Respiration - Del Mar College
Respiration - Del Mar College
Respiration Chapter 39 Part 2 39.6 Cyclic Reversals in Air Pressure Gradients Respiratory cycle • One inhalation and one exhalation Inhalation is always active • Contraction of diaphragm and external intercostal muscles increases volume of thoracic cavity • Air pressure in alveoli drops below atmospheric pressure; air moves inward Cyclic Reversals in Air Pressure Gradients Exhalation is usually passive • As muscles relax, the thoracic cavity shrinks • Air pressure in the alveoli rises above atmospheric pressure, air moves out Exhalation may be active • Contraction of abdominal muscles forces air out The Thoracic Cavity and the Respiratory Cycle Fig. 39-15a, p. 690 Inward flow of air A Inhalation. Diaphragm contracts, moves down. External intercostal muscles contract, lift rib cage upward and outward. Lung volume expands. Fig. 39-15a, p. 690 Fig. 39-15b, p. 690 Outward flow of air B Exhalation. Diaphragm, external intercostal muscles return to resting positions. Rib cage moves down. Lungs recoil passively. Fig. 39-15b, p. 690 Animation: Respiratory cycle First Aid for Choking Heimlich maneuver • Upward-directed force on the diaphragm forces air out of lungs to dislodge an obstruction Animation: Heimlich maneuver Respiratory Volumes Air in lungs is partially replaced with each breath • Lungs are never emptied of air (residual volume) Vital capacity • Maximum volume of air the lungs can exchange Tidal volume • Volume of air that moves in and out during a normal respiratory cycle Respiratory Volumes Animation: Changes in lung volume and pressure Control of Breathing Neurons in the medulla oblongata of the brain stem are the control center for respiration • Rhythmic signals from the brain cause muscle contractions that cause air to flow into the lungs Chemoreceptors in the medulla, carotid arteries, and aorta wall detect chemical changes in blood, and adjust breathing patterns Respiratory Responses STIMULUS CO2 concentration and acidity rise in the blood and cerebrospinal fluid. RESPONSE Chemoreceptors in wall of carotid arteries and aorta Respiratory center in brain stem Diaphragm, Intercostal muscles CO2 concentration and acidity decline in the blood and cerebrospinal fluid. Tidal volume and rate of breathing change. Fig. 39-18, p. 691 STIMULUS CO2 concentration and acidity rise in the blood and cerebrospinal fluid. RESPONSE Chemoreceptors in wall of carotid arteries and aorta Respiratory center in brain stem Diaphragm, Intercostal muscles CO2 concentration and acidity decline in the blood and cerebrospinal fluid. Tidal volume and rate of breathing change. Stepped Art Fig. 39-18, p. 691 39.7 Gas Exchange and Transport Gases diffuse between a pulmonary capillary and an alveolus at the respiratory membrane • Alveolar epithelium • Capillary endothelium • Fused basement membranes O2 and CO2 each follow their partial pressure gradient across the membrane The Respiratory Membrane red blood cell inside pulmonary capillary pore for air flow between adjoining alveoli air space inside alveolus a Surface view of capillaries associated with alveoli b Cutaway view of one of the alveoli and adjacent pulmonary capillaries alveolar epithelium capillary endothelium fused basement membranes of both epithelial tissues c Three components of the respiratory membrane Fig. 39-19, p. 692 Oxygen Transport In alveoli, partial pressure of O2 is high; oxygen binds with hemoglobin in red blood cells to form oxyhemoglobin (HbO2) In metabolically active tissues, partial pressure of O2 is low; HbO2 releases oxygen Myoglobin, found in some muscle tissues, is similar to hemoglobin but holds O2 more tightly Hemoglobin and Myoglobin Fig. 39-20a, p. 693 alpha globin beta globin alpha globin beta globin Fig. 39-20a, p. 693 Fig. 39-20b, p. 693 heme Fig. 39-20b, p. 693 Carbon Dioxide Transport Carbon dioxide is transported from metabolically active tissues to the lungs in three forms • 10% dissolved in plasma • 30% carbaminohemoglobin (HbCO2) • 60% bicarbonate (HCO3-) Carbonic anhydrase in red blood cells catalyzes the formation of bicarbonate CO2 + H2O → H2CO3 → HCO3- + H+ Partial Pressures for Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide DRY INHALED AIR 160 0.03 pulmonary arteries 40 45 120 27 alveolar sacs 104 40 start of systemic veins MOIST EXHALED AIR pulmonary veins 100 40 start of systemic capillaries 100 40 40 45 cells of body tissues less than 40 more than 45 Fig. 39-21, p. 693 DRY INHALED AIR 160 0.03 pulmonary arteries 40 45 120 27 alveolar sacs 104 40 start of systemic veins MOIST EXHALED AIR pulmonary veins 100 40 start of systemic capillaries 100 40 40 45 cells of body tissues less than 40 more than 45 Stepped Art Fig. 39-21, p. 693 Animation: Partial pressure gradients The Carbon Monoxide Threat Carbon monoxide (CO) • A colorless, odorless gas that can fill up O2 binding sites on hemoglobin, block O2 transport, and cause carbon monoxide poisoning Carbon monoxide poisoning often results when fuel-burning appliance are poorly ventilated • Symptoms include nausea, headache, confusion, dizziness, and weakness 39.4-39.7 Key Concepts Gas Exchange in Vertebrates Gills or paired lungs are gas exchange organs in most vertebrates The efficiency of gas exchange is improved by mechanisms that cause blood and water to flow in opposite directions at gills, and by muscle contractions that move air into and out of lungs 39.8 Respiratory Diseases and Disorders Interrupted breathing • Brain-stem damage, sleep apnea, SIDS Potentially deadly infections • Tuberculosis, pneumonia Chronic bronchitis and emphysema • Damage to ciliated lining of bronchioles and walls of alveoli; tobacco smoke is the main risk factor Cigarette Smoke and Ciliated Epithelium Fig. 39-22a, p. 694 free surface of a mucussecreting cell free surface of a cluster of ciliated cells Fig. 39-22b, p. 694 Risks Associated With Smoking and Emphysema Fig. 39-23b-c, p. 695 39.8 Key Concepts Respiratory Problems Respiration can be disrupted by damage to respiratory centers in the brain, physical obstructions, infectious disease, and inhalation of pollutants, including cigarette smoke 39.9 High Climbers and Deep Divers Altitude sickness • Hypoxia can result when people who live at low altitudes move suddenly to high altitudes • People who grow up at high altitudes have more alveoli and blood vessels in their lungs Acclimatization to altitude includes adjustments in cardiac output, rate and volume of breathing • Hypoxia stimulates erythropoietin secretion Adaptation to High Altitude Llamas that live at high altitudes have special hemoglobin that binds oxygen more efficiently Deep-Sea Divers Water pressure increases with depth; human divers using compressed air risk nitrogen narcosis (disrupts neuron signaling) Returning too quickly to the surface from a deep dive can release dangerous nitrogen bubbles into the blood stream (‘the bends”) Without tanks, trained humans can dive to 210 meters; sperm whales can dive 2,200 meters Adaptations for Deep Diving Leatherback turtles dive up to one hour • Move air to cartilage-reinforced airways • Flexible shell for compression Four ways diving animals conserve oxygen • • • • Deep breathing before diving High red-cell count, large amounts of myoglobin Slowed heart rate and metabolism Conservation of energy Deep Divers 39.9 Key Concepts Gas Exchange in Extreme Environments At high altitudes, the human body makes shortterm and long-term adjustments to thinner air Built-in respiratory mechanisms and specialized behaviors allow sea turtles and diving marine mammals to stay under water, at great depths, for long periods Animation: Bicarbonate buffer system Animation: Globin and hemoglobin structure Animation: Pressure-gradient changes during respiration Animation: Structure of an alveolus Animation: Vocal cords ABC video: Blood test for lung cancer Video: Up in smoke