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PPP OPPORTUNITIES OF WATER SUPPLY PROJECTS IN INDONESIA Presented by: Tamin M. Zakaria Amin Chairman of BPPSPAM National Supporting Agency for Water Supply System Development Ministry of Public Works and Housing Republic of Indonesia Singapore, October 2015 OUTLINE Preface Water Supply Services In Indonesia National Access to Safe Water 6 Basic Principles for Water Resource Management Restriction • Water Supply Investment Plan Through PPP Scheme: • • • • • • • • On Going Projects Tender Process Ready to Offer Potential 2 INDONESIA AT A GLANCE According to World Bank (2010), the annual growth rate of Indonesia is 1,21%. In 2019, the population of Indonesia is estimated to be 268.074.600. Assuming each household consists of 4 people (BPS, 2013). Government of Indonesia is expected to provide 100% access to safe water by the end of 2019. 3 WATER SUPPLY SERVICES IN INDONESIA Served by Local Water Supply Companies called Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum (PDAM) (safe access, piped) There are total 387 PDAMs in Indonesia and 39 operators are from private sectors. Existing house connection provided by PDAM is about 11 million HC in 2015. 67.78% is served by safe water access (2013) Average NRW level is 32,79% 74% of the PDAMs operate below production cost (non FCR tariff) PERFORMANCE OF PDAM 2012 - 2015 HEALTHY SEHAT LESS HEALTHY KURANG SEHAT 104 101 52% 70 56 31% 50% 30% 20% 17% 2012 (328 PDAM) 196 182 176 171 SICK SAKIT 2013 (350 PDAM) 103 96 74 51% 29% 20% 2014 (359 PDAM) 78 53% 26% 21% 2015 (369 (370 PDAM) Sources: BPPSPAM, 2015 4 NATIONAL ACCESS TO SAFE WATER As stipulated in National Medium Term Dev. Plan 2015-2019, safe access to drinking water in 2019 is targeted to be 100% (60 % by pipeline, 40 % by non pipeline ) 100 Water Supply coverage (%) 100 92.6 80 60 70.3 47.9 40 20 29.7 22.4 73.7 78.8 59.7 7% 13% Raw Water Budget PPP 8% Tidak Aman Unsafe access 4% 41.4 25.3 Safe access to Aman 26 0 2015 6% 6% Safe -access, Aman Bukan non piped Perpipaan 48.4 0 2014 Aman Perpipaan Safe -access, piped 85.1 National Budget 2016 2017 2018 drinking water 47% 7% Bank Loan CSR Local Budget 2019 Sources: Directorate General of Human Settlements, Ministry of Public Works and Housing, 2015 5 FUNDING NEEDED TO REACH NATIONAL TARGET Total Funding Required (2015 – 2019) = IDR 253 Trillion IDR 48.07 Trillion Other Source of Funding IDR 204.93 Trillion National Budget Sources: Directorate General of Human Settlements, Ministry of Public Works and Housing, 2015 6 6 BASIC PRINCIPLES FOR WATER RESOURCE MANAGEMENT RESTRICTION 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Water resource provision could not disrupt human right to get water resource access; Human right for water resource should be fulfilled by government; Environmental Sustainability; Government has responsibility to monitor and control water resource; Main priority of water resource provision is delegated to SOE/ROE; and Government has a possibility to give license for business entity to conduct water resource provision based on tight requirement. *AS STATED IN CONSTITUTIONAL COURT DECISION No. 85/PUU-XI/2013 SUBJECT ON PPP Contracting Agency • Minister/ Head of Institution/ Head of Region or any other party that has been delegated to act on behalf of the Ministry/Institution/Region • Board of Director of SOE / ROE could act as CA in accordance with the existing law and regulation Private Sector • State Owned Enterprise (SOE), • Regional Owned Enterprise (ROE), • Business entity in the form of Indonesian Limited Liability Company (PT) • Foreign business entity • Cooperatives • Project bundling is allowed, in which the Minister/ Head of Institution/ Head of Region will act together as the CA by signing a MoU and agreed on who will act as the CA Coordinator. Based on Presidential Regulation No.38 /2015 on PPP Slide - 8 GOVERNMENT SUPPORT • Land Acquisition • Viability Gap Fund (VGF) • Guarantee • Raw Water Facilities PPP STRUCTURE FOR INDONESIAN WATER SUPPLY PROJECT Board of Director of SOE / ROE Sponsors/ Investors Government Contracting Agency Recourse Agreement Cooperation Agreement IIGF (Govt.Guarantee) Equity Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) Guarantee Agreement Debt Banks Service Contract O&M Co, EPC Co, Third parties Tariff End User/Customer 10 PPP PROJECT CYCLE Project Preparation Transaction Process and Management Identification Tender document Bidding process PPP business case Pre Qualification Winning Bidder Shortlisted Contract Bidder invitation & Tender Doc Financial Close & Contract implementation Aanwizjing & One on One Meeting End of Contract Pre FS Tender document process and bidding team PPP nodes 11 WATER SUPPLY INVESTMENT PLAN THROUGH PPP SCHEME N o Amount of Project Location Capacity (l/s) Population served (persons) Total Investment (Billion Rupiah) 1 ON GOING PROJECT 2.600 1.040.000 895 2 4 TENDER PROCESS 2 READY TO OFFER 2 4.500 1.510.000 2.830 2.300 920.000 1.649,5 12.648 5.160.000 7.401,3 8.630.000 12.775,8 3 4 POTENTIAL 5 TOTAL 13 22.048 12 ON GOING PPP PROJECT TANGERANG REGENCY PT AETRA AIR TANGERANG Technical and Investment Data 1. Capacity 2. Investment Investment today PPP Cooperation Between Local Government of Tangerang Regency and PT. Aetra Air Tangerang Contract Signing: 4 August 2008 Rp 503 Billion Rp 589 Billion 3. Operational 2010 4. Concession period 25 years 5. Domestic Water Tariff (2007) Rp 3.400,- 6. Non Domestic water tariff (2007) Rp 10.000,- 7. Tariff escalation (20082009) 7,20% Service Area Scope of Works • Construction of WTP 900 l/s • Construction of transmission networks • Construction of reservoir • Distribution networks for 70.000 HC • Pipe networks ± 180 km 900 l/s Pasar Kemis, Sepatan, Cikupa, Balaraja, Jayanti, Total of Domestic Customers 60.000 HC and Industries 278 HC NRW Level 4% 13 BEKASI REGENCY PT MOYA BEKASI JAYA ON GOING PPP PROJECT B to B Cooperation Agreement between PDAM Bekasi Regency with PT. Moya Bekasi Jaya Contract signing: 18 August 2011 Technical and Investment Data Capacity : 1.000 l/s Total Investment : Rp 187 Billion Cooperation Period : 25 Years : Rp. 2.150 Initial tariff Scope of Works • Stage 1 : Uprating: 2x 20 l/s uprated to be 1x120 l/s 2x20 l/s uprated to be 1x120 l/s Ultrafiltration (UF) 200 l/s • Stage II WTP construction of 500 l/s • Stage III Rehabilitation and Operating existing WTP: WTP 2X 60 l/s WTP 1x 200 l/s Service Area Cikarang Utara sub-district, Cikarang Selatan sub district and Lemah Abang sub district Progress of the Project Stage I of WTP Uprating has been constructed and ultrafiltration unit of 200 l/s has been commercially operated with tariff Rp 2.150,- 14 GRESIK REGENCY PT. DEWATA BANGUN TIRTA ON GOING PPP PROJECT PPP Cooperation Agreement between PDAM Gresik Regency and PT. Dewata Bangun Tirta Contract Signing : 25 May 2012 Scope of Works Intake construction 200 l/s WTP Construction 200 l/s Resevoir 1.000 m³ Transmission pipeline with diameter of 500mm – 5500 m and Booster pump 700 l/s Technical and Investment Data Capacity : 200 l/s Total Investment : Rp 47,5 Billion Cooperation period : 25 years Tariff escalation : 7% annually Bulk water price year 1 : Bulk water price year 2 : Rp. 2.400 Rp. 2.568 Progress of the Project Physical construction has been 100% finished and has been commercially operated in 2014 with tariff Rp 2400,-/m³ 15 ON GOING PPP PROJECT BANJAR REGENCY AND BANJARBARU MUNICIPALITY (PDAM INTAN BANJAR) PT. DRUPADI AGUNG LESTARI B to B Cooperation Agreement between Technical and Investment Data PDAM Intan Banjar with PT. Drupadi Agung Lestari Contract Signing : 4 October 2012 • Scope of Works WTP Construction 2 x 250 l/s • Reservoir 4.000 m³ and Distribution pump chamber • Supplementary building Service Area Landasan Ulin, Liang Anggang, Gambut, Kertak Hanyar, Tatah Makmur, Aluh-aluh, Beruntung Baru, Sungai Tabuk Capacity : 500 l/s Total Investment : Rp 71,501 billion Cooperation period : 25 Years Bulk water price Rp. 2.098,- Progress of the Project • WTP Construction of 2 x 250 l/s, supplementary building • WTP has been commercially operated for 150 l/s • Tariff: Rp 2.098,- /m3 16 PPP PROJECTS IN TENDER PROCESS No Project 1 PPP Project – Umbulan East Java PPP Project – Bandar Lampung 2 TOTAL Capacity (l/s) House Connection Population served (persons) Total Investment (Billion Rupiah) 4.000 320.000 1.300.000 2.112 500 42.000 210.000 718 4.500 362.000 1.510.000 2.830 17 UMBULAN WATER SUPPLY PROJECT EAST JAVA Tender Process Project Location Kab. Pasuruan, Kota Pasuruan, Kab. Sidoarjo, Kota Surabaya, Kab. Gresik PPP Cooperation SPAM Umbulan 4000 L/s - GCA : Governor of East Java - Offtaker: 1. PDAB Jawa Timur: 100 L/s 2. PDAM Kab. Pasuruan: 420 L/s 3. PDAM Kota Pasuruan: 110 L/s 4. PDAM Kab. Sidoarjo: 1370 L/s 5. PDAM Kota Surabaya: 1000 L/s 6. PDAM Kab. Gresik: 1000 L/s Technical and Investment Data PPP Scheme: BOT (Built Operate Transfer) Capacity: 4.000 liter/detik Investment Estimate: Rp Utilization: 1,3 million population or 320.000 HC Scope of Works: Construction of Intake 4.000 l/s Procurement and raw water transmission installation ND 10001800mm for 97 km Construction of 2 Pump houses 4000 L/s with its supplementary equipment Offtake system : 16 offtake units and reservoir in 5 Cities/Regencies 5 Shortlisted Bidders: 1. Consortium of Marubeni Corp., Nippon Koei Co. Ltd., PT Perkom Indah Murni 2. Consortium of China Harbour ENG. Co. Ltd., Sound Global Ltd., & PT Manggala Purnama Sakti 3. Consortium of Kukdong Eng. & Const. Co. Ltd., PT Brantas Abipraya, PT Grundfos Pompa, PT Pralon 4. Consortium of PT Amerta Bumi Capital, PT Bakrieland Development Tbk., Beijing Enterprise Water Group 5. Consortium of PT Medco – PT Bangun 18 Cipta Kontraktor UMBULAN WATER SUPPLY PROJECT EAST JAVA Schedule of Tender Process Tender Stages Date (A) Publication of Final Request of Proposal (RFP) 30 September 2015 (B) Deadline of Proposal submission 13 November 2015 (C) Confirmation of Bidder Winner 31 December 2015 (D) Signing of Contract Agreement February 2016 (E) Financial Close December 2016 (F) Construction Period (G) Commercial Operation (H) Concession Period December 2016 – December 2018 December 2018 25 years commenced from commercial operation 19 BANDAR LAMPUNG WATER SUPPLY PROJECT Tender Process Technical and Investment Data PPP Cooperation SPAM Bandar Lampung 500 l/s - GCA : Mayor of Bandar Lampung Short Listed Bidders: 1. Abeima and PT Wijaya Karya Persero Tbk 2. Acuatico and Mitsubishi Corporation 3. Hyundai Engineering and Construction, Itochu Corporation and PT Potum Mundi Infranusantara 4. Manila Water and Great Giant Pineapple Project Status: • Announcement of shortlisted bidders: 31 May 2012 • Submission of Guarantee Application Document (GAP): 16 Agustus 2012 • VGF Approval by Ministry of Finance has been issued on 7 May 2015 • One on one meeting conducted on 1 September 2015 • Final RFP issued on 15 September 2015 PPP Modality: BOT + (Built Operate Transfer +) Capacity: 500 l/s -Investment Estimate: Rp 718 Billion - Cooperation Period : 25 years - Bulk water tariff : Rp 3.000 (2015) Utilization : 42.000 HC Scope of Works: • Construction of intake 500 L/s • Procurement and Installation of raw water transmission pipe ND 800 mm for 27 km • Construction of 2 WTPs @ 250 L/s with its supplementary equipment 20 BANDAR LAMPUNG WATER SUPPLY PROJECT Schedule of Tender Process Tender Stages (A) Publication of Final RFP (B) Aanwijzing (C) Preliminary Process : Room Data Opening Date 15 September 2015 15 October 2015 15 September 2015 – 31 October 2015 (D) Last date to submit the date to form initial consortium 23 November 2015 (E) Closing of proposal document 22 December 2015 (F) 23 December 2015 Opening of Proposal documents (Envelope I) and commencement of preliminary study of Envelope I as stipulated on article 3.16 and 7.3 (G) Opening of Proposal Documents (Envelope II) and commencement of proposal document evaluation (technical and financial evaluation) 1 February 2016 (H) Announcement of Preferred Bidders 12 February 2016 21 TENDER PROCESS UPDATE STATUS UPDATE • • • • VGF Approval for PPP Project of SPAM Umbulan has been granted by the Ministry of Finance by letter of Minister of Finance number S-759/MK.08/2015 dated 29 September 2015 concerning Approval of Viability Gap Fund Tender process has been commenced for PPP Project of SPAM Umbulan through the issuance of Final Request for Proposal (RFP) on 30 September 2015 VGF Approval for PPP Project of SPAM Bandar Lampung has been granted by the Ministry of Finance by letter of Minister of Finance number S-362/MK.08/2015 dated 7 May 2015 concerning Approval of Viability Gap Fund Tender process has been also commenced for PPP Project of SPAM Bandar Lampung through the issuance of Final Request for Proposal (RFP) on 15 September 2015 22 READY TO OFFER PPP WATER SUPPLY PROJECTS No Project 1 Pondok Gede, Bekasi City, West Java 2 Gresik Regency TOTAL Capacity House (l/s) Connection Population served (persons) Total Investment (Billion Rupiah) Land Acquisition 300 24.000 120.000 285,5 100% 2.000 160.000 800.000 1.364,0 Under Process 2.300 184.000 920.000 1.649,5 23 PONDOK GEDE WATER SUPPLY PROJECT BEKASI CITY, WEST JAVA Project Location Medan Satria Bekasi Utara Bekasi Barat Bekasi Timur Bekasi Selatan Pondok Gede Rawa Lumbu Jati Asih Pondok Melati Mustikajaya Bantar Gebang Jati Sampurna Service Area Pondok Gede, Jati Asih of Bekasi City Background of the Project: 1. High population growth of Bekasi city ( 3% per year). Bekasi city is a prominent satellite city of Jakarta. 2. Service coverage is only 21% in 2013 3. Rapid growth of housings, apartment, and commercial businesses 4. High commitment from the Central Government 24 PONDOK GEDE WATER SUPPLY PROJECT BEKASI CITY, WEST JAVA Project Scope - WTP, capacity: 300 L/s Reservoir: 3000 m3 Distribution pipeline 40 km Estimated Investment IDR 285,5 billion 25 PONDOK GEDE WATER SUPPLY PROJECT BEKASI CITY, WEST JAVA Type of modality : Build Operate Transfer (BOT) No Progress 1 Readiness Report Completed 2 Pre FS review Ongoing a. Legal Study Ongoing b. Technical Study Raw water study has not finished c. Market Study Pre-Survey RDS d. Economical Study Ongoing e. Financial Study Ongoing f. Risk Study Ongoing g. PPP Scheme recommendation Completed h. Environmental and Social Studies Completed i. Government Support Study Ongoing 3 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT Completed 4 PQ Document Completed IRR : 15% Bulk water tariff : Rp 4.800 GCA : Mayor of Bekasi City Timeline Schedule: Tender: 2016 Contract Signed: 2016 Construction: 2017 Operation: 2018 Document Preparation 26 PDAM GRESIK REGENCY Technical and Investment Data Gerak Sembayat Dam Status Update Completion of Feasibility Study Completion of PQ and RFP Document Capacity Building on November 2015 Completion of tender documents Capacity : 2000 l/s Total Investment : Tariff adjustment : 6% annually Cooperation period : 25 Years Schedule : Tender: December 2015 Financial Close : 2016 Construction : 2017 Service Area : Gresik Kota and Gresik Utara (Bungah Subdistrict) Rp 1.364 Billion Scope of Works 1. Construction of intake 2200 L/s 2. Construction of WTP 2 x 1000 l/s with its supplementary building 3. Procurement and installation of ME 4. Procurement and installation of primary, secondary, and tertiary distribution pipelines 27 POTENTIAL PPP PROJECTS IN WATER SECTOR No Project Capacity House (l/s) Connection Population served (persons) Total Investment (Billion Rupiah) 1 West Semarang 1.050 84.000 420.000 824,0 2 Serang Regency 280 22.400 112.000 103,3 3 Pekanbaru City 2.070 165.600 828.000 1.950,0 4 SPAM Jatigede 3.500 280.000 1.400.000 1.504,0 6.000 480.000 2.400.000 3.020,0 12.648 1.032.000 5.160.000 7.401,3 5 SPAM Karian TOTAL 28 WEST SEMARANG MUNICIPALITY WATER PROJECT, CENTRAL JAVA Type of modality : Build Operate Transfer (BOT) Project Type : Solicited Capacity : 1.050 l/s Service Area West Part of Semarang City, Central Java Background of the Project: 1. As the capital city of Central Java, Semarang city has high population growth (3% in 2012) 2. Existing service coverage is 61% 3. High demand of clean water IRR : 15% Estimated Investment: Rp 824 billion Utilization: 420.000 population (84.000 HC) Tariff: Rp 4.000,29 WEST SEMARANG MUNICIPALITY WATER PROJECT, CENTRAL JAVA Component Intake Proposed design capacity 1,050 L/sec, Jatibarang Dam (on going project) Raw water pipeline 2.2 km (dia. 900mm x 2 line) WTP 1,050 L/sec, Rapid sand filter Transmission pipeline WTP – Reservoir 5: 3.1 km (dia. 700mm) WTP – Reservoir 1: 9.7 km (dia. 450mm) WTP – Reservoir 2: 2.4 km (dia. 450mm) 30 WEST SEMARANG MUNICIPALITY WATER PROJECT, CENTRAL JAVA Status Update • Jatibarang Dam is ready to operate; • Raw Water Exploitation License has been issued; • The progress of Land Acquisition is 5%; the rest of the acquisition plan has been alocated in Local Government Budget; • VGF has been approved principally by the Minister of Finance; hence waiting for the VGF recommendation letter and the issuance of VGF approval from the Minister of Finance; • Umbrella agreement of the Availability payment in Local Government Budget has not been strongly stated in the Regulation of the Ministry of Home Affairs No.37/2014 31 SPAM CIBAJA IN SERANG REGENCY Scope of Works - WTP of 280 L/s Construction of Reservoir Distribution pipelines Investment: Rp 103,3 Billion PPP modality : BOT Service Area Serang Timur Subdistrict: Cikande, Kibin, Bandung, and Jawilan (CIBAJA). Raw Water Source Ciujung River Status - Completion of Feasibility Study - Preparation for tender process 32 PEKANBARU WATER SUPPLY Timeline Schedule - Pre Qualification : 2016 Tender process : 2016 Evaluation and award : 2017 Contract signing : 2017 Scope of Works - WTP: 700 L/s (first stage) WTP 1370 L/s (second stage) Intake unit Raw water Transmission pipeline Treated water transmission pump and pipeline Distribution reservoirs (towers) Status Update - Land acquisition will be completed in 2015 - GCA will be Government of Pekanbaru Municipal - EIRR of the project : 19,32% 33 JATIGEDE WATER SUPPLY PROJECT Service Area - Sumedang Regency Majalengka Regency Indramayu Regency Cirebon Regency Cirebon Municipality Scope of Works - WTP: 3.500 L/s - Reservoir: 5.000 m3 - Transmission pipeline : 1.600 mm, 7.150 m. - Investment Rp 1.504 billion Status Update - Jatigede dam has been completed, water filling is being done and targeted to be finished on mid 2015 - DED of the intake and raw water transmission are being done by West Java Province - Pre FS completion will be done in 2016 34 KARIAN WATER SUPPLY PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION PLAN SERANG & CILEGON Tigaraks a 4. 0 Kata Tangeran g 1.5 TANGERANG Tender Process Construction Operation : 2016 : 2016-2019 : 2020 Service Area 2.5 1.5 Pamaray an Maja 0.1 W. Jakarta 3.2 6.2 Serang, Maja, Rangkasbitung, Tigaraksa, Kab. Tangerang, Serpong, Parung, dan Jakarta 6.0 Petir R.bitung 0.3 5.5 Ciuyah Tunnel Ciujung River SERPONG 1.3 0.2 P. PANJANG 9.1 KARIAN (14.6) Scope of Works Kota Tangesel - WTP: 6.000 L/s Transmission pipeline : 90 km Intake or Tapping Point (Unit : ㎥/s) Water Treatment Plant Status Update - Waiting for the dam construction to be finished, construction is planned to be completed in 2019 35 TERIMA KASIH THANK YOU FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT: Mr. Tamin M. Zakaria Amin, MSc, MBA Chairman of BPPSPAM Jl. Wijaya I No.68 Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia Phone : +6221 72789126 Fax : +6221 7260520 Email : [email protected] 36
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