prisma GERBER 4 PRISMA A PRISMA 8J prisma PAVER 4 PRISMA J PRISMA R PRISMA W PRISMA 30W prisma L.LUNETTE DL PRISMA DL PRISMA L prisma L.PRISMA 4V L.TRAPEZI V PRISMA V PRISMA W PRISMA 8V prisma L.PRISMA 30T PRISMA B PRISMA T PRISMA 30T prisma Bicottura Double fired tiles - Bicuisson - Zweibrandfliesen - Bicocción Rivestimenti Wall tiles - Revêtement - Wandfliese - Revestimiento PRISMA W 20x30 8”x12” L.PRISMA 4W 4x30 - 1.6”x12” 7,5 PRISMA W PRISMA L PRISMA DL PRISMA N PRISMA 8W 7,7x30 - 3”x12” PRISMA L L.PRISMA 4L 4x30 - 1.6”x12” CYPREUS 4 PRISMA 8L 7,7x30 - 3”x12” PRISMA DL L.PRISMA 4DL 4x30 - 1.6”x12” L.PRISMA 20DL PRISMA 8DL L.TRAPEZI DL L.PRISMA 30DL L.LUNETTE DL 7,7x30 - 3”x12” 8x30 - 3.1”x12” 6x20 - 2.4”x8” 4x20 - 1.6”x8” 4,5x20 - 1.8”x8” PRISMA N L.PRISMA 4N 4x30 - 1.6”x12” L.PRISMA 20N PRISMA 8N L.TRAPEZI N L.PRISMA 30N L.LUNETTE N 7,7x30 - 3”x12” 8x30 - 3.1”x12” 6x20 - 2.4”x8” 4x20 - 1.6”x8” 4,5x20 - 1.8”x8” Bicottura Double fired tiles - Bicuisson - Zweibrandfliesen - Bicocción Rivestimenti Wall tiles - Revêtement - Wandfliese - Revestimiento PRISMA W 20x30 8”x12” L.PRISMA 4W 4x30 - 1.6”x12” 7,5 PRISMA 8W PRISMA W PRISMA J PRISMA R 7,7x30 - 3”x12” PRISMA L.PRISMA 4J 4x30 - 1.6”x12” L.PRISMA 20J 6x20 - 2.4”x8” PRISMA 8J L.TRAPEZI J L.PRISMA 30J L.LUNETTE J 7,7x30 - 3”x12” 8x30 - 3.1”x12” 4x20 - 1.6”x8” 4,5x20 - 1.8”x8” PRISMA L.PRISMA 4R 4x30 - 1.6”x12” L.PRISMA 20R PRISMA 8R L.TRAPEZI R L.PRISMA 30R L.LUNETTE R 7,7x30 - 3”x12” 8x30 - 3.1”x12” 6x20 - 2.4”x8” 4x20 - 1.6”x8” 4,5x20 - 1.8”x8” PRISMA V 20x30 8”x12” L.PRISMA 4V 4x30 - 1.6”x12” L.PRISMA 20V 6x20 - 2.4”x8” 7,5 PRISMA V PRISMA 8V 7,7x30 - 3”x12” L.PRISMA 30V 8x30 - 3.1”x12” L.LUNETTE V 4,5x20 - 1.8”x8” PAVER 4 Bicottura Double fired tiles - Bicuisson - Zweibrandfliesen - Bicocción Rivestimenti Wall tiles - Revêtement - Wandfliese - Revestimiento PRISMA A 20x30 8”x12” L.PRISMA 4A 4x30 - 1.6”x12” 7,5 PRISMA A PRISMA B PRISMA S PRISMA T PRISMA 8A 7,7x30 - 3”x12” PRISMA B L.PRISMA 4B 4x30 - 1.6”x12” GERBER 4 PRISMA 8B 7,7x30 - 3”x12” PRISMA S L.PRISMA 4S 4x30 - 1.6”x12” PRISMA 8S 7,7x30 - 3”x12” PRISMA T L.PRISMA 4T 4x30 - 1.6”x12” L.PRISMA 20T PRISMA 8T L.TRAPEZI T L.PRISMA 30T L.LUNETTE T 7,7x30 - 3”x12” 8x30 - 3.1”x12” 6x20 - 2.4”x8” 4x20 - 1.6”x8” 4,5x20 - 1.8”x8” Monocottura Single fired tiles - Monocuisson - Einbrandfliesen - Monococción Pavimenti Floor tiles - Sol - Bodenfliese - Pavimento PRISMA R PRISMA W 30x30 30x30 8,5 8,5 12”x12” 12”x12” PRISMA 30R PRISMA 30W PEI 3 PEI 4 PRISMA B PRISMA N 30x30 30x30 8,5 8,5 12”x12” PRISMA 30B PRISMA 30N PEI 4 PEI 3 PRISMA T 30x30 12”x12” 8,5 PRISMA 30T PEI 3 12”x12” L.LUNETTE N PRISMA W PRISMA 30N PRISMA 8N PRISMA 8W prisma destinazione d’uso suggested applications / destination / anwendungsbereich / lugar de empleo BAGNO bathrooms salle de bain bad cuarto de baño indicazione d’uso suggested applications / indication d’utlisation / anwendungsbereich / forma de empleo PAVIMENTO RIVESTIMENTO floor tiles sol boden piso wall tiles revêtement wand revestimiento finitura superficiale finishes / finition de la surface / oberfläche / acabado superficial Cooperativa Ceramica d’Imola for the environment Cooperativa Ceramica d’Imola knows that the environment is a common good to be safeguarded and protected. For this reason Cooperativa Ceramica d’Imola has always been committed NATURALE to integrate production systems and activities with natural naturel natur matt their territory as much as possible. bordo Project of Cooperativa Ceramica d’Imola as the edge / bord / rand / borde This commitment has been recently recognised by the European Union, which chose the P.S.V. research tool to be included in the Life Environment programme. DRITTO P.S.V. PROJECT OF COOPERATIVA straight droit gerade derecho CERAMICA D’IMOLA LIFE05 ENV/IT/00875 stonalizzazione of Cooperativa Ceramica d’Imola provides shade variation / variation de nuances / schattierung / destonalización The P.S.V. PROJECT (Polishing Sludge Valorisation) for the creation of an eco-friendly project for the valorisation of the waste materials derived from the processing of ceramic materials and V2 similar products by means of high temperature mineralisation. COOPERATIVA CERAMICA D’IMOLA Via V. Veneto, 13 - 40026 Imola BO - Italia Tel.+39 0542 601601 - Fax+39 0542 31749 - [email protected]
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