MAY 2010 - California Turtle and Tortoise Club
MAY 2010 - California Turtle and Tortoise Club
SVTTC News Silicon Valley Turtle & Tortoise Club Chapter of the California Turtle and Tortoise Club since 2008 or MAY 2010 Photo by Gilbert Castro – The “Gang” at the San Mateo Reptile Show representing the SVTTC Next Meeting: Next club meeting is Monday, May 3rd at 7pm. Banquet room is open at 5pm Topic of Interest: This month’s presentations will be presented by Rene Gandolfi DVM from the Castro Valley Companion Animal Hospital. Rene will be doing a power-point presentation on the Herpes Virus in Russian Tortoises. The Virus is open to other species as well. Location: Round Table Pizza 14940 Camden Avenue (Corner of Union and Camden Ave) San Jose, CA 95124 (408) 371-9550 From the Editor By Kevin Norred Hi Everyone, Happy Spring!!! Hope everyone is doing well and everyone’s turtles and tortoises are doing well. I would like to start my article this month by sharing an email that I received from Rod L. that was sent to me after taking in a very Large Red Ear Slider. Usually when people drop off turtles/tortoises, we never really hear back from them, but receiving an email and one like this really allows me to continue helping unwanted, injured and sick turtles and tortoises. From Rod: Hi Kevin I sent this story to all my friends. They really enjoyed it. +++++++++++++++++++++ Just had to relate an awww animal story. A few Saturday mornings ago I was having coffee and woolgathering through the kitchen window when I noticed a strange shape in the tall weeks. At first I thought it was a dirty old deflated soccer ball, but closer inspection revealed a turtle about 10” long by 8” wide. We had no idea how it got there, but a little recon revealed its trail through the weeds along the side of the house. But now what to do? A little Internet research told us that turtles need special care like any other pet and we weren’t ready for the commitment. And this guy was starting to dig in, especially after discovering he liked our oranges. I had to leave for work, so Lauren knocked on doors to see if anyone had lost their turtle. On one had, but a number of our neighbors seemed interested in making turtle soup for dinner. Anyway, next day I googled “turtle club” and found the northernmost chapter of the California Turtle and Tortoise club in San Jose. A few emails later and we were driving him down to San Jose to the guy who handles their adoptions. Kevin had turtles and tortoises all over his property; some being nursed back to health. Turns out our guy was a girl and 20-30 years old! She was the biggest red-eared slider he’d ever seen. She ‘s been out of the water for a while, but otherwise in pretty good shape. He intends to use her in presentations to show people how big their little 4” turtle can get. Evidently people sometimes tire of their turtles and abandon them when they require bigger accommodations. So after signing the adoption papers and making a donation we left our turtle in the best hands, happily soaking in a tub with other red eared sliders ( that’s a different one in the shot with the other turtles. Good ol’internet. Rod. (Pictures on next page) 2 From the Editor (Cont) New News As we move into the spring months, please make sure as your critters spend more time outside that you make sure your habitats are predator proof. Many animals such as raccoons will be out investigating for food sources, as they will have a lot of little ones to feed. For those that are going to be participating in the Western Pond Turtle Presentation at the Oakland Zoo, now is your time to get your money in. All money needs to be in by June 1st. For some unknown reason you are running late, please contact me. We have to submit payment prior to our arrival at the park on June 19th. Please fill out the form attached to this newsletter to send in your payments. If you will be at the meeting, you can bring to me or make a special arrangement to drop off. I would like to take the last part of this article and let everyone know that I am happy to announce that our Vice President Jessica Gopp and I got married on May 1st. Jessica has been a part of my life for the past 3 years and I have enjoyed every part of it. When she first came to my house when we started dating, her exact words were…”Wow… you have a lot of tortoises. Why do you have so many? Now I can see why you don’t have any time to do anything. You need to get rid of some”. Well about 3 or 4 months into the dating, she had tortoises and snakes of her own. I ruined her for life. Having Turtles and tortoises is addicting and once you get to love the little dinosaurs, you can’t give them up. I hope to live a lifetime with Jess and have a life full of turtles and tortoises Thanks again to everyone who helps put this club together. Kevin 3 2010 Club Officers & Committees 2010 SVTTC Officers President Joseph Alvarado [email protected] Vice President Jessica Norred [email protected] Secretary Philip Edholm [email protected] Treasurer Gilbert & Dorothy Castro [email protected] or [email protected] 2010 SVTTC Board of Directors Board of Director Greg Kraintz [email protected] Board of Director Paul Woodring [email protected] Board of Director Yvonne “Corky” Mariani [email protected] 2010 SVTTC Committee Chairman’s & Assistants Librarian Martha Pugno [email protected] Show/Event Chairman Jennette Petrak [email protected] Fundraiser Chairman Lisa Montoya [email protected] Adoption Chairman Kevin Norred [email protected] Newsletter Kevin Norred [email protected] Membership Dorothy Castro [email protected] SVTTC Internet Connections Turtle and Tortoise related Yahoo Groups: SVTTC Chapter: The SVTTC Website where you can find all forms including past newsletters: 4 President’s Report REMINDER: Joseph Alvarado For those that are attending the Western Pond Turtle Presentation on June 19th at the Oakland Zoo, please mail in your forms with a check made out to the SVTTC or bring to the next meeting. The form is attached at the end of the newsletter. We must have all these in no later than June 1st. Anyone interested in the California Pacific Western Pond Turtle is invited. Please bring your family and friends. Happy Spring!! I would like to thank everyone who helped at the San Mateo Reptile Show on April 10th and 11th. Also, thanks to those who visited the booth. It is nice to get to see everyone. I would also like to thank the Board & Volunteers who dedicate their time and help this club grow everyday. Thanks to the efforts of Lesa and friends for the fundraising, Gilbert and Dorothy for their hard work in promotions and everyone else for making things happen. It takes a team of people to make what we have today. We are at 113 members currently and growing strong. We have only touched a small percentage of those in the Bay Area who own turtles and tortoises. If you live near a Pet shop or visit a place that deals with animals, print out a flyer (can get from Kevin) and post it up on the bulletin board. We need all the help promoting the SVTTC. 2010 is going to be a big year with several activities going on this year. We have in June the Western Pond Turtle Presentation at the Oakland Zoo; August will be the 25th Hatch-Day for Gus the Galapagos Tortoise. Terry and Nadia will be celebrating and having another Hatch-Day party for him and the other 5 Galapagos and Aldabra Tortoises. We are in the works to put together a summer activity as well such as a picnic. -Joseph 5 VP Report VP Report By Jessica Norred (Cont.) Hello Everyone, We are looking for the following items at a discount or to be donated to the club: I would like to thank Gary Wilfong for speaking about the European Testudo Species last month. He showed several shell displays ranging from Greeks, Hermans, & Russian tortoises. We were also able to meet some of his beautiful Marginated, Greek, & Hermans tortoises. They were all very cool. Thanks again Gary. Projector (Table Top) Projection Screen 60” x 60” minimum size Turtle / Tortoise Videos / DVD The following are the upcoming presentations for the SVTTC: Thanks, Jessica Norred May 3rd – Rene Gandolfi, DVM, Castro Valley Companion Animal Hospital -Herpes Virus in Tortoises June7th – Jennette Petrak, SVTTC Member Sea Turtles and Conservation in Costa Rica July 5th – Open August 2nd – Terry Burtz , SVTTC Member Living with Galapagos and Aldabra Tortoises September 13th – Kevin Norred, SVTTC Adoptions - Setting up the proper Aquatic Habitat Pictures by Dorothy & Gilbert Castro – San Mateo Reptile Show – April 10 & 11th October 4th – Steven Si Fuentes - Presentation on Pancake Tortoises November 1st – Kevin Norred SVTTC Adoptions presentation on Red Foot Tortoises and some show and tell. December 6th –No Presentation – Christmas Party 6 Membership Report Time To Renew your Membership!!! Dorothy Castro If your name is on this list, it is time to renew. Renewal Memberships can be extended by filling out a new application and mailing to: LAST NAME FIRST NAME CITY RENEW DICUS JOHN NIPOMA ESCOBAR MARIA DALY CITY 01-01-10 LIPMAN KATE FREMONT 02-01-10 McKEEFERY CAHTERINE FREMONT 02-01-10 CLARK LIZ OROVILLE 03-02-10 COFFEY PATRICK BURLINGAME 03-02-10 HAYES JENNIFER MEDESTO 03-02-10 CHU XIAOBO SAN JOSE 03-06-10 PUGNO MARTHA SAN JOSE 03-06-10 THORSON-GARAY SERGIO SAN FRANCISCO 03-09-10 CARLE CHUCK & PENNY CUPERTIONO 03-30-10 You can also give to an officer of the club or bring to the next general club meeting. If you have already sent your renewal in, just ignore the list. COWLELL DARLENE SALIDA 03-30-10 DAVIS KC DUBLIN 05-01-10 GERSONDE JAN SAN FRANCISCO 05-01-10 ORTIZ RICKY STOCKTON 05-01-10 STRAATSMA (ART) GREER (RIVER) SANATA ROSA 05-01-10 Membership packages are as follows: SWANSON HEIDI SAN JOSE 05-01-10 TINER REES SANTA CRUZ 05-01-10 Yearly Dues: TUNG LOUANN LIVERMORE 05-01-10 SILICON VALLEY TURTLE AND TORTOISE CLUB Attn: Adoptions P.O. Box 64135 Sunnyvale, CA 94088-4135 $20.00 Individual & Family Membership $30.00 Supporter Membership $50.00 Benefactor Membership $100.00 Patron Membership $25.00 Canada / Mexico Membership $40.00 Other Foreign Membership $500 Life Membership 01-01-10 MEAD NORMA AROMAS 05-13-10 TOY TIM SAN FRANCISCO 05-13-10 ALEXANDER MARY & JIM SAN JOSE 06-01-10 CASTANEDA VICTORIA S. TRACY 06-01-10 FERRY ELIZABETH CAMERON PARK 06-01-10 GO RAYMOND SAN FRANCISCO 06-01-10 GRASSI JUNIOR MARTINEZ 06-01-10 HARCOURT TRACY SAN BRUNO 06-01-10 HEINLEIN JR. EARL E. CAMPBELL 06-01-10 HILDEBRANT JESSE ANTIOCH 06-01-10 SHIPLEY VERN FREMONT 06-01-10 SMITH RED SANTA CRUZ 06-01-10 TSANG ELISA HAYWARD 06-08-10 MOODY CINDY OAKLAND 06-14-10 EDY CHRIS D. SANTA ROSA 07-01-10 MATTHEWS CHRIS OAKLAND 07-01-10 To renew your membership, please download a club application at valley or email [email protected] for one. Donations are always welcome. 7 SVTTC Events By Jennette Petrak Hi Everyone, Not too much to going on at this time. We are trying to plan an event for this summer such as a picnic or show so stay tuned for more details. In the meantime, I would like to share some pics that Dorothy and Gilbert took at the last Reptile Show in San Mateo. Helpers List This is the list of people who have participated in helping out at 2010 events. For each event/day you help at an event, your name will be put into a raffle at the end of the year for some great prizes. If you would like to help out, please contact a club officer. I would also like to thank the following people: Names Martha Pugno JJ Bauman Jessica Norred Gilbert Castro Kevin Norred Phillip Edholm Wendy Petrak Jennette Petrak Dorothy Castro Lesa Montoya Joseph Alverado 8 Entries into Raffle 2 3 1 4 2 3 2 1 2 2 1 Turtle / Tortoise Conservation News "The rate of hunting of radiated tortoises is similar to the hunting pressure on American bison during the early 19th century, where they were nearly hunted to extinction when they once numbered in the tens of millions," said Brian D. Horne, turtle conservation coordinator for the WCS's Species Program. Star-Patterned Tortoise Could Die Out in 20 Years livescience Staff The tortoises once numbered in the millions across a vast swath of the southern portion of the island nation. – Mon Apr 5, 4:31 pm ET A tortoise that wears a brilliant yellow star pattern on its back and lives in Madagascar is rapidly nearing extinction due to poaching for its meat and the illegal pet trade, a team of biologists reports today. One of the most troubling trends is that poachers are now entering protected areas to collect tortoises and the staff there is poorly equipped to patrol and protect populations, the biologists say. The radiated tortoise (Geochelone radiata) could die out within the next 20 years unless drastic conservation measures are taken, say biologists from the Turtle Survival Alliance (TSA) and Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS). The team found the situation is exacerbated by several factors, including: • The tortoise, whose carapace reaches a length of 16 inches (41 centimeters), weighs up to 35 pounds (16 kilograms) and is considered one of the most beautiful tortoises in the world, according to the Smithsonian National Zoo. Its legs, feet, and head are yellow except for a black splotch on top of its head. Yellow lines radiate outward from each dark plate on its domed shell. • • The team recently returned from field surveys in southern Madagascar's spiny forest, where the once-abundant tortoises occur. The team found entire regions devoid of tortoises. Local people told the team that armed bands of poachers had taken away truckloads of tortoises to supply open meat markets in towns such as Beloha and Tsihombe. Poaching camps have been discovered with the remains of thousands of radiated tortoises, and truckloads of tortoise meat have been seized recently, the team says. • Extreme drought, which has resulted in diminished agricultural production and increased poverty, which leads people to tortoise hunting for survival; Enforcement action is often days away so that local officials can't stop poachers; Severe habitat degradation, due to burning and clearing for agriculture, has made the spiny forest the most endangered forest type in Madagascar, the fourth largest island in the world; Current political instability has resulted in an increased open access to natural resources and illegal pet trade. The researchers say the radiated tortoise can still "make a living" and survive in this degraded habitat, but the animal can't survive the current threat of wholesale collection for food markets. Community mobilization linked to sustainable habitat protection is needed to save this unique critically endangered species, they say. 9 Once you have entered our SVTTC Library “Home” screen, look at the tabs just below the LIBRARY THING logo. (Please confine yourself to using/clicking on only the “Home”,” Profile” and “Your books” tabs, or you may inadvertently delete books from the collection or change the look of the screens causing confusion for the next member that tries to access our site) CTTC – MERCED By Amy Wong By now, you probably have heard rumors about the new Merced Branch of the California Turtle & Tortoise Club. The rumors are true, and we’d like to cordially invite all interested readers of the SVTTC newsletter to join us! Right now, our education efforts focus on the desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii), and we have partnered with UC Merced and Merced College to get the word out. Our meetings are held every third Tuesday of the month at 7pm at Forté Frozen Yogurt, located in downtown Merced at 319 W Main Street. We hope to see you there! If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us at [email protected] or 415819-2121 By clicking on the “Profile” tab, you will get information about borrowing books from our Library. By clicking on the “Your books” tab, you will get a list of the items in our library collection. If you would like view/browse the items in a different order (i.e. by author or publisher), go to the icons below the Library Thing logo and click on the icon with the up and down arrows. A window will open that allows you to sort the list the way you want to view it. (Again please do not click on any of the other icons) Librarian Report By Martha Pugno You can also use the “search for books” window on the “Home” screen (to get back to this screen, click the “Home” tab under the Library Thing logo) to locate items by keyword (i.e. Desert tortoise). This window will be more helpful as the library gets larger and browsing the whole collection becomes more difficult. I found a good Internet site for our club library called “”. This site allows me to list our books and periodicals for free and to print our lists with photos of the book covers. I hope to get my printer working and bring the list of the items in our club library to next month’s meeting. For those of you that have Internet access, you can look at the book list now. Finally, when you have finished looking at our new SVTTC Library site, go to the upper right corner of the “Home” screen and click on “sign out”. Directions: I am excited about this free library collection site. It offers more goodies, such as ratings, that I hope to utilize later as our collection and use grows and I become more experienced with the offerings. Go to On this first screen, look for the box “Already a member?” You can enter our club library by typing svttc in the “name” box, and boxturtle in the “password” box Martha Pugno Club Librarian Then click on “sign in” 10 Turtle Survival Alliance • Florida Turtles: Conservation Challenges and Opportunities: George Heinrich; chair · Florida Turtles: Conservation Challenges and Opportunities: George Heinrich, chair · Soft Shell Turtles: Peter Praschag, chair presentations on both captive and field efforts · Survey Methods for Terrestrial Turtles/Tortoises with workshop on field tools The Turtle Survival Alliance (TSA) and the IUCN/SSC Tortoise and Freshwater Turtle Specialist Group (TFTSG) are pleased to announce the dates of their joint Symposium, Monday – Thursday, August 16 – 19, 2010 in Orlando, Florida (immediately preceding the National Reptile Breeders Expo in Daytona). This is the 8th annual conference hosted by the TSA, and has become the world’s largest gathering of tortoise and freshwater turtle biologists, turtle enthusiasts, and captive breeding specialists in the world. (GPS, PDA, Burrow Cams, etc.) and Line Distance Sampling demo: Lora Smith and Jonathon Stober, chairs · Turtle Farms and Facilities: Hans-Dieter Philippen, chair As the tradition continues, we are grateful for the generous support of our conference title sponsor, ZooMed. This promises to be a major international conference, with over 100 presentations. We have many special sessions arranged including: For more information, including the Call for Papers, visit the conference page on the TSA website: <http://www.turtlesu get-involved/ 2010-conference>http://www.turtlesu get-involved/ 2010-conference · Madagascar Freshwater Turtle and Tortoise Conservation: Christina Castellano & Michael Ogle, chairs · Captive Husbandry: Cris Hagen and Ben Anders, Chairs · Chelonian Health and Disease: Elliott Jacobson, chair · Chelonians of China: Torsten Blanck, chair - presentations on both captive and field efforts · Community Ecology of Turtles: Daren Riedle, chair · Cuora: Ray Farrell, chair presentations on both captive and field efforts 11 Meeting Agenda: I. II. III. IV. VI VIII IX X Current Events Membership Introductions Officer’s Reports • President-Joseph • Vice President-Jessica • Secretary-Philip • Treasurer-Gilbert • Board of Directors Committee Reports • Librarian - Martha • Fundraiser – Lesa • Events – Jennette • Membership –Dorothy • Adoptions - Kevin General Announcements • CTTC – Executive Meeting April 10th Highlights– Pasadena • SVTTC- June 19th Oakland Zoo Presentation • B.A.A.R.S – Meeting May 28thFrog Preservation • Open Floor for anyone to announce events or activities Newsletter - Kevin • Articles • Highlights and Info in newsletter ***Stretch Break *** Presentation –Rene Gandolfi, DVM Open Floor Adjourn Upcoming Events: April 20th Merced CTTC chapter meeting May 3rd SVTTC Club Meeting Presentation on Herpes Virus in tortoises by Renee Gandolfi May 23rd Turtle & Tortoise Care Expo – El Dorado Comm. Center – Long Beach CTTC July 17th Sacramento Summer Time Turtle and Tortoise Club Meeting 11am-4pm July31st – August 1st San Jose Herp World Expo August 7th Burtz Family B-Day party Gus the Galapagos Tortoises will be 25 ys/old September 11-12th Anaheim Reptile Show September 18-19th Sacramento Reptile Show The next meeting is Monday, June 7th 2010 at 7:00 pm, same location. Future Newsletters: If you have an article that you would like to contribute to the SVTTC or maybe write something that you may have experienced or an exciting tip, we are looking to add some fun stuff to the monthly newsletter. Please no copyrighted info. 12 Canyon Veterinary Hospital Reptile Vets Dr. R. Barrett, DVM Castro Valley, CA (510) 582-6704 SVTTC members and non-members have recommended the following names and Veterinarian offices. These listings are for reference only. Santa Clara Pet Hospital Dr. Kent Littlehale, DVM San Jose, CA (408) 227-9110 VCA Orchard Plaza Animal Hospital Castro Valley Companion Animal Hospital Dr. Jennifer Star Seward, DVM Dr. Ian Stone, DVM San Jose, CA (408) 227-9110 Rene Gandolfi, DVM Castro Valley, CA (510) 582-6311 Kirkwood Animal Hospital Dr. Garrett Okumara, DVM Campbell, CA (408) 374-5850 Felton Veterinary Hospital Dr. Cathy Calvert, DVM Felton, CA (831) 335-3466 Sequoia Valley Veterinary Hospital Dr. Randall Popkin, DVM Santa Rosa, CA (707) 545-7387 Sunnyvale Veterinary Clinic Dr. Raj Singh, DVM Sunnyvale, CA (408) 736-8929 Exotic Services Veterinarians U.C. Davis – Small Animal Hospital Avian & Exotic Clinic of Monterey Dr. Shannon Thomas, DVM Dr. Amy Wells, DVM Monterey, CA (831) 647-1147 Davis, CA (530) 752-0186 Emergency (530) 752-0186 If you have a vet that you have used for your reptiles, turtles and/or tortoises and would like to add him/her to this list, please let me know. Also if you are a Vet and would like to be added to this list, let me know. Valley Animal Hospital Dr. Christine McFadden Merced, CA (209) 384-7387 Wildwood Animal Hospital Dr. Chris Sanders, DVM Dr. Tina Peak, DVM Portola Valley, CA (650) 851-9453 Thanks -Kevin Wildwood Animal Hospital Dr. Diana Welsh, DVM San Jose, CA (408) 265-8811 Berkeley Dog and Cat Hospital Dr. Kenneth Harkewicz, DVM Berkeley, CA (510) 848-5041 13 The employees and staff are adopting to those that have ponds and or 40 gallon or bigger tanks. This has allowed the local Petco store to not purchase any new RES turtles and to prevent anymore from coming into the area. If this program in the next few months works well, we may continue to look at other stores as well. Adoption Report By Kevin Norred Hi everyone, Hope March/April has been good to everyone. Usually about this time, I am getting in tons of turtles and tortoises. They have either been found or people forgot about them over the winter and want to give them a better home. However, I haven’t had much turned in at all. The only thing I have had is a handful of people who have lost their tortoises. If you have found one please contact me. I have a list of names of individuals, location and types that they have lost. The Snapper Relocation project is still in the works. At the last Executive Board, the CTTC Chairman is working on getting a memorandum of Understanding so we will be officially authorized as an organization to have “Key” people to contain, care and ship them out of state. As of now, there is just a couple of us including myself that is working closely with the Department of Fish and Game on individual bases to take them in, care for them and ship them out of the area. I am currently looking to find a box turtle adoption coordinator replacement. One of the things that I do dedicate a lot of time nursing back to health is Box Turtles. Many come in with shell rot, are dehydrated and or lethargic. I have talked to the SVTTC Board and would like to see if someone that lives in San Jose would be interested in taking on the responsibility of taking in, caring, medicating and assisting in adopting out all Box Turtles that come through the Club. If anyone might be interested in donating your time to help, please contact me. For those that are looking to adopt Desert Tortoises, we were unable to pick any up this spring. There are hundreds still looking for homes, however they are all located in Palm Springs at the Zoo that we work with. If anyone is willing to travel that way, let me know. I can give you the contact information. They will not ship. Until next month, have a wonderful spring -Kevin The SVTTC and CTTC have unofficially stopped taking in all Red Ear Sliders. Many of the clubs are just so overwhelmed with them and it takes a great deal of effort to find homes for them. As a result of this, I have personally taken on the sole liability and financial burden of caring and taking in Red Ear Sliders. I hate to know that there is just no place for them and if I don’t continue to try, people are just going to release them in our natural waterways. I have been pretty successful in the last month finding many new homes in ponds. Also my “recycle” efforts to adopt some out through a local Petco are working well. WAKING UP 14 FUNDRAISER Corner Lost & Found By Lesa Montoya If you have found a tortoise/turtle and lost one, please email me at [email protected]. We can get the word out. Hello Everyone! The April bake Sale went well. I brought Krispy Kreme donuts. There were an assortment of the regular size donuts and mini bite size donuts. Too cute! Special Thanks to Anna Sifuentes for her surprise donation of her mouth watering Banana Nut Bread. Yeah! Anna! It’s time to extend an invitation to have other club members participate in the bake sale. I will be asking for volunteers to bring in their favorite sweets, homemade or not, it doesn’t matter. We will see what sweet surprises are in store for us! Lost Large Sulcata Lost – Rio Vista , CA Please contact [email protected] Large Greek Female Tortoise Lost – Mountain View, CA Missing 4/4/10. Please contact Stephanie at [email protected] Raffle News! I have to tell you our club members are Simply Fantastic! There were several members who donated items to be included in the Raffle/Auction. The donated items ranged from wind chimes, stuffed animals, grass seed, gift bags filled with tortoise supplies to a turtle/tortoise house. Special Thanks to all! Found More News! During the San Mateo Expo, along with Gilbert and Dorothy, I had a great time handing out and talking to people about the S.H.A.R.E.S card and iGive. It was a good opportunity for me to help generate $$$ for SVTTC. I did learn quite a lot. Don’t forget to use your S.H.A.R.E.S card every time you shop at Lucky’s, Food MAXX, S-MART or Save Mart Supermarkets. Use of the card earns our club up to 3% of qualified purchases. It is simple to use. Just have the clerk scan the S.H.A.R.E.S card before your purchase is totaled. If you don’t have one or need more, contact me or see me at the next monthly meeting. Reminder! Use iGive every time you search and shop online. Register at There is absolutely no charge to register. Each qualifying search generates .1 cent and additional $$$ for qualifying purchases. Box Turtle Found – Turned in to SVTTC on 4/21/10. Describe Type, Sex and physical features and Location. Contact Kevin at [email protected]. Everyone enjoy this Spring because Summer is just around the corner! -Lesa 15 Other Club News If you are part of a club or organization related to Turtles / Tortoises and would like to post some current news, please give Kevin Norred a call or email. Bay Area Amphibian & Reptile Society President: Scott Alexander 2010 Presentations: Sacramento Turtle & Tortoise Club President: Felice Rood 2010 Meeting Dates * July 17th 1pm – 4pm August 21st TurtleRama 11 – 4pm October 23rd * 1pm – 4pm Adoptions: Contact Setiva Woodring for current list of Reptiles for adoption. Her email is [email protected] * Meeting dates not confirmed yet For more information about the Bay Area Amphibian and Reptile Society, please contact Scott Alexander at [email protected] or visit Adoptions: Lots of Red Ear Sliders & Occasional Sulcata’s For more information about the Sacramento Turtle & Tortoise Club, please contact Felice Rood at [email protected] or visit www. Merced Turtle & Tortoise Club Pending Chapter of the CTTC President: Alex Lu-Pon Contact info: [email protected] We've moved the date for March's monthly meeting to April 20. As usual, it will take place at Forte Frozen Yogurt (319 W Main Street) in downtown Merced at 7pm. Hope to see you there! 16 Tortoises for Adoption The Turtles and Tortoises listed and/or available through the SVTTC are for the prospective benefit of the SVTTC members and potential new owners. No guarantees as to the health, suitability, or legality of the adopted turtles and tortoises as pets is neither expressed nor implied. The SVTTC does its best to examine all turtles and tortoises to deem healthy prior to release. No hidden illnesses that can be detected at the time of physical examination will be held against the SVTTC. When adopting a new turtle or tortoise, it is recommended that each animal be quarantined for at least 90 days from any other existing turtles/tortoises. Turtles/Tortoise Available 20+ Red Ear Slider Aquatic Turtles Various Sizes Requirements: Must have at least 50 gallon tank for one and/or at least 100 gallons or more for multiple turtles. 1 5-6” Sulcata ( small beak deformity ) Turtles / Tortoises Adopted out in April / May Lots of Red Ear Sliders!!!! 17 Club Member Classifieds / Wanted: These ads are posted by any individual requesting to find, sell or trade reptiles. Please note to take caution when selling or buying as the SVTTC or individuals associated with the SVTTC or not responsible for the business conducted between two parties. If a seller or buyer is doing “bad” business, please let me know so they can be removed from the list. All “Wanted” ads are not necessarily associated with the SVTTC or chapters of the CTTC. For Sale Ads • TORTOISE SUPPLIES – BENEFIT TO THE MEMBERS Contact Kevin Norred @ (408) 482-5437 or [email protected] For CTTC / SVTTC Members only- Quantities Limited Bigger quantity can be purchased. Call for price *Small K & H Heat Pads 12.5” X 18.5” $45.00 (Petco Price $70.00) *Medium K & H Heat Pads 16.5” X 22.5” $55.00 (Petco Price $80.00) *Large K & H Heat Pads 22.5” X 28.5” $65.00 (Petco Price $100.00) • FOR SALE: 2009 Russian Tortoise Hatchlings They were incubated at 89.5F for females. Price is $125ea Location: Concord Contact Dan Goemmel at (925) 825-6361 or email [email protected] • FOR SALE: 2009 Marginated Tortoise Hatchlings They were incubated at 89.5F for females. Price is $125ea Location: Concord Contact Dan Goemmel at (925) 825-6361 or email [email protected] • FOR SALE: Mazuri Tortoise Chow 1lb : $ 5.00 2lb : $ 8.00 5lb : $16.00 10lb : $28.00 25lb : $45.00 Contact Kevin Norred [email protected] or call (408) 482-5437 • FOR SALE: Reptaid All Natural Remedy ( ( SVTTC MEMBER ) 1oz Bottle Reptaid ( 1-250grams ) $24.99 1oz Bottle Reptaid XL ( over 250 grams ) $31.99 Free shipping . The # 1 product to help with respiratory infections, worms or parasites. All natural product. Contact Kevin Norred [email protected] or call (408) 482-5437 • FOR SALE: Egyptian Tortoises C/H Egyptian Tortoises from 2months to 2 years old $399.99 to $699.99 Contact Vincent Velci ( Tomorrow’s Reptile Sanctuary ) at (562) 245-7357 18 • FOR SALE: Leopard Tortoises C/H Leopard Tortoises Pardalis Bobcocki and Pardalis Pardalis $99.99 to $169.99 Contact Vincent Velci ( Tomorrow’s Reptile Sanctuary ) at (562) 245-7357 • FOR SALE: Male Marginated Tortoises 7ea Marginated Tortoise Males $299.99 Contact Vincent Velci ( Tomorrow’s Reptile Sanctuary ) at (562) 245-7357 • FOR SALE: Red Foot Proven Breeding Group $229.99 ea Tortoise LTC Contact Vincent Velci ( Tomorrow’s Reptile Sanctuary ) at (562) 245-7357 • FOR SALE: Turtle and Tortoises ( TOOSLO MEMBER ) Hatchlings: Leopard Tortoises $75ea, Elongated Tortoise $75ea, Herman’s Tortoise $75.ea, European Pond Turtles $ 75.00, Red Foot Tortoises $75ea, Star Tortoises $300ea, Egyptian Tortoises $300ea, Western Painted Turtles $15ea, Contact Bob & Judy Thomas at (805) 481-5222 • FOR SALE: Russian Tortoise Male ( SVTTC MEMBER ) 4-1/2” Male in Wonderful Condition $40.00 Pick up in San Jose only Contact John Nichols at 1jpnichols@ • FOR ADOPTION: Adult Male Desert Tortoises ( SVTTC MEMBER ) Bay Area Turtle and Tortoise Rescue has Adult Male Desert Tortoises for Adoption. Please contact Gary or Ginger Wilfong in Castro Valley at (510) 886-2946 • FOR SALE: Ceramic Heat Lamp Fixtures (no bulbs) ( SVTTC MEMBER ) Zoo Med Ceramic Heat Lamp Fixtures (Used) most are rated for 75watt to 100watt $5.00 ea. Contact Kevin at [email protected] • FOR SALE: Florescent Fixtures ( SVTTC MEMBER ) Misc Florescent Light Fixtures. Some have bulbs. Most are 18” to 24” long. All are used but in good condition. Most bulbs are outdated and will need to be updated with new bulbs for max full spectrum lighting. $5.00 ea. Contact Kevin at [email protected] • FOR SALE: Used Tanks ( SVTTC MEMBER ) Call for availability and supply – 10-gallon tanks to 80-gallon tanks. Some are terrariums and some are Aquariums. $5.00 to $50.00 ea. Contact Kevin at [email protected] • FOR SALE: Cherry Head Red Foot Tortoise Pair Super Male 11” & Female 8” $799.99 shipped Contact Vincent Velci ( Tomorrow’s Reptile Sanctuary ) at (562) 245-7357 19 • FOR SALE: Bolivian Giant Red Foot Tortoise 7” Male $299.99ea Contact Vincent Velci ( Tomorrow’s Reptile Sanctuary ) at (562) 245-7357 • FOR SALE: Female Sulcatas 13” + Female Sulcatas $599.99 Contact Vincent Velci ( Tomorrow’s Reptile Sanctuary ) at (562) 245-7357 • FOR SALE: Super Blonde Leopard Tortoises 3-4” $229.99ea Contact Vincent Velci ( Tomorrow’s Reptile Sanctuary ) at (562) 245-7357 • FOR SALE: Red Ear Sliders 6” $30ea - See Pictures Below Contact Megan Barnes at [email protected] • FOR SALE: 2 yr old Sulcata $150ea - See Pictures Below Contact Megan Barnes at [email protected] • FOR SALE: LTC Asian Box Turtles $55ea. Long Term Captives - See Pictures Below Contact Megan Barnes at [email protected] • FOR SALE: (4) LTC Gold Thread Turtles $70ea. Long Term Captives - See Pictures Below Contact Megan Barnes at [email protected] 20 Wanted Wanted Ads • Wanted: Russian Tortoise Females Looking for Female Russians for lone male. [email protected] • Contact Gwyn Weger @ Wanted: Cherry Head Red Foot Male ( SVTTC MEMBER ) Looking for Male Cherry Head Red Foot Males for single girls. Contact Scott Alexander @ Alexander_scott @ • Wanted: McCord’s Box Turtles Looking for baby, Male and Female McCord’s Box Turtles Contact Don Do @ [email protected] • Wanted: Keeled Box Turtles ( SVTTC MEMBER ) Looking for Male or Females for my single Female. Contact Kevin at [email protected] • Wanted: Elongated Tortoise Females ( SVTTC MEMBER ) Looking for Female Elongated Tortoise Females. Have very nice Cream colored male. Contact Kevin at [email protected] • Wanted: Leopard Tortoise Females ( SVTTC MEMBER ) Looking for Leopard Tortoise Females for my many males. Would consider trading some males. Contact Kevin at [email protected] • Wanted: Pancake Tortoises ( SVTTC MEMBER ) Looking for Pancake Tortoises, babies, Females and Males. Contact Kevin at [email protected] • Wanted: Herman’s Tortoises Looking for Female and/or pairs of Herman Tortoises Contact Michael at [email protected] • Wanted: Map Turtles Looking for all species of Map Turtles Contact Bryan email [email protected] • Wanted: Painted Turtles Looking for all species of Painted Turtles Contact Bryan email [email protected] • Wanted: North American Wood Turtles ( SVTTC MEMBER ) Looking for North American Wood Turtles (insculpta) Contact John at [email protected] 21 • Wanted: Red Foot Tortoise Female ( SVTTC MEMBER ) Looking for Female Red Foot Tortoise Contact Phil Krotz at [email protected] • Wanted: Texas Desert Tortoises ( SVTTC MEMBER ) Interested in Texas Desert Tortoises Contact Phil Krotz at [email protected] • Wanted: Gulf Coast Box Turtle Females ( SVTTC MEMBER ) Have single male looking for a girl or two Contact Kevin at [email protected] • Wanted: Greek Tortoises ( SVTTC MEMBER ) Looking to add some more Greeks to my herd. Looking for adults over 4-5” Contact Kevin at [email protected] • Wanted: Aquatic Turtles, Box Turtles, Tortoises I purchase Unwanted Turtles, Tortoises and Reptiles at Wholesale Prices. Email [email protected] Email with details & price request to see if interested. • Wanted: California Desert Tortoise( SVTTC MEMBER ) Looking for a juvenile Desert Tortoise to share our yard with another juvenile and a 100 + year old Desert Tortoise. Juvenile or older should be about 7” long or size of a medium spread out hand. Nice and hot backyard in Livermore. Would like our 9 year old to have these to pass along to his generation. Call 925-455-8823 or send email to Louann at [email protected] 22 Commercial Vendors / Retailers Are you interested in advertising in one of the leading Turtle and Tortoise Newsletters in California? If you would like your logo or business card inserted in one of the below squares, please contact Kevin @ [email protected] Sponsoring Vendors are waived any fees. Non Sponsoring Vendors, $20 donation a month. THEWORMDUDE.COM Your Business Card Here Your Business Card Here Your Business Card Here 23 Silicon Valley Turtle and Tortoise Club Fundraiser Please join us to help raise funds for the Silicon Valley Turtle and Tortoise Club while we have a great time. Come help us out, and help you to the freshest, best-tasting pizza in town. Just bring this flyer with you on the date below and give it to the order taker before you order. We’ll give 15% of your order (excluding sales tax) to the Silicon Valley Turtle and Tortoise Club. Date: Monday May 3rd (Call in your order early to avoid delay) Time: 5:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. Meeting starts at 7pm Location: 14940 Camden Avenue San Jose, CA 95124 (408) 371-9550 24 25 26 27 Silicon Valley Turtle & Tortoise Club Presents The Western Pond Turtle “Head Start Program” ________________________________________________________________________ th Saturday, June 19 @ The Oakland Zoo Reservations Required by June 1st, 2010 Tickets reserved thru Kevin Norred at [email protected] Or (408) 482-5437 Come visit Margaret Rousser and Staff from the Oakland Zoo for a special presentation about the Western Pond Turtle & their efforts to keep the species from going extinct. Presentation is at the Oakland Zoo Auditorium from 10am to 12pm. Come see and learn first hand about juvenile Western Pond Turtles that have been artificially incubated by Professor Nick Geist of Sonoma State University, which have be raised for release back into native ponds to increase the numbers of the Western Pond Turtle, California’s only native Aquatic Turtle. Tickets will be reserved on a first come first serve basis. We have seating for 150 people. Tickets are $8/adults & $6 for children. Donations are welcome. All proceeds including ticket sales will go directly to the WPT program. Parking is $6 per vehicle. After the presentation, guest can visit the park and some of the Sulcata/Aldabra Tortoises on display. Guest will be required to meet at the Lower Gate Entrance (Not the Main Entrance) at 9:45 to enter as a group on the morning of the presentation. The presentation will be at the Zimmer Auditorium or AKA Maddies Center for Science & Education. The Oakland Zoo is nestled in the rolling hills of 525-acre Knowland Park. The Zoo is located at 9777 Golf Links Rd., Oakland off Highway 580, and is home to more than 660 native and exotic animals. General information number: 510-632-9525 28 What is the Head Start Program? The Western Pond Turtle (Clemmys marmorata) has declined precipitously or been eliminated entirely in so many parts of its former race that it is now protected by the Department of Fish and Game as a California Special Concern Species. Originally, the WPT ranged from Mexico to the Canadian border in a narrow strip along the United States coast until recently. Once estimated to have populations in the millions in California alone, it has virtually disappeared from most urban areas of southern and northern California and most of the Central Valley. With strong efforts from Sonoma State, The Oakland Zoo and San Francisco Zoo, there is a fight against time to help establish Western Pond Turtles throughout California to help keep the Western Pond Turtle from going extinct. Over the past century, the WPT has taken a huge decline in wild populations due to loss of habitat, introduction of alien species and becoming a food source for other native animals. The WPT is the only native aquatic turtle species in California. Even though you see thousands of other turtles in our waterways, rivers and streams, the only one that can truly call its home to California is the Western Pond Turtle. In the past decade, the rapidly shrinking numbers has sparked the development of a pioneering partnership between Sonoma State University and the Bay Area Zoos to save the turtle from extinction. Starting with eggs collected from undisclosed Lake County Locations, Professor Nick Geist successfully hatches out the eggs and with the help from the Oakland & SF Zoo’s, they care and raise the babies to one year of age. Each year they monitor the females turtles over the breeding season and follow them to the nest sites, which they collect the eggs. The eggs are placed in multiple incubators in Professor Geist’s lab at the Rohnert Park campus. Once the young turtles begin to emerge, they are transferred to the Zoos. This breeding/head start program is the first of its kind for the species in the state. It is a race against the clock to save the species as if the program doesn’t happen now; numbers will decrease to the point where all genetic diversity will slowly disappear as well. The support of the Bay Area zoos in this captive breeding program – called ”Head Start” program – is to protect the young turtles, who at the size of a quarter at birth often become tender morsels for predators such as bullfrogs, skunks, and foxes. These predators, as well as the loss of 90% of its habitat, have contributed to a shocking decline in the species. Also being studied within the program is the study to determine at what temperature the sex of the turtle is decided so that better conservation management techniques can be designed. Can we monitor the amount of females and males in wild populations? Silicon Valley Turtle & Tortoise Club Presents 29 The Western Pond Turtle “Head Start Program” ________________________________________________________________________ Saturday, June 19th @ The Oakland Zoo Name __________________________________________________________________ Telephone Number _______________________________________________________ Email __________________________________________________________________ How many Adult Tickets are you Purchasing _____________ X $8.00 =$__________ How many Youth Tickets are you Purchasing _____________ X $6.00 = $__________ Donation (optional) $__________ Total Amount $__________ Please make Checks Payable to: S.V.T.T.C. Please mail to: S.V.T.T.C. Attn: Kevin Norred 1445 Kooser Road San Jose, CA 95118 Tickets will be distributed at the side entrance at 9:45am the morning of June 19th at the Oakland Zoo. We will enter as a group. If you have problems or need assistance, please contact Kevin at (408) 482-5437. He will have his cell phone with him that morning. Payments need to be made by June 1st, 2010. All ticket sales go directly to the WPT program. Please allow for $6 for parking (PAID AT GATE AT THE ZOO) 30 ESCAPED!! Tortoise (650) 224-8403 REWARD Brookdale Ave. Mountain View 31
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