Untitled - Club Bass
Untitled - Club Bass
ANDPHOTOS STORY KATIE VANSLACK boutiquestore,CIubBasshas reached As Canada'sonly bass-specific a market that was in need of some TLCand emphasis.Owner Dave Freeman carries bassguitars, amp heads,cabinets,combos,pedals, relating to everyrthingbass.But thesearen't your and accessories ordinary products - Dave seeksout products that excel in their categoriesand put a spin on that bass thang. "The goal was to do somethingspecialwith bass,and to find playerswhofelt the same. And sureenough,theywereout there." Heused He t0 meet many suppliers attrade shows suchasNAMM. LaunchineThe Business West comments thattheshow haschanged a bitofa circus. in February 1994in Bloor a lot:"lt'sbecome wasopened ThefirstClubBa#storefronl location on There aremore endusers withvisitorbadges walking around andgetting direct moved thestoret0 itscurrent Around 1998Dave Village, Toronto. onthings. Theorganizers thatit needs to tothehighway. deals arelooking atit andsaying it'smoreofan"artsy" area andiscloser Ave., where Ossinglon "lt is "Toronto was.I wouldagree bechanged around andbrought backto whatit originally todosomething likethis,"saysDave. istherightcityinCanada withthat." hubofCanada." stilltheentertainment goto NAMM thatmany small companies hedeals withdon't environment Hesays intoClub Bass onewillseethatit isa quiet When walking "0neisbecause giving rightnowanyway. the anymore. they're forbusiness reminiscent ofanartgallery, atcapacity laidout,almost thatisprofessionally have ofacircus, there isn'tany stopped because theyfeelit'stoomuch vibe.Although thestore usedto offerrecording Others environment store a studio goodbusiness getting done there." continues todohishomework SoDave that thisservice maybecoming back. Dave hints services, in directly hesawaneed musician for30years, AsDave hasbeen aprofessional "ltkindofhappened When numbers choosing hedoesn't lookforthehardcore of ltstarted as suppliers byaccident. forbass equipment. theindustry margin would be.He howmany hecansellandwhat theprofit out AndI began selling afewproducts back inthe'80s. anidea meets withthemanu{acturers them andunderstand t0gett0know notknowing thatitwould back then, ofmytinylittleapartment ClubBass what itisthey're Healso stays with trying todointhemarketplace. ofa bass shop." bethebeginning _ :""". ^ ^"'u," Ave. pickupthephone andtalktoone companies lhathdcanactually tothefact 45Ossington tav6saysihat heattribuies allofhissuccess where nowhehasrelationships withhissuppliers wanted this."l remember telling afew Toronto, community thatthebass 0NM6J2Yg onone.Right "Hey,l've got pick phone he a situation here. can up the and say, I went tosign thelease atmyfirst when friends inthebeginning //1A\6?e_1 'lfyouguysdon'tshophere yougotone?" I need this,have he'llneed it FedEx'ed Helaughs. \-: :: ,"": ^ec Sometimes I'mdead!"' storefront, "We're "'l'lldowhat packing itupright now." overnight andthey'll say, toyouguys, but [email protected], I cantogettherightproducts "l have withallof mysuppliers you've gott0support to have a goodrapport enough, theydid.I haven't www.clubbass.ca it.'And, sure going because, that's onthat itand attheendoltheday,it'smyname l'mstillverypassionate about thatfromdayone. forgotten - that's I created myreputation. I don't mean thatanogantly. grateful. forevery sale myclients sale. Every salecounls, andI thank it thatway.I treatpeople thewayI wantto betreated." Heisveryconscious forit today." fromClubBassisresponsible Every clientthathaseverbought "That selectmanufaclurers thatwillbackhimuo."lf a cliento{mineisstandfeelwelcome, comfort- about wastheaim,tomake everyone Headds, I soldthemdoesn't work lfyoulovebass, ingonstage ata large concert, andtheproduct regardless ofhis/her ability. iswelcome, andeveryone able, knowthat."Thisis thenit'sa reallybadsituation. Andmyvendors thatyou'venever properly, fun,explore, andplaysomebasses thenyou'rehere.Have products thereason whyheis sometimes forupcoming played leeryaboutcarrying before." builders. Headvises thattheymustbeinbusiness foratleastfiveyears before "Because you've he'lldobusiness with them, sothat heknows they're serious. gott0 prove andwhenyouget to methatthisisn'tsomething that'sa hobby Selecting.TheRight Inventory of it you'regoingbacktoyourdayjob.lf I takeyourstuffonandsellit, togetthededi- bored companies andproducts Dave spent a lot-oltimeresearching is ontheline.lf yougooutofbusiness andthere's a problem that myreputation thathedidn'twanttocanyproducts Herealized roster hehastoday. cated - thiswouldjustendupina price withtheproduct, I'monthehook forit." represented byotherretailers werealready Asmore ofClubBass' aremanufacturing off-shore, theprodsuppliers bring anything special tothemarket. andwouldn't competition CANADIAN MUSICTRADE . 27 ctuBa*s uctsremain highquality, while bringing theprice damage where theoulside boxlooks fine.lt'svery "Twelve years down. agoI never wouldhave thought rare thatthathappens ... Inmostcases theclients l'd have something under tosellthatwould appreciate $2,500 thatI dothatandthaltheirpurchase is meetthecriteria fortheshop,nowwedo."Headds going getit."Dave tobechecked before they adds, thattheyshipin products directfromanyoff-shore "Myphilosophy playitasit is,I'mnot is:'ifI won't manufacturers tokeeo thecosts down. shipping it."' BassConsulting Other Services Asmany manufacturers products offervanettes 0l c0lour and Besrdes selling andcareful bass consulthardware choices, some of thecustom boutiqueing,ClubBass alsooffers usedproducts, andrepair suppliers thathedeals withwilloffera choice service. Rentals andlessons aren't options. in woodselection. ln thiscase, Dave products haswood Theonlyused thatareatClubBass samples and.jpegs of woodal thewarehouse, areproducts thatwereoriginally soldhere."l defluncut andnumbered. nitelytakebacksomething that'ssoldherebecause Withthese choices infront ol theenduser, ourclients take care ofeverything," advises Dave. it'sanopportunity forDave tohone hiscraft: bass "lt'spretty hard to determine where lheusability "l have30 years playing consulting. bassand wasonthem.Asfarastakinqanything in ofl the I knowwhatweneed, I knowwhatworks, what street that's used, nowedon'tdothat, that's not doesn't work, andI'veexperienced trialanderror ourmarket." policyis more Hesaysthatthereturn "Alotofourclients andtook notes asI went a long." ofaservice forhisclients. have Hesays he'lltalktofellow bassists forabout anhourabout whattypeofmusic theyplay,ifthey're ifthey're aslapplayer, apickplayer orfingerplayer, etc."Allofthatis imp0rtant fordetermining what bassis therightoneforthatplayer. Andnotwo players have thesame needs. That's whyl'mmore ofa bass consultant." Sowhen itcomes tochoosingthewoodfora bass,Daveknows thatthetone ofeach woodhasitsowncharacteristics. Bytalkingtothecustomer hecanguidethemtochoosing thewoods, strings, hardware, etc., thalwillgive the desired sonic results. Appointments ^.+t illub Bassis openfromTuesday to Friday, 12p.m.,keeping 6 p.m.,andSaturday 12-5:30 the hours short andfocused. Butthere isstilla lotthat goes onoutside ofthose hours. Clients who arelooking forsomething specif ic, finalizing a deal ona bass orbass rig,orwhoneed todiscuss changes intheir situation, willtypicallybeen onboard since dayone, actually. They're the "lt'snottoooftenthatI'vegot onesthatbuiltthisstore. bookanappointment. I wouldn't beherewithout t0setupanapp0intment thatlateintheevening,"them.l'mattentive totheirneeds, theytellmewhat "l don'tminddoingit forclients saysDave. thatare they need." BulI'mnotgetting serious. inthehabit ofbeing in Dave advises thatClub Bass does fullreoairs - evenifsomeone myshopat10p.m.Thereality is people worka lot onwhatever isneeded didn'tbuy jobsaredemanding, "Wedothatallthetime" ofhours, andtheydon't have thebass there. go.Dave enough timetotalkduring regular retail hours." Asfaraslessons simply refers the wanna-be student t0 players thatheknows who "Andtheyallknow teach. eachothertoo.Soil they Above & Bevond The 'Youknow givea lesson you'dbebetter anddecide, person.' xxpecTeo withthisother suited Andthey'd bounce BefoG selling orshipping a product. Dave Theyali knoweach alwaysthemovert0thatotherperson. makes sure thatit isperfect we're fortheuser rightout other, a community, andwe're allfriends. "l'llplayit,I'llgooverit tip-to{ip ofthecase. norivalry. lt'savery supportive t0 There's network." make sure it'ssetupperfectly, Bass l'lltalklotheclient CIub doesn't dorentals atall.Thereason "Thereality who'sbuying anddetermine whathisor herplay- forthisisverysimple. Dave explains, is gota bass ingstyle is... make sure thatit'sasclose that's worth asI can thatyou've $4,000-$5,000 gettowhatI thinkthatplayer wants. Andsofarmy going outonrental, it'snolonger worih $4,000- ithastobecome success rate onthatispretty much 100percent." $5,000 adedicated rental oiece. Forcabinets andamos he'lltake nolenough them ofa market forthal.Clients outof Andthere's piece thebox, testthem, andputthem rather buythatspecial back in.'l notify would thanjustrent going getshis/her theclient thatthat's to happen, thatonce unless they it."Heagrees a client hands probably insistona factory-sealed boxButI trytogetthem ononeofthese basses, th€ywguld never toletmeopenthemupandcheck it because togiveit back anyway. some- want times- nota lotofthetime- wecanhavehidden .l 28. CANADIANMUSICTRADE InternetStrategies rs a m0vrng uaveKn0ws tnara weDsrre larget.rl giveinformation hasto bemulti-purpose, about andhavein-depth information to theproducts, time."People's spare timeis precious, they save getverylittleoJit. TheIntQrnet allowsanyone to research whatever it is theywantto,whenever they however want, theywant." TheClub Bass sitehasbeen upfor10years, to geionline. backwhencodehadt0 bewrltten Thesiteis nota credil card-shopping basket site, andDave saysit willnever become that,"because to make I wanttotalktothepeople surethatthey're getting therightbass, amp, orcabinetorallof theabove." Hesays thatthesiteisreflective oftheenvi- A variety of wood samplesthat Club Basshas getin the on hand. ronment thatpeople andtheexperience "l'vehada lotoffeedback shop. fromclientele and hasbeen theyindicate thatthattarget achieved." Dave thesiteeveryday withnewprodupdates "Awebsite isa livecreature,"CelebritvStatus uctsandinformation. "whatever youdoto thesite,fhewhole Being hesays, a boutiqu"e specialty bass store, ClubBass Hehas hasnaturally worldis watching atanygiven second." attracted somehighprofilecustomproducts worldwide, including Asiaand ers,many shipped of whichhave achieved international most recently, theNetherlands. iconstatus. Despite theeasilycontained star "Thehardthingforthesmall-medium size power, Dave hasdecided to nolusethisasa retailers is totryandeducate theconsumers that promo tool. "l'mnotoneforname t0 shopatthespecialty slores, theydoneed and dropping. Andlhat's theydoneed t0 support thembecause they're the something myclientsreallylike.Myphilosophy is point thatwhen you're oneswiththeknowledge base thatat some intheshop, everyone's equal," "l hesitate needs help. everyone advises Dave. t0 usethestar00wer. "l have given custome[s comein heresometimes have although some of myclients meshit retailer. Andmostwould cursing thelarger thinkthat forthatonceina while andsaythatI should be whalyouwant, foryourcustomers to leave more that's upfront about it. "l'm grateful them andcome toyou.ButI lookatit like,'that's t0 meetthemandbecome Headdsthatcompeting witheachother pulthatstuffonthe givesthemarket lwould notwant with reallygreat sad.' tobethatoutoftouch friends, butI never weakspots,allowing otherbusi"Alotofit haslo dowith nesses themarket." website." Hecontinues, t0 fill thegaps. Hesaysthattheindustry I'mhonoured respect fortheirsituation. to have needs t0forlify,andthatheisn'tincompetition with people those friendships andhave those c0me t0 any0ne. meandthinkhighlyenough Ad Tactics of whall doto work hasbecome andhelpthem out." Dave claims thattheInternet theform forthem forvirtually everything. Hesays 0n Saturday afternoons ClubBasshosts BassConsultantServices of communication "even Dave saysthatsomelarger it hascreated is consumerwhat's Dave laughs, businesses mayfind thatoneofthethings called Java Saturdays. forthatI won't liketo change theirmandate forhow home whoshop online. buyofftheshelf coffee, it hasto thatthey'd shoppers, "There is run.Sometimes lt'sanopportunity theywishthey seems to benogoodwaytoadver-beboutique coffee." forbass theirbusiness to c0me 0ut,playsome basses addcertain elements andspecialty services, tiselocally anymore. Thenetmade theworld flat. players thatthey could youcouldadvertise may/or islhattheyjustcan't. maynoteverbuy,andmeetotherbassists. bulsometimes thereality Before thenetwass0powerful "They product geistomeet someone can'thave a specialty inevery inthelocalnewspapers, trademagazines orwhat- "Soa hobbyist l'veknown in every storeacross Canada work. l'mnotsureit works for20years whohappens tobea successful or the everandthatwould act." department hence networking opportunity forbassists. US,orboth.Whichissomething thatI mightmake lt'sall online, thesuccess of It'sa great anym0re. myself available fora fewoihers later thisyearif banner advertising." "There theywanted," hehints. thatI ClubBassrunsa banner adonthelargest is something canoffer others necesThe A PulseOn TheIndustry aswell.Being bigdoesn't basssitein theworld,www.talkbass.com. perspective gives aninteresting ontoday'ssarily youdo." mean losrng focus onwhat magazine.Dave company alsorunsanadinBassPlayer "Wearecompetitors musicindustry. but "That's Hesayshedoesn't feelasthough he'sin 100percenttarget market. Theadwerunis Canadian asanindustry thatour competition "lf there withanyother retailer. is a willbe. we'renot.Weneedtorealize a small display ad.lt'snotbigandit never isnotourselves. lt'stheInternet, theflat threat people thatI maybeto them,it'sthatI'manexpert Itssolepurpose istodrive toourwebsite.competition TVs,theiPods, it'salloftheother things that inmyfieldandtheydon'thave theknowledge thatI l'veoptimized ittomake surethatit'sthelirstsiteto screen theirmoney 0notherthanmusic. have. spend pulluponevery Buttheremaybeawayforthemandothers Andthat consumers to search engine outthere. Andthatdidn'texist20years ago,butit'sherenow achieve years thatfrommeif theywantil. Things thatare took todo." Soweneedt0 reinvent 0ur applicable inmybusiness model would beappliHisclientele arevery supporlive ofthebusi- andit'snotgoingaway. industry and we need to doit together. I'dIove to cable fortheminvarious departments." o ness.Aswordofmouthisthemosteffective adverofguysfromLong& McQuade, Steve's tisingtoolthatcan'tbebought, ClubBass shoppersgetabunch Fret,anda bunchof otherretailers Music. Twelfth "Our groups. clienarespreading thewordtoonline 'Lookguys,wearebeingcompetitors, but without tele,I lovethemI wouldn'l behere them. andsay, we're not.Weneedto worktogether truly andfix getpersonal Kotie VanSlock isAssistant Edinr They about thisbusiness." what's leftoftheindustrv."' forCanadian Music Trade. CANADIANMUSICTRADE. 29