We VALUE Pentecost - Rocky Mountain Conference IPHC
We VALUE Pentecost - Rocky Mountain Conference IPHC
NEWS January/february 2015 Bishop & June Herrera Now that we’ve entered 2015 I want to take the time and appreciate you for all that you do for His Kingdom, for the church you pastor and for your commitment to the Rocky Mountain Conference. I want to thank Pastor Bob and Ruth Carey, Pastor Linda and Lonnie Talbert, Pastor Jim and Cindy Roberts, Pastor Brian and Carole Burgess, Pastor Jose and Maria Mendoza, Pastor Greg Sampier for being the pillars of the Conference. I want to thank Pastor Rodolfo and Maria Sosa, Pastor Frank and Helen Hilty, Pastor Mylon and Dawn Bruce, Pastor Miguel and Linda Wence for their pledge to promote the Gospel with patience and perseverance in the small town setting. I want to thank Pastor Tyler and Laura Clark, Pastor Carl and Amy Joseph, Pastor Luis and Lillian Garcia, Pastor Adrian and Rosalba Olivas for staying the course as church planters, you are a great example. I want to Thank Pastor Saul and Gina Ochoa, Pastor Jorge and Norma Luna for your courage to fill the shoes of your former pastors and your continuing efforts to grow these churches. I want to Thank Pastor Joe and Irene Sanchez, Pastor Saul and Evelinda Ruano for your wonderful example of community ministry and church growth. I want to thank Pastor Robert and Elizabeth Lopez for your commitment to education and ministry development. I want to thank Pastor Jerimie and Ashley Olvera, Pastor Rogelio and Juanita Diaz for bringing new life to churches that have died. Last but not least Arturo and Eva Villalobos, thank you! FELIZ AÑO NUEVO es lo que escucharemos por unos días más. Muchos toman tiempo para reflexionar sobre los altibajos del año pasado. Retrospectivamente consideran y piensan en lo que podría haberse evitado y hecho mejor. No creo que la mayoría comienza el año nuevo a los gritos: ¡Queremos más de lo mismo! Todos esperamos lo nuevo y mejorado. El deseo más profundo es ser y hacer mejor durante el nuevo año. Ya entrados al 2015, quiero aprovechar la oportunidad para agradecerles por todo lo que hacen por Su reino, para la iglesia que pastorea, y por su dedicación a la conferencia de colorado. Quiero dar las gracias al pastor Bob y Ruth Carey, pastor Linda y Lonnie Talbert, pastor Jim y Cindy Roberts, pastor Brian y Carole Burgess, pastor José y María Mendoza, y pastor Greg Sampier por los pilares de la conferencia. Quiero agradecer al pastor Rodolfo y María Sosa, pastor Frank y Helen Hilty, pastor Mylon y Dawn Bruce, y pastor Miguel y Linda Wence por su compromiso de promover el evangelio con paciencia y perseverancia en pueblos pequeños. Quiero agradecer al pastor Tyler y Laura Clark, pastor Carl y Amy Joseph, pastor Luis y Lillian Garcia, y pastor Adrán y Rosalba Olivas por su fidelidad como plantadores de nuevas iglesias. Son un gran ejemplo. Quiero agradecer al pastor Saul y Gina Ochoa, pastor Jorge y Norma Luna por su valentía al llenar los zapatos de su pastor anterior y sus continuos esfuerzos para realizar el crecimiento de estas iglesias. Quiero agradecer al pastor Joe y Irene Sánchez, y pastor Saúl y Evelinda Ruano por su maravilloso ejemplo de ministerio en la comunidad y crecimiento de la iglesia. Quiero agradecer al pastor Roberto y Elizabeth López por su compromiso a la educación y desarrollo ministerial. Quiero dar las gracias al pastor Jeremie y Ashley Olvera, y pastor Rogelio y Juanita Díaz por traer nueva vida a iglesias que habían muerto. Por último, pero no menos importante, Arturo y Eva Villalobos, ¡Gracias! We Value Pentecost I know our job as pastors is at times painful, lonely and hard but if we remain standing and stay true to our calling our God who is faithful will bless us. I believe 2015 will be a pivotal and relevant year for your church and the Rocky Mountain Conference. Romans 1:9 “For God is my witness, whom I serve with my spirit in the gospel of His Son, that without ceasing I make mention of you always in my prayers” THANK YOU! P l a c e of H O P E Soy consciente de que nuestro trabajo como pastores es a veces doloroso, solitario, y duro pero si permanecemos de pie y fieles a nuestro llamado, nuestro Dios, que es fiel, nos bendecirá. Creo que el 2015 será un año importantísimo y relevante para su iglesia y la conferencia de colorado. Rom. 1:9 – Porque Dios es mi testigo, a quien sirvo en mi espíritu en el evangelio de su Hijo, de que sin cesar me acuerdo de vosotros siempre en mis oraciones. ¡Muchas Gracias! P e op l e of P R O M I S E BISHOPS Message HAPPY NEW YEAR is what we will be hearing for a few more days. People taking time to reflect on the ups and downs of the previous year, with hindsight they look back and wonder what could have been avoided and what could have been better. I don’t think most people start the New Year by shouting, “We want more of the same!” We all look forward to the new and improved, deep down our desire is to be better and do better in the New Year. FAQs... Conference Leaders Larry Herrera - Bishop Executive Council Members Tyler Clark - Assistant Superintendent Carole Burgess - Secretary/Treasurer Jake Ishmael - Youth Ministries Robert Lopez - Discipleship Ministries Rocky Mountain IPHC Ministries Contact Information Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1382 Englewood, CO 80150 Office Address: 7010 N Broadway Denver CO 80221 Conference Phone: 303-379-9071 WEBSITE: rmciphc.com Conference e-mail: [email protected] THANKS to Amy Joseph for developing a new web page for the Rocky Mountain Conference. Please check it out. There is a link to each church on the website. ANNOUNCEMENTS...IMPORTANT DATES...SPECIAL SERVICES... SPECIAL ARTICLES. If you want your church information on the web page, please send your information to the conference office and we will update the information as we get it. Bishop Herrera contacts: Cell Phone: 303-359-4289 E-mail: [email protected] Office Manager: Verna Clark HEY...CHECK OUT OUR NEW WEBSITE: http://rmciphc.com January/February Send a card or warm wishes to: ANNIVERSARIES BIRTHDAYS: January 2 Evelinda Ruano 9 Jorge Luna 11 Eva Villalobos 17 Larry Herrera 20 Jerry Milhorn 23 Bishop Doug Beacham P l a c e of H O P E February January 4 Carole Burgess 5 Clifford Sampier 13 Jim Roberts 29 Jon & Angie Burgess February 2 Linda & Lonnie Talbert 4 Tony & Soledad Perez 8 Miguel & Linda Wence P e op l e of P R O M I S E 2 ART OF LEADERSHIP ARTE DE LIDERAZGO January 30 & 31, 2015 Location: Eternal Life Temple 745 S Lowell Blvd Denver, CO 80219 T” E Date: S “W E P N E TE C U L O VA Friday, January 30 7 p.m. Saturday, January 31 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Join us for this Leadership Conference Worship...Praise...Teaching...Training So he answered and said to me: “This is the word of the Lord to Zerubbabel: ‘Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,’ Says the Lord of hosts Zechariah 4:6 3 2015 Fast Declaration for the IPHC Presiding Bishop A. Douglas Beacham, Jr. With the conviction that the Holy Spirit is calling us to be a Place of Hope and a People of Promise, the International Pentecostal Holiness Church is crying out to God for revival among the peoples of the world! History reveals that every great spiritual awakening was preceded by a time of intense prayer and fasting. That formula remains the same! It is still true that “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land” (2 Chronicles 7:14). Jesus declared that some things “can come forth by nothing, but by prayer and fasting” (Mark 9:29). The local church was intended to be “a house of prayer for all nations” (Mark 11:17). We must ask the sobering questions; are we a house of sermons, a house of songs, a house of programs, or a house of prayer? The church is never taller than when it is on its’ knees and never stronger than when it is prostrate in prayer! We must become what we were intended to be, houses of prayer for all nations! As Presiding Bishop of the International Pentecostal Holiness Church, and as we enter into a year where our attention is on the ministries of the Holy Spirit, I hereby declare a time of prayer and fasting for 7 days, from January 11-17, 2015. This call to prayer and fasting is made to all constituents of the IPHC, not just a select group known as intercessors. Our denomination is joining many other denominations and church organizations in periods of prayer and fasting. We are convinced that the flood of God’s miracle working power flows mightily through the channels of prayer and fasting. The amazing results of this united prayer movement will be evident to all! P l a c e of H O P E P e op l e of P R O M I S E 4 Missions... 2015 doesn’t seem possible! I remember growing up watching the Jetsons and thinking I can’t wait to get my own flying car. While there have been several advances we’re not quite there. Pastor Tyler Clark The same can be said about Missions. 97% of the world has access to the gospel, largely due to the internet. The problem is they may have access, but there is no discipleship. The great commission is two-fold- To go and to train. We are in all parts of the world, now we those willing to do the training and discipleship, the front line missionaries. Thank you for your continued monthly support to missions. Because of your finances and prayer thousands respond to the gospel each day. People to People Ministries provides a physical connection with a child at risk of suffering from malnutrition, disease, poverty, and spiritual separation from God. For $25 a month, child sponsorship provides nutritious food, medical care, educational opportunities, guidance, and lifechanging skills Remember our continued goals for our conference: 1) Every church/ministry financially support at least one missionary monthly. 2) Every church/ministry give to the GO offering. 3) Every church/ministry support at least one people to people child monthly ($25/mo). REMEMBER to send your GO Offering to the Conference Office 2014 was a very fruitful year for missions, but I think we could do better. This 2015 let’s work together to have the greatest missional impact we ever have had as a conference. Thank you. Pastor Tyler Clark In 2002, the Balla family left their home in India with an apostolic call to take the Gospel to Bangladesh, and now, 32 churches have been established. They set up the Bangladesh Theological Institute in Dhaka, founded the primary school Holiness Academy, and opened Frances Carter Boarding for village children with no educational opportunities. The Ballas also give oversight to IPHC works in Nepal, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, and Pakistan, and they are committed to planting many more churches in places where there is no IPHC work. The Ballas ask your prayers for strong national leadership in their region and for the favor and provision of God on their work. MONTHLY MISSIONARY FOCUS The Balla’s 5 Jon Burgess to Speak Before UK Parliament about Personhood Super Exciting News.!!! As many of you know Jon & Angie have had a heart for England as well as a heart to promote the Personhood of the unborn. Through a series of divine encounters and the Lord opening the doors, Jon & Angie will be sharing about Personhood in the Houses of Parliament in London, England. Jan 13th at 2PM London Time. 5AM (MST) At least two MP’s will be there. One of them is hosting. Other leaders including some pro-life leaders will be there. Jon & Angie are so excited and feel a sense of God’s hand in this devine appointment. Laura Clark What a busy year 2014 has been and we look forward to 2015 with anticipation that God has something significant in store for all those who will seek Him. Remember women, we need to Connect with each other, Celebrate our Father and His goodness to us. Cultivate relationships and Create an environment around us where others want what we have. We have a busy schedule of Women’s activities. Here are a few that are coming soon. January 17 - Women’s Ministry Fellowship Grand Junction, CO February 21 - Denver Metro Women’s & Girls Brunch. 9 - 11:30 a.m. Trinity Christian Fellowship We are asking you to pray for the 13th. Tuesday 13th January 14:00, Committee Room 16, Houses of Parliament Proverbs 18:16 A man’s gift makes room for him, And brings him before great men. Certainly God is opening doors for Jon & Angie as they speak for the unborn. Mission: M25 exists to network those who reach out to the Matthew 25 people groups. From biker ministries, to feeding the homeless, to visiting those in the hospital, we invite all those who minister to the helpless, hopeless, and hurting to make a connection through Mission: M25. Your contributions to Mission: M25 are vital to continuing its ministry efforts. Our General Superintendent Bishop Doug Beacham has announced that the IPHC focus for 2015 is “We Prayerfully Value Pentecost”. With that in mind why not begin the year with the month of January being focused on praying for revival? A life changing revival that brings both a personal and a church wide “Pentecost” According to Acts 1:8 Pentecost is power. It is power to witness to a lost and dying world. It is power to bring changes in lives that are broken and hurting.(Galatians 5:22-23) Cheryl & Jerry Milhorn Pentecost is a boldness to speak the truth in love. As WIN directors Jerry and I are calling for the Rocky Mountain Conference to a time of personal prayer and fasting beginning the second week of each month (7 days) in 2015 and invite you to join us. We want to begin with a call for repentance and the seeking of God’s presence. (2 Chron. 7:14) At the beginning of each month we will send pastors a new focus of prayer for that month so you and your churches can join us in unified prayer.(Acts 2:1) We look forward to the great things God has planned for our conference and our denomination in 2015. In Christ’s Service, Jerry and Cheryl Milhorn P l a c e of H O P E P e op l e of P R O M I S E 6 JANUARY 2015 SUN 4 MON 5 TUE 6 WED 7 1 THU 8 2 FRI 3 SAT 9 EC Christmas 10 Dinner 6:30 p.m. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 WM Fellowship 2015 IPHC Fast Declaration --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Grand Junction 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Sanctity of Human Life Sunday Art of Leadership Art of Leadership 7 p.m. 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. FEBRUARY 2015 SUN 1 2 8 15 MON 3 9 16 GO Offering TUE 4 WED 5 10 11 12 17 18 19 THU FRI 6 7 13 14 20 to Conf Office 22 23 24 25 26 27 SAT Metro 21 Denver WM & Girls Event - Trinity 9-11 am 28 Pastors: REMEMBER TO CELEBRATE LIFE P l a c e of H O P E Your 4 year plan is due to Bishop Herrera by the middle of January. P e op l e of P R O M I S E 7 Alpha and Omega IPHC Pastor Rogelio Diaz Pueblo, CO Rocky Mountain IPHC Ministries La Senda Antigua Pastor Luis Garcia Denver, CO Ascend Masters Commission Pastor Jake Ishmael Federal Heights, CO Brighton Outreach Ministries Pastors Tyler & Laura Clark Brighton, CO The Healing Place Worship Center Pastor Joe L. Sanchez Brighton, CO Roca De Salvacion Pastor Rodolfo & Maria Sosa Yuma, CO Centro De Alabanza Pastor Arturo Villalobos Denver, CO Iglesia Pentecostal Monte De Los Olivos Pastor Saul Ruano Denver, CO Templo El Sinai Pastors Jose & Marie Mendoza Longmont, CO Denver House of Prayer Pastor Carl Joseph Denver, CO Phoenix Fellowship Pastor Greg Sampier Cherry Hills, CO Eternal Life Temple Pastor Saul Ochoa Denver, CO Iglesia Cristo Vive Pastors Jorge & Norma Luna Denver, CO Healing Waters Pastor Jim Roberts Canon City, CO La Nueva Jerusalem Pastor Miguel Wence Ault, CO Last Harvest Ministries Pastors Adrian & Rosy Olivas Denver, CO The Lighthouse Pastor Linda Talbert Grand Junction, CO Templo El Renacer Pastors Jose & Marie Mendoza Wheat Ridge, CO Trailhead Community Church Pastors Mylon & Dawn Bruce Norwood, CO Trinity Christian Fellowship Pastor Brian Burgess Northglenn, CO New Haven PHC Pastor Bob Carey Palisade, CO Nueva Vision Christian Assembly Pastor Robert Lopez Thornton, CO Rocky Mountain IPHC Ministries P.O. Box 1382 Englewood, CO 80150 TO: Trinity Church Pastor Frank Hilty Springfield, CO 180 Community Church Pastor Jerimie Olvera Lafayette, CO