Bowlie report pages 2013_Layout 1
Bowlie report pages 2013_Layout 1
BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2012-2013 CHAIRMAN Neil Hartshorn VICE CHAIRMEN Ron Dean, Senior Rick McAlister, Junior TREASURER John Callister DIRECTORS Maureen Dowling Sharon Gaha Graham Garnett Michael Giddings Colin Stubbs Rex Sturt (Resigned 2/11/12) CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Jarrad Rossiter AUDITORS WalkerBDS SOLICITORS Allan R. Kelly LIFE MEMBERS Lewis Betts (Deceased 1/4/2013) Graham Garnett Heinz Huebner Jack Piper James Schroder Kenneth Sturt Kenneth Thomas Geoffrey Wyse John Wyse Beryl Piper Dulcie Sturt 1 T U M U T B O W L I N G A N D R E C R E AT I O N C L U B L T D NOTICE OF MEETING NOTICE TO MEMBERS CLUB TUMUT ABN 62 001 001 074 Notice is hereby given that the fortieth Annual General Meeting of Club Tumut will be held at the Company’s Registered Office, 24 – 30 Richmond Street, Tumut, on Sunday 8 September 2013 at 10a.m. AGENDA 1. Chairman’s welcome; 2. Confirmation of the minutes of the 2012 Annual General Meeting; 3. Consideration of the Annual Report, Balance Sheet and Statement of Accounts; 4. Special Resolution 1; 5. To elect the Committee for the ensuing year, who shall constitute the Board of Management of the Club; 6. Business of which due notice has been given; 7. Appointment of the Auditor; and 8. General discussions and recommendations to the Board of Directors but no decisions shall be taken in relation to such business. JARRAD ROSSITER CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTIONS BECAME DUE ON 31 MAY 2013 Total number of members 2,227 NOTICE SECTION 41H REGISTERED CLUBS ACT 2006 FINANCIAL REPORTING REQUIREMENTS In accordance with Section 41H of the Registered Clubs Amendment Act 2006, financial reporting requirements in relation to Directors and key personnel, the Secretary’s Register is available for viewing by members at the office upon written request. T U M U T B O W L I N G A N D R E C R E AT I O N C L U B L T D 2 SPONSORS SPONSORSHIP We are proud to have assisted the following local individuals and groups during the Club’s 2012/13 financial year. Bowlie Netball Team Bowls Tournaments - Prize Money Festival of the Falling Leaf Luke McMahon Men's Bowling Club - Bing Walder Shield / President's Cup Men's Bowling Club - No. 3 Pennant Team Mini Ball Team Rotary Club of Tumut Inc. Tumut Basketball Association Tumut Minor Rugby League - 2012 Season Tumut Public School Tumut Regional Chamber of Commerce Tumut Rodeo Club Tumut Rugby League Football Club - 2012 Season Tumut Rugby League Football Club - 2013 Season Tumut Show Society Tumut Swimming Club Tumut Turf Club Women's Bowling Club - Seniors Fours State Titles Wyangle Cricket Club Thanks also to the following businesses for their sponsorship: Down 2 Earth Maintenance Pty Ltd, Fitzgerald Livestock, Murray Glen Village, Nev’s Kitchens & Robes, STR Builders. Bowls Tournament sponsors were: BCIB, Coca-Cola, Tooheys Pty Ltd, Tumut Milk Supplies, Hides Refrigeration, T.A.P.S., Elliott’s Landscape Supplies. DONATIONS "Chook" Dowell Fundraiser Adelong Junior Sports Foundation Australian Blind Bowlers Association Inc. Can Assist Franklin Public School I.D.E.A.S. Jeffrey Allen Leukaemia Foundation of Australia McAuley Catholic Central School Movember Rotary Club of South Wagga Telstra Child Flight 3 Tumut 000 Charity Bowls Day Tumut Catholic Fete Tumut High School Tumut Hospital Ladies Auxiliary Tumut Minor Rugby League Tumut Pre School Tumut Public School Tumut Riding for the Disabled Tumut Show Society Tumut Tennis Club Wyangle Cricket Club T U M U T B O W L I N G A N D R E C R E AT I O N C L U B L T D NOTICE OF SPECIAL RESOLUTIONS Members will be asked to consider and, if thought fit, pass the following Special Resolution: SPECIAL RESOLUTION 1: “That the members hereby approve the required amendments to the Club’s constitution (as tabled) to introduce annual half-Board elections with Board members holding office for two [2] years, AND to reduce to the Board to seven [7] members comprising of a Chairperson, a Deputy Chairperson, a Treasurer and four [4] other Directors. AND toward the implementation of such changes: the members of the Board elected at the Annual General Meeting in 2013 shall be entitled to hold office until the Annual General Meeting in 2014, and the annual half-Board election system will be introduced at the election of the Board held in 2014. Explanatory notes to be read in conjunction with Special Resolution 1: It is the policy of the State Government to have clubs move away from one [1] year terms of office for club directors. Therefore, it is proposed that the Board be elected for a two [2] year term of office using the annual half-Board election system. As part of this change, it is also proposed that the Board of Directors be reduced in number from nine [9] to seven [7] members. Under the annual halfBoard election system, an election will be held each year. In even numbered years, the Chairperson, Treasurer and two [2] Directors will be elected, and in odd numbered years, the Deputy Chairperson and two [2] Directors will be elected. Towards the implementation of the annual half-Board election system, at the 2014 election, the Chairperson and Treasurer will be elected to hold office for two [2] years; the two [2] Directors receiving the greatest number of votes will be declared elected for two [2] years; the Deputy Chairperson will be elected to hold office for one [1] year; and the two [2] Directors receiving the next greatest number of votes will be declared elected for one [1] year. The one [1] year terms of office in 2014 are required in order to establish the half-Board election cycle. Nominations for the election of the Board to be held at this year’s Annual General Meeting (2013) will be conducted in accordance with the current constitution. The changes to the structure of the Board meet Club Best Practice Guidelines and are in line with that of other modern and successful clubs. The Board of the Club has endorsed the proposed changes. A copy of amendments is available from the Secretary of the Club. A special resolution must be passed as a whole and cannot be amended from the floor of the meeting or divided into two or more separate resolutions. The majority required for passing a special resolution is seventy-five per cent (75%) of members present and voting at the meeting. T U M U T B O W L I N G A N D R E C R E AT I O N C L U B L T D 4 NOTICE OF RESOLUTIONS FIRST RESOLUTION That approval is given to a budget provision of an annual sum (not exceeding $30,000.00) to meet such of the following expenses of the Club that may be approved by the Board of Director’s from time to time. i. Presentations to members (other than in form of money) or to other persons to acknowledge services which in the opinion of the Director’s were of benefit to the Club; ii. Sponsorship by payment of money or provision of benefits to such sporting events, sports persons or community organisations which in the opinion of Director’s will be of benefit to the Club or the community; iii. The reasonable cost of meal and beverages for each Director or Senior Management Officer’s at an appropriate time before or after a Board or Committee meeting and which is incurred on the day of that meeting; iv. Reasonable expenses incurred by a Director either within the Club or elsewhere in relation to duties of a Director, including the entertainment of special guests of the Club in relation to Club business and such other promotional activities as may be approved by the Board; and v. Reasonable expenditure of food and refreshments for Director’s and Senior Management Officer’s in entertaining guests of the Club in the Club dining rooms, where such expenditure is reasonable and properly incurred in the course of that Director’s or Senior Management Officer’s Club duties. The Board of Director’s shall, where appropriate, obtain production of proper documentary evidence of expenditure before authorising payment. Items one (i) and two (ii) are inserted to meet the disclosure requirements of the Registered Clubs Act and the Corporation Law. They formalise items of expenditure which have been shown for some years in the Club’s Annual Accounts under various headings and which were previously approved by members on adoption of accounts. Items three (iii), four (iv) and five (v) need not be included in the resolution as the Act allows those resolutions to be approved by the Board, but the Director’s would prefer to inform members clearly of the type of expenses that may be approved by the Board and adoption of this resolution will confirm and set an upper limit on the amount to be expended. SECOND RESOLUTION That approval is given to a budget provision of an annual sum (not exceeding $30,000.00) to be used for such professional developments and education of Director’s, the Chief Executive Officer or any other employee of the Club as shall be approved by the Board of Director’s from time to time. i. The reasonable cost (including to cost of meals, accommodation and travel) of selected Director’s attending the Clubs NSW meetings, the meetings of other associations of which the Club is a member, as well as educational industry meetings; 5 T U M U T B O W L I N G A N D R E C R E AT I O N C L U B L T D NOTICE OF RESOLUTIONS ii. The cost of selected Director’s attending formal functions to represent the Club (including but not limited to functions and dinners conducted by Clubs NSW in conjunction with its Annual General Meeting) and the cost associated with the attendance of Director’s spouses’ at any such function, where the attendance is expected or required; iii. Costs of, and incidental to, Director’s fact finding and information tours including, but not limited to, seminars, trade displays, lectures, organised study tours and other like events as may be approved by the Board from time to time; iv. Attendance of selected Director’s at gaming conferences and other educational or business related activities on behalf of the Club; and v. Such other reasonable out of pocket expenses incurred by the Chief Executive Officer, an employee or Director of the Club in the course of carrying out their duties in relation to the Club. The Board of Director’s shall, where appropriate, obtain production of proper documentary evidence of expenditure before authorised payment. The Second Resolution is also not strictly necessary under the Act as all the specified expenditure can be approved by the Board of Director’s without reference to a General Meeting of members. However, once more, the Director’s would like to set out clearly for the benefit of the members, the type of expenditure being incurred to ensure that Director’s keep up to date with current club industry developments and that the Club is represented by selected Director’s and employees at various meetings of associations of which the Club is a member. The adoption of this resolution by members will confirm and set an upper limit on the amount to be expended. THIRD RESOLUTION That the following honorariums be paid to: Chairperson ($5,000.00), Treasurer ($3,000.00), Vice Chairpersons {two [2] positions ($1,000.00 each)} and Directors {five [5] positions ($500.00 each)} in respect of his / her services, such sums to be paid quarterly in arrears. FOURTH RESOLUTION It was resolved to propose to nominate Mr Steven Walker of WalkerBDS Accountants and Business Development Specialists to be appointed as auditor of the Company from the conclusion of the next Annual General Meeting. NOTE TO MEMBERS i. Each resolution must be passed as a whole and cannot be amended by a motion from the floor of the meeting or divided into separate resolutions; ii. To be passed, each resolution must receive votes in favour from not less than a simple majority of those members who, being entitled to do so, vote in person at the meeting; and iii. The payment and benefits referred to in resolutions one [1] to three [3] are not available to members generally, but to those who are Director’s of the Club. T U M U T B O W L I N G A N D R E C R E AT I O N C L U B L T D 6 NOTES TO MEMBERS 1. Section 41J (2) of the Registered Clubs Act requires the annual report to specify the Core Property and Non Core Property of the Club as at the end of the financial year to which the report relates. 2. Core Property; Is any real property owned or occupied that comprises; a. The defined premises of the Club; or b. Any facility provided by the Club for the use of its members and their guests; or c. Any other property declared by a resolution passed by the majority of members present at a General Meeting of Ordinary members of the Club to be Core Property of the Club. 3. Non Core Property; Is any other property other than that referred to above as Core Property and any property which is declared by the members at a General Meeting of Ordinary members of the Club not to be Core Property. 4. The significance of the distinction between the two is that the Club cannot dispose of any Core Property unless; a. The property has been valued by a registered valuer within the meaning of the Valuers Act 2003; b. The disposal has been approved at a General Meeting of Ordinary members of the Club at which the majority of the votes cast support the approval; and c. Any sale is by way of public auction or open tender conducted by an independent real estate agent or auctioneer. The disposal provisions and what constitutes a disposal for the purpose of Section 41J are to some extent modified by regulations made under the Registered Clubs Act and by Section 41J itself. Example, the requirements in paragraph 4 do not apply to: a. Core Property that is being leased or licensed for a period not exceeding 10 years on terms that have been the subject of a valuation by a registered valuer; and b. Core Property that is leased or licensed to a telecommunications provider for the purpose of a telecommunication tower. DEFINITION OF CORE PROPERTY • Defined space of the Clubhouse (building); • Greens 1, 2 and 3 • Top Clubhouse • Greenkeepers shed, barbecue area and toilet block • Richmond Street carpark, carport and shed DEFINITION OF NON CORE PROPERTY Is any other property other than that referred to above as Core Property and any property which is declared by the members at a General Meeting of Ordinary members of the Club not to be Core Property. 7 T U M U T B O W L I N G A N D R E C R E AT I O N C L U B L T D CHAIRMAN’S REPORT Members, it is my pleasure to present to you my second annual report for the year ending 31 May 2013. After a very hard year in club land throughout NSW, Club Tumut has finished the financial year with a trading loss for the first time in ten [10] years. Still, it is not all bad news, as we finished the year with a positive bank balance. Our good Treasurer John will have all in his report. As from the 1st of July this year, at least two [2] of our Directors will have to complete two [2] modules of mandatory legislated Club Governance Reforms. These two [2] modules are Directors Foundation and Management Collaboration and Finance for Club Boards. At this Annual General Meeting our members will be asked to vote on a constitutional change to reduce our Board of Directors from the present size of nine [9] Directors to a Board of Directors of seven [7] Directors, this is happening in many Clubs throughout NSW. A Board of seven [7] Directors chosen through a ballot will be more dynamic and effective for the Club, than a Board of nine [9] Directors, scraped together with no ballot held. Failing to address the size of the Board and failing to have a ballot is regarded as bad corporate governance. The other notice of Special Resolution I would like you to give serious thought to, is to have Annual Half Board Elections, whereby half of the Board is elected every year and Directors hold office for two [2] years. This ensures retention of experience and Board continuity from year to year. The Board and Management still have to deal with poker machine and gambling reforms and there are a few lobby groups attempting to change the liquor laws, such as raising the drinking age and raising the excise tax on alcohol. The Club had solar panels installed during the year and they are serving to stabilise power price rises. To my fellow Board members, thank you for your help and assistance throughout the year. To C.E.O. Jarrad, Manager Karyn and Office Administrator Jodie, to our good bar staff, thank you for a job well done. Also, the bus drivers and doormen, cleaner Margaret, thank you for your dedication to your jobs. To Greenkeeper Robert and helper Geoff thanks for your work to give us three [3] good quality greens to play on. I would like to thank all those people who give their time to sell raffle tickets on Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights, the ladies who turn up week after week to call Housie and bingo and all those who help at our annual tournaments. Thank you all for your help, we could not keep going without your voluntary help. Bad luck to our Men’s Pennants teams this year, with no teams progressing past Zone level. Congratulations to all Club Championship winners and to those teams to play at Zone State games. T U M U T B O W L I N G A N D R E C R E AT I O N C L U B L T D 8 CHAIRMAN’S REPORT When you read this, our ladies No. 3 Pennant team will have played at State Finals in Nelsons Bay, good luck and bring home a flag. Good luck also to the ladies Fours and Singles that have won at Group Level and go on to State Playoffs. Also, many thanks to all those ladies who made breakfasts and lunches for tournament players and sandwiches for Men’s Pennants players. Lastly, to all our social members, thank you for your support. Club Tumut would not be what it is today without you. Good wishes to the incoming Board of Directors for next twelve [12] months. Neil Hartshorn Chairman 9 T U M U T B O W L I N G A N D R E C R E AT I O N C L U B L T D BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2008-2009 TREASURER’S REPORT The last twelve [12] months has been marked by a general downturn in consumer discretionary spending and business profitability, and our Club has not been able to escape the effects of this. With our results for the year 2012 – 2013 showing a loss of $27,764.00, almost entirely due to the fall in our gaming machine revenue. This was only partly offset by increases in most other areas of revenue, including our bar trade, coffee shop and Keno. There was also an increase in room and equipment hire, indicating an increased use of our venue, and in our interest payments and sponsorships. Expenditure has been carefully controlled, with only marginal rises in wages and administration costs. Capital expenditure for the year has been modest, totalling $117,000.00. Major items were the solar panels ($49,980.00) and poker machine upgrades ($25,091.00). Smaller items included a new bar till ($6,500.00), a kitchen dishwasher ($4,730.00), bar glycol system ($6,831.00) and new function tables and trolley ($7,562.00). It is anticipated that these expenditures will provide cost savings or improved facilities for Club patrons. As a sporting and community Club, we are committed to a diverse sponsorship program, with an emphasis on our own game of bowls, with ($27,350.00) to tournaments, clubs and individual players. Other major sponsorships went to the Tumut Blues ($12,500.00), Tumut Minor League ($5,000.00), Festival of the Falling Leaf ($1,650.00), Bowlie Netball team ($1,030.00) and the Tumut Swimming Club ($500.00). Total sponsorship for the year was $49,404.00. Our Club also supports a range of local charities, schools and organisations by way of donations totalling $13,918.00 for the year. The major recipients were Can Assist ($6,270.00), Tumut 000 Charity ($2,000.00) and Riding for the Disabled ($1,770.00). The Club runs a variety of promotions during the year, both to reward active members and to attract new members to the Club. Member’s promotions costs for the year totalled $81,992.00, with member’s discounts (bar and coffee shop) at $29,838.00 and the bi-monthly Bonanza Draws at $23,636.00 the two largest items. The now defunct Spin and Win gave some lucky member or guests $6,970.00, while the Members Badge Draw disbursed $8,600.00 and the Christmas Cash Promotion $7,000.00. Catering subsidies and birthday meal vouchers were worth $8,110.00. The Club industry in general is entering a difficult period, marked by falling gaming revenues, the continuing threat of gaming curtailment and an aging population with reduced spending confidence. The Board is well aware of the coming problems and is looking at ways to diversify and attract a younger, less gaming oriented clientele, as well as strengthening our bowling membership. I believe that one of our potential strengths will be in our functions and facilities offerings, in order to improve our bar trading and general revenue. This will be my last Treasurer’s report, as I have not nominated for the Board this year, and I wish the incoming Treasurer all the best. I would like to thank all the Board members I have worked with for their efforts over the years, and I congratulate Neil on a job very well done over the last two [2] years. Finally, a Club is only as good as its staff, and I congratulate Jarrad, Karyn and Jodie on their management of the Club over the time I have worked with them. My thanks also to the bar, greens and cleaning staff for their work in making our Club the pleasant and efficient place it is. John Callister Treasurer I NGG AANNDD RREECCRREEAT ATI O I ONN CCLLUUBB LLTTDD TTUUMMUUTT BBOOWWLLI N 120 Courtesy Shuttle Tumut Bowling and Recreation Club Ltd Courtesy Shuttle is an amenity offered for the transport of Members and Guests to and from the Club. The Courtesy Shuttle is a free service on an availability basis and is not a guaranteed method of transport. Whilst every attempt will be made to satisfy the request of patrons, no guarantee can be given that the shuttle will be available when required. The Courtesy Shuttle operates Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday after 5.30pm within a 5 kilometer radius of the Tumut Bowling Club. Children Travelling on the Courtesy Shuttle • Children under the age of 7 years are not permitted to travel on the Shuttle. • Children are not permitted to travel on an adults lap; they must have their own seat and use the seat belt provided. • Seats Belts are fitted and are required by Law to be worn. Pick Ups Patrons be aware when booking the Courtesy Shuttle that pick ups could be anytime within the hour time frame due to availability. Drop Off’s Departure times from the Club will occur on the hour and ? hour until close depending on availability. Variations may occur depending on numbers. Friday Nights after the Raffle the Bus will depart at 8.30pm. For Bookings, please see the Bar Staff or Shuttle Direct - 0409472358 For the information of Members and Guests 131 TTUUMMUUTT BBOOWWLLI N I NGG AANNDD RREECCRREEAT ATI O I ONN CCLLUUBB LLTTDD CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER’S REPORT BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2008-2009 I look back on a year that was the most challenging that I have faced in my eight years as C.E.O. With an unstable Federal Government, it seems the club industry is always under attack in one way or another, from taxes to gaming reforms to alcohol related issues. All this on top of the continuing increase in the cost of living has subsequently had a direct impact on the revenue of the Club. With no light at the end of the tunnel, together with soon to be implemented limits on ATM withdrawals and the possible future costs of mandatory pre-commitment technology, this will no doubt continue to affect the Club’s future revenue and inconvenience members. But we must accept this as a part of life and move forward. In summary, the past financial year saw a trading loss of $27,764.00, a result of a 7% decrease in income, the majority of this due to a decrease ($121,604.00) in the net return from the gaming floor and 3% increase in expenditure including electricity, freight, insurance, laundry and garbage, factors beyond our control. On a positive note, the Club’s cash flow remains positive, along with an increase in bar, coffee shop and Keno revenue. Also, our capital investment in a 20kw solar system will help to offset the ever increasing cost of electricity and with a decrease to greens maintenance and expenses, the artificial green is showing a good return on investment. Once again, our ties with the local community, schools, bowls and sporting groups remains strong through donations, sponsorships and in-kind support totalling over $60,000.00. Not forgetting our members, members’ promotions including beverage discounts, draws, meals and raffles totalled $92,000.00. Hats off to the Board of Directors and Chairman Neil for their countless unpaid hours spent pointing the Club forward in difficult times. To our outgoing Treasurer John Callister, thank you for your years of dedication to your role and the Club. Most importantly, thank you for the support and guidance you have shown me over the years. I congratulate the Men’s and Women’s Bowling Clubs for their efforts over the last year both on and off the green. I look forward to working with this year’s committees to ensure the game of lawn bowls continues to grow and prosper. To the Women’s Bowling Club Pennant Team, who will this year contest the State Finals, best of luck and congratulations on your achievements thus far. To the staff, I would like to extend my sincere thanks to my management team of Karyn and Jodie, the bar staff, bus drivers, greens staff and Marg our lone cleaner. I thank you all for your dedication and enthusiasm in working through the challenges of the past year. In the coming year we look forward to utilising the Club’s facilities to their full potential, from functions and seminars to working with the Men’s and Ladies Bowling Clubs on the greens to generate revenue. In closing, I would like to thank the members and their guests for their ongoing support of Club Tumut and its wonderful facilities. Jarrad Rossiter Chief Executive Officer I NGG AANNDD RREECCRREEAT ATI O I ONN CCLLUUBB LLTTDD TTUUMMUUTT BBOOWWLLI N 122 MEN’S CLUB2008-2009 REPORT BOARD BOWLING OF DIRECTORS Welcome to all and another year gone by. Not a good one on the bowling green with both Pennant grades failing to qualify. Social bowls has been well supported but the same can’t be said for Club Championships, at times down in support, with Singles, Pairs and Triples now over. My congratulations to those who were victorious in these events and look forward to more nominations next year. My sincere thanks go to Heinz Huebner for filling in for me on many occasions in my absence. Also my thanks go to Rick McAlister and John Callister for keeping things running smoothly. As I sign off for 2013, we must spare a moment for two great stalwarts on the bowling green, in Len Betts and Ken Sturt who left us suddenly and their fun and laughter will be sadly missed. To everyone else, good health and we will see you all on the green in the days ahead. Yours in bowls, Graeme Rossiter President 2013 Club Champion Col Curtis in action against Tim Crampton in the Champion of Champions final. 133 TTUUMMUUTT BBOOWWL LI N I NGG AANNDD RREECCRREEAT ATI O I ONN CCL LUUBB L LTTDD BOARD OFWOMEN’S DIRECTORSBOWLING 2008-2009 CLUB REPORT I take pleasure in presenting my annual report. Thank you to Maureen, Jenny, Robyn, selectors, committee and club members who have contributed to our club over the last year with catering, selling raffle tickets, calling bingo etc, great work ladies. Thank you Jarrad, Karyn, Jodie, bar staff, greenkeeper Robert, Chairman Neil and the Board of Directors, your support is much appreciated. Congratulations to all this year’s Club Championship winners and the keen bowlers who have competed at District levels. Best of luck to our No. 3 Pennant side who will contest the State Finals at Nelsons Bay in August and also the Fours team of Sharon, Mandy, Anne and Joy, as well as Singles winner Sharon, who will contest State Finals at Tuncurry later this year after winning the Group PlayOff in Leeton. Thanks to our social bowlers who turn up each week to keep our great game going. I would like to wish the new committee all the best. “Good clubs get better if everyone works together” Gloria Hartshorn President The No. 4 Women’s Pennants team. I NGG AANNDD RREECCRREEAT ATI O I ONN CCLLUUBB LLTTDD TTUUMMUUTT BBOOWWLLI N 124 TRAVELLING BOWLERS It has been a slow but enjoyable year for the Travelling Bowlers Club. In 2012 we saw a number of travelling bowlers groups visit Tumut, including the Southern LifeClub Members Tablelands Past Presidents Travelling Group and the annual O Wyse Hill Trophy with the Wagga Rules Club, in which Tumut retained the trophy on home turf. Many M Luffthanks to all our local bowlers who continually support these days, ensuring they are enjoyable events for our visiting bowlers. F Jones E McDougall Again in 2012 / 2013 we attempted to organise more day trips, but to no avail, with a trip to Piperof numbers and available dates. Young and a trip to the North Coast both cancelled due toB lack D Sturt With Club Tumut a popular destination for other travelling bowlers, we see a number of dates already earmarked for travelling groups towards the end of 2013. These include the S.C.C. Travelling Bowlers from Gymea in September, Cooma Travelling Bowlers in October, the Wyse Trophy (at the Rules Club) also in October and Engadine Travelling Bowlers in November. With a healthy bank account, we will endeavour to organise a trip or trips in the coming year. In closing, I would like to thank all those who helped with the Saturday raffles, barbecues and other activities, especially Secretary Jenny Arragon and Treasurer Mandy Shoard, without this small group of people there would be no travel in travelling bowlers. Jarrad Rossiter President Linfox and CanAssist teams, part of the 2013 Business House bowls comp. 15 T U M U T B O W L I N G A N D R E C R E AT I O N C L U B L T D AUGUST 2013 – OCTOBER 2013 – DECEMBER 2013 FEBRUARY 2014 – APRIL 2014 T U M U T B O W L I N G A N D R E C R E AT I O N C L U B L T D 16 BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2008-2009 SEPTEMBER 2013 – NOVEMBER 2013 JANUARY 2014 – MARCH 2014 – MAY 2014 17 T U M U T B O W L I N G A N D R E C R E AT I O N C L U B L T D BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2008-2009 FINANCIAL REPORT Directors’ Report Auditors Independence Declaration Income Statement Balance Sheet Cash Flow Statement Notes to the Financial Statements Independent Audit Report Director’s Declaration Supplementary Information Revenue Account 20 21 22 23 24 25 37 39 40 41 T U M U T B O W L I N G A N D R E C R E AT I O N C L U B L T D 18 DIRECTOR’S REPORT 2008-2009 BOARD OF DIRECTORS TUMUT BOWLING & RECREATION CLUB LTD DIRECTORS’ REPORT Your directors present their report on the financial statements for the year ended 31 May 2013. Objectives The company’s objectives are to provide bowling, social and entertainment facilities for members. Directors Information The names of each person who has been a director during the year and to the date of this report are: Name Posi ti on Occupati on Dire ctor's Me e tings Atte ndance Dire ctor's Spe cial Me e tings Atte ndance Finance Me e tings Atte ndance Re mune ration Me e tings Atte ndance C Hartshorn Chairman Retired 11 of 12 2 of 3 11 of 12 1 of 1 R Dean Senior Vice Chairman Retired 11 of 12 3 of 3 9 of 12 1 of 1 R McAlister Junior Vice Chairman Payroll Officer 12 of 12 2 of 3 12 of 12 1 of 1 J Callister Treasurer Retired 10 of 12 2 of 3 12 of 12 1 of 1 M Dowling Director Retired 11 of 12 3 of 3 S Gaha Director Bus Driver 8 of 9 1 of 2 G Garnett Director Retired 11 of 12 2 of 3 M Giddings Director Works Scheduler 11 of 12 3 of 3 C Stubbs Director Retired 3 of 3 10 of 12 The board meeting attendance, during the financial year, of directors who resigned or retired is set out below: R Sturt Director Retired 3 of 3 1 of 1 Principal Activities The principal continuing activities of the company in the course of the last financial year was fostering and promoting the spirit of lawn bowls, holding competitions and the conduct of a licensed social club. No significant change in the principal activity of the company took place during the year. Operating Results The loss of the company for the financial year was $27,764 (2012: $82,381 profit) 139 TTUUMMUUTT BBOOWWLLI N I NGG AANNDD RREECCRREEAT ATI O I ONN CCLLUUBB LLTTDD BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2008-2009 DIRECTOR’S REPORT TUMUT BOWLING & RECREATION CLUB LTD DIRECTORS’ REPORT Members Guarantee The company is a company limited by guarantee and is without share capital. The number of members as at 31 May 2013 and the comparison with last year is as follows: Social Members Bowling Members Bowling Juniors Life 2013 2012 2107 107 3 10 2,227 2,078 122 6 11 2,217 Indemnity of Officers and Auditors The company, to the extent permitted by Section 241 of the Corporations Law, has by virtue of its constitution indemnified every officer and auditor against liabilities incurred by them as such officer or auditor in defending any proceedings in which judgement is given in their favour or in which he/she is acquitted. During the financial year the company paid an insurance premium in respect of a contract insuring the directors and officers of the company against liabilities that may be incurred as such director or officer to the extent permitted by Corporations Law. The contract of insurance prohibits disclosures of the amount of the premium. Auditor’s Independence Declaration A copy of the auditor’s independence declaration as required by section 307C of the Corporations Act 2011 can be found in the financial report. Signed in accordance with a resolution of the directors at Tumut this 11th day of July 2013 C. Hartshorn DIRECTOR I NGG AANNDD RREECCRREEAT ATI O I ONN CCLLUUBB LLTTDD TTUUMMUUTT BBOOWWLLI N 220 AUDITOR’S INDEPENDENCE DECLARATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2008-2009 TUMUT BOWLING & RECREATION CLUB LIMITED AUDITOR’S INDEPENDENCE DECLARATION Auditor’s Independence Declaration Under Section 307C of the Corporations Act 2001 to the Directors of Tumut Bowling & Recreation Club Ltd I declare that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, in relation to the audit for the year ended 31 May 2013, there have been: i) no contraventions of the auditor independence requirements as set out in the Corporations Act 2001 in relation to the audit; and ii) no contraventions of any applicable code of professional conduct in relation to the audit. WalkerBDS Chartered Accountant S R Walker Tumut, 24 May 2013 231 TTUUMMUUTT BBOOWWLLI N I NGG AANNDD RREECCRREEAT ATI O I ONN CCLLUUBB LLTTDD BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2008-2009 INCOME STATEMENT Year Ended 31 May 2013 TUMUT BOWLING & RECREATION CLUB LTD STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME For the Year Ended 31 May 2013 Notes 2 Revenue Expenses Cost of sales – Bar trading Employee wages 2013 $ 2012 $ 1,617,279 1,731,583 (217,779) (206,577) (529,807) (548,941) Poker machine maintenance and taxes (37,354) (78,331) Depreciation and amortisation expense (140,888) (145,342) (719,215) (670,011) (27,764) 82,381 - - (27,764) 82,381 Other expenses Profit before income tax 3 Income tax expense 1(g) Profit / (Loss) after income tax STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY For the Year Ended 31 May 2013 2013 $ 2012 $ Total equity at the beginning of the financial year Loss for the year 2,273,354 (27,764) 2,190,973 82,381 Total equity at the end of the financial year 2,245,590 2,273,354 The accompanying notes form part of these financial statements I NGG AANNDD RREECCRREEAT ATI O I ONN CCLLUUBB LLTTDD TTUUMMUUTT BBOOWWLLI N 222 BALANCE BOARD OFSHEET DIRECTORS 2008-2009 Year Ended 31 May 2013 TUMUT BOWLING & RECREATION CLUB LTD BALANCE SHEET as at 31 May 2013 Notes 2013 $ 2012 $ 471,572 3,588 18,944 8,699 469,756 2,641 19,467 14,042 502,803 505,906 1,976,993 2,006,612 1,976,993 2,006,612 2,479,796 2,512,518 90,467 104,711 18,471 88,173 117,089 24,093 213,649 229,355 20,557 9,809 20,557 9,809 234,206 239,164 NET ASSETS 2,245,590 2,273,354 Member’s Funds Retained profits 2,245,590 2,273,354 Current Assets Cash and cash equivalents Receivables Inventories Other 4 5 6 7 Total Current Assets Non-Current Assets Property, plant and equipment 8 Total Non-Current Assets TOTAL ASSETS Current Liabilities Payables Short term provisions Other 9 10 11 Total Current Liabilities Non-Current Liabilities Long term provisions Total Non-Current Liabilities TOTAL LIABILITIES 10 The accompanying notes form part of these financial statements 233 TTUUMMUUTT BBOOWWLLI N I NGG AANNDD RREECCRREEAT ATI O I ONN CCLLUUBB LLTTDD FLOW STATEMENT BOARD OF DIRECTORSCASH 2008-2009 Year Ended 31 May 2013 TUMUT BOWLING & RECREATION CLUB LTD STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS Year Ended 31 May 2013 Note 2013 $ 2012 $ Cash Flows From Operating Activities Receipts from customers Payments to suppliers and employees Interest received 1,752,220 (1,652,311) 13,176 113,085 257,193 Cash Flows From Investing Activities Proceeds from sale of plant and equipment Payments for property, plant and equipment (111,269) 5,911 (50,790) Net cash used in investing activities (111,269) 44,879 Net increase/(decrease) in cash held 1,816 212,314 Cash at beginning of the financial year 469,756 257,442 Cash at the end of the financial year 471,572 469,756 Net cash granted by operating activities 14 1,881,933 (1,633,785) 9,045 The accompanying notes form part of these financial statements I NGG AANNDD RREECCRREEAT ATI O I ONN CCLLUUBB LLTTDD TTUUMMUUTT BBOOWWLLI N 224 NOTES FINANCIAL STATEMENTS BOARD TO OF THE DIRECTORS 2008-2009 Year Ended 31 May 2013 TUMUT BOWLING & RECREATION CLUB LTD NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Year Ended 31 May 2013 NOTE 1 STATEMENT OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES The financial report is a general purpose financial report that has been prepared in accordance with the Corporations Act 2001 and Australian Accounting Standards – Reduced Disclosure Regime, and comply with other requirements of the law. The financial report is for Tumut Bowling & Recreation Club Limited as an individual entity, incorporated and domiciled in Australia. Tumut Bowling & Recreation Club Limited is a company limited by guarantee. Early adoption of Account Standards The directors have elected under s.334(5) of the Corporations Act 2001 to apply AASB 1053 ‘Application to Tiers of Australian Accounting Standards’ and AASB 2010-2 “Amendments to Australian Accounting Standards arising from Reduced Disclosure Requirements’ in advance of their effective dates. AASB 1053 and AASB 2010-2 are not required to be applied until annual reporting periods beginning on or after 1 July 2013. The impact of the adoption of these standards is disclosed at not 1 (l) to the financial statements. Reporting Basis and Conventions The financial report has been prepared on an accruals basis and is based on historical costs. It does not take into account changing money values or, except where stated, current valuations of non-current assets. Cost is based on the fair values of the consideration given in exchange for assets. The following is a summary of the material accounting policies adopted by the economic entity in the preparation of the financial report. The account policies have been consistently applied, unless otherwise stated. a) Property, Plant & Equipment Property, Plant & Equipment is carried at cost less, where applicable any accumulated depreciation and impairment losses. Property, plant and equipment, except land, is depreciated so as to progressively recognise the depreciable amount of the assets in the income statement over the period of their useful lives to the Company. The following useful lives and methods of depreciation are used in the calculation of depreciation: Furniture and Fittings Plant & Equipment Buildings and Improvements 235 Straight Line Straight Line Straight Line 5-10 Years 1-10 Years 40 Years TTUUMMUUTT BBOOWWLLI N I NGG AANNDD RREECCRREEAT ATI O I ONN CCLLUUBB LLTTDD BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2008-2009STATEMENTS NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL Year Ended 31 May 2013 TUMUT BOWLING & RECREATION CLUB LTD NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Cont) Year Ended 31 May 2013 b) Impairment of Assets At each reporting date, the Company reviews the carrying amounts of its assets to determine whether there is any indication that those assets have been impaired. If such an indication exists, the recoverable amount of the assets, being the higher of the asset’s fair value less costs to sell and value in use, is compared to the asset’s carrying value. Any excess of the asset’s carrying value over its recoverable amount is expensed to the income statement. Where it is not possible to estimate the recoverable amount of an individual asset, the Company estimates the recoverable amount of the cash-generating unit to which the asset belongs. c) Inventories Inventories are valued at the lower of cost and net realisable value. Cost is assigned to inventory on a first-in first-our basis. d) Income Tax The Company is not subject to income tax. e) Cash and Cash Equivalents Cash and cash equivalents include cash on hand, at call deposits and short term highly liquid investments with periods to maturity of three months or less from the inception date which are subject to insignificant risk of change in value, net of outstanding bank overdrafts. f) Receivables Receivables for goods sold and services performed represent assets for goods and services provided by the Company prior to the end of the financial year and were unpaid at 31 January 2013. Receivables are recorded at amounts due less any provisions for impairment. g) Trade Creditors Accounts payable for goods and services represent liabilities for goods and services provided to the Company prior to the end of the financial year and which were unpaid at 31 January 2013. The amounts are unsecured and are usually paid within 30 days of recognition. 9 I NGG AANNDD RREECCRREEAT ATI O I ONN CCLLUUBB LLTTDD TTUUMMUUTT BBOOWWLLI N 226 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS BOARD OF THE DIRECTORS 2008-2009 Year Ended 31 May 2013 TUMUT BOWLING & RECREATION CLUB LTD NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Cont) Year Ended 31 May 2013 h) Employee Benefits Provision is made for the entity’s liability for employee benefits arising from services rendered by employees to balance date. Employee benefits expected to be settled within one year together with benefits arising from wages, salaries and annual leave which may be settled after one year, have been measured at the amounts expected to be paid when the liability is settled plus related on costs. Other employee benefits payable later than one year have been measured at the net present value. i) Revenue Revenue from sale of goods is recognised upon the delivery of goods to customers. Poker machine revenue is recognised upon the receipt of poker machine takings net of the payment of prizes. Interest revenue is recognised on a proportional basis taking into account the interest rates applicable to the financial assets. Subscription revenue is brought to account in the year for which it is paid. Revenue for the rendering of a service is recognised upon delivery of the service to the customers. j) Financial Instruments Financial instruments are initially measured at cost on trade date, which includes transaction costs, when the related contractual rights or obligations exist, subsequent to initial recognition these instruments are measured as set out below. Financial assets at fair value through the profit or loss A financial asset is classified in this category if acquired principally for the purpose of selling in the short term or if so designated by management within the requirements of AASB 139: Recognition of Financial Instruments. Realised and unrealised gains and losses arising from changes in the fair value of these assets are included in the income statement in the period in which they arise. Loans and receivables Loans and receivables are non-derivative financial assets with fixed or determinable payments that are not quoted in an active market and are stated at amortised cost using the effective interest rate method. 237 TTUUMMUUTT BBOOWWLLI N I NGG AANNDD RREECCRREEAT ATI O I ONN CCLLUUBB LLTTDD BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2008-2009STATEMENTS NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL Year Ended 31 May 2013 TUMUT BOWLING & RECREATION CLUB LTD NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Cont) Year Ended 31 May 2013 Held-to-maturity investments These investments have fixed maturities, and it is the Company’s intention to hold these investments to maturity. Any held-to-maturity investments held by the Company are stated at amortised cost using the effective interest rate method. Available-for-sale financial assets Available-for-sale financial assets include any financial assets not included in the above categories. Available-for-sale financial assets are recorded at fair value or at cost when fair value cannot be reliably measured. Unrealised gains and losses arising from changes in fair value are recognised directly to equity through the statement of changes in equity. Once the asset is derecognised (by sale or otherwise) the cumulative gain or loss previously recognised in equity is recognised in the income statement. Interest receivable and dividends on available for sale assets are recognised in the profit and loss. Financial liabilities Non derivative financial liabilities are recognised at amortised cost comprising original debt less principal payments and amortisation. Impairment At each reporting date, the entity assesses whether there is objective evidence that a financial instrument has been impaired. In the case of available-for-sale financial instruments, a prolonged decline in the value of the instrument is considered to determine whether an impairment has arisen. Impairment losses are recognised in the Statement of Comprehensive Income. k) Critical Account Estimates & Judgements The directors evaluate estimates and judgements incorporated in the financial statements based on historical knowledge and best current information. Estimates assume a reasonable expectation of future events and are based on current trends and economic data, both externally and within the Company. l) Amendment to Australian Accounting Standards The directors have considered the application of AASB108 “Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors” and are of the opinion that the standard does not result in a material impact on the entity’s financial report. T U M U T B O W L I N G A N D R E C R E AT I O N C L U B L T D 228 NOTES FINANCIAL STATEMENTS BOARD TO OF THE DIRECTORS 2008-2009 Year Ended 31 May 2013 TUMUT BOWLING & RECREATION CLUB LTD NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Cont) Year Ended 31 May 2013 m) Application of new and revised Accounting Standards The following new and revised Standards and Interpretations have been adopted in the current period and have affected the amounts reported in these financial statements. AASB 1053 ‘Application of Tiers of Australian Accounting Standards’ and AASB 2010-2 Amendments to Australian Accounting Standards arising from reduced Disclosure requirements’ AASB 1053 establishes a differential financial reporting framework consisting of two tiers of reporting requirements for general purpose financial statements, comprising of Tier 1: Australian Accounting Standards and Tier 2: Australian Accounting Standards – Reduced Disclosure Requirements (RDR). AASB 2010-2 makes amendments to each Standard and Interpretation indicating the disclosures not required to be made by ‘Tier 2’ entities or inserting ‘RDR’ paragraphs requiring simplified disclosures for ‘Tier 2’ entities. The adoption of these standards has resulted in significantly reduced disclosures, largely in respect of income tax, segments, impairment, related parties, share-based payments, financial instruments and cash flows. n) Comparative Amounts Where required by accounting standards, comparative figures have been adjusted to conform with changes in presentation for the current financial year. 239 TTUUMMUUTT BBOOWWLLI N I NGG AANNDD RREECCRREEAT ATI O I ONN CCLLUUBB LLTTDD BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2008-2009STATEMENTS NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL Year Ended 31 May 2013 TUMUT BOWLING & RECREATION CLUB LTD NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Year Ended 31 May 2013 NOTE 2 2012 $ 484,072 895,976 21,911 20,331 12,338 52,345 10,613 16,054 51,933 14,063 785 8,983 27,875 1,617,279 443,335 1,060,018 20,491 20,056 11,240 51,013 11,054 20,568 51,691 9,297 874 5,382 4,223 22,341 1,731,583 83,826 88,120 57,062 39 57,222 11,682 62,661 408,911 471,572 61,137 408,619 469,756 2,231 1,357 3,588 446 2,195 2,641 REVENUE AND OTHER INCOME Sale of goods – Bar Poker machine clearances Coffee Shop Bingo Interest received Keno, ATM commissions & TAB Members subscriptions Bowling clubs – men’s, women’s, travelling Bowling fees, tournaments, events Room & equipment hire Amusements Sponsorship Profit on disposal of assets Other Total Revenue NOTE 3 2013 $ PROFIT FOR THE YEAR Profit for the year has been determined after: Expenses Depreciation - Property, plant and equipment Amortisation of non-current assets - Leasehold improvements Provision for employee leave entitlements NOTE 4 CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS Cash on hand Cash at bank NOTE 5 RECEIVABLES Trade receivables Interest receivable I NGG AANNDD RREECCRREEAT ATI O I ONN CCLLUUBB LLTTDD TTUUMMUUTT BBOOWWLLI N 320 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS BOARD OF THE DIRECTORS 2008-2009 Year Ended 31 May 2013 TUMUT BOWLING & RECREATION CLUB LTD NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Year Ended 31 May 2013 NOTE 6 18,944 19,467 8,699 14,042 40,117 40,117 2,772,585 1,104,628 1,667,957 1,708,074 2,725,048 1,047,566 1,677,482 1,717,599 2,053,833 1,861,943 191,890 1,998,818 1,794,489 204,329 583,091 506,062 77,029 575,891 491,207 84,684 1,976,993 2,006,612 OTHER ASSETS Current Prepaid expenses NOTE 8 2012 $ INVENTORIES Trading stock (Note 1(b)) NOTE 7 2013 $ PROPERTY, PLANT & EQUIPMENT Freehold Land Leasehold Building & Improvements At Cost Less accumulated amortisation Total Land and Buildings Plant & Equipment At cost Less accumulated depreciation Furnishings & Fittings At cost Less accumulated depreciation Total Property, Plant & Equipment At 22 June 2011, the independent valuation value for insurance purposes on a replacement cost new basis was $5,250,000 3211 MUUTT BBO OW WLLIINNGG AANNDD RREECCRREEAT ATIIO ONN CCLLUUBB LLTTDD TTUUM BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2008-2009STATEMENTS NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL Year Ended 31 May 2013 TUMUT BOWLING & RECREATION CLUB LTD NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Year Ended 31 May 2013 Movement in the carrying amounts of Property, Plant and Equipment between the beginning and end of the current financial year. Balance at beginning of year Additions Disposals – WDV Depreciation Carrying amount year end NOTE 9 Freehold Land $ 40,117 40,117 Leasehold Improvements $ 1,677,482 47,537 (57,062) 1,667,957 Plant and Equipment $ 204,329 56,532 (68,971) 191,890 Non-Current Employee leave entitlements 2012 $ 71,026 19,441 90,467 64,136 24,037 88,173 88,294 16,417 104,711 99,002 18,087 117,089 20,557 9,809 17,216 1,255 18,471 17,026 7,067 24,093 11,000 500 11,500 10,150 1,150 11,300 - - AUDITOR’S REMUNERATION Auditing and review of financial reports Other services NOTE 13 2013 $ OTHER CURRENT LIABILITIES Members subscriptions in advance Bowls entry fees in advance & payments in advance NOTE 12 $ 2,006,612 111,269 (140,888) 1,976,993 PROVISIONS Current Employee Leave entitlement Members bonus points NOTE 11 Total PAYABLES Current Trade payables & accrued expenses GST payable NOTE 10 Furniture and Fittings $ 84,684 7,200 (14,855) 77,029 DIRECTORS REMUNERATION Remuneration paid to directors I NGG AANNDD RREECCRREEAT ATI O I ONN CCLLUUBB LLTTDD TTUUMMUUTT BBOOWWLLI N 322 BOARD TO OF THE DIRECTORS 2008-2009 NOTES FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Year Ended 31 May 2013 TUMUT BOWLING & RECREATION CLUB LTD NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Year Ended 31 May 2013 ` 2013 $ NOTE 14 2012 $ CASH FLOW INFORMATION Reconciliation of cash flow from operations with Profit after Income Tax Profit / (Loss) after income tax (27,764) Depreciation and amortisation 140,888 Profit on disposal of assets Change in Assets and Liabilities (Increase)/Decrease in trade receivables (1,785) (Increase)/Decrease in interest receivable 838 (Increase)/Decrease in inventories 523 (Increase)/Decrease in prepayments 5343 Increase/(Decrease) in creditors and accrued expenses 6890 Increase/(Decrease) in GST payable (4596) Increase/(Decrease) in current provisions (12,378) Increase/(Decrease) in non-current provisions 10,748 Increase/(Decrease) in other current liabilities (5,622) Net Cash Provided by/(used in) Operating Activities NOTE 15 a) 113,085 82,381 145,342 (4,223) 148 (2,195) 165 (1,669) (963) 47,736 3,007 (13,972) 1,436 257,193 RELATED PARTY DISCLOSURES Transactions with Directors The directors purchased goods from the company on the same terms and conditions available to other members of the club There were no transactions with Directors b) a) - 81,353 80,266 Key Management Personnel compensation Short term employment benefits NOTE 16 - FINANCIAL RISK MANAGEMENT Financial Risk Management Policies The Company’s financial instruments are comprised of deposits with banks, accounts receivable and payable, and hire purchase agreements. Hire purchase agreements are used to fund capital expenditure. 33 TUM T UBTO B WOL W I NLGI NAGN A D NRDE CRREECAT O NI OCNL UCBL ULBT DL T D T UUM R EIAT NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Year Ended 31 May 2013 TUMUT BOWLING & RECREATION CLUB LTD NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Year Ended 31 May 2013 Financial instrument assets are used to generate revenue. Risk management policies, including interest rate risk and future cash flow requirements are approved by the Board of Directors. Financial Risk Exposures and Management The main risks the Company is exposed to through its financial instruments are interest rate risk and liquidity risk. Interest Rate Risk The Company’s exposure to interest risk is the risk that a financial instrument’s value Will fluctuate or the cash flows relating to the financial instrument will fluctuate as a result of changes in market interest rates. Interest rate risk is managed by using fixed interest rate debt. Liquidity Risk The Company manages liquidity risk by budgeting for monitoring cash flows and ensuring that adequate funding is available to meet operating and capital requirements. b) Financial Instruments Credit Risk Exposure to credit risk is minimal. All cash at bank and investments are held with major banking corporations. Net fair values The carrying values of all the Company’s financial instruments approximate their fair values. Interest Rate Sensitivity Analysis Variations in interest rate that were reasonably possible at 31 January 2013 would not have a material effect on the profit or equity of the Company. T U M U T B O W L I N G A N D R E C R E AT I O N C L U B L T D 34 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Year Ended 31 May 2013 TUMUT BOWLING & RECREATION CLUB LTD NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Year Ended 31 May 2013 Financial Instrument Composition and Maturity Analysis The table below reflects the undiscounted settlement terms for financial instruments of a fixed period of maturity as well as management’s expectations of the settlement period for all other financial instruments. 2013 Within 1yr $ i) ii) Financial Assets Cash Accounts Receivable Total Financial Assets Financial Liabilities Accounts Payable Total Financial Liabilities 1-5yrs $ >5yrs $ Total $ 471,572 2,231 473,803 - - 471,572 2,231 473,803 90,467 90,467 - - 90,467 90,467 Total $ 2012 i) ii) NOTE 17 Financial Assets Cash Accounts Receivable Total Financial Assets Financial Liabilities Accounts Payable Total Financial Liabilities Within 1yr $ 1-5yrs $ >5yrs $ 469,756 446 470,202 - - 469,756 446 470,202 - 88,173 88,173 88,173 88,173 - CONTINGENT LIABILITIES The company has a contingent liability to pay the liabilities incurred by the various sub committees of the club should the sub committees fail to meet those liabilities. As at the date of these financial statements none of the sub committees had a deficiency of funds. NOTE 18 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE COMMITMENTS There were no capital expenditure commitments at 31 May 2013. 35 T U M U T B O W L I N G A N D R E C R E AT I O N C L U B L T D NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Year Ended 31 May 2013 TUMUT BOWLING & RECREATION CLUB LTD NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Year Ended 31 May 2013 NOTE 19 COMPANY LIMITED BY GUARANTEE Tumut Bowling and Recreation Club Limited is a Company incorporated under the Corporations Law as a company limited by guarantee. If the company is wound up, the Memorandum of Association states that each member is required to contribute a maximum of $1 towards meeting any outstanding obligations of the company. NOTE 20 EVENTS AFTER THE BALANCE SHEET DATE There were no significant events after the balance sheet date. NOTE 21 SEGMENT INFORMATION The company operates only as a Registered Club in one geographical area being Tumut NSW. NOTE 22 CORE AND NON-CORE PROPERTY Pursuant to section 41J(2) of the Registered Clubs Act for the financial year ended on 31 May 2013: a) The following property is core property of the club: i. ii. b) NOTE 23 The main club building The car park area on Richmond Street The club does not hold non-core property. COMPANY DETAILS The registered office of the company is: 24-30 Richmond Street TUMUT NSW 2720 NOTE 24 AUTHORISED FOR ISSUE The financial report was authorised for issue by the Directors on 15th July 2013. T U M U T B O W L I N G A N D R E C R E AT I O N C L U B L T D 36 BOARD OF OF DIRECTORS DIRECTORS INDEPENDENT AUDITOR’S REPORT BOARD 2008-2009 Year Ended 31 May 2013 INDEPENDENT AUDITOR’S REPORT TO THE MEMBERS OF TUMUT BOWLING AND RECREATION CLUB LIMITED Report on the financial report I have audited the financial report of the Tumut Bowling & Recreation Club Limited which comprises the statement of financial position as at 31 May, 2013, statement of comprehensive income, statement of changes in equity and statement of cash flows for the year then ended, notes comprising a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory notes and the directors’ declaration. Directors’ responsibilities for the financial report The directors of the company are responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of the financial report in accordance with Australian Accounting Standards (including Australian Accounting Interpretations) and the Corporations Act 2001. This responsibility includes establishing and maintaining internal control relevant to the preparation and fair presentation of the financial report that is free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error; selecting and applying appropriate accounting policies; and making accounting estimates that are reasonable in the circumstances. Auditors Responsibility My responsibility is to express an opinion on the financial report based on my audit. I conducted my audit in accordance with Australian Auditing Standards. These Auditing Standards require that I comply with relevant ethical requirements relating to audit engagements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance whether the financial report is free from material misstatement. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial report. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgement, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial report, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the entity’s preparation and fair presentation of the financial report in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity’s internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by the committee, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial report. The financial report has been prepared for distribution to the members for the purpose of fulfilling the directors’ financial reporting under the Corporations Act 2001. I disclaim any assumption of responsibility for any reliance on this report or on the financial report to which it relates to any person other than the members, or for any purpose other than that for which it was prepared. I believe that the audit evidence I have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for my audit opinion. Independence In conducting my audit, I have complied with the independence requirements of the Corporations Act 2001. I confirm that the independence declaration required by the Corporations Act 2001, provided to the directors of the Tumut Bowling & Recreation Club Limited on 24 May 2012 would be the same terms if provided to the directors as at the date of this auditor’s report. Ph: 02 6947 3666 l Fax: 02 6947 4272 l Email: [email protected] 38A Russell Street, Tumut NSW 2720 l Web: Correspondence: PO Box 190, Tumut NSW 2720 ABN: 83 335 727 793 Liability limited by a scheme approved under the Professional Standards L 37 i l i TTUUM NNC C LU B BL TLD MUUTT BBOOWWLLI N I NGG AANNDD RRE ECCR RE EAT ATI OI O LU TD 2 AUDITOR’S REPORT BOARD OF INDEPENDENT DIRECTORS 2008-2009 Year Ended 31 May 2013 INDEPENDENT AUDITOR’S REPORT (continued) TO THE MEMBERS OF TUMUT BOWLING & RECREATION CLUB LIMITED Opinion In my opinion the financial report of Tumut Bowling & Recreation Club Limited is in accordance with the Corporations Act 2001, including: (i) Giving a true and fair view of the company’s financial position as at 31 May 2013 and of their performance for the year ended on that date; and (ii) Complying with Australian Accounting Standards (including the Australian Accounting Interpretations) and the Corporations Regulations 2001. WalkerBDS Chartered Accountant _______________________ Steven R Walker Tumut, 15 July 2013 T U M U T B O W L I N G A N D R E C R E AT I O N C L U B L T D MUUTT BBOOW WLLI INNGG AANNDD RREECCRREEAT ATI O I ONNC CL U L UB BL TL D TD TTUUM 38 4 02 DIRECTOR’S DECLARATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2008-2009 TUMUT BOWLING AND RECREATION CLUB LTD DIRECTORS’ DECLARATION The directors declare that: 1. The financial statements and notes, as set out in the financial report are in accordance with the Corporations Act 2001 and: a. b. 2. comply with Australian Accounting Standards; and give a true and fair view of the financial position as at 31 May 2013 and of the performance for the year then ended on that date of the Company. In the directors’ opinion there are reasonable grounds to believe that the company will be able to pay its debts as and when they become due and payable. This declaration is made in accordance with a resolution of the Board of Directors __________________________ C. Hartshorn Director Tumut, 11 July 2013 39 T U M U T B O W L I N G A N D R E C R E AT I O N C L U B L T D 2008-2009 SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS DIRECTORS 2008-2009 Year Ended 31 May 2013 TUMUT BOWLING AND RECREATION CLUB LTD SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION 31 May 2013 DISCLAIMER The additional financial data presented on the following pages is in accordance with the books and records of the Tumut Bowling and Recreation Club Ltd that have been subjected to the auditing procedures applied in our statutory audit of the company for the year ended 31 May 2013. It will be appreciated that our statutory audit did not cover all details of the additional financial data. Accordingly, we do not express an opinion on such financial data and no warranty of accuracy or reliability is given. In accordance with our firm’s policy, we advise that neither the firm nor any member or employee of the firm undertakes responsibility arising in any way whatsoever to any person (other than the company) in respect of such data, including any errors or omissions therein, arising through negligence or otherwise however caused. WalkerBDS Chartered Accountant STEVEN R WALKER Tumut, 15 July 2013 3 MUUTT BBOOW WLLIINNGG AANNDD RREECCRREEAT ATIIOONN CCLLUUBB LLTTDD TTUUM T U M U T B O W L I N G A N D R E C R E AT I O N C L U B L T D 40 2 BOARD OF OFACCOUNT DIRECTORS 2008-2009 REVENUE BOARD DIRECTORS Year Ended 31 May 2013 TUMUT BOWLING AND RECREATION CLUB REVENUE ACCOUNT For the Year Ended 31 May 2013 2013 $ Income Bar trading account Poker machine trading Coffee shop trading account Bingo Raffles Telephone Pool table Room & equipment hire Cigarettes Interest received Vending machine Profit on sale of assets Courtesy bus advertising Sponsorship Income Bowling fees, tournaments and events Mens bowling club Womens bowling club Travelling bowlers’ club Members subscriptions Sundry income ATM commission KENO commission TAB commission & Sky rebate Total Income Administration costs Professional service fees Printing and stationery Advertising Courtesy bus Audit fees Unders/overs Bank fees/taxes Bingo Club vehicle expenses Donations Sponsorships KENO expenses Freight & cartage Insurances 41 3 85,240 818,363 9,817 20,331 13,682 133 405 14,063 372 12,338 7 900 8,981 51,933 6,000 6,854 3,200 10,613 2,223 7,291 42,238 13,756 1,128,740 125 11,856 24,629 5,397 11,500 1,067 654 57,469 2,589 13,829 45,190 2,156 10,043 34,054 2012 $ 62,710 940,270 9,263 20,056 10,322 180 466 9,297 385 11,240 22 4,223 900 5,382 51,691 14,287 5,081 1,200 11,054 2,606 6,963 41,767 10,618 1,219,983 2,730 12,073 17,084 5,584 11,300 1,200 854 65,088 2,298 11,431 38,955 2,684 8,458 32,539 TTUUM MUUTT BBOOW WLLIINNGG AANNDD RREECCRREEAT ATIIOONN CCLLUUBB LLTTDD T U M U T B O W L I N G A N D R E C R E AT I O N C L U B L T D 2 REVENUE ACCOUNT BOARD OF DIRECTORS DIRECTORS 2008-2009 2008-2009 Year Ended 31 May 2013 TUMUT BOWLING AND RECREATION CLUB REVENUE ACCOUNT continued For the Year Ended 31 May 2013 2013 $ 2012 $ TUMUT BOWLING AND RECREATIO Bowling tournaments & events 20,059 20,356 Depreciation 140,888ACCOUNT 145,342 continu REVENUE TAB expenses 8,844 7,196 For the16,031 Year Ended 31 May 201 Sky channel 13,418 Directors expenses 2,296 2,608 CEO - Manager expenses 1,181 1,338 Computer expenses 6,353 4,832 Electricity/gas 68,350 62,861 Petrol/diesel 3,423 3,389 Cleaning/laundry/garbage 16,480 13,373 Staff / director uniforms 3,848 3,768 Postage 5,070 4,691 Bowling tournaments & events Entertainment 27,779 26,093 Rent – crown lands Depreciation 15,867 15,680 Repairs and maintenance 13,450 18,411 TAB expenses Kitchen 8,058 4,059 Sky channel Staff / director training 3,678 6,325 Licences – subscriptions 11,903 8,987 Directors expenses OH & S general expenses 1,357 2,029 CEO Manager expenses Superannuation contributions 50,028 50,829 Computer expenses Bus wages 19,316 21,087 Telephone 5,447 6,345 Electricity/gas Admin wages 173,110 167,654 Petrol/diesel Doorman wages 20,460 22,339 Cleaning wages 39,897 Cleaning/laundry/garbage 36,499 Provision for long service leave 1,760 (7,636) Staff / director uniforms Provision for annual leave (1,721) (4,045) Club members promotion 92,037 95,149 Postage Rates/water 13,916 12,456 Entertainment Security 1,336 1,542 Rent – crown lands Sundry expenses 365 203 Men’s bowling club Repairs and maintenance 1,907 3,158 Travelling bowlers 1,200 3,402 Kitchen Raffles 9,788 9,021 Poker 32,876 23,534 Staff / director training Workers compensation 14,934 15,099 Licences – subscriptions 4,730 Women’s bowling club 5,067 Members bonus points 8,575 OH & S general expenses 11,242 Superannuation contributions 1,050,710 1,084,703 Bus wages Telephone Admin wages MUUTT BBOOW WLLIINNGG AANNDD RREECCRREEAT ATIIOONN CCLLUUBB LLTTDD TTUUM T U M U T B O W L I N G A N D R E C R E AT I O N C L U B L T D Total Administration costs 3 42 2 BOARD OF OFACCOUNT DIRECTORS 2008-2009 REVENUE BOARD DIRECTORS Year Ended 31 May 2013 TUMUT BOWLING AND RECREATION CLUB REVENUE ACCOUNT continued For the Year Ended 31 May 2013 2013 $ 2012 $ Bowls & Greens Costs Greens maintenance Greens wages Raw water 9,885 59,106 2,810 6,913 78,109 1,870 Total Bowls & Greens costs 71,801 86,892 1,156,504 1,137,602 Total Expenses Operating Loss / Surplus 43 3 (27,764) 82,381 TTUUM MUUTT BBOOW WLLIINNGG AANNDD RREECCRREEAT ATIIOONN CCLLUUBB LLTTDD T U M U T B O W L I N G A N D R E C R E AT I O N C L U B L T D 2 SPORT Club Tumut proudly sponsors Tumut Minor League. Wyangle bowler Matt Stubbs sends down a delivery. T U M U T B O W L I N G A N D R E C R E AT I O N C L U B L T D 44