Bonjour ! (P1 /P2) - Institut français d`Écosse
Bonjour ! (P1 /P2) - Institut français d`Écosse
Bonjour ! (P1 /P2) FOR TEACHERS Written by Marie-Christine Thiébaut, Education officer at the Institut français in Edinburgh. This activity worksheet in combination with the power point presentation “Bonjour” you can also download online for free describes the first steps in French for the wee ones (P1/P2). I just hope it helps Scottish primary school teachers who want to teach French from P1. I would be happy to receive any feedback from primary teachers using this material. You can contact me if you want to at : [email protected] Communicative objectives: To introduce somebody: C’est … To learn 2 French first names: Coralie and Victor. To learn to say “oui” (yes) or “non” (no) in French To learn to introduce surnames of adults: Monsieur / Madame (Coralie and Victor. To ask for someone’s name: Qui est-ce? C’est …? To learn to say “bonjour” (hello) and “Au revoir” (goodbye) to set up from the beginning the routine in French your class. To learn to say “Ça va?” (how are you?) and ‘très bien, merci!” for the routine Get the French pronunciation right from the beginning To learn first sounds in French, especially the syllabic pronunciation pattern To learn the pronunciation of the French vowels: I, A, O, OU [u], EU [Ø], [õ]. and French consonant “R”: Coralie / Victor / Bonjour/ Au revoir Activité 1 (SLIDE 1 / eventually SLIDE 2 for writing support): Introduce to your pupils their new French friends. Teacher: Bonjour! Do you want me to introduce you to your new French friends in France? Chut … (Put your finger on your lips) Ecoutez bien! (Touch both your ears) On the slide, you can click on to get the original sound from a native speaker. C’est Coralie. Répétez (repeat)=> Hold out one hand and rotate it in a circle at the wrist showing the movement of a truning wheel) This time, clap your hand when you pronounce the syllable: one clap one syllable. C’est – CLAP / CO – CLAP / RA- CLAP / LIE- CLAP A vous. (That’s your turn!) C’est Victor. C’est – CLAP / VIC – CLAP/ TOR- CLAP A vous! (That’s your turn!) Page 1 C’est Madame OUI. (Mrs YES) C’est – CLAP / MA – CLAP/ DAM(e)- CLAP / OUI CLAP C’est Monsieur NON. (Mr. NO. Look at his face, he always says NON) C’est – CLAP / MEU – CLAP / SIEU(r)- CLAP / NON CLAP To avoid monotony in the class, vary the kind of repetition you train with your pupils: You can also let your pupils repeat in “syllable groups” so that every group says a part of the sentence and must pay attention on what other groups are saying. Group 1: C’EST Group 2: CO Group 3: RA Group 4: LIE And then all together: C’est Coralie. You can do it then from left to right and then in no particular order of groups (Start with group 4 saying “C’ est”, then group and ending with group 2 saying “LIE”) You can also - play with the intensity of the voice (slowly, quickly, quietly, loudly, sadly, singing, as if you were in a bad / good mood…). - vary with boy voices and girls voices like in a canon with 4 voices (= 4 syllables). - Vary the pace when saying the syllables. - Whisper the secret sentence in the ear of one children who has to convey the message to the next one. Activité 2: Listen to recognise the French sounds “i”, “a”, “o” Note for the teacher: You can focus on one sound or more, the best would be to do one or two small phonetic exercise per lesson. In French there is no diphtongue, vowels are always “flat”. Each child has two Flash cards in his hand: one with OUI on it, the other one with NON on it. The child has to recognise, if there is a French “i” in the French word which is spelt out by the teacher. LISTEN TO THE FRENCH SOUND “i” Teacher: If you hear the French sound “i”, show the card with “OUI”. Prêts? (Are you ready?) C’ est parti (Let’s go!) CORALIE – VICTOR – NON - OUI – MADAME – MONSIEUR (no sound i in this one !) – You can extend the list with words they don’t know now, but they will be introduced in the nest lesson! It is also a way to show pupils that they can success in this task even if they don’t know the French word and so, they can develop a positive attitude towards unknown nouns instead being afraid of them! QUI – J’AI – FILLE – SUIS – BONJOUR – MERCI - AU REVOIR (no sound i in this one !) – Note for the teacher: In French, the pronunciation is sometimes different from the spelling. Au revoir – [ORWUAR ] (more frequent), possible to spell out 0- R(EU)- WUAR Monsieur – [M(EU)SJ(EU) ] Silent E often at the end: Coralie, Madame, but also between 2 consonants: Au revoir Page 2 LISTEN TO THE FRENCH SOUND “A” Teacher: If you hear the French sound “a”, show the card with “OUI”. Prêts? (Are you ready?) C’est parti (Let’s go!) CORALIE – VICTOR – NON - OUI – MADAME – MONSIEUR – CA VA LISTEN TO THE FRENCH SOUND “0” Teacher: If you hear the French sound “o”, show the card with “OUI”. Prêts? (Are you ready?) C’est parti (Let’s go!) MADAME – VICTOR – NON - OUI – CORALIE – MONSIEUR (no sound “o” in this one!) – Note for the teacher: In French, the pronunciation is sometimes different from the spelling. O+N = [õ] like in “non” O+U = [u] like in “OU – I” E+U= [Ø] like in Monsieur Activité 3 (Literacy): SYLLABLES JIGSAW (see page 14. You can use color paper to print on) Find out the names of your new friends! Cut out the squares. Find out the name of your three new friends. Who is missing? Solution : CO-RA-LIE / MA-DAME-OUI / VIC-TOR Monsieur Non is missing. CO DAME LIE TOR OUI VIC RA MA Teacher’s note : To support this word jigsaw, the combination of colours helps (even if it not consciously done). Jaune (CO) + bleu (RA) = vert (LIE) Violet (Ma) + blanc (DAME) = rose (OUI) Activité 4 (SLIDE 3-9): Ask for someone’s name: Qui est-ce? C’ est …? Teacher’s note : The more frequent way to ask a question orally in French is to use the intonation question pattern. For « Who is it » in French, French say « C’est qui?» or “Qui c’est?, but write “Qui est-ce?” (question with inversion verb + subject) . Asking a child “Comment t’appelles-tu?” is very unusal, a French child (even an adult) would ask spontaneously : “Comment tu t’appelles?” or “Tu t’appelles comment?”, but you cannot really write it… That’s a dilemma in school, because there is a mixture of questions patterns in French which may confuse teacher and pupils. The question with “est-ce que” can be used in oral and written form. Page 3 Slide 3 : Teacher asks: Qui est-ce ? (ki / es : 2 syllables) Pupils answer : Madame Oui Teacher : Oui, bravo ! C’ est Madame OUI. Slide 4: Teacher asks: Qui est-ce ? (ki / es : 2 syllables) Pupils answer : Monsieur NON Teacher : Oui, bravo ! C’est Monsieur NON. Slide 5 : Teacher asks: Qui est-ce ? (ki / es : 2 syllables) Pupils answer : Coralie Teacher : Oui, bravo ! C’est Coralie. Slide 6 : Teacher asks: Qui est-ce ? (ki / es : 2 syllables) Pupils answer : Victor Teacher : Oui, bravo ! C’est Victor. Slide 7 : Teacher asks: Qui est-ce ? (ki / es : 2 syllables) Pupils answer : Coralie Pupils answer : Victor Teacher : Oui, bravo ! C’est Coralie et Victor. Slide 8: Teacher asks: Qui est-ce ? (ki / es : 2 syllables) Pupils answer : Monsieur Non Pupils answer : Madame Oui Teacher : Oui, bravo ! C’est Monsieur Non et Madame Oui. Slide 9 : Ask now a pupil to come to the board to show one friend. The pupil asks : Qui est-ce? The pupil who asks can choose who should answer. The pupil who answers comes to the board and ask other classmates… You can also ask your pupils to describe in 3 sentences in English physically one friend. The other should guess who it is. Activity: Devinez! (Let’s have a think) Do you think that Monsieur Non and Madame Oui are married together ? Let the children express their think and why they are married or not. If they are not married together, how do you call Mrs Oui’ husband? and Mr. Non’s wife? Ansswer: Monsieur Oui / Madame Non. Dessinez Monsieur Oui / Madame Non. (Draw the picture of M. Oui / Mme Non). Activité 5 (SLIDE 10- 15): For the following slides, ask you pupils to stand up and say “OUI” when it is the right answer. They remain seated, shake their head and say “NON”. Ask a team to find the right answer and give it 2 points. Page 4 Slide 10 : Teacher (as if he/she cannot really see who it is): Regardez ! Look ! C’ est Coralie ? Pupils: (Mais) Non, c’est madame Oui. Slide 11 : Teacher (as if he/she cannot really see who it is): Regardez ! Look ! C’ est Monsieur Non? Pupils: (Mais) Non, c’est Victor ! Slide 12: Teacher (as if he/she cannot really see who it is): Regardez ! Look ! C’est Madame Oui? Pupils: Oui, oui, c’est madame Oui ! Slide 13 : Teacher (as if he/she cannot really see who it is): Regardez ! Look ! C’est Victor? Pupils: Oui, oui, c’est Victor ! Slide 14 : Teacher (as if he/she cannot really see who it is): Regardez ! Look ! C’est Coralie? Pupils: Oui, oui, c’est Coralie! Slide 15 : Teacher (as if he/she cannot really see who it is): Regardez ! Look ! C’est Monsieur Non? Pupils: Oui, oui, c’est Monsieur Non! Activité 6 (SLIDE 16): Learn to say hello in French Refresh the structures your pupils have already learnt: Qui est-ce? / C’est … C’est XX ? Oui, c’est XX C’est YY ? Non, c’est XX. In turn, ask your pupil to say « Bonjour + name » to their new friends. Activité 7 (SLIDE 17): Learn your first question in French “Ça va?” and to give your first answer! Slide 17: Introduce the question “Ça va?” and two possible answers: Super, merci ! (+++ thumb up!) “Bof!” (+++ thumb down!) Teacher: Greet some children: “Bonjour, + first name” and ask them “Ça va?” The child chooses one of the two possibilities: Très bien (Super), merci ! (+++ thumb up!) “Bof!” (+++ thumb down!) Then ask the children to work in groups of three children. The teacher gives each child in each group of three a card (see flashcard/finger puppet with the characters) with one of the “friends” (M. Non, Mme Oui, Victor or Coralie). Child 1 shows to one other child 2 his flashcard with his character. Child 2 introduces to child 3 child 1: C’est Monsieur Non/ Madame Oui/Victor/Coralie. Child 3 greets in French child 2 in French: Bonjour, Monsieur Non/ Madame Oui/Victor/Coralie. Child 2 greets back: Bonjour, Monsieur Non/ Madame Oui/Victor/Coralie. Ça va? Child 3 answers: Très bien (Super), merci ! (+++ thumb up!) Page 5 That’s easy: How to do a finger puppet (copy out the characters page 11-12) To do a finger puppet, cut out the squares with the friends, ask the children to choose one and to colour it. Then ask them to roll the square and fix it with scotch tape. Activité 8 (Slide 18): Introducing oneself. a. Un garçon ou une fille? Show on a girl in the class: C’ est une fille. Show then on a boy in the class: C’ est un garçon! Let pupils repeat: une fille / un garçon. At this stage you can introduce the numbers 1 to 6 (see power point about the numbers) b. Ecoutez! (Click on to listen to Coralie introducing herself in French) Show with your fingers the number 6 for making understanding Coralie’s age) Let the children guess what she has said, what sort of information about herself she gave. Structures: Je suis + first name J’ ai + (age) ans Une fille / un garçon c. Fill in the identity card (for children with more reading and writing skills) Le nom: Le nom: L’âge: L’âge: Une fille ? un garçon? Une fille ? un garçon? d. Ecoutez! (Click on to listen to Victor introducing himself in French and fill in the grid above) (Slide 19 includes the text if you want to introduce the written form, but the pronunciation must be trained before!) e. Build a human sentence (Literacy) For children for more advanced reading skills (Please make sure the pronunciation of the French words sits before doing this exercise). Page 6 Build groups. Give the children cards with the French words. Ask them to rearrange them in an appropriate way to form a sentence (less demanding) or a mini dialogue (more demanding). Each child has to show other pupils their word and speak it out. You can easily prepare flashcards with syllables (see page 15-20) or whole words to build sentences. Groupe 1: BONJOUR NON TRES C’EST ÇA BIEN MONSIEUR VA? MERCI Groupe 2: BONJOUR J’AI SUIS C’EST 6 ANS UNE CORALIE JE FILLE Groupe 3: BONJOUR J’AI SUIS C’EST 5 ANS UN VICTOR JE GARÇON Groupe 4: BONJOUR OUI ÇA BIEN C’EST ÇA VA MERCI MADAME VA? TRES AU REVOIR! f. Build a French sentence chain Build one circle with all children. Child 1 introduces his classmate on the right: C’ est XX and passes him on an object (a pen, a puppet.. whatever). Child 2 (XX): Bonjour, je suis XX. (introduces his classmate XXX on the right side) Child 3 (XXX): Bonjour, je suis XXX. J’ai 5 ans. C’ est … Start clockwise and a few minute later from the other side so that objects have to cross the circle at some point and both come back the first child. f. Now it is your turn to introduce yourself. Draw a picture of you in the center of an A4-sheet and introduce yourself & your friends in French! Activité 9 (Slide 20): Coralie and Victor introduce you to their friends! Ecoutez Coralie! Circle in red Coralie’s friends (alternatively, print for each group the 8 characters and when they hear the name of one of Coralie’s friend, pupils have to take the card away. The child who is the quickest and has got the most cards has won. Ecoutez Victor. Circle in blue Victor’ s friends. Page 7 Solution: Coralie’s friends : Victor, Elmer l’éléphant, Madame Oui , Didou Victor’s friends: Sophie la souris (the mouse), Didou le lapin (the rabbit), les Barbapapa Activité 10 (Slide 21): Coralie and Victor say goodbye! In turn, we all say goodbye to Coralie and Victor and their friends. Au revoir Coralie! Au revoir Victor! Au revoir Elmer ! Au revoir Sophie ! Au revoir Didou ! Au revoir les Barbapapa ! Au revoir Madame Oui ! Au revoir Monsieur non ! A bientôt ! (See you soon) Jeu : Qui manque? (Who is missing?) Put the children into teams. Give each group of 3 children the flashcards with the 8 friends. All flashcards are on the table, face up. All children (except one) close their eyes. The child with open eyes takes a flashcard away. The other children open their eyes and have to guess who is missing using the structure” C’est ….”. The child who has taken the flashcard away says: Oui, c’ est Madame Oui or simply “Non”. The quickest child who has guessed who was missing can now take a flashcard away. Alternatively for more language input (more demanding): The child who did the right guess stands up, shuttle the hand of Madame Oui (the missing flashcard) Say hello in French and introduce himself in French or ask a question in French. You can print out the characters, lety the children choose one, colour it to do a finger puppet (cf. p.11) Example: Pupil 1 takes a flashcard away. Peter: C’est Madame Oui ? Pupil 1: Oui, c’est Madame Oui. Peter(stands up) : Bonjour Madame Oui. . Je suis Peter. Pupil 1 (stands up) :Bonjour , Peter. Ça va ? Page 8 Peter : Très bien, merci. Au revoir Madame Oui! Peter keeps the flashcard (=2 points). It is now Peter’s turn to take a flashcard away. Jeu : Les 10 mots cachés ÇA – MONSIEUR- MADAME- SUIS- BONJOUR- OUI – NON-QUI-MERCI-JESolution : J O Ç A U B M J Ç A E N S U I S Q U I S O A N E O U I S N O N V I J I N O M A D A M E E M U M E R C I U B O N J O U R L O E N S N Q U I N B U M I S O O N O U I S N V I J I A D A M E E M E R C I U O N J O U R Slide 22: Have a look at French books with all the French friends. Project: Presentation poster “C’est moi” If you have a link with a primary school in France, the presentation could be sent to it as a means of introduction. A link with a school in France provides endless possibilities for the exchange of information, particularly intercultural! If you are looking for a primary school in France, please write an email to: [email protected] Alternatively start a “Me book” Ask your pupils to do a “me book” with on the first page a presentation of themselves. They can draw themselves and write down a speech bubble to introduce themselves and their friends in French. This “me book” (in French: “C’est moi” / That’s me”) let them feel everyone is unique. It boosts their self-confidence and helps them developing the awareness of who they are. The “Me book” can be extended later on with other topics (my friends, my family, my pets, my toys the food/the colors I like/I dislike…) to accompany them throughout the year –step by step. Copy the speech bubbles to help the wee ones to present themselves (see page 13) To print out: Page 9 Page 10 To print out, colour, cut out the squares, roll and glue to do finger puppets. Page 11 Page 12 To print out: 5 garçons + 5 filles BONJOUR. JE SUIS …………… J’AI ………… ANS. JE SUIS UN GARÇON. BONJOUR. JE SUIS …………… J’AI ………… ANS. JE SUIS UN GARÇON. BONJOUR. JE SUIS …………… J’AI ………… ANS. JE SUIS UN GARÇON. BONJOUR. JE SUIS …………… J’AI ………… ANS. JE SUIS UN GARÇON. BONJOUR. JE SUIS …………… J’AI ………… ANS. JE SUIS UN GARÇON. BONJOUR. JE SUIS …………… J’AI ………… ANS. JE SUIS UNE FILLE. BONJOUR. JE SUIS …………… J’AI ………… ANS. JE SUIS UNE FILLE. BONJOUR. JE SUIS …………… J’AI ………… ANS. JE SUIS UNE FILLE. BONJOUR. JE SUIS …………… J’AI ………… ANS. JE SUIS UNE FILLE. BONJOUR. JE SUIS …………… J’AI ………… ANS. JE SUIS UNE FILLE. Page 13 CO DAME LIE TOR OUI VIC RA MA CO DAME LIE TOR OUI VIC RA MA CO DAME LIE TOR OUI VIC RA MA Page 14 Flashcards to cut out =>Speak out syllables and recognise simple words. => Build a human chain (e.g. a s a race between groups or with differentiation (different sentences per group). BON JOUR ÇA MON SIEUR VA? TRES BIEN NON MER CI AU RE VOIR Page 15 BON JOUR ÇA MA DAME VA? TRES BIEN OUI MER CI AU RE VOIR Page 16 BON JOUR ÇA CO RA VA? LIE BIEN TRES MER CI Page 17 BON JOUR JE SUIS VIC TOR. J’AI 5 ANS. JE SUIS UN GAR ÇON. Page 18 BON JOUR JE SUIS CO RA J’AI 6 ANS. JE SUIS UNE FILLE. LIE Page 19 BON JOUR JE SUIS VIC TOR. J’AI 5 ANS. JE SUIS UN GAR ÇON. Page 20