July 17, 2016
July 17, 2016
BLESSED SACRAMENT CATHEDRAL Mother Church and Parish of the Diocese of Greensburg The Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 17, 2016 Coat of Arms of The Most Reverend Edward C. Malesic, J.C.L. Bishop of Greensburg Join Bishop Malesic for: A DAY OF “PRAYER FOR WORLD PEACE” in Emmitsburg, Maryland Thursday, August 4, 2016. Visit the National Shrine Grotto of Our Lady of Lourdes and The National Shrine of Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton The Pilgrimage includes: Deluxe motor coach transportation, boxed lunch and snacks. Dinner cost not included. Mass (Bishop Malesic – Presider/ Homilist), Rosary, Reconciliation, Adoration, Divine Mercy Chaplet, and much more. The cost for this pilgrimage is $59.00. For details or to register, call Father William Lechnar, Director of Pilgrimages at 724-837-0901 ext. 1249 or visit www.dioceseofgreensburg.org (Click on Menu, click Year of Mercy, click on National Shrine Pilgrimage.) It’s CHRISTLIFE Reunion Time! Mark your calendar and be part of our first CHRISTLIFE Reunion on Monday, August 15 at 6:15 PM. We will begin with prayer and follow with dinner and fellowship. Anyone who has participated in: CHRISTLIFE, Following Christ or Sharing Christ is invited to attend. Join us and enjoy our first ChristLife reunion, you will be glad you did! Check out the Online Giving website at www.osvonlinegiving.com/584 Liturgical Schedule (subject to change) Sacrament of Reconciliation Every Saturday at 11 AM till completed, or any time by appointment. Daily Rosary Monday - Friday 11:30 AM Daily Mass Schedule Monday - Friday 12:10 PM and Saturday: 8:00 AM Please join us to pray the rosary in the Church prior to the 12:10 PM Mass Monday - Friday beginning at 11:30 AM Weekend Mass Schedule Saturday Vigil: 5:30 PM Sunday: 7:00 AM, 9:00 AM, 11:30 AM, 7:00 PM Holy Day Vigil Mass 5:30 PM Parish Office Hours Monday-Friday 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM Phone (724) 834-3710 Fax (724) 834-1518 Greensburg Catholic Cemetery Office Hours Monday-Friday 8:00 AM—4:00 PM Phone (724) 836-4384 Aquinas Academy Phone (724) 834-7940 Website www.blessedsacramentcathedral.org Online Giving: SPIRITUALITY Readings for 7-17-2016 Genesis 18:1-10a Abraham and Sarah get three surprise visitors and the promise of a son. Psalm 15:2-3, 4, 5 Living a peaceful life requires peaceful intentions toward all others. Colossians 1:24-28 The hope of glory lies in this: Christ in you. Luke 10:38-42 Two women have the rare opportunity to study with a rabbi. Invest just five minutes a day, and your faith will deepen and grow, a day at a time… Live dangerously; make friends Saint Francis de Sales wrote that “friendship is the most dangerous of all love.” Why? “Because other loves can exist without communication, exchange, closeness.” Not friendship, though. To love a friend is to open yourself to them- warts and all- to communicate and to be a better person because of it. As the Book of Sirach says, “Faithful friends are a sturdy shelter; whoever finds one finds a treasure.” A good friend is priceless, deepening your faith, calling you to see Christ in the world, and allowing you to be your best self. Martha, Mary, and their brother Lazarus had this kind of friendship with Jesus. Choose to live dangerously: Make friendships that matter. Sanctuary Candle In acknowledging the Real Presence of Christ, the Tabernacle Candle will burn from July 16 through July 22 in memory of ERIC TEPPER from his loving family. Diocese of Greensburg Special Collection this weekend for the Victims of the West Virginia Flooding Bishop Malesic has approved a special collection to be taken up in the parishes of our Diocese this weekend, July 16-17, 2016 to assist our neighbors in West Virginia affected by the devastation and deaths caused by the recent flooding in this region of the country. Donations to assist those affected are being channeled through Catholic Charities of West Virginia. For more information or to donate directly online, please visit: http://catholiccharitieswv.org. Thank you in advance for your kind assistance to our brothers and sisters who are experiencing such loss and displacement at this time. Saturday, July 16, 2016 Weekday 8:00 AM Murrell R. Thompson (Wife) 11:00 AM Sacrament of Reconciliation 2:30 PM Stefanacci / Kesling Wedding 5:30 PM David J. Fidazzo Sr. (Son) Sunday, July 17, 2016 The Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:00 AM For the Living and Deceased Members of the Blessed Sacrament Cathedral 9:00 AM George Billeck (Wife) 11:30 AM Margaret M. Taylor (Frank W. Schimizzi) 7:00 PM John McKelvey (Family) Monday, July 18, 2016 Weekday 12:10 PM Edna Martin (Mr. & Mrs. Quentin Martin) Tuesday, July 19, 2016 Weekday 12:10 PM Eleanor and Ross Butch (Son) Wednesday, July 20, 2016 Weekday 12:10 PM Steve Baran (Family) Thursday, July 21, 2016 Weekday 12:10 PM Patricia Hall (James Hall - Husband) Friday, July 22, 2016 Saint Mary Magdalene 12:10 PM Shandor - Cunningham Family (Frances Cunningham) Saturday, July 23, 2016 Weekday 8:00 AM Josephine M. DeFabo (Children) 11:00 AM Sacrament of Reconciliation 5:30 PM Clara Franceschini (Jan Garlock) Sunday, July 24, 2016 The Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:00 AM 9:00 AM 11:30 AM 7:00 PM Leon Szymkowiak (Szymkowiak) Elvire DeCaro (The Frank Scura Family) John C. Johnston (Family) For the Living and Deceased Members of the Blessed Sacrament Cathedral Diocesan Memorial Mass for Archbishop De Andrea A Diocesan Memorial Mass for Archbishop Giuseppe (Joseph) A. De Andrea, 86, Apostolic Nuncio Emeritus to Kuwait and a former priest of the Diocese of Greensburg, who died on Wednesday, June 29, 2016 in Rome, Italy has been scheduled for Thursday, July 28, 2016 at 7:00 PM at Blessed Sacrament Cathedral. Please continue to keep Archbishop De Andrea in your prayers. PARISH HIGHLIGHTS Parish Support, July 3, 2016 Parish Support, July 10, 2016 In order to meet our budgetary needs, Blessed Sacrament Cathedral requires an average of $18,000 per week in the regular offertory collection. Sunday Offertory Other Income Parish Social Ministry $21,406.00 $287.00 $3,206.50 In order to meet our budgetary needs, Blessed Sacrament Cathedral requires an average of $18,000 per week in the regular offertory collection. Sunday Offertory Other Income Cathedral Care Families receiving envelopes 1, 634 Envelopes used this week 361 Parishioners using Online Giving 65 $13,637.00 $245.00 $1,665.00 Families receiving envelopes 1, 634 Envelopes used this week 340 Parishioners using Online Giving 66 Thank you for your generosity and support of Blessed Sacrament Cathedral Parish! Check out the Online Giving website at www.osvonlinegiving.com/584 Thank you for your generosity and support of Blessed Sacrament Cathedral Parish! Check out the Online Giving website at www.osvonlinegiving.com/584 Golden Jubilee Mass Active Seniors’ Group Outing The Active Seniors are planning a trip to the St. Vincent Summer Theater for the July 20 Matinee performance of: Cole: An Entertainment Based on the Words and Music of Cole Porter The group will gather at Aquinas Academy Parking Lot at 1:15 PM and carpool to the 2:10 PM show. Dinner will follow at St. Vincent. The cost for the evening is $27. Participants will pay at St. Vincent that evening. Please RSVP to Katie at the Parish office at 724-834-3710. Hurry! Last Chance! Call Katie Zuzik in the Parish Office. Bishop Malesic invites all couples celebrating their 50th Wedding Anniversary during the calendar year 2016 to participate in a special Golden Jubilee Mass to be held at the Blessed Sacrament Cathedral on Sunday, September 25, 2016 at 3:00 PM. There will be a reception in the Social Hall following the Jubilee Mass. The Jubilarians, their children, relatives or friends should contact their parish office to register couples for this celebration. Even though they may not be able to attend the Mass, they will receive a scroll signed by the Bishop commemorating their anniversary. A Special Cave Quest Thank you! A big THANK YOU to all the Vacation Bible School volunteers! It was a great week at Vacation Bible School! Our week was a huge success and we could not have done it without all of your help and support. A very special “Thank you” to all the participants, parents, and everyone who donated to support our summer bible school! CD's ($3) -The Incredible Mind of G.K. Chesterton -How to Talk About Same Sex Marriage -Understanding the Crusades -The New Conversation: Changing Hearts/Minds on Abortion -In God We Trust: Religious LibertyYour 1st Amendment Right -From Mormon Missionary to the Catholic Faith -Overcoming the New Age Movement Books ($4) -Prayer for Beginners -The One Thing -Jesus & the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist -Render Unto Caesar -How to Find Your Soulmate Without Losing Your Soul -Jesus in You Booklets ($2) -The Call to Evangelise -The Christian Faith -Divine Mercy Explained -Galileo: Science and Faith -Mother Teresa -Padre Pio COMMUNICATIONS The Catholic Charities Annual Paul R. Smiy Memorial Golf Outing will be held on Monday, August 22 at Ligonier Country Club in Ligonier. This fundraising event supplements the profit of the Communities of Salt and Light Award Dinner in providing help for basic life necessities for the poor living in our four county diocese. Help our most vulnerable neighbors. For information contact Heather Rady at 724-837-1840 or register online go to www.ccharitiesgreensburg.org. St. Andrew Discernment Dinner Explore a vocation to the Priesthood by joining Bishop Malesic for an evening of fellowship, a meal and a chance to hear his journey to priesthood. The St. Andrew Dinner is open to all young, single, Catholic men, high school-aged or older. There are three opportunities to attend: July 24, St. Mary, Our Lady of Guadalupe, Kittanning; Wednesday, August 3, Our Lady of Grace, Greensburg; and Saturday, September 3, St. Rita Church in Connellsville. For more information or to rsvp go to [email protected]. or call 724-834-9045. Homebound Calls If you or someone you know from our parish is homebound and would like communion brought to their home, please contact Katie Zuzik in the parish office at 724-834-3710 ext. 11. Thank you. St. John the Baptist, Perryopolis will be holding their Annual Parish Festival On Sunday, July 17 from Noon to 8 PM. Join us for a fun filled day of family, food, friends, and fellowship! Ethnic and Picnic Foods, Flea Market, Family Fun Zone, Live Entertainment, Skill Games, Fun for all ages! Come out and join us. St. Vincent Basilica Parish is holding its annual festival at our Grove on July 30 from 5-9 PM & July 31 from 12 Noon to 9 PM. Entertainment, food, bake sale, and games for all ages. There will be a vendor sale and car show on Sunday. 2016 Missionary Cooperative Plan and Mission Appeals Weekend On the weekend of July 30/31, 2016, the Amen Foundation will speak at all Masses for the 2016 Missionary Cooperative Plan and mission appeals. The Amen Foundation is a Catholic, tax-exempt organization founded in 1990. It is based in Washington, DC, and run by dedicated volunteers. Its mission is to promote, support and strengthen Catholic religious vocations and ministries. Hundreds of missionaries who have benefited from this mission now serve our Church society on five continents, especially in Africa. They reach out through pastoral ministries, education, healthcare, human rights, and other social justice ministries. Because many of these missionaries work under very harsh conditions around the world, some of them often need assistance for their work and their own health and maintenance. The Amen Foundation has a special ministry of support and hospitality to respond to their needs. Please show your support to this ministry. Thank you. Certificate in Pastoral Ministry Program Application Deadline This is a reminder for anyone interested in joining the newest cohort of students in the Certificate in Pastoral Ministry program. The deadline to apply for diocesan sponsorship to the program is July 25, 2016. Because this program is a joint partnership between the Diocese and Seton Hill University, a person must also apply for admission to the University. A retreat for new students is scheduled for August 13. Coursework begins August 27. Contact Marsha Kable 724-837-0901, [email protected] to learn more about the certificate program and request an application. Direct questions about the permanent diaconate to Fr. Jonathan Wisneski, [email protected]. Natural Family Planning Instruction CM-BBT is a medically based, scientifically researched and highly effective NFP method that can be used with no harmful side effects to avoid, postpone, plan or achieve pregnancy. The next Natural Family Planning CM-BBT Method INSTRUCTION is scheduled for MONDAY AUGUST 1, 2016 beginning at 6 PM at the Catholic Charities office in Greensburg. Participants are required to attend only ONE session. The instruction, continued support and follow-up are provided by a medically certified CM-BBT Professional. Please call at least one week prior to instruction date to PRE- register. Contact Mary Ann Newhouse at Catholic Charities at 724-837-1840, Ext. 1658 for information or to register for this or an upcoming class. For more information about Natural Family Planning and the CM-BBT Method, visit the website at: www.ccharitiesgreensburg.org and link into Natural Family Planning under “Services”. INFORMATION AT A GLANCE This Week at Blessed Sacrament Cathedral Looking ahead to next week …. Tuesday, July 19, 2016 7:00 PM St. Vincent dePaul Meeting [FC-EAS] Tuesday, July 26, 2016 6:00 PM Coping with Loss [FC-EAS] Saturday, July 23, 2016 6:45 AM Catholic Men's Fellowship Meeting [Social Hall] 11:00 AM Reconciliation [Church] Wednesday, July 27, 2016 1:00 PM Pilgrimage Tour to Door of Mercy/ Mother of Sorrows [Church] Thursday, July 28, 2016 7:00 PM Memorial Mass for Archbishop De Andrea [Church] Friday, July 29, 2016 2:30 PM Diocesan Pilgrimage Tour to Door of Mercy [Church] Saturday, July 30, 2016 6:45 AM Catholic Men’s Fellowship Meeting [Social Hall] 11:00 AM Reconciliation [Church] Parish Staff Contact Information The Reverend Monsignor Raymond E. Riffle Rector ext.12; [email protected] The Reverend Matthew J. Morelli Parochial Vicar ext.25; [email protected] The Reverend Mr. William J. Hisker Permanent Deacon ext. 27; [email protected] Katie Zuzik Pastoral Associate ext. 11; [email protected] Kathi Probo Director of Faith Formation ext. 35; [email protected] Sara Thomas Faith Formation; pre-school/ primary Contact the Parish Office [email protected] Christopher Pardini Director of Liturgy and Music ext. 21; [email protected] Linda DeFrancesco Financial Secretary ext.23; ldefrancesco @dioceseofgreensburg.org Julie Stauffer Receptionist ext. 10; [email protected] Cindy Cope Coordinator of Cemetery Services ext. 16; [email protected] David Koynok, Maintenance ext. 24; [email protected] Jan Brubaker, Custodian Contact the Parish Office; [email protected] Becoming a Member of Blessed Sacrament Cathedral Welcome! It is a great joy to welcome new members to our parish community. Please register as soon as possible in order to participate in our various programs, ministries and activities. Just drop this form in the collection basket and we will send you a detailed registration form. If you are already a member and have changed any of your personal information please call the Parish Office or return the changes on the form. Parish Pastoral Council Mark Bartels Judy McChesney Andy Benedict Paul Niemiec Kelly Carr Betty Rua Linda Cooper Mike Rzempoluch David Fidazzo Kirsten Lieberum John Mickinack Callers Ruth McDonald 724-836-0588 Finance Council John Kline Judy Komarinski David Myron Ed Nemanic Nancy Rottler Nazzi Zola Prayer Chain JoAnne Hudock 724-834-1718 SVdP Membership Betty Rua: 724-454-7107 SVdP Food Pantry 724-836-0175 Sacramental Information Baptisms By appointment only. Please call Kathi Probo in the Parish Office or email Kathi at [email protected] at least three months in advance of the Baptism. A class for parents is required to reflect on the meaning of the sacrament, to review the ceremony, and to highlight the importance of the family’s commitment to practicing the Catholic Faith. Sponsorship Forms Forms for our parish members to serve as sponsors for Baptism and Confirmation must be filled out in person at the Parish Office. To serve as a sponsor, you must be at least 16 years old and a practicing Catholic who has received Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Eucharist. If you are married, it must be within the guidelines of the Catholic Church. Please call the Parish Office to make an appointment to fill out the form. Weddings Please call Kathi Probo in the Parish Office or email [email protected] at least six months in advance. Do not set a date until you have contacted the Office of Faith Formation. Pre-marriage prep. classes are required. Contact the Office of Faith Formation for more information on classes. Blessed Sacrament Cathedral Membership Request / Change Name: ___________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ Contact Number: _____________________________________________ ___New Registration ___Change Address/Phone ___Moving Please drop this form in the collection basket.
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Office or return the changes on the form.
HURRY! - Blessed Sacrament Cathedral
The Reverend Matthew J. Morelli
Parochial Vicar
ext.25; [email protected]
The Reverend Mr. William J. Hisker
Permanent Deacon
ext. 27; [email protected]
Katie Zuzik