120524_CV_Dirk Schrade
120524_CV_Dirk Schrade
Curriculum vitae Dirk Schrade, Deutsche Bundesbank, Frankfurt am Main Dirk Schrade is Deputy Head of the Payments and Settlement Systems Department at the Central Office of the Deutsche Bundesbank. After school and finishing his studies of business administration at the University of Applied Sciences of the Bundesbank he first worked for many years in the Branch and Main Office of the former Land Central Bank in North-Rhine Westphalia. In 2000 he joined the Payment Systems Policy Division at the Central Office of the Bundesbank in Frankfurt, focusing first on individual payment systems/RTGS plus and then on the project TARGET2. His activities also include collaborating with the banking industry in political issues (eg with regard to SEPA) and with other central banks at G-10 and EU levels. He is also a member of the TARGET2-Securities Advisory Group. Not least, he represents the Bundesbank in the Payment and Settlement Systems Committee (PSSC) of the ESCB.
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