Simply Music Rhapsody
Simply Music Rhapsody
Simply Music Rhapsody Kids Make Music: Lessons 11-20 w w Contents Lesson 11: Lesson Plans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 3 Lesson at a Glance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 5 Lyrics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 6 Lesson 12: Lesson Plans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 9 Lesson at a Glance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 11 Lyrics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 12 Lesson 13: Lesson Plans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 14 Lesson at a Glance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 16 Lyrics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 17 Lesson 14: Lesson Plans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 19 Lesson at a Glance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 21 Lyrics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 22 Lesson 15: Lesson Plans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 24 Lesson at a Glance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 26 Lyrics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 27 Lesson 16: Lesson Plans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 30 Lesson at a Glance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 32 Lyrics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 33 Lesson 17: Lesson Plans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 36 Lesson at a Glance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 38 Lyrics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 39 Lesson 18: Lesson Plans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 42 Lesson at a Glance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 44 Lyrics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 45 Lesson 19: Lesson Plans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 47 Lesson at a Glance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 49 Lyrics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 50 Lesson 20: Lesson Plans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 52 Lesson at a Glance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 53 Lyrics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 55 Lessons 11-20: Song Notation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 57 (102512) Simply Music Rhapsody: Kids Make Music: Lessons 11-20 | © Licensed to Simply Music. All rights reserved. Page 2 of 84 11 Kids Make Music Lesson Plan 11 Activity Gathering Drum with Hello Song Title Alma Mater Blues (Exploration) (Piano) (New) Tideo Shoo Turkey (Ukulele) Comments Alma Mater Blues: Free play and exploration time on the large drum. Tideo: Keep the beat on the drum while singing hello. Shoo Turkey: • Review the F chord on the ukulele for a parent to play along. • Play the steady beat on the A section • Get up and do the “Turkey Trot” around the drum for the B section. What’s Needed Track Guitar/Ukulele Track Turkey Puppet Ukulele TIP: Before you start the music, make sure the parents understand they need to get up and walk with their tots. Tickle Game Pizza Pickle Pumpernickel (New) Pizza Pickle Pumpernickel – tap the steady beat on the children (Track) My Little Boy shall have a tickle – pause before saying “tickle” One for his nose – tickle nose And one for his toes – tickle toes And one for his tummy where the hot dog goes – slow down the words in anticipation for the tickles on “tummy.” Movement Windy Weather Repeat activity from last week. Solo Singing For Holiday Show Performance Star Medley: Starlight, Star Bright, Sing The Color Out Tonight (New) Tell the parents that their help will be needed on stage to assist their child at the open house. Track You will need stars that have different colors for the children to sing. These can be made of paper or felt or plush works well too. Starlight, Star Bright, Sing The Color Out Tonight: • Sing the starlight phrase while having a little star in your hand swaying it side to side to the beat. • See if any of the children sing out the color of the star you are holding. Star Finger Puppets/ Felts/Paper Stars Whoever sings gets the star. • Repeat until all children hold a star. Twinkle, Twinkle Twinkle, Twinkle: Each child gets a star and moves it side to side while singing twinkle, twinkle. For, “Up above” they all raise their stars up high. Stars/Star Light (Parent Tip) (New) Stars/Starlight: Children sing and dance with their star to the music following the direction of the melody. Guitar/Ukulele (Track) Movement of the stars is up and down and goes higher when the music goes higher. Parent Tip: Point out to the parents that we are following the movement of the melody line. The higher the notes we sing the higher the stars go. (102512) Simply Music Rhapsody: Kids Make Music: Lessons 11-20 | © Licensed to Simply Music. All rights reserved. Page 3 of 84 11 Kids Make Music Lesson Plan 11, Cont. Activity Instrument Kit – Maracas Title Powama (Exploration) (Parent Tip) Turkey Feathers Comments Powama: Encourage the parents to dance with their tots any way they like while shaking the maracas! Give them time to explore the movement. Parent Tip: Listening, comparing and responding to various types of music develop thinking skills. This is a wonderful Native American piece. Turkey Feathers: • Repeat activity from last week with either the track or use the guitar for What’s Needed Maracas Track Guitar/Ukulele (Track) Turkey Felts Felt Board the chorus and have the children sing the colors of the feathers. IF TIME Gray Squirrel Gray Squirrel: • Review the song from last week. • Sing without the recording, pausing after “Wrinkle up your little ___.” Encourage children to sing, “Nose,” “Toes,” and “Tail.” Track Squirrel Puppet or Picture • Repeat the song using the recording, encouraging motions and singing. Make sure the parents are singing with you. Instrument Kit – Triangles & Rhythm Sticks Two Little Sausages Two Little Sausages: • “Breakfast” – say this word slowly while ringing the triangle to call everyone to the table. “Two little sausages…” – scratch the rhythm sticks “Pop” – tap the sticks together “Bam” – tap sticks on the floor When you repeat the activity, start out by asking what they would like to make for breakfast/lunch/dinner. Instead of singing “Breakfast” sing whatever food they come up with. Ex. “Eggs” or “Pancakes.” • To get back into the rhyme say “How about some more sausages.” • Start over with the rhyme saying, “Sausages” instead of, “Breakfast.” Rhythm Sticks Triangles (Track) • • • • Little Horses Little Horses: • Hold up the rhythm sticks and declare, “These are our horses. Lets put them to sleep.” Lay the rhythm sticks on the floor. You can also have a scarf laying on the floor as their blanket. Explain the horses are sleeping in the barn. • After singing the first verse, “Little Horses…the sunshine is warm,” - tap the rhythm sticks and sing “lai, lai, lai,… “This is the sound of the horses are galloping. • At the end of the second verse, “Little horses … the blankets are warm,” slowly put the rhythm sticks back “To sleep” on the floor or scarf and pick up the triangle to softly play and sing lai, lai, lai…, a a lullaby for the little horses. SingA-Long IF TIME Old Mac Donald Goodbye Song Come My Friends If time, you can sing Old Mac Donald. Optional Scarves and Horse (Finger) Puppet Track Guitar/Ukulele Guitar/Ukulele Track Next Week’s Fun Announcements & Hand outs (102512) Simply Music Rhapsody: Kids Make Music: Lessons 11-20 | © Licensed to Simply Music. All rights reserved. Page 4 of 84 11 Kids Make Music Lesson Plan 11 - Lesson at a Glance Alma Mater Blues Tideo Shoo Turkey Pizza Pickle Pumpernickel Windy Weather Starlight, Star Bright Twinkle, Twinkle Stars/Starlight Powama (Maracas) Turkey Feathers (Gray Squirrel) Two Little Sausages (Triangles, Rhythm Sticks) Little Horses (Old Mac Donald) Come My Friends (102512) Simply Music Rhapsody: Kids Make Music: Lessons 11-20 | © Licensed to Simply Music. All rights reserved. Page 5 of 84 11 Kids Make Music Lesson Plan 11 - Lyrics Alma Mater Blues Pizza Pickle Pumpernickel (No Lyrics) Pizza pickle pumpernickel My little guy/girl shall have a tickle One for the noes One for the toes And one for the tummy where the hot dog goes Tideo Time for music Tideo Time for music Tideo Time for music Tideo Jingle at the window Tideo Jingling, jingling, jingling Joe Jingle at the window Tideo Shoo Turkey Windy Weather Windy weather Breezy weather When the wind blows We all get together Little girl Little boy Yes, ma’am Well did you go to the barn? Yes, ma’am Well did you see my turkey? Yes, ma’am Well is my turkey gone? Yes, ma’am Which way did he go? So, so Well, will you help me catch him? Yes, ma’am Then shoo turkey shoo, shoo Shoo turkey shoo, shoo Shoo turkey shoo, shoo Like a leaf or a feather In the windy, windy weather We whirl around And twirl around And all sink down together Shoo turkey shoo, shoo Shoo turkey shoo, shoo Shoo turkey shoo shoo Shoo! Twinkle, Twinkle (102512) Starlight, Star Bright Star light Star bright First star I see tonight Wish I may Wish I might Have the wish I wish tonight Twinkle, twinkle little star How I wonder what you are Up above the world so high Like a diamond in the sky Twinkle, twinkle little star How I wonder what you are Simply Music Rhapsody: Kids Make Music: Lessons 11-20 | © Licensed to Simply Music. All rights reserved. Page 6 of 84 11 Kids Make Music Lesson Plan 11 - Lyrics, Cont. Stars/Starlight Gray Squirrel Stars are twinkling in the sky Way up high Way up high Gray squirrel Gray squirrel Swish your bushy tail Stars are twinkling in the in sky Shining down on me Gray squirrel Gray squirrel Swish your bushy tail Star light Star bright First star I see tonight Wrinkle up your little nose Hold a nut between your toes Wish I may Wish I might Have the wish I wish tonight Gray squirrel Gray squirrel Swish your bushy tail Two Little Sausages Powama (No Lyrics) Turkey Feathers Turkey, turkey where’s your hair? Feathers missing you’re so bare (repeat) Who has the (color) on? I have the (color) one (name) has the color one Oh look! Turkey, turkey there’s your hair Feathers back now you’re not bare (repeat) (102512) Breakfast! Two little sausages Frying in a pan One goes, “pop” And the other goes, “bam!” Little Horses Little horses, little horses Come out of your barn The door is wide open The sunshine is warm Little horses, little horses Come back to your barn The door is wide open Your blankets are warm Simply Music Rhapsody: Kids Make Music: Lessons 11-20 | © Licensed to Simply Music. All rights reserved. Page 7 of 84 11 Kids Make Music Lesson Plan 11 - Lyrics, Cont. Old Mac Donald Old Mac Donald had a farm EE - I - EE - I - O And on his farm he had a pig EE - I - EE - I - O With an oink oink here And an oink oink there Here an oink, there an oink Everywhere an oink oink Old Mac Donald had a farm EE - I - EE - I - O Repeat with: Cow - moo, dog - woof, cat - meow, horse neigh, sheep - baa, chicken - cluck Come My Friends Come, my friends And gather ‘round So we can sing goodbye We’ll sing and dance Another day So long, farewell Goodbye (102512) Simply Music Rhapsody: Kids Make Music: Lessons 11-20 | © Licensed to Simply Music. All rights reserved. Page 8 of 84 12 Kids Make Music Lesson Plan 12 Activity Title Gathering Drum with Hello Song and Yearly Holiday Gift Deck The Hall (Exploration) (New) Take A Potato (New) Tideo (Parent Tip) (Ukulele) Comments What’s Needed Deck The Hall: Find different ways to keep the beat on the drum. Track Take A Potato: Play on the drum for the repeated words like, “Spin, spin, spin, win, win, win” or “pat, pat, pat.” Track Tideo: • Keep the beat on the drum while singing hello. • Review C chord on ukulele then pass the ukulele around having the child Guitar/Ukulele whose name we sing strum with their pointer finger and the parent or caregiver hold the ukulele playing the chord. Parent Tip: Remember to tap that steady beat on them to improve their timing and coordination, later helping with skills like skipping, galloping and performance in sports. Hello (Echo) Song (New) Hello (Echo) Song: • Pass out little Holiday friend to everyone, singing, “Hello” and encouraging them to echo back. Yearly Holiday Friend or Gift Track • In two weeks one of these little friends will get to go home with you. • Have all the friends sing to each other using the Hello Echo Song. No solos yet this week, since they have to practice their star songs for the open house. Trepak (New) Trepak: • Explain their little Holiday friends love to dance on the drum. • We will listen for the accents so we know when the Holiday Friends will Track jump as if the drum is a trampoline. All practice jumping on the trampoline! • Continue explaining and demonstrating that we will bounce them side to side on the drum head when it’s not the “accent” music as if they are dancing. Then they will march around the edge of the drum • Practice the big finish, jumping faster and faster until the end; then they fall down. • Use the recording. Tickle Game (102512) Pizza Pickle Pumpernickel Before saying the rhyme, tap the steady beat on the children while chanting, “Tap, tap, tap, tap…” Pizza Pickle Pumpernickel – tap the steady beat on the children My Little Boy (girl) shall have a tickle – pause before saying, “Tickle” One for his nose – tickle nose And one for his toes – tickle toes And one for his tummy where the hot dog goes – slow down the words in anticipation for the tickles on “Tummy.” (Track) Simply Music Rhapsody: Kids Make Music: Lessons 11-20 | © Licensed to Simply Music. All rights reserved. Page 9 of 84 12 Kids Make Music Lesson Plan 12, Cont. Activity Movement Title Chinese Dance (New) Comments Have everyone make a large circle. • Say the words, which explain the dance, while moving. • A Section: As everyone marches, “Walk to the right in a circle and walk and What’s Needed Track walk and walk and stop.” • “Now to the left, in the circle, and walk and walk and walk and stop.” • B Section – Walk into the center and clap your hands seven times. as you say, “Into the center and count to seven.” • Walk back out and count to seven as everyone claps their hands seven times as you say, “Walk back out and count to seven.“ • (Repeat A) • Then bow, take another bow, then bow some more! Raise hands up high for the big finish, saying, “Ta-Da!” • Use the CD to perform the piece. Ask them to listen for the low bassoon playing at the beginning of the music. Solo Singing For Holiday Show Performance Star Medley: Starlight, Star Bright, Sing The Color Out Tonight (New) (Holiday Show) Twinkle, Twinkle (Holiday Show) Stars/Starlight (Holiday Show) Tell the parents that their help will be needed on stage to assist their child at the open house. You will need stars that have different colors for the children to sing, paper, felt, plush etc. Starlight, Star Bright, Sing The Color Out Tonight: • Sing the starlight phrase while having a little star in your hand swaying it side to side to the beat. • See if any of the children sing out the color of the star you are holding. Whoever sings gets the star. • Repeat until all children hold a star. Twinkle, Twinkle: Each child gets a star and moves it side to side while singing twinkle, twinkle. For, “Up above” they all raise their stars up high. Star Finger Puppets/ Felts/Paper Stars Guitar/Ukulele (Track) Stars/Starlight: • Children sing and dance with their star to the music following the direction of the melody. • Movement of the stars is up and down and goes higher when the music goes higher. Instrument Kit – Triangles & Rhythm Sticks Two Little Sausages Greensleeves (Piano) Little Horses Goodbye Song Come My Friends Two Little Sausages: Repeat activity from last week. Greensleeves: • Show them the chimes and play it for them with the triangle striker. Explain that during this piano piece, I will play the recorder part (or another live instrument you choose to play.) • You can take turns coming up to play the chimes. You can dance, swaying to the beat, adult and child across from each other, holding on to each other or rhythm sticks as you sway. Little Horses: Repeat activity from last week. Rhythm Sticks Triangles (Track) Track Hanging Chimes Optional Horse (Finger) Puppet Track Guitar/Ukulele Track Next Week’s Fun Announcements & Hand outs (102512) Simply Music Rhapsody: Kids Make Music: Lessons 11-20 | © Licensed to Simply Music. All rights reserved. Page 10 of 84 12 Kids Make Music Lesson Plan 12 - Lesson at a Glance Deck The Hall Take A Potato Tideo Hello (Echo) Song Trepak Pizza Pickle Pumpernickel Chinese Dance Starlight, Star Bright, Sing The Colors Twinkle, Twinkle Stars/Starlight Two Little Sausages (Triangles, Rhythm Sticks) Greensleeves Little Horses Come My Friends (102512) Simply Music Rhapsody: Kids Make Music: Lessons 11-20 | © Licensed to Simply Music. All rights reserved. Page 11 of 84 12 Kids Make Music Lesson Plan 12 - Lyrics Deck The Hall Chinese Dance (No Lyrics) (No Lyrics) Take A Potato Starlight, Star Bright, Sing The Colors (Lyrics On Recording) Star light Star bright First star I see tonight Tideo Time for music Tideo Time for music Tideo Time for music Tideo Jingle at the window Tideo Jingling, jingling, jingling Joe Jingle at the window Tideo Twinkle, Twinkle Twinkle, twinkle little star How I wonder what you are Up above the world so high Like a diamond in the sky Twinkle, twinkle little star How I wonder what you are Hello (Echo) Song Hello! (Hello!) Hello! (Hello!) I’m glad you’re here today! To sing (to sing) To play (to play) And now we’re on our way Stars/Starlight Stars are twinkling in the sky Way up high Way up high Trepak (No Lyrics) Pizza Pickle Pumpernickel Pizza pickle pumpernickel My little guy/girl shall have a tickle One for the noes One for the toes And one for the tummy where the hot dog goes (102512) Wish I may Wish I might Have the wish I wish tonight Stars are twinkling in the in sky Shining down on me Star light Star bright First star I see tonight Wish I may Wish I might Have the wish I wish tonight Simply Music Rhapsody: Kids Make Music: Lessons 11-20 | © Licensed to Simply Music. All rights reserved. Page 12 of 84 12 Kids Make Music Lesson Plan 12 - Lyrics, Cont. Two Little Sausages Breakfast! Two little sausages Frying in a pan One goes, “pop” And the other goes, “bam!” Greensleeves (No Lyrics) Little Horses Little horses, little horses Come out of your barn The door is wide open The sunshine is warm Little horses, little horses Come back to your barn The door is wide open Your blankets are warm Come My Friends Come, my friends And gather ‘round So we can sing goodbye We’ll sing and dance Another day So long, farewell Goodbye (102512) Simply Music Rhapsody: Kids Make Music: Lessons 11-20 | © Licensed to Simply Music. All rights reserved. Page 13 of 84 13 Kids Make Music Lesson Plan 13 - Complete lesson available. Activity Title Gathering Drum with Hello Song Jingle Bells (Exploration) (New) and Yearly Holiday Gift Tideo (Ukulele) Take A Potato Comments Jingle Bells: Find different ways to keep the beat on the drum. Track Take A Potato: Play on the drum for the repeated words like, “Spin, spin, spin, win, win, win” or “pat, pat, pat.” Track Tideo: • Keep the beat on the drum while singing hello. • Review C chord on ukulele then pass the ukulele around having the child whose name we sing strum with their pointer finger and the parent or caregiver hold the ukulele playing the chord. Hello (Echo) Song (Parent Tip) What’s Needed Hello (Echo) Song: • Pass out little Holiday friends to everyone. • Next week one of these little friends will get to go home with you. • Have all the Holiday Friends sing to each other using the Hello Echo Song. Guitar/Ukulele Holiday Friend (Track) Mention the Parent Tip: If you sing in music class, children will notice your participation and imitate your example. Do not worry how well you sing, what matters is that you sing. Think high when singing. Children’s natural range is higher than adults. Even in speech, young children respond more to a higher pitched voice! Movement Trepak Trepak: Repeat activity from last week using holiday friends (gifts). Track Chinese Dance • Have everyone make a large circle. • Say the words, which explain the dance, while moving. • A Section: As everyone marches, “Walk to the right in a circle and walk Track and walk and walk and stop.” • “Now to the left, in the circle, and walk and walk and walk and stop.” • B Section – Walk into the center and clap your hands seven times. as you say, “Into the center and count to seven.” • Walk back out and count to seven as everyone claps their hands seven times as you say “Walk back out and count to seven.” • (Repeat A) • Then bow, take another bow, then bow some more! Raise hands up high for the big finish, saying, “Ta-Da!” • Use the recording to perform the piece. Ask them to listen for the low bassoon playing at the beginning of the music. Solo Singing For Holiday Show Performance Star Medley: Starlight, Star Bright, Sing The Color Out Tonight (Holiday Show) Tell the parents that their help will be needed on stage to assist their child at the open house. You will need stars that have different colors for the children to sing, paper, felt, plush etc. Starlight, Star Bright, Sing The Color Out Tonight: • Sing the starlight phrase while having a little star in your hand swaying it Star Finger Puppets/ Felts/Paper Stars Guitar/Ukulele side to side to the beat. • See if any of the children sing out the color of the star you are holding. Whoever sings gets the star. • Repeat until all children hold a star. (102512) Simply Music Rhapsody: Kids Make Music: Lessons 11-20 | © Licensed to Simply Music. All rights reserved. Page 14 of 84 13 Kids Make Music Lesson Plan 13, Cont. - Complete lesson available. Activity Title Solo Singing For Holiday Show Twinkle, Twinkle (Holiday Show) Instrument Kit – Triangles Stars/Star Light (Holiday Show) Five Little Triangles (New) Greensleeves (Piano) Instrument Kit – Jingle Bells Sleigh Ride (New) Come My Friends What’s Needed Twinkle, Twinkle: Each child gets a star and moves it side to side while singing twinkle, twinkle. For, “Up above” they all raise their stars up high. (Track) Stars/Starlight: • Children sing and dance with their star to the music following the (Track) direction of the melody. • Movement of the stars is up and down and goes higher when the music goes higher. Five Little Triangles: Explain there are five little triangles and they can play lots of different ways. Listen and play your triangle the different ways the rhyme tells us to play. Triangles Track Greensleeves: • Show them the chimes and play it for them with the triangle striker. Explain Track Hanging Chimes that during this piano piece, they will also hear another instrument, an alto recorder. or another live instrument you choose to play. • Take turns playing the chimes, playing with your triangle striker. Dance or sway to the beat or play your triangle when its not your turn. Sleigh Ride: • Show the picture of the horses and sleigh and tell them the bells ring when the horses run, and stop when they stop. Ring your bells when you run, which will only be when hearing the tick tock block or temple blocks. • If you have a horse puppet, put the mallet in its mouth so it can play the blocks while the kids shake. IF TIME Jingle Bells (New) Goodbye Song Comments Jingle Bells: • Show them the picture of Lynn and family going on a sleigh ride. • Shake the bells while singing chorus, verse one, chorus. Jingle Bells Tick Tock Blocks (Whip) Horse Puppet Track Picture of Lynn & Family Guitar/Ukulele Guitar/Ukulele Track Next Week’s Fun Announcements & Hand outs (102512) Simply Music Rhapsody: Kids Make Music: Lessons 11-20 | © Licensed to Simply Music. All rights reserved. Page 15 of 84 13 Kids Make Music Lesson Plan 13 - Lesson at a Glance Jingle Bells Take A Potato Tideo Hello (Echo) Song (PT) Trepak Chinese Dance Starlight, Star Bright, Sing The Colors Twinkle, Twinkle Stars/Starlight Five Little Triangles (Triangles) Greensleeves Sleigh Ride (Bells) (Jingle Bells) Come My Friends (102512) Simply Music Rhapsody: Kids Make Music: Lessons 11-20 | © Licensed to Simply Music. All rights reserved. Page 16 of 84 13 Kids Make Music Lesson Plan 13 - Lyrics Jingle Bells Hello (Echo) Song Dashing through the snow In a one-horse open sleigh O’er the fields we go Laughing all the way Bells on bobtail ring Making spirits bright What fun it is to ride and sing A sleighing song tonight, ohhh Hello! (Hello!) Hello! (Hello!) I’m glad you’re here today! Jingle bells, jingle bells Jingle all the way Oh what fun it is to ride In a one-horse open sleigh, hey Jingle bells, jingle bells Jingle all the way Oh what fun it is to ride In a one-horse open sleigh Trepak (No Lyrics) Chinese Dance (No Lyrics) Starlight, Star Bright, Sing The Colors Star light Star bright First star I see tonight Take A Potato (Lyrics On Recording) Tideo Time for music Tideo Time for music Tideo Time for music Tideo Jingle at the window Tideo Jingling, jingling, jingling Joe Jingle at the window Tideo (102512) To sing (to sing) To play (to play) And now we’re on our way Wish I may Wish I might Have the wish I wish tonight Twinkle, Twinkle Twinkle, twinkle little star How I wonder what you are Up above the world so high Like a diamond in the sky Twinkle, twinkle little star How I wonder what you are Simply Music Rhapsody: Kids Make Music: Lessons 11-20 | © Licensed to Simply Music. All rights reserved. Page 17 of 84 13 Kids Make Music Lesson Plan 13 - Lyrics, Cont. Stars/Starlight Come My Friends Stars are twinkling in the sky Way up high Way up high Come, my friends And gather ‘round So we can sing goodbye Stars are twinkling in the in sky Shining down on me We’ll sing and dance Another day So long, farewell Goodbye Star light Star bright First star I see tonight Wish I may Wish I might Have the wish I wish tonight Five Little Triangles Five little triangles Hanging in a row The first one said, “Ring me slow.” The second one said, “Ring me fast!” The third one said, “Ring only once and listen how long it will last.” The fourth one said, “I’m like a chime.” The fifth one said, “It’s music time.” Greensleeves (No Lyrics) Sleigh Ride (No Lyrics) (102512) Simply Music Rhapsody: Kids Make Music: Lessons 11-20 | © Licensed to Simply Music. All rights reserved. Page 18 of 84 14 Kids Make Music Lesson Plan 14 Activity Gathering Drum with Hello Song Title Jingle Bells (Exploration) (New) Take A Potato Tideo (Ukulele) Comments Jingle Bells: Find different ways to keep the beat on the drum. Track Take A Potato: Play on the drum for the repeated words like, “Spin, spin, spin, win, win, win” or “pat, pat, pat.” Track Tideo: • Keep the beat on the drum while singing hello. • Review C chord on ukulele then pass the ukulele around having the child Guitar/Ukulele whose name we sing strum with their pointer finger as the parent or caregiver holds the ukulele playing the chord. Trepak What’s Needed Trepak: Use laminated GB men for all children using the pattern included with the lesson plan. • Pass out little GB men to everyone, singing, “Hello” and encouraging Track GB Men them to echo back. • Explain that we will listen for the accents so we know when the GB man will jump as if the drum is like a trampoline. All practice jumping on the trampoline! • Next, explain and demonstrate that we will bounce him side to side on the drum head when it’s not the “accent” music as if he’s dancing. Then he will march around the edge of the drum • Practice the big finish, jumping faster and faster until the end; then he falls down. • Use the recording. Finger Rhyme Where Is Thumbkin (New) • Ask everyone to hold up their thumbs, then hide your hands behind your back. Use the melody of Frère Jacques and sing: • “Where is Thumbkin (2x)” – hide thumbs behind your back, • “Here I am (2x)” – bring out one thumb out up front and then the second, • “How are you today sir, very well I thank you ” – two thumbs pretend to “talk” to each other, • “Run away (2x)” – one thumb hides behind back, then the other. Movement Solo Singing with Yearly Holiday Gift Chinese Dance (Parent Tip) Repeat activity from last week. Hello (Echo) Song Announce that this week their friend will go home with them Track Parent Tip: Folk dances are fun and great to develop their musicianship as they experience phrasing, form, melodic and rhythmic changes. Repetition is necessary and we love what we know! Hello (Echo) Song: • Sit in a circle, everyone holding their “Holiday Friend” (gifts). • Have all the Holiday Friends sing to each other using the “Hello Echo Yearly Holiday Gift (Track) Song.” • Go around the circle, the teacher’s Holiday friend singing to each child as they echo. • For children who have difficulty in pitch-matching, have them sing, “Hello” first, then the teacher echoes using the same pitches, explaining it was a match. Explain we are trying to have the voices of our holiday friends be the same, an echo. (102512) Simply Music Rhapsody: Kids Make Music: Lessons 11-20 | © Licensed to Simply Music. All rights reserved. Page 19 of 84 14 Kids Make Music Lesson Plan 14, Cont. Activity Title Comments What’s Needed Solo Singing with Yearly Holiday Gift Up So High (New) Up So High: Use the little “Holiday Friends” instead of shakers. Explain that their little echo friend loves to dance. Hold them up high, down low, and turn around with them. (Track) Instrument Kit – Triangles Five Little Triangles Five Little Triangles: Explain there are five little triangles. Listen for the different ways they are played. Follow the directions of the rhyme Triangles Greensleeves (Piano) Greensleeves: • Repeated from last week, show them the chimes and play it for them with Instrument Kit – Jingle Bells Sleigh Ride Goodbye Song Come My Friends Track the triangle striker. Explain that during this piano piece, they will also hear another instrument, an alto recorder or another live instrument you choose to play. • Take turns playing the chimes, playing with your triangle striker. You can dance or sway to the beat or play your triangle when its not your turn. Hanging Chimes Sleigh Ride: • Show the picture of the horses and sleigh and tell them the bells ring Jingle Bells Track Tick Tock Block (Whip) Horse Puppet when the horses run, and stop when they stop. Ring your bells when you run, which will only be when hearing the tick tock block or temple blocks. • If you have a horse puppet, put the mallet in its mouth so it can play the blocks while the kids shake. IF TIME Jingle Bells (Track) Jingle Bells: • Show them the picture of Lynn and family going on a sleigh ride. • Shake the bells while singing chorus, verse one, chorus. Picture of Lynn & Family Guitar/Ukulele Guitar/Ukulele Track Next Week’s Fun Announcements & Hand outs (102512) Simply Music Rhapsody: Kids Make Music: Lessons 11-20 | © Licensed to Simply Music. All rights reserved. Page 20 of 84 14 Kids Make Music Lesson Plan 14 - Lesson at a Glance Jingle Bells Take A Potato Tideo Trepak Where Is Thumbkin Chinese Dance (PT) Hello (Echo) Song (Holiday Friend) Up So High Five Little Triangles (Triangles) Greensleeves Sleigh Ride (Bells) (Jingle Bells) Come My Friends (102512) Simply Music Rhapsody: Kids Make Music: Lessons 11-20 | © Licensed to Simply Music. All rights reserved. Page 21 of 84 14 Kids Make Music Lesson Plan 14 - Lyrics Jingle Bells Where Is Thumbkin Dashing through the snow In a one-horse open sleigh O’er the fields we go Laughing all the way Bells on bobtail ring Making spirits bright What fun it is to ride and sing A sleighing song tonight, ohhh Where is Thumbkin? Where is Thumbkin? Here I am Here I am How are you today, Sir? Very well I thank you Run Away! Run Away! Jingle bells, jingle bells Jingle all the way Oh what fun it is to ride In a one-horse open sleigh, hey Jingle bells, jingle bells Jingle all the way Oh what fun it is to ride In a one-horse open sleigh Chinese Dance (No Lyrics) Hello (Echo) Song Hello! (Hello!) Hello! (Hello!) I’m glad you’re here today! (Lyrics On Recording) To sing (to sing) To play (to play) And now we’re on our way Tideo Up So High Time for music Tideo Time for music Tideo Time for music Tideo Jingle at the window Tideo Jingling, jingling, jingling Joe Jingle at the window Tideo Up so high Down so low Give a little shake And around we go Take A Potato Trepak Up so high Down so low Give a little shake Now hold them so (No Lyrics) (102512) Simply Music Rhapsody: Kids Make Music: Lessons 11-20 | © Licensed to Simply Music. All rights reserved. Page 22 of 84 14 Kids Make Music Lesson Plan 14 - Lyrics, Cont. Five Little Triangles Five little triangles Hanging in a row The first one said, “Ring me slow.” The second one said, “Ring me fast!” The third one said, “Ring only once and listen how long it will last.” The fourth one said, “I’m like a chime.” The fifth one said, “It’s music time.” Greensleeves (No Lyrics) Sleigh Ride (No Lyrics) Come My Friends Come, my friends And gather ‘round So we can sing goodbye We’ll sing and dance Another day So long, farewell Goodbye (102512) Simply Music Rhapsody: Kids Make Music: Lessons 11-20 | © Licensed to Simply Music. All rights reserved. Page 23 of 84 15 Kids Make Music Lesson Plan 15 - Complete lesson available. Activity Gathering Drum with Hello Song Title Viennese Musical Clock (Exploration) (New) Tideo (Ukulele) Warm Wendall (New) (Parent Tip) Comments Viennese Musical Clock: Find different ways to keep the beat on the drum. Tideo: Keep the beat on the drum while singing hello. Sing the child’s name as they strum the ukulele with their adult fingering the C chord. Give the option to switch from C major to A minor. Review G7 for those who want a challenge. Warm Wendall: Make Wendall felts out of the pattern included with lesson plan or use a large puppet/stuffed animal with doll or baby clothing. • Show everyone your Wendall (felts or stuffed animal/doll) and talk about how he needs clothes to go in the snow. • Have the children come up with ideas of what he needs to wear. • Dress Wendall by either putting the felt clothes on the felt Wendall or What’s Needed Gathering Drum Track Guitar/Ukulele (Track) Wendall Felts or Large Puppet with Clothing putting clothes on your puppet/stuffed animal. • Sing the big, “Ooooh” at the beginning of each verse, encouraging everyone to sing along. • Practice the first verse without the recording, tapping on their bodies for each clothing article, playing a tremolo on the word “Cold” and tapping the drum on “Outside.” • Add the recording or continue acapella. • Encourage parents to keep the slow beat, tapping on their child’s head during hat, legs for pants, etc. Parent Tip: Tapping on your child will help them feel the beat, better than just seeing it. Tap on the repeated words. Finger Rhyme Where Is Thumbkin • Ask everyone to hold up their thumbs, then hide your hands behind your back. Use the melody of Frère Jacques and sing: • “Where is Thumbkin (2x)” • “Here I am (2x)” – bring one thumb out and then the second, • “How are you today sir, very well I thank you” – two thumbs pretend to “talk” to each other, • “Run away (2x)” – one thumb hides behind back, then the other. Movement The Wild Horseman (New) • With everyone standing in a circle, child and adult holding hands, move Track Solo Singing Little Clown Little Clown: • Have everyone sit down in a circle • Patsch the beat on the legs and sing Little Clown song. • At the end of the song, everyone sings, “Come out” and the clown pops out. • Move quickly from child to child, so all will have a turn without waiting too Pop-Up Clown forward right for the A section. Continue the same direction for the repeat of the A section. This is the horse going for a run. • B section: adults guide their child into the center, going in eight steps and out eight steps, explaining the horse is coming in for a drink. • Repeat the A section. • Explain that sometimes the horse changes his mind and runs the other way. Repeat the song asking the adult to use pretend reins (their arms) to turn the horse at the end of the first A section to move forward left. long. Stand behind, placing the clown between the children so all can see. • Once they have sung, “Come out,” ask them if they would like to feed the clown breakfast/ lunch/ snack. Have them sing whatever food they want to give the clown. They hold out their hand and the clown nibbles the food from them. • Sing bye-bye to the clown. (102512) Simply Music Rhapsody: Kids Make Music: Lessons 11-20 | © Licensed to Simply Music. All rights reserved. Page 24 of 84 15 Kids Make Music Lesson Plan 15, Cont. - Complete lesson available. Activity Title Comments What’s Needed Solo Singing And He Dances And He Dances: Sing after the clown pops up the first time. Use the song to draw everyone’s attention back as needed throughout the activity. Pop-Up Clown Instrument Kit Bells Five Little Jingle Bells (New) • Use the puppet‘s mouth to help you hold a rhythm stick, holding it Bells Track Horse Puppet Long Stick horizontally, with five bells hanging from it. • Sing, “One little jingle bell fell in the snow” and drop one of the bells after the word “Snow.” Encourage the children to drop their bell and pick it back up. • During the chorus everyone follows you and Cocoa, galloping in a circle. • Start the music! TIP: The teacher has a pocket or little bag with her for each bell she drops. Instrument Kit Tambourine Come And Play The Tambourine Alma Mater Blues (Piano) Come And Play The Tambourine: Follow the lyrics of the song when playing the tambourine. For the last verse, encourage a variety of ideas to play their own way. (On your head, with an elbow, tapping it on a knee, etc) Tambourines Track Alma Mater Blues: • Before using the recording, review the verbal directions for close (make a Track fist with both hands on drum), open (hands are flat on drum) and flip (turn hands over, palms up). • Tell them we will follow the blues chord pattern with our hands. • Follow the chord changes. I – closed fist, IV – open hand, • V – flip open hand Draw attention to the piano, pointing out this is a song parents can learn to play within the first three months of lessons in our “Playing based Simply Music piano program.” Instrument Kit Tambourine The Chubby Little Snowman (New) The Chubby Little Snowman: • Make a felt snowman using the pattern included. • Put the felt snowman up with no face, hat or buttons. • Decorate the snowman with ideas from the children. • Practice scratching the tambourine on “Nibble, nibble” and tap one beat Snowman Felts Felt Board Track on “crunch” (scratch, scratch, tap). • Start the recording and remove the eyes, ears etc off the snowman when the little animals come! TIP: You could use a whiteboard/ and draw the snowman on instead of making a felt set. Goodbye Song Come My Friends If a smaller class, you may have time for a sing-along song such as, “If All of the Raindrops.” Guitar/Ukulele Track Next Week’s Fun Announcements & Hand outs (102512) Simply Music Rhapsody: Kids Make Music: Lessons 11-20 | © Licensed to Simply Music. All rights reserved. Page 25 of 84 15 Kids Make Music Lesson Plan 15 - Lesson at a Glance Viennese Musical Clock Tideo Warm Wendall (PT) Where Is Thumbkin The Wild Horseman Little Clown/And He Dances Five Little Jingle Bells (Bells) Come And Play The Tambourine (Tambourine) Alma Mater Blues The Chubby Little Snowman Come My Friends (102512) Simply Music Rhapsody: Kids Make Music: Lessons 11-20 | © Licensed to Simply Music. All rights reserved. Page 26 of 84 15 Kids Make Music Lesson Plan 15 - Lyrics Viennese Musical Clock Where Is Thumbkin (No Lyrics) Where is Thumbkin? Where is Thumbkin? Here I am Here I am How are you today, Sir? Very well I thank you Run Away! Run Away! Tideo Time for music Tideo Time for music Tideo Time for music Tideo Jingle at the window Tideo Jingling, jingling, jingling Joe Jingle at the window Tideo The Wild Horseman (No Lyrics) Warm Wendall Oh, I like to wear my hat, hat, hat To keep me nice and warm In the winter When it’s cold outside, side, side Oh, I like to wear my scarf, scarf, scarf And I wear my hat, hat, hat To keep me nice and warm In the winter When its cold outside, side, side Oh, I like to wear my coat, coat, coat And I wear my scarf, scarf, scarf And I wear my hat, hat, hat To keep me nice and warm In the winter When it’s cold outside, side, side Little Clown/And He Dances We know you’re hiding in there We know you’re crouching down We really want to see you! Come out! Little clown And And And And And he dances, he dances all around he dances, he dances all around he dances, he dances all around then he stops goes back down Other one-syllable articles of clothing can be added for additional verses such as gloves, pants, boots, etc. (102512) Simply Music Rhapsody: Kids Make Music: Lessons 11-20 | © Licensed to Simply Music. All rights reserved. Page 27 of 84 15 Kids Make Music Lesson Plan 15 - Lyrics, Cont. Five Little Jingle Bells Come And Play The Tambourine Five little jingle bells Hung in a row Five little jingle bells Helped the horse to go Merrily, merrily over the snow Merrily, merrily sleighing we go Come and play the tambourine tambourine, tambourine Come and play the tambourine You can play it too! Two thumbs are playing the tambourine tambourine, tambourine Two thumbs are playing the tambourine You can play it too! Jingle and shake the tambourine tambourine, tambourine Jingle and shake the tambourine You can play it too! Play your own way on the tambourine tambourine, tambourine Play your own way on the tambourine You can play it too One little jingle bell Fell in the snow Four little jingle bells Helped the horse to go Merrily, merrily over the snow Merrily, merrily sleighing we go One little jingle bell Fell in the snow (continue with three, two, one...) Helped the horse go Helped the horse to go Merrily, merrily over the snow Merrily, merrily sleighing we go Alma Mater Blues (No Lyrics) One little jingle bell Fell in the snow No little jingle bell Helped the horse go Helped the horse to go Merrily, merrily over the snow Merrily, merrily sleighing we go Slowly, so slowly Our bells are all gone Let’s get some new ones And put them back on! Merrily, merrily over the snow Merrily, merrily sleighing we go (102512) Simply Music Rhapsody: Kids Make Music: Lessons 11-20 | © Licensed to Simply Music. All rights reserved. Page 28 of 84 15 Kids Make Music Lesson Plan 15 - Lyrics, Cont. The Chubby Little Snowman The chubby little snowman Had a carrot for a nose Along came a bunny And what do you suppose? That hungry little bunny Who was looking for some lunch Ate the little snowman’s nose Nibble, nibble crunch Nibble, nibble crunch The chubby little snowman Had some raisins for his eyes Along came a birdie And what do you suppose? That hungry little birdie who Who was looking for some lunch Ate the little snowman’s eyes Nibble, nibble crunch Nibble, nibble crunch Now the chubby little snowman Is looking rather bare Along came the children Who cried it isn’t fair We’ll decorate the snowman With nothing from our lunch Then the little animals can’t Nibble, nibble crunch! Come My Friends Come, my friends And gather ‘round So we can sing goodbye We’ll sing and dance Another day So long, farewell Goodbye The chubby little snowman Had some peanuts for his smile Along came some chipmunks And stayed for quite a while The hungry little chipmunks Who were looking for some lunch Ate the little snowman’s smile Nibble, nibble crunch Nibble, nibble crunch The chubby little snowman Had some apples for his ears Along came a fox And this is what we fear The hungry little fox Who was looking for some lunch Ate the little snowman’s ears Nibble, nibble crunch Nibble, nibble crunch (102512) Simply Music Rhapsody: Kids Make Music: Lessons 11-20 | © Licensed to Simply Music. All rights reserved. Page 29 of 84 16 Kids Make Music Lesson Plan 16 Activity Gathering Drum with Hello Song Title Viennese Musical Clock (Exploration) Tideo Warm Wendall (Parent Tip) Comments Viennese Musical Clock: Find different ways to keep the beat on the drum. Tideo: Keep the beat on the drum while singing hello. Adults take turns fingering the G7 chord on ukulele as their child strums and we sing, “Sing hello to _____ tideo, sing hello to ______ tideo,” then change to C on the “o.” Warm Wendall: • Display Wendall (felts or stuffed animal/doll) and encourage the children • • • • to name items he needs to wear to play in the snow. Dress Wendall one item at a time, singing the song for each article of clothing. Ask everyone to sing the big, “Ooooh” at the beginning of each verse. At the end of each verse, play a tremolo on the word, “Cold” and tapping the drum on, “Side, side, side.” Encourage parents to keep the slow beat, tapping on their child’s head during hat, legs for pants, etc. What’s Needed Gathering Drum Track Guitar/Ukulele (Track) Wendall Felts or Large Puppet with Clothing Parent Tip: The beat matches the repeated words making it easier for us to stay together on the “big” or slow beat. Repetition in this song also helps language development. Finger Rhyme IF TIME Where Is Thumbkin • Ask everyone to hold up their thumbs, then hide your hands behind your back. Use the melody of Frère Jacques and sing: • “Where is Thumbkin (2x)” • “Here I am (2x)” – bring one thumb out and then the second, • “How are you today sir, very well I thank you ” – two thumbs pretend to “talk” to each other, • “Run away (2x)” – one thumb hides behind back, then the other. Movement The Wild Horseman • Repeating from last week, everyone stands in a circle, child and adult Solo Singing Little Clown Little Clown: • Have everyone sit down in a circle • Patsch the beat on the legs and sing Little Clown song. • At the end of the song, everyone sings, “Come out” and the clown pops out. • Move quickly from child to child, so all will have a turn without waiting too Track holding hands, move forward right for the A section. • Turn to move forward left for the repeat of the A section. • B section: adults guide their child into the center, going in eight steps and out eight steps, explaining the horse is coming in for a drink. • Repeat the A section. Pop-Up Clown long. Stand behind, placing the clown between the children so all can see. • Once they have sung, “Come out,” ask them if they would like to feed the clown breakfast/ lunch/ snack. Have them sing whatever food they want to give the clown. They hold out their hand and the clown nibbles the food from them. • Sing bye-bye to the clown. And He Dances (102512) And He Dances: Sing after the clown pops up the first time. Use the song to draw everyone’s attention back as needed throughout the Little Clown activity. Simply Music Rhapsody: Kids Make Music: Lessons 11-20 | © Licensed to Simply Music. All rights reserved. Page 30 of 84 16 Kids Make Music Lesson Plan 16, Cont. Activity Instrument Kit Bells Title Five Little Jingle Bells Comments • Use the puppet‘s mouth to help you hold a rhythm stick, holding it horizontally, with five bells hanging from it. • Sing, “One little jingle bell fell in the snow” and drop one of the bells after the word “Snow.” Encourage the children to drop their bell and pick it back up. • During the chorus everyone follows you and Cocoa, galloping in a circle. • Start the music! What’s Needed Bells Bag for Dropped Bells Horse Puppet Long Stick Track TIP: The teacher has a pocket or little bag with her for each bell she drops. Instrument Kit Tambourine Come And Play The Tambourine Come And Play The Tambourine: Follow the lyrics of the song when playing the tambourine. For the last verse, encourage a variety of ideas to play their own way. (On your head, with an elbow, tapping it on a knee, etc) Tambourines Track Alma Mater Blues (Piano) Alma Mater Blues: • Before using the recording, review the verbal directions for close (make a Track fist with both hands on drum), open (hands are flat on drum) and flip (turn hands over, palms up). • Tell them we will follow the blues chord pattern with our hands. • Follow the chord changes. I – closed fist, IV – open hand, • V – flip open hand Draw attention to the piano, pointing out this is a song parents can learn to play within the first year of lessons in our “Playing based Simply Music piano program.” The Chubby Little Snowman The Chubby Little Snowman: • Put the felt snowman up with no face, hat or buttons. • Decorate the snowman with ideas from the children. • Practice scratching the tambourine on, “Nibble, nibble” and tap one beat Snowman Felts Track on, “Crunch” (scratch, scratch, tap). • Start the recording and remove the eyes, ears etc off the snowman when the little animals come! TIP: You could use a whiteboard/ and draw the snowman on instead of making a felt set. Sing-A-Long If All Of The Raindrops (New) • Practice catching the raindrops singing, “Ah, ah, ah” with open mouths, explaining that it is raining candy today and we want to catch as much as possible. • Practice catching the snowflakes singing, “Ah, ah, ah” • Tap the beat on your legs for both verses. Guitar/Ukulele or Track TIP: For the first weeks, you can sing along to the recording until they are familiar with the song. Consider showing the children lemon drops and gumdrops since many don’t know about this kind of candy. Goodbye Song Come My Friends Guitar/Ukulele Track Next Week’s Fun Announcements & Hand outs (102512) Simply Music Rhapsody: Kids Make Music: Lessons 11-20 | © Licensed to Simply Music. All rights reserved. Page 31 of 84 16 Kids Make Music Lesson Plan 16 - Lesson at a Glance Viennese Musical Clock Tideo Warm Wendall (PT) (Where Is Thumbkin) The Wild Horseman Little Clown/And He Dances Five Little Jingle Bells (Bells) Come And Play The Tambourine (Tambourine) Alma Mater Blues The Chubby Little Snowman (If All The Raindrops) Come My Friends (102512) Simply Music Rhapsody: Kids Make Music: Lessons 11-20 | © Licensed to Simply Music. All rights reserved. Page 32 of 84 16 Kids Make Music Lesson Plan 16 - Lyrics Viennese Musical Clock Where Is Thumbkin (No Lyrics) Where is Thumbkin? Where is Thumbkin? Here I am Here I am How are you today, Sir? Very well I thank you Run Away! Run Away! Tideo Time for music Tideo Time for music Tideo Time for music Tideo Jingle at the window Tideo Jingling, jingling, jingling Joe Jingle at the window Tideo The Wild Horseman (No Lyrics) Warm Wendall Oh, I like to wear my hat, hat, hat To keep me nice and warm In the winter When it’s cold outside, side, side Oh, I like to wear my scarf, scarf, scarf And I wear my hat, hat, hat To keep me nice and warm In the winter When its cold outside, side, side Oh, I like to wear my coat, coat, coat And I wear my scarf, scarf, scarf And I wear my hat, hat, hat To keep me nice and warm In the winter When it’s cold outside, side, side Little Clown/And He Dances We know you’re hiding in there We know you’re crouching down We really want to see you! Come out! Little clown And And And And And he dances, he dances all around he dances, he dances all around he dances, he dances all around then he stops goes back down Other one-syllable articles of clothing can be added for additional verses such as gloves, pants, boots, etc. (102512) Simply Music Rhapsody: Kids Make Music: Lessons 11-20 | © Licensed to Simply Music. All rights reserved. Page 33 of 84 16 Kids Make Music Lesson Plan 16 - Lyrics, Cont. Five Little Jingle Bells Come And Play The Tambourine Five little jingle bells Hung in a row Five little jingle bells Helped the horse to go Merrily, merrily over the snow Merrily, merrily sleighing we go Come and play the tambourine tambourine, tambourine Come and play the tambourine You can play it too! Two thumbs are playing the tambourine tambourine, tambourine Two thumbs are playing the tambourine You can play it too! Jingle and shake the tambourine tambourine, tambourine Jingle and shake the tambourine You can play it too! Play your own way on the tambourine tambourine, tambourine Play your own way on the tambourine You can play it too One little jingle bell Fell in the snow Four little jingle bells Helped the horse to go Merrily, merrily over the snow Merrily, merrily sleighing we go One little jingle bell Fell in the snow (continue with three, two, one...) Helped the horse go Helped the horse to go Merrily, merrily over the snow Merrily, merrily sleighing we go One little jingle bell Fell in the snow No little jingle bell Helped the horse go Helped the horse to go Merrily, merrily over the snow Merrily, merrily sleighing we go Slowly, so slowly Our bells are all gone Let’s get some new ones And put them back on! Merrily, merrily over the snow Merrily, merrily sleighing we go (102512) Alma Mater Blues (No Lyrics) The Chubby Little Snowman The chubby little snowman Had a carrot for a nose Along came a bunny And what do you suppose? That hungry little bunny Who was looking for some lunch Ate the little snowman’s nose Nibble, nibble crunch Nibble, nibble crunch (Cont. on next page) Simply Music Rhapsody: Kids Make Music: Lessons 11-20 | © Licensed to Simply Music. All rights reserved. Page 34 of 84 16 Kids Make Music Lesson Plan 16 - Lyrics, Cont. The Chubby Little Snowman (Cont.) If All The Raindrops The chubby little snowman Had some raisins for his eyes Along came a birdie And what do you suppose? That hungry little birdie who Who was looking for some lunch Ate the little snowman’s eyes Nibble, nibble crunch Nibble, nibble crunch If all of the raindrops Were lemondrops and gumdrops Oh what a rain that would be! I’d go outside with my mouth open wide Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah If all of the raindrops Were lemondrops and gumdrops Oh what a rain that would be! The chubby little snowman Had some peanuts for his smile Along came some chipmunks And stayed for quite a while The hungry little chipmunks Who were looking for some lunch Ate the little snowman’s smile Nibble, nibble crunch Nibble, nibble crunch The chubby little snowman Had some apples for his ears Along came a fox And this is what we fear The hungry little fox Who was looking for some lunch Ate the little snowman’s ears Nibble, nibble crunch Nibble, nibble crunch If all of the snowflakes Were candy bars and milkshakes Oh what a snow that would be! I’d go outside with my mouth open wide Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah If all of the raindrops Were candy bars and milkshakes Oh what a rain that would be! Come My Friends Come, my friends And gather ‘round So we can sing goodbye We’ll sing and dance Another day So long, farewell Goodbye Now the chubby little snowman Is looking rather bare Along came the children Who cried it isn’t fair We’ll decorate the snowman With nothing from our lunch Then the little animals can’t Nibble, nibble crunch! (102512) Simply Music Rhapsody: Kids Make Music: Lessons 11-20 | © Licensed to Simply Music. All rights reserved. Page 35 of 84 17 Kids Make Music Lesson Plan 17 Activity Gathering Drum with Hello Song Title Kalinka (Exploration) Comments Kalinka: Find different ways to keep the beat on the drum. Tideo Tideo: Keep the beat on the drum while singing hello. Adults take turns fingering the G7 chord on ukulele as their child strums and we sing, “Sing hello to _____ tideo, sing hello to ______tide,” then change to C on the “o.” Alma Mater Blues (Piano) Alma Mater Blues: • Before using the recording, review the verbal directions for close (make a Gathering Drum Track Guitar/Ukulele Track fist with both hands on drum), open (hands are flat on drum) and flip (turn hands over, palms up). • Tell them we will follow the blues chord pattern with our hands. • Follow the chord changes. I – closed fist, IV – open hand, • V – flip open hand Draw attention to the piano, pointing out this is a song parents can learn to play within the first year of lessons in our “Playing based Simply Music piano program.” Warm Wendall (Parent Tip) What’s Needed Warm Wendall: • Display Wendall (felts or stuffed animal/doll) and encourage the children to name items he needs to wear to play in the snow. • Dress Wendall one item at a time, singing the song for each article of clothing. Wendall Felts or Large Puppet with Clothing (Track) • Ask everyone to sing the big, “Ooooh” at the beginning of each verse. • At the end of each verse, play a tremolo on the word “Cold” and tapping the drum on “Side, side, side.” • Encourage parents to keep the slow beat, tapping on their child’s head during hat, legs for pants, etc. Parent Tip: Remember to tap the beat on them whenever possible. The one syllable words make the timing easier for all of us and the repetition of the words encourage language development and participation. Finger Rhyme A Mouse Lives In A Little Hole (New) • With one hand, curl fingers to meet thumb to form the hole for the mouse. Track Place the index finger of the other hand inside the ‘hole” to act out the part of the mouse. • For, “Out pops he!” take the “Mouse” finger out of the hole and pretend he’s running all around, up and down the arms, legs or chest. TIP: Parents can put their finger in the hole created by the child. When the mouse pops up, the adult’s finger is the mouse, running up and down the child’s back, head, arms, legs, etc Movement (102512) The Wild Horseman • Repeating from last week, everyone stands in a circle, child and adult Track holding hands, move forward right for the A section. • Turn to move forward left for the repeat of the A section. • B section: adults guide their child into the center, going in eight steps and out eight steps, explaining the horse is coming in for a drink. • Repeat the A section. Simply Music Rhapsody: Kids Make Music: Lessons 11-20 | © Licensed to Simply Music. All rights reserved. Page 36 of 84 17 Kids Make Music Lesson Plan 17, Cont. Activity Solo Singing Title Little Clown Comments Little Clown: • Have everyone sit down in a circle • Patsch the beat on the legs and sing Little Clown song. • At the end of the song, everyone sings, “Come out” and the clown pops out. • Move quickly from child to child, so all will have a turn without waiting too What’s Needed Pop-Up Clown long. Stand behind, placing the clown between the children so all can see. • Once they have sung, “Come out,” ask them if they would like to feed the And He Dances Instrument Kit Bells Five Little Jingle Bells clown breakfast/ lunch/ snack. Have them sing whatever food they want to give the clown. They hold out their hand and the clown nibbles the food from them. • Sing bye-bye to the clown. And He Dances: Sing after the clown pops up the first time. Use the song to draw everyone’s attention back as needed throughout the Little Clown activity. • Use the puppet‘s mouth to help you hold a rhythm stick, holding it horizontally, with five bells hanging from it. • Sing, “One little jingle bell fell in the snow” and drop one of the bells after the word “Snow.” Encourage the children to drop their bell and pick it back up. • During the chorus everyone follows you and Cocoa, galloping in a circle. • Start the music! Bells Bag for Dropped Bells Horse Puppet Long Stick Track TIP: The teacher has a pocket or little bag with her for each bell she drops. Instrument Kit Rhythm Sticks Down The River Down The River: • A - Tap the beat with the sticks. • B – Scrape sticks Rhythm Sticks Track The Chubby Little Snowman The Chubby Little Snowman: • Put the felt snowman up with no face, hat or buttons. • Decorate the snowman with ideas from the children. • Practice scratching the tambourine on, “Nibble, nibble” and tap one beat Snowman Felts Felt Board Track on “crunch” (scratch, scratch, tap). • Start the recording and remove the eyes, ears etc off the snowman when the little animals come! TIP: You could use a whiteboard / and draw the snowman on instead of making a felt set. Sing-A-Long If All Of The Raindrops Goodbye Song Come My Friends • Practice catching the raindrops singing, “Ah, ah, ah” with open mouths, explaining that it is raining candy today and we want to catch as much as possible. • Practice catching the snowflakes singing, “Ah, ah, ah” • Tap the beat on your legs for both verses. Ukulele or Track Guitar/Ukulele TracK Next Week’s Fun Announcements & Hand outs (102512) Simply Music Rhapsody: Kids Make Music: Lessons 11-20 | © Licensed to Simply Music. All rights reserved. Page 37 of 84 17 Kids Make Music Lesson Plan 17 - Lesson at a Glance Kalinka Tideo Alma Mater Blues Warm Wendall (PT) A Mouse Lives In A Little Hole The Wild Horseman Little Clown/And He Dances Five Little Jingle Bells (Bells) Down The River (Rhythm Sticks) The Chubby Little Snowman If All Of The Raindrops Come My Friends (102512) Simply Music Rhapsody: Kids Make Music: Lessons 11-20 | © Licensed to Simply Music. All rights reserved. Page 38 of 84 17 Kids Make Music Lesson Plan 17 - Lyrics Kalinka A Mouse Lives In A Little Hole (No Lyrics) A mouse lives in a little hole Lives softly in a little hole When all is quiet as quiet can be Out pops he! And he runs all around and he runs on the ground And he runs and he runs and he stops And he runs all around and he runs on the ground And he stops and he looks and goes down Tideo Time for music Tideo Time for music Tideo Time for music Tideo Jingle at the window Tideo Jingling, jingling, jingling Joe Jingle at the window Tideo The Wild Horseman (No Lyrics) Alma Mater Blues (No Lyrics) Little Clown/He Dances Warm Wendall Oh, I like to wear my hat, hat, hat To keep me nice and warm In the winter When it’s cold outside, side, side Oh, I like to wear my scarf, scarf, scarf And I wear my hat, hat, hat To keep me nice and warm In the winter When its cold outside, side, side We know you’re hiding in there We know you’re crouching down We really want to see you! Come out! Little clown And And And And And he dances, he dances all around he dances, he dances all around he dances, he dances all around then he stops goes back down Oh, I like to wear my coat, coat, coat And I wear my scarf, scarf, scarf And I wear my hat, hat, hat To keep me nice and warm In the winter When it’s cold outside, side, side Other one-syllable articles of clothing can be added for additional verses such as gloves, pants, boots, etc. (102512) Simply Music Rhapsody: Kids Make Music: Lessons 11-20 | © Licensed to Simply Music. All rights reserved. Page 39 of 84 17 Kids Make Music Lesson Plan 17 - Lyrics, Cont. Five Little Jingle Bells Down The River Five little jingle bells Hung in a row Five little jingle bells Helped the horse to go Merrily, merrily over the snow Merrily, merrily sleighing we go The river is up and the channel is deep The wind is steady and strong Oh won’t we have a jolly good time As we go sailing along One little jingle bell Fell in the snow Four little jingle bells Helped the horse to go Merrily, merrily over the snow Merrily, merrily sleighing we go One little jingle bell Fell in the snow (continue with three, two, one...) Helped the horse go Helped the horse to go Merrily, merrily over the snow Merrily, merrily sleighing we go One little jingle bell Fell in the snow No little jingle bell Helped the horse go Helped the horse to go Merrily, merrily over the snow Merrily, merrily sleighing we go Slowly, so slowly Our bells are all gone Let’s get some new ones And put them back on! Merrily, merrily over the snow Merrily, merrily sleighing we go (102512) Down Down Down Down Down Down the the the the the the river, oh river, oh river we go-o-o river, oh river, oh O-hi-o The Chubby Little Snowman The chubby little snowman Had a carrot for a nose Along came a bunny And what do you suppose? That hungry little bunny Who was looking for some lunch Ate the little snowman’s nose Nibble, nibble crunch Nibble, nibble crunch The chubby little snowman Had some raisins for his eyes Along came a birdie And what do you suppose? That hungry little birdie who Who was looking for some lunch Ate the little snowman’s eyes Nibble, nibble crunch Nibble, nibble crunch (Cont. on next page) Simply Music Rhapsody: Kids Make Music: Lessons 11-20 | © Licensed to Simply Music. All rights reserved. Page 40 of 84 17 Kids Make Music Lesson Plan 17 - Lyrics, Cont. The Chubby Little Snowman (Cont.) If All Of The Raindrops The chubby little snowman Had some peanuts for his smile Along came some chipmunks And stayed for quite a while The hungry little chipmunks Who were looking for some lunch Ate the little snowman’s smile Nibble, nibble crunch Nibble, nibble crunch If all of the raindrops Were lemondrops and gumdrops Oh what a rain that would be! I’d go outside with my mouth open wide Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah If all of the raindrops Were lemondrops and gumdrops Oh what a rain that would be! The chubby little snowman Had some apples for his ears Along came a fox And this is what we fear The hungry little fox Who was looking for some lunch Ate the little snowman’s ears Nibble, nibble crunch Nibble, nibble crunch Now the chubby little snowman Is looking rather bare Along came the children Who cried it isn’t fair We’ll decorate the snowman With nothing from our lunch Then the little animals can’t Nibble, nibble crunch! (102512) If all of the snowflakes Were candy bars and milkshakes Oh what a snow that would be! I’d go outside with my mouth open wide Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah If all of the raindrops Were candy bars and milkshakes Oh what a rain that would be! Come My Friends Come, my friends And gather ‘round So we can sing goodbye We’ll sing and dance Another day So long, farewell Goodbye Simply Music Rhapsody: Kids Make Music: Lessons 11-20 | © Licensed to Simply Music. All rights reserved. Page 41 of 84 18 Kids Make Music Lesson Plan 18 - Complete lesson available. Activity Gathering Drum with Hello Song Title Kalinka (Exploration) Tideo Somebody’s Knocking Solo Singing, Finger Rhymes And Movement Kalinka: Find different ways to keep the beat on the drum. Tideo: Keep the beat on the drum while singing hello. Sing verses such as, “Time for singing,” “Keep the beat now” to encourage the children’s participation. Somebody’s Knocking: • Hide the same animals as last week. Keep the beat while singing the song and knock on the drum after each, “Somebody’s knocking at the door.” • Before taking the first animal out of the bag, sing, “Who is it?” • Take your time showing each animal.- What’s Needed Gathering Drum Track Guitar/Ukulele Winter Puppets or Pictures TIP: There are wonderful free color pictures of arctic and other snow animals on the internet to use. Hello (Echo) Song Where Are You A Mouse Lives In A Little Hole Instrument Kit – Maracas Comments Indo Eu (New) (Parent Tip) Hello (Echo) Song: Use the thumbs to echo sing and visit everyone, encouraging them to sing, “Hel-lo.” Where Are You: After, “Now we’re on our way,” everyone hides their thumbs behind their backs and sings, “Little mouse, little mouse, where are you?” On, “Here I am” they all pop back out dancing to, “How do you do.” A Mouse Lives In A Little Hole: • Explain that we will pretend to be the little mouse Allegro. Use one hand to make the hole and the other to make the mouse using two fingers. • After putting the drum away, repeat as a movement activity. Everyone pretends they are the mouse running and hiding. Indo Eu: Sing to melody • A – “And we walk around and we walk around, and we walk around till its Mouse Puppet Track Maracas Track time to STOP.” • B – “Now the music (can be changed to now the shakers go down low and now the shakers go up high) goes down low (shimmy down), now the music is up high (shimmy up). Now the music goes down low, now the music is up high.” Fade out if song gets too long. Cock-ADoodle-Doo (New) Parent Tip: The movement follows the melodic direction of the piece. Cock-A-Doodle-Doo: • Repeat activity from last week. • Instruct the children to sing, “Doo” after I sing, “Cock a doodle.“ • Sing the first verse, encouraging the children to sing the, “Cock-a-doodle- Rooster with Farm Puppets or pictures Track doo.” Dance and shake the maracas for, “Cock-a-doodle, cock-a-doodle, cock-a-doodle-doo.” Repeat that phrase multiple times. • Use another farm puppet and repeat with the words for the new animal. Example cow: “I love my little cow and my cow loves me…, little cow sings, moo, moo, moo” ending with, “Little rooster sings, cock-a-doodle- doo.” “Cock-a-doodle, cock-a-doodle, cock-a-doodle-doo” part. TIP: After singing the verse, display the animals high enough so the children cannot reach. Point to the animal when referring to it in the song. If using the recording, the animals are: rooster, horse, dog. (102512) Simply Music Rhapsody: Kids Make Music: Lessons 11-20 | © Licensed to Simply Music. All rights reserved. Page 42 of 84 18 Kids Make Music Lesson Plan 18, Cont. - Complete lesson available. Activity Instrument Kit – Rhythm Sticks Title Little Horses Comments Little Horses: • Lay the rhythm sticks on the floor. You can also have a scarf laying on the What’s Needed Rhythm Sticks Track floor as their blanket. Explain the horses are sleeping in the barn. • After singing the first verse, “Little Horses…the sunshine is warm,” - tap the rhythm sticks and sing “Lai, lai, lai,… “We’ll pretend this is the sound of the horses are galloping.” • At the end of the second verse, “Little horses … the blankets are warm,” slowly put the rhythm sticks back “to sleep” on the floor and sing lai, lai, lai…, a lullaby for the little horses. If you think your horse snores, scrape the sticks together. Für Elise (Piano) Für Elise: Say, now that the horses are sleeping, let’s play a beautiful piano piece for them. Use the following words while playing: Track “Tap and tap and tap and now you scrape, and you scrape and you scrape. Tap and tap and tap and now you scrape, and you scrape and you scrape. Then you roll, and you roll, and you roll then you roll, tap, tap tap… (repeat).” Sing-A-Long If All Of The Raindrops Goodbye Song Come My Friends • Practice catching the raindrops singing, “Ah, ah, ah” with open mouths, explaining we are trying catch the rain, pretending its candy. • Practice catching the snowflakes singing, “Ah, ah, ah” • Tap the beat on your legs for both verses. Guitar/Ukulele or Track Guitar/Ukulele Track Next Week’s Fun Announcements & Handouts (102512) Simply Music Rhapsody: Kids Make Music: Lessons 11-20 | © Licensed to Simply Music. All rights reserved. Page 43 of 84 18 Kids Make Music Lesson Plan 1 - Lesson at a Glance Kalinka Tideo Somebody’s Knocking Hello (Echo) Song Where Are You A Mouse Lives In A Little Hole Indo Eu (Maracas) Cock-A-Doodle-Doo Little Horses (Rhythm Sticks) Für Elise If All The Raindrops Come My Friends (102512) Simply Music Rhapsody: Kids Make Music: Lessons 11-20 | © Licensed to Simply Music. All rights reserved. Page 44 of 84 18 Kids Make Music Lesson Plan 18 - Lyrics. Kalinka A Mouse Lives In A Little Hole (No Lyrics) A mouse lives in a little hole Lives softly in a little hole When all is quiet as quiet can be Out pops he! And he runs all around and he runs on the ground And he runs and he runs and he stops And he runs all around and he runs on the ground And he stops and he looks and goes down Tideo Time for music Tideo Time for music Tideo Time for music Tideo Jingle at the window Tideo Jingling, jingling, jingling Joe Jingle at the window Tideo Indo Eu (No Lyrics) Somebody’s Knocking Somebody’s knockin’ at my door Somebody’s knockin’ at my door Oh, children Why don’t you answer Somebody’s knockin’ at my door Hello (Echo) Song Hello! (Hello!) Hello! (Hello!) I’m glad you’re here today! To sing (to sing) To play (to play) And now we’re on our way Where Are You Little mouse, (or friend, or any other animal hiding) Little mouse, (or friend, or any other animal hiding) Where are you? Here I am! Here I am! How do you do (102512) Cock-A-Doodle-Doo Oh, I love my little rooster And my rooster loves me I’m gonna sing with my rooster As he sings with me Little rooster sings Cock-a-doodle doo! Cock-a-doodle, cock-a-doodle Cock-a-doodle doo! Oh, I love my little piggy And my piggy loves me I’m gonna sing with my piggy As he sings with me Little piggy sings Oink, oink, oink! Little rooster sings Cock-a-doodle doo! Cock-a-doodle, cock-a-doodle Cock-a-doodle doo! (Cont. on next page) Simply Music Rhapsody: Kids Make Music: Lessons 11-20 | © Licensed to Simply Music. All rights reserved. Page 45 of 84 18 Kids Make Music Lesson Plan 18 - Lyrics, Cont. Cock-A-Doodle-Doo (Cont.) Für Elise Oh, I love my little horsey And my horsey loves me I’m gonna sing with my horsey As he sings with me Little horsey sings Neigh, neigh, neigh Little piggy sings Oink, oink, oink! Little rooster sings Cock-a-doodle doo! Cock-a-doodle, cock-a-doodle Cock-a-doodle doo! (No Lyrics) Oh, I love my little lamb And my lamb loves me I’m gonna sing with my lamb As he sings with me Little lamb sings Baa, baa, baa Little horsey sings Neigh, neigh, neigh Little piggy sings Oink, oink, oink! Little rooster sings Cock-a-doodle doo! Cock-a-doodle, cock-a-doodle Cock-a-doodle doo! Little Horses Little horses, little horses Come out of your barn The door is wide open The sunshine is warm If All The Raindrops If all of the raindrops Were lemondrops and gumdrops Oh what a rain that would be! I’d go outside with my mouth open wide Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah If all of the raindrops Were lemondrops and gumdrops Oh what a rain that would be! If all of the snowflakes Were candy bars and milkshakes Oh what a snow that would be! I’d go outside with my mouth open wide Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah If all of the raindrops Were candy bars and milkshakes Oh what a rain that would be! Come My Friends Come, my friends And gather ‘round So we can sing goodbye We’ll sing and dance Another day So long, farewell Goodbye Little horses, little horses Come back to your barn The door is wide open Your blankets are warm (102512) Simply Music Rhapsody: Kids Make Music: Lessons 11-20 | © Licensed to Simply Music. All rights reserved. Page 46 of 84 19 Kids Make Music Lesson Plan 19 Activity Gathering Drum with Hello Song, Title What’s Needed Ligero: Find different ways to keep the beat to this Flamenco guitar piece. Gathering Drum Track Tideo Tideo: Keep the beat on the drum while singing hello. Guitar/Ukulele Somebody’s Knocking Somebody’s Knocking: • Hide the same animals as last week. Keep the beat while singing the song Winter Puppets or Pictures Ligero (New) (Exploration) and knock on the drum after each, “Somebody’s knocking at the door.” • Before taking the first animal out of the bag, sing, “Who is it?” • Take your time showing each animal. Solo Singing and Movement TIP: There are wonderful free color pictures of arctic and other snow animals on the internet to use. Hello (Echo) Song Where Are You Valentine Game Comments Hello (Echo) Song: Use the thumbs to echo sing and visit everyone, encouraging them to sing, “Hel-lo.” Where Are You: After, “Now we’re on our way,” everyone hides their thumbs behind their backs and sings, “Little mouse, little mouse, where are you?” On, “Here I am” they all pop back out dancing to, “How do you do.” A Mouse Lives in a Little Hole A Mouse Lives In A Little Hole: Explain that we will pretend to be the little mouse, Allegro. Run around the gathering drum then stop and go back down. I’ll Be There (Piano) (New) I’ll Be There: • Introduce a mailbox or mail bag with felt hearts hidden inside. • Have the children guess what the postman might have brought for them. • Take out one of the hearts and tell them that the mailman brought Mouse Puppet Track Mailbox/ bag with Felt Hearts Track valentine’s for them and their mom. • Explain that we will listen to one of our piano pieces as you pass out the hearts to everyone. See if they will stick on your mom’s shirt. • Moms can put their heart on their child. My Valentine (New) My Valentine: • Explain that our hearts will dance, following the notes of the song. • Before starting the music explain they will hear a string quartet playing. • Sing the song and move the heart following the melodic direction for, (String Instrument Pictures) Track “Will you be my Valentine, valentine, valentine,” Make sure you point this out to the parents! • On, “I love you” they can stick their heart on the adult that brought them. Some children love to stick it on themselves. TIP: If you have pictures of the string instruments show them to the children. Repeat the activity. (102512) Simply Music Rhapsody: Kids Make Music: Lessons 11-20 | © Licensed to Simply Music. All rights reserved. Page 47 of 84 19 Kids Make Music Lesson Plan 19, Cont. Activity Instrument Kit Maracas Title Indo Eu (Parent Tip) Comments Indo Eu: Sing to melody • A – “And we walk around and we walk around, and we walk around till its What’s Needed Maracas Track time to STOP • B – Now the music (can be changed to now the shakers go down low and now the shakers go up high) goes down low (shimmy down), now the music is up high (shimmy up). Now the music goes down low, now the music is up high.” Fade out if song gets too long. Parent Tip: Many of our songs have music and movement that demonstrate the language. For example, When we sing the word “high,” our movement is high and the pitch is high. Cock-ADoodle-Doo Cock-A-Doodle-Doo: • Repeat activity from last week. • Instruct the children to sing, “Doo” after I sing, “Cock a doodle.“ • Sing the first verse, encouraging the children to sing the, “Cock-a-doodledoo.” Dance and shake the maracas for, “Cock-a-doodle, cock-a-doodle, cock-a-doodle-doo.” Repeat that phrase multiple times. • Use another farm puppet and repeat with the words for the new animal. Example cow : “I love my little cow and my cow loves me…, little cow sings, moo, moo, moo” ending with, “Little rooster sings, cock-a-doodledoo.” “Cock-a-doodle, cock-a-doodle, cock-a-doodle-doo” part. Rooster with Farm Puppets or Pictures Track TIP: After singing the verse, display the animals high enough so the children cannot reach. Point to the animal when referring to it in the song. If using the recording, the animals are: rooster, horse, dog. Little Horses: • Lay the rhythm sticks on the floor. You can also have a scarf laying on the Instrument Kit Rhythm Sticks Little Horses Instrument Kit Rhythm Sticks Für Elise (Piano) Track Für Elise: Say, now that the horses are sleeping, let’s play a beautiful piano piece for them. Use the following words while playing: “Tap and tap and tap and now you scrape, and you scrape and you scrape. Tap and tap and tap and now you scrape, and you scrape and you scrape. Then you roll, and you roll, and you roll then you roll, tap, tap tap…(repeat)” Snuggle Time IF TIME Stars/Starlight Sing one of their favorites. Goodbye Song Come My Friends floor as their blanket. Explain the horses are sleeping in the barn. • After singing the first verse, “Little Horses…the sunshine is warm,” - tap Rhythm Sticks Track (Scarves) (Horse Puppet) the rhythm sticks and sing, “lai, lai, lai,…..” We’ll pretend this is the sound of the horses are galloping. • At the end of the second verse, “Little horses … the blankets are warm,” slowly put the rhythm sticks back “to sleep” on the floor and sing lai, lai, lai…, a lullaby for the little horses. If you think your horse snores, scrape the sticks together. Guitar/Ukulele Guitar/Ukulele Track Next Week’s Fun Announcements & Hand outs (102512) Simply Music Rhapsody: Kids Make Music: Lessons 11-20 | © Licensed to Simply Music. All rights reserved. Page 48 of 84 19 Kids Make Music Lesson Plan 19 - Lesson at a Glance Ligero Tideo Somebody’s Knocking Hello (Echo) Song Where Are You A Mouse Lives In A Little Hole I’ll Be There My Valentine Indo Eu (PT) (Maracas) Cock-A-Doodle-Doo Little Horses (Rhythm Sticks) Für Elise (Stars/Starlight) Come My Friends (102512) Simply Music Rhapsody: Kids Make Music: Lessons 11-20 | © Licensed to Simply Music. All rights reserved. Page 49 of 84 19 Kids Make Music Lesson Plan 19 - Lyrics Ligero A Mouse Lives In A Little Hole (No Lyrics) A mouse lives in a little hole Lives softly in a little hole When all is quiet as quiet can be Out pops he! And he runs all around and he runs on the ground And he runs and he runs and he stops And he runs all around and he runs on the ground And he stops and he looks and goes down Tideo Time for music Tideo Time for music Tideo Time for music Tideo Jingle at the window Tideo Jingling, jingling, jingling Joe Jingle at the window Tideo I’ll Be There (No Lyrics) Somebody’s Knocking Somebody’s knockin’ at my door Somebody’s knockin’ at my door Oh, children Why don’t you answer Somebody’s knockin’ at my door My Valentine Will you be my valentine Valentine, valentine Will you be my valentine I love you Yes I’ll be your valentine Valentine, valentine Yes I’ll be your valentine I love you Hello (Echo) Song Hello! (Hello!) Hello! (Hello!) I’m glad you’re here today! To sing (to sing) To play (to play) And now we’re on our way Indo Eu (No Lyrics) Where Are You Little mouse, (or friend, or any other animal hiding) Little mouse, (or friend, or any other animal hiding) Where are you? Here I am! Here I am! How do you do. (102512) Simply Music Rhapsody: Kids Make Music: Lessons 11-20 | © Licensed to Simply Music. All rights reserved. Page 50 of 84 19 Kids Make Music Lesson Plan 19 - Lyrics, Cont. Cock-A-Doodle-Doo Oh, I love my little rooster And my rooster loves me I’m gonna sing with my rooster As he sings with me Little rooster sings Cock-a-doodle doo! Cock-a-doodle, cock-a-doodle Cock-a-doodle doo! Oh, I love my little piggy And my piggy loves me I’m gonna sing with my piggy As he sings with me Little piggy sings Oink, oink, oink! Little rooster sings Cock-a-doodle doo! Cock-a-doodle, cock-a-doodle Cock-a-doodle doo! Oh, I love my little horsey And my horsey loves me I’m gonna sing with my horsey As he sings with me Little horsey sings Neigh, neigh, neigh Little piggy sings Oink, oink, oink! Little rooster sings Cock-a-doodle doo! Cock-a-doodle, cock-a-doodle Cock-a-doodle doo! Oh, I love my little lamb And my lamb loves me I’m gonna sing with my lamb As he sings with me Little lamb sings Baa, baa, baa Little horsey sings Neigh, neigh, neigh Little piggy sings Oink, oink, oink! Little rooster sings Cock-a-doodle doo! Cock-a-doodle, cock-a-doodle Cock-a-doodle doo! Little Horses Little horses, little horses Come out of your barn The door is wide open The sunshine is warm Little horses, little horses Come back to your barn The door is wide open Your blankets are warm Für Elise (No Lyrics) Come My Friends Come, my friends And gather ‘round So we can sing goodbye We’ll sing and dance Another day So long, farewell Goodbye (102512) Simply Music Rhapsody: Kids Make Music: Lessons 11-20 | © Licensed to Simply Music. All rights reserved. Page 51 of 84 20 Kids Make Music Lesson Plan 20 Activity Gathering Drum with Hello Song Solo Singing and Movement Valentine Game Title Comments What’s Needed Kangaroos from Carnival of the Animals by Camille Saint-Saëns Kangaroos: Find different ways to play the drum in response to the music. Gathering Drum Track Tideo: Keep the beat on the drum while singing hello. Guitar/Ukulele Tideo (Parent Tip) Parent Tip: Music improves the quality of life! Both the adult and the child are happier when music is added to their day. Use it to take the edge off challenging times with your child. It makes clean up, diaper changing time, bedtime easier! Somebody’s Knocking Somebody’s Knocking: • Hide the same animals as the previous weeks. Keep the beat while singing the song and knock on the drum after each, “Somebody’s knocking at the door.” • Before taking the first animal out of the bag, sing, “Who is it?” • Take your time showing each animal. Hello (Echo) Song Winter Puppets or Pictures Hello (Echo) Song: Use the thumbs to echo sing and visit everyone, encouraging them to sing, “Hel-lo.” You can draw a little smiley face on their thumbs. Where Are You Where Are You: After, “Now we’re on our way,” everyone hides their thumbs behind their backs and sings, “Little mouse, little mouse, where are you?” On, “Here I am” they all pop back out dancing to, “How do you do.” A Mouse Lives In A Little Hole A Mouse Lives In A Little Hole: Explain that we will pretend to be the little mouse Allegro. Run around the gathering drum then stop and go back down. Mouse Puppet Track I’ll Be There (Piano) I’ll Be There: • Display the mailbox and ask if they remember what special item was in our Mailbox/ bag with Felt Hearts Track mailbox last week. • Explain that we will listen to one of our piano songs as everyone gets hearts from the mailbox, one for the adult and one for them. My Valentine My Valentine: • Remind everyone they will hear a string quartet playing when the little hearts dance. • Review that these are dancing hearts and they follow the notes in the song. When the notes go up high, the hearts dance high. Track (String Instrument Pictures) • Sing the song and move the heart following the melodic direction for, “Valentine, valentine,” Make sure you point this out to the parents! • On, “I love you” they can stick their heart on the adult that brought them and the adult can stick their heart on the child. TIP: If you have pictures of the string instruments show them to the children. Then repeat. (102512) Simply Music Rhapsody: Kids Make Music: Lessons 11-20 | © Licensed to Simply Music. All rights reserved. Page 52 of 84 20 Kids Make Music Lesson Plan 20, Cont. Activity Instrument Kit – Maracas Title Indo Eu (Parent Tip) Comments Indo Eu: Sing to melody • A – “And we walk around and we walk around, and we walk around till its time to STOP • B – Now the music (can be changed to now the shakers go down low and now the shakers go up high) goes down low (shimmy down), now the music is up high (shimmy up). Now the music goes down low, now the music is up high.” Fade out if song gets too long. Cock-ADoodle-Doo Cock-A-Doodle-Doo: • Repeat activity from last week. • Instruct the children to sing, “Doo” after I sing, “Cock a doodle.“ • Sing the first verse, encouraging the children to sing the, “Cock-a-doodle- What’s Needed Maracas Track Rooster with Farm Puppets or Pictures Track doo.” Dance and shake the maracas for “Cock-a-doodle, cock-a-doodle, cock-a-doodle-doo.” Repeat that phrase multiple times. • Use another farm puppet and repeat with the words for the new animal. Example cow: “I love my little cow and my cow loves me…, little cow sings, moo, moo, moo” ending with, “Little rooster sings, cock-a-doodledoo.” “Cock-a-doodle, cock-a-doodle, cock-a-doodle-doo” part. Instrument Kit – Tambourines Love Somebody (New) Love Somebody: • Play on all the, “Yes I do” and, “Won’t say who” on the tambourines. • Last time you sing it, change the words from, “Won’t say who” to, “And Tambourines Track it’s you, you, you” pointing to a different child for each you. One In A Boat IF TIME Row Your Boat Snuggle Time Rock-ABye-Baby (New) Goodbye Song Come My Friends One In A Boat: • Pass out beanie babies or puppets to everyone. • Put the beanie babies in the upside down tambourine. Beanie Babies or Puppets Track Verse One - push the tambourine forward and back to the beat Verse Two – sit across from a parent holding onto the edge of the tambourine and work together to push and pull the tambourine. Verse Three – join another parent and child with children in the center and parents behind child. Sway forward and back and move the tambourine to the beat. IF TIME, sing Row your boat. Before returning the beanie babies into their bed, ask the children to sit in the lap of their adult and rock their baby to sleep. Beanie Babies Ukulele/Live Instrument (Track) Guitar/Ukulele Track Next Week’s Fun Announcements & Hand outs (102512) Simply Music Rhapsody: Kids Make Music: Lessons 11-20 | © Licensed to Simply Music. All rights reserved. Page 53 of 84 20 Kids Make Music Lesson Plan 20 - Lesson at a Glance Kangaroos Tideo (PT) Somebody’s Knocking Hello (Echo) Song Where Are You A Mouse Lives In A Little Hole I’ll Be There My Valentine Indo Eu (PT) (Maracas) Cock-A-Doodle-Doo Love Somebody (Tambourines) One In A Boat (Row Your Boat) Rock A Bye Baby Come My Friends (102512) Simply Music Rhapsody: Kids Make Music: Lessons 11-20 | © Licensed to Simply Music. All rights reserved. Page 54 of 84 20 Kids Make Music Lesson Plan 20 - Lyrics Kangaroos A Mouse Lives In A Little Hole (No Lyrics) A mouse lives in a little hole Lives softly in a little hole When all is quiet as quiet can be Out pops he! And he runs all around and he runs on the ground And he runs and he runs and he stops And he runs all around and he runs on the ground And he stops and he looks and goes down Tideo Time for music Tideo Time for music Tideo Time for music Tideo Jingle at the window Tideo Jingling, jingling, jingling Joe Jingle at the window Tideo I’ll Be There (No Lyrics) Somebody’s Knocking Somebody’s knockin’ at my door Somebody’s knockin’ at my door Oh, children Why don’t you answer Somebody’s knockin’ at my door My Valentine Will you be my valentine Valentine, valentine Will you be my valentine I love you Hello (Echo) Song Hello! (Hello!) Hello! (Hello!) I’m glad you’re here today! Indo Eu To sing (to sing) To play (to play) And now we’re on our way Cock-A-Doodle-Doo (No Lyrics) Where Are You Little mouse, (or friend, or any other animal hiding) Little mouse, (or friend, or any other animal hiding) Where are you? Here I am! Here I am! How do you do (102512) Oh, I love my little rooster And my rooster loves me I’m gonna sing with my rooster As he sings with me Little rooster sings Cock-a-doodle doo! Cock-a-doodle, cock-a-doodle Cock-a-doodle doo! (Cont. on next page) Simply Music Rhapsody: Kids Make Music: Lessons 11-20 | © Licensed to Simply Music. All rights reserved. Page 55 of 84 20 Kids Make Music Lesson Plan 20 - Lyrics, Cont. Cock-A-Doodle-Doo (Cont.) Love Somebody Oh, I love my little piggy And my piggy loves me I’m gonna sing with my piggy As he sings with me Little piggy sings Oink, oink, oink! Little rooster sings Cock-a-doodle doo! Cock-a-doodle, cock-a-doodle Cock-a-doodle doo! Love somebody Yes I do Love somebody Yes I do Love somebody Yes I do Love somebody and it’s you, you, you! Oh, I love my little horsey And my horsey loves me I’m gonna sing with my horsey As he sings with me Little horsey sings Neigh, neigh, neigh Little piggy sings Oink, oink, oink! Little rooster sings Cock-a-doodle doo! Cock-a-doodle, cock-a-doodle Cock-a-doodle doo! Oh, I love my little lamb And my lamb loves me I’m gonna sing with my lamb As he sings with me Little lamb sings Baa, baa, baa Little horsey sings Neigh, neigh, neigh Little piggy sings Oink, oink, oink! Little rooster sings Cock-a-doodle doo! Cock-a-doodle, cock-a-doodle Cock-a-doodle doo! (102512) One In A Boat One in a boat and the tide rolls high One in a boat and the tide rolls high One in a boat and the tide rolls high Get you a pretty one Bye and bye Rock A Bye Baby Rock-a-bye, baby Thy cradle is green Father’s a nobleman Mother’s a queen And Betty’s a lady And wears a gold ring And Johnny’s a drummer And drums for the king Come My Friends Come, my friends And gather ‘round So we can sing goodbye We’ll sing and dance Another day So long, farewell Goodbye Simply Music Rhapsody: Kids Make Music: Lessons 11-20 | © Licensed to Simply Music. All rights reserved. Page 56 of 84 Simply Music Rhapsody Kids Make Music: Lessons 11-20 Notation, A-Z w w 11-20 Kids Make Music Notation All the Pretty Little Horses 4 & b4 œ œ ˙ D‹ Hush - a - bye, D‹ &b œ When &b œ you wake, œ œ don't A‹ œ ˙ you cry, G‹ œ ˙ œ œ ˙ you will have and bays, œ ˙ œ dap - ples and bays, œ œ J go to œ œ ˙ and grays, œ J œ dap - ples ˙ and grays, all the pret - ty œ™ œ J the œ™ œ J all lit - tle ˙ ba - œ œ œ œ ˙ A‹ œ œ œ œ ˙ by. D‹ œ™ all D‹ sleep - y A‹ D‹ œ œ™ A‹ D‹ F Blacks (102512) ˙ F Blacks &b œ G‹ the lit - tle ˙ hor - ses. D‹ œ œ œ œ ˙ pret - ty lit - tle hor - ˙ ses. D‹ œ œ œ œ ˙ pret - ty lit - tle ˙ hor - ses. Simply Music Rhapsody: Kids Make Music: Lessons 11-20 | © Licensed to Simply Music. All rights reserved. Page 58 of 84 11-20 Kids Make Music Notation, Cont. Cock-A-Doodle Doo! Traditional Music by Lynn Kleiner Cock-A-Doodle Doo! ALL or TEACHER: G7 C U 4 & 4 œ™ œ œ™ œ œ™ ALL or TEACHER: CI love G7 Oh, 1. U 4 & 4 œ™ œ œ™ & œ 1. Oh, I œ œ™ my lit œ œ™ - œ œ™ tle roos - ter and my lit - with œ œ™ G7 tle roos - ter and ™ roos œ œ ™- terœ asœ & œsing œ™ withœ œmy sing œ œ™ œ™ œ œ ™ œ œ ™ œ œ G7 C love my roos - ter as &SOLO: œ™ œ ™ & œ ™ œ ™ œ œœ œ œ œ Œ œ "Cock - a - doo - dle doo!" "Cock - a - doo - dle doo!" my roos - ter loves œ œ™ œ œ™ C Œ with me. œ Œ me. œ œ™ I'm gon - na - na Œ Lit - tle roos - ter sings, G7 ALL: ™™ ™ œ œ Œ roos - ter sings, - tle œ œ ™ œ Litœ me. œ™ me. œ œ™ œ™ œ œ™ œ œ I'm gon œ œ œ™ œ ™™ œ ™ œ ™ œ œœ ™ œœ™ œ™ œ œ œ œ œ ™ œ œ™ œ œ ALL: Œ with œ Traditional my roos - ter loves heœ sings he sings SOLO: œ™ Kleinerœ œ ™ œ œ ™ Musicœby Lynn œ œ™ G7 ™ C C œ ™ Œ œ œ™ œ œ ™™ Œ ™™ Cock - a - doo - dle, cock - a - doo - dle, cock - a - doo - dle doo! Cock - a - doo - dle, cock - a - doo - dle, cock - a - doo - dle doo! 2. Oh, I love my little piggy and my piggy loves me. 2. Oh, I love my little piggy and my piggy loves me. I'm gonna sing with my piggy as he sings with me. I'm gonna sing with my piggy as he sings with me. Little piggy sings, Little piggy SOLO: Oink,sings, oink, oink! LittleSOLO: rooster sings, Oink, oink, oink! SOLO: Cock-a-doo-dle doo! Little rooster sings, ALL: Cock-a-doo-dle, cock-a-doo-dle, cock-a-doo-dle, doo! SOLO: Cock-a-doo-dle doo! Cock-a-doo-dle, 3. Oh, IALL: love my little horsey and mycock-a-doo-dle, horsey loves me. cock-a-doo-dle, doo! I'm gonna sing with my horsey as he sings with me. Little horsey sings, 3. Oh, I love my little horsey and my horsey loves me. SOLO: Neigh, neigh, neigh! I'm piggy gonna sing Little sings, with my horsey as he sings with me. Little horsey sings, SOLO: Oink, oink, oink! LittleSOLO: rooster sings, Neigh, neigh, neigh! SOLO: Cock-a-doodle-doo! Little piggy sings, ALL: Cock-a-doo-dle, cock-a-doo-dle, cock-a-doo-dle, doo! SOLO: Oink, oink, oink! 4. Oh, I love my littlesings, lamb and my lamb loves me. Little rooster I'm gonna singCock-a-doodle-doo! with my lamb as he sings with me. SOLO: Little lamb sings... Little horsey sings... Little piggy sings... (etc.) ALL: Cock-a-doo-dle, cock-a-doo-dle, cock-a-doo-dle, doo! (102512) Simply Music Rhapsody: Kids Make Music: Lessons 11-20 | © Licensed to Simply Music. All rights reserved. Page 59 of 84 *Verses can be added or deleted based on puppets or visuals available. 4. Oh, I love my little lamb and my lamb loves me. I'm gonna sing with my lamb as he sings with me. 11-20 Kids Make Music Notation, Cont. Come, My Friends Melody by Ludwig Van Beethoven Lyrics by Lynn Kleiner #6 & #8 D œ Come, # &# œ sing (102512) j œ œ my friends, j œ A œ and dance j œ œ and gath j œ j œ œ - D œ a - noth - j œ er 'round so œ j œ œ we can sing j œ œ j œ G A œ j œ œ er day. So long, fare - well, j œ G œ™ œ good - bye. j œ We'll D j œ j œ œ œ™ good - bye. Simply Music Rhapsody: Kids Make Music: Lessons 11-20 | © Licensed to Simply Music. All rights reserved. Page 60 of 84 11-20 Kids Make Music Notation, Cont. Down The River River Chantey #6 j & 8 œ The # & œ won't # & œ Down # & œ Down (102512) G œ œ œ œ œ œ ri - ver is up and the œ œ J we have chan - nel is deep. œ œ œ a jol - ly good time ri - ver, oh, j œ œ œ œ the œ œ œ œ j œ j œ œ œ œ the D7 ri - ver, oh, C œ down C œ down œ wind as we j œ œ œ œ the The j œ ri - ver, oh, ri - ver, oh, j œ œ œ œ œ D7 j œ œ œ œ the j œ œ D7 œ down D7 œ down œ™ is stea - dy and O j œ œ™ œ go j œ - Œ™ œ™ G ri - ver we j œ œ the G Oh, a - long. j œ œ œ œ the œ strong. j œ œ œ œ go sai - ling j œ G hi - G œ™ - o - o, j œ ‰ o. Simply Music Rhapsody: Kids Make Music: Lessons 11-20 | © Licensed to Simply Music. All rights reserved. Page 61 of 84 11-20 Kids Make Music Notation, Cont. Five Little Jingle Bells Music and Lyrics by Virginia Pavelko Arranged by Lynn Kleiner #3 & #4 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. # &# D A7 œ œ Five One One One lit lit lit lit - œ œ tle tle tle tle jin jin jin jin œ - œ œ gle gle gle gle D bells bell bell bell œ œ hung fell fell fell in in in in a the the the A7 œ œ œ œ Five lit tle jin Four lit tle jin (continue with three, two, one...) No lit tle jin - # &#œ œ œ Mer - # &#œ Mer ri - D œ œ œ ly, mer œ bells bells helped helped the the horse horse go. go. - gle bells helped the horse go. œ - ri - œ œ ly, o - œ œ ver the A7 œ - ri - œ œ ly, mer ˙™ gle gle G œ row. snow, snow, snow, - Chorus: (add bells) œ ˙™ œ œ - ri - ly, œ sleigh } D ˙™ snow. D œ - ing œ we ˙™ go. 7. (Sung slowly and sadly) Slowly, so slowly our bells are all gone (pause, then faster, happily) Let’s get some new ones and put them back on! Merrily, merrily, over the snow, Merrily, merrily, sleighing we go. (102512) Simply Music Rhapsody: Kids Make Music: Lessons 11-20 | © Licensed to Simply Music. All rights reserved. Page 62 of 84 11-20 Kids Make Music Notation, Cont. Gray Squirrel Traditional 4 &4 œ C Gray G œ œ œ œ œ squirrel, gray squirrel, swish your C & œ swish œ your G7 œ (102512) a nut Œ œ bush - y & œ œ œ œ hold œ œ U œ your toes. * œ be - tween tail. œ œ œ œ Gray squirrel, gray squirrel, œ œ œ F Wrink - kle up your lit œ tail. C Œ œ œ œ bush - y G7 œ G7 œ œ œ œ Gray squirrel, gray squirrel, œ - tle U œ * nose, C œ œ œ œ ˙ swish your bush - y tail. Simply Music Rhapsody: Kids Make Music: Lessons 11-20 | © Licensed to Simply Music. All rights reserved. Page 63 of 84 11-20 Kids Make Music Notation, Cont. Hello (Echo) Song Lynn Kleiner #4 & #4 œ Hel # &# (102512) D œ œ œ œ lo! (Hel - lo!) Hel - œ œ - œ lo! (Hel - lo!) œ I'm œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ sing (to sing), to play (to play), and A D œ œ œ œ glad you're here to G œ œ now we're Œ ˙ - A day. œ To D œ œ ˙™ on our way. Simply Music Rhapsody: Kids Make Music: Lessons 11-20 | © Licensed to Simply Music. All rights reserved. Page 64 of 84 11-20 Kids Make Music Notation, Cont. If All Of The Raindrops Traditional Arr. Lynn Kleiner 4 & b 4 œr If If &b œ Oh Oh F(D) &b œ Ah, C7(A7) &b œ™ F(D)* œ œ™ all all of of œ œ œ™ the rain the snow - drops flakes œ™ œ were lem were can - œ and gum and milk w ™™ œ œ™ œ œ œ™ œ œ what a rain that would be! what a snow that would be! I'd I'd go out - side go out - side with my mouth with my mouth œ™ œ C7(A7) F(D) C7(A7) œ™ œ œ œ™ œ œ œ™ œ œ ah, ah, ah ah, ah, œ œ™ lem - on drops can - dy bars ah, ah, ‰™ r œ If { If ah, ah. F(D) œ œ C7(A7) œ œ™ on drops dy bars F(D) F(D) œ™ œ œ C7(A7) œ C7(A7) C7(A7) œ and gum - drops, and milk - shakes, œ œ™ Oh Oh what what œ œ a rain a snow F(D) F(D) œ - œ™ œ œ™ œ œ all all of of that that œ C7(A7) œ o - pen wide. o - pen wide. œ œ™ drops, shakes, Œ } œ™ œ the rain - drops were the snow - flakes were F(D) w ™™ would be! would be! *For easier guitar chords, put the capo on the third fret and use the D and A7 chords. *The chords are very easy for ukulele. (102512) Simply Music Rhapsody: Kids Make Music: Lessons 11-20 | © Licensed to Simply Music. All rights reserved. Page 65 of 84 11-20 Kids Make Music Notation, Cont. Jingle Bells Jingle Bells J. Pierpont F B¨ 2 & b4 œ œ œ œ œ™ Dash - ing through the G‹ &b œ o'er &b œ Bells G‹ &b œ fun œ snow, œ in a C7 œ œ œ the fields we go, œ on œ œ ˙ bob - tail œ œ it is to Jin - gle laugh - ing all the way; œ œ œ œ œ ride and sing a œ œ œ œ œ Bells, Jin - gle œ œ Bells, jin F œ - (102512) j œ - its bright, what F œ œ song to œ œ œ œ what fun it is to ride on a œ œ œ - night! œ™ œ ˙ all the way. Bells, Jin - gle Bells, jin F œ - C7 œ œ™ œ œ œ œ what fun it is to ride œ œ on a œ œ one - horse œ œ œ Oh! C7 œ œ C7 œ G7 œ - gle gle œ™ œ spir sleigh - ing œ Jin œ mak - ing œ™ œ Oh, F ˙ œ &b œ &b œ sleigh, œ F C7 - pen œ œ ring, C7 œ œ Oh, ˙ œ F C7 o œ B¨ &b œ &b œ œ one - horse œ ˙ œ œ gle œ one - horse œ o - pen sleigh! œ™ œ ˙ all the way. œ F œ o - pen œ œ œ Hey! Œ sleigh! Simply Music Rhapsody: Kids Make Music: Lessons 11-20 | © Licensed to Simply Music. All rights reserved. Page 66 of 84 11-20 Kids Make Music Notation, Cont. Little Clown Lynn Kleiner ALL: 2 j &4 œ We C œ œ know you're down! œ œ hid - ing in j œ œ œ We know you're ‰ œ there! SOLO: j œ ‰ & œ œ œ We œ real - ly œ want œ œ œ to see you! œ crouch - ing ALL: j œ œ Come out! ‰ œ œ œ Lit - tle ‰ œ clown. And He Dances Susie Davies-Splitter and Phil Splitter b4 & b b4 œ ™ C B¨7 œ J he danc - es, he œ œ J danc - es, he b &b b ˙ F‹ round. (102512) œ œ And b & b b œJ œ J œ œ œ œ dance - es all ‰ œj And œ œ œ danc - es all a - round. E¨ Œ ˙ a - round. œ œ then he F‹ œ G7 œ stops... C œ ™ œ œJ And Œ Œ ˙ U Œ œ œ J he danc - es, he œ œ™ œ And he œ œ œ danc - es all slower a - C œ œ œ œ and goes back down. Simply Music Rhapsody: Kids Make Music: Lessons 11-20 | © Licensed to Simply Music. All rights reserved. Page 67 of 84 11-20 Kids Make Music Notation, Cont. Little Horses Traditional melody Arranged by Lynn Kleiner #3 & 4œ œ œ œ œ œ 1. Lit - tle hors - es, 2.-4. See additional lyrics # & œ door lit - tle œ œ œ is wide op - œ en, œ œ hors - es œ the œ œ œ œ ˙ œ come out of your barn. The œ œ sun - shine œ ˙ is warm. 2. Sing melody on "lai." 3. Little horses, little horses, come back to your barn. The door is wide open, your blankets are warm. 4. Sing melody on "lai." (102512) Simply Music Rhapsody: Kids Make Music: Lessons 11-20 | © Licensed to Simply Music. All rights reserved. Page 68 of 84 11-20 Kids Make Music Notation, Cont. Love Somebody Traditional 4 &4 œ C Love G œ œ some - bo - dy, C & œ Love (102512) œ œ œ œ Yes, I do! G œ œ œ some - bo - dy, Œ œ œ œ Yes, I do! Œ C œ Love C œ Love Love G œ œ œ œ œ œ Yes, I do! C G C œ œ œ œ œ but and I won't it's you, say you, who. you. some - bo - dy, G œ œ œ some - bo - dy, some - bo - dy, Œ Œ Simply Music Rhapsody: Kids Make Music: Lessons 11-20 | © Licensed to Simply Music. All rights reserved. Page 69 of 84 11-20 Kids Make Music Notation, Cont. A Mouse Lives in a Little Hole Arranged by Lynn Kleiner #6 & 8 j œ Slow A # rit. & œ all j œ œ œ mouse lives in j œ œ is œ œ qui - et as #2 & 4œ œ œ œ j œ œ a lit - tle hole, lives œ œ œ J U œ œ œ qui - et can œ œ œ œ œ be. œ j œ U ‰ œ j œ œ soft - ly in j œ œ œ J œ a lit - tle hole. When Fast œ™ Out œ œ œ œ™ pops œ œ œ 2 œ œ 4 Œ œ™ he! And he j œ œ œ ‰ ‰ œ œ runs all a - round and he runs on the ground and he runs and he runs and he stops. # & œ œ œ runs all (102512) œ œ œ œ œ œ œ j œ U œ œ œ U œ œ œ œ œ And he œ U Œ a - round and he runs on the ground and he stops and he looks and goes down. Simply Music Rhapsody: Kids Make Music: Lessons 11-20 | © Licensed to Simply Music. All rights reserved. Page 70 of 84 11-20 Kids Make Music Notation, Cont. Old MacDonald # 4 & ™™4 œ G C œ 1. Old 2. Old # Mac Mac œ œ ˙ had Had a a farm, farm, œ Don - ald Don - ald C & œ on on # & œ œ œ that that farm farm œ œ oink, oink moo, moo # œ œ ˙ he he had had a a pig, cow, here, and here, and Old Old œ Mac Mac œ œ ˙ an oink, oink a moo, moo œ Don - ald Don - ald ee ee œ œ œ œ œ œ G ee ee œ there. Here there. Here C & œ (102512) œ G G œ œ ˙ had had a a farm, farm, œ and a - - œ D7 i, i, ee ee œ - D7 i, i, ee ee - œ œ œ œ œ œ oink, there moo, there œ - an a ˙™ i, i, œ œ ee ee œ G oh. oh. ˙™ i, i, oh. oh. œ oink, ev - 'ry - where moo, ev - 'ry - where œ i, i, ee ee œ œ - And And G œ D7 œ i, i, œ œ With With an a œ œ œ an a oink, moo, oink. moo. G w ™™ oh. oh. Simply Music Rhapsody: Kids Make Music: Lessons 11-20 | © Licensed to Simply Music. All rights reserved. Page 71 of 84 11-20 Kids Make Music Notation, Cont. One in a Boat Traditional Ohio Folk Song F 4 & b4 œ One B¨ œ œ œ in œ œ One (102512) B¨ œ œ œ in œ C œ ˙ a boat and the tide rolls high. F &b œ œ F œ œ a boat and the œ œ ˙ tide rolls high. One œ œ œ in œ œ œ œ ˙ a boat and the tide rolls high. F C7 F œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ ˙ Get you a pret - ty one bye and bye. Simply Music Rhapsody: Kids Make Music: Lessons 11-20 | © Licensed to Simply Music. All rights reserved. Page 72 of 84 11-20 Kids Make Music Notation, Cont. Rock-a-bye, Baby Traditional Arranged by Lynn Kleiner #6 & 8 ™ œ œ œ œ œ œ C A‹ F F Bet - ty’s (102512) C a C œ œ œ œ™ Rock - a - bye, ba - by, thy # & œ œ œ œ œ œ G7 cra - dle F œ™ œ œ œ œ œ is green, C œ œ œ œ la - dy and wears a gold ring, A‹ Fath - er’s a j œ F F G7 œ œ œ œ j œ no - ble - man, moth - er’s a Queen, and G7 A‹ œ™ œ œ œ œ œ F G7 C œ œ œ œ™ and John - ny’s a drum - mer and drums for the King. Simply Music Rhapsody: Kids Make Music: Lessons 11-20 | © Licensed to Simply Music. All rights reserved. Page 73 of 84 11-20 Kids Make Music Notation, Cont. Row Your Boat Traditional 6 &8 ™ œ C Row, œ™ row, & œ œ œ œ œ œ Mer - ri - ly, (102512) mer - ri - ly, œ j œ œ™ œ row your boat gent G œ œ œ œ œ œ mer - ri - ly, mer - ri - ly, œ life j œ œ - ly down j œ ˙™ the stream. j œ œ j œ C is a dream. but ˙™ Simply Music Rhapsody: Kids Make Music: Lessons 11-20 | © Licensed to Simply Music. All rights reserved. Page 74 of 84 11-20 Kids Make Music Notation, Cont. Shoo Turkey Shoo Turkey A Freely, with a blues feel 4 & b4 œ œ F Lit - tle &b œ œ girl, lit - tle boy? ‰ ma'am. &b œ tur œ œ œ Yes, - œ Well, did you Œ key gone? ‰ œ so. B Faster shoo œ œ So & b œj j œ œ &b œ œ tur - B¨ j œ œ œ Well, will you F Shoo (102512) œ tur - œ Yes, ma'am? œ see my œ Yes, ma'am. catch key, shoo, shoo, shoo j œ œ Shoo tur œ œ key, shoo, shoo. way him? he Yes, ma'am. tur - key, shoo, shoo, shoo F œ tur - j œ œ œ j œ œ key, shoo, shoo. Shoo tur B¨ Œ Ó - is my Œ go? U œ Œ œ j œ ¿ Well, œ œ j œ œ œ j œ œ did œ barn? ‰ ma'am. Œ œ the Yes, œ - to œ j bœ F go œ œ Œ me œ j œ Which help œ œ j œ œ œ œ œ you tur - key? œ œ œ œ Œ œ œ j œ œ Well, did Œ œ B¨ shoo. ‰ j œ œ œ j œ Ó &b ˙ j &b œ Œ œ Then j œ œ œ key, shoo, shoo, j bœ œ œ key, shoo, shoo. ∑ Shoo! Simply Music Rhapsody: Kids Make Music: Lessons 11-20 | © Licensed to Simply Music. All rights reserved. Page 75 of 84 11-20 Kids Make Music Notation, Cont. Somebody's Knockin' Traditional Arr. by Lynn Kleiner #2 & # 4 œj j œ D œ Some - bo ## j & œ - œ J œ Some - bo dy's - # & # œ™ œ knock - in' œ dy's j œ œ Some - bo (102512) - dy's my door. œ knock - in' at my œ chil D at œ œ Oh, # & # œj œ - knock - in' œ at (children improvise on wood percussion) A ∑ Œ œ (children improvise on wood percussion) door. œ œ j œ G dren, why don't you an D œ ∑ j œ A œ Œ œ œ œ J D œ œ œ my door. Œ œ - œ swer? ∑ (children improvise on wood percussion) Simply Music Rhapsody: Kids Make Music: Lessons 11-20 | © Licensed to Simply Music. All rights reserved. Page 76 of 84 11-20 Kids Make Music Notation, Cont. Stars Alice Olsen #2 & 4 œ G Stars # C œ œ are G G œ twink - ling C & œ œ Stars are œ twink - ling G C A‹ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ in the sky, way up high, way up C A‹ œ G œ C œ œ œ in the sky, D œ œ down on œ shin - ing D œ high. G ˙ me. Star Light Lynn Kleiner #2 & 4 œ G C G C A‹ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ light, star bright, first star I see C G œ œ œ I may, wish Star # & œ G wish (102512) D C A‹ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ I might, have the wish I wish œ œ to - night, D G œ œ to - night. Simply Music Rhapsody: Kids Make Music: Lessons 11-20 | © Licensed to Simply Music. All rights reserved. Page 77 of 84 11-20 Kids Make Music Notation, Cont. Tideo Traditional Arr. Lynn Kleiner C (G7)* 2 &4 œ œ œ œ œ œ Time for mu - sic Hel - lo (child's name) œ œ œ Ti - de - o, Ti - de - o, œ œ Time for mu - sic Hel - lo (child's name) œ & œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ C œ œ œ œ Jing - a - lin' Joe. U œ œ Ti - de - o. U œ œ œ œ œ œ Ti - de - o, Ti - de - o, Optional Ending: œ œ F œ Jing - lin', Jing - lin', & œ œ (G7) Time for mu - sic Hel - lo (child's name) C œ Ti - de - o. Ti - de - o. C & œ C Jin - gle the œ win - dow, œ œ œ œ œ Jin - gle at the œ œ œ Jin - gle at œ win - dow, C œ win - dow, œ the œ œ œ Ti - de - o. (G7)) œ Ti - de - o. at œ œ C œ œ Ti - de - o. œ œ œ ™™ Ti - de - o. Suggestions for Instrument Verses: & œ Time Time Time Time Time (102512) œ œ œ for for for for for sha woods drums me instru - kers now now tals ments œ œ Ti Ti Ti Ti Ti - de de de de de - œ œ œ o, o, o, o, o, Time Time Time Time Time for for for for for œ œ sha - kers woods now drums now me - tals instru - ments œ ti ti ti ti ti œ - de de de de de œ - o. o. o. o. o. Simply Music Rhapsody: Kids Make Music: Lessons 11-20 | © Licensed to Simply Music. All rights reserved. Page 78 of 84 11-20 Kids Make Music Notation, Cont. Turkey Feathers Lynn Kleiner b4 &b 4 œ G‹ œ 1.,2. Tur - key, 3. Tur - key, D œ œ œ tur - key, tur - key, œ where's your there's your D7/F© ˙ #œ hair? hair! œ œ œ Fea - thers mis - sing, Fea - thers back now, Fine G‹ œ œ ˙ you're so you're not ™™ bare. bare. D.C. al Fine b & b ™™ œ œ ™ œ G‹ œ œ Who has the (color) one? (Leader) œ œ™ œ I œ œ have the (color)one œ œ™ œ œ œ Œ (name)has the (color) one. D G‹ Œ œ œ ™™ Oh, look! For Younger Singers: b &b œ œ™ œ G‹ œ œ Who has the (color) one? (102512) Œ œ œ Œ I ™™ do! Simply Music Rhapsody: Kids Make Music: Lessons 11-20 | © Licensed to Simply Music. All rights reserved. Page 79 of 84 11-20 Kids Make Music Notation, Cont. Twinkle Twinkle for Colors Twinkle Twinkle #4 & #4 D œ Twin - kle, # &# œ D œ Up # &# œ œ œ œ Twin - kle, œ œ twin - kle, G œ a - bove D G œ D œ lit - tle D ˙ œ star. How I A D œ œ ˙ the world so high, œ œ twink - le, œ lit - tle D œ œ G A D œ œ Like a A ˙ star. A œ œ won - der œ How I # &# œ œ ˙ what you are. œ œ dia - mond A œ œ ˙ in the sky. A œ œ won - der D œ œ ˙ what you are. Solo: œ G œ œ œ Twin - kle, twin - kle, (102512) œ D Teacher: D œ G D œ D lit - tle D ˙ star. A7 œ Sing D A7 œ œ œ œ the co - lor that D œ ˙ you are. ˙ I œ œ ˙ am a ˙ blue star. Simply Music Rhapsody: Kids Make Music: Lessons 11-20 | © Licensed to Simply Music. All rights reserved. Page 80 of 84 11-20 Kids Make Music Notation, Cont. Up So High Lynn Kleiner #4 & #4 # &# (102512) D G œ œ Up so D œ œ Up so ˙ A7 œ œ high, down so G ˙ A7 œ œ high, down so D ˙ A7 œ œ œ œ œ D œ œ œ low. Give a lit - tle shake and a - round D A7 ˙ œ œ œ œ low. œ œ Give a lit - tle shake, now œ A7 we go. œ ˙ œ Œ D œ hold them so. Simply Music Rhapsody: Kids Make Music: Lessons 11-20 | © Licensed to Simply Music. All rights reserved. Page 81 of 84 Warm Wendall 11-20B7 Kids Make Music Words, Music, and Felt Board Activity by Jean Young # 2 U œ œ ™ Cont. œ œ™ œ & 4 œ ™ Notation, œ 1. Oh, # I like to wear E‹ Œ my hat, warm B7 in the Œ ‰™ œ hat, œ™ œ œ™ œ œ™ œ ˙ #2 U & 4 œ™ œ œ E‹ Warm Wendall B7 & œ D œ win - ter when it'sE‹ COLD Œ œ™ œ œ™ œ œ 2. Oh, I like to wear my scarf, scarf, scarf, And I1.wear hat, hat, Oh, myI hat, like to wear my hat, To keep me nice and warm in the winter B7 When it's COLD outside, side, side. # ™ œ œ™ œ œ™ œ ˙ & œ œ 3. Oh, I like to wear my coat, coat, coat, And I wear my scarf, scarf, scarf, warm in the win - ter when it's And I wear my hat, hat, hat, To keep me nice and warm in the winter When it's to COLD side. 2. Oh, I like wearoutside, my scarf,side, scarf, scarf, D œ hat, E‹ œ out œ - Œ œ COLD Œ side, E‹ œ out œ - side, me nice D E‹ side, side. r œ to Œ keep and Words, Music, Œ and œ Felt Board Activity œ by Jean Young ‰™ hat, E‹ œ™ œ œ™ œ to œ hat, r œ D œ side, œ™ œ œ™ œ keep Œ me nice and E‹ œ side. And I wear my hat, hat, hat, To keep me nice and warm in the winter When Add it's COLD side, side. otheroutside, one-syllable articles of clothing to help keep the beat, such as gloves, pants, boots, etc. 3. Oh, I like to wear my coat, coat, coat, And I wear my scarf, scarf, scarf, And I wear my hat, hat, hat, To keep me nice and warm in the winter When it's COLD outside, side, side. Add other one-syllable articles of clothing to help keep the beat, such as gloves, pants, boots, etc. © 1995 JEAN YOUNG Adapted from "Warm in the Winter" by Jean Young from "Just Imagine a Song About Me" by Jean Young 32 Harrison Dr., Larchmont, NY 10538 All RIghts Reserved Used by Permission (102512) Simply Music Rhapsody: Kids Make Music: Lessons 11-20 | © Licensed to Simply Music. All rights reserved. Page 82 of 84 11-20 Kids Make Music Notation, Cont. Where Is Thumbkin? Traditional & bC œ Where œ is œ Thumb - kin? œ œ œ œ &b œ How are you to - day, (102512) œ œ sir? œ œ Where is œ œ Thumb - kin? œ œ œ œ œ œ Ver - y well, I thank you. œ œ ˙ œ œ ˙ Here I am! Here I am! œ Run œ ˙ a - way, œ Run œ ˙ a - way. Simply Music Rhapsody: Kids Make Music: Lessons 11-20 | © Licensed to Simply Music. All rights reserved. Page 83 of 84 11-20 Kids Make Music Notation, Cont. Windy Weather Anonymous Smooth, Slow #4 & #4 œ D œ œ œ Win - dy weath - er, œ œ breez - y œ œ weath - er, œ œ œ œ œ œ when the wind blows, we all œ œ œ œ get to - geth - er! © Copyright Controlled. Author Unknown. All Rights Reserved. (102512) Simply Music Rhapsody: Kids Make Music: Lessons 11-20 | © Licensed to Simply Music. All rights reserved. Page 84 of 84