Foghorn 0915 Sep
Foghorn 0915 Sep
SEPTEMBER 2015 Point San Pablo Yacht Club PO Box 70307 Point Richmond, CA 94807 The Friendly Little Club at the end of Santa Fe Channel FOGHORN September 2015 Commodore Kelly Mack Here we are in September, seems like opening day was last week and Labor Day is just around the corner. For most the summer has been warm and light winds, others like myself it’s been bru‐ tal in the inland region with temperatures in the high nine es most of the me. So to come to the boat and escape the heat has been a nice relief. With fall around the corner the weather will be cooling down and the boa ng season slowing down also. With that, we should try to make an effort to get out on the last of the cruse outs before the end of the year. Labor Day weekend is always a good me to escape to Half Moon Bay where there will be plenty of ac vi es going on. There is word that we could experience a El Nino which could go on for some me. If so, now would be a good me to prep your boat, ba eries checked, bilge pumps working etc. The club has provisions for emergency equipment to pump bilges if you find yourself in need. Check with our Port Capt on the loca on and opera on if you need help. On August 15 our CDC chair, Norm Harris, and commi ee took the me to present a slide show on the past work completed by our CDC and Buildings and Grounds personnel as well as upcom‐ ing projects with a very low turnout. These items will be going to the board for approval, then on to the November ballot for you to vote on. Remember this is your club and if you want to see changes or improvements you need to be involved. Last, many of you may not know, but the Kanaloa will be de‐ par ng for a trip south, exploring Southern California’s Channel Islands and then on to the 2015 “Baja Ha Ha,” then stopping over in Porta Vallarta then on to her final des na on , Panama. It won’t be the same looking out from the club house and not seeing her at her buoy. The Kanaloa will be missed…. Cheers Support the Sea Scouts! PSPYC is proud to host the annual Sea Scouts Spa‐ ghe Feed on September 19, 2015. This big fundrais‐ er helps fund the Northland Nau cal Founda on. Come and support the scouts and their families who help us monthly, serving and cleaning‐up at our Gen‐ eral Mee ng dinners. Their Spaghe is one of the best and not to be missed! The raffle is legendary and the handmade quilt to be raffled off is beau ful . It is sure to be a fun evening in store for everyone!! If you wish to a end please email Glenda your RSVP. FOGHORN September 2015 Vice Commodore Paul Maheu Shipmates: Here it is September and we’ve made our turn to head home but there’s s ll plenty of good sailing le . Lillian and I (and Luc and Lauren) have just returned from our oldest son’s wedding in Maine so I’m hurrying to get this out to our Foghorn edi‐ tor. Maine was green and beau ful and lush as always and full of gorgeous wooden boats. We all went for a sail on a Camden windjammer on Sun‐ day and of course went to the Mari me Museum in Bath. Tried to look up the Richards' in the Bel‐ fast phone book but no soap. Glenda has go en me up to date on the outstanding job so many of you did in the Galley before, during, and a er Griff’s BBQ. Thank you so very much! Also let’s not forget last month’s potluck at the Mee ng Dinner. Good grub and plenty of it! That’s it for this month: no recipe from Lillian, but there’s al‐ ways next month. Rear Commodore David Greitzer Your club bar has seen some ac on lately. Thanks to the First Mates and Griff Brazil who sponsored our biggest BBQ bash of the year so far. Also thanks to bartender volunteers Barbara and Steve Friday, Bob and Beb Skye, Shary Mack and Le y Kraus. Happy Hour Fridays are also going strong. Number one bartender volunteer Tonja Jackson counted over 55 guests at a recent Happy Hour Friday. We will con nue. We will per‐ severe. We might even hire a Lawrence Welk copy band one of these Fridays so those of you who find the current bluesy‐ rock band too modern and subversive will finally join us. Of course, I’m being sarcas c. I’m just trying every trick in the book to get those of you who haven’t a ended a Friday Happy Hour to show up…just once. Don’t make me shame you Nick, Lauren, Shane, Robby. Oops, I guess I just did. Thank you again to all the volunteers who made July and August great months. And, I know we will make September even be er. I’ve been asked to make up a “Jar of Fines” for bar im‐ provements. What is a Jar of Fines? Glad you asked. It is a big glass jar for collec ng fines. What fines? Glad you asked. For instance, if a member forgets to wear his or her nametag on mee ng night, they get fined $1. The dollar goes into the Jar of Fines. This is supposed to be sort of a fun idea and a way to raise money to help decorate the bar with pictures, etc.. Other fine possibility ideas are welcome. How can you stop to smell the roses if you’ve cut off your nose to spite your face? These and other life‐altering ques‐ ons will be answered at the next Happy Hour Friday. See you there. Steve Hutchinson and his parents enjoying the corner of the bar For comments or concerns please feel free to contact me. FOGHORN September 2015 Port Captain Jenny Knox Beau ful, Beau ful, Beau ful! Yes, the weather has been gorgeous, the club is looking sharp and our volunteerism is impressive. Thank you to all who showed up with enthusiasm to our work party on August 15th. We had our biggest turnout of the year and accomplished everything planned. Steve, Richard, Rob, Paul H. & Kelly cut palm fronds, stripped & re‐covered the ki bar roof. Wayne & David S. worked their magic with the new WiFi, Paul J, Robby, Mike, Paul H., Bill, Bob C, & Kelly lowered the flagpole, did some tac cal adjustments, installed new halyards & raised it back up. Bill & Rob solved another light bulb mystery in our ever‐challenging electrical layout. Linda & Beb worked really hard in the scorching heat digging into the hard rock, plan ng new ground cover up front & plan ng & weeding in Heidi’s gar‐ den (by Harbormaster’s office.) Bob S. spent hours grinding down the rest of the gangway ramp exposing the diamond plate. That was the goal, unfortunately, it is slippery, and stage 2 will be completed by Casey this week. Susan & Sue did some major dus ng and wiping down of all the trim, edges, windowsills, you name inside the clubhouse. Finally, we all got to enjoy a fabulous lunch of pot luck le overs prepared by Kelly, Le y & David G. Once again, thank you all for your posi ve a tudes, they are contagious and make this so much fun for me. There really is nothing like working really hard, feeling good about yourself and being recognized for it, so THANK YOU! As you know, we have many receptacles here for your conven‐ ience. We have trash and recycling cans around the club & in the shop; dumpsters for trash, recycling, and green waste; barrels for used oil, and a can for filters. Please use them! Any waste (especially food) from you or your boat should be taken to the dumpsters. BLUE RECYCLING cans are NOT to be used for any food waste, take it to the dumpsters. GREEN bins are for COM‐ POST which is anything that can decompose i.e. food, coffee grounds, paper & cardboard; no plas c. If you change your oil PLEASE empty it into the barrel and put the filters in the black can, there is even a can there for diapers and oil rags. There should be nothing le behind from your oil changing. There are guideline flyers around the club for all of this, so please ask me if you have any ques ons. The new WiFi is up and running, it’s been a challenging task and I really appreciate David S. and Wayne for their brilliance and dedica on seeing it to the end. The new security system installa‐ on is in progress & I look forward to comple ng that soon. There are lots of other projects in the works and a TO‐DO list on the bulle n board that any of you can tackle, just ask me if you have any ques ons. My theme this year is “USE OUR RE‐ SOURCES” we have so many talented members, just imagine what we can accomplish! Peace, love & gra tude, Jen The refurbished ki bar, ready for ac on! FOGHORN September 2015 Fleet Captain Elaine King September’s Cruise Out: Roll out to Street Vibrations! Reno, Virginia City, NV, September 23‐27, 2015 By Motorcycle, Car, Motor Home, etc. There’s fun for everyone! Hal and I are leaving on Sept 24th and returning on Sept 27th For ques ons or planning to join us please send an e‐mail to [email protected] or call Elaine @ 707‐494‐5952 See below to make room reserva ons from sponsor hotels: –Circus Circus, 800‐648‐5010 –El Dorado,800‐879‐8879 –Harrah’s, 800‐HARRAHS (427‐ 7247) –Boomtown, 775‐345‐6000 –Sands Regency, 866‐386‐7829 –Silver Legacy, 800‐687‐8733 –Peppermill, 866‐821‐9996 Bonnie and Lamar ham it up Treasurer Darrell Struck Wadda club!!! The club has been chugging along nicely since the pandemonium of the crab feeds a few months ago and shi ed into high gear on August 22 with the ” Friends of Griff Hootenanny”. The front lawn was set up as well as the recently repaired back deck. Every available chair was in use. Parking was such a challenge that Frank Zia volunteered to di‐ rect traffic in the parking lot. It’s been quite a while since the club was filled to capacity. The galley was staffed with Griff's BBQ crew and PSPYC volunteers. These pros taught us a few things about the fine art of cooking for a crowd. A er several years of going solo, I discovered that Michael Blake can sling coleslaw like a champ and that is good news. If he works out, I will share Ingrid's dressing recipe. The “PSPYC Players” provid‐ ed the “a er 6” entertainment. These players are local mem‐ bers dedicated to musical accomplishment in the original form. Wa a group! Wadda club!!! Rosemary Hegarty documents Griff’s BBQ Former members Ed and Doris join the fun Res: (510) 233‐0576 FOGHORN September 2015 Harbor Master Report July and August has shown some beau ful summer weather! Fall is around the corner, which means Bay Area Indian summer, which should bring even more warm and beau ful days during the months of September and October. Water conserva on has been great here at the club and all the more reason to keep being diligent with all these beau ful days. I've heard talk of El Nino this winter and let's hope it's true enough, to at least get us started on desperately needed drought recovery!! We are s ll showing no vacancies in our slips. Our wai ng list for large slips has increased to 6 and the small slips re‐ main at 2. The list is on the club house bulle n board and posted in the Harbormaster office in order of request dates. Our large and small lockers are s ll filled with no requests and 2 reques ng container storage. Our Liveaboard request status is currently 3 as of September 1st. Those requests are posted as well. The Griff BBQ Bash on August 22nd was a huge success and it could not have happen without all the tremendous help from our club member volunteers! Star ng from the ini al planning, organizing, and shopping to that Saturday morning of se ng up, decora ng, hours helping with Galley serving & clean‐up, hours Bar hos ng, and the overall clean‐up for 130 + guests.. Thanks to so many of you for rolling up your sleeves and jumping in with your hard work to make it a wonderful fun day for all!! And above all our greatest thanks to Griff Brazil for making this happen!! During our quiet month of July I came into work one morn‐ ing to find a bird looking like a seagull just si ng in our park‐ ing lot. When I went up to it, it didn't move, but I could see no injuries. I called Wildcare in San Rafael and they told me to bring the bird over right away. Karleen helped me get the bird in the back of my truck and I drove the bird to San Ra‐ fael. I found out the bird was a Northern Fulmar. They are almost gull‐like and related to the albatrosses. They can live up to 31 years and do not start breeding un l 8‐10 years. WildCare is a rehabilita on hospital that cares for nearly 4000 animals and birds a year. When I brought the Northern Fulmar in they gave me a pa ent number that they tagged the bird with and told me to call back to check how he was doing or if he even made it. When I did check back he had no serious injuries, just ex‐ haus on, and lack of energy from lack of food. They trans‐ ported him to a wildlife center near Fairfield for wildlife res‐ cue and release service. I was totally impressed with the work they do and that this li le guy I found was ge ng another lease on life. So if any‐ one should find an injured bird, or even a wild animal, (oil spills for one) WildCare in San Rafael is the place to contact for help. September Dinner Mee ng will be here before you know it, on September 11th. Looking forward to seeing you all once again! ~Glenda CDC Report, Norm Harris, Chair The Capital Development Commi ee (CDC) was authorized, in 2007, to iden fy deficiencies in the club facili es, and to budget for and complete those projects deemed most cri cal. The commi ee was funded with a por on of a general assessment on the members and a five year transfer of funds from the general treasury to a CDC reserve. In the past, projects included major galley upgrades, remodeling of the dining room deck, major re‐ building of the shower/ laundry room building, piling repair, South dock anchoring repair, new ramps, and on and on. There has not been a major effort to survey the club facili es since the ini al one un l August 15th, when the commi ee undertook a new survey and public comment session to update the original list. On August 15th, the CDC hosted an open mee ng so that all interested club members could have an op‐ portunity to suggest repairs and improvements to club facili es. We also reviewed projects that had previ‐ ously been iden fied as priority projects to ascertain the current state of progress. The list on page 10 is the result of this mee ng. The projects without priority numbers are those that were added at the mee ng. The projects with priority numbers have been previously iden fied but have not been started or completed. The list will be edited by the CDC and the projects iden fied as those that should be complet‐ ed in 2016 will be presented to the PSPYC board for approval. The board will place the final approved list to the membership for approval as part of the annual ballot. (See page 10 for the CDC list) Mailing Address for Berthing and Locker Payments: PSPYC PO Box 70307 PT. Richmond, CA 94807 FOGHORN September 2015 Its Wheelchair Regatta Time Again! Join the ranks of the happy folks pictured above and lend your volunteer talents for the worthy cause of the Margot Brown Wheelchair Rega a, September 26, 2015 at Encinal Yacht Club. PSPYC has a long tradi on of providing support for this event, including giving veterans boat rides and working in the galley. It’s a fun day, with a chance to do something for the greater good. Contact Tonja Jackson or Casey Garvey if you’d like to volunteer. Griff’s crew prepares the ‘Q Paul Harris on the lookout Our 2015 Wharf Rat Regatta will take place on the first Saturday in October. It is a rowing rega a open to all watercra that are either rowed or paddled. Last year was the revival year. I’m hoping it will be be er this year with a good turnout from PSPYC members and more contestants. The rega a features a three‐mile and an eight‐mile course. Both courses start near the club. The three mile goes out of the Santa Fe Channel turns at a buoy near the east end of Brooks Island and re‐ turns to the start finish line. The eight‐mile course begins the same, but par cipants turn right at Point Petrero, go around the west end of the sea wall, around Brooks Island, and return to the start/finish line near PSPYC. Par cipants are treated to a nice breakfast when they return to the club. We will need at least six boats to monitor the course, including Chuck at his usual place for the three‐mile course. At least three volunteers will be required in the galley to prepare a simple breakfast. The start/finish line is best run by four people. We’ll need two people on a boat on the Start/finish line and two people to act as registrars for par cipants and then help tabulate the start and finish mes. It is also very helpful to have 3‐4 people help This may be another development year, but the Wharf Rat Rega a could eventually draw more than 30 par cipants and produce income and new memberships for the club. I will post a map of the course in the in the bar above the bay chart to indicate jobs that need to be covered. Please fill in the blanks to show where you can help. Thanks to all in advance. ~ Larry Haynie FOGHORN September 2015 PSPYC General Meeting: Minutes August 14, 2015 Kelly Mack called the mee ng to order at 8:19 pm. Mo on to approve minutes from June. All approved. Vice Commodore: Paul Maheu Thanks to all for coming and bringing a side dish. It came out really, really well. Paul directed our a en on to a quilt on the wall that was donated by the sea scouts and they will be selling ckets to raffle it off. There is also a spaghe feed on September 19th and they will be selling ckets for that. Rear Commodore: David Greitzer Happy hours. Every Friday, they are going really well. If you come to happy hour and see a guest without a tag please remind them it is a requirement by ABC rules. See you on Friday. Doc suggested we re‐instate an old rule where you have to donate 25 cents or 50 cents if you are not wearing your name tag. David said he can bring it up at the Happy hour. Treasurer: Darrell Struck Things are going well. With the excep on of our property tax bill we are current with everything. Port Captain: Jenny Knox Big work party tomorrow. We will get the Tiki bar set up, work on the flag pole and need folks for that. Also cleaning the shop, trimming plants, etc. needs to be done so she would like ‘All hands on deck’. Fleet Captain: Elaine King Two weeks from now is the cruise out to Ballena bay. Friday August 28th and Saturday August 29th. Friday is a family friendly pajama party with a desert buffet and Saturday is the Parrot Island party. It’s $20 per person for the Saturday dinner event. Contact Elaine if you wish to go. First Mates: Sue Proudfoot. Wrist bands will be for sale for the up‐coming BBQ and music blow‐out party on Saturday the 22nd. Dark and Stormy’s will be the drink served at the Tiki bar. We have had lots of RSVP’s for non‐members but not many from members. PICYA Kelly went to the mee ng at the Sacramento YC. We’re coming towards the end of the year on ge ng COTY points. We have an applica on for the newsle er. We have un l October 15th to get our points in. Bo om paint has come up again. There is a study going on in San Diego. It went through congress las year and it’s back again. The goal will be to elimi‐ nate copper from bo om paint. The Wheelchair rega a is on September 26. Tanya and Casey are the head folks for this and we should get COTY points for that. Old Business: Wayne said regarding the Wi‐Fi we are in a bad spot right now. Comcast is working in the building. David Stewart and Wayne are working on ge ng the Wi‐Fi running but it’s not very stable right now. They will be trouble shoo ng it and hope to get it resolved shortly. New Business: New members. Four new memberships. Rob Lipton: He’s happy to be here and knows the club through the Friday happy hours. Started sailing when he was 4 or 5 but hasn’t’ had a chance to get back to it. He works at the Dept. of Health and is a poet. Bill and Suzie Mar n: They haven’t thought of sailing un l 2008. Bill was thinking of re r‐ ing and said they need to find something they enjoy doing together. They had power boats in the past. Suzie grew up on the Sacramento River and they decided to try sailing. Bill used to fly helicopters and worked for the Na onal Guard. They both met at Cal Poly. Sco Buerger: Not present Thomas Schooley: Not present Sybal: She wants an update on the railing. Jenny said John is talking with contractors and they don’t have a set date yet. Sybal said we have par es coming up and it needs to be taken care of. Norm: 2:00pm tomorrow the CDC will do a public mee ng and members can provide input on projects they will be working on. The end result of the mee ng will be a mo on that goes to the general elec on in October for which projects get worked on. If you don’t come you can’t let them know of any projects you want worked on. During tomorrow’s mee ng there will be a presenta on of the pre‐ vious projects that were worked on. Mike Proudfoot: Recent members sailed from Mexico to Hilo and then to Puget Sound and met with Mike. They are sailing down and their goal is to be here for the party on the 22nd. Larry Haynie: We need help for the upcoming rowing rega a in October. Ingrid will need help in the kitchen for the party. Chris Vale ran it for a long me and Larry is running it now. The rega a hasn’t had much turn out lately but Larry filed for the ma‐ rine event with the Coast Guard and all we need to do is get the people together to help out. Galley help for food and people on the course to provide a safe course for the rowers. 5 boats minimum are required to provide support on the course in case people get in trouble. Usually it’s power boats anchored and some inflatables for the shallow areas. He put a poster up last night with a sign up list for folks that can help out. The race is Saturday, October 3rd. Jim Koss: Gave a hear elt speech regarding the loss of his gal, Be y Ann. She was a nurse and worked in Hawaii and for 6 years sailed in Hawaii. They travelled together and she had the combined skills of IT capabili es and nursing. Be y Ann took care of her ailing and devoted most of her me to that. Be y Ann was a talented per‐ son and her skills included jewelry making, ceramics, smoking meat, she had an incredible library of cook books. She loved it here at the yacht club and enjoyed mee ng the people and it helped remove some of her shyness. Her illness took over in nine days and Jim wishes that on no one. Hal: Set up a ring game on the deck. You can swing the ring (a ached to a line) and try to get it to hook. If you miss, the ring swings back to you for another try. Jim: He has been sailing the Rhodes he suggests that everyone that uses it can pitch in a buck to help with the maintenance of the Rhodes for bo om jobs, etc. Perhaps a jar can be set up in the bar. Mo on to adjourn at 8:52 pm. Mo on approved. FOGHORN September 2015 FIRST MATES MEETING MINUTES – AUGUST 14, 2015 The mee ng was called to order by Sue Proudfoot in the PSPYC lounge. Present: Kathy Dropmann, Colleen Fielding, Sybal Hallbau‐ er, Karleen Ohlhausen, Sue Proudfoot, Dolores Robinson, Beb Skye, Karen Stokes Treasurer: Checkbook balance $6,666.00. AED Report: Two extra masks for $38.95 and a supply of free gloves were received from AED/CPR trainer Joyce Arsi. The masks and a supply of gloves were placed in the PSPYC AED container in the club lounge. Extra gloves were stored in the Harbormaster’s office. The AED contains the manu‐ al. August 22 barbecue: Dinner ckets will be sold @ $20.00; free under 12; drink ckets @ $5.00. Will take cash, check and credit card. Wrist bands will be issued for dinner. The Tiki bar will be open and serving a limited kind of drinks. Received 60 RSVPs from non members; very few RSVPs from club members. There will be no raffle or silent auc‐ on. Teri and Frank are ready to party (and BBQ) Rear Commodore David Greitzer reported no money will be exchanged at the bar. The $5.00 charge averages out the three various drink prices, which promises the bar to come out ahead. The credit card machine will be sta oned by the cash box; takes a few minutes to provide instruc‐ on. Bar volunteers will take ckets Sacramento Yacht Club: Kathy Dropmann requested that members be present to socialize with SYC members who will be visi ng PSPYC October 9th. They will a end the din‐ ner and have breakfast the following day. Norm, Ken, and Griff contemplate mischief (and BBQ) The mee ng adjourned at 1815 hours. Next Mee ng: PSPYC, 5:30 pm, Friday, September 11, 2015. Tom List returned from sailing just in me to join the band. (and BBQ) <—Sybal and Sue prepare for the onslaught (and BBQ) FOGHORN September 2015 Capital Development Committee List (see ar cle pg. 6) Priority Project Remarks Retractable awning over deck Sliding doors to the deck from the dining room Workout facility Widens passage from dining room to deck Buy PSPYC Logowear and Accessories at! Bocce ball court New design for entry from W Cutting Blvd Mail boxes Less stark, more inviting Weather station Hardware and computer connection 1 Dock rub strips 1 Sea wall reinforcement and/or replacement Analysis New front door Club will reimburse for rub strips, owner installed Soil analysis 2 On site, not @ post office Solid door w/porthole 2 Shed for bikes and potting, part of paint shop extension Improve drainage, lay foundation and pad for paint shop expansion of the woodworking shop Increase electrical service 2 Rowing facility Needs quote from PG&E and electrical contractor Low profile rowing dock, boat storage 2 Boat ramp Dinghy/small boat launch 5 Black top remaining area 6 Reconfigure North dock for bigger boats 6 New building for the future? 6 Replace storage sheds behind Harbor masters office Ramp repairs to main and south dock ramps Fire place heating insert 2 2 6 Select the “Club Sore” tab at the top of the page Extension of roof of shop extension Officers Commodore: Kelly Mack Vice Commodore: Paul Maheu Rear Commodore: David Greitzer Port Captain: Jenny Knox We are not able to keep up with the rot Sinking and rusting connectors make this important Replace existing heater Update Club house heater Harbor Master: Glenda Linn Club House–510-620-9690 office–510-375-0289 cell–510-233-1046 (fax 510-233-0843) [email protected] Webmaster: Bob Skye [email protected] Foghorn Editor: Letty Kraus Fleet Captain: Elaine King Membership Chair: Karleen Ohlhausen Staff Commodore: Letty Kraus First Mates President: Susan Proudfoot Swamp cooler for galley climate control Dining room fans Replace existing lighting Resurge device for showers and galley Instant hot water, water saver New carpet in the lounge Getting ratty and threadbare Repair or replace main gate Temporary repair done Replace railing around decks In process New gas line to club & fire pit Materials only, donated labor 1 Upgraded security system New recorder, maybe new cameras 2 Worst problem in front hall, not under the bar 3 Determine possible dry rot under clubhouse and replace. New flooring behind bar Repair driveway, sealcoat all asphalt 1 Safety issues? New fire extinguisher boxes, emergency ladder maintenance, etc. Treasurer: Darrell Struck Telephone Tree: Karen Stokes Secretary: Hal Peterson Directors: Richard Alexander Glen Bigelow Chris Coones Wayne Rundall Fleet Surgeon: James Koss, M.D. PICYA Representative: Sybal Hallbauer September 2015 Sun Mon Editor’s Note: Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 The Foghorn is in transition to a new Editor. Thank you to Norm Harris for stepping up to vol6 unteer as Editor 7 of the Foghorn 8 when we had a 9 need early this year. 13 14 15 16 - Happy Hour 10 17 11 –1630 BOD MTNG. –1900 DINNER & GNL. MTNG. 12–0900 WORK PARTY –Evening: Sybal & Tonja Birthday Party 19–1700 Sea Scouts 18 Spaghetti feed - Happy Hour 20 21 22 23 24 26 25 - Happy Hour 27 28 29 30 October 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 - Happy Hour 4 5 6 7 8 9 –1630 BOD MTNG. –1900 DINNER 10 –0900 WORK PARTY Sacramento Yacht Club Cruise-In 11 12 13 14 15 17 16 - Happy Hour 18 19 20 21 22 24 23 Private Party - Happy Hour 25 26 27 28 29 30 - Happy Hour 31 Vallejo Yacht Club Cruise-In