2008, May


2008, May
May - June 2008 Volume: 23 Issue: 3 Free to Members of the
Cheyenne Mountain Chapter of Trout Unlimited
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Presidents Piece
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Greg Walck
Unbelievable, it’s time for a mid-year review already.
Fishing is just now getting started after a hard winter
and along comes our volunteer requests for chapter
projects that involve stream work, fundraising and
youth education.
For the past six months your chapter has been
involved with:
Fountain Creek in Manitou Springs - we donated
$4,000 in matching funds for the Soda Springs
Park Fishing is Fun grant and just received
another $1,000 CTU Gomo grant for the Schryver
Pond inlet structure repairs. Work is scheduled to
start this fall.
• Fountain Creek Project Leader
• Jack Hunter displays a
• plaque presented to CMCTU.
• Rocky Mountain Wild Exhibit – we donated
$10,000 for the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo capital
campaign and got a preview of the new exhibit
that will feature greenback cutthroat trout in the
grizzly pond and signage that promotes Trout
Unlimited including the new PRRS model along
the stream as you enter the exhibit. We are going
to schedule a CMCTU Day when the greenbacks
are stocked in the pond.
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Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing – we have raised
$750 for this program at Fort Carson to help with
start-up costs, provided volunteers to teach fly tying
to almost 30 soldiers and received eight new TFO
PHW rods donated to CMCTU that we will use for
the casting and fishing activities that are planned
for this summer. We are currently raising funds to
purchase reels with line at this time for the donated
Rod Raffle Fundraiser - we have been working the
fly fishing venues in Denver and Colorado Springs.
Our drawing will be held at the May membership
meeting and we have only 22 tickets left for sale
out of 1600 tickets and may be sold out before this
goes to print. This raffle will generate close to
$8,000 for the chapter again this year.
CTU Awards – your chapter was just recognized by
the state council for all our efforts over the past
year. Your chapter received the Outstanding
Chapter Communications Award, Outstanding
Volunteer Award and the Exemplary Chapter
Award. These were presented at the CTU Spring
Rendezvous in Redstone. Of the twenty chapters,
your chapter was the most recognized at
Dennis Immer VP
Membership, Larry
Wilkinson VP Communications, Rob
Heath VP Publicity
Exemplary Chapter
Allyn Kratz
Past President
HB 1137 – your efforts in contacting the State
legislature helped to defeat this onerous bill in
committee that would have stopped CDOW from
ever increasing open space for hunting and
Our next six months will have your chapter involved
More fundraisers – our May meeting will feature
our first chapter auction at a membership meeting.
Please see the attached flyer in the newsletter for
details. We are also participating in the
Sportsman’s Warehouse Car Show and Chili
cook-off on Saturday, July 12th. This will be our
third event and have won the chili cook-off for the
past two years. Last year we obtained $1,000 in
gift cards that we can use to outfit our Parent/
Youth Day. Volunteers are needed to help man the
car show and the chili booth. Please contact VP
Membership Denny Immer to help out for the day.
Youth education – we have expanded our Parent/
Youth education program to two days on the
Tarryall River at Puma Hills River Ranch this
year. Your chapter will need volunteers to help on
Saturday and Sunday (July 19 & 20.) Please
contact VP Projects Sam Humpert if you can help
either or both days. If you know of any potential
participants, please contact our Secretary Barry
Stream Projects – we will be requesting
volunteers to help with the following stream
improvement projects later this year: Buffalo
Peaks Ranch, Happy Meadows Campground, and
Badger Basin in South Park, Arkansas Riverwalk
in Canon City, Millsap Mine Tailings in Victor,
National River Cleanup in 11 Mile Canyon and
Fountain Creek in Manitou Springs. Please
contact VP Projects Sam Humpert if you can help
Volunteers are needed to make these events and
projects a success. In my first President’s piece I
asked each of you to volunteer just one day this year
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for your chapter. If we all pitch in we are sure of
accomplishing our goals.
And please note that our June membership meeting
will not be at CDOW on June 24th as the room was
unavailable. We have moved our June meeting to
Camp Alexander on the following Saturday, June 28th
for a day of fishing with a barbecue lunch provided.
We are also going to have fly tying, casting, fishing
and entomology instruction available that day.
Reservations are required so we can plan for parking
and lunch. Please contact me if you plan on attending
our June meeting.
Greg Walck
President, CMCTU
[email protected] to enter text
Projects! Projects! Projects!
Embrace a Stream: “Tree’s for Trout”
partnership with Boy Scout’s at Camp Alexander.
Schryver Pond inlet structure improvements
partnership with Fountain Creek Restoration
Rocky Mountain Wildlife Exhibit: Green back
trout habitat restoration partnership with
Cheyenne Mountain Zoo.
Arkansas River Walk: Purchase boulders for in
stream improvements in partnership with
CDOW, and Pueblo and Salida Chapters of Trout
Buffalo Peaks Ranch: An effort to restore
stream and riparian habitat along the Middle
Fork of the South Platte in partnership with CTU.
Healing Water’s: Mental and physical rehab for
wounded soldier’s.
Casting for Recovery: For breast cancer victims
Happy Meadows Campground and Badger
Basin instream improvements in South Park.
Millsap Mine Tailings in Victor.
National River Cleanup in 11 mile canyon.
Get to know the Members: Juan Ramirez
I AM ORGINALLY FROM Northern New Mexico. I grew up in
Springer, a small community on I-25 about 3 hours south of here.
Springer is not unlike Colorado Springs, in that it can be a harsh
landscape. You get it all; rain, snow, lightning, bitter cold,
hurricane force winds and blazing heat; all in the same day! The
wonderful Sangre de Cristo Mountains lay to the west of me and
unlike the same mountain range in Colorado, these are low slung
mountains lacking the jagged and sharp peaks, but the wonders
are the same. In these mountains you can find my favorite fish,
the Rio Grande Cutthroat. Of course I am biased and think that
these fish are the prettiest of all cutthroats.
I started fishing around the age of 10, chasing catfish in a local
stream. This is where my strong commitment of catch and release
was solidified. I learned the hard way. Every fish that was caught
was kept. Eventually, there were no fish left in that stream.
About 12 years ago I started fly-fishing. The switch from
earthworms to San Juan Worms was not all that difficult for me. I
was selected and mentored by perhaps the best fisherman and flytier I've yet to meet. I spent five years watching, fishing and
learning from him.
I started tying flies when I was about 13, using a hand me down
tying kit to make a few disastrous looking things. I really didn’t
know what to do with that mess of floss and feathers. I gave it up.
I returned to it while I was in college in Durango, Co. When I
returned to New Mexico, I continued with it. When I sold my first
dozen woolly buggers, I thought I might be on to something. That
was a few thousand dozen flies ago. I have tied flies and guided
for Dos Amigos Anglers in Eagle Nest, NM. Today, I continue to
tie custom orders for people and have several patterns in Ghillies
Fly Shop. I also spend a few days guiding for Anglers Covey.
Some of my favorite flies are the Cimarron Special, Foam Back
Emerger, Foam Stoned Hopper, and my U.V. Pearl Jam Midge and
Ice Emerger. My favorite rivers to be on are the Cimarron River
in Northern New Mexico, the Animas River in S.W. Colorado and
the Conejos River in Southern Colorado. My favorite bugs
are spring and fall Baetis, followed by summer PMDs. I love to
fish these small flies using my beloved Scott G-series rods. I also
don’t mind using the G2 and new S4 rods.
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I have lived in Colorado Springs for a little over a year now after
relocating from Los Alamos N.M. I have three wonderful kids,
Ben, Jackson and Jamie and am married to a wonderful woman,
You can usually see me tying at the local fly-tying events and at the
Trout Unlimited meetings. Please stop by and introduce yourself. I
might trade you some flies and talk you into taking me fishing.
You can also reach me at [email protected]
Fly Tier’s Corner
Those two colors cover most of what you’ll find in the water. So
spend some time tying these up and fishing them. Much easier
to tie than a Copper John and just as effective and fun to fish, I
hope they will earn a space in your fly box.
The Cimarron Special is commercially available from Solitude
Fly Company and Ghillie’s Fly Shop.
Cimarron Special
Juan Ramirez
[email protected]
Dia-Riki 135, TMC 2457 14-18
#14=7/64” #16-18=3/32” Brass or Tungsten.
Uni 6/0 or 8/0 Tan
UTC Ultra Wire. #14=large #16-18 med. size.
Hairline’s Hare’s Ear Krystal Dub
The Cimarron Special comes from the vice of my buddy Greg
Faught. He guides on the San Juan River in New Mexico, but
this fly was born on the Cimarron River in Northern New
Mexico. It is a very simple fly to tie and I have been using it for
several years now. It is one of my go to flies, especially in the
summer and in pocket water, where this fly really shines. I have
had great days fishing it on the Arkansas and smaller streams
where a heavy nymph hanging below a big dry can’t be ignored.
The body is red copper wire and the thorax is Hareline’s Hare’s
Ear Krystal Dub, and it’s finished off with a bead at the head.
Really easy to tie, it is a true guide fly. The more you fish it and
the more fish you catch on it, the buggier it gets. The trick to
tying the fly is to make the thorax full and somewhat loose. A
small and tight thorax is not as buggy on this fly and takes from
the effectiveness of the fly. You can certainly change the colors
of the wire as in the Copper John, but I have more confidence
with the original red color. The only other color I like is a wine
colored body with a black bead and dark hare’s ear krystal dub.
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Place bead on hook and start wrapping wire from the
bend of the hook. For a #16 hook you should have
about 18 wraps of med. wire. Brake off wire at front
and using your thumb nail, slide wire under the bead
until it stops at the eye. Make a few more wraps at the
back until you are about half way down the bend of the
hook. Brake wire off so it is a clean brake against the
hook. I use a pair of pliers to help make a clean brake.
Start thread behind bead and wrap to point above the
hook point.
Dub a good amount of dubbing on the thread. Do not
make it to tight or too loose but it should be somewhat
shaggy. Make sure you sweep the fibers back.
Tie off and place a bit of glue at tie off point.
Go fish it!
P.O. BOX 458
Trout Unlimited
Featured auction items:
• Jon Boat & Minn Kota trolling motor (used but not abused)
• Guided trips on Bighorn, Arkansas and Florida Coast
• New pontoon boat w/ casting platform and lean bar
• Bamboo and custom rods with Orvis Battenkill II reels
• Artwork and wine
• Alaska Lake Marie Lodge trip
• Fly fishing equipment
• Much more!!
May 27, 2008
Doors open at 6:30 pm for silent auction
Live auction to begin at 7:15 pm
Location: Division of Wildlife
4255 Sinton Road, Colorado Springs
100% of proceeds to support CMC Trout Unlimited initiatives such as:
• In stream improvements of Arkansas River Walk in Canon City
• Habitat improvements on Fountain Creek and Schryver Pond
Auction items must be paid for on the night of the auction.
Cash, checks, and credit cards accepted.
PO BOX 458
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To conserve, protect, and
restore cold-water fisheries,
resources, and their watersheds.
June Membership meeting at camp Alexander
June 28th
9:00 Am – 4:00 pm
Join us for a fun family day at Camp Alexander for:
• fishing in the canyon,
• a barbecue lunch and
• seminars and games.
Our meeting room at CDOW was unavailable for the 4th Tuesday in June so we
have moved our meeting streamside the following Saturday. CMCTU has
obtained exclusive use of the private water at Camp Alexander for the day.
Fishing is available on the Boy Scout property only and catch and release with
barbless hooks is required.
Lunch is provided free for members and their family.
Activities will include streamside entomology, casting and fly tying stations, a San
Juan worm tying and fishing competition, Czech nymphing demonstration and a
casting game. Child activities will include a fish coloring game and fly with
bubble fishing.
Reservations are required.
Please email [email protected]
No later than june 8th.
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CMCTU Fundraising Event
First Place Chili 2007
Volunteers Needed
On Saturday, July 12, 2008, Sportsman’s Warehouse will hold their third annual chili cook-off in
conjunction with their “Hogs and Hot Rods Show”. The Cheyenne Mountain Chapter of Trout
Unlimited will help manage the Show and will attempt to win their third straight “Best Chili in Show”
award. CMCTU will receive $800 in gift cards to Sportsman’s Warehouse (and an additional $200 in
gift cards if we win the chili cook-off). Proceeds from these gift cards will be used to help fund the
Parent/Youth Day Educational Event.
We need a total of ten volunteers to staff the Car Show and Chili Booth. We will be serving samples
of our award winning chili and will help with the logistics of Car Show registration, traffic control and
award presentations.
The activities begin at 8:00 AM and end at 4:30 PM. Volunteers will meet at the Sportsman’s
Warehouse (at the Citadel Mall in Colorado Springs) at 7:15 the morning of July 12. Half day
volunteers can be accommodated.
Please help your local TU chapter with this important fund raising activity while enjoying the Hot Rod
Show and sampling some great chili.
To volunteer, please call Dennis Immer at (719)495-7040, or e-mail him at [email protected].
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[email protected]
The Cheyenne Mountain Chapter of Trout Unlimited Presents
Sponsored by: Trout Unlimited, Orvis, L.L. Bean, Loon Outdoors & Puma Hills River
Sign Up: Contact Barry Wilson at [email protected] to reserve your
spot or visit our
website at www.cmctu.org for more information Who:
Youth 12 years old and above and their Parent or Guardian
Important Information:
Adults and children over the age of 16 years old MUST have a valid
Colorado fishing license. resident one day licenses can be obtained for
$9.00 at most local sporting goods stores
All youth must be accompanied by a parent or guardian at all times.
Please ensure you’re dressed appropriately for the day’s weather
conditions. Don’t forget to bring a hat, sunglasses and sunscreen
Activities will Include:When:
Saturday July 19th & Sunday July
20th 8:00 AM (please sign up for one day only)
Where: Puma Hills River Ranch
Instruction in basic entomology
Hands on fly tying lessons
Individual casting and fly fishing Instruction
Lunch & refreshments provided
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Mission Statement
Cheyenne Mountain Chapter
of Trout Unlimited
The Cheyenne Mountain Chapter of Trout Unlimited strives to
conserve, protect and restore cold-water fisheries, resources and
To achieve these goals, to participate in this mission, Members:
1. Support and promote fisheries and water-resource policies
that further these goals.
2. Work actively on conservation projects, volunteering labor
and expertise, often in cooperation with the U.S. Forest
Service and Colorado Wildlife and conservation agencies.
3. Seek to influence the decisions of such agencies as well as
those of wildlife commissioners, legislative committees
and elected officials in general.
4. Foster ethical and sensible conservation practices among
users of the cold-water resource.
5. Attend the regular membership meetings of the Cheyenne
Mountain Chapter of Trout Unlimited.
6. Elect to the Chapter’s Board of Directors members who will
provide direction and strong leadership.
7. Contribute financially to build and maintain the Chapter’s
fiscal stability.
Advertising Rates:
TU Members: Advertise your used fishing
equipment or other items in these pages;
up to five lines, $5.00/issue ( $1/additional
Commercial Rates:
Half pg.
$80/issue $385 - 6 issues
Quarter Pg.
$30/issue $150 - 6 issues
Eighth Pg.
$15/issue $80 - 6 issues
Supporter Pg.
$10/issue $50 - 6 issues
Deadline: for contributions and change
of ads is the first of the month of the
current newsletter printing.
Riffletalk is distributed in January, March,
May, July, September, and November.
Riffle Talk is a non-profit publication of
the Cheyenne Mountain Chapter of Trout
Would you like to update the email
address that you receive the
CMCTU announcements and
newsletters? It’s simple!!! Just visit
the Members Center at
www.tu.org and edit your email
address in your profile or call the
TU Customer Service Team at
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Riffle Talk
Published by:
Cheyenne Mountain Chapter
of Trout Unlimited
Board of Directors
President: Greg Walck
351 - 2076
VP Development: John Carlock 560 - 2896
VP Membership: Denny Immer 495 - 7040
VP Projects:
Sam Humpert 268 - 1762
VP Publicity:
Rob Heath
487 - 9233
VP Communic:
Larry Wilkinson 684 - 2115
VP Resources:
Dan Snow
687 - 9576
VP Programs:
Dan Logelin
686 - 8940
VP Special Projects: Open
Dir At Large:
Jack Hunter
635 - 8150
Dir At Large:
Sherryl Walck
596 - 2965
Dir At Large:
Jim Williams
528 - 8314
Terry Deaton
488 - 0851
Barry Wilson
550 - 1487
Kip Russell
260 - 6478
Past President:
Allyn Kratz
632 - 6489
533 - 8775
866 - 4594
556 - 3704
590 - 5613
303 - 971 - 2550
556 - 1487
We solicit reader’s contributions in the form of guest editorials,
fly tier’s corner, letters-to-the-editor, cartoons, jokes, etc. All
materials are subject to editing. We prefer text submissions in
Page 10
any PC format on a 3.5 diskette, which will be
returned. Photographs and other graphics
should be of sufficient resolution and contrast
that they can be printed as - is. The fastest way
to contact the editor is by e-mail to
[email protected].
You can also send your contributions to:
Riffle Talk
Cheyenne Mountain Chapter, Trout Unlimited
P.O. Box 458
Colorado Springs, CO 80901 - 0458
Cheyenne Mountain Chapter
Trout Unlimited
P.O. Box 458
Colorado Springs, Co
Volume: 23,
Issue: 3 Published Bi--Monthly Jan, Mar, May, Jul, Sep, Nov/Dec
If your membership has expired,
you can renew your membership
appreciate your support!!!
For over 40 years, Trout Unlimited has been America’s leading trout and salmon conservation
organization, dedicated to conserving, protecting, and restoring cold-water fisheries and their
watersheds. Whether we’re planning and building stream improvement projects, working with
government to protect our rivers and streams, or teaching young people the importance of
protecting wild fish and their habitat, TU members are actively engaged in preserving our vital
natural resources.
Your next Riffle Talk newsletter will come out in July!!!!!!!!!
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