Why does the Endless Column seem everlasting?
Why does the Endless Column seem everlasting?
Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions - Modena, Lourenço & Roca (eds) © 2005 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 04 1536 379 9 Why does the Endless Column seem everlasting? C.A. Safta Univers ity Politehnica 01 Bucharesr, Romania ABSTRACT: The paper firstly presents the geometrieal data used for shaping the Endless Column, loeated in Targu-Jiu, Romania, as well as the physical data about site and environment. Recent investigations in the subsonic wind tunnel have shown the influenee of Colurnn shape on wind flow around it. The influence of Geometry on Kármán 's alternate vortiees and wind gusts was further analytically searehed. Finally, the virtual analysis was devoted to wind flow around horizontal and vertical cross-seetions. The answer to title question is affirmative, indeed. (Sofronie 200 I, 2003). Brancusi succeeded this performance with the aid of Geometry. By combining the geometrical properties of his modules he bridged according to his own statement the earth with the sky. Particularly, with his masterpiece it seems Brancusi either defined the wind or on the contrary succeeded to tame and control its force. The paper tries to disclose the influence of Colurnn shape on wind power. INTRODUCTION The dynamic parameters ofthe Endless Colurnn were measured in situ atTargu Jiu only in 1984 after4 7 years since its erection, with the participation of Colurnn builder Stefan Georgescu-Gorjan. It was found that the period ofnatural oscillations in fundamental mode is near 2 seconds (Georgescu 2004). This large value is typical for very flexible structures. The History of Science is mentioning many damages caused to similar constructions like submarine periscopes, industrial smoke stacks and gas pipelines. The failure ofTacoma suspension bridge near Seattle in 1940 is also due to its high flexibility (Yamada 2004). However, the Endless Column by its motionless standing, has never drawn attention on any danger coming from wind or earthquakes. Only after the maintenance works carried out between 1996 and 2000 some questions about its stability to wind were raised. On the basis of some laboratory tests performed in Italy it was established that the Column has a reliable behaviour under wind actions (Lungu 2002). On the other hand by a com parative study and theoretical analysis it was found that the Colurnn is aeroelastically stable (Safta 2002a, b). Subsequent studies have shown that the Colurnn is not only stable but even aeroelastically indifferent (Safta 2003). Finally, after some investigations on a model in wind tunnel , new data have been brought for supporting the aeroelastic stability of the Colurnn (Safta 2004). There are many colurnn-like monuments but the Colurnn in Targu Jiu is the only endless in the world. lts infinity is not an adjective resulting from a mystic rich imagination, a legend or a fairy tale. The endlessness of the Column is a reality based on the laws of automorphism as it was topologically demonstrated 2 GEOMETRY AND SHAPE The Endless Colurnn in Targu Jiu is composed by cast iron modules threaded along a central steel pillar. Each module is shaped as a decahedron with eight identical isosceles trapeziums as equally inclined faces and two identical squares as bases (Fig. I). The decahedron has five symmetry plans, four vertical and one horizontal. Since the eight faces are sl ightly swelled out the inc1ined sides of the hexagons in the four vertical plans of symmetry are a little eurved. Due to the existing horizontal plan ofsymmetry at the middle of module height, the decahedron shaped as above can be regarded as composed by two congruent hexahedra with eommon squared bases. Both types of polyhedral shapes satisfy the topological relationship F+V=E+C (1) where F = number of faces; V = number of vertices; E = number of edges; and C = 2 is Euler's characteristie. As metrical relations, the sides of the two base squares have 45 em, the sides of middle square have 90 cm while the height of each hexahedron is 90 em that means the total height of decahedral module is 667 180 em. From the above data for eaeh hexahedron results the proportion 1: 1: 1 while for deeahedron is 1:2:4. The Column eonsists of one basie module with a height of 136 em, 15 identieal modules of 180 em eaeh, and one semi-module at the topo Its total height is 29.35 m, and total weight 29, 173 kg. The Endless Column is far from having an aerodynamie shape and its reed slenderness allows to be suspeeted of instability. However, due to repeti tive modules, the shape of Column has a perfeet regularity and the eonvex edges are rigorously alternating with the eoneave ones. As a eonsequenee if a uniformly flow meets sueh an obstacle it beeomes turbulent, but with a high degree of uniformity. On the other side a non-uniformly flow is expeeted to be transformed by the Column into less non-uniformly one. Probably Braneusi was aware ofthis quality ofhis Column when he stated: "fts shapes are the samefrom earth to sky; it is standing by its own power, motionless and well inserted in earth; everything should startfrom earth ". 3 Figure I. The Endless Column was ereeted in the first fortnight of November 1937 (Georgeseu-Gorjan 2004). lt is loeated on a large open platform that rose up a little over the town Targu Jiu giving a good view of its surroundings. The former hey market is now arranged as a publie park, but without trees or other vegetation, just grass and flowers along some wide alleys. From aerodynamie point of view that means the ground roughness is redueed and there are no obstacles around the site able to ereate turbulenee or disturb in any way the air eurrents. Aetually, looked from the ground leveI, the Column has always a motionless appearanee, that being very eosy. There is no any testimony about the slightest movement during its long serviee. The whole plateau near the Carpathian Mountains, where the Column is loeated, enjoys a rather mi ld weather: warm but not hot summers and eool but not eold winters, both being dry seasons. The rainy seasons of spring and autumn are poor enough in preeipitations . Aeeording to the records received from the National lnstitute of Meteorology and Hydrology in Bueharest, between 196 1 and 2000 the medium frequeney of calm days was 64.1 %. In the same period, the medium annual wind velocity was 3.6 mls in NV direction and 2.1 mls in SE direction (Fig. 2). However, the maximum annual wind velocity reaehed 34 mls on SV direetion (Table 1). Oecahedral module. N 4 SE SV Figure 2. WIND TUNNEL INVESTIGATIONS The wind tunnel 'Elie Carafoli' from the National Institute for Aerospace Research in Bueharest was established in 1968. It was eertified by Aerospatiale in 1994 using a powered ATR 42 model. The test ehamber in elosed circuit, with a maximum velocity of 100 m/s Frequency and wind velocity. Table l. SITE AND ENVIRONMENT Maximum w ind velocities (\96 1- 2000). Month Velocity (m/s) Oirection 20 N Il 111 IV V VI VII VIII IX X 34 SV 24 NV 18 N 24 NV 26 N 24 N 16 SV 20 N 668 Xl XII Max 17 16 N 12 N 34 SV SV is equipped with six components, pyramidal type, and an externai mechanical balance. The measuring process is automatically controlled and data are displayed on the control panel and handled by a built in data acquisition system. The model is mounted directly on the balance or by using 1,2 or 3 pods. The model position is automatically set by the aid of the pods and by rotating the balance around the vertical axe. Capabilities: maximum load 10,000 N; accuracy 0.0 I %. Apart from aircraft models, the tunnel usually performs aerodynamic tests on car, building, antenna, tower or other civil structure models. For smoke and wire tests, a wooden model of the Endless Colurnn, scaled at 1:22, was used. The model was painted in black before testing to ensure a good visibility and provide smooth surfaces. 80th principal directions ofthe cross section, at 0° and 45°, were investigated. However, due to the reduced model scale the test had only a qualitative character. Its aim was to observe the influence of Column geometry on the f10w appearance. For this purpose, the velocity of air stream was gradually increased from about I m/s up to Figure 3. View ofthe tunnel and its control pane!. Figure 4. View ofthe model on its base in wind tunne!. 30 m/s. A special attention was devoted to the crosssections where the modules are convex, assuming a maximum thickness and to the cross-sections where the modules are concave, assuming a minimum thickness. Two phenomena have been observed: (1) At all velocities behind the model, the f10w beca me strongly turbulent but never occurred alternate vortices. (2) The dispersion of streamlines behind the model produced in all directions without any preferences while f10w Figure 5. Lateral view ofthe model in wind tunne!. Figure 6. View from above ofthe model in wind tunne!. 669 velocity strongly decreased comparing with the initial velocity, recorded in fro nt ofthe mode!. A special attention was given to the non-uniformity ofhorizontal flow on its thickness due to modules variable geometry. The results of these tests are independent of the scale effect and were used in the virtual analysis as well as for preparing an advanced research program in the wind tunne!. 5 where m = the mass on unit length of cylindrical obstaele; w = lateral displacement of obstaele perpendicular on the flow direction; k = 3EI/ P spring constant; and w = natural circular frequency (Petre (973). If the expression of Kármán force (2) would be a harmon ic function with constant coefficients then equation (7) assumes the solution (8) GEOMETRY AND KÁRMÁN VORTICES It was natural to suspect Kármán vortices able to harm the Column. History is mentioning many cases when submarine periscopes and smoke stacks were damaged or completely destroyed. It seems that the same vortices were responsible for the catastrophe of Tacoma suspension bridge in 1940. Indeed, when a uniform flow ofvelocity V meets a cylindrical obstacle at rest then perpendicular on the flow direction develops the disturbing Kármán force (2) where CK = dimensionless coefficient q = Newton's dynamic basic pressure, pv' q=2 of drag; w(t) = r========CKqA sinyt 1( <)2 +(2~r.)2 llJ (9) -k- Cu OJ It is obvious that when the wind disturbing frequency coincides with natural frequency of obstaele, i.e. y --+ w then the resonance occurs and the amplitude in (8) indefin itely increases while in (9) it becomes (3) p = fluid density; A = cylinder area submitted to flow pressure; y = 2nf circular frequency of disturbing force F K ; f=S~ or by also considering the structural damping defined by ratio c/cc r, that can assume values beginning w ith 3%, (lO) In the case ofthe Endless Column the dimension D is not constant along the height and for a wind with uniform flow and of constant velocity V from Strouhal formula (4) results (4) D jD = SV = consto frequency of vortices; S = Strouhal number; and D = obstaele dimension submitted to flow action or, if D is constant, A =D in m 2 /m. According to d' Alem bert principie the disturb ing force FK is balanced by the inertia force Fi and the elastic force Fe of cylindrical obstacle, i.e. (11 ) Expression (10) defines Strouhal's hyperbola that demonstrates how small variations of cross-section dimensions D produce large variations of disturbing frequencyf (Fig. 7). In these conditions the expression of disturbing force (2) becomes (5) Explicitly, the equation ofmotion becomes (6) or (7) and the motion described by equation (7) is no longer harmonic. Since physically the mechanical system composed by Column and wind is elosed, i.e. there are no other externai sources to induce energy in the system; there is no possibility to increase the intensity of oscillations (Landau & Lifchitz 1966). Practically, that means behind the Column the flow is strongly disturbed and becomes turbulent, but the emission of alternate vortices does not occur any longer. This result was confirmed by the tests carried out in wind tunnel as explained in the previous chapter. 670 q(t) Figure 9. o Diameter Figure 7. Gust impulse. where m = W/g mass of oscillating structure; W = weight of structure; g = gravity acceleration; k = 3EI/[3 spring constant; w 2 = k / m natural circular frequency; and q = Q / m gust force per unit ofmass. Since at the initial moment, 1 = O, the structure is at rest, i.e. u = 0, but with an initial velocity V o equation (14) assumes the solution D(m) Strouhal's hyperbola. u = Vo sincol. co (15) To calculate this displacement, the continuous action ofthe force q is represented by a series of elementary impulses (Fig. 9). As a result ofthe unit impulse dvo = qdr occurring at the instant r , the structure experiences an increment ofvelocity du Figure 8. Elastic structure. =dv" sin CO(I- r) co or replacing dvo with its value qdr one finds 6 GEOMETRY AND GUST ACTlON du = i.sin co(t - r)d r The gust action is a transient phenomenon of short duration. Assume a gust force Q(t) applied on the top of Column producing a horizontal displacement u(t), (Fig. 8). By using again the dynamic equilibrium ofthe disturbing force Q(t) with the inertia force Fi and the elastic force Fe, one obtains F; + F. =Q(I) . (12) Explicitly the equation of motion becomes (13) co Applying the superposition principIe over the who le interval of time t, one obtains the dynamic response of structure to gust action 1 ' u =- Jqsinco(t -r):tr. (14) 671 (17) COo This is Duhamel's convolution integral, firstly solved in 1934 by M.A. Biot (Kármán & Biot 1940). lt contains both free and forced oscillations produced by the disturbing force Q(t). A realistic representation of gust force is given by the function Q(t) = Cte- a, or (16) (18) where C and a are constants that can be chosen so as to give the desired strength Qmax of the structure at 0. 1 0.08 E '5 0.06 c Ql E 0.04 Ql () co C. '" (5 0.02 O Figure 10. 0 ---:670---:7'::-0--:! 80 -0.02 0:----I--1:':o--2-:':o:------:<3o:--~40:----.:5::- Gust function. Parameters a [1/s1 and c [N/kg s] the time ta (Timoshenko & Young 1965) (Fig. 10). For instance, Qmax could be reported to the static pressure of wind provided by codes. Setting the time derivative of expression (7) to zero one obtains C(I-atVGI =0 Figure 11. The response ofColumn structure to gust action. A good approximation to the maximum value of this displacement can be obtained by evaluating u in equation (24) for t = T12, where T = 2rrlw. lndeed, (19) from which results that Qmax occurs at ta = lia . Substituting this value of tinto equation (7) one finds that or c Qmax =-. (20) ae Thus, when Qmax and ta are specified, the constants C and a can be determined. Adopting the notation for the ratio between gust constant C and mass m of oscillating structure C (21) e= - m the expression of gust force per unit of mass of structure at instant r becomes (22) and the dynamic response of structure is defined by the equation u(t) =~ fr e- al wo (25) sinw (t - r)dr . (23) Integrating by parts one finds ete-I" 2ae ( _ u(t) = - Z - -2 + 2 2 2 e ai a +w (a + w ) e(a 2 -w -' ) sinwt w(a 2 +w 2 ) - "u (_!". ) lree--;; 2ae u(w) = + e '" + l . w(a z + w 2 ) (a 2 + W 2 )2 (26) It is easily to notice that displacement u is proportional with e and vary exponentially with a as was represented below for T = 2s, w = 3.14 ç I and e = 1 Nlkg·s (Fig. 11). One can see that only for a S w the displacement u assumes significant values. Forthe values of a between 3.14 and 15 the displacement exponentially decreases and then vanishes, meaning that the structure does not respond any longer to wind gusts. That explains why during its service of almost 70 years, the Column did not experience any response to gust actions. Parameter c contains the influence of Column's geometry. Paradoxically, due to the divergence of module surfaces, the dynamic response of Column structure is weaker than the static response assessed according to code provisions. lt appears that due to its original shaping the Column is endowed with a self-damping system. Wind tunnel investigations to be carried at Yokohama National University might disclose this puzzle. ) coswt + 7 VIRTUAL ANALYSIS ON HORIZONTAL DIRECTION (24) The following model examines unsteady, incompressible flow past a long cylinder, having a square section, 672 Flow: [x velocity (u),y velocity (v)] Flow: [x velocity (u),y velocity (v)] ; 0.225 Figure 12. 45cm. 00.45 Flow around a circular cross-seclion wilh <I> = Figure 15. aI 45°. Flow around lhe same square cross-seclion Flow: [x velocity (u),y velocity (v)] Flow: [x velocity (u),y velocity (v)] o 0.45 00.45 Figure 13. Flow around a square cross-seclion aI 0°. Figure 16. aI 60°. Flow: [x velocity (u),y velocity (v) ] 00.45 Figure 14. aI 30°. Flow around lhe same square cross-seclion placed in an open field of flow, at right angle to the incoming fluido The cylinder is offset somewhat from the centre ofthe flow to make the steady-state symmetrical flow unstable. The simulation time, necessary for a periodic flow pattern to appear, is difficult to predict. A key predictor is the Reynolds number, which is based on cylinder diameter. For low values - below 100 - the Flow around lhe same square cross-section flow is steady. In this simulation, the Reynolds number equals 100, which gives a developed Karman path; but the flow is still not fully turbulent. The method of computation can be validated at a lower Reynolds number, using a nonlinear solver. By comparing the flow patterns for the same flowing parameters, one can find the strong influence of both the shape of cross-section and the angle of attack on the phenomena developed behind the obstacle. The pattem of flow is only of qualitative interest in this analysis beca use the aim of the study was to catch the changes caused by the variable geometry of modules. Around the square cross-section, the streamlines are much clearly defined than around the circular shape. The attack angle is defined by direction of flow with normal to square side. The configuration of streamlines behind the crosssection is very sensible with any slight change in attack angles. Even when the flow follows one of square symmetry axes the flow pattem behind cross-section is not necessarily symmetric. One can conclude that the flow in the horizontal direction behind square cross 673 Flow: [x velocity (u),y velocity (v)] Flow: [x velocity (u),y velocity (v)] • - o 0.48 00.45 Figure 17. at 0°. Flow around a square w ith the side of 45 em Figure 20. at 0°. Flow around a square w ith the side of 48 em Flow: [x velocity (u),y velocity (v)] Flow: [x velocity (u),y velocity (v)] =- 0.46 ~ •... O ::::::. ~Ir--::,r:::.~;:::...==. .=...=~,:::.~ =::.._ ~_ . o 0.46 Figure 18. at 0° . F low around a square with the side of 46 em Flow around a square with the side of 49 em Flow: Lx velocity (u),y velocity (v)J F low: [x ve\ocity (u),y velocity (v)] , - Figure 21. at 0°. : 0 . 47 ~, O ~<C ..... ~ • o 0.47 Figure 19. at 0°. 00.45 Flow around a square with the side of 47 em sections is not favorab le to develop and preserve steady phenomena of vortex emission, at least to reduced velocities. The tests carried out in the wind tunnel at high velocities have shown a stabilization of flow but that field of velocities is not of practical interest for paper purpose. Figure 22. at 45 °. 8 Flow around a square with the side of 45 em VIRTUAL ANALYSIS ON VERTICAL DIRECTION Numerical simulations were performed in steadystate, 2-D flow using commercial software MATLAB with FEMLAB. In order to study the flow in vertical 674 Flow: [x velocity (u),y velocity (v)] . Flow: [x velocity (u),y velocity (v)] - .< :::::::;::;:>.. - - .:",g;:_-;~>~-- ....".;:....~ - -.;. . . -----=-==------=- , 00.49 00.46 Figure 23. aI 45°. Figure 26. Flow around a square wilh lhe side of 46 em Flow: Flow around a square with lhe side of 49 aI 45 °. Flow: [x velocity (u),y velocity (v)] Ix velocity (u),y velocity (v)J ~~ . 0.88 ~J\~ o ~~~C . c . - -= ~ o 00.47 Figure 24. aI 45°. Figure 27. at 0°. Flow around a square wilh lhe side of 47 em , 0.88 Flow around a square with lhe side of 88 em Flow: [x velocity (u),y velocity (v)] Flow: [x velocity (u),y velocity (v)] • o 00.48 Figure 25. aI 45°. Figure 28. at 0°. Flow around a square wilh lhe side of 48 em direclion lhe neighbouring cross-sections were successively considered for two angles of attack, 0° and 45°. The flowing parameters were lhe same in ali cases. By comparing the above ten figures one can observe lhat ali are displaying different pattems. One can not find two identical configurations. The conclusion 0.89 Flow around a square with the side of 89 em is that small variations of si de dimensions immediately modify the flow behind the cross-sections. The changes are not large, but enough to avoid lhe development ofsteady phenomena ofvortex emission what can harm the stability ofthe Column. 675 Flow: [x velocity (u),y velocity (v)] Flow: [x velocity (u),y velocity (v)] . .. . ....... . .. - -: - - - - - - :.~- . o Figure 29. at 0°. o 0.9 Figure 32. at 45°. Flow around a square with the side of 90 cm 0.9 Flow around a square with the side of 90 cm Flow: [x velocity (u),y velocity (v)] Figure 30. at 45 °. Flow around a square with the side of 88 cm Apparently, it is a common concept of shaping, but in fact it has well defined idiomorphic and topological functions. Standing with such qualities on a platform in open air for the Wind Engineeri ng as Science, the Colurnn in Targu Jiu means not only a challenge, but also a great responsibility. Fortunately, ali the results obtained by ana lytical studies, experimental investigations and virtual analysis, as presented above in this pape r, are showing that in normal conditions the wind can not harm the Colurnn and therefore, from this standpoint, it can be considered not only endless, but everlasting too. lt reached the perfection. Actually, ali of Brancusi masterpieces are fascinating because the power of its prying questions is much stronger than the convincing capacity of the answers, sometimes by chance, the Science could findo Flow: [x velocity (u),y velocity (v)] REFERENCES Figure 3 I. at 45° . 9 With the side flow around a square of 89 cm CONCLUSION The geometry ofthe Endless Colurnn distingu ishes by the natural and simply shapes ofmodules successively standing one atop another with perfect regularity. Georgescu, E.S. 2004. Dynamic parameters of the Endless Column. 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