit courses available at under Apply, Register, Pay Tuition categories: • In-District Residents and Employees of In-District Companies • Out-of-District Residents • Out-of-State/International Students Registration fee: $10 each semester (non-refundable) Late Registration fee: $20 if you register after a course begins Note: Laboratory fees are additional. PSC reserves the right to change tuition and fees without notice. Payment Options Registration is not final and enrollment is not guaranteed in any course until all costs have been paid in full or payment arrangements have been made by Dec. 13, 2016. You are responsible for payment unless you drop courses in Enrollment Services by the dates listed on the refund table. If you register on Dec. 13 or later, your payment is due on the day you register. Payment for tuition and fees is accepted in the Business Office. Payment options include: 1. Cash Cash payments accepted in person only. 2. Personal check Make checks payable to Prairie State College. Driver’s license or State ID required for all checks. 3. Visa, Discover, or MasterCard 4. Debit Card 5. Payment in Full If you want to pay your full balance online, sign on to WebAdvisor and click on “Make a Payment.” PSC will now accept Visa, Discover, and MasterCard payments online. 6. Tuition Payment Plan PSC uses Nelnet e-Cashier for payment plans. The non-refundable charge for setting up the plan is $30 and is processed separately. If a down payment is required, it is processed immediately. For more information, visit You also may pay your tuition in full with a credit card online using Nelnet e-Cashier for no additional fee. Scholarships or financial aid refunds will not be reimbursed to a credit card. Refunds will be paid by PSC to the account that you designate through BankMobile. For more information see If you have applied for financial aid, you may be eligible to postpone your first payment. For more information, contact the Financial Aid Office at (708) 709-3735. ! LC 8 Online i 8-Week Eligible students may defer part of their book cost, totaling at least $300. The student must have a Nelnet agreement in place for their tuition. The payment terms for the remaining balance are the same as the payment plan. Third-Party Payments The college accepts payments by third parties on student accounts, but any refund due is made directly to the student. Returned Checks A service fee of $25 is charged for each check that is returned by the bank for non-payment. The college also will not accept another check from your account for one year. If checks are not made good within two weeks of notification, your account may be placed with a credit agency for collection. If your check is returned due to stop payment or closed account, the college will not accept checks on your account for 10 years. Refunds Refunds for credit classes are administered through PSC’s partnership with BankMobile. Each PSC student has or will receive a PSC One Card in the mail at the primary address on file with PSC. Students can then use this card to make a choice on how they choose to receive their refund. More information is available at Course Withdrawal Policy The college has a strict policy governing credit course withdrawal. Students are responsible for withdrawing from credit courses by the withdrawal deadline. See the academic calendar on page 4 for applicable deadline dates. Students who request to be administratively withdrawn from a course after the deadline are required to submit a formal, written appeal to the Counseling and Academic Advising Center. Appeals should only be submitted in the event of extreme emergency situations, with adequate support documentation explaining why a student was unable to withdraw from the course before the deadline. Appeals are reviewed by the Dean of Student Services. For classes less than 8-weeks, see d 12-Week g 14-Week z Honors 7 Payment and Refund Information Re-Enrollment Fee Students dropped for nonpayment can re-register for courses. Re-registration will be permitted based upon course availability. Students will be billed a $25 fee. Dropping a Course If you decide to stop attending a credit course you must officially withdraw from the course. Students can drop a course in Enrollment Services or on WebAdvisor. Courses dropped online using WebAdvisor must be done by course refund date. Courses dropped after the refund period will result in a grade of W and must be done in person. See the academic calendar on page 4 for applicable deadline dates. For more information, contact Enrollment Services at (708) 709-3516. Audit Policy If you are not concerned with receiving college credit, you may take a course as an auditor. No letter grade is given, and you’ll receive no academic credit. Consult the registration calendar for audit deadlines. For information, call Enrollment Services at (708) 709-3516. Students who wish to audit a course must meet all course prerequisites and comply with the following procedure: 1. Register for the course in question. 2. Pay all applicable tuition and fees. 3. Complete an audit request (student petition) form, available in Enrollment Services. Some exclusions apply. Course Cancellations The college may change course offerings during the registration period. Occasionally, a course is cancelled if there are not enough students enrolled. If this happens, the college will do everything possible to notify you before the first class meeting.You will have the option of registering for another course or receiving a full refund. Cooperative Agreements If your local Illinois community college district does not offer a program that is offered by PSC, you may be eligible to receive assistance from your district’s community college.You must obtain a “Cooperative Agreement” form from your local community college. If approved by your community college, you must present the signed form to PSC at registration, and you will be billed at PSC’s in-district rates. For more information, contact Enrollment Services at (708) 709-3516. 8 Course Attendance You must attend the courses you register for at PSC. If you register for a course and never attend, you run the risk of being dropped from the course(s). Course attendance is important to academic success. If you will be unable to attend any courses in which you enrolled, you must drop them. Refer to the academic calendar and the college refund table for applicable dates. All of this information is located at Use the A-Z index where information is arranged alphabetically. Refunds for Credit Courses You may be eligible for a refund of your tuition and student fees. Registration fees and some lab fees are non-refundable. The refund is based on your withdrawal date.Visit for the current refund table. Be sure to make a refund preference selection with BankMobile at All credit seeking student refunds are processed through BankMobile. The Financial Aid Census Date May Impact You The financial aid census date records the number of credit hours taken by a student. Any courses that are added or dropped after the census date will not result in an adjustment to the financial aid award. Courses added after the census date could result in the student owing the college money. This means that students MUST review their schedules to ensure they are officially enrolled in each course they are attending. Students withdrawing from all courses, or students who stop attending all courses, will receive a reduction in the original award amount even after the census date. Enrollment Residency Information Enrollment residency information can be viewed at Employment In-District View our policy for tuition for in-district employees by visiting and selecting Tuition and Fees from A-Z Index. Check WebAdvisor for up-to-date course information: Financial Aid How to Apply The financial aid process can take up to 30 days. 1. Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) The school code for PSC is 001640. Apply online at Note: The previous year’s federal income tax return is needed to complete the FAFSA. Students can link to the IRS website to download their federal income tax information. Students who do not download the information from the IRS will have to obtain a tax transcript from the IRS and submit it to the Financial Aid Office for verification. The FAFSA form is available at Complete the form and mail it in for processing. Or call (800) 433-3243 or (319) 337-5665 to request a form. The hearing impaired should call (800) 730-8913. Using the non-electronic version of the FAFSA adds additional time to the process. Note:Your PSC admissions application must also be completed to being the financial aid process. 2. Notification from Department of Education If PSC’s school code is listed in your FAFSA, the college will receive your report in about 14 days. If you completed a paper FAFSA, the notification takes longer. 3. Notification from PSC Once PSC receives your FAFSA from the Department of Education, a letter will be mailed indicating the documents needed to complete your financial aid file. 4. Complete Rights and Responsibilites form and other required documents The Rights and Responsibilites form and other forms are available at Bring all documents to the Financial Aid Office. 5. Determination Letter Once all documents are submitted to the Financial Aid Office, an award or ineligible letter is sent. Continuing students also can view the award letter in the student’s WebAdvisor account. Additional Information All information must be submitted to the PSC Financial Aid Office by the deadline to ensure completion before payment due date. Students unable to meet the deadline are encouraged to complete their financial aid file, but are responsible for paying for classes by the payment due date. ! LC 8 Online i 8-Week Priority deadline for each semester: May 1- fall; Oct. 1- spring; March 1- summer Withdrawals and Attendance Title IV funds are awarded assuming the student will attend school for the entire period for which the assistance is awarded. If a student withdraws, he/she may no longer be eligible for the full amount of Title IV funds. If a recipient withdraws from school after beginning attendance, the amount of a Title IV grant or loan earned by the student must be determined. If PSC has disbursed more aid than the student has earned, the aid needs to be returned. Non Attendance Resulting in “FW” Grades If you stop attending a credit course, you must officially withdraw from the course. If you neglect to officially withdraw and complete the semester with all “FW” grades, the midpoint of the semester is held as the last date of attendance. This may result in inelgibility for a full award and the student owing a balance to the college. Special Circumstances Financial aid eligibility may be re-evaluated due to changes in income. If you have experienced a reduction of income in comparison to the income stated on your FAFSA, visit the Financial Aid Office. Available Grants and Loans For students who qualify, the following federal and/or state programs may provide financial assistance: • Federal Direct Plus Loan • Pell Grant • Federal Direct Student Loan • Supplemental Educational • Federal Direct Opportunity Grant (FSEOG) Unsubsidized Loan • Work Study • MAP Grant Student Loans Loans are available for students and/or parents.This type of funding must be repaid according to the terms specified by the loan program. In order to obtain a loan, a student must complete a FAFSA, receive an award letter or ineligible letter, and have an entrance interview with the loan advisor. Loan interviews are by appointment only. d 12-Week g 14-Week z Honors 9 Financial Aid Scholarships Scholarships are another source of funding. The PSC Foundation offers many scholarships for PSC students. Complete the online scholarship application available at The PSC Foundation awards more than $100,000 in scholarships annually to students who are not fully funded through any other source. Financial Aid Satisfactory Requirements You must maintain academic progress as evidenced by passing (grades of A, B, C, or D) at least 67 percent of the courses you attempt within your certificate or degree and obtaining an overall 2.0 cumulative grade point average in all PSC coursework. If you receive a grade of I, F, W, FW, or Audit, you have not completed the course.You may take a maximum of 90 credit hours to be eligible for financial aid. This includes credit hours transferred to PSC from other institutions and all PSC coursework. Academic progress is reviewed each semester. How to Ensure Your Financial Aid Request is Processed Promptly: • Apply early – You can submit your FAFSA as early as Jan. 1. Early submission increases the chances of your being eligible for additional grants. • Complete a PSC application – New students must complete a PSC admissions application in order for the college to access your FAFSA. • Update your PSC address - Information regarding your financial aid application will be mailed to the address on record with the college. A wrong address may mean a delay. • Use the data retrieval tool on FAFSA - The tool used to retrieve your tax information from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), decreasing the need for an official IRS transcript. • Ensure accuracy of information - Errors on your FAFSA or other documents can cause a delay with the determination of your financial aid eligibility. • Submit requested documents as soon as possible – Submit requested documents immediately, otherwise there may be a further delay in determining financial aid elgibility.* Veterans and Military Veterans receive one-on-one advising throughout the admissions process and continued support throughout their academic career at PSC.Veterans are eligible for early registration. Services extend to all service members regardless of when they served or whether it was in the active, reserve, or National Guard component. The Student Veterans Center provides academic and social support to veterans with an emphasis on graduation and successful integration into the college. At the center, PSC student veterans can study and socialize with fellow veterans and find information about the services available to them at PSC and in the community. It is located in room 1240 of the main building. The center is accessible and offers many amenities for veterans including free printing. For more information, call (708) 709-3567 or email [email protected]. Veterans Benefit Programs The federal and state governments have several programs available to assist veterans, spouses, and their dependents in paying for college and reaching their educational and vocational goals. Programs include: • Illinois Veterans Grant (IVG) • Illinois National Guard Grant (ING) • Illinois MIA/POW Scholarship (for spouses and dependents) • Montgomery GI BILL Educational Benefits (Chapter 30, Post 9/11, Chapter 1606) • Department of Veteran’s Affairs Vocational Rehabilitation (Chapter 31) • Department of Veteran’s Affairs Dependents Educational Assistance Program (Chapter 35) Veterans who are not sure what benefits they qualify for should contact the Student Veterans Center coordinator, or consult the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs website at Educational Counselors also are available at the Department of Veterans Affairs at (888) 442-4551 or call an ISAC Call Center Representative at (800) 899-ISAC(4722). *Additional documents may be requested. The need for additional documents cannot be determined until the initial documents are reviewed. 10 Check WebAdvisor for up-to-date course information: Placement Testing Preparing for the placement test pays off with financial savings, and also in time savings. Take the test seriously. Prepare and do the best you can. Placement in college level courses is important. Testing Schedule For a complete schedule, visit and select Assessment and Placement from the A-Z index. What is the Placement Test? Should I study for the Placement Test? Yes. Students should study before taking the placement test because the results determine course placement. The placement test determines whether developmental courses are required, or whether you can register immediately for college-level classes. Developmental courses do not count as college credit. A higher score on the placement test may lead to placement in college-level courses. The Day of the Test The placement test is a computerized and written assessment test that confirms your readiness to take college-level classes by determining your prior level of achievement in English, math, and reading. What sections are in the Placement Test? The placement test is comprised of three sections: math, reading, and English. Location: Testing Center Room 2505 • A photo ID is required to take the test. • A PSC student ID number is required to take the test. • The test takes an average student up to three hours to complete. Please allow yourself enough time to successfully complete the exam. Note: The test can be broken into multiple sessions and taken on different days. • Children and guests are not allowed in the Testing Center. After the Test Do I have to take the Placement Test? Yes. All new students entering college for the first time are required to take the placement test and meet with an advisor prior to registering for classes. SAT or ACT scores may be used in place of the placement test. Some restrictions apply (See below). Within a week, your scores will be forwarded to the Counseling and Academic Advising Center, where you will meet with a member of the advising team to review your scores and select your classes. If I have taken the ACT do I have to take the Placement Test? ACT scores may be used in place of the placement test. An ACT score of 22+ in reading and a 17+ in English places a student directly into English 101. An ACT reading score of 22+ exempts a student from having to take the reading placement test. Math ACT placement is determined by a student’s academic program. Students should meet with an academic advisor for more information. ! LC 8 Online i 8-Week d 12-Week g 14-Week z Honors 11 Transfer Information The First Year Experience at PSC The Counseling and Academic Advising team is your connection to making a successful transfer to a four-year college or university to earn your bachelor’s degree. Online resources are available at: PSC is a participant in the Illinois Articulation Initiative (IAI), a statewide agreement among the more than 100 Illinois colleges, universities, and community colleges. Participating schools agree to accept a “package” of IAI general education courses instead of their comparable lower-division general education requirements. For more information, visit the IAI Web site at, or call the Counseling and Academic Advising Center at (708) 709-3506. The following IAI codes identify qualifying courses: The First Year Experience Department (FYE) is dedicated to assisting you as you begin your college journey. FYE is located on the first floor of the main building in office 1180 across from Enrollment Services. IAI Baccalaureate Major Course Codes: IAI:AG Agriculture IAI: BIO Biology IAI: BUS Business IAI: CHM Chemistry IAI: CS Computer Science IAI: CRJ Criminal Justice IAI: EGL English IAI: EGR Engineering IAI: HST History IAI: IND Industrial Technology IAI: MC Mass Communication IAI: MTH Mathematics IAI: PHY Physics IAI: PLS Political Science IAI: PSY Psychology IAI: SOC Sociology IAI:TA Theatre Arts Be a PSC Pioneer. Assistance provided includes: • Face-to-face orientation (college information, campus tour, information from current students) • Online orientation (college information available on your schedule – 24/7) • Academic advising (appointments scheduled, walk in assistance provided) Discover what you need to be successful at PSC. Explore the campus and become connected to the PSC community. For more information contact: Dr. Stefanie Coleman, Director, (708) 709-3622 or [email protected] Lee Helbert, (708) 709-3639 or [email protected] Darcelle Dieudonne, (708) 709-7988 or [email protected] IAI General Education Course Codes: IAI: C Communications IAI: F Fine Arts IAI: H Humanities IAI: HF Humanities/Fine Arts IAI: L Life Sciences IAI: LP Life/Physical Sciences IAI: M Mathematics IAI: P Physical Sciences IAI: S Social/Behavioral Sciences For a complete listing of the degrees and certificate programs offered at PSC, visit 12 Check WebAdvisor for up-to-date course information: got scholarships? If you need help covering your college expenses, the Prairie State College Foundation can help! To apply for a Foundation scholarship, a student must: · Have at least a 2.0 GPA · File a FAFSA (even if you don’t qualify for aid) · Register for classes · Have a payment plan for your balance due For more information, contact: Deborah Havighorst, executive director (708) 708-7918 or [email protected] Rm 2266 Foundation 202 S. Halsted St. | Chicago Heights, IL 60411 13 P R A I R I E S T A TE C OLLE G E Discover PSC this spring semester. Classes are also offered daytime, evening, online, and Saturday. j 16-WEEK COURSES – Start date is Jan. 17 14-WEEK COURSES – Start date is Jan. 30 12-WEEK COURSES – Start date is Feb. 10 FIRST 8-WEEK COURSES – Start date is Jan. 17 SECOND 8-WEEK COURSES – Start date is March 20 SIGN UP FOR SPRING 2017 CLASSES – don’t delay! Find out more about Flexible Scheduling and get started on your degree or certificate. 14 A new way to fund SPRING 2017 tuition! by working on campus Work & Learn is a tuition waiver program for PSC students: ü25 and older üIn district, full-time enrollment for spring 2017 ü2.0 minimun GPA üReturning or continuing üUnable to obtain assistance through traditional financial aid methods Visit for complete information on eligibility and how to apply. Be In tHe Know Connect with us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and Pinterest. 15 How to Read the Schedule Course/Section Course Name Credit Hours Time BUS 101-01 Intro to Mod Bus 3 09:30am-10:45am MW M - Monday T - Tuesday W - Wednesday Day TH - Thursday LC: Courses that require dual enrollment. 8-Week: Courses that are eight weeks in length. Date Location Instructor 08/24 12/18 3501 Schusler F - Friday S - Saturday SU - Sunday Online: Courses taught via the Internet. $20 Internet course fee. 12-Week: Courses beginning four weeks after the start of the semester. 14-Week: Courses beginning two weeks after the start of the semester. Honors: Students must be enrolled in the Honors program to register for these courses. HYB: Significant online coursework required. HAW: Selections of MATH 090 and MATH 095 with the HAW course code will be using the Hawkes Learning System. Most coursework will require the use of a computer. WebAdvisor • Search schedule online • View real-time seat count • Register for courses • Print unofficial transcripts • Receive your grades • View financial aid award • Check account balance Visit, and click on the WebAdvisor logo. All of the online hybrid and many of the face-to-face courses at PSC use Desire2Learn to deliver and supplement the course.You can access Desire2Learn by visiting and clicking on the Desire2Learn logo on the right side of the screen. Login to WebAdvisor You must be a current student in good academic and financial standing registering for courses 100 level and above to use WebAdvisor for registration. To access Desire2Learn Username = This is the same username you use to login to your PSC e-mail account For first time users: User ID = Combination of first initial of first name, full last name, and a sequence number. Please note the User ID is the same for e-mail, Desire2Learn, and WebAdvisor. Password = Date of Birth MMDDYY. You will be prompted to change your password once you are logged in. To use WebAdvisor to search for courses Note: You do not have to be logged into WebAdvisor to search for courses. • Select the Term (i.e., Spring 2016) • Select the Subject (i.e., BUS) • AND/OR choose course days, times, instructor, or other options • Click on Submit This will return class information including available courses, classroom, time, instructor, and seat count. For assistance on using WebAdvisor, visit the Contact Us link located in the WebAdvisor menu or call (708) 709-7999. 16 Password = Your 6-digit birth date in MMDDYY format (for example, use 063090 for June 30, 1990). To find your course Once you are logged in, you will see a list of courses located under My Courses in the center of the screen. Click on the appropriate course link to access the course. Your instructor will give you information on what types of materials will be in Desire2Learn for your particular course. This can include the syllabus, notes, grades, tests, and more. For assistance on using Desire2Learn, contact the PSC Help Desk at (708) 709-7999 or email [email protected]. ITR Help Desk The ITR Help Desk provides students, faculty, and staff assistance with PSC equipment or software. Please have your Student ID number when you call or come by our office, located just off the atrium at the main campus. Check WebAdvisor for up-to-date course information: Spring 2017 Credit Course Listings African American Studies ENG-215 African American Literature (IAI: H3910D) Prerequisite: ENG 101 with a grade of C or better ENG 215-01 African American Literature 3 09:00am-11:50am F 01/20 05/19 4125 Staff Air Conditioning (see Heating,Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) Anthropology ANTHR-222 Intro to Cultural & Social Anthrop (IAI: S1901N) Prerequisite: Placement into ENG 099 or higher ANTHR 222-01 Intr/Cult-Soc Anth 3 11:00am-12:15pm TTH 01/17 05/19 3170 Calgaro g ANTHR 222-FX Intr/Cult-Soc Anth 3 12:30pm-01:55pm TTH 01/31 05/19 4285 Calgaro 01/17 05/19 4145 Otterson MW 01/18 05/19 4145 Taglieri TTH 01/17 05/19 4145 Rinaldi Art ART-101 Two Dimensional Design (IAI: ART907) Prerequisite: Placement into ENG 099 or higher $20 lab fee ART 101-01 Two Dimens Design 3 04:00pm-06:45pm TTH ART-104 Drawing I (IAI: ART904) Prerequisite: Placement into ENG 099 or higher $20 lab fee ART 104-01 ART-106 Drawing II (IAI: ART905) Prerequisite: ART 104 $20 lab fee ART 106-01 ART-115 Introduction to Computer Art (IAI: ART919) Prerequisite: Placement into ENG 099 or higher $35 lab fee ART 115-01 ART-122 History of Western Art II (IAI: F2902) Prerequisite: Placement into ENG 099 or higher ART 122-01 Drawing I 3 Drawing II 3 Introduction to Computer Art Hist West Art II 3 09:00am-11:45am 10:00am-12:45pm 4164 Maddox 01/17 05/19 4165 Shields 3 01/17 05/19 Online Rinaldi 3 01/17 05/19 Online Shields 3 01/17 05/19 Online Rinaldi 3 01/17 05/19 Online Shields 3 04:00pm-06:50pm 04:00pm-06:50pm MW T ART-129 Art Appreciation (IAI: F2900) Prerequisite: Placement into ENG 099 or higher ART 129-IN1 $20 Internet course fee ART 129-IN2 $20 Internet course fee Art Appreciation Art Appreciation ART 129-IN3 $20 Internet course fee ART 129-IN4 Art Appreciation Art Appreciation 01/18 05/19 $20 Internet course fee ART 129-01 Art Appreciation 3 09:30am-10:45am MW 01/18 05/19 4165 Shields ART 129-02 Art Appreciation 3 11:00am-12:15pm MW 01/18 05/19 4165 Shields ART 129-03 Art Appreciation 3 09:30am-10:45am TTH 01/17 05/19 4165 Heide g ART 129-FX1 Art Appreciation 3 11:00am-12:25pm TTH 01/31 05/19 4165 Heide ART-131 Survey of Non-Western Art (IAI: F2903N) Prerequisite: Placement into ENG 099 or higher g ART 131-FX1 01/30 05/19 4165 Taglieri ART-246 Independent Study Prerequisite: Consent of instructor $20 lab fee ART 246-01 01/17 05/19 4145 Rinaldi W 01/18 05/19 4145 Rinaldi d 12-Week g 14-Week Survey of Non-Western Art Independent Study 3 12:30pm-02:10pm 3 ART-295 Portfolio Seminar Prerequisite: Consent of instructor ART 295-01 Some online work required ! LC Portfolio Seminar 8 Online MW 3 12:00pm-02:00pm i 8-Week z Honors 17 Astronomy ASTRO-101 Guide to the Universe (IAI: P1906) Prerequisite: Placement into ENG 099 or higher ASTRO 101-IN $20 Internet course fee. ASTRO 101-01 d ASTRO 101-LS ASTRO-104 The Solar System and Beyond (IAI: P1906L) Prerequisite: Placement into ENG 099 or higher Placement into MATH 090 or higher or Guide to the Universe 3 01/17 05/19 Online Salami Guide to the Universe 3 02:00pm-03:15pm TTH 01/17 05/19 3140 Staff Guide to the Universe 3 11:00am-12:50pm MW 02/13 05/19 4180 Salami Completion of MATH 085 with a C or better $5 lab fee ASTRO 104-01 The Solar System and Beyond 4 01:00pm-03:20pm TTH 01/17 05/19 3260 Wang ASTRO 104-02 The Solar System and Beyond 4 06:00pm-08:40pm MW 01/18 05/19 4180 Staff Automotive Services AUTO-101 Basic Automobile Service and Systems Prerequisite: Placement into RDG 098 or higher $45 lab fee AUTO 101-01 Basic Auto Service/Systems 3 08:30am-12:10pm W 01/18 05/19 T120 Gumushian i AUTO 101-F1 Basic Auto Service/Systems 3 04:30pm-09:40pm M 01/23 04/10 T120 Gumushian AUTO-107 Automotive Electricity/Electronics I Prerequisite: Placement into RDG 098 or higher $45 lab fee AUTO 107-01 AUTO-205 Manual Transmissions and Transaxles Prerequisite: AUTO 101 $45 lab fee AUTO 205-01 Auto Electricity/Electronics I Manual Transmission/Transaxle 4 4 Lab 08:30am-02:05pm TH 01/19 05/19 T120 05:30pm-07:20pm T 01/17 05/19 T120 05:30pm-09:20pm TH 01/1905/19 T120 Brennan T120 Gromala AUTO-211 Automotive Engine Performance II Prerequisite: AUTO 206 and 210 $45 lab fee AUTO 211-01 Automot. Engine Performance II 4 Gumushian 08:30am-02:05pm M 01/23 05/19 Biological Science BIOL-100 General Education Biology (IAI: L1900L) Prerequisite: Placement into ENG 099 or higher Placement into MATH 090 or higher or completion of MATH 085 with a C or better $17 lab fee BIOL 100-01 08:00am-09:20am MW 01/18 05/19 3180 Lab 09:30am-10:20am MW 01/1805/19 3145 General Education Biology 11:00am-12:20pm MW 01/18 05/19 3180 BIOL 100-02 General Education Biology 4 4 Lab 12:30pm-01:20pm MW 01/1805/19 3145 General Education Biology 04:00pm-05:20pm MW 01/18 05/19 3180 BIOL 100-03 Lab 05:30pm-06:20pm MW 01/1805/19 3145 General Education Biology 07:00pm-08:20pm MW 01/18 05/19 3180 BIOL 100-04 4 4 Lab 08:30pm-09:20pm MW 01/1805/19 3145 General Education Biology 08:00am-09:20am TTH 01/17 05/19 3180 Lab 09:30am-10:20am TTH 01/1705/19 3145 General Education Biology BIOL 100-05 BIOL 100-06 BIOL 100-07 4 09:30am-10:50am TTH 01/17 05/19 3180 Lab 4 11:00am-11:50am TTH 01/1705/19 3145 General Education Biology 01:00pm-02:20pm TTH 01/17 05/19 3136 4 Lab 02:30pm-03:20pm TTH 01/1705/19 3145 General Education Biology 04:00pm-05:20pm TTH 01/17 05/19 3180 BIOL 100-08 Lab 05:30pm-06:20pm TTH 01/1705/19 3145 General Education Biology 08:00am-11:30am S 01/21 05/19 3180 BIOL 100-W1 4 4 Lab 12:00pm-02:20pm S 01/2105/19 3145 d General Education Biology 04:30pm-06:20pm TTH 02/14 05/19 3136 06:30pm-08:20pm TTH 02/1405/19 3145 BIOL 100-LS1 18 4 Lab Staff Lannan Barrett Staff Staff Adam Barrett Barrett Staff Staff Check WebAdvisor for up-to-date course information: BIOL-105 Environmental Biology (IAI: L1905) Prerequisite: Placement into ENG 099 or higher Placement into MATH 090 or higher or completion of MATH-085 with a C or better BIOL 105-01 Environmental Biology 3 09:30am-10:50am TTH 01/17 05/19 3136 BIOL 105-02 Environmental Biology 3 07:00pm-09:50pm T 01/17 05/19 2501 Staff d BIOL 105-LS1 Environmental Biology 3 12:30pm-02:30pm MW 02/13 05/19 4130 Staff 01/18 05/19 3140 Lannan T 146 Razo BIOL-107 Microbes and Society (IAI: L1903) Prerequisite: Placement into ENG 099 or higher BIOL 107-01 Microbes and Society 3 08:00am-09:20am MW BIOL-108 Essentials of Anatomy & Physiology Prerequisite: Placement into ENG 099 or higher BIOL 108-PT Personal Trainer only Essen. Anat.& Phys. 4 07:00pm-08:50pm MW 01/18 05/19 Hung BIOL-111 Cellular and Molecular Biology (IAI: BIO910) Prerequisite: High school biology or BIOL 100 or BIOL 108 or BIOL 112 within the past 5 years with a grade of C or better; placement into ENG 099 or higher; placement into MATH 090 or completion of MATH 085 with a C or better $17 lab fee BIOL 111-H1 12:30pm-01:50pm TTH 01/17 05/19 3180 Lab 02:00pm-03:20pm TTH 01/1705/19 3155 Cellular and Molecular Biology 08:00am-09:20am MW 01/18 05/19 3136 BIOL 111-01 Cellular and Molecular Biology 4 4 Lab 09:30am-10:50am MW 01/1805/19 3155 Cellular and Molecular Biology 09:30am-10:50am MW 01/18 05/19 3136 BIOL 111-02 Lab 11:00am-12:20pm MW 01/1805/19 3155 Cellular and Molecular Biology 11:00am-12:20pm MW 01/18 05/19 3136 BIOL 111-03 4 4 Lab 12:30pm-01:50pm MW 01/1805/19 3155 Cellular and Molecular Biology 04:00pm-05:20pm MW 01/18 05/19 3136 BIOL 111-04 4 Lab 05:30pm-06:50pm MW 01/1805/19 3155 Cellular and Molecular Biology 07:00pm-08:20pm MW 01/18 05/19 3136 BIOL 111-05 Lab 08:30pm-09:50pm MW 01/1805/19 3155 Cellular and Molecular Biology 08:00am-09:20am TTH 01/17 05/19 3136 BIOL 111-06 4 4 Lab 09:30am-10:50am TTH 01/1705/19 3155 Cellular and Molecular Biology 11:00am-12:20pm TTH 01/17 05/19 3136 BIOL 111-07 Lab 12:30pm-01:50pm TTH 01/1705/19 3155 Cellular and Molecular Biology 07:00pm-08:20pm TTH 01/17 05/19 3136 BIOL 111-08 4 4 Lab 08:30pm-09:50pm TTH 01/1705/19 3155 Cellular and Molecular Biology 09:30am-10:50am MW 01/18 05/19 4180 08:00am-10:50am F 01/2005/19 3155 BIOL 111-09 4 Lab Adam Kelly Staff Kelly Staff Staff Staff Staff Staff Lannan BIOL-112 Organismal Biology (IAI: BIO910 L1910L) Prerequisite: Placement into ENG 099 or higher Placement into MATH 090 or higher or completion of MATH 085 with a grade of C or better $17 lab fee BIOL 112-01 Organismal Biology 4 09:30am-10:50am MW 01/18 05/19 3180 Lab 11:00am-12:20pm MW 01/1805/19 3145 Organismal Biology 11:00am-12:20pm TTH 01/17 05/19 3180 BIOL 112-02 4 Lab 12:30pm-01:50pm TTH 01/1705/19 3145 Organismal Biology 09:30am-10:50am MW 01/18 05/19 4130 08:00am-10:50am F 01/2005/19 3145 BIOL 112-03 4 Lab BIOL-211 Microbiology Prerequisite: Biol 111 with C or better or Chem 105 with a C or better; within the past 5 years $17 lab fee BIOL 211-01 08:00am-09:20am MW 01/18 05/19 4130 Lab 09:30am-10:50am MW 01/1805/19 4150 Microbiology 11:00am-12:20pm MW 01/18 05/19 4130 BIOL 211-02 Microbiology 4 4 Lab 12:30pm-01:50pm MW 01/1805/19 4150 Microbiology 06:30pm-07:50pm MW 01/18 05/19 4130 08:00pm-09:20pm MW 01/1805/19 4150 BIOL 211-03 4 Lab ! LC 8 Online i 8-Week d 12-Week g 14-Week Hung Hung Staff H-Lutterodt H-Lutterodt Staff continued on next page z Honors 19 08:00am-09:20am TTH 01/17 05/19 4130 BIOL 211-04 Lab 09:30am-10:50am TTH 01/1705/19 4150 Microbiology 11:00am-12:20pm TTH 01/17 05/19 4130 12:30pm-01:50pm TTH 01/1705/19 4150 BIOL 211-05 Microbiology 4 4 Lab Kelly Kelly BIOL-221 Human Anatomy and Physiology I Prerequisite: BIOL 111 with a C or better in past 5 years; or CHEM 105 with a C or better in past 5 years $17 lab fee BIOL 221-01 12:00pm-01:20pm MW 01/18 05/19 4190 Lab 01:30pm-03:20pm W 01/1805/19 4160 Human Anatomy & Physiology I BIOL 221-02 BIOL 221-03 Human Anatomy & Physiology I 4 01:30pm-02:50pm MW 01/18 05/19 4190 Lab 4 03:00pm-04:50pm M 01/2305/19 4160 Human Anatomy & Physiology I 06:30pm-07:50pm MW 01/18 05/19 4190 4 Lab 08:00pm-09:50pm M 01/2305/19 4160 Human Anatomy & Physiology I 08:00am-09:20am TTH 01/17 05/19 4180 BIOL 221-04 Lab 09:30am-11:20am T 01/1705/19 4160 Human Anatomy & Physiology I 10:00am-11:20am TTH 01/17 05/19 4190 BIOL 221-05 4 4 Lab 11:30am-01:20pm TH 01/1905/19 4160 Human Anatomy & Physiology I 03:30pm-04:50pm TTH 01/17 05/19 4180 BIOL 221-06 4 Lab 05:00pm-06:50pm T 01/1705/19 4160 Human Anatomy & Physiology I 08:00am-10:30am S 01/21 05/19 4130 11:00am-01:30pm S 01/2105/19 4150 BIOL 221-W1 4 Lab BIOL-222 Human Anatomy and Physiology II Prerequisite: BIOL 221 within the past 5 years with a C or better $17 lab fee BIOL 222-01 08:00am-09:20am MW 01/18 05/19 4190 Lab 09:30am-11:20am W 01/1805/19 4160 Human Anatomy & Physiology II 10:00am-11:20am MW 01/18 05/19 4190 BIOL 222-02 Human Anatomy & Physiology II 4 4 Lab 11:30am-01:20pm M 01/2305/19 4160 Human Anatomy & Physiology II 12:00pm-01:20pm TTH 01/17 05/19 4190 Lab 01:30pm-03:20pm T 01/1705/19 4160 Human Anatomy & Physiology II BIOL 222-03 BIOL 222-04 4 03:30pm-04:50pm TTH 01/17 05/19 4190 Lab 05:00pm-06:50pm TH 01/1905/19 4160 Human Anatomy & Physiology II 06:30pm-07:50pm TTH 01/17 05/19 4180 BIOL 222-05 4 4 Lab 08:00pm-09:50pm T 01/1705/19 4160 Human Anatomy & Physiology II 08:00am-10:30am S 01/21 05/19 4180 11:00am-01:30pm S 01/2105/19 4160 BIOL 222-W1 4 Lab Staff Staff Staff Nelson Staff Staff H-Lutterodt Staff Staff Nelson Nelson Staff Staff BIOL-252 Molecular Genetics Prerequisite: Placement into ENG 099 or higher BIOL 111 with a C or better within the past 5 years MATH 095 with a C or better or qualifying score on the math placement exam within the past 5 years BIOL 252-IN $20 Internet course fee Molecular Genetics 3 01/17 05/19 Online Lannan 3 01/17 05/19 Online Schusler 3 01/30 05/19 Online Berlinski Business BUS-101 Introduction to Business Prerequisite: Placement into ENG 099 or higher BUS 101-IN1 $20 Internet course fee g 8 BUS 101-INFX Introduction to Business Introduction to Business $20 Internet course fee BUS 101-01 Introduction to Business 3 09:30am-10:50am MW 01/18 05/19 2501 Schusler BUS 101-02 Introduction to Business 3 07:00pm-09:50pm W 01/18 05/19 2501 Staff d BUS 101-LS Introduction to Business 3 11:00am-12:45pm TTH 02/14 05/19 2501 Berlinski BUS-103 Business Mathematics Prerequisite: MATH 085 with a grade C or better or qualifying score on the Math Placement Test g BUS 103-FX 20 Business Mathematics 3 06:30pm-09:50pm M 01/30 05/19 3165 Staff Check WebAdvisor for up-to-date course information: BUS-104 Professionalism in the Workplace Prerequisite: Placement into ENG 099 or higher BUS 104-IN $20 Internet course fee BUS-105 Human Relations BUS 105-01 Professionalism/Workplace Human Relations 1 01/17 05/19 Online Schusler 3 01/17 05/19 3165 Berlinski 01/17 05/19 Online Berlinski 01/17 05/19 Online Staff 09:30am-10:45am BUS-107 Bookkeeping and Procedural Accounting $10 lab fee BUS 107-IN $20 Internet course fee BUS-127 Business Communications Prerequisite: ENG 101 BUS 127-IN $20 Internet course fee Bookkeeping/Accounting TTH 3 Business Communications 3 BUS-131 Financial Accounting (IAI: BUS903) Prerequisite: Placement into ENG 099 or higher $10 lab fee BUS 131-IN $20 Internet course fee BUS 131-01 BUS 131-02 BUS-132 Managerial Accounting (IAI: BUS904) Prerequisite: BUS 131 $10 lab fee Financial Accounting 4 01/17 05/19 Online Ivancic Financial Accounting 4 11:00am-12:45pm MW 01/18 05/19 3165 Ivancic Financial Accounting 4 11:00am-12:45pm TTH 01/17 05/19 3165 Ivancic 3 01/17 05/19 Online Ivancic BUS 132-IN $20 Internet course fee BUS 132-01 Managerial Accounting 3 09:30am-10:45am MW 01/18 05/19 3165 Ivancic BUS 132-02 Managerial Accounting 3 06:30pm-09:20pm TH 01/19 05/19 3165 Staff 01/17 05/19 Online Berlinski 3 01/17 05/19 Online Schusler Managerial Accounting BUS-170 Entrepreneurship/Small Business Mgmt BUS 170-IN $20 Internet course fee BUS-201 Business Law Prerequisite: Placement into ENG 099 or higher Entrepreneurship/Sm Bus Mgmt 3 BUS 201-IN $20 Internet course fee BUS 201-01 Business Law 3 11:00am-12:20pm MW 01/18 05/19 2501 Schusler d BUS 201-LS Business Law 3 07:00pm-10:00pm T 02/14 05/19 3140 Staff 03/20 05/19 Online Berlinski i8 Business Law BUS-204 Business Ethics Prerequisite: BUS 101 with a grade of C or better BUS 204-INSI Business Ethics 3 $20 Internet course fee BUS-240 Elementary Statistics (IAI: M1902 BUS901) Prerequisite: MATH 151 with a C or better or qualifying score on Math Placement Test g8 BUS 240-INFX Elementary Statistics 4 01/30 05/19 Online Garant Elementary Statistics 4 08:00am-08:50am MTWTH 01/17 05/19 4270 Staff Elementary Statistics 4 10:00am-11:40am TTH 01/17 05/19 4270 Kifowit 01/17 05/19 Online Schusler 01/17 05/19 Online Schusler $20 Internet course fee BUS 240-01 BUS 240-02 BUS-241 Prin of Management BUS 241-IN $20 Internet course fee BUS-261 Advertising (IAI: MC912) Prerequisite: Placement into ENG 099 or higher BUS 261-IN $20 Internet course fee ! LC Principles of Management Advertising 8 Online 3 3 i 8-Week d 12-Week g 14-Week z Honors 21 CAD/Mechanical Design Technology CADMD-141 Technical Drafting I $25 lab fee CADMD 141-01 Tech Drafting I 3 06:00pm-09:40pm W 01/18 05/19 T191 Thompson CADMD 141-02 Tech Drafting I 3 06:00pm-09:40pm T 01/17 05/19 T191 Robles CADMD-201 Mechanical Layout & Design I Prerequisite: CADMD-141 $25 lab fee CADMD 201-01 01/18 05/19 T191 Thompson TH 01/19 05/19 3210 Lindenberg TH 01/19 05/19 3210 Lindenberg TH 01/19 05/19 3210 Lindenberg TH 01/19 05/19 3210 Lindenberg Mechanical Layout/Design I 3 06:00pm-09:40pm W CADMD-243 Introduction to Auto-Cad (IAI: IND911) Prerequisite: CADMD 141 $45 lab fee CADMD 243-01 CADMD-244 Intermediate Auto-Cad Prerequisite: CADMD 243 $45 lab fee CADMD 244-01 Introduction to Auto-Cad Intermed Auto-Cad 3 3 06:00pm-09:40pm 06:00pm-09:40pm CADMD-245 Computer Aided Design Prerequisite: CADMD 244 $45 lab fee CADMD 245-01 CADMD-248 Introduction to Inventor Prerequisite: CADMD 244 $45 lab fee CADMD 248-01 Computer Aided Design Intro to Inventor 3 2 06:00pm-09:40pm 06:00pm-09:40pm CADMD-249 Solidworks-3D Solid Modeling Prerequisite: CADMD-244 with a grade of C or better or instructor consent $45 lab fee CADMD 249-01 Solidworks-3D Solid Modeling 3 06:00pm-09:40pm DRAFT-115 Blueprint Rdg for Mechanical Trades $5 lab fee DRAFT 115-F1 Blprnt Rdg/Mech Tr 2 06:00pm-09:40pm T 01/17 05/19 3210 W 01/18 03/10 Schnarr Lindenberg DRAFT-116 GD & T Application and Interpretation Prerequisite: Recommended prerequsite DRAFT 115 with min grade of C or better DRAFT 116-S1 GD&T Applic/Interpretation 2 06:00pm-09:49pm W 03/22 05/19 Roberson Chemistry CHEM-105 Survey of General Chemistry (IAI: P1902L) Prerequisite: Math 090 with a C or better or qualifying score on the Math placement test. $32 lab fee CHEM 105-01 Survey Gen Chem 4 11:00am-12:30pm TTH 01/17 05/19 4280 Lab 01:15pm-04:00pm T 01/1705/19 4255 Survey Gen Chem 04:00pm-05:35pm MW 01/18 05/19 4280 CHEM 105-02 4 Lab 06:00pm-08:50pm M 01/2305/19 4255 Survey Gen Chem 04:00pm-05:35pm MW 01/18 05/19 4280 06:00pm-08:50pm W 01/1805/19 4255 CHEM 105-03 4 Lab Staff Staff Staff CHEM-110 General Chemistry I (IAI: P1902L CHM911) Prerequisite: High school chemistry with a C or better and MATH 095 with a C or better or placement in MATH 151 $32 lab fee CHEM 110-01 10:00am-11:50am MW 01/18 05/19 4280 Lab 01:15pm-04:00pm M 01/2305/19 4265 General Chemistry I CHEM 110-02 General Chemistry I 5 10:00am-11:50am MW 01/18 05/19 4280 Lab 01:15pm-04:00pm T 01/1705/19 4265 General Chemistry I 06:00pm-09:55pm M 01/23 05/19 4280 CHEM 110-03 5 5 Lab 06:00pm-08:50pm W 01/1805/19 4265 General Chemistry I 09:00am-10:50am TTH 01/17 05/19 4280 01:15pm-04:00pm TH 01/1905/19 4255 CHEM 110-04 22 5 Lab Staff Staff Staff Staff Check WebAdvisor for up-to-date course information: CHEM-130 General Chemistry II (IAI: CHM912) Prerequisite: CHEM 110 with a C or better $32 lab fee CHEM 130-01 12:00pm-01:55pm MW 01/18 05/19 4280 Lab 02:30pm-05:20pm M 01/2305/19 4255 General Chemistry II 06:00pm-09:50pm T 01/17 05/19 4280 06:00pm-08:50pm TH 01/1905/19 4255 CHEM 130-02 General Chemistry II 5 5 Lab CHEM-204 Organic Chemistry II (IAI: CHM914) Prerequisite: CHEM 203 with a C or better $32 lab fee CHEM 204-01 Organic Chem II 5 Lab 10:00am-11:50am TTH 01/17 05/19 4180 01:15pm-04:00pm TH 01/1905/19 4265 CHEM-206 Introduction to Biochemistry Prerequisite: Take BIOL-111(15024) CHEM-203; both with a C or better CHEM 206-01 Introduction to Biochemistry Staff Staff Staff 3 09:00am-10:20am MW 01/18 05/19 3210 Staff College Studies COL-101 First Year Seminar i COL 101-IEF1 First Year Seminar 1 04:00pm-05:40pm TH 01/19 03/10 3120 Karras i COL 101-FYE1 First Year Seminar 1 09:00am-09:50am TTH 01/17 03/10 3185 Staff COL-102 Career Development Seminar $10 lab fee i COL 102-IES1 COL-106 Personal Wellness $20 lab fee i COL 106-S1 Career Dev Seminar Personal Wellness 1 04:00pm-05:40pm TH 03/23 05/19 3120 Karras 1 09:00am-09:50am MW 03/20 05/19 T146 Campea Communication COMM-101 Principles of Communication (IAI: C2900) Prerequisite: Placement into ENG 099 or higher COMM 101-H1 Prin Communication 3 09:30am-10:45am TTH 01/17 05/19 2612 Trunnell COMM 101-LC1 Prin Communication 3 09:30am-10:45am MW 01/18 05/19 2612 Green 01/17 05/19 Online Gomez LC Dual Enrollment required with ENG 101-LC1 COMM 101-IN Prin Communication 3 $20 Internet course fee. Students must have professor approval COMM 101-01 Prin Communication 3 08:00am-09:15am MW 01/18 05/19 2612 Schwarz COMM 101-02 Prin Communication 3 08:00am-09:15am MW 01/18 05/19 4200 Green COMM 101-03 Prin Communication 3 11:00am-12:15pm MW 01/18 05/19 2612 Schwarz COMM 101-04 Prin Communication 3 11:00am-12:15pm MW 01/18 05/19 4200 Trunnell COMM 101-05 Prin Communication 3 04:00pm-06:50pm M 01/23 05/19 2612 Trunnell COMM 101-07 Prin Communication 3 08:00am-09:15am TTH 01/17 05/19 2612 Green COMM 101-08 Prin Communication 3 08:00am-09:15am TTH 01/17 05/19 4200 Trunnell COMM 101-09 Prin Communication 3 09:30am-10:45am TTH 01/17 05/19 4200 Schwarz COMM 101-10 Prin Communication 3 11:00am-12:15pm TTH 01/17 05/19 2612 Green COMM 101-11 Prin Communication 3 11:00am-12:15pm TTH 01/17 05/19 4200 Staff COMM 101-12 Prin Communication 3 12:30pm-01:45pm TTH 01/17 05/19 4200 Green COMM 101-13 Prin Communication 3 07:00pm-09:50pm T 01/17 05/19 2612 Staff COMM 101-15 Prin Communication 3 07:00pm-09:50pm W 01/18 05/19 2612 Staff COMM 101-16 Prin Communication 3 09:00am-11:50am F 01/20 05/19 2612 Staff g d COMM 101-FX1 Prin Communication 3 12:30pm-01:55pm MW 01/30 05/19 2612 Trunnell COMM 101-LS1 Prin Communication 3 02:00pm-03:50pm TTH 02/14 05/19 4200 Staff COMM-108 Interpersonal Communication Prerequisite: Placement into ENG 099 or higher COMM 108-01 4200 Trunnell Interpersonal Comm 3 09:30am-10:45am MW 01/18 05/19 ! LC 8 Online i 8-Week d 12-Week g 14-Week continued on next page z Honors 23 COMM-115 Introduction to Broadcasting Prerequisite: Placement into ENG 099 or higher COMM 115-01 Intro/Broadcasting 3 12:30pm-01:45pm COMM-196 Applied Forensics I Prerequisite: Placement into ENG 099 or higher COMM 196-01 Appl. Forensics I 1 02:00pm-02:50pm COMM-197 Applied Forensics II Prerequisite: COMM 196 COMM 197-01 Appl. Forensics II 1 02:00pm-03:50pm MW 01/18 05/19 4200 Green TTH 01/17 05/19 2193 Green TTH 02/14 05/19 2612 Green Criminal Justice CJ-101 Introduction to Criminal Justice (IAI: CRJ901) Prerequisite: Placement into ENG 099 or higher CJ 101-IN $20 Internet course fee CJ 101-01 CJ 101-02 Intro/Criminal Justice 3 01/17 05/19 Online Staff Intro/Criminal Justice 3 09:30am-10:45am TTH 01/17 05/19 4285 Staff Intro/Criminal Justice 3 07:00pm-09:50pm M 01/23 05/19 4285 Staff 4285 Staff 4285 Staff CJ-102 Introduction to Criminology (IAI: CRJ912) Prerequisite: Placement into ENG 099 or higher CJ 102-01 Intro/Criminology 3 09:30am-10:45am MW 01/18 05/19 CJ-106 Introduction to Corrections (IAI: CRJ911) Prerequisite: Placement into ENG 099 or higher CJ 106-01 Introduction to Corrections 3 11:00am-12:15pm MW 01/18 05/19 Dental Hygiene Registration for the following dental hygiene classes is limited to students officially admitted to the PSC program. DH-104 Dental Radiology Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Dental Hygiene program DH 103 $175 lab fee $300 health course fee DH 104-01 01:00pm-02:50pm M 01/23 05/19 L120 Lab 08:30am-12:30pm M 01/2305/19 L122 Dental Radiology DH 104-02 Dental Radiology 4 01:00pm-02:50pm M 01/23 05/19 L120 Lab 12:30pm-04:30pm F 01/2005/19 L122 Dental Radiology 01:00pm-02:50pm M 01/23 05/19 L120 DH 104-03 4 4 Lab 08:30am-12:30pm W 01/1805/19 L122 Dental Radiology 08:30am-12:30pm F 01/20 05/19 L122 01:00pm-02:50pm M 01/2305/19 L120 DH 104-04 4 Lab Gorbitz Gorbitz Gorbitz Gorbitz DH-106 General and Oral Pathology Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Dental Hygiene program DH 101 $150 health course fee DH 106-01 DH-109 Clinical Dental Hygiene II Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Dental Hygiene program DH 108 $170 lab fee $300 health course fee DH 109-01 Genl & Oral Pathol T 01/17 05/19 L120 01:00pm-02:50pm W 01/18 05/19 L120 08:30am-12:30pm M 01/2305/19 L122 08:30am-12:30pm F 01/2005/19 L122 01:00pm-02:50pm W 01/18 05/19 L120 08:30am-12:30pm W 01/1805/19 L122 12:30pm-04:30pm F 01/2005/19 L122 Clinical Dental Hygiene II 4 01:00pm-03:00pm DH 109-02 Clinical Dental Hygiene II 2 4 DH-120 Care of Special Populations Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Dental Hygiene program DH 108 $150 health course fee DH 120-01 Care of Special Populations 2 10:00am-11:50am T 01/17 05/19 L120 F-Biegel F-Biegel F-Biegel Braun DH-203 Clinical Dental Hygiene V Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Dental Hygiene program DH 202 $185 lab fee $375 health course fee DH 203-01 12:00pm-12:50pm M 01/23 05/19 L122 01:00pm-05:00pm MTH 01/1905/19 L122 08:30am-12:30pm T 01/1705/19 L122 05:00pm-09:00pm W 01/1805/19 L122 24 Clincal Dental Hygiene V 5 Staff Check WebAdvisor for up-to-date course information: 12:00pm-12:50pm M 01/23 05/19 L122 DH 203-02 Clincal Dental Hygiene V 5 05:00pm-09:00pm M 01/2305/19 L122 01:00pm-05:00pm TW 01/1705/19 L122 08:30am-12:30pm TH 01/1905/19 L122 Staff DH-204 Ethics Law and Administration Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Dental Hygiene program DH 202 $150 health course fee DH 204-F1 Ethics, Law and Administration 2 08:30am-12:30pm F 01/20 03/10 L120 Staff 3 01/18 05/19 Online Staff 3 01/17 05/19 2504 Staff 2504 Jiles 2504 Jiles 01/17 05/19 2504 A-Barnes 01/19 05/19 2504 Jiles 2504 Hurley Drafting (see CAD/Mechanical Design Technology) Early Childhood Education ECED-103 Health Safety and Nutrition Prerequisite: Placement into ENG 099 or higher ECED 103-IN $20 Internet course fee ECED 103-01 ECED-104 Intro to Early Childhood Education Prerequisite: Placement into ENG 099 or higher ECED 104-01 ECED-108 Science and Math for the Young Child Prerequisite: Placement into ENG 099 or higher ECED 108-01 Hlth Safety & Nutr Hlth Safety & Nutr Intro Early Childhood Ed 3 Science/Math for Young Child 3 05:00pm-06:50pm 11:00am-12:15pm 04:00pm-06:50pm T TTH W 01/17 05/19 01/18 05/19 ECED-201 Sign Lang I-Manual Communications I Prerequisite: Placement into ENG 099 or higher ECED 201-01 ECED-213 Multicultural Education Prerequisite: Placement into ENG 099 or higher ECED 213-01 ECED-217 Admin/Personnel Families Children Prerequisite: Placement into ENG 099 or higher ECED 217-01 ECED-298 Administration-ECE Internship Prerequisite: ECED 217 with a grade of C or better and ECED 218 with a grade of C or better ECED 298-IS ECED-299 Early Childhood Education Internship Prerequisite: ED 101 and ECED 104 and consent of instructor $20 lab fee ECED 299-IS Sign Language I 3 Multicultural Educ 3 Admin-Personnel! Fam! Children Administration-ECE Internship Early Child Ed Int 3 07:00pm-09:50pm 04:00pm-06:50pm 07:00pm-09:50pm 3 T TH TH W 3 W 01/19 05/19 01/18 05/19 01/18 05/19 Hurley Schwider Economics ECON-201 Macroeconomic Principles (IAI: S3901) Prerequisite: Placement into ENG 099 or higher ECON 201-IN1 $20 Internet course fee. See WebAdvisor for schedule. ECON 201-IN2 $20 Internet course fee. See WebAdvisor for schedule. ECON 201-01 ECON 201-02 Macroeconomic Principles 3 01/17 05/19 Online Tinwala 3 01/17 05/19 Online Tinwala Macroeconomic Principles 3 11:00am-12:15pm MW 01/18 05/19 3140 Tinwala Macroeconomic Principles 3 12:30pm-01:45pm MW 01/18 05/19 3140 Staff ECON 201-03 Macroeconomic Principles 3 09:30am-10:45am TTH 01/17 05/19 3140 Staff ECON 201-04 Macroeconomic Principles 3 12:30pm-01:45pm TTH 01/17 05/19 3140 Tinwala ECON 201-05 Macroeconomic Principles 3 07:00pm-10:00pm W 01/18 05/19 3140 Staff d ECON 201-LS Macroeconomic Principles 3 09:00am-12:30pm F 02/10 05/19 3140 Staff 01/17 05/19 Online Tinwala Macroeconomic Principles ECON-202 Microeconomic Principles (IAI: S3902) Prerequisite: ECON 201 ECON 202-IN1 $20 Internet course fee. See WebAdvisor for schedule. Microeconomic Principles 3 ! LC 8 Online i 8-Week d 12-Week g 14-Week continued on next page z Honors 25 ECON 202-IN2 $20 Internet course fee. See WebAdvisor for schedule. ECON 202-01 ECON 202-02 Microeconomic Principles 3 01/17 05/19 Online Tinwala Microeconomic Principles 3 09:30am-10:45am MW 01/18 05/19 3140 Tinwala Microeconomic Principles 3 07:00pm-10:00pm M 01/23 05/19 3140 Staff Education ED-100 Foundations of American Public Education Prerequisite: Placement of ENG 099 or higher ED 100-01 Foundations Amer Public Educa 3 11:00am-12:15pm MW 01/18 05/19 3137 Fogarty d ED 100-LSHYB Foundations Amer Public Educa 3 04:00pm-06:50pm TH 02/16 05/19 3137 Fogarty 3 01/17 05/19 Online Fogarty ED-101 Child Growth and Development Prerequisite: Placement into ENG 099 or higher ED 101-IN $20 Internet course fee ED 101-02 Child Growth & Dev 3 09:30am-10:45am TTH 01/17 05/19 2504 Jiles d ED 101-LSHYB Child Growth & Dev 3 12:30pm-01:45pm MW 02/13 05/19 3137 Fogarty 02/10 05/19 Online Fogarty Child Growth & Dev ED-212 Exceptional Child Prerequisite: Placement into ENG-099 or higher d8 ED 212-INLS Exceptional Child 3 $20 Internet course fee Electricity/Electronics (see Industrial Electricity) Emergency Medical Services Financial aid recipients should check with the Financial Aid Office prior to enrolling in EMS 101. Some financial aid programs will not pay for this course. Eighteen years of age and placement reading score of 78 or better or placement into ENG 101. EMS-101 Emergency Medical Technician Prerequisite: $65 lab fee EMS 101-01 Emerg Medical Tech 7 09:00am-12:30pm TTH 01/17 05/19 L118 Biasella EMS 101-02 Emerg Medical Tech 7 06:30pm-10:00pm TTH 01/17 05/19 L118 Biasella English Students are required to take the placement test prior to placement in English. Students whose writing samples indicate they need additional work before taking ENG 101 are placed in either ENG 098 or ENG 099. Students may elect to take ENG 099 before taking ENG 101 or concurrently through the Accelerated Learning Program (see sections labeled “ALP” below). To learn more about the placement test, please contact the Counseling and Advising Center. ENG-098 Foundations of College Writing Prerequisite: qualifying score on the English placement test ENG 098-01 Foundations of College Writing 4 12:30pm-02:20pm MW 01/18 05/19 3185 Staff ENG 098-02 Foundations of College Writing 4 06:00pm-07:50pm MW 01/18 05/19 3185 Staff ENG 098-03 Foundations of College Writing 4 10:00am-11:50am TTH 01/17 05/19 3185 Staff ENG-099 Strategies of College Reading & Writing Prerequisite: ENG 098 and RDG 098 with a grade of C or better or qualifying score on the English and Reading Placement Test ENG 099-01 Strategies/Coll Rdg & Writing 3 08:00am-09:15am MW 01/18 05/19 4125 Staff ENG 099-02 Strategies/Coll Rdg & Writing 3 09:30am-10:45am MW 01/18 05/19 3138 Staff ENG 099-03 Strategies/Coll Rdg & Writing 3 09:30am-10:45am TTH 01/17 05/19 3170 Reichard ENG 099-04 Strategies/Coll Rdg & Writing 3 07:00pm-09:50pm T 01/17 05/19 3138 Staff ENG 099-ALP1 Strategies/Coll Rdg & Writing 3 09:30am-10:45am MW 01/18 05/19 3230 Staff Dual enrollment required with Eng-101-ALP1 ENG 099-ALP2 3 11:00am-12:15pm MW 01/18 05/19 3230 Reichard Dual enrollment required with Eng-101-ALP2 ENG 099-ALP3 3 12:30pm-01:45pm TTH 01/17 05/19 3230 Evans Dual enrollment required with Eng-101-ALP3 d ENG 099-LSALP 3 12:30pm-02:20pm MW 02/13 05/19 3138 Hughes Dual enrollment required with Eng-101-LSALP 26 Strategies/Coll Rdg & Writing Strategies/Coll Rdg & Writing Strategies/Coll Rdg & Writing Check WebAdvisor for up-to-date course information: ENG-101 Composition I (IAI: C1900) Prerequisite: ENG 099 with a grade of C or better; or qualifying score on the English placement test ENG 101-H1 ENG 101-LC1 Composition I 3 11:00am-12:15pm MW 01/18 05/19 2616 N-Dema Composition I 3 11:00am-12:15pm MW 01/18 05/19 3170 Dolph 3 01/17 05/19 Online Wells 3 01/17 05/19 Online N-Dema LC Dual Enrollment required with COMM 101-LC1 ENG 101-IN1 $20 Internet course fee ENG 101-IN2 $20 Internet course fee ENG 101-01 Composition I 3 08:00am-09:15am MW 01/18 05/19 3200 Staff ENG 101-02 Composition I 3 08:00am-09:15am MW 01/18 05/19 3138 Staff ENG 101-03 Composition I 3 09:30am-10:45am MW 01/18 05/19 3200 Reichard ENG 101-04 Composition I 3 09:30am-10:45am MW 01/18 05/19 4185 Gravely ENG 101-05 Composition I 3 11:00am-12:15pm MW 01/17 05/19 3138 Cotch ENG 101-06 Composition I 3 11:00am-12:15pm MW 01/18 05/19 3200 Gravely ENG 101-07 Composition I 3 12:30pm-01:45pm MW 01/18 05/19 3230 Staff ENG 101-08 Composition I 3 12:30pm-01:45pm MW 01/18 05/19 3200 Dolph ENG 101-09 Composition I 3 07:00pm-09:50pm M 01/23 05/19 3200 Staff ENG 101-10 Composition I 3 08:00am-09:15am TTH 01/17 05/19 3230 Staff ENG 101-11 Composition I 3 09:30am-10:45am TTH 01/17 05/19 3200 Dolph ENG 101-12 Composition I 3 09:30am-10:45am TTH 01/17 05/19 3138 Staff ENG 101-13 Composition I 3 11:00am-12:15pm TTH 01/17 05/19 3138 Evans ENG 101-14 Composition I 3 12:30pm-01:45pm TTH 01/17 05/19 3200 Staff ENG 101-15 Composition I 3 12:30pm-01:45pm TTH 01/17 05/19 3138 Staff ENG 101-16 Composition I 3 07:00pm-09:50pm T 01/17 05/19 3200 Staff ENG 101-17 Composition I 3 09:00am-11:50am F 01/20 05/19 3200 Spencer ENG 101-ALP1 Composition I 3 08:00am-09:15am MW 01/18 05/19 3200 Staff ENG 101-ALP2 Composition I 3 09:30am-10:45am MW 01/18 05/19 3200 Staff ENG 101-ALP3 Composition I 3 11:00am-12:15pm TTH 01/17 05/19 3138 Evans d d ENG 101-LS1 Composition I 3 10:00am-11:50am MW 02/13 05/19 3138 Hughes ENG 101-LSALP Composition I 3 10:00am-11:50am MW 02/13 05/19 4125 Hughes Composition I Composition I ENG-102 Composition II (IAI: C1901R) Prerequisite: ENG 101 with a grade of C or qualifying score on English placement test ENG 102-H1 Composition II 3 01/18 05/19 2503 Nicholas ENG 102-IN1 Composition II 3 01/17 05/19 Online Wells $20 Internet course fee 3 01/17 05/19 Online Nicholas 11:00am-12:15pm MW ENG 102-IN2 $20 Internet course fee ENG 102-01 Composition II 3 08:00am-09:15am MW 01/18 05/19 2508 Staff ENG 102-02 Composition II 3 09:30am-10:45am MW 01/18 05/19 2508 Wells ENG 102-03 Composition II 3 11:00am-12:15pm MW 01/18 05/19 2508 Vidovic ENG 102-04 Composition II 3 12:30pm-01:45pm MW 01/18 05/19 3240 Vidovic ENG 102-05 Composition II 3 12:30pm-01:45pm MW 01/18 05/19 4170 N-Dema ENG 102-06 Composition II 3 04:00pm-06:50pm M 01/23 05/19 2508 Staff ENG 102-07 Composition II 3 07:00pm-09:50pm M 01/23 05/19 2508 Staff ENG 102-08 Composition II 3 08:00am-09:15am TTH 01/17 05/19 2508 Staff ENG 102-09 Composition II 3 09:30am-10:45am TTH 01/17 05/19 4170 Staff ENG 102-10 Composition II 3 09:30am-10:45am TTH 01/17 05/19 3230 Staff ENG 102-11 Composition II 3 11:00am-12:15pm TTH 01/17 05/19 2508 Spencer ENG 102-12 Composition II 3 11:00am-12:15pm TTH 01/17 05/19 4170 Cotch ENG 102-13 Composition II 3 12:30pm-01:45pm TTH 01/17 05/19 4170 Staff ENG 102-14 Composition II 3 12:30pm-01:45pm TTH 01/17 05/19 2508 Vidovic ENG 102-15 Composition II 3 02:00pm-03:15pm TTH 01/17 05/19 2508 Staff ENG 102-16 Composition II 3 09:00am-11:50am F 01/20 05/19 2508 Staff ENG 102-17 Composition II 3 09:00am-11:50am F 01/20 05/19 2506 Staff g ENG 102-FX2 Composition II 3 11:00am-12:25pm MW 01/18 05/19 4170 Wells ! LC Composition II 8 Online i 8-Week d 12-Week g 14-Week z Honors 27 ENG-212 American Literature II (IAI: H3915) Prerequisite: ENG 101 with a grade of C or better ENG 212-H1 ENG-215 African American Literature (IAI: H3910D) Prerequisite: ENG 101 with a grade of C or better ENG 215-01 ENG-221 Introduction to Poetry (IAI: H3903) Prerequisite: ENG 101 with a grade of C or better ENG 221-01 ENG-271 Introduction to Shakespeare (IAI: H3905) Prerequisite: ENG 101 with a grade of C ENG 271-01 American Literature II African American Literature Introduction to Poetry Intro/Shakespeare 3 3 3 3 08:00am-09:15am 09:00am-11:50am 12:30pm-01:45pm 11:00am-12:15pm TTH F TTH TTH 01/17 05/19 2616 Cotch 4125 Staff 01/17 05/19 4275 Reichard 01/17 05/19 3137 Vidovic OTH Gericke/Kolosh 01/20 05/19 Fire Science Technology FST-101 Introduction to Fire Science Technology Prerequisite: Placement into ENG 099 or higher d FST 101-HYBLS On-ground classes held Feb 22, Mar 22, Apr 19, and May 17 FST-104 Fire Tactics & Strategy I Prerequisite: FST 119 with a grade of C or better documented affiliation with a fire department FST 104-F1 Intro to Fire Science Tech Fire Tact & Strt I 3 3 07:00pm-09:50pm 08:00am-05:00pm W SSU 02/22 05/19 01/21 02/04 OTH Ziegle/Cook Classes meet at Park Forest FD, 156 Indianwood Blvd, Park Forest. Class final is State Fire Marshals Certification Test. FST-105 Construction & Fire Systems Prerequisite: Placement into ENG 099 or higher Documented affiliation with a fire department FST 105-01 Constr & Fire Syst 3 07:00pm-09:50pm W 01/18 05/19 L116 Wheeler FST-106 Hazardous Materials Operations Prerequisite: FST 119 with a grade of C or better Documented affiliation with a fire department i FST 106-S1 Classes meet at Crete Township FPD #1, 26730 S. Stoney Island Ave, Crete. Requires OSFM State test for certification. FST-119 Basic Firefighter Operations Prerequisite: Must register in person only - see Couseling & Academic Advising prior to registration. 18 years of age and placement reading score of 78 or better or placement into ENG 101; Documented affiliation with a fire department. $50 lab fee FST 119-01 Hazard Matrls Oper Basic Firefighter Operations 3 7 08:00am-06:00pm SU 04/09 05/07 OTH Staff 07:00pm-09:50pm MTH 01/19 05/19 L116 09:00am-05:00pm S 01/2105/19 OTH Atwood 02/10 04/13 Online Siefert/Vlietstra Face to face orientation Jan 12, 7-9:50pm, L-116. Requires OSFM State Test for certification. FST-120 Advanced Technician Firefighter $25 lab fee d 8 FST 120-INLS Adv Technician Firefighter 6 In-person practicals held on Apr 1, 7, and 8 at Orland Park FPD, 9790 W 151 St, Orland Park, IL. $20 Internet course fee. FST-202 Vehicle and Machinery Operations Prerequisite: FST 119 with a grade of C or better Documented affiliation with a fire department. $25 lab fee i FST 202-S1 Requires OSFM State Test for certification. Vehicle & MacHinery Operations 3 08:00am-06:00pm SSU 03/25 04/02 L116 Swanson FST-204 Fire Tactics & Strategy II Prerequisite: FST 104 with a grade of C or better Documented affiliation with a fire department d FST 204-LS Class final is State Fire Marshals Certification Test. Fire Tactics/Strategy II 3 08:00am-05:00pm SSU 02/11 02/25 L116 Habecker/Gardner FST-208 Fire Departtment Management II Prerequisite: FST 207 with a grade of C or better Documented affiliation with a fire department i8 FST 208-INS1 3 03/20 05/19 Online Atwood/Musser FST-212 Fire Service Instructor I Prerequisite: FST 119 with a grade of C or better Documented affiliation with a fire department i 8 Fire Dept Management II Class final is OSFM certification exam; must be taken in person at PSC. $20 Internet course fee FST 212-INS1 Fire Service Instructor I 3 03/20 05/19 Online Vittori/Thomas One on-campus demonstration required. Class final is OSFM certification exam; must be taken in person at PSC. $20 Internet course fee 28 Check WebAdvisor for up-to-date course information: i8 FST-219 Fire Department Management IV Prerequisite: FST 218 with a grade of C or better Documented affiliation with a fire department FST 219-INS1 Fire Department Mgmt IV 3 03/20 05/19 Online Ziegle/Habecker Class final is OSFM certification exam; must be taken in person at PSC. $20 Internet course fee First Responder FRESP-101 First Responder Prerequisite: Placement into ENG 099 or higher $25 lab fee FRESP 101-F1 First Responder 3 09:00am-12:30pm MW 01/18 03/10 L118 Smith i FRESP 101-S1 First Responder 3 06:30pm-10:00pm MW 03/20 05/19 L118 Smith 01/17 05/19 3214 Calgaro 3270 Hodur 4164 Maddox Geography GEOG-101 Cultural Geography (IAI: S4900N) Prerequisite: Placement into ENG 099 or higher GEOG 101-01 GEOG-105 Intro to Physical Geography (IAI: P1909) Prerequisite: Placement into ENG 099 or higher GEOG 105-01 Cultural Geography 3 Intro/Physical Geo 3 07:00pm-09:50pm 09:00am-12:00pm T F 01/20 05/19 Geology (see Physical Science) Graphic Communication GC-115 Introduction to Computer Art Prerequisite: Placement into ENG 099 or higher $35 lab fee GC 115-01 GC-151 Introduction to Graphic Design Prerequisite: GC 115 or ART 115 or concurrent registration $35 lab fee GC 151-01 d8 Intro to Comp. Art 3 Introduction to Graphic Design 3 04:00pm-06:50pm 01:00pm-03:50pm MW 01/18 05/19 TTH 01/17 05/19 4164 Maddox GC-162 Introduction to Web Site Development Prerequisite: Placement into ENG 099 or higher GC 162-INLS Intro to Web Site Development $20 Internet course fee GC 162-LS Intro to Web Site Development 3 01/17 05/19 Online Hokanson 3 09:00am-11:50am TTH 02/13 05/19 4164 Newgard 09:30am-11:50am MW 01/18 05/19 4164 Planera 05/19 Online Hokanson 2 01/17 05/19 Online Dowell 2 01/17 05/19 Online Dowell 2 01/18 05/19 T146 Dowell 03/20 05/19 L180 Wedster 01/17 05/19 L116 Musser GC-175 2D Animation Prerequisite: GC 115 or ART 115 d GC 175-LS 2D Animation 3 GC-270 Advanced Web Site Development Prerequisite: GC 162 or ITWEB 103 GC 270-INIS $20 Internet course fee Advanced Web Site Development 3 01/17 Health HLTH-101 Health and Wellness Prerequisite: Placement into ENG 099 or higher HLTH 101-IN01 $20 Internet course fee HLTH 101-IN02 $20 Internet course fee HLTH 101-01 Health & Wellness Health & Wellness Health & Wellness 12:00pm-01:50pm W HLTH-102 Workplace Issues for Allied Health Prerequisite: Placement into ENG 099 or higher i HLTH 102-S1 Instructor consent required HLTH-105 General Medical Terminology Prerequisite: Placement into ENG 099 or higher HLTH 105-01 ! LC Workplace Issues 1 General Medical Terminology 8 Online 3 02:00pm-03:50pm 10:00am-12:50pm i 8-Week M T d 12-Week g 14-Week z Honors 29 Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning HVAC-120 Refrigeration Principles $45 lab fee HVAC 120-01 Refrigeration Principles 3 10:00am-01:50pm M 01/23 05/19 HVAC-121 Air Conditioning Theory Prerequisite: Take HVAC-120; Minimum grade C T; $45 lab fee HVAC 121-01 Air Conditioning Theory 3 W 01/18 05/19 T192 Marshall/Meeks 10:00am-01:50pm T 01/17 05/19 T192 Staff 10:00am-01:50pm W 01/18 05/19 T192 Thompson 06:00pm-09:50pm TH 01/19 05/19 T175 Brown/Vlietstra T195 Frye HVAC-122 Heating Fundamentals $45 lab fee HVAC 122-01 HVAC-123 Electrical Controls for HVAC $45 lab fee HVAC 123-01 Electrical Controls for HVAC 3 3 HVAC-124 Sheet Metal Fabrication $45 lab fee HVAC 124-01 Sheet Metal Fabrication 3 Vlietstra 06:00pm-09:50pm Heating Fundamentals T192 HVAC-125 Advanced Electrical Controls Prerequisite: HVAC 123 with a C or better $45 lab fee HVAC 125-01 HVAC-127 Troubleshooting HVAC Systems Prerequisite: HVAC-120, HVAC-121, HVAC-122, HVAC-123, HVAC-125 with a C or better $45 lab fee HVAC 127-HYB Online coursework required Advanced Electrical Controls Troubleshooting HVAC Systems 3 3 06:00pm-09:50pm 01:00pm-03:00pm T TH 01/17 05/19 01/19 05/19 T192 Vlietstra HVAC-128 Installation of HVAC Systems Prerequisite: HVAC-120, HVAC-121, HVAC-122, HVAC-123, HVAC-124, HVAC-125, all with a C or better $45 lab fee HVAC 128-01 Installation of HVAC Systems 3 09:00am-12:50pm TH HVAC-130 Special Topics in HVAC Prerequisite: Consent of instructor $30 lab fee HVAC 130-S1 HVAC-298 HVAC Seminar Prerequisite: 18 credits in HVAC or HVACR with a C or better HVAC 298-01 Special Topics in HVAC HVAC Seminar 2 06:00pm-09:50pm 1 HVAC-299 HVAC Internship Prerequisite: Consent of instructor required HVAC 299-01 HVAC Internship M 2 01/19 05/19 T192 Vlietstra 03/20 05/19 T192 Marshall 01/17 05/19 Vlietstra 01/17 05/19 Vlietstra 01/17 05/19 3214 Zager 3214 Zager 3214 Tischauser History HIST-112 World History 1500 - Present (IAI: S2913N) HIST 112-01 World History 1500 - Present 3 09:30am-10:45am TTH HIST-201 U.S. History: 1492 to 1877 (IAI: S2900) Prerequisite: Placement into ENG 099 or higher HIST 201-01 U.S. History: 1492-1877 3 11:00am-12:15pm TTH 01/17 05/19 HIST-202 U.S. History: 1877 to Present (IAI: S2901) Prerequisite: Placement into ENG 099 or higher g HIST 202-FX U.S. History:1877-Present 3 11:00am-12:25pm MW 01/31 05/19 Honors BIOL-111 Cellular and Molecular Biology (IAI: BIO910) Prerequisite: High school biology or BIOL 100 or BIOL 108 or BIOL 112 within the past 5 years with a grade of C or better; placement into ENG 099 or higher; placement into MATH 090 or completion of MATH 085 with a C or better $17 lab fee BIOL 111-H1 30 Cellular and Molecular Biology 4 Lab 12:30pm-01:50pm TTH 01/17 05/19 3180 02:00pm-03:20pm TTH 01/1705/19 3155 Adam Check WebAdvisor for up-to-date course information: COMM-101 Principles of Communication (IAI: C2900) Prerequisite: Placement into ENG 099 or higher COMM 101-H1 Prin Communication 3 09:30am-10:45am TTH 01/17 05/19 2612 Trunnell ENG-101 Composition I (IAI: C1900) Prerequisite: ENG 099 with a grade of C or better; or qualifying score on the English placement test ENG 101-H1 Composition I 3 11:00am-12:15pm MW 01/18 05/19 2616 ENG-102 Composition II (IAI: C1901R) Prerequisite: ENG 101 with a grade of C or qualifying score on English placement test ENG 102-H1 Composition II 3 11:00am-12:15pm MW 01/18 05/19 ENG-212 American Literature II (IAI: H3915) Prerequisite: ENG 101 with a grade of C or better ENG 212-H1 American Literature II 3 08:00am-09:15am TTH 01/17 05/19 2503 Nicholas 2616 Cotch HUMAN-201 Humanities Themes: Myth Reason and God (IAI: H9900) Prerequisite: Placement into ENG 099 or higher HUMAN 201-H1 Humanities Themes 3 11:00am-12:15pm TTH 01/17 05/19 2616 La Turner 2616 Streeter 2616 DeSousa PHILO-101 Introduction to Philosophy (IAI: H4900) Prerequisite: Placement into ENG 099 or higher PHILO 101-H1 PSYCH-101 Introduction to Psychology (IAI: S6900) Prerequisite: Placement into ENG 099 or higher PSYCH 101-H1 PSYCH-102 Human Growth and Development:Life-Span (IAI: S6902) Prerequisite: Placement into ENG-099 or higher PSYCH 102-H1 Intro/Philosophy 3 Intro to Psych 3 Human Growth and Development 3 09:30am-10:45am 12:30pm-01:45pm 08:00am-09:15am MW MW MW 01/18 05/19 01/18 05/19 01/18 05/19 N-Dema 2616 Cornejo Humanities HUMAN-101 Comparative Religions (IAI: H5904N) Prerequisite: Placement into ENG 099 or higher HUMAN 101-IN1 $20 Internet course fee HUMAN 101-IN2 $20 Internet course fee HUMAN 101-IN3 $20 Internet course fee HUMAN 101-IN4 $20 Internet course fee d8 HUMAN 101-INLS Compar Religions Compar Religions Compar Religions Compar Religions Compar Religions 3 01/17 05/19 Online La Turner 3 01/17 05/19 Online La Turner 3 01/17 05/19 Online La Turner 3 01/17 05/19 Online Staff 3 02/10 05/19 Online La Turner $20 Internet course fee HUMAN 101-01 Compar Religions 3 08:00am-09:15am MW 01/18 05/19 2503 Staff HUMAN 101-02 Compar Religions 3 09:30am-10:45am MW 01/18 05/19 2409 La Turner HUMAN 101-03 Compar Religions 3 09:30am-10:45am TTH 01/17 05/19 2503 La Turner HUMAN 101-04 Compar Religions 3 12:30pm-01:45pm TTH 01/17 05/19 2503 Staff HUMAN 101-05 Compar Religions 3 07:00pm-09:50pm W 01/18 05/19 2503 Hammond HUMAN 101-06 Compar Religions 3 09:00am-11:50am F 01/20 05/19 2503 Staff g d HUMAN 101-FX Compar Religions 3 12:30pm-01:55pm MW 01/30 05/19 2409 Staff HUMAN 101-LS1 Compar Religions 3 02:00pm-03:50pm TTH 02/14 05/19 2503 Staff HUMAN-201 Humanities Themes: Myth Reason and God (IAI: H9900) Prerequisite: Placement into ENG 099 or higher HUMAN 201-H1 Humanities Themes 3 11:00am-12:15pm TTH 01/17 05/19 2616 HUMAN 201-01 Humanities Themes 3 09:30am-10:45am MW 01/18 05/19 3240 Staff g d HUMAN 201-FX Humanities Themes 3 12:30pm-01:55pm TTH 01/31 05/19 2409 Staff HUMAN 201-LS1 Humanities Themes 3 04:00pm-05:50pm MW 02/13 05/19 2409 Staff HUMAN-202 Form and Structure in the Arts (IAI: HF900) Prerequisite: Placement into ENG 099 or higher g HUMAN 202-FX Form/Structure Art 3240 Staff ! LC 8 Online 3 11:00am-12:25pm i 8-Week MW d 12-Week 01/30 05/19 g 14-Week La Turner z Honors 31 Hydraulics/Pneumatics HYDR-106 Pneumatics Prerequisite: AMATH 101 $10 lab fee i HYDR 106-S1 Pneumatics 2 06:00pm-09:40pm TH 03/23 05/19 T191 Robles Industrial Electrician ELEC-101 Fundamentals of Electricity $45 lab fee ELEC 101-01 Fundamentals of Electricity 3 10:00am-01:40pm T 01/17 05/19 3120 Albrecht ELEC 101-02 Fundamentals of Electricity 3 06:00pm-09:40pm W 01/18 05/19 3120 Mendoza 2 01/17 05/19 Online Krauss 2 01/17 05/19 Online Karras 01/30 05/19 OTH Karras 01/30 05/19 OTH Karras ELECT-114 National Electrical Code ELECT 114-IN $20 Internet course fee. See WebAdvisor for schedule National Elec Code ELECT-120 Electrical Safety $10 lab fee ELECT 120-IN $20 Internet course fee. See WebAdvisor for schedule Electrical Safety ELECT-298 Electrical Seminar Prerequisite: Consent of instructor g ELECT 298-FXIS Electrical Seminar 1 ELECT-299 Electrical Internship Prerequisite: Instructor consent required g ELECT 299-FXIS Electrical Interns 2 1st 8-week session Jan. 17 - Mar. 10 ELECT-103 Alternating Current I Prerequisite: ELECT-101 with a C or better AMATH 106 with a C or better or equivalent recommended $10 lab fee i ELECT 103-F1 Alternat Curr I 2 06:00pm-09:40pm TH 01/19 03/10 3120 Matson Online Matson ELECT-106 DC Motors and Generators Prerequisite: ELECT 101with a C or better $10 lab fee i8 ELECT 106-INF1 DC Motors and Generators 2 01/17 03/10 $20 Internet course fee ELECT-111 Electronic Principles I Prerequisite: AMATH 101 or equivalent recommended $10 lab fee i ELECT 111-F1 Elect Principles I 2 06:00pm-09:40pm ELECT-113 Print Reading for Electricians $10 lab fee i ELECT 113-F1 ELECT-120 Industrial & Electrical Safety $10 lab fee i ELECT 120-F1 Print Reading/Electricians Industrial & Electrical Safety 2 2 10:00am-01:40pm 06:00pm-09:40pm TH 01/19 03/10 3110 Karras TH 01/19 03/10 3120 Karras M 01/23 03/10 3110 Staff 01/17 03/10 3110 Shelton 01/23 03/10 3120 Mendoza 3120 Ailey ELECT-159 Electrical Wiring I Prerequisite: ELECT-101 with a C or better $20 lab fee i ELECT 159-F1 ELECT-201 Digital Fundamentals I Prerequisite: ELECT-112 with a C or better $10 lab fee i ELECT 201-F1 Electrical Wiring I Digital Fundamentals I 2 2 06:00pm-09:40pm 06:00pm-09:40pm T M ELECT-206 Instrumentation Fundamentals I Prerequisite: ELECT 101 with a C or better $10 lab fee ELECT 206-F1 ELECT-208 Programmable Logic Controllers I Prerequisite: ELECT-101 with a C or better $10 lab fee Instrumentation Fundamentals I i8ELECT 208-INF1 Prog Logic Controllers I $20 Internet course fee i ELECT 208-F1 Prog Logic Controllers I i ELECT 208-F2 Prog Logic Controllers I 32 2 06:00pm-09:40pm T 01/17 03/10 2 01/17 03/10 Online Roach 2 10:00am-01:40pm W 01/18 03/10 3186 Krauss 2 06:00pm-09:40pm TH 01/19 03/10 3186 Roach Check WebAdvisor for up-to-date course information: 2nd 8-week session Mar. 20 - May 19 ELECT-105 Power Transformers Polyphase Circuits Prerequisite: ELECT 101with a C or better $10 lab fee i ELECT 105-S1 i8 Power/Transformers/Polyph Cir 2 06:00pm-09:40pm TH 03/23 05/19 3120 Matson 03/20 05/19 Online Matson TH 03/23 05/19 3110 Karras M 03/20 05/19 3110 Lamarre 03/20 05/19 Online Roach 03/21 05/19 3110 Shelton 3120 Mendoza 3120 Ailey ELECT-107 AC Motors and Generators Prerequisite: ELECT 103 with a C or better $10 lab fee ELECT 107-INS1 AC Motors and Generators 2 $20 Internet course fee ELECT-112 Electronic Principles II Prerequisite: ELECT 111with a C or better $10 lab fee i ELECT 112-S1 Electronic Principles II 2 06:00pm-09:40pm ELECT-141 Conduit Bending - Thinwall $20 lab fee i ELECT 141-S1 i8 Conduit Bending - Thinwall 2 06:00pm-09:40pm ELECT-150 Preventive Maintenance - Electrical Prerequisite: ELECT-108 with a C or better $10 lab fee ELECT 150-INS1 Preventative Maintenance-Elect 2 $20 Internet course fee ELECT-160 Electrical Wiring II Prerequisite: ELECT 159 with a C or better $15 lab fee i ELECT 160-S1 Electrical Wiring II 2 06:00pm-09:40pm T ELECT-202 Digital Fundamentals II Prerequisite: ELECT 201 or equivalent recommended $10 lab fee i ELECT 202-S1 Digital Fund. II 2 06:00pm-09:40pm M 03/20 05/19 ELECT-207 Instrumentation Fundamentals II Prerequisite: ELECT 206 with a C or better $10 lab fee i ELECT 207-S1 i8 Instrumentation Fund II 2 06:00pm-09:40pm T 03/21 05/19 ELECT-209 Programmable Logic Controllers II Prerequisite: ELECT 208 with a C or better $10 lab fee ELECT 209-INS1 Prog Logic Controllers II 2 03/20 05/19 Online Roach $20 Internet course fee i i ELECT 209-S1 Prog Logic Controllers II 2 10:00am-01:40pm W 03/22 05/19 3186 Krauss ELECT 209-S2 Prog Logic Controllers II 2 06:00pm-09:40pm TH 03/23 05/19 3186 Roach 1 05:00pm-08:40pm F 01/20 02/17 3245 Termunde Information Technology IT-101 IT Orientation $10 lab fee IT 101-HYB1 IT Orientation Online coursework required IT-106 Mathematics for Computers Prerequisite: MATH 090 with min grade of C or qualifying score on Math placement test d IT 106-LS IT-140 Introduction to Operating Systems Prerequisite: Placement into ENG 099 or higher; ITAPP 101 with a grade of C or better recommended Math for Computers 3 $10 lab fee IT 140-IN $20 Internet course fee. See WebAdvisor for schedule. IT 140-HYB Online coursework required Intro to Operating Systems Intro to Operating Systems 06:00pm-09:50pm M 02/13 05/19 L105 Donovan 3 01/17 05/19 Online Dennis 3 01/17 05/19 3195 Dennis 09:30am-10:45am T IT-201 Systems Design and Development Prerequisite: Placement into ENG 099 or higher; ITAPP 101 with a grade of C or better recommended $10 lab fee IT 201-IN $20 Internet course fee. See WebAdvisor for schedule. System Des & Dev 3 01/17 05/19 Online Dennis ! LC 8 Online i 8-Week d 12-Week g 14-Week z Honors 33 IT-295 IT Portfolio Seminar Prerequisite: Take 12 credits IT courses with a C or better and instructor consent IT 295-HYB Online coursework require IT Portfolio Seminar 2 09:00am-12:40pm M 01/23 05/19 3195 Termunde IT-Applications ITAPP-101 Introduction to Computers (IAI: BUS902) Prerequisite: Placement into ENG 099 or higher; ITOFS 100 Keyboarding recommended $10 lab fee ITAPP 101-IN1 $20 Internet course fee. See WebAdvisor for schedule. ITAPP 101-IN2 $20 Internet course fee. See WebAdvisor for schedule. ITAPP 101-01 ITAPP 101-02 d d Intro to Computers 3 01/17 05/19 Online Dennis 3 01/17 05/19 Online Dennis Intro to Computers 3 08:00am-09:15am TTH 01/17 05/19 3160 Bell Intro to Computers 3 09:30am-10:45am MW 01/18 05/19 3160 Washington ITAPP 101-03 Intro to Computers 3 12:30pm-01:45pm MW 01/18 05/19 3160 Washington ITAPP 101-04 Intro to Computers 3 12:30pm-01:45pm TTH 01/17 05/19 3245 Manuel ITAPP 101-LS1 Intro to Computers 3 10:00am-11:50am TTH 02/14 05/19 3245 Staff ITAPP 101-LS2 Intro to Computers 3 06:00pm-09:50pm W 02/15 05/19 3160 Willis Intro to Computers ITAPP-125 Spreadsheet Applications - Level 1 Prerequisite: Placement into ENG 099 or higher; ITOFS 100 Keyboarding recommended $10 lab fee ITAPP 125-IN $20 Internet course fee EXCEL 2013 Spreadsheet Apps - Level 1 3 01/17 05/19 Online Amponsah ITAPP-128 Database Applications - Level 1 Prerequisite: Placement into ENG 099 or higher; ITOFS 100 Keyboarding recommended $10 lab fee ITAPP 128-IN $20 Internet course fee Database Applications--Level 1 3 01/17 05/19 Online Donovan IT-Networking ITNET-160 Computer Repair Prerequisite: Placement into ENG 099 or higher; IT 140 with a grade of C or better recommended $10 lab fee d ITNET 160-LS Computer Repair 4 06:00pm-09:40pm MW 02/13 05/19 L112 Spruiell ITNET-250 Introduction to Lan Administration Prerequisite: Placement into ENG 099 or higher; IT 140 with a grade of C or better recommended $10 lab fee ITNET 250-01 Intro to Lan Administration 3 06:00pm-09:40pm T 01/17 05/19 L105 Donovan ITNET-260 Network Security Fundamentals Prerequisite: Placement into ENG 099 or higher; ITNET 165 with a grade of C or better or Network+ certification recommended $10 lab fee ITNET 260-01 ITNET-299 Internship Prerequisite: 12 credit hours in IT and consent of instructor ITNET 299-01 Network Security Fundamentals Internship 3 06:00pm-09:40pm TH 2 01/19 05/19 L105 01/17 05/19 Payne Dennis IT-Programming ITPRG-103 Introduction to Programming Logic Prerequisite: Placement into ENG 099 or higher; IT 140 with a grade of C or better recommended $10 lab fee ITPRG 103-01 Intro to Programming Logic 3 06:00pm-09:40pm T 01/17 05/19 3195 Newgard ITPRG-147 Java Programming I (IAI: CS911) Prerequisite: Placement into ENG 099 or higher; ITPRG 103 and IT 140 with a grade of C or better equivalent recommended $10 lab fee ITPRG 147-01 Java Programming I 3 06:00pm-09:40pm TH ITPRG-173 Digital Storytelling Prerequisite: Placement into ENG 101 or higher $10 lab fee ITPRG 173-IN $20 Internet course fee 34 Digital Storytelling 3 01/19 05/19 3195 Dicosmo 01/17 05/19 Online Donovan Check WebAdvisor for up-to-date course information: ITPRG-244 C++ Programming II (IAI: CS912) Prerequisite: Placement into ENG 099 or higher ITPRG 144 with a grade of C or better recommended $10 lab fee ITPRG 244-01 ITPRG-299 Internship Prerequisite: Consent of instructor; 12 credit hours in IT courses successfully completed with a C or better ITPRG 299-01 C++ Programming II 3 Internship 06:00pm-09:40pm W 01/18 05/19 2 3195 01/17 05/19 Manuel Dennis IT-Web Development ITWEB-299 Internship Prerequisite: Consent of Instructor; 12 credit hours in IT courses successfully completed with a C or better ITWEB 299-01 Internship 2 01/17 05/19 Dennis Journalism JRNLM-101 Introduction to Journalism (IAI: MC919) Prerequisite: ENG 101 with min grade of C JRNLM 101-01 Intro/Journalism 3 09:30am-10:45am TTH 01/17 05/19 3186 Staff 2612 Green Learning Communities COMM-101 Principles of Communication (IAI: C2900) Prerequisite: Placement into ENG 099 or higher COMM 101-LC1 Prin Communication 3 09:30am-10:45am MW 01/18 05/19 LC Dual Enrollment required with ENG 101-LC1 ENG-101 Composition I (IAI: C1900) Prerequisite: ENG 099 with a grade of C or better; or qualifying score on the English placement test ENG 101-LC1 Composition I 3 11:00am-12:15pm LC Dual Enrollment required with COMM 101-LC1 MATH-099 Essentials of Numeracy and Algebra MATH 099-LCP1 Essentials/Numeracy & Algebra 1 11:30am-12:20pm MW 01/18 05/19 3170 Dolph W 01/18 05/19 2608 Sims LC Dual Enrollment required with MATH 115-LCP1 MATH-115 General Education Statistics (IAI: M1902) Prerequisite:This section has a prerequisite of a C or better in high school algebra 2 and placement into Math 095 on the Math Placement Test. See your advisor/counselor for more information and to receive permission to register. MATH 115-LCP1 General Education Statistics 3 10:00am-11:15am MW 01/18 05/19 2608 Sims LC Dual Enrollment required with MATH 099-LCP1 Manufacturing Technology MT-101 Mach Basics:Measure/Mat/Safety $60 lab fee MT 101-01 Mach Basics:Measure/Mat/Safet 3 09:00am-12:40pm W 01/18 05/19 T191 Wolfe MT 101-02 Mach Basics:Measure/Mat/Safet 3 06:00pm-09:40pm TH 01/19 05/19 T110 Staton MT-102 Machining Job Planning/Benchwork/Layout Prerequisite: MT 101with a C or better $60 lab fee MT 102-01 Mach Job Plan/Benchwrk/Layout 3 09:00am-12:40pm W 01/18 05/19 T191 Wolfe MT 102-02 Mach Job Plan/Benchwrk/Layout 3 06:00pm-09:40pm T 01/17 05/19 T110 Staton MT-105 Metalworking Processes III Prerequisite: MT 102 $60 lab fee MT 105-01 T 01/17 05/19 T110 Staton W 01/18 05/19 T110 Wright W 01/18 05/19 T110 Wright W 01/18 05/19 3210 Wolfe d 12-Week g 14-Week Metalworking Proc III 3 06:00pm-09:40pm MT-210 CNC Milling Level I Prerequisite: MT 102 $60 lab fee MT 210-01 CNC Milling Level I 3 06:00pm-09:40pm MT-211 CNC Turning Level I Prerequisite: MT 210 $60 lab fee MT 211-01 CNC Turning Level I 3 06:00pm-09:40pm MT-214 CAD/CAM Systems Prerequisite: MT 210; CADMD 243 is recommended $60 lab fee MT 214-01 ! LC CAD/CAM Systems 8 Online 3 06:00pm-09:40pm i 8-Week z Honors 35 Mathematics MATH 085 is designed for those whose assessment scores indicate a need for assistance in mathematics and for those who feel they need intensive help in this area. Assessment scores are required. Check with Counseling and Advising Center for the testing schedule. MATH-085 Computational Skills II Prerequisite: MATH 080 with min grade C or better or qualifying score on the math placement test MATH 085-01 Computational Skills II 4 08:30am-10:10am MW 01/18 05/19 3290 Staff MATH 085-02 Computational Skills II 4 10:30am-12:10pm MW 01/18 05/19 3285 Staff MATH 085-03 Computational Skills II 4 12:30pm-02:10pm MW 01/18 05/19 3285 Ecsi MATH 085-04 Computational Skills II 4 05:00pm-06:40pm MW 01/18 05/19 3235 Staff MATH 085-05 Computational Skills II 4 07:00pm-08:40pm MW 01/18 05/19 3235 Staff MATH 085-06 Computational Skills II 4 11:00am-12:40pm TTH 01/17 05/19 3235 Staff MATH 085-07 Computational Skills II 4 12:30pm-02:10pm TTH 01/17 05/19 3285 Staff MATH 085-08 Computational Skills II 4 02:30pm-04:10pm TTH 01/17 05/19 3285 Ecsi MATH-090 Elementary Algebra Prerequisite: MATH 085 with min grade C or better or qualifying score on the math placement test. All sections use Hawkes Learning Software.. Computer homework is required. $5 lab fee MATH 090-01 Elementary Algebra 4 10:00am-12:15pm MW 01/18 05/19 3235 E-Spencer MATH 090-02 Elementary Algebra 4 04:00pm-06:15pm MW 01/18 05/19 4225 Staff MATH 090-03 Elementary Algebra 4 07:00pm-09:15pm MW 01/18 05/19 4225 Staff MATH 090-04 Elementary Algebra 4 08:30am-10:45am TTH 01/17 05/19 3235 Staff MATH 090-05 Elementary Algebra 4 10:00am-12:15pm TTH 01/17 05/19 4225 E-Spencer MATH 090-06 Elementary Algebra 4 12:30pm-02:45pm TTH 01/17 05/19 4225 Staff MATH-091 Mathematical Literacy Prerequisite: MATH-085 with minimum grade of C or better or qualifying score on the math placement test $5 lab fee MATH 091-01 Mathematical Literacy 6 08:30am-09:45am MTWTH 01/17 05/19 2608 Sims MATH 091-02 Mathematical Literacy 6 01:00pm-02:15pm MTWTH 01/17 05/19 2608 Marks MATH-095 Intermediate Algebra Prerequisite: MATH 090 with a C grade or better or qualifying score on the math placement test. All sections use Hawkes Learning Software. Computer homework is required. $5 lab fee MATH 095-01 Intermediate Algebra 4 08:30am-10:10am MW 01/18 05/19 4225 Staff MATH 095-02 Intermediate Algebra 4 10:30am-12:10pm MW 01/18 05/19 4225 Ecsi MATH 095-03 Intermediate Algebra 4 12:30pm-02:10pm MW 01/18 05/19 3290 Stamps MATH 095-04 Intermediate Algebra 4 12:30pm-02:10pm MW 01/18 05/19 4225 E-Spencer MATH 095-05 Intermediate Algebra 4 08:00am-09:40am TTH 01/17 05/19 4225 E-Spencer MATH 095-06 Intermediate Algebra 4 10:30am-12:10pm TTH 01/17 05/19 3290 Marks MATH 095-07 Intermediate Algebra 4 12:30pm-02:10pm TTH 01/17 05/19 3290 Ecsi MATH 095-08 Intermediate Algebra 4 01:00pm-02:40pm TTH 01/17 05/19 3235 Staff MATH 095-09 Intermediate Algebra 4 05:00pm-06:40pm TTH 01/17 05/19 3290 Staff MATH 095-10 Intermediate Algebra 4 07:00pm-08:40pm TTH 01/17 05/19 3290 Garant MATH-096 Geometry Prerequisite: MATH 090 with a grade of C or better or qualifying score on the Math placement test MATH 096-01 MATH-099 Essentials of Numeracy and Algebra MATH 099-LCP1 Geometry Essentials/Numeracy & Algebra 3 1 01:00pm-02:15pm 11:30am-12:20pm MW 01/18 05/19 2625 Kifowit W 01/18 05/19 2608 Sims LC Dual Enrollment required with MATH 115 LCP1 MATH-112 General Education Mathematics (IAI: M1904) Prerequisite: MATH 091 or MATH 095 with at least a C; or a qualifying score on the Math Placement test. MATH 112-01 General Education Mathematics 3 08:30am-09:45am MW 01/18 05/19 2625 Kifowit MATH 112-02 General Education Mathematics 3 02:30pm-03:45pm TTH 01/17 05/19 4270 Staff 36 Check WebAdvisor for up-to-date course information: MATH-115 General Education Statistics (IAI: M1902) Prerequisite: MATH 091 or MATH 095 with at least a C; or a qualifying score on the Math Placement test. g8 MATH 115-INFX General Education Statistics 3 01/30 05/19 Online Garant General Education Statistics 3 10:00am-11:15am MW 01/18 05/19 2608 Sims General Education Statistics 3 10:30am-11:45am TTH 01/17 05/19 2608 Staff General Education Statistics 3 07:00pm-09:45pm TH 01/19 05/19 2608 Staff $20 Internet course fee MATH 115-01 MATH 115-02 MATH 115-03 Prerequisite: The section below has a prerequisite of a C or better in high school Algebra 2 and placement into Math 095 on the Math Placement test. See your counselor/advisor for more information and to receive permission to register. MATH 115-LCP1 General Education Statistics 3 10:00am-11:15am MW 01/18 05/19 2608 Sims LC Dual Enrollment required with MATH 099-LCP1 MATH-151 College Algebra Prerequisite: MATH 095 and 096 with at least a C or MATH 095 and one year high school geometry both with at least a C; or a qualifying score on the math placement test. All sections use Hawkes Learning Software. Computer homework is required. $5 lab fee g8 MATH 151-INFX College Algebra 4 01/30 05/19 Online Garant College Algebra 4 10:30am-12:10pm MW 01/18 05/19 3290 Stamps MATH 151-02 College Algebra 4 08:30am-10:10am TTH 01/17 05/19 3290 McGathey MATH 151-03 College Algebra 4 02:30pm-04:10pm TTH 01/17 05/19 3290 McGathey MATH 151-04 College Algebra 4 07:00pm-08:40pm MW 01/18 05/19 3290 Garant MATH-153 Probability and Statistics (IAI: M1902) Prerequisite: MATH 151 with a grade of C or better or qualifying score on math placement test $20 Internet course fee MATH 153-01 MATH 153-02 $20 Internet course fee MATH 151-01 g 8 MATH 153-INFX Probability and Statistics 4 01/30 05/19 Online Garant Probability and Statistics 4 08:00am-08:50am MTWTH 01/17 05/19 4270 Staff Probability and Statistics 4 10:00am-11:40am TTH 01/17 05/19 4270 Kifowit MATH-157 Calculus for Business & Social Science (IAI: M1900B) Prerequisite: MATH 151 with a grade of C or better or qualifying score on Math Placement test MATH 157-01 MATH-165 Pre-Calculus Prerequisite: MATH 151 with a grade of C or better or qualifying score on math placement test MATH 165-01 Pre-Calculus 5 09:30am-11:45am TTH 01/17 05/19 2625 Stamps MATH 165-02 Pre-Calculus 5 07:00pm-09:15pm TTH 01/17 05/19 4270 Staff Calculus/Business & Soc Sci 4 12:30pm-02:10pm MW 01/18 05/19 3235 Staff MATH-171 Calculus With Analytic Geometry I (IAI: M19001 MTH901) Prerequisite: MATH 165 with a grade of C or better or qualifying score on the Math Placement test MATH 171-01 12:30pm-01:20pm MW 01/18 05/19 4270 Calculus/Analytic Geometry I 12:30pm-01:45pm TTH 01/1705/19 4270 McGathey MATH 171-02 07:00pm-09:15pm TTH 01/17 05/19 2625 Staff MATH-172 Calculus With Analytic Geometry II (IAI: M19002 MTH902) Prerequisite: MATH 171 with a grade of C or better MATH 172-01 Calculus/Analytic Geometry I Calculus/Analytic Geometry II 5 5 5 09:00am-10:15am MW 01/18 05/19 4270 09:00am-09:50am TTH 01/1705/19 4270 MATH-173 Calculus With Analytic Geometry III (IAI: MTH903 M19003) Prerequisite: MATH 172 with a grade of C or better MATH 173-01 Calculus/Analytic Geometry III 5 12:00pm-12:50pm MW 01/18 05/19 2625 12:00pm-01:15pm TTH 01/1705/19 2625 Marks Kifowit MATH-200 Math for Elementary Teaching I Prerequisite: MATH 095 and 096 both with a grade of C or better; or Math 095 and one year high school geometry both with a grade of C or better; or a qualifying score on the Math placement test. MATH 200-01 MATH-206 Math for Elementary Teaching II (IAI: M1903) Prerequisite: MATH 200 with a grade of C or better MATH 206-01 ! LC Math/Elementary Teaching I Math/Elementary Teaching II 8 Online 4 4 05:00pm-06:40pm 10:00am-11:40am i 8-Week MW MW d 12-Week 01/18 05/19 01/18 05/19 g 14-Week 2625 2625 Staff McGathey z Honors 37 Mathematics for Industrial Technology AMATH-112 Applied Math for the Skilled Trades Prerequisite: Placement into MATH 085 or higher AMATH 112-01 Applied Math/Skilled Trades 4 06:00pm-09:40pm M 01/23 05/19 2501 Winters AMATH 112-02 Applied Math/Skilled Trades 4 09:00am-12:40pm TH 01/19 05/19 T192 Winters 2 06:00pm-09:40pm T 01/17 03/10 T192 Wolfe T 03/21 05/19 T192 Wolfe Millwright MILL-106 Power Train Elements $20 lab fee i MILL 106-F1 MILL-107 Machine Vibration Analysis I $20 lab fee i MILL 107-S1 Power Train Elements Machine Vib Analysis I 2 06:00pm-09:40pm Music MUSIC-100 Fundamentals of Music Theory Prerequisite: Placement into ENG 099 or higher MUSIC 100-01 MUSIC-101 Musicianship I Prerequisite: MUSIC 100 or equivalent MUSIC 101-01 MUSIC-110 Concert Choir MUSIC 110-IS Audition required phone (708) 709-3742 MUSIC-120 Wind Ensemble Prerequisite: Consent of instructor MUSIC 120-01 MUSIC-125 Latin Music Ensemble d MUSIC 125-LS MUSIC-130 Music Appreciation (IAI: F1900) Prerequisite: Placement into ENG 099 or higher Fund/Music Theory Musicianship I Concert Choir Wind Ensemble Latin Music Ensemble MUSIC 130-IN1 $20 Internet course fee Music Appreciation 3 09:30am-10:45am MW 01/18 05/19 3280 Nicholson 3280 Nicholson 4 12:30pm-02:10pm MW 01/18 05/19 1 07:00pm-09:50pm T 01/17 05/19 Ziegler 1 06:30pm-09:10pm M 01/23 05/19 K105 Staff 1 10:00am-12:50pm S 02/11 05/19 K105 Alvarez 3 01/17 05/19 Online Nicholson 3 01/17 05/19 Online Staff Staff MUSIC 130-IN2 $20 Internet course fee MUSIC 130-01 Music Appreciation 3 11:00am-12:15pm MW 01/18 05/19 3275 MUSIC 130-02 Music Appreciation 3 09:30am-10:45am TTH 01/17 05/19 3275 Staff g d MUSIC 130-FX Music Appreciation 3 12:30pm-01:55pm MW 01/30 05/19 3275 Staff MUSIC 130-LS Music Appreciation 3 09:00am-10:50am MW 02/13 05/19 3275 Staff MUSIC-132 American Music (IAI: F1904) Prerequisite: Placement into ENG 099 or higher MUSIC 132-01 American Music 3 11:00am-12:15pm TTH 01/17 05/19 3275 Staff d MUSIC 132-LS1 American Music 3 12:30pm-02:20pm TTH 02/14 05/19 3275 Staff MUSIC-152 Jazz Ensemble I Prerequisite: Consent of instructor MUSIC 152-01 07:00pm-09:40pm T 01/17 05/19 K105 Vinyard MUSIC-153 Jazz Ensemble II Prerequisite: MUSIC 152 MUSIC 153-01 1 07:00pm-09:40pm T 01/17 05/19 K105 Staff MUSIC-162 Jazz Choir I MUSIC 162-01 1 06:30pm-09:10pm M 01/23 05/19 3275 Elliott Bell Music Appreciation Jazz Ensemble I Jazz Ensemble II Jazz Choir I 1 38 Check WebAdvisor for up-to-date course information: MUSIC-163 Jazz Choir II MUSIC 163-01 MUSIC-171 Fundamentals of Music Production Prerequisite: Placement into ENG 099 or higher MUSIC 171-01 Fund of Music Production 2 11:00am-12:15pm MW g MUSIC 171-FX Fund of Music Production 2 09:30am-10:55am Jazz Choir II 1 06:30pm-09:10pm MUSIC-172 Music in Film and Television Prerequisite: MUSIC 130 or 132 MUSIC 172-01 Music in Film and Television 3 04:00pm-06:50pm M 01/23 05/19 3275 Staff 01/18 05/19 3280 Pierre TTH 01/31 05/19 3280 Pierre W 01/18 05/19 3280 Staff MUSIC-174 Computer Assisted Music Production Prerequisite: Placement into ENG 099 or higher MUSIC 171 g MUSIC 174-FX Computer Assisted Music Produc 4 11:00am-12:50pm TTH MUSIC-176 Sound Recording Techniques Prerequisite: PHYSI 101 MUSIC 171 $30 lab fee MUSIC 176-01 MUSIC-201 Musicianship III Prerequisite: MUSIC 102 MUSIC 201-IS MUSIC-202 Musicianship IV Prerequisite: MUSIC 201 MUSIC 202-IS MUSIC-252 Jazz Ensemble III Prerequisite: Consent of instructor MUSIC 252-01 Sound Recording Techniques Musicianship III 3 4 Musicianship IV M 01/23 05/19 K105 Pierre 02:00pm-03:40pm TTH 01/17 05/19 3280 Nicholson 1 07:00pm-09:40pm MUSIC-253 Jazz Ensemble IV Prerequisite: Consent of instructor MUSIC 253-01 MUSIC-262 Jazz Choir III MUSIC 262-01 Jazz Ensemble IV Jazz Choir III MUSIC-263 Jazz Choir IV MUSIC 263-01 Pierre 01:00pm-04:10pm 3280 4 Jazz Ensemble III 01/31 05/19 Jazz Choir IV T 01/17 05/19 K105 Staff 1 07:00pm-09:40pm T 01/17 05/19 K105 Staff 1 06:30pm-09:10pm M 01/17 05/19 3275 Staff 1 06:30pm-09:10pm M 01/23 05/19 3275 Staff TTH 01/17 05/19 3280 Pierre MUSIC-274 Digital Composition for Video Prerequisite: MUSIC 174 MUSIC 274-01 MUSIC-299 Music Production Internship Prerequisite: Consent of instructor MUSIC 299-IS Digital Composition for Video Music Production Internship Nicholson 4 04:00pm-05:40pm 2 Staff 1 06:30pm-09:10pm M 01/30 05/08 K105 Staff 1 07:00pm-09:40pm T 01/31 05/09 K105 Vinyard 1 06:30pm-09:10pm M 01/30 05/08 3275 Staff 1 10:00am-12:50pm S 02/12 05/13 K105 Staff Non-Credit Music GSMUS-001 Wind Ensemble GSMUS 001-PS GSMUS-005 Jazz Ensemble GSMUS 005-PS Wind Ensemble Jazz Ensemble GSMUS-010 Jazz Choir GSMUS 010-PS Jazz Choir GSMUS-014 Latin Music Ensemble GSMUS 014-PS ! LC Latin Music Ensemble 8 Online i 8-Week d 12-Week g 14-Week z Honors 39 Private Music Lessons Instructor or department consent required. For Music Majors Private Applied Music I-IV For Music Minors Private Lessons I - IV Private instruction in voice or an instrument, emphasizing techniques, performance, and pedagogical fundamentals in an area of performance concentration. Meets weekly for 15 one-hour lessons. Schedule to be arranged with instructor. Required each semester for music majors. Must be concurrently registered in MUSIC 100,101,102,201,or 202.Lab fee: $440. Private instruction in voice or an instrument for students who are music minors. Meets weekly for 15 half-hour lessons emphasizing technique, reading skills, and repertoire. Schedule to be arranged with instructor.Lab fee: $220. MUSIC 191 (select section letter from below) Private Applied Music I (IAI: MUS 909) Prerequisite: None 2 credit hours (repeatable 3 times) MUSIC 181 (select section letter from below) Private Lessons I Prerequisite: None 1 credit hour (repeatable 3 times) MUSIC 192 (select section letter from below) Private Applied Music II (IAI: MUS 909) Prerequisite: MUSIC 191 2 credit hours (repeatable 3 times) MUSIC 182 (select section letter from below) Private Lessons II Prerequisite: MUSIC 181 1 credit hour (repeatable 3 times) MUSIC 281, 282, 291, 292 available through arrangement with department coordinator Valerie Nicholson at [email protected]. Section Designations for Private Music Lessons Each course has a section number and letter. Select the section letter for any course above from the following list. Instructor in parentheses. A. Voice (Lisa Kristina) B. Voice (Patricia Windt) C. Voice (Mark Downey) D. Piano (Patricia Windt) E. Piano (Staff) F. Bass (Michael Manson) G. Guitar (Scott Reed) H. Percussion (Glenn Ellison) I. Woodwind (Eugene Vinyard) J. Brass (Staff) K. Strings (Staff) L. Organ (Staff) M. Live Mixing (Staff) Nursing Assistant Payment required at time of registration. Financial aid recipients should check with the Financial Aid Office prior to enrolling in NURS 100. Some financial aid programs will not pay for this course. Placement reading score of 60 or above required to register. Students enrolled in NURS 100 are required to have a background check, physical examination, drug screen, proof of immunizations, and a 2-step TB test prior to entering the clinical facility. NURS-100 Nurse Assistant Training Prerequisite: COMPASS reading score of 60 or above Students required to have background check drug screen proof of immunizations and 2-step TB test prior to entering the clinical facility. $40 lab fee i NURS 100-F1 Nurse Assist Train 7 05:45pm-10:00pm MWTH 01/18 03/10 4220 07:00am-02:45pm F 01/2003/10 OTH i 05:45pm-10:00pm MWTH 01/18 03/10 4220 07:00am-02:45pm S 01/2103/10 OTH i 4220 NURS 100-F2 NURS 100-F3 Nurse Assist Train 08:00am-02:45pm TTH 01/17 03/10 07:00am-02:45pm F 01/2003/10 OTH i 08:00am-02:45pm TTH 01/17 03/10 4220 07:00am-02:45pm S 01/2103/10 OTH i 4220 NURS 100-F4 NURS 100-S1 Nurse Assist Train 7 Nurse Assist Train 7 08:00am-02:45pm TTH 03/21 05/19 07:00am-02:45pm F 03/2405/19 OTH i 08:00am-02:45pm TTH 03/21 05/19 4220 NURS 100-S2 Nurse Assist Train 7 Nurse Assist Train 7 7 07:00am-02:45pm S 03/2505/19 OTH i 05:45pm-10:00pm MWTH 03/20 05/19 4220 07:00am-02:45pm F 03/2405/19 OTH i 05:45pm-10:00pm MWTH 03/20 05/19 4220 07:00am-02:45pm S 03/2505/19 OTH NURS 100-S3 NURS 100-S4 Nurse Assist Train Nurse Assist Train 7 7 40 Staff Staff Staff Staff Staff Staff Staff Staff Check WebAdvisor for up-to-date course information: Nursing Registration for nursing classes other than NURS 100 is limited to students officially admitted to the PSC program. NURS-102 Acute Care Needs Prerequisite: Acceptance into nursing program $95 lab fee $600 health course fee NURS 102-01 10:00am-11:50am MT 01/17 05/19 4105 08:00am-08:50am M 01/2305/19 4240 12:00pm-01:50pm M 01/2305/19 4245 01/1705/19 HOSP NURS 102-02 Acute Care Needs 10:00am-11:50am MT 01/17 05/19 4105 08:00am-08:50am T 01/1705/19 4240 12:00pm-01:50pm T 01/1705/19 4245 01/1705/19 HOSP NURS 102-03 Acute Care Needs 8 Acute Care Needs 8 10:00am-11:50am MT 01/17 05/19 4105 8 09:00am-09:50am M 01/2305/19 4240 02:00pm-03:50pm M 01/2305/19 4245 01/1705/19 HOSP 10:00am-11:50am MT 01/17 05/19 4105 09:00am-09:50am T 01/1705/19 4240 02:00pm-03:50pm T 01/1705/19 4245 01/1705/19 HOSP NURS 102-04 Acute Care Needs 8 NURS-202 Advance Care Needs Prerequisite: Acceptance into the nursing program $95 lab fee $825 health course fee NURS 202-01 Advanced Care Needs 11 12:00pm-02:50pm MT 01/17 05/19 4105 08:00am-09:50am M 01/2305/19 4245 01/1705/19 HOSP NURS 202-02 Advanced Care Needs 11 12:00pm-02:50pm MT 01/17 05/19 4105 10:00am-11:50am M 01/2305/19 4245 01/1705/19 HOSP NURS 202-03 Advanced Care Needs 11 12:00pm-02:50pm MT 01/17 05/19 4105 08:00am-09:50am T 01/1705/19 4245 01/1705/19 HOSP NURS 202-04 Advanced Care Needs 11 12:00pm-02:50pm MT 01/17 05/19 4105 10:00am-11:50am T 01/1705/19 4245 01/1705/19 HOSP NURS-211 Preparation for Professional Nursing Prerequisite: Acceptance into nursing program $150 health course fee NURS 211-IN01 $20 Internet course fee NURS 211-IN02 $20 Internet course fee Prep/Professional Nursing Prep/Professional Nursing Eberhardt Eberhardt Eberhardt Eberhardt Grady Grady Grady Grady 2 01/17 05/19 Online Green 2 01/17 05/19 Online Schwartz Philosophy PHILO-101 Introduction to Philosophy (IAI: H4900) Prerequisite: Placement into ENG 099 or higher PHILO 101-H1 Intro/Philosophy 3 09:30am-10:45am MW 01/18 05/19 2616 Streeter PHILO 101-01 Intro/Philosophy 3 08:00am-09:15am TTH 01/18 05/19 2409 Hammond PHILO 101-02 Intro/Philosophy 3 11:00am-12:15pm TTH 01/17 05/19 2503 Hammond g PHILO 101-FX Intro/Philosophy 3 11:00am-12:25pm MW 01/30 05/19 2409 Streeter PHILO-202 Ethics (IAI: H4904) Prerequisite: Placement into ENG 099 or higher PHILO 202-01 Ethics 3 08:00am-09:15am MW 01/18 05/19 2409 Staff PHILO 202-02 Ethics 3 09:30am-10:45am TTH 01/17 05/19 2604 Streeter PHILO 202-03 Ethics 3 11:00am-12:15pm TTH 01/17 05/19 2409 Streeter g PHILO 202-FX Ethics 3 12:30pm-01:55pm MW 01/30 05/19 2409 Staff ! LC 8 Online i 8-Week d 12-Week g 14-Week z Honors 41 PHILO-203 Introduction to Logic (IAI: H4906) Prerequisite: Placement into ENG 099 or higher PHILO 203-IN1 Intro to Logic 3 01/17 05/19 Online Hammond 3 01/30 05/19 Online Hammond 3 01/18 05/19 2503 Hammond 01/18 05/19 4120 Slagle 02/13 05/19 4120 Slagle 02/14 05/19 4120 Slagle $20 Internet course fee g8 PHILO 203-FXIN Intro to Logic $20 Internet course fee PHILO 203-HYB Intro to Logic 05:30pm-06:45pm W Photography PHOTO-171 Introduction to Photography Prerequisite: Placement into ENG 099 or higher $40 lab fee PHOTO 171-01 PHOTO-180 Digital Imaging Prerequisite: Placement into Eng 099 or higher $40 lab fee d PHOTO 180-LS Introduction to Photography Digital Imaging 3 3 09:30am-12:20pm 04:00pm-06:50pm MW MW PHOTO-283 Portraiture Prerequisite: PHOTO 175 or consent of instructor $40 lab fee PHOTO 283-IS Portraiture 3 01:00pm-03:50pm TTH PHOTO-285 Digital Color Production Prerequisite: Take 6 credits in photography or instuctor consent $40 lab fee PHOTO 285-IS PHOTO-286 Independent Photo Project Prerequisite: Take 12 credit hours in photography or instructor cosent $40 lab fee PHOTO 286-IS Digital Color Production Independent Photo Project 3 01/17 05/19 3 Slagle 02/14 05/19 4120 Staff 02/20 05/19 4120 Slagle 01/17 05/19 4145 Staff PHOTO-291 Survey of Contemporary Photography Prerequisite: Placement into ENG 099 or higher PHOTO 291-LS PHOTO-293 Advanced Portraiture Prerequisite: PHOTO 283 PHOTO 285 $40 lab fee PHOTO 293-LSIS Advanced Portraiture 3 09:00am-11:50am T 3 PHOTO-297 Professional Portfolio Prerequisite: PHOTO 275 and 285 or consent of instructor $40 lab fee PHOTO 297-01 Professional Portfolio 3 12:00pm-01:50pm W Slagle 4120 Survey Contemporary Photo 4120 Physical Education PE-101 Physical Fitness I $20 lab fee PE 101-01 Physical Fitness I* 1 01/17 05/19 T130 Kraay d PE 101-LS Physical Fitness I* 1 02/10 05/19 T130 Kraay *Face to face orientation required. Call (708) 709-3779 for an appointment. PE 101 cannot be retaken unless 102, 103,and 104 have been completed. PE-102 Physical Fitness II Prerequisite: PE 101 $20 lab fee PE 102-01 Physical Fitness II 1 01/17 05/19 T130 Kraay 01/17 05/19 T130 Kraay 1 01/17 05/19 T130 Kraay 1 12:00pm-12:50pm MW 01/18 05/19 T130 Ruschak 1 09:00am-09:50am TTH 01/17 05/19 T130 Lifschultz 1 06:00pm-06:50pm TTH 01/17 05/19 T130 Lindsay PE-103 Physical Fitness III Prerequisite: PE 102 $20 lab fee PE 103-01 Physical Fitnes III 1 PE-104 Physical Fitness IV Prerequisite: PE 103 $20 lab fee PE 104-01 Physical Fitness IV PE-105 Aerobics I $20 lab fee PE 105-01 Aerobics I Pilates/Walking PE 105-02 Aerobics I Yoga/Walking Aerobics I PE 105-03 42 Yoga/Walking Check WebAdvisor for up-to-date course information: PE-106 Aerobics II $20 lab fee PE 106-01 Aerobics II 01:00pm-01:50pm MW 01/18 05/19 T130 Flores 1 07:00am-07:50am MW 01/18 05/19 FH POOL Flores 1 06:00pm-06:50pm MW 01/18 05/19 FH POOL Hightower 1 06:15am-07:05am MW 01/18 05/19 T130 Kraay 1 08:00pm-08:50pm TTH 01/17 05/19 T130 Kraay 1 11:20am-12:30pm TTH 02/14 05/19 T130 Hightower 1 09:00am-10:50am TTH 01/17 03/10 HWFH Boyd 1 02:00pm-03:50pm MW 03/20 05/19 T130 Kraay 1 10:00am-11:50am MW 03/20 05/19 T130 Campea 1 01:30pm-02:30pm TTH 01/17 02/02 ATOC132 Staff Staff Kickboxing PE-107 Aerobics III $20 lab fee PE 107-01 1 Aerobics III Aqua aerobics PE 107-02 Aerobics III Aqua aerobics PE-108 Aerobics IV $20 lab fee PE 108-01 Aerobics IV Indoor cycling Aerobics IV PE 108-02 Indoor cycling d Aerobics IV PE 108-LS Boot camp aerobics PE-151 Basketball $20 lab fee i PE 151-F1 PE-162 Volleyball $20 lab fee i PE 162-S1 PE-163 Golf $20 lab fee i PE 163-S1 Basketball Volleyball Golf Non-Credit Physical Education PISPF-016 Spanish Aerobics i PISPF 016-S1 This course is in Spanish. Spanish Aerobics PISPF-017 Movement for Strength Arthritis & Pain (IAI: 13) PISPF 017-MC PISPF-099 Fitness Center (IAI: 13) PISPF 099-01 Movement for Strength! Arthrit Sports and Fitness 0 10:00am-11:00am TH 02/16 03/23 MAC108 0 05:30am-08:00pm MTWTH 01/17 05/19 T136 05:30am-05:00pm F 01/1705/19 T136 08:00am-12:00pm S 01/1705/19 T136 Kraay 01/18 05/19 2502 Mears 02/13 05/19 T130 Razo 01/17 05/19 T146 Kraay T146 Samis Physical Education/Exercise Science PES-200 Officiating Sports Prerequisite: Placement into ENG 099 or higher $20 lab fee PES 200-01 Officiating Sports 3 06:30pm-08:20pm W PES-202 Cultural Dance I Prerequisite: Placement into ENG-099 or higher $20 lab fee d PES 202-LS Cultural Dance I 2 06:00pm-07:00pm MW PES-215 Group Fitness Instructor Training Prerequisite: Consent of program coordinator PES 215-01 PES-220 Fitness Assess./Exercise Prog Dsgn I Prerequisite: Consent of program coordinator PES 220-01 ! LC Group Fitness Instruc Training Fitness Assess/Exer.Prog Dsn I 8 Online 3 3 04:00pm-05:50pm 06:00pm-07:50pm i 8-Week TTH TTH d 12-Week 01/17 05/19 g 14-Week z Honors 43 PES-230 Nutrition for Sports and Exercise Prerequisite: Consent of program coordinator PES 230-01 Nutrition for Sports/Exercise 3 05:30pm-06:45pm MW 01/18 05/19 PES-260 Fitness/Exercise Facility Management Prerequisite: Consent of program coordinator PES 260-01 Fitness/Exercise Facility Mgt 3 06:00pm-08:50pm 01/19 05/19 2409 Rodas S 01/21 05/19 T146 Eaheart OTH Kraay PES-265 Physiology of Exercise Prerequisite: Consent of program coordinator PES 265-HYB01 Online coursework required PES-298 Internship Seminar Prerequisite: Consent of program coordinator; concurrent enrollment in PE 299 PES 298-01 Internship Seminar 3 09:00am-11:50am Dowell TH Physiology of Exercise T146 1 01/17 05/19 PES-299 Internship for Personal Trainers Prerequisite: Consent of program coordinator; concurrent enrollement in PE 298 $239 lab fee PES 299-01 Internship/Personal Trainers 3 01/17 05/19 OTH Kraay Physical Science PHYSC-111 Physical Science (IAI: P9900L) Prerequisite: Placement into ENG 099 or higher $30 lab fee PHYSC 111-01 Physical Science 4 08:30am-10:50am TTH 01/17 05/19 3270 Burrough PHYSC 111-02 Physical Science 4 07:00pm-09:30pm TTH 01/17 05/19 3270 Chappelle PHYSC-112 Earth Science (IAI: P1905L) Prerequisite: Placement into ENG 099 or higher $30 lab fee PHYSC 112-01 Earth Science 4 09:30am-11:50am MW 01/18 05/19 3270 Hodur d PHYSC 112-LS1 Earth Science 4 04:00pm-07:00pm MW 02/13 05/19 3270 Chappelle GEOLO-101 Physical Geology (IAI: P1907L) Prerequisite: Placement into ENG 099 or higher $30 lab fee GEOLO 101-01 3270 Burrough GEOLO-201 Earth Science Research Prerequisite: Placement into ENG-099 or higher Completion of at least 1 college level science course. Instructor consent required. GEOLO 201-IS Physical Geology Earth Science Research 4 12:30pm-02:50pm TTH 1 01/17 05/19 01/17 05/19 3270 Burrough Physics PHYSI-101 Conceptual Physics (IAI: P1900L) Prerequisite: Placement into ENG 099 or higher Placement into MATH 090 or higher or Completion of MATH 085 with a C or better $15 lab fee PHYSI 101-01 Conceptual Physics 4 09:00am-11:20am TTH 01/17 05/19 3260 PHYSI 101-02 Conceptual Physics 4 09:00am-11:20am F 01/20 05/19 3260 12:00pm-02:20pm F 01/2005/19 3260 Wang 01/17 05/19 Online Salami PHYSI-105 Physics and Society (IAI: P1901) Prerequisite: Placement into ENG 099 or higher PHYSI 105-IN $20 Internet course fee PHYSI-120 College Physics I (IAI: P1900L) Prerequisite: MATH 151 with a grade of C or better $17 lab fee PHYSI 120-01 Physics and Society College Physics I 3 4 08:30am-10:50am MW 01/18 05/19 3260 Salami MW 01/18 05/19 3260 Tari PHYSI-130 College Physics II Prerequisite: PHYSI 120 $17 lab fee PHYSI 130-01 PHYSI-220 University Physics II (IAI: PHY912) Prerequisite: MATH 172 and PHYSI 210 with a grade of C $18 lab fee PHYSI 220-01 44 College Physics II University Physics II 4 4 06:00pm-08:40pm 06:00pm-08:50pm Wang TTH 01/17 05/19 3260 Salami Check WebAdvisor for up-to-date course information: Political Science i8 i8 i8 POLSC-140 Intro to U.S. Government and Politics (IAI: S5900) Prerequisite: Placement into ENG 099 or higher POLSC 140-INF1 Intro to U.S. Gove 3 01/17 03/10 Online Schott 3 03/20 05/19 Online Schott 3 03/20 05/19 Online Bohm $20 Internet course fee POLSC 140-INS1 Intro to U.S. Gove $20 Internet course fee POLSC 140-INS2 Intro to U.S. Gove $20 Internet course fee g g g POLSC 140-FX Intro to U.S. Gove 3 09:30am-10:55am MW 01/30 05/19 3137 Schott POLSC 140-FX2 Intro to U.S. Gove 3 09:30am-10:55am TTH 01/31 05/19 3137 Schott POLSC 140-FX3 Intro to U.S. Gove 3 12:30pm-01:55pm TTH 01/31 05/19 3137 Schott POLSC-250 Introduction to Political Philosophy Prerequisite: Placement into ENG 099 or higher g POLSC 250-FX 4285 Schott POLSC-260 Model Illinois Government Prerequisite: Placement into ENG 099 or higher POLSC 260-IS Intro to Political Philosophy Model Illinois Government 3 12:30pm-01:55pm MW 2 01/30 05/19 01/17 05/19 Staff Psychology PSYCH-101 Introduction to Psychology (IAI: S6900) Prerequisite: Placement into ENG 099 or higher PSYCH 101-H1 Intro to Psych 3 01/18 05/19 2616 DeSousa PSYCH 101-IN1 Intro to Psych 3 01/17 05/19 Online DeSousa $20 Internet course fee 3 01/17 05/19 Online DeSousa 12:30pm-01:45pm MW PSYCH 101-IN2 $20 Internet course fee PSYCH 101-01 Intro to Psych 3 08:00am-09:15am MW 01/18 05/19 2600 Staff PSYCH 101-02 Intro to Psych 3 09:30am-10:45am MW 01/18 05/19 2600 Staff PSYCH 101-03 Intro to Psych 3 11:00am-12:15pm MW 01/18 05/19 2600 Staff PSYCH 101-04 Intro to Psych 3 08:00am-09:15am TTH 01/17 05/19 2600 Cornejo PSYCH 101-05 Intro to Psych 3 09:30am-10:45am TTH 01/17 05/19 L112 Staff PSYCH 101-06 Intro to Psych 3 11:00am-12:15pm TTH 01/17 05/19 2600 Staff PSYCH 101-07 Intro to Psych 3 12:30pm-01:45pm TTH 01/17 05/19 2600 Cornejo PSYCH 101-09 Intro to Psych 3 07:00pm-09:50pm W 01/18 05/19 2600 Staff g PSYCH 101-FX2 Intro to Psych 3 02:00pm-03:25pm TTH 01/31 05/19 2600 Staff Intro to Psych PSYCH-102 Human Growth and Development:Life-Span (IAI: S6902) Prerequisite: Placement into ENG-099 or higher PSYCH 102-H1 Human Growth and Development 3 PSYCH 102-IN1 Human Growth and Development $20 Internet course fee PSYCH 102-IN2 $20 Internet course fee PSYCH 102-01 PSYCH 102-02 01/18 05/19 2616 Cornejo 3 01/17 05/19 Online Halliburton 3 01/17 05/19 Online Halliburton Human Growth and Development 3 09:30am-10:45am MW 01/18 05/19 2604 Halliburton Human Growth and Development 3 11:00am-12:15pm MW 01/18 05/19 2604 Halliburton PSYCH 102-03 Human Growth and Development 3 09:30am-10:45am TTH 01/17 05/19 4290 Cornejo PSYCH 102-04 Human Growth and Development 3 11:00am-12:15pm TTH 01/17 05/19 2604 Staff PSYCH 102-05 Human Growth and Development 3 08:00am-09:20am TTH 01/17 05/19 2504 Staff g PSYCH 102-FX Human Growth and Development 3 12:30pm-01:55pm MW 01/30 05/19 2604 Halliburton Human Growth and Development 08:00am-09:15am MW PSYCH-203 Abnormal Psychology (IAI: PSY905) Prerequisite: PSYCH 101 PSYCH 203-01 Abnormal Psych 3 09:30am-10:45am MW 01/18 05/19 2604 Cornejo PSYCH 203-02 Abnormal Psych 3 04:00pm-06:50pm T 01/17 05/19 2600 Halliburton MW 01/18 05/19 2600 Cornejo PSYCH-212 Theories of Personality (IAI: PSY907) Prerequisite: PSYCH 101 PSYCH 212-01 ! LC Theories of Personality 8 Online 3 12:30pm-01:45pm i 8-Week d 12-Week g 14-Week z Honors 45 PSYCH-215 Social Psychology (IAI: PSY908 S8900) Prerequisite: PSYCH 101 PSYCH 215-01 Social Psychology 3 09:30am-10:45am TTH 01/17 05/19 2600 DeSousa Reading RDG 098 is a course designed for those whose assessment scores indicate a need for additional work. Students are required to take the placement test and should check with the Counseling and Academic Advising Center for the testing schedule. RDG-098 Foundations of College Reading Prerequisite: Placement into RDG 098 or higher RDG 098-01 Foundations of College Reading 4 10:00am-11:50am MW 01/18 05/19 3185 Staff RDG 098-02 Foundations of College Reading 4 06:00pm-07:50pm TTH 01/17 05/19 3185 Staff d RDG 098-LS Foundations of College Reading 4 09:30am-11:50am TTH 02/14 05/19 2502 Hughes 01/17 05/19 2408 Wilson Social Worker SWK-201 Introduction to Social Work Prerequisite: Placement into ENG 099 or higher SWK 201-01 Intro to Social Work 3 07:00pm-09:50pm T Sociology SOCIO-101 Introduction to Sociology (IAI: S7900) Prerequisite: Placement into ENG 099 or higher g 8 SOCIO 101-INFX1 Introduction to Sociology 3 01/30 05/19 Online Mulling 3 01/30 05/19 Online Mulling $20 Internet course fee g 8 SOCIO 101-INFX2 Introduction to Sociology $20 Internet course fee SOCIO 101-03 Introduction to Sociology 3 08:00am-09:15am TTH 01/17 05/19 2408 Mulling SOCIO 101-04 Introduction to Sociology 3 09:30am-10:45am TTH 01/17 05/19 2408 Mulling SOCIO 101-05 Introduction to Sociology 3 12:30pm-01:45pm TTH 01/17 05/19 2408 De la Fuente SOCIO 101-06 Introduction to Sociology 3 07:00pm-09:50pm W 01/18 05/19 2408 Wilson d SOCIO 101-LS1 Introduction to Sociology 3 05:00pm-06:50pm MW 01/30 05/19 2408 Staff SOCIO-201 Introduction to Social Work Prerequisite: Placement into ENG 099 or higher SOCIO 201-01 01/17 05/19 2408 Wilson Intro to Social Work 3 07:00pm-09:50pm T SOCIO-210 Marriage and the Family (IAI: S7902) Prerequisite: Placement into ENG 099 or higher SOCIO 210-IN $20 Internet course fee SOCIO 210-01 Marriage/Family Marriage/Family 3 01/17 05/19 Online De la Fuente 3 01/17 05/19 2408 De la Fuente 01/18 05/19 2408 De la Fuente 4 01/17 05/19 Online McCann 11:00am-12:15pm TTH SOCIO-215 Sex Gender and Power (IAI: S7904D) Prerequisite: Placement into ENG 099 or higher SOCIO 215-01 Sex! Gender and Power 3 11:00am-12:15pm MW Spanish SPAN-101 Spanish I Prerequisite: Placement into ENG 099 or higher SPAN 101-IN $20 Internet course fee SPAN 101-HYB Spanish I 4 11:00am-12:15pm MW 01/18 05/19 2506 McCann d SPAN 101-LSHY1 Spanish I 4 04:30pm-05:55pm MW 02/13 05/19 2506 Staff SPAN-102 Spanish II Prerequisite: SPAN 101 or 2 years of high school Spanish within the past 5 years; or qualifying score on Spanish placement test; Spanish I or instructor consent SPAN 102-IN $20 Internet course fee SPAN 102-HYB 46 Spanish II Spanish II 4 Online McCann 4 2506 Staff 08:00am-09:15am MW 01/18 05/19 Check WebAdvisor for up-to-date course information: SPAN-202 Spanish IV (IAI: H1900) Prerequisite: SPAN 201 SPAN 202-HYB Spanish IV 4 09:30am-10:45am MW 01/30 05/19 2506 McCann L180 Wedster Surgical Technology SRT-103 Patient Care II Prerequisite: Acceptance into Surgical Technology program $75 health course fee i SRT 103-F1 SRT-130 Surgical Procedures II Prerequisite: Acceptance into Surgical Technology program $70 lab fee $450 health course fee i SRT 130-F1 SRT-132 Applied Surgical Procedures II Prerequisite: Acceptance into Surgical Technology program $150 health course fee i SRT 132-F1 SRT-140 Surgical Procedures III Prerequisite: Acceptance into Surgical Technology program $70 lab fee $450 health course fee i SRT 140-S1 Patient Care II 1 Surg Procedures II 6 Appl Surg Proc II 2 Surg Proc III 6 02:00pm-03:50pm 08:00am-01:50pm 07:00am-03:00pm 08:00am-01:50pm M MT WTHF MT 01/23 03/10 01/17 03/10 01/18 03/10 03/20 05/19 L180 HOSP L180 SRT-142 Applied Surgical Procedures III Prerequisite: Acceptance into Surgical Technology program $150 health course fee i SRT 142-S1 Appl Surg Proc III 2 07:00am-03:00pm WTHF 03/22 05/19 Wedster Wedster Wedster HOSP Wedster Staff Theatre THTRE-101 Understanding Theatre (IAI: F1907) Prerequisite: Placement into ENG 099 or higher THTRE 101-01 Understanding Theatre 3 09:30am-10:45am MW 01/18 05/19 2502 THTRE 101-02 Understanding Theatre 3 11:00am-12:15pm TTH 01/17 05/19 4185 Staff g d THTRE 101-FX Understanding Theatre 3 09:00am-10:25am TTH 01/31 05/19 4185 Staff THTRE 101-LS Understanding Theatre 3 11:00am-12:50pm MW 02/13 05/19 4275 Staff 06:00pm-09:40pm M 01/23 03/10 T191 Roberson 06:00pm-09:40pm M 03/20 05/19 T191 Roberson Tool and Die TOOL-101 Tool and Die Processes $20 lab fee TOOL 101-F1 TOOL-102 Tool and Die Maintenance $20 lab fee TOOL 102-S1 Tool and Die Processes 2 Tool and Die Maintenance 2 Welding WELD-115 Basic Arc Welding/Oxyfuel Welding $65 lab fee WELD 115-01 Basic Arc/Oxyfuel Welding 3 09:00am-12:40pm T 01/17 05/19 T186 Wolfe WELD 115-02 Basic Arc/Oxyfuel Welding 3 06:00pm-09:40pm W 01/18 05/19 T186 Krug WELD-215 Intermediate Arc Welding/SMAW GMAW Prerequisite: WELD 115 with a C or better $65 lab fee WELD 215-01 Int. Arc Welding/SMAW/GMAW 3 09:00am-12:40pm T 01/17 05/19 T186 Wolfe WELD 215-02 Int. Arc Welding/SMAW/GMAW 3 06:00pm-09:40pm T 01/17 05/19 T186 Burmeister T186 Wolfe WELD-265 Advanced Arc Welding/GTAW Prerequisite: WELD 215 with a C or better $65 lab fee WELD 265-01 ! LC Advanced Arc Welding/GTAW 8 Online 3 06:00pm-09:40pm i 8-Week TH 01/19 05/19 d 12-Week g 14-Week z Honors 47 Term Spring 20___ Registration Form $10 non-refundable registration fee per semester. Complete this form before registering on campus. New students must register in person, after meeting with an advisor/counselor for academic advising assistance and approvals. Continuing students may register in person, or on WebAdvisor at but are encouraged to seek advising assistance to ensure accuracy of course selection. All students are invited to visit the Counseling and Academic Advising Center. Call (708) 709-3506 if you have any questions. ______________________________ Student ID Number ________________________________________________________________________________ First Middle Last Name ________________________________________________________________________________ *Street Address ________________________________________________________________________________ City State Zip Code County *I understand that if the address reflected above is different than the one on record with the College, my mailing address and residency tuition rate may be adjusted accordingly. ___________________________________________ Area Code Home Phone Gender: Male Female Date of Birth _________________________ Month/Day/Year Declare or verify your major below ___________________________________________________________ Program Major** **(see degree descriptions on reverse side) Course Code/Number PHOTO 171 Fall 20___ Enrollment Status First-Time Student Continuing PSC Student Transfer Student Guest Student (Summer term) Dual Credit Student for Credit Courses Please Print Summer 20___ Section Credit Hours Time Day Lab Fee 02 3 7-9:30PM MWF $50 Special Enrollment Status If you are one of the categories listed below, you must submit additional documentation. Co-Op HS Student (Tuition waiver) Works in District Ethnic Background Are you Hispanic or Latino? Yes, Hispanic or Latino Not Hispanic or Latino Please identify your primary racial/ ethnic group. (Please check one) 1. American Indian or Alaska Native 2. Asian 3. Black or African American 4. Hispanic or Latino 5. NativeHawaiian/PacificIslander 6. White 7. Choose not to respond Are you from one or more of the following racial groups? (Select all that apply) American Indian or Alaska Native Asian Black or African American NativeHawaiian/PacificIslander White Choose not to respond Are you in the United States on a VisaNonresident Alien? Yes on a Visa - Type __________________ Provide country of origin ______________ Not on a Visa My primary goal for attending community college is (please check one): 11. To prepare for transfer to a four-year college or university 12. To improve skills for my present job 13. To prepare for a future job immediately after attending Community College Certificate or Degree Objective: 1. Only complete one or several courses 2. Tocompleteacertificate 3. To complete an Associate’s degree I certify that I reside at the address provided above. I accept responsibility for the selection of courses as indicated above. I authorize the Business Office to collect any and all fees associated with my account. I understand the college is required to report student’s enrollment, withdrawal and graduation status due to the college participating in Federal Student Aid programs. ________________________________________________________________________________ Signature Date ANNUAL CLERY SAFETY REPORT (ASR) NOTICE At PSC we are committed to assisting the PSC community in providing for their own safety and security. The annual CLERY security compliance document is available at the PSC Police Department website: with other safety information. If you would like to receive the ASR in booklet form, visit the PSC Police Department (PSCPD) located on main campus in room 1103 or call PSCPD at (708) 709-7777. The website and booklet contain information regarding campus security and personal safety such as crime prevention and reporting, police law enforcement authority, disciplinary procedures and other related security policies. Also the statistics for the three previous years for all PSC campuses, property owned and controlled by PSC District 515 and on public property immediately adjacent to PSC campuses. This information is required by law and is made available by the PSCPD. 48 Employment Status 31 Employed full-time 32 Employed part-time 34 Homemaker 35 Unemployed ForOfficeUseOnly I have been advised of reading, English, and math requirements. ______________ Student Initials _________________________________ Advisor Signature _________________________________ Registration Clerk/Date __________ Registered Hours Check WebAdvisor for up-to-date course information:
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