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DISCOBéLIX : The sensational new attraction Parc Astérix is expanding and will open its doors on 2nd April 2016 with a sensational new attraction: Discobélix. Located within the Greek world, the park’s brand new attraction will whisk you away to the Ancient City of Olympia, described by René Goscinny as “the sacred, the marvellous, with its temple to Zeus and its statue of the god by Phidias, one of the wonders of the world”. A whirlwind adventure for the whole family Discobélix gives kids and grown-ups alike the chance to dive into the world of the Asterix at the Olympic Games comic by experiencing a discus throw first-hand, with Obelix himself. Nobody has forgotten the time when Asterix, Obelix and their friends from the Gallic Village took the Olympics by storm – and even though Obelix wasn’t allowed to take part in the Games because the magic potion’s effects on him are permanent (he fell in when he was little…), he just couldn’t resist training in private in the hopes of smashing a few records himself. Never short of ideas, he simply ripped a bronze disc off a giant statue of a discusthrower and threw it so hard that it remained in perpetual motion. Now, you can take your place on this spinning discus for an unforgettable ride! DISCOBéLIX : The sensational new attraction The creation of a new attraction “In the life of a theme park, there’s an ongoing policy of development and adapting the product to visitors’ expectations,” explains Thierry Bourgeois, project manager and artistic consultant. “We regularly conduct visitor surveys and, at the same time, strive to make sure that they feel at all times as though they’ve been dropped straight into one of Goscinny and Uderzo’s comics. Once we had chosen the attraction, we just needed to find a place for it in Asterix and Obelix’s world. That’s where Julien Bertévas, our scenographer, comes in.” After devising and designing OzIris, the inverted rollercoaster which opened in 2012 (one of the park’s biggest attractions), the scenographer was asked to contribute his expertise to the creation of this new attraction. “The park’s management gave me the opportunity to be part of the adventure from A to Z: from the initial design through to artistic development and construction techniques, not forgetting the briefing notes and bill of specifications sent out to the companies,” says Julien Bertévas. “The most interesting thing about my work with the team at Parc Astérix is being able to watch the operation unfold from start to finish. This approach let me work alongside two highly involved project managers: Jean-Pierre Sarazin, who deals with the attraction itself, and Mickael Dalencourt, who is more specifically in charge of the construction side of things.” Obelix, immortalised like a Greek god The idea of Obelix and the Ancient Olympic Games quickly became a clear focus for Julien Bertévas and the Parc Astérix team. The scenographer designed props that would be right at home amongst Ancient Greece’s finest treasures. The crazy discus will constantly brush past the columns of the imposing Greek temple which houses part of the queuing area. As it flies endlessly back and forth, the discus ricochets off a pool of water before pivoting at the top of a steep slope, causing a flame to be lit – all under the amused eye of an immense Obelix, six metres tall: the spitting image of an ancient discus-thrower, reviewed and corrected by Albert Uderzo. Did you know ? Obélix est apparu dès la première page de la première bande dessinée Astérix Le Gaulois. DISCOBéLIX : The sensational new attraction References to the comics’ humour “The whole of Parc Astérix references the humour used in the comics,” emphasises Thierry Bourgeois. “So we needed to make sure that the new attraction also conveyed the mood of the comics.“It’s all over the place, encapsulated in little nods, especially in the queuing area, where visitors have time to appreciate every detail. “When you enter the gymnasium just before the temple, for example, you walk through Obelix’s dressing room and see his discus collection. This “discography” contains hard discs, of course... but also floppy discs! On the walls, meanwhile, frescoes tell the story of Obelix and his discus...” An astonishing site Building Discobélix was a challenge because the attraction needed to be inserted into a predetermined space between two existing attractions, and a large proportion of the rails are directly above the lake. “Every building site is different, but this one posed a very special challenge thanks to the installation of a large dam to drain half of the lake. That was a first for Parc Astérix!” explains Frédéric Dubosc, director of new projects. “Parc Astérix is committed to a policy of continual development, with a new attraction almost every year. Following on from OzIris in 2012 and La Forêt d’Idéfix in 2014 (where little Gauls can enjoy the attractions all by themselves), Discobélix will open in April 2016. And work on the new attraction for 2017 has already begun...” adds Frédéric Dubosc. key figures • A discus measuring 10m across • Seats 40 people • 80 m of track • 7 months of construction work • €3 million of investment • Minimum height: 1,2m • A 6m statue of Obelix seasonal programme Parc Astérix has a sensational programme in store in 2016! OpENING: 2ND APRIL 2016 Parc Astérix opens its doors on Saturday 2nd April 2016 with a brand new attraction for the whole family: Discobélix. A GALLIC EVENING AND LONGER DAYS TO CELEBRATE SUMMER! Parc Astérix invites you to see the park in a new light at an exclusive evening visit on 25th June 2016 and longer days – on which the park is open until 10pm – on 9th, 16th, 23rd and 30th July. On the programme: night-time attractions and a sound and light show on OzIris. PEUR SUR LE PARC: FROM 15th OCTOBER TO 2nd NOVEMBER 2016 Peur sur le Parc will return for the eighth time, with Haunted Houses, transformed attractions, street entertainment and three special evening openings on 29th, 30th and 31st October (special tickets required). CHRISTMAS TREES: FROM 19th NOVEMBER TO 18th DECEMBER 2016 For five weekends, Parc Astérix invites staff committees to visit the park like never before – look forward to a Christmas show, snacks and entertainment! Visit www.sorties-ludiques.com for more information APRIL M T W T F S D 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 25 26 27 28 29 30 M T W T F S D 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 M T W T F S D OCTOBER SEPTEMBER M T W T F S D JUNE MAY 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 29 30 M T W T F S D 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 AUGUST JULY 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 M T W T F S D 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 M T W T F S D 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 NOVEMBER M T W T F S D 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 OPENING PARK PARK CLOSED LONGER DAYS PEUR SUR LE PARC EVENINGS WITH A SPECIAL TICKET Parc Astérix, a potion that’s been tried and tested for more than 25 years. Thirty kilometres north of Paris, Parc Astérix,, France’s second most popular theme park, is an exhilarating mix of 39 attractions and five shows shared between six worlds (Les Gaulois, l’Empire Romain, la Grèce Antique, les Vikings, À Travers le Temps, and l’Égypte). A few key figures - More than 1,850,000 visitors in 2015 - Turnover of €80 million in 2015 - More than 80 staff positions - More than 200 permanent employees - 1,000 seasonal employees 29 30 31 young GAULS for Parc Astérix has an entire area just for young gauls: La Forêt d’Idéfix! 5 attractions for little ones aged 3 and up, cooked by the druids • Aérodynamix : Fly away with Aérodynamix! Will his machine give you wings? • Énigmatix : There are bound to be ups and downs with his mechanical system... • Étamine : Étamine the druidess needs help mixing her potions. Watch out... Things are about to bubble over! • Hydrolix : This druid has perfected a machine for travelling up the river. Aérodynamix © A.Sobczyk Be the first to give it a test run – just watch you don’t get swept away! • Lavomatix : Lavomatix the druid has plenty of good intentions, but does he have the good inventions to go with them? Find out with this “wizard” mixture of racing and laundry. Other attractions designed for young children, to discover troughout the park : •L’Escadrille des As : Little planes from the 1900s •Les Petites Chaises Volantes : Flying chairs for little riders •Le Petit Train and Le Mini Carrousel : A miniature train and carrousel •Les Petits Chars Tamponneurs : Take the wheel of a Gallic or Roman bumper car •Les Petits Drakkars : All aboard these Viking ships! •La Rivière D’Elis : A river ride under the watchful eye of the gods •Vikings play area : Quirky slides, jetties and a longboat await budding Vikings •Panoramix and Petit Chêne play areas A special offer just for young Gauls! Free entry for under 7s from 2nd April to 3rd July 2016! *Up to two free child entries (for children under 7) for each full-price adult ticket purchased (€46) Did you know ? Obelix was born on the same day and at the same time as his friend Asterix Hydrolix © S. Cambon for the whole Tribe Most of the 39 attractions at Parc Astérix are for the whole family to enjoy! • Discobélix : A whirlwind adventure with Obelix aboard a giant spinning discus • SOS Numérobis : A high-speed train journey to prove you’re a big kid now. New: the attraction has had a new makeover, with new rails and new cars • Le Défi de César : Dive right into the comics for this 20-minute adventure • Transdémonium : This ghost train will give you a fright in the castle dungeons! • Le Vol d’Icare : The whole family can relive the legend of Icarus on this rollercoaster • L’Hydre de Lerne : A dizzying attraction in the tentacled clutches of a seven-headed monster! • Les Espions de César : Climb aboard a funny little chariot to spy on the Gallic Village and La Forêt d’Idéfix from above. • Nationale 7 : Get that holiday feeling with a trip in these old rattle traps • Les Chaudrons: Cauldrons that spin round and round at top speed... • La Petite Tempête : Little boats that bob up and down on the waves • Les Chevaux du Roy and Le Carrousel de César : Traditional carrousels, “just like the good old days” Splish splash! • Menhir Express : Watch out for currents, whirlpools and the final 13-metre drop... All in a standing stone! • Le Grand Splatch : Splashes guaranteed on this boat trip • Romus et Rapidus : A turbulent trip downstream aboard enormous rafts that rock and reel amidst rapids, whirlpools, geysers and waterfalls... These Romans are crazy! • L’Oxygénarium : Giant circular rafts hurtle down a 195m slide – that’s one way to get a breath of fresh air! • Croisière Épidemaïs : A scenic tour of the Gallic Village, packed with laughs Let yourself be enchanted by our shows! • Révérence : The dolphins and sea lions put on an educational aquatic ballet just for you. Théâtre de Poséidon - 20 minutes • Gaulois-Romains : Le Match : The Gauls and the Romans invite you to the match of the year in the fully renovated arenas. Arènes Romaines - 25 minutes • Magique Panoramix: Panoramix and his two students experiment with potion-making... Laughter and magical effects guaranteed! Théâtre de Panoramix – 25 minutes • Meet the Characters: Asterix, Obelix and their friends welcome you to the village they call home. Gallic Village. • Main Basse sur la Joconde : In the misty harbour of Le Havre, a gang of crooks plot to steal the “Mona Lisa”. Théâtre de la Joconde – 25 minutes Did you know ? Obelix is a seasoned boar eater and gets through an average of three per comic Les Espions de César © S. Cambon thrill-seeking gauls for With loop-the-loops and a vertigo-inducing of over 30 meters, Parc Asterix is also the perfect place to test your limits and get the adrenaline pumping! 3 breathtaking rollercoasters! • OzIris, Parc Astérix’s inverted rollercoaster! This original attraction has surprised many a visitor! Forty metres above the ground, with your feet dangling below you, set off at 90km/h on an airborne adventure that will take your breath away (minimum height: 1.3m) • Tonnerre de Zeus : Are you brave enough to take on Zeus? This wooden rollercoaster reaches 30 metres high and sends visitors hurtling around a dizzying circuit at up to 80km/h… 90 seconds at the speed of lightning! (minimum height: 1.3m) • Goudurix : A coaster with seven hair-raising loop-the-loops, for those who aren’t afraid of taking risks! (minimum height: 1.4m) Tonnerre de Zeus © S. Cambon Other attractions for thrill-seekers • Le Cheval de Troie : A rotating “flying carpet” which goes up to 12 metres high! (minimum height: 1.4m) • La Galère : It’s time to pluck up your courage aboard this giant swinging ship! (minimum height: 1.2m) • La Trace du Hourra : Race downhill in a Gallic bobsled at almost 60km/h! Hurrah...! (minimum height: 1.2m) • Les Chaises Volantes : Soar round and round on one of 48 flying chairs, 10m off the ground (minimum height: 1.2m) Special offers for our most courageous Gauls! Parc Astérix is offering an exclusive deal for visitors aged between 15 and 25 years old: €29 to enjoy the park for the entire day between 2nd June and 8th July 2016* *Ticket must be reserved online at parcasterix.fr. Offer valid during the week, except on Wednesdays. Subject to availability. Did you know ? Obelix was the first character to utter the famous line “These Romans are crazy”, in Asterix the Gladiator OzIris © S.Cambon visit a whole new world After a day of adventures, there’s nothing quite like taking a wellearned rest at the Parc Astérix Hotel*** A comfortable home in the countryside, with a cosy atmosphere and woodlands-inspired décor, the Parc Astérix Hotel***, located in the Oise Regional Park, is a real haven of peace. With direct, exclusive access to Parc Astérix, the hotel has 100 large rooms of 30m2 with a terrace or balcony and room for up to five people! Heaven on earth for your little gauls! Wall beds separated from the parents area for increased comfort and independence, a generous outdoor space and a large games room where the laughter never stops. At weekends and during the school holidays, magicians and characters from the park even drop by to say hello! And for big gauls Relax in the cosy sitting room around the impressive 20 metre high fireplace. Or you could check out the large main terrace, the chill-out area with its pool table and bookshelves, the three themed restaurants, free, unlimited Internet access (Wi-Fi) and the lounge bar. For your woodland stay... Family Package with 2 days in the park and 1 night’s accommodation, based on 2 adults and 2 children aged 12 and under: from €122.50/person. Information and booking: www.parcasterix.fr or call +33 (0) 826 30 10 40 (€0.15/min from a French landline) Extend your stay in one of our nearby partner hotels! No matter how many of you there are and what you plan to do, Parc Astérix has the perfect accommodation for your group, thanks to these partner hotels located near the park: Première Classe Saint Witz, Campanile Saint Witz, Novotel Saint Witz, Groupe Apparthotel Roissy-En-France, Novotel Paris CDG, and Première Classe Roissy CDG. For information and booking, call +33 (0) 826 30 10 40 (€0.15/min from a French landline) Did you know ? Obelix has only tasted the magic potion twice in his adult life Hôtel des Trois Hiboux ©J-L. Bellurget an environmentally responsible park In keeping with its natural setting and Gallic heart, Parc Astérix places special priority on respecting and preserving the environment, and is developing various initiatives to do so even more effectively. Eco-Grazing Since 2015, Parc Astérix has been home to a herd of Ouessant sheep from Brittany, who “mow” the park’s grass the natural way. Besides replacing lawnmowers, which guzzle energy and release pollutants, eco-grazing is a great way to enrich and preserve local ecosystems. Historic partnerships Moutons d’Ouessant Parc Astérix and its hotel, the Hôtel des Trois Hiboux have a long-running agreement with the Picardy Conservatory for Natural Areas. An educational nature trail begins just behind the hotel, in the Bois de Morrière woods. This partnership allows the Conservatory’s personnel to maintain dry and wet moorland which is home to rare and protected species including cross-leaved heath, heath dog-violet, grassleaf speedwell and marsh St John’s wort. Electric vehicle solutions Parc Astérix has provided electric vehicles to its maintenance and catering services for several years now. These vehicles produce fewer emissions and are carbon neutral. Subtainable developments : A top priority for the Compagnie des Alpes group Since 2004, the Compagnie des Alpes has published an annual “Sustainable Development” report in order to lay down guidelines common to all the group’s companies. Iso 9001 certification In 2014, Parc Astérix received ISO 9001 certification, the international benchmark for quality management. The park places great importance on visitor satisfaction, and this includes providing environmentally friendly facilities in a natural setting. Today, visitor satisfaction and sustainable development go hand in hand. Did you know ? Obelix’s name features in two volume titles: Obelix and Co. (1976) and Asterix and Obelix All at Sea (1996) Special offers for smart gauls Find all our special offers on our website, www.parcasterix.fr « Futé » ticket Book at least seven days in advance for reduced prices! Adult: €39 (12 and over) and Child: €36 (ages 3 to 11 inclusive*) « Liberté » ticket Available now, book your one-day open ticket to Parc Astérix. Ticket valid throughout the 2016 season (please check the park opening calendar). Adult: €47 (12 and over) and Child: €39 (ages 3 to 11 inclusive*) *Free for children under 3 Gallic tribe Benefit from our group discounts when you bring the whole tribe along in July and August 2016. Valid for the purchase of 5 to 15 tickets in a single transaction. €37 for 5 to 9 people and €35 for 10 to 15 people. Book at parcasterix.fr at least five days in advance. Rapidus pass Pass available online or at the ticket desks at Parc Asterix. For €20, enjoy exclusive, fast-track access to the park’s six biggest attractions (OzIris, Tonnerre de Zeus, Le Grand Splash, La Trace du Hourra, Menhir Express and Discobélix) pass rapidus Parc Astérix season pass The season pass is the ideal solution for unlimited park visits. Named ticket valid throughout the 2016 season (please check the park opening calendar). Price: €99/Adult and €89/Child (includes parking) Exclusive advantages: 30% discount at the Hôtel des Trois Hiboux, 10% reduction in the shops on the “Rues de Paris” (on purchases of €20 or more) and 10% reduction in the park’s main restaurants (on purchases of €10 or more) New « Decouverte » season pass Enjoy unlimited access to the park from 2nd April to 15th October, except on certain days (5th -8th May long weekend, 14th to 16th May long weekend, Saturdays in June, and Saturdays 9th, 16th, 23rd and 30th July). Price: €85/Adult and €75/Child (includes parking) Special offers for smart gauls Premium day out Experience a unique adventure with a “Premium” day out at Parc Astérix For €139 per adult and €89 per child (aged 3 to 11 inclusive) enjoy these exclusive advantages: - Unlimited access to the six biggest attractions (OzIris, Tonnerre de Zeus, Menhir Express, Le Grand Splash, la Trace du Hourra, and Discobélix) - Lunch at the Restaurant du Lac - Premium seats at the park’s various shows - Souvenir photo from one attraction - Premium parking included Book at www.parcasterix.fr at least two days in advance. Weather guarantuee : don’t let the sky fall on your head For every dated ticket bought online, you can add our weather guarantee. For 2 euros, we guarantee we will invite the visitor back to the park if the equivalent of 5mm or more of rain falls on the day of the visit (during the park’s opening hours). To put that into perspective, 5mm is around one hour of heavy rain or four hours of light rain. A smart application The Parc Astérix application gives you access to loads of information both before your visit and onsite. - Check out all the information you need to prepare you visit: details on the attractions and shows, an interactive map, and more. - Online meal booking - Map with navigation system - Real-time queue lengths and show schedules - Attraction sorting by criteria, and the option to create a “Favourites” list Download the application free on iTunes and Google Play. PRACTICAL information Access by road 30km north of Paris. From the Paris/Lille A1 motorway, take the Parc Astérix exit between exits 7 and 8. Shuttles • Shuttle from the Louvre Daily departure at 8.45am. Return at 6.30pm from Parc Astérix. Call +33 (0) 1 53 48 39 53 for shuttle information Access: Louvre (Palais Royal metro station): via the entrance to the Carrousel du Louvre on Rue Rivoli or via the Pyramid. Take the lift from Hall Charles V (in the shopping area) • Shuttle from Charles de Gaulle Airport CDG Airport/Parc Astérix by RER (suburban rail system) and regular shuttles Take RER Line B3 from Paris Gare du Nord to Aéroport Charles De Gaulle Terminal 1, Terminal 3 Go to the Parcs de Loisirs (Theme Parks) desk to be directed to the ASTERIX shuttles, which leave every 30 minutes from 9am until 7pm. Call +33 (0) 1 48 62 38 33 for more information Visitors services • Car park (€10 fee) - Bus park • Kennel outside the park, daily fee • Bureau de change at the Groups entrance • Cash machines • Lockers • Baby facilities and pushchair rental • Wheelchair rental for disabled visitors • Medical centre • Picnic areas outside the park’s grounds Information and booking • +33 (0) 826 30 10 40 (€0.15/min from a French landline) • parcasterix.fr • Parc Astérix – BP 8 – 60 128 Plailly, France • Parc Astérix - BP 8 - 60 128 Plailly Press contacts The staff at Parc Astérix and the Thomas Marko et Associés Press Relations Agency are at your disposal. Parc Astérix Géraldine Régnault + 33 (0) 3 44 62 34 11 [email protected] Thomas Marko et Associés press agency Céline Coulaud + 33 (0) 1 53 20 38 70 [email protected] Marjorie Rousseau-Azzahir + 33 (0) 1 44 90 85 20 [email protected] For all photo requests... High-definition visuals are available for you to download and use, free of charge, in the press area of our website at http://www.parcasterix.fr/communiques-de-presse (“médiathèque” tab) Visit Parc Astérix online : https://www.facebook.com/parcasterix/ https://twitter.com/ParcAsterix/ https://www.instagram.com/parcasterix/ https://www.youtube.com/channel/ UC-U5XNbsskJT-V3B1MvK_XQ