Warts: Clinical tl,pe and treaffnent
Warts: Clinical tl,pe and treaffnent
CPD Warts: Clinical tl,pe and treaffnent ./aclk ll'K, Ml) Head of the Deparlrnent, Department of Dermakrkrg', Universiryof Pretoria, Pretoria Academic Hospiurl (-rtL-t'.sJx.urletxr;(012) 354 2000 Make a clinical diagnosisof warts o Understand the nature and causesof wartsat different sites. . The principles and methods of fighting the papillomatousbatde. o INTRODUCTION Warts(vemrcae)arecausedbyinfection with human papillomaviruses (HPV). Human papillomaviruses are widespread in nature and a great part ofthe population has warts at one time or another. Warts are benign, often spontaneously resolving, epidermal proliferations. The clinical lesionsresulting from HPV infection can be divided into two broad categories, cutaneous and extracutaneous. The cutaneouslesions include common warts (verruca vulgaris), filiform warts, plane warts (verruca juvenilis), plantar warts (myrmecia and mosaic warts), epidermodyplasia vemrciformis and anogenitalwarts. All the cutaneouswarts listed above and of the extracutaneous ones, oral common warts and focal epithelial hyperplasiawill be discussedin this article. There are many types of HPV. Identification ofthe strain, not routinely performed in daily clinical practice, is important as, while most strains are benign, certain may initiate malignant changes. Different types of warts are associatedwith certain HPV strains. Common W'ans (most often IIPV-2 and I{PV-4) They are rough, keratotic papules that may appear singly or grouped on any . Mairk'n kliniese diagnosevan vratte. . Verstaandie aard en oorsake van watte op verskillende plekke. . Die beginselsen metodes om die papillomateuse aanslaghok te slaan. SA Fan Pract 200,7;45(7):36-39 cutaneous site. They are most often located on the dorsal aspects of the handsand fingers. (Fig. 1), (Fig.2) Periungual common warts (Fig. 3) are often painful, may involve the nail bed and causea nail dystrophy. Figure 1: A single common wart after ear piercing Filiform wats These warts are slender with filiform projections and are mainly located on the neck and on the eyelids. Plane watts Planewarts fiuvenile) (most often HPV3 and HPV-10) (Fig. 4) are generally multiple, slightly elevated, smooth papules occurring most often on the face,hands,neck and legs ofchildren. They may group and a linear arrangement implying a role of trauma (Koebner phenomenon)is common. Figure 4: Plane warts f I Figure3: Periungualcommonwarts Plantat watts There are two main types of plantar warts. Deep and painful, usually single warts (HPV-l) are called myrmecia (ant-hill) due to their dome-shaped appearance. (Fig.s) SA Fam Pract 2003;45(7) {.'t'r " i Figure 5: Deep plantar wart disorder characterizedby persistent refractoryHPV infection manifestingas widely disseminate, flat, wart-like lesions and erythematous,hyperpigmented or hypopigmentedmacules. (Fig.7) Figure 7: Epidermodysplasiaverruciformis cally soft, fragile, pink to flesh-coloured lesions found on moist areaslike the glanspenis,inner surfaceofthe prepuce, urethral meatus, anal mucosa,perianal region and labia. (Fig. 8) Theselesions canbecomelarge,grosslyexophyticand cauliflower-like. Figure 8: Condylomata acuminata More superficial (HPV-2 and HPV-4) numerous plantar warts are usually nonpainful.They oftencoalesceinto large plaques. (Fig. 6) Plantar warts most points oftenoccurbeneaththepressure suchas the heel or metatarsalheads. Figure 6: Multiple mosaic plantar warts Approximately one third of lighfskinned individuals w ith epidermodysplasia verruciformis develop non-melanoma skin cancerson sun-exposedareas.This malignanttransformationis much less common in African patientsthough the sameHPV strainswith high oncogenic potential have been detected in their lesions.' Epidermodysplasia verruciformis is a multifactorial diseasein which viral, genetic,immunologicaland environmental factors play a role. The diagnosis of common and plane warts is easy - most patients make the correctdiagnosisthemselvesbut plantar warts are often mistaken for corns. Paring down aplantar callus will reveal Anogenital warts the characteristicspeckled appearance Anogenital warts can be divided into h y p e r p l a s t i cl e s i o n s ( c o n d y l o m a t a of the plantar wart. acuminata), sessile papules and Epi d erm odyspl asi a vetr u ciformi s commonwart - like lesions. HPV-9) (most orten IIPV-3,IIPV-\ Condylomataacuminata (HPV-6, This is a rare, lifelong, cutaneous H P V - 1 1 ,H P V - 1 6 ,H P V - 1 8 ) a r e t y p i - The sessilepapules (HPV-2, HPV-4) and common warts are seen on the penile shaft. Common warts similar to their cutaneous counterparts, though less keratotic, can occur in the oral cavity. (Fig. e) Figure 9: Common warts inside the mouth Abbott launches the Reductil 1O2O3O weight loss program I I Ahhot'.ee-onilv lourchedts Reductill 0-20-30weioh' heloino Metobolic consumers understcnd Svndrome, ond "Consumers lossorooromme. needto be modeowore to !ivJ themthetoolsto tokeweighioff ond keepii off. i h o r ' b e i " nogv e r w e i g hcio n ' e s Lt r r h e i rd e v e l o p i n g R e c e ' sr t u d i ehso u es h o w nt h o 'o 5 - l O %w e i q h to s si s - n medicolconditionihotcould sufficieni MetnholirSvnd.o.ne Typelltiobetes, lo reducetheriskof developing hvpercholestero oemioond cordiovosculor r e s u litn d i o b e t e sc, o r d i o v o s c u ldoirs e o s eo, n d e v e n hvpertension. i.-t" concer" sovsBernice Grusd.oroduct monooer ot Abbon. d i s e o s eT. h e p r o g r o n n ei s d e s i g n e d' o e n c o L , o g e "Losing weightmoybe the mostrewordingiochievemento v e r w e i g hp'o t , e ^ 'tso s e e' h e i rd o c t o ' so, . d i n c l r d e s - butstudiesho"veshownthot prescription rnedicot.on c^d o iifestyle chonge for-on"ou"r.,ireioht'oerson {Reductil) mostweightlois p,ogrorres do nol providelongterm progromme. - weightloss.Thisyoyoingof weightoflenleoveso person 20 30 Formoreinformotton Monoger, d e o r e s s eodn d d e m o t i v o t e dT" .h e R e d u c t i l l 0 collBerniceGrusd,Product 6 progromme, R e d u c tot ln, ( 0 1 l ) B 5 B 2 0 0 0 . lounched on Rodio702 in)uly,is oimedot o SA Farn Pract 2003:45(7) First Option Second Option Third Option Fourth Option Common warts Leave untreated. Many resolve Keratolytics Cryotherapy Curettage Periungualcommon warts Combinationcryotherapy followed by Imiquimod cream under occlusion Imiquimod cream under occlusion Repeatedsuperficial cryotherapy Solitary common wart on the face Leave unkeated. Often resolves Curettage Cryotherapy Planewarts Leave untreated Topical retinoic acid Cryotherapy Genital warts Imiouimod cream Podophyllin Podophyllotoxin Cryotherapy Plantar wart Mosaic Keratolytics Formaldehyde soaks Cryotherapy Plantarwarts Deep Keratolytics Cryotherapy Curettage Curettage Treatmentshould causeminimal oain and inconvenience. Cryotherapy Freezingwith liquid nitrogenapparently does not kill human papillomaviruses. Several factors influence the It destroysthe tissuein which the virus rcsponse of warts to tteatment lives and possiblyenhancesthe host's L Warts in children respond more immune response. readily than in adults. Cryotherapyis effective for warts on 2. Deep plantar warts (myrmecia) are the face,hands,annsandlegs. Thewart easierto treatthanmosaicwarts. and a small rim of apparentlynormal 3 . S i n g l e w a r t s a n d t h o s e o f s h o r t tissuehaveto be frozen.The freezetime durationdisappearmore readily than rangesform 10to 30 seconds.Repeated multiple and long lastingones. TREATMENT liquid nitrogen treatmentsare usually 4. Treatmentsaregenerallynot entirely needed,since one freezeseldom leads The nature of warts is unpredictable. successfulin immunocompromised to resolutionof the wart. The interval T h e y o f t e n f a i l t o d i s a p p e a rw i t h p a t i e n t s , t h o s e o n l o n g t e r m betweenfreezingsshouldnot be longer treatment or they recur after apparent i m m u n o s u p p r e s s i oonr.g a n l r a n s - than 3 weeks,in anogenitalwarts even cure. Somewarts resolvespontaneously plant recipients and HlV-infected shorter as they proliferaterapidly. andthusthe evaluationof treatmentmay patients. Repeatedfreezing avoids the need to be difficult. Thereis no way to prevent freezedeeplythusminimisingscarring. warts and both patientsand physicians It is very important to make patients Combining liquid nitrogentherapywith often becomefrustratedby an apparent understandthat warts are unpredictable (salicylic acid/ lactic local keratolytics and that they should have a realistic endlessappearance ofnew warts. a c i d ) o n d a y s between freezing S y s t e m i c m e d i c a t i o n s a r e n o t v i e w o f t h e s p e e do f c u r e . T w e l v e increases the cure rate. s u c c e s s f u la n d l o c a l l y d e s t r u c t i v e weeks,not shorter,is a realisticperiod Cryotherapy is effective in plantar of time in which to expect warts to methodsare the mainstayof therapy. warts. Paring of the keratotic surface disappearwith treatment. The aim is to destroythe wart and to Sometimesa wart persists,regardless before freeztng and a freeze-thawspare the normal skin. Treatment shouldn'tcausedistressto the patient. how much it is treated. A biopsy may secondfreeze cycle is more effective than a single freeze. T h i s e x c l u d e s r a d i o t h e r a p y a n d be neededto confirm the diagnosisofa w a r t ( s q u a m o u sc e l l c a r c i n o m am a y Liquid nitrogentherapyofthe lesions systemic immunotherapy. Local on the feet can, however,produceproimmunotherapywith Imiquimod cream look like a wart). blems,painful blistersand evenperrnawill be discussedlater. Treatment options: nent, painful scars. Similar efficacy is Scarring should be avoided, thus 'I'ablc I s u m m a r i s e st h e t r e a t m e n t achievedwith the sprayandcottonwool there is no place for excisions and overenthusiasticelectrodessication. optionsof differenttypes of warts. methodwhen treatinscommonwarts. Focal epithehal hlperplasia (IIeck's disease) (HPV-13, PV32) Focal epithelialhyperplasiaaffectsthe oral mucosa.It occursin cerlainethnic groups (also in Cape Colouredsz)and thereforea geneticcofactoris probable. Most often labial and buccal mucusae are affectedwith multiple pinpoint to peasizedsoft ovoid papules. SA l';un Plact 2003;4.5(7) i i . t't t3 Curettage Curettage should only be used when other methods fail. It is painful and thereis a risk ofscarring. Curettageis effectively usedfor solitary facial warts in adults. every evening. The warts should be paredevery few days. Treatmentshould be stoppedif the warts becomepainful. Originally imiquimod was indicatedfor the treatment of external genital and perianalwarts. Subsequently it hasalso been found effective in other types of warts including plantar and periungual and also warts in immunocomoromised patients.5 A limiting factor in the treatmentwith imiquimod is its high cost. However,its non-invasiveactionand the freedom from pain and scarring experiencedwith other therapiesmay balancethe high cost.Thereis no effective treatmentfor the multitude of warts itt epidermodysplasiaverruciformis. Strict sun protection may reduce the number of developing tumours and the malignantgrowthsshouldbe timeously removed.0 Podophyllin Podophyllincompoundpaint (15-20%) is commonly used for friable genital warts. Podophyllin is very toxic and Keratolytics Keratolytic agents act by increasing should be applied by trained staff and sheddingof the infectedkeratinocytes. not by the patient. Apply small amounts with a cotton In SouthAfrica DUOFILM preparation containing salicylic actd 16.7%oand wool bud. Dust with talcum powder immediately after application. The lactic acid 15.03%in colodion baseis p atient is advisedto wash off the most often used. The crucial thing is for the patient to solution 2-3 hours after application. understandthe principles of treatment. Later, on subsequentvisits, leave the The agent is applied most conve- solution for an increasinglength of time niently at bedtime. If the wart surface - up to 8 hours. Apply at weekly or is coveredwith hard keratotictissueor fortnightly intervals. Applicationof podophyllinis contradeaddebris,removeit using a pumice metal Later indicated in childrenand in pregnancy. Pleaserefer to the CPD stoneor the tip of a nail file. Podophyllotoxin(Wartec),availableas Questionnaire on page 71 apply a few drops of the solution using products a solution,is lesstoxic andmay be used the applicator.Colodion-based Refetences: at home. It should be applied twice dry on the wart and do not require l. Jacyk WK, de Villiers EM. Epidermodysplasia verruciformis in Africans. Int J dressings.Continuethe sameprocedure daily for 3 days and the application can D e r m a t o l I 9 9 3 ; 3 2 : 8 0 6 - 18 0 . be repeatedfor residuallesionsafter one on the following days. Do not treat if 2. Van Wyk, CW. Focal epithelialhyperplasia the wart is painful - stop the treatment week. of the mouth recently discovered in South Africa. Brit J Dermatol 197'7;96:381-388. for one or two days. 3. Sparling JD, CheckettsSR, ChapmanMS. Imiquimod Imiquimod for plantar and periungual warts. Imiquimod (5o/o Aldara cream) is a Cutis 2002; 68:391-399. Formaldehyde soaks 4. Grussendorf-Conen EI, JacobsS, RubbenA. When there are multiple plantar warts topical immune responsemodifier. It et al.Topical 5% Imiquimod long-term (mosaic),applicationof keratolyticsis hasno directantiviralellect. lt induces t r e a t m e n to f c u t a n e o u sw a r t s r e s i s t a n t o standard therapy modalities. Dermatologt not practical. Diluted formaldehyde the releaseof cytokines,principally 2002:205:139-145. nucrosis 5. Cutler K. Kagen MH, Don PC et al. Treatbut alsotr-rmour soaks (2-15%) are useful. The sur- Interleron-alfa, ment of facial verrucae with topical rounding normal skin must be protected factor-alfa and several interleukins. Imiquimod cream in a patient with Human Thus, its from antiviral action stems enby applying vaseline. The soaks are Immunodeficiency virus. Acta Dermatol applied to the skin for 10-15 minutes hancementof cell-mediatedimmunity. Venereol2000;80:I 34- I 35. P BITfTTNTREY K i n d l yj o i n o u r g u e s ts p e a k e r- a l l t h e w a y f r o m t h e Netherlands- Henk van der Eng (Psychotherapist, Acupuncturist, Physiotherapist with 30 years of therapeuticexperience)for workshopson Bio-Energy Diagnostics and Therapy. o o o o (-! He will demonstrate the measuringof bio-energylevels in the body to detectorgan-related energydeficiencies, disharmonies or blockages,as well as threetreatment - with the modules- sound,lightand electro-magnetic o b j e c t i v eo f e n e r g i s i ncge l l u l a rm e t a b o l i s mi n o r d e rt o healand preventillness.Therapychecksare done after treatmentto measure effectiveness. \trERKSHEPS lohannesburg CapeTown Durban Monday13. October 0 9 h 0 0- 12 h 0 0 1t h 0 0 - 2 1h 0 0 Tuesday14. October 1t h 0 0 - 2 1h 0 0A N D Wednesday 15. October 09h00- 12h00 Thursday 16.October 0 9 h 0 0- 12 h 0 0 1t h 0 0 - 2 1h 0 0 Attendance Fee:R ?0tl,t)0 lnformation and Bookings: CONSA.MEDMARKETING Tel. (011)478-0955or 476-4572 . . . - a : a a aa : SA Fam Pract2003;4o(7)