BICC Agen International
BICC Agen International
22 British Homing World, July 6th, 2012 British International Championship Club Agen/Bordeaux The second race on the International race programme took place on Saturday 30th June, when the 736 British birds entered by 116 fanciers were liberated at Agen at 0600hrs, along with 21,651 pigeons from all over Continental Europe. Weather conditions throughout France were forecast to be excellent with a slight helping south-westerly breeze and broken cloud and sunshine throughout the route home from south-west France. Hopes were therefore high that there would be day birds clocked into the UK and so it turned out with 20 birds clocked by nightfall on the first day. Well, actually, there were 21 birds clocked on the day as the winner of 1st Open, 1st E Section Charlie Simmons of Basildon in Essex, returned home from the marking station to find the second of his two entries on the loft. It was quickly clocked but as it was after close of race on the first day, this pigeon counted as a second-day bird. Charlie Simmons is no stranger to success at the top level as he has topped the BICC results at Gellainville in 2002, Falaise in 2009 and now 1st Open BICC Agen International 2012. The first in the clock is a 5y blue pied widowhood cock of Soontjen origin containing Mr & Mrs Clayburn’s Black Ring pair and Mardon’s Geschifte bloodlines. He has been a consistent racer and has a number of previous wins to his credit. Mated in midFebruary he was allowed to rear a single young bird before being placed on widowhood. At the start of the season the widowers are allowed free exercise once daily but as the season progresses they go out twice a day and are allowed to do as they please with no forcing. Charlie does not use a breakdown mixture but prefers to feed the cocks Versele-Laga Super Widowhood mix after each exercise period. The second bird found on the loft on the day is in fact a full brother to the winning pigeon and is also a 5y. You can’t get much better than that – sent two clocked two – both on the day and both brothers!! Well done, Charlie, on achieving your hat-trick of National wins with the BICC. You also win the House of Aarden Sponsored Young Bird. I should mention that ALL International race winners will be allowed to select a young bird from the Stud’s principal stock cocks valued at between £250 and £450. On behalf of all the members of the BICC I would once again like to thank Steve and Lesley Wright for their extremely generous sponsorship and support of the club. Many thanks. In the runner-up position and so 2nd Open 1st C Section is one of the UK’s top fanciers – Mark Gilbert of Winkfield, near Windsor. Mark’s birds are in red hot form at the present time as he clocked five on the result in last week’s Pau International with the BICC including 2nd and 3rd Section (beaten by his dad, Geoff) and in this race he had another field day clocking a number of birds to win 1st , 3rd, 5th and 7th Centre Section 2nd, 6th, 13th and 19th Open. I spoke to Mark on the second day of the race and to say he was excited would be an understatement as he was in the process of clocking his birds on their return from the NFC Tarbes race. He was so excited that he forgot to send me details of his Agen International birds! Perhaps another time? Just behind Mark’s Section winner, beaten by a whisker into 3rd Open 2nd CS is a 2y widowhood cock to former BICC Pau winner John Haynes of Fifield. This 2y latebred was beaten by a decimal for 1st Section and is a previous winner of 10th Open NFC Saintes in 2011 as a yearling. This season he has had three Channel races with the NFC plus Carentan with the BICC in preparation for the Pau International. He has not sat eggs or raised youngsters thus far this season but has been raced on a semi-celibate system only seeing his hen on return from a race. His breeding shows the very best of John’s old reliable Deweerdt family with a cross of birds from André Vermote. The partnership of Lee & Kevin Buddle of Dover are rarely far from the top of any BICC International race result and so it is this time as they follow up their near miss of 2nd Open BICC Pau International of a week earlier by clocking another good pigeon in the Agen race to win 2nd East Charlie Simmons, 1st Open BICC Agen International. Mark Gilbert, 2nd Open BICC Agen. British Homing World, July 6th, 2012 23 John Haynes, 2nd Sect 3rd Open BICC Agen Weekend. Section 4th Open. Lee & Kevin’s timer is a 4y widowhood cock named Spitfire. He is a gson of the dam of the Buddle loft, Buddy. Spitfire has always been a very consistent pigeon having flown NFC Tarbes in 2011 being the partners’ single bird nom. He has also previously won 3rd Open EECC Pithiviers in 2009. In preparation for Bordeaux/Agen hehas flown EECC Canappeville 136 miles, Le Mans 220 mile where he won 3rd Club, 17th Fed, then on to BICC Tours 260 miles where he was 188th Open and then into BICC Bordeaux/Agen. Kevin & Lee had three from four by mid-afternoon on the second day. Over in the West Section the pigeons had quite a task to deal with the strong westerly wind and intermittent heavy showers. The eventual West Section winner taking 5th Open was clocked at the Peasedown St John loft of 2011 Agen/Bordeaux International winners Geoff & Catherine Cooper. The Coopers clocked a chequer widowhood cock named Scotty that was in very condition when he landed, despite all the rain and gale-force west winds he had to encounter on the way home. He has already had several good prizes to his name, including 12th National Fougères, 1st West Section National Falaise and 303rd Saintes National. He is named Scotty after Scott Stevens, a young fancier from Midsomer Norton. Prior to going to Agen Scotty had raced three Channel races with the NFC, the last one two weeks ago at Messac. His sire is Georgeson, a son of George, 1st Grand National Tarbes and sire and grandsire to many top pigeons including grandsire to Farmer George 1st International Bordeaux, 2nd International Yearling Bordeaux for Mark Gilbert. Georgeson is a full brother to the dam of Farmer George. The dam of Scotty is a daughter of Southfield Supreme, 1st International Dax for Mark Gilbert. Geoff and Catherine also clocked three more pigeons to Lee & Kevin Buddle’s Spitfire 2nd Sect 4th Open BICC Agen International. Lee & Kevin Buddle, 2nd Section 4th Open BICC Agen. win 6th, 7th and 8th WS. Once again, all arrivals were in excellent condition. Alan Dimes of Orpington in Kent clocked two day birds to take 3rd and 5th East Section 7th and 11th Open. Both Alan’s timers were raced on the natural system and exercised once daily when Alan’s work commitments allow. The first on the clock is a 3y Jan Aarden bought as a part of a ‘bargain basement’ lot from Louella Lofts. He has had three BICC races in preparation for the Agen International and these have obviously got him in trim for this 500 mile race. Sent sitting 14-day eggs, he returned in excellent condition. Traian Farentz of Romford comes in next at 4th East Section 8th Open with a yearling cock who was racing to his nest box as his hen had been lost in an earlier race. He is bred from a van de Poel sire when mated to a hen obtained from another BICC stalwart, Paul Delea. The winner of 1st North Section also taking 9th Open is a 2y widowhood cock raced by Peter Mallett of Bury St Edmunds. This is a full brother to Peter’s timer in the Pau International race of a week earlier which was placed at 3rd North Section BICC. The winner of 2nd West Section 10th Open and the furthest west on the day was clocked in Wales at the Abertillery loft of Mark Sparey. This 3y widowhood cock had to put in a full 15-hour shift to regain his home loft on the day – a terrific performance given the conditions of a strong westerly wind and heavy rain showers. As with all Mark’s widowers the cock was mated in early February, allowed to rear a pair of young birds before being placed on widowhood. His first race of the season was from Geoff & Catherine Cooper 1st and 3rd Section BICC Pau International; 1st Section 5th Open BICC Agen International. 24 British Homing World, July 6th, 2012 Scotty. Mark Sparey’s Rhiw Parc DAGO 2nd Sect BICC Agen. Mark Sparey (right) & good friend John Gunter. Mark was 2nd sect BICC Agen. Russell Bradford, 2nd North Sect BICC Agen International. 100 miles followed by BICC Alençon at 260 miles, NFC Messac and then into Agen/ Bordeaux. He is bred from a son of Edwards Brothers’ Nantes National winner whose full sister bred Mark’s 2011 Eastbourne YB National winner. The dam is a combination of J T Barnett Laeremans x Bert Hession De Baere and this hen is responsible for many top National performers for the Sparey loft. Mark’s mentor is the triple International winner Mark Gilbert and the widowhood team are prepared on the Gilbert/Cooper system with no hens shown prior to basketting. Next on the clock in the West Section taking 3rd is a real battler clocked after 15 hours and 44 minutes on the wing to none other than Dennis Ford of Blaenavon at the top of the Gwent Valleys. I have exhausted my supply of superlatives when describing the performances of this truly great Welsh fancier. Dennis has won at least 12 Nationals including 1st Open BICC Perpignan. His name is rarely out of the top ten in any National race and yet for the past few seasons he has battled with a crippling illness that leaves him immobile on many days. However, he is able to call on the help of his lovely wife, Ann, who now helps with the day-to-day management of the birds. In this race Dennis clocked a 2y hen raced on the roundabout system. It was so dark when the hen came that Dennis had already put the loft lights on. However, she was still unable to see the loft doors and as a result hit the front of the loft before flying off for a couple of extra circuits before eventually entering the loft and being clocked, much to Dennis’s relief! Her last race in preparation for Agen was the BICC Tours race on 9th June. She is bred from a pair of birds obtained from Ponderosa UK at Weymouth and is of predominantly Wim Muller Jan Aarden bloodlines with some Janssen and Van Wanroy thrown in for good measure. In the R/U North Section spot is the Farnditch partnership of Mr & Mrs Russell Bradford. Russell is the Treasurer of the BICC and here he clocked a 5y cock which was flown widowhood for the couple of Inland races flown earlier in the year. He was re-paired around 15 days ago, to be sitting just over a week when basketed for Agen. This was only his seventh Channel race having never been beyond Fougères (273) before, and clearly to be clocked at ten to six in the morning could not have been that far away from making the 563 miles on the day. Russell goes on to British Homing World, July 6th, 2012 25 3rd North Sect Agen for Robert J. Rome. Robert Rome with his dad Robert Senior. say – ‘I would like to thank some of the dedicated people who make the BICC happen, to include all the people who help run the marking stations but especially Carol Francis, who churns out the results week in week out. I had a 200-mile round trip to Ash marking station, on a day when the motorways were almost at a standstill, so that nightmare journey alone has prompted me to confirm I will run a marking station again in Northamptonshire in 2013, which will hopefully increase the membership of the BICC in the Midlands next year.’ Robert J. Rome of Cheltenham comes in at 3rd North Section. When racing into his native Scotland Robert won four SNFC races along with 13 x 1sts Section prizes. In the Agen race Robert clocked a 2y blue hen which was bred in the lofts of the father-and-son partnership of R S R & R J Rome, Annan, Scotland from two direct Patrick & Dimitri Houfflijn pigeons. Her racing record prior to Agen is as follows: 2010 late youngster, trained only; 2011 flew the inland programme (on hens widowhood) with the Severn Valley Fed, very consistently just out of the prizes; 2012 again on hens widowhood, had three Channel races Dennis Ford One of Wales' greatest ever fanciers relaxing with one of his many winners. (CSCFC Carentan and Messac plus one with NFC up to 330 miles). She homed on the night each time but just out of prizes. Thought she might need a longer distance to shine so was prepared for BICC Agen, 547 miles. Her breeding shows that her sire was bred by Patrick & Dimitri Houfflijn, Belgium, direct from their famous Geschulpten As, 1st Ace Provincial Ace Pigeon KBDB and 5th National Ace Pigeon KBDB longdistance. He in turn is a son of De Witteslag, 3rd Nat Montauban 5,495 birds and 5th Provincial Ace Pigeon KBDB East Flanders and a gson of 871/1996 De Limoges 1st Prov 2,336 birds 7th Nat Limoges 7,776 birds and 7th Prov Poitiers 3,104 birds. Geschulpten As became the number one Willequet breeding cock in the Houfflijn lofts. Children include As 410 – 18th and 39th National; Mika – 39th and 162nd National; Witpen As – 63rd, 67th and 141st National; 049/2008 – 53rd Nat Cahors 8,622 birds 2010 and 73rd Nat Brive 16,815 birds 2010; Grandchildren include Hubert – 3rd Nat Brive 16,007 birds 2007, 9th Interprov 5,712 birds; Kleine As – 11th Nat 9,545 birds, 23rd Nat 6,475 birds, 21st Nat(Z) 2,101 birds, 14th Nat 5,438 birds, 21st Nat 3,625 birds; Zoon Mika – 8th Nat Cahors 7,347 birds 2009, 64th Nat 17,478 birds; Broekpen – 42nd Nat 7,364 birds, 59th Nat 15,507 birds, 68th Nat 6,257 birds, 71st Internat 18,354 birds, 86th Internat 15,857 birds and 147th Nat 5,051 birds. The dam was bred by Patrick & Dimitri Houfflijn direct from their super racer Kleine As 11th Nat 9,545 birds, 23rd Nat 6,475 birds, 21st Nat(Z) 2,101 birds, 14th Nat 5,438 birds and 21st Nat 3,625 birds all at the long distance when paired with a daughter of Geschulpten As. Robert has enjoyed a good season at National level in the run-up to the Agen International with the following results: 1st, 3rd, 5th, 8th, 12th, 15th Section NFC Fougères 250 miles; 3rd, 6th Section NFC Cholet 330 miles; Probable 4th Section NFC Messac 283 miles. The Section results look like this: East Section – 1st C Simmons vel 1257; 2nd L & K Buddle vel 1162; 3rd Alan Dimes vel 1097; 4th Traian Farentz vel 1084; 5th Alan Dimes vel 1068. Centre Section – 1st, 3rd, 4th and 5th M Gilbert vels 1196.5, 1100, 999 and 967; 2nd John Haynes vel 1196.4. North Section – 1st Peter Mallett vel 1078; 2nd Mr & Mrs Russell Bradford vel 925; 3rd Robert J. Rome vel 848; 4th Mr & Mrs Anderson vel 737; 5th Philip Harrod vel 717. West Section – 1st G G & C Cooper vel 1109; 2nd Mark Sparey vel 1075; 3rd Dennis Ford vel 1029; 4th J P Halstead vel 970; 5th Mr & Mrs J Hooper vel 926. The 21,651 Agen International pigeons being liberated. 26 British Homing World, July 6th, 2012 That’s the second of the International races over for another year. Next up, Barcelona – the supreme test. There will be another top-bred pigeon up for competition presented to the races winner by Steve & Lesley Wright of The House of Aarden. Good luck to all who send. GARETH WATKINS Agen Provisional Result based on Telephone Verifications Op 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 Sec ES1 CS1 CS2 ES2 WS1 CS3 ES3 ES4 NS1 WS2 ES5 WS3 CS4 CS5 ES6 ES7 CS6 WS4 CS7 CS8 ES8 WS5 NS2 CS9 WS6 NS3 CS10 ES9 ES10 WS7 ES11 ES12 ES13 ES14 ES15 CS11 WS8 WS9 ES16 ES17 ES18 ES19 CS12 ES20 ES21 ES22 CS13 ES23 ES24 CS14 ES25 ES26 ES27 ES28 WS10 NS4 WS11 WS12 ES29 ES30 ES31 NS5 ES32 ES33 ES34 ES35 ES36 CS15 CS16 CS17 ES37 ES38 ES39 ES40 ES41 ES42 ES43 ES44 Name and Town Miles C Simmons of Basildon 511 M Gilbert of Winkfield, Windsor 506 J F Haynes of Fifield 508 L & K Buddle of Dover 481 G G Cooper & C.J Cooper, Peasedown St John 513 M Gilbert of Winkfield, Windsor 506 Alan Dimes of Orpington 498 Traian F Ferentz of Romford 511 Peter Mallett of Bury St. Edmunds 554 M J Sparey of Abertillery 550 Alan Dimes of Orpington 498 D Ford of Blaenavon 552 M Gilbert of Winkfield, Windsor 506 J S Storie of Poole 469 A B Coker of Battlesbridge, Wickford 514 A J Turner of Dover 486 D & D McFadden of Cranleigh 485 John P. Halstead of Kington Magna 491 M Gilbert of Winkfield, Windsor 506 Mannor Lofts of Southampton 476 C Simmons of Basildon 511 Mr & Mrs J & H Hooper of Cardiff 536 Mr & Mrs R Bradford of Farndish 562 Crowley & Green of Nr Calne 516 G G Cooper & C.J Cooper, Peasedown St John 513 Robert J Rome of Cheltenham 547 D M J Hughes of Windsor 507 A B Coker of Battlesbridge, Wickford 514 A B Coker of Battlesbridge, Wickford 514 G G Cooper & C.J Cooper, Peasedown St John 513 R. Pearmain & Son of Wickford 514 C Draper of Yalding 486 D Hales of Hockley 514 M & K Harris of Canterbury 491 M Dunn of Whitstable 496 M Gilbert of Winkfield, Windsor 506 G G Cooper & C.J Cooper, Peasedown St John 513 John P. Halstead of Kington Magna 491 Gadd & Bevens of East Grinstead 481 Mr & Mrs R Hume of Rochford 512 Scott Family of Canterbury 491 G M Preece & Son of Dover 483 J Tyerman of Bracklesham Bay 460 M G Mitchell of Dover 483 D Wilton & Son of Chadwell St Mary 504 L & K Buddle of Dover 481 Mr & Mrs Newman of Petersfield 477 Mr & Mrs S Rhodes of Aylesham 487 Mr M. Cowell & Son of Ramsgate 495 Mullen & Buckland of Horley 484 G M Preece & Son of Dover 483 C D M Preece of Dover 483 J P J Gladwin of Southend-On-Sea 510 L Howe of New Romney 470 Chris Howse & D Parsons of Devizes 508 Mr & Mrs D Anderson of Norwich 587 Mr & Mrs J & H Hooper of Cardiff 536 Nicholas Harvey of Taunton 504 Gosling & Jarvis of Mountlessing 516 J. Harris & Dtr of Dagenham 510 R Dove of Ashford 479 Philip Harrod of Lowestoft 573 Truelove Family of Canterbury 490 Gladwin Jarvis & Family of Leigh-On-Sea 511 R. Pearmain & Son of Wickford 514 H & P Archibald of Dover 480 Lyden Bros. of Sandwich 491 J F Haynes of Fifield 508 R Byford, Son & G'son of Brockenhurst 469 R Byford, Son & G'son of Brockenhurst 469 Terry Johnson of Whitstable 496 Mr & Mrs Connolley of Marden 483 Mr Robert A Loft of Tenterden 476 Mr Robert A Loft of Tenterden 476 Gladwin Jarvis & Family of Leigh-On-Sea 511 Bill Young of Sheerness 500 M G Mitchell of Dover 483 R S Hutchens of New Romney 471 AFT 11:56:42 12:24:25 12:28:25 12:08:50 13:34:51 13:29:30 13:20:20 13:50:26 15:06:01 15:00:48 13:41:47 15:44:58 14:51:22 13:48:57 15:08:38 14:23:51 14:24:53 14:51:01 15:20:51 14:39:13 15:59:27 16:59:58 17:48:28 17:45:44 17:42:30 18:54:32 17:43:36 18:05:11 18:06:53 18:10:25 18:19:41 17:26:46 18:31:45 17:47:38 18:01:03 18:33:51 19:02:30 18:27:58 18:04:43 19:16:56 18:29:34 18:11:26 17:23:07 18:16:57 19:21:20 18:28:38 18:22:06 18:45:09 19:03:46 18:51:32 18:52:54 19:01:03 20:08:45 18:34:35 20:09:22 23:19:59 21:21:44 20:07:04 20:39:07 20:34:02 19:30:41 23:27:27 20:06:46 21:00:09 21:30:07 20:11:29 20:41:20 21:31:25 19:54:34 19:56:50 21:08:17 20:36:19 20:21:26 20:22:47 21:52:43 21:32:58 20:52:14 20:21:29 YPM 1257.082 1196.599 1196.446 1162.200 1109.305 1100.393 1097.064 1084.422 1078.030 1075.649 1068.429 1029.802 999.328 996.477 995.946 991.117 987.477 970.995 967.332 954.753 939.029 926.481 925.910 853.627 850.745 848.708 840.339 833.914 832.610 828.965 823.125 818.593 813.933 810.868 808.570 799.720 791.175 780.866 780.750 780.322 780.155 779.924 776.602 775.565 764.515 764.049 763.058 762.992 762.833 754.338 751.377 746.002 743.391 743.015 740.506 737.999 737.267 734.915 734.188 727.741 721.493 717.559 715.514 714.250 701.624 698.552 696.309 693.378 691.944 690.633 689.332 688.159 686.982 686.224 685.648 681.714 679.391 678.656 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 ES45 ES46 ES47 ES48 ES49 CS18 ES50 ES51 CS19 CS20 CS21 CS22 WS13 CS23 ES52 CS24 CS25 ES53 CS26 ES54 ES55 CS27 NS6 ES56 CS28 ES57 ES58 ES59 ES60 WS14 WS15 ES61 CS29 ES62 ES63 WS16 ES64 NS7 CS30 WS17 ES65 ES66 CS31 CS32 CS33 ES67 WS18 ES68 CS34 ES69 WS19 ES70 CS35 ES71 ES72 CS36 WS20 CS37 ES73 ES74 ES75 WS21 ES76 WS22 WS23 WS24 ES77 ES78 ES79 WS25 WS26 WS27 WS28 ES80 ES81 CS38 WS29 ES82 ES83 ES84 WS30 ES85 ES86 WS31 ES87 ES88 ES89 CS39 Fagg & Nicholas of Hartlip SR & WH Knox of Tyler Hill J P J Gladwin of Southend-On-Sea R. Pearmain & Son of Wickford E Ivory of Sittingbourne D Posey of Kidlington Fagg & Nicholas of Hartlip SR & WH Knox of Tyler Hill Paul Kelly of South Norwood D M J Hughes of Windsor M J Kelly of Oxford M Gilbert of Winkfield, Windsor Nicholas Harvey of Taunton D M J Hughes of Windsor F. Knowles & Son of Wingham, Canterbury Mr & Mrs D J Noakes of Reading D M J Hughes of Windsor Mr & Mrs J Cheverst of Gravesend R Byford, Son & G'son of Brockenhurst M & K Harris of Canterbury Adam Turrell of Maidstone P O'Sullivan & Son of Enfield Philip Harrod of Lowestoft SR & WH Knox of Tyler Hill Mr T C Hosein of Tooting D Heywood & Son of Laindon E Ivory of Sittingbourne A B Coker of Battlesbridge, Wickford A B Coker of Battlesbridge, Wickford Mr & Mrs Gardner of Portskewett D Ford of Blaenavon Traian F Ferentz of Romford J Wills of Camberley M G Mitchell of Dover Mr J. Chipperfield, of Herne Bay Nicholas Harvey of Taunton Traian F Ferentz of Romford Peter Mallett of Bury St. Edmunds M Gilbert of Winkfield, Windsor Terry Preddy of High Littleton Mr & Mrs J Cheverst of Gravesend R Dove of Ashford M Gilbert of Winkfield, Windsor Mr & Mrs D J Noakes of Reading M Gilbert of Winkfield, Windsor Gosling & Jarvis of Mountlessing P J Newton of Weston-Super-Mare Adam Turrell of Maidstone Horn Bros Loft 1 of Portsmouth J Clarke & Dtr. of Whitstable Mr & Mrs M King of Blandford Forum Fagg & Nicholas of Hartlip D & D McFadden of Cranleigh SR & WH Knox of Tyler Hill J. Harris & Dtr of Dagenham Mullen & Buckland of Horley Padfield Family of Abertillery R Byford, Son & G'son of Brockenhurst Alan Dimes of Orpington Mr & Mrs Connolley of Marden M G Mitchell of Dover Mr K Haines of Frome J. Harris & Dtr of Dagenham Mr & Mrs G Mears of Newport John Ludlam of Nelson John Ludlam of Nelson Mr & Mrs Connolley of Marden F. Knowles & Son of Wingham, Canterbury L & K Buddle of Dover G G Cooper & C.J Cooper, Peasedown St John Mr & Mrs M King of Blandford Forum Nicholas Harvey of Taunton Mr K Haines of Frome Fagg & Nicholas of Hartlip Mr & Mrs Cooper & Son of Canterbury D & D McFadden of Cranleigh G G Cooper & C.J Cooper, Peasedown St John M/M P Fauchon & Son of Minster Sheerness M Stevens of Gravesend SR & WH Knox of Tyler Hill P J Newton of Weston-Super-Mare Mr & Mrs J Cheverst of Gravesend Lyden Bros. of Sandwich John Ludlam of Nelson Mr R &Mrs L Wilkinson of Canterbury Scott Family of Canterbury Gadd & Bevens of East Grinstead J Tyerman of Bracklesham Bay 494 493 510 514 494 536 494 493 500 507 536 506 504 507 491 508 507 500 469 491 491 518 573 493 501 512 494 514 514 535 552 511 497 483 496 504 511 554 506 515 500 479 506 508 506 516 523 491 467 489 478 494 485 493 510 484 551 469 498 483 483 508 510 540 547 547 483 491 481 513 478 504 508 494 490 485 513 500 500 493 523 500 491 547 492 491 481 460 21:26:59 21:24:18 22:11:30 22:29:20 21:38:30 23:31:02 21:44:26 21:40:48 22:04:08 22:26:52 23:42:40 22:22:30 22:18:19 22:29:33 21:52:00 22:50:00 22:50:05 22:31:29 21:09:08 22:13:05 22:12:57 23:31:33 26:03:58 22:27:47 22:54:54 23:30:54 22:41:22 23:39:18 23:40:18 24:42:41 25:31:43 23:40:09 3:05:46 22:29:19 23:08:45 23:30:35 23:53:42 26:02:22 23:46:38 24:16:06 23:41:34 22:44:21 24:07:28 24:13:29 24:16:44 24:51:39 25:10:55 23:40:10 22:31:01 23:35:19 23:05:16 24:06:40 23:39:44 24:04:50 24:58:20 23:55:16 27:36:40 23:31:37 25:00:24 24:16:22 24:31:18 25:49:33 26:06:56 27:44:18 28:17:33 28:23:30 25:05:10 25:34:00 25:09:08 27:03:57 25:14:47 26:42:51 27:11:20 26:35:03 26:38:38 26:30:52 28:05:10 27:28:30 27:31:53 27:17:04 29:12:12 28:04:36 28:02:05 31:17:01 28:17:28 28:17:52 28:34:20 27:40:20 676.362 675.818 674.858 670.833 669.651 668.839 667.314 667.246 664.929 663.603 663.581 663.514 662.842 662.284 659.373 652.709 652.358 652.312 651.289 649.404 648.999 647.111 645.748 643.986 641.608 638.756 638.727 637.603 637.154 635.729 635.319 634.116 631.451 630.509 629.565 628.883 628.123 625.150 624.385 622.961 620.153 619.079 615.398 615.219 611.483 609.891 609.654 609.142 608.987 608.828 607.417 601.705 601.558 600.729 599.371 594.704 586.049 585.551 585.189 584.181 578.234 578.065 573.130 571.772 567.894 565.910 565.241 563.949 561.282 556.616 555.482 553.447 549.085 545.730 540.166 536.847 536.396 534.116 533.247 530.188 525.703 523.322 513.857 513.596 511.128 509.836 494.007 487.906