MBA - Hilger Construction
MBA - Hilger Construction
IRR IRR IRR ce IRR ia n IRR pl IRR IRR om NORTH 7112 S. 12TH STREET TACOMA, WA 98465-1799 ST. CHARLES BORROMEO CLASSROOM ADDITION IRR IRR C IRR IRR NORTH C R ity ev of ie T w ac ed o fo ma rC od e IRR PERMIT SET CONTENTS ARCHITECTURAL SITE PLANS PARTIAL ARCHITECTURAL SITE PLAN REVISIONS 806 NORTH 2ND STREET p: 253.752.9409 architecture M.B .A and TACOMA, WA 98403 F: 253.752.0538 planning a r c h i t e c t s NORTH NORTH C R ity ev of ie T w ac ed o fo ma rC od e ce ia n pl om C PERMIT SET CONTENTS OVERALL FLOOR PLAN REVISIONS KEY PLAN NTS 7112 S. 12TH STREET TACOMA, WA 98465-1799 ST. CHARLES BORROMEO CLASSROOM ADDITION 806 NORTH 2ND STREET p: 253.752.9409 architecture M.B .A and TACOMA, WA 98403 F: 253.752.0538 planning a r c h i t e c t s NORTH C R ity ev of ie T w ac ed o fo ma rC od e ce ia n pl om C PERMIT SET CONTENTS AREA SEPARATION AND FIRE AREAS REVISIONS 7112 S. 12TH STREET TACOMA, WA 98465-1799 ST. CHARLES BORROMEO CLASSROOM ADDITION 806 NORTH 2ND STREET p: 253.752.9409 architecture M.B .A and TACOMA, WA 98403 F: 253.752.0538 planning a r c h i t e c t s NORTH C R ity ev of ie T w ac ed o fo ma rC od e NORTH KEY PLAN NTS ce ia n pl om C 7112 S. 12TH STREET TACOMA, WA 98465-1799 ST. CHARLES BORROMEO CLASSROOM ADDITION NORTH PERMIT SET CONTENTS DEMO PLAN TECH LAB DEMO PLAN LEGEND REVISIONS 806 NORTH 2ND STREET p: 253.752.9409 architecture M.B .A and TACOMA, WA 98403 F: 253.752.0538 planning a r c h i t e c t s Hallway/corridor not required to be rated. NORTH NORTH C R ity ev of ie T w ac ed o fo ma rC od e ce ia n pl om C PERMIT SET CONTENTS FLOOR PLAN LEGEND WALL TYPES REVISIONS KEY PLAN NTS 7112 S. 12TH STREET TACOMA, WA 98465-1799 ST. CHARLES BORROMEO CLASSROOM ADDITION 806 NORTH 2ND STREET p: 253.752.9409 architecture M.B .A and TACOMA, WA 98403 F: 253.752.0538 planning a r c h i t e c t s NORTH C R ity ev of ie T w ac ed o fo ma rC od e LEGEND KEY PLAN NTS ce ia n pl om C 7112 S. 12TH STREET TACOMA, WA 98465-1799 ST. CHARLES BORROMEO CLASSROOM ADDITION NORTH 54" min. clearance (typical) PERMIT SET CONTENTS TECH LAB PLAN ENLARGED GIRLS 102 PLAN ENLARGED BOYS 103 & STAFF 104 PLAN ENLARGED TOILET 111 PLAN REVISIONS 806 NORTH 2ND STREET p: 253.752.9409 architecture M.B .A and TACOMA, WA 98403 F: 253.752.0538 planning a r c h i t e c t s C R ity ev of ie T w ac ed o fo ma rC od e ce ia n pl om C C R ity ev of ie T w ac ed o fo ma rC od e ce ia n pl om C PERMIT SET CONTENTS SECTIONS ELEVATIONS REVISIONS 7112 S. 12TH STREET TACOMA, WA 98465-1799 ST. CHARLES BORROMEO CLASSROOM ADDITION 806 NORTH 2ND STREET p: 253.752.9409 architecture M.B .A and TACOMA, WA 98403 F: 253.752.0538 planning a r c h i t e c t s ce ia n pl om C 7112 S. 12TH STREET TACOMA, WA 98465-1799 ST. CHARLES BORROMEO CLASSROOM ADDITION REVISIONS 806 NORTH 2ND STREET p: 253.752.9409 architecture M.B .A and TACOMA, WA 98403 F: 253.752.0538 planning a r c h i t e c t s Draft stopping not required in attics, however attics must have sprinkler protection in accordance with NFPA 13. C R ity ev of ie T w ac ed o fo ma rC od e Combustible voids will require fire sprinkler protection. PERMIT SET CONTENTS WALL SECTIONS C R ity ev of ie T w ac ed o fo ma rC od e ce ia n pl om C PERMIT SET CONTENTS WALL SECTIONS REVISIONS 7112 S. 12TH STREET TACOMA, WA 98465-1799 ST. CHARLES BORROMEO CLASSROOM ADDITION 806 NORTH 2ND STREET p: 253.752.9409 architecture M.B .A and TACOMA, WA 98403 F: 253.752.0538 planning a r c h i t e c t s TACOMA, WA 98403 F: 253.752.0538 7112 S. 12TH STREET TACOMA, WA 98465-1799 ST. CHARLES BORROMEO CLASSROOM ADDITION 806 NORTH 2ND STREET p: 253.752.9409 architecture and planning a r c h i t e c t s M.B .A PERMIT SET CONTENTS INTERIOR ELEVATIONS ia n pl om C Bottom edge of mirror to be maximum 40-inches above floor. REVISIONS C R ity ev of ie T w ac ed o fo ma rC od e Flush control for toilets to be located on open side ce Toilet paper dispensers located below the grab bar, the outlet of the dispenser shall be located within an area 24-inches minimum and 42-inches maximum from the rear wall. The outlet of the dispenser shall be located 18-inches minimum and 48-inches maximum above the floor. Dispensers shall not be of a type that control delivery, or do not C R ity ev of ie T w ac ed o fo ma rC od e ce ia n pl om C PERMIT SET CONTENTS INTERIOR ELEVATIONS REVISIONS 7112 S. 12TH STREET TACOMA, WA 98465-1799 ST. CHARLES BORROMEO CLASSROOM ADDITION 806 NORTH 2ND STREET p: 253.752.9409 architecture M.B .A and TACOMA, WA 98403 F: 253.752.0538 planning a r c h i t e c t s C R ity ev of ie T w ac ed o fo ma rC od e ce ia n pl om C PERMIT SET CONTENTS INTERIOR ELEVATIONS REVISIONS 7112 S. 12TH STREET TACOMA, WA 98465-1799 ST. CHARLES BORROMEO CLASSROOM ADDITION 806 NORTH 2ND STREET p: 253.752.9409 architecture M.B .A and TACOMA, WA 98403 F: 253.752.0538 planning a r c h i t e c t s ce ia n pl om C NORTH NORTH C R ity ev of ie T w ac ed o fo ma rC od e PERMIT SET CONTENTS REFLECTED CEILING PLAN ELECTRICAL FIXTURE KEY REVISIONS KEY PLAN NTS 7112 S. 12TH STREET TACOMA, WA 98465-1799 ST. CHARLES BORROMEO CLASSROOM ADDITION 806 NORTH 2ND STREET p: 253.752.9409 architecture M.B .A and TACOMA, WA 98403 F: 253.752.0538 planning a r c h i t e c t s NORTH C R ity ev of ie T w ac ed o fo ma rC od e ce ia n pl om C KEY PLAN NTS 7112 S. 12TH STREET TACOMA, WA 98465-1799 ST. CHARLES BORROMEO CLASSROOM ADDITION NORTH PERMIT SET CONTENTS TECH LAB REFLECTED CEILING PLAN ELECTRICAL FIXTURE KEY REVISIONS 806 NORTH 2ND STREET p: 253.752.9409 architecture M.B .A and TACOMA, WA 98403 F: 253.752.0538 planning a r c h i t e c t s WINDOW TYPES ce ia n pl om C 7112 S. 12TH STREET TACOMA, WA 98465-1799 ST. CHARLES BORROMEO CLASSROOM ADDITION Tempered glazing C R ity ev of ie T w ac ed o fo ma rC od e REVISIONS 806 NORTH 2ND STREET p: 253.752.9409 architecture M.B .A Provide lever-type door hardware that does not require tight grasping, twisting, or pinching on doors. PERMIT SET CONTENTS ROOM FINISH SCHEDULE DOOR SCHEDULE DOOR TYPES FRAME TYPES and TACOMA, WA 98403 F: 253.752.0538 planning a r c h i t e c t s TACOMA, WA 98403 F: 253.752.0538 806 NORTH 2ND STREET p: 253.752.9409 architecture and planning a r c h i t e c t s M.B .A 7112 S. 12TH STREET TACOMA, WA 98465-1799 ST. CHARLES BORROMEO CLASSROOM ADDITION Skylight glazing to comply with Sections 2404 and 2405 of the 2012 IBC regarding loads and allowable glazing materials. PERMIT SET CONTENTS ROOF PLAN ia n ce DETAILS Roof drains to be sized and discharged in accordance with the Uniform Plumbing Code. Roof drainage shall be directed away from the building and discharged to the storm sewer or to other approved disposal systems. Roof drainage shall not be connected to, or allowed to infiltrate into, the footing drain system. Where roof drains are required, overflow drains having the same size as the roof drains shall be installed with the inlet flow line located tow inches above the low point of the roof, or overflow scuppers having three times the size of the roof drains and having a minimum opening height of 4-inches may be installed in adjacent parapet walls with inlet flow line located not more than two inches above the low point of the adjacent roof. Overflow drains shall discharge to an approved location and shall discharge at a point above the ground, which can be readily observed. Overflow drains shall not be connected to roof drain lines. Roof drains and overflow drains, where concealed within the construction of the building, shall be installed in accordance with the Uniform Plumbing Code. Roof drainage water from a building shall not be permitted to flow over public property. om C R ity ev of ie T w ac ed o fo ma rC od e C NORTH pl REVISIONS NORTH KEY PLAN NTS