Vaillant THERMOcompact,_COMBIcompact_Spare_Part_Catalogue
Vaillant THERMOcompact,_COMBIcompact_Spare_Part_Catalogue
VAILLANT SPARE PART CATALOGUE Wall-hung heating boilers THERMOcompact, COMBIcompact VC 110,180,240 T,XT, VCW 240,280 T,XT (conventional flue) VC-VCW 221 T (balanced flue) VC 112,142,182,242,282 E VCW 242,282 E (room-sealed fan-assisted) 8025 39 GB 09/96 Supplied By www.heating Tel. 0161 620 6677 View of appliances Content Page View of appliances 1-2 General view sheets 3-8 Main component 01 Water valve, Servo control valve, Hydraulically controlled diverter valve, Flow switch VC 110 T VC 110 XT VC 180,240 T VC 180,240 XT VCW 240,280 T VCW 240,280 XT VC 112 E VC 142 E 9 - 19 Main component 04 Burner, Pilotburner 21 - 33 Main component 05 Gas section 35 - 39 Main component 06 Heat exchanger 41 - 51 Main component 07 Casing parts, Air/Flue gas duct assembly, Wallcase 53 - 69 Main component 08 Connection parts, Connection piping, Acc.-connection parts 71 - 87 Main component 13 Control box, Flue sensor 89 - 99 Main component 16 Pump 101 - 103 Main component 18 Expansion vessel 105 - 109 VC 182,242,282 E VCW 242,282 E Subject to alteration 1 Supplied By www.heating Tel. 0161 620 6677 View of appliances VC-VCW 221 T 2 Subject to alteration Supplied By www.heating Tel. 0161 620 6677 General view sheets Page VC 110 T, XT 4 VC 112,142 E 5 VC 180,240 T, VCW 240,280 T, XT 6 VC-VCW 221 T 7 VC 182,242,282 E, VCW 242,282 E 8 Subject to alteration 3 Supplied By www.heating Tel. 0161 620 6677 General view sheets VC 110 T, XT 4 Subject to alteration Supplied By www.heating Tel. 0161 620 6677 General view sheets VC 112,142 E Subject to alteration 5 Supplied By www.heating Tel. 0161 620 6677 General view sheets VC 180,240 T, VCW 240,280 T, XT 6 Subject to alteration Supplied By www.heating Tel. 0161 620 6677 General view sheets VC-VCW 221 T Subject to alteration 7 Supplied By www.heating Tel. 0161 620 6677 General view sheets VC 182,242,282 E, VCW 242,282 E 8 Subject to alteration Supplied By www.heating Tel. 0161 620 6677 Main component 01 Page Water valve, Servo control valve (to 04/95) VCW 221, 240,280 T, 242,282 E 10 - 13 Water valve, Servo control valve (from 05/95) VCW 221, 240,280 T, 242,282 E (CE marked) 14 - 15 Hydraulically controlled diverter valve VCW 221, 240,280 T, 242,282 E 16 - 17 Flow switch VC 110,180,221,240 T 18 - 19 Subject to alteration Supplied By www.heating Tel. 0161 620 6677 9 Main component 01 Water valve, Servo control valve (to 04/95) VCW 221, 240,280 T, 242,282 E 10 Subject to alteration Supplied By www.heating Tel. 0161 620 6677 Main component 01 Water valve, Servo control valve (to 04/95) VCW 221, 240,280 T, 242,282 E Pict. No. Article-No. 1a - water valve, cpl. 1b 01-1156 water valve, cpl. water valve, cpl. 2 3 4 5 6 7 01-3014 98-1506 01-2156 98-1506 01-0050 01-0003 top section packingring stuffing box packingring screw diaphragm screw 8 9 10 11 12 10-4263 01-0007 01-0312 01-2944 10-4267 spring diaphragm disc diaphragm water quantity regulator spring 13 01-0020 01-0021 01-2629 01-0053 venturi venturi overpressure valve water filter 16 01-2533 01-2534 temperature selector temperature selector 17 18 19 20 21 22 98-0305 98-0149 12-5117 10-5744 98-1511 98-1755 packingring o-ring handle screw packingring packingring 23 24 25 26 27 01-0009 19-1367 01-0426 01-0318 08-8617 spring disc diaphragm disc diaphragm fastening set 28 01-2938 water quantity regulator 14 15 Part Indic. Type, Remarks A VCW 221,240,280 T see execution from 05/95 page 15 VCW 242 E B VCW 280 T, 282 E VCW 242 E (supplied with parts 2-7,14,15,21-27) supplied with parts 3,4 green inset only for water valves with distinctive mark " + " upon underside of part (see inset diagram) ø 3,32 ø 3,53 for type A for type B for type A for type B supplied with parts 17,18 only for type 1b Subject to alteration 11 Supplied By www.heating Tel. 0161 620 6677 Main component 01 Water valve, Servo control valve (to 04/95) VCW 221, 240,280 T, 242,282 E 12 Subject to alteration Supplied By www.heating Tel. 0161 620 6677 Main component 01 Water valve, Servo control valve (to 04/95) VCW 221, 240,280 T, 242,282 E Pict. No. Article-No. 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 01-2646 01-0727 12-6223 15-0014 15-0008 28-0715 servo control valve spindle 38 39-40 41 42 43 44 28-4406 21-3515 19-1420 11-8947 15-4132 07-8407 spring lever disc screw bracket clip 45 - 46 47 98-2490 23-5727 packingring screw 48 49 50 51 10-5716 20-2622 09-0034 08-6462 screw screw safety disc support 52 53 01-2947 01-0081 water quantity regulator spring Part Indic. Type, Remarks supplied with parts 32-42 single delivery not possible, with spare part 01-2646 micro-switch nut screw disc connection piping see main component 08 with nylon bush (not available as spare part) Subject to alteration 13 Supplied By www.heating Tel. 0161 620 6677 Main component 01 Water valve, Servo control valve (from 05/95) VCW 221, 240,280 T, 242,282 E 14 Subject to alteration Supplied By www.heating Tel. 0161 620 6677 Main component 01 Water valve, Servo control valve (from 05/95) VCW 221, 240,280 T, 242,282 E Pict. No. Article-No. 1 01-1267 01-1251 water valve water valve 2 3 4 5 01-3056 01-0359 11-8959 upper part diaphragm set not necessary for british execution screw 6 7 8 9 10 01-2553 01-2554 98-2497 12-5117 10-5744 - temperature selector temperature selector packingring handle screw not necessary for british execution 11 12 13 14 15 10-9918 98-2484 01-2954 98-0287 - plug packingring water quantity regulator packingring not necessary for british execution 16 17 18 19 20 98-1506 01-2629 01-0050 01-2854 01-2819 12-8516 packingring overpressure valve screw venturi venturi water filter 21 22 98-0197 98-0186 packingring packingring Part Indic. Type, Remarks 221,240 T,242 E (with parts 2-9,11-14,16-22) 280 T,282 E (with parts 2-9,11-14,16-22) with part 5 (5 x pieces) 221,240,242 280,282 ø 2,10 ø 2,80 221,240,242 280,282 Subject to alteration 15 Supplied By www.heating Tel. 0161 620 6677 Main component 01 Hydraulically controlled diverter valve VCW 221, 240,280 T, 242,282 E 16 Subject to alteration Supplied By www.heating Tel. 0161 620 6677 Main component 01 Hydraulically controlled diverter valve VCW 221, 240,280 T, 242,282 E Pict. No. Article-No. 1 01-2684 diverter valve 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 01-0003 10-4244 02-0630 98-2488 98-1518 01-2140 01-0457 01-0337 01-0421 01-2141 diaphragm screw spring valve disc packingring packingring stuffing box diaphragm disc diaphragm diaphragm disc stuffing box 12 13 14 15 16-16a 17 18 19 20 12-6233 10-5760 20-5521 98-1511 15-5614 98-1898 08-4245 08-8940 13-6313 micro-switch screw cap packingring screw packingring flow switch connection flow switch connection nipple 21 - connection piping see main component 08 22 23 - bracket microswitch bracket single delivery not possible, with spare part 01-2684 single delivery not possible, with spare part 12-6233 Part Indic. Type, Remarks supplied with parts 2-15,17 Subject to alteration 17 Supplied By www.heating Tel. 0161 620 6677 Main component 01 Flow switch VC 110,180,221,240 T 18 Subject to alteration Supplied By www.heating Tel. 0161 620 6677 Main component 01 Flow switch VC 110,180,221,240 T Pict. No. Article-No. 1 2 3 4 5 12-6235 14-0012 28-0715 20-4049 support micro-switch screw disc cap 6 7 8 15-1027 13-0005 15-4133 flow switch screw bow Part Indic. Type, Remarks not available as a spare part Subject to alteration 19 Supplied By www.heating Tel. 0161 620 6677 Main component 04 Page Burner, Pilotburner VC 110 T H,B 22 - 23 Burner VC 112 E H,B 24 - 25 Burner VC 142 E H,B 26 - 27 Burner, Pilotburner VC 180,240 T, VCW 240,280 T H,B 28 - 29 Burner, Pilotburner VC-VCW 221 T H,B 30 - 31 Burner VC 182,242,282 E, VCW 242,282 E H,B 32 - 33 Subject to alteration Supplied By www.heating Tel. 0161 620 6677 21 Main component 04 Burner, Pilotburner VC 110 T H,B 22 Subject to alteration Supplied By www.heating Tel. 0161 620 6677 Main component 04 Burner, Pilotburner VC 110 T H,B Pict. No. Article-No. Part Indic. Type, Remarks H = Natural gas, B = LP-gas 1 2 3 4 5 18-3971 24-7150 24-7080 04-0467 13-3936 23-5728 distributor tube burner nozzle burner nozzle burner chamber group screw screw 6 7 8 04-9601 98-2481 throttle jet packingring 9 10 11 98-2495 10-5758 23-5728 packingring screw screw 12 13 14 15 04-2959 09-0658 13-9201 04-2864 04-2874 04-3936 17-1169 pilot burner support ignition electrode screw pilot burner nozzle pilot burner nozzle pilot burner tube thermo-couple 16 17 ø 1,50 ø 0,80 H B ø 3,05 see main component 08 B B supplied with parts 13,14 ø 0,30 ø 0,18 H B Subject to alteration 23 Supplied By www.heating Tel. 0161 620 6677 Main component 04 Burner VC 112 E H,B 24 Subject to alteration Supplied By www.heating Tel. 0161 620 6677 Main component 04 Burner VC 112 E H,B Pict. No. Article-No. Part Indic. Type, Remarks H = Natural gas, B = LP-gas 1 2 18-3974 24-7140 24-7078 distributor tube burner nozzle burner nozzle 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 04-0467 09-0649 09-1513 13-9203 09-0034 13-3936 burner chamber group monitoring electrode ignition electrode ignition wire screw safety disc screw 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 98-2481 04-9601 98-2495 23-5728 10-5758 23-5727 packingring throttle jet packingring connection parts screw screw screw 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 08-8932 04-0364 98-1805 08-1063 08-0369 13-3504 13-3505 08-8936 flow switch connection nut packingring connection hose nipple nipple flow switch connection 25-27 28 29 09-0673 08-5859 25-5928 ignition electrode support cable tree Ø 1,40 Ø 0,78 supplied with part 28 H B right replaced by pict.-no. 25-27, 09-0673 Ø 3,05 B B see main component 08 250 mm left (supplied with part 6) Subject to alteration 25 Supplied By www.heating Tel. 0161 620 6677 Main component 04 Burner VC 142 E H,B 26 Subject to alteration Supplied By www.heating Tel. 0161 620 6677 Main component 04 Burner VC 142 E H,B Pict. No. Article-No. Part Indic. Type, Remarks H = Natural gas, B = LP-gas 1 2 18-3905 24-7140 24-7078 distributor tube burner nozzle burner nozzle 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 04-1920 09-0649 06-0018 09-0034 09-0673 09-1513 13-3936 98-2495 burner chamber group monitoring electrode screw safety disc ignition electrode ignition wire screw packingring 12 13 14 08-5859 10-5758 23-5727 support screw screw 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 31 32 08-8946 04-0364 98-1805 08-1063 08-0369 13-3504 13-3505 08-8947 98-2481 04-9608 08-4945 25-5928 flow switch connection nut packingring connection hose nipple nipple flow switch connection packingring throttle jet connection piece cable tree Ø 1,40 Ø 0,78 H B right left (supplied with part 6) Ø 3,25 B B Subject to alteration 27 Supplied By www.heating Tel. 0161 620 6677 Main component 04 Burner, Pilotburner VC 180,240 T, VCW 240,280 T H,B 28 Subject to alteration Supplied By www.heating Tel. 0161 620 6677 Main component 04 Burner, Pilotburner VC 180,240 T, VCW 240,280 T H,B Pict. No. Article-No. Part Indic. Type, Remarks S = town gas, H = Natural gas, B = LP-gas 1 18-3968 18-3969 24-7260 24-7150 24-7080 04-0467 04-0468 distributor tube distributor tube burner nozzle burner nozzle burner nozzle burner chamber group burner chamber group 13 14 06-0018 04-2951 09-0643 04-2876 04-2864 04-2874 17-1165 04-3931 screw pilot burner support ignition electrode pilot burner nozzle pilot burner nozzle pilot burner nozzle thermo-couple pilot burner tube 17 18 19 13-3936 08-4957 98-2495 screw connection piece packingring 20 21 22 98-2481 04-9604 04-9603 04-9612 98-1512 packingring throttle jet throttle jet throttle jet packingring 23 24 25 23-5727 10-5758 23-5728 screw screw screw 26 09-1060 piezo ignition 2 3 6 8 11 12 Ø 2,60 Ø 1,50 Ø 0,80 180 240,280 S H B 180 240,280 supplied with parts 6,11 Ø 0,45 Ø 0,30 Ø 0,18 S H B Ø 3,40 Ø 4,00 3 x Ø 3,50 B 180 B 240 B 280 B lead attached to piezo ignition unit, not available seperatley Subject to alteration 29 Supplied By www.heating Tel. 0161 620 6677 Main component 04 Burner, Pilotburner VC-VCW 221 T H,B 30 Subject to alteration Supplied By www.heating Tel. 0161 620 6677 Main component 04 Burner, Pilotburner VC-VCW 221 T H,B Pict. No. Article-No. Part Indic. Type, Remarks S = town gas, H = Natural gas, B = LP-gas 1 2 18-3973 24-7130 24-7078 04-0468 distributor tube burner nozzle burner nozzle burner chamber group 8 9 04-2968 09-0658 13-9201 04-2876 04-2864 04-2874 04-3939 - pilot burner support ignition electrode screw pilot burner nozzle pilot burner nozzle pilot burner nozzle pilot burner tube thermo-couple 10 11 12 13 14 15 13-3936 08-4944 98-2495 98-2481 04-9607 98-1512 screw connection piece packingring packingring throttle jet packingring 16 17 18 10-5758 23-5727 23-5728 screw screw screw 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 98-1805 04-0364 13-3504 13-3505 08-8949 08-8930 08-3891 98-2499 08-1063 98-0202 11-4848 08-0369 98-0765 07-0881 06-0021 23-5715 packingring nut nipple nipple flow switch connection flow switch connection tube packingring connection packingring nut hose packingring cover plate disc screw 35 17-1181 thermo-couple 3 4 5 6 7 Ø 1,30 Ø 0,78 H B supplied with parts 5,6 Ø 0,45 Ø 0,30 Ø 0,18 S H B old execution, see pict.-no. 35 (new) replaced by 17-1181 Ø 3,70 B B 250 mm diaphragm pump supplied with parts 33,34 Subject to alteration 31 Supplied By www.heating Tel. 0161 620 6677 Main component 04 Burner VC 182,242,282 E, VCW 242,282 E H,B 32 Subject to alteration Supplied By www.heating Tel. 0161 620 6677 Main component 04 Burner VC 182,242,282 E, VCW 242,282 E H,B Pict. No. Article-No. Part Indic. Type, Remarks S = town gas, H = Natural gas, B = LP-gas 1 18-3972 18-3973 distributor tube distributor tube 2 24-7260 24-7140 24-7078 burner nozzle burner nozzle burner nozzle 3 04-0467 04-0468 09-0649 13-9203 09-0034 13-3936 08-4944 98-2495 burner chamber group burner chamber group monitoring electrode screw safety disc screw connection piece packingring 11 12 98-2481 04-9604 04-9603 04-9610 packingring throttle jet throttle jet throttle jet 13 14 15 16 98-1512 23-5727 10-5758 23-5728 packingring screw screw screw 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 98-1805 04-0364 13-3504 13-3505 08-8949 07-0881 06-0021 23-5715 08-8930 09-1513 08-3891 98-2499 08-1063 98-0202 11-4848 08-0369 98-0765 packingring nut nipple nipple flow switch connection cover plate disc screw flow switch connection ignition wire tube packingring connection packingring nut hose packingring 34-36 09-0673 ignition electrode left (supplied with part 26) 37 25-5928 25-5929 cable tree cable tree VC... VCW... 4 6 7 8 9 10 182 242,282 Ø 2,60 Ø 1,40 Ø 0,78 S H B 182 242,282 right supplied with part 10 Ø 3,40 Ø 4,00 2x Ø 3,10 B 182 B 242 B 282 B 250 mm Subject to alteration 33 Supplied By www.heating Tel. 0161 620 6677 Main component 05 Page Gas section VC 110,180,221,240 T, VCW 221,240,280 T H, B 36 - 37 Gas section VC 112,142,182,242,282 E, VCW 242,282 E H, B 38 - 39 Subject to alteration Supplied By www.heating Tel. 0161 620 6677 35 Main component 05 Gas section VC 110,180,221,240 T, VCW 221,240,280 T H, B 36 Subject to alteration Supplied By www.heating Tel. 0161 620 6677 Main component 05 Gas section VC 110,180,221,240 T, VCW 221,240,280 T H, B Pict. No. Article-No. Part Indic. Type, Remarks S = town gas, H = Natural gas, B = LP-gas 2 05-3073 05-3076 gas section gas section 3 4 98-0831 05-0224 05-0167 21-9235 21-9233 21-9232 98-1504 21-8011 08-4128 08-0357 13-3702 10-5782 packingring operator operator operating jet operating jet operating jet packingring flow switch connection hose connection hose screw screw 12 13 21-8013 08-4127 08-8930 08-0358 49-2147 flow switch connection hose connection flow switch connection hose screw 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 20-4038 07-1472 12-6234 06-0018 49-2112 17-0295 98-2472 98-0842 19-5031 10-5758 11-1459 17-0025 04-0364 cap push button micro-switch screw disc magneto packingring packingring magneto housing screw disc locking plate nut 41 08-9526 connection line 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 S,H B 19 M 16 M supplied with parts 3,4,13,28,30-40 S,H supplied with parts 3,6 B 110,180 H S, 180,221,240 H B 110 180-280 145 mm 60 mm 110 180,240,280 221 110,180,240,280 no longer required on VC-VCW 221 only, use part 17-1181 Subject to alteration 37 Supplied By www.heating Tel. 0161 620 6677 Main component 05 Gas section VC 112,142,182,242,282 E, VCW 242,282 E H, B 38 Subject to alteration Supplied By www.heating Tel. 0161 620 6677 Main component 05 Gas section VC 112,142,182,242,282 E, VCW 242,282 E H, B Pict. No. Article-No. Part Indic. Type, Remarks S = town gas, H = Natural gas, B = LP-gas 1 05-3255 05-3079 gas section gas section S,H B 2 05-0224 05-0167 05-0164 operator operator operator S,H supplied with parts 4,6 B H (with part load device) 98-0831 21-9233 21-9235 21-9232 98-0224 packingring operating jet operating jet operating jet packingring 21-8011 08-4128 08-0357 13-3702 10-5782 08-8947 08-8930 08-0358 08-0369 flow switch connection hose connection hose screw screw flow switch connection flow switch connection hose hose 13 11-8948 screw 14 15-16 17 18 19 20 21 22-27 28 29 40 15-1017 01-2156 98-0223 11-8947 02-0220 98-2490 15-4133 10-5758 pressure diff. switch stuffing box packingring screw diaphragm disc diaphragm connection packingring bow screw 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 16 M 19 M supplied with parts 2,4,6,10,13-21 S H B 112,142 182,242,282 145 mm 112,142 182,242,282 60 mm 255 mm single delievery not possible, with part 15-1017 single delievery not possible, with part 15-1017 see main component 08 Subject to alteration 39 Supplied By www.heating Tel. 0161 620 6677 Main component 06 Page Heat exchanger VC 110,180,240 T, VCW 240,280 T 42 - 43 Heat exchanger VC 112,182,242,282 E, VCW 242,282 E 44 - 45 Heat exchanger VC 142 46 - 47 Heat exchanger VC-VCW 221 48 - 49 Heat exchanger (DHW) VCW 180-282 E 50 - 51 Subject to alteration Supplied By www.heating Tel. 0161 620 6677 41 Main component 06 Heat exchanger VC 110,180,240 T, VCW 240,280 T 42 Subject to alteration Supplied By www.heating Tel. 0161 620 6677 Main component 06 Heat exchanger VC 110,180,240 T, VCW 240,280 T Pict. No. Article-No. 1 06-1849 06-1835 06-1836 06-1872 heat exchanger heat exchanger heat exchanger heat exchanger 2 3 4 5 6 98-1511 17-7511 98-2459 10-1462 13-3908 packingring de-aeration screw packingring temperature limiter screw 7 11-8335 11-8463 11-8465 11-8467 08-8624 combustion chamber combustion chamber combustion chamber combustion chamber single delivery not possible screw 110 180 supplied with parts 8,9 240 280 see pict.-nr. 7 guide plate guide plate air duct air duct connection piece connection piece connection piece screw 110 right 110 left 180 240,280 180 240 280 13 07-9415 07-9416 07-9407 07-9405 08-4937 08-4936 08-4953 23-5727 14 15 16 17 98-1602 98-1609 connection heat exchanger (DHW) packingring packingring see main component 08 replaced by, 06-4953 see page 50 + 51 18 19 20 21 22 23 08-4939 08-9572 08-9571 15-3396 16-1225 13-1813 connection piece connection line connection line guide plate inspection glass frame for inspection glass 110 8-9 10 11 12 Part Indic. Type, Remarks 110 180 240 280 supplied with parts 2-4 supplied with part 4 VCW only only 280 only 110 Subject to alteration 43 Supplied By www.heating Tel. 0161 620 6677 Main component 06 Heat exchanger VC 112,182,242,282 E, VCW 242,282 E 44 Subject to alteration Supplied By www.heating Tel. 0161 620 6677 Main component 06 Heat exchanger VC 112,182,242,282 E, VCW 242,282 E Pict. No. Article-No. 1 06-1849 06-1835 06-1836 06-1872 heat exchanger heat exchanger heat exchanger heat exchanger 112 182 242 282 2 3 17-7511 packingring de-aeration screw see main component 08 supplied with part 4 4 5 98-2459 10-1384 10-1392 10-1391 packingring temperature limiter temperature limiter temperature limiter 112 182 242,282 6 connection piece connection piece connection piece connection piece combustion chamber combustion chamber combustion chamber combustion chamber single delivery not possible screw guide plate guide plate not necessary screw 112 182 242 282 112 182 supplied with parts 8,9 242 282 see pict.-nr. 7 3,5 + 4,8 x 9,5 right only VC 112 left 12 13 08-4939 08-4942 08-4941 08-4959 11-8335 11-8464 11-8466 11-8468 08-8624 07-9415 07-9416 23-5727 14 15 16 17 98-1602 98-1609 connection tube heat exchanger (DHW) packingring packingring see main component 08 replaced by, 06-4953 see page 50 + 51 18 - 7 8-9 10 11 Part Indic. Type, Remarks supplied with parts 2-4 VCW only not necessary Subject to alteration 45 Supplied By www.heating Tel. 0161 620 6677 Main component 06 Heat exchanger VC 142 46 Subject to alteration Supplied By www.heating Tel. 0161 620 6677 Main component 06 Heat exchanger VC 142 Pict. No. Article-No. 1 06-1849 2 - 3 4 5 6 7 8 10-1384 08-4939 11-8334 15-3338 07-9424 07-9425 temperature limiter connection piece combustion chamber guide plate guide plate guide plate 9 10 08-8624 23-5727 screw screw Part Indic. Type, Remarks heat exchanger supplied with part 2 packingring see main component 08 Subject to alteration 47 Supplied By www.heating Tel. 0161 620 6677 Main component 06 Heat exchanger VC-VCW 221 48 Subject to alteration Supplied By www.heating Tel. 0161 620 6677 Main component 06 Heat exchanger VC-VCW 221 Pict. No. Article-No. 1 2 3 06-1891 17-7511 98-2459 heat exchanger de-aeration screw packingring 4 5 6 7 8 10-1462 13-3908 08-9572 08-9571 98-1511 temperature limiter screw connection line connection line packingring 9 10 11 11-8328 08-9134 - combustion chamber connection connection tube 12 13 14 98-1609 98-1602 heat exchanger (DHW) packingring packingring 15 23-5715 screw 16 17 08-1316 08-9186 connecting tube connecting tube Part Indic. Type, Remarks supplied with parts 2,3,8 supplied with part 3 supplied with part 8 see main component 08 replaced by, 06-4953 see page 50 + 51 Subject to alteration VCW only 49 Supplied By www.heating Tel. 0161 620 6677 Main component 06 Heat exchanger (DHW) VCW 180-282 E 50 Subject to alteration Supplied By www.heating Tel. 0161 620 6677 Main component 06 Heat exchanger (DHW) VCW 180-282 E Pict. No. Article-No. 1 06-4946 06-4953 heat exchanger (DHW) heat exchanger set 2 3 4 5 08-9298 08-9094 08-9299 08-9003 connecting tube connecting tube connecting tube cold water tube,cpl. 6 7 98-0151 98-0012 packingring packingring 8 9 - Part water valve Hydraulically controlled diverter valve Indic. Type, Remarks supplied with parts 6,7 supplied with parts 2-7,9 replacement for the plastic DHW heat exchanger 06-1834 see main component 01 see main component 01 Subject to alteration 51 Supplied By www.heating Tel. 0161 620 6677 Main component 07 Page Casing parts VC 110 T, 112 E 54 - 55 Casing parts VC 142 E 56 - 57 Casing parts VC 180,240 T, VCW 240,280 T 58 - 59 Casing parts VC 182,242,282 E, VCW 242,282 E 60 - 61 Casing parts VC-VCW 221 T 62 - 63 Air/Flue duct assembly VC 112,142,182,242,282 E, VCW 242,282 E 64 - 65 Wallcase VC-VCW 221 T 66 - 67 Vertical air/flue duct assembly VC 112,142,182,242,282 E, VCW 242,282 E (Acc.-no. 9293,9020,9056,9076,9077) 68 - 69 Subject to alteration Supplied By www.heating Tel. 0161 620 6677 53 Main component 07 Casing parts VC 110 T, 112 E 54 Subject to alteration Supplied By www.heating Tel. 0161 620 6677 Main component 07 Casing parts VC 110 T, 112 E Pict. No. Article-No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 07-2914 07-5460 07-1472 20-8672 07-0046 04-0186 21-3365 07-4945 23-5727 cowling covering plate push button covering plate screw tension ring back panel draft diverter screw 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 98-0766 98-0765 07-8257 20-4063 98-1746 16-1225 20-8719 08-8624 13-0005 07-8272 single delivery not possible packingring packingring covering plate cap packingring inspection glass covering plate screw screw covering plate 20 08-8214 flue adaptor Part Indic. Type, Remarks 110 T 112 E only for 110 T supplied with parts 11,13-17 only for 112 E supplied with parts 11,13-17 110 T Timer assembly, acc.-no. 8053 - 07-5592 25-9846 25-9847 covering plate time clock wiring harness black plastic spring clips are seperate Subject to alteration not shown 55 Supplied By www.heating Tel. 0161 620 6677 Main component 07 Casing parts VC 142 E 56 Subject to alteration Supplied By www.heating Tel. 0161 620 6677 Main component 07 Casing parts VC 142 E Pict. No. Article-No. 1 2 3 4 5 07-2914 07-5460 20-8672 07-0046 04-0186 cowling covering plate covering plate screw tension ring 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 07-8272 98-1746 16-1225 20-8719 08-8624 20-4063 98-0765 covering plate packingring inspection glass covering plate screw cap packingring 13 14 98-0766 13-0005 packingring screw Part Indic. Type, Remarks supplied with parts 3-5 supplied with parts 7-12 Timer assembly, acc.-no. 8053 - 07-5592 25-9846 25-9847 covering plate time clock wiring harness black plastic spring clips are seperate Subject to alteration not shown 57 Supplied By www.heating Tel. 0161 620 6677 Main component 07 Casing parts VC 180,240 T, VCW 240,280 T 58 Subject to alteration Supplied By www.heating Tel. 0161 620 6677 Main component 07 Casing parts VC 180,240 T, VCW 240,280 T Pict. No. Article-No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 15-4220 15-4227 08-6322 23-5727 07-0357 98-0093 06-0020 07-0350 23-5737 chassis bow bow support screw nut packingring disc screw screw not available as a spare part 11 support support back panel screw screw support spring draft diverter draft diverter draft diverter covering plate screw screw push button 180 240,280 20 14-9627 14-9628 21-3362 13-9203 11-6477 22-1723 12-6153 07-4920 07-4921 07-4940 07-5461 13-3799 23-5715 07-1472 21 22-27 28 07-9920 08-8620 07-0351 29 30 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Part Indic. Type, Remarks 180 240 280 M8x4 4,8 x 9,5 knurled sheet metal (from 04/95) lateral panel fastening set screw right supplied with parts 9,22-27 supplied with part 28 07-9921 29-4012 29-4030 29-4013 17-0356 07-0355 15-8207 23-5748 12-4870 21-3377 23-5748 15-3375 lateral panel top door top door bottom door door magnet door magnet nut screw bush back panel screw guide plate left 08-8215 08-8216 08-8214 flue adaptor flue adaptor flue adaptor 180,240 (supplied with parts 32-35) 280 (supplied with parts 32-37) supplied with parts 32-35 only for 180,240 (slide on version from 04/95) 280 (screwed type) only for 280 180 240 280 Timer assembly, acc.-no. 8054 - 07-5593 25-9846 25-9847 covering plate time clock wiring harness black plastic spring clips are seperate Subject to alteration not shown 59 Supplied By www.heating Tel. 0161 620 6677 Main component 07 Casing parts VC 182,242,282 E, VCW 242,282 E 60 Subject to alteration Supplied By www.heating Tel. 0161 620 6677 Main component 07 Casing parts VC 182,242,282 E, VCW 242,282 E Pict. No. Article-No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 15-4227 07-0357 98-0093 06-0020 07-0350 23-5737 chassis bow nut packingring disc screw screw not available as a spare part 8 14-9627 14-9628 23-5727 11-6477 98-0766 98-0765 support support screw screw packingring packingring 182 242,282 13 14 15 20-7267 23-5715 07-8253 07-8274 side panel screw front panel front panel 16 17 18 19 28-2249 98-1746 16-1225 23-5748 ring packingring inspection glass screw 20 07-5461 20-8672 13-3799 23-5715 07-9920 08-8620 07-0351 covering plate covering plate screw screw lateral panel fastening set screw 35 07-9921 29-4012 29-4013 15-8207 17-0356 07-0355 12-4870 lateral panel top door bottom door nut door magnet door magnet bush 36 20-4063 cap 9 10 11 12 21 22 23-28 29 30 31 32 33 34 - 07-5593 07-5594 25-9846 25-9847 Part Indic. Type, Remarks screwed type (supplied with parts 12,16-19,36) snapped type (supplied with parts 16-19) M8x4 4,8 x 9,5 right supplied with part 20-8672 not shown knurled sheet metal (from 04/95) supplied with parts 23-28 supplied with part 29 left supplied with parts 19,33-35 slide on version from 04/95 screwed type Timer assembly, acc.-no. 8054 Timer assembly, acc.-no. 8055 VC 182,242 E, VCW 242 E VC-VCW 282 E covering plate covering plate time clock wiring harness VC 182,242 E, VCW 242 E VC-VCW 282 E black plastic spring clips are seperate Subject to alteration not shown 61 Supplied By www.heating Tel. 0161 620 6677 Main component 07 Casing parts VC-VCW 221 T 62 Subject to alteration Supplied By www.heating Tel. 0161 620 6677 Main component 07 Casing parts VC-VCW 221 T Pict. No. Article-No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 20-8816 11-6462 11-4848 15-4227 07-0350 06-0020 98-0093 07-0357 23-5737 chassis support screw nut bow screw disc packingring nut screw 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 14-9628 23-5727 07-3134 14-5973 07-0886 23-5715 23-5738 49-2032 14-5578 support screw inner part of wall case cap cover plate screw screw disc connection duct 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 07-8262 20-7267 07-8274 28-2249 98-1746 16-1225 23-5748 98-0765 98-0766 17-8427 front panel side panel front panel ring packingring inspection glass screw packingring packingring cap 30 31 32 33 07-9921 07-9920 08-8620 07-0351 lateral panel lateral panel fastening set screw 34 35 29-4012 17-0356 07-0355 15-8207 23-5748 top door door magnet door magnet nut screw supplied with parts 35-37,39 slide on version from 04/95 srewed type 29-4013 12-4870 07-5461 13-3799 23-5715 bottom door bush covering plate screw screw supplied with parts 35-37,39 36 37 38 39 40 41 Part Indic. Type, Remarks not available as a spare part supplied with parts 23-26 left right M8x4 4,8 x 9,5 supplied with part 32 supplied with part 33 knurled sheet metal (from 04/95) Subject to alteration 63 Supplied By www.heating Tel. 0161 620 6677 Main component 07 Air/Flue duct assembly VC 112,142,182,242,282 E, VCW 242,282 E 64 Subject to alteration Supplied By www.heating Tel. 0161 620 6677 Main component 07 Air/Flue duct assembly VC 112,142,182,242,282 E, VCW 242,282 E Pict. No. Article-No. 1 07-2324 07-2341 07-2342 07-2362 23-5715 07-0338 07-5546 07-5547 07-5548 07-5549 98-0883 29-2208 50-0046 cap cap cap cap screw disc covering plate covering plate covering plate covering plate packingring ring screw 8 9 10 11 05-0518 08-6391 23-5748 10-5754 23-5727 fan proving switch support screw screw screw 12 13 14 15 16 25-5855 08-0369 08-0831 98-0202 11-4848 cable tree hose connection packingring nut - 98-0766 packingring tube inlet for 112,142 (not shown) 17 19-0123 19-0122 98-0891 98-0884 07-8409 11-8885 06-0014 28-2512 11-6669 01-0082 23-5740 25-5855 flue fan flue fan packingring packingring clip screw spring ring collar flue connection elbow screw screw cable tree 112,142 (supplied with part 18) 182,242,282 (supplied with part 18) 112,142 182,242,282 elbow collar collar finishing ring flue gas duct tube finishing ring protection grill 38 39 40 28-4841 28-2515 28-2513 14-7022 14-5958 19-2901 14-7024 07-3647 07-3666 23-5744 50-0046 19-4119 - - 2 3 4 5 6 7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 Part Indic. Type, Remarks 112,142 (supplied with part 24) 182 242 282 112 142 182 242,282 112,142 (fan prowing switch fixed from outside) 182,242,282 (fan prowing switch fixed from inside) only for 182,242,282 fan bracket for 182,242,282 Ø 63x22 only for 112,142 fan bracket for 112,142 Ø 95,5x25 Ø 95,5x55 (internal) (external) acc. 9000, storm guard screw screw reduction piece safety guard only for 112,182 not shown acc. 9308 Subject to alteration 65 Supplied By www.heating Tel. 0161 620 6677 Main component 07 Wallcase VC-VCW 221 T 66 Subject to alteration Supplied By www.heating Tel. 0161 620 6677 Main component 07 Wallcase VC-VCW 221 T Pict. No. Article-No. 1 2 49-2032 07-3110 07-3112 07-3114 07-3126 07-3116 08-6527 11-4848 19-1350 21-2718 08-6103 20-2612 95-0237 08-4848 95-0237 28-4030 disc inner part inner part inner part inner part inner part support nut disc nut support screw nut tie rod nut disc 14-5574 14-5575 14-5576 14-5577 07-3019 07-3010 07-3021 14-5516 14-5518 duct duct duct duct exterior part exterior part exterior part duct duct 16 17 18 19 07-3662 12-4835 11-5520 28-2822 protection grill bush safety disc sealing profile 20 21 22 15-8209 28-6401 07-0340 nut locking nut screw - - 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Part low level safty guard Indic. Type, Remarks 98 mm 131 mm 221 mm 311 mm 311 mm 4 inchs 5 inchs 8 inchs 12 inchs (without support) 12 inchs (with suport) Acc. 251 Acc. 252 Acc. 253 Acc. 254 Acc. 255 95 mm 140 mm 230 mm 320 mm 85 mm 130 mm 310 mm 57 mm 237 mm 4 inchs 5 1/2 inchs 9 inchs 12 1/2 inchs 3 inchs 5 inchs 12 inchs 2 inchs 9 inchs Acc. 251 Acc. 252 Acc. 253 Acc. 254,255 Acc. 251 Acc. 252,253,254 Acc. 255 Acc. 252,253,254 Acc. 255 supplied with parts 17,18 not shown acc. 000296 (520 mm) Subject to alteration 67 Supplied By www.heating Tel. 0161 620 6677 Main component 07 Vertical air/flue duct assembly VC 112,142,182,242,282 E, VCW 242,282 E (Acc.-no. 9293,9020,9056,9076,9077) 68 Subject to alteration Supplied By www.heating Tel. 0161 620 6677 Main component 07 Vertical air/flue duct assembly VC 112,142,182,242,282 E, VCW 242,282 E (Acc.-no. 9293,9020,9056,9076,9077) Pict. No. Article-No. 1 2 Part Indic. cap reduction piece reduction piece pipe Ø 47 Ø 56,5 3 17-8446 20-8521 20-8523 - 6 8 9 28-2516 28-2526 18-8668 collar collar bush 10 11 12 13 14 15 25-9955 15-4146 23-5750 28-4897 98-0883 cap pitched roof tile bow screw elbow packingring 16 - 17 19-4125 18 - Type, Remarks only available as part of Acc.-no. 9077 95,5 Ø x 55 95,5 Ø x100 only available as part of Acc.-no. 9076 flat roof tile only available as part of Acc.-no. 9056 reducing piece only necessary if pos. 10 has a diametre of 133 mm. elbow only available as part of Acc.-no. 9293 Subject to alteration 69 Supplied By www.heating Tel. 0161 620 6677 Main component 08 Page Connection parts VC 110 T, 112,142 E 72 - 73 Connection parts VC 180-242,282, VCW 221-282 74 - 77 Connection piping VC 110,180,221,240 T 78 - 79 Connection piping VC 112,142,182,242,282 E 80 - 81 Connection piping VCW 221,240,280 T 82 - 83 Connection piping VCW 242,282 E 84 - 85 Acc.-connection parts VC 110-282, VCW 180-282 86 - 87 Subject to alteration Supplied By www.heating Tel. 0161 620 6677 71 Main component 08 Connection parts VC 110 T, 112,142 E 72 Subject to alteration Supplied By www.heating Tel. 0161 620 6677 Main component 08 Connection parts VC 110 T, 112,142 E Pict. No. Article-No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 08-9127 98-0149 08-9108 06-1707 98-0287 08-9105 10-5760 12-6153 08-1056 98-2409 connecting tube o-ring pump connecting tube automatic de-aerator packingring connecting tube screw spring connection packingring 12 13 heat exchanger connection de-aeration screw ntc-sensor retaining bracket connecting tube packingring see main component 06 supplied with part 11 supplied with part 21 14 15 16 17 08-1054 14-0015 25-2805 12-6158 08-9125 98-0287 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 08-9106 14-0015 98-2459 08-9168 98-2497 08-4945 expansion vessel connecting tube de-aeration screw packingring gas section connecting tube packingring connection piece see main component 18 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 15-0216 08-9107 08-2564 98-2489 07-0361 11-1458 08-3408 11-1328 98-0410 08-2741 spill valve connecting tube gas connection packingring screw disc connection piece sleeve nut packingring gas shut-off valve 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 11-1214 98-0471 98-1511 98-1508 98-0212 25-4693 - sleeve nut reducing olive packingring packingring packingring resistance not necessary for british execution 44 25-1822 25-1851 25-5730 12-8515 98-0261 07-1873 safety switch safety switch cable,cpl. not necessary filter packingring cover 45 46 47 48 49 Part Indic. Type, Remarks supplied with part 2 see main component 08 only for 110 supplied with part 6 supplied with part 11 supplied with part 17 supplied with part 21 see main component 05 supplied with part 29 B (supplied with parts 33,34) H 112,142 E 110 T see pict.-no. 1, 08-9127 supplied with part 48 Subject to alteration 73 Supplied By www.heating Tel. 0161 620 6677 Main component 08 Connection parts VC 180-242,282, VCW 221-282 74 Subject to alteration Supplied By www.heating Tel. 0161 620 6677 Main component 08 Connection parts VC 180-242,282, VCW 221-282 Pict. No. Article-No. 1 2 3 08-3746 08-1415 water valve cold water tube,cpl. connecting tube see main component 01 4 08-1314 08-9156 08-9130 connecting tube connecting tube connecting tube VCW 221,240 VCW 242,282 (enlarged with part 35) VCW 280 5 6 7 8 9 25-2805 08-1315 14-0015 98-2459 ntc-sensor heat exchanger -d.h.w. connecting tube de-aeration screw packingring 10 11 12 13 98-1506 98-2495 15-0216 15-0217 15-0218 08-1058 07-0361 11-1458 connection tube packingring packingring spill valve spill valve spill valve connection screw disc 08-1316 08-9155 08-1317 06-1707 98-0287 connecting tube connecting tube pump connecting tube automatic de-aerator packingring 180,240,280 (221 see main component 06) 182,242,282 (extended with part 35) see main component 16 08-1320 08-2557 08-2556 98-2489 23-5727 08-0074 08-0184 08-0177 08-2741 08-2745 connection tube Hydraulically controlled diverter valve gas connection gas connection packingring screw connection piece brass olive nut gas shut-off valve gas shut-off valve VC... VCW... (see main component 01) 180-242 supplied with part 25 280,282 98-1511 98-1508 98-1602 98-1609 packingring packingring packingring packingring 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Part Indic. Type, Remarks VCW... see main component 06 supplied with part 9 VCW... see pict.-no. 47 (VCW) or. 49 (VC) 2,5 m 3,5 m 1,7 m 180-242,282 280 special return supplied with part 21 15 mm 22 mm H (180-242) H (280,282) Subject to alteration 75 Supplied By www.heating Tel. 0161 620 6677 Main component 08 Connection parts VC 180-242,282, VCW 221-282 76 Subject to alteration Supplied By www.heating Tel. 0161 620 6677 Main component 08 Connection parts VC 180-242,282, VCW 221-282 Pict. No. Article-No. 35 - 36 Part Indic. Type, Remarks connection connection connection VC 182,242,282 (not necessary see pict.-no. 49 or 17) VCW 182,242,282 (not necessary see pict.-no. 4 or 17) VC-VCW 221 (see main component 06) 25-1822 25-1851 25-5730 17-1165 17-1181 08-9526 17-1181 13-7439 12-4370 safety switch safety switch cable,cpl. thermo-couple thermo-couple connection line thermo-couple tube tube VC 182,242,282 E, VCW 242,282 E VC 180,221,240 T, VCW 221,240,280 T only VC-VCW... E only 180,240,280 T only 221 T only 180,240,280 T only 221 T 180-242 280,282 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 18-1025 08-4298 13-6313 25-1852 95-0119 25-5726 08-9569 expansion vessel flow switch conduction nipple safety switch screw cable connection line 47 48 49 08-9159 98-0287 08-9236 08-9237 connecting tube packingring connecting tube connecting tube 37 38 39 only VCW... VCW... VC 180,221,240,280 T VC 182,242,282 E Subject to alteration 77 Supplied By www.heating Tel. 0161 620 6677 Main component 08 Connection piping VC 110,180,221,240 T T VC 110 P VC 180,221,240 P T T = Thread connection P = Plug-in connection 78 Subject to alteration Supplied By www.heating Tel. 0161 620 6677 Main component 08 Connection piping VC 110,180,221,240 T Pict. No. Article-No. 1 08-8922 08-8916 08-8924 08-8910 2 Part flow switch connection flow switch connection flow switch connection flow switch connection Indic. Type, Remarks 110 180,221,240 110 180,221,240 Subject to alteration 79 Supplied By www.heating Tel. 0161 620 6677 Main component 08 Connection piping VC 112,142,182,242,282 E P T T T T = Thread connection P = Plug-in connection 80 Subject to alteration Supplied By www.heating Tel. 0161 620 6677 Main component 08 Connection piping VC 112,142,182,242,282 E Pict. No. Article-No. 1 08-8914 08-8918 08-8908 08-8920 2 Part flow switch connection flow switch connection flow switch connection flow switch connection Indic. Type, Remarks 112,142 182,242,282 112,142 182,242,282 Subject to alteration 81 Supplied By www.heating Tel. 0161 620 6677 Main component 08 Connection piping VCW 221,240,280 T T P T T = Thread connection P = Plug-in connection 82 Subject to alteration Supplied By www.heating Tel. 0161 620 6677 Main component 08 Connection piping VCW 221,240,280 T Pict. No. Article-No. 1 2 3 08-4253 08-4247 08-4245 08-8940 08-8939 10-9914 4 5 Part flow switch connection flow switch connection flow switch connection flow switch connection flow switch connection plug Indic. Type, Remarks for diverter valve with throttle piece for diverter valve without throttle piece Subject to alteration 83 Supplied By www.heating Tel. 0161 620 6677 Main component 08 Connection piping VCW 242,282 E P T T P T T = Thread connection P = Plug-in connection 84 Subject to alteration Supplied By www.heating Tel. 0161 620 6677 Main component 08 Connection piping VCW 242,282 E Pict. No. Article-No. Part 1 10-9914 plug 2 3 4 5 6 08-8906 08-8912 08-4263 08-4266 08-4245 08-8940 08-8939 flow switch connection flow switch connection flow switch connection flow switch connection flow switch connection flow switch connection flow switch connection 7 Indic. Type, Remarks for diverter valve with throttle piece for diverter valve without throttle piece Subject to alteration 85 Supplied By www.heating Tel. 0161 620 6677 Main component 08 Acc.-connection parts VC 110-282, VCW 180-282 86 Subject to alteration Supplied By www.heating Tel. 0161 620 6677 Main component 08 Acc.-connection parts VC 110-282, VCW 180-282 Pict. No. Article-No. 1 2 3 08-0177 08-0184 95-0272 nut brass olive nut 4 5 6 7 8 08-1714 98-1605 95-0057 14-3981 - cold water connection packingring upper part of valve knob no more available 9 10 11 12 98-1508 98-1511 98-0410 11-1328 packingring packingring packingring sleeve nut 13 14 15 16 98-2459 14-0015 19-0721 - packingring de-aeration screw pressure relief valve - 17 18 19 08-0945 08-1144 08-0537 water connection water connection nut Part Indic. Type, Remarks supplied with parts 5,6 see pict.-no. 6 not available as spare part see acc.-no. 9326 or 9327 see acc.-no. 9326 (return) or 9327 (flow) Note: Connetion complete VC... acc.-no. 009745 VCW... acc.-no. 009313 Subject to alteration 87 Supplied By www.heating Tel. 0161 620 6677 Main component 13 Page Control box VC 110,180,221,240 T, VCW 221,240,280 T 90 - 93 Control box VC 112,142,182,242,282 E, VCW 242,282 E 94 - 97 Flue sensor VC 110,180,240 X H, VCW 240,280 X H 98 - 99 Subject to alteration Supplied By www.heating Tel. 0161 620 6677 89 Main component 13 Control box VC 110,180,221,240 T, VCW 221,240,280 T 90 Subject to alteration Supplied By www.heating Tel. 0161 620 6677 Main component 13 Control box VC 110,180,221,240 T, VCW 221,240,280 T Pict. No. Article-No. 1 2 3 07-1775 - PCB housing plastic cover control box cover 4 5 6 10-5780 09-0034 13-9211 screw safety disc screw 8 9 10 11 12 14-3967 13-0247 13-0240 13-0037 25-1920 knob printed circuit printed circuit fuse holder fuse (2.0 A/250 V) fuse 14-18 19 20 21 07-1788 16-0108 08-0368 13-7286 cover diaphragm pump hose plug 22 23 24 21-0654 28-7418 23-5740 insulation plate transformer screw 25-26 27 28 29 30 31 32-34 35 36 20-1835 20-1848 20-1849 18-8627 14-0012 12-0020 10-5814 13-0012 07-0010 23-5755 11-5507 cable bushing cable holder cable holder clamp screw contact protection screw screw screw screw safety disc 38 39a 39b 40a 40b 41 42 43 44 45 21-3364 08-6386 08-6405 09-0011 18-8626 09-1060 23-5727 10-1542 10-1250 08-4280 08-4256 back panel support support support clamp piezo ignition screw thermometer manometer flow switch connection flow switch connection 46 47 18-8624 11-8873 clamp screw 37 Part Indic. Type, Remarks not available as a spare part not available as a spare part motherboard motherboard VC... (supplied with parts 10-12) VCW... (supplied with parts 10-12) not available as a spare part non hybrid 0,16 A supplied with parts 4,5 supplied with part 21 M5 x 9 4,8 x 13 x 8 180,240,280 110 180,221,240,280 110 180,221,240,280 glass not available seperatley as a spare part 110 180,221,240,280 Subject to alteration 91 Supplied By www.heating Tel. 0161 620 6677 Main component 13 Control box VC 110,180,221,240 T, VCW 221,240,280 T 92 Subject to alteration Supplied By www.heating Tel. 0161 620 6677 Main component 13 Control box VC 110,180,221,240 T, VCW 221,240,280 T Pict. No. Article-No. 51 52 60 61 62 Part Indic. Type, Remarks 13-0242 25-2945 printed circuit electronic board thermostat link non hybrid 65 13-0323 13-0324 25-2957 25-5807 25-5863 25-0798 not necessary contol box cover printed circuit printed circuit electronic board cable tree cable tree cable tree 66 07-0338 disc 67-68 - 63 64 motherboard motherboard thermostat not available as a spare part VC... hybrid (supplied with parts 10-12) VCW... hybrid (supplied with parts 10-12) hybrid VC... VCW... pump not necessary for (T) execution Subject to alteration 93 Supplied By www.heating Tel. 0161 620 6677 Main component 13 Control box VC 112,142,182,242,282 E, VCW 242,282 E 94 Subject to alteration Supplied By www.heating Tel. 0161 620 6677 Main component 13 Control box VC 112,142,182,242,282 E, VCW 242,282 E Pict. No. Article-No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 07-1775 10-5780 09-0034 13-9211 PCB housing plastic cover control box cover screw safety disc screw 7 8 9 25-0626 14-3967 13-0246 13-0241 13-0037 25-1920 49-2147 28-0217 control lamp knob printed circuit printed circuit fuse (2.0 A/250 V) fuse screw clip 14-18 19 20 21 07-1788 16-0108 08-0368 13-7286 cover diaphragm pump hose plug 22 23 24 25 26 27 21-0654 28-7418 23-5740 20-1835 20-1848 20-1849 insulation plate transformer screw cable bushing cable holder cable holder 28 29 30 31-33 34 35 18-8627 14-0012 12-0020 10-5814 13-0012 07-0010 23-5755 11-5507 clamp screw contact protection screw screw screw screw safety disc 08-6386 08-6405 23-5727 10-1542 10-1250 08-4280 08-4256 09-1235 21-0656 18-8624 11-8873 06-0018 13-0005 plate support support screw thermometer manometer flow switch connection flow switch connection ignition transformer insulation plate clamp screw screw screw 11 12 13 36 37 38a 38b 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 Part Indic. Type, Remarks not available as a spare part not available as a spare part motherboard motherboard VC... (supplied with parts 11,12) VCW... (supplied with parts 11,12) non hybrid 0,16 A not shown supplied with parts 4,5 supplied with part 21 M5 x 9 4,8 x 13 x 8 not available as a spare part 112,142 182,242,282 glass not available seperatley as a spare part 112,142 182,242,282 M 4x6 3,5x13 Subject to alteration 95 Supplied By www.heating Tel. 0161 620 6677 Main component 13 Control box VC 112,142,182,242,282 E, VCW 242,282 E 96 Subject to alteration Supplied By www.heating Tel. 0161 620 6677 Main component 13 Control box VC 112,142,182,242,282 E, VCW 242,282 E Pict. No. Article-No. 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 61 62 63 Part Indic. Type, Remarks 13-0395 25-2945 10-0555 10-1384 10-1392 10-1391 13-6936 20-4048 11-8947 13-0005 printed circuit board electronic board flame supervision device temperature limiter temperature limiter temperature limiter casing casing cap screw screw fan thermostat ignition non hybrid 25-5928 25-5929 25-5803 25-0798 cable tree cable tree cable tree cable tree 13-0330 13-0331 25-2957 control box cover printed circuit printed circuit electronic board 112,142 182 242,282 single delivery not possible, supplied with pict.-no. 51 M 4x16 3,5x13 VC... VCW... temperature limiter pump motherboard motherboard thermostat single delivery not possible VC... hybrid (supplied with parts 11,12) VCW... hybrid (supplied with parts 11,12) hybrid Notice: Prior to 31/12/90 control box cover for hybrid stamped with " HY " (see pict.-no. 61). Non hybrid no stamp. After 1/1/91 all appliances produced were hybrid models, which contained no stamp on control box cover as previos hybrid models had. Subject to alteration 97 Supplied By www.heating Tel. 0161 620 6677 Main component 13 Flue sensor VC 110,180,240 X H, VCW 240,280 X H 98 Subject to alteration Supplied By www.heating Tel. 0161 620 6677 Main component 13 Flue sensor VC 110,180,240 X H, VCW 240,280 X H Pict. No. Article-No. 1 07-4945 07-4920 07-4921 07-4940 draft diverter draft diverter draft diverter draft diverter 110 180 240 280 2 flue sensor flue sensor screw disc clamp VC 110 VC 180,240, VCW 240,280 3 4 5 25-3516 25-3511 23-5750 95-0239 18-8638 6 7-8 08-9445 - connection line not necessary for british execution 9 13-0311 printed circuit 10 13-0323 13-0324 printed circuit printed circuit Part Indic. Type, Remarks supplied with parts 3-5 flue sensor motherboard motherboard VC... hybrid VCW... hybrid Subject to alteration 99 Supplied By www.heating Tel. 0161 620 6677 Main component 16 Page Pump VC 110-242,282, VCW 221-282 Subject to alteration Supplied By www.heating Tel. 0161 620 6677 102 - 103 101 Main component 16 Pump VC 110-242,282, VCW 221-282 102 Subject to alteration Supplied By www.heating Tel. 0161 620 6677 Main component 16 Pump VC 110-242,282, VCW 221-282 Pict. No. Article-No. 1 2-3 4 Part Indic. Type, Remarks 16-1079 16-1108 16-1109 pump pump pump VP 4 (240 V) VP 5 (240 V) VP 6 (240 V) 110,112,142 (supplied with parts 4,7,9) 180-242 (supplied with parts 2-10) 280,282 (supplied with parts 2-10) condenser condenser screw 2,5 µF 3 µF 5 6 25-1329 25-1370 06-0009 single delivery not possible, supplied with 16-1108 or 16-1109 110,112,142 180-282 single delivery not possible, supplied with 16-1108 or 16-1109 7 8 9 10 98-1511 13-6333 98-1508 98-0222 packingring nipple packingring packingring Subject to alteration 103 Supplied By www.heating Tel. 0161 620 6677 Main component 18 Page Expansion vessel VC 110,112,142 106 - 107 Expansion vessel VC 180-282, VCW 221-282 108 - 109 Subject to alteration Supplied By www.heating Tel. 0161 620 6677 105 Main component 18 Expansion vessel VC 110,112,142 106 Subject to alteration Supplied By www.heating Tel. 0161 620 6677 Main component 18 Expansion vessel VC 110,112,142 Pict. No. Article-No. 1 2 3 18-1005 98-1508 23-5727 Part Indic. Type, Remarks expansion vessel packingring screw Subject to alteration 107 Supplied By www.heating Tel. 0161 620 6677 Main component 18 Expansion vessel VC 180-282, VCW 221-282 108 Subject to alteration Supplied By www.heating Tel. 0161 620 6677 Main component 18 Expansion vessel VC 180-282, VCW 221-282 Pict. No. Article-No. 1 2 3 Part Indic. Type, Remarks 18-1022 18-1030 expansion vessel expansion vessel 12 ltr. 8 ltr. supplied with parts 2,3 from 05/95 (CE marked 98-2495 packingring single delivery not possible, supplied with 18-1022 Subject to alteration 109 Supplied By www.heating Tel. 0161 620 6677
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