Vol 1 Ross A. McFarland Papers - Wright State University Libraries


Vol 1 Ross A. McFarland Papers - Wright State University Libraries
Ross A. McFarland Collection in Aerospace Medicine
and Human Factors Engineering
1 Catalog of the Library
Mary Ann Hoffman
Fordham Health Sciences Library
Wright State University School of Medicine
Dayton, Ohio
Fordham Library
Publication No. 2
Ross A. McFarland
Technical Reports Series
Name Index
Subject Index
The Ross A. McFarland Collection in Aerospace Medicine and Human Factors Engineering at the
Fordham Health Sciences Library, Wright State University School of Medicine, provides an unparalleled
scientific resource and data base for physicians, life scientists, engineers and others working at the
leading edge of human progress, especially those in the areas of aviation, space and advanced ground
transportation. The Collection is regularly consulted by those currently pioneering these fields and is an
invaluable source of information constituting the base upon which future progress is being constructed.
I met Dr. McFarland in 1958 and came to know him -well. I observed first-hand his pioneering concepts
in human factors, enhanced immeasurably by his articulate communications. Starting in the 1930's, he
almost singlehandedly launched the human factors effort in aviation, directly collecting data on airline
pilot fatigue and other major operational flight safety aspects.
Folio-wing Dr. McFarland's untimely death in 1976, an event -widely recognized as taking from us the
father of aerospace human factors, his wife, Mrs. Emily McFarland, decided to deed his library and
scientific papers to Wright State University School of Medicine, Fordham Health Sciences Library. This
gift consisted of more than 6,000 print items and approximately 400 linear feet of scientific manuscripts,
unpublished reports, research data and correspondence, covering 50 years of professional work and
research by Dr. McFarland. For a relatively new school of medicine these items provided a foundation
that otherwise would literally require many decades to evolve, and, in many respects, would even then
be impossible to duplicate in some key aspects. The scholars from all parts of the world who consult
the McFarland collection, including the Wright State University School of Medicine Aerospace Medicine
faculty and residents, owe an immense debt of gratitude to Mrs. McFarland for making possible the
availability of this unique living scientific resource.
Stanley R. Mohler, M D .
Professor and Vice-Chairman
Director of Aerospace Medicine
Department of Community Medicine
The Ross A. McFarland Collection in Aerospace Medicine and Human Factors Engineering is one of the
largest private libraries in the world devoted primarily to the disciplines of aerospace medicine and
human factors engineering. Over the fifty years which spanned his career, Ross McFarland, Ph.D.,
pioneer aerospace scientist, carefully developed and nurtured this collection. Dr. McFarland's widow,
Emily, donated the Collection to the Fordham Health Sciences Library of Wright State University.
Wright State University became the repository for the McFarland Collection for a number of reasons.
The University's School of Medicine has developed the nation's only civilian aerospace medicine
residency program. In addition to Wright State support, resources for the residency program are also
provided by Wright-Patterson Air Force Base which houses one of the largest complexes of aerospace
technology in the -world. During much of his career, McFarland served as consultant to WrightPatterson Air Force Base, and several of his former students serve there as aerospace scientists. The
McFarland Collection is also complemented by the major bibliographic resource owned by the Wright
State University Library, the Wright Brothers Collection.
In the Spring of 1979, the McFarland Collection was shipped by truck from two separate locations in
N e w England to the Wright State University Fordham Health Sciences Library. The 300 cartons and 27
filing cabinets holding the McFarland library -were stored in temporary quarters pending the renovation
of a portion of stack area in the Fordham Health Sciences Library. Soon after the collection's arrival, an
archivist was hired to spend half-time working with the McFarland material, but it quickly became
apparent that additional assistance would be needed if this important resource were going to be
processed and made available to the scholarly community in a timely way. A two-year Medical Library
Resource Project grant application was submitted to the National Library of Medicine in 1980, and,
folio-wing revisions, -was funded in 1984. The first year of the grant provided the personnel and monies
needed to catalog and process the books; to process and bind the journals; and to process the
manuscript portion of the collection. Year two of the grant funded the microfilming of the manuscripts
and the preparation and publication of the Catalog of the Library and Inventory of the Manuscripts.
The Deed of Gift' stipulates that the Collection be made available for scholars, researchers, and
students. The Fordham Health Sciences Library is announcing the availability of the materials with the
two publications; by cataloging materials on the OCLC (Online Computer Library Center, inc.) data
base; and by entering the journals and technical reports series in union lists of serials such as PHILSOM
(Periodicals Held in. the Libraries of Schools of Medicine), the Greater Midwest Regional Library Network
Union List of Serials, and the Ohio-Kentucky Cooperating Libraries Union List of Serials.
July 31, 1985 was the final date for cataloging and processing the materials entered in the Catalog of the
Library. There are a number of entries for materials published since Dr. McFarland's death. Emily
McFarland requested that the Collection should continue to grow in size and strength. The Fordham
Health Sciences Library has added new and retrospective books to the library, filled in missing issues of
journals, subscribed to new journals, and added new archival collections in aerospace medicine.
Additions made to the McFarland Library after the publication of the Catalog can be located through
OCLC and the various union lists.
The major portion of this publication, the cataloged materials, includes monographs, federal and
corporate technical reports, reference materials, and vidéocassettes. The entries are by title, followed by
the author (when known), place of publication, publisher, date, and the Library's call number. The
McFarland Collection's card catalog was used to compile the information for this section and the
indexes to these materials.
Although they are not indexed, the journals and technical report series are included in the catalog. The
entries in these sections show the inclusive volumes and years. N o attempt was made to indicate the
missing issues or numbers. The technical reports in the list were issued by federal departments or
agencies and contain at least ten documents. They are arranged by acronym or initialism followed by
the name of the issuing agency. A sample entry is:
USAMRL (U.S. Army Medical
Research Laboratory Report)
There are 12 Hollinger boxes of miscellaneous materials in the Collection. These are materials that are
ephemeral in nature: newsletters, pamphlets, and other small publications that were not cataloged on
OCLC, but were important enough to keep. An index to these materials is located in the Fordham
Health Sciences Library. Users are encouraged to contact the Special Collections Department when
searching for this type of material.
The Name Index contains names of persons, countries, and organizations. United States federal
departments and agencies are listed directly under their name (i.e. National Aeronautics and Space
Administration). Publications from other countries include the name of the country as part of the name.
Subject headings used in the Subject Index are from the 1984 edition of the National Library of
Medicine's Medical Subject Headings' supplemented by 143 headings from the Library of Congress Subject
The items in this catalog are available for interlibrary loan, either in the original hard copy or
photocopy. All interlibrary loan requests, on the ALA approved interlibrary loan form, should be
Interlibrary Loan
Fordham Health Sciences Library
Wright State University
School of Medicine
P.O. Box 927
Dayton, Ohio 45401-0927.
Mary Ann Hoffman, Coordinator
Special Collections and Services.
1. McFarland, E. DeedofGift. December 19,1978.
2. National Library of Medicine. Medical Subject Headings. Bethesda, 1984.
3. Library of Congress. Subject Headings. 9th ed. Washington, 1980.
The publication of the Catalog of the Library and Inventory of the Manuscripts was supported by Grant IM
03883 awarded by the National Library of Medicine. This two year Medical Library Resource Project
Grant provided funds to catalog the print portion and to process and microfilm the manuscript portion
of the Ross A. McFadand Collection in Aerospace Medicine and Human Factors Engineering. The goals
of the project were to make these archival resources available to the scholarly community and to
provide access to the collection through the publications and microfilm.
We appreciate the assistance provided by the Wright State University in the preparation of this
publication. The Wright State University School of Medicine Word Processing Center entered the data
into the W A N G system and the Wright State University Communications Division was responsible for
the overall design and printing of the book.
The staff in Fordham Health Sciences Library Special collections area have worked hard to prepare this
publication for your use. Daphne Keister's assistance with the editing should be recognized. Mary Ann
Hoffman, Coordinator of Special Collections and Roberta Ritchie, Archivist, deserve special
acknowledgement for their efforts.
AudreyJ. Kidder
Health Sciences Librarian
1. The AAF qualifying examination / edited by
Frederick B. Davis. Washington: U.S. Govt.
Print. Off., 1947. (Army Air Forces. Aviation
psychology program research reports no. 6)
WD705D261a 1947
AIAA roster. New York: American Institute of
Aeronautics and Astronautics, 1969.
TL512A512a 1969
AIAA Simulation for Aerospace Flight
Conference, August 26-28, 1963, Columbus,
Ohio. New York: American Institute of
Aeronautics and Astronautics, 1963?
TL1495A288a 1963
The abilities of man: their nature and
measurement / by С Spearman. New York:
Macmillan, 1927.
BF 431 S741a1927
Abnormal psychology / by Ephraim Rosen
and Ian Gregory. Philadelphia: Saunders, 1965.
WM 100R813a 1965
Abnormal psychology: its concepts and
theories I by H.L. Hollingworth. New York:
Ronald Press, 1930.
WM 100H741a1930
Above the Pacific / by William J. Horvat.
Fallbrook: Aero Publishers, 1966.
TL522H823a 1966
Abstracts of lectures and symposia.
Proceedings of the International Union of
Physiological Sciences. Bethesda: Federation
of American Societies for Experimental Biology,
W 3 161 1968a v.6
Abstracts of volunteer papers and films.
Proceedings of the International Union of
Physiological Sciences. Bethesda: Federation
of American Societies for Experimental Biology,
W 3 161 1968a v.7
1 0. Abstracts on military and aviation
ophthalmology and visual sciences / Conrad
Berens and L. Benjamin Sheppard.
Washington: Biological Sciences Foundation,
ZWD 700 B489a
Acceleration and body distortion / by Carl
Clark. Baltimore: Martin Marietta Corp., 1961.
WD720C592a 1961
Accident Pathology; proceedings of an
international conference held in Washington,
D.C., June 6-8, 1968 I edited by K.M.
Brinkhous. Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Office
WA250 161a 1970
Accident prevention; the role of physicians
and public health workers. / Editorial
consultant: Maxwell N. Halsey. New York:
McGraw-Hill, 1961.
Accident research; methods and
approaches / by William Haddon, Jr.. Edward
A. Suchman and David Klein. New York:
HarperS Row, 1964.
WA 250 H 127a 1964
The accident syndrome; the genesis of
accidental injury, a clinical approach / by
Morris S. Schulzinger. Springfield, III.: Thomas,
WA250S391a 1956
Accidents and homicide / by Albert P. Iskrant
and Paul V. Joliet. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard
University Press, 1968.
HB 1323 A2 181a 1968
Accidents in aerial application activities;
calendar year 1959 I by Civil Aeronautics
Board, Bureau of Safety. Washington: Civil
Aeronautics Board, 1959.
WD740U58a 1959
Accidents in American mountaineering:
annual report of the Safety Committee of the
American Alpine Club. 13th annual report. New
York: American Alpine Club, 1960.
GV199.8 A171 1960
Administration and supervision of safety
education / Don Cash Seaton, Herbert J.
Stack, and Bernard I. Loft. New York:
Macmillan, 1969
HV 675 5441 a 1969
Accidents in North American
mountaineering : including Canada and the
United States. New York: American Alpine
Club, 1962; 1964.
GV 199.8 A171
Administrative medicine: transactions of the
first conference / edited by George S.
Stevenson. New York: Josiah Macy Jr.
Foundation, 1953.
WA525C748a 1953
Acclimatization in the Andes; historical
confirmations of "climatic aggression" in the
development of Andean man I By Carlos
Monge. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1948.
QT145 M743a 1948
Adolescence: its psychology and its relations
to physiology, anthropology, sociology, sex,
crime, religion and education I by G. Stanley
Hall. New York: D. Appleton and Company,
WS 463 H 176a 1905
Acoustic measurements / Leo Leroy Beranek.
New York: J. Wiley, 1949.
QC227B482a 1949
The adrenal cortex in adaptation to altitude,
climate and cancer / Edward S. Sundstroem
and George Michaels. Berkeley: University of
California Press, 1942.
WK700S958a 1942
Adrenalin, noradrenalin and performance in
a visual vigilance task / J. O'Hanlon, Jr. Los
Angeles: Human Factors Research, Inc., 1964.
BF323 V5H918a 1964
Adult learning / by Edward L. Thorndike, Elsie
0. Bregman, J. Warren Tilton, and Ella
Woodyard. New York: Macmillan, 1928.
LC5215T499a 1928
Advanced techniques in crash impact
protection and emergency egress from air
transport aircraft / by Richard G. Snyder.
Neuilly-Sur-Seine: AGARD; Springfield, Va.:
National Aeronautics and Space Administration,
1976. (AGARDograph no. 221)
T L 6 9 7 S 3 S 6 7 5 a 1976
Advanced valve technology / by Kenneth D.
May. Washington: National Aeronautics and
Space Administration, 1965. (NASA SP 5019)
TS 277 M466a 1965
Advancements in Teleoperator Systems: a
colloquium held at the University of Denver,
Denver, Colo., February 26-27, 1969.
Washington: National Aeronautics and Space
Administration, 1970. (NASA SP 5081)
TK 9151.7 C714a 1970
Acoustics, noise and buildings / by PH.
Parkin and H.R. Humphreys. New York:
Praeger, 1958.
WA776P247a 1958
Acute infectious hemorrhagic fevers and
mycotoxicoses in the Union of Soviet
Socialist Republics / by D. Carleton
Gajdusek. Washington: Walter Reed Army
Medical Center, 1953.
WC534G145a 1953
Adaptive performance measurement /
Charles R. Kelley and Daniel J. Prostin. Santa
Monica: Dunlap and Associates, 1962.
BF636 A2D921a 1968
Adaptive techniques in measuring complex
performance / Charles R. Kelley and Daniel H.
Prosin. Santa Monica: Dunlap and Associates,
BF636 A3D921a 1969
Adhesives, sealants, and gaskets: a survey I
by R.B. Perkins and S.N. Glarum. Washington:
National Aeronautics and Space Administration,
1967. (NASA SP 5066)
Adjustment to physical handicap and
illness: a survey of the social pyschology of
physique and disability I by Roger G. Barker in
collaboration with Beatrice A. Wright, Lee
Meyerson and Mollie R. Gonick. 2nd ed. New
York: Social Science Research Council, 1953.
HM291 B255a 1953
Advances in military medicine made by
American investigators working under the
sponsorship of the Committee on Medical
Research / edited by E.C. Andrus et al.
Boston: Little, Brown, 1948.
UH 215 1158a 1948
Aeronautics and astronautics: an American
chronology of science and technology in the
exploration of space, 1915-1960/by Eugene
M. Emme. Washington: National Aeronautics
and Space Administration, 1961.
TL 521 U585a1961
Adventures in respiration: modes of
asphyxiation and methods of resuscitation I by
Yandell Henderson. Baltimore: Williams &
Wilkins, 1938.
WO250H497a 1938
Aeronautics and space report of the
President... activities I Executive Office of the
President. Washington: National Aeronautics
and Space Council, 1964-1966; 1973-1974;
TL 789.8 U5U58a
Adventures in the Navy, in education,
science, engineering, and in war: a life story
I by William Federick Durand. New York:
McGraw-Hill, 1953.
TA140D949a 1953
Aeronautics in the Union and Confederate
armies: with a survery of military aeronautics
prior to 1861 I by F. Stansbury Haydon.
Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1941UG640H416a
Aerophysiology / by Jantinus Christian
Hubach, Wilhelm Kaiser. (Thesis)
WF 102H875a
The Aeroplane: directory of British aviation /
incorporating Who's Who in British Aviation.
1964 ed. London: Temple Press, 1964.
TL 526 G7 A252 1964
An aerospace bibliography / compiled by
Samuel Duncan Miller. 2nd ed. Washington:
Office of Air Force History, 1978.
Z6725M651a 1978
Aerospace bibliography / compiled for
National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
3rd ed. Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off.
Z5060N277a 1966
Aerospace facts and figures / Aerospace
Industries Association of America. Los Angeles:
Aero Publishers, 1964-1966.
TL 501 A252
Aerospace Food Technology: the principal
addresses at a conference cosponsored by the
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
and the National Academy of Sciences at the
Center for Continuing Education of the
University of South Florida in St. Petersburg,
Fla., April 15-17, 1969. Washington: National
Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1970.
TL1560C748a 1969
Aerobics / by Kenneth H. Cooper. New York:
Bantam Books, 1968.
QT255C777a 1968
Aerobiology / edited by Forest Ray Moulton.
Washington: American Association for the
Advancement of Science, 1942.
WA110 A512a 1942
Aerodynamic Analyses Requiring Advanced
Computers: a conference held at Langley
Research Center in Hampton, Va. on March 46, 1975 I prepared by Langley Research
Center. Washington: National Aeronautics and
Space Administration, 1975. (NASA SP 347)
TL570C748a 1975
Aeromedicai certification statistical
handbook. Oklahoma City: Federal Aviation
Agency, Civil Aeromedicai Institute, 1965.
WD705 A252 1965
Aeromedicai evaluation for space pilots /
edited by Lawrence E. Lamb. Brooks Air Force
Base: USAF School of Aerospace Medicine,
WD 705 Ulla 1963
Aeronautical Propulsion: proceedings of a
conference held at Lewis Research Center in
Cleveland, Ohio, May 13-14, 1975.
Washington: National Aeronautics and Space
Administration, 1975. (NASA SP 381)
Aerospace medicine / edited by Hugh W.
Randel. 2nd ed. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins,
WD700A252 1971
Aerospace medicine and biology: a
continuing bibliography with indexes. Dec.
1970-July 1978. Washington: National
Aeronautics and Space Administration, 19701978. (NASA SP 7011)
TL 521 A252a
Aerospace medicine and biology: an
annotated bibliography / by Arnold J.
Jacobius. v. [1]-11; 1952-1962/63. Washington:
Technical Information Division, 1952ZWD 750 A252
Aerospace research index: a guide to world
research in aeronautics, meteorology,
astronomy, and space science I consultant
editors, A.P. Willmore and S.R. Willmore.
Detroit: Gale Research, 1981.
TL565A252 1981
Age and sex differences in pure-tone
thresholds from 18 to 65 years / by John F.
Corso. University Park: Pennsylvania State
University, 1962.
WV272P415a 1962
Ageing and human skill: a report centered on
work by the Nuffield Unit for Research into
Problems of Ageing. London: Oxford University
Press, 1958.
WT 100W445a 1958
Ageing in industry: an inquiry, based on
figures derived from census reports, into the
problem of ageing under the conditions of
modern industry I by F. Le Gros Clark and
AgnesC. Dunne. New York: Philosophical
Library, 1956.
WT30C592a 1956
Aging and mental disorder in San
Francisco: a social psychiatric study I by
Marjorie Fiske Lowenthal, Paul L. Berkman,
and associates. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass,
WT 150L917a 1967
Aging around the world: proceedings of the
fifth congress of the International Association of
Gerontology. New York: Columbia University
Press, 1962.
WT100 161 1960a
The aging eye / by Robert Alexander Weale.
London: H.K. Lewis, 1963.
WW620W362a 1963
Aging in the modern world, an annotated
bibliography / Compiled for the Office of
Aging. Washington: U.S. Dept. of Health,
Education, and Welfare, 1964.
ZWT 100U58a 1964
Aging of the organism at the molecular
level: a translation from the Russian.
Washington: U.S. Dept. of Health, Education,
and Welfare, 1962.
QU 55 M493s 1962
Air and health / By Ronald Campbell MacFie.
London: Methuen, 1909.
QT230 M 144a 1909
Air-borne infection, some observations on
its decline / by Dwight O'Hara. New York:
Commonwealth Fund, 1943.
WC 100 036a 1943
Air contaminant measurements at Roosevelt
Field, Nassau County, New York, JanuaryFebruary 1964 I William J. Basbagill.
Cincinnati: U.S. Robert A. Taft Sanitary
Engineering Center, 1965.
TD 883.5 N7 B297a 1965
Air crew in their element: hints for the
maintenance of fitness and confidence I by
Velyien E. Henderson. Toronto: University of
Toronto Press, 1942.
WD750H497a 1942
An air exchange valve for amputation stump
sockets. Oakland: U.S. Naval Hospital, 196-.
WE 172U58a 196?
Air import potentials: China to U.S.A. / by
Mary Nichols Hardenbergh and Langdon P.
Marvin, Jr. Washington: 1946.
HF3012H259a 1946
Air pollutants in diesel engine exhaust, Part
1. Review and analysis of work on diesel
engine exhaust gases I by Mahmoud Hassam
Saadawi. Los Angeles: University of California,
WA754S111a 1966
Air regeneration development: project Man
High III. Minneapolis: Winzen Research, Inc.,
WD756W795a 1958
The air sea rescue manual / Air Sea Rescue
Agency, Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off.,
VK 1447 1158a 1945
Air service medical / War Department.
Division of Military Aeronautics. Washington:
U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1919.
WD700U585a 1919
Air service medical manual / War
Department. Division of Military Aeronautics.
Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1918.
WD705U585a 1918
Air transport operations and maintenance
notebook. 3rd ed. New York: McGraw-Hill,
TL660A298 1947
Air transportation in the immediate post-war
period I by B.A. McDonald and J.L. Drew.
Buffalo: Curtiss-WrightCorp., 1944
TL 552 M 135a 1944
Airline pilot age, health, and performance:
scientific and medical considerations: report of
a study I Division of Health Sciences Policy,
Institute of Medicine. Washington: National
Academy Press, 1981.
WD705A298 1981
An airman's letter to his mother. New York:
E.P. Dutton, 1940.
D811 A298 1940
The airport and its neighbors / the report of
the Presidents' Airport Commission.
Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1952.
TL 521 U58a1952
Alcohol abuse and traffic safety: a study of
fatalities, DWI offenders, alcoholics, and courtrelated treatment approaches I by Lyle D.
Filkins et al. Washington: Dept. of
Transportation, 1970.
HE 5613 U58a 1970
Alcohol and Accidental Injury: confererence
proceedings. Washington: Dept. of Health,
Education, and Welfare, 1966.
HV 5288 S446a 1965
Alcohol and anaesthesia / by W. Burridge.
London: Williams & Norgate, 1934.
WB890B971a 1933
Alcohol and caffeine: a study of their
psychological effects I by Harvey Nash.
Springfield, III.: Thomas, 1962.
QV82N249a 1962
Alcohol and highway safety: behavioral and
medical aspects: summary report I M.W.
Perrine, Julian A. Waller, and Lawrence S.
Harris. Washington: Dept. of Transportation,
WA275U58a1 1971
Alcohol and human efficiency: experiments
with moderate quantities and dilute solutions of
ethyl alcohol on human subjects I by Walter R.
Miles. Washington: Carnegie Institution of
Washington, 1924.
QV84M643a 1924
Alcohol and man: the effects of alcohol on
man in health and disease I editor: Haven
Emerson. New York: Macmillan, 1932.
QV82A354 1932
Airborne care of the ill and injured / Edward
L. McNeil. New York: Springer-Verlag, 1983.
WX215 M169a 1983
Aircraft Fluids Fire Hazard Symposium:
proceedings held at Chamberlin Hotel, Fort
Monroe, Va., June 7-8, 1966. New York: Daniel
& Florence Guggeheim Aviation Safety Center,
TL 697 F5A298 1966
Aircraft Operating Problems: a conference
held at Langley Research Center, May 10-12,
1965. Washington: National Aeronautics and
Space Administration, 1965. (NASA SP 83)
TL 671.4 C748a 1965
Aircraft year book. Washington: American
Aviation Publications, 1951.
TL 501 A298 1951
Aircrew fatigue in international jet transport
operations / by W.P. Austin et al. Melbourne:
Aeronautical Research Laboratories, 1968.
WD735 A938a 1968
Airguide manual / edited by Monty Navarre.
Long Beach: Airguide Publications, 1967.
WD 704 N321 a 1967
Alcohol and road traffic: proceedings of the
Second International Conference on Alcohol
and Road Traffic, held in Toronto, Canada,
September 9-12, 1953. Toronto: Garden City
Press Co-Operative, 1955.
HE 5620 D7 161a 1953
American Association for Automotive
Medicine: proceedings of the eighteenth
annual conference held at Toronto, Ont.,
September 12-14, 1974. Lake Bluff: American
Association for Automotive Medicine, 1974.
WA275 A512 1974a
Alcohol: one man's meat / by Edward A.
Strecker and Francis T. Chambers, Jr. New
York: Macmillan, 1938.
WM 274 S914a 1938
Almost human / by Robert M. Yerkes. New
York: Century, 1925.
Q L 7 3 7 P 9 Y 4 7 a 1925
American Association for Automotive
Medicine: proceedings of the nineteenth
annual conference held at San Diego, Calif.,
November 20-22, 1975/editor, Donald F.
Huelke. Lake Bluff: American Association for
Automotive Medicine, 1975.
WA275 A512 1975a
Alternatives for future undergraduate pilot
training / Steven G. Joseph. Air Training
Command, 1977.
TL 712.5 J83a 1977
Altitude and health / by F.F. Roget. London:
Constable, 1919.
WD710R732a 1919
American Association for Automotive
Medicine: proceedings of the twentieth
annual conference held at Atlanta, Ga.,
November 1-3, 1976 I editor, Donald F. Huelke.
Morton Grove: American Association for
Automotive Medicine, 1976.
WA275 A512 1976a
An American doctor's Odyssey: adventures
in forty-five countries I by Victor Heiser, New
York: Norton, 1936.
WZ100H473H 1936
American foundations and their fields /
edited by Wilmer Shields Rich and Neva R.
Deardorff. 6th ed. New York: Raymond Rich
Associates, 1948.
H J 2052 R499a 1948
American men of science: a biographical
directory. 9th ed. Lancaster: Science Press,
0 141 A512 1955
American men of science: a biographical
directory. The physical and biological sciences I
edited by the Jaques Cattell Press. 11th ed.
New York: Bowker, 1965-69.
Q 141 A512 1965-69
American Physiological Society: proceedings
of the fiftieth annual meeting held at Baltimore,
Md., March 30-April 2, 1938. Baltimore: 1938.
QT 1 A512 1938a
American Psychological Association
Convention Program: August 27-31, 1973.
New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1973.
BF 11 C766 1973a
Altitude bends in humans: an investigation
using mathematical models and a computer
I by J.H. Bigelow, J.С DeHaven, and M.L.
Shapley. Santa Monica: Rand Corp., 1972.
WD712B592a 1972
America & Europe: and other essays / by
Alfred Zimmern. New York: Oxford University
Press, 1929.
JA 41 Z72a 1929
American Association for Automotive
Medicine: proceedings of the fourteenth
annual conference held at Towsley Center for
Continuing Medical Education, University of
Michigan, November 19-20, 1970. Ann Arbor:
Highway Safety Research Institute, 1971.
WA275 A512 1970a
American Association for Automotive
Medicine: proceedings of the fifteenth
annual conference held at Colorado Springs,
Colo., October 20-23, 1971. New York: Society
of Automotive Engineers, 1971.
WA275 A512 1971a
American Association for Automotive
Medicine: proceedings of the seventeenth
annual conference held at Oklahoma City,
Oklahoma, November 14-17, 1973.
WA275 A512 1973a
American Public Health Association.
Membership directory: members and fellows,
affiliated associations and regional branches,
agency members, sustaining members,
governing council. New York: American Public
Health Association, 1967.
W A 2 2 AA1 A512m 1967
The Ames demonstrations in perception: a
guide to their construction and use I by William
H. Ittelson. Princeton: Princeton University
Press, 1952.
WW 105 191a 1952
Analysis of a Jet in a Subsonic Crosswind:
a symposium held at Langley Research Center,
Hampton, Va., September 9-10, 1969.
Washington: National Aeronautics and Space
Administration, 1969. (NASA SP 218)
TL570S989a 1969
An analysis of astronaut performance
capability in the lunar environment. Vol. 1 :
Performance problems and requirements for
additional research I by Thomas B. Malone,
Henry E. Bender, and Morton H. Kahn.
Alexandria, Va.: Matrix, 1969.
WD 758 M433a1969
An analysis of pilot error-related aircraft
accidents / by Nestor B. Kowalsky et al.
Alburquerque: Lovelace Foundation, 1973.
WD740K88a 1973
An analysis of some refractive error trends
in U.S. Air Force pilots and navigators / by
Irving L. Dunsky and John R. Levene.
Bloomington: Indiana University, 1969.
WW 300 139a 1969
An analysis of the extraterrestrial life
detection problem / Richard S. Young, Robert
B. Painter and Richard D. Johnson.
Washington: National Aeronautics and Space
Administration, 1965. (NASA SP 75)
QB54Y75a 1965
An analysis of the oxygen protection at
flight altitudes between 40,000 and 50,000
feet I by W.V. Blockly and D.T. Hanifan.
Arlington: Psychological Research Associates,
Analytical expressions in x-ray bone
densitometry / by Charles Colbert. Yellow
Springs: Fels Research Institute, 1965.
An analytical method for oxygen system
design / prepared by R.W. Maddock. Santa
Monica: Douglas Aircraft Company, 1964.
TL 697.08 D733a 1964
Analytical review of passive mass transfer
of water vapor in a space suit / Joseph A.
Peterson et al. Hawthorne: Northrup Corp.,
T L 6 9 7 P 7 N 8 7 7 a 1965
An analytical study of the relationship
between blood pressure and arterial wall
displacements / by Alvin H. Sacks and
Douglas E. Abbott. Palo Alto: Vidya, 1961.
WG 106V655a 1961
The anatomy and physiology of capillaries /
by August Krogh. New Haven: Yale University
Press, 1922.
WG700K93a 1922
An annotated bibliography for industrial
accident research and related fields: a
companion volume to "Industrial accident
research, a human engineering appraisal" /
by Jean Surry. Toronto: Ontario Ministry of
Labour, 1969.
ZWA487S962a 1969
Annotated bibliography of marihuana,
Cannabis sativa L. / by Coy W. Waller and
Jacqueline J. Denny. 1964-. University, Miss.,
University of Mississippi.
ZQV 77.7 W198a
An annotated bibliography of USAF physical
anthropology: January 1946 to June 1968 /
compiled by Sandra K. McKenzie. 9th ed.
Wright-Patterson Air Force Base: 1968?
ZGN 50.2 M478a 1968?
An annotated bibliography on noise, its
measurement, effects, and control.
Pittsburgh: Industrial Hygiene Foundation of
America, 1955.
ZWV270 142a 1955
1 32.
Annotated bibliography on vital and health
statistics. Rockville: U.S. National Center for
Health Statistics, 1970. (Public Health Service
publication no. 2094)
ZWA 900 AA1 U58a 1970
Annual report / Commission on
Environmental Hygiene. Washington:
Commission on Environmental Hygiene, 1968.
WA 670 U58a
Anthropometric considerations for escape
capsule design / by John W. Chaffee. Fort
Worth: General Dynamics Corp., 1960.
TL 671.2 G326a 1960
Annual report / Division of Automotive
Crash Injury Research, Department of Public
Health and Preventive Medicine, Cornell
University Medical College. New York: Division
of Automotive Crash Injury Research. 1952-61.
WA 275 A939a
Anthropometric source book / edited by
Webb Associates. Washington: National
Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1978.
(NASA reference publication 1024)
GN51 A628 1978
Annual report / Office of Aerospace
research. Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off.,
UG 622 U58a 1964
Anthropometric survey of the armed forces
of the Republic of Korea. Haddonfield:
Rowland & Company, 1966.
G N56 A628 1966
1 46.
Annual report of the Committee on Pan
American Relations: American defense
Harvard Group / by Ross A. McFarland,
Agnes Mongan, and Arthur M. Schlesinger,
О 11 M478a 1941
Anthropometrical changes in Norwegian
men in the twentieth century / by Ludvig
Gudmund Udjus. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget,
G N 5 8 N 6 U 2 1 a 1964
Annual report to Congress / National
Transportation Safety Board. Washington: U.S.
Govt. Print. Off. 1969-1970.
TL 5 U58a
Anthropometry for child restraints / by
Howard W. Stoudt. Boston: Guggenheim
Center for Aerospace Health and Safety, 1971.
WA 260 S889a 1971
1 48.
Anthropometry for the dragon: XM-47
surface attack guided missile system. St. Louis,
Mo.: McDonnell Co., 1967.
UF628 M 136a 1967
1 49.
Anthropometry of the Air Force female hand
I by John W. Garrett. Wright-Patterson Air
Force Base: Aerospace Medical Research
Laboratories, 1970.
GN 161 G239a 1970
Anthropometry of the hands of male Air
Force flight personnel / by John W. Garrett.
Wright- Patterson Air Force Base: Aerospace
Medical Research Laboratories, 1970.
GN 161 G 2391a 1970
Apes, men, and morons / by Earnest Albert
Hooton. New York: G.P. Putnam, 1937.
Apollo space suit and extravehicular
mobility unit / by John H. Duddy. Huntsville:
Lockheed Missiles and Space Company, 1966.
WD 750 L816a 1966
Apollo terminology / prepared for Office of
Manned Space Flight. Washington: National
Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1963.
(NASA SP 6001)
TL 789.8 U5U58at 1963
Annual summary report / Committee on
Prosthetics Research. Washington: National
Academy of Sciences - National Research
Council. 1963; 1964.
WE 172N277a 1963
Anopheles gambiae in Brazil: 1930 to 1940 /
by Fred L. Soper and D. Bruce Wilson. New
York: Rockefeller Foundation, 1943.
WC755S712a 1943
Anoxia, its effect on the body / by Edward J.
Van Liere. Chicago: University of Chicago
Press, 1942.
WD715 V259a 1942
Anthropologie et anatomie fonctionnelle de
la main: etude bibliographigie. Paris: Centre
detudes et de Recherches Danthropologie
Appliquée, 1966.
ZWE830 A628 1966
Anthropology and modem life / by Frank
Boas. Rev. ed. New York: Norton, 1932.
GN27B662a 1932
Apparatus tests / edited by Arthur W. Melton.
Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1947 (Army
Air Forces. Aviation psychology program
research reports no.4)
WD 705 M528a1947
Applications of aerospace technology in the
electric power industry / prepared by Denver
Research Institute, University of Denver.
Denver, Colo.: Denver Research Institute,
TK1001 D416a1973
Applications of aerospace technology in the
public interest: pollution measurement I
prepared by Conrad F. Heins, and F. Douglas
Johnson. Denver: Denver Research Institute,
TD 177D416a 1974
Applications of aerospace technology in the
public sector: an annual review of the
biomedical and public sector technology
application team program I by the Technology
Application Group. Washington: National
Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1971.
TL 1500 A652 1971
Applications of germicidal, erythemal and
infrared energy / by Matthew Luckiesh. New
York: Van Nostrand, 1946.
WN 100L941a 1946
Applications of Research on Human
Decision Making: a symposium held at NASA
Ames Research Center, January 31-February
2, 1968 I edited by R. Mark Patton, Trieve A.
Tanner, Jr., Joseph Markowitz and John A.
Swets. Washington: National Aeronautics and
Space Administration; 1970. (NASA SP 209)
Applied anthropology in India: principles,
problems, and case studies I edited by L.P.
Vidyarthi. Allahabad: Kitab Mahal, 1968.
DS430 A652 1968
Applied bacteriology / by Thurman B. Rice.
New York: Macmillan, 1935.
Applied physiology / by Samson Wright. 4th
ed. New York: Oxford University Press, 1931.
QT104W953a 1931
Applied physiology / by Samson Wright. 10th
ed. New York: Oxford University Press, 1961.
Applied science and technological progress:
a report to the Committee on Science and
Astronautics, U.S. House of Representatives I
by the National Academy of Sciences, Panel on
Applied Science and Technological Progress.
Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1967.
T 176 N277a 1967
Applied sociology: a treatise on the
conscious improvement of society by
society I by Lester F. Ward. Boston: Ginn &
Company, 1906.
H M 51 W259a 1906
An approach to community mental health /
by Gerald Caplan. New York: Grune & Stratton,
WM 105 C244a 1961
An approach to environmental psychology /
Albert Mehrabian and James A. Russell.
Cambridge, Mass.: M.I.T. Press, 1974.
BF353 M498a 1974
An approach to the problem of toxic
contamination in space cabin atmospheres /
A. Gold, D. Ekberg, and H. Warner.
Philadelphia: General Electric Company, 1961.
WD 756 G618a 1961
Aptitude testing / by Clark L. Hull. Yonkerson-Hudson: World Book Company, 1928.
BF431 H913a1928
Aptitudes and aptitude testing / by Walter
Van Dyke Bingham. New York: Harper, 1937.
HF5381 B613a1937
Architectural acoustics / by Vern O.
Knudsen. New York: Wiley, 1932.
NA2800K74a 1932
Arctic Manual./ War Department. Washington:
U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1942. (TM 1-240)
QT 160U58a 1942
Are we civilized? Human cultures in
perspective I by Robert H. Lowie. New York:
Harcourt Brace, 1929.
CB53L918a 1929
Army aviation safety with reference to crash
injury and crashworthiness programs. New
York: Flight Safety Foundation, 1960.
The art of seeing / by Aldous Huxley. New
York: Harper, 1942.
WW103H986a 1942
Artificial respiration: theory and applications I
by 15 authors. New York: Harper & Row, 1962.
WO250 A791 1962
An assessment of industrial activity in the
field of biomedical engineering / Task Group
on Industrial Activity. Washington: National
Academy of Engineering, 1971.
An assessment of measures to reduce
cyclist and motorcycle accidents / by
Gordon F. Messiter. Sydney: Traffic Accident
Research Unit, Department of Motor Transport,
New South Wales, 1972.
HE 5614.5 A8 M585a 1972
An assessment of probability distribution of
signal occurrence in combination with
relevant and irrelevant cues for massed
practice and transfer of training / by Kenneth
Ziedman and John Lyman. Los Angeles:
University of California, 1960.
BF323 V5U58a 1960
Astronaut-crew requirements for Apollo in­
flight operations / by N.F. Kristy and H.P.
Roth. Santa Monica: Rand Corp., 1964.
WD 750 R186a 1964
Astronomy in space / by Homer E. Newell et
al. Washington: National Aeronautics and
Space Administration, 1967. (NASA SP 127)
QB 136A859 1967
Athletic injuries: prevention, diagnosis, and
treatment I by Augustus Thorndike. 4th ed.
Philadelphia: Lea & Febiger, 1956.
QT260T499a 1956
Atmosphere in space cabins and closed
environments. New York: Appleton-CenturyCrofts, 1966.
WD756 A881 1966
Atmospheric contaminants in spacecraft /
Report of the Panel on Air Standards for
Manned Space Flight of the Space Science
Board. Washington: National Academy of
Sciences, 1968.
WD756N277a 1968
Atomic energy and peace / by Freda
Wuesthoff. Geneva. Society for the Scientific
Study of Peace, 1957.
В 105 P4W959a 1957
Atoms for power: United States policy in
atomic energy development. Final ed. New
York: American Assembly, Columbia University,
HD9698 A512a 1957
Auditory pain thresholds for intermittent,
"beat", and steady tones / by Robert
Plutchik. Hempstead, N.Y.: Hofstra College,
WV270P737a 1958
Ausculatory versus direct pressure
measurements for newtonian fluids and for
blood in simulated arteries / by A H . Sacks,
K.R. Raman, J.A. Burnell, and E.G. Tickner.
Palo Alto: Vidya, 1964.
WG 106 V655au 1963
Australian aviation: a bibliographical survey
I Ian F. McLaren. Melbourne: Priv. print., 1958.
ZTL529M478a 1958
Automation: a report on the technical trends
and their impact on management and labor.
London: Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 1956.
T59.5G786a 1956
Automation: friend or foe? / by R H .
MacMillan. Cambridge, Eng.: University Press,
T59.5M167a 1956
Automotive Safety Seminars: proceedings.
Milford: General Motors Proving Ground, 1968?
TL242G326a 1968
Autonomic regulations: their significance for
physiology, psychology, and neuropsychiatry I
by Ernst Gellhorn. New York: Interscience
Publishers, 1943.
WL600G318a 1943
An autopsy guide for aircraft accident
fatalities / prepared by the Joint Committee on
Aviation Pathology. Washington: Armed Forces
Institute of Pathology, 1957.
QZ35 A728a 1957
Aviation accident pathology: a study of
fatalities I by John Kenyon Mason. London:
Butterworths, 1962.
WD 740 M399a1962
Aviation: an historical survey from its origins to
the end of World War I I / by Charles Edward
Gibbs-Smith. London, Her Majesty's Stationery
Office, 1970.
Aviation and space medicine: man conquers
the vertical frontier I by Martin and Grace
Caidin. New York: Dutton, 1962.
WD 700 C133a 1962
Aviation and Space Medicine: second world,
fourth European congress held in Rome on
October 27-31, 1959. Roma: Tipografia Del
Senato Del Dott. G. Bardi., 1961.
WD700C749 1959a
Aviation ground operation safety handbook
I National Safety Council. 3rd ed. Chicago:
National Safety Council, 1977.
TL 553.5 N277ag 1977
Aviation hygiene: a guide for the instruction of
hospital corpsman in low pressure chamber
technology. San Diego: U.S. Naval Air Station,
WD 710 A957a 19??
Aviation medical examiners. Washington:
Federal Aviation Agency, 1965.
W 22 AA1 A957 1965
Aviation Medical Seminar for Federal
Aviation Agency Medical Examiners / Feb. 35, 1965, School of Medicine, University of
California, San Francisco. San Francisco: 1965.
WD700S471a 1965
Aviation medicine / by Louis Hopewell Bauer.
Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins, 1926.
WD700B344a 1926
Aviation medicine / by Louis Hopewell Bauer.
New York: Oxford University Press, 1943.
WD700B344a 1943
Aviation medicine / editor-in- chief, Geoffrey
Dhenin. London: Tri-Med Books Limited, 1978.
WD700 A957 1978
Aviation medicine / by Ernst Jokl. Glendale:
Arthur H. Clark, 1942.
WD700 J74a1942
Aviation medicine / by Sir Harold
Whittingham. London: Butterworth, 1950?
WD700W626a 1950
Aviation medicine and psychology: a report
prepared for the AAF Scientific Advisory Group
I by W.R. Lovelace, A.P. Gagge, and C.W.
Bray. Wright Field, Ohio: Headquarters, Air
Material Command, 1946.
Aviation medicine in its preventive aspects:
an historical survey. New York: Oxford
University Press, 1948.
WD 700 F974a 1948
Aviation medicine: its theory and application.
Bristol: John Wright, 1949.
WD700B498a 1949
Aviation medicine practice / prepared by the
Aviation Medicine Division of the Bureau of
Medicine and Surgery and the School of
Aviation Medicine and Research, Naval Air
Station, Pensacola, Fla. Washington: Bureau of
Naval Personnel, 1955.
WD700U58a 1955
Aviation medicine: selected reviews / edited
by Clayton S. White, W. Randolph Lovelace II,
and Frederic G. Hirsch. New York: Pergamon,
1958. (AGARDograph no. 25)
Aviation medicine technicians' manual.
Pensacola: School of Aviation Medicine, 194?
WD705U58a 1940
Aviation psychology / Stanley N. Roscoe.
Ames: Iowa State University Press, 1980.
WD730R794a 1980
Aviation psychology in Western-Europe: and
a report on studies of pilot proficiency
measurement I papers collected by J.B. Parry
and S.D. Fokkema. Amsterdam: Swets &
Zeitlinger, 1958.
WD730 A957 1958
The aviation psychology program in the
Army Air Forces. Washington: U.S. Govt.
Print. Off., 1948.
Aviation toxicology: an introduction to the
subject and a handbook of data I prepared
under the direction of the Committee on
Aviation Toxicology. New York: Blakiston, 1953.
QV600A252a 1953
Bacterial and mycotic infections of man /
edited by Rene J. Dubos. 2nd ed. Philadelphia:
Lippincott, 1952.
Ballistocardiography, a bibliography: a
compilation of references to papers, reports,
monographs, reviews, and books, of both
domestic and foreign origin, which appeared
during the period 1877-1964. Washington:
National Aeronautics and Space Administration,
1965. (NASA SP 7021)
ZWG 141.5 B2U58b 1965
Barometric pressure: researches in
experimental physiology I by Paul Bert.
Columbus: College Book Company, 1943.
Basal metabolism of normal young men and
women of various races in Hawaii and basal
metabolism of Samoan men / by Carey D.
Miller and Francis G. Benedict. Honolulu:
University of Hawaii, 1937.
QU 125 М647Ы937
Basic environmental problems of man in
space: papers presented at the 6th
International IAA Symposium, Bonn, FRG, 3-6
November 1980 I guest editors: K.E. Klein and
J.R. Hordinsky. New York: Pergamon, 1981.
(Acta Astronautica V.8 no.9-10)
WD752B311 1980
Basic principles of ventilation and heating /
by Thomas Bedford. London: H.K. Lewis, 1948.
Basic psychology / by Howard H. Kendler.
New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1963.
BF 121 K33b1963
Basic Research: a symposium sponsored by
the National Academy of Sciences, the
American Association for the Advancement of
Science, and the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation I
and presented at the Caspary Auditorium of the
Rockefeller Institute, May 14-16, 1959, New
York City I Dael Wolfe, editor. Washington:
Q 180 U5S989b 1959
The bathroom: criteria for design / by
Alexander Kira. New York: Bantam, 1967.
WA 830 K58b 1967
The battle for Tarawa / James R. Stockman.
Washington: U. S. Marine Corps, 1947.
D 767.917 U58b 1947
Beginning German: a series of lessons with
an abstract of grammar I by H.C. Bierwirth. 2nd
ed. New York: H. Holt, 1925.
PF3111 В588Ы925
Behavior, aging, and the nervous system:
biological determinants of speed of behavior
and its changes with age. I edited by A T .
Welford and James E. Birren. Springfield, III.:
Thomas, 1965.
WT 104 B4195 1965
Behavioral approaches to accident
research: papers presented at a Conference
on Research in Accident Prevention held at
West Point on October 20 and 2 1 , 1960 I
Herbert H. Jacobs et al. New York: Association
for the Aid of Crippled Children, 1961.
Behavioral effects of infectious disease:
fourth annual progress report I by Glynn D.
Coates and Earl A. Alluisi. Louisville: University
of Louisville, 1968.
WC 526 U58b 1968
Behavioral effects of Infectious disease: fifth
annual progress report I by Earl A. Alluisi, John
B. Thurmond and James M. Driscoll. Louisville:
University of Louisville, 1969.
WC526U58be 1969
Behavioral effects of infectious diseases:
respiratory Pasteurella Tularensis in man /
by Earl A. Alluisi, John B. Thurmond, and
Glynn D. Coates. Louisville: University of
Louisville, 1967.
WC 380 U58b 1967
Behavioral effects of infectious diseases:
third annual progress report I by John B.
Thurmond and Earl A. Alluisi. Louisville:
University of Louisville, 1967.
W C 526 U58b 1967
Behavioral foundations of system
d e v e l o p m e n t / David Meister. N e w York:
Wiley, 1976.
TA 167 М 5 1 5 Ы 9 7 6
Behavioral science in pediatric medicine /
by Nathan B. Talbot, Jerome Kagan, and Leon
Eisenberg. Philadelphia: Saunders, 1971.
T h e behavioral sciences a t H a r v a r d : report I
by a faculty committee, June, 1954.
Cambridge, Mass.: 1954.
Bibliography of aviation accident in medical
aspects I Aero Medical Laboratory, JASDF.
Aero Medical Laboratory, 1965.
Z W D 740 A 2 5 2 b 1965
A bibliography of aviation medicine / by
Ebbe Curtis Hoff and John Farquhar Fulton.
Springfield, III.: Thomas, 1942.
Z W D 700 H698b 1942
A bibliography of aviation medicine:
supplement / by Phebe Margaret Hoff, Ebbe
Curtis Hoff and John Farquhar Fulton.
Washington: National Research Council, 1944.
Z W D 700 H698b Suppl. 1944
Bibliography of h u m a n factors / H. Bradley
Hammond. Cincinnati: University of Cincinnati,
ZTA 167 H226b 1970
A bibliography of reports issued by t h e
Behavioral Sciences Laboratory;
engineering psychology, training
psychology, e n v i r o n m e n t a l stress,
simulation techniques a n d physical
anthropology, Apr., 1 9 4 6 - D e c , 1 9 6 5 /
compiled by Sandra A. Stevenson and LaVon
E. Trygg. Wright-Patterson Air Force Base:
U.S. Air Force, 1966.
Behavioral toxicology: early detection of
occupational hazards / edited by Charles
Xintaras, Barry L. J o h n s o n , and Ido de Groot.
Washington: U.S. Govt. Printing Office, 1974.
( D H E W publication no. (NIOSH) 74-126)
W A 4 6 5 B 4 1 9 1974
Bibliographical research on h u m a n tracking
performance / by Richard A. Monty, Joyce E.
Obermaier, and William J. Ruby. Buffalo:
Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, 1963.
ZTA167 М814Ы963
Z W D 750 U58b 1966
A bibliography of research reports a n d
publication issued by t h e H u m a n
Engineering Division, April, 1946-Decern ber,
1 9 7 0 1 compiled by Sandra A. Stevenson.
Wright-Patterson Air Force Base: Aerospace
Medical Research Laboratory, 1972.
Z 6260 S848b 1972
Bibliography of research reports a n d
publications I Wright- Patterson Air Force
Base: Air Force Systems C o m m a n d , 1963.
Z 6664.3 U58r 1963
Bibliography of space books a n d articles
from non-aerospace journals, 1 9 5 7 - 1 9 7 7 /
John J. Looney. Washington: National
Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1979.
Z W D 750 L863b 1979
Bibliography of space medicine. Washington:
National Library of Medicine, 1958. (Public
Health Service Publication no. 617)
Z W D 750 N277b 1958
A bibliographical sourcebook of
compressed air, diving, a n d s u b m a r i n e
medicine / by Ebbe Curtis Hoff. Washington:
U.S. Govt. Printing Office, 1948-54.
Z W D 650 H698b 1948-54
A bibliographical survey and critical r e v i e w
of t h e role of a n t h r o p o m e t r y in t h e sizing of
clothing and personal equipment / M.L.
Staples. Ottawa: Directorate of Biosciences
Research, 1966.
Bibliography: 1 9 2 6 - 1 9 6 6 / by Henry Field. Ann
Arbor: Edward Bros., 1966.
Z Q L 300 F454b 1966
A bibliography of Aerospace Medical
Division reports in t h e fields of engineering
psychology and training psychology, 1 9 4 5 1 9 6 0 1 compiled by Sandra A. Stevenson,
Wright-Patterson Air Force Base: Air Research
and Development C o m m a n d , 1960.
Z 6 7 2 4 A 3 U 5 8 b 1960
A bibliography of visual literature, 1 9 3 9 1 9 4 4 / compiled by John F. Fulton, Phebe M.
Hoff, and Henrietta T. Perkins. Washington:
National Research Council, 1945.
Z W W 100 F974b 1945
The biochemistry of t h e deteriorative
changes in d e h y d r a t e d f o o d . Washington:
Office of the Quartermaster General, Army
Service Forces, n.d.
Bibliography on e m p l o y m e n t problems of
older w o m e n : hiring restrictions,
psychological barriers, w o r k performance /
by Jean A. Wells. Washington: U.S. Govt. Print.
Off., 1954.
Z H D 6056 U58b 1954
Bioclimatics: a science of life a n d c l i m a t e
relations / By Andrew Delmar Hopkins.
Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1938.
Bioenergetics of space suits for lunar
exploration: a literature r e v i e w / by Emanuel
M . Roth. Washington: National Aeronautics and
Space Administration, 1966. (NASA SP 84)
TL 1550 R845b 1966
Bioengineering study of basic physical
measurements related to susceptibility to
cervical hypertension-hyperflexion injury /
by Richard G. Snyder. Ann Arbor: 1972.
Bibliography on motor vehicle & traffic
safety. Washington: Dept. of Commerce, 1 9 7 1 .
Bibliography on oxygen therapy / compiled
by Linde Air Products C o m p a n y . Rev. e d . New
York: Linde Air Products, 1947.
Z W F 145 L743b 1947-
Bibliography related to h u m a n factors
system program: July 1962-February 1 9 6 4 /
by Richard J. Potocko. Washington: National
Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1964.
(NASA SP 7014)
Bioengineering, t h e r m a l physiology, and
comfort I edited by K. Cena and J.A. Clark.
New York: Elsevier, 1981.
Q T 3 4 B 6 1 5 4 1981
ZTA 166 P864b 1964
Bio-assay techniques for h u m a n centrifuges
and physiological effects of acceleration /
Edited by P. Bergeret. New York: Pergamon,
1961. (AGARDograph no. 48)
Bio-atmosphere t a b l e - 1 9 6 2 / prepared by
R.W. Maddock. Santa Monica: Douglas Aircraft
Company, 1963.
Biographical directory of t h e American
Psychological Association. 1 9 7 0 - 7 5 .
Washington: American Psychological
BF 11 А 5 1 2 Ы 9 7 5
Biological a n d biochemical bases of
behavior / edited by Harry F. Harlow and
Clinton N. W o o l s e y . Madison: University of
Wisconsin Press, 1958.
W L 1 0 3 B 6 1 5 1955
QC 885.2 D733b 1963
Bioastronautics and t h e exploration of
space I edited by Charles H. Roadman et al.
Alexandria, Va.: Defense Document Center,
A biological approach to t h e p r o b l e m of
abnormal behavior / by Milton Harrington.
Lancaster: Science Press, 1938.
W L 103 H311b 1938
W D 750 161 1968b
W D 7 5 0 B 6 1 5 5 1964
Bioastronautics data book / James F. Parker,
Jr. and Vita R. West, managing editors. 2nd ed.
Washington: National Aeronautics and Space
Administration, 1973. (NASA SP 3006)
W D 7 5 0 B 6 1 5 5 1973
Biological aspects of circadian r h y t h m s /
edited by J . N . Mills. N e w York: Plenum, 1973.
QT 1 6 7 B 6 1 5 1973
T h e biological basis of h u m a n n a t u r e / H S .
Jennings. N e w York: W.W. Norton, 1930.
Bioastronautics d a t a book. Washington:
National Aeronautics and Space Administration,
1964. (NASA SP 3006)
HQ751 J54b1930
Biological blast effects: remarks presented
before the Special Subcommittee on Radiation
of the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy
during public hearings on the biological and
environmental effect of nuclear war,
Washington, 24 June 1959. Albuquerque:
Lovelace Foundation for Medical Education and
Research, 1959.
Biology data book / compiled and edited by
Philip L. Altman and Dorothy S. Dittmer. 2nd
ed. Bethesda: Federation of American Societies
for Experimental Biology, 1972-1974.
OH 310 F293b 1972-74
The Biology of Aging: a symposium held at
Gatlinburg, Tenn. May 1-3, 1957 I under the
sponsorship of the AIBS and with support of
the National Science Foundation. Edited by
Bernard L. Strehler. Washington: American
Institute of Biological Sciences, 1960.
WT 104B6154 1957
Biology of Hard Tissue: proceedings of the
second conference held at Pacific Palisades,
Calif., March 6-9, 1966 I edited by Ann M.
Budy. Washington: National Aeronautics and
Space Administration, 1968. (NASA SP 161)
OP88.2C748 1966b
Biological clocks in medicine and
psychiatry I by Curt Paul Richter. Springfield,
III.: Thomas, 1965.
Biological correlates of cognitive, sensory,
and motor abilities / by John M. Talbot.
Bethesda: Federation of American Societies for
Experimental Biology, 1975.
WL 700 T139b 1975
The biological effects of vibration / report of
Working Group 39, D.E. Goldman, chairman.
Armed Forces-National Research Council
Committee of Hearing and Bio-Acoustics, 1961.
WD640 А728Ы964
The biology of mental health and disease:
the Twenty-seventh Annual Conference of the
Milbank Memorial Fund. New York: Hoeber,
WM 9 М638Ы950
Biological rhythms in psychiatry and
medicine. Chevy Chase: National Institute of
Mental Health, 1970. (Public Health Service
publication no. 2088)
WL 102 L935b 1970
The biology of the spirit / by Edmund W.
Sinnott. New York: Viking Press, 1957.
OH 331 S617b1957
The biology of whole body mechanical
vibration: an annotated bibliography I by
George N. Hoover. Columbus: Ohio State
University Research Foundation, 1962.
WD 640 039b 1962
Biomedical and human factors requirements
for a manned earth orbiting station / by W.
Helvey et al. Rev. ed. Farmindale: Republic
Aviation Corp., 1964.
Biomedical and human factors:
requirements for a manned earth-orbiting
station. Final report I prepared by Life
Sciences Department. Anaheim: North
American Aviation, 1963.
Biomedical experiments and systems in
Skylab I by Manned Spacecraft Center.
Houston: National Aeronautics and Space
Administration, 1971.
The biological, sociological, and
psychological aspects of aging / by Kurt
Wolff. Springfield, III.: Thomas, 1959.
WT 100 W855b 1959
Biological tolerance to accelerative forces /
by Clayton S. White. Albuquerque: Lovelace
Foundation for Medical Education and
Research, 1954.
Biology and its relation to mankind / by A.M.
Winchester. 3rd ed. Princeton: D. Van
Nostrand, 1964.
Biology data book / compiled and edited by
Philip L. Altman and Dorothy S. Dittmer.
Washington: Federation of American Societies
for Experimental Biology, 1964.
The biomedical foundations of manned
space flight: a report I President's Science
Advisory Committee. Washington: U.S. Govt.
Print. Off., 1969.
WD 750 1158b 1969
Bioregenerative Systems: a conference held
in Washington D.C., November 15-16, 1966.
Washington: National Aeronautics and Space
Administration, 1968. (NASA SP 1651)
QH 327 C748b 1966
Biomedical program; 500 ton explosion /
Lovelace foundation for Medical Education and
Research. Albuquerque: Lovelace Foundation
for Medical Education and Research, 1965.
TP 271 L898b1965
Biomedical research and computer
application in manned space flight: a report I
edited by Jefferson F. Lindsey and John С
Townsend. Washington: National Aeronautics
and Space Administration, 1971. (NASA SP
WD752B6152 1971
BIOSPEX, biological space experiments: a
compendium of life sciences experiments
carried on U.S. spacecraft I Michele Anderson,
John A. Rummel, and Stanley Deutsch, editors.
Washington: National Aeronautics and Space
Administration, 1979. (NASA Technical
Memorandum 58217)
WD750 А548Ы979
Biotechnology laboratory progress report.
December 15,1962 / project leader, John
Lyman. Los Angeles: University of California,
WE 800 8616 1962 No. 62-9
Biotechnology laboratory progress report.
March 15,1963 / project leader, John Lyman.
Los Angeles: University of California, 1963.
WE 800 B616 1963 No. 63-17
Biotechnology laboratory progress report,
December 15,1963 / project leader, John
Lyman. Los Angeles: University of California,
WE 800 8616 1963 No. 63-68
Biotechnology laboratory progress report,
March 15,1964 / project leader, John Lyman.
Los Angeles: University of California, 1964.
WE 800 B616 1964 No. 64-30
Biotechnology laboratory progress report,
December 15,1964 / project leader, John
Lyman. Los Angeles: University of California,
WE 800 B616 1964 No. 64-58
Biotechnology laboratory progress reports /
project leader, John Lyman. Los Angeles:
University of California, 1964.
WE 800 B616 1964 No. 65-14
Biotechnology laboratory progress report /
project leader, John Lyman. Los Angeles:
University of California, 1965.
WE 800 B616 1965 No. 65-31
Biotechnology of space vehicles: energy
balance and atmosphere of man in space /
by Robert L. Smith. Santa Barbara: General
Electric Company, 1959.
Biomedical results from Skylab / edited by
Richard S. Johnston and Lawrence F. Dietlein.
Washington: National Aeronautics and Space
Administration, 1977. (NASA SP 377)
WD752B615 1977
Biomedicine Problems of High Terrestrial
Elevations: proceedings of a symposium held
at U.S. Army Research Institute of
Environmental Medicine, Natick, Mass., 16-17
October 19671 edited by A.H. Hegnauer.
Natick: U.S. Army Research Institute of
Environmental Medicine, 1969.
WD 710 8615 1967
Bionics Symposium: contributed paper pre­
prints/jointly sponsored by the Aeronautical
Systems Division and the Aerospace Medical
Division. Dayton: United States Air Force,
Biophysics and cybernetic systems;
proceedings of the Second Cybernetic
Sciences Symposium I edited by Myles
Maxfield, Arthur Callahan and Lawrence J.
Fogel. Washington: Spartan Books, 1965.
320 C994b 1965
Bioprocessing in space: proceedings of the
1976 NASA Colloquium on Bioprocessing in
Space, Houston, Tex., March 10-12, 1976/
compiled by Dennis R. Morrison. Houston:
National Aeronautics and Space Administration,
1977. (NASA Technical Memorandum 58191)
WD 750 N241 b 1976
The book of the sky; being a collection of
writings about the sky in all its aspects. New
York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1956.
PN 6071 S43B724 1956
Bird strike hazards can be reduced / by W.H.
Bird. Montreal: Air Canada, 1965.
TL725.3B5B618b 1965
Bougainville and the Northern Solomons /
John N. Rentz. Washington: U.S. Marine
Corps, 1948.
D 767.98 U58b 1948
Birth control or: the limitation of offspring
by prevenception / by William J. Robinson.
48th ed. New York: Eugenics, 1936.
HQ 763.5 R666b 1936
Brain and intelligence: a quantitative study of
the frontal lobes I by Ward C. Halstead.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1947.
WL 307 H 196b 1947
The brain and its environment / by Joseph
Barcroft. New Haven: Yale University Press,
WL 300 B244b 1938
CAA statistical handbook of civil aviation.
Washington: Civil Aeronautics Administration.
TL 521 U58c
CO Chemical, Biochemical, and
Physiological Aspects: a symposium held at
Haverford College, Haverford, Pa., August 2021, 1968 I edited by Robert E. Forster et al.
Washington: National Aeronautics and Space
Administration, 1969. (NASA SP 188)
QV 314 S989c 1969
Camping can be fun / by Robert W. Weaver &
Anthony F. Merrill. New York: Harper, 1948.
SK601 W363c1948
Canadian Medical Directory / edited by W.R.
Feasby. Toronto: Current Publication Ltd.,
Caravans in traffic crashes / by Rodney G.
Vaughan. Sydney: Traffic Accident Research
Unit, Department of Motor Transport, New
South Wales, 1974.
HE 5614.5 A8 V368c1974
Carbon dioxide therapy: a neurophysiological
treatment of nervous disorders I by L.J.
Meduna. Springfield, III.: Thomas, 1950.
QV 314 M493C 1950
Carbon dioxide therapy: a neurophysiological
treatment of nervous disorders I edited by
Ladislas Joseph Meduna. 2nd ed. Springfield,
III.: Thomas, 1958.
QV 314 M493C 1958
Biotechnology: proceedings of a conference
held at Virginia Polytechnic Institute,
Blacksburg, Va., August 14-18, 1967.
Washington: National Aeronautics and Space
Administration, U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1971.
(NASA SP 205)
TL 1500 C748b 1971
Blast biology / Clayton S. White and Donald
R. Richmond. Albuquerque: Lovelace
Foundation for Medical Education & Research,
WN 610 U58b 1959
Blind flight in theory and practice / by
William C. Ocker and Carl J. Crane. San
Antonio: Naylor Printing Company, 1932.
TL 711 016b 1932
Blood and other body fluids: analysis and
compilation I by Philip L. Altman. Washington:
Federation of American Societies for
Experimental Biology, 1961.
The board of directors and business
management / Melvin T. Copeland and
Andrew R. Towl. Boston: Harvard University,
HD 2745 C782b 1947
Body measurements for the sizing of
women's patterns and apparel: a recorded
voluntary standard of the trade. Washington:
Dept. of Commerce, 1958.
Body water in man: the acquisition and
maintenance of the body fluids / by Maurice
B. Strauss. Boston: Little, Brown, 1957.
WD 220 S912b 1957
Boeing High Altitude Flight Symposium,
August 25, 26, 27, 1947. Seattle: 1947.
TL 671.2 В 6 7 1 Ы 942
Carbon monoxide: a bibliography with
abstracts / compiled by Anna Grossman
Cooper. Washington: United States Public
Health Service, 1966. (Public Health Service
publication no. 1503)
ZQV 662 C776C 1966
The cardiac output of man in health and
disease / by Arthur Grollman. Springfield, III.:
Thomas, 1932.
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation: conference
proceedings I edited by A.S. Gordon.
Washington: National Academy of Sciences National Research Council, National Academy
of Engineering, 1967.
Cardiovascular studies / by Robert Proper
and Thomas 0 . Nevison, Jr. Albuquerque:
Lovelace Foundation for medical Education and
Research, 1964?
Carrying the fire: an astronaut's journeys I
with a foreword by Charles A. Lindbergh. New
York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1974.
WD 750 C712c 1974
Case history of a physiologist: F.G. Hall / by
D.B. Dill. Boulder City: University of Nevada
System, 1971.
WZ100H175d 1971
A case study of technology transfer:
cardiology / prepared by Gerald Schäfer.
Denver: University of Denver, 1974.
A case study of technology transfer:
rehabilitative engineering at Ranchos Los
Amigos Hospital / prepared by William
Hildred. Denver: University of Denver, 1973.
Catalytic combustion of hydrocarbons:
effect of preparation method on catalytic
activity I E.P. Koutsoukos, Ken Nobe. Los
Angeles: University of California, 1964.
QD 305 H5C153C 1964
Causes of auto accidents of adolescent
drivers: final report I J. Roswell Gallagher and
Roland С Moore, principal investigators;
prepared with the assistance of Ross A.
McFarland and Edward A. Arees. Boston:
Harvard School of Public Health, 1968.
WA 275 G162c 1968
Central and indirect vision of the lightadapted eye I by Viggo Clemmesen.
Copenhagen: J.A. Hansens Bogtrykkeri, 1944.
(Acta Physiologica Scandinavia V.9
Supplement 27)
CHABA report, no. 1- 1954- St. Louis, 1954.
Issued by Armed Forces National Research
Council Committee on Hearing and BioAcoustics.
WV270C426 1954-
The changing culture of an indian tribe / by
Margaret Mead. New York: Columbia University
Press, 1932.
E 9 8 S 7 M479C1948
Changing disciplines, lectures on the
history, method and motives of social
pathology / by John A. Ryle. London: Oxford
University Press, 1948.
WA 108 R994c 1948
Chemical equilibrium problems with
unbounded constraint sets / James H.
Bigelow, James С DeHaven and Norman Z.
Sahpiro. Santa Monica: Rand Corp., 1970.
Chemistry of food and nutrition / by Henry
С Sherman. 5th ed., New York: Macmillan,
QU 145 S553c 1937
Child psychology / by Margaret Wooster
Curti. New York: Longmans, Green and Co.,
WS 105 C978C 1930
A classified bibliography of gerontology and
geriatrics: supplement two 1956-1961 /by
Nathan W. Shock. Stanford: Stanford University
Press, 1963.
ZWT 100 S559c Suppl.2 1963
Clean room technology / by James W.
Useller. Washington: National Aeronautics and
Space Administration, 1969. (NASA SP 5074)
TH 7694 U84c 1969
Clean Room Technology in Surgery Suites:
proceedings of a symposium conducted May
21-22, 1971 at National Aeronautics and Space
Administration, John F. Kennedy Space Center,
Fla. I co-sponsored by National Aeronautics
and Space Administration and Midwest
Research Institute. Kansas City: Midwest
Research Institute, 1971.
WO 113 S989c 1971
Circadian rhythms 1973 - January, 1980.
Citations from the International Aerospace
Abstracts data base. Springfield: National
Technical Information Service, 1980.
QT 167C578 1980
Clearance and performance values for the
bare-handed and the pressure-gloved
operator / by John W. Garrett. WrightPatterson Air Force Base: Aerospace Medical
Research Laboratories, 1968.
Civil air regulations and flight standards for
pilots I by aeronautical staff. 22nd ed. Los
Angeles: Aero Publishers, 1960.
TL 546.54 A252C 1960
Clement Ader: his flight-claims and his
place in history / by Charles H. Gibbs-Smith.
London, Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 1968.
TL540 A232G 1968
Civil aviation medicine in the bureaucracy /
by Heber A. Holbrook. Bethesda: Banner Pub.
Co., 1974.
WD 700 H 724c 1974
Climate and economic development in the
tropics I by Douglas H.K. Lee. New York:
Harper, 1957.
QT 150 L477c 1957
Climate and evolution / by William Diller
Matthew. 2nd ed, New York: New York
Academy of Sciences, 1939.
QE721 M437C1939
Climate and man / Department of Agriculture.
Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off. 1941.
(Yearbook of agriculture 1941 )
Climate makes the man / by Clarence A.
Mills. New York: Harper, 1942.
WB700 M657C1942
Climatic change: evidence, causes, and
effects I Contributors: Harlow Shapley et al.
Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press,
QC 981.4 C639 1953
Choice of an atmosphere for an extended
space mission / by R.S. Thomas. Sunnyvale:
Lockhead Missiles & Space Company, 1963.
Choice reaction time / Warren H. Teichner
and Marjorie J. Krebs. Las Cruces: New
Mexico State University, 1972.
BF323 V5N532c1972
Christianity: a psychologist's translation /
by A T . Welford. London: Hodder and
Stoughton, 1971.
Circadian Rhythms in Nonhuman Primates:
proceedings of a symposium held on July 2,
1968, in conjunction with the 2nd International
Congress of Primatology, Yerkes Regional
Primate Center, Emory University, Atlanta, Ga.
I F.H. Rohles, editor. New York: S. Karger,
1969.(Bibliotheca primatologica no.9)
Q L 7 3 7 P 9 C 5 7 8 1969
Civilization and its discontents / by Sigmund
Freud. New York: J. Cape & H. Smith, 1930.
HM251 F889u 1930
Clarity in technical reporting. Washington:
National Aeronautics and Space Administration,
T 11 K19C1964
The classification program / Philip Hunter
DuBois. Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off.,
UB 337 D816c 1947
Clinical aviation medicine / Russell B.
Rayman. New York: Vantage Press, 1982.
Collected papers / Harvard Medical School.
Boston: Eliot Press, 1938.
WL101 H339C1938
Clinical Electroretinography: proceedings of
the third international symposium, held in
October, 1964, in Highland Park, III. I edited by
Hermann M. Burian and Jerry Hart Jacobson.
New York: Pergamon, 1966.
WW270B958 1964c
Collected papers on aviation medicine. /
North Atlantic Treaty Organization. London:
Butterworths, 1955.
Collected publications / Fatigue Laboratory.
Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University.
Collected reports / Fatigue Laboratory.
Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University.
QT 104 H339C
A collection of articles on health subjects /
by L.G. Norman. London: London Transport,
QT 255 N842c 1958
A collection of papers on space suits and
human performance / edited by Norman M.
Melesko. New Orleans: Chrysler Corp., 1965.
College pioneering: problems and phases of
the life at Park College during its early years; a
second volume succeeding "A mid-west
adventure in education" I by Joseph Ernest
McAfee. Kansas City: Alumni Parkana
Committee, 1938.
LD4471 P752 M113C 1938
A colloquy on Motor Vehicle and Traffic
Law: a compilation of papers, commentary, and
discussions I sponsored by the Committee on
Motor Vehicle and Traffic Law Highway
Research Board, February 2-3, 1965.
Washington: National Academy of Sciences National Research Council, 1965.
KF 2209 C714c 1965
The combined effects of noise and vibration
on human annoyance / by Michael Jerome
Goodman. Raleigh: North Carolina State
University, 1974.
WA 776 G653c 1974
Comfortization of aircraft / Albert A. Arnhym.
New York: Pitman, 1944
The coming struggle for power / John
Strachey. New York: Covici, Friede, 1933.
HB 501 S795c1933
Clinical handbook on economic poisons:
emergency information for treating poisoning I
Wayland J. Hayes, Jr. Washington: U.S. Govt.
Print. Off., 1963.
Clinical lectures on psychological medicine
I by Henry Yellowlees. London: Churchill, 1932.
WM 105Y37c1932
The clinical physiology of physical fitness
and rehabilitation / by Ernst Jokl. Springfield,
III.: Thomas, 1958.
WB541 J74c1958
Clinical sonnets: intimate glimpses of
proper and improper Bostonians / by Merrill
Moore. New York: Twayne, 1949.
WZ350 M823C1949
The closed life-support system: papers/
prepared by Ames Research Center.
Washington: National Aeronautics and Space
Administration, 1967. (NASA SP 134)
TL 1500 C748C 1966
Cockpit geometry evaluation: phase 1.
Boeing Company, 1969.
TL 681 C6 B671C1969
Cognitive processes in maturity and old age
I by Jack Botwinick. New York: Springer, 1967.
WT 150B751C1967
Cold injury, ground type / by Tom F. Whayne
and Michael E. DeBakey. Washington: U.S.
Govt. Print. Off., 1958.
UH215C688 1958
A collation of anthropometry / by John W.
Garrett and Kenneth W. Kennedy. WrightPatterson Air Force Base: Aerospace Medical
Research Laboratory, 1971.
Commercial air transportation. / by John
Hutchinson Frederick. 4th ed. Homewood: R.D.
Irwin, 1955.
TL 521 F852c1955
Commercial airliner window characteristics:
a survey of passenger preferences I by Barrie
W. Blase and Clarence Larny. Seattle: Boeing
Company, 1968.
TL 685.4 B671 с 1968
Commercial pilot examination guide / Civil
Aeronautics Administration. Rev. ed.,
Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1956.
TL 546.5 U58c 1955
A comparison of two types of visual
approach aid / by R.H. Day and J.R. Baxter.
Melbourne: Aeronautical Research
Laboratories, 1959.
Compendium for development of human
standards in space system design / EM.
Roth, editor. Albuquerque: Lovelace
Foundation, 1967WD 752 R845c 1967
Compendium of aviation medicine / by
Siegfried Ruffand Hubutus Strughold. 1942.
Commercial potentials of semipermeable
membranes: a report I by Sidney B. Tuwiner,
Ernest J. Henley, and H. Kenneth Staffin.
Washington: National Aeronautics and Space
Administration, 1967. (NASA SP 5061)
TK2921 T967C1967
Compendium of environmental stress: Part
1. Human response to sustained acceleration I
by T.M. Fraser. Albuquerque: Lovelace
Foundation for Medical Education and
Research, 1964.
Common principles in psychology &
physiology I by John T. MacCurdy.
Cambridge, Eng.: University Press, 1928.
WL 100 M 133c 1928
Common sense about smoking / CM.
Fletcher et al. Baltimore: Penguin, 1963.
HV 5733 F612c 1963.
Compendium of human responses to the
aerospace environment / edited by Emanuel
M. Roth. Washington: National Aeronautics and
Space Administration, 1968. (NASA Contractor
report, NASA CR-1205 (l-IV)
TL 521.5 R845c 1968
Compulsory seat belts: a survey of public
reaction and stated usage I Kathleen
Freedman, Rosamond Wood, and Michael
Henderson. Sydney: Traffic Accident Research
Unit, Dept. of Motor Transport, New South
Wales, 1974.
Compulsory wearing of seat belts in New
South Wales, Australia: and evaluation of its
effect on vehicle occupant deaths in the first
year/ by Michael Henderson and R. Wood.
Sydney: Traffic Accident Research Unit,
Department of Motor Transport, New South
Wales, 1973.
Computation of continuous decompression
schedules for deep sea dives / by James S.
Robertson and George Moeller. Upton:
Brookhaven National Laboratory, 1968.
Comparative methodology for heat
tolerance testing: a cooperative international
study I compiled and edited by Austin
Henschel. Cincinnati, 1967. (Public Health
Service Publication no. TR-44)
WA 770 H526C 1967
Comparative nuclear effects on biomedical
interest I by Clayton S. White et al.
Washington: Atomic Energy Commission, 1960.
WN 620 L898c 1960
A comparative study of the physiological
effects of immersion and bed rest / P.D.
White, J.W. Nyberg, L.M. Finnney, and W.J.
White. Washington: Dept. of Commerce, 1966.
QT 140 D733c 1966
A comparison of three visual glidepath
systems / by J.R. Baxter et al. Melbourne:
Aeronautical Research Laboratories, 1960.
TL 696 L3B174c 1959
Computers and thought, a collection of
articles by Armer et al. I edited by Edward A.
Feigenbaum & Julian Feldman. New York:
McGraw-Hill, 1963.
0 335.5 C738 1963
Computers, system science, and evolving
society; the challenge of man-machine
digital systems. / by Harold Sackman. New
York: Wiley, 1967.
QA 76.5 S121c 1967
Conference on Manual Control. Annual
NASA-University Conference on Manual
Control: proceedings of the third conference
held at University of Southern California, Los
Angeles, Calif., March 1-3, 1967. Washington:
National Aeronautics and Space Administration,
1968. (NASA SP 144)
TA166C748 1967a
Conference on Manual Control. Annual
NASA-University Conference on Manual
Control: fourth conference held at University of
Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich., March 21-23,
1968. Washington: National Aeronautics and
Space Administration, 1969. (NASA SP 192)
TA166C748 1968a
Conference on manual control. Annual NASA
University Conference on Manual Control: fifth
annual conference held at Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Mass.,
March 27-29, 1969. Washington: National
Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1969.
(NASA SP 215)
TA166C748 1969a
Concepts for detection of extraterrestrial life
I edited by Freeman H. Quimby. Washington:
National Aeronautics and Space Administration,
1964. (NASA SP 56)
QB 54 06c 1964
Concorde: the case against supersonic
transport I Richard Wiggs. London: Ballantine,
TL 571 W656c1971
The conduction of the nervous impulse / by
Keith Lucas. London: Longmans, Green, 1917.
WL 102 L933c 1917
Conference of NASA Clinic Directors,
Environmental Health Officials, and Medical
Program Advisors: proceedings of the annual
conference held in New Orleans, La., Oct. 2 1 23, 1969. Washington: National Aeronautics
and Space Administration, 1969.
WD 700 A615c 1969
Conference on Manual Control. Annual
Conference on Manual Control: proceedings I
held 7-9 April 1970 at the Air Force Institute of
Technology, Wright Patterson Air Force Base,
Ohio, 1970.
TA166C748 1970a
Conference of NASA Clinic Directors,
Environmental Health Officials and Medical
Program Advisors: proceedings of the annual
conference held in Cambridge, Mass., Oct. 1315, 1970. Washington: National Aeronautics
and Space Administration, 1970.
WD 700 A615c 1970
Conference on Manual Control. Seventh
annual conference on Manual Control:
proceedings of a meeting held at University of
Southern California, Los Angeles, Calif., June
2-4, 1971. Washington: National Aeronautics
and Space Administration. (NASA SP 281)
TA166C748 1972s
Conference on Medical Results of the First
U.S. Manned Suborbital Space Flight: a
compilation of the papers presented June 6,
1961 /Washington: National Aeronautics and
Space Administration. 1961.
Conference on V/STOL and STOL Aircraft: a
conference held at Ames Research Center,
Moffett Field, Calif., April 4-5, 1966.
Washington: National Aeronautics and Space
Administration, 1966. (NASA SP 116)
Conference of NASA Clinic Directors,
Environmental Health Officials and Medical
Program Advisors: proceedings of the annual
conference held in Gatlinburg, Tenn., Oct. 1012, 1972. Washington: National Aeronautics
and Space Administration, 1972.
WD 700 A615c 1972
Conference on Manual Control. Annual
NASA-University Conference on Manual
Control: proceedings of a conference held at
the Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Cambridge, Mass., February 28-March 2, 1966.
Washington: National Aeronautics and Space
Administration, 1966. (NASA SP 128)
TA166C748 1966a
Congres mondial de médecine
aéronautique: 3e Congres Européen. Louvain:
WD700C749 1958c
The consistency of certain extrovertintrovert behavior patterns in 5 1 problem
boys I by Theodore M. Newcomb. New York:
Teachers College, Columbia University, 1929.
BF 698.2 N538c 1929
The constitutionality of mandatory seat belt
use legislation / by W. Allen Ames.
Charlottesville: Virginia Highway Research
Council, 1972.
KF 2212 Z9A513c 1972
Construction and analysis of achievement
tests: the development of written and
performance tests of achievement for predicting
job performance of public personnel I by
Dorothy Christina Adkins. Washington: U.S.
Govt. Print. Off., 1947.
J F 1601 A236C1947
The construction of calorimeters for the
measurement of absorbed dose / by B.
Petree and G. Ward. Washington: U.S. Govt.
Print. Off., 1962.
QU 125 P493C 1962
Contamination control handbook.
Washington: National Aeronautics and Space
Administration, 1969. (NASA SP 5076)
TH 7694 S217cc 1969
Contamination control principles / prepared
by H.D. Sivinski. Washington: National
Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1967.
(NASA SP 5045)
TH 7694 S217c 1967
Contemporary schools of psychology / by
Robert S. Woodworth. New York: Ronald
Press, 1931.
Contract for the analysis of components in
biological fluids in a gravity free
environment emphasizing procedures
suitable for use in an orbiting laboratory /
by Samuel Natelson and Thomas С Puckett.
Chicago: Michael Reese Hospital and Medical
Center, 1968?
A contribution to the history of the
respiration of man: being the Croonian
lectures delivered before the Royal College of
Physicians in 1897 I by William Marcet.
London: J. & A. Churchill, 1897.
WF 102 M314C1897
Contributions to aviation otolaryngology /
E.D. Dalziel Dickson. London: Headly Brothers,
Contributions to the psychobiology of aging
I edited by Robert Kastenbaum. New York:
Springer, 1965.
WT 100C764 1964
Control of communicable diseases in man:
an official report. 9th ed. New York: American
Public Health Association, 1960.
WA110 A512C1960
Controlled environment facilities: a survey /
by John M. Henderson. Cincinnati: Robert A.
Taft Sanitary Engineering Center, 1961.
WA 670 H496C 1961
Controlled reading: a correlation of
diagnostic, teaching, and corrective
techniques / by Earl Taylor. Chicago:
University of Chicago Press, 1937.
BF 456 R2T239C 1937
Controls for outer space and the Antarctic
analogy / by Philip С Jessup and Howard J.
Taubenfeld. New York: Columbia University
Press, 1959.
WD758 J58c1959
Corporation aircraft operations manual.
Boston: Liberty Mutual Insurance Co., 1949.
The cost of collisions / P.N. Troy and N.G.
Butlin. Melbourne: Cheshire, 1971.
HE 5614.5 A8T864C 1971
A course in philosophy / by George Perrigo
Conger. New York: Harcourt Brace, 1924.
BD 21 C749C1924
Cowdry's Problems of ageing: biological and
medical aspects I edited by Albert I. Lansing.
3rd ed. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins, 1952.
WT 104C874 1952
Crash protection for babies / by Brian A.
Vazey, David G. Herbert, and Vladimir Leitis.
Sydney: Traffic Accident Research Unit,
Department of Motor Transport, New South
Wales, 1974.
Crash protection for the sub-teen child / by
David С. Herbert et al. Sydney: Traffic Accident
Research Unit, Department of Motor Transport,
New South Wales, 1974.
Creative evolution / by Henri Bergson. New
York: H. Holt, 1911.
Crew interaction in situations simulating
long-term space flight. Descriptive analyses
of the literature. Washington: George
Washington University Medical Center. 1974
Crew System Design: proceedings of an inter­
agency conference held at Los Angeles, Calif.,
September 12-14, 1972 I edited by Kenneth D.
Cross and James J. McGrath. Santa Barbara:
Anacapa Sciences, 1973.
Criminal on the road: a study of serious
motoring offences and those who commit
them I by Т. С Willett. London: Tavistock
Publications, 1964.
HE 5614.5 G7W713 1964
Criteria for retirement: a report of a National
Conference on Retirement of Older Workers,
held under the sponsorship of the McGregor
Fund and the National Committee on the Aging
of the National Social Welfare Assembly/
edited by Geneva Mathiasen. New York:
Putnam, 1953.
HQ 1064U5C934 1952
A critical analysis of the literature dealing
with the effect of intermittent sound stimuli
on performance, feeling, and physiology
with preliminary work toward an
experimental analysis of the problem / by
Robert Plutchik. Hempstead: Hofstra College,
WV 270 P737C 1957
The critical flicker frequency series effect /
by Karoly Akos and Magda Akos. Budapest:
Akaderniai Kiado, 1966.
WW 105 A315C1966
Critique of pure reason /by Immanuel Kant.
London: Macmillan, 1881.
Cues and practice in flying training / Fritz H.
Brecke. Tempe: Arizona State University, 1975.
Cues, feedback, and transfer in
undergraduate pilot training: progress report
(phase III)/Vernon S. Gerlach. Tempe:
Arizona State University, 1974.
Current research in childhood accidents /
Edward A. Suchman and Alfred L. Scherzer.
New York: Association for the Aid of Crippled
Children, 1960.
W 843 S942c 1960
The Current State of Aviation Safety: press
briefing on aviation safety, summary of
proceedings and discussion, Cosmos Club,
Washington, D.C. September 30, 1960. New
York: Daniel and Florence Guggenheim
Aviation Safety Center at Cornell University,
TL 553.5 C814C 1960
DRB Aviation Medical Research Unit reports
I compiled by G. Melville Jones. Ottawa:
Defense Research Board, 1971.
WD700C212d 1971
Danger in the air / by Oliver Stewart. New
York: Philosophical Library, 1958.
WD740S851d 1958
The dangerous age in men: a treatise on the
prostate gland I by Chester T. Stone. New
York: Macmillan, 1934.
WJ750S877d 1934
The dangerous sky: a history of aviation
medicine I by Douglas H. Robinson. Seattle:
University of Washington Press, 1973.
WD700R659d 1973
Data Collection System, Earth Resources
Technology Satellite-1: the proceedings of a
workshop held at NASA Wallops Flight Center,
Wallops Island, Va., May 30-31, 1973 / edited
by Saul Cooper and Philip T. Ryan.
Washington: National Aeronautics and Space
Administration, 1975. (NASA SP 364)
TL 796.5 U6 C748d 1975
Decisions, values, and groups: reports from
the First Interdisciplinary Conference in the
Behavioral Science Division held at the
University of New Mexico I edited by Dorothy
Willner. New York: Pergamon, 1960.
BF441 I61d 1957
Decompression-decompression sickness /
A.A. Buhlmann. New York: Springer-Verlag,
WD650B931d 1984
The design and conduct of human
engineering studies / prepared for the Joint
Services Steering Committee for the Human
Engineering Guide to Equipment Design. San
Diego: San Diego State College Foundation,
TA166C462d 1956
Design Conference on Decision Making and
Aging: held at Harvard University and Bolt,
Beranekand Newman, Inc., August 25-29,
1975 I edited by Leonard W. Poon and James
L Fozard, 1975.
WT20D457d 1975
Design criteria for rotating space vehicles /
by S.H. Dole. Santa Monica: Rand Corp., 1960.
TL875R186d 1960
Design data for aeronautics and
astronautics: a compilation of existing data I
by Richard Boyd Morrison. New York: Wiley,
TL 551 M881d 1962
The design development and study of
germfree isolators for use with patients and
research / by P.C. Trexler. South Bend:
University of Notre Dame, 1963.
WX167U58d 1963
A design guide for home safety / prepared
for the Office of Research and Technology by
Teledyne Brown Engineering. Washington:
Dept. of Housing and Urban Development,
WA288D457 1972
Designing for people / by Henry Dreyfuss.
New York: Simon and Schuster, 1955.
TA166D778d 1955
The descent of man, and selection in
relation to sex by Charles Robert Darwin.
New York: D. Appleton, 1871.
QH365D228d 1871
The detection of a simple visual signal as a
function of time of watch / Warren H.
Teichner. Las Cruces: New Mexico State
University, 1972.
BF323 V5N532d 1972
Desert operations: basic field manual I
prepared under direction of the Chief of Staff,
War Department. Washington: U.S. Govt. Print.
Off., 1942.
U 167.5 D4U58d 1942
Determination of the physical constants
relating blood pressure and arterial wall
displacements / by Alvin H. Sacks and
Douglas E. Abbot. Palo Alto: Vidya, 1962.
WG 106 V655d 1962
Development and specifications of the
display-cue analyzer / by Kenneth Ziedman.
Los Angeles: University of California, 1960.
TK7882 16U58d 1960
Decompression sickness: I . A survey and
evaluation of the literature / by D.T. Hanifan.
Santa Monica: Douglas Aircraft Company,
WD712D733d 1958
The defense of Wake / R.D. Heinl.
Washington: U.S. Marine Corps, 1947.
D 767.99 W3U58d 1947
Defining the quality of life: household
technology on trial, an interpretive report of a
public program I edited by Marian S.
Baumgold. Rensselaerville: Institute on Man
and Science, 1972.
TX298B348d 1972
Delayed sensory feedback and behavior / by
Karl Ulrich Smith. Philadelphia: Saunders, 1962
WL102S653d 1962
A demonstration visual test / by M. Luckiesh
and Frank K. Moss. Cleveland: General Electric
Co., 1931?
WW145L941d 1931?
Department of the Air Force annual report
of the USAF Medical Service / prepared by
the Office of the Surgeon General, United
States Air Force. Washington: Office of the
Surgeon General, 1965-1968.
WD700U58d 1954-
Development of a behavior taxonomy for
describing human tasks: a correlationalexperimental approach / by Edwin A.
Fleishman. Washington: American Institutes for
Research, 1966.
HF 5549.5 J6 D4891 1966
The development of techniques and
procedures for the study of alertness in
aviation personnel / by Bryce Hartman and
Paul M. Fitts. Washington: National Research
Council, 1950.
BF321 037d 1950
Development of a small animal payload and
integration with a sounding rocket / edited
by Larry J. Early. Washington: National
Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1966.
(NASA SP 109)
OH 327 E12d 1966
A device to measure pressure distribution
between the human body and various
supporting surfaces / by J.B. Reswick, 0.
Lindan and A. Lippay. Cleveland: Case Institute
of Technology and Highland View Hospital,
W20.5R436d 1964
Development of a taxonomy of human
performance: a feasibility study of ability
dimensions for classifying human tasks /
George С Theologus, Tania Romashko, and
Edwin A. Fleishman. Silver Spring: American
Institutes for Research, 1970.
HF 5549.5 J6D489f 1970
Dictionary of personnel and industrial
relations/ Esther R. Becker. New York:
Philosophical Library, 1958.
HF 5549 A23 B395d 1958
Dictionary of psychology / edited by Howard
С Warren. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1934.
BF31 W288d 1934
The dictionary of space technology / by
Joseph A. Angelo, Jr. New York: Facts on File,
TL 788 A584d 1982
Dictionary of technical terms for aerospace
use I William H. Allen, editor. Washington: U.S.
Govt. Print. Off., 1965. (NASA SP 7)
TL 521 U58d 1965
Diet and physical efficiency; the influence of
frequency of meals upon physical efficiency
and industrial productivity / by Howard W.
Haggard and Leon A. Greenberg. New Haven:
Yale University Press, 1935.
WB400H145d 1935
Differential psychology; individual and
group differences in behavior / by Anne
Anastasi and John P. Foley, Jr. Rev. ed. New
York: Macmillan, 1949.
BF697 A534d 1949
Directors and their functions: a preliminary
study I by John Calhoun Baker. Boston:
Harvard University, 1945.
HD2745B167d 1945
Directory and yearbook. Human Factors
Society. Santa Monica: Human Factors
Society, 1962-1963; 1976.
Development of a taxonomy of human
performance: a heuristic model for the
development of classification systems.
Washington: American Institutes for Research,
HF 5549.5 J6 D489h 1969
Development of a taxonomy of human
performance: a review of biological
taxonomy and classification / George C.
Theologus. Silver Spring: American Institutes
for Research, 1969.
HF 5549.5 J6D489r 1969
Development of a taxonomy of human
performance: a review of the first year's
progress / by Edwin A. Fleishman, Robert G.
Kinkade, and Armand N. Chambers.
Washington: American Institutes for Research,
HF 5549.5 J6 D489 1968
Development of a taxonomy of human
performance: a review of the second year's
performance / by Edwin A. Fleishmand,
Warren H. Teichner, and Robert W.
Stephenson. Silver Spring: American Institute
for Research, 1970.
HF 5549.5 J6D489M970
The Development of Homeostasis: with
Special Reference to Factors of the
Environment; proceedings of a symposium
held in Liblice near Prague, September 15-17,
1960/Chairman: E.F. Adolph. New York:
Academic Press, 1960.
QT 120D489 1960
Directory, aviation medical examiners.
Washington: Dept. of Transportation, Federal
Aviation Administration.
W 2 2 A A 1 D597 1974
Domestic accidents / by E. Maurice Backett.
Geneva: World Health Organization, 1965.
(Public Health papers no.26)
WA288B126d 1965
Disease and the man / by George Draper.
New York: Macmillan, 1930.
WB890D7651d 1930
Double Eagle: Ben Abruzzo, Maxie
Anderson, Larry Newman / by Charles
McCarry. Boston: Little, Brown, 1979.
TL 621 D68 M123d 1979
Disease control and international travel: a
review of the International Sanitary Regulations
I H.S. Gear, Z. Deutschman. Geneva: World
Health Organization, 1956.
WA292G292d 1956
Down but not out. / Royal Canadian Air
Force. Ottawa, R. Duhamel, 1965.
WD740R888d 1965
A dozen doctors; autobiographic sketches /
Edited by Dwight J. Ingle. Chicago: University
of Chicago Press, 1963.
WZ112D755 1963
The diseases of occupations / Donald
Hunter. Boston: Little, Brown, 1955.
WA400H945d 1955
Diseases of the basal ganglia and
subthalamic nuclei / by D. Denney-Brown.
New York: Oxford University Press, 1945.
WL307D412d 1946
A dream of wings: Americans and the
airplane, 1875-1905/Tom D. Crouch. New
York: Norton, 1981.
TL 521 C952d 1981
Diseases of the tropics / by George Cheever
Shattuck. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts,
WC680s533d 1951
Driver eye position / by James F. Meldrum.
Dearborn: Ford Motor Company, 1965.
GN201 F711d 1965
Diseases peculiar to civilized man: clinical
management and surgical treatment / by
George Crile. New York: Macmillan, 1934.
WB890C929d 1934
Driver eye position / by James F. Meldrum.
Rev. ed. Dearborn: Ford Motor Company,
GN201 F711d 1969
Display color coding for a visual search
task I by Sidney L. Smith. Bedford: Mitre Corp.,
WW 150 M684d 1962
Dust off: Army aeromedicai evacuation in
Vietnam / by Peter Dorland and James
Nanney. Washington: Center of Military History,
U.S. Army, 1982.
UH223D711d 1982
Display color coding for visual separability /
by Sidney L. Smith. Bedford: Mitre Corporation,
WW 150 M684di 1963
Dynamic response and fatigue flight test
instrumentation. Phase llla/b I by R.W.
Tuggle and E.T. Watson. Santa Monica:
Douglas Aircraft Co., 1961.
TL 671.7 D733d 1961
The distribution of insects, spiders, and
mites in the air / by P.A. Glick. Washington:
U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1939. (Dept. of
Agriculture Technical Bulletin no. 673)
QX500G559d 1939
A dynamic theory of personality: selected
papers I by Kurt Lewin. New York: McGrawHill, 1935.
BF698L672d 1935
The dynamics of anxiety and hysteria: an
experimental application of modern learning
theory to psychiatry/ by H.J. Eysenck. London:
Routledge&K. Paul, 1957.
WM 172E98d 1957
Doctors in the sky; the story of the Aero
Medical Association. Springfield, III.: Thomas,
W Z 1 A252B 1955
Effect of alcohol on psycho- physiological
functions I by Walter R. Miles. Washington:
Carnegie Institution of Washington, 1918.
QV84 M643e 1918
The early detection and prevention of
disease. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1957.
W A 1 0 8 E 1 2 1957
The early history of air transportation / a
lecture delivered by Edward Pearson Warner,
SC. D., under the James Jackson Cabot
professorship of air traffic regulation and air
transportation at Norwich University, November
21, 1937. Northfield: Norwich University, 1938.
TL515W281e 1938
The effect of ambient and body
temperatures upon reaction time / by
Division of Bio-Mechanics. New York:
Psychological Corp., 1948.
BF 317 P974e 1948
The effect of direction and velocity of
relative motion upon dynamic visual acuity
(u) / by Harry L. Snyder and Charles P.
Greening. Anaheim: Autonetics, 1965.
WW 145 A939e 1965
The effect of induced hypoxia on instrument
flying proficiency / by Charles E. Billings, Jr.,
George С Chapman, and Robert H. Larson.
Columbus: Ohio State University, 1962.
WD 715 037e 1962
The effect of low frequency, high amplitude
whole body vibration on human
performance / by Allison K. Simons and
Melvin A. Schmits. Bostrom Research
Laboratories, 1958?
WD640B747e 1958
The effect of mandatory seat belt use in
New South Wales, Australia / by Michael
Henderson and Kathleen Freedman. Sydney:
Traffic Accident Research Unit, Department of
Motor Transport, New South Wales, 1974.
Effect of perspective geometry training on
target area location / by W.C. Hagan, M.A.
Larue, and H. Ozkaptan. Orlando: Martin
Marietta Corp., 1966.
QC383 M382e 1966
The effect of predesignation information
upon target and checkpoint recognition
performance / by Richard D. Strum et al.
Anaheim: Autonetics, 1966.
TL3250 A939e 1966
Effect of small doses of alcohol on a skill
resembling driving / by G.C. Drew, W.P.
Colquhoun and Hazel A. Long. London: Her
Majesty's Stationery Office, 1959.
WA275D776e 1959
Dynamics of intersectional tension / Alexis
M. Anikeeff. State College, Miss., 1952.
HM 131 A597d 1952
Early science at Harvard; innovators and
their instruments, 1765-1865. Loan exhibition
Dec. 18, 1969 through Feb. 1, 1970.
Cambridge, Mass.: William Hayes Fogg Art
Museum, 1969.
0 185H339e 1969
Earth, moon, and planets / by Fred Lawrence
Whipple. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University
Press, 1941.
QB601 W573e1941
Earth, moon, and planets / by Fred L.
Whipple. Rev. ed. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard
University Press, 1963.
QB601 W573e 1963
Earth photographs from Gemini V I through
XII. Washington: National Aeronautics and
Space Administration, 1968. (NASA SP 171)
QB 637 U58e 1968
Earthman, spaceman, universal man? / By
Paul Andrew Campbell. New York: Pageant
Press, 1965.
WZ80c189e 1965
Education and the philosophy of
experimentalism / by John L. Childs. New
York: Century, 1931.
LB875C537e 1931
The education of American teachers / by
James Bryant Conant. New York: McGraw-Hill,
LB 1715 C743e 1963
Educational approaches to driver
improvement/ an experimental evaluation with
negligent drivers /William С Marsh.
Sacramento: California Dept. of Motor Vehicles,
TL 152.6 M366e1978
The effect of the gas medium and pressure
on body functions: Collection no. 3 I
translated by Eugene Adelson. Jerusalem:
Israel Program for Scientific Translations, 1965.
(NASA TT F-358)
WD710B843e 1965
The effect on the level of vigilance of an
adjacent secondary vigilance task / J.
O'Hanlon, Jr. and E.A. Schmidt. Los Angeles:
Human Factors Research, Inc., 1964.
BF323 V5H918e 1964
Effective usen of older workers / Elizabeth
Llewellyn Breckinridge. Chicago: Wilcox and
Follett, 1953.
HD 6280 B829e 1953
The effects of abnormal physical conditions
at work: the report of the proceedings of a
meeting held jointly by the British Occupational
Hygiene Society, the Ergonomics Research
Society, and the Society of Occupational
Medicine on 5th and 6th, January, 1967 I
editors C.N. Davies, P.R. Davis, and F.H.
Tyrer. London: E. & S. Livingstone, 1967.
W A 4 0 0 E 2 7 1967
The effects of acceleration on visual
brightness discrimination / by Myron L.
Braunstein and William J. White. Buffalo:
Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, 1961.
The effects of caffeine on long-term visual
monitoring / by William J. Baker and George
С Theologus. Washington: American Institutes
for Research, 1970.
WW 103 A512e 1970
Effects of correct and incorrect knowledge
of results on ability to count auditory
stimuli I by Richard A. Monty, Thomas I.
Myers, and Donald B. Murphy. Washington:
George Washington University, 1960.
WV272 M814e 1960
Effects of daily low doses of x-rays on
spermatogenesis in dogs / by George W.
Casarett. Rochester: University of Rochester,
WN620U58e 1953
The effects of ethyl alcohol on reaction time
and time estimation / Howard H. Galarneau
and Richard F. Krenek. Norman: University of
Oklahoma, 1971.
Effects of figurai noise, rotation, and other
task variables on the visual perception of
form I by John B. Thurmond. Louisville:
University of Louisville, 1971.
Effects of 48 hours of continuous work and
sleep loss on sustained performance / Ben
B. Morgan, Jr., Will R. Brown and Earl A.
Alluisi. Louisville: University of Louisville, 1970.
WL108U58e 1970
Effects of low temperatures on structural
metals / Henry L. Martin. Washington: National
Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1964.
(NASA SP 5012)
TA460U58e 1964
The effects of noise on psychomotor
efficiency: II. Noise reduction in aircraft as
related to communication, annoyance and aural
injury. Progress report of project I I I submitted
by S.S. Stevens. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard
University, 1941.
WD735N277en 1941
The effects of noise and vibration on
psychomotor efficiency: Progress report of
Project I I I by S.S. Stevens. Cambridge, Mass.:
Harvard University, 1941.
WD735N277e 1941
The effects of nuclear weapons / Samuel
Glasstone, editor. Rev. ed. Washington: Atomic
Energy Commission, 1962.
OF767U58e 1962
Effects of physical conditioning and partial
acclimatization to hypoxia on work
tolerance at high altitudes / Charles E.
Billings et al. Columbus: Ohio State University,
WD 710 036e 1966
The effects of positive pressure breathing
on transverse acceleration tolerance / by
R.C. Armstrong. San Diego: Convair, 1959.
WD750G326e 1959
The effects of sterilizing agents on
microorganisms: supplement I compiled by
Janet Swift. Pasadena: California Institute of
Technology, 1963.
ZQW4S977e 1963
The effects of training in a simple,
generalized contract trainer on pilots' visual
performance / by Richard F. Gabriel, Alan A.
Burrows, and Paul E. Abbott. Long Beach:
Douglas Aircraft Co., 1964.
TL 712.5 D733e 1964
The effects of ultrasonic vibrations on man /
by G.S. Chan, J.E. Barmack, and J.D. Coakley.
New York: Psychological Corp., 1948.
WD735P974e 1948
Electrogonimetry manual / by Marlene
Adrian, Charles M. Tipton, and Peter V.
Karpovich. Springfield, Mass.: Springfield
College, 1965.
QT25 A243e 1965
The electromagnetic hammer / from George
С Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville,
Ala. Washington: National Aeronautics and
Space Administration, 1965. (NASA SP 5034)
TJ 1305 U58e 1965
Electronic circuits: a compilation. Washington:
National Aeronautics and Space Administration,
1976. NASA SP 5972(07)
TK 7867 E38 1976.
Elements of psychology / by David Krech,
Richard S. Crutchfield, and Norman Livson.
2nd ed. New York: Knopf, 1969.
BF 121 K92p1969
Emergency rescue: survival. Washington:
Dept. of the Air Force, 1961.
Emergent evolution: the Gifford lectures,
delivered in the University of St. Andrews in the
year 1922 I by С Lloyd Morgan. New York:
Henry Holt, 1926.
В 818 M847e 1926
Emotions and bodily changes: a survey of
literature on psychosomatic interrelationships,
1910-1933 I by Helen Flanders Dunbar. New
York: Columbia University Press, 1935.
WM 90D898e1935
Emotions & emotional disorders: a
neurophysiological study I by Ernst Gellhorn
and G.N. Loofbourrow. New York: Harper &
Row, 1963.
WL103G318e 1963
Employment interviewing. / Office of
Personnel Management. Washington: Civil
Service, Commission, 1956.
HF 5549.5 16U58e 1956
Encyclopedia of sport sciences and
medicine / Leonard A. Larson, executive
editor. New York: Macmillan, 1971.
QT13E56 1971
The energies of men: a study of the
fundamentals of dynamic psychology / by
William McDougall. New York: Scribner's, 1933.
BF 121 M137e1933
Energy transformations during horizontal
walking / by Francis G. Benedict and Hans
Murschhauser. Washington: Carnegie
Institution of Washington, 1915.
WE 103B463e 1915
Engineering and living systems: interfaces
and opportunities / by David D. Rutstein and
Murray Eden. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press,
QT34R981e 1970
Engineering and Medicine; a symposium
sponsored by the National Academy of
Engineering at its fourth autumn meeting.
Washington: National Academy of Engineering,
QT34E575 1968
Engineering problems of manned
interplanetary exploration: a volume of
technical papers presented Sept. 30-Oct. 1,
1963, Palo Alto, California I co-sponsored by
National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
New York: American Institute of Aeronautics
and Astronautics, 1963?
TL787E56 1963?
Environment and human efficiency / by EC.
Poulton. Springfield, III.: Thomas, 1970.
QP82P876e 1970
The Environment and its Effect Upon Man:
symposium I held at Harvard School of Public
Health, August 24-August 29, 1936, as part of
Harvard University tercentenary celebration,
1636-1936. Boston: Harvard School of Public
Health, 1937.
WA400H339e 1937
Environmental biology / compiled and edited
by Philip L. Altman and Dorothy S. Dittmer.
Bethesda: Federation of American Societies for
Experimental Biology, 1966.
QH 307F293e 1966
Environmental biotechnology / Craig L.
Taylor. Los Angeles: University of California,
Environmental influences upon the visual
system I by Silvio Finkelstein. Albuquerque:
Lovelace Foundation for Medical Education and
Research, 1966.
WW103F499e 1966
Environmental physiology, aging, heat, and
altitude: proceedings of Life, Heat, and Altitude
Conference, held on May 15-17, 1979 at the
University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Nev. I
editors, Steven M. Borvath and Mohamed K.
Yousef. New York: Elsevier-North Holland,
QT 140 L722e 1979
Environmental psychology: man and his
physical setting / edited by Harold M.
Proshansky, William H. Ittelson and Leanne G.
Rivlin. New York: Holt, Rinehard and Winston,
BF353E61 1970
Environmental quality: annual report of the
Council on Environmental Quality.
Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1970.
WA670E611 1970
Epidemiologic methods / by Brian
MacMahon, Thomas F. Pugh, and Johannes
Ipsen. Boston: Little, Brown, 1960.
WA105 M167e 1960
The epidemiology of pole crashes / Rodney
G. Vaughan. Sydney: Traffic Accident
Research Unit, Department of Motor Transport,
New South Wales, 1975.
HE 5614.5 A8 V368e 1975
Epidemiology; reports on research and
training and teaching, 1962 / coordinating
editor: J. Pemberton. New York: Oxford
University Press, 1963.
WA105E645 1963
Epilepsy after blunt head injuries / by
William Bryan Jennett. Springfield, III.: Thomas,
WL385 J54e 1962.
Epitome of space medicine / compiled by
USAF School of Aerospace Medicine.
Randolph AFB: USAF School of Aviation
Medicine, 1958.
W D 7 0 0 E 6 4 1958
Equilibrium and vertigo / by Isaac H. Jones.
Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1918.
WV255 J77e 1918
Equinaxious contours for pure tones and
some data on the "critical band" for TTS /
by Norman Carter and Karl D. Kryter.
Cambridge, Mass.: Bolt, Beranek, and
Newman, Inc., 1962.
QC233B694e 1962
Ergonomics and Physical Environmental
Factors: proceedings of a symposium
organised by the International Labour Office
and the Ente Nazionale Prevenzione Infortuni
in Rome, Monte Prozio, 16-21 September
1968. Geneva: International Labour Office,
1970. Occupational safety and health series no.
W A 4 0 0 E 6 7 1970
Ergonomics applied to occupational safety
and health / by Richard G. Pearson. Raleigh:
North Carolina State University, 1974.
WA485N864e 1974
Ergonomics in Machine Design: proceedings
of a symposium, Prague, 2-7 October 1967 I
jointly organised by the Czechoslovak Medical
Society J.E. Purkyne and the International
Labour Office. Geneva: International Labour
Office, 1969. (Occupational safety and health
series no. 14)
T 59.7 E67 1969
The Ergonomics Research Society: list of
members. Ergonomics Research Society,
TA166E67 1973
The Ergonomics Research Society:
membership list; amendments & additions:
March 1975. Ergonomics Research Society,
TA166E671 1975
Escape and survival: clinical and biological
problems in aero space medicine I P. Berqeret,
editor. New York: Pergamon, 1961.
Essays in persuasion / by John Maynard
Keynes. New York: Harcourt Brace, 1932.
Essays in statistical analysis / by Jaakko K.
Kihlberg et al. Buffalo: Cornell Aeronautical
Laboratory, 1964.
W A 2 7 5 E 7 8 1964
Essays of Arthur Schopenhauer / selected
and translated by T. Bailey Saunders. New
York: A.L. Burt, 1902?
В 81 S373e1902?
Essentials of biological and medical physics
I by Ralph W. Stacy et al. New York: McGrawHill, 1955.
QT34S775e 1955
Essentials of industrial health / by CO.
Sappington. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1943.
WA400S241e 1943
Estimates of visibility from high altitude
aircraft/ by Leon Festinger et al. New York:
Psychological Corp., 1948.
WD700P974e 1948
Ethics and some modern world problems /
by William McDougall. New York: Putnam's,
BF751 M137e 1924
The ethnic factor in biotechnology / by
Bernard F. Pierce. San Diego: General
Dynamics I Astronautics, 1964
Etude anthropologie de la main / A. Coblentz
and G. Ignazi. Paris: Anthropologie Appliquée,
W E 8 3 0 E 8 5 1967
Etude anthropométrique du personnel
navigant français de laeronautique civile et
militaire. Paris: Association d'Anthropologie
Appliquée, 1965.
WD700 A849e 1965
Etude cephalometrique de jeunes français /
A. Coblentz and G. Ignazi. Paris: Rue des
Saint- Peres, 1968.
GN71 E85 1968
European air transport on the eve of w a r 1939: a lecture I delivered by J. Parker Van
Zandt, under the James Jackson Cabot
professorship of air traffic regulation and air
transportation. Northfield: Norwich University,
TL552V285e 1940
Evaluation of a head worn audio-visual aid /
by Herman T. Brown. Fullerton: Hughes Aircraft
Company, 1964.
TL506H893e 1964
Evaluation of a small space station
habitability: a seven-day confinement study
I prepared by Life Sciences, Systems Support.
Anaheim: North American Aviation, 1963.
WD756N864e 1963
An evaluation of the ability of amputees to
operate highway transport equipment / by
Ross A. McFarland et al. Boston: Harvard
School of Public Health, 1968.
HV 3022 H339e 1968
An evaluation of the effectiveness of driver
and traffic education in reducing road
accidents among adolescents / by S.
Raymond et al. Salford, Eng.: University of
Salford, 1973.
TL 152.66 G7R272e 1973
Evaluation of the integrated contactinstrument concept for Army fixed wing
flight instruction / by Wallace W. Prophet and
Oran B. Jolley. Alexandria, Va.: Human
Resources Research Organization, HumRRo
Division No. 6 (Aviation), 1969.
TL712H918e 1969
An evaluation of three-dimensional displays:
report I of Working Group 6 by H.W. Leibowitz
and R.L. Sulzer. Armed Forces-NRC Vision
Committee, 1965.
WW 105 A728e1965
L'évolution creatice / par Henri Bergson. 8th
ed. Paris: F. Alcan, 1911.
QH 366 B499e 1911
The evolution of preventive medicine in the
United States Army, 1607-1939. Editor in
chief: Robert S. Anderson. Washington: Office
of the Surgeon General, Dept. of the Army,
The evolution of the earth and its
inhabitants: a series of lectures delivered
before the Yale chapter of the Sigma Xi during
the academic year 1916-1917 I by Joseph
Barrell et al. New Haven: Yale University
Press, 1918.
OH325E93 1918
Examination of alcohol intoxication in cases
of suspected drunken drivers I I : a
mathematical analysis of the relationship
between the results of clinical examination and
blood alcohol / Antti Penttila, Martti Tenhu and
Matti Kataja. Helsinki: Liikenneturva, 1974.
W A 2 7 5 E 9 6 1974
An examination of the relevance of current
educational research for driver education /
by A.W. Risk. Salford, Eng.: University of
Salford, 1973.
TL 152.66 G7R595e 1973
Except ye be born again / by Philip Cabot.
New York: Macmillan, 1924.
BV4921 C116e 1924
The excitable cortex in conscious man / by
Wilder Penfield. Springfield, III.: Thomas, 1958.
WL335P398e 1958
Exercise and altitude / edited by Ernst Jokl
and Peter Jokl. Basel: Karger, 1968. (Medicine
and sport v.1)
WE 103 E96 1968
Exercise physiology / contributors: Thomas
Adams et al. New York: Academic Press, 1968.
QT260F196e 1968
Exercise testing and training of apparently
healthy individuals: a handbook for physicians
I Committee on Exercise. New York: American
Heart Association, 1972.
WG 141 A512e 1972
Experience and nature / by John Dewey.
Chicago: Open Court Publishing Company,
Experiment in autobiography: discoveries
and conclusions of a very ordinary brain (since
1866)/by H.G. Wells. New York: Macmillan,
PR5776W454e 1934
An experiment on synthetic signal injection
as a method of improving radar detection /
by D. Wallis and G.deC. Newton. Admiralty,
TK6588W214e 1957
Experimental assessment of a limited
sensory and social environment: summary
results of the HumRRo program I by Thomas I.
Myers et al. Monterey: Army Leadership
Human Research Unit, 1962.
BF 181 M996e 1962
An experimental comparison of ausculatory
and direct determinations of "blood
pressures" in simulated arteries / by Alvin H.
Sacks, K.R. Raman, and Douglas E. Abbott.
Palo Alto: Vidya, 1962.
WG 106 V655e 1962
Experimental determination of mechanical
features of adults and children / RE. Herron
et al. Houston: Texas Institute for Rehabilitation
and Research, 1974.
GN56T355e 1974
An experimental evaluation of digital
altimeters / by T.J. Triggs. Melbourne:
Aeronautical Research Laboratories, 1966.
T L 6 9 6 H 4 T 8 2 8 e 1966
Experimental human exposure to carbon
monoxide / by Richard D. Stewart et al.
Milwaukee: Marquette School of Medicine,
QV662M357e 1969
Experimental hypertension / By William
Goldring et al. New York: New York Academy
of Sciences, 1946.
WG340C748e 1945
An experimental investigation of arterial
wall displacements, intra-arterial pressures,
and pulse wave velocities in simulated
arteries / by Alvin H. Sacks, Douglas E.
Abbott, and K.R. Raman. Palo Alto: Vidya,
WG 106 V655ei 1963
An experimental manual in psychology / by
John Frederick Dashiell. Boston: Houghton
Mifflin, 1931.
BF79D229e 1931
Experimental psychology / by Robert S.
Woodworth. New York: H. Holt, 1938.
BF 181 W912e 1938
The exploration of space / by Arthur С
Clarke. New York: Harper, 1951.
Experimental psychology / by Robert S.
Woodorth and Harold Schlosberg. Rev. ed.
New York: Holt, 1954.
BF 181 W912e 1954
An exploratory study of the biological
effects of noise Chicago: University of
Chicago, 1953.
WA776U58e 1953
Experimental psychology in industry:
selected readings I edited by D. H. Holding.
Harmondsworth, Eng.: Penguin, 1969.
HF 5548.8 E96 1969
Exploring space with a camera / compiled
and edited by Edgar M. Cortright. Washington:
National Aeronautics and Space Administration,
1968. (NASA SP 168)
QB637C831e 1968
Experimental social psychology / by Gardner
Murphy and Lois Barclay Murphy. New York:
Harper, 1931.
HM251 M978e1931
An extended study of the behavioral effects
of respiratory Pasteurella Tularensis in man
I by John B. Thurmond, Earl A. Alluisi, and
Glynn D. Coates. Louisville: University of
Louisville, 1968.
WC380U58e 1968
Extraterrestrial life: a bibliography.
Washington: National Aeronautics and Space
Administration, 1965. (NASA SP 7015)
Z5154 L5N241e 1965
The eye and its diseases / edited by Conrad
Berens. Philadelphia: Saunders, 1936.
FAA statistical handbook of aviation.
Washington: Federal Aviation Agency. 19591960; 1964; 1966.
TL 521 F293f
FAA statistical handbook of aviation.
Washington: Federal Aviation Administration.
TL 521 F293f
F-4 cockpit ejection clearance / prepared by
W.S. Ellis. St. Louis: McDonnel Company,
Q 1 8 0 Al E47f1967
Facilitation of signal detection by the use of
artificial signals and by the use of longer
viewing time / by Richard A. Regan.
Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh, 1961.
WW105U58f 1961
Factors affecting the reliability and validity
of information utility scales / James M.
McKendry and Thomas P. Enderwick. State
College: Singer Company, 1966.
T 58.6 H873f 1966
Experimental studies of physical working
capacity in relation to sex and age / by Per
Olof Astrand. Copenhagen: E. Munksgaard,
QP301 A859e 1952
Experimental studies of the effects of
accelerative stress on visual performance /
by William Joseph White. Columbus: Ohio
State University, 1958.
WW109W589e 1958
Experimentation in man / by Henry K.
Beecher. Springfield, III.: Thomas, 1959.
Experiments in survival / compiled and edited
by Edith Henrich. New York: Association for the
Aid of Crippled Children, 1961.
CT 9983 Al A849e 1961
The Experiments of Biosatellite I I / edited by
Joseph F. Saunders. Washington: National
Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1971.
(NASA SP 204)
QH 327 E96 1971
Experiments on visual acuity and the
visibility of markings on the ground in longduration earth orbital space flight / by S.Q.
Duntley et al. San Diego: University of San
Diego, 1968.
WD750S434e 1968
Factors determining h u m a n behavior.
Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press,
BF 21 H 3 3 9 f 1 9 3 6
The facts of life: from birth to d e a t h / by
Louis I. Doublin in collaboration with Mortimer
Spiegelman. New York: Macmillan, 1 9 5 1 .
York: Sturgis & Walton company, 1916.
W A 475 G466f 1916
Feasibility study of integral h e a t sink space
suit concept I by A.P. Shlosinger and W. W o o .
Hawthorne: Northrup Corp., 1965.
T L 6 9 7 P 7 N 8 7 7 f 1965
Features in t h e architecture of physiological
function I by Joseph Barcroft. Cambridge,
Eng.: University Press, 1934.
W A 9 0 0 A A 1 D814f 1951
Failure of t h e circulation / Tinsley Randolph
Harrison. 2nd ed. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins,
W G 1 0 3 H 3 2 2 f 1939
Fatigue study, t h e elimination of humanity's
g r e a t e s t unnecessary w a s t e ; a first step in
motion study / by Frank Bunker Gilbreth. N e w
Q T 4 B 2 4 4 f 1934
The failure task analysis / by E R . Jones and
D.T. Grober. Rev. ed. St. Louis: McDonnel
Aircraft Corp., 1962.
Federal regulation of physical qualifications
in motor carriers, merchant m a r i n e , and
railroads / prepared by F.H. Mueller and H.R.
Hosea. New York: Flight Safety Foundation,
HF 5549.5 S38 M946f 1958
Feeding problems in m a n as related to
environment: an analysis of United States and
Canadian Army ration trials and surveys, 1 9 4 1 19461 by Robert E. Johnson and Robert M.
Kark. Chicago: Office of the Quartermaster
General, 1947.
TL 789.8 U 6 M 4 7 8 f 1962
Fainting; physiological a n d psychological
considerations / by George Libman Engel.
Springfield, III.: Thomas 1950.
W B 182 E57f 1950
Fatigue and boredom in repetitive w o r k / by
S. Wyatt and J . N . Langdon. London: His
Majesty's Stationery off., 1937.
W A 475 W 9 7 6 f 1937
Fatigue and hours of service of interstate
truck drivers / by Benjamin F. Jones, Robert
H. Flinn, and E. Cuyler Hammond. Washington:
U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1 9 4 1 . (Public health
bulletin no. 265)
QU 145 J68f 1947
W A 2 7 5 U 5 8 f 1941
Fetal pharmacology / edited by Lars O.
Borbeus. N e w York: Raven Press, 1973.
W Q 210 59895f 1971
X V e m e Congres I n t e r n a t i o n a l de Médecine
du T r a v a i l , Wein, 19-24 September 1966.
Vienna: Wiener Medizinischen Akademie, 1966.
Fatigue and impairment in m a n / by Samuel
Howard Bartley. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1947.
W B 146 B291f 1947
W A 400 161 1966X
Fatigue of w o r k e r s , its relation to industrial
production I by Committee on W o r k in
Industry of the National Research Council. New
York: Reinhold, 1941.
held under the auspices of the Committee on
Hearing, Bioacoustics, and Biomechanics,
National Academy of Sciences-National
Research Council, and assisted by the Office of
Advanced Research and Technology, National
Aeronautics and Space Administration held at
Pensacola, Fla., August 19-21, 1970.
Washington: National Aeronautics and Space
Administration, 1973. (NASA SP 314)
HD 4904.5 N277f 1941
Fifth Symposium on t h e Role of t h e
Vestibular Organs in Space Exploration:
La Fatigue: physiologie-psychologie e t
médecine sociale / Pierre Bugard. Paris:
Masson, 1960.
W A 4 9 5 B 9 8 3 f 1960
W D 7 5 2 S 9 8 9 1970f
Fatigue, stress, bodily c h a n g e , a n d behavior
/ by William Bevan and Rollin M. Patton.
Marietta: Lockheed Aircraft Corp., 1956.
Z W D 735 B571f 1956
Fifty years of flight: a chronicle of the aviation
industry in America, 1903-19531 by W e l m a n A.
Sharader. Cleveland: Eaton Manufacturing
Company, 1953.
T L 5 1 5 S 5 6 1 f 1953
Fifty years of Soviet aircraft construction:
Piat desiat let sovetskogo samoletstroeniia I by
A.S. Yakovlev. Jerusalem: Israel Program for
Scientific Translations, 1970. (NASA TT F-627)
TL 526 R9Y15f 1970
Final approach and landing: a condensed
record of factors affecting final approach and
landing held during Fifth IATA Technical
Conference at Copenhagen in May, 1952.
Montreal: International Air Transport
Association, 1952?
TL 711 L3 161 1952f
Final approach visibility studies / by the
Weather Bureau. Washington: U.S. Govt. Print.
Off., 1955.
WW145F491 1954
Final report of the Second Conference of
Administrators and Airlines: held in Beirut,
September 13-17, 1965 / Civil Aviation Safety
Centre. Beirut: Civil Aviation Safety Centre,
T L 7 2 5 A 1 C C 7 4 8 1965f
Final report on the behavioral effects of
infectious diseases / edited by Bill R. Brown,
Ben B. Morgan, Jr., and Earl A. Alluisi.
Louisville: University of Louisville, 1973.
WC 526 U58f 1973
Fit to fly: an aeromedicine handbook for pilots
/ W . Bryce Hansen. 2nd ed. New York: Van
Nostrand Reinhold, 1980.
WD 700 H249f 1980a
The fitness of the environment: an inquiry
into the biological significance of the
properties of matter / by Lawrence J.
Henderson. New York: Macmillan, 1927.
QH541 H496f 1927
Fitting the job to the worker: a survey of
American and European research into working
conditions in industry: heat & cold, human
fatigue, machine design, mental stress, hoise,
physical health, speed & proficiency; report on
a mission to the United States 5 Sept.-3 Nov.
1956 and on the Leyden seminar 29 March-3
April, 1957. Project no. 335. Paris: European
Productivity Agency, 1958.
TA166E89f 1958
Five hundred over sixty: a community survey
on aging I by Bernard Kutner et al. New York:
Russell Sage Foundation, 1956.
W T 3 0 K 9 7 f 1956
Flash Blindness / by John Lott Brown.
Philadelphia: General Electric Co., 1961.
WW525B878f 1961
Flexible retirement: evolving policies and
programs for industry and labor I edited by
Geneva Mathiasen. New York: Putnam, 1957.
WT30F619 1957
"Flight" directory of British aviation.
Kingston upon Thames: Kelly's Directories Ltd,
TL512F621 1972
Flight facts for private pilots / by Merrill E.
Tower. Los Angeles: Aero Publishers, 1960.
TL710T738f 1960
Flight feeding manual. Army Air Force.
Dayton: Otterbein Press, 1945.
QU 146 A3 U58f 1945
Flight surgeon's check list / Society of USAF
Flight Surgeons, Education and Training
Committee. 2nd ed. San Antonio: Society of
USAF Flight Surgeons, 1982.
WD700S678f 1982
Final report on the investigation of mask
leakage in passenger oxygen masks.
Davenport: Bendix Corp.: 1962.
WD700B458f 1962
First International Space Rescue
Symposium: held at the XIX Congress of the
International Astronautical Federation, New
York City, United States of America, October
1 4th, 1968: papers presented I edited by Paul
A. Campbell. Houston: Boeing Co., 1971.
TL 867 161 1968f
The first International Symposium on
Cardiology in Aviation / edited by Lawrence
E. Lamb. Brooks Air Force Base: School of
Aviation Medicine, 1960?
WD 700 1611 1960f
Fit to fly: a medical handbook for fliers I by
Malcolm С Grow and Harry G. Armstrong.
New York, D. Appleton-Century, 1941.
TL555G884f 1941
Flight surgeon's handbook / prepared under
the direction of the Commandant, School of
Aviation Medicine. Randolph Field: Army Air
Forces, 1942.
WD 704 U58f 1942
Flight surgeon's handbook / prepared under
the Direction of the Commandant, School of
Aviation Medicine. 2nd ed. Randolph Field:
Army Air Forces, 1943.
WD 700 UH f 1943
Flight surgeon's manual. Washington: Dept.
of the Air Force, 1954. (AFM 160-5)
W D 7 0 0 U 5 8 f 1954
Flying accident bulletin. Norton Air Force
Base, Calif.: Department of the Air Force,
TL 553.5 U58f
Flying health / by Martyn Kafka. Harrisburg:
Military Service Publishing Co., 1942.
W D 7 0 5 K I 1 f 1942
Flying men and medicine / the effects of
flying upon the human body I by E. Osmun
Barr. New York: Funk & Wagnalls, 1943.
WD700B268f 1943
Flying Physicians Association directory:
1975-76. Lake Bluff: Flying Physicians
Association, Inc., 1976?
W 2 2 M F648 1975-76
Flying vistas: the human being, as seen
through the eyes of the flight surgeon I by
Isaac H. Jones. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1937.
WD705 J77f 1937
Flight surgeon's manual. Washington: Dept.
of the Air Force, 1962. (AFM 161-1)
WD700U58f 1962
Flight surgeon's reference file. Washington:
Army Air Forces, 1945.
TL710U58F 1945
Flight to everywhere / by Ivan Dmitri. New
York: Whittlesey House, 1944
WD700D628f 1944
Food and character / by Louis Berman.
Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1932.
WB 400 B516f 1932
Flugmedizin: Kompenduim der LuftfahrtMedizin I von Bruno Müller. Dusseldorf:
Droste, 1956.
WD 700 M946f 1956
Food is where you find it: a guide to
emergency foods of the Western Pacific /
Lucy May Cranwell. Auckland: Auckland
Institute and Museum, 1943.
TL 553.7 C891f 1943
Fluid balance and electrolyte distribution in
the human body / by Edward С DeLand and
Gilbert B. Bradham. Santa Monica: Rand Corp.,
QU 105 D337f 1965
Foot dimensions of soldiers: Project no. T13—survey of foot measurements of proper fit
of army shoes (third partial report). Fort Knox:
Armored Medical Research Laboratory, 1946
GN 161 U58f 1946
Forecasts and appraisals for management
evaluation / Apollo Program Office.
Washington: National Aeronautics and Space
Administration, 1966. (NASA SP 6009)
TL 789.8 U6U58f 1966
Foreign civil transport aircraft development
progress: report I by the Foreign Survey
Group of the CAA Prototype Advisory
Committee. Washington: Civil Aeronautics
Administration, 1951.
HE 9762 U58f 1951
Form and function: a contribution to the
history of animal morphology / by ES.
Russell. London: J. Murray, 1916.
QL 799 R962f 1916.
Fluid contamination of aircraft-cabin air and
breathing oxygen / K.L. Paciorek, J.H.
Nakahara, and R.H. Kratzer. Brooks Air Force
Base: USAF School of Aerospace Medicine,
1979. (SAM-TR; 79-34)
WA754P118f 1979
Fluid handling equipment: a compilation.
Washington: National Aeronautics and Space
Administration, 1976. NASA SP 5976(03)
TJ853F646 1976
Fluorescence assay in biology and medicine
I by Sidney Udenfriend. New York: Academic
Press, 1962-69.
QD 117 F5U19f 1962
719. A formulation of the injury, life span, dose
relations for ionizing radiations: application
to the mouse H.A. Blair. Rochester: University
of Rochester, 1952.
WN 620 U58f 1952
Foundations for bioelectronics for human
engineering / A. Ford. San Diego: Navy
Electronics laboratory, 1957.
QT34F699f 1957
Foundations of abnormal psychology / by
Fred A. Moss and Thelma Hunt. New York:
Prentice-Hall, 1932.
WM 100 M 913f 1932
The foundations of experimental
psychology I by H. Banister et al. London:
Oxford University Press, 1929.
BF 191 M973f 1929
Foundations of health / by Willard Dalrymple.
Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1959.
W A 4 D 1 5 1 f 1959.
Foundations of practical gerontology /
edited by Rosamonde Ramsay Boyd and
Charles G. Cakes. Columbia: University of
South Carolina Press, 1969.
W T 9 F 7 7 1 1967
The foundations of science / by Sheldon
Joseph Lachman. Detroit: Hamilton Press,
Q 175 L138f 1956
Founders of the Harvard School of Public
Health, with biographical notes, 1909-1946.
New York: Josiah M асу Jr. Foundation, 1970.
WA19C976f 1970
Foundry Ventilation and Dust Control:
proceedings of the Conference. Alvechurch,
Birmingham: British Cast Iron Research
Association, 1956.
WA 450 C748f 1956
Four picture test / by D.J. Van Lennep. The
Hague: M. Nijhoff, 1948.
BF431 L567f 1948
The Fourth Air Pollution Medical Research
Conference: proceedings I sponsored by the
California State Department of Health, held
December 7-9, 1960 in the State Office
Building, San Francisco, Calif. San Francisco:
California State Department of Public Health,
WA754 A2981 1960f
Fourth International Space Rescue
Symposium, held at the XXII congress of the
International Astronautical Federation, Brussels,
Belgium, September 21, 1971 / edited by Paul
A. Campbell. San Antonio: General Electric
Co., 1972.
TL 867 161 1971f
Francis A. Countway Library of Medicine: a
descriptive handbook. Boston: 1965.
Z675 M4F818d
The frequency response and the transfer
functions of the human pilot / by G M .
Andrew. Edwards: Edwards Air Force Base,
BF323 V5U58f 1953
Frontiers in medicine / New York Academy of
Medicine. New York: Columbia University
Press, 1951.
W B 9 N 5 3 2 f 1951 No. 15
The frontiers of psychology / by William
McDougall. New York: Appleton-Century, 1934.
BF38 M137f 1934
Frustration and aggression / by John Dollard
et al. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1939.
BF575 A3D665f 1939
Fugitive papers / by Russell Gordon Smith.
New York: Columbia University Press, 1930.
H M 51 S658f1930
Functional age of industrial workers: a
transversal survey of ageing capacities and
a method for assessing functional age /
edited by Johan Maurits Dirken. Groningen,
Netherlands: Wolters- Dirken, 1972.
HD6279F979 1972
Fundamentals of aircraft environmental
control. I by Alvin Ebeling. New York: Hayden
Book Co., 1968.
TL 681 ASE15f 1968
Fundamentals of aviation medicine /
compiled by A.P. Apollonov et al. Toronto:
University of Toronto Press, 1943.
WD 710 159f 1943
Fundamentals of biochemistry: in relation to
human physiology I by T.R. Parsons. 4th ed.
Cambridge, Eng.: Heffer, 1933.
QU4P271f 1933
The fundamentals of Christianity / by
Charles Foster Kent. Philadelphia: Press of the
University of Pennsylvania, 1925.
BS 2417 E8K37f 1925
The fundamentals of human motivation / by
Leonard T. Troland. New York: D. Van
Nostra nd, 1928.
BF 199 T846f 1928
The Gemini full pressure suit
(configurations, capabilities, and limitations)
I by John F. Sheehy, Joseph L. Seminara, and
John H. Duddy. Sunnyvale: Lockhead Missiles
and Space Co., 1965.
T L 6 9 7 P 7 L 8 1 6 g 1965
Gemini Midprogram Conference, Including
Experiment Results: held at the NASA
Manned Spacecraft Center, Houston, Tex.,
February 23-24, 1966. Washington: National
Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1966.
(NASA SP 121)
TL 789.8 U6 G322g 1966
General aviation today and tomorrow:
transcript of conference-briefing held Sept. 14,
1965. Washington: Utility Airplane Council of
Aerospace Industries Association, 1966?
HE 9803 A4G326 1967
Fundamentals of hyperbaric medicine /
prepared by the Committee on Hyperbaric
Oxygenation. Washington: National Academy of
Sciences - National Research Council, 1966.
WF 145 N277f 1966
The fundamentals of nutrition / by Estelle
Elizabeth Hawley. Springfield, III.: Thomas,
QU 145 H396f 1940
Fundamentals of psychoanalysis / by Franz
Gabriel Alexander. New York: W.W. Norton,
WM 460 A375f 1948
General biology and philosophy of
organism / by Ralph Stayner Lillie. Chicago:
University of Chicago Press, 1945.
QH331 L729g 1945
Fundamentals of skill / A T . Welford. London:
Methuen, 1968.
BF 181 W445f 1968
General psychology / by Gardner Murphy.
New York: Harper, 1933.
BF 121 M978g 1933
Future financial problems of conversion in
the aircraft industry / by Tom Lilley and L.
Laverne Horton. Boston: Harvard University,
HD 9711 L729f 1944
General psychology for college students /
by Carl Newton Rexroad. New York: Macmillan,
BF 199R455g 1929
A future for preventive medicine / Edward J.
Stieglitz. New York: Commonwealth Fund,
WA 108 S855f 1945
Gentlemen of the sky: a catalogue dealing
with the first war in the air I by Edward L.
Sterne. San Francisco: Edward L. Sterne, 19??
TL514S839g 19??
Gas regeneration and food production in a
closed ecological system: a special report I
prepared by jack E. Myers and Allan H. Brown.
Washington: National Academy of Sciences National Research Council, 1961.
OK 881 M996g 1961
The geography of hunger / by Josue de
Castros. Boston: Little, Brown, 1952.
WA695C355g 1952
Geriatric medicine: diagnosis and
management of disease in the aging and the
aged I edited by Edward J. Stieglitz.
Philadelphia: Saunders, 1943.
WT 100S855g 1943
German aviation medicine, World War I I /
prepared by the USAF School of Aviation
Medicine. Washington: Dept. of the Air Force,
WD700G373 1950
The gaseous metabolism of infants: with
special reference to its relation to pulse-rate
and muscular activity I by Francis G. Benedict
and Fritz B. Talbot. Washington: Carnegie
Institution of Washington, 1914.
QU4B463g 1914
761. D i e g e s a m t e L u f t f a h r t a n d R a u m f l u g m e d i z i n
/ v o n Bruno Muller. Dusseldorf: Droste Verlag,
W D 700 M946g 1967
G r e a t e x p e r i m e n t s in psychology / by Henry
E. Garrett. N e w York; London: Century Co.,
B F 2 0 0 G 2 3 9 g 1930
Gross p a t t e r n of injury of 1 0 9 survivors of
five transport accidents / by A. Howard
Hasbrook. Phoenix: Cornell University, 1958.
W D 7 4 0 C 8 1 4 g 1958
Ground safety in aviation operations / by
John A. O'Donnell and John V. Grimaldi. N e w
York: American M u s e u m of Safety and the
Center for Safety Education, N e w Y o r k
University, 1954.
Glare and driver vision / by Howard W.
Stoudt et al. Boston: Harvard University, 1970.
W D 7 2 0 G 2 6 7 g 1961
W W 1 0 5 G 5 4 7 1970
Global epidemiology: a g e o g r a p h y of
disease and sanitation / by James Stevens
Simmons et al. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 194454.
W A 1 0 5 S 5 9 2 g 1944-54
Glossary of aeronautical terms /
Transportation Safety Institute. Oklahoma City:
Aeronautical Center, 1973.
W D 7 0 3 T 7 7 2 g 1973
A glossary of t e r m s c o m m o n l y used in
aviation medicine, French-English and
English-French. Glossaire des termes
couramment employes en medicine
aéronautique, Français-Anglais et AnglaisFrançais. London: 1959.
Gravitational stress in aerospace medicine /
Otto H. Gauer and George D. Zuidema.
Boston: Little, Brown, 1961.
T L 553.5 026g 1954
Ground safety rules: a manual for safe rules
and practices for Army Air Forces personnel.
Washington: Training Aids Division, 1944.
U 1 4 0 U 5 8 g 1944
Ground simulator evaluations of coupled
roll-spiral mode effects on aircraft handling
q u a l i t i e s / by F.D. Newell. Buffalo: Cornell
Aeronautical Laboratory, 1965.
T L 5 7 4 S 7 N 5 4 4 g 1965
T h e group m i n d : a sketch of the principles of
collective psychology, with s o m e attempt to
apply t h e m to the interpretation of national life
and character I by William McDougall. N e w
W D 7 0 3 N 8 6 4 g 1959
God and G o l e m , inc.: a c o m m e n t on certain
points w h e r e cybernetics impinges on
religion. Cambridge, Mass.: M.I.T. Press,
Q 3 1 0 W 6 4 7 g 1964
God in education: a tract for t h e times / by
Henry P. Van Dusen. New York: Scribner,
L C 3 9 1 V246g 1951
York: Putnam's, 1920.
B F 7 3 1 M137g 1920
Going high, t h e story of m a n and altitude /
by Charles S. Houston. New York: American
Alpine Club, 1980.
W D 7 1 0 H 8 4 2 g 1980
Good lighting for people a t w o r k in reading
rooms and offices / Alfred H. Holway and
Dorothea Jameson. Boston: Harvard University,
К 399 35 759g 947
Gout and gouty arthritis / by John H. Talbott.
New York: Grune & Stratton, 1953.
W E 3 5 0 T 1 3 9 g 1953
Graduate education in aging w i t h i n t h e
social sciences. Ann Arbor: University of
Michigan, 1967.
W T 2 1 G 9 7 1967
Group versus individual displays for a
search a n d counting task / by Sidney L.
Smith and Benjamin С Duggar. Bedford: Mitre
Corp., 1964.
TK 5103.5 M684g 1964
G r o w t h and development of Hiroshima
children exposed to t h e atomic b o m b : threeyear study (1951-1953) I editor Earle L.
Reynolds. Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission,
W N 6 2 0 A881g 1953
G r o w t h , including reproduction and
morphological development / compiled and
edited by Philip L. Altman and Dorothy S.
Dittmer. Washington: Federation of American
Societies for Experimental Biology, 1962.
research / by Alfred C. Barnes, John J. Carroll
and Lee W. Gregg. Phoenix: Aviation Crash
Injury Research, 1962.
W D 7 4 0 A957ha 1962
QT 16 F293g 1962
Grundriss der Luftfahrtmedizin / von
Handbook of aging and t h e individual:
psychological and biological aspects I edited by
J a m e s E. Birren. Chicago: University of
Chicago Press, 1959.
W T 1 0 0 H 2 3 6 1959
Handbook of applied psychology / edited by
Douglas H. Fryer and Edwin R. Henry. New
York: Rinehart, 1950.
Siegfried R u f f a n d Hubertis Strughold.
München: J.A. Barth, 1957.
W D 7 0 0 R 9 2 2 g 1957
T h e Guadalcanal campaign / John L.
Zimmerman. Washington: U.S. Marine Corps,
D 767.98 U58g 1949
Handbook for aircraft accident
investigations cooperating in crash injury
B F 6 3 6 H 2 3 6 1950
Guidance-basic principles / by C S . Draper
and Walter Wrigley. Cambridge, Mass.:
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1964.
TL 589.4 D765g 1964
A guide for t h e identification, e v a l u a t i o n ,
a n d regulation of persons w i t h medical
handicaps to driving / by Julian A. Waller.
California Department of Public Health, 1966.
Handbook of astronautical engineering /
Heinz Bermann Keelle, editor. New York:
McGraw-Hill, 1961.
T L 7 9 4 K 7 7 h 1961
Handbook of biological data / edited by
William S. Spector. Philadelphia: Saunders,
W A 2 7 5 W 1 9 8 g 1966
A guide for t h e p l a c e m e n t of t h e physically
handicapped / prepared by the U.S. Civil
Service Commission. 5th ed. Washington: U.S.
Govt. Print. Off., 1952.
H V 3 0 1 8 U 5 8 g 1952
Guide to drug hazards in aviation medicine /
prepared by Windsor С Cutting. Washington:
Federal Aviation Agency, 1962.
W D 7 0 4 C 9 9 1 g 1962
Q H 310 5741 h 1956
A h a n d b o o k of c o m m o n l y used drugs:
including certain measures for the control of
diseases peculiar to the tropics of the Western
hemisphere I by Michel Pijoan and Clark
Harvey Yeager. Springfield, III.: Thomas, 1947.
Q V 3 9 P 6 3 4 h 1947
A g u i d e t o NASA d a t a h a n d b o o k s : a
comprehensive listing of NASA-sponsored
technical data handbooks in the N A S A Central
Information System. Washington: National
Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1967.
(NASA SP 9001)
Z 5 0 6 5 U 5 U58g 1967
Guided missiles in w a r a n d peace / by Nels
A. Parson. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard
University Press, 1956.
U G 6 3 0 P 2 6 6 g 1956
Hand and p o w e r tools: a compilation I
National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
Washington: National Aeronautics and Space
Administration, 1976. NASA SP 5976(06)
Handbook of diet therapy / written and
compiled by Dorothea Turner for the American
Dietetic Association. Chicago: University of
Chicago Press, 1946.
W B 4 0 0 T 9 4 5 h 1946
A handbook of general experimental
psychology I by H. Banister et al. London:,
Oxford University Press, 1934.
BF 181 M973h 1934
Handbook of health for overseas service /
by George Cheever Shattuck and William
Jason Mixter. 2nd ed. Cambridge, Mass.:
Harvard University Press, 1943.
Q T 1 8 0 S 5 3 3 h 1943
Handbook of h u m a n engineering data for
design e n g i n e e r s : r e p o r t / T u f t s College, for
the Special Devices Center. Medford: 1949.
T A 1 6 6 T 9 1 4 h 1949
TJ 1180 H236 1976
Handbook of human engineering data / Tufts
College. 2nd ed. Medford: Special devices
center, Office of naval research, 1951.
TA166T914h 1951
Handbook of nautical medicine / edited by
W.H.G. Goethe, E.N. Watson, and D.T. Jones.
New York: Springer-Verlag, 1984.
VG 460 H236 1984
Handbook of noise control / Cyrd M. Harris,
editor. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1957.
WV270H313h 1957
Handbook of noise measurement / by Arnold
P.G. Peterson and Ervin E. Gross, Jr. 6th ed.
West Concord: General Radio Co., 1967.
WA776P485h 1967
Handbook of physical training for use in the
Royal Air Force / by CM. Bullock. 2nd ed.
London: His Majesty's Stationery Office, 1934.
WD705B938h 1934
Handbook of respiration / analysis and
compilation by Philip L. Altman, John F.
Gibson, Jr., and Charles С Wang.
Philadelphia: Saunders, 1958.
W F 3 9 A468h 1958
Handbook of satellites and space vehicles /
editors: Robert P. Haviland and C M . House.
Princeton: Van Nostrand, 1965.
TL794H236 1965
Handbook of traffic accident prevention / by
William E. Billings and Dwight M. McCracken.
Boston: Liberty Mutual Insurance Company,
WA275L695h 1947
Harvard Alumni directory. 14th ed.
Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University, 1970.
L901 H339 1970
The Harvard Fatigue Laboratory: its history
and contributions / Steven M. Horvath and
Elizabeth С Horvath. Englewood Cliffs:
Prentice-Hall, 1973.
QT24,H339h 1973
The Harvard School of Public Health.
Annual report. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard
University, 1949-1954.
WA19H339a 1949-
Harvard School of Public Health. Directory:
faculty and administration. Cambridge,
Mass.: Harvard University, 1964-1965; 19711972.
Harvard School of Public Health. Official
register of Harvard University. Cambridge,
Mass.: Harvard University. 1965-1967.
Harvard School of Public Health: yearbook.
Boston: Winthrop Laboratories, 1958-1967;
Harvey: indiciador del metodo experimental:
estudio critico de su obra De motu cordis у
de los factores que la mantuvieron ignorada
en los paises de habla espanola, con una
reproduccion fascimilar de la ediciOn
original y su primere version castellana /
Por Jose Joaquin Izquierdo. Mexico: Ediciones
Ciencia, 1936.
WZ 100 H342I 1936
The hazards to man of nuclear and allied
radiations: a second report to the Medical
Research Council I presented to Parliament by
the Lord President of the Council and Minister
for Science by Command of Her Majesty
December, 1960. London: Her Majesty's
Stationery Office, 1960.
W N 2 0 M489h 1960
Heading estimation by the human operator /
by Sidney L. Smith. Bedford: Mitre Corp., 1962.
WW 105 M684h 1962
The health and efficiency of munition
workers/ by H.M Vernon. London: Oxford
University Press, 1940.
WA400 V541h 1940
The health consequences of smoking: a
Public Health Service review, 1967.1 National
Clearinghouse for Smoking and Health.
Washington: Public Health Service, 1967.
(DHEW publication no. PHS 1696)
QV137N277h 1967
Health, culture, and community: case
studies of public reactions to health
programs / edited by Benjamin D. Paul. New
York: Russell Sage Foundation, 1955.
WA590H4346 1955
Health in industry: a contribution to the
study of sickness absence experience in
London Transport. London: Butterworth, 1956.
HD 5115.5 G7G786h 1956
Health in relation to occupation / by H.M.
Vernon. London: Oxford university press, H.
Milford, 1939.
WA400 V529h 1939
Health progress in the United States, 19001960: a report of Health Information Foundation
I Monroe Lerner and Odin W. Anderson.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press 1963.
WA100L616h 1963
Hearing aids and audiometers: report I
Committee on Electroacoustics. London: His
Majesty's Stationery Office, 1947.
WV274 M489h 1947
Hearing: its psychology and physiology I by
Stanley Smith Stevens and Hallowell Davis.
New York: Wiley & Sons, 1938.
WV272S846h 1938
Heat balance study / by E C . Wortz et al. Los
Angeles: Garrett Corp., 1966.
WD750G239h 1963
Heredity in man, / by R. Ruggles Gates. New
York: Macmillan, 1931.
OH 431 G259h 1931
Hibernation and marmot physiology / by
Francis G. Benedict and Robert С Lee.
Washington: Carnegie Institution of
Washington, 1938.
QL755B463h 1938
High altitude deterioration / International
Congress for Mountain Medicine, Chamonix,
March 22-25, 1984; volume editors, J. Rivolier
et al. Sponsored by Medical Commission of the
Union Internationale des Associations
d'Alpinisme (UIAA). New York: Karger, 1985.
( Medicine and sport science v. 19)
WD 715 I61h 1984
High altitude physiology / edited by John B.
West. New York: Academic Press, 1981.
WD710H6386 1981
High altitude physiology and medicine /
edited by Walter Brendel and Roman A. Zink.
New York: Springer-Verlag, 1982.
WD710H368 1982
High altitude physiology study / edited by
Charles S. Houston. Arlington, Va. and
Calgary, Alta.: Arctic Institute of North America,
WD710H638 1980
High-speed flight / by E. Ower and J.L
Nayler. New York: Philosophical Library, 1957.
TL 551.5 097h 1957
High Speed Ground Transportation:
proceedings of the Carnegie-Mellon
Conference held at Pittsburgh, Pa., in 1969.
Pittsburgh: Carnegie-Mellon University, 1969.
TA1155C289h 1969
Higher Nervous Functions and Occupational
Health: a symposium held in Prague
September 12-15, 1966/Organizer: M.
Horvath. Vienna: Wiener Medizinische
Akademie, 1966.
WA400S989h 1966
Highway safety performance ... fatal and
injury accident rates on public roads in the
United States / prepared by the Offices of
Highway Safety and Highway Planning.
Washington: Dept. of Transportation, 1982.
HE 5614.2 H638
Heating and air conditioning. / by John R.
Allen and James Herbert Walker. 5th ed. New
York: McGraw-Hill, 1939.
TH7223 A427h 1939
A helicopter crash-injury report form / A.
Howard Hasbrook and William R. Knowles.
Phoenix: Aviation Crash Injury Research of
Cornell University, 1957.
WD740 A957h 1957
Heliports-helistops in the United States,
Canada, Puerto Rico; directory. Washington:
TL 725.5 A252h 1973
Henry Drummond / by James Y. Simpson.
Edinburgh: Oliphant, Anderson & Ferrier, 1901.
BX 9225 D8 D795S 1901
Heredity and environment: studies in the
genesis of psychological characteristics /
edited by Frederick Osborn. New York:
Macmillan, 1933.
BF 341 S415h 1933
Highway vehicle safety: collected SAE
papers, 1961-1967. New York: Society of
Automotive Engineers, 1968.
TL242H638 1968
A history of the centrifuge in aerospace
medicine / William J. White. Santa Monica:
Douglas Aircraft Co., 1964.
WD 720 W589h 1964
The Historical Development of Physiological
Thought: a symposium held at the State
University of New York Downstate Medical
Center I edited by Chandler McC. Brooks and
Paul F. Cranefield. New York: Hafner, 1959.
QP21 S989h 1959
History of the clan MacFarlane: ( Macfarlane)
MacFarlan, MacFarland, MacFarlin I by Mrs.
C M . Little. Charleston: Gamier, 1968.
CS478L778h 1968
History of the Ergonomics Research Society
I prepared by O.G. Edholm and K.F.H. Murrell.
Winchester: Warren & Son Ltd., 1973?
TA166E23h 1973?
History of the International Congresses of
Physiological Sciences, 1889-1968 / Wallace
0. Fenn, editor. Bethesda: American
Physiological Society, 1968.
QT11 M1 161 h 1968
A history of the Magpie and Stump Debating
Society: 1866-1926 / by C.L. Ferguson.
Cambridge, Eng.: Heffer, 1931.
PN 4191 G8F352h 1931
A history of the U.S. National Reporting
Program for Mental Health Statistics, 18401983 I Richard W. Redick et al. Rockville: Dept.
of Health and Human Services, 1984.
WM 105 H673 1984
Hohenklime und Bergwanderungen in ihrer
Wirkung auf den Menschen / Ergebnisse
Experimenteller Forschungen im Hochgebirge
und Laboratorium. Berlin: Deutsches
Verlagshaus Bong & Co., 1906.
WD710Z95h 1906
Home accident causes and recommended
remedial measures / edited by Samuel H.
Lowry. Huntsville: Teledyne Brown Engineering,
WA288T267h 1971
Homer William Smith, SC.D.: his scientific &
literary achievements / edited by Herbert
Chasis and Wlliam Goldring. New York: New
York University Press, 1965.
WZ 100 S649c 1965
Horizons for older people / by George
Gleason. New York: Macmillan, 1956.
WT 100G555h 1956
An historical introduction to modern
psychology I by Gardner Murphy. New York:
Harcourt Brace, 1929.
BF95 M978h 1929
Historical sketch of NASA / prepared by the
NASA historical staff. Washington: National
Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1965.
TL 521.312 U58h 1965
History of aeronautics; a selected list of
references to material in the New York Public
Library I compiled by William B. Gamble. New
York: New York Public Library, 1938.
Z5063N532h 1938
A history of architecture / by Fiske Kimball
and George Harold Edgell. New York: Harper,
NA200K49h 1918
History of clan MacFarlane / by James
MacFarlane. Glasgow: D.J. Clark Limited,
GN 492.5 M143h 1922
A history of experimental psychology / by
Edwin G. Boring. New York: Century Co., 1929.
BF95B734h 1929
The history of manned space flight / by
David Baker. New York: Crown Publishers,
WD700B167h 1981
History of psychology and psychiatry / by
A.A. Roback. New York: Philosophical Library,
BF81 R628h 1961
A history of sculpture / by George Henry
Chase and Chandler Rathfon Post. New York:
Harper, 1924.
NB60C487h 1924
Hot climates, man and his heart / by George
E. Burch and Nicholas P. DePasquale.
Springfield, III.: Thomas, 1962.
QT 150B947h 1962
Human body dynamics under short-term
acceleration. Denver: Frost Engineering
Development Corp., 1962.
WD720F939h 1962
Hovercraft as aircraft crash tenders: third
London Airport- Maplin Sands I By J.W.G.
Meyer. Southampton: Robert Trillo Associates,
TL 574 G7 R642h 1970
The human body in equipment design / by
Albert Damon, Howard W. Stoudt and Ross A.
McFarland. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard
University Press, 1966.
TA166D163h 1966
How people look at pictures: a study of the
psychology of perception in art / by Guy
Thomas Buswell. Chicago: University of
Chicago Press, 1935.
WW105B982h 1935
Human body size and capabilities in the
design and operation of vehicular
equipment / by Ross A. McFarland et al.
Boston: Harvard School of Public Health, 1953.
TL 250 H918 1953
How to abandon ship / by Phil Richards and
John J. Banigan. New York: Cornell Maritime
Press, 1942.
VK1259R517h 1942
Human body size in military aircraft and
personal equipment / by Francis E. Randall et
al. Dayton: Army Air Forces Air Material
Command, 1946.
GN62R188h 1946
How to survive on land and sea: individual
survival. 2nd ed. Annapolis: United States
Naval Institute, 1956.
TL 553.7 V111h 1956
Human conditioning in the factory: a new
horizon for management I by E. Alan Claar et
al. New York: Т.К. Meakin, 1954.
TS 155M482h 1954
Human conditioning in the factory: an
administrative view of the worth of adapting the
physical work environment to human needs I
by E. Alan Claar. Boston: Harvard Graduate
School of Business Administration, 1953.
HF 5549.5 J63H918 1953
Human control dynamics in air and space
crafts: proceedings 2nd Annual Human Factors
Discussion Group. New York: Flight Safety
Foundation, 1958.
TL600A615h 1958h
Human control performance and tolerance
under severe complex waveform vibration
with a preliminary historical review of flight
simulation / Carl С Clark. Baltimore: Martin
Company, 1962.
WD 735 M382h 1962
Human decision making as related to air
surveillance systems: final report I by Andrew
P. Chenzoff et al. Stamford: Dunlap and
Associates, 1960.
UG632D921hu 1960
Human acceleration studies / Panel on
Acceleration Stress for the Armed Forces-NRC
Committee on Bio-Astronautics. Washington:
National Academy of Sciences - National
Research Council, 1961.
WD720A728h 1961
Human aging, a biological and behavioral
study I edited by James E. Birren et al.
Bethesda: Dept. of Health, Education and
Welfare, 1963. (Public Health Service
publication no. 986)
WT 104H918 1963
Human aging and behavior: recent advances
in research and theory I edited by George A.
Talland. New York: Academic Press, 1968.
WT 150H918 1968
Human behavior / by Walter S. Hunter.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1928.
BF199H947h 1928
Human biology and racial welfare /
contributors: Walter B. Cannon et al. New York:
P.B. Hoeber, 1930.
QH368H918 1930
Human decision making as related to air
surveillance systems; technical report no. 1 : a
survey of literature and current research I by
Andrew P. Chenzoff et al. Stamford: Dunlap
and Associates, 1960.
UG632D921h 1960
Human environments in middle Africa /
National Research Council, Division of
Anthropology and Psychology. Washington:
National Academy of Sciences - National
Research Council, 1961.
GF701 N277h 1961
Human ecology and susceptibility to the
chemical environment / by Theron G.
Randolph. Springfield, III.: Thomas, 1962.
QV600R194h 1962
Human error research and analysis
program: first planning study for U.S.Naval
Aviation Safety Center. Long Beach: Douglas
Aircraft Co., 1966.
WD 740 N316h 1966
Human Ecology in Space Flight; proceedings
of the First International Interdisciplinary
Conference I edited by Doris Howes Calloway.
New York: New York Academy of Sciences,
WD756C748 1963h
The human factor in the design of stick and
rudder controls for aircraft / Division of BioMechanics. New York: Psychological Corp.,
TL676P974h 1948
Human factors and biotechnology - a status
survey for 1968-69 / prepared by Jack A.
Kraft. Sunnyvale: Lockhead Missiles & Space
Co., 1969.
TA167L816h 1969
Human factors engineering / Ernest J.
McCormick. 2nd. ed. New York: McGraw-Hill,
TA 173 M131 h 1964
Human factors engineering integration:
workshop report I prepared by Applied
Psychological Services, Inc. Arthur I. Siegel,
ed., 1975.
TA167H918 1975
Human factors evaluation in system
development / by David Meister and Gerald F.
Rabideau. New York: J. Wiley, 1965.
TA 166 M515h1965
Human factors in air transport design / by
Ross A. McFarland. New York: McGraw-Hill,
WD 700 M1432h 1946
Human factors in air transportation:
occupational health and safety I by Ross A.
McFarland. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1953.
WD 700 M143h 1953
Human factors in highway transport safety /
Ross A. McFarland and associates. Boston:
Harvard School of Public Health. 1949-1957.
Human Ecology in Space Flight I I ;
proceedings of the Second International
Interdisciplinary Conference I edited by Doris
Howes Calloway. New York: New York
Academy of Sciences, 1967.
WD756C748 1964h
Human Ecology in Space Flight III:
proceedings of the Third International
Interdisciplinary Conference I edited by Doris
Howes Calloway. New York: New York
Academy of Sciences, 1968.
WD756C748 1968h
Human engineering / by James McCormick.
New York: McGraw-Hill, 1957.
TA 173 M131 h 1957
A human engineering evaluation of aircraft
digital displays / by T.J. Triggs. Melbourne:
Aeronautical Resarch Laboratories, 1966.
TL 696 H4T828h 1966
Human engineering guide for equipment
designers / by Wesley E. Woodson. Berkeley:
University of California Press, 1954.
TA175W898h 1954
Human engineering guide to equipment
design / editors: Clifford T. Morgan et al. New
York: McGraw-Hill, 1963.
TA166U58h 1963
Human engineering guide to equipment
design / edited by Harold P. Van Cott and
Robert G. Kinkade. Rev. ed. Washington: Dept.
of Defense, 1972.
TA166U58h 1972
Human factors of outer space production /
edited by T. Stephen Cheston and David L.
Winter. Boulder: American Association for the
Advancement of Science, 1980.
WD754H918 1979
Human factors research in occupational
accident prevention, its status and needs /
Leon Brody. New York: American Society of
Safety Engineers and Center for Safety
Education, New York University, 1962.
WA288B864h 1962
Human factors in management / edited by
Schuyler Dean Hoslett. Parkville: Park College
Press, 1946.
HF5549 A3H918 1946
Human factors standards for the Apollo
program. Phase A: categories and references.
I by William L.S. Wu. Albuquerque: Lovelace
Foundation for Medical Education and
Research, 1965.
WD 750 L898h PartA 1965
Human factors in technology / editors,
Edward Bennett, James Degan and Joseph
Spiegel. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1963.
TA166H918 1963
Human factors study of the USN Mark I I
hand held sextant. Darien: Dunlap and
Associates, 1964.
VK583D921h 1964
Human gastric function: an experimental
study of a man and his stomach I by Stewart
Wolf and Harold G. Wolff. London: Oxford
University Press, 1943.
Wl 302W855h 1943
Human geography: an ecological study of
society I by С Langdon White and George T.
Renner. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts,
GF33W583h 1948
Human geography in the air age / by George
T. Renner. New York: Macmillan, 1942.
TL546R414h 1942
Human factors in visual search and
recovery programs / by Jack Wm. Dunlap et
al. Stamford: Dunlap and Assoc, 1961.
TL553.8D921h 1961
Human head and neck response to impact
acceleration / Channing Ewing and Daniel J.
Thomas. Pensacola: Naval Aerospace and
Regional Medical Center, 1972. (NAMRL
monograph 21)
WD720E95h 1972
Human factors methods for system design /
by James W. Altman et al. Pittsburgh:
American Institute for Research, 1960.
TA166H9185 1960
Human hearing and speech during wholebody vibration I by Robert J. Teare. Wichita:
Boeing Company, 1963.
WD735B671h 1963
Human metabolism with enemata of alcohol,
dextrose, and lévulose / by Thorne M.
Carpenter. Washington: Carnegie Institution of
Washington, 1925.
QU 120C297h 1925
Human factors in highway transport safety /
by Ross A. McFarland and Alfred L. Moseley.
Boston: Harvard School of Public Health, 1954.
WA275 M143h 1954
Human factors in jet and space travel: a
medical-psychological analysis I edited by S.B.
Sells and Charles A. Berry. New York: Ronald
Press, 1961.
WD 700 H918 1961
Human factors in long-duration spaceflight /
National Research Council Space Science
Board. Washington: National Academy of
Sciences, 1972.
WD750N277h 1972
Human factors in the design of highway
transport equipment: a summary report of
vehicle evaluation I by Ross A. McFarland et
al. Boston: Harvard School of Public Health,
TL250H9181 1953
Human factors in the design of trucks: an
evaluation study of models produced in 1956 I
by R.A. McFarland et al. Boston: Harvard
School of Public Health, 1957.
TL250H9182 1953
Human factors in the design of vehicle cab
areas / by N.C. Kephart and J.W. Dunlap.
West Lafeyette: Purdue University, 1955?
TL250P985h 1955?
Human nature and its remaking / by William
Ernest Hocking. Rev. ed. New Haven: Yale
University Press, 1923.
BF711 H685h 1923
Human nature and the social order / by
Charles Horton Cooley. New York: Scribner's,
HM 251 C774h 1902
Human performance as a function of the
work-rest cycle: a review of selected studies I
a special report prepared by James T. Ray, 0.
Edmund Martin, Jr., and Earl A. Alluisi.
Washington: National Academy of Sciences National Research Council, 1961.
WD730L816h 1961
Human performance in the atlas engine
maintenance area / by George A. Peters,
Frank Hall, and Charles Mitchell. Canoga Park:
Rocketdyne, 1962.
TL782R682h 1962
Human performances, jobs, and systems
psychology; the systems measurement bed I
by J.E. Uhlaner. Arlington: Dept. of the Army,
BF636 A2B419h 1970
Human personality and the environment / by
Charles Macfie Campbell. New York:
Macmillan, 1934.
BF698C187h 1934
Human problems in the operation of high
speed aircraft: I. Atmospheric ozone /
Division of Bio-mechanics. New York:
Psychological Corp., 1947.
WD710P974h 1947
The human problems of an industrial
civilization I by Elton Mayo. 2nd ed. Boston:
Macmillan, 1933
WL103M473h 1933
The human problems of an industrial
civilization I by Elton Mayo. Boston: Harvard
University, 1946.
WL103 M473h 1946
Human Problems of Supersonic and
Hypersonic Flight: proceedings of the
European Congress of Aviation Medicine I
edited by A. Buchanan Barbour and Harold E.
Whittingham. New York: Pergamon, 1962.
W D 7 0 0 E 8 9 1960h
Human response dynamics: GEDA computer
application I by N.D. Diamantides and A.J.
Cacioppo. Akron: Goodyear Aircraft Corp.,
TL568 03D537h 1957
Human response to sustained acceleration:
a literature review/ by T.M. Fraser.
Washington: National Aeronautics and Space
Administration, 1966. (NASA SP 103)
WD720F842h 1966
The human side of enterprise / by Douglas
McGregor. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1960.
HF 5549 A3 M147h 1960
Human spatial orientation. / L P . Howard and
W.B. Templeton. New York: Wiley, 1966.
WV255H849h 1966
Human tolerances to environmental
elements / by Robert Duffy. Buffalo: Cornell
Aeronautical Laboratory, 1960.
WD756D858h 1960
Human vibration and impact isolation with a
full length airbag restraint system / Bruce
Cooper, Carl Blechschmidt, Keith McCloskey,
and Carl С Clark. Baltimore: Martin Company,
WD 735 M382hv1963
Human vitality and efficiency under
prolonged restricted diet / by Francis G.
Benedict et al. Washington: Carnegie Institution
of Washington, 1919.
WD 100B463h 1919
Humanism as the next step: an introduction
for liberal Protestants, Catholics, and Jews /
by Lloyd and Mary Morain. Boston: Beacon
Press, 1954.
В 821 M827h 1954
Humoral agents in nervous activity: with
special reference to chromatophores / by
G.H. Parker. Cambridge, Eng.: University
Press, 1932.
QL767P239h 1932
Hypogravic and Hypodynamie
Environments: proceedings of a symposium
held at French Lick, Ind., June 16-18, 1969/
edited by Raymond H. Murray and Michael
McCally. Washington: National Aeronautics and
Space Administration, 1971. (NASA SP 269)
WD752S989h 1969
Hypoxia-exercise stress test (HEST): for the
assessment of coronary arterial disease I by
Necmettin Erkan. Ankara, Turkey: Middle,
WG 141.5F9E68h 1977
Hypoxia, man at altitude / edited by John R.
Sutton, Norman L. Jones and Charles S.
Houston. New York: Thieme-Stratton, 1982.
WD715H998 1981
Inadequate diets and nutritional deficiencies
in the United States: their prevalence and
significance. / Report of the Committee on
Diagnosis and Pathology of Nutritional
Deficiencies, H.D. Kruse, chairman.
Washington: National Academy of Sciences National Research Council, 1943.
WD 105N277Ì 1943
The indirect measurement of task difficulty /
by E. Linden Kilgendorf. Melbourne:
Aeronautical Reseach Laboratories, 1965.
BF481 H644Ì 1965
I drive the turnpikes and survive / Paul W.
Kearney. New York: Ballantine Books, 1956.
TL 152.52 K24i 1956
IES lighting handbook: the standard light
guide. 2nd ed. New York: Illuminating
Engineering Society, 1952.
TK4161 129i 1952
Individualism: old and new / by John Dewey.
New York: Minton, Balch, 1930.
HM 136D519Ì 1930
IES lighting handbook: the standard lighting
guide. 3rd ed. New York: Illuminating
Engineering Society, 1959.
TK4161 I29i 1959
Industrial accident research: a human
engineering appraisal / by Jean Surry.
Toronto: University of Toronto, 1971.
WA485S962Ì 1971
Industrial and business psychology:
proceedings of the XIV International Congress
of Applied Psychology. Copenhagen:
Munksgaard, 1962.
HF 5548.7 ISIi 1961
Industrial deafness; hearing testing and
noise measurement / by Joseph Sataloff. New
York: Blakiston, 1957.
WA470S2531 1957
The industrial environment and its control /
byJ.M. Dallavalle. New York: Pitman, 1948
WA440D145Ì 1948
Industrial health and medical programs:
statements, tables and charts I selected and
compiled by Margaret С Klem, Margaret F.
McKiever and Walter J. Lear. Washington:
Public Health Service, 1950. (Public Health
Service publication no. 15)
HD 7261 K63i 1950
Industrial hygiene conference abstracts.
Chicago?: Industrial Hygiene Association, 1965.
HD 7260.5 A512Ì 1965
Industrial hygiene highlights / edited by
Lester V. Cralley, Lewis J. Cralley, and George
D. Clayton. Pittsburgh: Industrial Hygiene
Foundation of America, 1968.
WA 400 142 1968
The idea of God: in the light of recent
philosophy I by A. Seth Pringle-Pattison. 2nd
ed. New York: Oxford University Press, 1920.
BT 101 P957Ì1920
I mpact Acceleration Stress: a symposium
held at Brooks Air Force Base, Nov. 27-29,
1961 with a comprehensive chronological
bibliography. Washington: National Academy of
Sciences - National Research Council, 1962.
WD740S989Ì 1962
Implantable biotelemetry systems: a report I
by Thomas B. Fryer. Washington: National
Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1971.
(NASA SP 5094)
OH 324.9 B5 F948Ì 1971
An improved method for monitoring heat
stress levels in the workplace / by John E.
Mutchler et al. Cincinnati: National Institute for
Occupational Safety and Health, 1975. (DHEW
publication no. NIOSH 75-161)
T55.3H4G347Ì 1975
In the minds of men: the study of human
behavior and social tensions in India I by
Gardner Murphy. New York: Basic Books,
DS481 M978Ì 1953
Industrial organization and management / by
Ralph Currier Davis. 2nd ed. New York:
Harper, 1940.
TS 155D2631 1940
Industrial psychology and its social
foundations / by Milton L. Blum. Rev. ed. New
York: Harper, 1956.
BF56B6581 1956
Industrial psychology / by Thomas Willard
Harrell. New York: Rinehart, 1949.
HF 5548.8 H296Ì 1949
Industrial psychology / by Joseph Tiffin. New
York: Prentice-Hall, 1942.
HF 5548.8 T565Ì 1942
Industrial psychology / by Joseph Tiffin. 3rd
ed. New York: Prentice-Hall, 1952.
HF 5548.8 T565Ì 1952
Industrial psychology / by Morris S. Viteles.
New York: W.W. Norton, 1932.
HF 5548.8 V839Ì 1932
Industrial relations and the social order / by
Wilbert E. Moore. New York: Macmillan, 1946.
HD 6961 M825Ì 1946
Industrial supervision / by Lewis A. Froman
and Scott B. Mason. Chicago: Foundation
Press, 1942.
Industrial toxicology / by Alice Hamilton and
Harriet L. Hardy. 2nd ed. New York: Hoeber,
WA465H2171 1949
Industrial training and testing / by Howard K.
Morgan. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1945.
HF 5549 A3 M848Ì 1945
The industrial worker: a statistical study of
human relations in a group of manual
workers I by T.N. Whitehead. Cambridge,
Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1938.
HF 5549.5 A83 W592Ì 1938
Industry and tropical health: proceedings of
the First Industrial Tropical Health Conference,
held at Boston, Mass. on December 8-10, 1950
I sponsored by the Harvard School of Public
Health. Boston: Harvard School of Public
Health, 1951.
WC 680 142 1950Ì
Industry and Tropical Health I I : proceedings
of the Second Conference held in New York
and Boston, April 20-22, 1954 I sponsored by
the Harvard School of Public Health. Boston:
Harvard School of Public Health, 1955.
WC 680 142 1954Ì
Industry and Tropical Health I I I : proceedings
of the Third Conference held in Boston, April
16-18, 1957 I sponsored by the Harvard School
of Public Health. Boston: Harvard School of
Public Health, 1957.
WC680 142 1957Ì
Industry and Tropical Health IV: proceedings
of the Fourth Conference held in Boston, July
20-22, 1960 I sponsored by the Harvard School
of Public Health. Boston: Harvard School of
Public Health, 1961.
WC680 142 1960Ì
Infectious disease in manned spaceflight:
probabilities and countermeasures / Space
Science Board. Washington: National Academy
of Sciences, 1970.
WD756N277Ì 1970
An information indexing approach to
information requirement problems / by
James M. McKendry, Paul M. Hurst, and
Richard Achilles. State College: HRB-Singer,
Inc., 1964.
BF441 H8731 1964
Information processing, practice and 'spare
capacity' I by E. Linden Hilgendorf. Melbourne:
Aeronautical Research Laboratories, 1966.
BF441 H644Ì 1966
Information systems in a management
structure I G.C. Nielen. Rotterdam: Rotterdam
University Press, 1972.
HD 38 N6671 1972
Information theory of choice-reaction times /
D.R.J. Laming. London: Academic Press, 1968.
BF317L231Ì 1968
Inhalation anesthesia: a fundamental guide I
by Arthur E. Guedel. New York: Macmillan,
W 0 277G924Ì 1937
Initial study of air transportation. / Railroad
Committee for the Study of Transportation.
Washington: Association of American
Railroads, 1944.
TL 521 A849Ì 1944
Injury research project: submission I by K.G.
Jamieson and E.C. Wigglesworth. Melbourne:
Royal Australasian College of Surgeons, 1973?
W 275 KA8 J32i 1973
The inner world of childhood: a study in
analytical psychology I by Frances G. Wickes.
New York: Appleton, 1930.
WS 105W636Ì 1930
The insolent chariots / by John Keats.
Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1958.
HD9710K25Ì 1958
Installation notes on the precision visual
glidepath (R.V.G.) / by R.W. Cumming, J.С
Lane, and J.R. Baxter. Melbourne: Aeronautical
Research Laboratories, 1959.
TL696L33C971Ì 1958
International aeronautic organizations and
the control of air navigation / by John Jay
Ide. Rev. ed. Northfield: Norwich University,
TL 500 119i 1938
International Air Safety Seminar
proceedings: technical summary. Arlington:
Flight Safety Foundation, 1968; 1970.
TL 553.5 F621
International air transport / by Sir Osborne
Mance. London: Oxford University Press, 1944.
TL552M268Ì 1944
International air transport and national
policy/ by Oliver James Lissitzyn. New York:
Council on Foreign Relations, 1942.
TL552L772Ì 1942
Instrument and control location,
accessibility and identification / by W E .
Woodson et al. San Diego: Man Factors, 1969.
TL250W898Ì 1969
International Conference on Alcohol and
Road Traffic: proceedings. Stockholm:
Kugelbergs Boktryckeri, 1951.
WA 275 161a 1951
Interactions of man and his environment /
edited by Burgess H. Jennings and John E.
Murphy. New York: Plenum, 1966.
TD 180 161 1965
International Conference on Occupational
Health: reports. 1957.
WA 400 161 1957Ì
Interagency life sciences supporting space
research and technology exchange /
prepared by Documentation Incorporated.
WD 750 161 1965
Interdepartmental quarantine commission /
G.L. Dunnahoo, T.B. Magath and P.T. Knies.
Washington: 1944.
WA230D923Ì 1944
Interior safety of automobiles; road traffic
accidents and their consequences; a study by
German traffic insurers on 28,936 car crashes
with passenger injury. Hamburg: German
Association of Third-Party Liability, Accident
and Motor Traffic Insurers (HUK-Verband),
WA275 V477Ì 1975
Internal perception and bodily functioning /
by Russell E. Mason. New York: International
Universities Press, 1961.
WL103 M411Ì 1961
1000. International Congress of Gerontology /
proceedings. Washington: International
Association of Gerontology, 1969.
WT9 161 1969p
1001. International Congress of Psychology: held
at Washington, D.C., August 20-26, 1963 I
organized under the auspices of the
International Union of Scientific Psychology by
the American Psychological Association.
Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing
Company, 1964.
LB 1051 1611963Ì
International Congress on Industrial
Medicine: proceedings of the Ninth
International Congress held in London,
September 13-17, 1948. Bristol: John Wright,
WA400C748 1949Ì
International Congress on Occupational
Health: XVIe Congres International du
Médecine du Travail proceedings. Tokyo:
International Congress on Occupational Health,
WA 400 161 1969s
International directory of anthropological
institutions I edited by William L. Thomas, Jr.,
and Anna M. Pikelis. New York: Wenner-Gren
Foundation for Anthropological Research, 1953.
GN2T463Ì 1953
An introduction to biophysics / by Otto
Stuhlman, Jr. New York: J. Wiley, 1943.
QT34S933Ì 1943
An introduction to clinical scotometry / by
John N. Evans. New Haven: Yale University
Press, 1938.
WW 141 E92i 1938
Introduction to comparative psychology / by
Carl John Warden. New York: Ronald Press,
BF671 W2651 1934
1 016.
An introduction to contemporary civilization
in the West: a syllabus I prepared by Columbia
College associates in economics, government
and public law, history and philosophy. 7th ed.
New York: Columbia University Press, 1928.
CB58 161 1928
An introduction to neurology / by С Judson
Herrrick. 5th ed., Philadelphia: Saunders, 1963.
WL101 H566Ì 1931
An introduction to Pareto: his sociology / by
George С Homans and Charles P. Curtis, Jr.
New York: Knopf, 1934.
HM59H763Ì 1934
An introduction to projective techniques &
other devices for understanding the
dynamics of human behavior / edited by
Harold H. Anderson and Gladys L. Anderson.
New York: Prentice-Hall, 1951.
WM 145A546Ì 1951
An introduction to social psychology / by
William McDougall. 18th ed. London: Methuen,
HM251 M1371 1923
The Inter-Relationship of Mind and Body:
proceedings I by the Association for Research
in Nervous and Mental Disease. Baltimore:
Williams SWilkins, 1939.
WL103 A849Ì 1939
An introduction to space travel./ by Philip
Ellaby Cleator. New York: Pitman, 1961.
TL793C623Ì 1961
Intrinsic control of body fluid and
electrolyte distribution and urine formation /
by J.С De Haven and N.Z. Shapiro. Santa
Monica: Rand Corp., 1965.
QU 105D3221 1965
An introduction to the assurance of human
performance in space systems. Washington:
National Aeronautics and Space Administration,
1968. (NASA SP 6506)
TL885M3821 1968
An introduction to the biological effects of
high energy space radiations / by Carl Clark.
Baltimore: Martin Marietta Corp., 1964.
WD750C592Ì 1964
International road safety research directory.
2nd ed. Paris: Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, 1966.
WA 22 M 068i 1966
International sanitary regulations: adopted
by the Fourth World Health Assembly in 1951
and amended by the Eighth and Ninth World
Health Assemblies in 1955 and 1956.
Annotated edition. Geneva: World Health
Organization, 1957.
WA32.1 W927Ì 1957
International sanitary regulations: adopted
and amended by the Eighth, Ninth and
Thirteenth World Health Assemblies in 1955,
1956, and 1960. 2nd annotated ed. Geneva:
World Health Organization, 1961.
WA32.1 W927Ì 1961
1 008.
International Symposium on Man-Machine
Systems, 8-12 September 1969: contributed
papers. New York?: 1969TA 167 1611 1969-
International Symposium on the
Cardiovascular and Respiratory Effects of
Hypoxia: proceedings, Kingston, Ont., 1965/
edited by J.D. Hatcher and D.B. Jennings. New
York: Hafner, 1966.
WF 140 161p 1965
The international system of units: physical
constants and conversion factors / E.A.
Mechtly. Washington: National Aeronautics and
Space Administration, 1964. (NASA SP 7012)
QC94 M486Ì 1964
Introduction to work study. Geneva:
International Labour Office, 1957.
T 6 0 W 6 I 6 1 Ì 1959
The invention of the aeroplane (1799-1909) /
by Charles H. Gibbs-Smith. London: Faber,
TL670G444Ì 1966
Investigation of control "feel" effects on the
dynamics of a piloted aircraft system. Akron:
Goodyear Aircraft Corp., 1955.
TL 712.5 G658Ì 1955
Investigation of machine-assist to operator
performance: I. Literature analysis and
experimental details I by Harold С Strassel,
Richard A. Regan, and Robert Glaser.
Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh, 1960.
Investigation of machine-assists to operator
performance; signal detection and task
complexity / by Richard A. Regan and Wilson
A. Judd. Pittsburgh: University of Pennsylvania,
Investigation of seat belt performance in
New South Wales traffic crashes / Rodney С
Vaughan. Sydney: Traffic Accident Research
Unit, Department of Motor Transport, New
South Wales, 1975.
TL275V368Ì 1974
Involuntary hypohydration in man and
animals: a review/ by John E. Greenleaf.
Washington: National Aeronautics and Space
Administration, 1966. (NASA SP 110)
QU 105G796Ì 1966
The involuntary nervous system / by Walter
HolbrookGaskell. London: Longmans, Green
and Co., 1916.
WL600G248Ì 1916
Ionizing radiation and health / by Bo Lindell
and R. Lowry Dobson. Geneva: World Health
Organization, 1961. (Public health papers no.
WN650L743Ì 1961
Issues in the use of an analog-digital data
system for the measurement of tracking
behavior / by Carl E. Webber and Jack A.
Adams. Urbana: University of Illinois, 1960.
QA76U58Ì 1960
J В S: the life and work of J.B.S. Haldane /
by Ronald Clark. New York: Coward-McCann,
WZ100H158C 1968
Jan Evangelista Purkyne / translated by
Samuel Kostomlatsky. Prague: State Medical
Publishing House, 1962.
WZ100P985J 1962
Jan Evangelista Purkyne, 1787-1869:
Centenary Symposium, held at the Carolinum,
Prague, 8-10 September 1969 I editor: V.
Kruta. Brno: Universita Jana Evangelisty
Purkyne, 1971.
QP351 J33j 1969
Japanese air lines pilots' dimensions /
prepared by John A. Roebuck. Santa Monica:
Douglas Aircraft Company, 1960.
GN 56D733J 1960
An investigation of vision during involuntary
saccadic eye movements / by Robert Wesley
Ebbers. 1965. (Thesis)
WW103E15Ì 1965
Investigations into light traffic I / Liisa
Oranen, ed. Helsinki: Liikenneturva, 1975.
HE 5616.5 162 1975
Investigations into light traffic I I / Liisa
Oranen. Helsinki: Liikenneturva, 1976.
HE 370 P44 063Ì 1976
Investigations of machine- assists to
operator performance : II. An illustrative guide
to the application of machine-assist principles I
by Harold C. Strasel, Richard A. Regan, and
Robert Glaser. Pittsburgh: University of
Pittsburgh, 1961.
The jet age: forty years of jet aviation I edited
by Walter J. Boyne and Donald S. Lopez.
Washington: National Air and Space Museum,
Smithsonian Institution, 1979.
TL 671 J58 1979
Jet engine sound information for the Boeing
707 airplane / by Franz Bartl. Seattle: Boeing
Airplane Company, 1958.
TL 686 B65 B671J 1958
Jet propulsion in commercial air
transportation. Princeton: Princeton University
Press, 1948.
TL709H141] 1948
Job evaluation / by Forrest Hayden Johnson,
Robert W. Boise, Jr. and Dudley Pratt. New
York: J. Wiley, 1946
HF 5549.5 J62 J66j 1946
Job re-design: the application of biological
data on ageing to the design of equipment
and the organisation of work / by Stephen
Griew. Paris: Organisation for Economic Co­
operation and Development, 1964.
HD6279G848J 1964
1 054.
Kinetic methods of manual handling in
industry I by S. Himbury. Geneva:
International Labour Office, 1967. Occupational
safety and health series no. 10)
T 55.3 L5H657k 1967
Korotkoff sounds at diastole—a
phenomenon of dynamic instability / by Max
Anliker and K.R. Raman. Palo Alto: Vidya,
WG 106 V655k 1965
1 056.
Kritik der reinen Vernunft / Hrsg. and
eingeleitet von August Messer. Berlin: T.
В 2775 K16k
John F. Kennedy Space Center: America's
spaceport. Washington: National Aeronautics
and Space Administration, 1969?
TL795U58J 1969
Laboratory instrumentation in psychology /
by William W. Grings. Palo Alto: National
Press, 1954.
The journey to death: a spatial analysis of
fatal traffic crashes in Michigan, 1969 / by
Harold Moellering. Ann Arbor: University of
Michigan, 1974.
Land and sea emergencies / by the Royal
Canadian Air Force. Toronto: University of
Toronto Press, 1943.
TL 553.7 L253 1943
De juiste maat: lichaamsafmetingen van
Nederlandse vrouwen als basis van een nieuw
maatsysteem voor damesconfectiekleding I
onderzoekgehouden in opdrachtvan N.V.
Magazijn "De Bijenkorf," Amsterdam door J.
Sittig en H. Freudenthal. Leiden: In opdracht
van N.V. Magazijn " De Bijenkorf uitg. bij L.
Stafleu, 1951.
Lane medical lectures: studies in
cardiovascular regulation / by G.V. Anrep.
Palo Alto: Stanford University Press, 1936.
WG300 A616L1936
Large-scale dynamic systems: the
proceedings of the Utah State University-Ames
Research Center Seminar Workshop on LargeScale Dynamic Systems held at Utah State
University, Logan, Utah, August 12-16, 1974.
Washington: National Aeronautics and Space
Administration, 1975. (NASA SP 371)
Latent demand for urban transportation /
Lester A. Hoel et al. Pittsburgh: CarnegieMellon University, 1968.
HE308L351 1968
Lauto at la vie: us pas décisif vers la
sécurité routière et ('humanisation de la
route. Belgique: Foundation Mobilisation des
Consciences, 1968.
WA275 A939 1968
1 063.
The law relating to activities of man in
space I by S. Houston Lay and Howard J.
Taubenfeld. Chicago: University of Chicago
Press, 1970.
JX 5810 L426L 1970
TT520S623J 1951
Jungle survival / by Robert W. Weaver.
Washington: Air Transport Command, 1946.
WA250W363J 1946
Jungle warfare: basic field manual I prepared
under direction of the Chief of Staff, War Dept.
Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1941.
U 167.5 J8U58J 1941
Juvenile delinquency: a critical annotated
bibliography I compiled by P.S. de Q. Cabot.
New York: Wilson, 1946.
Z 5703.4 J88C116J 1946
Keeping fit for flying: an analysis of important
factors influencing the health and the efficiency
of civil airmen. New York: Pan American
Airways System, 1943.
WD 705 P187k 1943
Leaders in American science. Nashville:
Who's Who in American Education, Inc., 19531968; 1966-1967.
Q 141 L434 1954-
1 067.
The League of Nations and the rule of law,
1918-1935 I by Alfred Zimmern. London:
Macmillan, 1936.
JX 1975 Z76L 1936
Life Beyond Earth & the Mind of Man: a
symposium held at Boston University on
November 20, 1972 I edited by Richard
Berendzen. Washington: National Aeronautics
and Space Administration, 1973. (NASA SP
QB54L722 1973
The learned knife: an essay on science and
human values I by Lawrence Hyde. London: G.
Howe, 1928.
HM291 H994L1928
Life in extraterrestrial environments / by
Charles A. Hagen and E.J. Hawrylewicz.
Chicago: Illinois Institute of Technology, 1962.
WD758 A733L1962
Life into space; an introduction to space
biology I Charles G. Wunder. Philadelphia:
F.A Davis, 1966.
Life phenomena, a historical survey / Trans,
and ed. by IPST Staff from Russian.
Jerusalem: Israel Program for Scientific
Translations, 1966.
OH 307.2 185L1966
Light, colour, and vision / approved
translation by R.W.G. Hunt, J.W.T. Walsh, and
F.R.W. Hunt. New York: Wiley, 1957.
The lighting of buildings / R.G. Hopkinson
and J.D. Kay. London: Faber, 1969.
TH 7703 H795L 1969
Living in space; the astronaut and his
environment / by Mitchell R. Sharpe. Garden
City: Doubleday, 1969.
The logic of modern psychology / by Carroll
С Pratt. New York: Macmillan, 1939.
Logic: the theory of inquiry / by John Dewey.
New York: Holt, 1938.
The lonely crowd: a study of the changing
American character / by David Riesman. New
Haven: Yale University Press, 1950.
HM271 R561L1950
Long-term changes in cortical bone in adult
males and females / by Stanley M. Garn et al.
Yellow Springs: Fels Research Institute, 1965.
Learning and cognitive performance in
adults: bibliography / compiled by Raymond
G. Kuhlen, Rolf H. Monge, and Eric F. Gardner.
Syracuse: Syracuse University, 1967.
ZLB 1051 S995L1967
Learning and leadership: a study of the
needs and possibilities of international
intellectual co-operation / by Alfred Zimmern.
London: Oxford University Press, 1928.
JC 362 Z76L 1928
Lectures in aerospace medicine. Brooks Air
Force Base: USAF School of Aerospace
Medicine, 1960-1964; 1967.
WD 750 L471
Lectures on men and machines: an
introduction to human engineering I by
Alphonse Chapanis et al. Baltimore: Systems
Research Laboratory, 1947.
Legibility of alphanumeric characters and
other symbols / National Bureau of Standards.
Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1964-.
(National Bureau of Standards miscellaneous
publication 262-1)
QC 100 U58L 1964
Leonardo da Vinci's aeronautics / by Charles
H. Gibbs-Smith. London: Her Majesty's Printing
Office, 1967.
Liberal learning and religion / Amos Niven
Wilder, editor. New York: Harper, 1951.
BV 1610W673L1951
Long t e r m projections of p o w e r : political,
economic, and military forecasting I Oskar
Morgenstern, Klaus Knorr, and Klaus P. Heiss.
Cambridge, Mass.: Ballinger, 1973.
T h e m a k i n g of t h e modern m i n d : a survey of
the intellectual bakground of the present age I
by John Herman Randall, Jr. Boston: Houghton
Mifflin, 1926.
C B 5 7 R 1 8 8 m 1926
T h e m a k i n g of t h e University of Michigan,
1817-1967 I by Howard H. Peckham. Ann
Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1967.
T 174 M851L 1973
Luftfahrtmedizin: Einfuhrung in die Biologie
and Hygiene des Flugwesens / von Walter
Schnell. Berlin-Charlottenburg: C.J.E.
Volckmann Nachfl., 1935
L D 3 2 7 8 P 3 6 8 m 1967
Man and civilization: an inquiry into the bases
of contemporary life I by John Storck. 3rd ed.
New York: Harcourt Brace, 1927.
C B 4 2 5 S 8 8 4 m 1929
M a n a n d his y e a r s : an account of the First
National Conference on Aging I sponsored by
the Federal Security Agency. Raleigh: Health
Publications Institute, 1951.
W T l 0 0 N 2 7 7 m 1950
Man-computer interactions in idealized
tactical problem solving / prepared by U.O.
Gagliardi et al. Darien: Dunlap and Associates,
Lunar Simulation / by J.L. Seminara.
Sunnyvale: Lockheed Missiles and Space
Company, 1967.
TL 1500 S471L 1967
Machining and grinding of ultrahighs t r e n g t h steels a n d stainless steel alloys: an
A E C / N A S A h a n d b o o k / by C.T. Olofson, J.A.
Gurklis, and F.W. Boulger. Washington:
National Aeronautics and Space Administration,
1967? (NASA SP 5084)
T A 479 S7 0 5 2 m 1967?
T h e magic of t h e senses: n e w discoveries
in animal perception / Vitus B. Droscher. New
York: Dutton, 1969.
Q P 4 3 1 D787m 1969
B F 4 4 1 D921m 1965
M a n , his j o b , and t h e e n v i r o n m e n t : a review
and annotated bibliography of selected recent
research on human p e r f o r m a n c e / W i l l i a m G.
Mather, III et al. Gaithersburg: National Bureau
of Standards, 1970.
ZQC 1 0 0 M 2 6 6 1970
M a n in a chemical w o r l d : the service of
chemical industry I by A. Cressy Morrison. N e w
T h e m a g n i t u d e and economic impact of
general aviation, 1 9 6 8 - 1 9 8 0 / by R. Dixon
Speas Associates. Manhasset: Aero House,
HE 9796 U5 M197 1970
M a h a t m a Gandhi: the man who b e c a m e one
with the universal being I by Romain Rolland.
York: Scribner's, 1937.
New York: Century, 1924.
D S 4 8 1 G 3 R 7 4 9 m 1924
TP 20 M878m 1937
M a n in a cold e n v i r o n m e n t ; physiological
and pathological effects of exposure to l o w
temperatures / by Alan C. Buron and Otto G.
Edholm. London: Arnold, 1955.
QT 1 6 0 B 9 7 4 m 1955
Council on the Aging, 1961.
W T 1 0 0 S 9 8 9 1960m
M a k i n g facilites accessible to t h e physically
handicapped. Albany: N e w York University
Construction Fund, 1967.
Man in structure and function / Fritz Kahn.
New York: Knopf, 1943.
O P 3 4 K 1 2 m 1943
Man in the heat, high altitude, and society /
by Jean Hiernaux. Springfield, III.: Thomas,
Maintaining H u m a n Potential for Effective
a n d Useful living: a symposium presented at
the tenth anniversary meeting held in N e w Y o r k
City, October 18, 1960. N e w York: National
W B 3 2 0 N 5 3 2 m 1967
T h e m a k i n g of m a n : an outline of
anthropology I edited by V.F. Calverton. N e w
York: Modern Library, 1 9 3 1 .
QT 1 4 5 H 6 3 3 m 1982
Man in the universe / Fred Hoyle. New York:
Columbia University Press, 1966.
B D 5 2 3 H 8 6 8 m 1966
Man Living in the Arctic: proceedings of a
conference held at the Quartermaster Research
and Engineerings Center, Natick, Mass., 1-2
December 1960 I edited by Frank R. Fisher.
Washington: National Research Council, 1961.
QT 160C748m 1960
Man-machine engineering / by Alphonse
Chapanis. Belmont: Wadsworth, 1965.
TA166C462m 1965
Man-machine system experiments.
Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1972.
TA167P268m 1972
Man under stress: proceedings of the Ninth
Annual Conference of the Ergonomics Society
of Australia and New Zealand, held in the
University of Adelaide, 24-25 August 1972.1
Edited by A. T. Welford. London: Taylor &
Francis, 1974.
WM 172A615 1972m
1110. Man under vibration, suffering and
protection: proceedings of the International
CISM-IFToMM-WHO Symposium, Udine, Italy,
April 3-6, 1979 I edited by G. Bianchi, K.V.
Frolov, and A. Oledzki. New York: Elsevier,
WD 640 161m 1979
1111. Man unlimited: technology's challenge to
human endurance / by Heinz Gartmann. New
York: Pantheon, 1957.
QT25G244m 1957
Man, weather, sun / by William Ferdinand
Petersen. Springfield, III.: Thomas, 1947.
QP82P484m 1947
Management and morale / by F. J.
Roethlisberger. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard
University Press, 1941.
HF5549R917m 1941
Management of wilderness and
environmental emergencies / edited by Paul
S. Auerbach and Edward C. Geehr. New York:
Macmillan, 1983
WB 105 M2665 1983
The manned missile; the story of the B-70 /
by Ed Rees. New York: Duell, Sloan and
Pearce, 1960.
UG633R328m 1960
Manned spacecraft / by Kenneth Gatland.
New York: Macmillan, 1967.
TL793G261m 1967
Manned supersonic flight: a reference
manual I prepared by Cornell Aeronautical
Laboratory, Inc. and Cornell University Medical
College. Port Washington: Department of the
Navy, 1950.
WD730C814m 1950
Man's fight to fly: famous world-record flights
and a chronology of aviation I by John P. V.
Heinmuller. Rev. ed. New York: Aero Print Co.,
TL515H468m 1945
The mansions of philosophy: a survey of
human life and destiny I by Will Durant. Garden
City: Garden City Pub. Co., 1929.
B53D951m 1929
Manual for application of statistical
techniques for use in accident control.
Stanford: Dunlap and Associates, 1968.
WA250D921m 1955
Manual for aviation equipment and survival
officers I Office of the Chief of Naval
Operations. Washington: U.S. Navy, 1945.
WD704U58m 1945
Manual for medical and dental officers of
the Royal Air Force / Air Ministry. 3rd ed.
London: His Majesty's Stationery Office, 1940.
WD700G786m 1940
Manual lifting & related fields: an annotated
bibliography / by John R. Brown. Toronto:
Ontario Ministry of Labour, 1972.
WE755B878m 1972
Manual of aircraft accident investigation. 3rd
ed. Montreal: International Civil Aviation
Organization, 1959.
HE 9784 161m 1959
Manual of industrial hygiene and medical
service in war industries / William M. Gafafer,
editor. Philadelphia: Saunders, 1943.
WA400N277m 1943
Manual of medical aspects of aviation.
Medical Research Laboratory, Air Service, U.S.
Army, 1918?
WD705U58m 1918
Manual of Medical Research Laboratory / Air
Service, Division of Military Aeronautics.
Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1918.
WD 700 1158m 1918
Manual of physical training. London: His
Majestry's Stationery Office, 1931.
QT 255 M294 1931
A manual of tropical medicine / by Thomas
T. Mackie, George W. Hunter, III and С
Brooke Worth. Philadelphia: Saunders, 1945.
WC680 M 158m 1945
Manual on alcoholism. Chicago: American
Medical Association, 1968.
WM274A512m 1968
Marihuana and health: fifth annual report to
the U.S. Congress from the Secretary of
Health, Education, and Welfare. Rockville:
National Institute on Drug Abuse, 1975.
HV5822 M3U58m 1975
McGraw-Hill modern men of science: 426
leading contemporary scientists I presented by
the editors of the McGraw-Hill encyclopedia of
science and technology. New York: McGrawHill, 1966-68.
Q 141 M478 1966-68
11 3 9 . The meaning of God in human experience: a
philosophic study of religion I by William Ernest
Hocking. New Haven: Yale University Press,
BL51 H685m 1912
The meaning of persons / by Paul Tournier.
New York: Harper, 1957.
BF 698 T728p 1957
The meaning of right and wrong / by Richard
С Cabot. New York: Macmillan, 1933.
BJ 1025 C116m 1933
Mariner Mars 1971 project: mission to Mars. I
Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Pasadena: California
Institute of Technology, 1971.
TL 789.8 U6J58m 1971
The meaning of work and retirement / by
Eugene A. Friedmann and Robert J.
Havighurst. Chicago: University of Chicago
Press, 1954.
HQ 1062F911m 1954
Mars as viewed by Mariner 9: / a pictorial
presentation by the Mariner 9 television team
and the planetology program principal
investigators. Washington: National Aeronautics
and Space Administration, 1974. (NASA SP
QB641 M363 1974
The measure of America's world war
aeronautical effort: a lecture delivered by
Edgar S. Gorrell under the James Jackson
Cabot professorship of air traffic regulation and
air transportation at Norwich University.
Northfield: Norwich University, 1940.
UG627G673m 1940
The master of destiny: a biography of the
brain I by Frederick Tilney. Garden City:
Doubleday, Doran, 1930.
QH368T579m 1930
The measure of man: human factors in
design / by Henry Dreyfuss. New York:
Whitney Library of Design, 1960.
TS 149 D778m 1960
Measurement in psychology / by Thelma
Hunt. New York: Prentice-Hall, 1936.
BF431 H943m 1936
The measurement of acoustic attenuation
characteristics of sound-proofing materials
for aircraft/ by H.F. Dienel. Cambridge,
Mass.: Harvard University, 1946.
TL 681 S6H339m 1946
The measurement of blood pressure in the
human body / by CR. Smith and W.H.
Bickley. Washington: National Aeronautics and
Space Administration, 1964. (NASA SP 5006)
WB280S644m 1964
Mathematical computer programs: a
compilation I by J. Arnold, J. Simpson, and T.
Leth. Washington: National Aeronautics and
Space Administration, 1966. (NASA SP 5069)
QA 76.5 A756m 1966
Mathematical models for simulating
physiological responses to severe military
stress: renal function details / J.H. Bigelow,
J.С DeHaven and M.L. Shapley. Santa
Monica: Rand Corp., 1973.
QT 162S8B592m 1973
Mathematics and psychology / George A.
Miller. New York: Wiley, 1964.
BF39 M648m 1964
The measurement of emotion / by W.
Whately Smith. New York: Harcourt Brace,
BF561 S663m 1922
Measurement of pilot mental effort / by
Sanford I Cohen and Albert J. Silverman. Paris:
North Atlantic Treaty Organization, 1957.
WD730N864m 1957
Measurement technology: a compilation /
prepared under the sponsorship of the National
Aeronautics and Space Administration.
Washington: National Aeronautics and Space
Administration, 1972. NASA SP 5926(02)
TA 145 M484 1972
Mechanical vibrations / by J. P. Den Hartog.
2nd. ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1940.
TA355D391m 1940
Mechanisms of Colour Discrimination:
proceedings / sponsored by the International
Council of Scientific Unions. New York:
Pergamon, 1960.
WW 150 161m 1958
Mechanisms of congenital malformation:
proceedings of the Second Scientific
Conference of the Association for the Aid of
Crippled Children held in New York, June 1516, 1954 I Harold Wolff, editor. New York:
QS675A849 1954m
Medical and biological applications of space
telemetry / prepared under contract for NASA
by United Aircraft Corp. Washington: National
Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1965.
(NASA SP 5023)
QT34U58m 1965
Medical and biological aspects of the
energies of space / edited by Paul A.
Campbell. New York: Columbia University
Press, 1961.
WD752S989m 1960
The medical and surgical aspects of
aviation / by H. Graeme Anderson. London:
Hodder & Stoughton, 1919.
WD 700 A546m 1919
Medical applications of space related
research: calcium and bone / by John R.
Beljan and Andrew B. Hellewell. Davis:
University of California, 1973.
WD 105B431m 1973
Medical aspects of an orbiting research
laboratory: Space Medicine Advisory Group
study, January to August, 1964, S.P. Vinograd,
chairman. Washington: National Aeronautics
and Space Administration, 1966. (NASA SP 86)
WD750U58m 1966
Medical aspects of aviation (speed and
acceleration) / by Ernst Jokl. London: Pitman,
WD 700 J74m 1943
The medical aspects of business aviation /
by Charles E. Billings and William F. Ashe.
Columbus: Ohio State University, 1962.
WD 700 037m 1962
Medical aspects of civil aviation / prepared
by Merwyn A. Kraft. New York: Flight Safety
Foundation, 1958.
WD705K89m 1958
Medical Aspects of Driver Safety and Driver
Licensing. National Conference held at Palmer
House, Chicago, November 16-18, 1964.
WA275N277m 1964
Medical aspects of flight safety: the
unexplained aircraft accident I editors: S.
Evrard, P. Bergeret, and P.M. van Wulfften
Palthe. New York: Pergamon, 1959.
(AGARDograph no. 30)
WD740N864m 1959
Medical aspects of radiation accidents: a
handbook for physicians, health physicists and
industrial hygienists I by Eugene Lange
Saenger. Washington: Atomic Energy
Commission, 1963.
WN610S127m 1963
Medical Aspects of Traffic Accidents;
proceedings of the Montreal Conference /
Harold Elliott, editor. Montreal: Sun Life
Assurance Co. of Canada, 1955.
WA275 M489 1955
Medical care of the athlete / by Allan J. Ryan.
New York: McGraw-Hill, 1962.
QT260R988m 1962
Medical Education for National Defense;
Symposium on Biomedical Monitoring, 19-20
November 1964. USAF School of Aerospace
Medicine, Brooks Air Force Base, Tex., 1964.
WB 142U58m 1964
Medical entomology: with special reference to
the health and well-being of man and animals I
by William B. Herms. 3rd ed., New York:
Macmillan, 1939.
QX4H553m 1939
Medical service in industry and workmen's
compensation laws I prepared by Gaylord R.
Hess. Rev. ed. Chicago: American College of
Surgeons, 1946.
WA400H586m 1946
The medical examination for fitness for
flying (Royal Air Force and Civil). I Air Ministry,
issued August 1936. London: His Majesty's
Statonery Office, 1936.
TL712G786m 1936
Medical services in transport / edited by J.
Sharp Grant, R.M. Heggie, and L. G. Norman.
London: Butterworths, 1966.
WA412 M489 1966
Medical field manual: transportation of the
sick and wounded I prepared under the
direction of the Surgeon General. Washington:
U.S. Govt. Print. Off, 1941.
UH 500 1158m 1941
Medical support of the Army air Forces in
World War I I I by Mae Mills Link and Hubert A.
Coleman. Washington: Office of the Surgeon
General, U.S. Air Force, 1955.
D807U58m 1955
Medical guide for flying personnel / by Heinz
von Diringshofen. Toronto: University of
Toronto Press, 1940.
WD700D598m 1940
Medication and flying: a pilot's guide / by
Stanley R. Mohler. Boston: Boston Publishing
Co., 1982.
WD 700 M698m 1982
Medical guide for physicians in determining
fitness to drive a motor vehicle / Committee
on Medical Aspects of Automobile Injuries and
Deaths. Chicago: American Medical
Association, 1959.
WA275 A512m 1959
Medicina aeronautica ed elementi di
medicina spaziale / T. Lomonaco, A. Scano,
and G. Lalli. Roma: "Regionale" Editrice, 1959.
WD750L846m 1959
Medicine and the war / edited by William H.
Taliaferro. Chicago: University of Chicago
Press, 1944.
UH 390M489 1944
Médecine de ('aviation: bases physiologiques
et physio-pathologiques I par J. Malmejac.
Paris: Masson, 1948.
WD 700 M264m 1948
Medicine in industry / by Bernhard J. Stern.
New York: Commonwealth Fund, 1946.
WA400S839m 1946
"Megaboom" linear windblast tests on
subjects and protective equipment / by
Northrup Space Laboratories. Hawthorne:
Northrup Space Laboratories, 1962.
WD720N877m 1962
Membership list and organization chart,
September 1973. SAE Aerospace Council of
the SAE Technical Board, 1973.
TL500S127m 1973
Memories and studies / by William James.
New York: Longmans, Green, 1917.
В 935 J29m 1917
Medical investigation of aviation accidents /
edited by William J. Reals. Chicago: College of
American Pathologists, 1968.
WD 740 M489 1968
Medical manual. Geneva: International Air
Transport Association, 1979.
WD 700 M488 1979
Medical report of the Hamilton Rice Seventh
Expedition to the Amazon: in conjunction with
the Department of Tropical Medicine of Harvard
University, 1924-1925. Cambridge, Mass.:
Harvard University Press, 1926.
WC680H339m 1926
Medical research in war: report of the Medical
Research Council for 1939-45 I presented by
the Lord President of the Council to Parliament
by Command of His Majesty, December 1947.
London: His Majesty's Stationery Office, 1947.
W20.5C734m 1947
Medical science and space travel / by
William A. Kinney. New York: F. Watts, 1959.
WD700K55m 1959
Men of space / by Shirley Thomas. New York:
Hillman Books, 1961.
WZ112T462M 1961
Men of the old stone age: their environment,
life, and art I by Henry Fairfield Osborn. New
York: Scribner's, 1915.
GN 775 081m 1915
Mental defect / by Lionel S. Penrose. London:
Sidwick & Jackson, 1933.
WM 300P417m 1933
Mental disorders in later life. Stanford:
Stanford University Press, 1945.
WT 150 M5495 1945
Mental health and human relations in
industry/ New York: Hoeber, 1955.
HF 5548.8 M549 1955
Meteorology for aviators / by R.C. Sutcliffe.
London: His Majesty's Stationery Office, 1940.
(Air Ministry publication no. 1699)
TL556S965m 1940
Methadone maintenance: a technological fix
I Dorothy Nelkin. New York: G. Braziller, 1973.
WM 270 N419m 1973
Methodology in Human Fatigue
Assessment: proceedings of the symposium
held in Kyoto, Japan under the auspices of the
Industrial Fatigue Research Committee of
Japan Association of Industrial Health, 29-30
September 1969 I edited by K. Hashimoto, K.
Kogi, and E. Grandjean. London: Taylor &
Francis, 1971.
WA475S989 1971m
Methods and Criteria for the Selection of
Flying Personnel: North Atlantic Treaty
Organization symposium held 23-25 February
1953, Paris, France. Paris: 1954.
(AGARDograph no.2)
WD705N864m 1954
Mental hygiene / by William Henry Mikesell.
New York: Prentice-Hall, 1939.
WM 103 M636m 1939
Mental hygiene in public health / by Paul V.
Lemkau. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1949.
WM 105L554m 1949
Mental Impairment in the Aged: proceedings I
edited by M. Powell Lawton and Fay G.
Lawton. Philadelphia: Philadelphia Geriatric
Center, 1965.
WT150 159m 1964
Methods in social science: a case book I
edited by Stuart A. Rice. Chicago: University of
Chicago Press, 1931.
H 61 S678m 1931
Methods of psychology. New York: J. Wiley,
BF39 M592 1948
Microgravity sciences and processes:
selected papers from the 32nd International
Astronautical Congress, Rome, 6 September
1981./ Guest editor, Luigi G. Napolitano. New
York: Pergamon, 1982. (Acta Astronautica V.9
WD 700 161 v.9no.4 1981m
The middle years: neither too young nor too
old I A.J. Jaffe. Washington: National Council
on the Aging, 1971.
HD6280J23m 1971
Military, space, and nuclear project
experience / by Dunlap and Associates. 3rd.
rev. Stanford: Dunlap and Associates, 1962.
UG633D921m 1962
Military standard: human engineering
design criteria for aerospace systems and
equipment. Part 1. Aerospace system ground
equipment. Washington: Dept. of the Air Force,
UG 1423 U58m 1959
Mercury project summary including results
of the fourth manned orbital flight: May 1516, 1963. Washington: National Aeronautics
and Space Administration, 1963. (NASA SP 45)
TL 789.8 U6U58m 1963
Metabolic changes in humans following
total body irradiation / by Eugene L. Saenger.
Cincinnati: University of Cincinnati, 1963.
WN610U58m 1963
Metabolic interchanges for manned space
flight/ prepared by R.P. Cox. Santa Monica:
Douglas Aircraft Company, 1964.
WD750D733m 1964
Metabolism / compiled and edited by Philip L.
Altman and Dorothy S. Dittmer. Bethesda:
Federation of American Societies for
Experimental Biology, 1968.
QU 16F293m 1968
Military standardization handbook: human
factors engineering design for army material. I
U.S. Army Human Engineering Laboratories.
Washington: Dept. of the Army, 1975.
UC 263 1158m 1975
Mind in evolution / by LT. Hobhouse. 2nd ed.
London: Macmillan, 1915.
BF 701 H683m 1915
A mind that found itself: an autobiography/by
Clifford Whittingham Beers. Rev. ed. Garden
City: Doubleday, 1923.
WM40B415m 1923
Mirror for man: the relation of anthropology to
modern life I by Clyde Kluckhohn. New York:
Whittlesey House, 1949.
GN31 K66m 1949
The modern conception of deafness / by
Harold Hays. St. Louis: Laryngoscope, 1932.
WV270H425m 1932
Modern principles of ventilation and
heating; three lectures given at the London
School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine under
the Heath Clark bequest to the National
Institute of Industrial Psychology I by T.
Bedford. London: Lewis, 1937.
WA770B411m 1937
1 223.
Modern trends in occupational health /
edited by R.S.F. Schilling. London: Butterworth,
WA400S334m 1960
Monitoring of complex visual displays: I.
Effects of response complexity and
intersignal interval on vigilant behavior
when visual load is moderate / by Jack A.
Adams and Lawrence R. Boulter. Urbana:
University of Illinois, 1960.
WW105U58m 1960
1 225.
Mosquito control: practical methods for
abatement of disease vectors and pests I by
William Brodbeck Herms and Harold
Farnsworth Gray. 2nd ed. New York:
Commonwealth Fund, 1944.
QX510H556m 1944
Motion devices for linear and angular
oscillation and for abrupt acceleration
studies on human subjects (impact): a
description of facilities in use and proposed I a
special report by Henning E. von Gierke and
Eugene Steinmetz. Washington: National
Academy of Sciences - National Research
Council, 1961.
TL566G454m 1961
Missile studies with a biological target;
report to the test director I by V.C. Goldizen et
al. Albuquerque: Lovelace Foundation for
Medical Education and Research, 1960.
UG 1282A8L898m 1960
Missile system safety. An evaluation of
system test data (Atlas MA-3 engine system) I
prepared by George A. Peters and Frank S.
Hall. Canoga Park: Rocketdyne, 1963.
UG 1310R682m 1963
Mission analysis on future undergraduate
pilot training: 1975 through 1990. Randolph
AFB: Mission Analysis Study Group, 1972.
TL 712.5 M678 1972
A model designed to predict the motion of
objects translated by classical blast waves;
/ 1 . Gerald Bowen et al. Albuquerque: Lovelace
Foundation for Medical Education and
Research, 1961.
QA845L898m 1961
1 227.
Modern air conditioning, heating and
ventilating / by Willis H. Carrier, Realto E.
Cherne, and Walter A. Grant. New York:
Pitman, 1940.
WA774C316m 1940
Motion picture testing and research / edited
by James J. Gibson. Washington: U.S. Govt.
Print. Off., 1947. (Army Air Forces. Aviation
psychology program research reports no. 7)
WD705G449m 1947
Motivation and morale in industry / by Morris
Simon Viteles. New York: Norton, 1953.
HF 5549.5 M6 V839m 1953
Motivation and visual factors: individual
studies of college students I by Irving E.
Bender et al. Hanover: Dartmouth College
Publications, 1942.
WM 460.5 M6 B458m 1942
Modern attitudes in psychiatry / New York
Academy of Medicine. New York: Columbia
University Press, 1946.
WM 9N532m 1945
Motor vehicle driver eye position and
control research anthropometrics / by W. E.
Woodson et al. San Diego: Man Factors, Inc.,
GN 56 M266m 1971
Motor vehicle safety: potentials for
progress: preliminary draft, report to the
Presidential Task Force on Highway Safety.
New York: Society of Automotive Engineers,
WA 275 S678mp 1969
Motor vehicle safety: potentials for
progress: report to The Presidential Task
Force on Highway Safety. New York: Society of
Automotive Engineers, 1969.
WA275S678m 1969
Multidisciplinary research leading to
utilization of extraterrestrial resources /
United States Bureau of Mines. Minneapolis-St.
Paul: Twin Cities Mining Research Center,
QB 500 1158m 1967
Muscular work: fatigue and recovery; three
lectures given under the Heath Clark bequest
to the National Institute of Industrial Psychology
I by G.P. Crowden. London: Pitman, 1932.
WA475C953m 1932
Must the League fail? / By L.A. Zimmern.
London: M. Hopkinson, 1932.
JX1975Z76m 1932
The mysterious universe / by James Jeans.
New York: Macmillan, 1931.
Q 171 J43m1931
NASA 1958-1983: remembered images.
Washington: National Aeronautics and Space
Administration, 1983. (NASA SP 200)
WD750U58na 1983
A narrative of two aerial voyages / John
Jefferies. New York: Arno Press, 1971.
T L 6 2 0 B 6 J47n 1971R
NASA Acoustically Treated Nacelle
Program: a conference held at Langley
Research Center, Hampton, Va., October 15,
1969. Washington: National Aeronautics and
Space Administration, 1969. (NASA SP 220)
TL 681.5 C748n 1969
NASA Aircraft Safety and Operating
Problems: proceedings of a conference held at
Langley Research Center, Hampton, Va., May
4-6, 1971. Washington: National Aeronautics
and Space Administration, 1971. (NASA SP
TL 553.5 C748n 1971
NASA contributions to bioinstrumentation
systems: a survey I by Gershon Weltman et al.
Washington: National Aeronautics and Space
Administration, 1968. (NASA SP 5054)
WD750S732n 1968
NASA contributions to cardiovascular
monitoring i by William J. Jones and Wyatt С
Simpson. Washington: National Aeronautics
and Space Administration, 1966. (NASA SP
WG 140 J79n 1966
NASA contributions to metals joining / by
W.J. Reinchenecker and J. Heuschkel.
Washington: National Aeronautics and Space
Administration, 1967. (NASA SP 5064)
TS227R351n 1967
NASA contributions to the technology of
inorganic coatings / by Jerry D. Plunkett.
Washington: National Aeronautics and Space
Adminstration, 1964. (NASA SP 5014)
TP935P737n 1964
1 245.
NASA-Industry Program Plans Conference:
proceedings. Washington: National Aeronautics
and Space Administration, 1963. (NASA SP 29)
TL 521 N241 n1963
NASA 1965 Summer Conference on Lunar
Exploration and Science: a conference held
at Falmouth, Mass., July 19-31, 1965.
Washington: National Aeronautics and Space
Administration, 1965. (NASA SP 88)
QB581 N241 n 1965
NASA photography index. Washington:
National Aeronautics and Space Administration,
NASA thesaurus. 1976 ed. Washington:
National Aeronautics and Space Administration,
1976. (NASA SP 7050)
WD703U58n 1976
NASA thesaurus alphabetical u p d a t e ; subject
terms for indexing scientific and technical
information. Washington: National Aeronautics
and Space Administration, 1 9 7 1 . (NASA SP
National Flight Safety, Survival and
Personal Equipment Symposium;
proceedings. Van Nuys: Survival and Flight
Equipment Association, 1969.
TL 697 S3 N277 1969p
W D 7 0 3 U 5 8 n 1971
NASA thesaurus: subject t e r m s for indexing
scientific and technical information.
Preliminary ed. Washington: National
Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1967.
W D 7 0 3 U 5 8 n 1967
NASA-University Conference on t h e Science
a n d Technology of Space Exploration:
proceedings held in Chicago, III., November 13, 1962. Washington: National Aeronautics and
Space Administration, 1962.
W 8 4 . 1 N277 1943
National idealism a n d a s t a t e church: a
constructive essay in religion I by Stanton Coit.
London: Williams and Norgate, 1907.
B V 6 2 9 C 6 8 1 n 1907
National idealism a n d t h e Book of C o m m o n
Prayer: an essay in reinterpretation and
revision I by Stanton Coit. London: Williams
and Norgate, 1908.
TL 521 C748n
NASA University Program R e v i e w
Conference: a conference held in Kansas City,
Mo., March 1-3, 1965. Washington: National
Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1965.
О 1 2 7 U 6 N 2 4 1 n 1965
National airport system plan: revised
statistics 1980-1989. Washington: Federal
Aviation Administration, 1980.
B X 5 1 4 5 C 6 8 1 n 1908
National Conference on Air Pollution: held in
Washington, D.C., November 18, 1958.
Washington: Dept. of Health, Education, and
Welfare, 1958.
National Conference on Air Pollution:
proceedings of a conference called by the
Surgeon General of the Public Health Service
held in Washington, D.C., December 10-12,
1962. Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1963.
(Public Health Service Publication no. 1022)
Native African medicine: with special
reference to its practice in the Mano tribe of
Liberia I by George W a y Harley. Cambridge,
Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1941.
W Z 8 0 H 2 8 5 n 1941
W A 7 5 4 N 2 7 7 n 1958
The national space program from t h e fifties
into the eighties / by Cass Schichtle.
Washington: National Defense University
Press, 1983.
TL 789.8 U5 S329n 1983
T L 7 2 5 A 2 U 5 8 n 1980
A national health service / Alice Bush et al.
Wellington, N e w Zealand: Progressive
Publishing Society, 1943.
Natural e n v i r o n m e n t and physical standards
for t h e Apollo program / by Office of Manned
Space Flight. Washington: National Aeronautics
and Space Administration, 1965.
W D 7 5 0 U 5 8 n 1965
W A 7 5 4 U 5 8 n 1962
T h e n a t u r e a n d scope of t h e NASA
university program I T.L.K. Simuli. Washington:
National Aeronautics and Space Administration,
1965. (NASA SP 73)
T L 8 4 6 S 6 6 6 n 1965
National Conference on t h e Aging Driver:
conference proceedings held in Washington
D.C., May 2-4, 1974 I sponsored by American
Medical Association, American Association of
Motor Vehicle Administrators. Morton Grove:
Health and Safety Associates, 1974?
T h e n a t u r e of h u m a n conflicts; or emotion,
conflict and will: an objective study of
disorganization and control of human behaviour
/ b y A . R . Luria. New York: Liveright, 1932.
W L 1 0 3 L 9 6 7 n 1932
TL 152.3 N277n 1974
National Conference on t h e Peaceful Uses
of Space: proceedings: of the first national
conference held in Tulsa, Okla., May 26-27,
1961. Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1 9 6 1 .
W D 700 N277 1961n
The nature of intelligence / by L.L. Thurstone.
New York: Harcourt Brace, 1926.
B F 4 3 1 T547n 1926
The nature of psychology: a selection of
papers, essays, and other writings I by Kenneth
J. W. Craik. Cambridge, Eng.: University Press,
BF21 C887n 1966
The nature of the physical world / by A S .
Eddington. New York: Macmillan, 1929.
QC24.5E21n 1929
The nature of the world and of man / by
W.C. Allee et al. 2nd ed. Chicago: University of
Chicago Press, 1927.
OH366N552n 1927
The Navy has wings / by Fletcher Pratt. New
York: Harper, 1943.
VG93P914n 1943
Nearing the abyss: the lesson of Ethiopia I by
Lord Davies. London: Constable, 1936.
D723D255n 1936
Nervous ills: their cause and cure I by Boris
Sidis. Boston: Gorham Press, 1922.
WM 100S568n 1922
The nervous system and chemical
regulators of metabolism: lectures I by D.
Noel Paton. London: Macmillan, 1913.
WK100P312n 1913
New facts on mental disorders: study of
89,190 cases I Neil A. Dayton. Springfield, III.:
Thomas, 1940.
WM 100D276n 1940
The new leadership in industry / by Sam A.
Lewisohn. New York: Dutton, 1926.
HD 6961 L677n 1926
The new Mars: the discoveries of Mariner 9 /
William K. Hartmann and Odell Raper.
Washington: National Aeronautics and Space
Administration, 1974. (NASA SP 337)
QB641 НЗЗЗп 1974
New Methods in Applied Psychology;
proceedings of the conference held November
27-28, 1945, under the auspices of the Military
Division of the American Psychological
Association I George A. Kelly editor. College
Park: University of Maryland, 1947.
BF 636 M393a 1945
New perspectives on older workers / by
Harold L. Sheppard. Kalamazoo: W.E. Upjohn
Institute for Employment Research, 1971
WT20S549n 1971
A new physiological psychology / by W.
Burridge. London: Arnold, 1933.
WL103B971n 1933
The neurophysiological basis of mind: the
principles of neurophysiology I by John Carew
Eccles. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1953.
WL102E17n 1953
A new physiology of sensation: based on a
study of cardiac action I by W. Burridge.
London: Oxford University Press, 1932.
WL702B971n 1932
The neurotic personality / by R G . Gordon.
New York: Harcourt Brace, 1927.
WM 170G664n 1927
New views of the nature of man / edited by
John R. Piatt. Chicago: University of Chicago
Press, 1965.
BD 450 N532 1965
Night visibility. Washington: National
Academy of Sciences - National Research
Council, 1958; 1960-1961.
HE 331 N687
Night vision / by Gaétan E. Jayle et al.
Springfield, III.: Thomas, 1959.
WW 103 J42v1959
Night vision for airmen / Office of the Chief of
Naval Operations. Washington: U.S. Govt.
Print. Off., 1944.
WW109U58n 1944
1 2 7 7 . The new aerobics / by Kenneth H. Cooper.
New York: M. Evans, 1970.
QT255C777n 1970
New answers to the fatigue problem / by
Adelaide K. Bullen. Gainesville: University of
Florida Press, 1956.
WB 146 B936n 1956
The new commonwealth of the intellect: and
some brief remarks on the return of the
Carleton Papers/ by Kenneth Chorley. London:
English-Speaking Union of the Commonwealth,
F232W7C551n 1958
1968 alcohol and highway safety report: a
study transmitted by the Secretary of the
Department of Transportation to the Congress.
Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1968.
WA 275 1158a 1968
Notes for an undergraduate course in
orbital and satellite vehicles: spring term
1957. Cambridge, Mass.: Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, 1957.
TL795M414n 1957
1970 International Automobile Safety
Conference Compendium: a conference held
in Detroit, Mich., May 13-15, 1970 and
Brussels, Belgium, June 8-11, 1970/
sponsored by the Society of Automotive
Engineers, Inc. New York: Society of
Automotive Engineers, 1970.
TL 242 161i1970
Notes for the course of driver education
used in the Salford road safety experiment /
by K.W. Jolly. Salford, Eng.: University of
Salford, 1975.
TL 152.66 G7J75n 1975
Notes on cardiology in aviation medicine /
prepared under direction of the Surgeon
General, War Department. Washington: U.S.
Govt. Print. Off., 1940. (TM 8-305)
WG 141 U58n 1940
Notes on eye, ear, nose, and throat in
aviation medicine / prepared under direction
of the Surgeon General, War Department.
Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1940. (TM
WD710U58n 1940
Notes on helicopter design theory: a series
of lectures delivered March-April 1944 at
Princeton University I by Alexander A. Nikolsky.
Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1944.
T L 7 1 6 A 2 N 6 9 3 n 1944
Notes on matrix intersections / by E M . Roth
and Silvio Finkelstein. Albuquerque: Lovelace
Foundation for Medical Education and
Research, 1966.
WD750R845n 1966
Notes on psychology and personality
studies in aviation medicine / prepared under
direction of the Surgeon General, War
Department. Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off,
1941. (TM 8-320)
WD730U58n 1941
Notes on the effects of human acceleration
tolerances on design for the terrain
following aircraft/ by B.H. Levedahl. Long
Beach: Douglas Aircraft Division, 1962.
WD720D733n 1962
Noxious gases and the principles of
respiration influencing their action / by
Yandell Henderson and Howard W. Haggard.
New York: Chemical Catalog Co., 1927.
QV662H497n 1927
Noise and your ear / by Aram Glorig. New
York: Grune & Stratton, 1958.
WB270G562n 1958
Noise: causes, effects, measurement, costs,
control; lectures presented at the inservice
training course on the acoustical spectrum:
Sound Wanted and Unwanted, February 5-8,
1952. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press,
WA776U58m 1952
The noise field around a B-47 airplane / by
Murray Kamress and Karl D. Swartzel. Buffalo:
Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, 1953.
TL 671.65 C814n 1953
Noise, final report. London: Her Majesty's
Stationery Office, 1963.
WA776G786n 1963
Noise reduction / prepared for a special
summer program at the Massachusetts Institute
of Technology. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1960.
WA 776 N784 1960
Noise: sound without value. Washington:
U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1968.
WA 776 N785 1968
1 299.
"Normal" eye position of the human
operator in the encapsulated body attitude /
prepared by John W. Chaffee. Fort Worth:
General Dynamics Corp., 1961.
WW105G326n 1961
Notes and selected readings on human
engineering concepts and theory: University
of Michigan College of Engineering summer
session, intensive short course I edited by Paul
M. Fitts. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan,
TA175U58n 1959
Noxious gases and the principles of
respiration influencing their action / by
Yandell Henderson and Howard W. Haggard.
2nd ed. New York: Reinhold, 1943.
QV662H497n 1943
Nutrition against disease: environmental
prevention I Roger J. Williams. New York:
Pitman, 1971.
QU 145W726n 1971
Nutrition and resistance to climatic stress
with particular reference to man / H.H.
Mitchell and Marjorie Edman. Chicago:
Quartermaster Food and Container Institute for
the Armed Forces, 1949.
QT235 M681n 1949
Nutrition in industry- Montreal: International
Labor Office, 1946.
HD 7801 I61n 1946
Nutrition in Space and Related Waste
Problems: a conference held at the University
of South Florida, Tampa, Fla., April 27-30,
1964. Washington: National Aeronautics and
Space Administration, 1964. (NASA SP 70)
TL1500C748n 1964
Objective and experimental psychiatry / by
D. Ewen Cameron. 2nd ed. New York:
Macmillan, 1941.
BF173C1810 1941
Objectives and goals in space science and
applications, 1968 / prepared by the Office of
Space Science and Applications. Washington:
National Aeronautics and Space Administration,
1968. (NASA SP 162)
TL 789.8 U6U58o 1968
Objectives and models of the planetary
quarantine program / Morton Werber.
Washington: National Aeronautics and Space
Administration, 1975. (NASA SP 344)
TL943W4840 1975
Observations on lunar gravity simulation /
prepared by W.G. Robertson and E.C. Wortz.
Los Angeles: Garrett Corp., 1968.
TL1500R652O 1968
Occupant head space in passenger cars / by
David C. Herbert et al. Sydney: Traffic Accident
Research Unit, Department of Motor Transport,
New South Wales, 1976.
Occupational characteristics of disabled
workers, by disabling condition: disability
insurance benefit awards made in 1959-1962 to
men under age 65. Washington: Dept. of
Health, Education and Welfare, 1967. (Public
Health Service publication no. 1531)
WA 400 U58oc 1967
Occupational diseases: a guide to their
recognition / W.M. Gafafer, editor.
Washington: Dept. of Health, Education and
Welfare, 1964. (Public Health Service
Publication no. 1097)
W A 4 0 0 0156 1964
Occupational exposure to hot environments:
criteria for a recommended standard. Rockville,
WA 450 N2770 1972
Occupational health in America / by Henry B.
Selleck. Detroit: Wayne State University Press,
WA400S467O 1962
Occupational health problems of young
workers/ by S. Forssman and G.H. Coppee.
Geneva: International Labour Office, 1973.
(Occupational safety and health series no. 26)
HD 7261 F732o 1973
Occupational health servies in developing
countries: report of the Fifth Session of the
Joint I LO./W.H.O. Committee on
Occupational Health and related papers.
Geneva, 29 August - 6 September 1966.
Geneva: International Labour Office, 1967.
WA400 J74o 1967
Occupational information: its development
and application / Carroll L. Shartel. New York:
Prentice-Hall, 1946.
HF5381 A2S532o1946
Oceanography: its scope, problems, and
economic importance / by Henry B. Bigelow.
Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1931.
GC 11 B5920 1931
The oculometer / by John Merchant. Boston:
Honeywell, Inc., 1966.
WW26H7720 1966
Old age: some practical points in geriatrics and
gerontology I by Trevor H. Howell. 2nd ed.
London: H.K. Lewis, 1950.
WT 100H8590 1950
Old people: report of a survey I Committee on
the Problems of Ageing and the Care of Old
People under the chairmanship of B. Seebohm
Rowntree. London: Oxford University Press,
WT 30 N9640 1947
On the optimum uses of
psychophysiological, sensorimotor, and
performance measurement strategies / by
Earl A. Alluisi. Norfolk: Old Dominion
University, 1974.
WL 103 0440 1974
"Old World, New World, One World" :
proceedings of the 6th Congress of the
International Ergonomics Association held at
the University of Maryland, College Park, Md.,
July 11-16, 1976. Santa Monica: Human
Factors Society, 1976.
TA 166 161 19760
On university studies / by Friedrich Wilhelm
Joseph Schelling. Athens, Ohio: Ohio
University Press, 1966.
LB2395S3220 1966
100 problems in environmental health: a
collection of promising research problems I
edited by Jack E. McKee et al. Washington:
Jones Composition Co., 1961.
W A 3 0 058 1961
The one sure foundation for democracy / by
Stanton Coit. London: Watts, 1937.
BJ 1238C6810 1937
Operating problems relative to aviation
crash injury research activities: Report to
NASA Committee on Aircraft I by Aviation
Crash Injury Research. Phoenix: Aviation Crash
Injury Research, 1962.
WD740 A9570 1962
On all fronts / by Ralph Barton Perry. New
York: Vanguard Press, 1941.
E744P4640 1941
Operations analysis in World War I I / by
United States Army Air Forces. Philadelphia:
Stephenson Brothers, 1948.
T 57.6 U58o 1948
On human communication: a review, a
survey, and a criticism I by Colin Cherry.
Cambridge, Mass.: Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, 1957.
P 91.3 C5220 1957
Operations in snow and extreme cold: basic
field manual I prepared under direction of the
Chief of Staff, War Department. Washington:
U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1941.
U 167.5W5U58o1941
Operations manual for placement of the
physically handicapped / Civil Service
Commission. 3rd ed., Washington: U.S. Govt.
Print. Off., 1944.
HV3018U58O 1944
Optical devices: a compilation. Washington:
National Aeronautics and Space Administration,
1976. NASA SP 5965(01)
QC371 065 1976
Optical methods in biology / by Elizabeth M.
Slayter. New York: Wiley-lnterscience, 1970.
OH205S6310 1970
Optics and lasers: a compilation. Washington:
National Aeronautics and Space Administration,
1976. NASA SP 5973(03)
QC371 0623 1976
1 337.
Older Americans Act of 1965, as amended:
text and history I Administration on Aging.
Washington: Dept. of Health and Education,
1970. (DHEW publication no. SRS 7220170)WT 32 AA1 U58o 1970
The older worker in industry: a study of the
attitudes of industrial workers toward aging and
retirement I G. Hamilton Crook and Martin
Heinstein. Berkeley: University of California,
WT20C948O 1958
On aggression / by Konrad Lorenz. New York:
Harcourt Brace, 1966.
QL785L869S 1966
On the habitability of Mars: an approach to
planetary ecosynthesis I edited by M.M.
Averner and R.D. MacElroy. Washington:
National Aeronautics and Space Administration,
1976. (NASA SP 414)
QB641 058 1976
On the moon with Apollo 15: a guidebook to
Hadley Rille and the Apennine Mountains /
by Gene Simmons. Washington: National
Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1971.
WD758S5920 1971
On the objective study of crowd behavior /
by L.S. Penrose. London: H.K. Lewis, 1952.
HM281 P4170 1952
The optometrist's and ophthalmologist's
guide to pilots' vision: a practical guidebook
for dealing with all clinical aspects of pilots'
vision requirements I by Warren V. DeHaan.
Boulder: American Trend Pub. Co., 1982.
WW103D322O 1982
Orbital otolith experiment T(S)-4. Moffett
Field: Ames Research Center, n.d.
WV 200 064
The order of nature: an essay I by Lawrence
J. Henderson. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard
University Press, 1925.
Q 175H4960 1925
Orders of magnitude: a history of NACA and
NASA, 1915-1976 / by Frank W. Anderson, Jr.
Washington: National Aeronautics and Space
Administration, 1976. (NASA SP 4403)
Q 11 A5460 1976
Organic matter and the moon / by Carl
Sagan. Washington: National Academy of
Sciences - National Research Council, 1961.
QB591 S1290 1961
The organism as a whole: from a
physicochemical view point / by Jacques
Loeb. New York: Putnam's, 1916.
QT4L8250 1916
Organizational behavior and industrial
psychology: readings with commentary I
edited by Kenneth N. Wexley and Gary A. Yukl.
New York: Oxford University Press, 1975.
HF 5548.8 068 1975
Our knowledge of the external world as a
field for scientific method in philosophy / by
Bertrand Russell. Chicago: Open Court
Publishing Company, 1915.
175R9610 1915
Outline of abnormal psychology / by William
McDougall. New York: Scribner's, 1926.
WM 100 M1370 1926
1 360.
The outline of man's work and wealth / H.G.
Wells. Garden City: Garden City Publishing
Company, 1936.
HC26W4540 1936
Outline of neuropsychiatry in aviation
medicine / prepared under direction of the
Surgeon General. Washington: War
Department, 1940. (TM 8-325)
WD730U58O 1940
An outline of the diseases of the
cardiovascular system / by Charles L.
Leedham. Randolph Field: School of Aviation
Medicine, 1938.
WG 18L4840 1938
Outlines of general psychopathology / by
William Malamud. New York: Norton, 1935.
WM 90 M2360 1935
Outlook on space / by FT. Evans and H.D.
Howard. London: G. Allen & Unwin, 1965.
TL 788.5 E92o 1965
Overweight: causes, cost, and control / by
Jean Mayer. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall,
WD 212 M4680 1968
1 366.
The Oxford stamp, and other essays / by
Frank AydeIette. New York: Oxford University
Press, 1917.
LB 1631 A9750 1917
Oxygen and carbon dioxide therapy / by
Argyll Campbell and E.P. Poulton. London:
Oxford University Press, 1934.
WF 145C1870 1934
Oxygen equipment for aircraft / prepared by
Committee A-10, Aircraft Oxygen Equipment.
New York: Society of Automotive Engineers,
WD715S6780 1960
The Oxygen Regime of the Organism and its
Regulation, symposium: (Kislorodnyi Rezhim
Organizma i ego Regulirovanie, materialy
simpoziuma) I edited by N.V. Lauer and A.Z.
Kolchinskaya. Jerusalem: Israel Program for
Scientific Translation, 1969. (NASA TT 501)
TL507S612O 1969
Oxygen Supply to the Human Fetus: a
symposium held in Princeton, N.J., 1957;
organized jointly by the Council for International
Organizations of Medical Sciences and the
Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation I edited by James
Walker and Alec С Turnbull. Oxford: Blackwell
Scientific Publications, 1959.
WO210C855O 1957
Ozone in jet aircraft / by R.I. Brabets.
Chicago: Armour Research Foundation, 1962.
HE 9770 J4 A7330 1962
Pacemakers in relation to aspects of
behavior/ by Hudson Hoagland. New York:
Macmillan, 1935.
WL 103 H678p 1935
Pain I by Harold G. Wolff and Stewart Wolf.
Springfield, III.: Thomas, 1948.
WL 700 W855p 1948
The papers of Robert H. Goddard, including
the reports to the Smithsonian Institution and
the Daniel and Florence Guggenheim
Foundation. I Esther С Goddard, editor. New
York: McGraw-Hill, 1970.
Pareto's general sociology: a physiologist's
interpretation / by Lawrence J. Henderson.
Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press,
Particle accelerator safety manual / by
William M. Brobeck and Associates. Rockville:
National Center for Radiological Health, 1968.
WN 650 W716p 1968
Passenger Car Design and Highway Safety:
proceedings of a conference on research. New
York: Association for the Aid of Crippled
Children, 1962.
Passenger transportation applications of the
airstop restraining system / by Carl Clark and
Carl Blechschmidt. Baltimore: Martin Company,
Patterns of culture I by Ruth Benedict.
Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1934.
GN 400 D463p 1934
Pavement Grooving and Traction Studies: a
conference held at Langley Research Center,
Hampton, Va., November 18-19, 1968.
Washington: National Aeronautics and Space
Administration, 1969. (NASA SP 5073)
T L 7 2 5 R 8 C 7 4 8 p 1969
Peaceful Uses of Space: proceedings of the
second national conference held in Seattle,
Wash., May 8-10, 1962. Washington: National
Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1962.
QB 500 C748 1962p
The Peaceful Uses of Space: fourth national
conference held in Boston, Mass., April 29-May
1,1964. New York: Public Affairs Committee,
1962. (NASA SP 51)
TL 789.8 U5 N277 1963p
1 387.
Peaceful Uses of Space: a national
conference held in St. Louis, Mo., May 26-28,
1965. Washington: National Aeronautics and
Space Administration, 1966. (NASA SP 82)
TL 789.8 U5 N277 1965p
People in quandaries: the semantics of
personal adjustment / Wendell Johnson. New
York: Harper & Row, 1946.
BF 455 J71p 1946
Peptic ulcer / edited by Carl J. Pfeiffer.
Copenhagen: Munksgaard, 1971.
Wl 350 P4245 1971
"Pat" Patterson / by Frank J. Taylor. Menlo
Park: Lane, 1967.
HD 9711 T241p1967
Perception / by Daniel J. Weintraub and
Edward L. Walker. Belmont: Brooks/Cole, 1966.
BF311 W424p1966
Pathology at high altitude / by Alberto CubaCaparo et al. Lima: Univesidad de San Marcos,
Perception and communication / D.E.
Broadbent. New York: Pergamon, 1958.
Pathology of oxygen / edited by Anne P.
Autor. New York: Academic Press, 1982.
QV312P273 1982
Perception and motion: an analysis of
space-structure behavior / by Karl U. Smith
and William M. Smith. Philadelphia: Saunders,
The patient and the weather / by William F.
Petersen. Ann Arbor: Edwards Brothers, 19341937.
WB 700 P484p 1934-37
Perception and the representative design of
psychological experiments / Egan Brunswick.
2nd ed. Berkeley: University of California
Press, 1956.
WL 103 B911p 1956
Performance and physiological effects of
CH-46A noise and vibration / by R.D. Dean,
C.L. McGlothlen, and J.L. Monroe. Seattle:
Boeing Company, 1964.
WD 735 B671p 1964
Performance in an auditory vigilance task
while simultaneously tracking a visual
target / by C.H. Baker and A. Harabedian. Los
Angeles: Human Factors Research, Inc., 1962.
BF323 V5H918p1962
Permissible levels of toxic substances in
the working environment: 6th session of the
Joint 11.0./W.H.O. Committee on Occupational
Health, Geneva, 4-10 June 1968. Geneva:
International Labour Office, 1970.
(Occupational safety and health series no. 20)
WA 465 S493p 1968
Personal injury problems, resulting from
trauma: with special reference to automobile
accidents I compiled and edited by Geoffrey T.
Mann and Thomas D. Jordan. Springfield, III.:
Thomas, 1963.
W 725 P467 1963
Personal space; the behavioral basis of
design / by Robert Sommer. Englewood Cliffs:
Prentice-Hall, 1969.
BF 469 S697p 1969
Personality: a biosocial approach to origins
and structure I by Gardner Murphy. New York:
Harper, 1947.
BF698 M978p1947
Personality research / by Stanley
Coopersmith, special editor. Copenhagen:
Munksgaard, 1962.
BF 698 161 1961p
Personnel management and industrial
relations/ by Dale Yoder. New York: PrenticeHall, 1942.
HF 5549 A3 Y54p 1942
1 402.
Personnel restraint systems study: HC-IB
Vertol Chinook. Phoenix: Aviation Crash Injury
Research, 1962.
WD740 A957p1962
Personnel restraint system study: HU-IA &
HU-IB Bell Iroquois / by Joseph L. Haley, Jr.
and James P. Avery. Phoenix: Aviation Crash
Injury Research, 1962.
WD740 A957pe 1962
Personnel selection; test and measurement
techniques / by Robert Ladd Thorndike. New
York: Wiley, 1949.
BF431 T498p1949
Perspectives in medicine / New York
Academy of Medicine. New York: Columbia
University Press, 1949.
W 20.5 N532p 1949
Perspectives in Physiology: an international
symposium, 1953 I edited by llza Veith.
Washington: American Physiological Society,
QT 104 V431p 1953
1 407.
Perspectives on the prostaglandins / edited
by James B. Lee. New York: Medcom Press,
The phantom public / by Walter Lippman.
New York: Harcourt Brace, 1925.
JC 628 L766p 1925
A pharmacologic approach to the study of
the mind / edited by Robert M. Featherstone
and Alexander Simon. Springfield, III.: Thomas,
1 410.
The phenomena of life: a radio-electric
interpretation / George Crile. New York:
Norton, 1936.
QH341 C929p1936
A philosophical study of mysticism: an
essay I Charles A. Bennett. New Haven: Yale
University Press, 1923.
Philosophy: an introduction / by John
Herman Randall, Jr. and Justus Buchler. New
York: Barnes & Noble, 1942.
BD 21 R188p1942
The philosophy of Alfred North Whitehead /
edited by Paul Arthur Schilpp. Evanston:
Northwestern University, 1941.
В 1674W38P568 1941
The philosophy of loyality / by Josiah Royce.
New York: Macmillan, 1918.
BJ 1011 R888p1918
Philosophy of simulation in a man-machine
space mission system / T.M. Fraser.
Washington: National Aeronautics and Space
Administration, 1966. (NASA SP 102)
TL 1572 F842p 1966
Physical education and health; proceedings
of a symposium I compiled and edited by Jay
B. Nash. Feb. 27-28, March 1, 1930. New
York: New York University Press, 1930.
QT 255 S989p 1930
Phrenology: or, The doctrine of the mental
phenomena I by J.G. Spurzheim. 3rd. American
ed. Boston: Marsh, Capen and Lyon, 1834.
BF 870 S772p 1834
The physical environment of the flyer / by
Heinz Haber. Randolph Field: Air University,
USAF School of Aviation Medicine, 1954.
Physical abilities to fit the job: howto
determine a worker's physical abilities and
relate them to job demands safely and
productively I by Bert Hanman. Boston:
American Mutual Liability Insurance Company,
HF 5549.5 J6H242p 1956
Physical evaluation of jobs: procedure for
studying physical demands and hazards.
Rev. ed. East Hartford: United Aircraft Corp.,
Physical fitness appraisal and guidance / by
Thomas Kirk Cureton. St. Louis: Mosby, 1947.
QT 255 C965p 1947
The physical growth of Philadelphia white
children, age 7-17 years. Philadelphia:
Philadelphia Center for Research in Child
Development, 1965.
WS 103 P544p 1965
Physical properties of the planet Mars / by
the staff of the Atmospheric Sciences Branch,
Advance Space Technology. Santa Monica:
Douglas Aircraft Company, 1963.
QB641 D733p1963
Physical properties of the planet Venus / by
D.C. Evans. Santa Monica: Douglas Aircraft
Company, 1962.
QB621 D733p1962
Physical qualifications for air traffic control
personnel / prepared by Merwyn A. Kraft. New
York: Flight Safety Foundation, 1958.
Physical Standards & Selection: Symposium
on Aviation Medicine Residency Training
Program held at the School of Aviation
Medicine, USAF, Feb. 19-20, 1957. Randolph
Air Force Base: School of Aviation Medicine,
U.S. Air Force, 1957.
WD700R433 1957p
The physical world / by Louis M. Heil.
Philadelphia: Blakiston's, 1936.
Physical abilities to fit the job: how to
determine a worker's physical abilities and
relate them to job demands safely and
productively. Wakefield: American Mutual
Liability Insurance Company, 1968.
HF 5549.5 A512p 1968
Physical action of intense high frequency
sound on vertebrate tissue / by W.J. Fry et
al. Urbana: University of Illinois, 1953.
QC 244 U58p 1953
The physical anthropology of Ceylon / by
Howard W. Stoudt. Colombo, Ceylon:
Government Press, 1961.
DS 489.2 S889p 1961
Physical capacities and job placement: a
critical study of the theory and practice of job
placement in 9 European countries and the
U.S., with special reference to the placement of
disabled persons, and containing a manual of
operations I by Bert Hanman. Stockholm:
Nordisk Rotogravyr, 1951.
HF 5549.5 P35H242p 1951
The physical dimensions of consciousness /
by Edwin Garrigues Boring. New York: Dover
Publications, 1963.
BF311 B734p1963
Physcial disability: a psychological
approach / Beatrice A. Wright. New York:
Harper, 1960.
WB 320 W947p 1960
Physics and medicine of the atmosphere
and space: the proceedings of the Second
International Symposium on the Physics and
Medicine of the Atmosphere and Space, held at
San Antonio, Tex., November 10-12, 1959.1
editors: Otis O. Benson, Jr. and Hubertus
Strughold. New York: Wiley, 1960.
WD 750 161 1958p
Physics and medicine of the upper
atmosphere: a study of the aeropause. The
proceedings of a Symposium on the Physics
and Medicine of the Upper Atmosphere held at
San Antonio, Tex., November 6-9, 1951,
sponsored by the Air University School of
Aviation Medicine, Randolph Field, Tex. I
editors: Clayton S. White and Otis O. Benson,
Jr. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico
Press, 1952.
Physics of nonthermal radio sources / edited
by Stephen P. Maran and A.G.W. Cameron.
New York: National Aeronautics and Space
Administration, 1964. (NASA SP 46)
QB 462.5 M311p1964
Physiological adaptations; desert and
mountain / edited by Mohamed K. Yousef,
Steven M. Horvath and Robert W. Bullard. New
York: Academic Press, 1972.
QT 140P578 1972
Physiological and pathological ageing / by
V. Korenchevsky. New York: Hafner, 1961.
WT 104 K84p 1961
Physiological and pathological effects of
mechanical vibration on animals and man /
by William F. Ashe. Columbus: Ohio State
University Research Foundation, 1960.
WD 640 039p 1960
Physiological and related biomedical
problems of advanced manned space
systems / by Armand J. Gold. Baltimore:
Martin Company, 1964.
WD 752 M382p1964
The physiological aspects of aviation.
Carlisle Barracks, Pa.: Medical Field Service
School, 1933.
WD710U586pa 1933
Physiological aspects of flying and
maintenance of physical fitness / prepared
under the direction of the Chief of the Air
Corps. Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off.,
1941. (War Dept. technical manual no. 1-705)
WD710U58pa 1941
Physiological basis for oxygen therapy / by
Julius H. Comroe, Jr. and Robert D. Dripps.
Springfield, III.: Thomas, 1950.
WF 145 C738pb 1950
The physiological basis of medical practice:
a University of Toronto text in applied
physiology I by Charles Herbert Best and
Norman Burke Taylor. 3rd ed. Baltimore:
Williams SWilkins, 1943.
1 445.
The physiological clock / by Edwin Bunning.
2nd ed. New York: Springer-Verlag, 1967.
Physiological considerations in aviation / by
Lloyd W. Jedeka. Burbank: Lockheed Aircraft
Corp., 1942.
WD700 J44p1942
The Physiological Effects of High Altitude;
proceedings of a symposium held at Interlaken,
September 18-22, 1962. New York: Pergamon,
WD710P578 1962
Physiological effects of induced hypoxia
during instrument flying / by Charles E.
Billings, Jr., Mary E. Foley, and Charles R.
Huie. Columbus: Ohio State University, 1963.
WD715 037p1963
Physiological measurements of metabolic
functions in man / by О Frank Consolazio.
New York: McGraw-Hill, 1963.
QU 120 C755p 1963
Physiological problems in space
exploration. Springfield, III.: Thomas, 1964.
WD752P578 1964
Physiological regulations / by Edward F.
Adolph. Lancaster: Jacques Cattell Press,
QT32.1 A239p1943
Physiological responses to h o t
environments; an account of w o r k done in
Singapore, 1948-1953, at the Royal Naval
Tropical Research Unit. London: Her Majesty's
Stationery Office, 1960.
Q T 1 5 0 P 5 7 8 1960
Physiological training / by Emile M. Scarpelli.
2nd ed. Gunter Air Force Base: 1956.
W D 705 1158p 1956
1 454.
Physiologie des H ö h e n k l i m a s / von A.
Loewy. Berlin: J. Springer, 1932.
Physiologie des Menschen im Flugzeug /
von Gustav Schubert. Berlin: J. Springer, 1935.
1 456.
Physiologie spatiale = space physiology /
Centre National d'Etudes Spatiale. Toulouse,
France: Cepadues-Editions, 1983.
Physiology of flight: h u m a n factors in t h e
operation of military aircraft. Washington:
Army Air Forces, 1945.
Physiology of m a n in space. New York:
Academic Press, 1963.
W D 7 5 2 P 5 7 8 1963
1 466.
Physiology of m a n in t h e desert / by E.F.
Adolph and associates. N e w York: Interscience
Pub., 1947.
QT 150 A 2 3 9 p 1947
Physiology of muscular activity / by Edward
С Schneider. 2nd ed. Philadelphia: Saunders,
QT 104 S358p 1939
1 468.
W D 7 5 2 P 5 7 8 5 1983
Physiology of muscular activity / by Edward
C. Schneider and Peter V. Karpovich. 3rd ed.
Philadelphia: Saunders, 1948.
W E 103 S358p 1948
Physiologische Arbeitsgestal t u g : Leitfaden
der Ergonomie / E. Grandjean. Thun: Ott,
OP301 G753p1963
T h e physiology of muscular exercise / by
F.A. Bainbridge. 3rd ed. London: Longmans,
Green, 1931.
W E 103 B162p 1931
Physiologische Arbeitsgestaltung: Leitfaden
der Ergonomie / E. Grandjean. Thun: Ott,
QP301 G753p1967
Physiology of strength / by Theodor
Hettinger. Springfield, III.: Thomas, 1 9 6 1 .
Physiology in aviation / by Chalmers L.
Gemmili. Springfield, III.: Thomas, 1943.
Physiology of t h e special senses / by M.
Greenwood, Jr. London: Edward Arnold, 1910.
W L 702 G 8 1 6 p 1910
Physiology in t h e space e n v i r o n m e n t .
Washington: National Academy of Sciences National Research Council, 1 9 6 7 - 6 8 .
W D 7 5 2 P 7 5 8 1967-68
Physiology of w o r k capacity and fatigue /
compiled and edited by Ernst Simonson.
Springfield, III.: Thomas, 1971.
W E 103 P578 1971
1 473.
1 461.
Physiology of flight. Washington: Dept. of the
Air Force, 1953.
W D 710 1158p 1953
Physiology of flight. Washington: Dept. of the
Air Force, 1961.
W D 710 1158p 1961
Physiopathologie e t t r a i t e m e n t des brûlures.
Physiopathology and treatment of burns I Jean
Lorthioir. Bruxelles: Presses Académiques
Européennes, 1964.
W O 7 0 4 P 5 7 8 1964
Physique and intellect / by Donald G.
Paterson. N e w York: Century, 1930.
W L 103 P296p 1930
Physiology of flight: h u m a n factors in t h e
operation of military aircraft: a compendium
of lectures and demonstrations given to A r m y
Air Force personnel, 1940-1942 I by the Aero
Medical Research Laboratory. Dayton: Wright
Field, 1942.
1 475.
Pilot notes on t h e double bar ground a n d
for visual approaches a t night / by R.W.
C u m m i n g and J.C. Lane. Melbourne:
Aeronautical Research Laboratories, 1957.
T L 6 9 6 L 3 C 9 7 1 p 1957
1 479.
Pilot opinions and practices on the
approach to landing: a questionary survey
among Australian civil and military pilots I by
J.С Lane and R.W. Cumming. Melbourne:
Aeronautical Research Laboratories, 1959.
TL 696 L3L265p 1959
Pilot reliability: reliability of human
components in technical systems discussed as
a function of workload, provocations and
individual differences I Carl Lager. Stockholm:
Royal Institute of Technology, 1974.
Pilot selection: an evaluation of published
techniques I by Charles R. Kelley et al.
Stamford: Dunlap and Associates, 1951.
Pilots' aeromedicai guide / Harold N. Brown.
Blue Ridge Summit: Tab Books, 1980.
Pilots' information file. Rev. Washington:
Army Air Forces, 1944-1954.
TL 710 U58p 1945
The pilot's manual of medical certification
and health maintenance / Richard O.
Reinhart. Osceola: Specialty Press, 1982.
Pioneer Odyssey: encounter with a giant / by
Richard E. Fimmel, William Swindell, and Eric
Burgess. Washington: National Aeronautics and
Space Administration, 1974. (NASA SP 349)
QB661 F489p1974
Pioneering in aeronautics: recipients of the
Daniel Guggenheim medal, 1929-1952. New
York: Board of Award, 1952.
Placement of aircraft controls / by John W.
Garrett, Milton Alexander and Chester W.
Matthews. Wright-Patterson Air Force Base:
Aerospace Medical Research Laboratory, 1970.
(NASA SP 349)
The planetary quarantine program: origins
and achievements, 1956-1973 I Charles R.
Phillips. Washington: National Aeronautics and
Space Administration, 1974. (NASA SP 4902)
TL 943 P588p 1974
Planets for man / by Stephen H. Dole and
Isaac Asimov. New York: Random House,
Plea for an age movement / Ralph Barton
Perry. Stamford: Overbrook Press, 1943.
BJ 1691 P464p1943
Pneumatic fuel atomization as applied to
automobile air pollution control / by R.D.
Кора. Los Angeles: University of California,
1 489.
Poisonous and venomous marine animals
of the world / by Bruce W. Halstead.
Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1965-70.
WD 405 H 196p 1965-70
The politics of community health / by Ralph
W. Conant. Washington: Public Affairs Press,
WA 546 AA1 C743p 1968
Population exposure to X-rays, U.S. 1964: a
report on the Public Health Service x-ray
exposure study I by Joseph N. Gitlin and Philip
S. Lawrence. Washington: Dept. of Health,
Education, and Welfare, 1966. (Public Health
Service publication no. 1519)
WN 100 G536p 1966
Portable life support systems / Ames
Research Center. Washington: National
Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1970.
(NASA SP 234)
WD756 A514p1969
Portable Life Support Systems: the
proceedings of the second conference
sponsored by NASA and the U.S. Bureau of
Mines and held at NASA Ames Research
Center, Moffett Field, Calif., May 11-13, 1971 I
prepared at Ames Research Center.
Washington: National Aeronautics and Space
Administration, 1972. (NASA SP 302)
TL 1500 C748 1971p
Position du centre de gravite chez l'homme:
determination, signification fonctionnelle et
evolutive. Paris: rue des Saints-Peres, 1972.
GN62.8P855 1972
The potential of nuclear space transport
systems. Santa Monica: Douglas Aircraft
Company, 1960.
TL 783.5 D733p 1960
Practical clinical psychiatry for students
and practitioners / by Edward A. Strecker and
Franklin G. Ebaugh. 4th ed. Philadelphia:
Blakiston's, 1935.
WM 100 S914p 1935
Practical malariology/ Paul F. Russell, Luther
S. West, and Reginald D. Manwell.
Philadelphia: Saunders, 1946.
WC 750 R966p 1946
Practical statistics in health and medical
work I by Ruth Rice Puffer. New York:
McGraw-Hill, 1950.
The practice of clinical psychology / by
Stanley D. Porteus. New York: American Book
Company, 1941.
WM 105 P849p 1941
The practicing physician's approach to
headache / Seymour Diamond and Donald J.
Dalessio. New York: Medcom Press, 1973.
WL 342 D537p 1973
Precautions in the management of patients
who have received therapeutic amounts of
radionuclides: recommendations. Washington:
National Council on Radiation Protection and
Measurements, 1970.
WN 650 N277p 1970
A preface to nervous disease / by Stanley
Cobb. Baltimore: Wood & Company, 1936.
WL 300 C653p 1936
Preliminary report of the clinical evaluation
of the Beograd electronic hand / by Petar
Arezina and Hilde Groth. Los Angeles:
University of California, 1964.
WE 172 U58p 1964
Preliminary Results From an Operational 90day Manned Test of a Regenerative Life
Support System: a symposium held at
Langley Research Center, Hampton, Va.,
November 17-18, 1970 I compiled by Albin 0.
Pearson and David С Grana. Washington:
National Aeronautics and Space Administration,
1971. (NASA SP 261)
TL 1500 S989p 1970
1 509.
Preparing contractor reports for NASA: data
presentation / Proctor P. Taylor. Washington:
National Aeronautics and Space Administration,
1966. (NASA SP 725)
T10.5T245p 1966
Preparing contractor reports for NASA:
repro typing and layout. Washington: National
Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1964.
(NASA SP 7007)
Z 4 9 U 5 8 p 1964
1511. Preparing contractor reports for NASA:
technical illustrating / by Proctor P. Taylor, Jr.
2nd ed. Washington: National Aeronautics and
Space Administration, 1967. (NASA SP 7008)
T11.8T245p 1967
Precision tooling techniques. Washington:
National Aeronautics and Space Administration,
1964. (NASA SP 5013)
TJ 1167 U58p 1964
Predicting human performance: 1.
Estimating the probability of visual
detection / by Warren H. Teichner and
Marjorie J. Krebs. Washington: American
Institute for Research, 1970.
WW 105 A512p1970
Preprints of scientific program; annual
scientific meeting Aerospace Medical
Association. Washington: Aerospace Medical
Association. 1963-1969; 1972-1974; 19761977; 1979-1981.
WD 700 A252p
Prediction and development of industrial
work performance / by Gavriel Salvendy and
W. Douglas Seymour. New York: Wiley, 1973.
HF5381 S183p1973
Prerequisites for chemical thermodynamic
models of living systems / James С De
Haven. Santa Monica: Rand Corp., 1968.
QU 34 D322p 1968
1 505.
Prediction of degree of injury from impact
and damage variables in light plane
accidents / by Lee W. Gregg, Richard G.
Pearson, and Alfred С Barnes. Phoenix:
Aviation Crash Injury Research, 1961.
The present conflict of ideals: a study of the
philosophical background of the world war/ by
Ralph Barton Perry. New York: Longmans,
Green, 1918.
1 516.
Present philosophical tendencies: a critical
survey of naturalism, idealism, pragmatism,
and realism together with a synopsis of the
philosophy of William James / by Ralph
Barton Perry. Rev. New York: Longmans,
Green, 1925.
The Prevention of Highway Injury:
proceedings of a symposium held April 19-21,
1967, in honor of the University of Michigan's
Sesquicentennial celebration and sponsored by
the University's Medical School and Highway
Safety Research Institute I edited by Melvin L.
Selzer, Paul W. Gikas, and Donald F. Huelke.
Ann Arbor: University of Michigan, 1967.
WA 275 S989p 1967
The prevention of the diseases peculiar to
civilization I by W. Arbuthnot Lane. London:
Faber&Faber, 1929.
WB 365 L266p 1929
Preventive medicine and hygiene / by
Kenneth Fuller Maxcy. 7th ed. New York:
Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1951.
WA 100 R813p 1951
Preventive medicine for the doctor in his
community: an epidemiologic approach / by
Hugh Rodman Leavell, E. Gurney Clark, et al.
2nd ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1958.
WA 108 L439p 1958
Preventive medicine; principles of
prevention in the occurrence and
progression of disease / edited by Herman E.
Hilleboe and Granville W. Larimore.
Philadelphia: Saunders, 1959.
WA110P944 1959
Prime time: the life of Edward R. Murrow /
by Alexander Kendrick. Boston: Little, Brown,
PN 4874 M984k 1969
A primer of space medicine / by Martin Philip
Lansberg. New York: Elsevier, 1960.
Principles and practice of aviation medicine
I by Harry G. Armstrong. 2nd ed. Baltimore:
Williams SWilkins, 1943.
WD700 A735p1943
Principles and practice of aviation medicine
I by Harry G. Armstrong. 3rd ed. Baltimore:
Williams SWilkins, 1952.
WD700 A735p1952
Principles and practice of bacteriology / by
Arthur H. Bryan and Charles G. Bryan. 4th ed.
New York, Barnes & Noble, 1951.
Principles and practices of inhalational
therapy / by Alvin L. Barach. Philadelphia:
Lippincott, 1944.
WF 145 B223p 1944
Principles for public action on problem
drinking: a guide to model legislation. New
York: Research Council on Problems of
Alcohol, 1948.
HV 5074 R432p 1948
Principles of anatomy and physiology for
physical training instructors in the Royal Air
Force. 3rd ed. London: Her Majesty's
Stationery Office, 1959.
Q S 4 G 7 8 6 1959
Principles of bioastronautics / by Siegfried
Johannes Gerathewohl. Englewood Cliffs:
Prentice-Hall, 1963.
Principles of epidemiology / by Ian Taylor
and John Knowelden. Boston: Little, Brown,
WA 105 T242p 1957
Principles of gravitational biology / compiled
and edited by A.H. Smith. Washington: National
Aeronautics and Space Administration, 196?
OH 302 U58p 196?
Principles of high speed flight / Hobart
McKinley Conway. Atlanta: Southeastern
Research Inst., 1947.
TL 571 C767p 1947
Principles of human relations: applications
to management/ by Norman R.F. Maier. New
York: Wiley, 1952.
HF5549 M217p1952
Principles of medical statistics / by A.
Bradford Hill. 5th ed. New York: Oxford
University Press, 1950.
Principles of medical statistics / by A.
Bradford Hill. 6th ed. New York: Oxford
University Press, 1955.
1536. Principles of political economy: with some of
their applications to social philosophy I by John
Stuart Mill. New York: Appleton, 1882-1883.
HB 161 M645p 1882-83
Problems of ageing: biological and medical
aspects I edited by E.V. Cowdry. Baltimore:
Williams SWilkins, 1939.
WT 104P962 1939
The principles of psychology / by William
James. London: Macmillan, 1890.
BF 121 J29p1890
Problems of aging / edited by Robert L. Craig.
New York: New York Academy of Medicine,
WT 100 P962 1956
Principles of psychopharmacology: a
textbook for physicians, medical students, and
behavioral scientists / W . G . Clark, editor. New
York: Academic Press, 1970.
QV77P957 1970
Problems of Aging: transactions of the Tenth
and Eleventh Conference, February 9 - 1 1 ,
1948, New York, N.Y. I edited by Nathan W.
Shock. New York: Josiah M асу Jr. Foundation,
WT 104C748 1948p
Problems of Aging: transactions of the Twelfth
Conference, February 6-7, 1950, New York,
N.Y. I edited by Nathan W. Shock. New York:
Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation, 1951.
WT 104C748 1950p
Problems of Aging: transactions of the
Thirteenth Conference, February 5-6, 1951,
New York, N.Y. I edited by Nathan W. Shock.
New York: Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation, 1951.
WT 104C748 1951p
Problems of Aging: transactions of the
Fifteenth Conference, January 20-22, 1953,
Princeton, N.J. I edited by Nathan W. Shock.
New York: Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation, 1954.
WT 104C748 1953p
Problems of high-intensity noise: a survey
and recommendations I by Walter A.
Rosenblith, Douglas E. Wheeler, and Harold
Smedal. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University,
1 554.
Problems of physiological psychology / by
J.R. Kantor. Bloomington: Principia Press,
WL 103 K16p 1947
The problems of vision in flight at high
altitude / by Thomas C D . Whiteside. London:
Butterworths, 1957. (AGARDograph no. 13)
TL500W594p 1957
Procedures for investigating environmental
factors in fatal highway collisions / by
Murray D. Segal. Washington: National
Institutes of Health, 1962.
WA 275 S454p 1962
Principles of radiation protection / by G.
Eaves. London: lliffe Books, 1964.
WN 650 E14p 1964
Principles of sound control in airplanes:
OSRD No. 1543 I Cruft Laboratory, Harvard
University. Cambridge, Mass.: 1944.
Printed classification tests / edited by J. P.
Guilford. Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off.,
1947. (Army Air Forces. Aviation psychology
program research reports no.5)
The probable cause: the truth about air travel
today I by Robert J. Serling. Garden City:
Doubleday, 1960.
1 543.
Das Problem: des Alterns und die Chemie
der Lebensvorgange: übersieht und neue
Forschungsergebrisse fur Arzte, Biologen,
Chemiker und Gebudete Laien nebst anhang
über/von D. Reichinstein. Zurich: H. Akerets
Erben, 1940.
The problem of the twentieth century: a
study in international relationships / by
David Davies. Rev. ed. London: Benn, 1934.
JX 1952 D255p 1934
The problem of tuberculosis in the
postattack environment. / H.H. Mitchell.
Santa Monica: Rand Corp., 1967.
WF200 M681p1967
Problems of accelerating aircraft production
during World War I I / a report by Tom Lilley et
al. Boston: Harvard University, 1947.
HD 9711 U6H339p1947
Proceedings; Automotive Safety
Engineering Seminar, June 20-21, 1973.
Warren: General Motors Corp., 1973.
Proceedings of a Conference on Community
Response to Alcoholism and Highway
Crashes / edited by Lyle D. Filkins and Naomi
K. Geller. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan,
HV 5288 C748p 1969
Proceedings of a conference on Results of
the First U.S. Manned Suborbital Space
Flight, June 6, 1961 I by United States
National Aeronautics and Space Administration,
in cooperation with National Institutes of Health
and National Academy of Sciences.
Washington: National Aeronautics and Space
Administration, 1961.
Proceedings of seminars / Duke University
Council on Gerontology. 1955; 1956-1961.
Durham: Regional Center for the Study of
Aging, 1955-1959.
WT 5 D877p
Proceedings of Stapp Car Crash
Conference. 9th-14th. New York: Society of
Automotive Engineers, 1965; 1969; 1970.
WA 275 S794p
1 562.
Proceedings of the Fourteenth International
Congress of Psychology: held at McGill
University and at the Universite De Montreal,
June 7-12, 1954 I sponsored jointly by the
Canadian Psychological Association and the
American Psychological Association.
Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing
Company, 1955.
BF 199 161 1954p
Proceedings of the Human Factors Society
16th annual meeting: Technology for Man.
Los Angeles, Calif., October 17-19, 1972 I
William B. Knowles, Mark S. Sanders, and
Frederick A. Muckler, editors. Santa Monica:
Human Factors Society, 1972.
TA166H918 1972p
Proceedings of the Human Factors Society
17th annual meeting: The Consumer Factor.
Potomac Chapter, October 16-18, 1973 I
Maurice P. Rane, Jr. and Thomas B. Malone,
editors. Santa Monica: Human Factors Society,
TA166H918 1973p
Proceedings of the Human Factors Society
18th annual meeting: Benefits for Mankind.
Huntsville, October 15-17, 1974/editors:
Edward L. Saenger and Mark Kirkpatrick III.
Santa Monica: Human Factors Society, 1974.
TA166H918 1974p
1 566.
Proceedings of the Human Factors Society
19th annual meeting: Human Factors in our
Expanding Technology. Dallas, Tex., October
14-16, 1975/editors: Robert N. Hale, Robert
A. McKnight, and James R. Moss. Santa
Monica: Human Factors Society, 1975.
TA166H918 1975p
Proceedings of the National Conference on
the Medical Aspects of Sports / by the
Committee on the Medical Aspects of Sports.
4th-8th. Chicago: American Medical Assciation,
QT 260 N277p
Proceedings of the Open Meeting of the
Working Group on Space Biology: of the
twenty-first plenary meeting of COSPAR,
Innsbruck, Austria, 29 May-10 June 1978. And
Symposium on Gravitational Physiology,
Innsbruck, Austria, 2-3 June 1978 I editor, R.
Holmquist. New York: Pergamon, 1979.
Proceedings of the Pilot Clinic on the
Instrumentation Requirements for Human
Comfort and Space Travel: held at Ohio State
University, Columbus, Ohio, October 26-27,
1959. New York: Foundation for
Instrumentation Education and Research, 1960.
The proceedings of the Skylab Life
Sciences Symposium / August 27-29, 1974.
Washington: National Aeronautics and Space
Administration, 1974. (NASA Technical
Memorandum 58154)
Proceedings of the Symposium on Sitting
Posture—Sitzhaltung—Posture Assise / edited
by E. Grandjean. London: Taylor & Francis,
WE 103 S9895p 1969
Proceedings of the Third Annual Navy
Industrial Health Conference: held at
Chalfonte-Haddon Hall, Atlantic City, April 2227, 1951. Washington: Department of the Navy,
WA 412 N285 1951p
Proceedings of the I l l r d International
Astronautical Federation Bioastronautics
Committee, UCLA, Los Angeles, Calif.,
February 18-28,1928 / Eugene B. Knoecci.
Alexandria, Va.: International Aeronautical
Federation, 1962.
WD 700 161 1962c
Progress of NASA Research Relating to
Noise Alleviation of Large Subsonic Jet
Aircraft I a conference held at Langley
Research Center, Hampton, Va., Oct. 8-10,
1968. Washington: National Aeronautics and
Space Administration, 1968. (NASA SP 189)
TL 671.65 P964 1968
Proceedings: Symposia on Arctic Biology
and Medicine: I. Neural aspects of
temperature regulation I edited by John P.
Hannon and Eleanor Viereck. Fort Wainwright:
Arctic Aeromedicai Laboratory, 1961.
QT165S989 1960p
Progress report of Australian research on
visual problems of approach to landing:
June 1957 I by R.W. Cumming and J.C. Lane.
Melbourne: Aeronautical Research
Laboratories, 1957.
Proceedings: Symposia on Arctic Biology
and Medicine: II. Comparative physiology of
temperature regulation I edited by John P.
Hannon and Eleanor G. Viereck. Fort
Wainwright: Arctic Aeromedicai Laboratory,
QT 165S989 1961p
Progress report on studies on sensory
deprivation / by Thomas I. Myers, Donald B.
Murphy, and Seward Smith. Monterey: Army
Leadership Human Research Unit, 1961.
WL 710 U58p 1961
Progressive relaxation; a physiological and
clinical investigation of muscular states and
their significance in psychology and
medical practice / by Edmund Jacobson.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1929.
WB545 J17p 1929
Project Mercury: a chronology / prepared by
James M. Grimwood. Washington: National
Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1963.
(NASA SP 4001)
TL 789.8 U6 G864p 1963
Project Whirlwind (device RF-12) / by the
Servomechanisms Laboratory. Cambridge,
Mass.: Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
TK 7889 W47 M415p 1946
Projective methods / by Lawrence K. Frank.
Springfield, III.: Thomas, 1948.
BF 698 F828p 1948
The propaganda menace / by Frederick E.
Lumley. New York: Century, 1933.
H M 263 L958p 1933
Proposal for an automatic blood pressure
measuring system / by Airborne Systems
Division. Camden: Radio Corporation of
America, 1961.
WB 280 R129p 1961
Proceedings: Symposia on Arctic Biology
and Medicine: IV. Frostbite I editor, Eleanor G.
Viereck. Fort Wainwright: Arctic Aeromedicai
Laboratory, 1964.
WG530S989 1964p
The process of aging in the nervous system
I edited by James E. Birren, Henry A. Imus and
William F. Windle. Springfield, III.: Thomas,
QP363C748 1957
Processes of aging: social and psychological
perspectives I edited by Richard H. Williams,
Clark Tibbitts and Wilma Donahue. New York:
Atherton Press, 1963.
WT 104P963 1963
Program prospectus for aerospace medicine
and biotechnology / prepared by Committee
from Ames Biotechnology subgroup, 1968.
WD752P964 1968
Progress and poverty: an inquiry into the
cause of industrial depressions and of increase
of want with increase of wealth: the remedy/
by Henry George. New York: Doubleday, 1907.
HD 31 G348p1907
Progress, coexistence, and intellectual
freedom / by Andrei D. Sakharov. New York:
W.W. Norton, 1968.
CB 427 S158p 1968
Prospects and problems in aviation: a series
of papers presented at the Chicago Forum on
Aviation, which was organized and directed by
Leverett S. Lyon and Lewis С Sorrell. Chicago:
Chicago Association of Commerce, 1945.
TL 521 P966 1945
Psychodiagnostik: Methodik and Ergebnisse
eines Warnehmungsdiagnostischen
Experiments (Deutenlassen von Zufallsformen)
I by Hermann Rorschach. Berlin: H. Huber,
WM 460 R787p 1932
Protection Against Radiation in Space:
second symposium held in Gatlinburg, Tenn. I
edited by Arthur Reetz, Jr. Washington:
National Aeronautics and Space Administration,
1965. (NASA SP 71)
TL1490S989 1964p
Psychodiagnostik: psychodiagnostics I by
Hermann Rorschach. Bern: Hans Huber, 1948.
WM 460 R787p 1948
Psychological aspects of aging: proceedings
of a conference on Planning Research,
Bethesda, Md., April 24-27, 1955, held under
the auspices of the Committee on Research. I
John E. Anderson, editor. Washington:
American Psychological Association, 1956.
WT 150 A512p 1955
Psychological aspects of medical care / by
Morton A. Seidenfeld. Springfield, III.: Thomas,
WM 90S458p1949
Psychological aspects of survival: a survey
of the literature I prepared by E. Paul Torrance.
Washington: Human Factors Operations
Research Laboratories, 1953.
WD740P974 1953
Protection against radiations from radium,
cobalt-60, and cesium-137 / prepared by the
Subcommittee on Protection Against Radiations
from Radium, Cobalt-60 and Cesium-137
Encapsulated Sources. Washington: U.S. Govt.
Print. Off., 1954.
WN 650 U58p 1954
Protection and Functioning of the Hands in
Cold Climates / a conference sponsored by
the U.S. Army Quartermaster Corps, Natick,
Mass., April 23-24, 1956 I edited by Frank R.
Fisher. Washington: National Academy of
Sciences - National Research Council, 1957.
QT 160P967 1956
Provisional occupational disability rating
schedule. 2nd ed. Railroad Retirement Board,
Psychological aspects of transmeridian
flying I by Brendan McGann. Dublin: Institute
of Psychology, 1971.
Psychiatric experiences of the Eighth Air
Force: first year of combat, July 4, 1942-July 4,
1943.1 Donald W. Hastings, David G. Wright,
and Bernard C. Glueck. New York: Josiah
M асу Jr. Foundation, 1944.
UH 629.3 H357p 1944
Psychological disorders in flying personnel
of the Royal Air Force investigated during
the war 1939-1945 / Air Ministry. London: His
Majesty's Stationery Office, 1947. (Air Ministry.
Air publication 3139)
Psychiatric research: papers read at the
dedication of the Laboratory for Biochemical
Research, McClean Hospital, Waverly, Mass.,
May 17, 1946 I by Cecil K. Drinker et al.
Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press,
WM200P974 1946
The psychological effects of oxygen
deprivation (anoxemia) on human behavior /
by Ross A. McFarland. New York: 1932.
WD 715 M143p1932
Psychological factors in systems
engineering / by Alphonse Chapanis.
Baltimore: John Hopkins University, 1958?
TA166 J65p 1957
Psychological issues: selected papers of
Robert S. Woodworth, with a bibliography of
his writings. New York: Columbia University
Press, 1939.
BF21 W912p1939
Psychodiagnostic testing: an empirical
approach based on a follow-up of 2000 cases I
by Molly Harrower. Springfield III.: Thomas,
WM 145 E68p 1965
Psychological principles in system
development / by Robert Mills Gagne. New
York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1962.
The psychological program in AAF
convalescent hospitals / edited by Sidney W.
Bijou. Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1947.
(Army Air Forces. Aviation psychology program
research reports no. 15)
Psychological research in national defense
today/ edited by J.E. Uhlaner. Washington:
Army, Behavioral Science Research
Laboratory, 1967.
U22.3P974 1967
Psychological research on bombardier
training / edited by Edward H. Kemp and A.
Pemberton Johnson. Washington: U.S. Govt.
Print. Off., 1947. (Army Air Forces. Aviation
psychology program research reports no. 9)
Psychological research on equipment
design / edited by Paul M. Fitts. Washington:
U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1947. (Army Air Forces.
Aviation psychology program research reports
no. 19)
Psychological research on flexible gunnery
training / edited by Nicholas Hobbs.
Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1947. (Army
Air Forces. Aviation psychology program
research reports no. 11)
Psychological research on flight engineer
training / edited by John T. Dailey.
Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1947. (Army
Air Forces. Aviation psychology program
research reports no. 13)
WD 730 D133p 1947
Psychological research on navigator
training / edited by Launor F. Carter.
Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1947. (Army
Air Forces. Aviation psychology program
research reports no. 10)
1 617.
Psychological research on operational
training in the continental air forces / edited
by Meredith P. Crawford et al. Washington:
U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1947. (Army Air Forces.
Aviation psychology program research reports
no. 16)
Psychological research on pilot training /
edited by Neal E. Miller. Washington: U.S.
Govt. Print. Off., 1947. (Army Air Forces.
Aviation psychology program research reports
no. 8)
WD 730 M649p1947
Psychological research on problems of
redistribution / edited by Frederic Wickert.
Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1947. (Army
Air Forces. Aviation psychology program
research reports no. 14)
WD 730 W636p 1947
1 620.
Psychological research on radar observer
training / edited by Stuart W. Cook.
Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1947. (Army
Air Forces. Aviation psychology program
research reports no. 12)
WD730C771p 1947
Psychological stress and related concepts:
a bibliography / compiled and edited by
Mortimer H. Applezweig. New London:
Connecticut College, 1957.
ZWM 172 A648p 1957
Psychological testing / by Anne Anastasi.
New York: Macmillan, 1954.
WM 145 A534p 1954
Psychologist at large; an autobiography and
selected essays I by Edwin Garrigues Boring.
New York: Basic Books, 1961.
WZ 100 B734p 1961
Psychology / by Wilbert James McKeachie
and Charlotte Lackner Doyle. Reading, Mass.:
Addison-Wesley, 1966.
BF 121 M154p1966
Psychology / by Robert Sessions Woodworth.
4th ed. New York: Holt, 1940.
BF 181 W912p1940
Psychology and contemporary problems /
by Norman W. Heimstra and Arthur L.
McDonald. Monterey: Brooks/Cole Pub. Co.,
BF 636 H467p 1973
1 627. Psychology and industrial efficiency / by
Hugo Munsterberg. Boston: Houghton Mifflin,
BF96 M969p1913
Psychology and international affairs: can we
contribute? proceedings of the XIV
International Congress of Applied Psychology.
Copenhagen: Munksgaard, 1962.
BF20 161 1961p
Psychology and life, including illustrated
reference manual: the brain and nervous
system I by Floyd Leon Ruch. 3rd ed.
Chicago: Scott, Foresman, 1948.
BF 121 R899p 1948
Psychology and military proficiency; a
history of the Applied Psychology Panel of the
National Defense Research Committee I by
Charles William Bray. Princeton: Princeton
University Press, 1948.
Psychology and the handicapped child /
edited by Carl E. Sherrick et al. Washington:
Office of Education, 1974. (DHEW publication
OE 73-05000)
Psychology and the industrial worker / by
E.G. Chambers. Cambridge, Eng.: University
Press, 1951.
HF 5548.8 C444 1951
Psychology and the promethean will: a
constructive study of the acute common
problem of education, medicine and religion I
by William H. Sheldon. New York: Harper,
Psychology for the fighting man: prepared
for the fighting man himself/ by a committee of
the National Research Council. Washington:
Infantry Journal, 1943.
1 635.
Psychology: from the standpoint of a
behaviorist / by John B. Watson. 2nd ed.
Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1924.
BF 199 W339p 1924
Psychology in industrial organizations / by
Norman R.F.Maier. 4th ed. Boston: Houghton
Mifflin, 1973.
HF 5548.8 M217p1973
Psychology in industrial organizations:
instructor's manual / Norman R.F. Maier and
Ellen Panza McRay. 4th ed. Boston: Houghton
Mifflin, 1973.
HF 5548.8 M217pi 1973
The psychology of adult development and
aging / editors: Carl Eisdorfer and M. Powell
Lawton. Washington: American Psychological
Association, 1973.
WT 150 P9745 1971
The psychology of efficiency, a discussion
of the hygiene of mental work / by Arthur
Gilbert Bills. New York: Harper, 1943.
WA 495 B599p 1943
The psychology of intelligence / by Jean
Piaget. London: Routledge & Paul, 1951.
LB 1051 P579p1951
The psychology of nationality and
internationalism / by W.B. Pillsbury. New
York: Appleton, 1919.
JC311 P642p1919
The psychology of social movements / by
Hadley Cantril. New York: Wiley, 1941.
HM291 C233p 1941
Psychology: the study of behaviour / by
William McDougall. New York: Holt, 1912.
BF 131 M134p1912
Psychometric methods / by J.P. Guilford.
New York: McGraw-Hill, 1936.
Psychopathology and politics / by Harold D.
Lasswell. Chicago: University of Chicago Press,
BF 175 L348p 1930
Psychopharmacology: a symposium
organized by the Section on Medical Sciences
of the A.A.A.S. and the American Psychiatric
Association and presented at the Berkeley
meeting, December 30, 1954 I edited by
Nathan S. Kline. Washington: American
Association for the Advancement of Science,
QV 77.9 A512p 1954
Psychophysical thresholds: experimental
studies of methods of measurement. Ann
Arbor: University of Michigan, 1953.
WL 702 B632p 1953
1 648.
Psychophysiologic approach in medical
practice I William W. Schottstaedt. Chicago:
Year Book Publishers, 1960.
WL 103 S375p 1960
Psychophysiological aspects of space flight
I edited by Bernard E. Flaherty. New York:
Columbia University Press, 1961.
The psychophysiology of thermal regulation
I by Warren H. Teichner. Amherst: University of
Massachusetts, 1963.
QT 165 U58p 1963
Public health engineering: a textbook of the
principles of environmental sanitation / by
Earle B. Phelps. New York: Wiley, 1948-50.
WA 671 P538p
Public health in the world today / edited by
James Stevens Simmons. Cambridge, Mass.:
Harvard University Press, 1949.
WA 100 S592p 1949
Publications / by Leo J. Cass and Willem S.
Frederik, 1964.
QV 55 C343p
Pulmonary ventilation and its physiological
regulation / by John Stephens Gray.
Springfield, III.: Thomas, 1950.
WF 102 G779p 1950
The pulse test: the secret of building your
basic health / by Arthur Fernandez Coca. New
York: L.Stuart, 1959.
Purification of preventive antigen of gramnegative bacteria / by Yoshio Kuwajima.
Osaka: Osaka City University Medical School,
OW 573 081p 1967
1 657.
The pursuit of excellence: education and
the future of America / by Rockefeller
Brothers Fund. Garden City: Doubleday, 1958.
1 658.
Quantitive clinical chemistry: interpretations,
vol. 1 / by John P. Peters and Donald D. Van
Slyke. 2nd ed. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins,
QY90P482q 1946
1 659.
A quarter century of learning, 1904-1929: as
recorded in lectures delivered at Columbia
University on the occasion of the one hundred
and seventy-fifth anniversary of its founding.
New York: Columbia University Press, 1931.
AZ221 C726q 1931
The quest for certainty: a study of the
relation of knowledge and action / by John
Dewey. New York: Minton, Balch, 1929.
BD 161 D519q 1929
A questionnaire study of fatigue in civil
aircrew / by С Cameron. Melbourne:
Aeronautical Laboratories, 1968.
WD735C182q 1968
Race psychology: a study of racial mental
differences / by Thomas Russell Garth. New
York: McGraw-Hill, 1931.
GN 270 G244r 1931
The racial basis of civilization: a critique of
the Nordic doctrine / by Frank H. Hankins. Rev.
ed. New York: Knopf, 1931.
CB 195 H241r 1931
Radiation and infection: an annotated
bibliography, May, 1965 / compiled by
Richard D. Stoner, Max W. Hess, and Victor P.
Bond. Upton: Brookhaven National Laboratory,
ZWN 610 S879r 1965
Radiation guidelines for manned space
vehicles—a review with recommendations/
prepared by A.A. Kelton. Santa Monica:
Douglas Aircraft Company, 1965.
1 666.
Radiation protection guides and constraints
for space-mission and vehicle-design
studies involving nuclear systems: report /
by Radiobiological Advisory Panel of the
Committee on Space Medicine, Space Science
Board. Washington: National Academy of
Sciences, 1970.
Radiobiological factors in manned space
flight: report / Wright H. Langham, editor.
Washington: National Academy of Sciences National Research Council, 1967.
Radiocarbon dating / by Willard F. Libby. 2nd
ed. Chicago: University of Chicago Press,
QC 798 D3L694r 1955
The reason, the understanding, and time /
Arthur O. Lovejoy. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins
Press, 1961.
1 669.
Radioisotopes in science and industry: a
special report. Washington: 1960.
WN 420 U58r 1960
The reasonableness of Christianity / by
Douglas Clyde Macintosh. New York:
Scribner's, 1925.
BT 1101 M152M925
Rapports deuxième Congres de la Branche
d'Expression Française 24-27 Septembre
1953, Bruxelles, Bruxelles: Aero Medical
Association, 1953.
WD 700 A252M953
Rebound from D-amphetamine / by Paul M.
Hurst, Nicholas С Chubb, and Sallyann
Bagley. State College: Institute for Research,
QV102 159M969
1 681.
Recent advances in aerospace medicine:
proceedings, XVIII International Congress of
Aviation and Space Medicine, Amsterdam,
19691 edited by Douglas E. Busby. Dordrecht:
Reidel, 1970.
WD 700 161 1970r
Recent advances in psychiatry / by Henry
Devine. 2nd ed. Philadelphia: Blakiston's, 1933.
WM 105 D495r 1933
Recent developments in psychosomatic
medicine / edited by Eric D. Wittkower and
R.A. Clognorn. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1954.
WM 90 R295 1954
Recent advances in the study of
psychoneuroses / by Millais Culpin.
Philadelphia: Blakiston's, 1931.
WM 170 C968r 1931
Recent psychology and the Christian
religion: some points of contact and
divergence I by Cyril E. Hudson. New York:
George H. Doran Company, 1923.
Recollections and reflections / by J.J.
Thomson. London: G. Bell, 1936.
WZ 100 T483r 1936
Recommended dietary allowances. Rev. ed.
Washington: National Academy of Sciences National Research Council, 1953.
QU 145 N2762r 1953
Recommended dietary allowances. 6th ed.
Washington: National Academy of Sciences National Research Council, 1964.
QU 145 N2762r 1964
1 671.
The rat in laboratory investigation / edited by
Edmond J. Farris and John Q. Griffith, Jr. 2nd
ed. New York: Hafner, 1962.
QY 60 R6 R232 1962F
The rate of living: being an account of some
experimental studies on the biology of life
duration I by Raymond Pearl. New York:
Knopf, 1928.
QH531 P359M928
Raumfahrtmedizin: Kompendium der
Raumfahrtmedizin / von Bruno Muller. Druck:
Droste Verlag, 1963.
WD 750 M958M963
A re-analysis of the pilot eye movement
data I by J.W. Senders and K.W. Stevens.
Cambridge, Mass.: Bolt, Beranekand Newman,
Reactions of hemoglobin and steady states
in the human respiratory system: an
investigation using mathematical models and
an electronic computer/James С DeHaven
and Edward C. DeLand. Santa Monica: Rand
Corp., 1962.
WH 190 D322r 1962
Reactions of mines-rescue personnel to
work in hot environments: report on
experiments carried out by A.R. Lind et al.
London: 1957.
QT 150 G786r1957
Readings in experimental industrial
psychology/ by Milton L. Blum. New York:
Prentice-Hall, 1952.
HF 5548.8 B568r 1952
Records, analysis, and test procedures /
edited by Walter L. Deemer. Washington: U.S.
Govt. Print. Off., 1947. (Army Air Forces.
Aviation psychology program research reports
no. 18)
Report of t h e C o m m i t t e e on Environmental
Health Problems to t h e Surgeon G e n e r a l .
Washington: Dept. of Health, Education, and
Welfare, 1962. (Public Health Service
publication no. 906)
Records of a c h i e v e m e n t : NASA special
publications. Washington: National
Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1983.
(NASA SP 470)
W A 300 U58r 1962
Z W D 7 5 0 R 3 1 1 1983
Recovery from radiation injury in mice and
its effect on LD 5 0 for durations of exposure
up to several w e e k s / by H.A. Blair.
Rochester: University of Rochester, 1954.
W N 620 U58r 1954
1 693.
QT 260 N 2 7 7 r 1 9 5 2
Red medicine: socialized health in Soviet
Russia i by Sir Arthur Newsholme and John
A d a m s Kingsbury. London: William Heinemann,
Report of t h e Cooperative Underwater
Swimmer Project / by Committee on
Amphibians Operations Panel on Underwater
Swimmers with the cooperation of Amphibious
Forces, U.S. Pacific Fleet and Scripps
Institution of Oceanography. San Diego:
National Research Council, 1952.
Report of t h e medical research council for
1950-51/ presented by the Lord President of
the Council to Parliament by C o m m a n d of His
Majesty, June 1952. London: His Majesty's
Stationery Office, 1952.
W 20.5 C734r 1952
Rehabilitation following experimental
starvation in man / by Keys, Taylor,
Mickelsen, Henschel and Brozek. Minneapolis:
University of Minnesota, 1946.
W D 100 M 6 6 5 M 9 4 6
Report of t h e National H e a l t h Resources
Advisory C o m m i t t e e Meeting on A i r p o r t /
C o m m u n i t y Emergency Medical
Preparedness, October 16-17, 1975, John F.
Kennedy International Airport, N e w York.
Washington: Federal Preparedness Agency,
General Services Administration, 1975.
W A 150 N277r 1975
Relationships b e t w e e n body size,
proportion a n d composition variables and
standing broad j u m p and pull-up
performances / by J a m e s Carl Thomas.
Springfield, Mass.: 1970.
Report of t h e President / Daniel and Florence
Guggenheim Jet Propulsion Center. 1 9 6 1 ;
GV341 T458M970
Relaxation / by Josephine L. Rathbone. New
York: Teachers College, Columbia University,
Report of t h e Presidential Task Force on
Highway Safety to t h e President of t h e
United States. Washington: 1969.
W A 2 7 5 R 4 2 5 1969
W B 545 R234r 1943
R e m e m b e r i n g ; a study in e x p e r i m e n t a l and
social psychology / by F.C. Bartlett.
Cambridge, Eng.: University Press, 1932.
BF371 B289M932
R e p o r t of ALPA Physical S t a n d a r d s Study
Committee / Air Line Pilots Association, 1958.
W D 705 A 2 9 8 M 9 5 8
Report of D e p a r t m e n t of Transportation Air
Traffic Control Advisory C o m m i t t e e .
Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. O f f , 1970.
TL 725.3 T 7 U 5 8 r 1970
Report on literature survey for carbon
dioxide reduction system / by J.F. Foster and
J.S. McNulty. Columbus: Battelle Memorial
Institute, 1959.
Q V 314 B 3 3 5 r 1 9 5 9
Report to NASA C o m m i t t e e on Aircraft
Operating Problems relative to Aviation
Crash I n j u r y Research activities / by Aviation
Crash Injury Research. Phoenix: Aviation Crash
Injury Research, 1962.
W D 740 A 9 5 7 M 9 6 2
Reports on human acceleration / Panel on
Acceleration Stress, Armed Forces-NRC
Committee on Bio-astronautics. Washington:
National Academy of Sciences - National
Research Council, 1961.
Research problems and techniques / edited
by Robert L. Thorndike. Washington: U.S.
Govt. Print. Off., 1947. (Army Air Forces.
Aviation psychology program research reports
no. 3)
Reports presented at the annual Air Safety
Forum of the Air Line Pilots Association.
Chicago? Air Line Pilots Association, 1953.
TL 553.5 A615r
Research techniques in human engineering
/Alphonse Chapanis. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins
Press, 1959.
The republic of Plato / translated into English,
by John Llewelyn Davies and David James
Vaughan. 3rd ed. London: MacMillan, 1943.
JC71 P718M943
1 719.
Research to determine the existence and
identity of viable microorganisms in the
stratosphere / by V.W. Greene. Minneapolis:
General Mills Electronics Division, 1962.
Research accomplishments in biodynamics:
deceleration and impact at the Air Force Missile
Development Center, Holloman Air Force Base,
New Mexico, 1955-1958. Holloman Air Force
Base: United States Air Force, 1958.
WD 720 A298M958
Researches on pre-natal life / by Joseph
Barcroft. Springfield, III.: Thomas, 1947.
WQ 210.5 B244r 1947
Residual neuromuscular hypertension:
implications for education / by Josephine L
Rathbone. New York: 1936
QP421 R234M936
Research in aeronautics and space. Rev. ed.
Hampton, Va.: Langley Research Center. 1971.
TL 521 L283M971
1 722.
Research in dementia precox: (past
attainments, present trends and future
possibilities) I by Nolan D.C. Lewis. New York:
National Committee For Mental Hygiene, 1936.
WM 200 L675r 1936
The respiratory function of the blood / by
Joseph Barcroft. 2nd ed. Cambridge, Eng.:
University Press, 1925
WH 100 B244r 1925
Research in industry: its organization and
management/ C.C. Furnas, editor. New York:
Van Nostrand, 1948.
T175 142r1948
Respiratory physiology in aviation / edited
by Walter M. Boothby. Randolph Field: USAF
School of Aviation Medicine, 1954.
WF 102 B725r 1954
Restoring the quality of our environment:
report/ Environmental Pollution Panel,
President's Science Advisory Committee.
Washington: The White House, 1965.
WA 750 U58r 1965
Results of the first U.S. manned orbital
space flight, February 20,1962. Washington:
Manned Spacecraft Center, 1962.
Results of the second U.S. manned orbital
space flight, May 24,1962. Washington:
National Aeronautics and Space Administration,
1962. (NASA SP 6)
TL 789.8 U6M281ro 1962
Results of the third U.S. manned orbital
space flight, October 3,1962. Washington:
National Aeronautics and Space Administration,
1962. (NASA SP 12)
TL 789.8 U6 M281 rot 1962
Research in medicine: and other addresses I
by Sir Thomas Lewis. London: H.K. Lewis,
Research in performance assessment and
enhancement / by Earl A. Alluisi. Louisville:
University of Louisville, 1969.
BF481 U58M969
Research on fatal highway collisions: papers
1962-1963/ Harvard Medical School.
Cambridge, Mass.: 1963.
Results of the Project Mercury ballistic and
orbital chimpanzee flights / edited by James
P. Henry and John D. Mosely. Washington:
National Aeronautics and Space Administration,
1963. (NASA SP 39)
TL 789.8 U6 M281M963
Resumes des communications: the twentieth
conference of the International Congress of
Physiological Sciences held in Brussels on July
30-August4, 1956. Bruges: St. Catherine
Press, 1956?
QT9 161 1956rc
Resumes des rapports: the twentieth
conference of the International Congress of
Physiological Sciences held in Brussels July
30-August4, 1956. Bruxelles: 1956?
QT9 161 1956r
Retirement and the individual: / Special
Committee on Aging, hearings, Ninetieth
Congress, first session. Washington: U.S. Govt.
Print. Off., 1967.
HQ 1064 U5U58r 1967
The Retirement Process: report of a
conference, December 1966, Gaithersburg, Md.
I Frances M. Carp, editor. Bethesda: Dept. of
Health, Education, and Welfare, 1968. (Public
Health Service publication no. 1778)
HQ 1062 R438 1966
Review and critique of the literature on
vigilance performance / James J. McGrath,
Albert Harabedian, and Donald N. Buckner. Los
Angeles: Human Factors Research, Inc., 1959.
BF323 V5H918M959
A review of alcohol in relation to road
safety, March 1972 / A.E. Raymond.
Canberra: Australian Govt. Pub. Service, 1973.
(Expert Group on Road Safety report no. NR/3)
HE 5620 D7R268r 1973
A review of driver-rider licensing in relation
to road safety, November 1971 / С Cameron
and W.A. Macdonald. Canberra: Australian
Govt. Pub. Service, 1973. (Expert Group on
Road Safety report no. NR/2)
TL 152.4 C182r 1973
A review of driver-rider training in relation
to road safety, November 1971 / by С
Cameron and W.A. Macdonald. Canberra:
Australian Govt. Pub. Service, 1973. (Expert
Group on Road Safety report no. NR/1)
TL 152.6 C182r 1973
A review of education & publicity, February
1972 I J. Walter Thompson (Aust.) Pty. Ltd.
Canberra: Australian Govt. Pub. Service, 1973.
HE 5614 T473r 1973
A review of emergency medical services in
relation to road safety / G.A. Ryan, P.D. Clark
and S.S. Lazarus. Canberra: Australian Govt.
Pub. Service, 1973. (Expert Group on Road
Safety report no. NR/24)
WX 215 R988r 1973
A review of in-depth studies in relation to
road safety, March 1972 / by A.J. McLean.
Canberra: Australian Govt. Pub. Service, 1973.
(Expert Group on Road Safety report no. NR/
HE 5614 M163M973
A review of insurance in relation to road
safety, March 1972 / P.S. Atiyah. Canberra:
Australian Govt. Pub. Service, 1973. (Expert
Group on Road Safety report no. NR/25)
HG 9970 A872r 1973
1 741.
A review of intersection priority in relation
to road safety, November 1971 / by Sinclair,
Knight and Partners Pty. Ltd. Canberra:
Australian Govt. Pub. Service, 1973. (Expert
Group on Road Safety report no. NR/15)
HE 373 A98S616M973
A review of mass data in relation to road
safety, March 1972 / Traffic Planning and
Research Pty. Ltd. Canberra: Australian Govt.
Pub. Service, 1973. (Expert Group on Road
Safety report no. NR/21)
HE 5614.5 A8T764re 1973
A review of medical results of Gemini 7 and
related flights: held at Management Center,
John F. Kennedy Space Center, Kennedy
Space Center, Fla., August 23, 1966.
Washington: National Aeronautics and Space
Administration, 1966.
A review of non-regulatory signs in relation
to road safety, September 1971 / K.A. May
and J. Wooller. Canberra: Australian
Government Pub. Service, 1973. (Expert Group
on Road Safety report no. NR/14)
HE 370 M466M973
Review of projected displays of flight
information and recommendations for
further development / by J R . Baxter and J.D.
Workman. Melbourne: Aeronautical Research
Laboratories, 1962. (Expert Group on Road
Safety report no. NR/8)
A r e v i e w of t o w n planning in relation to
road safety, November 1 9 7 1 / by Loder and
Bayly. Canberra: Australian Govt. Pub.
Services, 1973. (Expert Group on Road Safety
report no. NR/17)
HT 166 L821r 1973
A r e v i e w of traffic control devices in relation
to road safety, September 1 9 7 1 / by N. Clark
and K.W. Ogden. Canberra: Australian Govt.
Pub. Service, 1973
A r e v i e w of vehicle design (injury reduction)
in relation to road safety, December 1 9 7 1 /
A r e v i e w of r a i l w a y level crossings in
relation to road safety, October 1 9 7 1 / by
K.W. Ogden, T.A. Patton and N. Clark.
Canberra: Australian Govt. Pub. Service, 1973.
(Expert Group on Road Safety report no. NR/
TF 263 034r 1973
1 747.
A r e v i e w of road design in relation to road
safety, October 1 9 7 1 / Sinclair, Knight and
Partners Pty. Ltd. Canberra: Australian Govt.
Pub. Service, 1973. (Expert Group on Road
Safety report no. NR/11)
Traffic Planning and Research Pty. Ltd.
Canberra: Australian Govt. Pub. Service, 1973.
TE 175 S616r 1973
A r e v i e w of roadside objects in relation to
road safety, November 1 9 7 1 / by M.C. Good
and P.N. Joubert. Canberra: Australian Govt.
Pub. Service, 1973. (Expert Group on Road
Safety report no. NR/12)
HE 5614.5 A 8 G 6 4 6 r 1973
A r e v i e w of speed control in relation to road
safety, November 1 9 7 1 / by R.W. Cummings
and P.G. Croft. Canberra: Australian Govt. Pub.
Service, 1973. (Expert Group on Road Safety
report no. NR/16)
A r e v i e w of vehicle design to reduce
accidents, March 1 9 7 2 / by E.R. Hoffman.
Canberra: Australian Govt. Pub. Service, 1973.
(Expert Group on Road Safety report no. NR/7)
Rhythmic aspects of behavior / edited by
Frederick M. Brown and R. Curtis Graeber.
Hillsdale: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1982.
Q T 1 6 7 R 4 7 9 1982
The rise of non-resident g o v e r n m e n t in
Harvard University and h o w Harvard is
governed / by John E. Kirkpatrick, Ann Arbor:
G. Wahr, 1925.
LD2111 K59M925
A r e v i e w of street lighting in relation to road
safety, October 1 9 7 1 / by A. Fisher. Canberra:
Australian Govt. Pub. Service, 1973. (Expert
Group on Road Safety report no. NR/18)
A r e v i e w of t h e cost of accidents, March
1 9 7 2 1 John Paterson Urban Systems Pty. Ltd.
Canberra: Australian Govt. Pub. Service, 1973.
(Expert Group on Road Safety report no. NR/
Road to ruin / A.Q. Mowbray. Philadelphia:
Lippincott, 1968.
HE 355 A5 M 6 8 7 M 9 6 8
1 7 6 0 . The road to yesterday / by Hudson Hoagland.
Worcester: privately printed by Davis Press,
W Z 1 0 0 H 6 7 8 H 1974
HE 5614.5 A8 J 6 5 M 9 7 3
Road traffic accidents: epidemiology,
control, and prevention / by Leslie George
Norman. Geneva: World Health Organization,
1962. Public health papers no. 12)
W A 275 W 9 2 7 r 1962
A r e v i e w of t h e role of organizations, March
19721 Traffic Planning and Research Pty. Ltd.
Canberra: Australian Govt. Pub. Service, 1973.
(Expert Group on Road Safety report no. NR/
HE 5614.5 A 8 T 7 6 4 r 1973
1 762.
Rockets, comprising "A m e t h o d of reaching
e x t r e m e altitudes" and "Liquid-propellant
rocket development." / by Dr. Robert H.
Goddard. New York: American Rocket Society,
The role of air freight in physical
distribution. Pt. 1. Characteristics of airfreight
and its market I by Howard T. Lewis and
James W. Culliton. Pt. 2. Two case studies I by
Jack D. Steele. Boston: Harvard University,
TL 720.7 L674r 1956
1 771.
The Role of the Vestibular Organs in Space
Exploration: fourth symposium held at Naval
Aerospace Medical Center, Pensacola, Fla.,
September 24-26, 1968. Washington: National
Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1968.
(NASA SP 187)
WD752S989 1968r
1 764.
The role of diet in the maintenance of health
and efficiency in the airman / Ross A.
McFarland. Pan American Airways System.
New York: Pan American Highways, Inc., 1938.
The role of verbal prescriptive rules in
cognitive pretraining for a flying task / Fritz
H. Brecke, Vernon S. Gerlach, and Richard F.
Schmid. Tempe: Arizona State University,
The role of fatigue in pilot performance / by
National Research Council Committee on
Selection and Training of Aircraft Pilots.
Washington: National Research Council, 1946.
The role of visual cues in final approach to
landing / by J.С Lane and R.W. Cumming.
Melbourne: Aeronautical Research
Laboratories, 1956
T L 6 9 6 L 3 L 2 6 5 r 1956
Rotation devices, other than centrifuges and
motion stimulators: the rationale for their
special characteristics and use I a special
report prepared by Frederick E. Guedry and
Ashton Graybiel, April 1960. Washington:
National Academy of Sciences - National
Research Council, 1961.
The Royal Aeronautical Society: list of
members as at 1st January 1972. London:
Lewes Press Ltd, 1972.
TL500R888 1972
1 776.
Royal Commission on Environmental
Pollution: first report / Chairman, Sir Eric
Ashby. London: Her Majesty's Stationery
Office, 1971.
WA 670 G786r 1971
Royal Flying Doctor Service of Australia,
Western Australian Section 1967/68.
Brisbane: Royal Flying Doctor Service of
Australia, 1974.
W 1 R888M974
1 778.
Safety after solo: how to fly 10,000 hours I by
John R. Hoyt. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1944.
TL710H869S 1944
Safety in general aviation / Harold D.
Hoekstra and Shung-Chai Huang. Arlington:
Flight Safety Foundation, 1971.
The role of human factors in accident
prevention / by Frank Freeman, Charles E.
Goshen, and Barry G. King. Washington: Dept.
of Health, Education and Welfare, 1960.
WA250 061 r 1960
1 7 6 7 . The role of the drinking driver in traffic
accidents / by R.F. Borkenstein et al.
Bloomington: Indiana University, 1964.
The Role of the Vestibular Organs in the
Exploration of Space: symposium held at the
U.S. Naval School of Aviation Medicine.
Washington: National Aeronautics and Space
Administration, 1965. (NASA SP 77)
WD752S989 1965r
The Role of the Vestibular Organs in Space
Exploration: second symposium held at Ames
Research Center, Moffett Field, Calif., January
25-27, 1966. Washington: National Aeronautics
and Space Administration, 1966. (NASA SP
WD752S989 1966r
The Role of the Vestibular Organs in Space
Exploration: third symposium held at the
Naval Aerospace Medical Center Pensacola,
Fla., January 24-26, 1967. Washington:
National Aeronautics and Space Administration,
1967. (NASA SP 152)
WD752S989 1967r
Safety in the operation of air transportation:
a lecture delivered I by Jerome Lederer, under
the James Jackson Cabot professorship of air
traffic regulation and air transportation of
Norwich University, April 20, 1939. Northfield:
Norwich University, 1939.
TL 553.5 L473s 1939
"Safety in the Use of Home Medicines" /
proceedings of the Committee on Scientific
Development. Washington?: The Proprietary
Association, 1966.
QV772R432S 1966
Safety last: an indictment of the auto
industry I by Jeffrey O'Connell and Arthur
Myers. New York: Random House, 1966.
WA275 018 1966
Safety management: accident cost and
control I by Rollin H. Simonds and John V.
Grimaldi. Rev. ed. Homewood: R.D. Irwin,
WA 485 S597s 1963
Science is a sacred cow / by Anthony
Standen. New York: Dutton, 1950.
Q 175 S785s 1950
1 791.
The science of health and disease: a
textbook of physiology and hygiene I by
Howard W. Haggard. Rev. ed. New York:
Harper, 1938.
QT104H145S 1938
The science of seeing / by Matthew Luckiesh
and Frank K. Moss. New York: Van Nostrand,
WW103L941S 1937
Science, religion, and reality / by Arthur
James and Bronislaw Malinowski. New York:
Macmillan, 1925.
BL240S416 1925
Scientific findings from Explorer V I .
Washington: National Aeronautics & Space
Administration, 1965. (NASA SP 54)
QC801 U58s1965
Sash discomfort in seat belts / by David С
Herbert and Vladimir Leitis. Sydney: Traffic
Research Unit, Department of Motor Transport,
New South Wales, 1974.
TL275H53bs 1974
The scientific habit of thought: an informal
discussion of the source and character of
dependable knowledge / by Frederick Barry.
New York: Columbia University Press, 1927.
Saturnismus in Austria: die Begutachtung der
gewerblichen Bleivergiftung in Osterreich,
1928-1964 / Von Ludwig Popper and Alfred
Raber. Vienna: Wiener Medizinische Akademie,
WA 400 161 Suppl.1 1966X
Scientific program: 55th Annual Scientific
Meeting, May 6-10, 1984 held at Town &
Country Hotel, San Diego, Calif. Washington:
Aerospace Medical Association, 1984.
WD750 A252 1984s
Science and first principles / by F.S.C.
Northrop. New York: Macmillan, 1931.
Q 175 N877s 1931
Science and man / by Lord Brain. New York:
Elsevier, 1966.
BF 149 B814s 1966
Scientific program: 56th Annual Scientific
Meeting, May 12-16, 1985 held at San Antonio
Convention Center, San Antonio, Tex.
Washington: Aerospace Medical Association,
WD750 A252 1985s
Scientific research and social needs / by
Julian Huxley. London: Watts, 1934.
Q 181 AIH986s 1934
A Scientific Study of Industrial Labor
Conditions: transcription of discussion,
proceedings held in Washington, D.C.,
November 13, 1937. Washington: 1937.
HD4813C748S 1937
Scientific tables / Geigy Pharmaceuticals. 5th
ed. with supplement. Basle: S. Karger, 1959.
Q199G413s 1959a
Science at the cross roads: papers presented
to the International Congress of the History of
Science and Technology, held in London from
June 29th-July 3rd, 1931 by the Delegates of
the U.S.S.R. I by N.I. Bukharin et al. London:
Kniga, 1931.
Q 101 S416 1931
Science in space / edited by Lloyd V. Berkner
and Hugh Odishaw. New York: McGraw-Hill,
QB 500 S416 1961
The search for factors that extremize the
autokinetic effect / Abraham S. Luchins and
Edith H. Luchins. Albany: State University of
New York at Albany, 1969.
BF311 L936s1969
Selection of space cabin atmospheres, part
I I : fire and blast hazards in space cabins /
prepared by Emanuel M. Roth. Albuquerque:
Lovelace Foundation, 1963?
WD756R845S 1963?
Second International Space Rescue
Symposium: held at the XX Congress of the
International Astronautical Federation, Mar del
Plata, Argentina, October 5th-12th, 1969;
papers presented I edited by Paul A. Campbell.
Houston: Boeing Co., 1971.
TL 867 161 1969s
Selective placement of the handicapped.
Washington: Civil Service Commission, 1955.
HD7255 A2S464 1955
Self-consistency: a theory of personality /
by Prescott Lecky. 2nd ed. New York: Island
Press, 1951.
The self: its body and freedom / by William
Ernest Hocking. New Haven: Yale University
Press, 1928.
BF38H685S 1928
1 814.
Seminar for Aviation Medical Examiners /
held February 14-16, 1962, presented by
Lovelace Foundation for Medical Education and
Research. Albuquerque: Lovelace Foundation
for Medical Education and Research, 1962.
WD700S471a 1962
1 815.
The senses / by Wolfgang von Buddenbrock.
Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1958.
WL700B927S 1958
The sensitivity of the precesion visual
glidepath (P.V.G.) at long range / by JR.
Baxter, R.H. Day, and J.С Lane. Melbourne:
Aeronautical Research Laboratories, 1960.
TL 696 L33 B355s 1960
Sensory and perceptual problems related to
space flight: report of a working group of the
Panel on Psychology I edited by John L.
Brown. Washington: National Academy of
Sciences - National Research Council, 1961.
Separate component multiple-effect solar
distillation I by Carl N. Hodges, T. Lewis
Thompson, and John E. Groh. Tucson:
University of Arizona, 1962.
TD480U58S 1962
Shaping history through prayer and fasting:
how Christians can change world events
through the simple, yet powerful tools of prayer
and fasting I Derek Prince. Old Tappan: Revell,
Secondary missies generated by nuclearproduced blast waves. Report to the test
director I by I. Gerald Bowen et al.
Albuquerque: Lovelace Foundation for Medical
Education and Research, 1962.
UG 1282A8B786S 1962
A selected bibliography concerning
physiological factors in aero-medical
research and development / Joan С
Robinette. Wright-Patterson Air Force Base:
Wright Air Development Center, 1957.
Z 6664.3 U58s 1957
Selected readings in safety: a collection of
articles by leaders in the safety and loss control
profession I edited by Joanne T. Widner.
Macon: Academy Press, 1973.
WA485S464 1973
Selected references on aging: an annotated
bibliography / compiled for the Committee on
Aging. Washington: Dept. of Health, Education,
and Welfare, 1959.
ZWT 100U58S 1959
Selected reports and memoranda / submitted
to Association Committee on Aviation Medical
Research National Research Council of
Canada. Ottawa: National Research Council of
Canada, 1942.
WD750N277S 1942
Selected writings of Alexander G. Wesman.
New York: Psychological Corp., 1975.
LB 3051 P974s1975
The Selection of Military Manpower: a
symposium I edited by Leonard Carmichael
and Leonard С Mead. Washington: National
Academy of Sciences, 1951.
UB 323 A5C287S 1951
The Sheard volume: selected writing in
visual and ophthalmic optics, including the
monographs on dynamic ocular tests,
dynamic skiametry and methods of testing
the relationships between accommodation
and convergence, and ophthalmic optics /
by Charles Sheard. Philadelphia: Chilton Co.,
1 8 3 0 . The silent world / by J.Y. Cousteau. New
York: Harper, 1953.
QH91 C869s1953
XVIth International Congress of Applied
Psychology: a conference held in Amsterdam
on August 18-22, 1968. Amsterdam:
International Booksellers & Publishers, 1968.
BF636A2 161 1968s
Sherrington: physiologist, philosopher, and
poet I by Lord Cohen of Birkenhead.
Springfield, III.: Thomas, 1958.
Skill and age, an experimental approach / by
A T . Welford. London: Oxford University Press,
WT 100W445s1951
Sleep and wakefulness as alternating
phases in the cycle of existence / by
Nathaniel Kleitman. Chicago: University of
Chicago Press, 1939.
WL 108 K64s 1939
Sleep characteristics: how they vary and
react to changing conditions in the group and
the individual I by N. Kleitman, F.J. Mullin, N.R.
Cooperman and S. Titelbaum. Chicago:
University of Chicago Press, 1937.
WL108K645S 1937
Small plant health and medical programs /
Margaret С Klem and Margaret F. McKiever.
Washington: Public Health Service, 1952.
(Public Health Service publication no. 215)
HD 7261 K63s1952
Smithsonian contributions to astrophysics:
proceedings of the Symposium on the
Astromony and Physics of Meteors held at
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory,
Cambridge, Mass., August 28- September 1,
1961. Washington: Smithsonian Institution,
QB461 S989s1961
Social adjustment in old age / by Otto Pollak.
New York: Social Science Research Council,
Social and psychological studies in
neuropsychiatry in China / edited by R S .
Lyman, V. Maeker, and P. Liang. Peking:
Henry Vetch, 1939.
WL103S6781 1939
Social aspects of disease / by A. Leslie
Banks. London: Arnold, 1953.
QZ140B218S 1953
WZ100S553C 1958
Short glossary of space terms. 2nd ed.
Washington: National Aeronautics and Space
Administration, 1966. (NASA SP 1)
A short history of medicine / by Erwin Heinz
Ackerknecht. New York: Ronald Press, 1955.
W Z 4 0 A182s 1955
A short history: the Royal Aeronautical
Society, 1866-1966. Great Britain: Royal
Aeronautical Society, 1967.
The shortening of life span by injecting
radium, polonium and plutonium / by H.A.
Blair. Rochester: University of Rochester, 1953.
WN 420 U58s 1953
Significant achievements in space
bioscience 1958-64. Washington: National
Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1966.
(NASA SP 92)
WD750U5757S 1966
Significant achievements in space
communications and navigation 1958-64.
Washington: National Aeronautics and Space
Administration, 1966. (NASA SP 93)
TL 788.5 U58s 1966
Significant achievements in space science
1966. Washington: National Aeronautics and
Space Administration, 1967. (NASA SP 155)
Significant achievements in space science
1967. Washington: National Aeronautics and
Space Administration, 1968. (NASA SP 167)
WD750U58sa 1968
Social change: with respect to culture and
original nature / by William Fielding Ogburn.
New York: Viking Press, 1930.
HM 101 034s 1930
Social science in medicine / by Leo W.
Simmons and Harold G. Wolff. New York:
Russell Sage Foundation, 1954.
Social conflict: papers presented at the
Twenty-Fifth Annual Meeting of the American
Sociological Society, held at Cleveland, Ohio,
December 29-31, 1930. Chicago: University of
Chicago Press, 1931.
HM9A512S 1931
1 852.
Society: its structure and changes / by RM.
Maclver. New York: R. Long & R.R. Smith, Inc.,
HM51 M152s1931
Society: problems and methods of study /
edited by A T . Welford et al. London: Routledge
&K. Paul, 1962.
H M 15W445s1962
Some founders of physiology: contributors
to the growth of functional biology /
compiled and edited with the advice of a world­
wide group of physiological scientists for the
XXth International Physiological Congress,
Brussels, Belgium, July 30-August 4, 1956.
Washington: 1956.
Q T 4 L 4 3 5 1956s
Some man-computer symbioses in decision­
making contexts I prepared by U.O. Gagliardi,
В.H. Stowens, and L.L. Vallerie. Stamford:
Dunlap and Associates, 1962.
TA167D921S 1962
Some NASA contributions to human factors
engineering: a survey I by R.A. Behan and
H.W. Wendhausen. Washington: National
Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1973.
(NASA SP 5117)
TA 166 B419s 1973
Some new techniques for studying social
behavior / by Dorothy Swaine Thomas. New
York: Teachers College, Columbia University,
HQ 772 T455s 1929
The social effects of aviation / by William
Fielding Ogburn. Boston: Houghton Mifflin,
TL 664 034s 1946
Social organization: a study of the larger mind
I by Charles Horton Cooley. New York:
Scribner's, 1909.
HM251 C774s1909
Social policies for old age: a review of social
provision for old age in Great Britain I by B.E.
Shenfield. London: Routledge and K. Paul,
The social problems of an industrial
civilization I by Elton Mayo. Boston: Harvard
University, 1945.
HD 2326 M473s1945
Social psychology / by Floyd Henry Allporte.
Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1924.
HM251 A441s1924
Social psychology / by Daniel Katz and
Richard L Schanck. New York: Wiley, 1938.
HM251 K19s 1938
1 848.
Social psychology / by Otto Klineberg. New
York: Holt, 1940.
HM251 K65s1940
Social psychology: an analysis of social
behavior / by Kimball Young. New York: F.S.
Crofts, 1930.
HM251 Y73s1931
Some notes on elementary statistical
methods / by Edmund Churchill and Max
Estrachan. Yellow Springs: 1950.
QA276 A2C563S 1950
Some problems of aviation and space
medicine / scientific editors: Milan Moravek
and Josef Dvorak. Prague: Charles University,
WD700S693 1967
Some relations between vision and audition
I by J. Donald Harris. Springfield, III.: Thomas,
WV100H314S 1950
Social psychology of international conduct /
by George Malcolm Stratton. New York:
Appleton, 1929.
HM 291 S911s 1929
Songs of Park / edited by Roy V. Magers.
Parkville: Park College, n.d.
M 1 M192s
Song of the sky / by Guy Murchie. Rev. ed.
New York: Ziff-Davis, 1979.
TL 546.7 M973s1979
Sonic Boom Research: proceedings of a
conference held at the National Aeronautics
and Space Administration, Washington, D.C.,
April 12, 1967. Washington: National
Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1967.
(NASA SP 147)
TL 574 S55 S698s 1967
Sons of the blue planet (Syny goluboi
planety) I by L. Lebedev, B. Lyk'yanov and A.
Romanov. Washington: Amerind Pub. Co.,
1973. (NASA TT F-728)
TL 789.85 Al L442s 1973
Sound: an elementary textbook on the
science of sound and the phenomena of
hearing / by Floyd Rowe Watson. New York:
Wiley, 1935.
QC225W338S 1935
Space biology: the human factors in space
flight/ by James Stephen Hanrahan and David
Bushnell. New York: Basic Books, 1960.
WD700H248S 1960
Space biology: the human factors in space
flight/ by James Stephen Hanrahan and David
Bushnell. New York: Science Editions, 1961.
Space-cabin atmospheres: a literature review
I by Emanuel M. Roth. Washington: National
Aeronautics and Space Administration, 196467. (NASA SP 47; NASA SP 48; NASA SP
117; NASASP 118)
TL1530R845S 1964
Space cabin simulator: atmosphere and
contaminants / by R.P. Cox. Santa Monica:
Douglas Missile and Space Systems Division,
WD756D733S 1965
The space encyclopedia: a guide to
astromony and space research I editor: M.T.
Bizony. New York: Dutton, 1958.
TL788S732 1958
Space flight and aeromedicine: general
survey with research subject directory and
bibliography I by Vasnil Sergi Sokov.
Washington: ABBE Publishers Association of
Washington, D.C., 1983.
ZWD 700 S683s 1983
Source data of infant and child
measurements: interim data, 1972 I Richard
G. Snyder et al. 1972.
GN66S675S 1972
South sea lore / by Kenneth P. Emory.
Honolulu: Bernice P. Bishop Museum, 1943.
The sowing and the reaping: a western
recollection / by George Stewart. Caldwell:
Caxton Printers, 1970.
WZ 100 S849s 1970
Spaceflight: satellites, space stations, space
travel explained I by Carsbie C. Adams. New
York: McGraw-Hill, 1958.
TL790 A211s 1958
Space industrialization / editor: Brian O'Leary.
Boca Raton: CRC Press, 1982.
TL 797 S732
Space—mankind's fourth environment:
selected papers from the XXXII International
Astronautical Congress, Rome, 6-12
September 1981 I edited by L.G. Napolitano.
New York: Pergamon, 1982.
TL 787.5 S732 1981
Space medicine in Project Mercury / by Mae
Mills Link. Washington: National Aeronautics
and Space Administration, 1965. (NASA SP
Space age fundamentals / prepared by R.D.
Heitchue. Santa Monica: Douglas Aircraft
Company, 1964.
WD758D733S 1964
Space-Age Planning: proceedings of a
conference held in Chicago, III. Washington:
National Aeronautics and Space Administration,
1963. (NASA SP 40)
WD700C748S 1963
The space applications program, 1974 /
Office of Application. Washington: National
Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1974.
TL790U58S 1974
Space medicine: the human factor in flights
beyond the earth. Urbana: University of Illinois
Press, 1951.
WD750S732 1950
Space motion sickness and vestibular
experiments in spacelab / Charles M. Oman.
Warrendale: Society of Automotive Engineers,
WD630S732 1982
Space physiology and medicine / edited by
Arnauld E. Nicogossian and James F. Parker,
Jr. Washington: National Aeronautics and
Space Administration, 1983. (NASA SP 447)
WD750S732 1983
Space research: directions for the future /
report of a study by the Space Science Board.
Washington: National Academy of Sciences National Research Council, 1966
Space scientists and engineers: selected
biographical and bibliographical listing:
1957-1961. Washington: National Aeronautics
and Space Administration, 1962. (NASA SP 5)
ZTL521 U58s1962
Space shuttle / prepared by Lyndon B.
Johnson Space Center. Washington: National
Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1976.
(NASA SP 407)
TL 795.5 L988s 1976
Space Simulation: the proceedings of a
symposium I prepared at Goddard Space Flight
Center. Washington: National Aeronautics and
Space Administration, 1972. (NASA SP 298)
TL1495S732 1972s
Space Simulation: the proceedings of a
symposium held at the International Hotel, Los
Angeles, Calif., November 12-14, 1973 I
prepared at Goddard Space Flight Center.
Washington: National Aeronautics and Space
Administration, 1973. (NASA SP 336)
TL 1495 C748 1973s
Space Simulation: the proceedings of a
symposium held November 3-5, 1975 Silver
Spring, Md. I sponsored by Institute of
Environmental Sciences. Washington: National
Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1975.
(NASA SP 379)
TL 1495 C748 1975s
Space: the new frontier. Washington: National
Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1963.
WD 750 U58s 1963
Space travel / by Heinz Gartmann. New York:
Viking Press, 1962.
TL 788.5 G244s 1962
Spacecraft mechanical engineering / James
L. Adams. Washington: National Aeronautics
and Space Administration, 1965. (NASA SP 66)
TL 875 A214s 1965
Spacecraft sterilization technology: a
conference held at the Beckman Auditorium in
Pasadena, Calif., November 16-18, 1965/
foreword by Lawrence E. Hall. Washington:
National Aeronautics and Space Administration,
1966. (NASA SP 108)
TL945N277S 1966
Spacecraft systems / L.H.Abraham.
Washington: National Aeronautics and Space
Administration, 1965.
TL 875 A159s 1965
Spaces in the home: kitchens and
laundering spaces / Great Britain Department
of the Environment. London: Her Majesty's
Stationery Office, 1972.
NK2117K5G786S 1972
Speculum mentis, or: The map of
knowledge / by R.G. Collingwood. Oxford,
Eng.: Clarendon Press, 1924.
В 1618С73С711 1924
Spinoff 1976: a bicentennial report / by Neil
P. Ruzic. Washington: National Aeronautics
and Space Administration, 1976.
The spirit of modern philosophy: an essay in
the form of lectures I by Josiah Royce. Boston:
Houghton Mifflin, 1892.
Standard nomenclature of athletic injuries /
prepared by the Subcommittee on
Classification of Sports Injuries, Alexius
Rachun, chairman. Chicago: American Medical
Association, 1966.
QT 260 A512s 1966
Stapp Automotive Crash and Field
Demonstration Conference: held at the
Center for Continuing Study, University of
Minnesota, September 14-16, 1961 /edited by
Merrill K. Cragun. Minneapolis: University of
Minnesota, 1962.
W A 2 7 5 U 5 8 1962f
The state of the art of traffic safety: a critical
review and analysis of technical information on
factors affecting traffic safety I by Arthur D.
Little, Inc. for the Automobile Manufacturers
Association. Cambridge, Mass.: 1966.
HE 5614 A788s 1966
The state of the art of traffic safety: a critical
review and analysis of the technical information
on factors affecting traffic safety, summary
report I by Arthur D. Little, Inc. for the
Automobile Manufacturers Association.
Cambridge, Mass.: 1966.
HE 5614 A788sa1966
The story of the Army Air Forces Aero
Medical Center in Germany: 1945-1947, /
report from Heidelberg. 1947.
W X 1 U58s 1947
Stress and strain in bones: their relation to
fractures and osteogenesis / by F. Gaynor
Evans. Springfield, III.: Thomas, 1957.
Stress, fatigue et depression (l'homme et
les agressions de la vie quotidienne) / par
Pierre Bugard. Paris: Doin, 1974.
BF 575 S75B931S 1974-
1 9 1 4 . Stress in infantry combat / by S.W. Davis
and J.G. Taylor. Chevy Chase: Johns Hopkins
University, 1955.
QT162S8D264S 1955
Stroke-width, form and horizontal spacing
of numerals as determinants of the
threshold of recognition / by Curt Berger.
Cornell University, 1943?
The step to man / by John Rader Platt. New
York: Wiley, 1966.
CB 161 P719s1966
Structural visualization / by Johnson
O'Connor. Boston: Human Engineering
Laboratory, 1943.
HF5381 018s 1943
Sterilization of space probe components /
by Martin G. Koesterer. Rochester: Wilmot
Castle Company, 1963?
TL945W744S 1963?
The struggle for airways in Latin America /
by William A.M. Burden. New York: Council on
Foreign Relations, 1943.
TL 726.5 B949s 1943
A student's dictionary of psychological
terms I by Horace B. English. Yellow Springs:
Antioch Press, 1928.
BF31 E58s1928
The student's handbook to the university
and colleges of Cambridge. 24th ed. rev. to
30 June 1925. Cambridge, Eng.: University
Press, 1925.
LF 101 C8S933 1925
Studies in accident-injury prevention / edited
by Myron L. Braunstein and Richard T. Been.
Phoenix: Aviation Safety Engineering and
Research, 1964.
WD740 A957s 1964
Statistical methods in biology, medicine,
and psychology / by C.B. Davenport and
Merle P. Ekas. 4th ed. I New York: Wiley,
QH 405 D247s 1936
Stitt's diagnosis, prevention and treatment
of tropical diseases / by Richard P. Strong.
6th ed. Philadelphia: Blakiston, 1942.
WC680S862 1942
The story of a great schoolmaster / by H.G.
Wells. New York: Macmillan, 1924.
LA 2377 S216w 1924
The story of oriental philosophy / by L.
Adams Beck. New York: Cosmopolitan Book
Company, 1928.
В 121 B393s1928
The story of philosophy: the lives and
opinions of the greater philosophers / by
Will Durant. New York: Simon and Schuster,
Studies in Environmental Physiology:
proceedings of a symposium honoring
Raymond J. Hock. Held at the Laboratory of
Environmental Patho-Physiology, Boulder,
Nev., June 28, 1971 I G. Edgar Folk, Jr. and
D.B. Dill, editors. Desert Research Institute,
QT 140 S989s 1971
Studies in epidemiology: selected papers /
by Morris Greenberg. New York: Putnam, 1965.
WA105G798S 1965
Studies in muscular tension / GL. Freeman,
Studies in personnel and industrial
psychology I edited by Edwin A. Fleishman
and Alan R. Bass. 3rd ed. Homewood: Dorsey
Press, 1974.
HF 5549 F596s 1974
Studies in the dynamics of behavior / by
Calvin P. Stone, Chester W. Darrow, and
Carney Landis. Chicago: University of Chicago
Press, 1932.
BF 181 S933 1932
Studies in visual acuity / prepared by the
staff of the Adjutant General's Office.
Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1948.
Studies of aircraft accident causation
utilizing the index of accident exposure / by
Neil D. Warren et al. Washington: Boiling Air
Force Base, Human Factors Operations
Research Laboratories, 1954.
Studies of compulsive drinkers / edited by
Jane F. Cushman and Carney Landis. New
Haven: Hillhouse Press, 1946.
WM 274 S933 1946
Studies of effectiveness of elimination of
displayed information with observer
practice increase / by the Biotechnology
Laboratory. Los Angeles: University of
California, 1959.
VWV105U58S 1959
Studies of performance assessment and
enhancement / by Earl A. Alluisi and Glynn D.
Coates. Louisville: University of Louisville,
BF481 U58s1969
Studies of performance assessment and
enhancement / by Bill R. Brown and Ben B.
Morgan, Jr. Louisville: University of Louisville,
BF481 U58s 1973
Studies of pilot performance in the flight
environment/ by Charles E. Billings, Jack J.
Eggspuehler, and Ralph Gerke. Columbus:
Ohio State University, 1966.
WD 700 037s 1966
Studies of visual fatigue / Ross A.
McFarland, Alfred H. Holway, and Leo M.
Hurvich. Boston: Harvard University, 1942.
OP 421 M478s1942
Studies on adaptation of man to high
altitudes / by Edward Sigfrid Sundstroem.
Berkeley: University of California Press, 1919.
WD710S958S 1919
Study of accident probability associated
with helicopter operation from the Pan Am
Building heliport. New York: Flight Safety
Foundation, 1964.
T L 7 1 6 A 2 S 9 3 3 1964
A study of attitudes to factory work / by S.
Wyatt. London: Her Majesty's Stationery Office,
HF 5549.5 J63 W976s 1956
A study of behavior and performance / by
the combined services of Massachusetts
General Hospital. Boston: Massachusetts
General Hospital, 196?
A study of combat stress, Korea 1952.
(Preliminary report) I by Operations Research
Office. Chevy Chase: Johns Hopkins
University, 1953.
QT 162 S8J65s 1953
Study of computer manual input devices /
by Wlliam T. Pollock and Gilbert G. Gildner.
Ann Arbor, Bendix Systems Division, 1963.
TK 7887.5 B458s 1963
Study of engineering in medicine and health
care: a final report to the National Institutes of
Health. Washington: National Academy of
Engineering, 1974.
QT34N277S 1974
A study of individual variability in dark
adaptation and night vision in man / Life
Sciences Research Office. Bethesda:
Federation of American Societies for
Experimental Biology, 1970.
WW109S933 1970
A study of the protection afforded by lowtransmission visors for varying durations of
use I by James F. Parker, Jr., Raymond E.
Reilly and Robert R. Gilbert. Arlington:
Biotechnology, Inc., 1965.
A study of manual control methodology / by
L.G. Summers and K. Ziedman. Redondo
Beach: TRW Space Technology Laboratories,
TA167T874S 1964
A study of the relationship between rate and
ability/ by Lillian May Hunsicker. New York:
Teachers College, Columbia University, 1925.
BF431 H938s1925
A study of NASA university programs / Task
Force to Assess NASA University Programs.
Washington: National Aeronautics and Space
Administration, 1968. (NASA SP 185)
О 127U6U58S 1968
A study of the relationships among fatigue,
hours of service, and safety of operations of
truck and bus drivers / by William Harris,
Robert R. Mackie, et al. Goleta: Human Factors
Research, Inc., 1972.
WA275H317S 1972
A study of natio-racial mental differences /
by Nathaniel D. Mttron Hirsch. Worcester: Clark
University, 1926.
BF 432 Al H669s 1926
Study of the transferrai of space technology
to biomedicine. Cambridge, Mass.: BioDynamics, Inc., 1964.
WD750B615S 1964
A study of personal qualities in accident
proneness and proficiency / by Eric Farmer
and E.G. Chambers. London: His Majesty's
Stationery Office, 1929.
HD7695 A2F233s1929
A study of thinking / Jerome S. Bruner,
Jaqueline J. Goodnow, and George A. Austin.
New York: Science Editions, 1962.
BF455 A3B894s1962
A study of prolonged fasting / by Francis
Gano Benedict. Washington: Carnegie
Institution of Washington, 1915.
WB 420 B463s 1915
A study of three pilot operation of a jet
transport aircraft / by J R . Baxter et al.
Melbourne: Aeronautical Research
Laboratories, 1963.
TL 686 B65 B355s 1963
A study of target detection by sonar
operators / C.H. Baker and A. Harabedian.
Los Angeles: Human Factors Research, Inc.,
BF323 V5H918s1962
A study of trace contaminants in enclosed
systems / by Herbert С McKee, H.P.
Burchfield, and John W. Rhoades. San
Antonio: Southwest Research Institute, 1962.
A study of the dynamic model technique in
the analysis of human tolerance to
acceleration / D.J. Shapland. Denver: Stanley
Aviation, 1962.
WD720S787S 1962
A study of visual search using eye
movement recordings: color coding for
information location / prepared by W D .
Shontz, G.A. Trumm, and L.G. Williams.
Roseville: Honeywell, Inc., 1968.
Study of the human element in future antiballastic missile systems / by Donald W.
Conover. San Diego: General Dynamics Corp.,
UG 1310 G326s 1960
A study of visual search using eye
movement recordings: validation studies /
prepared by L.G. Williams et al. Roseville:
Honeywell, Inc., 1968.
WW400H772S 1968
A study of work-producing characteristics
of underwater operations as a function of
depth I by I. Streimer. Downey: North
American Rockwell, 1969.
WD650N864S 1969
A study of the liberal college: a report to the
President of Dartmouth College I by Leon B.
Richardson. Hanover: 1924.
LB 2321 R523s1924
Subjective evaluation of blue and amber
colors for high and intermediate headlight
beam indicators / Mufid A. Tuksal. Warren:
General Motors, Corp., 1973.
WW150G326S 1973
Subjective reaction to dual frequency
vibration I Stanley H. Brumaghim. Wichita:
Boeing Company, 1967.
Sunrise at Eastern: re-birth of a pioneer airline
I Floyd D. Hall. New York: Newcomen Society
in North America, 1965.
TL 552 H 175s 1965
The surgical treatment of hypertension / by
George Crile. Philadelphia: Saunders, 1938.
WG340C929S 1938
A survey and analysis of vigilance research
I by Bruce 0. Bergum and I. Charles Klein.
Washington: George Washington University,
BF321 U58s1961
Subjective reaction to whole-body vibration
I Robert E. Chaney. Wichita: Boeing Company,
WD735B671S 1964
Successful living in this machine age / by
Edward A. Filene. New York: Simon and
Schuster, 1932.
A survey in seating / by Earnest A. Hooton.
Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University, 1945.
Sumary of Gemini extravehicular activity /
edited by Reginald M. Machell. Washington:
National Aeronautics and Space Administration,
1967. (NASA SP 149)
TL 789.8 U6 M281s 1967
A survey of bioastronautics, 1961-1962:
resources for research and development
William J. White, editor. Buffalo: Cornell
Aeronautical Laboratory, 1962.
WD750C814S 1962
A survey of chronic weightlessness
simulation in biological research / by
Charles С Wunder. Charlottesville: University
of Virginia, 1964?
WD752U58S 1964
A survey of internal and external noise
environments in U.S. Army aircraft / by
Donald С Gasaway and Jimmy L. Hatfield.
Washington: U.S. Army Medical Research and
Development Command, 1963.
WD735U58S 1963
A survey of operations and systems
research literature / by Margaret W. Raben.
Tufts University, 1960.
T57.6T915S 1960
Survey of research projects in the field of
aviation safety / the Daniel and Florence
Guggenheim Aviation Safety Center at Cornell
University. New York: Cornell University, 1951;
1953-1956; 1958-1967.
Z 5064 S3 S964
A survey of space applications ...forthe
benefit of all mankind. Washington: National
Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1967.
(NASA SP 142)
Summary of human engineering reseach
data and principles related to highway
design and traffic engineering problems /
T.W. Forbes and M.S. Katz. Pittsburgh:
American Institute for Research, 1957.
TE 175F695S 1957
Summary of investigation / conducted by
Woods Hole Océanographie Institution. Woods
Hole: Woods Hole Océanographie Institution,
GC57W898S 196?
A summary of manual and mechanical
ability tests / by George K. Bennett and Ruth
M. Cruikshank. New York: Psychological Corp.,
BF431 B471s1943
Summary report: automotive crash injury
research / by B.J. Campbell et al. New York:
Cornell University Press, 1961.
WA 275 A939s 1961
Summary report on studies of behavioral
efficiency (1951-1954) / by T.G. Andrews and
Sherman Ross. College Park: University of
Maryland, 1955.
WA475 A571s1955
Survey of the literature on the solar
constant and the spectral distribution of
solar radiant flux / MP. Thekaekara.
Washington: National Aeronautics and Space
Adminstration, 1965. (NASA SP 741)
QB531 T378s 1965
A survey report on human factors in
undersea warfare / prepared by the Panel on
Psychology and Physiology. Washington:
National Research Council, 1949.
Surveyor I: a preliminary report / Lunar
Planetary Programs Division. Washington:
National Aeronautics and Space Administration,
1966. (NASA SP 126)
TL 789.8 U6U58s 1966
Survival: a manual for aircraft crews forced
down in all parts of the world; including hints
on living off the land, building shelters,
traveling, protection against disease, saving life
and limb. Washington: Airlines War Training
Institute, 1943.
TL 553.7 A298s 1943
Survival in the air age: a report I President's
Air Policy Commission. Washington: U.S. Govt.
Print. Off, 1948.
TL 521 U58s 1948
Survival in the cold: hibernation and other
adaptations: proceedings of the International
Symposium for Survival in the Cold held in
Prague, Czechoslovakia, July 2-5, 1980/
editors, X.J. Musacchia and L. Jansky. New
York: Elsevier-North Holland, 1981.
QL755 1615s 1980
Survival: land, sea, jungle, arctic; a manual
for aircraft crews forced down in all parts of the
world including hints on living off the land,
building shelters, traveling, protection against
disease, saving life and limb. Washington:
Infantry Journal, 1944.
TL 553.7 A298s 1944
Survival through design / by Richard Neutra.
New York: Oxford University Press, 1954.
NA2500N497S 1954
Sustained performance and recovery during
continuous operations / by Ben B. Morgan,
Jr. and Glynn D. Coates. Norfolk: Old Dominion
University, 1974.
BF481 044s 1974
Sustained performance during 36 hours of
continuous work and sleep loss / by Ben B.
Morgan, Jr. et al. Louisville: University of
Louisvile, 1975.
WL 108 U58s 1975
Symposium on Air Safety, Tel-Aviv,
November 1963. Tel-Aviv: National Council for
Civil Aviation, 1964?
TL 553.5 S989s 1964
A symposium on color / jointly sponsored by
the Inter-Society Color Council and Illuminating
Engineering Society, 1940.
QC 494.15 161s 1940
Symposium on Ecology of Air Transport,
Los Angeles, Calif, 1956. Proceedings I edited
by Slade Hulbert and Heinz Haber. Los
Angeles: University of California, 1957?
Symposium on Fatigue / edited by W.F. Floyd
and A T . Welford. London: H.K. Lewis, 1953.
(Ergonomics Research Society proceedings
BF481 S989 1953
Symposium on Human Factors in
Equipment Design / edited by W.F. Floyd and
A T . Welford. London: H. K. Lewis, 1954.
TA166S989 1951
Symposium on Preventive and Social
Psychiatry I sponsored jointly by the Walter
Reed Army Institute of Research, Walter Reed
Army Medical Center and the National
Research Council, 15-17 April 1957.
Washington, D.C. Washington: U.S. Govt. Print.
Off., 1958.
WM 31.5S986S 1957
Symposium on Stress / sponsored jointly by
Division of Medical Sciences, National
Research Council and the Army Medical
Service Graduate School; 16-18 March 1963,
Walter Reed Army Medical Center Washington:
Army Medical Service Graduate School, 1953.
QZ160U58S 1953
Symposium on the Protection Against
Radiation Hazards in Space. Proceedings:
radiation environment in space. Oak Ridge:
Atomic Energy Commission, 1962.
WD750S989pv.1 1962
Symposium on the Protection Against
Radiation Hazards in Space. Proceedings:
Shielding against space radiations. Oak Ridge:
Atomic Energy Commission, 1962.
WD 750 S9894p v.2 1962
Symposium on the Thermal Barrier:
presented by the Aviation Division of the ASME
at the annual meeting, November 28-December
3, 1954. New York: American Society of
Mechanical Engineers, 1954.
TL573A45A512S 1954
A Symposium on the Use of Isotopes in
Biology and Medicine / contributors: Hans T.
Clarke et al. Madison: University of Wisconsin
Press, 1948.
WN 415 S989s 1947
System for downed aircraft location.
Washington: Radio Technical Commission for
Aeronautics, 1965.
TL 553.8 R129s 1965
2003. A system for obtaining physiological data
during flight / by C G . Phipps and G.G.
Lucchina. Point Mugu: U.S. Naval Missile
Center, 1962.
WD730P573S 1962
System for the management of trauma and
emergency surgery in space / Bruce
Houtchens. Houston: University of Texas
Health Science Center, 1984.
WD750H844S 1984
A system of ethics / by Friedrich Paulsen.
New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1899.
BJ 1111 P332s1899
Systematic psychology: prolegomena / by
Edward Bradford Titchener. New York:
Macmillan, 1929.
BF64T617S 1929
2007. Tables for statisticians / Herbert Arkin and
Raymond R. Colton. New York: Barnes &
Noble, 1950.
HA13A721t 1950
2008. Tables of energy losses and ranges of
electrons and positrons / by Martin J. Berger
and Stephen M. Seltzer. Washingon: National
Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1964.
(NASA SP 3012)
QC 794 B496t 1964
Tables on energy losses and ranges of
heavy charged particles / by Walter H.
Barkas and Martin J. Berger. Washington:
National Aeronautics and Space Administration,
1964. (NASA SP 3013)
QB 794 B254t 1964
2 0 1 O. Target detection performance when
monitoring radar and sonar PPI displays
concurrently / C.H. Baker and William Harris.
Los Angeles: Human Factors Research, Inc.,
BF323 V5H918t 1969
2 0 1 1 . Technical development and its effect on air
transportation / a lecture delivered by Edward
Pearson Warner, under the James Jackson
Cabot professorship of air traffic regulation and
air transportation at Norwich Univerity,
February 23, 1938. Northfield: Norwich
University, 1938.
TL660 W281M938
2 0 1 2 . Technical memorandum: aircrew cooling
study I by F. Jürgens. Silver Spring: Johns
Hopkins, 1968.
WD740 J95t1968
2 0 1 3 . Technical report on headlight switching
studies/ by L.A. Middendorf and P.W. Dineen.
Warren: General Motors Corp., 1973.
TL273G326t 1973
A technique for joining and sealing
dissimilar materials / from Lewis Research
Center, Cleveland, Ohio. Washington: National
Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1965.
(NASA SP 5016).
TS226U58t 1965
2 0 1 5 . Techniques for evaluating operator loading
in man-machine systems: a further
application of a "model" for digital simulation of
one or two-operator man-machine systems I by
Arthur I Siegel and J. Jay Wolf. Wayne: Applied
Psychological Services, 1961.
QA 76.5 A652f 1961
2 0 1 6 . Techniques for evaluating operator loading
in man-machine systems: development of a
method for real time assessment of operator
overloading I by Arthur I. Siegel et al. Wayne:
Applied Psychological Services, 1966.
WL108A652d 1966
Technology and the Neurologically
Handicapped: a conference co-sponsored by
the United Cerebral Palsy Foundation and
National Aeronautics and Space Administration,
held at NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett
Field, Calif., September 8-10, 1971. Moffett
Field: Ames Research Center, 1973. (NASA SP
WB 320 C748t 1973
2018. Technology applications progress report: an
annual review for the Technology Utilization
Office (code KT), National Aeronautics and
Space Administration for the period 1 January
1972-31 December 1972. Washington: National
Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1972.
T 174.3 G349t 1972
2019. Teleoperator controls / by William R. Corless
and Edwin G. Johnsen. Washington: National
Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1968.
(NASA SP 5070)
TA167C799t 1968
Tests and measurements in health and
physical education / Charles Harold McCloy.
2nd ed. New York: F.S. Crofts, 1944.
GV361 M127t 1944
2028. Textbook of abnormal psychology / by Roy
M. Dorcus and G. Wilson Shaffer. Baltimore:
Williams SWilkins, 1934.
BF 173 D694t1934
A textbook of aviation physiology / edited by
J. A. Gillies. New York: Pergamon, 1965.
WD700G481t 1965
2030. Textbook of experimental psychology / by
R.S. Woodworth and A.T. Poffenberger, 1920.
BF 181 W912t1920
A textbook of experimental psychology: with
laboratory exercises I by Charles S. Myers. 2nd
ed. Cambridge, Eng.: University Press, 1911.
WL 103 M996t 1911
Temperature, its measurement and control
in science and industry. New York: Reinhold,
QC271 A512t 1939
A textbook of experimental psychology: with
laboratory exercises I by Charles S. Myers. 3rd
ed. Cambridge, Eng.: University Press, 1925.
WL 103 M996t 1925
Ten years of human vibration research / JE.
Beaupeurt et al. Wichita: Boeing Company,
WD735B671ty 1969
A text-book of medical psychology / by Ernst
Kretschmer. London: Oxford University Press,
WM 100 K92t 1934
A textbook of medicine / edited by Russell L.
Cecil and Robert F. Loeb. 8th ed. Philadelphia:
Saunders, 1951.
WB 100 C388t 1951
2020. Teleoperators and human augmentation: an
AEC-NASA technology survey I by Edwin G.
Johnsen and William R. Corless. Washington:
National Aeronautics and Space Administration,
1967. (NASA SP 5047)
TJ211 J65t 1967
2026. Test of operational ration type "E":
regarding acceptability and nutritional
adequacy. Chicago: Medical Nutrition
Laboratory, 1947.
QU 145 M489t 1947
10 years of plastic balloons / by Otto С
Winzen. Rev. ed. Minneapolis: Winzen
Research Co., 1958.
TL618W795t 1958
2024. Tertiary effects of blast-displacement.
Report to the test director I by R.V. Taborelli,
IG. Bowen, and E.R. Fletcher. Albuquerque:
Lovelace Foundation for Medical Education and
Research, 1959.
UG 1282 A8L898t 1959
2025. Tertium Organum: the third canon of
thought: a key to the enigmas of the world /
P.D. Ouspensky. New York: Knopf, 1923.
B4279U7T332U 1923
2035. Textbook of preventive medicine / by Hugh
Rodman Leavell and E. Gurney Clark. New
York: McGraw-Hill, 1953.
WA 108 L439p 1953
A text-book of psychology / by Edward
Bradford Titchener. New York: Macmillan,
BF 139 T617t 1910
2 0 3 7 . Theoretical and experimental study of the
elastic behavior of the human brachial and
other human and canine arteries / by E.
Glenn Tickrmr and Alvin H. Sacks. Palo Alto:
Vidya, 1964.
WG510 V655t 1964
2038. Theoretical Biology: proceedings of a
conference held in Princeton, N.J., November
22-24, 1963 I edited by George J. Jacobs.
Washington: National Aeronautics and Space
Administration, 1966. (NASA SP 104)
OH 506 C748t 1963
2039. Theoretical foundations of psychology /
edited by Harry Helson. New York: Van
Nostrand, 1951.
BF 121 T396 1951
2040. Theoretical presentation of a design for an
optimized cardiovascular performance
monitoring system / by G. Sullivan et al. Van
Nuys: Spacelabs, Inc. 1961.
WG 140 S732t 1961
Theory and methods of research on aging;
current topics in the psychology of aging:
perception, learning, cognition, and personality
I edited by K. Warner Schaie. Morgantown:
West Virginia University, 1968.
WT 150 C748t 1968
2042. Theory and problems of industrial
psychology I by Willard A. Kerr. Brookport:
William James Press, 1966.
WA495K41t 1966
Thermodynamic equilibrium in prebiological
atmospheres of C, H, 0, N, P, S, and CI / by
M.O. Dayhoff et al. Washington: National
Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1967.
(NASA SP 3040)
QC 319 N277t 1967
2 0 4 4 . Thermodynamic properties to 6000 К for
210 substances involving the first 18
elements / by Bonnie J. McBride et al.
Washington: National Aeronautics and Space
Administration, 1963. (NASA SP 3001)
QD 504 M478t 1963
Thesaurus of engineering and scientific
terms I prepared by Office of Naval Research,
Project LEX, in joint operation with Engineers
Joint Council. Washington: Dept. of Defense,
Z 695.1 E5E57M967
2046. Thinking: an experimental and social study /
Frederic Bartlett. London: Allen & Unwin, 1958.
BF455 A3B289t 1958
2047. The Third Air Pollution Medical Research
Conference proceedings / sponsored by the
State of California Department of Public Health,
held December 9-10, 1959, in the Los Angeles
County Medical Association Building. California
State Department of Public Health, 1959?
WA754 A2981 1959t
Third Annual Aerospace Reliability and
Maintainability Conference, June 29-July 1,
1964; proceedings. New York: Society of
Automotive Engineers, 1964.
TL545R382 1964t
2049. Third Conference on Sonic Boom Research:
proceedings held at NASA Headquarters,
Washington D.C., October29-30, 1970. /edited
by Ira R. Schwartz. Washington: National
Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1971.
(NASA SP 255)
T L 5 7 4 S 5 5 C 7 4 8 1970t
2050. Third International Space Rescue
Symposium: held at the XXI Congress of the
International Astronautical Federation,
Constance, Germany, October 4th-9th, 1970/
edited by Paul A. Campbell. Houston: Boeing
Co., 1971.
TL 867 161 1970t
2 0 5 1 . Thomas W. Salmon, psychiatrist / by Earl D.
Bond. New York: Norton, 1950.
WZ 100 S172b 1950
2052. Three problem children: narrative from the
case records of a child guidance clinic I Joint
Committee on Methods of Preventing
Delinquency. New York: 1924.
LC4019 J74t 1924
2053. Through nature to God / by John Fiske.
Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1899.
BL181 F541t 1899
2054. Thus spake Zarathustra / by Friedrich
Nietzsche. New York: Dial Press, 1928.
2055. The tides of life: the endocrine glands in
bodily adjustment / by R G . Hoskins. New
York: Norton, 1933.
WK 100 H826t 1933
Time, cells, and aging / Bernard Louis
Strehler. New York: Academic Press, 1962.
WT 104 S915t 1962
2057. Tobacco and mental efficiency / by M.V.
O'Shea. New York: Macmillan, 1925.
QV 137 082t 1925
2067. Traffic education programme for preschool
aged children and children starting school /
Tapio Nummenmaa, Kaarin Ruuhilehto, Matti
Syvanen. Helsinki: Liikenneturva, 1975.
WA275N971t 1975
Tobacco & physical efficiency: a digest of
clinical data (with annotated bibliography) /
by Pierre Schrumpf-Pierron. New York: P.B.
Hoeber, 1927.
ZQV 137 S382t 1927
2059. Tolerance and performance under severe
transverse ( ± Gx) vibration / Denis Faubert,
Brude Cooper, and C.C. Clark. Baltimore:
Martin Company, 1963.
WD 735 M382t1963
2069. The tragic sense of life in men and in
peoples I by Miguel de Unamuno. London:
Macmillan, 1921.
B4568U5U54d 1921
Trainee pilot selection (1961- 1966): a
retrospective study I by Lawrence B.J. Healy.
WD700H434t 1966?
Training and reference manual for job
analysis. Washington: Dept. of Labor, 1944.
HF5549.5 J6U58t 1944
2060. Topics in medical electronics. Long Island:
Airborne Instruments Laboratory, 1961.
Toward a brighter future for the elderly: the
report of the President's Task Force on the
Aging. Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1970.
W T 5 U 5 8 t 1970
2062. Toward a national policy on aging,
proceedings of the 1971 White House
Conference on Aging, November 28-December
2 Washington, D.C. Washington: U.S. Govt.
Print. Off., 1973.
2063. Toxic atmospheres associated with real fire
situations I by Julian M. Ives, Ernest E.
Hughes, and John K. Taylor. Washington: U.S.
Dept. of Commerce, 1972.
QD 516 U58t 1972
Toxic Hazards in Military Flying and in the
Aviation Industry: aviation medicine
symposium held at the Headquarters Air
Material Command, Wright-Patterson Air Force
Base, Ohio, November 6-7, 1957.
UH205A957t 1957
2065. The toxic substances list / Herbert E.
Christensen, editor. 1973 ed. Rockville: Dept.
of Health, Education and Welfare, 1973.
WA465N277t 1973
Tracking performance during whole-body
vibration I R.E. Chaney and D.L. Parks.
Wichita: Boeing Company, 1964.
WD735B671t 1964
Traffic safety: strategies for research and
action I proceedings of a conference held in
Hartford, Conn., January 16-17, 1967 I Hugh J.
Miser, editor. Hartford: Travelers Research
Center, 1968.
WA 275 C748t 1968
2072. Training and rewards of the physician / by
R.C. Cabot. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1918.
W62C116t 1918
2073. The Training of Astronauts: report of a
working group conference I Panel on
Psychology, Armed Forces-NRC Committee on
Bio-astronautics. Washington: National
Academy of Sciences - National Research
Council, 1961.
TL 1085A728t1961
2074. Trans-Canada air lines male air crew
dimensions. Santa Monica: Douglas Aircraft
Company, 1959.
GN 66.5 D733t 1959
2075. Transforming and Using Space- Research
Knowledge; Ten Diversified Views, NASAUCLA symposium and workshop, Los Angeles,
Calif., June 2, 1964. Washington: National
Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1964.
(NASA SP 5018)
T 185 S989t1964
Transmission and reception of sounds
under combat conditions. Washington:
National Defense Research Committee, 1946.
QT34U58t 1946
Los trastornos circulatorios de la
avitaminosis B l / Leon De Soldati. Buenos
Aires: "El Ateneo" Libreria Cientifica y
Leteraria, 1940.
WD 122 S684t 1940
2 0 7 8 . Trauma and the automobile / edited by
William J. Curran and Neil L. Chayet.
Cincinnati: Anderson, 1966.
WA275C976t 1966
The traveller's health guide / by Anthony С.
Turner. London: Tom Stacey Ltd, 1971.
2 0 8 9 . Tutorials on motion perception / edited by
Alexander H. Wertheim, Wllem A. Wagenaar
and Herschel W. Leibowitz. New York: Plenum,
WW105T966 1980
2 0 8 0 . Treatment in psychiatry / by Oskar Diethelm.
New York: Macmillan, 1936.
WM 105 D565t 1936
2 0 8 1 . The treatment of diabetes mellitus / by Elliott
P. Joslin et al. 8th ed., Philadelphia: Lea &
Febiger, 1946.
WK810 J83t 1946
2 0 8 2 . The treatment of shock from prolonged
exposure to cold, especially in water /
reported by Major Leo Alexander. Washington:
Dept. of Commerce, 1945.
QT140 A376t 1945
2 0 8 3 . Trends in gerontology / by Nathan W. Shock.
2nd ed. Stanford: Stanford University Press,
WT 100 S559t 1957
2 0 8 4 . Tri-Service Conference on Research
Relevant to Behavior Problems of Small
Military Groups Under Isolation and Stress /
edited by S.B. Sell. Fort Worth: Texas Christian
University, 1961.
BF 575 S75T837 1961
Tritium contamination in particle accelerator
operation / by Donald 0. Nellis et al. Rockville:
Bureau of Radiological Health, 1967. (Public
Health Service publication no. 999-RH-29)
Q C 7 8 7 P 3 T 8 3 9 1967
XXth International Congress of Aviation and
Space Medicine / under the auspices of the
International Academy of Aviation and Space
and the French Society Aviation and Space
Physiology and Medicine. Paris: Masson et Cie,
WD 700 1612 1972
2 0 9 1 . Twenty-five years of health progress: a
study of the mortality experience among the
industrial policyholders of the Metropolitan Life
Insurance Company 1911 to 1935 I by Louis I.
Dublin and Alfred J. Lotka. New York:
Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, 1937.
WA900AA1 D814M937
2092. Twilight of man / by Earnest Albert Hooton.
New York: Putnam's, 1939.
GN281 H789t1939
2 0 9 3 . Two applications of GEDA computers to
statistical problems of operations research.
Akron: Goodyear Aircraft Corp, 1955.
QA 76.8 G658t 1955
2 0 9 4 . The two cultures and the scientific
revolution I G. P. Snow. New York: Cambridge
University Press, 1959.
AZ361 S674t1959
Tri-Service Conference on Selection
Research: proceedings. Washington: Office of
Naval Research, 1960. (ONR symposium
report, ACR-60)
UB 320 T837 1960
Trinity College: an historical sketch / by
G.M. Trevelyan. Cambridge, Eng.: University
Press, 1943.
LF 295 T812t 1943
2 0 9 6 . Two reviews of accident research: current
research in childhood accidents / Edward A.
Suchman and Alfred L. Scherzer. Youth and
the automobile I Ross A. McFarland and
Roland С Moore. New York: 1960.
HV675.5 A849t 1960
2 0 8 7 . Trinity College Cambridge: register of
members, 1938. Cambridge, Eng.: University
Press, 1938.
LF 124A2T833 1938
The two-dimensional tracking task for use
in comparative evaluation of instrument
displays I by T.J. Triggs. Melbourne:
Aeronautical Research Laboratories, 1966.
TL 696 H4 T828t 1966
2 0 9 7 . Two studies of the behavioral effects of
Phlebotomus fever in man / by Glynn D.
Coates et al. Louisville: University of Louisville,
WC 526 U58t 1969
Unsafe at any speed: the designed-in
dangers of the American automobile / Ralph
Nader. New York: Grossman, 1965.
WA275N135U 1965
Unusual environments and human behavior:
physiological and psychological problems
of man in space / edited by Neal M. Burns,
Randall M. Chambers and Edwin Hendler. New
York: Free Press of Glencoe, 1963.
W D 7 5 4 U 6 1 1963
Urban rapid transit: concepts and evaluation I
Lester A. Hoel et al. Pittsburgh: CarnegieMellon University, 1968.
TA1205U73 1968
U.S. Air Force achievements in research /
Washington: Office of Aerospace Research,
UG633U58 19??
U.S. Army H-25 helicopter drop test / Flight
Safety Foundation. Phoenix: Aviation Crash
Injury Research, 1960.
TL566A957U 1960
2000 accidents: a shop floor study of their
causes based on 42 months' continuous
observation / Philip Powell et al. London:
National Institute of Industrial Psychology,
WA 485 T974 1971
2 0 9 9 . The uncertain miracle: hyperbaric
oxygenation: the little-known maverick medical
treatment which has saved the lives of
thousands of people I Vance H. Trimble.
Garden City: Doubleday, 1974.
WB365T381U 1974
Underwater Physiology: proceedings of the
second symposium held at Washington D.C.,
February 25-26, 1963 I Christian J. Lambertsen
and Leon J. Greenbaum, Jr., editors.
Washington: National Academy of Sciences National Research Council, 1963.
WD650S989 1963u
Uniform practices for the measurement of
aircraft noise / prepared jointly by the Aircraft
Research & Testing Committee and Noise
Control Committee. Washington: Aircraft
Industries Association of America, 1952.
TL 671.65 A198u 1952
United States naval aviation, 1910-1980 / by
Clarke Van Fleet. 3rd ed. Washington: Dept. of
the Navy, 1981.
TL 521 V217u 1981
2 1 0 3 . The United States Public Health Service,
1798-1950/ by Ralph Chester Williams.
Washington: Commissioned Officers
Association of the United States Public Health
Service, 1951.
WA11 AA1 W726u 1951
2 1 0 4 . The universe of science / by H. Levy.
London: Watts, 1932.
Q 175L668U 1932
2 1 0 5 . The unreasonable American: Francis W.
Davis, inventor of power steering / by
Houston Branch & Wendell Smith. Washington:
Acropolis Books, 1968.
TL140B816U 1968
2 1 1 1 . The use of accidents and traffic offenses as
criteria for evaluating courses in driver
education / by Jean Shaoul. Salford, Eng.:
University of Salford, 1975.
TL 152.66 G7S528ua 1975
2 1 1 2 . The use of chemical tests for alcohol in
traffic law enforcement / by Glenn С
Forrester. Springfield, III.: Thomas, 1950.
WA275F731U 1950
2 1 1 3 . The use of driving tests as alternative
criteria to accidents for evaluating driver
education / by Jean Shaoul. Salford, Eng.:
University of Salford, 1975.
TL 152.66 G7S528ud 1975
2 1 1 4 . The use of driving tests as an alternative
criteria to accidents for evaluating the
effectiveness of driver education / by Jean
Shaoul. Salford, Eng.: University of Salford,
TL 152.66 G7S528U 1974
2 1 1 5 . The use of reference signals in a visual
vigilance task. I. Reference signals
continuously displayed / by C.H. Baker and
J. O'Hanlon, Jr. Los Angeles: Human Factors
Research, Inc., 1963.
WW105H918U 1963
The use of reference signals in a visual
vigilance task. I I . Reference signals
displayed when demanded and when
arbitrarily programmed / by C.H. Baker and J.
O'Hanlon, Jr. Los Angeles: Human Factors
Research, Inc., 1963.
Useful applications of earth- oriented
satellites: summaries of panel report.
Washington: National Academy of Sciences,
TL 798 S3 N277u 1969
Useful new technology: special publications
reporting on research and development.
Washington: National Aeronautics and Space
Administration, 1967.
TL 790 U58u 1967
Utility of information as a predictor of
decision adequacy / James M. McKendry and
Paul M. Hurst. State College: Singer Company,
T58.6H873U 1964
Utility of information as a predictor of
decision adequacy in ambiguous choice
situations I James M. McKendry. State
College: Singer Company, 1965.
T58.6H873ui 1965
The varieties of religious experience: a study
in human nature; being the Gifford lectures on
natural religion delivered at Edinburgh in 19011902 I by William James. New York:
Longmans, Green, 1916.
BR 110 J29v 1916
Vertigo and dizziness / by Bernard J. Alpers.
New York: Grune & Stratton, 1958.
WV 255 A456v 1958
Victory at Midway / by Griffith Baily Coale.
New York: Farrar & Rinehart, 1944.
D 767.94 C652v 1944
Victory through air power / by Alexander P.
De Seversky. New York: Simon and Schuster,
UG 633 D452v 1942
Vigilance: a guide to improved performance
I by Bruce 0. Bergum. Washington: George
Washington University, 1963.
BF321 U58vi 1963
2 1 3 1 . Vigilance performance as a function of task
and environmental variables by Bruce 0.
Bergum and Donald J. Lehr. Washington:
George Washington University, 1963.
BF321 U58v1963
Viking 1 , early results. Washington: National
Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1976.
(NASA SP 408)
TL 789.8 U6 U58v1976
Virus I by Wolfhard Weidel. Ann Arbor:
University of Michigan Press, 1959.
QW 160 W417v 1959
Vision, a computational investigation into
the human representation and processing of
visual information / David Marr. San
Francisco: Freeman, 1982.
WW 103 M358v1982
2 1 2 1 . V.A. prospectus research in aging.
Washington: Veterans Administration, 1958.
WT 104 U58v 1958
Vacuum switchgear: a survey / by W S .
Emmerich. Washington: National Aeronautics
and Space Administration, 1967. (NASA SP
TK2821 E54v1967
2 1 2 3 . The validity of weather forecasts in SAGE
displays I by Herbert E. Dawson. Santa
Monica: Systems Development Corp., 1959.
TL 557 R4S995v1959
Value convictions and higher education / by
John Edwin Smith. New Haven: Edward W.
Hazen Foundation, 1958.
LB 3609 S652v 1958
Values and ideals of American youth / by Eli
Ginzberg. New York: Columbia University
Press, 1961.
HQ 792 G493v 1961
2 1 3 5 . Vision: a study of its basis I by S. Howard
Bartley. New York: Hafner, 1963.
Vision with spatial inversion / by F.W.
Snyder and N.H. Pronko. Wichita: University of
Wichita Press, 1952.
2 1 3 7 . Vistas in science / edited by David L. Arm.
Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press,
Q 101 A298 1968V
2 1 4 7 . Visual search time as a function of display
mode I by B.C. Duggar, S.M. Autor, and D.E.
Moore. Bedford: Mitre Corp., 1964.
WW 105 M684v1964
Visual capabilities in the space
environment; a collection of articles sponsored
by the Human Factors Society I edited by C.A.
Baker. New York: Pergamon, 1965.
WD752 V834 1965
Vital energetics: a study in comparative basal
metabolism I by Francis G. Benedict.
Washington: Carnegie Institution of
Washington, 1938.
QU 125 B463v 1938
2 1 3 9 . Visual detection of positive vs. negative
pips on a radar PPI / C.H. Baker and W.K.
Earl. Los Angeles: Human Factors Research,
Inc., 1968.
Vitality/ by Boris Sokoloff. New York: E.P.
Dutton, 1934.
OH 341 S683v1934
Visual information display systems: a survey
/Auerbach Corp. Washington: National
Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1968.
(NASA SP 5049)
TK7882 16A917v1968
2 1 4 1 . Visual-motor performance during wholebody vibration I R.E. Chaney and D.L. Parks.
Wichita: Boeing Company, 1964.
WD735B671vm 1964
Visual performance under whole- body
vibration I Robert J. Teare and D.L. Parks.
Wichita: Boeing Company, 1963.
Visual problems in aviation medicine / New
York: Pergamon, 1962. (AGARDograph no.61)
WD700 V834 1962
Visual problems of space travel: report of
Working Group V, Armed Forces-NRC
Committee on Vision I edited by James W.
Miller. Washington: National Academy of
Sciences - National Research Council, 1962.
WD752 A728v1962
Visual problems of the armed forces. Papers
presented before the Armed Forces-NRC
Committee on Vision. Smithsonian Auditorium,
Washington, D.C., 30-31 March, 1962/edited
by Milton A. Whitcomb. Washington: National
Academy of Sciences - National Research
Council, 1962.
WW 140 A728v1962
Visual search for simple targets / Warren H.
Teichner and Marjorie J. Krebs. Las Cruces:
New Mexico State University, 1972.
BF323 V5N532v1972
2 1 5 0 . The vitality of the Christian tradition / edited
by George F. Thomas. New York: Harper,
BR 138T456v1944
2 1 5 1 . The waking brain / by Horace Winchell
Magoun. Springfield, III.: Thomas, 1958.
WL 300 M211w 1958
Walter Bradford Cannon, 1871- 1945: a
memorial exercise I held at the Harvard
Medical School, Monday, November 5, 1945.
Boston: 1945.
WZ100C226 1945
2 1 5 3 . The war in maps: an atlas of the New York
Times maps I text by Francis Brown. New
York: Oxford University Press, 1942.
D 743.3 B877w 1942
2 1 5 4 . War neuroses in North Africa: the Tunisian
campaign (January-May 1943) I By Roy R.
Grinker and John P. Spiegel. New York: Josiah
Macy Jr. Foundation, 1943.
WM 184 G867w 1943
Waste-recovery processes for a closed
ecological system: a special report /
prepared for the Panel on Closed Ecological
Systems, Armed Forces-NRC Committee on
Bio-astronautics. Washington: National
Academy of Sciences - National Research
Council, 1961.
WA 690 P664w 1961
Water requirements of desert animals in the
Southwest I by Charles T. Vorhies. Tucson:
University of Arizona, 1945.
QL 116v953w1945
The way of an investigator: a scientist's
experiences in medical research / by Walter
Bradford Cannon. New York: Norton, 1945.
WZ 100 C226w 1945
2 1 5 8 . We reach the moon: the New York Times
story of man's greatest adventure I by John
Noble Wilford. New York: Bantam Books, 1969.
TL 799 Мб W677w 1969
Weather and health: a study of daily
mortality in New York city / by Ellsworth
Huntington. Washington: National Research
Council, 1930.
WB 700 N227w 1930
Who's who in American education: an
illustrated biographical dictionary of eminent
living educators of the United States I Robert
С Cook, editor. 11th ed., 1943-44. Nashville:
Who's Who in American Education, 1944.
LA 2311 W628 1944
2 1 7 0 . Who's who in space. Washington: Space
Publications, 1965
TL 789.85 W628 1965
The Weir group: a centenary history / W.J.
Reader. London: Weidenfeld, 1971.
HD 9680 R286w 1971
Who's who in world aviation. Washington:
American Aviation Publications, 1955-1958.
TL539W628 1955
What dare I think?: the challenge of modern
science to human action & belief (including the
Henry La Barre Jayne foundation Lectures
[Philadelphia] for 1931 ) / by Julian Huxley. New
York: Harper, 1931.
QH311 H986w1931
Who's who in world aviation and
astronautics. Washington: American Aviation
Publications, 1958.
TL539W628 1958
What is the Oxford group? / by the layman
with a notebook. New York: Oxford University
Press, 1935.
BV4915W555 1935
2 1 6 3 . What men live by: work, play, love, worship I
by Richard С Cabot. Boston: Houghton Mifflin
Company, 1914.
BJ 1581 C116w1914
2 1 7 3 . Why we see like human beings: published to
protect and preserve the only pair of eyes we
will ever have. New York: Better Vision
Institute, 1936.
2 1 7 4 . Wiley Post's aerospace achievements / by
Stanley R. Mohler. Oklahoma City: 1963.
TL 540 P858m 1963
What people are: a study of normal young
men I by Clark W. Heath. Cambridge, Mass.:
Harvard University Press, 1945.
GN59 M4H437w1945
2 1 7 5 . Wind tunnels and their instrumentation:
(Aeromekhanicheskie izmerenia. Metody i
pribory) I S.M. Gorlin and I.I. Slezinger.
Jerusalem: Israel Program for Scientific
Translations, 1966. (NASA TT F-346)
TL 567 W5 G699w 1966
2 1 6 5 . What you should know about tobacco / by
Frank Leighton Wood. Grand Rapids:
Zondervan Publishing House, 1944.
2 1 7 6 . Wings after war: the prospects of post-war
aviation / by S. Paul Johnston. New York:
Duell, Sloan and Pearce, 1944.
TL522 J73w1944
2 1 6 6 . Whither mankind: a panorama of modern
civilization I edited by Charles A. Beard. New
York: Longmans, Green, 1928.
CB 151 W596 1928
2 1 7 7 . Wings of the dawn: a study of air power as a
contribution to civilization I by Eugune E.
Wilson. Hartford: Connecticut Printers, 1955.
CB 440 W747w 1955
2 1 6 7 . Who knows - and what: among authorities experts - and the specially informed. Chicago:
Marquis, 1949.
CT 105W628 1949
2 1 7 8 . The wisdom of the body / by Walter B.
Cannon. New York: Norton, 1932.
QT 120 C266w 1932
2 1 6 8 . Whole-body vibration of standing subjects /
Robert E. Chaney. Wichita: Boeing Company,
2 1 7 9 . Wish-hunting in the unconscious: an
analysis of psychoanalysis I by Milton
Harrington. New York: Macmillan, 1934.
Women in industry: their health and
efficiency / by Anne M. Baetjer. Philadelphia:
Saunders, 1946.
Women's measurements for garment and
pattern construction / by Ruth O'Brien and
William С Shelton. Washington: U.S. Govt.
Print. Off., 1941.
2 1 9 2 . World peace through world law: two
alternative plans / by Grenville Clark and
Louis B. Sohn. 3rd ed. Cambridge, Mass.:
Harvard University Press, 1966.
JX 1977 C593w 1966
TT 520 013w 1941
A world to care for: the autobiography of
Howard A. Rusk, M.D. New York: Random
House, 1972.
WZ 100 R956w 1972
Work and effort: the psychology of
production I by Thomas Arthur Ryan. New
York: Ronald Press Co., 1947.
HF 5548.8 R989w 1940
2 1 9 4 . The world-wide industrial enterprise; its
challenge and promise I by Frederic G. Donner.
New York: McGraw-Hill, 1967.
HD 9710 D686w 1967
2 1 8 3 . The work of WHO. Geneva: World Health
WA 540 MW6 W927w 1963
2 1 9 5 . The Wright brothers: a biography authorized
by Orville Wright I by Fred Charters Kelly. New
York: Ballantine Books, 1950.
2 1 8 4 . Work and patterns of retirement / by
Margaret S. Gordon. Berkeley: University of
California, 1961.
HQ 1062 G664w 1961
Work, workers, and work measurement / by
Adam Abruzzi. New York: Columbia University
Press, 1956.
T 58.8 Al 64w 1956
A workbook for the study of human
physiology I by James R. Burkholder. Palo
Alto: Pacific Books, 1949.
QT 104 B959w 1949
2 1 8 7 . Working group on radiation problems / by
Man in Space Committee, Space Science
Board. Washington: National Academy of
Sciences, 1962.
World air transport statistics. Montreal:
International Air Transport Association. (No. 1718; 1972-1973)
TL 720 Al W927
World aviation directory. Washington: ZiffDavis Pub. Co. 1971-72.
World geography of petroleum / edited by
Wallace E. Pratt and Dorothy Good. Princeton:
Princeton University Press, 1950.
2 1 9 1 . World peace through world law / by Grenville
Clark and Louis B. Sohn. 2nd ed. Cambridge,
Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1960.
JX 1977 C593w 1960
X-15 research results / by Wendell H. Stillwell.
Washington: National Aeronautics and Space
Administration, 1965. (NASA SP 60)
TL 789.8 U6 S857x 1965
Yearbook of physical anthropology.
Washington: American Association of Physical
Anthropologists, 1966-1973
GN 1 Y39
2 1 9 8 . You are younger than you think / by Martin
Gumpert. New York: Duell, Sloan and Pearce,
WT 104G974y 1944
Your body clock by Hubertus Strughold. New
York: Scribner, 1971.
OT167S927y 1971
2200. Your body in flight / prepared by Aero
Medical Laboratory. Dayton: Air Technical
Service Command, 1944.
WD700U58y 1944
2 2 0 1 . Your body in flight: an illustrated "Book of
knowledge" for the flyer I prepared by the Aero
Medical Laboratory. Fairfield: Air Service
Command, 1943.
WD700U58y 1943
2 2 0 2 . Your body in flight. Washington: Department
of the Air Force, 1954.
WD700U58y 1954
2 2 0 3 . Your body in flight. Washington: Department
of the Air Force, 1960.
WD700U58y 1960
Zero-G devices and weightlessness
simulators / Siegfried J. Gerathewohl.
Washington: National Academy of Sciences National Research Council, 1961.
WD700G358Z 1961
2205. Apollo 12: pinpoint for science.
[Videorecording] I National Aeronautics and
Space Administration. Washington: National
Audiovisual Center, 1979.
TL 789.8 U6 A644 1979 video
Physiology of high altitude flying
[videorecording] I a Signal Corps-Air Forces
Production, musical score by U.S. Army Band.
Washington: War Department, n.d.
WD 710 S578p video
Dog space flight [videorecording] (silent).
QY 60 D6 D654 video
Russian Dogs and Sputnik [videorecording].
QY 60 D6 R969 video
Dog space flight [videorecording] (sound).
QY 60 D6 D6541 video
Scenic sequences from "International High
Altitude Expedition" [videorecording]. n.d.
• 115 S289 video
Eagle has landed: the flight of Apollo 1 1 .
[videorecording] I National Aeronautics and
Space Administration. Washington: National
Audiovisual Center, 1969.
TL 789.8 U6 E11 1969 video
Explosive decompression weightlessness
[videorecording]. n.d.
WD 752 E96 video
Extra footage International High Altitude
Expedition: number one. [videorecording]. n.d.
Q 115 E962 video
Extra footage International High Altitude
Expedition: number two. [videorecording]. n.d.
О 115 E962 video
2 2 1 8 . Selected sequences from International High
Altitude Expedition [videorecording]. n.d.
Q 115 S464 video
Space walking and training [videorecording].
Washington: National Aeronautics and Space
Administration, n.d.
WD 752 S732 video
A study of explosive decompression
[videorecording]. Will Rogers Field, Oklahoma:
Civil Aeronautics Administration, n.d.
WD 710 C582s video
2 2 1 2 . The eye marker [videorecording] I by J.F. &
N.H. Mackworth, filmed by D.C.V. Simmonds.
Cambridge, Eng.: Medical Research Council.
WW 400 M489e video
2 2 1 3 . International High Altitude Expedition.
0115 161 video
Medical activities at the Manned Space
Center [videorecording]. I National Aeronautics
and Space Administration. Washington: n.d.
WD 752 U58m video
ARS Journal
Accident Analysis and Prevention
Aeromedicai Reviews
Aeronautical Engineering
Aeronautical Journal
(Continuation of Journal of the
Royal Aeronautical Society)
Aerospace Medicine
(Continuation of Journal of
Aviation Medicine with V.30 N.6,
1959. Continues as Aviation,
Space and Environmental Medicine
with V.46, 1975)
Air Surgeons Bulletin
American Scientist
Astronautics and Aerospace
Engineering (Formed by the Union
of Astronautics and Aerospace
Engineering in 1963. Continued
as Astronautics and Aeronautics with
v.2, 1964)
Automotive Engineering
Aviation Medicine (Continued as
Aerospace Medicine and Biology
with v.3, 1954)
Aviation, Space & Environmental
Medicine (Continuaton of
Aerospace Medicine with v. 46,
1975-1976 +
Aviation Week and Space
1972-1976 +
Bulletin of the Ecological
Society of America
Annals of the New York Academy
of Sciences (widely scattered)
Applied Ergonomics
Aerospace Medicine and Biology
(Continuation of Aviation
Medicine with v.3, 1954)
1954-1976 +
Air Line Pilot
Astronautics and Aeronautics
(Continuation of Astronautics and
Aerospace Engineering with v. 2,
Bulletin. Human Factors Society
Bulletin of t h e N e w York Academy
of Medicine
Medical Service Digest
Noise Control
Occupational Medicine
Federation Proceedings
Flight Safety Facts a n d Analysis
Harvard Public Health Alumni
Origins of Life (Continuation
of Space Life Sciences with v.5,
Q u a r t e r l y Journal of Studies on
Revue Internationale de
Psychologie Applique /
International Review of Applied
Royal Society of Health Journal
H u m a n Factors
SAE Transactions
Industrial Gerontology
Industrial Medicine and Surgery
S p a c e Life Sciences (Continued
as Origins of Life with V.5, 1974)
Journal of Gerontology
Journal of t h e Royal
Aeronautical Society (Continued
by Aeronautical Journal with
V.72, 1968)
Journal of S a f e t y Research
Technical Abstract Bulletin,
Defense Documentation Center
Journal of Occupational Medicine
Scientific a n d Technical
Aerospace Reports
Journal of Aviation Medicine
(Continues as Aerospace Medicine
with V . 3 0 N . 6 , 1959)
Transactions of t h e N e w Y o r k
A c a d e m y of Sciences
U.S. G o v e r n m e n t Research a n d
Development Reports
USSR R e p o r t s : Life Sciences,
Biomedical a n d Behavioral Sciences
USSR Reports: Space Biology a n d
Aerospace Medicine
Vital and Health Statistics,
Series 12
Vital and Health Statistics,
Series 13
Vital and Health Statistics,
Series 1 4
War Medicine (Chicago)
World Medical Journal
Technical Reports Series
AAL TDR (Arctic Aeromedicai
Laboratory. Technical Documentary
DASA (Defense Atomic Support
Agency. Technical Progress
AAL TR (Arctic Aeromedicai
Laboratory. Technical Report)
FAA AM (Federal Aviation
Administration. Aviation
Medicine)(Continuation of AM with
v.71, 1971)
HELTN (Army Human Engineering
Laboratory. Technical Note)
Joint Report. U.S. Naval School
of Aviation Mediane. National
Aeronautics and Space
NACA TN (National Advisory
Committee for Aeronautics.
Technical Note)
NADC MA (Naval Air Development
Center. Medical Acceleration
NADC MR (Naval Air Development
Center. Medical Research)
NAMC ACEL (Naval Air Material
Center. Air Crew Equipment
NAMI (Naval Aerospace Medical
NAMRL (Naval Aerospace Medical
Research Laboratory)
AFFDL TR (Air Force Flight
Dynamics Laboratory. Technical
AFHRL TR (Air Force Human
Resources Laboratory. Technical
AFRRI (Armed Forces
Radiobiology Research Institute)
AF (Air Force. Technical Report)
AM (Continued as FAA AM with
V.71, 1971)
AMRL TDR (Aerospace Medical
Research Laboratories. Technical
Documentary Report)
AMRL TR (Aero Medical Research
Laboratory. Technical Report)
ASD (Aeronautical Systems
ASD TDR (Aeronautical Systems
Division. Technical Documentary
NASA CR (National Aeronautics
and Space Administration.
Contractor Report)
NASA TM (National Aeronautics
and Space Administration.
Technical Memorandum)
NASA TR (National Aeronautics
and Space Administration.
Technical Report)
NASA TT (National Aeronautics
and Space Administration.
Technical Translation)
NSAM (Naval School of Aviation
NSMRL Report (Naval Submarine
Medical Center)
TREC TR (Transportation
Research Command. U.S. Army)
USAARL (U.S. Army Aeromedicai
Research Laboratory. Report)
USAARU (U.S. Army Aeromedicai
Research Unit)
USAMRL (U.S. Army Medical
Research Laboratory Report)
USNMRL (U.S. Navy Medical
Research Laboratory)
WADC TN (Wright Air Development
Center. Technical Note)
WADC TR (Wright Air Development
Center. Technical Report)
WADD TN (Wright Air Development
Division. Technical Note)
NSMRL MR (Naval Submarine
Medical Center Medical Research
NTSB AAR (National
Transportation Safety Board.
Aircraft Accident Report)
NTSB BA (National
Transportation Safety Board.
Briefs of Accidents)
SAM Reports (USAF Air
University School of Aviation
Medicine. Reports)
SAM TDR (School of Aerospace
Medicine. Technical Documentary
NASA TN (National Aeronautics
and Space Administration.
Technical Note)
TR EP (Quarter Master Research
and Engineering Center. Technical
Name Index
Air Line Pilots Association
A b b o t t , D o u g l a s E. 1 26,480,
A b b o t t , Paul E. 560
A b r a h a m , L e w i s H. 1 895
A b r u z z i , A d a m 2185
A b r u z z o , B e n 512
A c h i l l e s , R i c h a r d 978
A c k e r k n e c h t , Erwin Heinz 1823
A d a m s , C a r s b i e C. 1 878
A d a m s , J a c k A . 1 037,1224
A d a m s , J a m e s L. 1893
A d e r , C l e m e n t 361
A d j u t a n t General's Office 1 926
A d k i n s , D o r o t h y Christina 426
A d m i n i s t r a t i o n o n A g i n g 1 332
A d o l p h , E d w a r d Frederick 489,
A d r i a n , M a r l e n e 562
A e r o M e d i c a l Association 217
A e r o Medical L a b o r a t o r y 244,
Aero Medical Research Laboratory
Air Line Pilots Association
C o n v e n t i o n 1697
A i r S a f e t y F o r u m 1708
A i r S e a R e s c u e A g e n c y 75
Airborn Instruments Laboratory
Airlines War Training Institute
A k o s , K a r o l y 451
A k o s , M a g d a 451
A l e x a n d e r , Franz Gabriel 745
A l e x a n d e r , Leo 2082
A l e x a n d e r , M i l t o n 1 484
A l l e n , J o h n R o b i n s 827
A l l e n , W i l l i a m H u b e r t 495
A l l p o r t , Floyd H e n r y 1846
A l l u i s i , Earl A . 231-34,552,
A l p e r s , B e r n a r d J a c o b 2127
A l t m a n , J a m e s W i l l i a m 911
A l t m a n , Philip L. 281-82,314,
A m e r i c a n A l p i n e Club 1 8-19
A e r o Publishers, I n c . 352
A m e r i c a n A s s e m b l y 186
Aerospace Industries Association
o f A m e r i c a 53,447,2101
American Association for the
A d v a n c e m e n t of Science 41,1646
Aerospace Medical Association
American Association of Physical
A n t h r o p o l o g i s t s 2197
A F O S R S c i e n c e S e m i n a r 2137
A m e r i c a n H e a r t Association 625
A i r F o r c e 51,469,566,1461
American Institute of Aeronautics
a n d A s t r o n a u t i c s 2,576,912
Air Force Flight Test Center
Air Force Human Engineering Panel
Air Force Institute of Technology
Air Force M e d i c a l Service 469,
Air Force Missile Development
C e n t e r 1710
Air Force Office of Aerospace
R e s e a r c h 1 35
American Institute of Physics
American Institutes for Research
American Medical Association
American Mutual Liability
I n s u r a n c e C o m p a n y 1 418
American Psychological
A s s o c i a t i o n 268,1601
American Public Health
A s s o c i a t i o n 1 3,435
Armour Research Foundation
American Society of Mechanical
Engineers 2000
Armstrong, Harry George 686,
American Sociological
A s s o c i a t i o n 1841
A r m y 1973,2131
Ames Research Center Conference
on Portable Life Support
S y s t e m s 1492
A m e s , W. Allen 425
Anastasi, Anne 497,1622
Anderson, Frank Walter 1354
Anderson, Gaylord West 763
Anderson, Gladys M. 1019
Anderson, Harold Homer 1 019
Anderson, Henry Graeme 1156
Anderson, John Edward 1 601
Anderson, Maxie 1156
Anderson, Michele 300
Anderson, Odin Waldemar 823
Army Aeromedicai Research Unit
A r m y Air Forces 695,1345,1464,
Army Air Forces Aero Medical
C e n t e r 1911
Army Air Forces Air Service
C o m m a n d 701,1480
Army Air Forces Ground Safety
P r o g r a m 776
Army Human Engineering
Laboratories 1211
Army Leadership Human Research
U n i t i 584
Armored Medical Research
L a b o r a t o r y 715
A n d r e w s , G.M. 732
Army Medical Service Graduate
School 1 997
A n d r e w s , T.G. 1 970
Army Quartermaster Corps 263
Andrews, Tom Gaylord 1206
Army Quartermaster Research and
Engineering Command 1594
Andrus, Edwin Cowles 37
Angelo, Joseph A. 494
Anikeeff, Alexis M. 522
Anliker, Max 1055
Annual Conference of NASA Clinic
Directors, Environmental Health
Officials and Medical Program
A d v i s o r s 412-14
Annual Human Factors Discussion
G r o u p 879
Anrep, Gleb Vasilevich 1 059
A p o l o n o v , A.P. 739
Applezweig, Mortimer H. 1 621
Applied Psychological
S e r v i c e s 897,2015-16
A r n h y m , Albert A. 387
A r n o l d , Jay 1135
Arthur D. Little, Inc. 1902-03
Ashe, W i l l i a m F. 1160,1439
A s i m o v , Isaac 1486
Association d'Anthropologie
A p p l i q u é e 607
Association for Research in
Nervous and Mental Disease 1 011
Association for the Aid of
Crippled Children 644,2096
Association of American
Railroads 983
A s t r a n d , Per Olof 641
Arees, Edward A . 339
A t i y a h , P.S. 1 740
Arezina, Petar 1507
Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission
A r k i n , Herbert 2007
A r m , David Lehr 2137
Atomic Energy Commission 312,
Armed Forces Epidemiological
B o a r d 1 33
Auerbach Corporation 2140
Armed Forces Institute of
P a t h o l o g y 1 94
Armed Forces-NRC Committee on
Hearing and Bio-Acoustics 276.
Armed Forces-NRC Vision
C o m m i t t e e 615,2144-45
A u e r b a c h , Paul S. 1114
A u s t i n , George A. 1 955
A u s t i n , W.P. 84
Automotive Crash Injury Research
A u t o n e t i c s 535,540
Autor, Anne Pomeroy 1381
Bauer, Louis Hopewell 203-04
Autor, S.M. 2147
Baumgold, Marian S. 466
Averner, M.M. 1337
Baxter, J.R. 398-99,987,1745,
Avery, James P. 1402
Aviation Crash Injury Research of
Cornell University 828
Aviation Hygiene Training Unit
Aviation Medicine Symposium
Aydelotte, Frank 1366
Bayne-Jones, Stanhope 617
Beard, Charles Austin 2166
Beaupeurt, J.E. 2022
Beck, L. Adams 1909
Becker, Esther R. 492
Bedford, Thomas 223,1222
Beecher, Henry Knowles 643
Backett, E. Maurice 511
Baetjer, Anna M edora 2180
Bagley, Sallyann K. 1680
Bainbridge, Francis Arthur
Baker, C.H. 1947,2010,2115-16,
Baker, Charles A. 2138
Baker, Chester Hamilton 1395
Baker, David 850
Baker, John Calhoun 498
Baker, William J. 547
Balfour, Arthur James 1793
Banigan, John J. 866
Been, Richard T. 1920
Beers, Clifford Whittingham
Behan, Richard A. 1856
Behavior and Systems Research
Laboratory 927
Behavior Toxicology Workshop for
Early Detection of Occupational
Hazards 238
Beljan, John R. 1157
Bender, Henry E. 118
Bender, Irving Edison 1229
Bendix Corporation 683
Bendix Systems Division 1939
Benedict, Francis G. 221
Banister, Harry 722,798
Benedict, Gano 573,750,833,
Banks, Arthur Leslie 1839
Benedict, Ruth 1383
Barach, Alvin L. 1526
Benford, Robert J. 510
Barbour, Archibald Buchanan
Bennett, Charles Andrew Armstrong
Barcroft, Joseph 322,671,1720,
Bennett, Edward M. 905
Barkas, Walter H. 2008
Barker, Roger Garlock 27
Barmack, J.E. 561
Barnes, Alfred С 791,1505
Barr, Eugene Osmun 710
Barrel!, Joseph 618
Barry, Frederick 1795
Bartl, Franz 1043
Bartlett, Frederic Charles
1 696,2046
Bartley, Samuel Howard 665,
Bennett, George Kettner 1968
Benson, Otis O. 1434-35
Beranek, Leo Leroy 21,1297
Beregeret, P. 258
Berendzen, Richard 1074
Berens, Conrad 10,652
Berger, Curt 1915
Berger, Martin J. 2008-09
Bergeret, P. 597
Bergin, Kenneth G. 210
Bergson, Henri Louis 445,616
Bergum, Bruce O. 1973,2130-31
Basbagill, William J. 69
Berkman, Paul L. 62
Bass, Alan R. 1924
Berkner, Lloyd Viel 1789
Battelle Memorial Institute
Berman, Louis 713
B e r t , P a u l 220
B e r r y , C h a r l e s A l d e n 903
Best, Charles H e r b e r t 1 444
Better Vision I n s t i t u t e 2173
B e v a n , W i l l i a m 668
B i a n c h i , G . 1110
Bickley, W i l l i a m H. 1147
B i e r w i r t h , Heinrich Conrad 228
Bigelow, H e n r y B r y a n t 1 327
B o w e n , I . Gerald 1218,1803,
Boyd, R o s a m o n d e R a m s a y 724
B o y n e , W a l t e r J . 1042
B r a b e t s , R . I . 1 371
B r a d h a m , G i l b e r t B. 704
B r a i n , W a l t e r Russell 1 787
B r a n c h , H o u s t o n 2105
B r a u n s t e i n , M y r o n L. 546,1920
B r a y , C . W . 208
Bigelow, J a m e s Harold 1 01,344,
Bray, Charles W i l l i a m 1630
Bijou, S i d n e y W i l l i a m 1610
B r e c k e , Fritz H. 453,1772
B i l l i n g s , C E . 536,557,1160,
Breckinridge, Elizabeth Llewellyn
Billings, W i l l i a m E. 808
B r e g m a n , Elsie Oschrin 33
Bills, A r t h u r G i l b e r t 1639
B r e n d e l , W a l t e r 836
B i n g h a m , W a l t e r V a n D y k e 170
B r e s t k i n , M.P. 542
B i o - D y n a m i c s , I n c . 1954
B r i n k h o u s , K e n n e t h M. 12
Biotechnology, I n c . 1 951
British Occupational Hygiene
S o c i e t y 545
B i r d , W . H . 310
Birren, J a m e s E m m e t t 229,792,
B l a c k w e l l , Harold Richard 1647
B l a i r , H.A. 719,1691
B l a n c h a r d , J e a n Pierre 1238
Blase, B a r n e W . 390
B l e c h s c h m i d t , Carl 937,1378
Blelloch, David H a b e r s h o n 1313
B l o c k l y , W . V . 1 22
B l u m , M i l t o n L. 963,1677
B o a s , F r a n z 142
B o e i n g C o m p a n y 374,390,919,
1394,1963,2022,2065,2141 -42,2168
B r o a d b e n t , Donald Eric 1391
B r o d y , L e o n 913
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Brooks, C h a n d l e r McC. 843
B r o w n , Allan H a r v e y 749
B r o w n , Bill R. 552,682,1931
B r o w n , Ernest Francis 2151
B r o w n , Frederick M. 1757
B r o w n , H a r o l d N. 1 479
B r o w n , H e r m a n T. 610
B r o w n , Jack Harold U p t o n 1465
B r o w n , J o h n Lott 691,1817
B o i s e , R o b e r t W . 1 045
B r o w n , John R. 1 1 2 3
Bolt, Beranek, and Newman, Inc.
B r o z e k , J o s e f 1 693
B o n d , Earl D a n f o r d 2051
B o n d , V i c t o r P. 1664
Boothby, W a l t e r M e r e d i t h 1723
B o r b e u s , L a r s O. 674
Boring, E d w i n G a r r i g u e s 849,
B o r k e n s t e i n , R.F. 1 767
B r u m a g h i m , S t a n l e y H. 1962
Bruner, J e r o m e S e y m o u r 1955
B r u n s w i k , Egon 1393
B r y a n , A r t h u r H. 1 525
B r y a n , C h a r l e s G o u r t 1525
B u c h l e r , J u s t u s 1412
B u c k n e r , D o n a l d N. 1733
Buddenbrock, W o l f g a n g v o n 1 815
Bostrom Research Laboratories
B u d y , A n n M . 284
B o t w i n i c k , Jack 375
Buedeler, W e r n e r 1892
B o u l g e r , F.W. 1088
B u g a r d , P i e r r e 667,1913
Boulter, L a w r e n c e R. 1224
B u h l m a n n , A.A. 463
1 22
Bukharin, Nikolai Ivanovich
C a m p b e l l , Paul A n d r e w 529,684,
Billiard, R o b e r t W . 1 437
Canada Defense Research Board
B u l l e n , A d e l a i d e K. 1278
B u l l o c k , С L I . 805
B u n c h , M a r i o n Este! 772
B u n n i n g , E r w i n 1445
Burch, G e o r g e E d w a r d 863
B u r c h f i e l d , H.P. 1957
B u r d e n , W i l l i a m A . M . 1 917
Bureau of Medicine and Surgery
C a n n o n , W a l t e r Bradford 2157,
C a n t r i l , H a d l e y 1 642
C a p l a n , G e r a l d 1 66
C a r m i c h a e l , L e o n a r d 1809
Carnegie-Mellon Conference on
High Speed Ground Transportation
C a r p , Frances M e r c h a n t 1732
B u r e a u o f M i n e s 1233
Carpenter, T h o r n e M a r t i n 920
B u r g e s s , Eric 1 482
Carrier, Willis Haviland 1219
B u r i a n , H e r m a n M. 368
C a r r o l l , J o h n J . 791
B u r k h o l d e r , J a m e s R. 2186
C a r t e r , L a u n o r F. 1 616
B u r n e i l , J.A. 188
C a r t e r , N o r m a n 591
B u r n s , N e a l M. 2107
C a s a r e t t , G e o r g e W . 549
B u r r i d g e , W . 91,1285-86
C a s p a r i , N a t h a n 859
B u r r o w s , A l a n A. 560
C a s s , L e o J . 1 653
B u r t o n , A l a n С 1102
C a s t r o , J o s u e d e 758
B u s b y , D o u g l a s E. 1681
Cecil, Russell La F a y e t t e 2134
B u s h , A l i c e 1 257
C e n a , K r z y s z t o f 267
B u s h n e i l , D a v i d 1872-73
Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches
d ' A n t h r o p o l o g i e A p p l i q u é e 1 41
B u s w e l l , G u y T h o m a s 865
Centre National d'Etudes
S p a t i a l e s 1 456
B u t l i n , N.G. 440
C a b o t , P h i l i p 621
Cabot, Philippe Sidney de Q.
C a b o t , R i c h a r d С 1141,2072,
C h a f f e e , J o h n W . 1 43,1299
C h a m b e r s , A r m a n d N. 485,487
C h a m b e r s , Eric G o r d o n 1 632,
C h a m b e r s , Francis T a y l o r 97
C h a m b e r s , Randall M. 2107
C a c i o p p o , A . J . 932
C h a n , G . S . 561
C a i d i n , G r a c e 197
C h a n e y , R.E. 1963,2065,2141,
C a i d i n , M a r t i n 1 97
California Department of
E n g i n e e r i n g 338
C a l l a h a n , A r t h u r 297
C a l l o w a y , Doris H o w e s 884-86
C a l v e r t o n , V i c t o r Francis 1094
Cameron, Alastair Graham Walter
C h a p a n i s , A l p h o n s e 472,1070,
C h a s e , G e o r g e H e n r y 852
C h a s i s , H e r b e r t 861
C h a y e t , N e i l L. 2078
C h e n z o f f , A n d r e w P. 881-82
C h e r n e , R e a l t o E. 1219
C a m e r o n , С 1 661,1735-36
C h e r r y , C o l i n 1 336
C a m e r o n , D o n a l d E w e n 1315
C h e s t o n , T. S t e p h e n 912
C a m p b e l l , A r g y l l 1 367
Childs, J o h n L a w r e n c e 530
C a m p b e l l , B o b J . 1 969
C h o r l e y , K e n n e t h 1 279
C a m p b e l l , Charles Macfie 927
C h r i s t e n s e n , H e r b e r t E. 2065
Chrysler Corporation 383
Conant, James Bryant 531
Chubb, Nicholas С 1680
Conant, Ralph Wendell 1490
Churchill, Edmund 1858
Conference of the National
Aeronautics and Space
Administration 42,54,461,1582,
Civil Aeronautics Administration
Civil Aeronautics Board 17
Civil Service Commission 786,
Claar, Eimer Alan 877
Clark, Carl С 11,880,937,
Clark, Edwin Gurney 1519,2035
Conference on Experimental
Hypertension 634
Conference on the Closed LifeSupport System 373
Conference on the Process of
Aging in the Nervous System
Conference on Theory and Methods
of Research on Aging 2041
Clark, F. Le Gros 61
Clark, Grenville 2191-92
Clark, Jeremy Austin 267
Conference on Vehicle Design and
Safety Research 1377
Clark, Nicholas 1746,1754
Conger, George Perrigo 441
Clark, P.D. 1738
Consdazio, C. Frank 1449
Clark, Ronald William 1038
Contiguglia, Joseph J. 696
Clark, William Gilbert 1538
Conway, Hobart McKinley 1532
Clarke, Arthur Charles 647
Cook, Robert С. 2169
Clarke, Hans Thacher 2001
Cook, Stuart Wellford 1620
Clayton, George D. 961
Cooley, Charles Horton 922,
Cleator, Philip Ellaby 1021
Cooper, Anna Grossman 330
Clemmesen, Viggo 340
Cooper, Bruce 937,2059
Cloghorn, Robert Allen 1683
Cooper, Kenneth E. 40,1277
Coakley, J.D. 561
Cooper, Saul 461
Coale, Griffith Baily 2128
Coates, Glynn D. 231,233,650,
Cooperman, Norma Roy 1834
Coopersmith, Stanley 1400
Cobb, Stanley 1506
Copeland, Melvin Thomas 315
Coblentz, A. 606,608
Coppee, G.H. 1324
Coca, Arthur Fernandez 1655
Corliss, William R. 2019-20
Cohen, Henry 1821
Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory,
Inc. 1117,1295,1975
Cohen, Sanford I. 1149
Cornell University 456,774,
Coit, Stanton 1260-61,1343
Colbert, Charles 123
Corso, John F. 59
Colbert, Edward Harris 363
Cortright, Edgar M. 649
Cole, J. McMurray 1259
Coleman, Hubert Anderson
Collingwood, R.G. 1897
Collins, Michael 334
Colton, Raymond Roosevelt 2007
Columbia University 1659
Committee of Privy Council for
Medical Research 1175,1701
Committee on Prosthetics Research
Comroe, Julius Hiram 1443
Council for International
Organizations of Medical Sciences
Cousteau, Jacques Yves 1830
Cowdry, Edmund Vincent 442.
Cox, R.P. 1199,1875
Cragun, Merrill K. 1901
Craig, Robert L.
Craik, Kenneth James Williams
Cralley, Lester Vincent 961
Davis, Frederick Barton 1
Cralley, Lewis J. 961
Davis, Hallowell 825
Crane, Carl J. 313
Davis, Peter Reginald 545
Cranefield, Paul Frederic 843
Davis, Ralph Currier 962
Cranwell, Lucy May 714
Davis, S.W. 1914
Crawford, Meredith Pullen 1617
Day, R.H. 399,1816
Crile, George Washington 506,
Dayhoff, Margaret O. 2043
Croft, P.G. 1749
Dayton, Neil Avon 1280
Dean, R.D. 1394
Crook, G. Hamilton 1333
Cross, Kenneth D. 448
Crouch, Tom D. 515
Crowden, G.P. 1234
Deardorff, Neva R. 110
DeBakey, Michael Ellis 376
Deemer, Walter Lorraine 1689
Cruikshank, Ruth Marjorie 1968
Defense Atomic Support Agency
Crutchfield, Richard S. 565
Degan, James 906
Cuba-Caparo, Alberto 1380
DeGroot, Ido 238
Culliton, James William 1763
DeHaan, Warren V. 1351
Culpin, Millais 1684
DeHaven, James C. 101,
Cumming, R.W. 986,1475-76,
Del Giudice, J. 1538
Cureton, Thomas Kirk 1427
DeLand, Edward 1675
Curran, Jean Alonzo 726
DeLand, Edward Charles 704
Curran, William J. 2078
Den Hartog, Jacob Pieter 1151
Curti, Margaret Wooster 346
Denny-Brown, D. 504
Curtis, Charles Pelham 1018
Denny, Jacqueline J. 129
Cushman, Jane F. 1927
Denver Research Institute
Cutting, Windsor С 787
Department of Agriculture 364
Department of Commerce 316
Daily, John Thomas 1615
Department of Defense 890-91
Dale, Allen 1767
Department of Health, Education,
and Welfare 65,1255,1699,1806
Dalessio, Donald J. 1500
Dalla Valle, Joseph Marius 958
Dalrymple, Williard 723
Damon, Albert 874
Daniel and Florence Guggenheim
Jet Propulsion Center 1703
Daniel Guggenheim Medal Board of
Award 1483
Darrow, Chester William 1925
Darwin, Charles Robert 470
Dashiell, John Frederick 636
Davenport, Charles Benedict
Davies, David 1272,1544
Davies, John Llewelyn 1709
Davis, Charles Norman 545
Davis, Francis W. 2105
Department of Labor 2071
Department of the Air Force
Department of Transportation
DePasquale, Nicholas 863
De Seversky, Alexander Procofieff
Deutsch, Stanley 300
Deutschman, Z. 502
Devine, Henry 1682
Dewey, John 626,954,1082,1660
Dhenin, Geoffrey Howard 205
Diamantides, N.D. 932
Diamond, Seymour 1500
Dickson, E.D. Dalziel 433
I 25
Dienei, H.F. 1146
Diethelm, Oskar 2080
Earl, W.K. 2139
Dietlein, Lawrence F. 294
Early, Larry J. 483
Dill, David Bruce 335.582,1469
Eastern Airlines, Inc. 1971
Diringshofen, Heinz von 1171
Eaves, George 1539
Dirken, J.M. 737
Ebbers, Robert Wesley 1030
Dmitriev, I.N. 702
Ebeling, Alvin 738
Dobson, Robert Lowry 1036
Eccles, John С 1275
Dole, Stephen H. 474,1486
Ebaugh, Franklin Gessford 1496
Dollard, John 735
Eddington, Arthur Stanley 1269
Donner, Frederic G. 2194
Eden, Murray 574
Dorcus, Roy Melvin 2028
Edgell, George Harold 847
Dorland, Peter 518
Edholm, O.G. 855,1102
Douglas Aircraft Company 124,
Edman, Marjorie 1312
Eggspeuhler, Jack J. 1932
Doyle, Charlotte Lackner 1624
Eisdorfer, Carl 1638
Draper, C S . 784
Eisenberg, Leon 236
Draper, George 501
Ekas, Merle Pringle 1904
Drew, George Charles 541
Ekberg D. 168
Drew, John L. 79
Elliott, Harold William 1165
Dreyfuss, Henry 478,1144
Ellis, W.S. 655
Drinker, Cecil Kent 1597
Emerson, Haven 95
Driscoll, James M. 234
Emme, Eugene Morlock46
Droscher, Vitus B. 1089
Emmerich, W.S. 2122
Drummond, Henry 830
Emory, Kenneth Pike 1867
Dublin, Louis Isreal 659,2091
Enderwick, Thomas P. 657
Du Bois, Philip Hunter 356
Engel, George Libman 662
Dubos, Rene Jules 218
Engineers Joint Council 2045
Duddy, John H. 152,751
English, Horace Bidwell 1918
Duffy, Robert 936
Erickson, Mary Rachel 1598
Duggar, B.C. 2147
Erkan, Necmettin 942
Duggar, Benjamin C. 779
Estrachan, Max 1858
Duke University Council on
Gerontology 1561
Ethiopia 1272
Dunbar, Florence W. 2041
Dunbar, Helen Flanders 568
Dunlap and Associates, Inc.
24-25,881 -82,910,915,1099,1120,
European Congress of Aviation
Medicine 931
European Productivity Agency
Evans, D.C. 1430
Evans, Francis Gay nor 1912
Dunlap, J.W. 909-10
Evans, F.T. 1364
Dunnahoo, G.L. 991
Evans, John N. 1014
Dunne, Agnes C. 61
Evrard, E . 1163
Dunskey, Irving L. 120
Ewing, Channing L.
Duntley, Seibert О. 646
Eysenck, H.J. 521
Durand, William Frederick 39
Durant, William James 1119,
Dvorak, Josef 1859
F o r r e s t e r , G l e n n C. 2112
F a r m e r , Eric 1 945
F o r s s m a n , S v e n 1 324
F a r r i s , E d m o n d J o h n 1 671
Forster, R o b e r t E. 324
F a u b e r t , D e n i s 2059
F o s t e r , J . F. 1 705
Feasby, W i l l i a m Richard 326
Foundations for Instrumentation
Education a n d R e s e a r c h 1569
F e a t h e r s t o n e , Robert M. 1409
F o z a r d , J a m e s L. 473
Federai Aviation Administration
F r a n k , L a w r e n c e Kelso 1 588
Federal A v i a t i o n A g e n c y 653
F r a z e r , T . M . 402,933,1415
Federation of American Societies
for Experimental Biology
281 -82,314,579,781,1200,1943
Frederick, J o h n H u t c h i n s o n 389
Frederick, W i l l e m S. 1 653
F r e e d m a n , K a t h l e e n 404,538
F e i g e n b a u m , E d w a r d A. 407
F r e e d m a n , F r a n k 1 766
F e l d m a n , J u l i a n 407
F r e e d m a n , Larry 1923
Fels Research Institute
F r e u d , S i g m u n d 354
F e n n , W a l l a c e Osgood 856
Freudenthal, Hans 1 0 4 9
F e r g u s o n , C h a r l e s Leslie 857
F r i e d m a n n , E u g e n e A. 1142
F e s t i n g e r , Leon 603
Frolov, K.V. l l l O
F i e l d , H e n r y 242
F r o m a n , Lewis Acrelius 969
Filene, E d w a r d A l b e r t 1 964
Frost Engineering Development
C o r p o r a t i o n 873
F i l k i n s , Lyle D. 89,1558
F r y , W . J . 1419
F i m m e l , Richard O. 1482
Fryer, Douglas H e n r y 793
F i n k e l s t e i n , Silvo 581,1306
F r y e r , T h o m a s B. 949
F i n n e y , L . M . 397
F i s h e r , A . J . 1750
F u l t o n , J o h n F a r q u h a r 209.
Fisher, F r a n k R o b e r t 1106,1594
F u r n a s , C . C . 1 713
F i s k e , J o h r i 2053
Fitts, Paul M o r r i s 490,1300,
G a b r i e l , R i c h a r d F. 560
F l a h e r t y , B e r n a r d E. 1649
G a f a f e r , W i l l i a m McKinley 1 321
F l a n a g a n , J o h n C l e m a n s 216
G a g g e , A . P. 208
F l e i s h m a n , E d w i n A. 482,484,
G a g l i a r d i , V . O . 1099,1855
G a g n e , R o b e r t Mills 1609
Fletcher, Charles M o n a g u e 394
G a j d u s e k , D. C a r l e t o n 23
F l e t c h e r , E.R. 2024
G a l a r n e a u , H o w a r d H. 550
Flight S a f e t y Foundation 1 74,
Gallagher, J a m e s Roswell 339
F l o y d , W . F . 1994-95
G a n t t , W . Horsley 1266
F l y n n , P a t r i c i a 559
G a r d n e r , Eric F. 1067
F o g e l , L a w r e n c e J . 297
G a r n , S t a n l e y M. 1084
F o k k e m a , S . D . 215
G a r r e t t Corporation 826
Foley, J o h n P o r t e r 497
G a r r e t t , H e n r y E d w a r d 773
F o l e y , M a r y E. 1 448
Folley, John D. 9 1 1
G a r r e t t , John W i l l i a m 1 49-50,
F o r b e s , T . W . 1966
G a r t h , T h o m a s Russell 1662
F o r d , A . 720
G a r t m a n n , H e i n z 1111,1892
G a m b l e , W i l l i a m Burt 846
Ford M o t o r C o m p a n y 516-17
Gasaway, Donald С. 1977
Glueck, Bernard С 1596
Gaskell, Walter Holbrook 1035
Goddard, Robert Hutchins 1 374,
Gates, Reginald Ruggles 832
Gatland, Kenneth William 1116
Gauer, O t t o H. 772
Geer, H.S. 502
Geehr, Edward C. 1114
Geigy Pharmaceuticals 1 800
Geller, Naomi K. 1 558
G e l l h o r n , Ernst 193,569
Gemmili, Chalmers Laughlin
General Dynamics Corporation
Goddard Space Flight Center
1 888-89
Goethe, H. 802
G o l d , A. 168
G o l d , A r m a n d J . 1440
Goldizen, V.C. 1215
G o l d m a n , D.E. 276
Goldring, William 634,861
Good, D o r o t h y 2190
Good, Malcolm Campbell 1 748
Goodman, Michael Jerome 386
General Electric Company 308
Goodnow, Jacqueline J. 1955
General Mills 1719
Goodyear Aircraft Corporation
1 026,2093
General Motors Corporation
Gordon, Archer Samuel 332
General Motors Corporation
Automotive Safety Seminar 192
Gordon, M a r g a r e t s . 2184
George C. Marshall Space Flight
C e n t e r 553
G o r l i n , S.M. 2175
George D. Clayton and Associates
Gordon, Ronald Grey 1276
Gorrell, Edgar Staley 1143
Gotch, Oliver Horsley 1156
George, Henry 1580
Graeber, R. Curtis 1757
George Washington University
Grana, David C. 1508
Gerathewohl, Siegfried Johannes
Gerke, Ralph 1932
Gerlach, Vernon S. 453,1772
Gibbs-Smith, Charles Harvard
Gibson, James Jerome 1227
Gierke, Henning E. von 1226
Gikas, Paul W . 1516
Gilbert, Robert R. 1951
Gilbreth, Frank Bunker 669
Gildner, Gilbert G. 1 939
Gillies, J.A. 2029
Ginzberg, Eli 2125
G i t l i n , Joseph N. 1 491
G l a r u m , S.N. 26
Glaser, Robert 1027,1033
Glasstone, Samuel 556
Gleason, George 862
Glenny, M.V. 1892
Glick, Perry A. 509
G l o r i g , A r a m 1293
G r a n d j e a n , E. 1 203,1457-58,
Grant, John Sharp 1179
Grant, Walter A. 1219
Gray, Harold Farns w o r t h 1 225
Gray, John Stephens 1654
Graybiel, Ashton 1 774
Great Britain Air Ministry
Great Britain Committee on the
Problem of Noise 1 296
Great Britain Department of
Scientific and Industrial
Research 1 90
Great Britain Department of the
Environment 1896
Great Britain National Coal Board
Medical Service 1 676
Great Britain Royal Commission of
Environmental Pollution 1 776
Greenbaum, Leon J. 2100
Greenberg, Leon Arnold 496
Greenberg, Morris 1922
Greene, V.W. 1 719
Greening, Charles P. 535
Hansen, W. Bryce 687
Greenleaf, John Edward 1034
Harabedian, A. 1395,1733,1947
Greenwood, Major 1471
Hardenbergh, Mary Niçois 72
Gregg, Lee W. 791,1505
Hardy, Harriet Louise 970
Gregory, Ian 5
Harley, George Way 1263
Griew, Stephen 1046
Harlow, Harry Frederick 269
Griffith, John Quintin 1671
Harrell, Thomas Willard 964
Grimaldi, John V. 775,1783
Harrington, Milton 270,2179
Grimwood, James M. 1586
Harris, Cyril M. 803
Grings, William Washburn 1057
Harris, J. Donald 1860
Grinker, Roy Richard 2154
Harris, Lawrence S. 93
Grober, David T. 661
Harris, William 1953,2010
Groh, John E. 1818
Harrison, Tinsley Randolph 660
Grollman, Arthur 1331
Hartman, Bryce 490
Gross, Ervin E. 804
Hartmann, William K. 1282
Groth, Hilde 1507
Harvard Medical School
Grow, Malcolm Cummings686
Guedel, Arthur Ernest 982
Guedry, Frederick E. 1774
Guilford, J.P. 1541,1644
Gumpert, Martin 2198
Gurklis, John A. 1088
Harvard School of Public Health
Harvard Tercentenary Conference
of Arts and Sciences 658
Harvard University 237,380-81,
Hasbrook, A. Howard 774
Hashimoto, Kunie 1203
Haber, Heinz 1425,1993
Hastings, Donald Wilson 1596
Haddon, William 14
Hatcher, J. Donald 1009
Hagan, W.C. 539
Hatfield, Jimmy L. 1977
Hage, Robert E. 1044
Havighurst, Robert James 1142
Hagen, Charles A. 1075
Haviland, Robert P. 807
Haggard, Howard Wilcox 496,
Hawley, Estelle Elizabeth 774
Hale, Robert N. 1566
Haley, Joseph L., Jr. 1403
Hall, Floyd D. 1971
Hall, Frank Gregory 335
Hall, Franks. 925,1216
Hall, Granville Stanley 30
Halsey, Maxwell Nicoli 13
Halstead, Bruce W. 1489
Halstead, Ward Campbell 321
Hamilton, Alice 970
Hammond, H. Bradley 247
Hawrylewicz, E.J. 1075
Haydon, Frederick Stansbury 48
Hayes, Wayland J. 369
Hays, Harold Melvin 1221
Healy, Lawrence B.J. 2070
Heath, Clark Wright 2164
Heggie, R.M. 1179
Hegnauer, A.H. 295
Heil, Louis Mace 1433
Heimstra, Norman W. 1626
Heinl, Robert Debs 465
Hanifan, D.T. 122,464
Heinmuller, John Paul Virgil
Hankins, Frank Hamilton 1663
Heins, Conrad F. 156
Hanman, Bert 1417-18,1421
Heinstein, Martin I. 1333
Hannon, John P. 1574-75
Heiser, Victor George 109
Hanrahan, James Stephen
H e i s s , K l a u s P. 1 085
H o l b r o o k , H e b e r A. 353
H e i t c h u e , R.D. 1869
H o l d i n g , D . H . 639
H e l l w e l l , A n d r e w B. 1157
H o l l i n g s w o r t h , H a r r y Levi 6
H e l v e y , W . 289
H o l m q u i s t , R. 1568
H e n d e r s o n , J o h n M. 436
H o l w a y , Alfred Harold 769,1933
Henderson, Lawrence Joseph
H o m a n s , G e o r g e C a s p a r 1018
H e n d e r s o n , Michael 404-05,538
H o n e y w e l l , I n c . 1328,1959
H e n d e r s o n , Velyien E w a r t 70
H o o t o n , Earnest A l b e r t 151,
1 974,2092
H e n d e r s o n , Y a n d e l l 38,1309-10
H o o v e r , G e o r g e N. 287
H e n d l e r , E d w i n 2107
Hopkins, A n d r e w D e l m a r 264
H e n l e y , E r n e s t J . 392
Hopkinson, Ralph Galbraith
H e n r i c h , Edith 644
H e n r y , E d w i n R u t h v a n 793
H e n r y , J a m e s P a g e t 1728
H e n s c h e l , A u s t i n 395,1693
H e r b e r t , David С 443-44,1319,
H e r l i n , Emil 2153
H e r m s , W i l l i a m Brodbeck 1168,
H o r d i n s k y , J.R. 222
H o r t o n , L. L a v e r n e 747
H o r v a t , W i l l i a m Joseph 7
H o r v a t h , Elizabeth С 810
H o r v a t h , M i l a n 840
H o r v a t h , S t e v e n M. 582,810,
H o s e a , J . R . 672
H e r r i c k , C h a r l e s J u d s o n 1 017
H o s k i n s , Roy G r a h a m 2055
H e r r o n , R.E. 631
Hoslett, Schuyler D e a n 905
H e s s , G a y l o r d R. 1178
H o u s e , C M . 807
Hess, M a x W a l t e r 1664
H o u s t o n , C h a r l e s S. 837,943
H e t t i n g e r , T h e o d o r 1 470
H o u t c h e n s , Bruce 2004
Heuschkel, J. 1243
H o w a r d , H e l e n Dana 1364
H i e r n a u x , J e a n 1104
H o w a r d , I a n P. 935
H i l d r e d , W i l l i a m 337
H o w e l l , T r e v o r H. 1329
H i l g e n d o r f , E. Linden 953,979
H o y l e , F r e d 1105
Hill, A u s t i n B r a d f o r d 1534-35
H o y t , J o h n R o b e r t 1 778
Hilleboe, Herman Ertresvaag
H R B - S i n g e r , I n c . 657,978,
H i m b u r y , S . 1054
H u a n g , S h u n g - C h a i 1779
Hirsch, Nathaniel David
M t t r o n 1 944
H u b a c h , Jantinus Christian 49
H o a g l a n d , H u d s o n 1372,1760
H o b b s , N i c h o l a s 1614
Hobhouse, Leonard Trelawny
H o c k i n g , W i l l i a m Ernest 922,
H u d s o n , Cyril E d w a r d 1 685
H u e l k e , D o n a l d F. 1 07,1516
H u g h e s Aircraft C o m p a n y 610
H u g h e s , E l i z a b e t h 1259
H u g h e s , E r n e s t E. 2063
H u i e , C h a r l e s R. 1448
H o d g e s , C a r l N. 1818
H u l b e r t , S l a d e 1 993
H o e k s t r a , Harold D. 1779
H u l l , C l a r k L e o n a r d 169
H o e l , L e s t e r A . 1061,2108
Human Factors Research, Inc.
H o f f , Ebbe C u r t i s 240,245-46
Hoff, Phebe M a r g a r e t 246,253
H o f f m a n , Errol R o b e r t 1 756
H u m a n Factors S o c i e t y 499
Human Resources Research
Organization 614
Humphreys, Henry Robert 22
Ipsen, Johannes 585
Iskrant, Albert P. 16
Hunsicker, Lilian May 1952
Israel Program for Scientific
Translations 1077
Hunt, Thelma 721,1145
Italy 1 2 7 2
Hunter, Donald 503
Ittelson, William H. 116,583
Hunter, George William 1129
Ives, Julian M. 2063
Hunter, Walter Samuel 871
Isquierdo, Jose Joaquin 815
Huntington, Ellsworth 2159
Hurst, Paul M. 978,1680,2119
Hurvich, Leo Maurice 1933
Huxley, Aldous 175
Huxley, Julian 1798,2161
Hyde, Lawrence 1066
Jacobs, George J. 2037
Jacobs, Herbert H. 230
Jacobson, Edmund 1585
Jacobson, Jerry Hart 368
Jaffe, Abram J. 1208
James, William 1188,1537,2126
Ide, John Jay 994
Jameson, Dorthea Anne 769
Ignazi, G. 606,608
Jamieson, Kenneth G. 984
Illuminating Engineering Society
Jansky, Ladislav 1986
Indiana University 120
India 957,2098
Industrial Hygiene Foundation of
America 131
Industrial Research Institution
Jayle, Gaétan E. 1289
Jeans, James Hopwood 1236
Jedeka, Lloyd W. 1446
Jeffries, John 1238
Jennett, William Bryan 588
Jennings, Burgess Hill 989
Infantry Journal 1987
Jennings, Donald B. 1009
Ingle, Dwight Joyce 514
Jennings, Herbert Spencer 272
Institute for Research 1680
Jessup, Philip Caryl 438
Institute on Mentally Impaired
Aged 1196
Jet Propulsion Laboratory 1132
Inter-Society Color Council
International Academy of Aviation
and Space Medicine 2090
International Air Transport
Association 1174
International Association of
Gerontology 63
International Civil Aviation
Organization 1124
International Congress of Applied
Psychology 1400
International Symposium of
Bioastronautics and the
Exploration of Space 260
International Symposium on the
Fundamental Mechanisms of the
Chromatic Discrimination in
Animals and Man 152
International Union of
Physiological Sciences 856
John Paterson Urban Systems
Johns Hopkins University 1607,
Johnsen, Edwin G. 2019-20
Johnson, Albert Pemberton 1612
Johnson, Barry Lee 238
Johnson, F. Douglas 157
Johnson, Forrest Hayden 1045
Johnson, Richard D. 121
Johnson, Robert Eugene 673
Johnson, Wendell 1388
Johnston, Richard S. 294
Johnston, Samuel Paul 2176
Joint Committee on Methods of
Preventing Delinquency
Joint ILO/WHO Committee on
Occupational Health 1325
J o k l , E r n e s t 206,371,623,1159
K e n d r i c k , A l e x a n d e r 1521
J o k l , P e t e r 623
Kennedy, K e n n e t h W . 377
Joliet, Paul V. 1 6
K e n t , Charles Foster 741
J o l l e y , O r a n B. 614
K e p h a r d , N.C. 909
J o l l y , K . W . 1 302
Kerr, W i l l a r d Augusta 2042
Jones, B e n j a m i n Franklin 664
Keyes, Ancel B e n j a m i n 1693
J o n e s , D . T . 802
K e y n e s , J o h n M a y n a r d 598
J o n e s , E d w a r d R. 661
K i h l b e r g , J a a k k o K. 599
J o n e s , G. M e l v i l l e 457
K i m b a l l , Fiske 847
Jones, I s a a c H a m p s h u r 590,712
K i n g s b u r y , J o h n A d a m s 1 692
J o n e s , N o r m a n L. 943
K i n k a d e , R o b e r t G. 487,890
J o n e s , W i l l i a m J o h n 1242
K i n n e y , W i l l i a m A. 1177
J o r d a n , T h o m a s D. 1 397
Kinsey, I r e n e M. 1652
J o s e p h , S t e v e n G. 99
Kira, A l e x a n d e r 226
Joslin, Elliott Proctor 2081
K i r k p a t r i c k , J o h n Ervin 1758
J o u b e r t , Peter N u m a 1748
Kirkpatrick, M a r k , III 1565
J u d d , W i l s o n A . 1028
K l e i n , I . C h a r l e s 1 973
J ü r g e n s , F. 2012
K l e i n , K u r t E. 222
K l e i t m a n , N a t h a n i e l 1833-34
K l e m , M a r g a r e t Coyne 959,1835
Kafka, Maximilian M a r t y n 709
K l i n e , N a t h a n S. 1 646
K a g a n , J e r o m e 236
K l i n e b e r g , O t t o 1848
K a h n , F r i t z 1103
K l u c k h o l m , C l y d e 1 214
K a h n , N o r t o n H. 118
K n i e s , P.T. 991
Kaiser, W i l h e l m 49
K n o r r , Klaus E u g e n e 1085
K a m r a s s , M u r r a y 1 295
K n o w e l d e n , J o h n 1530
Kant, I m m a n u e l 1056
K n o w l e s , W i l l i a m B. 1 563
K a n t o r , J . R . 1554
K n u d s e n , V e r n O l i v e r 171
K a r k , R o b e r t M. 673
Koelle, Heinz H e r m a n n 794
K a r p o v i c h , P e t e r V. 562,1468
Koesterer, M a r t i n G. 1 906
K a s t e n b a u m , Robert 434
K o g i , K. 1 203
K a t a j a , M a t t i 619
K a t z , D a n i e l 1 847
Katz, D o r o t h y D i t t m e r 281-82,
K a t z , M . S . 1966
K a t z o f f , S . 355
Kay, J o h n D a v e n p o r t 1079
Kearney, Paul W i l l i a m 944
K e a t s , J o h n 986
K e l l e y , C h a r l e s R. 24-25,1478
Kelly, Fred C h a r t e r s 2195
Kelly, G e o r g e A l e x a n d e r 1 283
Kolchinskaia, Asia Zelikovna
K o m r o f f , M a n u e l 2054
K o n e c c i , E u g e n e B. 1573
К о р а , R . D . 1 488
K o r e n c h e v s k y , V . 1 038
K o u t s o u k o s , E.P. 388
K o w a l s k y , N e s t o r B. 119
K r a f t , J a c k A . 895
K r a f t , M e r w y n A. 1161,1431
K r a t z e r , R.H. 705
K e l t o n , A . A . 1 665
K r e b s , M a r j o r i e J . 348,1503,
K e m p , E d w a r d H. 1 612
K r e c h , D a v i d 565
Kendler, H o w a r d Harvard 224
K r e n e k , Richard F. 550
K r e t s c h m e r , Ernst 2033
Lee, R o b e r t C l e v e l a n d 883
K r i s t y , N.F. 180
L e e d h a m , C h a r l e s L. 1 362
K r o g h , A u g u s t 127
Le G r a n d , Y v e s 1 078
K r u t a , V l a d i s l a v 1040
L e h r , D o n a l d J . 2131
K r y t e r , Karl D. 591
L e i b o w i t z , Herschel W . 615,
K u h e n , R a y m o n d G. 1067
K u t n e r , B e r n a r d 690
K u w a j m a , Y o s h i o 1 656
Leitis, V l a n d i m i r 443,1784
L e m k a u , Paul V i c t o r 1195
L e n n e p , David Jacob v a n 728
L e r n e r , M o n r o e 823
L a c h m a n , S h e l d o n J o s e p h 725
L e t h , T . 1135
L a g e r , C a r l 1 477
L e v e d a h l , B.H. 1308
L a l l i , G i u s e p p e 1182
L e v e n e , J o h n R. 120
L a m b , L a w r e n c e E. 685
L e v y , H . 2104
L a m b e r t s e n , Christian J . 2100
L e w i n , K u r t 520
Laming, Donald Richard John
Lewis, H o w a r d T h o m p s o n 1763
L a n d i s , C a r n e y 1 925,1928
L a n e , J . C . 987,1475-76,1583,
Lane, W i l l i a m A r b u t h n o t 1 517
L a n g d o n , J a m e s N. 663
L a n g h a m , W r i g h t Haskell 1667
Lewis, Nolan Don Carpentier
L e w i s , T h o m a s 1714
L e w i s o h n , S a m A d o l p h 1281
L i a n g , M e n g - C h i i a n 1 838
L i b b y , W i l l a r d F. 1 668
Langley Research C e n t e r 1711
Liberty Mutual Insurance Company
L a n s b e r g , M a r t i n Philip 1 522
Lilley, T o m 7 4 7 , 1 5 4 6
Lansing, A l b e r t I n g r a m 442
Lillie, Ralph S t a y n e r 754
Larimore, Granville Wooten
L i n d , A . R . 1 676
L a r n y , C l a r e n c e 390
L a r s o n , L e o n a r d A u g u s t 571
L a r u e , M.A. 539
Lasswell, Harold D w i g h t 1 645
L a u e r , N.V. 1 369
L a w r e n c e , Philip S. 1491
L a w t o n , F a y G. 1196
L a w t o n , M. P o w e l l 1196,1638
L i n d a n , O . 491
Linde Air Products C o m p a n y 256
L i n d e l l , B o 1 036
Lindsey, J e f f e r s o n F. 293
L i n k , M a e Mills 1180,1881
L i p p a y , A . 491
L i p p m a n , W a l t e r 1 408
Lissitzyn, O l i v e r J a m e s 997
L a y , S. H o u s t o n 1 063
Little, Cynthia Maria Atwood
L a z a r u s , S t e v e n S. 1738
L i v s o n , N o r m a n 565
L e a g u e o f N a t i o n s 1065,1068
Lockheed Missiles and Space
C o m p a n y 1 52,751,895
L e a k e , C h a u n c e y D e p e w 1854
Leavell, H u g h R o d m a n 1519,2035
Lebedev, Lev Aleksandrovich
L o d e r a n d B a y l y 1753
L o e b , J a c q u e s 1356
Loeb, R o b e r t Frederick 2034
Lecky, Prescott 1 8 1 2
L o e w y , A d o l f 1454
L e d e r e r , J e r o m e 1780
Loft, Bernard I . 28
Lee, Douglas H a r r y K e d g w i n 362
L o m o n a c o , T o m a s o 1182
L e e , J a m e s B. 1407
London T r a n s p o r t Executive 821
L o o f b o u r r o w , G . N . 596
I 33
L o o n e y , J o h n J . 251
M a g e r s , R o y V. 1 861
L o p e z , D o n a l d S. 1042
M a g o u n , Horace W i n c h e l l 2151
L o r e n z , Kon r a d 1334
Magpie and Stump Debating Society
L o r t h i o i r , J e a n 1473
L o t k a , A l f r e d J a m e s 2091
L o v e j o y , A r t h u r 0 . 1678
Lovelace Foundation for Medical
Education a n d R e s e a r c h 212,292,
333,396,402,914 ,1215,1218,2024
Maier, Norman Raymond Frederick
M a l a m u d , W i l l i a m 1 363
M a l m e j a c , J . 1184
M a l o n e , T h o m a s B. 118,1564
L o v e l a c e , W . R . 208
M a n Factors I n c . 1230
L o w e n t h a l , M a r j o r i e Fiske 62
M a n c e , H a r r y O s b o r n e 996
L o w i e , R o b e r t H a r r y 1 73
M a n n , G e o f f r e y T h o m a s 1397
L o w r y , S a m u e l H. 860
M a n n e d Spacecraft Center 290,
L u c a s , K e i t h 411
L u c c h i n a , G . G . 2003
L u c e , G a y G a e r 277
L u c h i n s , A b r a h a m S. 1 801
L u c h i n s , Edith Hirsch 1 801
Luckiesh, M a t t h e w 1 58 ,468,1792
Lu к lanov, Boris Borisovich
M a n w e l l , Reginald Dickson 1 497
M a r a n , S t e p h e n P. 1436
M a r c a t , W i l l i a m 432
M a r i n e C o r p s 227,320,465,783
M a r k o w t i z , Joseph 1 59
M a r q u e t t e University 633
M a r r , D a v i d 2134
L u m l e y , Frederick Elmore 1589
M a r s h , W i l l i a m С 532
Luriia, Aleksandr Romanovich
Martin Marietta Corporation
L y m a n , J o h n 179,301-07
M a r v i n , L a n g d o n P. 72
L y m a n , Richard S h e r m a n 1838
M a s o n , J o h n K e n y o n 195
Lyon, L e v e r e t t S a m u e l 1591
M a s o n , Russell E. 993
M a c C u r d y , John T h o m p s o n 393
M a c d o n a l d , W . A . 1735-36
M a c E l r o y , R.D. 1 337
M a c F a r l a n e , J a m e s 848
MacFie, Ronald C a m p b e l l 67
Macheti, Reginald M. 1965
M a c i n t o s h , Douglas Clyde 1679
Maclver, R o b e r t Morrison 1852
M a c K e n z i e , B r u c e 1 259
M a c k i e , R o b e r t R. 1 953
M a c k i e , T h o m a s T u r l a y 1129
M a c k w o r t h , J.F. 2213
M a c k w o r t h , N . H . 2213
M a c M a h o n , Brian 585
M a c M i l l a n , R o b e r t H u g h 191
M a d d o c k , R.W. 124,259
M a e k e r , V . 1 838
M a g a t h , T . B . 991
M a s o n , S c o t t B. 969
Massachusetts General Hospital
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
M a t h e r , W i l l i a m Green 1100
M a t h i a s e n , G e n e v a 449,692
M a t r i x C o r p o r a t i o n 118,122
M a t t h e w , W i l l i a m Diller 363
M a t t h e w s , Chester W . 1 484
M a x c y , K e n n e t h Fuller 1518
M a y , K.A. 1 744
M a y , K e n n e t h D. 35
M a y e r , J e a n 1 365
M a y o , E l t o n 929-30,1845
M c A f e e , J o s e p h Ernest 384
M c B r i d e , B o n n i e J . 2044
M c C a l l y , M i c h a e l 941
M c G a r r y , C h a r l e s 512
M c C l o s k e y , K e i t h 937
McCloy, C h a r l e s Harold 2027
McCormick, Ernest James 887,
McCracken, Dwight 808
McDonald, Arthur L. 1626
Messer, August 1056
Messiter, Gordon F. 178
Meyer, J.W.G. 864
McDonald, Bernard A. 79
Michael Reese Hospital and
Medical Center 431
McDonnel Company 148,661
Michaels, George 31
McDougall, William 572,604,
Mikesell, William Henry 1194
McFadden, E.B. 2221
McFarland, Ross A. 136,339,
Milbank Memorial Fund 285
Miles, Walter Richard 94,533
Miller, Carey D. 221
Miller, George Armitage 1137
McGann, Brendan 1604
Miller, James Woodell 2144
McGlothlen, C.L. 1394
Miller, Neal E. 1618
McGrath, James J. 447,1733
Miller, Samuel Duncan 51
McGregor, Douglas 934
Mills, Clarence Alonzo 365
McGregor Fund 449
Mills, John Norton 271
McKeachie, Wilbert James 1624
Miser, Hugh J. 2068
McKee, Herberte. 1957
Mitchell, Charles 925
McKee, Jack Edward 1342
Mitchell, Harold Hanson 1312
McKendry, James M. 657,978,
Mitchell, Hugh 1545
McKenzie, Sandra K. 130
Mitre Corporation 507-08,779,
McKiever, Margaret F. 1835
Moeller, George 406
McKnight, Robert A. 1566
Moellering, Harold 1048
McLaren, Ian Francis 189
Mohler, Stanley R. 1181,2174
McLean, A.J. 1739
Molesko, Norman M. 383
McNeil, Edward L. 80
Monge, Carlos 20
McNulty, J.S. 1705
Monge, Rolf H. 1067
Mead, Leonard С 1809
Mongan, Anges 136
Mead, Margaret 342
Monroe, J.L. 1394
Meakin, Thomas Kimball 877
Monty, Richard A. 239,548
Mechtly, E.A. 1010
Moore, D.E. 2147
Medical Field Service School
Moore, Merrill 372
Medical Nutrition Laboratory
Moore, Roland С 339
Moore, Wilbert Ellis 968
Medical Research Council 816,
Morain, Lloyd 939
Meduna, Ladislas Joseph 328-29
Moravek, Milan 1859
Medvedev, Zhores Aleksandrovich
Morgan, Ben В., Jr. 552,
682, 1931,1989-90
Mehrabian, Albert 167
Morgan, Clifford Thomas 890
Meister, David 235,898
Morgan, Conwy Lloyd 567
Meldrum, James F. 516-17
Morgan, Howard Key 971
Morain, Mary 939
Melton, Arthur Weever 154
Morganstern, Oskar 1085
Merchant, John 1328
Morgenthaler, Walter 1599
Merrill, Anthony French 325
Morris, Selwyn 1259
Morrison, Abraham Cressy 1101
Morrison, Dennis R. 298
Morrison, Richard Boyd 475
Moseley, Alfred L. 902
Mosely, John D. 1 728
Moss, Frank Kendall 468,1792
Moss, Fred A u g u s t 721
Moss, James R. 1566
Moulton, Forest Ray 41
Mowbray, A.Q. 1 759
Muckler, Frederick A. 1 563
Mueller, F.H. 672
Muller, Bruno 703,761,1673
Muller, Franz 859
Mullin, Francis Joseph 1834
Munsterberg, Hugo 1627
National Aeronautics and Space
Administration 37,46,153,219,260 ,
359,421,495,528,563-64 ,576, 651,788,
1 247-51,1348,1350,1352,1502,1510,
1 826-29,1871,1886,1891,2014,2076,
National Aeronautics and Space
Council 47
National Aerospace Education
C o u n c i l 52
National Biomedical Research
Foundation 2043
National Bureau of Standards
National Committee on Radiation
Protection and Measurements
Murphy, Donald B. 548,1584
National Institute for
Occupational Safety and Health
Murphy, Gardner 640,755,951,
National Institute of Health
Murphy, John E. 989
National Library of Medicine
Murchie, Guy 1 862
Murphy, Lois Barclay 640
Murphy, Raymond H. 941
Murreil, K.F.H. 855
Murrow, Edward R. 1521
Murschhauser, Hans 573
Musacchia, X.J. 1 986
Mutchler, John E. 950
Myers, A r t h u r B. 1782
Myers, Charles Samuel 2031 32
Myers, Jack Edgar 749
Myers, Thomas I . 548,629,1584
Myles, Maxfield 297
National Research Council 1 38,
National Research Council of
C a n a d a 1807
National Safety Council 1 99
National Science Foundation
National Transportation Safety
B o a r d 1 37
Naval Aviation Safety Center
Naval School of Aviation Medicine
Navarre, Monty 85
Nadar, Ralph 2106
Nakahara, J.H. 705
Nanney, James 518
Napolitano, Luigi G. 1207,1880
Nash, Harvey 92
Nash, Jay Bryan 1424
Natelson, Samuel 431
National Academy of Engineering
N a v y 1121,2102
Navy Industrial Health Conference
Navy Prosthetic Research
Laboratory 71
Nayler, Joseph Lawrence 838
Nelkin, Dorothy 1202
Nellis, Donald 0. 2088
Neutra, Richard Joseph 1988
Nevison, Thomas 0., Jr. 333
New Mexico State University
New York Academy of Medicine
New York Public Library 846
Office of Highway Planning 841
New York State University
Construction Fund 1093
Office of Highway Safety 841
Newcomb, Theodore Mead 424
Newell, Frederick D. 777
Newman, Horatio Hackett 1270
Newman, Larry 512
Newsholme, Arthur 1692
Newton, G. de С 628
Nicogossian, Arnauld E. 1884
Nielen, G.C.J.F. 980
Netzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm
Nikolsky, Alexander A. 1305
Office of Manned Space Flight
Office of Personnel Management
Office of Scientific Research and
Development 37,1630,2076
Office of Space Science and
Applications 1316
Office of the Chief of Naval
Operations 1290
Ogburn, William Fielding 1840,
Ogden, Kenneth Wade 1746,1754
O'Hanlon, J., Jr. 32,543,2115
Nobe, Ken 338
Norman, L.G. 382
Norman, Leslie George 1179,
North American Aviation, Inc.
North American Rockwell
Corporation 925,1960
North Atlantic Treaty
Organization Advisory Group for
Aeronautical Research and
Development 258,379,765,1149,
North Carolina State University
Northrup Corporation 125,670,
Northrop, Filmer Stuart Cuckow
Nuffield Foundation 1330
Nummenmaa, Tapio 2067
Nyberg, J.W. 397
O'Hara, Dwight 68
Ohio State University 287,490,
Old Dominion University
1 340,1989
O'Leary, Brian 1879
Oledzki, Andrzej 1110
Olofson, C.T. 1088
Oman, Charles M. 1883
Operations Research, Inc. 1766
Oranen, Liisa 1031-32
Organization for Economic
Co-Operation and Development
Osaka City University Medical
School 1656
Osborn, Frederick 831
Osborn, Henry Fairfield 1190
O'Shea, Michael Vincent 2057
Ower, Ernest 838
Ozkapton, H. 539
Oakes, Charles G. 724
Obermaier, Joyce E. 239
O'Brien, Ruth 2181
Ocker, William С 313
Paciorek, K.L. 705
Painter, Robert B. 121
O'Connell, Jeffrey 1782
Pan American Airways, Inc.
O'Connor, Johnson 1916
Park College 384
Odishaw, Hugh 1789
Parker, George Howard 940
O'Donnell, John A. 775
Parker, James Fletcher 262,
Office of Education 1631
Office of Health Statistics
Analysis 132
Parkin, Peter Hubert 22
Parks, D.L. 2066,2141-42
Parry, John B. 215
Parson, Nels A. 789
Plato 1709
Parsons, Henry Mcllvaine 1108
Piatt, John Rader 1287,1905
Parsons, Thomas Richard 740
Plunkett, Jerry D. 1244
Paterson, Donald Gildersleave
Plutchik, Robert 187,450
Paton, Diarmid Noel 1274
Patton, Rollin M. 159,668
Patto n, T.A. 1746
Paul, Benjamin David 820
Paulsen, Friedrich 2005
Pavlov Institute of Aviation
Medicine 739
Pearl, Raymond 1672
Pearson, Albin 0. 1508
Pearson, Richard Gustare 593,
Pollak, Otto 1837
Pollock, William T. 1939
Poon, Leonard W. 473
Popper, Ludwig 1785
Porteus, Stanley David 1499
Post, Chandler Rathfon 852
Post, Wiley 2174
Potocko, Richard J. 257
Poulton, E.C. 577
Poulton, Edward Palmer 1367
Powell, Philip I. 2098
Peckham, Howard Henry 1096
Pratt, Carroll Cornelius 1081
Pemberton, John 587
Pratt, Dudley 1045
Penfield, Wilder 622
Pratt, Fletcher 1271
Pennsylvania State University
Pratt, Wallace Everett 2190
Penrose, Lionel Sharpies
Penttila, Antti 619
Perkins, Henrietta 253
Perkins, Roswell B. 26
Perrine, M.W. 93
Perry, Ralph Barton 1335,1487,
Peters, George A. 925,1216
President 47
President's Air Policy Commission
President's Airport Commission
President's Science Advisory
Committee 291,1724
President's Task Force on the
Aging 2061
Prince, Derek 1819
Peters, John Punnett 1658
Pringle-Pattison, Andrew Seth
Petersen, William Ferdinand
Pronko, Nicholas Henry 2136
Peterson, Arnold P.G. 804
Peterson, Joseph A. 125
Petree, Ben 427
Pfeiffer, Carl J. 1389
Phelps, Earl Bernard 1651
Philadelphia Center for Research
in Child Growth 1428
Phillips, Charles R. 1485
Proper, Robert 333
Prophet, Wallace W. 614
Proshansky, Harold M. 583
Prostin, Daniel J. 24-25
Psychological Corporation 534,
Psychological Services, Inc.
Phipps, C G . 2003
Public Health Service 664,
1 320,2103
Piaget, Jean 1640
Puckett, Thomas С 431
Pierce, Bernard F. 605
Puffer, Ruth Rice 1498
Pijoan, Michel 796
Pugh, Thomas F. 585
Pikelis, Anna M. 1004
Purdue Research Foundation 909
Pillsbury, Walter Bowers 1641
Ригкупб, Jan Evangelista 1039
Pipes, Wesley 0. 2155
Richards, Phil 866
Quimby, Freedman Henry 409
Richardson, Leon Burr 1980
Richmond, Donald R. 312
Richter, Curt Paul 274
Raber, Alfred 1785
Riesman, David 1083
Rabideau, Gerald F. 898
Risk, A.W. 620
Radio Corporation of American
Rivlin, Leanne G. 583
Railroad Retirement Board 1595
Raman, K.R. 188,630,635,1055
Rane, Maurice P., Jr. 1564
Rand Corporation 180,474
Randall, Francis E. 876
Randall, John Herman 1095,1412
Randel, Hugh W. 55
Randolph, Theron G. 883
Raper, Odell 1282
Rathbone, Josephine Langworthy
Ray, James T. 924
Rayman, Russell B. 367
Raymond, Anne E. 1734
Raymond, S. 613
Reader, William Joseph 2160
Reals, William J. 1173
Rees, Ed. 1115
Reetz, Arthur 1592
Regan, Richard A. 656,1027-28,
Reichenecker, W.J. 1243
Reichinstein, D. 1543
Reilly, Raymond E. 1951
Reinhard, Richard O. 1481
Renner, George Thomas 917-18
Rentz, John N. 320
Research and Scientific Development
Conference 1781
Rivolier, Jean 834
Roadman, Charles H. 260
Roback, Abraham Aaron 851
Robb, Douglas 1259
Robert Trillo Associates 864
Robertson, James S. 406
Robertson, W.G. 1318
Robinette, Joan С 1804
Robinson, Douglas Hill 460
Robinson, William Josephus 311
Rockefeller Brothers Fund 1657
Rockefeller Foundation 109,139
Roebuck, John A. 1041
Roethlisberger, Fritz Jules
Roget, Francois Frederic 100
Rohles, Frederick H. 350
Rolland, Romain 1091
Romanov, Aleksandr Petrovich
Romashko, Tania 484
Rorschach, Hermann 1599-1600
Roscoe, Stanley Nelson 214
Rosen, Ephraim 5
Rosenau, Milton Joseph 1518
Rosenblith, Walter A. 1553
Ross, Sherman 1970
Roth, E.M. 400,1306
Roth, Emanuel M. 265,403,1810,
Research Council on Problems of
Alcohol 1527
Roth, H.P. 180
Reswick, J.B. 491
Royal Aeronautical Society
Rexroad, Carl Newton 756
Reynolds, Earle L. 780
Royal Canadian Air Force 513
Rhoades, John W. 1957
Royal Flying Doctor Service of
Australia 1777
Rice, Stuart Arthur 1205
Royce, Josiah 1414,1899
Rice, Thurman Brooks 161
Ruby, William J. 239
Rich, Wilmer Shields 110
Ruch, Floyd Leon 1629
Ruff, Siegfried 401,782
R u m m e l , John A. 300
Schlesinger, Arthur M. 136
Rusk, H o w a r d A. 2193
Schlosberg, H a r a l d 638
Russell, B e r t r a n d 1358
S c h m i d , Richard F. 1 772
Russell, Edward Stuart 718
S c h m i d t , E.A. 543
Russell, J a m e s A . 1 67
Schneider, Edward Christian
I 467-68
Russell, Paul Farr 1 492
Rutstein, David D. 574
Ruuhilehto, Kaarin 2067
Ruzic, Neil P. 1898
Schnell, W a l t e r 1086
School of Aerospace Medicine
R y a n , Allan J . 1166
School of Aviation Medicine
R y a n , G . A . 1 738
S c h o p e n h a u e r , Arthur 600
R y a n , Philip T . 461
Schottstaedt, William W . 1648
R y a n , T h o m a s Arthur 2182
Schrumpf-Pierron, Pierre 2088
Ryle, J o h n Alfred 343
S c h u b e r t , G u s t a b 1455
S a a d a w i , M a h m o u d Hassam 73
Schulzinger, Morris S. 15
Schwartz, I r a R. 2049
Schwesinger, Gladys Clotilde
S a c k m a n , Harold 408
Sacks, Alvin H . 126,188,480,
S c o t l a n d 848
SAE A e r o s p a c e Council 1187
Scripps I n s t i t u t i o n of
O c e a n o g r a p h y 646
S a e n g e r , E d w a r d L. 1 565
S e a t o n , D o n Cash 28
Saenger, Eugene Lange 1164,
I I Congresso Mondiale E. IV
Europes Di Medicina A e r o n a u t i c a E.
S p a z i a l e 198
S a g a n , C a r l 1 355
Sakharov, Andrei Dmitrievich
S e g a i , M u r r a y D. 1556
Seidenfeld, Morton Alfred 1602
Salisbury, Harrison Evans 1581
Selleck, H e n r y B. 1323
S a l v e n d y , Gavriel 1 504
Sells, Saul B. 903,2084
S a n d e r s , M a r k S. 1563
Seltzer, Stephen M. 2008
Sandia C o r p o r a t i o n 428-29
Selzer, Melvin 1516
S a p p i n g t o n , Clarence Olds 602
S e m i n a r a , Joseph L. 751,1087
Sataloff, J o s e p h 957
S e n d e r s , John W . 1674
S a u n d e r s , Joseph F. 645
Serling, R o b e r t J . 1542
S a u n d e r s , T h o m a s Bailey 600
S e y m o u r , W . Douglas 1504
Sea n o , A r i s t i d e 1182
Shaffer, G e o r g e Wilson 2028
Scarpelli, Emile M. 1453
S h a o u l , J e a n 2111,2113-14
Schafer, G e r a l d 336
Shapiro, N o r m a n Z a l m a n 344,
Schaie, Klaus W a r n e r 2541
S c h a n c k , Richard Louis 1 847
Schelling, Friedrich W i l h e l m
J o s e p h v o n 1 341
S h a p l a n d , D J . 1948
Shapley, H a r l o w 366
S h a p l e y , M a r i a n 101,1136
Scherzer, Alfred l_. 455
S h a r p e , Mitchell R. 1080
S c h i c h t l e , Cass 1 262
Shartle, Carroll Leonard 1326
Schilling, Richard Selwyn
F r a n c i s 1 223
Shattuck, George Cheever 505,
Schilpp, Paul A r t h u r 1413
S h e a r d , C h a r l e s 1820
Schimitz, Melvin A . 537
S h e e h y , J o h n F. 751
Sheldon, William Herbert 1633
Smith, Walter Whately 1148
Shelton, William Chastain 2181
Smith, Wendell 2105
Shenfield, Barbara E. 1844
Smith, William M. 1392
Sheppard, Harold L. 1284
Smull, T.L.K. 1265
Sheppard, Louis Benjamin 10
Snow, Charles Percy 2094
Sherman, Henry Clapp 345
Snyder, Frederic Winkler 2136
Sherrick, Carl E. 1631
Snyder, Harry L. 535
Sherrington, Charles 1821
Snyder, Richard Gerald 34,266,
Shlosinger, A.P. 670
Shock, Nathan Wetherill
1 549-52,2083
Shontz, W.D. 1959
Shrader, Welman Austin 677
Sidis, Boris 1273
Siegal, Arthur I. 897,2015-16
Signal Corps-Air Forces 2216
Silverman, Albert J. 1149
Simmons, Gene 1338
Simmons, James Stevens 763,
Simmons, Leo William 1851
Simon, Alexander 1409
Simonds, Rollin H. 1783
Simons, Allison K. 537
Simonson, Ernest 1472,1693
Simpson, James Young 830
Simpson, John Charles 1135
Society of Automotive Engineers
Society of USAF Flight Surgeons
Socrates 1709
Sohn, Louis B. 2191-92
Sokoloff, Boris 2149
Sokov, Vasnil Sergi 1877
Soldati, Leon de 2077
Sommer, Robert 1398
Soper, Fred Lowe 139
Sorrell, Lewis Carlyle 1591
Southwest Research Institute
Spacelabs, Inc. 1241,2030
Space Applications Programs
Office 1980
Space Medicine Advisory Group
Simpson, Wyatt С 1242
Space Simulation Conference
Sinclair, Knight and Partners
1 741,1747
Spearman, Charles Edward 4
Sinnott, Edmund Ware 286
Sittig, J. 1 0 4 9
Sivinski, H.D. 429
6570th Aerospace Medical Research
Laboratories 248
Spector, William S. 795
Spiegel, John P. 2154
Spiegel, Joseph 906
Stack, Herbert James 28
Stacy, Ralph W. 601
Slayter, Elizabeth M. 1349
Staffin, Kenneth H. 392
Slezinger, Isaak Isaevich 2175
Standen, Anthony 1790
Smedal, Harold 1553
Stanley Aviation Corporation
Smith, Charles Richard 1147
Smith, Homer William 861
Smith, John Edwin 2124
Smith, Karl Ulrich 467,1392
Smith, Mary Alice 2169
Smith, Robert Lee 308
Smith, Russell Gordon 736
Smith, Seward 1584
Staples, M . L . 241
Stapp Car Crash Conference
Steinmetz, Eugene 1226
Stephenson, Robert William 486
Stern, Bernhar Joseph 1185
Sterne, Edward L. 757
Stevens, K.W. 1674
Smith, Sidney L. 507-08,779,
Stevens, Stanley Smith
S t e v e n s o n , G e o r g e S a l v a d o r e 29
S t e v e n s o n , S a n d r a A. 243,
S t e w a r t , G e o r g e 1868
S w i n d e l l , W i l l i a m 1 482
Symposium on Fetal Pharmacology
Symposium on Medical and
Biological Aspects of t h e Energies
o f S p a c e 1155
Symposium on Physical Education
a n d H e a l t h 1424
S t e w a r t , Oliver 458
S t e w a r t , Richard D. 633
S t i e g l i t z , E d w a r d Julius 748,
S t i l l w e l l , W e n d e l l H. 2196
S t o c k m a n , J a m e s R. 227
S t o n e , C a l v i n P e r r y 1925
S t o n e , C h e s t e r T i l t o n 459
Symposium on Psychophysiological
A s p e c t s o f S p a c e F l i g h t 1649
Symposium on t h e Role of t h e
Vestibular Organs in Space
E x p l o r a t i o n 678,1968-71
S y r a c u s e U n i v e r s i t y 1 067
Systems Development Corporation
S t o n e r , R i c h a r d 1 664
S t o r c k , J o h n 1 097
S t o u d t , H o w a r d W . 1 47,762,874,
S t o w e n s , B.H. 1 855
S t r a c h e y , J o h n 388
Strasel, Harold С
S t r a t t o n , G e o r g e Malcolm 1880
S t r a u s s , Eric B e n j a m i n 2033
Strauss, Maurice B e n j a m i n 317
S t r e c k e r , E d w a r d A d a m 97,1496
T a b o r e l l i , R.V. 2024
T a l b o t , Fritz Bradley 750
T a l b o t , J o h n M . 275
T a l b o t , N a t h a n Bill 236
T a l b o t t , J o h n Harold 770
T a l i a f e r r o , W i l l i a m H a y 1183
T a l l a n d , G e o r g e A. 870
T a n n e r , T r i e v e A., Jr. 159
S t r e i n e r , I . 1960
T a s k Force t o Assess NASA
U n i v e r s i t y P r o g r a m s 1 943
S t r e h l e r , B e r n a r d Louis 283,
T a u b e n f e l d , H o w a r d Jack 438,
S t r o n g , Richard Pearson 1907
T a y l o r , Craig L. 5 8 0
S t r u g h o l d , H u b e r t u s 782,1434,
T a y l o r , Earl A . 437
S t u g e o n , A n g i e M a e 1693
S t u h l m a n , O t t o 1 013
S t u r m , Richard D. 540
S u c h m a n , E d w a r d Allen 455
S u l l i v a n , G . 2030
S u l z e r , R.L. 615
S u m m e r s , L.G. 1942
S u n d s t r o e m , E d w a r d Sigfrid 31,
S u r g e o n - G e n e r a l ' s Office 1170,
S u r r y , J e a n 1 28,955
T a y l o r , F r a n k J . 1 379
Taylor, H e n r y Longstreet 1 693
T a y l o r , I a n 1530
T a y l o r , J . G . 1914
T a y l o r , J o h n K. 2063
T a y l o r , N o r m a n Burke 1444
T a y l o r , P r o c t o r P. 1 509,1511
T e a r e , R o b e r t J . 920,2142
T e i c h n e r , W a r r e n H. 348,479.
Teledyne Brown Engineering
T e m p l e t o n , W i l l i a m B. 935
Sutcliffe, Reginald Cockroft
T e n h u , M a r t t i 619
S u t t o n , J o h n R. 943
Texas Institute for Rehabili­
t a t i o n a n d R e s e a r c h 631
S w a r t z e l , Karl D. 1295
S w e t s , J o h n A . 159
S w i f t , J a n e t 559
Thekaekara, Matthew Pothen
Theologus, George С. 484,
TRW Space Technology Laboratories
Thilly, Frank 2005
Trygg, LaVon E. 248
Thomas, Daniel J. 919
Tufts College 800-01,1978
Thomas, Dorothy Swaine
Tuksal, Mufid A. 1961
Thomas, George Finger 2150
Thomas, James Carl 1694
Thomas, R.S. 347
Turner, Anthony Chalmers 2079
Turner, Dorothea Fletcher 797
Tuwiner, Sidney Bertram 392
Tyrer, F.H. 545
Thomas, Shirley 1189
Thomas, William Leroy 1004
Thompson, J. Walter Aust. Pit.
Thompson, T. Lewis 1818
Thomson, Elizabeth 2160
Thomson, Joseph John 1686
Udenfriend, Sidney 707
Udjus, Ludvig Gudmund 146
Uhlaner, Julius E. 926,
Unamuno у Jugo, Miguel de 2069
Thorndike, Augustus 182
United Aircraft Corporation
Thorndike, Edward Lee 33
United States Senate 1131,1731
Thorndike, Robert Ladd 1404,
University of Arizona 1818
Thurmond, John B. 232-34,
University of California, Los
Angeles 179,481,1409,1488,1507.
Thurstone, Louis Leon 1267
University of Cincinnati 1198
Tickner, E.G. 188,2037
University of Illinois 1037,
Tiffin, Joseph 965-66
Tilney, Frederick 1134
Tilton, John Warren 33
Tipton, Charles H. 562
Titchener, Edward Bradford
Titelbaum, Sydney 1834
Torrance, Ellis Paul 1603
Tournier, Paul 1140
Tower, Merrill E. 694
Towl, Andrew Renwick 315
Townsend, John C. 293
Traffic Planning and Research
Pty. Ltd. 1742.1752,1755
Transportation Safety Institute
Trevelyan, George Macaulay
Trexler, P.C. 476
Trimble. Vance H. 2099
Triggs, T.J. 632,888,2095
Troland, Leonard Thompson 742
Troy, Patrick Nicol 440
Trumm, G.A. 1959
University of Louisville
231 -34,551 -52,650.682.1715,1930-31,
1 990,2097
University of Massachusetts
University of Michigan 89,
University of Minnesota 1693
University of Notre Dame 476
University of Pittsburgh 656,
University of Rochester 549,
University of Virginia 1976
USAF School of Aerospace Medicine
Useller, James W. 358
Uspenskifi, P.D. 2025
USSR 1692
Vallerie, L.L. 1855
Van Cott, Harold P. 891
Van Dusen, Henry Pitney 767
Van Liere, Edward Jerald 140
Van Slyke, Donald Dexter 1658
Weintraub, Daniel J. 1390
Van Vleet, Clarke 2102
Weir, James Kenneth 2160
Van Zandt, John Parker 609
Welford, Alan Traviss 60,
Vaughan, David James 1709
Vaughan, Rodney G. 327,586,
Wells, H.G. 627,1360,1908
Wells, Jean Alice 254
Vazey, Brian A. 443
Wells, Samuel 1693
Veith, llza 1406
Weltman, Gershon 1241
Vernon, Horace Middleton 818,
Wendhausen, H.W. 1856
Veterans Administration 2121
Vidya 126,188,480,630,635,
Vidyarthi, Lalita Prasad 160
Viereck, Eleanor Grace
1 574- 76
Werber, Morton 1317
Wertheim, Alexander H. 2089
West, John Burnard 835
West, Luther Shirley 1492
West, Vita R. 262
Wexley, Kenneth N. 1357
Vinograd, Sherman P. 1158
Whayne, Tom French 376,763
Viteles, Morris Simon 967,1228
Wheeler, Douglas E. 1553
Vorhies, Charles Taylor 2156
Whipple, Fred Lawrence 526-27
Whitcomb, Milton A. 2144
White, Charles Langdon 917
Wagenaar, Willen Albert 2089
Walker, Edward L. 1390
Walker, James 1370
Walker, James Herbert 827
Waller, Coy Webster 129
Waller, Julian A. 93,785
Wallis, D. 628
War Department 76-77,172,
Ward, George 427
Ward, Lester Frank 165
Warden, Carl John 1015
Warner, Edward Pearson 524,
Warner, H. 168
Warren, Howard Crosby 493
Warren, Neil D. 1927
Watson, E. Norton 802
Watson, Floyd Rowe 1865
Watson, John Broadus 1635
Weale, Robert Alexander 64
Weaver, Robert W. 1050
Weaver, Robert Warres 325
Webber, Carl E. 1037
Weidel, Wolfhard2133
Weihe, Wolf H. 1447
White, Clayton S. 212,273,279,
White House Conference on
Aging 2062
White, P.D. 397
White, W.J. 397
White, William J. 546,1975
White, William Joseph 642,853
Whitehead, Thomas North 972
Whiteside, Thomas C D . 1555
Whittingham, Harold 207,931
Wickert, Frederic 1612
Wickes, Frances Gillespy 985
Widner, Joanne T. 1805
Wiener, Norbert 766
Wigglesworth, E.C. 984
Wiggs, Richard 410
Wilder, Amos Niven 1073
Wilford, John Noble 2158
Willett, T.C. 448
William M. Borbeck and Associates
Williams, L.G. 1958-59
Williams, Ralph Chester 2103
Williams, Richard Hays 1578
Williams, Roger John 1311
Willmore, A. Peter 58
Willmore. Steve R. 58
Willner, Dorothy 462
Xintaras, Charles 238
Wilmot Castle Company, Inc.
Wilson, David Bruce 139
Wilson, Eugene Edward 2177
Yakovlev, Aleksandr Sergeevich
Winchester, Albert McCombs 280
Yeager, Clark Harvey 796
Winter, David L. 912
Yellowlees, Henry 370
Winzen, Otto С 2023
Yerkes, Robert Mearns 98
Winzen Research, Inc. 74
Yoder, Dale 1401
Wittkower, Eric David 1683
Young, Kimball 1849
Wolf, J. Jay 2015
Young, Richard Stuart 121
Wolf, Stewart George 916,1373
Yousef, Mohamed K. 582,1437
Wolff, Harold George 916,1153,
Yukl, Gary A. 1357
Wolff, Kurt 278
Wolfe, Dael Lee 225
Ziedman, Kenneth 179.481,1942
Women's Bureau 254
Zimmerman, John Lee 783
Woo, W. 670
Zimmern, Alfred Eckhard 102.
Wood, Frank Leighton 2165
Wood, Rosamond 404-05
Woods Hole Océanographie
Institution 1967
Woodson, Wesley E. 889,988,
Zimmern, Lucie A. 1235
Zink, Roman A. 836
Zuidema, George D. 772
Zuntz, Nathan 859
Woodworth, Robert Sessions
Woodyard, Ella 33
Wooller, J. 1744
Woolsey, Clinton N. 269
Workman, J.D. 1745
World Health Assembly 1006-07
World Health Organization 2183
Worth, Charles Brook 1129
Wortz, E.C. 826,1318
Wright Air Development Division
Wright, Beatrice Ann 1423
Wright, David Graham 1596
Wright, Orville 2195
Wright, Samson 162-63
Wright, Wilbur 2195
Wu, William L.S. 914
Wuesthoff, Freda 185
Wunder, Charles С. 1076,1976
Wyatt, Stanley 663,1936
Subject Index
Abnormalities 1153
Absenteeism 821
Acceleration 11,206,258,279,
A c c i d e n t P r e v e n t i o n 13,14,
1 74,192,199,230,255,593,775,807,
A c c i d e n t s 11-12,14-16,18-19,
Accidents, Aviation 17,34,119
Accidents, Home 477,511,860
Accidents, Occupational 818,
A c c i d e n t s , Traffic 1 2 , 8 9 , 9 0 .
901 -02,944,948,992.1005,1031,1048,
1 716,1734,1736-42,1744,1746-48,
1 751 -56,1761,1767,1780.1782,1901,
1 953,2067-68.2078,2096,2106,2111-12
Acclimatization 20,295,836,
Achievements 2109
Acoustic Stimulation 22,187,
Acoustical Materials 1146
Acoustics 21.171,804,825
Activities of Daily Living
Adaptation, Ocular 642
A d a p t a t i o n , Physiological
A d a p t a t i o n , Psychological
1020,1388.1 645
Adhesives 26
Administrative Personnel 315,
Adolescence 2125
Adrenal Glands 31,506
Adult 3 3
Aero Medical Association 510
Aerodynamic Heating 2000
Aerodynamics 42,117,2175
Aeronautical Research 79,119,
Aeronautical Societies 1187,
Aeronautics 46,79,257,352,456,
Aerosols 2047
A e r o s p a c e Industries 1 5 5 - 5 6
A e r o s p a c e Medicine 10,37,44,
1 83,200-17,222,245-46,250,252,
1434-35,1441 -42,1446,1448,1450,
1872-73,1877,1879,1881 -82,1885,
2040,2059,2066,2090,2141 -44,2168,
A f f e c t i v e S y m p t o m s 1011
A g e Factors 5 9 , 6 1 , 8 6 , 2 5 4 ,
A g e d 62,278,434,449,473,544,
1 208,1284,1329-30,1332-33,1487,
Aggression 735,1334
Aging 60-61,63,66,120,229,
Agriculture 362
Air 31 9,705
Air Bag Restraint S y s t e m s 1378
Air Conditioning 827,1219
A i r D e f e n s e s , Military 1 9 4 9
A i r Lines 6 8 1 , 1 0 4 1
Air Pilots 9 9 , 2 0 2 , 3 5 2 , 5 6 0 ,
Air Pollutants 6 7 , 7 3 - 7 4 , 1 8 4 ,
A i r Pollution 6 9 , 1 5 6 , 7 2 9 ,
A i r Traffic C o n t r o l 6 7 9 , 1 4 3 1 ,
Aircraft 50,78-80,82-83,35,
Aircraft Industry 753
Airplanes 81-82,243,318,399,
Airports 1253,1384
Airworthiness 681
Alcohol Drinking 89-90,93,95,
Ambulances 80,1738
A m p h e t a m i n e 1680
A m p u t a t i o n S t u m p s 71
Amputees 138,612
Anatomy 815,1528
Anderson, Maxie 512
Anesthesia 91,982
Animals 98,483,718,1489,
Anoxia 124,140,200,295,333,
Antartic Regions 438
Anthropology 141-42,151,160,
1 73,242,606,1004,1083,1094,1214,
1 279,1287,1383,1420,1494,1641,1663,
Anthropometry 130,143-50,241,
Antigens 1656
A n t i t a n k W e a p o n s 148
Anxiety 521
Aphasia 1838
A p o l l o II S p a c e c r a f t 3 3 4 , 9 1 4
Aptitude 4 , 3 3 , 1 7 0 , 4 8 4 , 7 4 6 ,
Aptitude Tests 60,169-70,966,
Archaeology 1668
Architecture 171,477,583,847,
Arctic Regions 172,1106
A r m 301-07
Art 852,865,1988
Arteries 126,480,2037
Arthritis 7 7 0
Artificial Intelligence 2 9 6
A l c o h o l , Ethyl 9 2 , 9 4 , 5 3 3 , 5 5 0 ,
Artificial L i m b s 7 1 , 1 3 8 ,
Alcoholic Beverages 91,96,541
Artificial Satellites 4 6 1 ,
Alcoholic Intoxication 619,
Asphyxia 38
Alcoholism 97,1130,1527,1558,
Astronautics 131,1265,1727,
1 827,2048,2075
Altimeters 632,888,2095
Astronauts 46,118,180,461,
Altitude 2 0 , 3 1 , 1 0 0 , 1 2 2 , 2 0 0 ,
1 446-47,1454-55,1462-63,1555,1723,
1 934,2210-11,2215,2217-18
Astronomy 181,319,526-27,
A t h l e t i c Injuries 1 8 2 , 1 9 0 0
Atmosphere 67,259,319,347,
Behaviorism 7 4 2 , 7 5 6 , 8 7 1 , 1 0 0 1 ,
A t m o s p h e r e Exposure C h a m b e r s
Bicycling 178
Attention 3 2 , 5 4 3 , 8 6 5 , 1 3 9 5 ,
Biochemistry 7 4 0 , 1 3 7 2 , 1 5 1 3 ,
Bioelectronics 720
Biogenesis 618,1410
Attitude 1936
Audio-Visual Aids 610,1227
Audiology 341,824,1221
Auditory Perception 548,979,
Autobiography 39,514,627,
Automation 190-01,408
A u t o m o b i l e Driver Education
A u t o m o b i l e Driver Examination
A u t o m o b i l e Driving 4 4 0 , 5 1 6 - 1 7 ,
1 230-32,1256,1704,1767,1780,1953,
Automobiles 73,134,192,385,
Biography 1 1 1 - 1 2 , 8 3 0 , 1 0 9 1 ,
Biological C l o c k s 2 7 1 . 2 7 4 ,
Biological Products 298
Biology 2 6 4 , 2 7 2 , 2 8 0 - 8 2 , 2 8 6 ,
B i o m e d i c a l E n g i n e e r i n g 157.
Biometry 4 6 9 , 1 0 4 9 , 1 4 2 8 , 1 4 4 9 ,
Biophysics 257,296-97,601,
Birds 310
Blast Effect 1 2 1 5 , 1 2 1 8 , 1 8 0 3
Blast Injuries 2 7 3 , 2 9 2 , 1 2 1 5 ,
Autopsy 194
Aviation 1,7,48,50-52,72,
2129,2171 -72,2176-77,2189,2195
Avitaminosis 2077
Blood 314,431,1722
Blood Circulation 331,635,
Blood Gas Analysis 317,331
Blood Pressure 126,188,480,
Body Constitution 876,1049,
B o d y Fluids 3 1 4 , 3 1 7 , 1 0 1 2 ,
Body Temperature 267,534,
Back 1123
Bone a n d B o n e s 123,284,1084,
Bacteria 1656,1719
Boredom 663
Bacteriology 161,1525
Brain 321 -22,451,504,569,
Ballistocardiography 219
Balloons 2023
Burns 1473
Basal G a n g l i a D i s e a s e s 5 0 4
Bed Rest 397
Caffeine 92,547
Behavior 165,224,231-34,424,
Calcium 1157
Behavior, Animal 98
C a m p i n g Trailers 327
Calorimetry 427
Camping 325,1867
Cannabis 129,1131
Capillaries 127
Carbon Dioxide 324,328,1367,
Carbon Monoxide 330,633,729,
Cardiology 336,1303
Cardiovascular Diseases 660,
Cardiovascular System 685,
Central Nervous System 1481,
1 506,2056
Centrifugation 258,853
Cerebrovascular Circulation
Charities 1330
Chemistry 707,1101,1543,
Chemistry, Clinical 1658
Child Behavior 236,2052
Child Development 780.1428
Child Psychology 236,346,985,
Christianity 349,621,741,
Circadian Rhythm 271,350-51,
City Planning 1753
Civil Disorders 951
Civilization 173,342,354,930,
Classification 485-88
Clean Rooms 358-59,428-29
Climate 31,67,264,362-66,618,
Communicable Disease Control
Communication 1336,1511,1898,
Communism 388,1788
Community Health Services
Computers 296,407,461,1037,
Contamination (Technology)
Control Boards 2013
Control Theory 415-16,419
Crime 448,1052
Cross Infection 41
Cybernetics 296-97,407,766,
Dark Adaptation 1288-90
Data Collection 1509,1642
Data Display 1224
Deafness 555,648,957,1043,
Death 195,2091
Decision Theory 462,881-82,978
Decompression 406,2209,2220
Decompression Sickness 101,
463-64,542,2201 -02
Democracy 604,1335,1343,1408
Densitometry, X-Ray 123
Diet 496,673,713,797,938,
Disability Evaluation
Disease 109,501-02,506,585,
Clothing 241,316,1049,2181
Diving 1700,1960,2100
Cognition 275,375,490.1067,
Dizziness 2127
Cold 376,1102,1986
Collective Bargaining 1281
Dogs 1215,2037,2206-07,2216
Drugs 787,796,952,1181,1382,
Color 1992
Color Perception 507-08,1078,
Ear Diseases 1304
Combat Disorders 1914,1938,
Earth 527-28,649
Commerce 72,1763,2194
Economics 598,1360,1580,1964
Communicable Diseases 68,218,
Education 33,39,426,469,
Ecology 366,688,892,989
E f f i c i e n c y 239,669,737,818,
E l e m e n t s , Radioactive 1 825
E l e c t r i c i t y 1 55,392
E l e c t r o c a r d i o g r a p h y 633,2059
E l e c t r o l y t e s 1 012
Electronic Circuits 564
Electronic Instruments, Digital
Electronics, M e d i c a l 1155,
E l e c t r o r e t i n o g r a p h y 368
E m b r y o l o g y 1 720
Emergency Medical Services
E m e r g e n c y M e d i c i n e 1114
E m o t i o n s 1 67,568-69,572,
E m p l o y m e n t 61,254,544,570,
E n d o c r i n o l o g y 713,1274,2055,
Energy-Generating Resources
E n g i n e e r i n g 39,309,777,794,
E v o l u t i o n 1 51,363,445,470,567,
E x e r c i s e T e s t 625,942
E x e r t i o n 40,371,623-24,810,
E x o b i o l o g y 1 21,409,651,
E x p e d i t i o n s 1175,2210-11,
E x p l o s i o n s 273,312,1215,2024
Extraterrestrial Environment
E y e 175,253,516-17,652,2112,
E y e D i s e a s e s 64,173,652,1304
Eye M o v e m e n t s 1030,1299,1674,
Facility Design and Construction
F a c u l t y 726
F a m i l y P l a n n i n g 311
F a m o u s P e r s o n s 627,1521,1908,
F a s t i n g 938,1819,1946
E n v i r o n m e n t 74,167,223,347,
F a t i g u e 84,663-69,810,929-30,
E n v i r o n m e n t a l H e a l t h 133,
F a t i g u e , M e n t a l 665,1278,1639,
E n v i r o n m e n t a l Pollution 69,
F e e d b a c k 454
E p i d e m i o l o g y 585,587,763,1530
F i r e s 81,2063
E p i n e p h r i n e 32
F i r s t A i d 332,799,1165
E q u i l i b r i u m 590
F i s h e s , P o i s o n o u s 1489
E q u i p m e n t a n d Supplies 525,
F l i g h t C r e w s 84,924,1661
E q u i p m e n t D e s i g n 143,157,226,
E t h i c s 604,643,741,922,1414,
E t h n o l o g y 160,242,1663,1880,
E t h n o p s y c h o l o g y 1 42,778,1083,
E v a l u a t i o n S t u d i e s 610,925,
F e t u s 674,1370,1720
Financial M a n a g e m e n t 110,747
Flight S i m u l a t o r s 777,932,
F l i g h t T r a i n i n g 99,453-54,
Fluid P o w e r T e c h n o l o g y 706
F l u o r e s c e n c e 707
Food P r e s e r v a t i o n 263,2214
F o o d S u p p l y 714,758,1104
F o r e c a s t i n g 1105,1871,1905,
F o r m Perception 6 4 6 , 7 6 2 , 8 6 5 ,
Heart Diseases 625
Fractures 1157,1912
Heat 395,582,826,950,1104,
Frostbite 376,1576
Heating 223,387,827,1219,1222
Fungi 1719
Helicopters 1 3 0 5 , 1 3 9 4 , 1 4 0 2 - 0 3 ,
Hemoglobins 1675,1722
G Suits 125,279,360,383,670,
Hibernation 833,1986
Gait 562,573
Game Theory 657,2119-20
Gastrointestinal S y s t e m
Geneology & Heraldry
Genetics 272,432,831,1038,
Geriatric Psychiatry
Geriatrics 63,65,229,278,283,
1 329,1547,1560,1601,1638,1806,2062,
Glide Path S y s t e m s
History 1 3 5 4 , 2 1 2 8 , 2 1 6 0
History of Medicine
H u m a n Engineering
890-91,894-96,898-99,901 -02,904,
906-09,911 -15,925,964,988,1022,
H u m a n Experimentation
H e m o r r h a g i c F e v e r s , Viral 2 3
G u i d a n c e S y s t e m s (Flight) 7 8 4
Hand 141,149-50,607,1507,1594
Handicapped 27,644,785,1093,
Hygiene 37,503,505,723,799,
Hyperbaric Oxygenation 743,
Hypertension 634,1972
Hypothermia 2082
Hysteria 521
H e a d Injuries 5 8 8 , 9 1 9 , 1 3 1 9
Headache 1500
Immersion 397
Health 3 8 2 , 6 2 5 , 1 1 3 1 , 1 3 1 1 ,
Immobilization 1976
Health Education 7 2 3 , 7 9 9 , 8 2 0 ,
Health Services Accessibility
Health S u r v e y s 6 9 0 , 8 2 0 , 1 4 9 1 ,
Hearing 59,250,825,920,1293,
Hearing Aids 824
Heart 331,333,1055,1286
Indians, North A m e r i c a n 342
Individuality 5 6 5 , 9 2 7 , 9 5 4 ,
Industry 1 6 4 , 4 9 2 , 5 0 3 , 7 3 7 , 8 2 1 ,
Infant 7 5 0
Information Display S y s t e m s
Information Systems 657,980,
I n f o r m a t i o n Theory 746,981,
L i g h t i n g 468,769,945-46,
I n s e c t s 1 39,509,1168.1672,
L i t e r a t u r e 253,319,1366
Logic 1 0 8 2 , 1 7 9 5
I n s t i n c t 922,1020
I n s u r a n c e 984,1320,1740
I n t e l l i g e n c e 4,321,1212,1267,
I n t e l l i g e n c e Tests 321,1644,
I n t e r n a t i o n a l Agencies 1 065,
I n t e r n a t i o n a l Cooperation 102,
I n t e r n s h i p a n d Residency 1 432
I n t e r v i e w s 570
M a c h i n e - S h o p Practice 1088,
M a l a r i a 139,1497
M a n - M a c h i n e S y s t e m s 1 59,191,
M a n , Prehistoric 1190
M a n u a l s 471,1051,1346
M a r i n e Biology 1 489,1830
Intervertebral Disk Displacement
I s o t o p e s 1 668-69,2001
J e t P r o p u l s i o n 45,1044
J e t T r a n s p o r t s 84,1661.1956
J o b A n a l y s i s 482,484,486-88,
J o b S a t i s f a c t i o n 878,1046,
J o i n t s 562
J u p i t e r ( P l a n e t ) 1 482
J u r i s p r u d e n c e 1 065.1397
J u v e n i l e D e l i n q u e n c y 1052,
M a r s ( P l a n e t ) 1132-33,1282,
M a s k s 683
M a t h e m a t i c s 101,539,1135
M e d i c i n e 29,733,1183,1263,
M e n 529,831,872,1112,1312,
M e n t a l Disorders 5-6,62,285,
M e n t a l H e a l t h 86,166,224,285,
M e n t a l R e t a r d a t i o n 1191
M e t a b o l i s m 184,221,496,573,
M e t a l B o n d i n g 1243,2014
K i n e s i s 562
L a b y r i n t h 1 352,1768,1774
Landing Aids (Aeronautics)
1 773,1816
M e t a l s 553
M e t e o r o l o g i c a l Factors 1201,
M e t h a d o n e 1202
M e t r i c S y s t e m 1 010
L a n g u a g e 228,1336
M i c r o b i o l o g y 41,218,559
L a s e r s 1348,1350
M i c r o s c o p y 1349
L a t i n A m e r i c a 1 917
M i l i t a r y Medicine 37,326,
L e a d P o i s o n i n g 729,1785
L e a r n i n g 224,407,453-54,530,
L e g i s l a t i o n 385,1332
M i l i t a r y Personnel 76,120,
Libraries, M e d i c a l 731
M i l i t a r y Science 48,471,607,
L i f e S t y l e 621,644,1487,1964
M i l i t a r y S u p p l i e s 1 211
Life S u p p o r t S y s t e m s 309,373,
M i n i n g 1233,1676
M i t e s 509
M o d e l s , Biological 1 0 1 2 , 2 1 3 4
Models, Chemical 344
M o d e l s , Theoretical 101,704,
Monitoring, Physiologic 1167,
Moon 118,265,649,1087,1246,
Morals 1 1 1 9 , 1 6 7 9 , 2 1 2 4
Motion Sickness 1883
Motivation 5 6 5 , 7 4 2 , 9 5 6 ,
1 228-29
Motor Trucks 909
Motor Vehicle Driving 612
Motor Vehicles 842,1292
Motorcycles 178,1031
M o u n t a i n e e r i n g 18-19,768,
M o v e m e n t 11,275,1392
Muscles 1 4 6 7 - 6 8 , 1 4 7 0 , 1 7 2 1 ,
Music 1861
Occupational Diseases 238,503,
Occupational Health Services
Occupational Medicine 545,
Occupations 170,1326,1595
Oceanography 1327,1830,1967
Operations Research 881-82,
Operating Rooms 359
Optics 1 3 4 8 - 5 0 , 1 8 2 0 , 1 9 3 3
O r d a n c e , Naval 3 0 1 - 0 5 , 3 0 7
Organization & Administration
Osteogenesis 1157,1912
Otolaryngology 433
O x y g e n 122,124,256,705,
Mycoses 218
Oxygen Therapy 256,1367,1443
O z o n e 928,1371
Narcotic Dependence 1202
Naval Medicine 2 4 0 , 8 0 2 , 1 9 8 2
Navigation 784,1827
N e c k 91 9
N e r v o u s S y s t e m 193,378,393,
Nervous System Diseases 229,
Neurophysiology 193,393,825,
1 017,1275,1285,1372-73,1506
Noise 22,45,131,250,386,410,
1 294-98,1394,1553,1582,1977,2076,
Nomenclature 1900
Norepinephrine 32
Nuclear Physics 1 8 5 - 8 6 , 3 1 2 ,
1 209,1376,1495,1803,2008-09
Nuclear Warfare 1 8 5 , 2 7 3 , 6 9 1 .
Nucleic Acids 66
Numerical Taxonomy 486
Nutrition 5 4 , 3 4 5 , 4 9 6 , 6 7 3 , 6 9 5 ,
Pacific Islands 1867
Pain 1373
Pappataci Fever 2 3 1 - 3 2 ,
Particle A c c e l e r a t o r s 1 3 7 6 ,
Pathology 162-63,1380
Patient Isolators 4 7 6
Pedestrians 1032
Perception 116,179,239,467,
Performance 924.1100,1989
Periodicity 2 7 1 , 2 7 4 , 3 5 0 , 1 4 4 5 ,
Personal Space 1398
Personality 2 2 4 , 5 2 0 , 7 1 3 , 7 4 5 ,
P e r s o n a l i t y A s s e s s m e n t 170,
Personality Disorders 1052,
Personnel M a n a g e m e n t 492,
1 636-37,1697,1713,1717,1807,1924,
P r o j e c t M e r c u r y 421,661,1197,
P e t r o l e u m 2190
P r o s t a t e 459
P h a r m a c o l o g y 674,787,796
P r o s t h e s i s 1507
P h i l o s o p h y 286,441,530,600,
P r o t e c t i v e C o a t i n g s 1244
Physical Education and Training
Physical E x a m i n a t i o n 76,213,
Physical Fitness 40,44,77,86,
P r o j e c t S u r v e y o r 1 983
P r o j e c t i v e T e c h n i c s 1 019,1598
P r o p a g a n d a 1 589
P r o s t a g l a n d i n s 1 407
P r o t e c t i v e Devices 34,147,
1 402-03,1700,1951,2012,2110
P r o t e i n s 66
P s e u d o m o n a s 299
P s y c h i a t r y 5,62,285,370,721,
Psychoanalysis 354,745,1229,
1 276,1599,1645,1685,2179
Psychological Tests
Psychological Theory
1 443-44,1451,1453,1457-58,1462-64,
1 612-20,1623-25,1629,1633,1635,
1 955,2006,2028,2036,2039
P l a n e t a r y Q u a r a n t i n e 1 317,
P s y c h o l o g y A p p l i e d 24 25,
1 69-70,215,793,862,897,905,926,956,
P o e t r y 372
P o i s o n i n g 238,729,883
P o i s o n s 369,970,1781
Policy M a k i n g 1 86
Political S y s t e m s 1068,1119,
P o l i t i c s 102,388,1645
P o s t u r e 1 571
P r e s s u r e 491
P r e v e n t i v e M e d i c i n e 14,68,
P r i m a t e s 98,151,350
P r i n t i n g 1071
P r o b a b i l i t y 462,1503
P r o j e c t A p o l l o 1 52 53,180,
P r o j e c t G e m i n i 752,1965
P r o j e c t M a r i n e r 1132 33,1282
P s y c h o l o g y , Clinical 370,
Psychology, C o m p a r a t i v e 572,
Psychology, E x p e r i m e n t a l 1 67,
Psychology, I n d u s t r i a l 522,
1 636-37,1677,1924,1996,2042,2182
Psychology, M i l i t a r y 216,
P s y c h o l o g y , Social 27,142,
Psychomotor P e r f o r m a n c e 239,
301 -05,307,555,648,1027-28,1033,
P s y c h o p a t h o l o g y 6,270,721,
P s y c h o p h a r m a c o l o g y 238,1409,
P s y c h o p h y s i o l o g y 15,33,269 70,
1696,1838,1923,2031 -33,2107
Psychosomatic Medicine 563,
P s y c h o t h e r a p y 520,1220,1598,
Public H e a l t h 1 09,132,255,
Reflectors (Safety Devices)
Refractive Errors 1 2 0
R e h a b i l i t a t i o n 27,337,371,
Rehabilitation Centers 1 6 1 0
R e l a x a t i o n 1 585
R e l i g i o n 621,741,766-67,922,
1 260-61,1411,1633,1679,1685,1793,
R e m o t e C o n t r o l 36,2019 20
R e p r o d u c t i o n 781
R e s e a r c h 1,58,138,154,164,
R e s e a r c h D e s i g n 472,655,
881 -82,1675,2175
Public Health Administration
R e s e r p i n e 1 646
P u b l i s h i n g 1510 11
R e s p i r a t i o n 38,49,67,432,496,
Q u a l i t y o f Life 466,1487,2149
R e s p i r a t o r y T h e r a p y 1 76,558,
R e s t r a i n t , Physical 443,880,
937,1231 -32,1378,1704
Q u a r a n t i n e 991
R a d a r 628,1620,1973,2131,2139
R a d i a t i o n 158,549,556,719,816,
R a d i a t i o n Effects 396,549,
R a d i a t i o n P r o t e c t i o n 1 036,
R a d i o 1436
Radioactive Fallout 396,
R a d i o a c t i v i t y 36,1593,2001
R e s u s c i t a t i o n 38,332
R e t i r e m e n t 86,449,544,692,
R o a d s 1 032,1741,1747-48,1966
R o c k e t E n g i n e s 925
R o r s c h a c h T e s t 1599 1 600
R o t a t i o n 551
Saline W a t e r Conversion Plants
Schools, Public H e a l t h 726,
R a d i o m e t r y 427,1491,1668
S c i e n c e 39,111-12,225,264,
1 786-90,1795,1798,1800,1868,1943,
1 967,2006,2075,2094,2104,2137,2161
R a i l r o a d s 1746
Scientific S a t e l l i t e s 1980
R a t s 1671
Scotoma 1 0 1 4
R e a c t i o n T i m e 534,550,732,
S e a l e d C a b i n Ecology 74,168,
183-84,240,261 -62,288-89,294,308,
R a d i o b i o l o g y 1 667
R a d i o l o g y 1501,1664,2088
R e a d i n g 437
R e c r e a t i o n 1114
R e f e r e n c e Books 58,281 82
Search and Rescue Operations
S e a t B e l t s 404-05,425,538,
S e a t s 1 974
S e a w a t e r 1818
S e c u r i t y M e a s u r e s 1 544
S e n s a t i o n 1089,1286,1471,
S e n s e O r g a n s 760,1089,1285,
S e n s o r y D e p r i v a t i o n 629,1584
S e x F a c t o r s 59
S e x t a n t 915
S h i p s 866,2128
S h o c k 2082
S h o c k w a v e s 1803
S i g n a l D e t e c t i o n 656,1028
S p a c e F l i g h t 3.44,47,52,
1 681,1690,1711,1725,1768-71,1774,
1891 -92,1957,1975,1980,2048,2073,
S k y l a b P r o g r a m s 290,1473
S p a c e P e r c e p t i o n 817,935,
S l e e p 552,1340,1604,1833-34,
S p a c e P r o b e s 1022,1385,1482,
S m o k i n g 394.819,2165
S p a c e R e s c u e O p e r a t i o n s 684,
S o c i a l A d j u s t m e n t 820,1074,
S o c i a l B e h a v i o r 640,923,927,
S p a c e S c i e n c e s 1 246,1251,
S p a c e S i m u l a t o r s 3,1888 90
S p a c e S t a t i o n s 288,611
S o c i a l C h a n g e 951,954,968,
S p a c e S u i t s 265
S o c i a l C o n d i t i o n s 1 60.388,
S p a c e V e h i c l e s 243.474,1022,
S o c i a l E n v i r o n m e n t 1 67,1104,
S p e e c h 920
S o c i a l I s o l a t i o n 629
S o c i a l P e r c e p t i o n 522,954
S o c i a l P r o b l e m s 97.142,986,
S p e e d L i m i t s 1749
S p e r m a t o g e n e s i s 549
S p i d e r s 509
S p o r t s 571
S o c i a l S c i e n c e s 1 65,237,771,
S p o r t s M e d i c i n e 182,571,
S o c i e t i e s 595-96,855,857,
1 775,1824
S t a i n l e s s S t e e l 1088
S t a r v a t i o n 938,1693
S o c i o l o g y 165,736,923,1018,
S t a t i s t i c s 599,1498,1534-35,
1 644,1858,1904,2007,2091
S o n i c B o o m 1863,2049
S t e r i l i z a t i o n 1 58,359,559,
S o u n d 21-22,171,187,450,591,
S t o m a c h 916
S p a c e E n v i r o n m e n t 1 385,1870,
S t o n e A g e 1190
S t r e s s 402,577,810,990,1109,
S t r e s s , P s y c h o l o g i c a l 668,
S u b j e c t H e a d i n g s 1 248 50
S u b m a r i n e B o a t s 1 982
S u b m a r i n e Medicine 2 4 0 , 1 9 8 2 ,
Topical Medicine 1 0 9 , 5 0 5 , 7 9 6 ,
Substance U s e Disorders 97,
Tuberculosis 1545
Tularemia 231-34,650,682
Surgery 1972
Survival 7 5 , 5 1 3 , 5 6 6 . 7 1 4 ,
Ultrasonics 561,1419
Ultraviolet Rays 41
Swimming 1700
United Nations 2 1 5 3 , 2 1 9 1 - 9 2
Syncope 662
Systems Analysis 374,661,926,
1 060,1607
Task Performance and Analysis
Universities 136,384,767,809,
Urban Renewal 1759
Urine 4 3 1 , 1 0 1 2
USSR 1692
Utopias 1709
Taxes 1580
Teaching 531,736,1908,2169
Technological Innovations 2 0 1 8
T e c h n o l o g y 164,191,392,447,
Vacuum Switches 2122
Values 35
Venoms 1489
Ventilation 2 2 3 , 1 2 1 9 , 1 2 2 2
V e n u s (Planet) 1430
T e c h n o l o g y A s s e s s m e n t , Biomedical
Vertigo 590,2127
Technology Transfer 2 0 1 8
Vestibular Apparatus 676,
Telemetry 949,1154
Temperature 950,1322,2021
Therapeutics 91,1367,1517,
Thermodynamics 475,1513,
Thinking 159,348,407,462,473,
Vibration 2 7 6 , 2 8 7 , 3 8 6 , 5 3 7 , 5 6 1 .
1962-63,2022,2059,2066,2141 -42.2168
Vigilance 732,1973,2130-31
Viking Mars Program 2 1 3 2
Viruses 2133
Visibility 6 0 3 , 2 1 2 3
Tools 563,790
Vision 10,116,175,253,340,535,
Toxicology 168,238,503,883,
Vision Disorders 1289,1351,
Toxins 217,238,729,1321
Vision T e s t s 3 6 8 , 4 6 8 , 5 4 6 , 1 8 2 0
Traffic Signs a n d Signals
Visual A c u i t y 5 3 5 , 5 4 6 - 4 7 , 6 4 2 ,
Tobacco 2057-58,2165
Traffic V i o l a t i o n s 2 1 1 1
Trailers 3 2 7
Visual Fields 6 8 0 , 1 0 1 4
Transportation 137,672,717,
Visual Perception 1 7 9 , 4 5 1 , 4 7 9 ,
T r a n s p o r t a t i o n of P a t i e n t s 8 0 ,
Travel 5 0 2 , 1 2 3 8 , 2 0 7 9
Vital Statistics 1 6 , 1 3 2 , 6 5 9 ,
Tritium 2088
Voluntary Health Agencies 1213
Wakefulness 1 8 3 3
W a r 87,227,320,326,465,518,
W a s t e P r o d u c t s 2155
W a t e r 1466,2156
W a t e r - E l e c t r o l y t e Balance 704
W a t e r Pollutants 133
W e a t h e r 364-65,1112,1382,
W e i g h t l e s s n e s s 289,936,1087,
1 318,1976,2204,2209,2219
W e l d i n g 1 243
W h o l e Body I r r a d i a t i o n 1198
W i l d e r n e s s S u r v i v a l 1 050
W i n d T u n n e l s 2175
W i n d o w s 390
W o m e n 254,342,822,1049.2180-81
W o r k 924,953,1024,1142,1421,
W o r k M e a s u r e m e n t 1 024,1715,
W o r k Simplification 1 046
W o r k m e n ' s C o m p e n s a t i o n 1178
W o u n d a n d I n j u r i e s 1 2,15,
W r i t i n g 355
X - 1 5 P r o g r a m 2196

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