July 31, 2016 - Holy Spirit Catholic Church
July 31, 2016 - Holy Spirit Catholic Church
HOLY SPIRIT CATHOLIC CHURCH Rev. Michael Mac Mahon, Pastor 883-4359 Rev. Charles Merrill, Associate Pastor 882-1132 Rev. Paul Choi, Administrator of the Korean Catholic Community 690-9951 Deacon Sam Dias 715-1190 Deacon Michael Sudnik 604-3374 Deacon Larry Sisterman 881-8938 Deacon Bob Becher 763-2513 Office (256)881-4781 Fax (256) 881-5510 625 Airport Road SW Huntsville, Alabama 35802 E-mail: hschur ch@holyspir ithsv.com Website: http://www.holyspirithsv.com PARISH ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF/OFICINA 8:00 AM-4:30 PM Monday/Lunes-Thursday/Jueves Friday/Viernes 8:00 AM-1:00 PM Administrative Assistant 5:00 PM 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM & 11:45 AM WEEKDAY/DÍA DE SEMANA Mon., Tues, Wed, Thurs., Fri. @ 7:30 AM Lunes, Martes, Miercoles, Jueves, Viernes Monday/Lunes 12:00 Noon Tuesday/Martes 12:00 Noon Wednesday/Miercoles 7:00 PM Thursday/Jueves 12:00 Noon Friday/Viernes 9:00 AM School Mass (call the office to verify) RECONCILIATION/CONFESIONES ext. 0 CHRISTIAN FORMATION Adult Religious Ed. Tr acy Finke ext. 223 or 881-0345 Religious Education Tr acy Finke ext. 223 or 881-0345 Music Ministry Anne Vasile 881-4781 ext. 219 Lori Lai 882-6483 KOREAN MASS MASS SCHEDULE/HORARIO Saturday/Sabado Sunday/Domingo Mar y Walker Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday at 9:30 AM in the Korean Rectory and Sunday at 4:00 PM in Holy Spirit Church HISPANIC MINISTRY/MINISTERIO HISPANO The Hispanic Ministry Office is located in the Parish Life Center next to the Nursery. It is open Monday through Thursday 9 am to 4:30 pm, and Friday 9 am to 1 pm. 256-881-2211 or [email protected]. Hispanic Community Mass Sundays 2:00 PM Children/Adult Catechism Sundays 10:15-11:30 AM Baptismal Preparation Classes First Sunday of the Month 4:00 PM Multipurpose Room Nuestra Comunidad Hispana celebra la Santa Misa todos los Domingos a las 2:00 pm. Ninos/Adultos Catecismo cada domingo a las 10:15 am y Clases Bautismo de preparacion son los primeros domingos del mes a las 4 de la tarde en el salon junto a la oficina. 3:30-4:45 PM Saturday & by appointment. HOLY DAY MASS SCHEDULE 6:30 AM, 9:00 AM , 12:00 Noon & 6:00 PM BULLETIN NOTICES Send Bulletin Notices to [email protected] (subject to approval) Deadline for notices Tuesday at Noon. HOLY SPIRIT REGIONAL CATHOLIC SCHOOL Beth Mattingly, Principal 881-4852 ext. 103 SAINT JOHN PAUL II CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL BOOKSTORE HOURS Vince Aquila, Principal 430-1760 ext. 101 Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday 8:00 AM to 12:00 Noon July 31, 2016 1 in Peace! WELCOME!... HOLY SPIRIT CATHOLIC CHURCH... ...invites everyone to “...full, conscious, and active participation” in the sacred liturgy. We hope you will join us in lifting our hearts and voices to God! Mass Intentions August 1 ~ August 7, 2016 THE VESTIBULE... ...is the place for meeting old friends and greeting visitors! Reverence and quiet are expected in the church! Please turn off cell phones and beepers. Monday 7:30 AM 12:00 PM Tuesday 7:30 AM 12:00 PM Wednesday 7:30 AM 7:00 PM Thursday 7:30 AM 12:00 PM Friday 7:30 AM Saturday 5:00 PM Sunday 7:30 AM 9:00 AM 11:45 AM AT HOLY COMMUNION… … it is appropriate to make a sign of reverence, a bow or a genuflection, before you receive Communion. To maintain the flow of the Communion procession, please make the sign of reverence while the person in front of you receives Communion. If you choose to receive Holy Communion in your hand, please do not reach for the host, but present your palm, flat out and high enough to receive Communion. Intinction is not permitted. Barbara O’Reilly † Jean Duhon † Sr. Mary Lou Talmon † Elizabeth Jean Channon Angie Aquila Arreola † Susan Wardynski Colet Schmidt † Katherine Citrano † Therese Fledderman † Stefan & Sofia Zajac Parishioners † Clifton Howard † Quang & Tinh Le INFANTS, TODDLERS, AND CHILDREN… ...are welcome at Mass. Anytime they become restless you may take them to the nursery. Our infant and toddler nurseries are open during the 9:00 AM and 11:45 AM Masses for children 6 mos.-4 years. Hospital Care: If you or a member of your family ar e sick or in the hospital and need Deacon Mike Sudnik, please call him at 604-3374. If you need a Priest, you may call Fr. Mike at 883-4359 or Fr. Charles Merrill at 882-1132, day or night. INFORMATION… ...please take a bulletin as you leave church. In it you will find all the information you need to be an active Catholic at Holy Spirit Catholic Church… AGAIN WELCOME!... Bob Allen Stephanie Anderson Janet Balch Bowman Family Audrey Brasher Chuck Brasher Leisel Breaux Janet Burnham William B. Bush Florence Cagle Chuck Chambers Joyce Chapman Lisa Citrano Sam Citrano Margaret Cormier Graham Craig Gregg Denton Patty Denton James Delaney Dean Doverspike Brian Duerr Patricia Emerson Margaret Eskew Shawn Fahey Joyce Fontenot Maria Garcia Jeff Hargett Marge Harrington Bulletin available on the web at holyspirithsv.com PLEASE JOIN US! If you attend Holy Spirit Church on a regular basis and have not registered with the Parish, we invite you to do so. Complete the following information and drop it in the offertory basket and someone will contact you to help with the registration. If you have moved or changed phone numbers, please let us know! NAME_____________________________ DAYTIME PHONE__________________ LECTORS July 30-31 5:00p C. Page (OT) — P. Krakus (NT) 7:30a C. Higgins (OT) — C. Dithmer (NT) 9:00a K. Crowell (OT) — K. Frew (NT) 11:45a M. Potthoff (OT) — J. Berg (NT) LECTORS August 6-7 5:00p K. Lozen (OT) — B. Hare (NT) 7:30a C. Tichow(OT) — O. Fadul (NT) 9:00a R. Morris (OT) — E. Sanders (NT) 11:45a C. Adams (OT) — P. Anderson (NT) Lawrence Hartman Ralph Herden Jean Hidden Sr. Rosa Hongsduset Nancy Hudson Bruce Jansen Kathy Sisterman Keeney Patrick Keeven Carolee Kenny Bob Kikta Libet Kuehn Carey Link Wendy Lockwood Betty Mac Mahon Melinda Graves McConchie Barbara Marfenski Bill Marshall Julie Meehan Judy Jonakin Miller Ann Minogue Ann Morea Patricia Morea Rebecca Morgan Michele Chapuran Musachia Bernie Parr Vinh Pitts Laura Priest Joanne Reynolds Gerry Richards Jeanne Richmond Patrick Riley Connie Robert Sara Rugar Katie Ofenloch Sanders Betty Scollard Jim Sconsler Linda Shaughnessy Deacon Larry Sisterman Erlene Skipper Andrew Steffenson Virgil Thompson Jenna Walton Kelley Karigan Ward Wright Ward Ted Weisbecker Anne Wolfsberger Diana Woods Vanessa Young Jerry Zalasar Purificator Laundering July 31 — Cyndi Hughes August 7 — Melissa Lehman August 14 — Nancy Morgan Altar Duty August 6 — Jarcia Kosinski & Lisa McCord 2 Monday Aug. 1 Tuesday Aug. 2 Wednesday Aug. 3 Thursday Aug. 4 Friday Aug. 5 Saturday Aug. 6 Sunday Aug. 7 Our Week In Review First day of school, HSRS Our First Friday Devotion continues this Friday, August 5th: 10:30 AM—Reconciliation 11:30 AM —Mass of the Sacred Heart A hot lunch will be provided after 1:00 PM—Activity planned Anyone of any age who wishes to attend part or all of our devotion to the Sacred Heart is very welcome. 9:30a St. Vincent de Paul - LIB 7p KofC Fraternal Mtg. - PLC 7p Ladies Auxiliary Mtg. - A/B 9a Cenacle Rosary 6:30a That Man Is You - PLC 7p St. Vincent de Paul - MP August 11 (Thur.) Widows & Widowers Lunch Join us for lunch at Luciano's Restaurant 964 Air port Road #4, across Airport Road from Michael's, at 1:00 PM. Please call Colet at 256-880-5886 for information, reservations or cancellations. Newcomers are always welcome. Join us for fellowship and conversation. First Friday Devotion 10:30a Confessions 11:30a Mass; lunch to follow Your donations of food to the Saint Vincent de Paul pantry have helped us to provide requested groceries to our clients and to our community. Your continued support is needed to keep our shelves stocked throughout the summer. Our current pantry needs are: Hamburger Helper, Tuna Helper, cereal, rice, canned meat, canned pasta, and canned fruit. Thank you! Your donations are greatly appreciated. Our Parish News Adult Catechists Needed for Sunday Religious Education Classes this Fall Dear Holy Spirit Parishioners, did you know that we currently have over 650 children enrolled in our Sunday Religious Education Classes? And that number grows larger every year. As a parish we have a great responsibility to hand the Catholic Faith down to the children. They are facing a world that is growing more and more secular. In order to keep these children Catholic, those of us who are passionate about our Catholic Faith must be willing to come forward and make a difference in the lives of our children. Many of you have been taking classes and learning the faith well. God is calling you to serve Him. Won’t you come forward to help teach the children of our parish; giving one hour of your time each week for their sakes? Please consider becoming a Catechist for the 2016-2017 school year. We are in need of Teachers and Assistant Teachers in various grades: we need Lead Teachers in Grades 3,4, and 6. We are in need of Assistant Teachers in Pre-School age 4, Grade 1, Grade 3, Grade 4, and Grade 6. Please contact Tracy Finke by emailing [email protected] or by calling the Religious Education Office at 256-881-0345. See the Bulletin insert for more information! Lori Lai 256-882-6483 [email protected] http://holyspirithsv.com/?page_id=2578 Church Finance Report Jul 2015 thru June 2016 Weekly Collections $1,681,699 Program Revenue, Reimbursements & Int. $74,172 Income Total $1,755,871 Total Expenses $1,946,994 Development Fund Donations $170,064 Expenses - Rectory, Sound System, Dishwasher, & PLCHVAC, Lawnmower $48,922 SJPII Parish commitment $125,000 Other Generous Donations Propagation of Faith $6,765 Program Revenue - CCD Tuition, CRHP, Bookstore, One Voice From the Library par agr aphs will r esume September 4. Reimbursements - Linens, Flowers, School Janitorial 3 New Parishioners Parish Ministry Fair Aug. 20th and 21st in the Parish Hall: Jose Antonio & Betsabe Arzola-Morales Catherine, Emily 8337 White Flagg Ln. 35802 The Ministry Fair will take place the weekend of August 20th and 21st after each Mass. Please come to the Parish Hall to view the many different Ministries that our Parish has to offer. Get involved and share your gifts and talents with the parish. You will be amazed at all of the Ministries we have to offer you and your children. This is where your children can sign up to be Altar Servers and get involved in Youth Group. This is where you sign up for Religious Education Classes for children and adults alike. Come join one of our choirs, become an usher, help feed the poor, or join the Knights of Columbus. We have something to offer every person. People who get involved in their parish become dynamic and engaged Catholics. Our world needs more dynamic Catholics. All of the positions for unengaged Catholics have been taken. So come get involved in your Parish! We need your gifts and talents. Let them shine before the Lord. Sergio & Piña Coria Jovani, Alexis, William 900 Crest Line Dr. 35816 Richard & Kathy Cotton 1317 Briar Hollow Trail 35802 Javier & Cindy Cuevas Jennifer 2820 Holiday Dr. 35805 Gustavo & Maria Esquivel Gloria, Gustavo, Sergio 3108 Loren Dr. 35805 Gregory & Shelli Gibbons Syla, Gregory 2620 Bransford Trail 35763 Ms. Maria Estela Hernandez Alan 3800 Squaw Vallley Dr. 35805 R C I A Mr. & Mrs. Jess Hernandez-Rodriguez Celina, Jenifer 1031 Mount Lebanon Rd. 35773 Francisco Herrera Osiel, Kathelyn, Katherine 3211 Berkley St. 35805 Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults If you are interested in becoming Catholic please contact the Office of Religious Education and speak with Tracy Finke our Director 256-881-0345 or [email protected] Mr. & Mrs. Noel Nicolle Robert, James 3015 Laurel Cove Way 35748 Ms. Marina Rodriguez Georgette, Jorge, Genesis, Jovan 26170 Johnson Ln. 35773 Cesar & Mayra Solares Everett, Hannah 1000 Airport Rd. 35802 Baptisms Vivianne Marie Jacobs, daughter of Joanna & Michael Jacobs Fr. Phil O’Kennedy Bir thday: August 23 St. John’s, Madison Knoelle Avalyn Luders, daughter of Katherine & David Luders 4 Available “Youth Protection 1” Classes: All adults who work with children in our diocese are required to take the class “Youth Protection 1.” Below is a list of locations and dates for this class in our area. To see a complete list of locations and dates go to www.dbhmdown.weebly.com. Click on “Youth Protection” at the bottom of the page. Then click on the link to download the current schedule of Youth Protection Training. In order to take a Youth Protection class at a Parish you must register online: Next to the class you would like to take, click on the green “Register” Button. th Thursday, August 18 from 6:30-8:30 pm at Good Shepherd Catholic Church in Huntsville. Wednesday, August 24th from 7:00-9:00 pm at Sacred Heart School in Cullman. th Tuesday, September 13 from 6:00-8:00 pm at St. John the Baptist Catholic Church in Madison. Religious Education Tracy Finke 881-0345 [email protected] Sunday Religious Education Classes for Children Parents, register your children ages 4 years old through Seniors in High School for our Sunday Religious Education classes. You can register your children by coming to the church office during normal business hours or by coming to the Ministry Fair which will take place in the Parish Hall after each Mass the weekend of August 20th and 22nd. Registration forms are also available online at our church website: www.holyspirithsv.com 2016-2017 Confirmation Class for upcoming 8th graders The Sacrament of Confirmation is offered to all students during their 8th grade year. If your upcoming 8th grader attends Holy Spirit School or our Sunday Religious Education Program, we have him/her on our list to receive Confirmation information. However, if your students are homeschooled or you have recently moved to Huntsville, we do not have your children on our list. Please email or call Tracy Finke at [email protected] 256-881-0345. EXPERIENCING grief, hospitalization, relocation, loneliness, job loss, cancer, financial stress, disability, difficult pregnancy, long-term illness…? Need the listening ear of someone who will keep your story in confidence and pray with and for you? If so, call for a Stephen Minister today by contacting Kathy Heckman (256-489-7389) or Carolyn Brunty (256-683-7015). You will be paired with a Stephen Minister of the same gender who will meet with you weekly until your situation improves. “Bear one another’s burdens and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” (Gal 6:2) Have you ever been asked Catholic questions at work, on the ball field, or at family gatherings? Have you ever been asked the reasons why Catholics do this or that or why Catholics believe what they believe? Most of us have been taught what we believe as Catholics, but we have trouble explaining why we believe it. Have you ever had trouble finding Catholic doctrine in the pages of Scripture? Would you like to be able to help your children embrace the Catholic Faith? Lighthouse Catholic Media was developed to do all of these things and more. By listening to Lighthouse CD’s, Catholics learn the faith well and are able to explain the reasons that we believe as we do. Catholics who avail of Lighthouse books, CD’s, and booklets rejoice in their Catholic faith and are able to evangelize others leading them into the Church. If you have never listened to a Lighthouse Catholic CD, try one today! Perpetual Adoration Chapel Regular Open Hours: Saturday 4 am Shared Open Hours: Friday 6 pm, Saturday 7 pm For more information, to schedule an hour, or to obtain the keypad code for late night/early morning entry, contact one of the following Chapel Committee members: Bob Dineen, 256-880-0221, Pete Robert, 256-882-0033, Malen Colberg, (Spanish) 256-650-5194 or Maritza Holland (Spanish) 808-551-2901. Did you find the needle? July 24 - p. 3 in the Little Sisters of the Poor cane and p. 13 in the Take Five for Faith logo Somewhere in this Bulletin a needle is hiding. 5 I’m the Worst Catechist at My Parish This August, I will begin my sixth year as a religious education teacher. Please, pray for me. So far, I’ve taught second, third, fourth and sixth grades at two different parishes. I spend my spare time listening to Lighthouse Catholic CD’s and reading books on the faith. Then, the school year begins, and I spend my Sunday mornings never doing quite as well as I’d hoped I would. I can safely say that I am the worst catechist at my parish. This isn’t false modesty. It’s just that the other catechists seem to be so much better. They seem to know how to teach and reach kids better than I do. Meanwhile, I’m still struggling to balance book time and talk time, to keep order when the kids are hungry and hyper, and to get the most important parts of the faith across without neglecting the nitty gritty, or the Bible. Often, as a teacher, I am a mess. The kids are too, because with little reinforcement at home, over the summer they have forgotten most everything I’ve taught them, and I don’t know where to start. So, why am I trying to teach Catechism in a classroom surrounded by squirmy, kids who don’t always want to be there? Why did God call me to teach religion when there are better teachers out there; people who could really set the kids on fire with love for Jesus? “Shouldn’t someone else be leading this class,” I think, “and leave me to safer, less important tasks like photocopying activity sheets or making sure that no one floods the bathroom?” But I tend to wonder the same thing about a lot of other places God calls me. Why am I raising kids, running clubs and keeping house when I’m mediocre at much of it? Why am I my husband’s wife, when he surely deserved better? Why did God use me at a soccer game recently to comfort a grieving mother who cried on my shoulder about a recent miscarriage, when I stink at social skills and freak out at tears? It seems like God keeps calling me to do things I’m barely capable of, and often not comfortable with. Couldn’t He find someone better? Actually, I think the answer to that last question might be, “No, He couldn’t.” Not because I’m super-wonderful and practically perfect in every way, but because I’m willing. Maybe someone better for the job left the Church and never looked back. Or maybe someone better keeps saying “no” because “yes” can feel so scary. Maybe God takes who is willing. Moses was a murderer with a stutter; Saint Bernadette was the slightest creature on earth. Saint Peter wasn’t exactly the calm, cool management type, or a smooth operator, and look where he ended up. On paper, Judas might have had a better resume for the papacy, but he was unwilling to be led by God. So, here is what God and the Church are left with: the unworthy, yet willing. A lot of us who are called to things we’re not especially good at, give it a try; all for Jesus. Fortunately, where our own talents, skills, and energies fail us, grace can fill in the gaps, if we let it. I know there are people in every parish who would be better catechists than I am. When the DRE makes her annual plea, they are too afraid to answer God’s call, because they know they are not the perfect person for the job. But here’s the thing: The perfect person isn’t here. The perfect person will probably never show up. But you are here, and you’re the one God is calling right now, in all your imperfection. It’s OK to hold your breath, close your eyes, make the leap and offer to help. His grace will make up for your deficiencies. Trust Him. Give your life to Him. He’ll do the rest. 6 Adult Education Classes to be Offered this Fall Holy Spirit Church will be offering a variety of Adult Education Classes for you to choose from this fall. You will find each of them to be of excellent quality. Increase your knowledge of the faith and of the Bible by taking a class. Become a part of the New Evangelization. Answer Pope Francis’ call to become a “Missionary Disciple.” Engage yourself in the Year of Mercy. Registration for these classes will take place at the Parish Ministry Fair the weekend of August 20th and 21st after each Mass in the Parish Hall. (If you cannot make it to the Ministry Fair, please register by emailing Tracy Finke our Director of Religious Education at [email protected] ) Please make all checks payable to Holy Spirit Church. Adult Education Class Choices: Thursday Night Adult Bible Study with Dr. Ken Muenstermann! Join us in the church on Thursday nights starting on September 8th at 6:30 pm for an in-depth and passionately Catholic Bible Study taught by Dr. Ken Muenstermann. Ken taught the Book of Genesis last school year and will be teaching the Book of Exodus this year. Ken has a unique ability to teach Catholic doctrine and morality straight from the pages of Scripture. The Bible comes to life when Ken teaches it and his passion for Scripture is very contagious. Over 200 parishioners attended Ken’s Bible study on Genesis. All will attest to its greatness. We are looking forward to the class on Exodus. This class is available to everyone. All are welcome! If you did not take the class on Genesis, no worries! Come take Exodus and you will love it! Hearts A Fire Program – The ‘One Thing’ is Three We will be offering the second year of the Hearts A Fire program, The ‘One Thing’ is Three starting on Tuesday, September 13th. Two classes will be offered: one during the day at 1:00 pm and another in the evening at 6:30 pm. This class is 10 weeks in length and will end the week before Thanksgiving. Fr. Michael Gaitley, MIC, offers the perfect resource for those who desire sanctity and wisdom but who are busy with life’s constant demands. The DVD and book will unlock the treasures of Catholicism in a way that’s clear, concise, and compelling. You do not need to have completed any other Hearts A Fire program to sign up for this class. Acts of the Apostles: (20 sessions) Join renowned speaker, Jeff Cavins, as he guides you through a study of the Book of Acts. Acts of the Apostles teaches how Christ's Kingdom on earth is empowered to carry out His work in the world. The book of Acts shows the Church, enlivened by the Holy Spirit, teaching, preaching, healing, and restoring outcasts in the same way that Jesus did on earth. The Acts of the Apostles provides an historic framework for understanding the rest of the New Testament. Paul’s letters in particular come alive in a new way when they are read within the context of the Acts narrative. If you take this class, you will: See how the Gospel witness spread outward in waves, from Jerusalem to Judea and Samaria, and finally to the ends of the earth. Share with the early Christians the joys and struggles of living the life of Christ, and learn how these apply to us today. See how the Holy Spirit guided the apostles into Truth. Observe the way the Spirit-filled Church adapted to new cultures when proclaiming the Gospel. Watch the seeds of Church structure and authority take root, and see how conflicts were resolved even at that early stage. See your place in Christ’s Church, and how you should live day-to-day as a disciple of Christ. The cost is $30.00 for your class materials. The Gospel of Luke: (18 sessions) Join prolific author and speaker, Dr. Paul Thigpen and “Doors of Mercy” host Fr. Jeffrey Kirby, in exploring the Gospel of Luke. Featuring world-class video, shot on location in Rome and Assisi, as well as beautiful and full-color study materials, Luke is a Catholic Scripture Study like you’ve never seen before. Luke, known as “The Gospel of Mercy,” is addressed to the Gentiles: all men and women seeking God. And it is Luke that the Church draws from in a special way during this Extraordinary Jubilee Year. With Luke you will: 7 Gain profound insights into the merciful Heart of God across 18-sessions. Uncover Christ’s life-changing Mercy through a deep examination of the Prodigal Son. Discover how the parables of the woman with the lost coin, the Good Samaritan, and the Lost Sheep show the depths of Our Lord’s Mercy. Be deeply engaged by the state-of-the-art video shot on location in Rome and Assisi. The cost is $40.00 for your full color class materials. Catholicism: The Pivotal Players (7-14 sessions, cost TBD) Bishop Robert Barron's CATHOLICISM series, an epic ten part documentary, took people around the world and deep into the Catholic Faith. The series aired on PBS and has been seen by millions. But there is still more of the story to tell. Bishop Barron is on a new journey to unlock the truth behind the Catholic Church's most influential people. CATHOLICISM: The Pivotal Players is a multi-part film series that illumines six saints, artists, mystics, and scholars who not only shaped the life of the Church but changed the course of civilization. ST. FRANCIS The Reformer: Rebuild my Church! That’s the mission Christ gave to St. Francis and it’s the perennial task of the Church in every age of its life. But how is the reform and renewal of the Church to be accomplished? The life of St. Francis demonstrates that Christ intends the foundations of true and lasting reform to be built on the solid rock that is the radical witness of the saints. ST. THOMAS AQUINAS The Theologian: The r elationship of faith and r eason is under intense scrutiny in an age beholden to the competing claims of fundamentalism and secularism. So called “new atheists” insist that the claims of religion amount to mere superstition, a retrograde holdover from a time long ago. Others insist that the life of faith is a retreat into emotions and subjectivism. St. Thomas Aquinas anticipated these objections and trends and demonstrated that to believe is to think and that the life of the mind is integral to life in Christ. BL. JOHN HENRY NEWMAN The Convert: Is there any truth in matters of religion? Should the Church simply retreat in the face of the challenges of culture? John Henry Newman came into the Church as a convert and used his prodigious intellectual gifts to help the Church better understand its identity and mission and engage the challenges of a secular age. ST. CATHERINE of SIENA The Mystic: Is the physical world all there is? Is science the only path to ascertaining truth? St. Catherine of Siena witnesses to a higher world beyond the material. Though the fourteenth century mystic never studied theology, and never learned how to read or write, her life constitutes a powerful challenge to the flattened-out secularism of our time. G.K. CHESTERTON The Evangelist: How does one engage a culture that is befuddled by Christ and suspicious of the Church? The life and witness of this nineteenth century literary convert shows that the fundamental disposition of effective evangelization is joy, and life in Christ is a day-to-day encounter with an abundant and surprising offer of grace. MICHELANGELO The Artist: The master of sculpture and painting is not a saint but serves as the privileged representative of the creative potential engendered by the Catholic Faith. The Church professes that beauty is a route of access to God, and through humanity’s creative artistry we glimpse the power and glory of the Lord. EPIC: A Study of Church History Presented by Steve Weidenkopf, this exciting 20-part series takes you through the major people, places, and events that make up the history of the Catholic Church. See the glory of the Church founded by Christ and understand where you fit into this Epic story. In Epic you will: Learn about the major people, places, and events of the two-thousand years of Church history. Remember the 12 time periods of Church history using a unique color-coded system. Learn the true story of the Crusades. Understand the rationale for the medieval inquisitors Discover the revolutionary character of the Protestant Reformation. Discover the persecution of Christians in the 20th century. Learn about the workings of the Holy Spirit throughout Church history... and much more! The cost is $25.00 for your class materials. 8 9 Music Camp 2016!! Last week, July 18-22, our building was bustling with the wonderful sounds of music, or as Father Merrill fondly called it, “racket.” In any case, we had a great week with many varied musical experiences for the campers to enjoy. Students played violin, Orff xylophones, handbells, and ukulele. They participated in the process of theater production from the audition through the performance. They learned how to write music utilizing music software. They played games, they ate, they made crafts, they sewed, and they sang! Campers were treated to the musical gifts of Christopher Joel Carter, the reigning Liberace contest champion, Kathryn Newman and her concert harp, Lisa Kennedy and her beautiful soprano voice, and Anne Vasile demonstrating our organ and allowing the children to get up close and personal. The campers also learned a little bit about Gregorian Chant and its’ notation. They even sang a little. Many thanks to all who helped make this year a great experience for all!! Liz Baker, Kyle Becher, Jonah Celeski, Sally Coffee, Tim Dix, Susan Dunbar, Abby Henken, Julie Kellogg, Sherry McEniry, Ryan Meier, Michael Rafferty, Sun Oberle, Sarah Tran, all our wonderful teens, Hallman’s Music Store, Champion Screen Art, and Shaggy’s Restaurant!! 10 Saint John Paul II Catholic High School 256-430-1760 www.jp2falcons.org Contact the Admissions Team to schedule a tour. [email protected]. Holy Spirit Regional Catholic School 256-881-4852 Holy Spirit Regional Catholic School is a 2013 National Blue Ribbon recipient from the Department of Education and also, accredited by the AdvancEd Association. We strive to provide an education strongly rooted in Catholic Values, reflecting each student’s unique qualities and promoting excellence in the whole person. JPII Employment Opportunity: St. John Paul II Catholic High School is seeking a dynamic, motivated and proven individual to join our school family as Advancement Director. Candidate must have a genuine commitment to Catholic education and able to assist in growing and strengthening the school’s Advancement and Alumni programs. Duties will encompass all aspects of advancement, including development and implementation of a comprehensive fund raising plan, communication with stakeholders, and cultivation and solicitation of annual, major and planned gifts. Candidate will support the Principal and the Board of Trustees. For more information, visit our website. For consideration please send resume to: [email protected]. Resumes will be accepted through August 5, 2016. Our vision is to challenge students to be faith-filled individuals as they discover and utilize to others. For more information, please call 256-881-4852 to schedule a tour or visit our website: www.hstigers.org Employment Opportunities Holy Spirit Regional Catholic School is accepting applications for the following positions for the 201617 school year. Teachers must be state certified or possess qualifications to be certified. PRO-LIFE Middle School Math Other non-certified positions: Substitute Teachers Before Care and After Care workers Old Fashioned Prayer Walk for Life 35th Anniversary Saturday, August 6th 9-11 a.m. If you are qualified and interested in applying please send an email requesting an application to [email protected] 220 Rands Ave. 256-534-1996 chooselifehuntsville.org “The mission of the Boy Scouts of America is to prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Law.” Cub Scout Pack 361 Cub Scouting is for boys in the 1st – 5th grades, or 7 to 10 years of age. Meets every 2nd Tuesday evening at 6:30pm Holy Spirit School Auditorium American Heritage Girls AHG Mission “Building women of integrity through service to God, family, community, and country” American Heritage Girls Kickoff! American Heritage Girls Troop AL7361 is having our Kickoff on Sunday, Aug.14 from 2-4 p.m. in Holy Spirit School’s Auditorium. Parents can come sit on a information session while the girls experience all the fun of AHG! AHG is a Christ-centered scouting program for girls ages 5 – 18. For more information contact Angie Gilchrist at [email protected] or 256.778.8050. For more information: http://hspack361.com/ POC Er ic Davis, Cubmaster , (727) 239-5759 [email protected] 11 COMMUNITY NEWS Father James E. Coyle Memorial Mass Let us Remember a Holy Priest Killed in the Line of Duty Wednesday August 10, 2016 at 12:10 P.M. Cathedral of St. Paul · 2120 3rd Ave. North, Reception and Special Address by Judge William H. Pryor, Jr. 205.447.8796 ·www.fathercoyle.org "Father Coyle was a martyr to duty." Join us for the ProLife / ProFamily & NFP Baby Shower on Sunday, August 14th from 3 until 5 pm in the St John the Baptist Parish Hall. Everyone is welcome to pack baby baskets, spiritually adopt a baby, and share in prayer and fellowship as we celebrate the dignity and beauty of life. Please bring an item needed for the baby baskets: pacifiers, infant onesies, thermometers, infant nail clippers, bibs and burp cloths, infant rattles or similar toys, swaddle blankets, diapers, bath wash, baby lotion, or bottles. Baby baskets will be delivered to Catholic Family Services and used for local women in crisis pregnancies. John Carroll Catholic High School Classes of 1956, 1957, 1958 Combined Reunion Saturday, August 20, 2016, at The Birmingham Botanical Gardens. Mass will be at 4:00 at St. Francis Xavier and our reunion will start at 5:30. For more information or registration please contact Diane Swatek, [email protected] or 205-823-2330. Your intercessory prayers and donations make a profound impact. We can't wait to see you! Natural Family Planning (NFP). Learn NFP at home and at your own pace with the Home Study Course fr om NFP Inter national, www.nfpandmore.org. Work with a live instructor by email. Completion certificate. Only $70. Magnificat Prayer Breakfast Saturday, August 20 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM Speaker, Johnnette Benkovic St. Elias Parish Hall 8th St. South Birmingham Cost: $15 (sales end August 14) E-mail: [email protected] Contact: Donna #205-408-0308 We are listed at the U.S Bishops' website under NFP long distance learning: http://www.usccb.org/issuesand-action/marriage-and-family/natural-familyplanning/nfp-distance-learning.cfm Spiritual Fitness for the Care Giver with Dr. Dale Fletcher of The Faith and Heath Connection To give effective spiritual care to others, we need to be spiritually fit ourselves! Saturday, August 20 Catholic Family Services (1010 Chur ch Str eet, Huntsville) offers quality Individual, Marriage, and Family Therapy to all ages and all faiths in a Christian setting. Sliding scale, affordable rates without insurance filing. Free pregnancy counseling. Our new Director, Cathie McDaniel, M.A., LPC, can be reached at (256)536-0073 or [email protected]. 8:30 am - 2:30 pm Fellowship Hall, First Baptist Church $35 includes continental breakfast and lunch To register, email [email protected] or go to https://christiancoachinstitute.leadpages.co/spiritiualfitness-for-caregivers/ or call #256-883-6539 Employment Opportunity: Counselor needed for Catholic Family Services, Huntsville, a faith-based, nonprofit, social service agency offering Individual, Marriage, and Family Therapy, as well as pro-life services to pregnant women, adoption, and foster care. Ideal candidates will be a Licensed Social Worker, or Licensed Professional Counselor with Psychology or Counseling, clinical experience, as well as be a practicing Catholic in good standing with knowledge of Catholic Social Teaching. Candidates should contact Cathie McDaniel, Director of Registrations due by August 17. St. Vincent dePaul The Society of St. Vincent dePaul Council is requesting volunteer assistance from a Certified Public Accountant with knowledge of commercial property tax codes to advise and assist the council on a limited basis. If you can help or if you need further information please contact Morgan Jellett, 256-774-5453. 12 13 14 Check out our new CD’s, Books and Booklets! CD: All Things Are Possible For God As a young man, the last thing Fr. Joshua Waltz ever thought he would be was a Catholic priest. But a series of choices—some bad and some good—ultimately led him to enter the seminary. In this talk, Fr. Waltz shares an incredible vocation story that involves heartbreak, robbers, Europe, and several miracles—all showing that there is nothing more exciting than a life lived for Jesus Christ. $3 Abraham (Revealing the Historical Roots of Our Faith) Stephen Ray emphasizes that unless we understand the innate “Jewishness” of Christianity and our Old Testament heritage, we will never fully understand our Faith, the Church, or even salvation itself. These are rooted not only in the early Church, but 2000 years before that, in Abraham. With his infectious enthusiasm, Stephen helps us to learn the deep truths of scripture that God taught through Abraham. $3 CD: The Four Last Things Fr. Mike Schmitz is one of the leading Catholic speakers in the Church today. Fr. Mike tackles four very difficult topics in this exceptional presentation: Death, Judgement, Heaven, and Hell. Listen to this talk and finally get the answers to the question: "What Happens When I Die?" $3 CD: Living Life By Design no by Default With so much technology at our fingertips, it's tough not to get swept away in all the noise and clutter. In our society there's often a tendency to live passively by simply "going with the flow." In this talk given at a FOCUS national conference, Fr. Mike Schmitz explains how we need to live an intentionally Christian life within a technological age. $3 CD: 15 Things To Do In The Midst of Suffering Suffering is a mystery we all face at some time in our lives. Whether it is physical, emotional, or spiritual, it will test our faith. Internationally known speaker Jeff Cavins shares personal insights he gained through his own physical pain. He shows us how we can join our sufferings with those of Jesus on the cross, bringing renewed meaning to the suffering we experience in our lives. $3 CD: Following the Call of Christ Fr. Robert Barron, one of the great spiritual teachers of our time, presents these biblical stories of true conversion drawing from the riches of scriptural accounts. They were people just like you and me who were called by Christ - Bartimaeus, The Man Born Blind, The Woman at the Well, and Jonah and the Great Fish. $3 15 CD: 5-Time Major League All Star on Winning the Game for Christ Allstar Mike Sweeney speaks to 5000 young adults about his own experience of living his Catholic Faith from when he was a high school jock, through his time in Major League baseball. With humor and humility, he shares the circumstances that led him to completely center his life on God, and how the Lord wants to personally be involved in your life, too. Mike relates how pivotal choices led to his amazing ride with Christ. $3 CD: An Invitation to Consider the Catholic Faith Why should a person who is not Catholic consider entering into the Church? Father Francis Peffley gives five compelling reasons, followed by a simple outline of the steps one would take to begin the process of becoming Catholic. Fr. Peffley is active with parish young adult ministry, retreat work, Catholic apologetics, and evangelization. His hobbies include golf, scuba diving, bowling, and juggling fire torches and machetes.$3 Booklet: Preparing for Your Child’s Baptism Baptism is a gift for you, your child and for the whole family. This booklet explains what the sacrament is all about and what it means for you and your child. There are also practical suggestions and activities for you to follow during the time of preparation and on the day of the Sacrament itself to support your child in prayer together with all the family. Make your child's baptism a time to enrich and renew the faith of everyone involved. $2 Booklet: Why Go to Mass Some Catholics go to Mass simply because they have always done so, out of obligation, or because their parents, teachers or peers demand that they come. Others have either given up completely or are still searching. Relying greatly upon the new Catechism of the Catholic Church, Fr Michael Evans provides a beautiful summary of the meaning of the Mass and the powerful reasons why it holds the central position in the life of the Church and Christians. How can we love God, and our neighbor without the love of Christ? $2 Book: My Sisters the Saints In " My Sisters the Saints" , author Colleen Carroll Campbell blends her personal narrative of spiritual seeking, trials, stumbles, and breakthroughs with the stories of six women saints who profoundly changed her life: Teresa of Avila, Therese of Lisieux, Faustina of Poland, Edith Stein of Germany, Mother Teresa of Calcutta, and Mary of Nazareth. Drawing upon the rich writings and examples of these extraordinary women, the author reveals Christianity’s liberating power for women and the relevance of the saints to the lives of contemporary Christians. $4 Book: Bible Basics for Catholic From biblical scholar Dr. John Bergsma — two-time "Teacher of the Year" from Franciscan University of Steubenville, OH — comes this fresh, fun, and authentically Catholic introduction to the "big picture" of salvation history. This overview of the Bible is based on Bergsma's widely popular introduction to theology course at Franciscan University of Steubenville. Bergsma combines sound theology, academic expertise, pastoral wisdom, and an endearing playfulness to draw readers into the connection between the great stories of the Bible and salvation in Jesus. $4 16 Invest just five minutes a day, and your faith will deepen and grow—a day at a time. SUNDAY, JULY 31, 2016 EIGHTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Strike it rich Where does true wealth lie? In his Spiritual Exercises, Saint Ignatius writes, “If I have nothing, my only possession is Christ . . . and this is to be really true to myself—the humility of a person whose whole reality and value is grounded in being created and redeemed in Christ.” The call of a Christian is to be spiritually secure, not taking stock in what the world gives, but in the promises of Christ. That is where true wealth lies: in being fully given to Christ, so that nothing can come between you and the love of God. TODAY’S READINGS: Ecclesiastes 1:2; 2:21-23; Colossians 3:1-5, 9-11; Luke 12:13-21 (114). “Take care to guard against all greed, for though one may be rich, one’s life does not consist of possessions.” MONDAY, AUGUST 1 money away if she is broke?”; “If I give him something, he’s only going to spend it on booze.” It’s easy to slip into a “worthiness calculation,” but what should give us pause is the awareness of the ways we also fall short of the ideal. There is wisdom in the cliché “There but for the grace of God . . . .” Remember it the next time someone asks for assistance. TODAY’S READINGS: Jeremiah 31:1-7; Matthew 15:21-28 (409). “Please, Lord, for even the dogs THURSDAY, AUGUST 4 FEAST OF JOHN VIANNEY, PRIEST A pastor knows his flock A good pastor can transform a parish. This was certainly true of the small rural parish led by Saint John Vianney. Known as the “world’s pastor,” Vianney led the people of Ars, France in the early 1800s by the example of his faith and life. Vianney attracted more than 100,000 pilgrims from throughout Europe and was remarkably present to all whom he encountered. He drew others into God’s love through his own love, modeling the true role of a pastor— to be a reflection of Christ. In doing so, he affected not only his parish but the whole church. Remember the patron saint of parish priests in your prayers today. TODAY’S READINGS: Jeremiah 31:31-34; Matthew 16:13-23 (410). “I will place my law within them, and write it upon their hearts; I will be their God, and they shall be my people.” FRIDAY, AUGUST 5 What’s your gift to the world? Vincent Van Gogh said, “The best way to know God is to love many things.” Alphonsus Liguori embodied this wisdom, as a prolific spiritual author as well as an accomplished musician, poet, and painter. With more than 100 works on spirituality to his name, his writings have been translated into dozens of languages and thousands of editions, making him one of the most widely read Catholic authors of all time. When we discover our gifts and use them to serve God, our works multiply. What are your gifts and how will you put them in service to the world? TODAY’S READINGS: Jeremiah 28:1-17; Matthew 14:13-21 (407). “His heart was moved with pity for them, and he cured their sick.” TUESDAY, AUGUST 2 FEAST OF PETER JULIAN EYMARD, PRIEST Let God mould your life In the world of sculpture, the name Rodin ranks right up there with Michelangelo. The great French sculptor— creator of The Thinker and many other masterpieces— was a renowned artist by 1900, but it might never have been that way. In 1862, Rodin’s beloved sister died and he felt he had let her down. Deeply anguished and guilt ridden, he sought refuge by joining a Catholic order, the Congregation of the Blessed Eucharist. Saint Peter Julian Eymard, founder and head of the congregation, sensing that Rodin was running from his pain and wasn’t really suited to religious life, encouraged him to continue with his sculpture. Rodin returned to work and the rest is history. God blesses each of us with gifts. Serve God by developing yours in the service of humanity. TODAY’S READINGS: Jeremiah 30:1-2, 12-15, 1822; Matthew 14:22-36 or Matthew 15:1-2, 10-14 (408). “O you of little faith, why did you doubt?” WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 3 Everyone is worthy When you pass a person begging on a street corner, what goes through your mind? Is there a quick calculation going on as to their worthiness? Some variation on: “He looks like he could be working”; “Why is she smoking her At home with Mary It may seem to you that we are honoring a church building on this feast of the Basilica of Mary Major, but in truth the church honors not a building, but Mary the mother of God on this feast. This basilica has remained a beacon of strength and beauty that has honored Mary since the fourth century. It reminds us that Mary intercedes on our behalf and is a perfect model of courage and faithfulness for each of us to imitate. But you don’t have to travel to Rome to meditate on patron saints. Read about the patron of your parish community and ask for that saint’s assistance. TODAY’S READINGS: Nahum 2:1, 3; 3:1-3, 6-7; Matthew 16:24-28 (411). “Jesus said to his disciples . . . begin to follow in my footsteps.” SATURDAY, AUGUST 6 FEAST OF THE TRANSFIGURATION OF THE LORD Let faith take you to the next level Why do people climb mountains? Is it the view? The rarefied air that refreshes? The challenge? All of that may be true but in biblical times, people also climbed a lot of mountains because they were in the way! Mountains dot the landscape in biblical regions. If you want to appreciate the power of the many transformational events in the Bible that happened to take place on mountains, climb one yourself, or at least visit the Rockies, Appalachia, or some other higher-elevation destination. Perhaps you, too, will be transformed! TODAY’S READINGS: Daniel 7:9-10, 13-14; 2 Peter 1:16-19; Luke 9:28b-36 (614). “Jesus took Peter, ©2016 by TrueQuest Communications. 17 MARRIAGE Arrangements for weddings must be made six months in advance with our priests. A Marriage Preparation Class is required. ANOINTING OF THE SICK If you are ill and would like to receive the Sacrament of the Sick and/or the Eucharist please contact the parish office to make arrangements. Contact parish office prior to hospitalization, surgery or during illness. Baptism Preparation Class For parents and godparents, Aug. 10—7:00 PM in the Multi Purpose Room of the Parish Life Center. Please call the parish office to make a reservation so we can plan for you! 256-881-4781 “0” KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS COUNCIL #764 Grand Knight Tim Karigan 883-4325 Parish Ministries & Contact Persons ADMINISTRATIVE Adopt-A-Plot Communications Data Entry Money Counters Pastoral Council Print Shop & Mailing Ava Joly Michael Rafferty Joe Hodges Pat Carrigan Jon Hollihan Maritza Holland PARISH LIFE 883-0016 539-2165 880-0211 882-1911 882-2666 881-4781 Bookstore Jeanne King 881-1385 Holy Spirit Travel Club Sandy Wells [email protected] Hospitality Committee Debra Kibler 714-3468 Nursery Sharon Brown 881-4781 Parish Life Center Library Dexter Nilsson 881-6366 Perpetual Adoration of the Eucharist Bob Dineen 880-0221 Pete Robert 882-0033 Malen Colberg (Spanish) 650-5194 Maritza Holland(Spanish) 808-551-2901 Jason Poyer 881-1526 Widowed Group Hugo Jenrath 682-1694 Our Lady’s Rosary Makers Ann Digesu 881-0863 Pat Scroggins 881-9228 COMMUNITY Beginning Experience Voice Mail 837-8375 Catholic Family Services 1010 Church Street 536-0073 Catholic Women of the Diocese of Birmingham Carol Chapuran 882-0655 Christ Renews His Parish (CRHP) Christina Spradlin 698-8679 Cursillo in Christianity Bob McCoy 532-1991 KAIROS Prison Ministry Deacon Sam Dias 715-1190 Knights of Columbus #764 http:/www.kofc764.com Ladies’ Auxiliary #764 Margaret Lagasse 650-5515 Marriage Encounter Jason & Susan Poyer 881-1526 Meals on Wheels Jonathan Duerr 527-4345 Our Lady’s Prayer Group Debbie Cvitan 881-3874 Pro-Life Gisela Dyer 885-1786 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Adult Education & Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults—RCIA Tracy Finke 881-0345 Faith Formation - Ages 3 thru grade 12, and Vacation Bible School Tracy Finke 881-0345 SOCIAL JUSTICE HISPANIC OFFICE Haiti Parish Twinning Program Bob McCoy Habitat for Humanity Marianne Higgins Hispanic Ministry Coordinator Maria Jose Bonilla 881-4781 ext. 225 Secretary Martha Barragan 881-2211 MUSIC Adult Choirs St. Cecilia Choir and St. Gregory Youth Choir St. Nicholas Choir Youth Mass Ensemble Ministry to the Sick and Homebound Michael Sudnik 604-3374 [email protected] Society of St.Vincent DePaul Bernadette Deal 797-8173 Stephen Ministry Lee or Kathy Heckman 489-7389 Carolyn Brunty 683-7015 Anne Vasile ext. 219 881-4781 Dr. Rebecca Whited 1-256-620-7925 [email protected] Ann-Kathleen Whited [email protected] Anne Vasile ext. 219 881-4781 LITURGY Altar Guild Altar Servers Eucharistic Ministers Lectors Altar Linens Wedding Coordinator Heather Dixson Michelle Vandergrift Tracy Finke Lynne Greco Vicki Pape Connie Beveridge Mary Walker ext. 0 YOUTH 468-2754 828-2548 881-0345 882-0888 883-0835 882-3414 881-4781 Boy Scouts Cub Scouts American Heritage Girls Youth Ministry HOLY SPIRIT CHURCH TELEPHONE DIRECTORY Fr. Michael Mac Mahon 216 Fr. Charles Merrill 217 Anne Vasile 219 Tracy Finke 223 Religious Ed (School) 249 532-1991 653-1843 Deacon Mike Sudnik Kyle Becher Judy Rebman Maritza Holland Disaster Relief 18 212 220 224 211 232 RJ Solohub 529-5200 Eric Davis 727-239-5759 Angie Gilchrist [email protected] Lori Lai 882-6483 881-4781 + extension Nursery Bookstore Maritza Holland Maria Jose Bonilla Julie Kellogg 235 215 251 225 234