Design Your WaterCar!
Design Your WaterCar!
Design Your WaterCar! Congratulations on purchasing the Most Fun Vehicle on the Planet! As we begin the process of building your WaterCar, here are few things you should know. Every vehicle is hand built and completely custom. We want every customer to build the car of their dreams, from the exterior style and color scheme, to the interior fabric and colors. Attached you will find a list of all available interior and exterior designs, as well as a wide spectrum of color schemes to choose from. After reviewing the templates and color palettes provided in this PDF, please print and complete (1) interior and (1) exterior design forms. Don’t see the color you want? Don’t worry. We can match just about any new car color, all you need to do is provide us with the color code, year and make, and we will take care of the rest. Once you've completed your selected design forms, please scan and email your WaterCar contact, or our purchasing coordinator: [email protected]. If you have any questions during the process, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Thank you and congratulations! The WaterCar Team Sol i dDes i gn BodyCol or * S eegel c oa tc ol orc ha r t Ma i nBodyCol or Des i gnCol or * S eegel c oa tc ol orc ha r t Wi l dDes i gn Opt i onalPi ns t r i pei nSt r i pe 1. Col ora bov et hes t r i pe 3. S t r i peCol or F enderCol or F enderCol or _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2. Col orbel owt hes t r i pe _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ * S eegel c oa tc ol orc ha r t Out erCol or Out erCol or I nnerCol or Pi pi ngCol or S t i t c hi ngCol or I nnerCol or Pi pi ngCol or S t i t c hi ngCol or T heWa t er Ca ri sat r ul yc us t omi z edv ehi c l e . I nor dert opr ov i de ma x i mum c omf or t , pl ea s epr ov i det hef ol l owi ngi nf or ma t i onof t hepr i ma r ydr i v er : Hei ght _________ Appr ox i ma t eWei ght _________ * S ees ea tc ol orc ha r t Leat herSeatCol orChar t