AUCHINLECK CHUFCHYARD 1 Ob. U10 Wm Murdoch b Bellow Mill, Auchinlcck 21.8.1754 d Hand swor t.h 1839. Like many of his countrymen in England, he chose to eminence by the native f0rce of his character and benefited his OI"n and other ages by his discoveries in gas and by his mechanical inventions as the associate of Watt & Boulton. "Then let us pray that come it may. As come it will for a' that, That sense and 'North 0' e r a' the earth, May bear the gree, and a' that." STTMO Rev Alex Peden, the noted Covenanter b 1626 d and was buried in this churchyard 1686. His body after 6 weeks in the grave was raised by dragons under Col Douglas and in contempt waS buried at the foot of the Gallow's-Tree at Old Cumnock w~ich place afterwards bee arne the Parish Churchyard. STTMO Wm McGavin, merchant, Glasgot" author of the Protestant, b Dernlaw, Auchinleck d Glasgoi" 25.8.1832 59. "princes and lords are but the breath of kings, an honest mans the nohlest work of God." STTMO the following 9 martyrs, who died for their belief and religi0us freedom in Ayr and Moss, Auchinleck 22.7. 1680 and were buried there. The Rev Rich Cameron, Michael Cameron, John Gemmel, John Hamilton, Jas Gray, Robt Dick, Capt John FOlder, Thos ~atson, Robt Paterson. 2 E1' by Robt Murdoch d 10.11.1936 77 (w Isabella Moug d 14.12.1939 90) IMO s Robt d Alil18 Place 17.2.1885 5 wks , s Jas Graham d 23.2.1890 3 ys 8 mths 26 dys , \,r Margt Graham d Alma place 23.3.1898 37, aunt Margt Orr (hus John M,urdoch, church officer) d Alma place 27.3.1898 68. 'Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not; for of such is the Kingdom of God.' 3 Br. 4 ILRO Daniel Strickland d 27.7.1911 52, w Margt Brown d 15.10.1933 72, s Dav killed in action in France 27.2.1916 26, s Dan d 22.12.1899 2, s Jas d Detroit 31.5.1941 41 ys, gr s Jas N Moffat d 2.2.1910 3 mths. 5 DB. E1' by John Morton d 21.9.1946 84 IMO w Lizzie smith d 2.11.1904 44, chn Wm d 2.9.1895 ~, cath d 24.11.1902 1, Thos d 21.2.1967 79, Margt Watson d 13.6.1969 E1' by John Donnelly IMO s Wm d 3.2.1906 27. 79. • 6 ILMO Thos Morton d suddenly 11.1.1954 67, w Margt Conley d 6.2.1959 72, da Marg~ d in inf, fa Thos Morton d 19.6.1902 61, rna Margt Steel d 9.3.1925 83. 7 E1' by And :\icConnell d 19.2.1911 65 int in Hawkhe ad Cemetery, Paisley (w Eli2 fullerton) INa s oliver d 17.1.1877 3, s John d 17.3.1877 5, s Geo d 12.6.1900 5. S Er by E:Liz McConnell d 25.12.19:)9 82 IMO hus And Richmond d 4.8.1882 26 s Oliver d 22.6.1882 16 mths, s d in inf, fa Oliver McConnell d 31.3.1899 91, rna Rliz Mitchell d 16,10.1910 88, br Oliver d 21.1.1903 59. S Er by Wm McConnell d 19.2.1900 39 IMO s Oliver d 3.10.1882 9 mths, s Matthew d 28. 9.1891 7 mths, w Annie Wallace d 11.2.1918 57. 10 Er by Wm Fullerton d 24.6.1914 61 IMO s Joseph Hope d 31.10.1885 2X, gr s Hope d 14.12.1905 3, w Agnes Hope d 4.5.1924 75, da-i-l Jan McMillan (hus Fu lLe r-t.on ) d 16.10.1934 97, s Wm (w Mary Kirkland) d 25.2.19;'i1 71. 'This bud, so young and fair, c a Il e d hence by early doom/ just came to show how a flower, in paradise could bloom.' 11 Er by Wm McCulloch d 4.2.1922 59 (w Eliz Campbell McCulloch d 22.1.1946 82) I1'1O s San d Darnconner 7.12.1891 2 ys 7 mths, da Grace d 16.12.1902 6 mths, mo Mary .Jane McCu l Loch d Darnconner 1.11.1909 67, fa Sam McCulloch d 29.8.1915 82. Joseph John lovely sweet d 10.9.1920 77 ILMO hus John Muir d V i aduc t ViF\',-, Cumnock 15.4.1913 72, s Wrn accidentally drownec 15.3.1884 6, da Eliz d 17.2.1887 16, s Jas Muir d 29.11.1933 58 (w Jeanie S Richmond d 20.3.1942 69.) 12 liT' by Helen Carson 1~ ~r by Robt Carson d Newt •.• USA 3.1.1903 62 IMO fa Jas Carson d Lugar 25.3.1869 55, his br Jas d 4.9.1856 5, s i.s Marion d 29.6.1858 13, mo Susan Rankin d Bar-r= hill. Cumnock 3.10.1878 69. (back) 'Oh, not in cruelty, not in wrath, the reaper came that day, twas an angel visited the green earth, and took the flower away. ' 14 TTMO Robt Anderson who was killed in the Berryhill Pit Explosion, John who lost his life in the heroic effort to save his brother on the 20.10.1909. Er by the members of court Glaisnock No. 6413 A.O.F. 15 l::r by John Anderson 16 rs. Er by Jas Morton, mason, Auchinleck d 4.4.-- ~j, TrMO his fa And Morton, mason d 9.5.1*~[5~, rna Agnes Currie d 15.4.180971, w Jan T[Ginnyie~d 17.2. 1833 7F, da Mary d 1.8.183- 50. 17 Er by C8th Colquhoun ILMO her hus Charles GrRy d -.3.1913 .•• also ••• chn Jan .•. mths, Wm ••• , Alice ... yrs, Chas .•. rnths, Wm ... , Cha s •.. yrs, Geo ••• yr, John ... mr h s , Jan ••. yrs, Allan •.. mths ... Cath Colquhoun d - Dec 1917 ••• 'Thy Will be Done.' s Robt Gray accidentally killed in Highouse Colliery 20.12.1918 27, gr s (we8 Charles) d 27.4.1927 2 ys &. 8 mths. 18 Er by Jas Welsh IMO s Jas d 24.10.1854 19 Br. Er by Bridget scathel d 13.12.1925 77 IMO h~s John Cavanagh 1.3.1900 53, s John 7.12.1882 15 ys, da Mary Ann 25.12.1889 15, s Geo 9.6.1902 32, gr s John Murray 3.8.1906 10, s Austin Collins 4.10.1928 .•• rest hidden. 20 OB. Er by Jas Hamilton 190i 76. 21 E~ by John Thomson 15.6.1881 80. 22 Er by Peter Turley 15.5.1895 59 w Bridget Murty 5.8.1916 77 IMO s Jas 23.10.1860 2, s Peter 15.4.1864 7 mths, s John 22.2.1884 16, da Agnes 5.4.1944 84 ys. 2:; ,~r by Wm Ryan d .•. IMO fa John Ryan 22.9.1875 50, mo Margt Ryan 24.12.1881 48, br- Geo ,;2.9.1887 30, \'/ Lizzie McNulty d •• Dec 1887 25, s John 30.5.1ef>8] 6 mths. 24 Er by John Callachan 28.8.1903 72, INO w Eliz McCulloch 1 9 • 10 • 189 '{ 27, d a J an 12. 4 • 1927 62. 25 Er Margt Arnot & hus And Shields IMa rno Helen Barclay 26 John Johnston IMO s Isabella 31.10.1859 29, w Agnes Hinds 11. 3.1864 33, s Robt d Airdrie 27.2.18- ys, bro John 28.5.1870 4, rno Isabella Rae 14.6.1876 70, sis Jessie d Spearfush USA 7.3.18- ys, sis Eliz d Glasgow 17.~1.1882 65. 27 Er IMO John Haining d 121 Common Loch 14.1.1904 64 IMO J.v.' Eliz Carson d 9.4.1866 27 ys, s Jas d in inf 11.4.1866, da Agnes d 8.1.1872 2, rna Marion McMurdo d 19.2 1887 74, fa Ada~ Anderson 26.3.1887 74" 2w Jane Riggans d 15.3.1915 66. 10 mths, s Thos d 4.7.1846 IMO fa Sam Hamilton 15.5.1902 74, rno Sarah Dunkeld 6.6.1885 72 IMO fa John Thomson 20.8.1827 1.7.1880 61. 29.3.1861 3 hrs. 40, bra John 12.4.1887 23.5 34, w Marion Weir 9.6.1887 14.11.1876 56, s Joseph 61, fa Jas Arnott 28, his s John d in inf, bra • 27 (contd.) Pat Haining 6.6.1901 25.8.1906 78. 28 Er Wm Denim, Lugar 18.9.1912 44 (w Mary Devine 4.3.1929 71), w Bridget Hanna 75 IMO chn Wm 22.4.1861 1 mth, Wm 19.6.1863 1 & 4 mths, Menie 22.5.1870 2 & 9 mths, Helen 26.5.1870 6Yz, Robt 26.5.1870 1 & 1 mth, Minie 7.2.1883 4 mths, w Minnie Reid 8.3.1904 66, s Robt 16.2.1918 46 (w Grace Clifford, s Wm killed in action Gaza 19.4.1917 20.) 29 Er Geo Templeton, fr, Willoxton 6.3.1887 80, mo Eliz McCrae 27.3.1829 50, fa Dan 5.5.1857 73, da Margt 18.9.1887 28, w Mary 6.11.1891 75, da-i-l Margt McClure 22.1.1899 62 (hus Wm Templeton, d Netherhellier Sorn 10.6.1915 77, da-i-l Jane Hillhouse 28.1.1939 72 (hus Geo Templeton 5.2.1952 85), da Jessie d Turnerhill, Mauchline 9.12.1905 44, da Eliz d Know, Auchinleck 16.8.1920 80, da Mary d Ho~~ood 8.4.1926 89. 30 Eliz McCrea 27.3.1829 50, hus Dav Templeton, da Eliz Begg. 31 John Lyons d Common 14.10.1894 55, w Margt Mitchell d Common 18.5.1900 50, Margt Lyons 22.11.1905 39 (hus Jas Bryce) gr s Dav 14.9.1906 8 mths, da Agnes Lyons 1L.8.1922 33, s Wm 25.11.1933 65, Jan Anderson Lyons 10.1.1940 62 (hus John Lyons 4.5.1948 76.) 32 IMO Cochran Scott 12.2.1817, w Sarah Brown 18.5.1865 82, s John 18.5.1884 77, neph John .Murdoch 11.1..1837 21, da Jean 9.1.1892 88; Cochran Cott d Roseburn, Cumnock 7.9.1851 31 (w Agnes Pearson d Temple 7.4.1890 75, da Jessie d Temple 1.11.1925 82. Reverse side - Here lyes the corps of Wm Scott d Nov 1786, I'; Agne s Murdoch d Oct 177 2. 33 Er Arch Rankin IMO s Wm 23.11.1869 2Yz, da Margt 26.5.1870 16. 34 Br. IMO Dav Morton 25.12.1880 57, w Mary Weir 21.10.1882 53, da Eliz Smith 6.3.1891 29 •.. 35 F.S. Br. Er Jas Morton, mason, TTMO Rbbt Cunnyion, mason, 7.7.1737 31, s Jas Morton 29.5.1856 66, Susan ••• d ..• 1859 ••• abv Jas Morton •.. ag BO •.. 1898. 36 OB. Er Jas McGavin, fr, Darnlaw IMO fa John d Oct 1777 82, rna Eliz Cochrane 15.6.1765 58, Jas McGavin ••• rhos McMillan IMO (w Helen Goodw i n 26.8.1863 44, 3 Thos ag 1 yr, gda Christina Bryden ag 2 ys. 37 Er Jas Barr TTMO fa David from Australia 27.11.1886 72, mo Sarah 17.3.1887 65 (black and white tiles in front) 38 Er Jemima Kirk 13.2.1917 62, ILMO hus Jas Stewart 2.1.1909 72. 39 Er Agnes Dunbar 7.5.1910 62 IMO hus Jas Templeton 14.1.1900 64, s Thos 15.12 1888 2, da Jessie 8.5.1903 25 (hus Robt McDougall), s Jas, late chief engineer SS Clan McIntosh 8.12.1909 33, s Alex Spr N.Z Engineers 24.1.1921 41 int Waikumete Soldiers Cemetery N.Z, da-i-l Eliz McKay 11.10.1941 65 (hus John Templeton 25.6.1948 70.) 40 Er J & C Templeton IMO fa John Templeton 20.4.1847 49, mo Hannah Campbell 29. 9.1861 59, sis Hannah 3.12.1884 45. 41 Er Jane Wil.son d Henryston, Sorn 12.6.1934 83, IMO hus Geo Templeton d Henryston 9.4.1916 79, da Maggie d Laurieston farm 11.7.1957 77. 42 IMO Jas Templeton d 1849, w Eliz Donald d 1845; s Andrew d Bannockburn Aug 1867 66, l:/.• 7.1836 16; (Back) Jas 43 Hugh Brown 2.6.1868 67, s Hugh 3.11.1846 17, s John Cpl 7th Dragon Guards 23.9 1862 23, da Margt 8.10.1864 18, w Sarah Wilson 24.3.1882 77, da E.W.P Brown 5.9.1887 50, s Robt 23.1.1909 63 (da Sarah 27.4.1890 4 roths, w Agnes Hunter 19.8.1894 35) gs Robt 22.8.1899 3~ mths. 44 Er 11'110 Jas Wilson, blacksmith 7.6.1832 80, chn Wm, Eliz, Jas d in inf, da Jan 2.8.1826 20, w Eliz Howet 17.1.1840 70, Ann Wilson 6.3.1850 37 (hus Jas McKay, five chn d in inf) 45 Er V/m Breckenridge, Lugar IMO chn Wm d 1850 5, Margt d 1850 2, Jas & John d in inf, Rich 12.8.1864 18. 46 Er Thos Mackie 15.8.1880 78, IMO s Dav 21.5.1863 13, da Marion 30.9.1863 3, da Isabella 15.6.1869 1, s Jas 25.11.1886 31, w Helen Carswell 23.12.i889 61, gs Wm Jack 5.4.1887 2. 'My race is run, my warfare o'er/We all meet in heaven, to part no more.' 47 E1' 48 Er John McCreadie 6.7.1893 51, IMO s Robt 2.4.1883 10, w Jane Thompson 30.4. 1885 45. 49 This is the burial place of Alex Peden, w Anna Abercrombie 17.10.1809 77. Here lys the body of Jean Peden his da d May 1767 2, s Jas ••• 50 I~O Jas Templeton 16.12.1863 73, w Jan McCrae 29.9.1834 48, da Jean d in inf, da Margt 16.7.1827 11, Jean 6.5.1834 9, da Agnes -.6.1854 32, s Geo 20.2.1859 38, gda Martha 18.4.1858 12, gda Agnes 27.12.1858 6, gda Mary 10.8.1877 27, da-i-l Jean Thomson 3.12.1884 65 (hus Geo Templeton), s Jas d Glasgow 4.10. 1894 80, gs Jas d Glasgow 1.2.1914 73. 53. Er INm Dunlop 22.12.1835 -, IMO s wm 2.4.1827 18, Lda Jean 3.2.1828 22 (hus Mungo Wilson), da Lindsay 11.4.1832 21, w Jean Samson 1.1.1836 - 52 Er Jas Bryan, Blackfauldhead, IMO s John 10.4.1816 22, w Agnes McKerrow 8.9 1824 59, s Wm 11.8.1828 30. 53 Er Alex Girvan 1.8.1935 76 IMO w Agnes Lightbody 1.8.1890 27, s Wm 2.10.1880 3 mths, da Helen 24.9.1890 1 & 2 mths, fa Wm 11.5.1878 73, mo Christina McLure 3.2.1900 85, s Alex 17.1.1910 3 mths, 2w Lilias Lees 5.12.1938 65. 54 Er Jas Girvan, Redriehill 13.8.1878 82, IMO da Eliz 16.1.1848 23, w Jean Murdoch 9.4.1860 79, mo Margt Bryan d 1838, fa Jas d 1849, s David d Laigh Logan John Reid d Glasgow 4.6.1912 78, IMO s Geo 21.3.1873 15, s Robt 22.7.1864 1 & 8 roths, s John 31.7.1864 4, w Jan Guthrie 27.6.1898 65. 27.10.1902 73, s Wm_d North Logan 22.1.1912.85 (w Jan Davidson d Nor~h_Logan 24.10.1918 ~4). "'5 Sr .•. Wm McLelland 10.6.1909 69, w - Hunter 14.3.1895 61, fa And 3.6.1897 88. 56 Jas Campbell, fr, High Logan, w Helen Hutton 26.9.1849 55, s Thos 12.11.1843 57 Er Margt Brown IMO hus Walt Mc~illan 6.11.1834 34,5 Robt d in inf, 25.2.1831, s Wm 15.9.1851 27. 58 Er Jas & John Ward IMO chn rhos ag 22, John ag 3 & 10 mths, Jas ag 9, John ag 10 mths, Thos 10 mths. Abv John Ward 10.4.1887 54 (gs Thos 13.6.1896 10, I" Jane 25.4.1907 72, s Clelland 19.2.1918 62, (w Cath Marrs 14.11.1936 76, s 23. 58 (contd.) Thos 8.6.1964 11.1919 86.) 59 John Campbell 5.9.1865 56 1MO fa d 5.9.1863, s Thos d Feb 1835 5, w Hannah Johnston 31.3.1895 87, s Wm 20.6.1889 59 (w Jane Vallance 5.5.1885 39); w Jan Simpson 19.2.1920 83, da-i-l Jan Kerr 22.12.1938 55, (hus Geo Campbell 17.1 1952 80.) 60 Er John Buchan 6.8.1919 72 11110 da Cath 14.1.1892 10, da Jan 6.5.1876 1~, mo-i-l Jan McGee 7.5.1894 79, fa-i-l Jas Young 23.3.1895 61, w Jan Young 30.7.1905 53, da Jan 14.2.1906 27. 'Eternal rest ~ive unto them 0 Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them.' 61 And Gibb, factor,Auchinleck 2.3.1839 71, IMO 2s Dr Jas Gibb. d Matras 2.11. 1831 31, 4s John Ensign,d Hansi 21.8.1833 21 both in Hon East India Co. service 1s And d Bridgend Mill 25.4.1874 76 (w Jane Rankin d Bridgend Mill 1.4.1893 88) Carving of a hand cluthching a broken spear or arrow, and two stars. 62 Er Gavin Gibb, banker, Union Bank of Scotland, Ayr 10.7.1887 71, 1MO fa And factor 50 ys, Auchinleck Estate, 2.3.1839 71, rna Agnes Howie 16.9.1861 86, bro John d Hansi, East Indies 21.8.1833 21, Margt Gibb 19.3.1807 - 30.3.1890. 'Until the day break and the shadows flee away.' RIP 63 F.S. IMO Wm McKerrow, fr, Garlefean 11.5.1846 72, chn Wm d Feb 1814 4 mths, Archie d Feb 1837 5, And d Feb 1841 34, Farquhar d July 1845 13, Robt d Aug 1848 37, Geo d Dec 1857 40. 64 Br. 65 Er Euphemia Kay IMO fa John Kay, mo Margt Herison (hus Jas Johnston.)) 66 Er Jas Bell d Catrine catrine 21.5.1904 14, ILMO Thos Duffy 66)) 1.3.1918 abv Jas Ward 27.1.1889 64, w Sarah 9.6.1930 28.5.1913 75, IMO da Margt 55 72. (w Eliz Flannigan 13. RIP (four sons, da Agnes, 26.7.1887 2, da Maggie da Ann d w Mary Boyes 14.11.1917 70, s John Pte R.S.F d Lang- Gnasalza, Germany 22.5.1917 37. 67 D. Kennedy 25.1.1883 72, IMO s ,John 24.6.1858 20, s Thos d Troon 29.8.1845 5, \" Jane Webster d Cumnock 31.10.1883 79. 68 ... Dav samson 16.8.1891 60, Ann Samson 4.12 .•. relict of Hugh Stirrat, Symington da Jeannie 1.7.18- 79 ys, his da Jan Samson 18.3.1906, Jessie Stirrat niece of Miss Samson 4.2.1910, his da Margt Samson 7.1.1911. 69 OB. Johnston. Martha Johnston Materejus obit anno 1761 AET 68, Maria Wilson uxor anno ... : side - John Wilson •.• : side - This monument purchased by Wm Samson a Rigg Anno Domoni 1800. 70 ILMO Jessie stirrat 4.2.1910, from friends at Collins 71 Er Dan Banks IMO w Margt Smart 17.4.1843 29 and justly regretted. 72 Er "\';m Smart 14.5.1884 72, TTMO fa Wrn overseer,Auchinleck 1.5.1828 57, bra Jas 24.2.1844 18, rna Mary Samson 27.2.1864 83, Mary Smart 12.4.1891 71, Wm Smart .•• Brighton 31.2.1895 41. 73 Jas Mathieson 8.11.1940 74 IMO s wee Tommy 2.12.1905 4, mo Eliz Allison 18.4 1929 85, w Wilhelmina Templeton 23.12.1940 77. ._ & Co Ltd ~lasgow. Er Robt Farquhar, catrine IMO :!3 (contd.) bro Jas, drowned in River Ayr, VII June MDCCCXXII, ag XXVI, IMO bro & sis d in inf, fa John Farquhar 4.10.1837 83, mo Jan Pagan 8.5.1837 85. :104 Er John Quinn 28.12.1928 1959. 77, da Mary 9.10.1893 place of Wm Wilson, miller, 24.11. 75 This is the burying 76 Er by John stevenson 24.4.1917 42 IMO his fa Dav 9.9.1907 53 ys, sis Mary 21. 10.1895 19, s John 4.3.1914 13 mths, his rno Susan Gibson 18.7.1920 73, his w Agnes McTurk 13.4.1959 80. 77 This is the burying place of And McMichael. his son d~ct 18--]ag 3 ys. 78 Alex Campbell 15.2.1856 35 IMO his fa John d Howe 11.5.1849 74, rno Magdaline Edie (hus Robe Howie) d 21.9.1884 89, his aunt Jane Edie 3.4.1886 ~9. 79 John McCormick, fr, Braehead 12.6.1899 81, inf s John 15.12.1852, s Jas 1.3. 1881 35, s Robt 24.11.1881 38, s John 1.1.1901 43, Jane Weir (hus John MCCormick, fr, Braehead) 15.1.1904 63, Mary Osbourne McCormick 19.6.1928 60. 80 Db •... Bargla •.• 81 Sr. Er by Jas Dalgliesh, Duncanziemer, 86 ys, fa Robt ... rest illegible. 82 Er by Ann Dalgliesh d Shiel, Parish of Sorn 28.7.1874 d Shiel, 25.5.1864 75, also three chn w d in info 83 SrTMO Agnes Steel d III May MDCCCXXVIII ag LXIX ys, hus Jas McKerroH, Borland d V Oct MDCCCXXXII ag XCVIII ys . 84 Er by Dav McBeth 11.4.1921 81 IrvrO his sons Dan 9.11.1869, John 14.9.1872, Dav 17.4.1878, w Eliz Patrick 15.5.1809 69, da Marion 22.8.1916 45, da Christina , .• rest hidden. 85 TTMO Jessie Smith 13.8.1930 72, hus Wm Routledge 1918 34, s Joseph 23.7.1930 49. 86 Hr. Jas stewart IMO fa Jas Stewart 28.2.1869 51, da d in inf, his bra John stewart 14.5.1874 14, mo Eliz Andrew 30.12.1897 78, s Pte Jas Hill stewart .•• d Kantara, Egypt ... rest hidden. 87 Jos Routledge 9.1.1887 63 UfO w Jane Peden 22.2.1860 35, da Jane 13.12.1881 23, mo .Jane Carruthers 8.3.1882 75, s Jas Routledge, sculptor d Alma Place, Auchinl~0k 17.2.1892 44 s John d K/K 14.6.1916 60 (w Alice Woodward 24.3.~~50 8:. da Agnes 2.8.1873 84.) 83 IMO rhos Paterson 89 Br. Er John Simpson, Girvan 30.1.1926 83, IMO w Grace Harper d Lugar 2.9.1889 46, da S~uart Merry Simpson (hus Philip Morris) d K/K 19.11.1915 27, s Geo d Waterloo, da's Georgina & Jan &. s Wm d Auchinleck, s John d Lugar. 90 Er Wm & Alex Smith, Here lyes the body of Dan McMichael who ••. 1866 .•. 1869 •.• who .•. Wales 19th •.. rest illegible. 6.6.1877, IMO his mo Jane Lamont 25.10.1883 w Jane MCDougall 78, IMO hus John Harper lt fr, 11.2.1935 82, da Jean 4.10. 1.1.1903. IiliO s Agnes 21.3.1887 31 (da Mary 18.6.1887 6 mths) , abv Wm Smith 1.8.1910 48 (s And 10.2.1893 • 1 yr & 2 mths, daAnnie 6~ mths, H Annie Devlin 28.10.1913 48), 90 (contd.) abv Alex Smith 29.9.1915 50 (s Owen 7.2.1903 3). 91 ob. 92 Er by Jan Waugh 26.5.1907 61, IARO hus John fleming d Commercial 16.6.1893 50. 'Gone but not forgotten'. 93 Er by Wm Wyllie IMO his spouse Ann Mackie 94 Er by their family IMO Jas Wyllie Er TTMO Mgt ... sis Jane Wyllie 17.2.1871 '24. 11.10.1841 Inn, Auchinleck 41. 20.2.1890 86, (w Mgt Paton 25.2.1873 64), 95 Er by Agnes Fletcher ILMO hus Robt Wyllie 25.3.1890 44. 96 Er by Hugh Wyllie 16.10.1894 56 IMO sons Dav 12.5.1865 9 mths, Dav 3.11.1867 18 mths, Hugh 8.3.1891 21, John d Michel, Canada 6.1.1906 32, Jas 17.10.1907 45, w Jane Brown 29.6.1926 86, da Euphemia 19.8.1961 85. 97 IMO John Wyllie, Catrine 12.3.1832 60, also 6 of his pre-deceased children. 98 Qb. I~O Mary Crawford spouse to John Hutchison 21.2.1816 also of Alex Hutchison b 11.5.1783, also of A K Hutchison b 29.4.1785, also of Mar-y Hutchison 5.6.1790 - 2.10.1817 27 ys. 99 This is the burying place of Wm King. .John 6.6.178- •.. \" d Jan 17. .. ag ... Here lyes the corps' of 2 of , his chn 100 Er by Jas Howa t IMO fa John Howat 1822 ag 75 ys. 101 IMO Robt Gibb 13.7.1870 81, w Christina Samson 9.12.1869 68, da Jane 12.3.1834 1 yr &. 5 mths, s Jas 9.2.1889 52, da-i-l Eliz Hepburn 21.7.1909-58 (hus John Gibb 17.6.1916 76, da Jane 2.2.1936 59, s Jas 21.2.1946 72, da Annie 29.3. 1946 55). 102 103 i'i dQ..5.9.1895]ag 65, mo Agnes Wyllie 14.3. 1899. Er by Jane Harper d Helensburgh 2.6.1915 78, IMO hus Chas Gibb 15.4.1899 d Shettleston 26.4.1907 50, s Alex d Helensburgh 11.5.1924 47, s Chas d Troon 20.5.1931 67, da Christina Samson d Helensburgh 23.4.1948 79, s Jas d Glasgow 28.10.1948 70. 64, da Eliz 12.4.1894 32, s John 26.2.1867 2, sAnd Er by ehas Gibb d Barclachan Farm 24.5.1911 85 ILMO his w Ellen Williamson d 'Until the day break and the shadows flee ai"ay.' Bar-cLachan Farm 27.11.1902 67. 104 Er 7hos Haining INO his w Jan Gibson d Dalfad 28.12.1853 30, 2w Mgt Robertson d Railway Buildings,Hur'lford 6.11.1882 67, s Jas Raining d K/K 18.11.1889 35, abv Til08 Hai n i ng d Yor-ke Plce, K/K 8.1.1905 78, Mary Robertson 24.7.1927 77. 105 As a token of respect to Joan Robertson from fellow worker John Walker & son. vU 1 (\.0 Thi:::; is the burial place of Wm Gibson that lived in Stonebridge. 8.3.1796 82 ys, Anne Gibson d Stonebridge 5.12.1954 84. 107 Er by Wm Gibson IMO fa Alex Gibson, It fr, Stonebridge 13.2.184- 73. 108 Ob. STTMO Dav McKerrow, Roadinhead b Craigstone 14.6.1792 d 18.7.1884, w Mgt Dickie 11.11.1801 - 20.10.1862, da Jane McKerrow b Roadinhead 21.4.1841 - 17.1.1924 83, s Dav MCKerrow b Roadinhead 2.2.1843 - 3.1.1937 94. (Side)Frank McKerrow 8.10.1932 (da Grace 18.1.1894 7 wks, da Mgt 6.6.1905 15, w He died 108 (contd.) Mgt Tannock 26.2.1937 82, s Dav 1.10.1941 58, s John 5.1.1955 69). (Side) - Dav McKerrow (w Mary Howatson 27.4.1824 32, s Dav 27.2.1834 8 mths, s Chas 24.12.1846 28, d2 Mgt 28.6.1847 16, da Annie 4.9.1847 8). 109 Mgt Bryson 27.6.1892 73 hus Wm McKerrow, fr, Croftfoot 17.3.1855 39, s Mungo McKerrow d Johannesburg 24.9.1889 43 ys, Dav •.• Droftfoot ••• 1893 47 ys, da Grace Dickie McKerrow d Cumnock 23.11.1906 56. 110 Er IMO Wm McKerrow, It f'r , Craigstone d Broom 12.12.1807 74 ys, w Isabella Hudd d Craigstone 9.3.1789 ag - ys. (Back) - Geo McKerrow, Dixton d 1841 ag 71, (w Mary Brown d 1848 ag 70, s Wm McKerrow 27.1.1850 52, s Jas McKerrow 2.12.1874 73). 111 E1' •.. Wm ... who died Eliz ... died 19.2 .[u}- 112 lARO Hugh McKerrow, Barrhill Road, Cumnock 20.11.1886 76, w Jane McKerrow d Whiteholm of Dornal d Sept 1842 28, gs Hugh McKerrow 19.2.1884 17. 113 Jean McClanachan, hus Jas McKerrow, fr, Dornal 30.9.1859 31. 114 F.S. (Winged soul, two figures holding shield) bones) Jas Wallace 1776. 115 ab. 116 cr-cs 117 Ob. Er Wm Harvey d Templandshaw 14.12.1890 86, w Agnes Clark 13.9.1855 54, fa John Harvey 21.1.1837 89, mo Ann McKerrow 21.4.1857 79, sis Jean Harvey 21.2.1860 59, s .John Harvey d Mid Wellwood 23.10.1915 86 (w Jeanie Morton d Mid_Wellwood 28.3.1927 88). 118 T!1is the abv ••• who died ••• yrs ... died.17th •.. ys .•• ys. (Hourglass, skult & cross- Here lye interred the remains of Mary White spouse of John Reid, Duncanzemer 6.5.1785, 1s John Reid 3.11.1806 ag -ys . (Side) - Chas Howatson, Cronberry his fa 22.12.1822 65, his bro And Howatson yID 17.4.1827 27, mo Mgt Reid 9.6.1827 59, sis Jan Howatson 6.2.1886 94. (Back) - 1da Jessie ~urray 10.2.1845 11, 25 Gco Samson 14.11.1846 11, 3da Wilhelmina Rankine Gibb 27.8. 1860 21. Er by Wm Howat s on , Cranberry 19.11.1882 74, da-i-l Wilhelmina Aird Fletcher Howatson, Dornel & Glenbuck, d House of Glenbuck 9.10.1887 61, Jane Samson 19.10.1891 95, Isabel Holgate da of Chas & w of Reg Stuart Chambers d Davos, Switzerland 16.12.1919 24, Chas Nile Howatson Cptn 19th Lancers d 5.3.1924 34. (Side) - 6s Geo Samson 14.6.1895 45 buried in Kensal Green Cemeterv, London, sAnd Howatson d Paris 25.7.1906 60. s , Br. ILMO Marion Doreen Ryrie 1. 2 .1918. a flower in Paradlse will bloo~.' 'Just came to s how how sweet the burying place of John Harvie, Temp l and shaw , Here lyes the of Jean Milliken his mo w d May 1796 79. (Back) - IMO John Harvie d 21.1.1837 89. 1:3 r-ema Lr.s :19 Er: J'ohn Bo swe I I 7.12.1911 81 IMO sis Ann Boswell 24.5.1842 14, fa John Boswell 7.3.1865 64, sis Ann Bo swe l I 19.6.1868 24, mo Helen Dunsmore 3.12.1869 67, bro Robt Boswell 6.12.1910 78, bro Wm Boswell 18.3.1916 78, bro Jas Boswell d Hillend, Sorn 4.11.1920 79 (w Jane Wallace Peden d Hillend, Sorn 7.5.1925 77) • • 120 Sr. Er IMO Dav Blair, 29.9.1855 63. fr, Duncanziemer 19.8.1851 61, w Marion Richardson 121 Er Alex Bryce d W.I 4.4.1927 122 Er by John Lapraik d 26 Carrick Road, Ayr 29.11.1911 82 11\10 \v Jan Vallance 30.10.1899 76, da Agnes Lapraik Robb 7.11.1888 37, da Jessie 7.9.1868 15, da Eliz Best 6.12.1889 27, da Sarah 6.3.1867 1 yr &. 8 mths, inf da 30.10.1850. 123 Er by Dan Eadie, merch,Auchinleck d 26.8.1862 37 IMO inf da Alison 22.5.1839 neph Alex Eadie 7.5.1844 21. 'Much regretted,' s Jas Eadie 46th Regt d Crimea 3.3.1855 24. 124 OB. Er by Robt Maider 9.4.1900 74 ILMO his yt s Geo 10.7.1891 20 ys & 1 mth. 'Gone but not forgotten.' s John, chief engineer, S.S. Appollo, drowned 16.2.1894 33, w Jan Kerr 22.7.1898 72, s Jas d Hartlepool 30.12.1904 38, da Eliz McCheyne, retired nurse 5.1.1944 31. 125 Er John McKay, sgt 45 Regt of Foot 12.2.1866 68, chn Geo &. Jean d in inf, s John 8.5.1864 24, w Jan Bowman 18.4.1880 77: reverse side - John Chalmers 18.6.1913 64 (s Jas 1.3.1872 9 mths, s Geo 18.5.1882 1, w Agnes Muir 13.12 1882 32.) 126 Er Jos Currie 28.5.1913 66 IMO da Jan 9.2.1873 7 mths, s Dan 27.5.1893 24, da-i-l Isabella Earl 4.8.1898 28 (hus Wm Currie 16.5.1907 33), w Mary Jones 26.4.1911 64 gda Marion Currie 23.11.1913 8, s Robt A.R.T.C M.I.M.E d Kemys Fawr Griffithstown 9.6.1923 42 (v·' Ann McKinnon), s John 25.3.1926 41. 127 OB. STTMO Rev Geo Roger MA 32 ys Min of Original Secession Church,Auchinlcck 4.4.1870 59, w Ann Wood 18.1.1865 43, 'The memory of the just is blessed,' rna Eliz Roger 10.9.1844 75, sis Christian 1.1.1893 85, neph John Roger 15.1 1851, s Wm 2.11.1898 50 int Johannesburg Cemetery, s John 9.3.1899 48 int Hampstead Cemetery, London da Margt 27.7.1922 75 int Craigton Cemetery, Glasgow. 128 Er Rev Geo Roger Min of original secession congregation,Auchinleck 4.4.1870 60 IAR mo Eliz 10.9.1844 75, w Ann Wood 18.1.1865 25: reverse side - Wm Roger, merch, Aberdeen (5 John b May 1843 d Jan 1851), Rev Geo Roger (sis Christian d Glasgow 1.1.1893 85 int here.) 129 Here are interred the bodies of Susanna Buchanan wife, and, John Allan &. Bryce sons of Robt Smith, late minister of the Associate Congregation, Auchinleck, his body is interred at the side of the meeting house, Kilwinning. 130 Br. This is the burial place of Sam Mitchell, here lys the corps of s Dav ag 2 dys, here lyes the corps of s Dav ag 5 &. 3 roths ••• 131 Illegible. 132 Here lies the dust of ••• Gregg who was ••• Reverse side - Here lies the dust of A Baird Gregg who was a skilly doctor, his labours he .•. freely gie it wasna gowd .•• wro ... it for a fee. He stood, never sought and .•. ead puir people, was weel ••• ood and •.. 3.1.1844 53. 133 Er Dav Russell IMO s John 2.2.1885 1 yr, bro John killed by acc 17.11.1885 64 & w Mary Jane Duncan d Currffiock 26.6.1925 61, ILMO s John 21.8.1895 7 mths, da Ann 18.9.1895 1 &. 5 mths. 133 • 134 (contd.) 27, rna Jane Ronald 2.2.1917 84, bra Thos 13.3.1924 57,fa Dav Oct 1892 62. Er Wm Gordon IMO da Margt 1.4.1871 18. 'Nor pain nor grief nor anxious fear invade thy bounds no mortal woes can reach the peaceful sleeper here, while angels watch the soft repose.' 135 Er Ann Clark IMO hus Jas Templeton 136 Er John McDowall, Kirkcudbright IMO •.• bro - McDowall, Patrick McDowall .• , d Sept 1824 87, John McDowall d Walltrees 1.12.1851 82: reverse side - Agnes McDowall d Burnton 18.8.1837 84; John stewart d Burnton 2.7.1861 87. 137 Er Jas Bryce d Burnfoothill 27.12.1923 77, IMO s Francis 2.5.1870 Jas 3.2.1880 3 & 10 mths, w Susan Henderson 17.5.1932 86. 138 Er Wm Bryce d Donaldson Braes, Cumnock 29.8.1905 64, IMO s Robt 14.4.1870 9 mths, s Wm 21.7.1882 4 dy s , w Marion Dunsmore3.7.1915 71, da Agnes 18.3.1943 69, da Margt 1.6.1957 81. 139 11\10 )I'1argt Bryce 3.6.1891 38, hus Wm Baird 16.1.1912 73, s Alex & Geo d in inf, s Thos 3.1.1893 9, s Jas 10.12.1898 20, da Annie 27.7.1903 29 (hus Alex Carson) s Rob t L/Sgt M.lY! killed in Palestine 12.11.1917 32, s-i-l Wm Hyslop 11.3.1919 47 (w Jane Baird 6.1.1946 73.) 140 IMO Alex Johnston 23.2.1880 57, w Robina Crossen d Partick 16.8.1895 67, s rhos 12.8.1872 9, da Robina d Rochester N.Y 28.8.1897 27, sons Robt, Geo, Alex & Jas d in inf, da Mary d in inf, gs Jas Johnstone 16.4.1886 15, gs Tom Houston 1.12.1890 11. 141 Er Henry Hodge IMO fa Wm d Holmhead 15.3.1857 72, inf bra, bro Jas Cpl d on his way home from China 21.2.1860 36, mo Jan Templeton 27.11.1870 78. 142 Illegible. 143 El' 144 Er Alex Bryce 80, da Mary 31.7.1856 10 mths, 1856 41, da Jane 15.1.1866 14. 145 John Bryce d Donaldson Braes, Cumnock 27.1.1902 36, w Mary Houston 2.8.1940 74. 146 Er Robt Gibb d Dunr-o d , Cumnock 4.9.1932 73, ILMO w Agnes Clark 31.8.1919 61, s Km 25.5.1887 2, s Robt d in inf, s Robt 22.10.1900 1 &. 2 mths. 147 ILMO Wm Jamieson, Horticulturist d Ochiltree 22.12.1825 71, s John killed in action, France 28.11.1917 31, w Mary Gibson d Ochiltree 10.8.1929 76, 2s Alex d N.Y 20.1.1933 53, da Jane d Cumnock 3.8.1958 92. 'Now the labourers task is o'er, now the battle is past.' fa And d Wealside 22.7.1871 42 (w Mary Morton d LBnglands 22.3.1889 68) 148 This is the burial place of Wm Glendinning. who passed by deid 20,9.1787 12. 149 Thos Ferguson d Airds place,Auchinleck 17.12.1893 65, INO chn Geo 22.5.1868 10 &. 2 mths, Euphemia 16.10.1874 1 &. 3 mths, w Margt Rogerson d Hayfield, 1.7.1831 82. 1 mths, s John Ross 1).10 sis Margt d V Feb MDCCCXXIX ag XXX (hus Wm Boyimton.) \<,1 Ann Hamilton 19.12 Here lies the body of Jan Mirray 149 (contd.)Auchinleck 12.12.1904 72; Jan MCKerrow d Hayfield 1.11.1912 63 (back) John Ferguson MR Serg 95th Reg d Mauchline 11.3.1866 ag 80 ys, TTMO (w Harriet Turner b Rochester Sept 1799 d 18.5.1849, s Pte Ferguson 78th Reg d Cawnpore 2.11.1857 ag 24, s John Ferguson d Hayfield, Auch 3.2.1904 ag 73. 150 IMO John Rogerson 27.12.1883 85, w Jan McKerrow d Templeton 7.9.1880 69, 151 Er A.E & J Clark IMO fa Alex Clark d 20.4.1863 88, rno Agnes Cunningham d 20.5 1840 64, bro Jas Clark d July 1828 26, bro Wm Clark July 1828 20, sis E~len Clark d July 1828 16, nie Ellen Jones d 13.7.1864 14, nie Jessie Jones d 3.1 1865 8, also of Mary Ann Jones d 1.11.1877 60 (hus Alex Clark), above John Clark d 28.12.1879 61, above Ebenezer Clark d 24.6.1884 67, above Alex Clark d 7.9.1895 84. 152 This is the burying place of Wm Lamont, fr, Brakinhill. Here lye the remains of Mar g t Templeton his spouse who departed this life -.7 .1}.8-2] ag 6- ..• rest buried. Reverse side - wm Lamont d 26.5.184177, i-J Ann Lennox d 9.8.1847 72, Agnes Lamont 7.5.1887 85, John Lamont, fr Blackstone 16.3.1891 88. 153 ... of Agnes Wilson, '" of John 10.12.1856,da Jane d 18-- ••. abv John .•• d 19.1. U884J74 ..• Mar-y Ai.rd, w of Geo ••• 154 Er TTMO Dav Gibb, Margt Vallance and family. 155 This is the burial place of John Gibson 1787. 156 'Them that sleep in Jesus will God bring with him. 'IMO Mary Peden d Carlisle 20.9.186130, hus Geo Burns 19.2.1883 52 (2w Eliz Miller d K/K 30.7.1914 79), da Marion 14.9.1859 3 wks int Carlisle. Agnes 23.5.1863 1 &, 10 mths, Jessie 28.12.1872 16, Geo 6.10.1873 1 & 11 mths. 157 Er Geo Templeton, merch, Auchinleck IMO inf s Jas d -.1.1834. 158 Er Geo Dunn IMO s Dav d 26.3.1855 2, s Geo d 16.8.1857 9. Lord what is life? Tis like a flower/that blossoms and is gone/we see it flourish for an hour/ with aU its beauty on/but death comes like a wintry day/and cuts the pretty f l owcr- away, 159 ILMO Jas Chrystal LLD Min of this parish 1833 - 1901, Moderator of the Central Assembly 1879, b Glasgow 16.1.1807, d Auchinleck Manse 6.2.1901, w Sophia 18.1..1805 - 21.'1.1890 (fa Ptk Playfair, Dalmarnock). 'Heirs together of the grace of life. 1 Peter III 7. I 160 Wm Chrystal b 30.7.1835 d 12.4.1845, Dav b 17.9.1843 d 21.6.1857, Jane Playfair Chrystal b 12.2.1837 d 29.11.1884, And b 19.1.1841 d Hamilton 16.2.1885 Pahick b 28.6.1838 d Bombay 17.6.1885, Sophia Playfair (hus Dr Chrystal) b 18.1.1805 d 21.7.1890, John Smith Chrystal, Mill Manager, Hubli Bombay ?residency b Auchinleck 12.10.1845 d Lanark 1.12.1915, Jas Robt Chrystal b 6.10.1889 d Melrose 27.1.1930. 161 Er Robt Anderson d 10.12.1893 51 IMO da Mary d 14.1.1878 9 roths, da Agnes d 11.6.1887 1 yr &, 6 roths, gr s Robt d Cumnock 11.7.1889 9 wks, w Agnes Chapman d 23.1.1892 50. 162 Er Dav Steel, [DarconnerJ IMO da Eliz d 7.11.1867 13 ys & 5 roths, s Geo d 1.1. 1876 16 ys & 9 mths, s Dav d 12.12.1877 10 ys 10 mths, (back) Dreary was that morn she bade farewell/Forget it shall I never/Till death shall give that parting call/My soul and body sever/Alas she is gone not to return/This world 163 o me seems dreary/Her dear remains lies in this urn/And rests ~here none (contd.) are weary. Er TTMO And Scott 23.10.1873 78, w Mary Love 29.8.1883 65, s Jas 30.4.1888 51 (w Mgt McBlane 6.1.190160), s Robt accidentally killed Highouse Colliery 29.8.1935 64 (w Jane Jamieson). 164 Er Wm Freeland 165 Illegible. 166 Hr. 167 ob. Er Robt Peden 12.11 1927 61 and I" Mary Bell 7.10.1941 73, ILMO da ;'lgt 14.12.1901 8~, s Wm 16.3.1914 18~, da Helen 2.11.1936 34, s Jas 22.8.1958 58, da Agnes 23.3.1961 63, s Robt 12.5.1974 67. 168 John Reid 2~.4.1875 45, TTMO da Jane 30.10.1864 5 mths, s Jas 27.5.1873 12~, s Hugh 19.12.1878 23, w Jane Wilson d Hapland, Mauchline 28.8.1921 87, sAnd d Sydney, N.S.W., 21.2.1922 49, s John. Dr, d Mauehline 15.10.1929 71 Int there. 169 Er ,Jas Dunffie, Common- -Dyke, Hl0 da Jane ag 17, niece Mgt Dunffie 30.11.1862 19::John Dunffie ~0.12.1890 42 (w Eliz Jamphary 22.8.1909 55). 170 Br .•.. his da ... 1879 ... his s Geo ••. 4.12.1882 ... w Helen Findlay 18.4.1891 55, abv Alex Henderson 20.11.1899 70, s Alick d East Maitland, N.S.W .. 22.5. 1917 44. 171 Er· Ceo Findlay If\10 fa Jas Findlay cl Aug 1854 46, sis Eliz d Sep 1836 4, "ane d April 1852 17 mths, sis Ann d April 1852 4. sis Wilhelmina d Ayr 11.10.1890 47, mo Jan Girvan d Ayr 2.12.1890 82. 172 Er Jas Peden, Oldbyer INO spouse Mgt Templeton 8.6.1779 31, and 6 chn w d under 5 ys . Li kew i s e s John Peden 7.10.1804 22. (Back) - By John Peden ~8.12.1883 66, Old Byre IMO (fa Geo 4.10.1860 87, mo Jan McGavin 9.1.1855 77, bro Jas Peden 7.7.1857 43, bro Geo Peden 10.3.1854 50, da Eli2 Peden 2.5.1881 25, w Eliz Sloan 24.6.1883 62, s John Peden 13.4.1910 56). 173 Ikre lyes the corpse of Alex Peden b Croftfoot, 1794 86, w Jean Craig 13.1.1752 37. 174 E::- I\'m Peden 23.8.]913 77 DIO fa John Peden d Hill 19.5.1859 73, sis Jane Peden 7.10.1862 23, mo Mary Campbell 23.5.1877 75, sis Agnes Peden 6.2.1907 63. 175 Here lyes the body of Alex Gibson who .•. in •.. and departed •.. upon the 20. 1.1782 69, Marion ... his spouse d 1780, ~lso 2w Ann Gibb .•• 1800. 176 Er Alex Young IMO sAnd 11.1.1875 177 Er Wm Auld 17.-.1876 162 17.4.1907 81, da Agnes 4.3.1865 12 yr & 3 mths, s Wro 5.11.1885 29, da Mary d Covan 19.2.1886 37 (hus Dav Richmond), w Jane Sellars 10.1.1887 56, s Jas d Selma Fresno Co., California 16.7.1896 46 an accident, da Agnes 29.3.1898 29, s John d Ayr 17.7.1926 63, s ehas d Fresno California 21.11.1933 70, s Dav d Novato, California 26.1.1935 73. (Back) - s-i-l Jas Murray d Savannah, USA, 27.7.1896 48, da .Je ann i e Freeland 3.9.1935 80 (hus Jas Murray). E!' Wm Peden 30.12.1919 84, 1:-10 fa Robt Peden 2.4.18'/4 79, Mari on Halber 7.12.1866 72, ... Qun~ 1858 27, .•. May 1870 - wks, •.. June 1870 3 wks, ..• May 1873 3 wk s , da(Eliz) 10.2.1875 5 mths, da Marion 7.10.18766 mths, s Alex 11.12.1877 6 mths, w Agnes Baird 21.11.1917 74, s Wm 20.1.1946 74. 1 yr SlS Sorn, June 1708 d Know Feb & 11 mths. 58, IMO fa Dav, fr, Knaghshill 8.9.1832 54, mo Agnes 177 (contd.) Baird 21.2.1828 40, s Dav 20.7.1844 1 yr & 1 mth, sis i'<lary 6.3.1859 Agnes Auld 28.9.1880 74, w Ann Walker 24.7.1895 79, da Annie 18.2.1909 (hus Wm Lapraik). 49, 56~ 178 Er Mgt McKay d Glasgow 4.2.1929 89, ILMO hus Thos Hamilton 15.5.-1909 68, also 3 sons din info 'Thy will be done.' 179 Here lies the corpse of Hugh Reid, It in Glenhead who departed this life Nov 1796 79, also da Mary Reid 25.6.1824 81. 180 Er Helen Wilson IMO fa John Wilson d Dumfris House 21.3.1884 61, rna Cath Simpson 27.10.1860 89, sis Mgt 20.2.- 47 ys, bro Pet d in inf 20.11.-, bro .John d 10. -.1860 74, bro Wm d 22.7.18- •.• body interred in ... London. aov Helen wilson d 20 •.. 80 ys. 181 Er A & H Wilson IMO fa Jas 14.8.1866 67, mo Agnes Hodge 11.12.1865 59, sis Eliz 11.2.18-8 7 mths, bro Wm 31.10.1859 30, bro Jas d[~ ..• Sam Clark d ... rest illegible. 182 F.S. Mgt Lawrie b May 1681 d Sept 1697, John Lawrie Yonger b July 1698 d ULT March 1706 in Sacris nil obiter. 183 Er Eliz D Cameron 18.11.1927 72 ILMO hus Geo McConnell 14.2.1898 42, gfa Wm Andr-ew 4.4.1888 94, s Geo 6.2.1903 18. 'Blessed are the dead who' die in th Lord' s Oliver McConnell 15.1.1948 72 (\" Mgt Muir). 'Thy will be done.' 184 IMO Pet Crichton 9.9.1850 60, s Wm 27.8.1854 40, \'1 Mgt Cumming 22.11.1869 84, Mgt Williamson 28.2.1878 61 (hus Wm Crichton), Eliz Crichton 14.12.1878 66 (hus John Pearson 25.12.1878 61, da Sarah 13.10.1851 2~), 2w Helen Crhg 29.10.191" 1.51. 185 Ob , Er .John , Wm and Hugh Sloan 1MO fa Wm Sloan d Townhe ad 5.10.1884 73, abv Hugh Sloan d Townhead 22.12.1891 31, mo Mgt Watson d Townhe.a d 7.8.1904 78. 186 Er Jas Gordon IMO da Mary 2.4.1900 187 lHO Jane Campbell 20.4.1854 67, s Jas 27.9.1855 50, hus John stuart 5. 14, da-i-l Jessie Robertson 26.9.1923 48, gda Jane Gordon d Ayr County 16.8.1939 33 (hus John Roxburgh, Beith). 'I sleep in Jesus who retains/the keys of hell and/my time to wake with Heaven/ the relict of my ... ' 1. 18t1,4 85. 188 Er Geo Burns 6.6.1868 72 1MO gfa Robt Burns d 1820 88, gmo Jan Richmond d 1802 70, fa Geo Burns d 1851 80, mo Agnes Dalziel d 1827 64, bro Sam d 1817 17, sis Jane d 1842 45, sis Jan d 1858 56, sons Geo & Wm d 1829 1, s John d 1858 21, w Jan Richmond 3~9.1884 83, da Jan d K/K 26.1.1901 60, da Agnes 29. 3.1913 86. 1R9 Er J(,hn Gr'ant, Ga s swa t e r- 31.5.1857 47, IMO da Ann 10.9.1839 4, s Robt 13.9. 1841 6 mths, s John 1.10.1857 20, s Thos 16.8.1859 25, w Jane Baird 4.7.1866 65, s Duncan Gram: 14.2.1916 72 ("" Sarah Robb 30.7.1932 77). 190 E1' Jas Neil 6.4.1898 58 1MO s Jas 4.10.1872 9 roths, twins Jas 26.2.1874 5 mths and John 5.8.1874 10 mths, da Jane 9.11.1877 10 mths, da Mgt 1.3.1879 6 mths, s Geo 12.6.1879 11, da Mgt-Jane 27.5.1880 12 wks, da Mary 18.6.1880 17 yr & 10 mths, da Marion 5.1.1881 16, w Eliz Baillie 23.5.1881 41, da Eliz 8.7.1887 8 mths, da Mgt 23.4.1889 4 mths 2w Grace Robertson 24.8.1893 29, s John 3.1. 190 (contd.) 1919 2fi. 191 Sr. l:r And Neil 31.10.1928 78 and w Agnes Ferguson 28.2.1919 69, ... s Jas oissing at Ba~tle of Loos, supposed to have d~ed 26.9.1915 35, da Marion 22. 3.1927 ~5 (hus And SmitJl), s John 12.12.1935 46, da Agnes 24.6.1956 80. 192 Er Jas and Alex Armstrong I~O fa Wm d Gaswa:er 9.3.1860 55, rna Marion d Motherwell 6.5.1892 77. Abv Jas Armstrong 12.10.1912 66 (da Marion Cranberry 17.2.1894 3 mths, s John d Glasgow 14.1.1892 20). 193 Hugh Dalgliesh 9.11.1854 72, INO w Mary Borland d Templcland Mains 22.3.1846 59, sis-i-l ~gt Borland 24.5.1859 76, (Back) - Robt Dalglish 12.2.1889 75 I~O chn Eliz 2E.1.1859 19 mths, Agnes 30.6.1864 16, Cochrane 26.4.1868 13, l'lm 6.9.187222, i2,S 17.2.1874 28, \~ Cochrane Dr-ummond 5.11.1S'l4 59, Hugh Dickson d L 5.7.1896 194 TI1~S is Me~land 52. the resting place of Jas Gibson Smith. Here lyes the body of w Mary 8.11.1715. 195 1.3.1828. Er Jas Smith, Thirdpart IMO bra John d in inf Aug 1814, 19.3.1925 53, bra John 28.4.1833 13, w Jean Sloan 12.-.1828 34. 196 .2:r' "\'m Smi_th, f'r , TJ-;i.rp2,rt 25.9.1906 70, D10 fa .Ja s 29.11.1880 77, mo LTean Sloan 1:2.6.1838 34, sis Jane d Hall, Kirkconnell 22.3.1877 38 (hus John Baird), fa Wm s Rev W~ Sm~th d Treeshill 30.1.1927 58, w He~en Peden d Marr Thornhill 16. 3.l934 97, uncle \<,1'l1 Smith d Bur nh ou s e 23.3.1859 38, gmo [''lgt Peden d Bur nhous e 2~.3.1864 80, aunt Mgt Smith d Burnhouse 21.7.1873 59, aunt Agnes Smith d B~rnhouse 13.6.1896 81, INO Wm d in inf 29.10.1902 6 wks (fa Jas smith). 197 Er TTMO Wrn Smith, It miller, 8r~dgend 1n Er hiT! Kelso H10 mo El.iz Wilson 11.10.1830 31, bro John d in i nf 20.9.1839, fa !--Lchael 24.7.1873 66. Eliz Kelso B1G (fa Dav Kelso d .Jam i e s on Pl ac e , ,':"uc:'l 25.4.189137, mo Agnes Sharp d K/K Lnf i r mar-y 2.11.1893 .13, sis Agnes d In(:hcotrick, Riccarton 2.5.1894 4 yrs & 3 mths. :t_99 He r e Ly e s the corpse of Robt \'ialker, 10.6.1800 61, ~ Jan Hutchison fr, ... 2.4.1751 66, h' 11.7.18- Ann Templeton ... 26. 10.1774 ... 200 Mors Adest Sedvicta Est. Er Eliz Kennedy IMO fa Jas Kennedy, fr, Knaig~hi!l 15.5.1844, mo Nicholas Finlater 10.4.1852. As they lived so they died full of faith and hope in their redeemer. 'Them also who sleep in Jesus will God br·ing with him.' Cncle Sam Kennedy d Glenshamrock, ~uch., 31.5.1889 82. '~len ~he dey o~ toil is done, when the rage of life is run, father grant thy wearied one rest for evermore.' Aun~ Eliz Kennedy d Cackhill 28.8.1890 86. (Reverse side) - We miss them in our songs of praise, nnd round ~he social Lcarth we ~iss their form, their looks, their lays, their step is not on Earth. Like birds who seek a warmer clime, when winter }lovers nigh, they saw the coming storms of time and soared above the sky, and that same hand that held rr~ own, when first I tried to walk, I wonder if she thinks of me, in that fair happy land. Blessing and HOI~our and Glory and Power be unto him that sitteth on the throne and unto the lamb for ever and ever. 201 I~O Jas Murray, Dumfries Arms Inn, Cumnock 13.10.1853 51, w Ann Samson 26.B. 1874 74, chn Wrn 24.11.1832 21 mths, Agnes 14.2.1834 15 mths, M~ggie 15.8.1882 41, Jas 23.1,1892 66, Jane 11.9.1896 68, Agnes 28.11.1903 69, Annie 190 191 (contd.) Sr. 1919 2fi. l:r And Neil 31.10.1928 oissing at Ba~tle of Loos, 3.1927 ~5 (hus And SmitJl), 78 and w Agnes Ferguson 28.2.1919 69, ... s Jas supposed to have d~ed 26.9.1915 35, da Marion 22. s John 12.12.1935 46, da Agnes 24.6.1966 80. 192 Er Jas and Alex Armstrong IMO fa Wm ci Gaswa~er 9.3.1860 55, mo Marion Dickson d Motherwell 6.5.1892 77. Abv Jas Armstrong 12.10.1912 66 (da Marion d Cranberry 17.2.1894 3 mths, s John d Glasgow 14.1.1892 20). 193 Hugh Dalgliesh 9.11.1854 72, INO w Mary Borland d Templcland Mains 22.3.1846 59, sis-i-l ~gt Borland 24.5.1859 76, (Back) - Robt Dalglish 12.2.1889 75 I~O chn Eliz 2E.1.1859 19 mths, Agnes 30.6.1864 16, Cochrane 26.4.1868 13, \'1m 6.9.187222, i2,S 17.2.1874 28, \~ Cochrane Dr-ummond 6.11.18'l4 59, Hugh 5.7.1896 52. L 194 This is the resting Me~land 8.11.1715. place of Jas Gibson Smith. Here lyes the body of w Mary 195 1.3.1828. Er Jas Sml~h, Thirdpart IMO bra John d in inf Aug 1814, fa Wm 19.3.1925 53, bra John 28.4.1833 13, w Jean Sloan 12.-.1828 34. 196 t:r' )',m Sm:i_th, f'r , '!']-,i.rp2.rt 25.9.1906 70, D10 fa .Ja s 29.11.1880 77, rno LTean Sloan 1:2.6.1838 34, sis Jane d Hall, Kirkconnell 22.3.1877 38 (hus John Baird), s Rev W~ Sm~th d Treeshill 30.1.1927 58, w He~en Peden d Marr Thornhill 16. 3.l934 97, uncle \'i'J1 Smith d Bur-nh ou s e 23.3.1859 38, gmo f''lgt Peden d Bur-nh ous e ?~.3.186~ B~rnhouse 80, aunt Mgt Smith d Burnhouse 21.7.1873 13.6.1896 81, INO Wm d in inf 29.10.1902 59, aunt Agnes Smith d 6 wks (fa Jas smith). 197 Er TTMO Wrn Smith, It miller, 8r~dgend 10.6.1800 198 Er hiT! Kelso Hl0 mo Eliz Wilson 11.10.1830 31, bro John d in inf 20.9.1839, fa !--Lchael 24.7.1873 66. Eliz Kelso HIG (fa Dav Kelso d .J ami e s on Pl ac e A'Jc:'l 25.4.189137, mo Agn.e s Sharp d K/K Lnf i r mar-y 2.11.1893 ,13, sis Agnes d In(:hcotrick, Riccarton 2.5.1894 4 yrs & 3 mths. :t_99 He r e Ly e s the corpse of Robt 11alker, f'r , ... 2.4.:L751 66, I,' Ann Templeton 10.1774 61, ~ Jan Hutchison 11.7.18- ... 26. •.. 200 Mars Adest Sedvicta Est. 201 I~O Jas Er Eliz Kennedy IMO fa Jas Kennedy, fr, Knaig~hi!l 15.5.1844, mo Nicholas Finlater 10.4.1852. As they lived so they died full of faith and hope in their redeemer. 'Them also who sleep in Jesus will God br'ing with him.' lnole Sam Kennedy d Glenshamrock, ~uch., 31.5.1889 82. '~len ~he dey o~ toil is done, when the rage of life is run, father grant thy wearied one rest for evermore.' Aun~ Eliz Kennedy d Cackhill 28.8.1890 86. (Reverse side) - We miss them in our songs of praise, and round ~he social Lcarth we ~iss their form, their looks, their lays, their step is not on Earth. Like birds who seek a warme~ clime, when winter ilovers nigh, they saw the co~ing storms of time and soared above the sky, and that same hand that held rr~ own, when first I tried to walk, I wonder if she thinks of me, in that fair happy land. Blessing and HOI)our and Glory and Power be unto him that sitteth on the throne and unto the lamb for ever and ever. Murray, Dumfries Arms Inn, Cumnock 13.10.1853 51, w Ann Samson 26.B. 1874 74, chn Wrn 24.11.1832 21 mths, Agnes 14.2.1834 15 mths, Maggie 15.8.1882 41, Jas 23.1.1892 66, Jane 11.9.1896 68, Agnes 28.11.1903 69, Annie 201 (contd.) 202 Er Jas Murray, Cumnock IMO gfa Thos 3.6.1841 85, aunt Jane Murray 5.6.1851 51. 203 Er Jas Murray d Rodinhead 4.9.1829 82 IMO rno 10.9.1798 93, ~ro Wm d Catrine 23.12.1831 82. 204 Er Jane Peden d Birnieknowe 9.2.1901 74. 205 Er Wm Peden d Knowe 9.10.1882. 82, IMO s Wm d Mosside Cottage, Auch , , 5.9.a.869 44 ('o'i Mgt Crawford 21.8.1886 59), da Jan d Minto, West Canada 27.8.1877 47 (hus Jas Connell, w Mgt Sloan 4.2.1884 84, 3 da Mgt d Durham, ontario 9.11. 1917 83 (hus Robt Paton); IRMO .John S Peden d Knowe 11.6.1887 46, w Sarah Sloan d Glasgow 19.7.1907 53, da Mgt d Glasgow 2.5.1880 1 yr & 3 mths, da Sarah 26.6.1930 46. 206 This 207 Carving of a man holding a hammer and horseshoe, above and there are a number of other tools, including plyers side) - Here lyes the corpse of Alex Peden who departed his s ... 175-... Er Geo Templeton, ILMO Jane Templeton, Thornhill 1.2.18 208 21.5.1917 78. 83, gmo Jane is t.r,e burial place ... Wm Peden •.• Ly e s the ... John Cairns, s Jas 13.11.1866 20.10.1881 2 yrs & 8 mths. 210 Br. Er And Cook, Cr~ighead Inn, Cumnock 15.5.1901 d Ct..<:unock 17.6.1876 46. THo angels heads;. 'J' ... 1 ..Jl. Br.. . •. Black ... 213 his .•. 17 ... 8, w Ann Latten 12.2.1880 Duncan Rober ... 25.12.1908, 57, gch Agnes Baird da Mgt ... the abv Duncan Rober ... 6.11. d 25.12.1908 -, da Mgt d Camden, (hus Dun Robertson) Er 'Igt Kearney 13.7.1945 72, ILMO hus John McCartney ac c i derrt a l Ly killed at Highhouse Colliery 8.5.1910 46, s Pet 8.8.193534. Er \'Jin Yul Le 11>10 fa Wm accidentally killed at Darconner branch of Railway Glenlogan Works 31.1.1856 38, bra 17.7.1855 11 mths, sis Mary 12.7.1857 2 mths. d Cr-onb er-ry 30.5.1903 64; Wm Hammond 'I'h o s i'ljcCann 3.7.1935 72 (\" Helen McLaughlan IL;\';() Arm McCann Can,,(;,,;; 11.1912 216 I ... 78, IMO w Jan Robertson 214 Er Mary ~cMinn 3.4.- IMO hus rhos Kissell, Cornwall, s h'm ;.:0.9.1843 3, Dan , .• (s Wm -) Agnes Kissel. •• ~:'15 his head is a crown, and tongs. (Reverse this life Ma-, Jas .•. d a~ Damcien, Cumnock 9.11.1926 75, Duncan Robertson w d at Crosshill 1886 74, Jas 27 ... Black Cumnock 9.11.1926 75. 212 77, fa Wrn d March 1807 6.5.1906 78, IMO hus John Begg, fr, Birnieknowe 209 w Guthrie7.7.1856 Br. d Lugar 10.7.1872 30.7.1918 20.6.1931 - 37 (1'1 Cath 63, s Wm 8. 23). Dav Morl'ison 29.8.1888 87, Jas 5.7.1846 11, da Ann 3.6.1847 17, s Dav 19.2.1850 16, w Mgt Wilson 10.2.1882 77, s-i-l John 1.2.1B50 5, Mgt Morrison W00d 25.7.1895 65. 217 Sr. Jas Morrison IMO sis Jean 3.9.1840 6, sis Cath 17.12.1846 22, bro Wrn 217 (contd.) 29.1.1905 8.6.1847 3~, Ron Morrison 1.7.1849 50 .•. 6.1.1857 70 (w Ann Morrison 28.11.1910 82). ?" z; Er Geo !'lcKay 27.9.1925 90 IMO ,'/ Mgt Morrison 11.2.1918 86, da Mary Ann 19.3. 187~ 3, fa Ml1ngo 15.3.1886 71, mo Eliz Goldie 15.3.1886 73, bro-i-l Jas Grerar 24.4.1905 70 ('<J A."1n Morrison 28.11.1910 82). 219 This is the burial place of John Mitchell in Hill of Auch., 25.2.1772 220 F.S. The buryirtg ground of John Mitchel, sis Agnes Mitchel. Er[1ey.9.-. TT~a fa Jas Mitchel, 221 E1' 222 Er .Ias Dunsmure John Findlay, me r t , ochiltree 30, two chn d in info Wallace 30.10.1890 13.10.1893 90. 7.10.1857 223 ILMO Robt Dunsmuir, 224 Er Wrn McFarlane 9.11.18- 77. ILMO s Jas 3.12.1872 3.12.1872 30, Isabella McCauley 12 ys. 225 Er 220 Er Dav Cr-ich t.on , Works 6.11.1864 21.5.1844 29, '" Mary 73, w Helen Andrew 25.5.1901 30, 64. s-i-l John McCauley Vim Smith 11).4.1930 87,1.'-10 fa Jacob d Glenside 21.10.1856 29.5.1885 82, w Jane Samson 30.7.1923 75, da Eliz 13.12.1885 Geo 5.4.1865 w Jan Gibson 9.6.1956 83) 23.12.1906 5 227 16.4.1907 85. rno Agnes Murdoch, 45 IMO w Agnes Lymburner 86, IMO s Wm d Cumnock mert, Catrine 58 ... Jas Geerar 51, rna Jan Osbourne 10 mths. baker[3~.4.1924(il~, IMO da Jane 14.9.1856 1 yr. & 2 mt.hs , s 3, 5 Dav 17.3.1868 2 mths, s Geo Crichton 14.10.1870 1 yr G Y m~hs, 27.5.1903 60; IMO Agnes Crichton 1.4.1958 86 (hus Wm McMurray Jas 18.7.1871 14, Jas 8.4.1875 1 yr & 4 mths, gs Alex McCulloch mths, gs Dav McMurray 9.2.1912 5, da Jane Crichton 8.7.1939 79. Br And Yernpleton, fr, Clockclunie, fr, huchnlton, 30.11.1838 wand 3 chn lie here 1797. IMO And Templeton, 54, s Rebt, student of divinity 3.6.1340 26. 228 Er Rob t Bai rd , Da l f'a d 11\10 s Gee XX Oct MDCCCXXXI XV y s , (Reverse side) Agnes 5.10.1839 18 rn~hs, Robt 18.11.1842 3~ (fa Thos Baird). 229 230 Er John Jamieson d BurDock street, Ochiltree 1.2.1940 84, IAR da Annie d L~tl\ghol:n 9.5.1899]7, H Isabella Brown d Langholm 18.8.191756; IRO Mungo Lc nnox , f'r, i.anho i m 15,,1.188-986 (mo '.'v'ilhelmina Gibson d Langholm 13.11.190682, sis l":-:_:!_h':-'1!':ina .J ami e son d Langholm 27.12.1906 53). this stone was erected by Robt Wallace, fr, Orchard his spouse ••• Mary ... 1797. 231 Here ljs lhe deceased ~32 Wm M.l~" 17.1.1892 ~.~&27 0,8. 233 Er Jas ~uir 6.7.1865 73, smith, Burnside, IMO chn Jas 11.6.1833 8, Agnes 25. 5.18~4 11 mths, w Mary ~cCrone 7.5.1865 72, s John d Chapel, Cumnock 26.11. ~884 55. 234 Er Jas Merry 21.12.1911 71 1]'1[0 chn Jan 16.10.1876 6, Wm 1.11.1876 tl, Jas 26. 3.1877 11 mt.hs , Ann 29.4.1878 4, Mary Ann 14.4.1882 2, Ann 18.4.1897 9, \" Jan Reid 2.10.1912 64. - IMO Jean Kiy spouse to Thos Lueas. 54, s Jas d in inf 1854, da Helen d in inf 1858, w Jane 19. 235 236 Thos Baird d Coatbridge 9.5.1861 39 IMO w Jessie Foggo 11.5.1846 19, s John 29.1.1865 19. Reverse -i.John Foggo 10.7.1856 66 (~ Cath Murr.ay 24.3.1867 82, Luton Hoo, Bedfordshire 18.5.1839 23, da Jane Gater 6.4.1867 52, da Eliz 22.8.1885 62). s i'lm d IMO John Foggo d Ayr 10.5.1905 86, w Mgt Patrick d Ayr 4.3.1912 85, da Jessie 24.6.1883 25, Jeanie Foggo 23.4.1910 44 (hus Dav Andrew), s John builder d Ayr 12.3.1927 73 (s John 19.10.1955), s Wm, builder, d Ayr 23.11. 1935 80 (w Marion Cree). d Cumnock 237 Er TTMO Dav Gibson, mert, Auch., 3.9.1832 238 Er And Hamilton, ye also ready. I 239 Er- Dav Hamilton, 2w Eliz shoemaker, 53, w Jean Millar 3.4.1852 5.6.1909 73, IMO w Eliz Peden 15.1.1908 shoemaker, Auch , , 2.8.1878 78, IMO 1'1 Mgt Donald Morton 10.8.1856 56, 3w Mary Mann 21.7.1888 74. 240 Er Thos Wilson 17.2.1871 70, Clockdownie. ICI anachan 30.3.1879 84. 241 Er Matt New ILMO da Mgt 18.12.1903 1908 :i5. 'Gone but not forgotten. IMO da Mgt 20.5.1840 73. 68. 'Be 10.3.1832 10, w 33 Marion 1, s Jas d in inf, w Grace Mcqarg 21.10. I 242 Er Wm Kerr 10.3.1942 77 IMO Iv Jan Smith 9.3.1915 60, cia Martha 14.4.1833 7 mths, Mgt Kerr 4.11.1916 26, s Wm 20.10.1952 61. 243 F.S. 244 s». 2/,5 \'{m A5 Jas Smith, fr, Glenside 21.11.1834 66, w Mary Duncan 20.8.1867 87, s Robt 21. 8.183;:; 27, da '.lary 1.12.1833 22, s Jas 8.12.1833 24, da Agnes d Glenb€ad 5. 12.1893 86. 247 Er Jas WRtchman. coalmaster, Auch., 23.4.1877 74 IMO w Christina Gillespie Here lyes the corps of Jas Smith, Glenside Smith 20.'1.1807 77, Mary Culdow 19.10.1810 75. w Sarah Scott; Robt Er ,J ohn Smith. smith Crosshill, N.C. 13.4.1894 80, s Wm 8.6.1858 3.2.18~1 43, chn Jessie 29.6.1857 ~asdon 21.2.1921 80. E:r l;eo Sams on , Rigg 4.7.183953, 37, 5 GC0 6.4.18~1 23. 249 12.3.1761, 3, Fanny 13.2.1860 4 wks. d in inf, da Christin UIO s Wm 13.2.- 9, w Jan Murray 20.2.1828 Er 0chfi Samson d Cumnock 17.2.1887 71 IMO da Mgt d Ayr 26.10.1854 16, w Marion Sml"~h d FlO s ebank , Cumnock 25.12.1883 72, Jessie Sl'lmson 7.11.1888 47, Jane 3amSCl ~9.l~!_1888 ·15, Charlotte Samson 28.12.1889 35, Eliza Samson d Nursing Home, Bl y t hswood Square, Glasgow 17.1.1903 57 (hus Robt Kirkland). Er John Samson, Knockroon, IMO fa Jas 7.9.1821 55, mo Jane Smith 27.6.1834 sis Mgt 7.2.1862 251 53. Er Wm Samson, Knockroon, 11.2.1882 68, TTMO da Jan 11.3.1854 7 mths, \" Eliz Alexander Samson d Knockroon 10.9.1900 90, s Jas 25.4.1916 ~1. 7~, 252 Er by The Associa~e Congreation of Auchinleck TTMO their late and much esteemed pa~tor the Rev Peter ~cDerment who departed this life IDn the 26.9. 1833 53 in the 17th year of his Ministry. 253 Ob. STTMO Mgt Dalglish b CraIgIe 8.10.1816 d ~auchline 23.2.1883, h~s Ja$ Gjbson b Auchinleck 14.1.1810 d Mauchline 9.12.1884, an energetic mason, a skilful sculptor, a successful quarrymaster. (Side) - Wm Gibson, mason, 8.9.1854 66, s Wm 14.7.1830 4%, w Jan 17.3.1863 72. (Side) - fa abv Jas Gibson s Dav 28.9.1854 6 mths, 1s Wm b Auchinleck 28.3.1844 d Mauchline 26.2.1869, 2s Hugh b Auchinleck 20.3.1850 d Mauchline 13.1.1872, 1da Mary b Auchinleck 31.12.1845 d Mauchline 23.10.1872, 5da ,Jean b ~1auchline 29.5. 1857 - 28.6.1875, 4da Annie b Auchinleck 3.8.1855 d Mauchline 13.12.1875. 'Son of man, behold, take away from thee/the desire of thine eyes with a stroke: yet neither/shalt thou mourn nor ween, neither shall thy/tears run do~n.· Ezekial XXIV. 16. 254 Wm Gibson, mason, fa Jas 24.12.1838 255 John Gibson his burying place TTMO Jan Forester 7.3.1787 37, chn Jean, Susa~na, Allison and Eliz, Jan Campbell 25.10.1823. john Gibson 21.3.1829 80, s Robt, me r t , Glasgow 27.11.1854 55. (Reverse side) - 'Behold the (soularJ1 dome/The house of silence come/Both old and young appointed/By heaven's most w i s e and just desert/The tender babes soon disappear/As doth the [carlyl opening bloom/They with the~ged coming Ie her~Within the chambers of the tom~~D what's out the longest time/Some I,toilini} .. ~hi1:e) in a morning disappear. 256 Grizel Mitchell d 1850, 103 ys (hus Alex Gibson), 257 Er Dav Mur-doch IMO w Mary Weir 18.12.1856 47. 258 Er Agnes Mur-doch '?59 Er Agnes Murdoch 17.11.1882 78 11\10 hus Robt Terras, mason, b Pitlessie, Fifeshire 22.3.1805 - 21.12.1869. 'Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord.' 260 Er Geo 2o~ ~r Geo Irving TTMO w Jean Hall d Jan 1788 58, Irving ~1.7.1786 25. 262 Er Pe~pr Wilson 1804. 263 Br. O~. IMO Dan Wilson, fr, Over Glaisnock 10.5.1837 87, w Agnes Robb d Over Glaisnock 18.2.1855 73, s Wm Wilson, engineer, Cumnock 10.12.1875 60,da J~n~ Wilson 3.9.1878 67. 264 Her-e Lye s the corps of Isbel Wilson d Feb 1736, Wm Wilson, [Jas] Wilson, r.lary Wilso~, Mgt Wilson, Eliz Wilson, d March ... rest hidden. ~everse side} Er Dan Wilson IMO fa John, Barbistoun 24.7.1781. 255 Agnes Houston d N,C. 18.d.1885 91, tMO fa John Houston dcnn and Jas Houston, sis Jan Houston. 266 rMO John Houston, 84, roo Rachel Morton 28.1.1849 86, 6 chn. da Mary d April 1868 96. liVIO fa Dav Murdoch 29.4.1829 67, rna El iz Campbell d ,Jan 1@40, sis Mary 12.3.1840 43, sis Martha d Sept 1811 5, sis Mgt d l'-1arch 1828 30, s Dav d 1.8:9 3 mt.hs . 'Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord.' Lrv i n e , II of t.h e Royal Scots Guards IMO \'" Sarah Adams 6.9.1841 fa Alex Irvine, mo Mgt McGavin, gfa Geo Irvine, w Jane Osbourne. 61, Here lyes the body of Jas and rno Mgt Brown, bros f~. Overclaugh, N.C. 31.12.1861 75, w Mary Cook 28.1.1884 266 (contd.) 83, bro Dav 8.11.1870 86, da Jan 8.2.1850 9, da Mary 8.7.1877 40, four chn d in info 267 Er Hugh Scott 25.10.1906 68, IMO sAnd 20.10.1870 6 mths, s Robt 13.10.1885 17, sAnd 28.3.1862 1 yr and 5 mths, da Mgt 11.10.1866 1 yr and 10 mths, w Jane Hannah 27.3.1898 55, s Wm Scott 5.1.1936 73. 268 Br. Er Isabella Hannah 20.10.1911 75 lARO hus Alex McNay.d Lug~r 24.4.18C4 47, s Wm 18.10.1870 2 yrs & 5 mt.h s , s Wm 13.10.18711, ... d 27.10 .... s Hugh 10.5.1883 3. Er Mrs Templeton b Benston 6.11.1808 d Bank, N.C. 6.11.1878 70, IMO hus John Templeton, fr, Fardenreoch 22.1.1854 54, s Dav 18.6.1844 2~, da Sibella 18. 1.1866 34, and 5 chn d in info 'Her chn arise up and c a l I her blessed.' Anderetta Pagan Templeton (hus Alex Blackburn) d Manchester 10.1.1897 47. 'Asleep in Jesus.' 269 270 IMO Dav Templeton 2.8.1815 10, fa Dav Templeton, 1820 76, v: Sibella Timpany d May 1854 85. fr, Fardinreoch, N.C. 26.12. 271 Er John McHarg lMO sAnd 9.5.1889 9, s Henry 8.5.1906 272 Here ly the corpse of Wm Templeton d Jan 1742, and Mgt Jamison, Jean .•. (hus Wm Lennox, d Jan 1'7f?5J 72) (Back) - WTIG. WLJT. 273 Jean Welsh d Whirr 15.8.1889 86, .Ie an Pain 14.10.1842 77, sis l\igt Kirkland d Whi.rr 24.2.1860 53. House 26.2.1900 81, (w Mgt Welsh 274 Br. Er Geo Templeton 21.1.1917 75, lARO sis Mgt 29.4.1859 24, bro And 21.1. 1860 5, sis-i-l Eliz Howie 19.8.1866 29, bro Alex 7.4.1873 20, bro Wm 11.9. 1907 56 (w Jeanie Eaglesom), bro Jas 3.1.1922 52, sis Christina 2.8.1923 86 ••• rest hidden. 275 Er INO Matt Tait who was born in the reign of Charles II. He served as a private soldier at the taking of Gibraltar in 1704 and died at Auchinleck Village 10.3.1792 aged 123 ys. E 1864. 2 angels faces. 276 F.S. TT:<IO And Hendrie, f'r , Leigh-Hollhouse, SoI'D 26.8.1799 74, w Mary McKnight 15.2.:806 73, s Jas 8.12.1785, s-i-l Jas Kerr 15.7.1824 63 (w Eliz Hendrie d Cumnock 31.10.1839 73), da Sarah Hendrie d Stewarton 18.9.1829 55 (sis Euph9mia Hendrie d Cumnock 28.2.1841 75), Isabella Hendrie d ag 87, Mgt Ross d i inf 6.4.1854 (sis Jean Ross 3.10.1836 1~). '::"{'7 'rTMO ,las Br-own b 22.5.1748 he lived contented and che e fu l and d swa t er17.1J.:625, s-i-l Jas Alexander 19.9.1830 50. 278 BX'. 279 Er John Smith, Lugar 13.6.1907 68, IMO s Wm McDougall 11.3.1867 7 mths, da Isabella 6.2.1876 7 mths, s Thos Smith 30.6.1880 12 yr & 1 mth, da Agnes 22. g John and IMO fa Duncan Welsh d Whirr 5.5.1830 65, mo d in inf, bro John 25.2.1808 17, hus wm (Back) - IMO Dav Peden d East Lodge, Dumfries 31~1.1910 87). Ef"' Martha M Smith 5.5.19-, IMO hus Wm Smith 12.11.1892 43, da Jan 30.12. 187311 mt hs , da Jan 19.10.1875 17 mths, s Tho s 31.1.1879 2, s Wm 12.6.1883 1 day, s Jas 12.6.1886 1 mth, da Jan 6.2.1893 1 mth, gda Mgt Smith 7.2.1903 4 mths, 1s Pte John M Smith 16th H.L.L. was killed in action 1.7.1916, interred at Authuille, France 43 ys. 279 (contd.) 15.6.1881 3 mths, w Isabella McDougall d North Grafton, Mass., U.S.A. 28.8.1908 67. (Back) - da Jane d North Grafton, Mass" U.S.A. 17.8.1911 39. 280 ILRO Jas Muir, draper, Lugar 23.6.1912 79, s Jas 22.12.1863 21 mths, s Jas and Neil d 29.11.1865 13 mths, da Eliz 16.7.1870 16 mths, da Jamima 15.9.1879 5~, s Robt d Brakpan, Transvaal 9.12.1912 46, da Helen b Feb 1881 d 13.7.1916, mo Helen Taylor b Oct 1840 d 20.2.1917, Agnes 23.1.1954, Eliz Neil 12.1.1965 87. 'until the day break!And the flee away.' 281 Er by the family ILMO fa Thos Stewart 18.5.1889 45, rno Isabella Colquhoun 7.12.1904 58, gmo Eliz Smith 3.3.1895 74, neice Jessie d in info 282 stone partially hidden by stone 283. Mgt •.. d[N.C} .•• s ... Er Mgt ... IMQ J Pearson ••• d 23 .•• ahv d 1.4 ••. 283 Br ••• IMO s John 10.1.1898 27, s Hugh smith 18.2.1898 20, da Jessie Shirlaw 5.6.1891 11, da Mary Murdoch 18.1.1893 5, da Agnes Campbell 20.11.1891 3, s Jos 9.8.1877 2, s walter 1.4.1874 1 yr & 8 mths, abv Jos Liddell 21.11.1914 66 (w Mary Smith 19.6.1925 78). 284 Er Geo Mearns, Bellow Mill 21.11.1848 93, da Eliz 20.9.1816 2 ~ks, w Mgt Morton 3.11.1849 66. I 285 Br ..•. their s d 10 •... 15 ys, da Mgt 11.5.1844, s Geo d Glasgow 12.8.1852, s John 11.2.1871 74, Agnes Alexander 8.1.188372 (hus John Templeton). The names of the deceased children of John Templeton and Agnes Alexander are on the adjoining stone. I It is finished. I 286 IMO Wm Templeton d Hapland 15.3.1854 37, fa Geo, fr, Hapland 15.12.1852 78 (w Jean Kennedy 20.4.186186), And Templeton 27.7.1855 35, Mgt Templeton 8.12.1871 69, John Templeton d Mauchline 28.8.1877 72, Eliz Templeton 17.6. 1886 72 (hus Geo Myles 11.7.1886 51). 287 Th.i s 288 STTMO Thos Maglehose, Auchinleck 21.10.1878 80, w Eliz Turner 15.2.1877 75, cia .Jane 5.8.1855 28, da Mary 24.9.1858 25, s rhos 15.8.1867 28, da .Jes si e 22.1:::.1905 79, gt gda Eli;;: Boyd 3.2.1916 39 (hus Jos Nutt); ILMO Agnes Ross 18.-:2.0.192819 (hus Adam Gardner, gfa Hugh Boyd 13.12.193181). 289 Er John McClanachan IMQ fa Wm McClanachan, It fr, Little Auchinge:lsey 30.S. is the burying place of Wm Templeton, Naigshill. Here lyes the body of' da Mgt Templeton 30.11.1783 16. AlSO~'inj Templeton d •.• lB35 8f,. is the burying place of Mungo Reid w d in Mols- 7.1.1772. Also here lies the body of Marion Reid w d 9.11.1795••• 290 This ;>,91 ~~ 'dm Prentice and Jan Clark 1MO 27.;,18;'5 2 yl'S t: 7 rnt.h s , Jeanie Mother-we Ll, 18.1.1892 10~L abv Wm Dal z i e l New Cemetery Mother8ell, 292 lLMO Jane Brash d Lugar 15.6.1895 63, chn Wm 1.3.187120, And 1.11.187117, Mary 29.6.18752, Jas 1.7.1875 15, John 22.5.1893 33, hUB Wm Murin 29.4.1920 95. 293 11>10 John Sillers, High-House 6.8.1852 59, w Mary Borland 8.8.1872 84, sis Christian 19.11.1819 25, sis Sarah 26.8.1821 33. chn w d at Cranberry, Robt 19.8.1872 2, John 15.1.1878 3 mths, Mary 7.7.1880 1, Wm d Prentice d Motherwell 24.3.1896 SO interred s-i-l Geo Partridge d Commondyke 3.4.1896 26. 294 Er GFO Murdoch, boxmaker, 295 Er Alex Gardner 21.1.1890 75 IMO w Jan Murdoch 24.7.1855 37, s Robt 13.8.1844 2, da Jan 17.3.1856 1, s Alex 30.8.1870 22, s Matt d Patras, Greece 27.10. 1878 26, s Robt d Melbourne, Australia 5.1.1880 35, 2w Jessie Jamieson 3.1. 1890 76, s Jas 17.10.1908 58 (w Jan Dalziel 16.5.1939 85, Agnes Gardiner 21. 1.1977). 296 IMO Geo Murdoch, wright, d 1838, w Ann Jamieson 297 rHO Jan Howat 10.8.1813 298 IMO Wm Mur-dochb wright, 8.7.1835 74, five chn, Thos Murdoch, 89 (w Sarah Jane Munn 12.2.1917 64, da Mary 27.2.1955 72). 299 Br. Er Jas Gibson, Newark, U.S.A., IAR Geo Gibson, Boswell Arms (w Jane Dalrymple, chn Dav d Dec Q.-82® 8 mths, Dav d Dec 1844 19 m ths , •.• ) 300 Er Mary Cook rMO hus John Calderwood Mary Reid 21.3.1903 29. 301 F,S. 302 Er John Murdoch d raiglam 29.3.1877 77, w Sarah Kier d Cumnock 26.8.1893 87, fa John d North Auchengibbert 27.1.1852 83, da Sibella d Shield 22.2.1853 9, Marion Kerr 5.8.1862 89, sis Agnes d Cumnock 1.12.1872 63. A,P.G,C. Auchinleck IMO w Agnes Murdoch ••• d 1843. 54, hus Wm Wilson, Woodend. 27.7.1885 joiner 16.10.1932 49, da Ellen 4.12.1888 10, da 1681. rna 303 Er Wm Young 6.9.1898 50, IMO s John 13.9.1882 5 yrs & 9 mths, w Mary Liddell 20.6.1891 34, da Veronica 4.5.1924 53, da Sarah 23.12.1932 49. 304 Er .John Liddel, Lugar Lr-onwor-ks 17.1.1855 62, IMO chn John 26.8.1847 25.3.1849 21, w Mary Murdoch 28.11.1869 62. 305 T.S. place 306 Er- Jane Halbert IMO mo Maryl<1cLeoo d Gaswater 6.7.186655, s t ep f'a Wm Mi Ll i gan 9.2.1867 54 (chn John ag 6, Helen ag 14). 'Blessed are they who sleep in Jesus~' 307 IMO Dav McLeod d Gaswater 29.7.1860 72, w Jean Neil 28.11.1874 1825 15, da's Mgt and Helen d in inf, da Jan d Troon 18.6.1904 308 IMO Mgt McKerrow 1.12.1842 55, hus Matt Robertson d Crichton Row 22.11.1852 74, gs Matt RoberTson d Taiglem 21.6.1886 29, gt gs John Reid d Taiglem 9.12.1904 4 yr'S t; 9 roths, s Matt, f'r, Taiglem 4.6.1902 77 (w Agnes Connell 6.7.1914 82, da Jan 7.7.1928 68, da Mgt 4.7.1934 70 (hus John Reid) E JOhn 29.7.1936 68). 309 TTMO Jas McKerrow, smith 6.5.1840 64, da Sarah 16.2.1836 5.6.1867 87, gs Jas McKerrow 6.9.1867 21, s Jas 3.7.1888 :310 TTMO And Dalrymple, 311 El' Jas Kirkland 1.6.1936 80, ILMO s Robt 17.9.1890 14, fa-i-l Wm Urquhart 30.3. 1895 75, mo-i-l Marion Dalrymple 21.7.1899 71, sis-i-l Jessie Urquhart 8.2.1896 34, sis-i-l Jeanie Urquhart 1.5.1849 1 yr & 8 roths, gda Bessie McLean 16.10.1911 4~, \'l Mary Urquhart 5.8.192"8 70, s Wm 12.9.1936 52. Br. HSM ..• WS ..• Tement Tomo ... Skull and crossbones. of he •.• Sein 1695. Mains of Auchinleck 4.6.1809 22, .Ja s Here lyes the b •.. 85 s Jas 21.9. 72. 11, w Euphia Dalrymple 73. 67, w Eliz Simson 14.6.1809 59. 312 Tall Pillar. Er IMO And Dalrymple 28.5.1815 45 by his most intimate acquaintances in gratitude for his kind and benevolent dispositions, sis Jane 5.4.1828 62 (hus Alex Gibson, gs And Gibson 30.5.1868 17, s And 3.11.1879 ~i). 313 Er Wm Newlands 14.10.1908 73, IMO s Dav 4.6.1885 15, s Thos 11.9.1876 1 yr & 8 mths, fa-i-l Jas Alcorn accidentally killed at Darconner 10.2.1862 53 (w Mary Park 11.3.1898 83), Jeanie Newlands 23.11.1899 39, w Agnes Alcorn 28.5.1925 87, da Mgt 25.12.1950 83. 314 In Museum Wall. 1683. IMO the f'o l Lowi ng ministers of ••. John Ramsay minister ·from 16~9JJohn Campbell minister from 1679 - 16John Lawrie minister from 1693 - 1710 John Grant minister from 1712 - 1731 John Cowp e r minister from 1732 - 1751 .John Dun minister from 1752 - 17(j5] 'Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord.' 'The memory of the just is blessed.' 'And I saw the dead small and great stand before God and the books were opened.' 'For we must all appear before the judgement seat of Christ.' Rev John Lindsay minister 1793 - 1818 was instrumental in gathering many souls into the fold of the Redeemer. He was translated to Ochiltree in 1818, d 6.7.1832. Rev Jas Boyd DD minister 1818 - 1833 ••• to Ochiltree in 1833 and. ,. Parish of Glasgow in 1843, d 27.3.1865 •.• Er 1690, renewed 1865. 315 Illegible. 316 1846. IMO 1845 47, w 317 Er Mary Welsh IlvIO hus Jas Edgar Kay [4].9.1866 3~. 318 Er And Jamieson 8.11.1888 67 IMO da Helen 9.10.1844 1 yr [;, 1 mth, twin chn d In inf 1855, s Jas 9.9.1858 6~, w Agnes Templeton 6.4.1869 55, da Jane (h'lS Jas Girvan) gda Agnes Templeton, gs And Jamieson. 319 Er JohnGirvan 15.2.1927 76, IMO s Hugh d Corkerhill 21.9.1901 22, 19, w Sarah Mc l.augh lan 26.8.1926 78. 320 Ob. Eli:.:: Murdoch II stonepark Cumnock June 1831 33, hus Wm Lamont, fro Lamont 1MO .... Ann HOI-lie d Holmhead, Logan 28.5.1871 -4. Robt Welsh, gardener to the Mar-qu i s of Bute at Dumfreis House 23.9. Eliz Alexander 1.6.1867 71, da Jane 24.3.1893 67, s Dunc 19.11.1893 @~. da Jane 12.6.190~ Er' John r 321 Er John Dunbar, mason, 23.1.1890 85, IMO fa Alex 12.12.1816 76, rna Jan Grey 3.2.1849 84, sis Mgt 4.6.1863 54, w Jessie Logan 5.2.1892 83: Scroll 'Vive Memo}' Lethi.' (Reverse side) - s John d stewart on 8.3.1875 39, S Alex d Pr-e s t.w ick 22.5.1894 58, s Hugh 31.10.1860 19, s Jas 4.10.1848 4, da Helen 6.9. 1914 ','5 (hus Bryce Graham). 322 Er John Miller IMO da [Jan~ d Logan - 1870J 323 Er Claud Sharp d Ayr 21. 6 .1912 90, \,1 Emily Evans d Ayr 17.5.1913 90, IAR fa John 1.12.1846 65, mo Agnes Ronald 6.3.1856 73, sis Mary 25.3.1825 9, sis Eliz 9,7.1825 16, bro John 30.1.1826 13, bra Jas d Glasgow 4.9.1830 19, sis Jan 26. 10.1851 34. 'Thanks be to God who giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.' Wm Sharp 3.5.1898 78, IMO s Claud 31.12.1857 5, da Agnes 17.5.1859 16, da Eliz 22.10.1873 19, da Mary 2.6.1878 30, w Eliz Dalrymple 30.1.1899 80, da Euphemia 7.2.1917 76, gs Claud Jackson d in action in Palestine 30.4.1918 23, s John 27.3.1920 76. 324 Er John Crichton IMO mo Helen Henderson 30.1.1844 70, renewed by Jas Montgomery 11'>10 chn and gt gchn of Helen Henderson viz Fergus 26.2.1869, Dav 9.6.1869, Wm 1.5.1870, Eliz 19.6.1870, Marion 18.6.1876. 325 Illegible. 326 Illegible. 327 Br. 328 Here_lies the remains of Jas Nickel in Croslar who departed this life .•• 1789 72. Likewise Hugh Nickel his son who departed this life ••• 1791 -5 ys, Er Alex Nickel 1795. 329 F.S. 330 Er TTMO John Crawford, bookbinder, Catrine d XII.I.MDCCCXXX ag XXXIV. By a few of his .i nt.i.mat.e companions, who respected him for his unassuming virtues, ami ab l e disposition, distillguished talents and unblemished moral worth. Va friends to his virtue, lament not his doom/Ye lovers of Genius, weep not round_his tomb/for this earth, as the soul's native soil, was not given/No the flowe~, but buds here that will blossom in heaven.' Er Jas Wilson, taylor ..• John McSorland 3.3.1907 85 (5 Wm 22.4.1907 61, w Agnes Brown 28.3.1908 86). (Reverse side) - Here lies the c cr-ps e of John Wilson ,,, d May 1785 73, w Euphen Cochran 6.9.1788 73. -331 Er Jas Nicol IMO fa ••• Here lies the corps of Andra Drumpel. AD. MM. ID. 1692. 332 IMO John Gihb 3.2.1872 33, da Hannah d Wellington, N.Z., 2.10.1900 34 (hus Dav Semple 12.8.1903 40) w Hannah Syme 29.1.1923 86, S John 29.4.192666, da Agnes Wilson 4.5.1869 - 2.10.1938, da Jane 26.5.1871 - 20.5.1954, gda Hannah Hinds 14.5.1900 - 22.12.1963. 333 Er Jas Gibb 26.10.1898 63, 1MO s Jas 30.8.1870 4 yrs & 8 mths, da Mary d in inf, s Geo 18.1.1878 3 yrs & 3 mths, w Helen Dunbar 1.1.1924 84. 334 Er Wm Hunter 20.5.1907 51 IMO da Mgt 4.1.1898 14, da .Jessie 4.8.1889 4, fa .John 26.11.1891 58, da MF.1ry 31.1.1904 24 (hus Sam Denholm), s John d Boulder City, Wes~crn Austrelia 18.9.1911 34, mo Mary McConnell 25.2.1912 79, w Mgt Johnstone 30.4.1923 66, gda Mgt Hunter 15.7.193611 (fa Jas Hunter, roo Mar-y ) , gda Mary Hunter 22.11.1943 lS, gs Wm Hunter 28.3.1981 59. 'Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord.' 3-35 r' tlr~ 336 Er Robt Gibson, tinsmith 26.7.1853 64, IMO s John d in inf, s Alex 6.7.1833 22 da Jess 5.6.1851 35; Wm Andr-ew, sexton 19.11.1892 65 (,,( Ann Gibson 21.11.1903 D (..~.J ,n-"- l., on.1 an lh,;t - • 191" 74 , 11'>10 w . . . ~~ ~ L SO). Eliz Dynes 18.10.1901 50, s John ~~.8.1929 'He t.r-oubI e sore with patience bore/Till 59. death r-e Li.ev t d his pain.' [7], G~ 337 Here lye tile remains of .Lolrn Johnstone w d 13.8.1796 57, s Adam 7.-.1787 Mary Johnstone d 1795 ••• Alex Johnstone ••• 338 I\!' 339 Er Wm Johnstone, boxmaker, 2.7.1892 79, IMO s Thos 11.4.1847 1 yr & 2 mths, fa rhos 15.7.1847 70, rna Agnes Pearson 25.8.1850 73, bra Jas 25.1.1830 20, bro Dav 26.8.1841 20, bro John 24.2.1850 35, s John 15.11.1857 2 yrs & 2 mths, fa-i-l Wm Herbert 4.1.1868 79, mo-i-l Agnes Blackwood 25.4.1875 84; w Agnes Herbert Geo McKie IlIIO 24.8.1878 I,' Anne Johnston 65, s rhos 17.11.1896 8.5.183624. 44. 340 Er John Blair IMO .•. 341 ••• ~1atthe\~ .•• 342 This is the burying place of Wm Caldou. stevenson. Here lyes the corps of Murdoch d March 1753 -7, also ..• d 19.2.17- 39. His ••. spouse. Also the •.• of Wm Caldon 31.12.1801. 343 IMO Catherine 344 IMO Hugh Murdoch, fr, Common 25.7.183187, w Mgt McKerrow 15.6.1840 72, and several of their chn. s Dav Murdoch 22.6.1875 80. E1' by the survivors. (Back) ILMO Dougald Gibb 28.6.1902 68, (w Mgt Murdoch Gibb 4.11.1903 72 and their chn Dav •.. Mgt .•• ) 345 IMO Wm Lymburner, lt f r , Ramageton, Boreland d Mauchline 5.9.1866 78. 346 Er Jas McGrFgor, 347 Er Francis Mitchell 28.10.1909 75 IMO s Alex 8.5.1876 2, and 2 d~'s d in inf, w Jane Burgess 17.3.1896 56, sis Christina Cameron 30.9.1923 75, s john Mitchell 17.8.1937 60 (w Jean stewart 9.2.1954 79), Ida Agnes McCrone d Prestwick 3.9.1938 72 interred Prestwick Cemetery. 348 1MO Geo Findlay d 1848 69, sons Lennox d 1832 16, Wm d Gl.a s gow 1834 32, Dav d 1835 16, w Helen Simpson 24.12.1854 76. 349 Er Agnes Jardine 15.8.1904 85, IMO hus And Findlay 24.11..1886 73, s Ceo 14.2. 1871 27, gs Geo d in inf, da Helen 350 Alex Findlay 17.4.1891 85, IMO w Jan Peden d Dalsalloch four chn d in info 351 Br , T.!'vI0 cia Jan Findlay d Cumnock 8.12.- 11 .ys, fa Hugh Findlay 16.2.185'/ mo Agnes McClanachan ?8.4.1861 62. 352 EI' \'1m Al exander , f'r , Ro ge r t on 15.3.1861 80, IMO fa Geo Alexander 26.1.1334 86, s Wm 14,11.1846 29, ," Mary Murdoch 13.3.1869 87, .Ja s Alexander 5.2.1876 (33) 353 This is the burial place of Geo Alexander, 354 Er Jas Alexander 355 In ,:'dl. rest illegible. Naesmith 23.4.1829 house carpenter 84. Regretted by her son ~lex Craigie d Auchinleck Walker. 4.7.1E{31- IMO w Mgt Wilson 22.6.1832 76, .,,' Marion 28. 15.5.1884 81, and 45, Rogerton .•. d Br-ackenh i l I 19.8.1934 77, DlO w Jan Harper 1.2.1920 55. IMO the Rev .Iohri Shaw who was minister of this parish. He d i e d AD Renewed in 1865 •.• the righteous of life ..• son is wise ... of truth .•. Hi s the .•• 1643. • 356 Er Wm Gibson 24.11.1852 43 IMO da Lilias 13.9.1848 ~S, s Robt 4.3.1856 16 .. 357 Er Jas Pearson, Mosshouse TTMO mo Jan Vallance 20.7.1826 84. (Back) - IMQ Mgt Pearson 29.1.1884 33, Wm Pearson 9.11.1903 70, John Pearson 15.10.1909 70, Jan McIntyre 8.5.1911 59 (hus Robt Pearson 18.3.1921 72). 358 Thos Pearson, Sunnyside, 17, 'w. Ann Weir 29.11.1852 fa Jas Pearson 7.2.1862 72, rna Jan Forsyth 11.2.1867 358 (contd.) 58, Thos Pearson 24.9.1868 39, Is Jas Pearson 15.8.1875 16, W Ann Baird Sunnyside 5.8.1909 82; da-i-l Jan P Pearson d Osbourne 10.6.1937 62, S Thos d Osbourne 30.3.1939 73. d 359 The burying place of the Vallances •.. (Back) - Int here John Val11ance 21.1.1727 20.5.1769. 60 John Merry 1.6.1882 72 TTMO w Jan y!erry 24.3.1848 36, chn Sarah 11 April 6 yrs, Wm 22.6.1846 11, ste\',rart 8.9.1865 20, da Marion 12.9.1874 37, gs Robt Murdoch 2.5.1892 4 yrs &, 8 rnths, da Sarah d Burnbank 4.2.1919 70, da Jan 4.4.1855 22. 361 Br. 362 Br. Er John Merry 15.10.1930 87 IMO w Hannah Johnstone 30.6.1899 49. Alex Merry TTMO fa Wm 20.4.1822 47, 010 Marion Muir 17.4.1844 71, da Marion 13, s-i-1 John Stirling 29.11.1857 19, gda Marion Stirling 22.12.1857 Alex Merry 14.2.1858 45, gda Mary stewart 27.6.1871 3 yrs & 7 mths, W Mary Williamson 24.9.- 65, gs Alex stewart 5.9.- 7. (Reverse side) - Robt Morrison 13.4.1970 72 (w Marion McIntyre, fa-i-l Wm McIntyre). 29.1.1855 13 mths, 363 Er Jas ~1cQueen IMO fa And 17.1.1867, 364 TTMO 365 Er Jas Morton 1.6.1906 78 IMO fa Jas 31.3.1864 72, bra Matt .•. age 37, s Jas 26.3.1861 5 roths, da Jan 19.3.1862 3, da Isabella 29.4.1868 13, mo Mgt Richmond 5.5.1879 87, da Jan d Alabama U.S.A. age 26, w Jan Hamilton 14.3.1900 73. 366 IMO Jas Morton 10.9.1812 46, chn Christian and Mgt d in' , 1845 73, sis Christina d Burnhouse cottage 8.5.1891 81. 367 Er Robt Gordon 2.9.1914 75 IMa gs Alex Harkness 21.11.1891 8 mths, s-i-l Francis Harkness 27.10.1894 30 (w Marion Gordon 5.8.1895 33), da Isabella 3.7.1896 15, W Mary McKenzie 5.2.1921 85. 368 Er rhos Massey INO w Hannah Greer 18.12.1860 40, da Mary 5.4.1366 4, s Sam 18.1. 1870 1 mth. 30~ ••. who departed this life 17.3.-, Jas Fisher 9.8.1569 78. 370 E1' .J ohn Anderson d skares ROw, Cumnock 18.7.188168 IMO da Mgt 10.9.1866 17, s Wm d Mar i s t on , Old Monkland 1836 age 1ii, da Helen d Airdrie 1840 age 3, 4da Mal'y d Cronberry 11.6.1876 26, w Agnes Howat; d Skares Row, Cumnock 15.6.1880 67, da Marion 11.10.1907 72 int Sandymount, Shettleston. :-'71 Here lies the CQrpse of Wm Gibb late officer of excise 14.7.1793 67. Also here lies the corpse of Jas Gibb of Dalblair and Agnes Gemmel his parents. 372 E1' Wro McKenzie 2.5.1888 40, IMa da Grace 1.12.1921 33 (hus John Cochrane). 373 Er Jas McKenzie I:MQ aunt Jane Dempster 11.12.1863 74. 374 Jas Mitchell 13.3.1882 81 Logan Toll, w Eliz Shankland 31.1.1850 44, s \\fro 19.1.1857 22, da Jane d Worcester 12.9.1868 25, s Hugh 10.3.1870 29, da Jan 15.1.1911 81. 375 No writing visible. 010 Mary Ann Bisland 17.7.1892. John McGinnes 6.5.1870 36. (Reverse side) - And McGi.nnes Cpl 28th Regt d Crimea 25.2.1855 24, Jas d Morgan Co, Ill, U.S.A. 8.10.1867 28, )tarj Ann d Manchester 20.10.1856 26. Mary Ann Keenan d Common 31.1.1883 72 (hus Hugh McGinnes). W Agnes Br-own 11.11. Br . 57 IMO chn Mary Ann 16.1.1875 1Yz, John 27.4.1877 10 mths, Annie 22.11.1880 in inf, Geo 15.3.1883 7 roths, John 8.5.1891 4, Mary Davidson 4.12.1891 64, Jas 22.5.1892 3 yrs & 10 roths, Jessie 7.10.1897 10, w Jessie Halbert 30.1.1935 86. 376 Er Arch McKie 20.12.1907 377 Er Jan Milroy TTMO bro Michael 12.1.1804 27, fa 15.6.1823 90, Jan Hutchison 11.11.1823 45 (hus Wro). 378 ILMO Jas Kelso 24.11.1885 42, s Dav d in inf, s Henry 8.2.188510, w Agnes Murchie 28.6.1925 83, da Mary 25.12.1954 91 (hus Hugh Bingham, Bradford), da Jane 29.12.1959 77. 379 Jan Baillie d R.I. Glasgow 19.2.1911 52, s Thos Harvey 19.3.1899 2, Er John Harvey 6.2.1921 63. 380 Er Jas Anderson d Nanaimo, B.C., Canada 18.12.1926 70, IMO w Isabella Baillie d Lugar 22.1.1899 37 (fa John 26.5.1885 51, rno Jeanie Rennie 40), s Jas 12.11.1891 7 wks, s John d Nanairno 5.9.1916 33; Geo Anderson d Detroit U.S.A. 27.7.1943 53, Thos Anderson d Nanairno 9.1.1951 67, Jeanie Anderson d at sea 25.5.1951 71 (hus Wm Geddes). 381 Er Wm Anderson 26.2.1910 69 IMO chn Arch 31.7.1860 1, Rich 26.7.1892 21, Arch 27.10.1893 20, Eliz 12.6.1898 18, Jan 20.5.1903 34, \'l Jane Hamilton 9.7.1926 34, Wm 30.1.1957 81. 382 Er John Cameron IMO twin chn d in info 383 Er Wm Cunningham IMO w Mgt Simpson 9.9.1871 36, chn Grace 15.12.1867 10 mths, And 20.4.1869 2 wks , gs Wm Cunningham 3.12.1906 11 mt.hs , 384 F.S. 385 Er Mgt Croset 15.4.1875 54 nlO hus Wm Simpson, contractor, Lugar 53, s Wm 4.6.1876 24, J'.lgt Simpson 25.8.1877 8, Alex Simpson 8.11.1903 26 (fa Alex Simpson, contr·actor), s Alex 16.12.1910 66 (w Annie White 2.10.1925 77). 386 Er Wm Orr 40 HlO fa Wm d 1875 31, bro Robt d 1885 6 mths, mo Sar-ah \vyllie d 1893 50, s t f'a \'im I,.amont d 1899 47, chn Agnes 13.2.1903 1 yr [, 1 mth, John and Geo d in inf 1903, Sarah 25.11.1903 4, Alex 12.11.1907 1 yr & 7 mths. Here lyes the corpse of Jas Samson, milner and wright in Bur-neck Miln who 1 i ved there 27 ys wi thin the Paloch of Ochi 1 tree, w d Auch , , 10.12.1741. Here lyes the corps of Ninian Wilson, Auch., who dyed 9.1.1740. This stone erected by Mary Samson da to Jas Samson and spouse to Ninian Wilson, Aueh .. (Reverse side) - J.S. 1742. Carvings - angels head, crossbones, compass and set square. 387 Skull and crossbones. 388 Mrs Anna Munro ILK. to Auch , , d 22.12.1745. 389 Er Robt Crawford 15.12.1889 58, mo Mgt Mackie 2.7.1896 62, bro Dav 2.1.1886 16. 390 The burial place of And Bruce. He was gardner at Auch., 30 ys d 8.4.1741 50. Carvings - winged soul, pillars, 2 thistles in pots. 391 Er·Sarah Hair, IMO mo Jan Gebbie 25.12.1865 86, fa Alex Hair 1.5.1868 84. 392 Er Mgt Leitch 28.12.1896 78 IMO hus Wm Rankin d Lugar 24.6.1870 57, da's Helen 27.12.1846 2, Mgt 17.3.1858 1~, Isabella 3.5.1870 7, s Mungo 17.2.187- 27, s Arch 9.12.1906 63. 393 Er Alex Campbell 11\10 fa Jos, Sgt 74th Regt 15.1.1844 75. 394 Er Alex Conn 7.11.1895 39 IMO chn Sarah 22.11.1886 Wm Conn 25.7.1910 7, w Susan Speers 1.3.1837 80. 395 Ob. STTMO Jas Angus d Ochiltree House 17.12.1902 38, fa Robt Angus of Ladykirk, Ayrshire. Also IPALMO os Robt Edward Angus, Ltnt Ayrshire Yeomanry and Flight Commr., Royal Flying Corps who fell on active service near Cambrai, France 26.11.1917 23. Gallipoli, Egypt, France. 396 ILMO Jas Baird 1.7.1888 34, w Mary Waddell, s Alex 19.3.1883, da Mary 26.6.1888 5 yrs & 2 mths, s Councillor Jas Baird, bootmaker, Ormskirk 5.2.1946 59 (i;' 9, Alex 28.5.1890 14, gs Al ice Rasburn). 'Asleep in Jesus. Be ye also ready. Jesus says: Whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die, Believest thou this.' 397 Br. Er his family IMO Jas Mitchell 15.7.1884 70 (w Jane Cowan 28.7.188-, da lI-lgt 30.1.1901 62 (hus Jas Trayner)). 'Deeply regretted.' Wm Hodge 19.6.1920 70 (w Marion Mitchell 27.10.1933 81). 398 Br , Er Arch Anderson 18.11.1934 82, IMO twi n SIS Wm 4.9.1884 7 wk s , John 19.7.1886 2, s Wm 12.7.1888 9 mths, da Catherine 28.2.1895 18, ~ Mary Hunter 11.1.1898 43. 399 Hr. (Top of stone missing). His sis ..• of John Shappe ... his da ... at Bridgcend, Kilbirnie 7.7.-, w Mgt ~penc~21.9.1906 57, bro-i-l Pet Spence d Glasgow 17.5.1906 55 interred in Craigton Cemetery. abv Wm stewart 4.12.1907 63. 400 Ob. Er Alex Duncan d Polquheys, N.C. 28.5.1919 66 IMO w Mary Samson 24.2.1881 27, da Eliz 21.8.1880 5 mths, sAnd 2.5.1889 2 yrs & 4 mths, inf s Cochrane 10.2.1894, Alex Duncan 20.10.1897 19, Annie Duncan 9.1.1900 23, Bessie Duncan 5.8.1906 11, w Eliz Taylor 19.3.1936 79. 401 Er John, Thos and Jas Hamilton IMO mo Mary Pearson d Lugar 7.6.1879 41, fa Jas Hamilton d Lugar 5.3.1898 67. 402 Er \~m McNaught d Greenock 11.12.1918 82, IMO w Jane McTurk d Gr c ennock 18.5.19l6 71, s John d in inf, s Jas d Canada 28.1.1935 60. 'At rest. I 403 Er Dav Finnie 31.1.1908 53, IMO da Maggie 22.11.1875 3 ys, s Jas 13.11.1878 1 yr &. 3 mths, s Hugh 28.11.1890 1 yr &, 5 mths, s Dav 1.4.1892 17, s Geo 1.4.1893 2 yrs & 7 mths, da Davina 6.3.1895 7 mths, da Eliz 13.11.1898 16 y r s & 10 mths, \'<' Annie Brown Finnie 14.1.1908 58. 404 Er Jas Reid IMO s ehas 23.5.1891 2 yrs &. 5 mths. 405 Er John Wightman ILMO bro Dav H Wightman, d Tearace Road, Fordsburg, S.A. 31.7.1903 35 (w Christina Hind 10.7.1920 64). 'That if thou shalt confess with thv mouth/the Lord Jesus and shalt believe in thine/heart that God hath raised him from the dead/Thou shalt be saved.' 405 Er Thos Martin 26.6.1890 61, IMO chn Mary Ann 1.1.1855 6, Thos 8.3.1861 2 yrs &. 7 mths, tw Thos 30.4.1865 1 yr & 1 mth, tw Chas 28.4.1866 2 yrs & 1 mth, Eliz 7.11.1879 24. 'Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord.' 407 Er Dav McKnight 1.1>'10 ••• 408 Br. Er John Anderson d Langlaate Deep G.M.Co., 15.5.1909 58, IMO s Jas 18.1. & 3 mths, s Roht 24.3.1890 1 yr & 11 mths, da Agnes 0.9.1894 14 mths, mo-i-l Eliz Hind 3.7.1889 62 (hus John Wightman) ••. abv ••. d 24.5.1890••. mo Isabella Miller Anderson 9.6.1893 71 (hus Wm Anderson) fa Wm Anderson 1.12.1894 73, s John d Langlaate Deep G.M.Co., 2.8.1907 33, s Wm d -.7.1909 37 ... 409 Er Jas Fjnnie 1.1.1914 66, w Marion Howie 24.4.1918 68 IMO s Jas 20.5.1891 15, da Eliz 29.3.1869 9 mths, a son d in inf, mo-i-l Eliz Reid Howie 15.11.1896 89, s John d Maraisburg 2.3.1916 43 (w Helen Wilson d -.7.1947 71). 'Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord.' 410 Er John Wilson IMO da Martha 25.3.1891 3 yrs & 10 mths, inf tw s's .John and Hugh d 1894, w Isabella Callow, b Liverpool 4.5.1865 d Smettleston 7.5.1901 36. Her last words 'God be with you all and good night to all.' 411 Er Jas Mair 21.7.1892 69 IMO '" Eliz Gibson 3.5.1880 57, S Alex d Strahaven 11.10.1880 30, Helen Gray d Gasswater 13.5.1905 57 (hus john Mail' 8.9.1907 58), da Eliz Mail' 25.10.1878 17 mths. 412 Er John Callan 19.3.1913 73, 1MO da Jan 13.9.1895 15, da Jan 18.5.1879 1, s Wm 6.11.1918 43 (w Maggie McKie), 2w Helen Shearer 15.6.1919 77,'28 .J as 28.11.1920 50, s Geo 17.6.1938 56, da Helen 23.9.1940 73, da Ann 3.4.1955 ~2. 413 Er John Laurie IARO fa John 22.2.1879 46, bro Wrn 2.5.1883 18, sis Mary 31.7.1873 19 mths, bra Jas 8.2.1875 10 mths, mo Mary Laurie 12.1.1902 66, lARO sis Hannah 7.7.1860 - 22.5.1886 (hus John Findlay). 414 Er Dav Frazer 22.3.1914 75, IMO da Jan Paton 18.2.1879 1 yr & 4 mths, gda Agnes Kyle 4.6.1894 8 mths (fa Jas Frazer), gs Robt Frazer d in inf, w Jane Paton 2.6.1922 81, s John 7.1.1942 72 (w Jean Muncie d Lugar 6.10.1959 74). 415 Er John Duncan d Burnfoot Tilework, ochiltree 15.5.1925 73 IMO w Jeanie Shields d Cranberry 8.2.1879 24. 'Sadly missed.' 2w Eliz Forsyth d at the residence of her da Burnock street, Ochiltree 21.7.1928 81. 416 Agnes Devlin 26.3.1902 78 IMO hus John Hunter 27.12.1878 66, rno Catherine McConnel 13.12.1880 78, bra Wm Devlin 23.7.1885 50, bro Edward Devlin 20.5.1888 42. (Back) - Er Wm Houston, Underwood 1883. 417 Er Annie Gibson 6.5.1916 79, IMO hus Jas Rae d Common 16.12.1878 44, s Dav 19.5.1867 1, da Christina 22.9.1873 4, s Jas 13.2.1913 51. 418 STTMO Arch Smith 9.12.1878 70, w Agnes Fleming 11.9.1865 55, gda Agnes Smith 23.9.1889 14, gs 15.12.1891 3 dys, gs Thos Smith 22.5.1900 20, da-i-l Mgt Whyte 1.4.1904 48 (hus Arch Smith 20.11.1927 77). 'Loved in life; lamented in death.' 419 Er John Tait 12.4.1899 63, 1MO s Jas 15.11.1878 3, s Jas 12.9.1884 13 mths, da Mary 14.7.1888 20, sAnd 13.1.1890 23, w Helen Crombie 19.3.1890 48, S John 2.10.1890 18, gs John Tait 14.8.1901 2 mths, da Sarah 4.12.1905 20. 420 Ob. 1880 2 yrs 1MO Robt Weir d Lugar 23.3.1875 63, \'1 Annie Jamieson d Air-dr i e 16.1.1883 72, s Wm d Castlegarry 8.6.1834 44. 'For he looked for a city which hath foundations whose builder and maker is God.' • 421 Wilson. Er Mary smith d Glasgow 8.7.1921 67, ILRO hus Wm Wilson 9.10.1898 43 inf s Thos 25.6.1888 - 7.7.1888. 'To memory ever (lear.' da Mgt d Claremont Nursing Home, Glasgow 30.11.1951 (hus John Dalziel), s Thos 20.4.1956 66. 'The will of the Lord be done.' Acts XXI. 14. 422 Er Jos Ewing 13.8.1912 72, IMO s John 12.4.1871 1, s Jas 10.4.1877 14, s John 10.9.1878 1 yr & 1 mth, da Isabella 13.10.1880 1 yr & 9 mths, s Pet 5.2.1881 16, w Mgt Black 4.1.1909 72, da Jan 12.10.1936 63. 423 Er John Brown IMO w Mary Baillie 11.8.1878 22, s Dav 7.1.1881 7 mths. 424 Er Wm McDougall d Cronberry 28.12.191774, IMO da Jan 27.12.1868 11 wks, s Jas 31.7.1878 14. s Jas 12.5.1904 15, i\' Jane Pearson d Glengarnock 5.10.1918 75, s rhos Pearson d Glengarnock 4.6.1925 52, s Robt Angus d Queens-Park, Glasgow 16.7.1937 59, da Jan d Prestwick 22.12.1940 60. 425 Er Arch Carson d Newr own , lowa, U.S.A. 9.10.1908 59 D10 s Jas 9.6.1878 1, Eliz stewart 13.2.1880 25, s d in inf, da Eliz Carson 4.4.1916 37. 426 Br , 427 Er Wm Winder 27.3.1884 60 11'010 chn s Thos 30.3.1860 2, da Eliz 11.5.1867 15, da Eliz 2.7.1877 8, s Robt 2.6.1878 14, da Agnes 27.4.1879 17, gs Wm 1.12.1889 13 mths, da-i-l Mary Hope 14.12.1890 32 (hus Adam Winder), s Adam 18.12.1901 42, w Christina Dickson 9.12.1887 82. 428 Er Jamima Riddoch IMO hus John Smith 23.5.1878 40, s Dav 8.10.1884 14. (Back)'/J,_ loving husband a father dear/A faithful friend lies buried here; /Great is the loss that we sustain,/But hope in Heaven to meet again.' 429 Er John Carson 11.4.1917 63 IMO w Jane stewart 27.12.1880 430 Br. IMO hus Dan Robertson Mitchell 7.8.1883 49, da Jan Heron Mitchell 1878 7 mths, abv Mgt Baird 20.5.1913 73. '<'1 Br-own••• 28, s Jas 16.10.1884 4~. 22.3. Er Jane Harper 4.6.1878 59 IMO hus Wm Baird, contractor, d Lugar 4.1.18-18 77, s Thos Baird 15.8.1919 64 (w Eliz McMillan 8.11.1938 78). 432 Er Ann Gibson d Urquhart Cottage, Dunfermline d Gaswater 15.8.1883 60. 17.12.1891 70 IMO hus Dav Mel.eod 433 Er Thos McMurdo 10.8.1935 73 11>10 w Ann Purdon 3.1.1891 23, da Ann i e 6.3.1891 2 mths, 3 chn d in inf, 2\,.,. Catherine McJl.lillan 14.6.1956 86. 434 Er Robt Reid 9.1.1922 68 INO da Jane 2.5.1877 3 yrs & 2 mths, w Eliz Glendinning 11.1.1882 30, s Robt 4.8.1882 15 mths, s WIn 29.1.1894 16 yrs & 6 mt hs , da Jane 24.11.1900 21, 2w ELz Lammie 16.10.1907 69, ,3w Annie Milne 14.7.1944 86. 435 Er John Hope d Crosshill, Maybole 1.12.1918 61, ILMO s John d Walkers Row 22.8.1907 8, w Jan Garven 19.8.1949 74. 436 Er Robt Reid and 437 Er the Rev Jas Spence, minister w Jane McMillan 1-.-.1882 56, IMO s John 31.3.1875 10~ ••• of the original secession congregation, Auch., 437 (contd.) d 27.11.1927 89, lARO wHelen Scrymgeour Mo~ton 29.1.1875. 438 Ob. 439 Er John Gibb 27.8.1897 50 IMO mo Helen McFarlane 23.12.1872 69, fa Chas 28.8. 1876 81, sis Jane 3.3.1878 33, sis Jan 30.6.1906 73, w Eliza McFarlane 12.8.1926 91 440 Er Geo Gibson IMO w Ellen Calderwood 11.3.1838 - 13.1.1874, Geo Gibson 24.6.1874 54, Christina Peden Gibson 18.2.1826 - 10.8.1916 (fa ,John Gibson, box manufacturer, Auch., mo Sibella Nurdoch). 441 Er Jos Irvin station master, Auch., d Langside, Glasgow 24.1.1905 80 IMO B Geo 23.6.1875 23, w Jan Thomson 15.3.1895 73. Abv Jos Irvin was station master at Aucn. station from 1858 to 1896 and pregentor in the parish churc from 1861 to 1895. 442 Er Thos Watson, gardener, Auch House 22.11.1893 76, IMO da Mary Ann Watson/Smith 15.10.1882 33, w Annie Kerr 4.7.1885 71, da Mgt 12.1.1917 69, da Jessie Er TTMO Dav Gibson, builder 6.8.1872 43, w Agnes Auld 3.8.1922 80. 13.~.1~~~ 82. 443 Er Dav Giffen 19.5.1896 56 IMO da Williamina 1.4.1876 3, da Maggie 2.5.1882 30, w ;';lgt Waterston d Gi as gow 2.8.1891 61, Mary Jane Giffen 25.12.1856 - 17.3.1927. 444 Er Jan Leitch 31.3.1891 63 IMO hus John Morris d Lugar 20.4.1883 70, s Philip 26.4.1850 4, s Arch 3.4.1853 18 mths, gs Dav Morris 7.4.1885 1 yr& 10 mths, gs ~~d Morris 12.9.1885 4 mths, gda Davina Moris 18.1.1890 1 yr & 5 mths, gs Frank B.S. Morris 23.3.1891 6 mths, gs Dav G.P. Morris 13.12.1895 11. 445 Er ~'im McCallum 446 ob. Er Robt d Carbello 8.3.1900 87 and Jas Harper d Burnhead Penpont 10.1i. 1916 82, IMO fa John d ~arbellow 19.11.1870 81, rna Jane Vass d Carbello 6.10. 1872 80., Jan d Bennan, Thornhill 28.1.1908 88, Agnes Harvey d Burnhead 9.9.1927 87 (hus JCiS H~!rper, s Wm d Carbello 27.1.187314 mbhs , da Jessie 30.5.1877 ~ mths, da Jane Vass Harper d Roseneath Terrace, Edinburgh 12.1.1894 20, Is John d Edinburgh 28.12.1957 89), bros and sis, Helen d Rottenyard 17.10.1842 13, And d Orange, N.S.W. 8.2.1856 42, John d Ballarat, Victoria 12.7.1857 33, Mgt d Wandoo Wandong, N.S.W. 20.1.1860 42, Dav d Gundangs, N.S.W. 22.10.1889 64, Wm d r·lungery, N.S.W, 12.7.1890 69, Grace d Wedderburn, Victoria 22.7.1896 38, JBn~ d Pothead, N.C. 24.3.1903 76. 4/.7 Er- .t ohn Hamil t01' H10 mo M~ry Adam d Common Cottage, Lugar 13.11.1872 47, fa Wm HamiJton 1.1.1892 71, ~i~ing contractor. 448 IMO Wm 'l.1'1~edi(' .• It schoolmaster, Darnconner 4.11.1926 74, 13.8.1886 28, da Isabella 8.2.1902 21. 449 IMO John Gilmour d Ballochmyle, Auch 20.9.1891 67, da Jan 8.4.1902 49, s John d Llwympia, Barry, S. Wales 2.3.1911 57, w Jan Wilson d Ochiltree 9.7.1912 87, da Marion d Montgomery Place, Auch 8.12.1924 56. 'Gone but not forgotten.' 5.5.1909 65, IMO 21, s Robt 6.3.1877 8 mths, bro Brackenhill, Sorn 10.7.1886 66, Murdoch u Ballochmyle 30.5.1893 s John 2.5.1907 19. fa Wm McCallum 6.7.1876 67, sis Jane 1.2.1877 .John 30.10.1885 28, mo Mgt McMillan d s :as d Balloc~yle 29.4.1887 11 roths, w Agnes 39, da Marion d Ballochmyle 30.6.1893 4 mths, Vi Mgt Paterson • 450 Er Jas Niven d Meadowside, Sorn 22.9.1935 85, IMO s Jas d Darnconnar 30.9.1877 2, da Annie d Meadowsidc 2.9.1899 22, mo-i-l Jan Rogerson d Gleadowside 28.8.1897 86, w Mary-Jane Rogerson d Blackwood Avenue, Catrine 22.12.1942 91, 1s John 28.8.1946 72, da Jemima 8.1.1984 93. 451 Br. Er Thos Killin d Carnbuslang 28.1.1933 83, IMO s Jas d Crescent, Lugar 4.7.1877 2 yrs & 2 mths, rna Jan Goldie d Mauchline 26.2.1902 91, da Mgt ~ontgomerie ~A d Glasgow 25.11.1907 27, s-i-l And Forsyth d Nor~hampton 29.4.1922 39, w ~gt Liddell d Cambuslang 11.4.1942 89, da Eliz Crawford Forsyth 24.3.1958 70. 452 B1'. EI' Alex McIvor 18.2.~914J!?0, IRO \¥ S2.1'ah Campbell d Station House 31.7.1889 34, cla ".lattie 11.7.1889 6Yz, s Alex 31.10.1886 1, IDo-i-l !'<lartha C2..rnpbell 20.11. 1887 89, da Sarah d Glasgow 1860. 453 Er John Ballantyne, l~ schoolmaster, d Auch 12.5.1902 70, INO s John d in inf Kilwinning 19.11.1858, s Wm d Auch 27.11.1869 3, s Wm d Auch 24.2.1891 19, 5 John d Echuca, Australia 3.8.1891 29, w Jane P Ballantyne d Auch 20.1.1893 61, da Jan 17.10.1901 -6 yrs, yts Geordie Ballantyne MA d suddcntly Irvine Academy 13.11.190835, s .La s d Duni op 1.12.193777, da Jane d[Dunlop] 1.5.1953 83. 'Death shall be swallowed up in victory. I 454 3r. 455 Er ~'1gt Smith d Carskcoch, Patna 4.4.1919 74, 1:'-10 hus Jas Cl2.1'k d Comruon, Auch 26.11.1873 44, 5 Jas Clark of Crossflatt and Carskeoch d Carskeoch, Fa~na 28.2.1926 60. 456 ab. Er Hugh Gibson, Stonebridge 27.10.1876 64, IMO w Mary Gibson d Dalfad 14.2.1874 42, s Robt 11.1.1890 30, s Wm 6.2.1900 36, da Calh 17.12.1908 52, 5 Dav 22.12.191651, s ).It:x :25-12.1924[74]. IU,!O.Tr_os Ca l l an 86 \i'l r<a:"y G::'bson 10.5.19,',9 90). IL-:IO Jan Gibson 14.2.1936 e s ( h u s Je:j-m J.l1".lis), Jas R Gibson 23.5.19~4 71, Ann Gibson 5.12.1954 84, Mgt Gibson 5.8.1955 88. "'57 Er IMO And Br-own 8.4.H{8~ 84, '", Ca t h Ferguson 17.3.1874 74, da Eliz 24.3.1~5] 32, s .Jas 9.6.1855 17, da Cath 14.3.1874 32, da Isabella 5.9.~874]~~ 458 WID Gibson INQ fa Geo Gibson 5.5.1875 45, sis Mgt 11.2.1920 54 (h~s Jas ~earson), mo .Jan Gibson d Gilhm·,'e 24.3.1921 91, sis Jane 10.6.1924 63 (hus Ad am Robe r t s on ) , 459 Er \~l Merry Simpson d Mennock 10.3.1915 73, IMO chn, ~arion 7.9.1875 3, Adam 1.6.1876 1 yr & 6 mths, Marion 7.2.1882 3 mths, Mary 30.5.1893 30, W cath Connell d Mennock 17.9.1912 72, Stuart 6.10.1948 83, Cath 15.5.1954 64. 460 Er RobT d Merry Cottage, Auch 23.2.1919 64 and Jas ~cIntyre, IMO fa Wm 13.11. 1850 36, rno Mary Miller 29.6.1891 61, w Marion Stirling 20.9.1929 72 (hus Robt McIntyre, s John d suddenly after long illness at Walmer, Ken'C 11.7.1935 47, 3s Jas McIntyre 4.9.1946 56). Beloved llus of Rubt Kirkland. Euph~m~a 21.7.1965 79 (hus Jas Pa7erson). ~61 Jas Anthony 21.8.1A7Q 70, coachman, Auch House for 45 Y1's, I~O da ~lari0n 13.7. 1878 36, da Jemima 26.4.1847 13 mths, ma-i-l Agnes Thomson 19.12.1867 91, w Mgt Taylor 17.4.1P31 72; gs Geo Boyd d Nauchline 20.9.1882 19 mths, s-i-l John Boyd 12.9.1914 7~, do Mgt Anthony 31.10.1914 70, gda Eliz Boyd 15.8.1916 10. 462 Er .]as Campbell IMO Geo Law, mert, Rosebank, 22.10.1904 Lugar 14.7.1873 38 ... 52 IMO fa rhos 25.10.1878 49, mo Hannah ;::rosgrovc
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