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Medilab Laboratory: Reference values Code Test Age 10004 AFP a-Fetoprotein Units 0.74 - 7.3 IU/mL Male >1months < 23.1 IU/mL Male >2years < 6.5 IU/mL Male >4years < 4.6 IU/mL Male >7years < 3.5 IU/mL Male >13years < 3.2 IU/mL Female >1months < 63.6 IU/mL Female >2years < 9.1 IU/mL Female >4years < 3.5 IU/mL Female >7years < 3.1 IU/mL Female >13years < 3.5 IU/mL 20 Albumin 35 - 52 2935 Albumin (Random Urine) < 28 15 ALP Alkaline Phosphatase g/L mg/L >18years 30 - 120 U/L Male >1Days 75 - 316 U/L Male >30Days 82 - 383 U/L Male >1years 104 - 345 U/L Male >4years 93 - 309 U/L Male >7years 86 - 315 U/L Male >10years 42 - 362 U/L Male >13years 74 - 390 U/L Male >16years 52 - 171 U/L Female >1Days 48 - 406 U/L Female >30Days 124 - 341 U/L Female >1years 108 - 317 U/L Female >4years 96 - 297 U/L Female >7years 69 - 297 U/L Female >10years 51 - 332 U/L Female >13years 50 - 162 U/L Female >16years 47 - 119 U/L 42 Amylase 5125 Androstenedione Adult Reference value >18years 28 - 100 U/L Male 0.4 - 3.5 ng/mL Female 0.3 - 2.4 ng/mL < 5.6 IU/mL 0.8 - 2.4 mg/L <3 mg/L 5011 Anti-TPO 133 B2 Microglobulin >60years 94 Bicarbonate 22 - 29 mmol/L 17 Bilirubin Direct (conjugated ) < 0.2 mg/dL 16 Bilirubin Total 1.4 - 8.7 mg/dL >1Days 3.4 - 11.5 mg/dL >3Days 1.5 - 12 mg/dL >5Days 0.3 - 1.2 mg/dL 7.6 - 10.4 mg/dL >10Days 9 - 11 mg/dL >2years 8.8 - 10.8 mg/dL >18years 50 Calcium (Ca) 8.8 - 10.6 mg/dL 2116 Calcium (Ca) (Random urine) 20 - 300 mg/L 9012 Carbamazepine (Tegretol) 4-8 ug/ml 10007 CA 125 < 35 U/mL 10006 CA 15.3 < 31.3 U/mL 10008 CA 19.9 < 37 U/mL 11-10-2015 17:17:23 1 of 10 Medilab Laboratory: Reference values Code Test Age Adult Reference value 10005 CEA - Carcinoembryonic antigen 55 Chloride (Cl) 2023 Chloride urine random 98 - 107 mmol/L 46 - 168 mmol/L 5 Cholesterol 41 Cholinesterase Units ng/mL mg/dL Male 4620 - 11500 U/L Female 3930 - 10800 U/L 10025 Chromogranin A levels (bl) 10 - 110 44 CK-MB < 24 ng/mL U/L 7106 CMV - IgG AU/mL 7107 CMV - IgM Index 6224 Complement C3 6225 Complement C4 5210 Cortisol Male 4 Creatinine (bl) 2117 Creatinine (Random Urine) 707 CRP Quantitative 1507 D-Dimer 11-10-2015 17:17:23 mg/dL 10 - 40 mg/dL 6.9 - 21 ug/dl Male >1years 4.9 - 16.8 ug/dl Male >4years 3.9 - 24 ug/dl Male >7years 7 - 27 ug/dl Male >9years 3.5 - 27 ug/dl Male >11years 4.8 - 21 ug/dl Male >12years 9 - 25 ug/dl Male >13years 8.4 - 27 ug/dl Male >14years 7.8 - 23 ug/dl Male >15years 8.4 - 25 ug/dl Male >16years Female 43 CPK 90 - 180 ug/dl 8.6 - 22 ug/dl Female >1years 5.5 - 18.9 ug/dl Female >4years 5 - 22 ug/dl Female >7years 4.1 - 22 ug/dl Female >9years 4.5 - 26 ug/dl Female >11years 6.7 - 22 ug/dl Female >12years 5.5 - 26 ug/dl Female >13years 7.7 - 22 ug/dl Female >14years 8.1 - 27 ug/dl Female >15years 6.6 - 27 ug/dl Female >16years ug/dl Male < 171 U/L Female < 145 U/L Male 0.7 - 1.2 mg/dL Female 0.5 - 1 mg/dL 20 - 320 mg/dL <5 mg/L < 0.5 ug/ml 2 of 10 Medilab Laboratory: Reference values Code Test Age 5119 DHEA-S Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate Adult Reference value Units 0.7 - 8.2 umol/l >1Weeks 0.2 - 8.6 umol/l >1months 0.9 - 5.8 umol/l >1years 0.9 - 7.5 umol/l >5years 0.7 - 5.7 umol/l Male >11years 0.5 - 6.6 umol/l Male >15years 1.2 - 10.4 umol/l Male >20years 6.5 - 14.6 umol/l Male >25years 4.6 - 16.1 umol/l Male >35years 3.8 - 13.1 umol/l Male >45years 3.7 - 12.1 umol/l Male >55years 1.3 - 9.8 umol/l Male >65years 6.2 - 7.7 umol/l Female >11years 0.2 - 4.6 umol/l Female >15years 1.7 - 13.4 umol/l Female >20years 3.6 - 11.1 umol/l Female >25years 2.6 - 13.9 umol/l Female >35years 2 - 11.1 umol/l Female >45years 1.5 - 7.7 umol/l Female >55years 0.8 - 4.9 umol/l Female >65years 0.9 - 2.1 umol/l 9018 Digoxin ng/mL 6623 Epstein-Barr IgG Abs Index 6624 Epstein-Barr IgM Abs Index 1002 ESR 1001 FBC - Full Blood Count 1 - 10 HGB (Haemoglobin) RBC (Red Blood Cells) HCT (Haematocrit) 11-10-2015 17:17:23 mm/hr Male 12.5 - 18 gr/dL Female 11.4 - 16.5 gr/dL Male 4.6 - 6.5 x10^6/mm3 Female 3.8 - 5.8 x10^6/mm3 Male 40 - 54 % Female 37 - 47 % MCV 80 - 100 fL MCH 27 - 32 pg MCHC 31 - 35 % RDW-CV (Red cell Distribution Width) RDW-SD (Red cell Distribution SD) WBC (White blood cells) 11 - 16 % 34 - 47 % 4 - 11 x10^9/L Neutrophils 50 - 75 % Neutrophils (#) 50 - 75 x10^3/μL Lymphocytes 25 - 50 % Lymphocytes (#) 25 - 50 x10^3/μL Monocytes 2-8 % Monocytes (#) 2-8 x10^3/μL Eosinophils <5 % Eosinophils (#) <5 x10^3/μL 3 of 10 Medilab Laboratory: Reference values Code Test Age Adult Reference value Units Basophils <2 % Basophil granulocytes (#) <2 x10^3/μL Myelocytes < 0.1 % Blasts <1 % Platelets 150 - 400 PDW (Platelet Distribution Width) MPV (Mean Platelet Volume) 7 - 20 7 - 12 fL ESR 1 - 10 mm/hr 31 Ferritin 10^3/mm^ 3 % 6 - 400 ng/mL >1months 6 - 410 ng/mL >6months 6 - 80 ng/mL >1years 6 - 60 ng/mL >6years 6 - 320 ng/mL Male >19years 20 - 250 ng/mL Female >19years 10 - 120 ng/mL 1506 Fibrinogen 180 - 350 mg/dL 1047 Folic Acid 7 - 45 nmol/L 5111 FSH Male 1.1 - 12.5 Female 5004 IU/L >16years 2.6 - 5.7 pmol/L Male >1Days 2.1 - 7.2 pmol/L Male >4Days 2.1 - 8.3 pmol/L Male >1months 3 - 10.4 pmol/L Male >1years 3.6 - 10.1 pmol/L Male >6years 4.3 - 9 pmol/L Male >11years 4.7 - 8.9 pmol/L Female >1Days 2.1 - 8.1 pmol/L Female >4Days 2.3 - 7.5 pmol/L Female >1months 3.8 - 9.8 pmol/L Female >1years 4.5 - 9 pmol/L Female >6years 4.1 - 9.3 pmol/L Female >11years 3.9 - 8.6 pmol/L FT3 - Triiodothyronine Free 5005 FT4 - Thyroxine Free Uknown pmol/L Uknown 11-10-2015 17:17:23 IU/L pmol/L >16years 9 - 19 pmol/L Male >1Days 10.3 - 35.77 pmol/L Male >4Days 6.17 - 29.85 pmol/L Male >1months 9.78 - 25.74 pmol/L Male >1years 11.58 - 20.46 pmol/L Male >6years 10.42 - 21.62 pmol/L Male >11years 11.84 - 20.2 pmol/L Female >1Days 11.32 - 24.83 pmol/L Female >4Days 7.85 - 24.83 pmol/L Female >1months 11.32 - 23.68 pmol/L Female >1years 13.12 - 22.13 pmol/L Female >6years 10.55 - 20.33 pmol/L 4 of 10 Medilab Laboratory: Reference values Code Test Age Female >11years Adult Reference value 10.16 - 19.17 9110 Gentamycin peak levels ug/ml 9115 Gentamycin trough levels 14 GGT 0.5 - 2 Male < 55 Female < 38 1 Glucose 5222 Growth hormone (hGH) Male ug/ml U/L U/L 74 - 106 mg/dL 0.09 - 6.29 ng/mL Male >11years 0.07 - 10.8 ng/mL Male >21years 0.03 - 2.47 ng/mL Female 0.12 - 7.79 ng/mL Female >11years 0.12 - 8.05 ng/mL Female >21years 0.12 - 9.88 620 Haemoglobin A1c (HB-A1C) 5100 HCG - b Quantitative Units pmol/L 29 - 42 ng/mL mmol/mol Male < 2.6 mU/mL Female <5 mU/mL Female 7 HDL- Cholesterol 7006 Hepatitis B Abs (Anti-HBs) Male mg/dL Female mg/dL IU/L 7007 Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (HBsAg) 7010 Hepatitis C Abs (HCV) 7689 Herpes 1+2 IgG abs Index 11-10-2015 17:17:23 5 of 10 Medilab Laboratory: Reference values Code Test Age Adult Reference value 7690 Herpes 1+2 IgM Antibodies 7020 HIV - AIDS TEST HIV 1/2 AIDS test (P24 ag+ab) 6203 Immunoglobulin IgA < 30 mg/dL >1years < 90 mg/dL >3years 30 - 150 mg/dL >6years 50 - 230 mg/dL >14years 50 - 300 mg/dL >19years 70 - 400 mg/dL < 1.5 U/mL >1years < 15 U/mL >2years < 60 U/mL >6years < 90 U/mL >10years < 200 U/mL >16years < 100 U/mL 300 - 1300 mg/dL >15Days 110 - 650 mg/dL >1years 300 - 1070 mg/dL >4years 510 - 1260 mg/dL >10years 620 - 1420 mg/dL >19years 700 - 1600 mg/dL 20 - 40 mg/dL >15Days 20 - 70 mg/dL >13Weeks 30 - 90 mg/dL >1years 50 - 170 mg/dL >19years 40 - 230 mg/dL 2 - 20 mU/L Male 70 - 180 ug/dl Female 60 - 180 ug/dl 4.5 - 19.8 mg/dl 6204 Immunoglobulin IgE 6201 Immunoglobulin IgG 6202 Immunoglobulin IgM 5200 Insulin 30 Iron (Fe) 129 Lactate 5114 LH Male 0.6 - 12 Female 51 Magnesium 2026 Magnesium urine (random) 5103 Oestradiol Ε2 Units Index Male IU/L IU/L 1.8 - 2.6 mg/dL 7.3 - 12.2 mg/dL 40 - 161 pmol/L Female pmol/L 1505 Partial thrombin time (PTT) 24 - 38 9036 Phenytoin (Epanutin) 10 - 20 ug/ml 2.7 - 4.5 mg/dL 52 Phosphates (P) 2120 Phosphates (Random Urine) 53 Potassium (K) 2121 Potassium (Random Urine) 11-10-2015 17:17:23 Sec 40 - 136 mg/dL 3.5 - 5.1 mmol/L 20 - 80 mmol/L 6 of 10 Medilab Laboratory: Reference values Code Test Age Adult Reference value 117 Procalcitonin 5118 Progesterone (PRG) Male 0.31 - 0.63 Female 5117 Prolactin (PRL) 11-10-2015 17:17:23 nmol/L nmol/L Male 77.7 - 1705.2 mIU/L Male >1months 6.3 - 606.9 mIU/L Male >1years 48.3 - 277.2 mIU/L Male >4years 16.8 - 354.9 mIU/L Male >7years 39.9 - 243.6 mIU/L Male >10years 18.9 - 270.9 mIU/L Male >13years 33.6 - 348.6 mIU/L Male >16years 73 - 407 mIU/L Female 4040 Protein Immunotyping (bl) Units ng/mL 6.3 - 1995 mIU/L Female >1months 4.2 - 627.9 mIU/L Female >1years 21 - 357 mIU/L Female >4years 33.6 - 275.1 mIU/L Female >7years 6.3 - 270.9 mIU/L Female >10years 39.9 - 201.6 mIU/L Female >13years 63 - 302.4 mIU/L Female >16years 109 - 557 mIU/L TP 66 - 87 g/L Albumin 55.8 - 66.1 % Albumin # 40.2 - 47.6 g/L A/G Ratio 1.1 - 1.8 Index Alpha 1 2.9 - 4.9 % 2.1 - 3.5 g/L Alpha 2 7.1 - 11.8 % Alpha 2# 5.1 - 8.5 g/L Beta 1 4.7 - 7.2 % Beta 1# 3.4 - 5.2 g/L Beta 2 3.2 - 6.5 % Beta 2# 2.3 - 4.7 g/L Gamma 11.1 - 18.8 % Gamma # 8 - 13.5 g/L 7 of 10 Medilab Laboratory: Reference values Code Test Age IgG 70 - 400 mg/dL 40 - 230 mg/dL Total Protein 63 - 82 g/L Albumin # 40.2 - 47.6 g/L Albumin 55.8 - 66.1 % A/G Ratio 1.1 - 1.8 Index Globulins Alpha1 2.9 - 4.9 % Globulins Alpha1 # 2.1 - 3.5 g/L Globulins Alpha2 7.1 - 11.8 % Globulins Alpha2 # 5.1 - 8.5 g/L Globulins Beta 1 4.7 - 7.2 % Globulins Beta 1# 3.4 - 5.2 g/L Globulins Beta 2 3.2 - 6.5 % Globulins Beta 2 # 2.3 - 4.7 g/L Globulins Gamma 11.1 - 18.8 % Globulins Gamma # 8 - 13.5 g/L IgM Uknown Spike 4021 Protein Electrophoresis(Urine) Proteins % Male < 25 mg/dl Female < 24 mg/dl Paraprotein 4041 Protein Immunotyping (urine) % Protein 19 Proteins 2131 Proteins (Random Urine) 1500 Prothrombin Time (PT) Units mg/dL IgA 4020 Protein Electrophoresis (bl) Adult Reference value 700 - 1700 g/L 66 - 83 g/L Male >18years < 25 mg/dL Female >18years < 24 mg/dL PT result PT control < 0.12 10.8 - 13 Uknown Sec Sec INR 10002 PSA-Free Free-PSA ng/mL 10001 PSA 5214 PTH - Parathormone 711 RA Quantitative < 1.4 ng/mL >41years < 2.2 ng/mL >51years < 2.5 ng/mL >61years < 3.5 ng/mL >71years < 4.4 ng/mL 15 - 68 pg/mL < 14 IU/mL 7104 Rubella Antibodies IgG IU/mL 6105 Rubella Antibodies IgM Index 12 SGOT (AST) 13 SGPT (ALT) 5106 SHBG - Sex hormone-binding globulin 11-10-2015 17:17:23 Male < 50 U/L Female < 35 U/L Male < 50 U/L Female < 35 Male 11 - 71 U/L nmol/L 8 of 10 Medilab Laboratory: Reference values Code Test Age 60 - 209 nmol/L Male >1years 42 - 156 nmol/L Male >4years 39 - 146 nmol/L Male >7years 38 - 114 nmol/L Male >10years 32 - 93 nmol/L Male >13years 13 - 93 nmol/L Male >16years 11 - 54 nmol/L Male >18years 13.5 - 71.4 nmol/L 12 - 51 nmol/L Female >1months 50 - 181 nmol/L Female >1years 51 - 158 nmol/L Female >4years 48 - 142 nmol/L Female >7years 31 - 103 nmol/L Female >10years 20 - 100 nmol/L Female >13years 17 - 77 nmol/L Female >16years 9 - 75 nmol/L Female >18years 19.8 - 155.2 nmol/L 136 - 145 mmol/L 54 - 150 mmol/L 54 Sodium (Na) 2122 Sodium (Random Urine) Male >1months 0.04 - 6.1 nmol/L Male >6months 0.07 - 0.24 nmol/L Male >1years < 0.35 nmol/L Male >6years < 0.69 nmol/L Male >8years < 0.87 nmol/L Male >11years < 12.1 nmol/L Male >13years 0.5 - 17.3 nmol/L Male >15years 5.8 - 30.4 nmol/L Male >50years 5.4 - 19.5 nmol/L Female >1months 0.04 - 0.18 nmol/L Female >6months 0.07 - 0.18 nmol/L Female >1years < 0.35 nmol/L Female >6years < 0.35 nmol/L Female >8years < 1.05 nmol/L Female >11years < 1.8 nmol/L Female >13years < 1.8 nmol/L Female >15years 6974 Thyroglobulin Abs nmol/L < 4.1 5020 Thyroglobulin Test (TG) 622 UIBC (Unbound iron-binding capacity) 11-10-2015 17:17:23 IU/mL ng/mL 6 Triglycerides 5003 TSH Units >1months Female 5104 Testosterone Adult Reference value Male < 150 mg/dL >4Days 0.73 - 4.77 mIU/L >6months 0.7 - 4.17 mIU/L >14years 0.47 - 3.41 mIU/L >20years 0.3 - 4.94 mIU/L 155 - 355 ug/dl 9 of 10 Medilab Laboratory: Reference values Code Test Age Adult Reference value 2 Urea 2130 Urea (Random Urine) 2133 Uric acid (Random Urine) 3 Uric Acid 2000 URINE ANALYSIS Units mg/dL 900 - 3000 mg/dL 37 - 92 mg/dL Male 3.5 - 7.2 mg/dL Female 2.6 - 6 mg/dL Appearence Colour Specific gravity Protein Glucose Leucocytes Erythrocytes Nitrites Bilirubin Urobilinogen Ketones Pus Cells Pus Cells (Clumps) <2 Red Cells < 17 Epithelial Cells (Squamus) Epithelial Cells (Non Squamous) <6 Mucus 9015 Valproic acid (Depakene) Casts Hyaline <2 Casts Unclassified <1 Crystals Unclassified < 28 Fungi <1 Bacteria <7 Sperm <6 50 - 100 408 Vitamin D total (25-OH) 1042 Vitamin Β12 11-10-2015 17:17:23 ug/ml ng/mL 138 - 652 pmol/L 10 of 10
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