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ELDREDGE HarwichtoHaaerhill Beingnoteson the early Eldredgegenerationsnnd direct descendants of RobertEldred(ge)of Chathamand Harctsichthrough William, William, Isaac,Isaac,lr. Samueland Cyrus. The latter left Harwich and traaeledNorth to the Hauerhill/Lnlt)rence areain Massachusetts. All descendants of Cyrushaaebeen accounted as as possible. for far Compiledby Picard Barbara chadwi ^ck,A , -r) ,r/) a"J'/"wru'- Editionof25ffiooies J ' Printedby Eagle-Tribune Printing Company North Andoaer,Massachusetts 1988 , n f ,\Jt,.t" . ! 1 ' ' Il ' / " *| /-. "'If r.'/ ' i|' - t ' "'' ,'' V'a- ^rY . , 1rv, F A M I L YH I S T O R YL I B R A R Y 35 NCRTH W EST T E M P L E SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH84150 THE ELDREDFAMILY Eldredwho uas ofllat bra-nch oflehosaphat of the descendants a genealogy This is exclusiaely WilIiAm',-Samltel2, being of descent lehosaphaF, of the Etdredfamily ii Ameiiia'- the line settle in Greene to Eldred the u)as latter, The and first lehosaphats, lehosaphats. iehosapha\, County,Illinoiswith hisfamilY. properI will attemptto answerin an expository Hoieaer, beforedealingwiih the genealogy as- Whoarethe that ari tiketyto popinto the reader'smind. Suchquestions mynnerquestions Wheredid theycomefrom?How farbackdoweknowof them,etc'? Eldreds? afterthediwn of ciailizationseaeraltribesof menwereknownto existon theneckof Sometime the Cimbricpeninsulain northwesternEurope,which todayis the proainceof Schleswig'They no doubthadmigratedtherethroughthecourseof centuries from thecradle9fllte humanracein glacier,had settledthere.Theywere afterihe retreatof the second CentralAsia, aid sometime knownas Saxons,and oneamongthemwasour AncestralEldred.Not the Saxonsthat inhabit modernSaxonyin Germany,for the Cimbricpeninsulawherethey settledurasa portionof peopleratherthan a Teuton, modernDenmark.Theywerea Nordic- almosta Scandinaaian Their languagewas uiterly differentfrom the Germanspokenin Saxonytoday.Ptolemyfirs_t mentionsthim about the middle of the 2nd century. We hear of them in connectionwith a.nd moreand morefrequen.t, in the North Seain 286.Theseraidsbecame piratical 'they expeditions portionof north and southwestGermany.Beginning a considerable eaentuallyconquered -449 their maraudingscarriedthem to Briton where they conqueredthe natiae Britons in centuriesof Romansupportandnowpowerless weakenedby followingthefall of that Empire. The Saxonswereapparentlysatisfiedto settledown in Briton, for after the 6th centurywe the, hearnothingfurther'ofthemasa searouingpeople.Theothertribes,whoalsohadoccupied and the they were them in this inaasionof Briton Jutes Cimbricpeiinsula, aicompanied (Angland);, name, its England giaing and Anglo-Saxon the term Angles.Thelattercompleting It il doubtfulhowfar the SaxbnsushoinuadedBritonwerereallydistinctfrom theAngles,for all. their ffiiities bothin languageand customarewith the latter,and not with the old Saxonsof, the Continent,TheseSaioni were warriors, heaailybearded,wearinghornedhelmetsand or swordthrust.,Although carryingcircularleathershieldsthat couldthrow offa lanceor arroTlr this practicedidn't appear as they ttied in familiestherewereno family namesor surnames, himselfby - such uniil the 11thcentury,lnstead,eachindiaidualhadonenameto distinguish "The Terrible"was terrible,etc.TheSaxonwordfor thenoun asstrong,fast, small,handsome, "eldred",andhenceour name. Briton eachtribe set up its own kingdom,and at first the Whenthe Saxonsfirst conquered - eachclaimingits countrywasdisruptedby warsand riaalry betweendifferentcommunities god, Woden.Finally only the dyytastyof the Wut_ king to bedescended from the mythological Saions alone suruiaed,and its king, Egbert of Wessex,who was descended from kings of line of Saxonkings. Thus began,the ruler of the unitedSaxonsin 802. migrationtime, became ln"the years 946-955an Eldredznhospelledthe nameEdredzuasKing of Englandi1tjlis his He wastheyoungestsonof Edwardthe Elderwho ruled 899-925,andsucceeded succession. brotherEdmundI who ruled940-946. ln L066an EldredwasArchbishopof Canterbury,and it washewho crownedHaroldll, King a aery,oldand importantSaxonfamily in a land of Saxons,and of England.TheEldredsTuere GeneralArmory says,-".They theywere and in England,still are- proudof thefact. Burkes ' liaedin the are-descended from a airy ancientfamily claimingSaxonoigin,' Theyhaaenlzaays inWilts, heldlands they Suraeyof 1085showedthat southandeasiof England.TheDomesday SalopandYork.ln latercenturiestheyrnerefoundfor the Detson,Gloucester, Dorset,Somerset, mostpart in Berkshire,Essex,Suffolk,Sussex,Surrey, Norfolk,and in nnd aroundLondon, They raeremostly of the landedgentry and yeomanry.It was not until after the Norman preaalent.Hence,thosewho had beencalling Coiquestthat the surnamegenerallybecame EldredmadeEldredtheir lastar t'amilynameandprefixedChristianor first namesto themselaes eachmemberof thefamily; thus thefamily nameof Eldredcanbedatedasbeingabout900years old. 8 An old engravingol John Eldred o{ Creat Saxonv u'ith his epiraphsand brascs, C v n . n t c v l v N v r r t t - p E RE i R E M E R c A N D oP E n r o rI ' I A-orprvpr, ArqA.R/aAS, Svnosq vlsElrs Conox,tr"1F,R C e 5,s LFE rit Drc ET lT,€ E t, F lExrx ] ?ERENNE Nomr.rq I l.|arr,lrvrr,€ I vu F clanv6 r"1c F Io uo I r ) Lr, t5 : m,r F,sl x, n,r, tr A o G I . S t p v c c x p r u Srrvrr,{.Vlr:ftRMtNvs I 1@ llfi aErNo DEADE,.\I{) t-Y'N6 HERE iOn rr r<r fuctrts wr.r.:-To vsr, FON ITTE TO DE.IiTH .I.4I6KT fiff, ENr{rlFT ] rATE oF qvlTL ovrgoNr,, Irq::nv G P'"'ncH sET DEATH:s CoMt^ssloN I Pll:.q lNorTrnrelrs ii;;--*' I :1 e ^"o"_YY:l'-.:.: ssr S DEJ'I I11y. , E;;; A^;';;-*-"^.^.i M,{.sTtSStMvS DEFvNCTI Stlt,nrgnts Tvi4 posvr1tr vF )z Lt ' lloc z'Ao Mo?{vMEN' j Dourr.rt J r)i:Ii\f -FjLu:rtED t)tzt/ ,\rt.r/r,tttt ( /ttttt/,. 9 - -l I @[}uvlgz *!.r! Witliam the conquerorof Normandy Howeaer,after the Battle of Hastingsin 1.066the Eldredsincluded,who wereof any position aiyeatraHaroid the SaxonKing, these"Saxons, were mad,e in the Country were practicailywiped out. Thosesuraiaing.aftu the Con-quest exactly Nor*on serfsind ,,i th, Normlanskeptno recordsof their serfsit will ne:e! beknown the that belieaed is lt rnhathappinedto the family in the 400yearsfolloruingthe Conque-st. extinciwith ius.ta fragment,existingin Lincolnshire. famityaimostbecame instead But with tl* potiiig i1 li*, o"i o1Feudilismthereceisedto beSaxonsandNormans; weremoldedinto Englishme"q"!_thenentriessuch a fusionof att the bloids'occupying'Briton "ln the,,6thyear of VIII.(15.16)' oJ tn, foilowing beganto appearon public record' \nry Iands in ThomasCoupe"confir*ed io' Reginal'dEtdrod of Gnateshall,Yeomanand others, to Agnes his Gnnteshall,iying letueen ,ropJ of lohn Eldred. ReginatdEldred, confirmed of Agnes,L3 widow, lonn ntired of Easthope,ReginaldGent, and-lohnEldred,youngerson Fromihe negiitersof BardwellCounty,Suffolk' pieces'oitanA." ' Ales (Alice)BurdysNoa' 2' 1561 WilliamEldred-married 27th of september' 1562- Anne Eldred,daughterof wiltiam, baptized, ^ j.563- Ealse(Alice)Eldr\d the ilife of WilliamEldredwasburiedNoa.2. L564- WitliamEldredandAgneswest married16thof March. FromthewiII of Sir Henry Lelloof Asbdon,Essex'lan' 7, 1629: to lohn Eldredtheelder20 pounds' Bequests ,,l'oureBenjaminEtdred400poundswhichmy executors I shallpay,should .not'" ,,WhereasI and Palaceof Westkeeping and together Fleet the purchased Eldred -the John his righti to theaboaeto mefor 8,000pounds'.. minsterjointly, sinielohn Eldredhasreleased lndia To my nrpir,r* Henry HopkinsI giue all the aboaeand aII my interestsin the East Abequestto lohn Eldred'sson,Nathaniel,my god-son." Compaiy. aboaewho Thomisfldrid of Knatishall,Suffolk,is oneof thefirtJ tf thatfragmentmentioned on publiciecordfollowing'iheinterim. He wasbortnabout1450anddiedin about1530' appears are liuin{tuday, and it is aeryprobablethat all oJ.tl9 Eldredstoday,are His directdescendants who utasbornabout1470anddiedin 1566.Fromthen iricrndrd fromhim or his ror, i,{irhoia"s, zuith on the lamity grew and prospered.ThomasEldredthe Mariner sailedaroundthe world and Caaendishin 1586.He tnasfrom lpswichand was the fatherg! Ioh! Eldre.dof Colchester the same about liaed who Eldred Oliaersin Essexwho had a'grant'of arms in L634.William "The GunnersGlasse" time wasthe MasterGunner"ofDoiaerCastle.He wroten bookentitled aspracticedin his day. treatiseon artillery technique whichis theonly complete 10 a greatmerchant, became Anotherlohn Eldred,knownaslohn of GreatSaxham,1552-1632, owninga fleetof shipsthat carriedhim to all cornersof the raorldfor trade.His traaelsto Tripoli He wasAldermanof the in Hackluyt'sCollectionof Vovages, and Babylonin L583aredescribed City of Londonand wasoneof thefoundersof the Stateof Virginia;from 7609to 1624he zoasa memberof his Majesty'sCouncilfor the Virginia Companyof London.As a directorof this all know, companyhegranteda patentto the Pilgrimsin 7620to settlein Virginin, but, as Ttre contraruwindsblewthemto CapeCod. tn tigZ he purchasedthe Manor of GreatSaxham,Suffolk,with the beliefthat this was the ancestralhomeof his Saxonancestors.Howeaer,in this he was probablymistakenas Great Saxhamoriginallybelongedto the Saxon,Britulf, Sonof Leomar,whoselandsthe Conquerer William had bestowedupon the monasteryof St. Edmund.In 1546 u:ith the dissolutionof the abbeyof GreatSaxham- consistingof 420 acresof land, 1-5acresof meadow monasteries the churchand rectory-was and pasture,31-acresof woodand a windmill, the manor-house, giaen to priaateownershipby Henry Vlll. lohn Eldred'sdaughter,Dorothy, marriedThomas Lee,who wastheancestorof GeneralRobertE, Lee. "Qv, on a bendraguleSable,3 ln 1592,lohn wasgiaena grant of armsdefinedasfollowsbesants,a martletfor difference;Crest,An Arabian headcoupedproper,beardedand crined Sable,tied aboutwith a bandand the pendantargent,the endsgemellyand fringes Gules," (This is the coat-of-arms and crestthat yoh asan Eldred,areentitledto use.)He wasburiedin Great SaxhamChurch wherea bust of him remainsto this day, togetherwith his brassand inscriptions.(Brynleylones, the present(1940)Rectorof Great Saxham,utouldgladly show you theancientChurchRegister,etc.,shouldyou eaeraisit GreatSaxham,Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk,England.) His eldestson, Sir RiaetEldred,fell heir to the estateand wascreateda Baronetin L641.He died in L652with no children,and his wife, Lady Ann Eldred,held CourtsBaronat Great Saxhamfor seaeralyearsafter,TheManorfinally left thefamily in 1745. And now u)eare down to whereour originalAmericanAncestorappearson the scene,His in the namewas William Eldred,and thefirst we hearof him is in Yarmouth,Massachusetts, year L645,althoughhe wasprobablyin Yarmouthfor seaeralyearsbeforethat. At the present time no oneknowsdefinitelywhen WiIIiamcamelver; wherehe camet'rom;or whatfamily he belongsto. Thereis muchdataand manyopinionsto beweighedin determiningthis; but in the no onecanproaethat he hasthe right endyou will haaeto form your orDnconclusionbecause answer.I will giaeyou my guesslater,but herearethefacts.Williamcouldhaaecomefrom any of the little knozunEldredt'amiliesof the time who werenot auspiciousenoughto hnaetheir lineagerecorded firmly likelohn of Saxham(eaenthoughdistantlytheyareall probablyrelated to him.) Thereis a ParishRecordmostlikely in somelittle toutnin Norfolkthat would tell us eaerythingif we only knew whereto lookfor it. lt is knoutndefinitelythat William utasnot unlessyou wish to placecredence in the beliefthat lohn was amonglohn's directdescendants marriedfiae timesand oneof his childrenby oneof thesemarriageswasnamedWil.liam,born L627.Thereis nothing to proaethis beyonda singlerecordin the ChurchRegister.lohn hada not amonghis brotherPeter,a grocerof BraudStreet,London,and we know that William Ttras Peter whose names unknown, and it is and also had two older brothers are descendants. lohn with them that I like to let my fancy roam in the follozaingu)ay.lohn zaasraisedat Neru Buckenham, Norfolk.I assumethat the two unknozunolderbrothersinheritedthe plot of land, andlohn andPeterwent to Londonto seektheir fortunes. Now our Witliam seemsto harsetied himselfup raith Norfolk peoplein many ways. He marrieda Nonaich, No(olk girl in L647. Therelioedat Yarmouthat the sametime he did a to behis brother.ThisRobertnteknowcamefrom N-o$olk.He RobertEldredwhommanybelieae sailedfromYarmouth,Norfotkin 1637,and usithhim werehis wife to.be,andhis in-Iawsto be, alt of Norwich. So I say possiblyWilliam was the grandsonof oneof theseunknownNorfolk about 1615. The brothers.They rnerebirn about 1,546.William, it is my opinion,zuas.born 1624. Courtof Canterburyin followingWill wasproaedin thePrerogatiae of winfarthington,CountyNorfolk wlLL oFROBERT ELDRED,Yeoman Dated27lanuary,2l lamesI (1624) P.C.C.Byrde34. I bequeathto my wife, loan, atl my houses,lands, etc., in Winfarthington,for life, rylth contingentremainiersiafterher death,to my sonHenry and his issue,to my sonWalterandhis heirsfor eaer,the latterto pay my sonThomas200marks. To thesaidWalter,my dwellinghouse' To my sonHenry, thelandcalledSmerkens. 40 To iy son Robert,my landsin lersefietdand Bresingham,No(olk, he to paymy executors Ibs. To my son Richard, my lands in Shelfhanger,No(olk, after the deathof Agnes Grubb, widow,andI giaehim also60lbs.at his ageof 24. To my wifejoan,40 tbs.dueto herfroi the znillof herfirst husband,ClementClarke. To my sonWILLIAMELDRED,200markstobepaidhimat hisageof 24. To my daughter,ElizabethEldred,L00lbs. 3lbs. To my daughter,LydiaMaPeson, To my roife'sdaughter,AliceArborough,40 shillings. To my seraant,MargaretClark,20 shillings' To my sonsWalterandRobert,furniture. Robert gent.,andmy nephew. and executors Residuirylegatees lohn Busctonof Dekleb-orough, my Superaisor, by said loan-AssizeoiOiit Heywood,they to giaethe residueto yy children (Mark), Wm' Cocke sonWaiter.Signed(Ma*)."Witiesses:HumphreyWarner,Thos.Barron named. (Mark),Proaed:23April, 1624bytheexecutors The town of Winfarthingtonis 3 milesfrom New Buckenham.I belieaeWiIIiamwas born him 32 whenhemarried.This wouldmakehim 9 whenhisfather about L6L5which wouldm"ake died.He couldn'tget his inheritanceuntil heutas24 or 1639,his elderbrothersownedthefarm, his 200marks,and went to Americaabout so he stayedat Winfarthingtonuntit 1639,collected 1G40which is aboutwhen1ur Williamdid arriae.Although this is all only beautifulconjecture I will fabricateour OId CountryTreeon the assumptionthat this is so until betterinformation refutesit. T2 THE NEW WORLD So muchfor his nncestry- now for the NezuWorld. Thereshon:edup at Plyltouth Co.lony, at aboutlhe sametime 3 Eldreds- Samuel,RobertanC William.It is not Massachusitts, relatedor not. Robertand Williammight haaebeen,but not Samuel. theyzoere knownwh.ether beforg7651,. of him by addingthnt he is t'irst heardof in Medford,Massachusetts Wecandispose and interesting led an He andfinaUyStonington,Connecticut. Massichusetti, thenCambridge, of zuhomthereare hundredsin America historicalexiitenceas did many of his descendants today,althoughmanuof themspellthe nameEldridgeor Eldredge- but that is anotherfamily treealtoghether. "Rose" of Yarmouth,England; Rober'iwe first learn aboutfrom the Registerof the ship WilliamAndrews,lr., Master. "April17, 1.637. of Robert+, Examination to pass." desirous is Singleman, This weknowto beRobertEldred, to notethat in thissameship'sregisterrnefind thefollowing: It is alsointeresting "April 8, 1637- WiIIiamLumpkinof Norwich, Norfolk,Locksmith,age33 andElizabethhis wife;'age34, with l child and seraant,ThomasHowe,aredesirousto go to Bostonto inhabit is Anne Lumpkinwho marriedour WilliamEldredin and reinaine."Thedaughtermentioned to note not on theboat.Anotherentry in the registerinteresting 1647.William,howeaer,TDas is: "April 8, 7637,Wittiam Nickersonof Norzuich,Norfolk.Weaaer,aged33. Anne, his wife, to go to Bostonto liae'" andAnne,desirous Robert,Elizabeth, aged34 andchildren,Nicholas, I{obertEldredand the aboaeEtizabethNickersonureremarriedin 7649.He was boundout for his passageto NichotasSympkinsof Bostonand transferredfor 3 years,May 21, 16,39,.to GouernoiPenceof Plymouth.He wasliaing at Plymouthin 1643for wefind him listedunder this Plymouthrecord"Aigust L643,Plymouth.TheNamesof all theMalesthat areableto beareArmes from XVI Yeares old to 60 Yearernithin the seaerallTowneshipps'" Thesiteof as did the Nickersons. Shortluafter 7643he went to Ynrmouth,Massachusetts, At first a lost boy. Yarmouihi"tselfwasfirst aisitedin L62Lby aboatfrom Plymouthin searchof it zuasknownasMattacheese from an Indian tribeliaing there.On lanuary L7, L639,Plymouth laterin that sameyear Colonygrantedland to seaeralmenfor foundingYarmouth.Sometime SamualRider and William Lumpkin left by nameof Thatcher,Crow, HoTDes, these"seltlers In Plymouthto foundYarmouth.Thelastnameyou will recallas our William'sfather-,in-law. 1644therernere2l- homesthere.AII the settlersagreedthat Miles Standishshouldbeon the Town Committee.No mentionof an Eldredis madein a list of arm bearersin 1643,so both Robertand William must hauecometo Yarmouthshortlyafter L643,On October31, 1649 RobertmarriedEtizabethNickerson.He is listedashaaingtakenthe oathoft'idelityasa freeman in 7657.FromtheRecordof Finesof OctoberCourt 7667is takenthefollowingwritings to GeneralNichollsis fined: 10:00:00 William Nickerson for sendingscandalous RobertEldredfor consentingto oneof thesezuritingsis fined: 05:00:00 Account,lune 4, 1668.Debtsduethe Countreyby ratesandfinesasfolloweth: Treasurers RobertEldred- 20:00:00 luly 8, 1669- RobertEldredpaidthe20:00:00 In left Yarmouthandfoundedthe town ot'Chathnm,Massachusetts. m tAA4WitliamNickerson the progenitorsof the ChathamEldredsmany9f and became L665Robertand his wit'efollozued Eldridge- but that is anotherfamily zuhomliaeat Chathamtodayatthoughtheyspellthenam.e treealtogether.