- St Luke Parish
- St Luke Parish
528 Lathrop Avenue • River Forest, Illinois • www.stlukeparish.org As he blessed them he parted from them and was taken up to heaven. ~ Luke 24:51 the empty tomb should have taught us the way it would end but forty days of random glimpses trained us to look for him and now there is no body to give him location to rejoice our eyes to liven our spirits unless what they say is true not just pious metaphor that he has chosen us to be another body true flesh and blood real presence outrageous thought too much to reckon with we will have to think on it we will have to wait and see (staring at the sky) E.M. Jeep Ma y 8, 2016 • As ce ns io n of O ur Lord MASS INTENTIONS Monday, May 9 6:30 am † Curt White 8:00 am † Michael J. Dooley Tuesday, May 10 - St. Damien de Veuster 6:30 am † Lukas M. Madden 8:00 am † Jim Butler Wednesday, May 11 6:30 am † Suzanne Hanley 8:00 am † Helen Coleman Thursday, May 12 - Ss. Nereus and Achilleus; St. Pancras 6:30 am † Manny Pestana 8:00 am † Bob Barder Friday, May 13 - Our Lady of Fatima 6:30 am † Lukas M. Madden 8:00 am † The Williams, Karasis, Kurr Families Saturday, May 14 - St. Matthias 8:00 am † John Lattner 3:00 pm Jonathan Pasky/Marissa Piazza Wedding 5:00 pm † Joseph Romano Sunday, May 15 7:30 am † Loretta Szmyd 9:00 am † Mary Ann Haar 10:30 am † The Crowley and Cusack Families 12:00 pm The People of St. Luke Parish MINISTERS OF THE LITURGY Monday-Friday, May 9-13 8:00 am Servers S Leavy, M Leavy Saturday, May 14 5:00 pm Servers T Cullerton, M Jacobs, J Gleason Lectors Laura Hogan, Gene Lawrence Euch Min J Bresnahan, S Hopkinson, C Madden, E Maloney, J Megall, P Romano, R Romano Sunday, May 15 7:30 am Servers Lectors Euch Min 9:00 am Servers Lectors Euch Min B Greenberg, A Halloran, L Leonardi John Lynch, Terry Roche B Halloran, P Muldoon, S Scelfo J McAllister, R Planek, P Hicks Linda Binder, Tamara Hicks LM Froelich, M Martinez, J Meek, H Slowik, J Slowik, A Valenti, D Valenti 10:30 am Servers M Brennan, J Talluto, A Delatorre Lectors Ciara Hopkinson, Noel Moore Euch Min P Brennan, S Brennan, C Doyle, E Doyle, S Doyle, D Hopkinson, M Moore 12:00 pm Servers S Goslin, S Leavy, M Leavy Lectors Katie Iammartino, Ann O’Connell Euch Min J Courtney, L Goslin, M Goslin, B Huerta, V Perera Cover Art: “The Ascension” is an 1801 painting by Benjamin West, a native of Pennsylvania who moved to England when he was 25. He became renowned as the “America’s Raphael.” The painting is now in the Denver Art Museum and is used here via Wikimedia Commons. 2 WELCOME TO ST. LUKE • River Forest, IL 60305-1835 FROM THE PASTOR As we move toward the finale of the Easter Season of 50 days with Pentecost next Sunday, we have so much to celebrate. Today, as people of faith, we celebrate the Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord, just as the disciples did, not with a spirit of sadness, but remembering Jesus’ words to us, “unless I ascend to the Father, I cannot send the Spirit, the Advocate.” This is the promise of the Risen Lord: to always be with His Church, with his Holy Spirit, and so we hold onto this with a holy mindfulness. We also celebrate and honor the Blessed Virgin Mary during this month of May. We understand that she is our spiritual mother, even as we, on this Mother’s Day, remember our earthly mothers. If our mothers are no longer with us, let us offer heartfelt prayers of thankfulness for having had them in our lives and for having been loved by them. After all, they cooperated with God’s plan to bring us into the world and to educate us in the faith: teaching us our first prayers and about our loving God. Speaking of education, I refer you to the letter of our Archbishop and other material in this bulletin for you to read carefully. This is important! It concerns the To Teach Who Christ Is Campaign that is going on now throughout the entire Archdiocese and affects every parish. To make it somewhat more manageable, it has been broken up into several waves – ours being Wave 6. As you will discover in your reading, this campaign is one primarily for Education and how we teach others about the Lord. It concerns all the efforts going on in our schools and religious education programs, and how the teachers of the faith themselves are formed and catechized. In these most challenging of times in which we live, it is essential that the faith is transmitted to young and old alike with a consistency that is rooted in our identity as Catholics. That identity is focused on teaching 1) Christ, 2) Gospel values, 3) the Eucharist, and 4) Ongoing Discipleship (i.e., how we continue to learn and experience the mystery of God in our lives from birth until our last breath). If we exclude any of these or concentrate too heavily on one, we risk weakening the identity which is so essential to the unity of the Church. Then again, you might ask, “If we are perfectly centered in Christ in all ways, how can we not automatically be people of the Eucharist or Gospel values?” An excellent question … for your pondering and meditation. HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY! ~Fr. Szmyd To all our dear mothers, adoptive mothers, expectant mothers, grandmothers, godmothers, and mothers-in-law, we extend our Best Wishes for a Very Happy Mother’s Day! May you receive much love and appreciation from those for whom you do so much. And please know that you are a great blessing to our entire St. Luke community. Cover Design ©Liturgical Publications Inc/Photo ©Fara Spence-bigstockphoto.com St. Luke Church April 30th May 1st 2016 MAY 8, 2016 • Ascension of Our Lord 3 Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ, On the day my appointment by Pope Francis as the Archbishop of Chicago was announced, Cardinal George noted that transitions in leadership always have the benefit of bringing a fresh set of eyes. I can tell you that my eyes have remained wide open with delight as I have seen firsthand the unique qualities of the lay men and women, priests and religious of this great local Church. There is an unparalleled strength and vigor in Chicago’s Catholic community, which has historically been recognized far and wide, to the point that many dioceses in our country have been blessed by the deep faith and dedication of people from here. All of this makes me quite honored to be your archbishop and to take up the task of leading an important effort begun by Cardinal George, namely, the To Teach Who Christ Is capital campaign. The Cardinal shared with me the needs which the campaign will address and why the very ambitious goal of $350 million has been set. A majority of the funds raised will be returned to parishes for their unique needs. Building strong parishes is essential to current and future generations of Catholics, and $150 million will directly benefit the needs, and reward the efforts, of our parishes. Also vital is ensuring Catholic education is always available to families in need. A second $150 million is being directed to the newly established Catholic Education Scholarship Trust to ensure scholarship awards are available to our children, our grandchildren, and even their children! This endowed fund truly helps guarantee excellence in Catholic education in perpetuity. How exciting it is to see faith formation being taken to a new, innovative level, and support given to catechists, as well as facility and life safety issues being addressed at our most vulnerable churches and properties. My simple request to you is to join the thousands of Catholics across the Archdiocese who have already pledged a gift to the campaign. By coming together to support the needs of today and tomorrow we not only will benefit from our partnership with one another, but also be true to the rich heritage of our ancestors who built our churches and schools and established educational and social programs that have enriched all of our lives. We can have that same kind of impact on the Church for years to come, ever faithful to our call To Teach Who Christ Is. 4 WELCOME TO ST. LUKE • River Forest, IL 60305-1835 To Teach Who Christ Is seeks to provide $350 million for local parish communities and shared ministries of the Church. Each parish in the Archdiocese of Chicago will participate in the campaign with a combined goal of $250 million. In addition, the Archbishop of Chicago will work to raise an additional $100 million through a major gift effort. Gifts to the To Teach Who Christ Is campaign will benefit six elements vital to securing the future of the Archdiocese of Chicago. $150 million for Parishes A vibrant parish life is central to fulfilling the mission of the Church. To Teach Who Christ Is will help strengthen and sustain parishes throughout the Archdiocese of Chicago. Funds will remain at parishes to ensure our faith communities are economically stable and can continue to bear hope through their presence, sacramental life, and ministries. Each parish has been assigned a campaign target — a goal that is 130% of their total annual offertory giving, including Christmas and Easter collections. Parishes will keep 60% of all funds they raise for needs they identify, and will share the remaining 40% with other parishes and ministries for the benefit of Catholics throughout the Archdiocese. Parishes exceeding their goals will receive 100% of funds collected above their target. Parishes are best able to identify the needs of their communities, and will have sole discretion on the direction of the funds they raise. Local priorities to date include building expansion, repairing facilities, reducing debt, establishing parish endowments, and expanding ministries. Parish campaigns are being conducted in a series of waves through 2016. To support parish efforts, the Archdiocese is paying for all campaign fees and expenses. $150 million for Scholarships The Archdiocese of Chicago’s Catholic schools have educated and formed generations of Catholic children in our faith. Today, more than 82,000 students attend 240 Catholic schools across the city of Chicago, and in Cook and Lake counties. To ensure generations to come may also receive the benefit of a Catholic education, $150 million in campaign funds is being directed to the Catholic Education Scholarship Trust. The Catholic Education Scholarship Trust is an independent trust, for which Northern Trust serves as the directed trustee. This endowment fund is invested to create spendable income as well as to achieve long-term appreciation of capital. Scholarship awards will be made to qualified students as income is available. To Teach Who Christ Is has also funded a pilot scholarship initiative, the Caritas Scholars Program, which has already provided scholarships to more than 2,000 children. These scholarship awards are not only helping to eliminate the financial barrier that often stands between families and a Catholic education, they are being given to children and their families, not to schools. Caritas scholarships follow children to whatever Catholic school they choose to attend, a measure of flexibility that will further help sustain the Catholic school system. $10 million for Religious Education — Catechesis Religious education is a ministry for which we are all responsible. More than 96,000 elementary and secondary school children are enrolled in religious education programs in parishes throughout Cook and Lake counties. In addition, parishes provide religious education to teens through youth ministry as well as to adults, including those seeking to enrich their journey with Christ or join our faith through the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. Ensuring religious education remains a high priority requires educated and trained catechetical leaders to teach the Word and parish programs that evolve along with the communities they serve. To Teach Who Christ Is will provide $10 million for formation programs leading to Archdiocesan certification of religious education coordinators as well as youth ministers, and the ongoing formation of certified religious education directors and other certified catechetical leaders. MAY 8, 2016 • Ascension of Our Lord 5 Beginning with parents and extending to all members of our community, the call to make known the love of Christ and His holy Church $2 million for Religious Education — Innovation Religious education — teaching who Christ is — is an integral part of our Church’s mission. Those involved with ministry in the Church today are keenly aware of the need to effectively engage children, youth, young adults and adults in the Catholic faith. Parishes throughout the United States, including in the Archdiocese of Chicago, are now creating innovative religious education programs based on new models of child, youth, and adult learning. To Teach Who Christ Is seeks to provide a minimum of $2 million to identify, study and replicate the current best approaches to religious education. The Archdiocesan Department of Parish Life and Formation will engage a group of parish leaders with a goal of examining strong religious education and faith formation programs and then, after measuring outcomes, replicating them for broader use. Funds for innovation will support the enhancement of religious education programs in parishes, as well as professional development, staff and volunteer training, and equipment. $8 million for Academic Excellence To Teach Who Christ Is will help enhance the academic excellence of our Catholic schools through professional development grants for teachers and principals and by helping fund school reform efforts and technology upgrades. Lifelong learning is an integral element of the ethos of Catholic schools. Providing teachers with the resources they need to continually enhance their education and empowering them to improve the student experience is the goal of the Teacher Professional Development Fund. To ensure good principals and Catholic educators with the capacity for leadership become great principals, the Principal Leadership Development Fund will award grants for graduate school programs, continuing education, and leadership development opportunities at colleges and universities. Changing demographics in Chicago, along with other issues in the Church and society, have highlighted the need to reform and revitalize our Catholic schools. 6 To Teach Who Christ Is will allow the Archdiocesan Office for Catholic Schools to respond to these changes by empowering individual schools with school reform efforts. Tools critical to creating effective 21st century learning environments increase the effectiveness and competitiveness of schools and ensure teachers have the technology to implement a diverse and integral curriculum. The campaign will provide matching funds through the School Technology Fund to provide technology grants to our schools as well as resources for school system-wide services. $30 million for Critical Facility Issues More than 2,800 individual structures — sacred spaces as well as parish activity buildings, convents, rectories and schools — can be found in Cook and Lake counties. Many of these buildings have needs and issues beyond what some parishes in distressed communities are able to address given their financial circumstances. Addressing these issues in a timely manner is often critical. A full $30 million of the funds raised for To Teach Who Christ Is will be designated for urgently needed repairs in low-income parishes and to help them provide for handicapped accessible services. In addition, a facilities information management system will be created to track projects across the Archdiocese and allow for a more collaborative and economical approach to purchase construction services. An Invitation Scripture tells us that Christian stewardship goes beyond giving of our surplus. As stewards of Christ, our gifts should be made from our substance. In this spirit of Christian stewardship, we undertake this extraordinary campaign and ask for your prayerful consideration of a gift to support the parishes and ministries of our local Church. Together, we can teach who Christ is to the next generation of Catholics, and ensure our parish remains a strong and vibrant community of faith. www.toteachwhochristis.org WELCOME TO ST. LUKE • River Forest, IL 60305-1835 SCRIPTURE READINGS All St. Luke parishioners are invited to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Sister Colleen Nolan’s Profession of Vows next Sunday, May 15. Sister Colleen, who is a member of the Sinsinawa Dominican congregation, has been St. Luke’s Director of Religious Education since 2011. The celebration will start at the 9:00 Mass, followed by a reception and light breakfast in Waldron Hall. The deadline is tomorrow (Monday) for reservations for anyone who will be attending the reception. Please RSVP with the number of adults and children by calling 708-771-8250 or send an email to [email protected]. Our next parish Youth Mass is this coming Sunday, May 15, at 5:00 pm in the church. Not only are all parish teens invited, but their families, and anyone looking for a more youthful and personal experience of God at Mass on Pentecost Sunday. Mass will be followed by food for the teens and fun youth group activities, ending at 7:00 pm. Spread the word! All are invited to attend St. Luke School’s traditional May Crowning prayer service honoring the Blessed Mother this Friday, May 13, starting at 9:15 am in church. It will be hosted by our recent class of Confirmandi and our 2nd grade students in their First Communion outfits. May is traditionally a month of special devotion to Mary, especially the praying of the rosary. Everyone is cordially invited to join in this Marian devotion in church every Monday through Saturday immediately after the 8:00 am Mass. For Masses the Week of May 8 -15 Sunday: Acts 1:1-11/Ps 47:2-3, 6-9/Heb 9:24-28; 10:19-23 or Eph 1:17-23/Lk 24:46-53 Monday: Acts 19:1-8/Ps 68:2-7/Jn 16:29-33 Tuesday: Acts 20:17-27/Ps 68:10-11, 20-21/Jn 17:1-11a Wednesday: Acts 20:28-38/Ps 68:29-30, 33-36/ Jn 17:11b-19 Thursday: Acts 22:30; 23:6-11/Ps 16:1-2, 5, 7-11/ Jn 17:20-26 Friday: Acts 25:13b-21/Ps 103:1-2, 11-12, 19-20/ Jn 21:15-19 Saturday: Acts 1:15-17, 20-26/Ps 113:1-8/Jn 15:9-17 Next Sunday: Acts 2:1-11/Ps 104:1, 24, 29-31, 34/Rom 8:8-17 or 1 Cor 12:3b-7, 12-13/Jn 14:15-16, 23b-26 or Jn 20:19-23 ©Liturgical Publications Inc PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR SICK: Margaret Creedon, Bill Darley, Fred Heiss, Stephen Kehoe, Frank Kurr, John Lennon, Paul S. Novak, Kelly Petersen, Geraldine Redmond, Fr. Paul Reicher, Patti Sheehan, Tom Trankina, Mary White, Michael Gerard White, Ann Marie Wojcik AND FOR ALL OUR DECEASED. STEWARDSHIP OF TREASURE “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end.” ~Revelation 22:13 This is a reminder of how we should live our lives 24 hours a day, 7 days a week – putting God first in all that we do. Not only when I am at Mass and parish activities, but when I am in the world, at work, or at school. Living gratefully and generously is a lifestyle; it’s how I make all my decisions. Our Weekly Offerings From the weekend of May 1, 2016 Weekly Giving Goal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $15,000.00 Actual Weekly Giving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $10,131.00 2015-2016 Fiscal Year to Date (From 7/1/15) Weekly Giving Goal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $645,000.00 Actual Weekly Giving . . . . . . . . . . . . . $600,382.00 Goal to Date for Year +/(-) . . . . . . . . . $ (44,618.00) We are always very grateful for the sacrifices you make to support the mission, goals, and ministry of St. Luke Church. Thank you for your generosity! MAY 8, 2016 • Ascension of Our Lord 7 Helping people in need since 1917, Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Chicago is one of the largest private, not-for-profit social service agencies in the Midwest. Annually we assist more than 1 million people in Cook and Lake counties without regard to religious, ethnic, or economic background. How well do we use your gift? We strive to be efficient: 92 cents of every dollar we raise goes directly to our programs. Our 3,000-plus well-trained and dedicated staffers partner with 243 parishes in Cook and Lake counties to bring services into communities. Our mission is also aided by more than 15,000 volunteers. What do we do? Catholic Charities fulfills the Church’s role in the mission of charity by providing compassionate, professional services that support individuals, families, and communities. By providing food, clothing, shelter, counseling, and other services to those in need, we bring hope to the hopeless. Our clients can access a network of services from food pantries to mental health counseling, affordable housing, senior services, and everything in between. Our goal is to help each client become as selfsufficient as possible. How do we do it? Some of the ways Catholic Charities cared for the poor last year: More than a quarter of a million people received food, clothing, shelter, rent, and utility assistance at our Emergency Assistance sites in Chicago, Cicero, Des Plaines, Worth, South Holland, Waukegan, and Summit. Nearly 70,000 people were served a warm meal at our Evening Supper programs. More than 1,500 children ages six weeks to 12 years received early care and education at our seven Child Development Centers. To learn more, donate, or volunteer, look for us online at www.catholiccharities.net. 8 WELCOME TO ST. LUKE • River Forest, IL 60305-1835 As the school year winds down for all of our St. Luke families, it is important to think about your children who will be receiving sacraments in 2016-2017. The Archdiocese of Chicago requires children preparing for the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Communion to complete the 1st grade in a Catholic school or a Religious Education program to be eligible to receive these two sacraments in their 2nd grade year. Likewise, there is a two-year process for children to be confirmed in 8th grade. Seventh graders at St. Luke School or in Religious Education must complete a year of Mercy Experiences, which encourages them in their service to others. This component, in most cases, is completed in May or June of the 7th grade year. The Confirmation Spiritual Year begins in 8th grade as they prepare for the Sacrament of Confirmation. All parents are involved in this process and must attend parent meetings which help with their faith formation as they walk with their children receiving sacraments. We also welcome families, who for whatever reason, have not had their children baptized but want to begin that process. For more information, contact Sister Colleen Nolan, Director of Religious Education and Coordinator of Sacramental Preparation, at 708-771-5959 or [email protected]. The Mass Intention Book for 2017 will open on Monday, May 23, this year. To schedule Masses, please complete the Mass Intention Request Form, which is available in the racks near all the church doors. You can submit the form with payment by mail, in the collection basket, or through the mail slot in the front door of the rectory. Requests for 2017 Masses will not be taken by phone. All requests will be scheduled in the order received. Five Masses per person will be accepted initially. Remaining requests will be scheduled on a rotating basis to allow everyone an opportunity to get the dates of their choice. Please Note: Mass Intentions for weekday Masses through the end of 2016 are still available. Stop by the rectory or call 708-771-8250 to arrange a time. We had a fabulous day on April 27 at the Garfield Park Conservatory, which is one of the nation’s largest plant collections under glass. Beautiful blooms surrounded us at every turn of our very educational guided tour. Both Prime Timers groups are meeting this week. The Bridge Group will meet on Monday at noon in the Hospitality House from Noon to 2:30. The Amen Stitching Group will be meeting on Wednesday from 11:30 am to 2:15 pm. Both groups welcome new members. Please mark your calendar for our next event, which will be on June 9. We will be going to the Chicago Historical Museum in Lincoln Park. Keep watching the bulletin for further information. The middle school students of St. Luke Parish School have been reading Laudato Si’, Pope Francis’ second encyclical. This led them to inquire about ways to help Mother Earth. Some solutions were … to use metal, not plastic flatware … to say grace before and after meals … and not to use air-conditioning. And, if possible … plant some trees. Fortunately, with the help of the Village of River Forest, that is what they accomplished on Earth Day! The 8th graders picked a London planetree, which a village crew planted outside the gym entrance. The 7th grade students chose a pear tree, which was placed outside the main school doors. And the 6th graders picked a pear tree, which is situated on the parkway before the entrance to the parking lot. Check them out! The community will be able to enjoy these beauties for years to come. Good job, Bearcats! MAY 8, 2016 • Ascension of Our Lord 9 The St. Luke Athletic Committee congratulates the following winners of the 500 Club drawing: John and Patty Keefe Thank you to all who have purchased memberships in the Club, the proceeds of which go directly to fund the school’s athletic programs. Please remember the 59 immigrant detainees at the McHenry County Jail and Kenosha Detention Center who have asked for our prayers this week. They are from Congo, Cuba, Guatemala, Guinea, Honduras, Iran, Iraq, Mali, Mexico, Nicaragua, Pakistan, Poland, and Somalia. Pray that the outcomes will be positive for all of the detainees and their families. For one-time gifts or your weekly Sunday contribution, GiveCentral.org makes it fast and convenient for you to support St. Luke Parish with payments from your bank or credit card account using your computer or smartphone. Try it today! Rev. John Szmyd, Pastor jszmyd@ stlukeparish.org .................................. 435-8925 Rev. Steven Bauer, Associate Pastor sbauer@ stlukeparish.org .................................. 435-8922 Rev. Leroy Wickowski (Retired) lwickowski@ stlukeparish.org ........................... 435-8917 Rev. Mr. Jim Doyle deacondoyle@ gmail.com ....................... 262-501-1042 Rev. Mr. Paul Faherty pfaherty00@ aol.com ........................................ 771-5986 Rev. Mr. Terry Norton reneeterrynorton@ gmail.com .......................... 771-6635 Rev. Mr. Bob Slobig bobslobig@ comcast.net .................................... 771-6430 ◘ 528 Lathrop Avenue, River Forest 60305-1835 stlukeparish@ stlukeparish.org ......................... 771-8250 Sue Gamache, Office Manager sgamache@ stlukeparish.org ............................ 435-8912 Glenn Wagner, Parish Business Manager gwagner@ stlukeparish.org .............................. 435-8921 Sheila Price, Director of Stewardship & Development sprice@ stlukeparish.org.................................... 435-8927 Arlene Michna, Music Director amichna@ stlukeparish.org ............................... 435-8926 Bradley Collins, Communications Coordinator bcollins@ stlukeparish.org ................................. 435-8910 ◘ 519 Ashland Avenue, River Forest 60305-1824 jschwarzbeck@ stlukeparish.org ...................... 366-8587 Maryanne Polega, Interim Principal mpolega@ stlukeparish.org .............................. 366-8587 ◘ 519 Ashland Avenue, River Forest 60305-1824 religiouseducation@ stlukeparish.org ............. 771-5959 Sr. Colleen Nolan, O.P., Director cnolan@ stlukeparish.org................................... 771-5959 www.sarahsinn.org Mass Schedule Saturday Vigil (anticipated) Mass 5:00 pm, and Sunday 7:30, 9:00, and 10:30 am, and 12:00 noon Weekdays: Monday-Friday, 6:30 & 8:00 am, Saturday 8:00 am Confessions The Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation is offered after 6:30 and 8:00 am weekday Masses and by request. Adoration and Benediction Prayer before the Blessed Sacrament occurs every first Saturday after the 8:00 am Mass and rosary. Rectory Office Hours Monday through Friday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Saturday 9:30 am to 4:30 pm Interested in Learning More About the Catholic Faith? Anyone wishing to complete their sacraments or learn more about the Catholic faith may inquire about our adult faith formation program (RCIA) by calling the rectory for more information. 10 WELCOME TO ST. LUKE • River Forest, IL 60305-1835 ◘ 533 Ashland Avenue, River Forest Sr. Mary Ann Mueninghoff, OP ............................... 771-5280 New Parishioners Are always welcome to stop by the rectory to introduce themselves and provide their registration information. Communion Visits and Ministry of Care A parish priest or Minister of Care will be happy to visit those who are sick or homebound. Please call the rectory to make arrangements. Baptism Baptisms take place on the first and third Sundays of each month. Preparation meetings are held on the first Monday of every month for the parents of children who will be baptized. Arrangements can be made by calling the rectory. Marriage Couples wishing to be married should call the rectory to set up an appointment with one of the parish priests at least six months in advance of the desired wedding date. Anointing of the Sick Elderly parishioners, those in poor health or who are anticipating surgery can call the rectory to arrange to receive the sacrament of anointing. VISITING ANGELS 708.524.2660 6109-11 W. North Avenue Oak Park, IL 60302 www.visitingangels.com 708-395-7992 Owned & Operated by Jeff & Greg Hajduk AMERICAN COURIER SERVICE Established 1976 One-Hour Emergency Service JOHN MCDONALD, PRESIDENT 708-456-5800 www.americancourierservice.com L. MARSHALL 847-724-5400 Attorney at Law Established in 1911 Non-Medical In-Home Care for Seniors and Disabled Adults. ROOFING & SHEET METAL INC. (Commercial and Residential) 2100 Lehigh Ave., Glenview, IL Robert J. Slobig Barnard’s Schwinn NOTRE DAME FAMILY CENTER REV. JAMES N. WATZKE, PH.D. Depression - Anxiety - Stress - Diag. Eval. Family, Marital, Individual Therapy Separation - Divorce - Substance Abuse ADHD/Psycholog. Assessmt. - Medicare Se Habla Español Since 1955 • Total Tree Care Service • Call for a free estimate 708-771-8500 email: [email protected] HIGH SCHOOL KNOWLEDGE STRENGTH FAITH 7574 West Division, River Forest www.trinityhs.org • 708.771.8383 33 N. Dearborn St., Ste. 1710 • Chicago, IL 60602 ELM FLOOR INC. McNULTY PLASTERING AND STUCCO HARDWOOD FLOOR MAINTENANCE & INSTALLATION 312-372-9282 • Fax 312-372-7914 Email: [email protected] Family Owned and Operated for over 50 Years 708/386-2951 708-456-0371 www.mcnultyplaster.com Experience the Northwoods Summer water sports, Fall Colors, Winter snowmobiling 3 bedroom modern cabin for rent on Lake Minocqua, WI Contact Bill Piper, Parishioner 708-771-3229 www.lmarshallroofing.com 1 S 376 Summit, Oak Bk. Ter. • (630) 691-1114 Established 1890 The Brown Cow P. M. WALSH & CO. Ice Cream Parlor Realtors Tagger O’Brien, Parish Member 7636 W. North Ave. (708) 456-6400 Serving delicious ice cream* Homemade root beer* Sundaes* Open Daily from 11am–11pm 708 366-7970 708-366-2810 [email protected] 7347 Madison St. Forest Park Party Room - Open Bowl - Bumpers Old Fashion Charm Torshen, Slobig, Genden, Dragutinovich & Axel, Ltd. • Beautifully Appointed Guest Rooms & Suites • Meeting/Banquet Facilities • Group Discounts (708) 848-5000 1110 Pleasant St. • Oak Park, IL 60302 Circle Bowling Lanes 7244 Circle Ave Forest Park 708-344-5000 Commerical/Residential Waste Collection & Recycling Service BLACKTOP PAVING SEAL COATING Since 1946 • Driveways • Parking Lots McCarthy Brothers Co. (708) 344-1300 mccarthypaving.com Our Planet Automotive Where your green goes a long way. 708-383-0053 www.ourplanetauto.com 727 N. Harlem Avenue | Oak Park, Il Ask about our referral program! Contact Jeff Hansen to place an ad today! 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Weekly Meal Service & Catering 708-743-9114 In Loving Memory of the Williams, Karasis, & Kurr Families Email: Angie Montroy [email protected] Blog Address: www.angiespantry.com See you in Heaven Patrick Jacknow BEARCAT ALUMNI & ST LUKE PARISHIONER (708) 705-3375 7342 Madison Street • Forest Park Lawn Sprinklers Funeral Home • ENGINEERING • INSTALLATION • SERVICE Family Owned and Operated Charles M. Williams, Parishioner/Owner 203 South Marion Street - Oak Park 60302 • 708-383-3191 For Service Call: 708-366-5580 ROBERT E LEE & SONS CO. $$ Concrete • Excavation Demolition $$ 708-544-4148 LYNCH DENTAL CENTER John P. Lynch, D.D.S. Frances E. Lynch, D.D.S. Sheila E. Lynch, D.D.S. Karen V. Darley, D.D.S. 340 Lathrop Avenue 30 N. Michigan St River Forest, Illinois 60305 Suite 225 708 366 6411 Chicago, Illinois 60602 We Welcome New Patients 312 263 3235 Antonette Consalvi CLU ChFC , Agent ® ® Providing Insurance and Financial Services. Dr. Rebecca Anderson Protect Your Family. Prepare for Their Future. (708) 771-3663 201 Des Plaines Avenue Forest Park 610 S. Maple Ave. Suite 5300 708-660-2350 7417 W North Avenue, River Forest 708 488 0410 www.oldschooltag.com [email protected] ED THE PLUMBER ED THE CARPENTER Best Work • Best Rate Satisfaction Guaranteed As We Do All Our Own Work $$ Parishioner Discount $$ (708) 652-1444 www.soundcarehearing.com WOODLAWN FUNERAL HOME $50 Service Coupon 7750 West Cermak Road - Forest Park - 708-442-8500 -Serving all Cemeteries - On-Site Crematory - Memorial DVD’s and Internet Memorials- “It is our privilege and honor to serve Saint Luke Parish” 708-343-5472 • callriley.com Weddings • Anniversary Holiday Parties Luncheons • Fashion Shows Peter B. Kennedy - Funeral Director & Parishioner www.woodlawnchicago.com Yum Thai Restaurant T h e B e s t T h a i F o o d i n F o re s t P a rk 'LQHLQB&DUU\2XWB'HOLYHU\ Hours: Tues-Sat 8-5p lawn care RU 'LVFRXQW ZLWKDG %<2%_0DGLVRQ6WB)RUHVW3DUN MARK KELTY 338 Lathrop Av., River Forest, IL 60305 Ph: (708) 771-4880 Fax: (708) 771-4888 • Dog & Cat Grooming • Boarding • Day Care • Dog Walking • In Home Care • Taxi Services 7370 West Grand Avenue Elmwood Park, IL 60707 708-366-0430 www.petemporiumcare.com 7638 Madison St. Forest Park 708/453-3989 www.ElmcrestBanquets.com 7777 W. Lake St. Invest in memories - You can’t lose 7375 West North Avenue River Forest, Illinois 60305 708-771-5500 www.acorntrvl.com www.gagliardorealty.com (708) 771-8040 Contact Jeff Hansen to place an ad today! [email protected] or (800) 950-9952 x2683 Serving your community since 1958. Tom Poulos Broker/Owner Andy Gagliardo Broker/Owner www.kofc.org PETERSON-BASSI CHAPELS FAMILY OWNED AND OPERATED Serving St. Luke Families for 3 Generations 708-848-6661 • 773-637-4441 Residents of River Forest Wedding Specialists 841 S. Oak Park Ave, Oak Park, IL 60304 Serving Breakfast & Lunch Daily 7am- 4pm 1 (708) 386-0072 www.petersonfuneralhome.com 7525 W Madison St. • Forest Park • 708 689-8607 www.Weddingsbywestgate.com 24 Hour Towing For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 • www.4lpi.com St. Luke, River Forest, IL. Forest Park A 4C 01-0339