PDF - San Angelo Chamber of Commerce
PDF - San Angelo Chamber of Commerce
2015 COMMUNITY PROFILE Quality of Life HEALTH CARE - San Angelo has two acute care hospitals: Shannon Medical Center and San Angelo Community Medical Center. With over 200 physicians and 50 dentists practicing multiple specialties, San Angelo is widely recognized as a regional medical center. Acute care services available include cancer treatment and cardiac care. Other specialized medical facilities include: a regional rehabilitation center, a geriatric care facility, and a mental health and drug rehabilitation hospital. There are currently 8 nursing homes and an additional 10 retirement centers providing a variety of living accommodations and levels of care, including Alzheimer’s care. location on the northern boundary of the Chihuahuan desert, and our proximity to rivers and lakes provide a very pleasant climate. With 3 lakes and rivers flowing through the city, San Angelo has an average morning humidity of 79%, but that drops to a comfortable average of 44% in the afternoons. Temperatures do reach in the 100's during the summer, but low humidity in the 15% to 25% range keeps the “heat index” down. Snow and sleet are not common, but may occur once or twice each year. From an employer’s standpoint, there are very few lost workdays because of winter. The average annual temperature is 64.5 degrees, with average highs of 77.1, and lows of 51.8. San Angelo receives 251 days of sunshine each year, and the average rainfall is 20.91 inches. *See Weather Chart below. RECREATION & SPORTS - San Angelo's weather allows residents and visitors to enjoy year round recreational activities. The summer temperatures are moderated by a trip to Lake Nasworthy or the Concho River. Boating, fishing, and water skiing are popular summer sports. If you have children, you will find a variety of activities for them as well. The City of San Angelo, Boys and Girls Clubs, and the YMCA operate several recreation centers. Organized sports for children include baseball, basketball, football, softball, saddle club, soccer, and gymnastics. Fourteen public tennis court locations, an indoor soccer facility, two public swimming pools, two country clubs with golf, tennis, and swimming, and three additional public golf courses all provide outdoor recreation opportunities. Fall and winter provide some of the best deer, turkey and quail hunting in Texas. For those that enjoy a sideline seat for their sports enjoyment, college football and basketball kick off in the fall and winter with Angelo State University. Professional sports include PRCA Rodeo, the San Angelo Colts, a member of the United League Baseball, and the San Angelo Bandits, a member of the Lone Star Football League. WEATHER & CLIMATE - San Angelo’s altitude of 1,900 feet, Jan Feb March April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Avg. Temp 44.9 49.7 57.2 65.0 73.1 79.2 82.4 81.3 74.8 65.4 54.0 46.4 Avg. High 57.9 63.5 71.1 79.0 85.6 90.8 94.4 93.1 86.6 77.8 66.5 59.3 Avg. Low 31.8 36.0 43.3 51.0 60.6 67.6 70.4 69.4 63.0 53.0 41.4 33.5 Avg. Rain 0.82 1.18 0.99 1.60 3.09 2.52 1.10 2.05 2.75 2.57 1.10 0.94 Days of Sunshine 17 17 20 19 21 24 24 25 22 23 20 19 2015 COMMUNITY PROFILE Quality of Life PUBLIC EDUCATION San Angelo Independent School District – San Angelo has two high schools, 1 freshman campus, 3 middle schools, and 17 elementary schools. A major renovation and expansion of facilities has just been completed as a result of a $117 million bond election in 2008. For more information on the San Angelo Independent School District, call (325) 947-3700 or visit www.saisd.org. TLC Academy – Texas Leadership Charter Academy began in 2009 to serve students and families in San Angelo. It is through the vision of the founder, Dr. Walt Landers, that Texas Leadership Charter Academy opened its doors with 84 faculty and staff members serving 600 students in San Angelo, Texas. Texas Leadership Charter Academy seeks to develop leaders with the necessary skills to achieve success in the 21st century. Through establishing strong academics, character training, and parenting programs, Texas Leadership Charter Academy is successful in fulfilling its mission For more information, call (325) 653-3200 or visit www.tlcasanangelo.com Angelo State University – ASU enrolls more than 6,500 students from throughout Texas as well as 44 additional states and 27 foreign countries. Angelo State offers 43 baccalaureate and 20 master’s programs as well as a doctoral program. For more information, contact the ASU Admission Office at (325) 942-2041 or visit myfuture.angelo.edu. Howard College – The San Angelo campus offers many educational opportunities for a diverse student population that can lead to a certificate or an associate’s degree. Their unique campus, located at the West Texas Training Center, includes two new buildings which opened in the fall of 2014. The new space provides additional classrooms, student services and library to accommodate the needs of the students. Their Health Professions programs benefit from their location at the St. John’s campus, a working hospital. Howard College also offers a number of courses for job specific skills through their Workforce Training/Continuing Ed division. In addition, a GED Testing Center and Adult Education Literacy are offered through Howard College. FMI 325-481-8350 or www.howardcollege.edu. Texas State Technical College (TSTC) – is the only statefunded technical college in Texas. TSTC is a statewide system that provides advanced technical training in Robotics, Wind Energy, Computer Networking, Computer-Aided Drafting, Automotive, Diesel, Welding, Nursing and more. In the West Texas region, there are campuses in Abilene, Brownwood, Breckenridge and Sweetwater. Visit us at www. westtexas.tstc.edu or call (325) 235-7300 for more information today! West Texas Training Center (WTTC) - The WTTC is a comprehensive training facility with its mission being to support and enhance regional economic development via workforce training. Howard College, the San Angelo Independent School District, Angelo State University, and the City of San Angelo are partners in the WTTC consortium. The WTTC, managed by Howard College, houses occupational and customized training programs in its 100,000 square foot facility. The facility’s Rapid Response Room provides a 5,500 square foot area for new and existing companies to conduct trainings, seminars and conferences. In addition, the 2,500 square foot Kevin J. Barry Conference Hall and the 900 square foot Wolslager Room are available. The WTTC is located at 3501 N. US Highway 67. For more information on the West Texas Training Center, contact the director’s office at 325-942-2800, ext. 3223 or visit www.wttcsa.org. PRIVATE EDUCATION Private Schools - San Angelo has 7 certified private and/ or parochial schools: Angelo Catholic School, Cornerstone Christian School, Gateway Christian Academy, Trinity Lutheran School, San Angelo Christian Academy, The Potter’s Hand School, and Ambleside School of San Angelo. For more information, visit www.sanangelo.org/downhome/education. php. 2015 COMMUNITY PROFILE Quality of Life CULTURAL AFFAIRS - For a city with a population over 100,000, San Angelo provides a high level of cultural events and activities. Texas theatre began in San Angelo. The San Angelo Civic Theater is the oldest community-based theater group in Texas. Annual performances include comedy, musicals, and drama. Angelo State University is another excellent source for both stage and dinner theater performances. The San Angelo Symphony performs 8 times during the year, and is headquartered in the restored City Auditorium. The Museum of Fine Arts, located on the river in downtown San Angelo, provides an outstanding venue for the visual arts and annually sponsors the National Ceramic Arts Competition. San Angelo is home to Fort Concho National Historic Landmark. Founded in 1867 as a frontier outpost to protect early West Texas settlers, Fort Concho is open to the public for tours seven days a week. The Cultural Affairs Council offers many attractive and exciting entertainment options, such as the Cactus Jazz Music Series and the San Angelo Wine & Food Festival. For more information on the arts, contact the Cultural Affairs Council at (325) 653-6793 or www.sanangeloarts.com. HOUSING - In 2014, 30-160 new homes were selling in San Angelo in a range of $110-140 per square foot. The average cost of all homes sold in San Angelo in 2014 was $239,821. There are 60 apartment complexes in San Angelo, and the cost for two bedroom unfurnished apartments range from $890 to $1,595 per month. The “ACCRA Cost of Living Index” for the third quarter of 2014 lists San Angelo as having a housing index that ranks our housing costs as approximately 28% below the national average. COST OF LIVING - San Angelo participates in the ACCRA “Cost of Living Index” program. This index is compiled from data submitted on a quarterly basis from over 300 metropolitan areas. Each participating community “shops” 64 items in their respective communities on the same day of each quarter. These prices for goods and services are sent to ACCRA, where a quarterly index is compiled. The national average for each item is given a rating of 100. The 2014 averages for San Angelo were: Pricing Items 100 % Composite Index Grocery Items Housing Utilities Transportation Health Care Misc. Goods & Services Rankings 94.8 96.2 84.2 96.7 99.4 86.4 102.4 SHOPPING - San Angelo has 10 shopping centers throughout the community. Nine are shopping centers with outside entrances and one is a fully enclosed mall. Sunset Mall has 60-65 individual businesses and is anchored by Bealls, Dillard’s, JC Penny, Sears and Marshalls. San Angelo’s national chain retailers include Lowe’s Home Improvement Center, Home Depot, Target, Office Max, Office Depot, Pier One, Michaels, Best Buy, Academy Sports, Sam’s Club, PETCO, Petsmart, Inc., Bed, Bath & Beyond, Ross Department Store, Rue-21, Family Power Sports, Furniture Row, Kirklands, Fed-Ex Office, Maurices and two Wal-Mart Super Centers. 2015 COMMUNITY PROFILE Quality of Life 2015 Event Calendar JANUARY Cactus Music Series Celebration of Champions/Worlds Greatest Horseman FEBRUARY AUGUST Wool Capital Triathlon SEPTEMBER San Angelo Rodeo Parade San Angelo Stock Show & Rodeo Cactus Music Series Fiestas Patrias The Art Museum Family Day Taste of San Angelo MARCH OCTOBER Annual Cowboy Celebration Cactus Music Series Texas Independence Day Celebration Stribling Art Extravaganza Archaeology Fair Business Expo Dog Days at the Park En Plein Air Halloween Tours & Programs at Fort Concho Roping Fiesta Art-Ober-Feast APRIL Children’s Fair Concho Valley Bluegrass Festival Pops Concert San Angelo National Ceramic Competition San Angelo Wine & Food Festival Spring Chicken Affair NOVEMBER Chicken Farm Art Center Open House Cactus Music Series Sorantin Young Artist’s Award MAY DECEMBER Cinco de Mayo Celebration Cactus Music Series Christmas at Old Fort Concho Concho Christmas Celebration Nutcracker Ballet Santa’s Santa Fe Christmas Tuba Christmas San Angelo Symphony Christmas Pops Concert JUNE Showdown in San Angelo Drag Boat Races Juneteenth Celebration Sporting Clay Shoot Team Roping Championship JULY San Angelo Symphony Pops Concert at the River Stage July 4th Lake Fireworks Display National Cowboy Day Festival Wake the Desert – Wakeboarding Contest 2015 COMMUNITY PROFILE Utilities NATURAL GAS: Natural gas service is provided by Atmos Energy in San Angelo. Residential, Commercial and Industrial service is available by calling the Atmos Energy Customer Call Center at 1-888-286-6700 or visit www.atmosenergy.com. ELECTRICITY: Electrical wires service is provided by AEP-Texas. San Angelo is currently served with 13 transmission lines – 69,000 volts (4) 139,000 volts (6), 345,000 volts (3). Under deregulation, San Angelo residents and businesses may select their own retail electric provider. Depending upon location, electric service may be provided by Concho Valley Electric Cooperative, the area’s electric cooperative (www.cvec.coop). For detailed information on service providers and rates (excluding electric cooperatives), go to www.powertochoose.org. TELECOMMUNICATIONS: Verizon is the region’s principal provider of local telephone service and operates a 100 percent digital network. In addition to Verizon’s long-distance service, other long distance service providers with POPs in San Angelo include AT&T, Sprint, Quest, Cable & Wireless, and CTTC. In addition to standard copper and fiber-based services that provide a range of voice, video and data services, San Angelo residential and business customers can also obtain digital subscriber line (DSL) service, high-speed cable modem service, LMDS, wireless DSL, and digital satellite service. Suddenlink Communications serves San Angelo and is among the 10 largest cable broadband companies in the United States, supporting the information, communication and entertainment demands of approximately 1.3 million residential customers and thousands of commercial customers. REFUSE SERVICE: Refuse collection is provided by Republic Services, Inc., a private contractor who operates the City-owned landfill. Dumpster size (yd3) Weekly Bi-weekly 2 yd3 4 yd3 8 yd3 $41.18 $66.06 $98.95 $67.78 $101.24 $177.88 For more information, contact Republic Services at (325) 481-7700. WATER SERVICE: San Angelo’s water supply is owned and operated by the City of San Angelo. Several lakes are the sources of San Angelo’s water. As of December 2013, San Angelo’s maximum capacity of the water system is 42 million gallons/day. The average daily use is 14 million, with the highest recorded usage of 24 million gallons/day. Industrial base rates are by meter size and as follows: Meter Size Base Rate 5/8" 1" 1 1/2" 2" 3" 4" 6" 8" $19.12 $23.14 $27.19 $35.86 $104.71 $130.73 $190.31 $257.97 For more information, contact the San Angelo Water Utilities Department at (325) 657-4323. SANITARY SEWER: The City of San Angelo has an activated sludge wastewater treatment facility. The wastewater treatment capacity is 13.2 million gallons/day. The current treatment is 9.21 million gallons/day, and the highest peak treatment was 13 million gallons/day. Water Meter Size Base Rate 5/8" 1" 1 1/2" 2" 3" 4" 6" 8" $19.81 $22.93 $26.08 $32.79 $86.16 $106.33 $152.52 $204.98 For more information, contact the San Angelo Water Utilities Department at (325) 657-4323. 2015 COMMUNITY PROFILE Economic Trends 2015 COMMUNITY PROFILE Hourly Wage Rates Code Employees Sampled Entry Wage Experienced Wage Median Wage 51-7011 30 $8.87 $13.52 $11.09 15-1142 120 $25.15 $40.02 $35.63 15-1121 160 $23.55 $40.29 $33.21 Executive Secretaries & Adminstrative Assistants Financial Managers 43-6011 230 $14.17 $25.59 $21.23 11-3031 80 $29.61 $62.33 $46.77 First Line Supervisors/Managers of Mechanics, Installers, Repairers General & Operations Managers 49-1011 170 $16.13 $31.10 $23.08 11-1021 650 $23.01 $61.87 $42.35 Industrial Production Managers 11-3051 30 $33.54 $37.17 $45.46 Laborers/Freight/Stock/Material/ Movers/Hand Plumbers, Pipefitters, & Steamfitters First Line Supervisors/Managers of Production & Operating Workers Production Machinists Assemblers and Fabricators Welders, Cutters, Solderers, & Brazers 53-7062 650 $8.22 $12.28 $10.12 47-2152 100 $16.38 $23.31 $20.23 51-1011 120 $14.01 $31.20 $22.42 51-2099 N/A $11.72 $13.43 $13.19 51-4121 110 $12.87 $19.87 $16.35 Occupational Title Cabinetmakers & Bench Carpenters Network and Computer Systems Administrators Computer Systems Analysts Source: Texas Workforce Solutions, Last Revised: April-2014. The above wages represent a small sample of the list available through the Texas Workforce Solutions. To obtain a complete listing go to: www.texasindustryprofiles.com/apps/win. Select San Angelo MSA from “Areas” tab and then click on “Occupations” tab for categories of employment. 2015 COMMUNITY PROFILE Manufacturers BIOTECHONOLOGY TEXAS VET LAB - Jim Bob Harris, President 1702 North Bell Street, 76903, 325-658-3838, Employment 10-24, Est. 1977, Veterinary Biologics, www.texasvetlab.com CANDLES & GIFT ITEMS CANDLES HANDMADE BY JF - Judy Fowler, Owner 2716 Sherwood Way Suite 2, 76901, 325-949-6200, Employment 1-9, Est. 1998, Candles & bath soaps, wedding and western gift items, wood crosses, clocks, fragrance candle scents, silk floral arangements CHEMICALS HOUSE OF CHEMICALS, INC. - John David Barnett, President 304 N. Chadbourne, 76903, 325-655-8376, Employment 10-24, Est. 1965, Janitoral supplies, equipment & speciality cleaning chemicals, www.everythingtocleananything.com PCA SHOE CARE PRODUCTS - Ben Balli, President & CEO 538 Armadillo Road, 76904-9691, 325-651-7869, Employment 1-9, Est. 1986, Polymer acrylic coating used in placo of shoe polish, www.pcashoecare.com COMPUTER SOFTWARE DATA MANAGEMENT INC. (DMI) - Jorge Ellis, CEO 1 Time Clock Drive, 76904, 325-223-9500, Employment 50-99, Est. 1988, Develops & markets TimeClock Plus™, www.timeclockplus.com ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT & COMPONETS WEATHERSBEE ELECTRIC CO., INC. - Gregory L. Buchanan, Owner P.O. Box 2236, 76902, 325-655-7555, Employment 10-24, Est. 1934, Repair and rebuild alternators, starters, DC motors, www. weathersbeeelectric.com FOOD PRODUCTS ARCTIC GLACIER INC. - Fred Smagurinsky, CEO 332 Pulliam St. Suite G, 76903, 325-658-1011, Employment 1-9, Est. 1996, Crushed and block ice, www.arcticglacier.com COWBOY-UP CHOCOLATE - James Crowder, Renee Crowder, Michelle Valentine, Owners 2411 College Hills Blvd., 76904, 325-949-3248, Employment 1-9, Est. 2008, Gourmet handmade chocolate candy with a western theme, www.cowboyupchocolate.com DE COTY COFFEE CO. - Michael J. Agan, President & CEO 1920 Austin St., 76903, 325-655-5607, Employment 50-99, Est. 1929, Roasted coffee, teas & spices, www.decotycoffee.com LONE STAR BEEF PROCESSORS - John Cross, President 2150 E. 37th St., 76903, 325-658-5555, Employment 400 Plus, Est. 1997, Boneless beef for further fabrication & value added products, www.lonestarbeef.net MRS. RIOS CORN PRODUCTS - Armando Martinez, Owner 215 W. Ave. N, 76903, 325-653-5640, Employment 25-49, Est. 1946, Mexican foods, corn & flour tortillas, taco shells, tortilla chips, www.mrsrios.com TALK O'TEXAS BRANDS INC. - Russell Brown, CEO 1610 Roosevelt St., 76905, 325-655-6077, Employment 50-99, Est. 1952, Food speciality items, pickled okra, www.talkotexas.com JEWELRY GOLDEN PHOENIX JEWELERY - Jon Peterson, Partner 4016 Sherwood Way, 76901, 325-949-1400, Employment 1-9, Est. 1979, Custom design of fine jewelry, diamond, sapphire, ruby & emerald HOLLAND JEWELRY, INC. - William S. Holland, CEO P.O. Box 1031, 76902, 325-655-3135, Employment 10-24, Est. 1918, Custom jewelry in gold, silver, and gemstones, western belt buckles, western jewelry & accessories, www.hollandjewelry.com LEGEND JEWELERS - Mark Priest, Owner 18 East Concho Ave., 76903, 325-653-0112, Employment 1-9, Est. 1995, Emblematic Jewelry, Company Logos, Brands, Custom Corporate Gifts & Jewelry using cutting edge CANCAM designing, www.legendjewelers.com SLOPER JEWELRY CO., INC. - Janette Sloper, President P.O. Box 869, 76902, 325-944-8783, Employment 1-9, Est. 1975, Fine gold & silver jewelry & jewelry castings, www.sloperjewelry.com LIVESTOCK FEED & MINERALS ANGELO PELLETS, LTD - Tom Latham, President P.O. Box 1876, 76902-1876, 325-655-5751, Employment 10-24, Est. 1963, Livestock feed, www.angelopellets.com HTC INDUSTRIES, INC. - Bud Lehman, General Manager P.O. Box 3286, 76902, 325-949-0645, Employment 10-24, Est. 1981, Tallow meat, & bone meal, inedible animal fat HUDSON LIVESTOCK SUPPLEMENTS, INC. - Wayne Hudson, President 8193 Thompson Rd. Miles, Texas, 76861, 325-659-3992, Employment 10-24, Est. 1944, Livestock feed & supplements, www.hudsonlivestock.com 2015 COMMUNITY PROFILE Manufacturers PALMER FEED & SUPPLY, INC./ANGELO FEED - Blaine Palmer, President 1318 N. Chadbourne, 76903, 325-653-6765, Employment 25-49, Est. 1943, Livestock feed, www.palmerfeed.com SOUTHWESTERN LIVESTOCK MINERAL COMPANY - Tim Turner, President P.O. Drawer 231, 76902-0231, 325-655-1430, Employment 1024, Est. 1980, Livestock minerals & premixes, www.swlm.com MANUFACTURERS SUPPORT INDUSTRIES ACME IRON & METAL COMPANY - Robert Gregory, President 720 N. Buchanan, 76903, 325-653-1407, Employment 10-24, Est. 1950, Scrap & waste materials ALL AMERICAN PUMP & MACHINE INC. - E.J. Bible, Owner 1310 N. Bell St., 76903, 325-653-6597, Employment 1-9, Est. 1995, Pump and electic motor repair and sales, www.allamericanpumpandmachine.com DANHIL CONTAINERS - John Hensley, General Manager 6842 Templin Ct., 76904, 325-651-7378, Employment 50-99, Est. 1977, Corrugated boxes, www.danhillcontainers.com MEDICAL SUPPLIES ETHICON - Ray Gonzalez, Plant Manager 3348 Pulliam, 76905, 325-482-5200, Employment 500 Plus, Est. 1963, Medical device manufacturer & assembly, www.ethicon.com NATIONAL OIL WELL VARCO - Russel Waters, Operation Manager 6738 Sideview Rd., 76902, 325-655-8225, Employment 200 Plus, Est. 1990, Fabricated oilfield equipment and tanks (steel & fiberglass), www.nov.com GENERAL SHEET METAL - Leonard S. Branaman, Owner P.O. Box 3766, 76902, 325-655-2982, Employment 1-9, Est. 1987, Sheet metal fabrication, including flashings, gutters, commercial vent hoods & duct fabrication HENSON TOOLS, L.L.C. - Ronnie Maner, President P.O. Box 3245, 76902, 325-651-4872, Employment 1-9, Est. 1989, Manufacture oil field tools, thru tubing mills. Auger components, pilot bits & blades, www.mhbits.com HIRSCHFELD INDUSTRIES - Dennis Hirschfeld, CEO P.O. Box 3768, 76902, 325-486-4201, Employment 300 Plus, Est. 1945, Fabricated structural steel, www.hirschfeld.com J & T WELDING, LLC. - Travis Ahlers, Owner 5294 Christoval Rd., 325-651-3200, Employment 10-24, Ext. 1981, Welding, fabrication, shear & break & CNC machine, www. jtweld.com RODEO WEST - Jim Williamson, President 5840 Grape Creek Road, 76901, 325-486-1439, Employment 10-24, Est. 1977, Metal livestock gates & panels, www.rodeowest.com METAL FABRICATION SAN ANGELO FABRICATORS - Helen & Manuel Contreras, Owners 5506 S. Loop 306, 76905, 325-655-2980, Employment 1-9, Est. 1977, Sheet metal fabrication for industrial kitchen equipment for schools, hospitals & cafeterias A+ FABRICATION - Robert Contreras, Owner 1120 S. Oakes, 76903, 325-482-0910, Employment 1-9, Est. 1999, Specialized metal fabrication TOPPER COMPANY - Al Thomerson, Owner P.O. Box 5198, 76902, 325-658-3277, Employment 1-9, Est. 1985, Mechanical windmills, solar water pump systems ALNC, INC. - Kristin Barta, President P.O. Box 669, 76902, 325-658-3612, Employment 50-99, Est. 2003, Custom metal fabrication, www.alncsteel.com TWIN MOUNTAIN FENCE CO. - Raymond Meza, Owner P.O. Box 2240, 76902, 325-944-8661, Employment 50-99, Est. 1947, Ranch gates, sheep panels & fencing materials, www.twinmountainfence.com AERMOTOR WINDMILL CO., INC. - Guy Morrow, President & CEO P.O. Box 5110, 76902, 325-651-4951, Employment 10-24, Est. 1888, Water-pumping windmills, towers & parts, www.aermotorwindmill.com AZTEC, INC. - Marlow Wojtek, President P.O. Box 2647, 76902, 325-658-6257, Employment 1-9, Est. 1990, Enclosures, metal stampings, metal mounting racks BOLANDERS WELDING & ORNAMENTAL IRON Kenneth Bolander, Owner 1236 N. Bell, 76903, 325-653-5015, Employment 1-9, Est. 1961, Livestock handling equipment and custom home decor, www.cowboyironcraft.com VENTAIRE AWNING - Billy Tounget, Owner 1217 S. Oakes, 76903, 325-655-6182, Employment 1-9, Est. 1945, Aluminum awnings, ornamental ironwork, www.sanangelopatioawnings.com WENDLAND MANUFACTURING CORP. - David Hirschfeld, President, Owner, CEO P.O. Box 808, 76903, 325-655-6778, Employment 25-49, Est. 1921, Fabrication of steel tanks & pressure vessels, www.wendlandmfg.com 2015 COMMUNITY PROFILE Manufacturers WESTERN TOWERS - Charles A. Anderson, President P.O. Box 2040, 76902, 325-658-6539, Employment 25-49, Est. 1945, Manufactures, provides, installs communication towers, www.westerntowers.com WINGER MACHINE & TOOL - Mark Winger, Owner 3916 S. Chadbourne, 76903, 325-658-5810, Employment 10-24, Est. 1977, Mfg. of percussion hammers & bits, www.wingermachine.com MISCELLANEIOUS MANUFACTURING INDUSTRIES ANGELO AWARDS - Karen Jackson, Sage Jackson, Cary Castor, Owners 1809 W. Ave. N, 76904, 325-944-2302, Employment 1-9, Est. 1980, Trophies, awards & medals, engraving & promotional products, www.angeloawards.homestead.com AUTOMATIC FIRE PROTECTION, INC. - Joe M. Self, President P.O. Box 1551, 76902, 325-651-9000, Employment 10-24, Est. 1970, Fire sprinklers, www.automaticfireprotection.com CONCHO CARTRIDGE CO., INC. - Lee Ates, President P.O. Box 1430, 76902, 325-653-5008, Employment 1-9, Est. 1988, Manufactured and remanufactured ammunition/pressed composite technology (pct), www.conchocartridge.com CUSTOM SKIN COMPANY - Jimmy Cole, Vice President 2800 North Bell, 76903, 325-655-9585, Employment 10-24, Est. 1969, Salt & dry shep skins HOUSE OF TELEPHONES - Odis W. LeVier, Owner 2677 East Valley Drive, 76905-6803, 325-482-0101, Employment 1-9, Est. 1974, Manufacturing antique cloth covered phone cords & accessories PRECISE OPTICAL - Dr. J. Warren Brasher & Dr. Russell Subia, Owners 26 W. Avenue N, 76903, 325-655-5141, Employment 1-9, Est. 1996, Wholesale manufacturer of optical lens as per doctor prescriptions, www.preciseoptical.com SOUTHLAND FRAME SUPPLY - Brad Green, Owner 2311 Southland, 76904, 325-944-4624, Employment 1-9, Est. 1996, Picture frames manufacturer/wholesale T4C CUSTOM PORTABLE BUILDINGS - Shay Elkins, Owner 6941 South US Highway 277, 76904, 325-655-2600, Employment 10-24, Est. 2005, Ready built and custom homes, custom portable buildings-greenhouses, gazebos, barns, cabins & carports, www.t4cbuildings.com WEST TEXAS LIGHTHOUSE FOR THE BLIND - David Wells, Executive Director 2001 Austin, 76903, 325-653-4231, Employment 55-65, Est. 1963, Canvas bags, ball point pens & markers, sewing, packaging, & writing instruments, [email protected] PLASTIC & FIBERGLASS PRODUCTS COVERLAY MANUFACTURING - Jan Henderson, Director of Sales & Marketing 4017 Highway 67 N., 76905, 325-659-4697, Employment 30-35, Est. 1983, Contoured plastic dash, covers, replacement door panels for cars, SUVs & trucks, www.coverlaymfg.com SEA ARROW MARINE CORPORATION - Robert W. Lovelace, President 709 Rust, 76903, 325-655-0100, Employment 10-24, Est. 1973, Boats, fiberglass buildings, transport equipment PRINTING/PUBLISHING AMERICAN CLASSIFIEDS (A PUBLICATION OF THRIFTY NICKEL) Pat Logan, Owner 15 N. Tyler, 76901, 325-944-7653, Employment 10-24, Est. 1983, Advertising, www.angeloads.com COMPANY PRINTING - Lorenzo & Leslie Lasater, Owners 3419 Knickerbocker Rd., 76904, 325-949-9941, Employment 1-9, Est. 1992, Miscellaneous publishing or publishing & printing, commercial printing, copies, office supplies, mailing services, promotional products, www.companyprinting.com CORTESE FLAG & SILKSCREEN - Winkay Reed, Jason Moore, Coowners 1602 W. Beauregard, 76901, 325-653-4809, Employment 1-9, Est. 1969, Flags, flagpoles, screen printing, vinyl signs, custom orders, embroidery, disc golf GANDY INK SCREENPRINTING & EMBROIDERY - Phil Gandy, President 2027 Industrial Ave., 76904, 325-949-7864, Employment 50-99, Est. 1988, Screen printing, advertising specialties & embroidery, www.gandyink.com INDUSTRIAL PRINTING SOLUTIONS, INC. - Lorenzo Lasater, President 3419 Knickerbocker Rd., 76904, 325-942-8581, Employment 1-9, Est. 2000, Commercial printing, product packaging including folding cartons, blister and skinboard packaging, www.industrialprinting.biz LIVESTOCK WEEKLY - Robert Frank, President P.O. Box 3306, 76902, 325-949-4611, Employment 10-24, Est. 1948, Ranch newspaper, www.livestockweekly.com MEIER BUSINESS SYSTEMS - Jim Henry Meier, Owner P.O. Box 3929, 76902, 325-655-3101, Employment 1-9, Est. 1981, Business forms PRINTERY, THE - Mike Branham, Owner 204 W. Clearwater Dr., 76903-1024, 325-653-4188, Employment 1-9, Est. 1980, Commercial & personal printing 2015 COMMUNITY PROFILE Manufacturers Q'S PRINTING & DESIGN - H.S. Marshall, CEO 20 Howard Suite 8, 76901, 325-944-2942, Employment 1-9, Est. 1979, Full color commercial printing, graphic design RANCH MAGAZINE - Kenneth Wesner, Owner P.O. Box 2678, 76902, 325-655-4434, Employment 1-9, Est. 1920, Publisher periodicals, typesetting manufacturer, www.ranchmagazine.com RANGEL PRINTING - Manuel Rangel, Owner 1502 W. Beauregard, 76901, 325-653-9889, Employment 1-9, Est. 1982, Printers, commercial printing, NEC, wedding announcements & invitations REPRODUCTION CENTER, THE - Sherri Trubenstein, Owner 1101 S. Koenigheim, 76903, 325-655-6608, Employment 1-9, Est. 1982, Miscellaneous publishing & printing, commercial printing SAN ANGELO STANDARD-TIMES - Jeff DeLoach, President & Publisher 34 West Harris Ave, 76903, 325-653-1221, Employment 50-99, Est. 1884, Newspaper, www.gosanangelo.com TALLEY PRESS, THE - Stephen Talley, Owner 21 E. Harris, 76903, 325-655-7361, Employment 1-9, Est. 1924, Commercial printing & publishing, www.talleypress.com TAYLOR PRINTING COMPANY - Lawrence or Steve Taylor, Managers 109-111 N. Chadbourne, 76903, 325-655-5454, Employment 1-9, Est. 1938, Commercial printing WESTERN PRINTING COMPANY - Regina Wolf, Manager 51 N. Chadbourne, 76903-5888, 325-655-8124, Employment 1-9, Est. 1927, Die-cutting of paper, commercial printing, lithographing, ticket books, rubber stamps, business cards SIGNS ADOBE SIGNS & T-SHIRTS - Peggy McElrath, Owner 2013 Junius, 76901, 325-655-9873, Employment 1-9, Est. 1991, Magnetic, point of interest, & vinyl graphics, www.adobedave.com ANGELO SIGN CO. - Dave Levesque, Owner 3014 Hemlock, 76904, 325-895-2222, Employment 1-9, Est. 2000, Sign manufacturer specializing in dimensional signs, sandblasted and routed signs, full color printing A PLUS SIGN COMPANY - Robert Hendry, Owner 405 Pruesser, 76903-3617, 325-653-5424, Employment 1-9, Signs, neon, vinyl, manufacturing, installation REBEL SIGNS - Rebel Dowdle, Owner 905 Glenna, 76901, 325-944-8450, Employment 1-9, Est. 1971, Banners, magnetic flags, site, safety, vehicle signs, auto graphics, pin-striping and airbrush WESTERN POSTER SERVICE CO., INC. - William L. Pierce, President 901 Strawn Road, 76904, 325-658-6153, Employment 10-24, Est. 1984, Outdoor billboard printing, magnetics, banners, store front signs, political, coroplast & metal signs, custom decals, vehicle & Marine graphics, www.western-posters.com SPORTING & ATHLETIC GOODS E-Z MOUNT CORP. - Karl Bookter, President P.O. Box 2599, 76902, 325-653-8911, Employment 1-9, Utility backs, antler mounting kits, (deer) gun racks, adapter kits WEST TEXAS GAME FEEDERS - H.L. Turnbow, Owner 3312 N. Chadbourne., 76903, 325-653-3678, Employment 1-9, Est. 1958, Automatic game feeders and equipment, www.westtexasgamefeeders.com STONE, CLAY, GLASS, & CONCRETE PRODUCTS BIRK MONUMENTAL MFG. - Ronald & Susan Henry, Owners 4102 Coliseum Dr., 76903, 325-653-5946, Employment 1-9, Est. 1899, Monuments & markers, www.birkmonumental.com CHICKEN FARM ART CENTER - Roger Allen, CEO 2505 Martin Luther King Blvd., 76903, 325-653-4936, Employment 1-9, Est. 1971, Pottery & art, www.chickenfarmartcenter.com CLAY CORNER - James Williams, Supervisor 1501 Beauregard, 76901, 325-658-7750, Employment 25-49, Est. 1978, Ceramic decorations & novelties GLASS MENAGERIE STAINED GLASS STUDIO - Beverly Grenda, Owner 403 W. Avenue D, 76903, 325-653-6448, Employment 1-9, Est. 1976, Leaded, beveled, etched stained glass windows, gift items INGRAM CONCRETE - Greg Cain, Area Manager 1040 Foster, 76903, 325-653-3354, Employment 25-49, Est. 1945, Concrete ready-mix, www.ingramconcrete.com 2015 COMMUNITY PROFILE Manufacturers TEXTILE PRODUCTS ACME AUTO TOP AND AWNING COMPANY - Robert L. Young, Jr., Owner 113 N. Chadbourne, 76903, 325-655-6130, Employment 1-9, Est. 1927, Canvas window awnings & a/c covers BOLLMAN INDUSTRIES - Ladd Hughes, General Manager P.O. Box 1351, 76902, 325-655-0112, Employment 25-49, Est. 1986, Wool & mohair scouring LEDDY'S M.L. BOOT & SADDLERY - Wilson Franklin, Owner 222 S. Oakes, 76903, 325-653-3397, Employment 25-49, Est. 1922, Custom handmade boots & saddles, novelty leathergoods, www.leddys.com MERCER, J.L. BOOTS - Lindsey Cranek, Owner 224 S. Chadbourne, 76903, 325-658-7634, Employment 1-9, Est. 1923, Men’s boots, women’s boots, children’s boots & ropers, www.jlmercerboots.com SAN ANGELO WOOL PROCESSING - Vincent Melone, Jr., President 1602 E. 18th St., 76902, 325-653-6806, Employment 1-9, Est. 1962, Process sheep & goat skins, dealer and processor of wool, mohair, alpaca & related fibers TABORS OF SAN ANGELO - Lydy Tabor, Owner 4816 Knickerbocker Rd., 76904, 325-942-1696, Employment 25-49, Est. 1979, Draperies, bedspreads, dust ruffles, comforters, pillow shams & accessories, www.taborsofsanangelo.com TEJAS MANUFACTURING CO. - Joe Ramos, President 763 W. 29th St., 76906, 325-655-5732, Employment 25-49, Est. 1988, Award jackets, emblems, patches, caps & shirt embroidery ZRC LTD. DBA CAROL TURNER COLLECTION - Randy Turner, CEO 1821-B Knickerbocker Rd., 76904, 325-947-2106, Employment 25-49, Est. 1988, Women's clothing & design TRANSPORTATION EQUIPMENT BRUTON EASY PULL TRAILER SALES, INC. - Kerry Bruton, President 1801 N. Main, 76903, 325-655-5733, Employment 25-49, Est. 1954, Personnel transport trailers, watertight moving vans, stock, horse, gooseneck & lowboy trailers, equipment trailers, www. brutontrailers.com CENTURY TRAILER OF SAN ANGELO - Larry Arledge, President 868 N. Bell St., 76903, 325-653-5370, Employment 10-24, Est. 1989, Trailer sales & service, truck accessory sales, www.centurytrailer.com TEXAS TANK CAR WORKS, INC. - David Green, Vice President 600 North Baze St., 76903, 325-653-2344, Employment 10-24, Est. 1949, Machine shop & fabrication shop, www.ttcw.net WEST TEXAS TRAILER CO., INC. - Owen J. Gray, III, President 1212 N. Bell Street, 76902-1227, 325-655-6445, Employment 1-9, Est. 1933, Horse, cattle, sheep, goat, & utility trailers WOOD PRODUCTS GUARDIAN BUILDING PRODUCTS DISTRIBUTION - Alan Pelzel, Branch Manager 1221 S. Hill, 76903, 325-655-4171, Employment 10-24, Est. 1967, Millwork, hardwood veneer & plywood, softwood veneer & plywood CITY CABINET SHOP, L.L.C. - Terry Sinclair, Owner 72 E. Ave. D, 76903, 325-653-3950, Employment 1-9, Est. 1957, Millwork, kitchen cabinets, vanities, entertainment centers, computer desks & custom woodwork CITY LUMBER COMPANY - Jackson Duncan, President 811 W. 14th St., 76903, 325-653-1403, Employment 25-49, Est. 1949, Wooden trusses & doors, www.city-lumber.com HIDE-A-BOARD IRONING CENTER (WYNNE HOMES, INC.) - Bill Wynne, Owner 824 Warehouse Rd., 76903, 325-655-2514, Employment 10-24, Est. 1986, Ironing Boards JACK’S CABINET SHOP - Don Lowery, President 1004 East 19th, 76903, 325-653-1537, Employment 1-9, Est. 1984, Kitchen & bathroom cabinets PASCHAL, WILLIAM R. & SONS - Doug & Paul Paschal, Partners 510 S. Chadbourne, 76903, 325-653-6063, Employment 1-9, Est. 1964, Hardwood furniture, refinishing piano restoration, architectural woodwork, www.paschalwoodworking.com S & S. CABINET SHOP INC. - Larry Smith, President 3201 Lake Drive, 76903, 325-655-6757, Employment 1-9, Est. 1965, Custom made countertops TERRILL MANUFACTURING - Gary Rushin, CEO 2816 Martin Luther King, 76903, 325-655-7133, Employment 50-99, Est. 1946, Architectural woodwork & wood & plastic laminate clad casework, www.terrillmfg.com 2015 COMMUNITY PROFILE Taxes BUSINESS TAXES INDIVIDUAL TAXES The State of Texas mandates a $15,000 homestead exemption for school taxes for all Texas homes. The tax rate for San Angelo is $2.531 per $100.00 of assessed value. Tax ratios are established in September of each year. Texas has no personal income tax. Property Taxes Sales Tax City of San Angelo Tom Green County School District Tax 0.7760 0.5150 1.2400 State County City 6.25% 0.50% 1.50% Total 2.5310 Total 8.25% The State of Texas does not have a business income tax, but does impose a business franchise tax. In the 2007 Texas legislative session, state business franchise taxes were lowered and broadened to include partnerships (general, limited, and limited liability), corporations, limited liability corporations, business trusts, professional associations, joint ventures and most other legal entities. The tax rate is 1%, with the exception of qualified retail and wholesale businesses that have a 1/2% tax, or an EZ rate of 0.575% (0.00575) for qualifying entities. The tax rate applies to an adjusted margin which equals the least of three calculations – total revenue minus cost of goods sold, total revenue minus compensation, or total revenue times 70%. For further information, contact the Comptroller of Public Accounts toll free at (800) 252-1381 or www.comptroller.texas.gov 2015 COMMUNITY PROFILE Population Trends 2010 U.S. Census Population City of San Angelo Tom Green County San Angelo Trade Area Populations 93,227 110,224 2013 U.S. Census Population Estimate City of San Angelo Tom Green County 97,492 114,954 2010 Tom Green County Population Breakdown and 2013 Estimate By Ethnicity and Age Ethnicity White Hispanic African American Asian Other 2013 Pop. Est. 63,799 39,315 4,445 1,118 1,547 Percentage 55.9% 37.3% 4.7% 1.3% 1% Age Under 19 20-44 45-64 65+ Population 30,630 39,357 27,228 16,116 Percentage 27% 35% 24% 14% Source: U.S. Census Bureau County Coke Concho Crockett Irion Kimble Mason McCulloch Menard Reagan Runnels Schleicher Sterling Sutton Tom Green Totals 2010 Pop. 3,320 4,087 3,719 1,599 4,607 4,012 8,283 2,242 3,367 10,501 3,461 1,143 4,128 110,224 164,693 Source: U.S. Census Bureau 2013 Pop. 3,210 4,043 3,807 1,612 4,481 4,128 8,330 2,148 3,601 10,309 3,206 1,219 4,006 114,954 169,054 2015 COMMUNITY PROFILE Business Location Incentives TAX ABATEMENTS - The City of San Angelo and Tom Green County may provide personal property and real estate tax abatements for periods of up to 10 years. Abatement levels range from 10% to 100% and are determined by the number of new jobs created and/or the amount of new investment in the community. All companies receiving the abatements must meet the minimum job creation level of 5 new jobs and no less than $250,000 in new valuation in either real estate and/or personal property. Businesses eligible for the tax abatements include manufacturing, warehousing/distribution centers, home/regional administrative offices, data processing centers, and telecommunications services. Tax abatements are not automatic; applications must be made to both the City Council and County Commissioners Court. For more information about the program, contact the City of San Angelo Development Corporation at (325) 653-7197. FREEPORT TAX EXEMPTIONS - All four taxing districts within San Angelo (City, County, the San Angelo Independent School District and Veribest ISD) may provide 100% tax exemptions for inventory and work-in-process that will be shipped outside of the state of Texas and kept on site for less than 175 days. San Angelo is one of the few cities in Texas where all three taxing districts provide this incentive. Applications must be made annually. For more information, contact the Tom Green County Appraisal District at (325) 658-5575. TOM GREEN COUNTY/SAN ANGELO ENTERPRISE ZONE The Zone was created by the Texas Department of Economic Development in 1996, and renewed in September of 2003. Unlike the local tax abatement program, all businesses are eligible for designation as a “project”. However, there are a limited number of projects selected statewide, so job creation and job quality are important considerations for each project. Companies that are approved as designated projects within the zone are eligible for sales tax refunds of up to $2,000 per new employee over the 5-year period. The total amount of tax refunds is capped at $1,250,000 per company over the 5 years. The company receiving the benefits of the program must agree to hire 25% of their new employees from within the zone. Additional information on the enterprise Zone may be obtained by contacting the San Angelo Development Corporation at (325) 653-7197. SALES TAX FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT - San Angelo voters have approved a ½ cent increase in the sales tax for community and economic development projects. The City of San Angelo Development Corporation has established priorities for manufacturing, warehousing/distribution, telecommunications services, data processing, and home/regional offices. Loans and grants are available for buildings, land, equipment, training, site infrastructure, moving expenses, lease subsidies, and other expansion costs. Minimum job and investment thresholds are required to qualify. Job retention may also be considered. The project must meet state mandated NAICS codes and “a definition of primary employees.” Payroll guidelines are also considered. Depending upon the wages and types of jobs created, the Development Corporation may provide assistance from $1,000 to $5,000/new job. High skill - high wage jobs may carry a higher incentive level. New and existing companies are eligible. For more information, contact the City of San Angelo Development Corporation at (325) 653-7197. INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT DESIGNATION - A company that wishes to locate outside of the city limits of San Angelo and still avail themselves of city services may apply to the City for designation as an industrial district, with the expectation that they will be annexed at some future date. These agreements typically last for 7 years, but may be extended. During this period of time they are outside of the city limits, the company does not pay city personal property tax (inventory and equipment), but they do pay a negotiated percentage of real estate tax they would normally pay. Past agreements were 10% in year one, 20% in year two, etc. The costs of services that the company wishes to obtain from the City are negotiated. For more information, contact the City Manager’s office at (325) 657-4241. OTHER ASSISTANCE - San Angelo’s public and private sectors work together to help create an atmosphere for new job creation. The San Angelo Chamber of Commerce can provide coordination of services such as incentives, training, financing arrangements, find available land and buildings, and refer business owners to helpful services provided by Angelo State University, Small Business Development Center and The Business Factory. For a one stop look at all business assistance services, visit www. advancesanangelo.com. The Business Resource Center, located at 69 N. Chadbourne, is the one stop shop for existing and prospective businesses. Partners in the BRC include: City of San Angelo Development Corporation, Chamber of Commerce Economic Development Division, ASU Small Business Development Center, The Business Factory, Concho Valley Workforce Development Board, Howard College Business Training, and Downtown San Angelo, Inc. https://www.facebook.com/BusinessResourceCenter For more information, contact the San Angelo Chamber of Commerce at (877) 655-4136 or [email protected]. 2015 COMMUNITY PROFILE Largest Employers Firm Name Goodfellow Air Force Base Shannon Health System San Angelo ISD Angelo State University City of San Angelo San Angelo State Supported Living Center San Angelo Community Medical Center SITEL, Inc. Tom Green County Ethicon (Johnson & Johnson) Lone Star Beef Processors Hirschfeld Industries Performant Financial BlueCross BlueShield of Texas Reece Albert Baptist Retirement Center Stripes Convenience Stores Size 5,127 2,712 1,973 1,625 936 950 720 602 514 510 490 330 375 400 395 301 298 Source: San Angelo Chamber of Commerce, November 2014 Executive Col. Kimberlee P. Joos Bryan Horner Dr. Carol Ann Bonds Dr. Brian May Daniel Valenzuela Charles Njemanze Jeremy Riney Susan Spencer Stephen C. Floyd Jose Sotomayor John Cross Dennis Hirschfeld Pat Powell C.J. Muniz Roger Albert Quinda Feil-Duncan Sam Susser Product Military Training Center Hospitals and Clinics Public School System University Municipal Government State School Hospital and Clinics Teleservicing County Government Sutures/Needles Beef Processing Structural Steel Materials Government Contractor Medical Claims Processing Highway Construction Retirement Community Convenience Stores 2015 COMMUNITY PROFILE Transportation Highways San Angelo is served by three U.S. Highways: 67, 87, and 277. Located between Interstate Highways 10 and 20, San Angelo is 1 hour and 1 ½ hours respectively from each. Current highway improvement projects are underway to connect the Interstate Highways with 4-lane access. U.S Highway 277 is San Angelo's closest connection to Mexico - a distance of 155 miles to the border crossing at Del Rio and Ciudad Acuña, Coahuila. The highway traffic in west central Texas is light, and the four lane divided highways and super two lane highways with full shoulders provide easy and safe travel. Railroads San Angelo is home to the corporate office of Texas Pacifico Transportation, Ltd., the operator of the 390 mile short line railroad that connects to the major railroads at its east end (including the BNSF, and the KCS and UP by way of the FWWR), interchanges with the UP at Alpine, and connects to the Mexican railroad network at its west end at Presidio, Texas/Ojinaga, Chihuahua. The railroad currently serves customers in the communities of Ballinger, Miles, Harriet, San Angelo, Mertzon, Barnhart, Big Lake, Rankin, McCamey, Sulphur Junction and Fort Stockton. Main commodities moving on the TXPF include Frac sand, crude oil, grain and steel. The international bridge at Presidio/Ojinaga is planned for reconstruction in 2015, reopening the important gateway that will expedite freight movement between the Dallas/Fort Worth area and north central Mexico. For more information, contact Elizabeth Grindstaff, Vice President of Texas Pacifico at (325) 942.8164. Motor Freight Motor freight companies located in San Angelo include ABF Freight, Beaver Express, Central Freight Systems, Con-Way Freight, and FedEx Freight. Overnight Delivery San Angelo is served by Federal Express, Airborne Express, UPS, and the U.S. Postal Service in providing overnight or expedited package delivery. Bus Service San Angelo is served by Kerrville Bus Lines with direct schedules to all major cities in Texas and the nation. Concho Coaches provides twice daily van service to the Midland-Odessa Airport. Air Service San Angelo Regional Airport - Mathis Field is served by American Eagle Airlines. They offer 5 flights per day to the DallasFort Worth International Airport. San Angelo Regional Airport - Mathis Field is currently undergoing a $6.2 million renovation estimated to be completed in mid 2015. Taxi Service Local taxi service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week through Checker Cab Co., Yellow Cab Co., and Red Ball Taxi. Automobile Rentals Rental services include Affordable Rent & Leasing, Avis Rent a Car, Budget Rent a Car, Enterprise Rent a Car, Hertz Rent a Car, and National Car Rental. Concho Valley Transit District In 2006, the City of San Angelo and the Concho Valley Council of Governments consolidated the urban and the rural public transportation system. The transit office is located at 510 N. Chadbourne. For more information, call (325) 947-8729. A new multi-modal terminal opened in 2012. 2015 COMMUNITY PROFILE Workforce Trends Per Capita Personal Income Total Personal Income San Angelo MSA Year San Angelo MSA 2003 Income $26,000 Year 2003 Income $2,775,361,000 2004 $27,000 2004 $2,884,138,000 2005 $28,500 2005 $3,044,912,000 2006 $29,600 2006 $3,195,283,000 2007 $32,291 2007 $3,495,366,000 2008 $33,666 2008 $3,674,704,000 2009 $33,229 2009 $3,952,000,000 2010 $35,888 2010 $4,028,971,000 2011 $38,619 2011 $4,315,191,000 2012 $39,711 2012 $4,560,951,000 2013 $41,329 2013 $4,750,916,000 Median Household Income Average 2009-2013 - Tom Green County $44,545 Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis Civilian Labor Force Estimates & Unemployment Rates Annual Average - San Angelo MSA 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 53,421 53,140 53,344 52,728 52,725 54,136 54,908 45,521 57,193 57,108 57,482 4.70% 4.30% 4.20% 3.70% 4.00% 6.20% Source: Labor Market Information, Texas Workforce Commission * December, 2014 6.52% 6.40% 5.28% 5.10% 4.2% 2015 $57,000 3.1% 2015 COMMUNITY PROFILE Location The City of San Angelo covers 58.61 square miles, and Tom Green County covers 1,540.05 square miles. We are located at Latitude 31.22 N and Longitude 100.30 W in West Central Texas between the Texas hill country to the southeast and the rolling plains to the northwest. San Angelo is located between U.S. Interstate Highways I-10 and I-20. I-10 is 64 miles south of San Angelo, and depending on the route taken, it is approximately 70-90 miles to I-20. Other major highways connecting to San Angelo include U.S. Highways 67, 87, and 277. The mileages to major cities are: Texas Abilene Amarillo Austin Corpus Christi Dallas/ Fort Worth El Paso Houston Midland/Odessa San Antonio Wichita Falls Out of State 91 298 207 363 259 418 367 132 218 234 Atlanta Chicago Denver Jacksonville Los Angeles New Orleans New York Phoenix Ciudad Acuna, Mexico Mexico City, Mexico 501 1,180 721 1,144 1,208 723 1,860 818 155 1,078
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