Wa Sung Service C ub Newsletter - Wa Sung Community Service Club
Wa Sung Service C ub Newsletter - Wa Sung Community Service Club
Wa Sung Service C ub Newsletter Providing Community and Educational Service since 1953 Wa Sung Service Club P.O. Box 1561 September 2000 / Hope she buys me a Chef's Deligbt ticket! Oakland , CA 94604 September General Meeting TherapyPets Speaker and A Chef's Delight 2000 Celebration This month's meeting will feature a spaghetti feed cooked by our own Wa Sung Chefs, a sneak preview of the exciting things hap pening at A Chefs Delight. Our speaker will be Terri Moss-Book binder who, with her dog Cody, has been featured on Dr. Dean Edell's segment on health . Terri is a member of TherapyPets, a group of volunteers who bring their pets to nursing homes, hospi tals, and even juvenile hall. s Allgust25 Oakland A Asian Nig"t August26, 27 StrutFest September 7 Gmeral Meeti1lg Septn1zher 14 Board Meeting TO CELEBRATE A CHEF'S DELIGHT 2000, an extravaganza raffle of tempting Items including wine (i.e. Rosenblum's 1999 Chateau La Paws from the Cote du Bone Roan l ), edibles, and surprises will take place throughout the evening! All members will have received allotments of Chef DeJight tickets through the mail to buy or sell. Tickets will also be on sale during the General Meeting. For every ticket paid for at our meeting, an extra raffle tfcket will be awarded! October 5 General Meeting Nominations Date: October 12 Board Meeting Thursday, September 7, 2000 6 PM, Social time, 6:30 PM, Dinner and Program Location: Lion's Club Blind Center 3834 Opal Street, Oakland , CA Menu: Spaghetti with red or white sauce (or both) Garlic bread and Salad Sundae buffet with prizes for most imaginative and most disgusting concoctions, Judged by members of A Chefs Delight Committee. Cost: $10 for Members with RSVP $12 for Guests and Members w/out RSVP RSVp · Jeanne Chiang (510) 893-1212 email.jchiang@pacbell .net RSVP by Tuesday I Sept. 5, 2000 DCTOBER15 SUNDAY 3-6PM DACe A CHEF'S DELIGHT Shirley FOR-Torres Me Celebrity Ch Alexander Ong Celebrity 7Je/Julia Drori November 2 General Meeting Elections Speaker: Jolm R,tsSo~ OaklAnd City Attorney Elect Joy Luck Restaurant, Oakland Page 1 President's Mes~age Membership News Ron Hing To all Wa Sung members unable to attend the August gen eral meeting, you missed an opportunity to hear from an angel. Robert Tucknott is a volunteer pilot with Angel Flight. These are the folks that fly individuals from rural areas to medical appointments with doctors and to speoialized treat ments in area hospitals. Angel Flight also takes donated organs from where they are harvested to other patients that need organ transplanted in order to surviVe serious illnesses. A faSCinating topic that brought out many questions at the end for Mr. Tucknott. The culinary A Chefs Delight Committee still needs help with additional Sponsors to cover the cost for thiS event. Contact Karen Dea (925-830-4693) to offer sponsorship or provide leads. Also, the Committee needs help with raffle items or gifts for the Silent Auction. Please donate gifts that have a retail valueof at least $50.00. A giftcertificate makes a good item to donate from yourfavorite restaurant, specialty store, and/or department stores. Please contact Ron Lee (510-547-5337) or Cyndee Um (510-336-0775) for information or to donate items. I would like to take this opportunity to highlight three bright stars within the Wa Sung family We have three members ofWa Sung who have been honored for outstanding volun teer service with our organization by the companies for which they work. Each company has made a contribution to the Wa Sung Charity Fund to honor these individuals. We have received a $1,000 donation to Wa Sung from Hoffmann-La Roche, Inc. in recognition of Kathy Jeong, a donation of$250.00 from the Prudential Foundation, a Prudential Community Champions Rising Star Award to honor Lucy Meyer, and a $228 Community Pride grant from Sateway, Inc. to recognize Karen Dea's active in volvement with Wa Sung and its charitable projects. I thank you , and Wa Sung thanks you and the companies for which you work. Well gang, it's time to sign off again. Thanks to everybody who attended the August general meeting. Special thanks to Jeanne Chiang, Jeff Wong, Harry Greer and Peter Lee for planning the August meeting at the Englander Res taurant in Leandro. The menu was very good and the food was excellent. Thanks again, for another great program at our general meeting. Dr. Michael (Mike) Wong's new office address is 411 Grand Ave., Oakland, CA 94610. His office telephone number re mains the same at 51 0-444-1 116. Peter Lee has one (1) ticket available for Cal Bears football games. Seat is at the 10-yard line, about 23 rows up west side of Memorial Stadium, oppOSite the student rooting sec tion. Games Include 9/9/00 utah, 9/30/00 Washington State, 10/14/00 UCLA, 11/4100 Oregon State, 11/18/00 Stanford, Purchase one ticket or all tickets or any combination of tick ets. All games $25 each except for the Stanford game which is $50. Most games start at 12:30 PM . If interested, call Peter at 51 0-278~8626 . 'We look forward to fielding a more balanced , yet exciting attack this year. Make no doubt about it - we are aiming for a Bowl Game this post-season." says Coach Tom Holmoe. STREETFEST YEAR 2000 By Deborah Pan Hello, all Wa Sung members that love to see little childrens' eyes light up. The August Chinatown StreetFest hosted by the Oakland Chinatown Chamber of Commerce will be held on August 26 and 27 (Saturday and Sunday). This year, we will again be hosting the Children's Game Booth. As the booth's purpose is not to make money, but to spread the Wa Sung Service Club name, we are practically giving away toys to the children that keep on playing at the booth. We will also be distributing copies of the Year 2000 Community Directory to the public. Last year we had lots of donations of toys and funds to assist with the Booth. We are asking for the same again . Please contact Deborah on cell phone 510-388-0584 or email Kingman Lowe at [email protected] or Deborah at [email protected] . Volunteers are needed to man the booth for 3-hour periods. There should be at least 2 WS volunteers at the booth at a given time. last year we had full houses at 5-7 people at one time. I guess WS members are natural born good hearted people! Please contact Deborah or Kingman to volunteer. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF DONATIONS The Wa Sung Service Club wishes to acknowledge the donation by Bruce Quan, Jr. and others to honor the memory of Bruce Quan, Sr. The Wa Sung Service Club wishes to thank the following individuals for their donations to honor the memory of Dr. Josh Fang: Joe and Adrianna Cho, Malven S. Dong, Stanley and Amy Gee, Joan and Jac.k Landrum, Victor and Bessie Mar William and Eleanor Jardin, Paul Ting, Irene Fang, Clayton and BeSSie SooHoo, Karen Dea, Karen and E. Long, Dr. William Lee, lily Fang, Jennie Ong, Barbara and Ronald Hing , Gary and Kathy Jeong, Dennis Lowe, Dr. Janet Chan Lee, Tony May, Fred and Ellen Shimasahi. C. Page2 A BENEFIT FOR THE WA SUNG CHARITY FUND AND THE AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY THE 3rd ANNUAL CULINARY & WINE EXPERIENCE SUNDAY, OCTOBER 15, 2000 3-6 PM Oakland Asian Cultural Center 388 Ninth St_, Second Floor, Oakland HOSTED BY SHIRLEY FONG-TORRES WELL-KNOWN AUTHOR, CHEF AND FOUNDER OF WOK WIZ CHINATOWN TOURS & COOKING CENTER IN SAN FRANCISCO FEATURING CELEBRITY CHEFS ALEXANDER ONG JULIA DRORJ EXECUTIVE CHEF XANADU IN BERKELEY EXECUTIVE CHEF GARIBALDI'S IN OAKLAND Enjoy cuisine and libations from the Bay Area's foremost restaurants, caterers, Wineries, and Micro breweries & Silent Auction TICKETS A IR E $40 Per Person IN ADVANCE OR $50 AT THE DOOR FOR TICKET INFORMATION, CONTACT US AT 510-869-2589 [uc=j or email: chefsdellght3@aol. com 21 and Older Please Wa Sun!!! S8fVic8 Club - F'rovid ir1!!! Educatior1al ar1d Commur1ity S ervicc'f5 Si17C8 1953 Focus on some of our participants... Shirley Fong-Torres, Master of Ceremo nies of A Chefs Delight 2000 Shirley is a native of Oakland, and no doubt developed her love of cooking at the family restaurant on Webster Street. She is the founder and owner of WOK WIZ China town Tour and Cooking Center in San Francisco and author of 3 books on cuisine and San Francisco. She has appeared in numerous TV spots on Asian cuisine, and hosts an annual culinary tour of Asia. Alexander Ong, Executive Chef of Xanadu Restau rant in Berkeley, was named one of the Year 2000 Rising Stars of the Bay Area culinary scene by the San. Francisco Chronicle. Alex, originally from Malaysia, has honed his skills at the Atlanta Ritz Carlton, Caesar's Tahoe, Straits Cafe, Stars, and Le Colonial. His Pan-Roasted Duck Breast with Spicy Mango Sauce is a hit at Xanadu, serving RestorAsian (pan-Asian fusion) cuisine. Julia Drori, Executive Chef of Garabaldi's on College in Oakland, is a Bay Area native. She trained at the California Culinary Academy in SF and then was chef at the famous Square One Restaurant in SF for 10 years where owner Joyce Goldstein became her mentor. Julia describes her cooking as "eclectic-Mediterranean". She recommends any of the wood-oven entrees and the tapas appetizers at Garabaldi's. Her philosophy is to provide enjoyment to people through her cooking talents so that everyone leaves the restaurant happy! Joy Luck Restaurant on 8th Street in Oakland's Chinatown has been popular since it first opened its doors 30 years ago. !Michael Lee has been the proprieter for the last 14 years, taking over from his uncle. According to Michael , many of his patrons are the third generation to eat at his restaurant, brought in by grandparents who ate here "back in the 70s". Michael believes in delicious food but also healthy food, and he is careful about the use of salt, MSG, and oil in his tasty Cantonese cuisine. He recommends his Garlic-flavour Por·k Spare Ribs and for a special treat the Fresh Crab steamed on top of Fried Rice in a Bamboo Steamer (only on the Chinese lan guage menu!). He has a good selection of vegetarian dishes including the lightly Fried Tofu with Mustard Green and Mushroom. Michael and his wife Lisa have 2 sons, Milton and Clinton. His sons are very discriminating "tasters": they can tell if the cooking is good! This will be Joy Luck Restaurant's third year at A Chefs Delight! A Chef's Delight 2000 is just around the cornerl Sunday, October 15 is the date for Wa Sung Service Club's major Fundraiser of the year. The funds from this year's event will be shared with the American Cancer Society (ACS) and will be used in our Educational Grants program as well as other worthy charities. This will be our third year of partnering with ACS, and Wa Sung's efforts have already resulted in over $10,000 donated to the fight against cancer. How can you help? SELL YOUR TICKETSJ// This should be easy, because of the wonderful reputation this fun event has in the community. As an added incentive, for every 20 tickets you sell, you will receive one free ticketl Walter Chinn (510-531-9357) and Audrey Huie (510-888-1228) are leaders of the Ticket Brigade. Each Wa Sung member should have received in the mail an allotment of tickets to sell. Remember to keep the filled-out ticket stubs, and turn in the filled-out stubs and accompanying check or cash to Audrey Huie. Audrey has extra tickets, if you run out. How else can you help? CONTRIBUTE A SILENT AUCTION ITEM1!I We are in great need of items worth $50 or more. Or if you have several smaller but nice gifts that can be grouped together with other quality items, we would certainly appreciate these. Alternatively, your contribution of cash would allow the Silent Auction team to purchase items for our Auction. Please contact Ron Lee (510-547-5337) or Cyndee Lim (510-336-0775) regard ing your donations. What else can you do? RECRUIT A FOOD OR WINE/BEVERAGE VENDORJ/I Because we still need a few more restaurants and wineries to round out our gourmand galaxy, Lucy Meyer (510-982-0211) is offering an added incentive. For every 2 new vendors you enlist to participate in A Chefs Delight (and with the review and approval of Lucy and Kathy Jeong), you will receive one free ticket to the event. Wa Sung Service Club Merit Awards - Year 2000 The Wa Sung Service Club Year 2000 Merit Awards were presented at a gala luncheon on May 20, 2000 at H's Lordship's Restaurant, Berkeley. The ceremony was presided over by Cynthia Gouw, Emmy-award winning reporter for KPIX Channel Five Eyewitness News. The following 17 stellar students were each awarded $750, with Annie Lu of Skyline HS receiving the $1000 Year 2000 Community Service Award: Student Yvonne Chan Yan Ging "Sin a" Chen Stephanie Chin Andrew Shih-Chu Fan Peter Fang XiaoFu Nathan Ho Vanessa Jeong Kelly Lee Annie Lu BarbaraLum Nhieu Thi "Ann" Nguyen KI-Oak "Kelly" Paik TheoTam JulieTran Benjamin Urnpad Stacy Yamaoka High School Fremont Christian Skyl ine Athenian School Berkeley Oakland Technical Castlemont San Ramon Valley San Leandro Piedmont Skyline Las Lomas Skyline Skyline Castro Valley Skyline Sl Joseph Notre Dame San Leandro Donor Dr. Allan Nunn MemOrial Scholarship Richard and Doris Wong Lee Memorial Scholarship Joseph Lee Memorial Schlarship Richard and Doris Wang Lee Memorial Scholarship Wa Sung Service Club Scholarship Richard and Doris Wong Lee Memorial Scholarship Richard and Doris Wang Lee Memorial Scholarship Richard and Doris Wong Lee Memorial Scholarship Wa Sung Service Club Scholarship Karen Dea and Gary Jeong Susie Oi Young Yip Memorial Scholarship Wa Sung Service Club Scholarship Wa Sung Service Club Scholarship Richard and Doris Wong Lee Memorial Scholarship Joseph Lee Memorial Scholarship Richard and Doris Wong Lee Memorial Scholarship Wa Sung Service Club Scholarship Xiao Fu and Barbara Lum read their essays on "If you were the State's Superintendent of Schools, what specific changes would you propose to the State Educational system and why?" Delaine Easton, check your mail! Presenters of scholar ships Included Dr. Janet Lee, Ronald Hlng, Jeanne Chiang, Loretta Sill, Karen Dea, and Kathy Jeong Co-chairs for this inspiring program were Cheryl Louie, Wilma Yee, Karen Dea, and Kathy Jeong . Page 3 Wa Sung Service Club P. O. Box 1561 Oakland, CA 94604 Ii I Interim Newsletter Editor: Kathy Jeong Fax: 510-568-3286 ~ Email: [email protected] Smile! YOl! 're on Candid Camera! Dr. Janet Lee and Merit Awardee Julie Tran Year 2000 Wa Sung Service Club Merit Awardees Me Cynthia Gouw (KPIX Channel 5) and President Ron Hing at Merit Awards Luncheon Marion and Clifton Fong at the Merit Award Lun cheon Stan Wong , new member Becky Wong . and Ron Hing Page 4
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